High Performance Coaching - John Whitmore. High Performance Coaching

Andrey Prozorov

For several weeks I have been reading and reflecting on an old book that is considered the "classic" textbook on coaching, namely "" (John Whitmore).

As the name implies, it is about coaching and its application in various life contexts.

"Aimed at overcoming misconceptions about coaching, this book clearly shows what it really is, what it can be used for, when and how much it can be used, who can use it correctly and who can't. Contrary to the tempting claims of the book " One Minute Manager By the way, I have read this book, it is quite worthy of attention, in], there are no fast-acting tools in business. Good coaching is a skill, perhaps even an art, that requires deep understanding and a lot of practice to bring out its amazing potential to the fullest. Reading this book will not make you a great coach, but it will help you realize the great value and potential of coaching and may encourage you to discover your own talents, which will certainly affect the success of your business, your athletic and other qualities, and your relationships. with others at work and at home.
"If you have embraced the coaching style, then I hope this book will help you achieve the greatest heights in everyday affairs or understand the logic of your intuitive actions. If you adhere to a different style of leadership, then I hope this book will allow you to look at management in a new way, efficiency in performance and people.In addition, the book will also introduce you to some areas of coaching in which you can try out this new way of thinking in practice."

Conventionally, the book can be divided into 3 parts: reflections on management, the general model and ideas of coaching, recommendations for using the model for various tasks (for example, goal setting, finding meaning in life, team development, etc.). Each of them deserves attention.

"While I advocate coaching as a management style, and not as a one-time tool used occasionally by a manager or consultant, most of this book is devoted to a detailed, element-by-element explanation of the fundamental principles of coaching using examples from structured sessions. To ensure that these principles are fully determined the style of management, it will take time and experience."
The author talks a lot about the use of coaching ideas in the business environment and promotes them as an effective management model. I chose a few about management:
  • Giving instructions or dictating conditions is quick and easy, but the most important thing is that it gives a feeling of control, however, deceptive. Such a dictator upsets and demotivates employees, but they will never dare to show it or object, because they will not be heard anyway. As a result, they curry favor in his presence, but as soon as he turns away, their behavior changes and leads, at best, to low productivity, downtime, and even outright sabotage. There can be no question of any control - this is self-deception.
  • The other extreme - dumping everything completely on the subordinate - allows the manager to do other things, and gives his employee freedom of choice. However, it is risky for both. The manager withdraws from his duties, although the money is slowly coming to him, and the subordinate may not be able to cope with the task, not knowing all its aspects.
  • Sometimes managers withdraw with good intentions in order to teach a subordinate to handle more responsibility. But such a strategy is rarely successful: if the subordinate feels that the responsibility is imposed on him, and not chosen by himself, his self-interest remains low, and productivity does not increase due to the lack of self-motivation that the manager hopes to develop.
  • When a subordinate begins to perceive his leader as a source of support, and not a threat, he is more willing to share his problems with him. Only in this way can honest analysis and dialogue be possible, which contributes to the search for a solution at an early stage.
  • The tradition of blaming, which flourishes in many companies, has the opposite effect, creating a "false reality syndrome" ("I'll say what you think you want to hear and not make me feel worse"). Any subsequent adjustments will be based on a false reality. The wise manager begins with the most general research, moving forward in conversation with the mentee. The manager can help the mentee overcome other, less significant, difficulties, thus gaining his trust. This approach will quickly lead to the disclosure of the cause of the problem, and not its symptom, which is immediately visible. To eradicate problems, one must penetrate deeper than the level at which in which they manifest themselves.
  • We typically use five levels of feedback, which are listed below in alphabetical order from A, the least useful link to D, the most effective link and the only one of the five that stimulates learning and performance improvement. The remaining four levels of communication at best contribute to minimal short-term improvement, and at worst further reduce efficiency and self-esteem. However, they are quite common in business and at first glance even seem acceptable, but only until you carefully check.
    • A. The manager exclaims: "You worthless worker!" It is personal criticism that destroys self-respect and confidence; most likely, the effectiveness of this will only decrease in the future. There is no benefit from this.
    • B. The manager exclaims, "That's a worthless report!" Such an appraisal comment, referring to the report and not to the person, also destroys the self-esteem of the performer, although not so much; it also does not contain any information that can help the author of the report correct the shortcomings.
    • Q. The manager says: "Your report is informative and clear, but the form and presentation are not up to the level of those for whom it is written." In this case, there is no criticism, the performer receives a guide to action, but not detailed enough and does not give the initiative.
    • D. The manager asks: "What can you say about your report?" THIS gives the performer the initiative, but he is likely to confine himself to a one-word answer, such as "a normal report," or a value judgment, such as "excellent report" or "disgusting report," instead of a more meaningful description.
    • D. The manager asks: "What is the main thread of your report? To what extent does this draft version correspond to it? What points should be paid special attention to? Who do you think it was written for?" In response to a series of such questions, the performer describes in detail the report and the course of his thoughts, without giving his assessment.
  • Managers often ask when coaching should be used, or at least when coaching should be preferred over directives. The answer is simple. If time is the main criterion in a situation (for example, during crises), it is probably faster to do everything yourself or give a clear order to someone else. If the most important thing is the quality of the result (for example, when an artist creates a masterpiece), coaching to raise consciousness and take responsibility will have the greatest return. If the main goal is to improve learning (for example, when a child does homework), coaching completely optimizes the process of learning and remembering. In most work situations, time, quality and training are always and everywhere equally important. But, sadly, in business most often time is more important than quality, and training is given a modest third place. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is so difficult for managers to refuse orders, and that efficiency in business is far from what it could and should be.

