When Elizabeth II was crowned. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain

When Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 90th birthday, she became not only the oldest monarch in the world, but also the longest-reigning head of state in British history. She comes from the Windsor dynasty and, in addition to her native island, is recognized as a queen in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas and eight other small countries. During the reign of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, the final disintegration of the British Empire and the exit of the colonies from under English rule came. Despite the rather impressive criticism, Elizabeth II is quite popular in her native country.

She was born on April 21, 1926 in the family, the future king, and. The girl received the name in honor of her mother, but the full name of the princess is additionally made up of the names of her grandmother and great-grandmother. The sign of the zodiac is Taurus. Elizabeth II had a sister - who was born four years after her, but died at the 72nd year of her life.

The first title in the biography of Elizabeth II appeared immediately after birth: the girl was named the Princess of York. At that time, on the way to the throne, her father and uncle Edward VIII stood in front of her, like any boy who theoretically could be born to each of the candidates for the throne. Initially, the uncle became king, who less than a year later lost this title to his brother.

Elizabeth II with her parents moves to a luxurious castle - Buckingham Palace, where she spends her childhood and youth. Elizabeth II studied at home, but received an excellent liberal arts education. She studied art, religion, law and, specifically, the British Constitution at a high level. Elizabeth II is fluent in French and is believed to have learned it on her own.

For the first time, Elizabeth II addressed her future subjects at the age of 13. During World War II, she spoke on the radio and expressed her support for the children who were affected by the bombing. At the age of 16, the girl already appears in public on her own, and a year later she becomes a state adviser and joins the women's self-defense squad. The princess learned to drive an ambulance, was trained as a mechanic and rose to the rank of lieutenant. She is the only head of state who served in real service in that war.

Governing body

On the day of her coming of age, Elizabeth II officially promised the British Empire to devote her life to serving people, although at that time her succession to the crown was still in doubt. After the death of his father, George VI, on February 6, 1952, Elizabeth II was proclaimed Queen. It is curious that the coronation of a girl was televised for the first time in history and many believe that this event gave a sharp impetus to the popularity of this media in Britain.

At the time of Queen Elizabeth's ascension to the throne, the ruler's possessions were much wider than they are today. Then the empire included South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, which later abolished British rule. Interestingly, Elizabeth II almost immediately paid a visit to each of the countries, becoming the first monarch to visit Australia and New Zealand.

By tradition, Queen Elizabeth II has virtually no influence on the government of the country. The task of a woman is to represent the country at international summits and maintain the authority of the British monarchy. Elizabeth II throughout her entire tenure on the throne maintains correct relations with all prime ministers. And although she is above political fights and does not publicly express her own political opinion, statesmen consider it important to consult with her on many issues. Appreciated the Queen's opinion, which she wrote about in her memoirs.

During the long reign of Great Britain, both praise and sharp criticism were heard against Elizabeth. But both supporters and opponents of the queen emphasize the queen's humanity. An indicative fact is the events of 1986. Elizabeth II sailed on her yacht "Britain" to one of her subordinate countries when she learned about the beginning of the civil war in Yemen. She immediately ordered a change in course and take on board the maximum possible number of ordinary people. Thanks to the direct assistance of the English Queen Elizabeth II, more than a thousand people were evacuated.

In 2015, "Canada's sexiest politician" visited Buckingham Palace. Then the Queen noted that the meeting with the Prime Minister is a unique case, because they saw each other for the last time 40 years ago: Justin was taken to an appointment with Elizabeth II by his father when the boy was 3 years old. At the meeting, the queen said: "It's nice to see you again, but under different circumstances". To which the politician retorted: "The last time we met, you were much taller".

Today, the queen is 152 cm tall and weighs 55 kg.

Personal life

The personal life of Elizabeth II changed immediately after coming of age. The princess married an officer in the British Navy, who after the marriage received the title of Duke of Edinburgh. The husband of Elizabeth 2 is a descendant of Queen Victoria and the offspring of the Greek and Danish royal dynasties. They met when the future Queen Elizabeth II was eight years old, and a romantic relationship between the lovers began in 1939, when the princess visited the Naval College, where young Philip was then studying.

Wedding of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Queen Elizabeth II and her husband had four children: Anne, Andrew and Edward. The last two were born after the mother's accession to the British throne. The family tree of the British royal family continues to grow: the children have long acquired their own families and gave the reigning queen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the family of Elizabeth II was and, the first wife of Prince Charles and mother and. One of the strongest waves of criticism swept over Elizabeth II when she reacted with an obvious delay in a car accident.

Queen Elizabeth II's favorite hobbies are breeding purebred dogs and horseback riding. With age, she replaced horses with cars, and even today she drives herself. By the way, the queen does not have a driver's license. Even at an advanced age, Elizabeth II became interested in gardening. She is considered one of the world's most traveled heads of state and has already visited over 130 countries. The personality of Elizabeth II attracts attention and motivates creative people to create works of art. There are many lifetime monuments and sculptures of Elizabeth II. In honor of the queen, bridges and buildings are built, parks and alleys are laid, stamps and coins are issued, a variety of roses is even named after the monarch.

Often Elizabeth II becomes a character in movies. The queen was portrayed on the screen, and a dozen more actresses. And once Queen Elizabeth II herself starred in a promo video for the opening of the London 2012 Olympics. Together with the actor who portrayed, she flies to the Olympic Stadium by helicopter and "jumps" with a parachute. For this role, the 87-year-old Queen of Great Britain was awarded the BAFTA film award as the best performer of the role.

Royals are banned from social media accounts. However, the royal family has a person who monitors their official " Instagram" and " Twitter”, where he uploads photos and records with the permission of the highest authority.

It is known that a whole team is working on the Queen's wardrobe. Experts suggest that Elizabeth's favorite color is blue-blue. It was in clothes of this shade that a woman most often appeared in public. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the color of the eyes of Elizabeth II is blue. Designers have always noted the elegance and refined taste of the monarch.

Despite her age, Elizabeth II prefers to do without makeup and usually only wears lipstick. The woman paints herself.

The queen has a collection of hats. There are more than 5,000 of these headdresses in Elizabeth's arsenal. Moreover, in public, the monarch appeared in each of them.

In 2016, a documentary film about Elizabeth II was released on the occasion of the Queen's 90th birthday. Director John Bridcutt was allowed to look into the personal video chronicle of the royal family.

Elizabeth II now

In January 2017, the subjects were worried about the health of the ruler. Elizabeth II became very ill: the woman was struck down by a cold. For this reason, the queen missed the Christmas and New Year services.

