Cultural differences between West and East Germans. East Germans support Russia and dream of secession from Germany

The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has prepared an electronic statistical compendium "Healthcare in Russia - 2017". It presents the main indicators characterizing the development of healthcare and the state of health of the population of the Russian Federation in 2016 in comparison with a number of previous years.

When preparing the collection, data received by state statistics bodies from legal entities and the population through federal statistical observation, sample surveys and other forms of statistical observation, data from ministries and departments of the Russian Federation were used.

The statistical compilation "Healthcare in Russia - 2017" is freely available on the official Internet portal of Rosstat There you can also download collections for previous years, which have been published since 2001 with a frequency of once every two years.

The published collection provides information on the medical and demographic aspects of the health of the population and its individual socio-demographic groups, the organization of medical and preventive care and sanatorium treatment of the population, as well as the state of the labor market in healthcare, the production of medical goods, the consumer goods market and health services. Information about the state of the environment and sanitary and epidemiological control is given. Methodological explanations are placed at the beginning of each section.

Statistical information in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is highlighted in a separate electronic application.

Statistical information on the state of healthcare in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is presented mainly for 2005, 2010, 2013-2016. Information for other years was placed in the collections published in 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015.

The statistical compendium "Healthcare in Russia - 2017" is intended for managers and specialists of health authorities and medical organizations, medical statisticians, researchers, faculty, graduate students and students of medical, economic and statistical universities, and other interested users.

1. Demographic situation

The section publishes data on the size and composition of the population by age and sex, general indicators of population reproduction: fertility, mortality (by age and sex and by cause of death). Population censuses are the primary source of population data. The estimate of the population in the intercensal period is based on the results of the last population census.

2. Health status of the population

The section provides information from the Ministry of Health of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor and Rosstat on the incidence of the population by main classes, groups and individual types of diseases, the health status of the urban and rural population, as well as certain socio-demographic groups of the population - women, men, children. The information of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the disability of the population is presented.

3. Resources and activities of health organizations

The section publishes information on the network and material and technical base of medical and preventive organizations, as well as on the provision of medical and preventive care to the population.

4. Employment and wages in health care, training

The section presents data on the number and wages of employees employed by the type of economic activity "Health care and the provision of social services", information on the number of doctors and paramedical personnel, their distribution by individual specialties, as well as information on the training, graduation and employment of specialists with secondary vocational and higher education for the healthcare system. For the first time, the data of selective observation of employment of graduates of educational organizations are presented.

5. Recreation, physical culture and sports

The section publishes information on the activities of recreation organizations, tourist camps, as well as on the network of sports facilities, the number of people involved in physical education and sports.

6. Living conditions of the population

The section provides information on the main factors influencing the formation of public health, the impact on the environment of economic and other human activities, on measures aimed at protecting the environment, working conditions and the level of industrial injuries, as well as on social and living conditions and public order .

7. Main economic indicators of healthcare

The section presents macroeconomic indicators and the main economic indicators of healthcare development, information on the development of the consumer market for healthcare products and services, the production of medicines, medical equipment and equipment for the disabled in the Russian Federation, the sale of medicines, chemical and pharmaceutical products and medical products, the provision of paid services in the field of health care and recreation, average consumer prices for certain types of goods and services of health care and recreation.

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Course work

Hand the topic: « Health statistics of the Russian Federation»

Completed by a 4th year student

Potapov V.S.

Groups No. 42708/1

Checked by teacher:

Shubina A.V.

St. Petersburg, 2013


1. Theoretical aspects of health statistics

1.1 The concept and essence of health statistics

1.2 The socioeconomic importance of health statistics

1.3 Health problems in Russia

2. Statistical analysis of the state of healthcare in Russia

3. Development of measures to optimize healthcare


List of sources

Annex 1 "Number of persons recognized as disabled"

Annex 2 "Stationary social service institutions for the elderly and disabled"

Annex 3 "Number of places in stationary social service institutions for the elderly and disabled"

Annex 4 "Number of disabled children under the age of 16"

Annex 5 "Distribution of the number of persons recognized as disabled in 2000 - 2010"


Along with material conditions, the most important indicator of the standard of living of the population is the state of its health. To assess the health status of the population, it is advisable to use a system of indicators that characterizes the general level of health care services and their availability, the level and causes of morbidity, and the state of the environment.

Health care covers the activities of various types of hospitals and medical institutions, including hospitals, dispensaries, polyclinics and outpatient clinics, maternity hospitals, feldsher-obstetric stations, ambulance and emergency medical care stations, sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients, sanitary and epidemiological disinfection stations and the like.

The level of medical care and its accessibility to the population largely depend directly on the activities of healthcare institutions.

The purpose of the course work is the analysis of health statistics. To achieve the goal in this work, the main directions for improving health care will be argued and supported by theoretical conclusions and practical calculations.

Based on the goal, the following tasks can be formed:

1. Consider the theoretical aspect of the issue;

2. Analyze the state of healthcare over a number of years;

3. Based on the analysis carried out, propose directions for optimizing health care.

The work will consist of three chapters.

First chapter is of a general theoretical nature, here the concept of "health statistics" will be disclosed, its essence and indicators characterizing it.

Second chapter is analytical. Here, a statistical analysis of digital data on the topic of the question will be carried out. Appropriate conclusions will be drawn.

Third chapter is general. It will analyze measures to optimize the activities of statistical work on the topic, draw conclusions.

In the course of the course work, a number of sources will be used: educational literature, reporting forms and other internal documentation, Internet sources.

1. Theoretical aspects of health statistics

1.1 The concept and essence of health statistics

Health statistics is a branch of statistics that studies phenomena and processes in the field of public health and medicine.

The main tasks of health statistics are the development of special methods for studying mass processes and phenomena in medicine and health care; identification of the most significant patterns and trends in the health of the population as a whole and in its various groups (age, gender, occupational, etc.) in relation to specific conditions and lifestyle: study and assessment of the state and dynamics of the development of the network, the activities of health care institutions and medical personnel .

Health statistics are based on the general theory of statistics and mathematical statistics. An important role in the development of the theory and practice of health statistics belongs to mathematics, cybernetics, computer science, computer technology, automated information processing systems.

The practice of health statistics is based on the nationwide accounting and reporting system adopted in the USSR . The most important technical means of health statistics are modern computers, means of communication, transmission, storage and display of information.

Health statistics include:

1. General theory and methods.

2. Population health statistics

3. Statistics of medicine.

4. Application of methods of health statistics in management, in clinical, laboratory, experimental studies.

Health statistics is one of the main sections of medical statistics. Health statistics creates specific methods and techniques for collecting, processing, transmitting, storing, analyzing and evaluating information about the state and changes in the network of institutions and health authorities, their activities, health personnel and medical property.

For statistical science, developing the methodology of statistical research, it is very important to improve the system of statistical indicators, techniques and methods for collecting, processing, accumulating and analyzing statistical information in the conditions of modern technical capabilities. This is of great importance for the development and improvement of the efficiency of the entire life support system in the country, the development of healthcare management systems in the social sphere.