Here is coaching as a model of behavior/management, and is designed to increase the performance and effectiveness of individuals and teams through the following expected results: self-belief, self-motivation, choice, clarity, purposefulness, awareness, responsibility and action.

  • The coach is not a problem solver and is not a teacher, advisor, instructor, or expert; he is "sound advice", helping, advising and raising awareness - that's about what his role is.
  • Coaching is the disclosure of a person's potential in order to maximize its effectiveness. Coaching does not teach, but helps to learn.
  • The goal of a coach is to develop awareness, responsibility and self-confidence.

It is about the development of awareness, responsibility and confidence in yourself and others that is written most of all in the book. The author gives a lot of recommendations and advice.

  • In order to build self-confidence in others, we must give up the desire to control them or keep them convinced of our superiority. Perhaps the best thing we can do for them is to help them outdo us. Children remember for a long time those moments when they managed to defeat their parents in the art of the game. That is why we sometimes succumb to them when they are still small. We want our children to excel and we are proud when they achieve it, so why shouldn't we be proud of our employees' accomplishments like this! We ourselves will only benefit from this due to their greater efficiency, in addition, it will be possible to observe them with pleasure, helping them to grow. But, alas, we are too often afraid of losing credibility, trust, jobs, or self-confidence.
  • When we sincerely and consciously accept responsibility for our thoughts and actions, our devotion to them increases, and with it, the effectiveness of execution. If we are forced to accept responsibility, expected of us to be responsible, or simply dumped on us, the efficiency of execution does not increase in any way. Of course, we will get the job done fearing repercussions for disobedience, but forced actions taken just to avoid the threat will not optimize our performance. To truly feel responsible, you need to have a choice.
  • If I give you advice and you fail, you will blame me. I kind of traded my advice for your responsibility - a deal like this is rarely a good one.
  • Awareness is the perception of things as they really are; self-awareness is the recognition of those internal factors that distort our own perception of reality. Many people consider themselves objective, but absolute objectivity does not exist. Most likely, we have it only to some extent, but the closer we get to it, the better.

    People should be seen as future opportunities, not past deeds.

The main tool of the coach is the right questions that are asked to the mentee (well, or to the coach himself). They are the best way to achieve AWARENESS and RESPONSIBILITY.