In June, the monarch delivered a speech from the throne in Parliament. Elizabeth II presented the government's program for the next two years.

In September, Queen Elizabeth II said she planned to wait until Russia was ruled by someone other than "Mr. Putin." According to the British monarch, he has lost touch with reality and there is nothing to talk about with him. The woman is sure that there will come a time when the Russians will again look at the British with a breath.

In December, the Queen participated in a hunting trip at the country residence of Sandringham. Sources said that when the dog brought a wounded pheasant to the feet of the monarch, Elizabeth II did not lose her head and finished off the bird with a cane.

In November 2017, it became known that Prince William's brother, Harry, was officially engaged to the actress. The lovers were appointed on May 19, 2018. However, Queen Elizabeth II did not give consent to the marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry for a long time, and according to the law governing the marriages of royal persons, before the triumph, the monarch must give official written permission to marry. And only a week before the wedding, Buckingham Palace published the consent of the British Queen. The public was sure that Elizabeth would not approve of Harry's union with a former actress who had previously married.

And on May 19, 2018, the whole world watched the royal celebration. 600 guests were invited to the wedding, among whom were both, with his wife and others. During the wedding, the queen did not show joyful emotions and never smiled. After the ceremony, Meghan was given the title of Duchess of Sussex.

Now the British public is waiting for Markle to announce her pregnancy and give Prince Harry an heir. The press periodically reports facts that confirm that the spouses seek to acquire offspring.

In February, the queen rented a plot in the center of Kyiv. The media were tormented by guesses why Elizabeth II needed land in Ukraine. It turned out that the embassies of Canada and Australia, which are members of the British Commonwealth and recognize the authority of the British crown, are located on this site.

On June 18, Elizabeth II attended the traditional ceremony of presenting the highest knightly order of Great Britain.

On June 19, an important social event started - the royal races at Ascot. Her Majesty attended this event.

That same month, the Queen's cousin Ivar Mountbatten announced that he was going to marry boyfriend James Coyle. Two years ago, a man made a real commotion in the family when he announced his non-traditional sexual orientation. Until 2011, Ivar was married to a woman named Penelope Thomson. In this marriage, the couple had three children. Ivar's ex-wife knew about her husband's inclinations and supported him. It is Penny who will lead Ivar to the altar. The woman immediately found a common language with Mountbatten's lover. This will be the first same-sex marriage for the royal family.

On July 13, 2018, the Queen is scheduled to meet with the President of the United States. The working visit of the American leader will take place at Windsor Castle. In addition to meeting with Elizabeth, the President plans to spend several hours with the British Prime Minister.


A loud scandal happened in the 90s, associated with Prince Charles. As you know, the man married Diana Spencer, who fell in love with the royal family and the British public, but the queen's son loved Camilla Shand all his life. However, the monarchs were against the marriage of their son to a rootless girl, so she also quickly found a gentleman. But meetings with the prince did not stop. Diana knew about her husband's infidelities. William and Harry's mother tried to save the marriage, but it didn't work out. In 1992, the recordings of a telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla were presented to the public. From the words that the lovers said to each other, the royals "withered their ears."

Diana then became furious. As a result, the marriage turned into a war that ended in divorce.

After the tragic death of Princess Diana, there were those who blamed Prince Chalza for what had happened. We went, and this happened not without the participation of Elizabeth II.

They also said that Prince Philip, the queen's husband, cheated on his wife many times. The woman did not comment on such statements.

In 2012, there was a scandal associated with the name of Prince William and. The future parents of George, Charlotte and Louis were vacationing in a private villa in France. The couple thought they were alone on the beach, and calmly walked there either in bathing suits or without any clothes at all. At this moment, the paparazzi lens caught the husband and wife.

At one time, the queen's sister, Margaret, "shone" in the center of gossip columns. In her youth, the girl was not allowed to marry for love, and she often began to visit dubious institutions. It was rumored that the closest relative of the ruler was addicted to cocaine. Then she married an unloved man, whom she left after 18 years. In marriage and after, the woman did not give up pleasure walks. As a result, Margaret ended her life unhappy in a wheelchair.

The press wrote that Elizabeth II could help her sister and approve a bill that would allow her to marry her beloved. But this did not happen.

Once the queen was even buried. It happened live on the BBC channel. Then the presenter Danny Kelly announced the death of the monarch. Later, the leadership of the television and radio corporation had to make an official apology to the royal family.

In 2016, there were rumors that the Queen planned to abdicate in favor of Prince William and Kate Middleton, bypassing Prince Charles. But the rumors remained just rumors.

On January 20, 1961, he ascended to the presidency of the United States. Four months later, the man and his wife met with the Queen. The couple were invited to dinner. John came to visit Elizabeth II with a gift: a man handed his photo portrait to the monarch. Historians wonder what the newly-minted US president was trying to demonstrate with such a gesture. Elizabeth was surprised, but accepted the gift.

Jacqueline admitted that she was very worried before meeting with the queen, but she warmly greeted the president's wife and, so that she would calm down, showed the first lady a collection of works of art. Nine months later, Jacqueline Kennedy visited the Queen again, alone. And I was delighted with the visit. Six months later, the woman planned to host Elizabeth II, but when it turned out that the queen was pregnant, the meeting was postponed.

On April 12, 1961, a Soviet pilot-cosmonaut made the first flight into space. As a result, the young man turned into a world celebrity. Yuri Alekseevich was invited by foreign governments and organizations, including Great Britain. As a result, the queen herself wished to talk with Gagarin, calling the man for breakfast. Contrary to protocol, Elizabeth II sat the astronaut next to her and asked questions of interest. Those present noted that the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed.

Queen Elizabeth II is the only person in the UK who does not have a passport.

Interestingly, no one except her husband has the right to touch the queen in public. And Elizabeth II never raises her voice and does not give interviews.

Full name: Elizabeth Alexandra Maria
Born: April 21, 1926, 17 Bruton Street
Parents: George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon
House: Windsor
Enthroned: February 6, 1952 at the age of 25
Crowned: June 2, 1953 at Westminster Abbey.
Husband: Philip Mountbatten.
Children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward

Princess Elizabeth Alexandria Mary was born in London on 21 April 1926; she was privately educated and took up office duties at 16. She served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II, and by an amendment to the Regency Act, she became a State Councilor on her 18th birthday.

After the death of George VI in 1952, she ascended the throne, while she was crowned only 18 months later on June 2, 1953.