Improving information systems puts forward the need for new approaches to the indicators used in healthcare institutions. They should be simple, specific, universal and reflect changes in health care. Widespread use of complex measures of population health and other statistical indicators modifies the set, volume and nature of signs to be recorded in medical records, which must be improved.

Currently, statistical data on the incidence are widely used, and an objective assessment of these data is required.

The main reasons limiting the use of traditional data on the incidence of the population is the collection of information on detected and registered diseases by doctors only in medical institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

When collecting data, there is often duplication of information, in addition, not all medical institutions involved in data collection are sufficiently staffed, in accordance with current recommendations, diagnoses established by paramedics serving a significant part of the population in a number of regions are not taken into account, which affects the value of generalizing indicators .

When a disease was detected in persons who received medical care in a hospital not at their place of residence, an appropriate statistical document was filled out and sent to a medical institution at the patient's place of residence.

A new look at the statistics of morbidity in the country is necessary in connection with the fundamental changes in the system of medical support for the population in recent years, the development of a multi-structure of health care, and the emergence of new forms of organization.

Today, a Russian citizen has been granted the right to freely choose a medical institution, regardless of his place of residence and work, as well as the form of ownership of the institution providing medical services.

There is no further consolidation of the content of these documents, and in most cases, data from the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development are used to characterize the incidence of the population as a country as a whole.

The general theory and methods of health statistics include the methodology of medical statistical research, i.e., a set of specific scientific methods and techniques for collecting, processing, analyzing and evaluating medical statistical information.

The main methods of statistical research are:

1. Statistical observation (including methods of planning and organization).

2. Grouping and summary of observation materials.

3.Methods of primary statistical data processing (calculation of derived values ​​- average and relative, criteria for their reliability).

4. The method of selective medical and statistical research, including an assessment of the representativeness (representativeness) of sample data.

5. Methods of mathematical and statistical analysis: statistical assessment of the significance of differences between compared indicators, research and evaluation of relationships and interdependencies, research into the dynamics of phenomena and processes, statistical planning of an experiment, forecasting, multivariate statistical analysis, graphical analysis, etc.

Medico-statistical research includes five independent, but interrelated stages:

1) research planning (goal formulation, development of tasks, program and research plan);

2) statistical observation (collection of material for its subsequent statistical processing);

3) statistical grouping and summary of observation materials;

4) primary statistical data processing;

5) scientific and statistical analysis, graphic and literary presentation of the results of the study. Despite the presence of stages, the medical-statistical study is a single, organically connected whole, which is based on a holistic, systematic approach to the object under study.

The object of medical and statistical research is mass processes occurring among the population, in the areas of providing medical care and conducting sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, the analysis of which allows us to reveal and characterize quantitatively the patterns and characteristics of the health of the population as a whole and its constituent groups, the development and course of diseases among various groups population, activities of health authorities and institutions.

Population health statistics develops specific methods and techniques for collecting, processing, analyzing and evaluating medical and statistical information about all processes and phenomena that characterize the state and dynamics of the health of the population, its homogeneous groups in connection with specific social, economic and natural conditions (demographic processes, physical development, morbidity of the population, temporary disability, disability, etc.).

Health statistics creates specific methods and techniques for collecting, processing, transmitting, storing, analyzing and evaluating information about the state and changes in the network of institutions and health authorities, their activities, health personnel, medical property, etc.

An important place in health statistics is occupied by actual medical and statistical data, regularly collected, processed, analyzed and used in daily operational work by institutions and health authorities, as well as sent in a strictly established order of subordination in the form of special state medical reporting documents. For this purpose, a medical statistical service has been created in the health care system, the lower level of which is the offices of medical records and statistics of medical institutions. The main task of this service is to provide institutions and health authorities with reliable, complete and timely information.

One of the important areas of health statistics is the development of evidence-based criteria (indicators), the state of health of the population and the activities of institutions and health authorities, as well as systems of such criteria (indicators) that can be used in the process of managerial work in order to objectively assess emerging specific situations. (medical activities, activities of specific institutions, their groups, etc.), their planning and forecasting.

Important medical and statistical indicators are indicators of public health (mortality, morbidity, etc.), indicators characterizing the work of medical institutions (city polyclinic, children's clinic, antenatal clinic, dental clinic, hospital, maternity hospital, emergency medical care, etc.). ), sanitary-prophylactic, pharmacy and other medical institutions (divisions).

Medico-statistical indicators are periodically reviewed in accordance with the new tasks of health care, the development of medical science and practice, and the technical equipment of health services.

1.2 Socio-economic importance of health statistics

The tasks of statistical observation in health care are to describe the processes taking place in this industry, statistical analysis of the impact of reforms on the level of medical care and the state of health of the population.

For the statistical development of data on the incidence of the population, the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization X revision is used, which ensures comparability of data in cross-country comparisons. Statistical reporting data serve as the basis for analyzing the level and structure of morbidity for the main groups of diseases, their dynamics, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the spread of certain types of diseases, their danger to the population.

Additional information about the state of health of the population can be data on temporary incapacity for work of employees, which is measured by the number of days of incapacity for work, confirmed by sick leave certificates or other documents.

In addition to indicators of statistical reporting in domestic practice, selective thematic surveys of public health, the availability of medical services and assessment of their quality by the population are used. At the same time, the best results are achieved if, along with a survey of the population, the state of medical care in medical institutions where the surveyed population applied is simultaneously examined.

To study the activities of the medical institution according to the above indicators, a survey of the population seeking medical care in the surveyed medical institution is carried out.

The significance of information about the state of health received from the population increases due to the fact that they can be analyzed in combination with the most important indicators of the material conditions of life of the examined persons, namely in relation to income, type of occupation, household composition, presence and age of children, level and structure food consumption. Information on the listed indicators is collected simultaneously with the population's information about health.

1.3 Health problems in Russia

Health care is the most important industry for the successful and successful development of any country. The health of citizens, and, consequently, the quality of the labor force, and labor productivity, and economic growth depend on the state of the healthcare system. Therefore, it is important not to forget about the role of this industry for the country as a whole and to pay more and more attention to health problems. In recent years, the healthcare system has undergone many changes. A health crisis arose as a result of the long dominance of the residual principle of financing and the consequent lack of financial resources. In recent years, about 3% of GDP has been allocated to health care. The country still lacks qualified economists in medical institutions, so the available resources are used inefficiently, which leads to insufficient provision of material resources, equipment and devices. There is a shortage of qualified medical personnel, as wages in the industry are low and people are not motivated to go to work in institutions funded by compulsory health insurance. As can be seen, there is a need to analyze the methods of managing healthcare institutions, identify the main problems in this area and suggest possible ways to solve them.

The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete spiritual, physical and social well-being".

Traditionally, there are three main models of financing the activities of health care institutions:

1. Budget financing.

2. Funding from social insurance funds.

3. Financing through private insurance.

In practice, mixed funding models can be observed. In Russia, the largest share of financing comes from social insurance funds. The resources of the social insurance system are made up of mandatory tax or insurance contributions from employers, deductions from independent entrepreneurs and the transfer of part of other tax funds from pension programs, unemployment benefits and others. Private insurance is also developing, mainly either at the expense of the employer, or individual insurance, as a rule, for citizens who do not have the right to use compulsory health insurance.