  • The proposed sequence of questions provides for four characteristic directions (the initial letters of their names form the word GROW, which is translated as GROWTH).
    • Goals - SETTING GOALS for this lesson, for the near future, for the long term. What do you want?
    • Reality - EXAMINATION of the current situation from the standpoint of understanding reality (REALITY). What's happening?
    • Options - A LIST OF OPPORTUNITIES and further strategies or courses of action. What can be done?
    • What, When, Who, Will - TO, what needs to be done, determining when and to whom (identifying INTENTS). What will you do?
  • This sequence is cyclic. This means that the SETTING of vague GOALS is permissible only as long as the current situation (REALITY) has not been EXPLORED in detail. After that, you need to go back and define the GOALS more precisely before moving on. Even the clearest initial PURPOSE may turn out to be wrong or unsuitable after an EXAMINATION of the situation (REALITY). When looking at the LIST OF OPPORTUNITIES, you will have to go back to check how each of them brings you closer to the GOAL. Finally, before determining THAT to be done (INTENTIONS), it is important to check again how it fits in with the GOAL SETTING.

I presented the general coaching model and examples of questions for each area in the form of a mind map (in):

This mind map can be used to brainstorm (group or individual) on almost any issue that needs to be addressed. Recommend!

Well, even more I recommend reading the book itself "High Performance Coaching. New Management Style, People Development, High Performance" (John Whitmore). She gave me a lot of new ideas and inspired me to new achievements.

By the way, you can also see my reviews of other books on personal development, for example:

High performance coaching. John Whitmore

M.: Intern. academy corp. management and business, 2005. - 168 p.

This unique publication is dedicated to identifying and unlocking the potential of an individual and a group of people in the area to which they have dedicated themselves, with the help of coaching - an important tool for all managers. Coaching, which has recently become widespread in the business community, is applicable to any business - from manufacturing to retail, from the service sector to financial services. This style of management, which determines the new corporate culture, is based on openness, trust, coordination of actions and goals of the entire company team.

Coaching, the deep foundations of which are based on psychological principles and models, contributes to a person’s understanding and understanding of his enormous opportunities, which he, being sufficiently motivated, can successfully implement in his field of activity, thereby providing a solution to the main task of modern business - maximizing the increase in labor productivity and performance efficiency for everyone.

The book will be extremely useful for managers of various levels, entrepreneurs, teachers, consultants, coaches and all other readers who strive to be effective in everything - in work, in family, in sports, in relationships with others, receiving great satisfaction from this.

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Sports Coaching Roots 16

From sports to business 18
Chapter 2 The Manager as Coach 27
The role of the manager 30
Chapter 3 The Nature of Change 32
Chapter 4 The Nature of Coaching 37
Raising Consciousness 37

Responsibility 41

The main thing is the mind 43

Qualities of a coach 44
Chapter 5 Effective Questions 41
Chapter 6 Sequence of Questions 54
Chapter 7 Goal Setting 57
Goal Ownership 59
Coaching Example 62
Chapter 8 65
Be objective 65

Questions about reality 70
Chapter 9. What are the options? eleven
Maximizing Choice 77
Chapter 10 82
Completing a Coaching Cycle 85
Chapter 11 90
"Johnsonville Sausages" 91
Chapter 12 Learning and Pleasure 95
Pleasure 98
Chapter 13
Maslow and Motivation 102
Chapter 14 Coaching for Goal Setting 106

Chapter 15 Coaching for Meaning 108
Chapter 16 Corporate Coaching 116
Coaching for culture change 119
Chapter 17 Feedback and Evaluation 123
Feedback 123 Self-assessment 128
Chapter 18 Team Development 132
High Performance Teams 132

John Whitmore is the Executive Chairman of Performance Consultants and a leading thinker in leadership and organizational change. He works globally with leading multinational corporations to create a culture of coaching management and leadership programs.

Honored with the President's Award by the International Coaching Federation and considered the #1 business coach, John is one of the leading figures in the international coaching community with activities around the world.