The reign of Queen Elizabeth II since 1952 has brought about a period of rapid and sometimes turbulent change. Britain's position in the world, its economy and the very form and structure of society have been transformed, and many traditional institutions have suffered in the process. Through all this, the path of the Crown was marked by the Queen herself, in a long display of unwavering devotion to the cause and calm pragmatism, which met a national need and won her the respect and love of her peoples.

As hereditary Head of State for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Head of the Commonwealth, she has symbolic and formal functions and duties, but no direct powers. She is the embodiment of national identity and continuity.

With the support of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, to whom she has been married since November 20, 1947, the Queen is the head of a large family.

In 2012, she opened the London Olympics and celebrated her diamond jubilee of 60 years on the throne. The debate about the future of the monarchy continues, but the Royal Family has shown a willingness to embrace evolutionary changes, including the Queen's decision to pay taxes, changes to the Civil List, and the opening of Buckingham palace to the public to help fund the restoration of Windsor Castle.

On September 10, 2015, Queen Elizabeth II became the longest-lived British monarch, surpassing her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

In 1940, 14-year-old Princess Elizabeth was a guest on the Children's Hour radio program. She sent her best wishes to the children evacuated from Britain to the US, Canada and other countries during the worst times for Britain during the Second World War. This is the very first recording of the future queen in the BBC archives. On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married her fourth cousin, Prince Philip of Greece, in Westminster Abbey. Their first child Charles was born in 1948. For several years, the couple enjoyed a relatively ordinary life. Charles' sister Anna was born in 1950. Elizabeth and Philip lived with their children at Clarence House in London. Her father was terminally ill with lung cancer. In January 1952, while on a visit to Kenya, Elizabeth learned of the king's death. Already queen, she immediately returned to London. Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Princess Anne, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen Mother and the Duke of Gloucester watch the air parade of the Royal Armed Forces after the coronation on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Her coronation in June 1953 was televised. Millions of people - many of them for the first time - gathered at the television screens to watch Queen Elizabeth II take the oath. Queen Elizabeth II in the library at Sandringham Palace after her first televised address to the nation on Christmas Day 1963. The queen in a side saddle returns to Buckingham Palace after attending a military parade. Elizabeth has attended Trooping the Color to celebrate the monarch's birthday every year of her reign, with the exception of once in 1955, when it had to be canceled due to a general rail strike. The Queen began traveling by carriage in 1987. England captain Bobby Moore holds the Queen's Jules Rimet Trophy after his team beat West Germany 4-2 in the World Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in 1966.
In 1969, Queen Elizabeth II formally invested her son, Prince Charles, with the Prince of Wales Crown in a ceremony at Caernarvon Castle. In fact, he took the title at the age of nine, but the queen insisted that the ceremony be postponed until a time when he was fully aware of its significance. Queen Elizabeth II walks in Portsmouth during the Silver Jubilee celebrations
In 1977, the Queen celebrated her 25th birthday on the throne with a large-scale tour of Britain - in 10 weeks she visited 36 counties. She also traveled the world, covering a total of 56 thousand miles (more than 90 thousand kilometers). Queen Elizabeth II with a Jersey cow given to her at an exhibition at Le Petit Catel in Saint John Parish, Jersey. Over the years, the queen has been given an impressive number of animals, including a canary from Germany, jaguars and sloths from Brazil, two black beavers from the Seychelles, and an elephant named Jumbo from Cameroon. All of them were placed in the London Zoo. An official photo of The Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William, Prince Harry and the Prince and Princess of Wales following Harry's christening in 1984. The Queen has eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh at the Badaling site on the Great Wall of China on the third day of their state visit to the country in 1986. No British monarch has ever traveled to mainland China, let alone visited the wall, so this royal visit is historic. Queen Elizabeth II inspects Windsor Castle after the fire in 1992. She called this year "annus horribilis" (terrible year), since at the same time Princess Anne divorced her husband and the Duke and Duchess of York, as well as the Prince and Princess of Wales, parted. In this unusual photograph, the Queen, under the supervision of Chief Instructor, Lieutenant George Harvey, fires an SA80 while visiting the Army Rifle Association in Bisley. After the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, the royal family was criticized for the restraint of the official reaction to her death. The queen was accused of indifference and isolation from the mood of society. This outburst of anger struck Elizabeth, and she admitted that "there is a need to learn from her life and the extraordinary reaction of society to her death." Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, in honor of their diamond wedding anniversary (60 years), visit the Broadlands estate in Hampshire, where they went after their marriage in November 1947. By 5:30 p.m. on September 9, 2015, Elizabeth II had ruled for 23,226 days, 16 hours, and approximately 30 minutes. On this day, she broke the record of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. While in Scotland, she thanked many well-wishers at home and abroad for "their touching messages of kindness". Together with Prince Philip, she traveled by steam-powered train from Edinburgh to the village of Tweedbank, where she officially opened the new Scottish Railway.


"I declare before you that my entire life, whether long or short, will be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong." – Queen Elizabeth II

"It's all about learning: you can do a lot if you're properly trained." Queen Elizabeth II

"Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentrics, impetuous and wayward young people, and family rifts." – Queen Elizabeth II:

"I can't bring you into battle. I do not give you laws and I am not guided by justice, but I can do something else - I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations. - Queen Elizabeth II.

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In her honor, and the HELLO! prepared 90 interesting, funny, unexpected and entertaining facts about the Queen and her life.

Click on the photo to view the gallery "The love story of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip"

1. The queen celebrates her birthday twice: on April 21 - in the family circle, and in early June - officially. This is a tradition established at the beginning of the 20th century by King Edward VII, who was born in November but wanted to celebrate his birthday in good weather.

2. The Queen was born on 21 April 1926 by caesarean section at her maternal grandfather's house in Mayfair, London.

3. The house where the queen was born now houses a Chinese restaurant.

4. This year, the Queen's birthday celebration will last much longer than usual: in May and June, London will host grandiose performances, shows, a horse parade, an aviation parade and even a carnival.

5. In honor of the 90th anniversary of Elizabeth II, the Royal Mint minted a commemorative £5 coin.

6. Since the coronation of Elizabeth II, 68 billion coins have been minted.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

7. Elizabeth II comes from the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, which was renamed the Windsor dynasty during the First World War.

8. The title of Her Majesty is: "Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other possessions and territories, the Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."

9. Little Elizabeth could not pronounce her name and called herself Lilibet. This became her childhood nickname.

10. No one imagined that Lilibet would become queen. During the reign of her grandfather George V, she was only third in line to the throne. But after the death of her grandfather in 1936, the abdication of her uncle Edward VIII in the same year and the coronation of her father George VI in 1937, Elizabeth became the direct heiress.

