Literary event dedicated to the day of cosmonautics. All-school event dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school in the village of Vozrozhdeniye

extracurricular activity

for elementary grades,

dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

"Journey to the land of astronautics"


GPA educator

Filenkova Ludmila Valerievna

Explanatory note.

The extra-curricular event dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics "Journey to the Land of Cosmonautics" for elementary grades is aimed at repeating and consolidating knowledge on this topic in a playful way.

Goals: 1. education of patriotism, a sense of pride in one's people;

2. expanding the horizons of students on the topic "Space";

3. development of cognitive activity and creative abilities.

Tasks: 1. instill respect and pride in the achievements of Russian cosmonautics, the will to win on historical examples;

2. to conduct a game-journey that helps to expand the horizons of students on the topic "Space";

3. create conditions for the development of curiosity, perseverance in acquiring knowledge.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, selection of literature about space and astronauts, presentation, musical accompaniment.

Event content

    Introductory part 3-5 min.

    Journey game 25-30 min.

    Reflection 3-5 min.

Mankind will not stay forever on Earth,

it is in pursuit of light and space

first timidly penetrates beyond the atmosphere,

and then it will conquer all the circumsolar space”

K.E. Tsiolkovsky

1 student(Slide #1)

I would like to fly to the moon
Plunge into the unexplored world.
And like a beautiful dream
Touch the brightest star.

2 student

Fly to distant orbits
Dimensions unknown to all of us,
Where the mysterious space keeps,
Many secrets of the vast universe.

3 student

Visit other planets
Which science does not know about.
And to see unearthly creatures, -
That they fly on strange saucers.

Leading: We are happy to greet you. The conversation will focus on the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics. This is a holiday of lofty dreams, quests and feats. We will make a trip to the unusual and interesting country of Cosmonautics. In the course of which we will talk about how people began to explore outer space, we will learn the names of many famous people who worked on the creation of spacecraft and made flights, exploring space, and why on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day. I hope that our journey will be interesting and exciting.

Leading: Meet the crews. Our astronauts have passed a rigorous selection process. (In 2 teams of 6 people) (music plays)

Leading: Throughout the flight, their work will be monitored by the flight control center (jury presentation)

The starry sky has always attracted people. People are so arranged that it is always not enough for them that they already know how: they know how to walk - they wanted to ride, they learned to ride - they need to fly like birds. People have long dreamed of flying. Remember the fairy tales that they came up with: who and what managed to fly there (student answers) On a magic carpet, in a mortar on a broomstick, Baron Munchausen flew to the moon on a core, and in Andersen's fairy tale, if you remember, a young man even flew in a chest to the princess. But it's all in fairy tales. There is no magic in life.

Leading: In order to fly we need interplanetary rockets. And our first Station "Design Bureau".

Exercise: each team has puzzles of an interplanetary ship in their envelopes. Which team will collect it first will receive a star. (Slide 2)

Leading: The interplanetary ship is built. (Slide 3).

Student: Distant stars in the sky are burning,

They invite boys and girls to visit.

It won't take us long to get on the road.

And now we are ready to fly!

Leading: Pilots check the calculations,

Fill the tanks with fuel.

Listen to the command: 5-4-3-2-1! Start!

Student: Drawing in an album

We are school and kindergarten.

Above the school, above the garden

The astronaut is flying.

To the starry sky

We take a long look:

go into space

We want too.

Now we'll get another pencil,

And our crew will rise into the sky.

Above the school, above the garden

Let's hit the road

So that from the sky not the earth

Take a look at your family.

Leading: To make time fly faster on the road, listen to a story about the history of the development of astronautics. (Music sounds) (Slide 4)

The first satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. It was just a metal ball about the size of a large ball with four antennae-ears. He weighed 85 kg. There are thousands of satellites flying in space today. They do a very important job. We watch television programs from different countries - it is satellites that help us. We can make a phone call even to the other side of the globe to America - these are also satellites. They predict the weather. Forest fires are reported in time. Study the starry sky. Can you list everything!

Leading: And we arrived at Starry sky station» (Slide 5).

Exercise: At this station you will have to answer the questions of the quiz. Teams take turns answering questions. For each correct answer, the team receives a star.

1. Boldly floats into space,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What? (Starship)
slide 6

2. There are no wings
But this bird
It will fly and land. (Lunokhod)
Slide 7

3. Miracle bird - scarlet tail.
Arrived in a flock of stars. (Comet)
Slide 8

4. Grew up, grew up,

He was horned - he became round.