Recently, new systems of payment for medical services are beginning to be used, such as:

1.Payment case

2. Average daily payment

3. Uniform payment-bonus

4.Per capita financing

The demand for paid medical services is growing rapidly. It is necessary to combine the system of paid medical services with the system of compulsory medical insurance in order to “transfer” money from one system to another and thereby solve the problems of underfunding and lack of necessary equipment for medical institutions.

At the moment, the Ministry of Social Development and Health has developed a number of bills that involve reforming the healthcare system in the country. Among them:

1. Draft federal law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance";

2. Draft federal law "On state guarantees of medical care";

3. Draft federal law "On state (municipal) autonomous non-profit organizations";

4. Draft federal law "On Autonomous Institutions".

These projects are designed to improve the functioning of the healthcare system and solve the problems of financing hospitals and clinics.

statistics health development event

2. Statistical analysis of the state of healthaboutguards in Russia

Calculation of indicators of the dynamics of changes in the number of persons recognized as disabled for the period 2008-2011.

Let's perform a statistical analysis of the data (Table 1)

Table 1 Distribution of the number of persons recognized as disabled in 2008-2011

Let's calculate the indicators of the dynamic series (Table 2)

Table 2 Calculation of indicators of the dynamic series

1. Compared to the base year 2008, the number of persons recognized as disabled:

In 2010 v by 73 thousand people or by 8%;

In 2011 v by 94 thousand people or by 10%.

2. Compared to the previous year, the number of persons recognized as disabled:

In 2009 v by 32 thousand people or by 4%;

In 2010 v by 41 thousand people or by 5%;

In 2011 v by 21 thousand people or 3%.

1) Y cf = (966+934+893+872)/4= 916.25

2) D cf = (-32-41-21) / (4-1) = -31.3

3) I cf == 0.965

4) Tr cf \u003d 0.965 * 100% \u003d 96.5%

5) Tpr avg \u003d 96.5% - 100% \u003d -3.5%

Conclusions: The average number of persons recognized as disabled in the period 2008-2011 amounted to 916.25 thousand people. On average, the number of persons recognized as disabled decreased by 3.5% annually.

Complete data on certain types of diseases in people with disabilities are reflected in Appendix 5.

Let's make a statistical analysis of the data (Table 3)

Table 3 Number of disabled children under the age of 16 in 2008-2011

Let's calculate the indicators of the dynamic series (Table 4)

Table 4 Calculation of indicators of the dynamic series

1. Compared to the base year 2008, the number of children with disabilities:

In 2009, by 4 thousand people or by 0.8%;

In 2010, by 26 thousand people or by 5%;

In 2011, by 58 thousand people or by 11%.

2. Compared to the previous year, the number of children with disabilities:

In 2009 by 4 thousand people or by 0.8%;

In 2010, by 22 thousand people or by 4%;

In 2011, by 32 thousand people or by 6%.

Let's calculate the system of average indicators:

1) Y cf = (515+519+541+573)/4= 537

2) D cf \u003d (4 + 22 + 32) / (4-1) \u003d 19.3

3) I cf == 1.04

4) Tr cf \u003d 1.04 * 100% \u003d 104%

5) Tpr avg = 104% - 100% = 4%

Conclusion: The average number of children with disabilities from 2008 to 2011 was 537 thousand people. On average, the number of children with disabilities increased by 4% annually.

Full data is shown in Appendix 4.

3. Development of measures to optimize healthaboutsecurity

Healthcare is still the most unreformed industry. Several tasks of health care reform should be singled out, which in turn will improve its condition. First, it is giving health care the status of the most important factor and element of the country's security system. Secondly, the demonopolization of public health. Thirdly, the search and implementation of alternative sources of financing, the development of additional paid services that are adequate to the material possibilities of each citizen. Fourth, it is the restructuring of the healthcare system and the priority development of primary medical and social care based on the principles of general medical and family practice.

Of course, the structural reform of health care, the streamlining of the provision of medical care should be carried out taking into account the medical and demographic situation in the country and be based on the identification of the main priorities in protecting public health:

1) reducing the prevalence of smoking and tobacco use;

2) improving the structure and quality of nutrition;

3) increase in physical activity of people;

4) weakening the influence of psychosocial factors and, if possible, their prevention;

5) decrease in alcohol consumption;

6) prevention of drug use;

7) prevention of HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases;

8) prevention and correction of the damaging effects of anthropogenic factors, improving the quality of the environment;

9) ensuring wide coverage of the population with immunization.

Correction of the impact of these factors, especially those associated with lifestyle, should lead to a decrease in mortality, primarily from cardiovascular diseases and external causes (accidents, poisoning, injuries).

Calculations based on multivariate models of expected mortality rates depending on the impact of a number of major risk factors indicate that if the impact on the working-age population of at least two factors and only by 15% is reduced, a decrease in overall mortality by about 10% should be expected.

Based on this, it is necessary to form a science-based concept of protecting the health of the population of the Russian Federation in the context of socio-economic reforms, the main goal of which would be the formation of favorable trends in the state of public health.

In this regard, it is now necessary to:

To form among the population the motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

Improve the social and environment;

Ensure the legal equality of citizens in the field of health care;

Strengthen the preventive orientation in the activities of all services related to the protection of public health.


This paper examines the theoretical foundations and the current state of health statistics in Russia, the essence of health statistics, research methods, as well as the socio-economic significance of health statistics, problems and prospects for its development.

At the moment, for the proper functioning of health statistics, it is necessary to collect reliable and complete information about the health of the population, analyze the data and ensure good funding for the industry.l

Health statistics is a section of medical and statistical information about the network and activities of health care institutions, the volume and quality of their work. It is extremely important for making the right management decisions, optimizing the organization of work, more accurate planning and forecasting of the activities of institutions and health services.

Currently, it is necessary to obtain reliable information in order to prevent possible distortions that may be associated with the peculiarity of the mechanisms for paying for medical care, which requires regular monitoring of statistical activities in the field. To characterize the incidence of the population both in the country as a whole and in different regions and territories in different models, in most cases only the data of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia are used, that is, they are obviously incomplete. Morbidity statistics are widely used, and an objective assessment of these data is required.

Obtaining a complete and reliable statistical picture of the health of the population of Russia is a matter of the future, which will be a unified, methodically sound information technology system based on the implementation of relevant legal regulations.

List of sources

1. - Newspaper "Arguments and Facts"

2. - Center for the study of health problems.

3. - Federal State Statistics Service.

4. - Portal of scientific seminars.

5. - Nezavisimaya newspaper.

6. - Free encyclopedia.

7. - Portal of statistical data.

8. - Medical portal about health.

9. - World Health Organization.

Annex 1. Number of persons recognized as disabled

thousand people

per 10,000 population 2)

As a percentage of the total number of persons with disabilities:

disabled people of group I

group II disabled

disabled group III

Of the total number of disabled people - disabled people of working age:

total, thousand people

as a percentage of the total

number of people with disabilities

1) Until 2000 - at the age of 16 and over, since 2000 - at the age of 18 and over.