The future Queen Elizabeth II, her sister Margaret-Rose and mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon

11. World War II, Elizabeth and her younger sister, Princess Margaret, spent at Windsor Castle. At Christmas 1941, the princesses came up with the idea of ​​holding Christmas performances in the palace, the proceeds from which went to help the front.

12. In October 1940, 14-year-old Elizabeth first appeared on the radio with a three-minute appeal with words of support for the children of the kingdom in difficult wartime.

13. In February 1945, Elizabeth joined the women's self-defense units, where she was trained as a driver. She drove an ambulance and a truck.

14. At one time, the queen was fond of swimming and received a lifeguard certificate.

13-year-old Elizabeth (second from left), 1939

15. Elizabeth first saw her future husband, Philip Mountbatten, a Greek prince in exile and a senior lieutenant in the British Navy, in 1934, when she was 8 and he was 13 years old.

16. The spouse of Elizabeth II is her second cousin and fourth cousin.

17. In the first minutes of their acquaintance, the future spouses started up trains together on a toy railway. The governess recalled that Elizabeth fell in love with Philip at first sight, but he did not show reciprocal feelings for her.

18. Elizabeth's parents opposed her marriage to Philip. He had no fortune, no kingdom. In addition, three of his sisters married German aristocrats who held prominent positions in the Nazi Party. Most of Philip's relatives were not invited to the wedding.

19. Elizabeth was able to get married when she was 21 years old. The wedding took place on November 20, 1947 at Westminster Abbey.

Click on the photo to view the gallery "The love story of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip"

20. The card system in post-war Britain continued until 1954. To tailor the wedding dress, a masterpiece by designer Norman Hartnell, the government gave Elizabeth 200 additional clothing coupons.

21. According to the recollections of the Queen's personal secretary, her husband is the only person on earth who can "ask Her Majesty to shut up."

22. In May 1948, Elizabeth II gave birth to a son - Prince Charles. While she gave birth in a two-story bedroom at Buckingham Palace, her husband played squash with three courtiers.

23. The Queen breastfed Charles for 2 months until she got measles.

24. In August 1950, the Queen gave birth to a daughter, Princess Anne. In total, Elizabeth II has four children, eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Elizabeth II with children - Prince Charles and Princess Anne
Elizabeth II with great-grandchildren

25. She also has 30 godchildren and goddaughters.

26. King George VI died on 6 February. On this day, Elizabeth, who was with her husband in Kenya, was proclaimed Queen of Great Britain.

27. The coronation ceremony of Elizabeth II took place on June 2, 1953 at Westminster Abbey and was broadcast on television. It was watched by 27 million people across the UK.

Elizabeth II with her husband and children after the coronation, 1953

28. Elizabeth II is Britain's longest-reigning monarch. On September 9, 2015 at 5:30 pm local time, she broke the record of Queen Victoria, who ruled for 23,226 days 16 hours and 23 minutes.

29. During the reign of Elizabeth II, 12 prime ministers, 7 popes and 7 archbishops of Canterbury were replaced.

30. Elizabeth II reigns but does not rule. It does not affect the politics of the country. Nevertheless, all decisions in the state are made on her behalf.

31. In 1994, Elizabeth II visited Moscow and St. Petersburg. It was the only ever visit by a British monarch to Russia. In Moscow, she visited the Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral, the Bolshoi Theater and an English special school.

Elizabeth II and Boris Yeltsin

32. The Prime Minister reports weekly to Elizabeth II on the progress of affairs in the kingdom.

33. The Queen's most difficult relationship was with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. "Mrs. Thatcher never listens to what I tell her," the Queen once lamented.

34. If the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) is considered the golden age of the British Empire, which occupied a quarter of the globe, with a population of about 400 million people, then the reign of Elizabeth II fell on a period of collapse. The former empire has lost its last colonies, and now the British Queen is the head of the United Kingdom and 15 Commonwealth countries (which includes some former colonies) with a population of 139 million people.

35. Elizabeth II is the Sovereign of the Church of England. Every Sunday she attends a church service.

36. The Queen does not carry money with her. Only on Sundays, when she goes to church, she takes £5 or £10 with her to donate to the temple.

37. In Buckingham Palace there is Her Majesty's personal ATM.

38. There are 237 streets named after Queen Elizabeth II.

39. Elizabeth II has received more than 387,700 honorary awards and prizes.

40. The Queen has made more than 250 official visits to 129 countries.

41. Her Majesty does not have a passport.

42. Since 1970, the queen, making official visits, always comes out to communicate with the people. "If they don't see me, they won't believe that I exist!" she explains.

43. In July 1961, Yuri Gagarin visited Elizabeth II for lunch. Not a single journalist was allowed to attend the meeting, which gave rise to many legends. According to one of them, Gagarin allegedly accidentally touched the queen's leg under the table. In response to the touch, she smiled slightly and ... continued to drink tea.

44. Elizabeth II is fluent in French.

45. The Queen patronizes over 600 charities.

46. ​​The Queen answered 3.5 million letters.

47. In 1977, on the eve of the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II, the Sex Pistols released the anti-monarchist song God Save the Queen, in which Her Majesty was called a "non-human being." The queen did not react to the trick, which did not save the punks from persecution. But the punk portrait of Elizabeth II with a pin in her lip on the unofficial cover of the single has become one of her most iconic images.

48. In 1981, during a horse parade in front of Buckingham Palace, a 17-year-old teenager fired 6 blank rounds towards Elizabeth II, who was riding a horse. She just straightened the peacock feathers on her hat and galloped on.

49. In 1982, psychopathic stringer Michael Fagan entered Buckingham Palace via a drainpipe and peered into the Queen's bedroom. “She slept alone on a canopy bed,” the robber recalled. “When she saw me, the queen screamed and rushed out of the room. I saw how her little bare heels sparkled.”

50. Elizabeth II gave her subjects almost 80,000 Christmas puddings.

51. The Queen has posed for artists over 130 times.

52. Once at an exhibition of nudes by the portrait painter Lucian Freud, the queen was asked: "Freud also painted you, Your Majesty?" "Yes, but not like this," she replied.

53. No one except Her Majesty's husband has the right to touch her in public. Only four violators of the protocol allowed themselves to hug the queen. They were two prime ministers of Australia, Paul Keating and John Howard, Canadian cyclist Louis Garneau and US First Lady Michelle Obama.

55. The Queen does not express enthusiasm. Seeing Niagara Falls for the first time, she said: It looks very damp ("It is very damp").