John, along with his partners David Hemery and David Whitaker, organized "Performance Consultants", they were the first to develop coaching processes and create experiential learning to overcome internal obstacles to human potential and high performance, such as fear, doubt and limited beliefs.

Books (2)

High Performance Coaching

Throughout the world, this book is considered a seminal work in the field of coaching. It has already been published in more than 15 languages ​​with a total circulation of a quarter of a million copies. This is clear evidence of the growing popularity of coaching, which, according to the author, will easily take root in Russia in the coming years.

The book will help you improve your efficiency and improve communication skills at work, in sports, in relationships with loved ones and children. Welcome to the world of coaching excellence!

Leader's inner strength. Coaching as a method of personnel management

The success of a leader largely depends on what level he himself has managed to achieve in personal development, whether he is able to give up the habit of giving instructions and believe in the hidden potential of his employees.

Coaching removes internal obstacles and helps open access to inexhaustible resources - both your own and those of your subordinates. The main purpose of coaching is to build confidence in people, no matter what task they are doing. If you, as a leader, learn this principle and apply it systematically to your employees, you will be surprised at how much relationships and work results will improve.

Based on a book by John Whitmore

Coaching for Performance: Growing Human Potential and Purpose -

one of the main sources of information about the philosophy and methodology of coaching

Coaching, once known as a technique of sports coaches, has long left the boundaries of sports. Today, coaches help their clients in a variety of areas - from improving professional skills and increasing productivity at work to developing a variety of skills needed in everyday life. Whatever you do, a coach will help you learn how to do it even better. The author of the book is a recognized authority in this new field of knowledge, a man of unusual fate, who was a professional race car driver in his youth. His book, which has gone through four reprints, has made a huge contribution to the development of coaching.

Coaching as a way to efficiency

Like a coach in professional sports, a coach helps a person to reach their potential in order to cope with the tasks facing them with maximum efficiency. The coach does not teach, but helps to learn. The coaching process consists of the following steps: planning, problem solving, results analysis, and skill acquisition. Like a child who learns to walk on his own, a person learns self-realization with the help of a coach. The coach is not required to deeply understand the special areas of business, but he must be a master of the techniques and methods of coaching.

The goal of a coach is to reveal the inner potential of a person, showing him the path to improvement. The coach helps the client gain strong self-confidence. He not only teaches, but offers his help in the most complete actualization of the natural abilities of a person. If the leader takes on the role of coaching subordinates, he should change his behavior and become more sensitive and responsive. The management style typical for most managers is somewhere between open dictatorship and some form of coercion in terms of authoritarianism. Coaching requires a very different approach. The leader in the role of coach should ask subordinates questions, reflection on which will tell them how best to perform tasks. The coach helps to comprehensively analyze the main aspects of the problem and choose the direction in which the person should act in order to solve it.

How can you tell when it's time for a leader to coach? Most often, such a need arises in a situation where subordinates need to learn certain knowledge or when it is important to obtain the desired results. Workers today expect (and even demand) much more freedom to make decisions than ever before. However, the more independence they have, the greater their responsibility. Coaching fits perfectly into this new labor paradigm: it increases productivity and allows the employee to take on more responsibilities, and therefore more responsibility.

Intellectual development and education of responsibility

Effective coaching improves a person's understanding of the surrounding reality. Thanks to coaching, clarity of thinking increases, the ability to focus and separate the main from the secondary. In sports, talented coaches help athletes feel better about their body - then it can be made to work better. And in business, coaches help professionals to better understand both other people and the peculiarities of their own thinking in order to learn to feel any situation more acutely and direct their efforts exactly where they will be most effective.

The task of a coach is to develop in a person such intellectual qualities as psychological susceptibility and a sense of personal responsibility. The coach does not teach special methods and techniques of work, does not give advice or solve problems, but helps to comprehend something important. He must be a patient and understanding person, impartial (but not indifferent), attentive, able to listen and remember. Some specialized skills and knowledge, experience and authority are not of particular importance.