2) For 2005-2009 the indicator is calculated using the population size without taking into account HPT-2010, for 2010 - taking into account the preliminary results of HPT-2010.

PAnnex 2. Stationary social service institutions(at the end of the year)

Number of institutions for senior citizens and adults with disabilities

places, thousand

living, thousand people

Number of institutions for disabled children

places, thousand

living, thousand people

As of January 1, 2011, 19.2 thousand people were on the waiting list for placement in institutions for adults, 0.5 thousand children - in institutions for children.

There were 9 rehabilitation centers for young people with disabilities, in which they lived

2.2 thousand people, 28 houses of mercy (1.9 thousand people), 32 geriatric centers (7.9 thousand people).

Of the total number of buildings of institutions for the elderly and disabled, 1.0% were in disrepair, 2.6% were dilapidated, and 5.5% required reconstruction.

Russian Statistical Yearbook - 2011

Copyright © Federal State Statistics Service

Appendix 3. Number of places in stationary social service institutionsandvaniyaelderly and disabled citizens(at the end of the year)

Number of places in institutions

Of the total number - places, thousand

Number of places in institutions

Of the total number - places, thousand

total, thousand

for disabled children

total, thousand

per 10,000 population 1)

for senior citizens disabled adults

for disabled children

1) For 2005-2009 the indicator is calculated using the population size without taking into account the results of the HPT-2010, for 2010 - taking into account the preliminary results of the HPT-2010.

Russian Statistical Yearbook - 2011

Copyright © Federal State Statistics Service

Annex 4. The number of disabled children under the age of 16 who receiveaboutsocial pensions 1) (as of the end of the year; 2007, 2008, 2010 - as of January 1 of the year following the reporting year)

1) Since 2000 - registration of disabled children under the age of 18 years.

Russian Statistical Yearbook - 2011

Copyright © Federal State Statistics Service

Annex 5. Distribution of the number of persons recognized as disabled,in 2000 - 2010

Total, thousand people

All diseases


diseases of the nervous system

respiratory diseases

diseases of the digestive system

occupational diseases

Per 10,000 population 2)

All diseases


malignant neoplasms

diseases of the endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders

mental and behavioral disorders

diseases of the nervous system

diseases of the eye and its adnexa

diseases of the ear and mastoid process

diseases of the circulatory system

respiratory diseases

diseases of the digestive system

diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

consequences of injuries, poisonings and other influences of external causes

consequences of work injuries

occupational diseases

1) Including data from the Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on certain types of economic activity with especially dangerous working conditions.

2) For 2005-2009 The indicators are calculated using the population size without taking into account the results of the HPT-2010, for 2010 - taking into account the preliminary results of the HPT-2010.

Russian Statistical Yearbook - 2011

Copyright © Federal State Statistics Service

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The effectiveness of measures to provide medical care to the population depends on several factors. One of them is the reliability of the information received about the state of the health care system in the country and the features of its functioning. Health statistics reflects its quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Importance of accounting in medicine

Analysis of statistical accounting data allows you to:

  • evaluate the quality of medical and preventive activities of medical institutions;
  • identify patterns in changes in the health of the population;
  • make competent decisions in the field of management;
  • more rationally organize the work of specialists.

The role of statistics in health care is to form an objective picture of the health of the population using various indicators:

  • the structure of morbidity, which is considered by the prevalence of different types of pathologies;
  • the number of patients in the reporting period;
  • capabilities of medical institutions;
  • the number of medical personnel and their specialization.

Health statistics indicators also take into account:

  • the degree of provision of institutions with medical equipment;
  • hospital capacity;
  • the cost of maintaining beds;
  • duration of the postoperative period;
  • information about the results of treatment of patients;
  • opportunity for the population to receive specialized assistance.

WHO achievements

The World Health Organization notes that statistics is one of the most important tools for planning and organizing an effective system of medical care for the population. Having incomplete or distorted information regarding either the causes of the increase in incidence and, it is impossible to determine measures to improve the situation.

The WHO report World Health Statistics 2017 notes the progress made in disease control between 2000 and 2015:

  • the number of infected people decreased by 35%;
  • the probability of serious pathologies (heart disease,) decreased by 17%;
  • the rate of vaccination of children against tetanus and whooping cough increased by 14%.

At the same time, health statistics indicate the presence of the following problems:

  1. in children.
  2. Teenage.
  3. Speech or hearing impairment.

Situation in the industry

Health statistics in Russia reflect the alarming situation in the industry:

  • there is a large gap in relation to developed countries - 8 years;
  • the mortality rate of men of working age in the country is almost 2 times higher than the European average;
  • Russian citizens consider the problem of healthcare to be one of the main ones.

Healthcare is amazing. The damage from in 2017 amounted to more than 10.3 billion. During the year, the Investigative Committee received 23,000 reports of corruption cases. More than 3.3 thousand criminal cases were initiated. Half of them passed under the article - bribery.

Main problems

Health spending statistics in Russia are comparable to those of developing countries (percentage of GDP):

  1. India - 4%;
  2. China - 5%;
  3. Russia - 3.8%.

In developed countries, the health care budget is noticeably higher:

  1. Canada - 10%;
  2. Germany and France - 11% each.

Health statistics indicate a number of major problems, according to citizens:

  • low level of personnel training;
  • unavailability of medical services due to high;
  • insufficient provision of medical institutions with medical equipment;
  • lack of medicines;
  • widespread bribery;
  • poor quality of medical services.

Personnel shortage

Official health statistics indicate a shortage of personnel:

  • among local therapists - 30%;
  • pediatricians - 10%;
  • various specialists of a narrow profile - from 14 to 69%.

Two-thirds of primary care physicians are near-retirement age. not in a hurry to replace them. The statistics of the State Duma Health Committee indicate that the trend towards a decrease in the number of medical workers continues. Indicator for 2016:

  • the number of doctors decreased by 2.1 thousand people;
  • nurses - by 17.9 thousand;
  • junior medical workers - by 52.2 thousand people.

If the main indicators of health statistics do not change and vacancies are not filled within 10 years, then the work of the district medical service will be completely paralyzed.

There is also a low level of coverage of the population with medical, social and laboratory diagnostic assistance. The quality of interaction between medical services leaves much to be desired.

Disadvantages of the accounting system

The system of health statistics is also imperfect. The collection of information on morbidity is carried out on the basis of registered applications from citizens. Consequently, it reflects not a picture of morbidity, but the number of requests for help. The incidence rate, which is taken into account according to medical examination data, is also limited by the social groups undergoing medical examinations, for example, recruits or state employees.

Problems in health statistics are also associated with inaccuracies in the coding of diagnoses. The indicator ranges from 10 to 40%. Even more error scale when installing . The reason is that pathoanatomical studies are carried out only in 10-15% of cases. Errors in the preparation of primary documents cause distortion of statistical reporting.

Information collection center

The Bureau of Medical Statistics of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow is the center for collecting and analyzing incoming information and preparing consolidated reports for the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The center is also involved in the introduction of advanced data processing technologies in the activities of lower medical institutions.