56. The Queen does not give interviews.

57. Elizabeth II is a first-class driver. Her sister, Princess Margaret, described the Queen's driving style as "like a hell of a bat".

58. The Queen never had a driver's license.

59. The royal fleet of cars is impressive: two Bentleys, three Rolls-Royces and three Daimlers - for official trips. And this is not a complete list. Augusta is also a fan of Jaguar and Land Rover brands. According to unofficial data, she owns about 30 Range Rover and Land Rover vehicles.

60. Earlier this year, Elizabeth II's Jaguar V6 Sovereign was sold online for £15,000 to a buyer unaware that the former owner of the car was the British queen herself.

61. Elizabeth II loves horses. Her first pony was given to her by her grandfather George V when she was four years old. Even today, being in venerable years, the queen makes horse rides.

62. Elizabeth II is a dog lover. First of all, corgi breeds. The first Corgi was presented to Elizabeth on her 18th birthday, in 1944, by her father. The puppy's name was Susan. Most of the pets are descendants of this dog.

63. At the court of Elizabeth II lived a total of more than 30 Corgi.

64. The Queen brought a new breed - dorgi. This happened after one of her corgis had an affair with Princess Margaret's dachshund Pipkin.

65. The Queen fired the footman after learning that he gave her corgis a taste of whiskey.

Elizabeth II with her corgis and dorgis

66. The Queen spends her holidays in the Scottish estate of Balmoral. When she has breakfast, a piper walks around the castle and plays folk tunes.

67. Most of the palaces and castles in which the Queen and her relatives live are owned by the state or are in the possession of the “Property of the Crown” (an independent commercial enterprise that manages royal real estate). Elizabeth II owns Sandringham Palace in Norfolk, palaces and castles in the Balmoral estate in Scotland.

68. The Royal Collection of Art and Jewelry consists of more than a million items and is valued at 10 billion pounds. However, this is not the queen's personal fortune.

69. Among the many gifts that the monarch received were two turtles, a seven-year-old elephant and two black beavers.

70. In 2015, in the list of the richest people in the UK, compiled by The Sunday Times, the Queen was in 302nd place. Unofficially, her fortune is estimated at 340 million pounds.

71. The Queen is not required to disclose the status of her personal accounts.

72. Since 1992, the Queen has voluntarily agreed to pay income tax and income tax.

73. The main residence of the British monarchs - Buckingham Palace - does not belong to Elizabeth II. She occupies him as if on behalf of the nation.

74. The Queen cannot be sued.

75. The growth of Elizabeth II is 163 centimeters.

76. The Queen wears only British-made clothes and only bright colors to be noticeable in the crowd.

77. The Queen can only appear in black during mourning.

78. The monarch wears handbags from the British label Launer London with short handles, black, white or beige.

79. The contents of the queen's purse are a secret with seven seals. All that is known for certain is that Her Majesty wears lipstick there and, in some cases, a hook to hang her bag under the table.

80. When Elizabeth II is not wearing a hat, she ties a scarf in the style of russian babushka.

81. During her reign, the queen managed to put on more than 5,000 hats. Among the main requirements for hats: they must sit firmly on the head of their mistress even in windy weather and not interfere with her when getting into the car.

82. With the help of a handbag, the queen gives signals to the servants. For example, if she is about to leave the meal within the next five minutes, she puts her purse on the table.

83. In public, Elizabeth II always wears tights. And only flesh-colored.

84. Elizabeth II has been wearing Anello & Davide shoes of the same old-fashioned style (with a small heel with a rounded toe) for half a century. Such shoes cost about 1000-1300 British pounds per pair, so the monarch, known for her frugality, tries to change shoes less often, and more often - heels. New shoes for the queen are broken in by the so-called Cinderella - a servant with the same size as Elizabeth II's feet.

85. The queen shows motherly concern for the fate of her subjects. Once she asked to be delivered on her private plane to a journalist who was late for the birth of his wife. When the child was born, the queen sent a greeting card to the parents.

86. Three of Elizabeth II's four children, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne and Prince Charles, have gone through a divorce.

87. In the 1990s, due to the divorce of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, the popularity of Elizabeth II declined sharply. The British believed that the queen, who was allegedly jealous of Diana's success, was an indirect cause of the troubles of the "people's princess".

Elizabeth II with Prince Charles and Princess Diana

88. Today, the popularity of Elizabeth II among the British is greater than ever. Residents of the kingdom consider it a "bastion of stability."

89. Elizabeth II is not a leader of public opinion. The palm belongs to her heir, Prince William, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, a middle-class girl.

90. Members of the royal family say that Elizabeth II is not going to abdicate in favor of the heirs. She considers her reign a matter of life.

Elizabeth II and Prince Charles

In London, in the family of the Duke and Duchess of York.

Queen Elizabeth usually celebrates her real birthday in the family circle, while the official birthday of the monarch in the UK is celebrated in June with a colorful military parade in central London.
According to the tradition established at the beginning of the 20th century by King Edward VII, the monarch’s birthday is celebrated in Great Britain on one of the Saturdays of June, depending on the weather (the king chose this date because the weather in June cannot spoil the national holiday).

Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor), as the future queen was named at birth, is from the Windsor dynasty. She is the eldest daughter of the Duke of York George, the future King George VI of Great Britain (1895-1952) and Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900-2002).

Elizabeth received a good education at home, in addition to the usual school subjects, she was taught the basics of economics, jurisprudence and constitutional law. The curriculum also included lessons in horseback riding, dancing and music. Her mother introduced her to palace etiquette.
After the abdication of her uncle, King Edward VIII, and her father's accession to the throne in December 1936, 10-year-old Elizabeth became heir to the British throne and moved with her parents from Kensington to Buckingham Palace.

In preparation for political life, the future queen began attending constitutional history classes at Eton College.
At the outbreak of war in 1939 they were evacuated to Windsor Palace.
During World War II, Elizabeth insisted that her parents let her enlist in the military. She mastered the profession of a driver in a military transport training center, having received the qualification of a truck driver, learned how to change tires on a truck, disassemble and assemble a motor.
In 1945, Elizabeth worked in the Reserve Women's Territorial Services (Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service), where she ended the war with the rank of junior commander.

Elizabeth's close acquaintance with royal duties began in 1944, when she became a member of the Council of State and began to get involved in business, replacing George VI when he went on a trip to the fronts.
On February 6, 1952, King George VI died of a lung disease, and Elizabeth, who was at that time with her husband on vacation in Kenya, was declared Queen of Great Britain on the same day.
However, the official coronation ceremony of Elizabeth in Westminster Abbey in London took place only a year later, on June 2, 1953.