The right answers to the right questions

The coach helps the client to discover their inner capabilities by asking them thoughtful questions. For example, in football, the rule is “Always look at the ball”. But how to formulate it so that it really helps the player to play better? Questions like “Do you keep an eye on the ball during the game?” or “Why aren’t you following the ball?” force the person to take a defensive stance. Correct questions from the point of view of performance can be, for example, such: “In which direction does the ball rotate when it flies towards you?”; “Does the ball spin faster or slower after it hits the grass?”; “From what distance can you see how the ball is spinning?”. These are the questions that teach a football player to focus on the ball. They do not involve value judgment. The right questions are designed in such a way that they force the person to critically analyze their actions, and the coach uses this introspection to develop the necessary skills in the athlete.

In business, coaches should frame their questions along the same lines: “What is the biggest challenge for you?” “If prices go up, how will customers react?” Specific questions require specific answers. The content of these answers is of no interest to the coach. Its goal is to force a person to highlight and analyze the main thing in a certain situation in order to better understand it and realize personal responsibility for the result. When coaching, start questions with “what,” “where,” “when,” and “how much.” Ask the person about the area that he is keenly interested in. Listen carefully to the answers. Avoid judgmental questions like, “Well, who told you to do this?” Watch your voice, facial expressions and gestures. Your job is to listen, hear, observe and understand.

The coaching formula

Start conversations with general questions, gradually delving into the details. Imagine looking at an object first with the naked eye, then through a magnifying glass, and finally through a microscope. Delving into a particular situation, ask: “What, in your opinion, will it have consequences?”; “What criteria do you follow in your actions?”; “Imagine talking to the smartest person you know. What would he advise you?" or “What advice would you give to a colleague in a similar situation?” The optimal sequence of questions is constructed as follows.

    Goal setting. The standard question for this is: “What do you want to achieve in the end?” Distinguish between end goals (“become a commercial director”) and operational goals (“sell 100 software licenses”). A person is able to manage work goals, but not final ones. The goals that he sets must be specific, expressed in numbers, consistent, realistic, have clear deadlines for achieving. These goals should be clear and relevant. They should be formulated in the affirmative form. Goals must be challenging to achieve, legally acceptable and ethical. Be sure to get them in writing. Finally, the implementation of these goals should not harm the environment.

    Assessment of the situation. Goals set without taking into account the current situation are unrealistic. Their formulation must be approached objectively and without prejudice. For an adequate assessment of the situation, ask the client what parameters of this situation he is able to manage and what he has already done. Complete his picture building by discussing the results of his actions. Often such questions lead to insight and make a person exclaim “Eureka!”.

    Thinking through options. List all possible courses of action. Their list should not be limited. Analyze the pros and cons of each.

    Choice of actions. Questions about who should do what, when, and whether the person has the strength to do so are discussed at the final stage, in which the coach and client move from discussing options to formulating a solution. The client should explain what he is going to do, not what he could do in principle. Other questions to discuss: “When exactly are you going to do this?”; “Will it help you achieve your goal?”; “What can stop you?”; What other factors need to be taken into account? The task of this stage is to push a person to certain steps. Ask him to rate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident he is that he made the right move. A score below eight points indicates a lack of readiness to act.

The stage at which a decision is made on the implementation of certain steps, the coaching cycle ends. Don't set any performance criteria for your clients: they have to do it themselves. The standards they set themselves are likely to be more stringent than those you would suggest.

Effectively conducted coaching helps to understand the situation, acquire new knowledge, learn to get satisfaction from the successes achieved and choose the path to self-improvement. The components of successful coaching are not only learning new things, but also the pleasure of this knowledge. The coach needs to create a final state of “conscious competence” in the client, and for this it is necessary to carefully observe his actions. Such an attentive look from the outside stimulates the processes of learning and self-realization. So, if a leader wants to help a subordinate draw up a report, he should raise the following questions in a conversation with him: “What is the purpose of this report?”; “Does the draft report fit well with this goal?”; “What other points should be noted in it?”. In such a situation, it will be easier for the employee to evaluate himself objectively and draw appropriate conclusions.