In the constituent entities of the Federation, the regional health department is responsible for collecting and processing information. Statistics is one of its many functions in the organization of public health services. You can view it on the official website of the institution. The Ministry of Health identifies regions with a low mortality rate (per 1000 people):

  1. Ingushetia - 3.2;
  2. Chechnya - 4.6;
  3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug - 4.9.

Population aging

Statistics on public health and healthcare indicate an increase in the proportion of older citizens. At the same time, there is a decrease in the number of able-bodied population. Experts predict that by 2027 the number of older people will increase by 7.2 million people. While the number of working citizens will decrease by 5.6 million people.

Medical health statistics show that with the aging of the population, the need for expanding medical and preventive care is growing. Almost 80% of older people have chronic diseases that significantly impair the quality of life. This includes angina pectoris, diseases of the spine. World health statistics captures the aging of the population in all countries. Proportion of the elderly population over 60 years of age (taking into account future projections):

  • 2015 - 20% of the population;
  • 2025 - 24%;
  • 2050 - 30%.

Help for the Elderly

One of the main tasks in relation to older citizens is to maintain their physical activity, the ability to self-service.

However, statistics in the healthcare organization indicate a decrease in their appeal to medical institutions due to a lack of money to pay for services and medicines. The curtailment of social programs to support the elderly has led to the fact that more than 40% of the population does not seek medical help, but self-medicates.

Lack of funding

Undoubtedly, a significant part of the population receives free medical care. Health statistics for 2016:

  • 85% of citizens who applied to the clinic;
  • 75% of inpatients.

From 2008 to 2015, the number of citizens who underwent medical examination increased by 3.9 times. However, due to lack of funding, the volume of free medical care varies significantly by region. Health statistics of the Russian Federation notes that an attempt to combine forms of private and public financing of the industry is not successful. Voluntary covers only 6% of the population.

System successes

The 2017 health statistics note a decline in mortality:

  • diseases of the circulatory system - by 4.8%, in Crimea - by 7.1%;
  • injuries at - by 6.5%;
  • – by 17.3%;
  • respiratory diseases - by 12.3%;
  • oncology - by 2.3%;
  • diseases of the digestive system - by 5.9%;
  • infant mortality - by 6.7% (in Bashkortostan, the figure is higher than the average by 1.3).

Ministry of Health statistics for 2017:

  • 21.4 million people passed medical examination;
  • the death rate decreased by 0.5 per 1000 population and amounted to 12.4;
  • life expectancy by 0.83 years.

Decreased incidence

It led to the clarification of the standards for the provision of free medical care in hospitals. The statistics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation noted a decrease in the incidence in the 1st half of 2016:

  • measles - 11.8 times;
  • acute hepatitis A - by 14.8%, B - by 11.4%, C - by 11.5%;
  • typhoid fever - 3.4 times.

At the same time, the incidence rates increased:

  • whooping cough - 1.9 times;
  • rubella - 2.8 times.

The vaccination calendar has been amended. Mandatory vaccination of children aged 1 to 18 years has been introduced.

The 2018 health statistics show a 7.6% reduction in numbers. At the beginning of the year there were 12.1 million people. (8.2% of the population).

The problem of alcoholism

Russian health statistics recorded a decrease in the level among minors. In 2016, 56,000 teenagers were registered in drug dispensaries. The indicator decreased by 22.6%.

Health statistics include alcohol among the most common causes of death. Every year, WHO publishes a list of the 18 most "drinking" countries in the world. In 2018, Russia ranked 11th. The table shows the incidence rates of the population with alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis per 1000 people:

Year Alcoholism and psychosis Alcoholism
2010 107,8 33,2
2011 96,6 30,4
2012 85,7 26,2
2013 78,2 23,3
2014 74,7 21,9
2015 70,7 20,5
2016 64,7 17,3

Deterioration of infrastructure

Health statistics show that Russia is still among the lagging countries. Depreciation of the infrastructure of medical institutions reaches 56%. The share of investments in health care has decreased to 1.2% over 10 years. The problem of access to medicine remains relevant. The statistics of health institutions notes:

  • depreciation of laboratory diagnostic equipment in clinics by 52.7%;
  • lack of central heating in 40.5% of hospitals;
  • lack of water supply and sewerage in 30% of hospitals.


The health of the population is the most important indicator of the well-being of the nation. The constant impact on the population of chemical, biological and physical environmental factors, as a result of unsatisfactory economic activity, psycho-emotional stress, poor quality of life, led to a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the human body and its ability to resist and, as a result, poor health of the population and an unfavorable prognosis .

The main reasons for the increase in stress loads were people's uncertainty about the correctness of the ongoing reforms, the impoverishment of a significant part of the population, the growth of crime, social insecurity, industrial and environmental disasters, military and ethnic conflicts, etc. In turn, stress in public populations exacerbates social conflicts.

The stressful situation in Russia was the leading cause of the public health crisis.

Materials of studies conducted by leading Russian research centers in 1994-1998 showed that the unfavorable dynamics of public health in Russia already poses a real threat to national security, predetermines a decrease in the current and future labor and defense potential of society.

The habitat and life activity of the population is degrading, the mechanisms of reproduction of healthy offspring are undermined.

So let's try to figure it out: is it possible to change this situation in the country, and what is needed for this?

The state of the population of Russia

1. What is health? Types of health

Let's start with the definition of what is health?

Health is the state of a living organism, in which the body as a whole and all organs are able to fully perform their functions, it is also called health - the absence of illness, disease.

Over the past few years, sociological surveys have shown that when building a rating of life values, Russians put HEALTH in the first place.

There will be health - there will be hope for everything else: education, good earnings, family well-being. However, health is not only a personal value, but also a public value: a sick population cannot become a reliable support for the state.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization refers to the highest level of health as one of the fundamental human rights.

No less important is the right of a person to information about those factors that determine human health or are risk factors, that is, their impact can lead to the development of a disease.

Health is the first and most important need of a person, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the personality.

It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness. An active long life is an important component of the human factor.

Health is such a state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes.

The concept itself "health" is conditional and objectively established on the basis of anthropometric, clinical, physiological and biochemical parameters.

According to the World Health Organization (B03), "health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

In general, we can talk about three types of health: physical, mental and moral (social) health:

  • physical health - this is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems.

If all organs and systems work well, then the whole human body (self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly.

  • mental health depends on the state of the brain, it is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities.
  • moral health determined by those moral principles that are the basis of human social life, i.e.

life in a particular human society. The hallmarks of a person's moral health are, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life.

A physically and mentally healthy person can be a moral monster if he neglects the norms of morality. Therefore, social health is considered the highest measure of human health. Morally healthy people have a number of universal human qualities that make them real citizens.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested, first of all, in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body.

The state of health is determined by the function of the physiological systems of the body, taking into account their age and gender factors, and also depends on geographical and climatic conditions.

On the basis of these criteria, a formal conclusion is given on the state of health during recruitment into the army, employment and educational institutions.