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonQueen Elizabeth II on her coronation day 2 June 1953. Photo from the exhibition "Royal Photography by Cecil Beaton"

© Photo: Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Since that time, she has been Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and is also the queen of 15 Commonwealth states (Australia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint -Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Jamaica), Head of the Anglican Church, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Lord of the Isle of Man. She was also Queen of South Africa from 29 May 1953 to 31 May 1961. In 1999, Australia put the status of the queen to a referendum, but the Australians preferred to keep her nominal status as head of state.

On November 20, 1947, Elizabeth married her distant relative, who, like her, is the great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria - Prince Philip Mountbatten, son of the Greek Prince Andrew, who was then an officer in the British Navy. She met him at the age of 13, when Philip was still a cadet at the Dortmouth Naval School. Becoming her husband, Philip received the title of Duke of Edinburgh.
In November 2007, the Queen and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh celebrated their "diamond wedding" - the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. For the sake of such an occasion, the Queen allowed herself a little liberties - for one day they retired with her husband for romantic memories in Malta, where Prince Philip once served, and the young Princess Elizabeth visited him.

On December 29, 2010, Elizabeth II became a great-grandmother for the first time. On this day, her eldest grandson, Princess Anne's eldest son Peter Phillips, and his Canadian wife, Autumn Kelly, had a daughter. The girl became 12th in the British line of succession.

In 2006, Buckingham Palace released 80 fascinating facts from the life of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, thanks to which it became known that the Queen is fond of photography, loves to take pictures of her family members. In 1997, the Queen launched the first ever website of the British monarchy.
Since her youth, Elizabeth II has been a fan of the corgi, a noble hunting breed, several of which constantly accompany her on vacation. The Queen also introduced a new breed of dog, the Dorgi.
The Queen's other passion is horses and horse racing. She is a good rider herself and every year she watches the main competitions with interest, and also breeds horses in her stables.
The Queen speaks fluent French and does not need an interpreter during visits and audiences with representatives of Francophone countries.

Elizabeth is the oldest monarch in the history of Great Britain by age, but the record for the duration of the reign, set by Queen Victoria, who ruled for 63 years and seven months, is still only for her. To do this, she needs to stay on the throne until at least September 9, 2015.

In 2012, in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, the famous Big Ben clock tower near the British Parliament building in London was officially.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

see me"

23 thousand days of Elizabeth II

at the head of the British monarchy

Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne 65 years after the death of King George VI. The British monarch holds the absolute record for the longest stay on the British throne. At the moment, it has occupied it for 23742 days.

During the reign of Elizabeth there were great changes both in Great Britain and in the world.

Britain ceased to be an empire and granted independence to the countries it once ruled. The royal family now pays taxes on income and wealth, and Buckingham Palace is open to the public.

Elizabeth II is the monarch of 16 states of the world.

Her outward ability to listen and understand others provided the queen with a special place in British society.

As one of the English philosophers noted, "the monarchy is a house that stands above politics."

Princess Lilibet

At her christening at Buckingham Palace, she was named Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (after her mother, great-grandmother, and grandmother).

Elizabeth II is the eldest daughter of King George VI, a representative of the Windsor dynasty, dating back to 1901.

Elizabeth was not born for the throne. Lilibet, as she was called at home, was only third in line to the throne. In 1936 her grandfather (George V) died. His successor was Elizabeth's uncle, King Edward VIII. He ruled for only 325 days. He renounced the British throne to marry a twice-divorced American woman, Wallis Simpson. In Great Britain, according to the laws, the king could not marry a divorced woman and still perform the duties of a monarch.

Great Britain began to rule the father of Lilibet - George VI.

11-year-old Elizabeth moved with her parents from Kensington to Buckingham Palace.

Princess Elizabeth was educated at home. She studied art and music and became an excellent rider.

After Lilibet's father came to the throne, she began to take lessons in constitutional history and law from the rector of Eton College.



Junior Commander Windsor

Three years after the coronation of George VI, World War II began. The king refused to leave London and remained at Buckingham Palace even during the bombing. George VI and his wife visited the bombed-out quarters of the city.

Princess Elizabeth lived at Windsor Castle. It was from there that on October 13, 1940, she first spoke on the radio - with an appeal to children who lost their homes due to the war.

And three years later, her first independent appearance in public took place - a visit to the regiment of guards grenadiers. Elizabeth's closer acquaintance with royal duties began in 1944, when she became one of the five "state advisers", having received the right to replace her father when he went on a trip to the fronts.

In 1945, for several months, Elizabeth served military and labor service in the Auxiliary Women's Territorial Service as a driver and mechanic of a military truck, after passing the exam for driving vehicles, she was awarded the honorary title of junior commander.



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Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Elizabeth met her husband at the age of 13, when Prince Philip Mountbatten was still a cadet at the Dartmouth Naval Academy.

The son of the Greek Prince Andrew Philip is a distant relative of Elizabeth. He is the great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria.

When Elizabeth turned 21, the couple officially announced their engagement. The next day, they were officially presented to the public at a public reception at Buckingham Palace.

For the princess's ring, the jeweler used diamonds from a diadem that belonged to Prince Philip's mother.

On the eve of his daughter's wedding, the king granted the future son-in-law a title. Prince Philip became the Duke of Edinburgh. George VI made Elizabeth a Dame of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the highest British order for knighthood, established by King Edward III in 1348.

As the UK was still reeling from the effects of the war, the bride was given 100 clothing vouchers that everyone was using at the time.

Elizabeth's ivory satin dress was created by the official tailor of the British royal court, Norman Hartnell. Starting to work on the outfit, he was inspired by the canvases of Renaissance artists.

After the wedding, the couple lived for some time in Buckingham Palace, and then moved to Clarence House, which was specially restored for them.

In 2007, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh celebrated their "diamond wedding" - 60 years of marriage.



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"God save the queen!"

On April 21, 1947, in honor of her coming of age, which came when she was 21 years old, Elizabeth made a heartfelt speech.

Elizabeth II

Elizabeth took the coronation oath, swearing to honor the laws of Great Britain and uphold the Law of God.

During the ceremony, Elizabeth's husband knelt down and said: "I, Philip, become your vassal in body and soul; I swear to serve you faithfully until the end of my days, protecting you from any enemies. May God help me."