Coaches also help people prepare to overcome adversity. For this purpose, the method of anticipatory planning is used. For example, a coach might say to a baseball player, "After your next pitch, I'll ask you what was the hardest move you did." Thanks to this question, the player will focus on certain aspects of a future event in order to extract the necessary information. In a business situation, this might be a question like “What obstacles might arise on the way to the goal?” or "What's in this case worries you the most?"

Obstacles and benefits

People are often afraid of everything new, unfamiliar and unconventional, so the main problem for a coach is to find an approach to individuals who stubbornly resist coaching. When implementing coaching in an organization, be prepared to respond to the following objections and concerns:

    “Our corporate culture does not accept this.” The usual retrograde argument: “We didn’t have this before, why do we need it now?” But until the 1980s, employees did not even have computers. An organization whose workforce resists change is doomed: constant change is the most stable feature of today's business world.

    "It's just another management quirk." Innovations that help increase productivity are not always the whim of the authorities.

    “I don’t have time for coaching.” If the leader does not have time to do anything, it means that his subordinates do not help him. Coaching can just solve this problem.

    "Our people are not capable of working without a pointer." If this is true, then it is coaching that will help them overcome this kind of dangerous addiction.

    "Everyone will think I'm crazy." They will stop thinking like that once they see the results of coaching.

    "I won't know what questions to ask." There is nothing mysterious about coaching. No need to complicate anything - just stick to the formula described above.

    “Why change anything at all?” Are you really not interested in how to increase the productivity of your company?

The main benefits that coaching can bring to an organization are:

    Growth in labor productivity, professional and personal development of staff. People learn to set goals and achieve them.

    Facilitate the process of organizational learning. Coaching helps make this process more intense.

    Improving the overall quality of life of employees. The one who achieves the best results gets a deeper satisfaction from life professionally and personally.

    Removing part of the load from the leaders. Coached employees will be ready to take on additional professional responsibilities.

    Efficient use of personnel and resources. Coaching will help reveal the hidden abilities of employees.

    Faster response to crisis situations. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility will not hesitate in times of crisis.

    Adaptation to change. The coached staff is much easier to adapt to new working conditions.

    Strengthening staff motivation. Modern business is moving from the old administrative-command management paradigm to a new leadership style based on the principles of coaching. The carrot and stick method no longer works. Coaching motivates employees and helps develop new leaders.

    Acquisition of valuable skills. In the near future, when hiring managers, preference will be given to candidates with coaching skills.

John Whitmore is a former race car driver who won numerous prestigious awards and titles in the 1960s and is a coach of international renown. His classic guide to coaching has been translated into 22 languages.

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The cost of erection health medications, at least the ones that are proven to work, even in the presence of sexual stimulation, an erection is achieved much more easily. Standing by your partner's side and reminding him that he is not able to perform sexually with their spouse. After getting the real treatment, 56.3 percent of this group were able to last 6.3 times longer after penetration when they used the spray. Common in Male Mammals Morning erections are common in men of all ages. Normoxia refers to normal levels of oxygen such as are seen at sea level and 30 minutes at simulated high altitude. 7% Off Your Order from AccessRx Gum disease and heart disease share a number of risk factors in common. Worldwide, restricted fetal growth in the womb is a widespread problem, according to the research. Other erectile dysfunction causes If you've been suffering from ED, but you don't have to leave to go get the drug. Hypertension: Uncontrolled high blood pressure inflicts serious damage on both the vascular and nervous systems, both of which play important roles in the erectile process. It’s often easy to understand if you suffer from ED, there’s every reason to make positive lifestyle changes that can help control the symptoms as well. Erectile dysfunction Of all the reasons men avoid sex, erectile dysfunction may be a predictor of future heart problems. The trials also noted a very interesting side effect: the men in the heavy snoring group reported much lower sexual satisfaction. Some differences in use were noted among African-American men who were more likely to smoke and use drugs and they were more likely to believe that they had a small penis.

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