The state of health does not exclude a disease-causing principle already present in the body, but not yet discovered; nor does it rule out fluctuations in a person's well-being.

Therefore, although the concept of "health" is opposed to the concept of "illness", it can be associated with it by numerous transitional states.

Dynamic observations and periodic examinations can state the boundaries of health and disease in the starting conditions, when there is no obvious pathology.

This gives rise to the concepts of objective and subjective health, when, on the one hand, when you feel unwell, there are no objective data confirming it, on the other hand, when these data differ, and the state of health remains good until a certain time.

This also gives rise to the concept "practically healthy person"- a condition in which objectively there are pathological changes that do not affect the life perception and performance of a person.

Demographic situation.


Today much is said about the emerging industrial growth. But who will work at the resurgent enterprises and who will take advantage of the fruits of the reforms, if Russia loses between 700,000 and 900,000 people every year as a result of "natural population decline"? The number of births is 1.7 times less than the number of deaths; in 41 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the share of children and adolescents is less than 20 percent of the population. The decline in the birth rate is due not only to economic reasons (families do not want to have children they are afraid of “not feeding”), but also to the deterioration of women's health.

According to the Ministry of Health, by the time they graduate from school, 75 percent of Russian girls have chronic diseases, a growing number of women suffer from diseases that reduce the ability to give birth to a healthy child (anemia, diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular and endocrine systems) ...

Unfortunately, the health of the Russian population is deteriorating from year to year, which has an extremely unfavorable effect on the demographic situation.

Thus, the average life expectancy of Russians is now only about 65 years, while for men it is 57-58 years and tends to decrease. According to forecasts, if nothing changes in maintaining the health of the population, by 2020 the mortality of Russian men will be the highest in the world (Vrach.

- 1998. - No. 6. - P.20). According to others, over the next 30 years, the overall decline in life expectancy could be more than 10 years for men and about 9 years for women, bringing life expectancy for men below 50 years and for women only slightly above 60 years.

In 2003, there were 1,065 women of working age in the country for every 1,000 men. In 30 years, if nothing changes in the issue of population conservation, this excess will reach 1,219 women per 1,000 men (“Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.” - 2005. - No. 5. - P. 47). Due to the low birth rate and extremely high mortality of the population, the country's population is reduced by almost a million people every year, which creates a real threat to the preservation of Russia as a state and civilization.

The demographic situation in the Russian Federation causes serious concern. Since 1992, the population has been decreasing, the death rate has increased by almost 40% and exceeds the birth rate by 1.7 times.

According to the Russian healthcare system, every year we lose 2 million people, of which more than 600 thousand are people of working age who die mainly as a result of diseases of the circulatory system, digestive organs, and accidents.

Some of the reasons include a sharp deterioration in medical care, a shortage of medicines and equipment, the high cost of medicines, poorly trained and demoralized medical staff.

Experts predict that if this continues, due to changes in the age structure of the population, the number of able-bodied citizens of the country will be reduced by three times by 2045.

Factors affecting human health


Brief description of the environmental situation in Russia

Of all Russian enterprises that emit harmful substances into the atmosphere and water bodies, 33% are metallurgy enterprises, 29% are energy facilities, 7% are chemical, and 8% are coal industries. More than half of emissions come from transport.

The situation is especially difficult in cities where the concentration of the population is high. In Russia, 55 cities have been identified, in which the level of pollution is very high. Every year in our country, only about 76% of the total amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere is captured and neutralized.

The situation is much worse with wastewater treatment: 82% of discharged water is not treated. The rivers Volga, Don, Yenisei, Lena, Kuban, Pechora are polluted with organic matter, nitrogen compounds, heavy metals, phenols, oil products. Currently, over 70 million people breathe air saturated with hazardous substances that are five or more times higher than the maximum allowable concentration (MAC).

About 4 million chemical compounds have been introduced into the environment by man, of which only a few have been studied for toxic effects.

Morbidity of the population

Disease is any subjective deviation from the normal state of the body.

Sources for studying morbidity:

1) Data on the population seeking medical care
2) Data from preventive examinations
3) Materials about the causes of death of the population.
The Ministry of Health has established records for each case of the disease.

1. Data on seeking medical care.
Appeal - a visit to a medical institution in a given calendar year about a disease.
All other visits are visits.

Primary morbidity - a set of new, nowhere previously recorded and for the first time in a given year identified diseases, expressed in intensive indicators.

Primary morbidity allows:
- assess the level of morbidity;
- assess the sanitary and hygienic conditions affecting health;
— evaluate the effectiveness of preventive measures.

The morbidity rate is an intensive indicator showing the dynamics of morbidity.

Statistics of the incidence of breast cancer in Russia

For 10 years, the incidence increased by 16% and amounted to 973.9 per 100 population.

General morbidity (morbidity, prevalence) - a set of diseases in the population, both first detected in a given calendar year and registered in previous years, for which the patient again sought medical help in a given year (i.e.

primary morbidity + referral for MP for chronic diseases).

1) allows you to assess the level of morbidity of the population;
2) allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of diseases;
3) for healthcare planning.
The overall incidence for 10 years increased by 26% and amounted to 1821.7 per 1000 population.

Structure of general morbidity

Respiratory diseases 27.3%
cardiovascular system 14.3%
musculoskeletal system 8.9%
eye 8.7%
GIT 6.4%
injury, poisoning 6%
other 28.4%

Factors affecting the level of morbidity of the population by negotiability:
1) availability of medical care.

In rural areas, the incidence is traditionally lower than in urban areas.
2) availability of specialists in the regions
3) the level of medical activity of the population.

Diseases subject to special consideration:

1) infectious diseases
2) diseases with socially significant (the most important non-epidemic) diseases
3) hospitalized morbidity
4) morbidity with temporary disability.
The first and second groups of diseases are treated in clinics.

The level (frequency) of hospitalization is the totality of all cases of hospitalization for diseases and other reasons for visiting a hospital.

Morbidity with temporary disability(VUT).

when analyzing diseases with VUT, you need to know:
1) not all diseases entail VUT.
2) unit of observation - 1 case of VUT.
3) the incidence of TD is influenced by the legislation on payment for days of TD.

Structure of morbidity with VUT

Respiratory diseases - 29.1%
Injuries and poisoning - 16.1%
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - 15.8%
Diseases of the cardiovascular system 12.2%
Other 26.8%

The frequency of diseases additionally detected during professional examinations is all cases of diseases detected during professional examinations, but not registered in a given year when applying for medical help.

Types of examinations:
- preliminary (when applying for a job, study ...)
- periodic (in production)
- targeted (in order to identify a specific disease)

The frequency of diseases additionally detected in the analysis of the causes of death is all cases of diseases established during forensic and pathoanatomical studies, for which there were no appeals during the patient's lifetime: trauma, poisoning, myocardial infarction, stroke, ...

Exhausted (true) morbidity is the total morbidity by referral, supplemented by cases of diseases identified during medical examinations and data on the causes of death.

The current state and trends in the incidence of the population

1) The incidence of the population is growing.