A gala dinner for the guests of honor was held at Westminster Hall. The best chefs in the UK have prepared a special dish called "Coronation chicken" - chicken with curry, mayonnaise and apricot jam. The recipe for the dish was printed in advance in local newspapers, so any Briton could cook the "royal" dish in his kitchen.

It rained on the day of the coronation in London. Returning to Buckingham Palace, despite the bad weather, the Queen was greeted on the streets of the city by about 3 million people - they all wanted to see the new monarch. The royal procession passed by the audience for 45 minutes and stretched for 4 km.

Photo: © AP Photo. Video: © Youtube/TheRoyalChannel


The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II was shown live on television for the first time.

Prime Minister Churchill was against allowing members of the media access to the abbey. The Queen insisted on the presence of journalists.

"People must see me to believe me" - so Elizabeth argued her decision.

More than 8,200 guests then witnessed the historic event, and by some estimates, more than 20 million people in the UK watched what was happening on TV.

Movie cameras filmed the ceremony in color, and the edited chronicle was shown in cinemas for many months.

2 thousand journalists, 500 photographers from 92 countries broadcast news from the solemn event. The BBC channel commented on the broadcast in 44 different languages.

Recordings of the ceremony were delivered by aircraft of the country's Air Force across the Atlantic. On the same day, 87 million people in the United States and Canada were also able to see the coronation.

The Queen and Her 13 Prime Ministers

It is impossible to say exactly what political views Elizabeth holds, since she never expresses them publicly.

One of the queen's duties is weekly meetings with the prime minister, most often they take place at Buckingham Palace.

Most of the heads of government had or have close and trusting relations with the British monarch, since, according to her position, Elizabeth must know, and by nature, be able to keep state secrets.

In more than 60 years of the Queen's reign, 12 British prime ministers have been replaced, and the current head of government, Theresa May, is the 13th.

The Royal National Theater in London even staged Peter Morgan's play The Audience. The play is a dialogue between Queen Elizabeth II and all the prime ministers of Great Britain.

The play, where the role of the queen was played by English actress Helen Mirren, was first shown in London in 2012.

In June 2015, it became known that the Netflix video service plans to release The Crown based on The Audience.

The series with a budget of 100 million pounds was very warmly received by the audience and critics. At the 74th Golden Globe Awards, The Crown won Best TV Series Drama. And for the role of the queen, the statuette was received by actress Claire Foy.



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Crown attempts

Not much is known about the personal protection of Elizabeth II and other members of the royal family.

An elite unit is responsible for ensuring the safety of the crowned persons. Buckingham Palace and Scotland Yard do not indulge the public with information about him. According to rumors, the royal bodyguards, who are on duty around the clock, are only about 50 people.

The most responsible task falls on the "bullet catchers".

During trips, especially outside the United Kingdom, specially trained drivers are allocated for royal persons who drive cars and motorcycles of the cortege.

Over the years of Elizabeth's reign, the royal guard recorded more than 20 incidents related to violations of the personal safety of members of the royal family.

In 1966, during the visit of Elizabeth II to Belfast, a concrete block fell on one of the cars of her cortege.

In April 1970, Elizabeth II made a trip from Sydney to the city of Orange - the agricultural center of New South Wales. At the point where the train, following through the mountainous terrain, had to pick up high speed, the conspirators put a log on the sleepers of the railway track in the expectation that the train would derail and hit the retaining wall at full speed.

The tragedy was avoided only because the train, contrary to expectations, moved very slowly on this section. Exactly one hour before the passage of the train of the British Queen, the railway track was inspected on a special locomotive, but no suspicious items were found. According to the investigators, the log was deliberately placed on the sleepers in the dark after this inspection.

In 1974, an attempt to kidnap Princess Anne was thwarted near Buckingham Palace in London.

In May 1981, an assassination attempt on Prince Charles was thwarted when a bomb-filled envelope addressed to the Prince of Wales was intercepted at a sorting post office in west London.

The Queen was attacked a month after the letter-bomb incident.

In June, during the traditional parade, a young man shot the horse of Elizabeth II six times. The pistol was loaded with blanks. The attacker is unemployed Briton Marcus Sargent. He was accused of violating a law passed back in 1842, which provided for punishment for firing a weapon in close proximity to the royal person in order to frighten her.

Photo: © AP Photo/Bob Dear. Video: © Youtube/PRESSIMAGEBANK

Four years later, Michael Fagan invaded Her Majesty's chambers almost unhindered, and in 1994 in Sydney, the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, was shot from a starting pistol.

In 2014, Scotland Yard prevented another assassination attempt on the British Queen. Four people have been arrested in London on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack.

According to the media, they were planning an attack on Elizabeth II using edged weapons, knives and daggers.

Scandals around the royal family

Commissioned by the BBC for the 40th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, the film depicts the royal family as a happy extended family with many children playing on the green lawns at Balmoral Castle.

However, already a month after the film was shown on the air, it became known about the discord in the family of the second son of the Queen, Prince Andrew. In 1996, he divorced his wife Sarah Ferguson after 10 years of marriage.

The newspapers wrote that the queen put great pressure on Andrew to break with Sarah, whom the court considered vulgar and eccentric.

The media reported on her romance with Texas oil millionaire Steve Wyatt, with whom Sarah spent a vacation in the Mediterranean. Photographs of the couple taken at the time were published in the newspapers, leaving no doubt that these rumors had a solid foundation.

In the same year, Prince Charles divorced Princess Diana. She retained the title, equal rights with Charles to raise children.

The popularity of the "People's Princess" after the divorce reached its maximum, and Charles began to be treated as a man who had betrayed Britain's most charming woman.



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These family feuds did not harm the monarchy, but deeply hurt the queen. Elizabeth II disapproved of her children's divorces, remembering how her uncle was forced to abdicate in order to marry a divorced woman.

In 1997, the queen came under the guns of almost all the world's media. On August 31, Diana died in a car accident.

People filled the fences of Buckingham and Kensington Palaces with flowers, soft toys, balloons, letters of condolence.

The British believed that after the death of Princess Elizabeth, who was at that moment in Balmoral Castle (residence in Scotland), kept silent for too long.

"Where is the queen?" asked The Sun newspaper. "Your people are in suffering. Turn to them," called the queen from the front page of The Mirror.

Then-Prime Minister Tony Blair also encouraged the Queen to address the people.

Later, in his memoirs, the politician will write that he considered himself obliged "to protect the monarchy from itself."

The Queen's popularity plummeted after the death of Princess Diana. For the first time in 10 years - from 13 to 30% - the number of those who were sure that without the monarchy of Great Britain "it would be better" increased. In 1987, 77% of Britons could not imagine life without the royal family.

According to Blair, he tried to convince Elizabeth to make a public statement, but she considered him presumptuous.

I passionately argued to her the need to learn from life. She found me presumptuous and acted arrogant, but then admitted I was right

Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister

Elizabeth returned to London 5 days after Diana's death.

Together with Prince Philip, she went to a pile of flowers at Buckingham Palace, showing people her sympathy. The crowd started clapping.

“The discontent had not yet gone, but the atmosphere was already changing,” said Mary Francis, assistant to Elizabeth's personal secretary.

On the same day, the Queen addressed the nation on live television, calling Diana "an exceptional and gifted person."

“Neither in joy, nor in grief, she did not lose the ability to laugh and support others with her warmth and kindness,” said Elizabeth.

Photo: © AP Photo/Pool. Video: © Youtube/iconic

At Diana's funeral, the queen, in defiance of etiquette, bowed her head.

Elizabeth managed to return the favor of the British - the popularity of the monarch, according to polls, has grown dramatically.

Charles married only 8 years after the death of Diana - the wedding with Camilla Parker-Bowles was not solemn, they registered their relationship in the municipal department of Windsor.

The royal family gave their blessing, however, Elizabeth II was not present at the wedding.

Income and expenses of the British crown

Local media calculated that in the 2013/14 financial year, each British taxpayer allocated 56 pence to the maintenance of the monarchy.

More than a third of all expenses - 13.3 million pounds - went to the maintenance and repair of royal palaces. This is almost 50% more than a year earlier. However, representatives of the royal family explained this fact by the completion of "a large number of long-term projects", as well as "repayment of debts over the past years."

However, the Queen's main source of income is a fixed percentage of the profits of the Crown Estate, or the so-called Sovereign Grant. It was introduced in 2011 to replace the civil list.

Until 1760, the monarchs received income from their property, but by the middle of the 18th century, these funds were sorely lacking to support the royal family. King George III, who ascended the throne in 1760, transferred all the property of the crown under the control of the government in exchange for receiving maintenance according to the civil list, the amount of which was determined by the cabinet in agreement with the court.

According to the law, all income of the Crown Estate goes to the state treasury, after which the British monarch receives 15% of his share. This is called the Sovereign Grant, which goes to pay for ceremonial duties.

Crown Estate is an independent commercial enterprise with the largest real estate portfolio in Britain. The value of the company's capital is estimated at 11.5 billion pounds.

The Crown Estate owns property in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Properties include Windsor Great Park and the Royal Ascot Racecourse, but the bulk of the portfolio is residential and commercial property, including offices, shops and shopping centers, as well as part of buildings on Regent Street in London's West End.

In June 2015, the Financial Times reported that Queen Elizabeth II would receive a record income from real estate deals she owns, which is managed by Crown Estate.

In the first three months of this year, the Crown Estate earned £285 million, of which Queen Elizabeth II will receive £43 million.

Last year the Sovereign Grant was £37.9m, of which the Queen spent £35.7m.

This money, among other things, went to pay staff, property maintenance, travel, and utilities.

Nevertheless, in 2015, Elizabeth II left the list of the richest residents of the UK, which is compiled annually by The Sunday Times. This year, the queen has lost 17 positions and ended up in 302nd place.

The Queen has been on the list every year since 1989.

Independent experts estimate the fortune of Elizabeth II at 110 million pounds. Over the past year, the Queen's income amounted to about 10 million pounds. When assessing the queen's fortune, the cost of the art collection, which includes works by Rembrandt, Monet and other famous painters, was not taken into account.

Photo: © AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis. Video: © Youtube/TheRoyalChannel

What awaits the British monarchy

Under the Act of Succession of 1701, the sons of a monarch had precedence over daughters in succeeding to the throne by seniority.

Elizabeth only became queen because her father had no sons. If she had a brother, for example, a younger one, then the crown would have passed to him.

Attempts to change the existing laws have been made several times since 1981, but each time they did not find support from the government of the country.

In 2011, the succession law reform was finally brought up for discussion.

The fact that the current way of life is outdated and should be "modernized", said even Prime Minister David Cameron.

In 2013, the rules for succession to the throne were changed. The law gave the descendants of the British crown of both sexes equal rights, now they will inherit the throne by seniority.

Elizabeth II's heir is her eldest son Charles, Prince of Wales.

In January 2006, the Queen transferred some of her powers to him. So far, however, she has not given up duties such as weekly meetings with the prime minister and participation in the official opening of the session of parliament.

In February, The Times published fragments of a new unofficial biography of the Prince of Wales. The publication of excerpts from the book caused a stir in the local press. The text noted that the UK may not be ready for the drastic changes that Prince Charles could bring with him if he ascended the throne. And this fear was expressed by his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The author of the Prince's biography "Charles: The Heart of a King" is The Times correspondent Katherine Meyer. According to her, Charles is more inclined than his mother to an autocratic style of government, but some courtiers at Buckingham Palace, "like the Queen herself," believe that the country is not ready for the "shock of change."

Mayer claims, citing sources close to the palace, that the prince "will never agree to be a figurehead."

“Speaking of his role as heir apparent, the prince made it clear that he intends to overhaul the monarchy,” Mayer writes.

Critics of the Prince of Wales "led by his father Prince Philip" believe that he "behaves selfishly", preferring his "crazy ideas" to royal duties.

Representatives of the prince noted in an interview with journalists that the book was not authorized, as they did not receive any preliminary copies and did not agree on the text.

Second in line to the British throne - born June 21, 1982, the eldest son of Prince Charles William, Duke of Cambridge.

She (Queen Elizabeth II) is a professional, always carefully considers her every step and never makes hasty decisions.

(In an interview with the BBC for the documentary The Queen, The Queen, 2012)

Prince William, grandson of Elizabeth II

William graduated from Eton College and in 2006 entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He received an officer's rank and joined the Royal Cavalry.

Buckingham Palace does not hide the fact that the grandson of Elizabeth II sees in the queen an example to follow, a model of the monarch. He declared that although he was ready to fulfill the heavy duty of being king, he would ascend the throne only after his father. In 2011, the Duke of Cambridge got a family that should determine the future of the British monarchy in the second half of the twenty-first century.

He met his future wife Catherine Middleton while studying at the University of St. Andrews.

The engagement of Katherine and William took place in October 2010 during a joint holiday in Kenya. While proposing, William presented Katherine with his mother's engagement ring.

April 29, 2011 at Westminster Abbey, the wedding of the “team of the future”, as David Cameron called the young couple, took place.