General - by 25%, primary - by 16%.
2) The frequency of diseases leading to the death of the population (CVD, neoplasms) is especially growing
3) The incidence of the musculoskeletal system is also growing. It is isolated because it leads to disability of the population, especially arthrosis.
4) The structure of morbidity is formed under the influence of the age structure of the population.

60% of the able-bodied population - diseases of the cardiovascular system, injuries and poisoning, gastrointestinal tract.
5) High proportion of the elderly population (24%) - musculoskeletal system, CVS (IHD)
6) High level of hospitalization of the population.

The article considers groups of indicators of health characteristics, the structure of primary morbidity, the structure of mortality, a comparative analysis of Russia and the United States.

The incidence of the population is a collective concept that includes indicators that characterize the level of various diseases and their structure among the entire population or its individual groups in a given territory.

Together with such indicators as fertility, mortality, life expectancy, disability, which characterize the public health of the population, one of the most important is the incidence rate of the population.

Three groups of indicators are used to characterize the health of the population:

  • demographic indicators (number and composition of the population, natural and mechanical movement of the population);
  • indicators of the physical development of the population;
  • indicators of morbidity, traumatism and disability of the population.

On average in Russia, the primary incidence (in terms of seeking medical care) of the population with all diseases in 2015

increased by 1.5 times compared to 2000. At the same time, the incidence rate remains quite high.

Figure 1. Structure of primary morbidity in Russia.

In the structure of primary morbidity among the entire population, the 1st place is occupied by respiratory diseases (44.1%), the 2nd is injuries, poisonings and external causes (10.9%), then diseases of the musculoskeletal system (5.9%), diseases of the genitourinary system (5.8%).

The growth of diseases of the respiratory system was 18.1%, diseases of the circulatory system and diseases of the digestive system by 1.5%.

The general morbidity of the population includes not only data on patients who applied for medical help, but also on patients identified during preventive examinations (including those with early forms of illness). At the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries.

infectious diseases were widespread in Russia, there were epidemics of intestinal infections, smallpox, plague, cholera, malaria, typhus, etc., which was largely due to severe shocks in the socio-economic and political life of the country.

To compare the data, I will give an example of the level of general morbidity in 1997-2003, which tended to increase. (fig.2)

Figure 2.

General morbidity of the population in the Russian Federation (1997-2003)

In modern Russia, the features of the state of health of the population are:

  • high mortality rates among the able-bodied population, mainly due to injuries, poisoning and accidents;
  • the growth of socially conditioned infectious pathology (tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.); reduction or stabilization of the level of infectious morbidity (measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, scarlet fever, etc.);
  • an increase in the proportion of pathology characteristic of older people.

    The development of the national project "Health" had a significant impact on the demographic situation in the country.

In two years, the birth rate increased by 11%, while the death rate of the population decreased by 9%.

The incidence of active tuberculosis in the population.

Tuberculosis is one of the so-called social diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with the living conditions of the population. An analysis of the social structure of tuberculosis patients with a first diagnosis indicates that among them the proportion of pensioners, disabled people, people released from prisons, people without certain occupations and other asocial elements.

The incidence of tuberculosis in men significantly exceeds the incidence of women; men of working age are particularly disadvantaged.

Figure 3. Tuberculosis incidence in the population (2007-2014)

Cardiovascular diseases.

Health of the population of Russia. Incidence

Diseases of the circulatory system are the main cause of disability and premature death in economically developed countries; at present, the share of these diseases in the structure of total mortality is 40–60%. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases ranks first among all causes of death.

The dynamics of the mortality rate from heart and vascular diseases shows an upward trend in the indicator, which is associated with socio-economic events in our country.

Figure 4. Mortality structure of the Russian population.

Summing up the consideration of the incidence of the population of Russia, it is necessary to note the deterioration in the quality of public health.

This deterioration is expressed in an increase in the number of such severe chronic diseases as hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, oncological pathology, and diseases of the genitourinary system. To reduce the incidence of diseases, as well as mortality from them, due to exposure to polluted atmospheric air, first of all, it is necessary to take measures to reduce emissions from vehicles and power plants.


The health of the Russian population is in critical condition. Fundamental studies of this problem show a health crisis in all age groups of the population. If this trend continues, the announcement of the future of our country's population is extremely pessimistic.

Therefore, the problem of maintaining the health of the population is a real priority of the state.

The medical condition refers to the spine.

The unity and interconnection of methodological approaches determine the situation presented in the article on the state of public health. This is an indicator of the quality of the company's development and the degree of damage to the environment.

The importance of the study is explained by the growing health and social significance of the problem of disability in people of childbearing potential in our time.

Unsatisfactory state of supply with medical sources, insufficient compensation for the deterioration of the natural and social environment in advance of further deterioration in the health of Russians, an increase in the incidence of primary disability. According to the National Statistical Committee of Russia, for the first time in 2008 the number of people recognized as disabled

in the Russian Federation there were 1,141,969 people or 77.6 per 10,000 inhabitants.

More than 5 million people live in the social protection bodies of the population of the Russian Federation, and the total number of people with disabilities in Russia is more than 8 million people.

The purpose of the study: the population of the Russian Federation is the life of people with disabilities and people with disabilities.

Research topic: factors contributing to the disability of the population in the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

To study the main indicators of the incidence of the population of the Russian Federation.

To study the patterns of occurrence of primary disability in the population of the Russian Federation.

Analyze the results of a repeated examination of people with disabilities in the dynamics and development of individual rehabilitation programs.

Determine the structure of the needs of people with disabilities in various types of health care and social assistance.

From a scientific point of view, to substantiate ways to improve the organization of reducing the disability of the population of the Russian Federation.

Scientific novelty: a comprehensive study of disability factors in the Russian Federation was carried out.

The dynamics of obtaining disability has been studied.

Disability groups and factors contributing to the acquisition of diseases of these groups were studied.

The need for disabled people in rehabilitation was studied and a high need for people with disabilities in various types of health, psychological and social rehabilitation was identified.

Scientifically substantiated are ways to improve the organization of health and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation based on the study of morbidity, disability, social needs of people with disabilities and the conditions for their implementation.

Practical significance of the work: data from a study of the disability of the Russian population, used as a database for public health, social protection, culture and other executive bodies, local authorities in the development and implementation of programs for the prevention of disability and rehabilitation of the Russian population.


Health of Russia

1.1. Increasing incidence

The unacceptable increase in the death rate of the Russian population is taking place against the background of a serious deterioration in the state of health of the population. The state of health can be assessed by increasing the incidence, which is typical for all age groups of the population, including children.

The decline in women's reproductive health continues to increase with the number of pregnant women. In 2007, compared with 2002, the number of pregnant women with anemia increased by 2.8 times, 2.2 times - from diseases of the genitourinary system, 1.5 times - from cardiovascular diseases.

The rate of normal deliveries continues to decline and was 36% in 2007 compared to 46% in 2003.

In the case of rising malnutrition and young children, the incidence of newborns increases significantly.

Extremely unfavorable trends in the increase in incidence are observed among adolescents (15-17 years old). This age group has the most significant increase in overall incidence. The incidence of blood and blood transplants has sharply increased - 2.6 times, urinals and genitals - 2.3 times, endocrine, metabolic and nutritional disorders - 2.2 times.

Qualitative deterioration in the health of children of preschool and school age.

While studying at school, the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and nervous disorders increased by 2 times, with allergic diseases - 3 times, myopia - 5 times. Particularly unpleasant health conditions develop in students in new types of schools (gymnasium, school, lice) due to excessive learning. At the end of the academic year, students of these schools had a 2-fold higher incidence of hypertension reactions, and the total number of undesirable changes in blood pressure, 90%, manifestations of neuroticism was observed in 55-83% of students of new types of schools.

Only 10% of all secondary school graduates can be considered healthy, 50% have morphofunctional pathology, 40% have chronic diseases.

The rise in infectious diseases, especially the so-called social scourge, is alarming. The incidence of tuberculosis is 1.7 times higher, the incidence of syphilis over the same period increased 33 times in adults and 49 times in adolescents.

The condition worsened significantly with the spread of AIDS.

This situation is related to the fact that the AIDS virus became addicted to the drug environment, where it expanded rapidly with intravenous drug injections. Large AIDS areas are located in Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Saratov, Tyumen, Kaliningrad.

More than 70% of the population lives in Russia in a state of prolonged psycho-emotional and social stress caused by an increase in depression, reactive psychosis, severe neurosis and psychosomatic disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, and an aggressive outburst.

The rate of increase in alcoholism is unprecedented.

This is indirectly evidenced by data on a more than two-fold increase in alcohol consumption in Russia over the past four years. According to the Russian Public Health Association, per capita alcohol consumption increased to 13 liters during this period. According to WHO criteria, the situation is considered dangerous if the alcohol consumption is 8 liters.

In 2008, the number of patients with alcoholic psychoses who were followed up by an outpatient clinician increased 5-fold compared to 2000. In 2008, 438,100 people abused alcohol, 41.7 thousand drug users and 16.5 thousand people were on preventive registration.

Disease of the population of Russia

- Immediate means.

An unfavorable effect on the health of Russians has an unfavorable position in the environment. In particular, according to the Russian Ministry of Health, almost half of the country's population uses water that does not meet the hygienic standards for drinking alcohol.

According to Roshydromet, an excess of MPC pollutants was detected in the airspace of more than 200 Russian cities.

According to selected sociological studies in Russia, the number of people who smoke, especially among women, children and adolescents, is growing. According to the Russian Public Health Association, the quality of consumed tobacco products has decreased, which negatively affects health. According to information available from the International Foundation for Maternal and Child Health, recent studies on the spread of bad habits among teenagers showed that 60% of them smoke.

The median age of smoking initiation among boys is 11.3 years and for girls is 13.5 years.

According to the Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Development, health and safety conditions in the Russian Federation in the current period are highly desirable.

According to the National Statistical Committee of Russia in early 2006, 21% of industrial workers worked in conditions that did not meet sanitary and hygienic standards. In the coal industry, almost half of the employees in industry and 40% of the employees in ferrous metallurgy did not meet these requirements.

There is still a high rate of work injuries.

In 2005, 270,000 injuries were registered (55 per 10,000 employees). At the same time, 6789 people died.

The number of first workers is increasing, as well as the number of absences due to work due to illness.

In 2007, the number of people with disabilities almost doubled compared to 2003. In 2007, 1.3 million people were recognized as disabled for the first time, compared with 1.1 million in 2004.

1.2. Disability rate of the population

There is no official data on the total number of people with disabilities in Russia.

Indirect knowledge of the contingencies of the disabled person provides information on the number of persons receiving a disability pension. In 2007, there were over 6.2 million people in Russia (4.2% of the population). According to experts, statistics best give an idea of ​​only half of the true people with disabilities in society, which is the result of a number of circumstances.

For the first time, the number of pensioners in illegitimate condition is missed by individuals who admit that the results of the survey in committees of experts are disabled, but are not used for social security.

Secondly, since disability accounting is focused on the source of pensions, people with disabilities receive other types of pensions (age, survivors, and others). "Exit" from the general statistics.

Thirdly, the bill is an incapacitated affair, so some disabled people receive pensions from other departments, such as the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service, etc. They are also not included in the overall statistics.

Health statistics is a section of sanitary statistics that studies quantitative data on the network of medical and prophylactic and sanitary-epidemiological institutions, their activities, and personnel.

Big Medical Dictionary. 2000 .

See what "health statistics" is in other dictionaries:

    HEALTH STATISTICS- a sub-branch of sanitary statistics that studies the quantitative characteristics of the development of the healthcare system: the network of healthcare institutions, their condition and equipment; medical personnel (doctors, middle, junior medical and other personnel) ... Big Economic Dictionary

    HEALTH STATISTICS Glossary of terms on social statistics

    HEALTH STATISTICS- studies the quantitative characteristics of the development of the health care system: the network and activities of health care institutions, their location, condition and equipment; personnel of doctors, middle, junior medical personnel (distribution by ... ... Social statistics. Vocabulary

    STATISTICS- STATISTICS. 1. Brief history, subject and basic concepts of general statistics. The subject of S. is the study of collections of internally connected, though externally isolated elements. The internal regularity of the latter finds its manifestation ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    Statistics on alcoholism in some regions of Russia- Penza region and the city of Penza As a result of the analysis of the personalized base of the unified automated system "Krista", compiled according to emergency notifications of acute poisoning, it was found that in the Penza region for 2009 ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Statistics on children with disabilities in Russia and Moscow for 2009- According to the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova, as of August 2009, the number of children with disabilities in Russia is 545 thousand people, 12.2% of them currently live in boarding schools. The number of ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Statistics on disabled people in Moscow in 2009- According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, more than 13 million people in Russia are disabled. In Moscow, as of February 2009, the number of disabled people reaches 1.2 million, of which 25.6 thousand are children ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Suicide statistics among teenagers in Russia- In terms of suicide rates among adolescents, Russia is one of the first places in the world - the average suicide rate among the adolescent population is more than 3 times higher than the average in the world. Since the early 1990s… … Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Medical statistics, a branch of social statistics (See Social statistics) and at the same time a section of social hygiene (See Social hygiene) and healthcare organization as a scientific discipline. In S. with. allocate health statistics ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Statistics- (Statistics) Statistics is a general theoretical science that studies quantitative changes in phenomena and processes. State statistics, statistics services, Rosstat (Goskomstat), statistical data, request statistics, sales statistics, ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor


  • , Tsarik Galina Nikolaevna, Ivoilov Valery Mikhailovich, Polyanskaya Irina Alexandrovna. This manual was prepared by the staff of the Department of Public Health, Healthcare and Medical Informatics of the Kemerovo State Medical University…
  • Informatics and medical statistics. Tutorial, Galina Tsarik, Valery Ivoilov, Irina Polyanskaya, Evgeny Tsitko, Anna Aleshina, Elena Tkacheva, Evgeny Vasilyev, Evgeny Zhevnyak. This manual was prepared by the staff of the Department of Public Health, Healthcare and Medical Informatics of the Kemerovo State Medical University…