Only a circle, this circle -

He suddenly became horny again. (Moon, month) Slide 9

5. The grain scattered at night,
And looked in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars)
Slide 10

6. From which bucket
Don't drink, don't eat
Do they just look at him? (Constellation Ursa Major)
slide 11

7. Whole track
Stuffed with peas. (Milky Way)
slide 12

8. Wandering lonely
fire eye,
Everywhere that happens
Looks warm. (The sun)
slide 13

9. Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What is this? (Airplane)
Slide 14

10. A man is sitting in a rocket.
Boldly he flies into the sky,
And on us in your spacesuit
He looks from space. (Astronaut)
slide 15

11. This red planet

Flying somewhere in space

We'll send a rocket there

To see it for yourself. (Mars) slide 16

12. Well, which of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes? (The sun) Slide 17

Leading: The teams are great. We continue our journey and acquaintance with space. (Music)

A month later, the second artificial Earth satellite entered orbit. On board was the first space traveler - the dog Laika. Scientists wanted to know if it is possible for a living being to stay in space. Can you live there or not? Without an answer to this main question: there was nothing to think about preparing a person for interplanetary travel. The flight gave the answer: you can! However, more checks and checks were needed. At that time, people still knew very little about space and spacecraft could not return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space. 3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka. They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth. (Slide 18-19)

Leading: And next Station "Animals in Space".(Slide 20)

Exercise: Teams take turns naming animals that have been in space. The team that names the last animal wins and gets a star. (Slide 21)

Leading: We continue the journey. And finally, on April 12, 1961. The Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In the cockpit sat the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. One hundred and eight minutes, about 2 hours, the flight lasted. (Slide 22)

Leading: Do you think astronaut is a male profession? (Student answers)

After Yuri Gagarin, 436 earthlings have been in space. Among them were two women - Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya. And for the first time, the famous cosmonaut, Alexei Leonov, went into open space. Astronauts spend many months in space. In the rocket, everything is arranged so that they are as comfortable as possible. (Slide 23)

Leading: To continue the journey, we need to refresh ourselves. But in zero gravity it is very difficult to do this. How difficult, you can experience for yourself.

Exercise: an apple that is suspended must be eaten, but at the same time, do not touch it with your hands. Participants receive a star for a successful attempt, or lose it.

Leading: We are in outer space and approaching an unidentified planet. Let's make a short stop and meet the aliens. By their habits it is clear that they are friendly, but they do not understand your language. How do you try to communicate with them? Try to do it with facial expressions and gestures. Each team will require 2 members. (Slide 24-25)

Exercise: you need to use gestures to explain the phrase:

    What is your name?"

    Let's be friends with you!"

    What time is it on your planet?

    Will you fly with us to Earth?

    Do you have a sea?

    I need a doctor"

(Each participant chooses a phrase by drawing lots and portrays it in pantomime.)

Leading: The journey continues. Pilots were the first cosmonauts. Then designers and doctors continued their work in space. Now space is the testament of those who know how to manage electronic computers. Today, work in space is scientific research and daily work in the name of progress throughout the world. That is why international crews fly into space. The next station is Star City. (Slide 26)

Exercise: you need to choose the correct answer to the question from the three proposed and raise the card with the correct answer. Having answered all the questions correctly, we will get to the Land of Cosmonautics.

1. The founder of modern astronautics? (Slide 27)

- K.E. Tsiolkovsky

- A.N. Tupolev

- S.P. Korolev

2. The world's first astronaut? (Slide28)

G.S. Titov

- Yu.A.Gagarin


3. In what year was the first artificial satellite launched? (Slide 29)


- 1957


4. The first spacecraft? (Slide 30)

- "Sunrise"

- "East"

- "Union"

5. The first man to land on the moon? (Slide 31)

Edwin Eugene Aldrin

Michael Collins

- Neil Armstrong

6. What was the name of the first dog in space? (Slide 32)




7. When Yu.A. Gagarin flew into space?(Slide 33)


- 12.04.1961


8. How long did Yu.A. Gagarin's space flight last? (Slide 34)

1 day

-108 minutes

12 hours

9. The world's first female astronaut? (Slide 35)

- V.V. Tereshkova



10. How many monuments to Yu.A. Gagarin on Saratov land? (Slide 36)


11. What is the name of the Russian orbital station? (Slide 37)


- "Apalon"

- "Baikonur"

12. Who was the first to go into outer space? (Slide 38)


G. Titov


Leading: We flew to the Land of Cosmonautics. You have learned a lot of new and interesting things about the history of space exploration.

Well done boys. Here our journey has come to an end. The path was not easy, but you all made it. And which of the teams knows the most about space, we will find out when counting the stars. (Counting the stars and awarding the winners.) Good luck and good luck to you! (Slide 39)

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. Yuri Gagarin on Saratov land; Authors: Yu.Zverev, G.Oksyuta; Volga book publishing house; Saratov 1972.

2. Gagarin's lesson;

3. Magazine "Ogonyok" No. 15, 1968.



Earlier, long ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This wonderful turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars



Extra-curricular event dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

Prepared and conducted by a primary school teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 12"

city ​​of Almetyevsk RT

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in the pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer all the circumsolar space.”

K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Lead 1. Hello dear guys! Who will guess what our holiday will be dedicated to? Can someone tell me what holiday is celebrated on April 12?

(Children's answer: Cosmonautics Day)

That's right, Cosmonautics Day.


Lead 2. Since ancient times, the mysterious world of planets and stars has attracted the attention of people, attracted them with its mystery and beauty.

Leader 1 . Earlier, long ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This wonderful turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.

Lead 2. Several thousand years have passed since then. Many generations of kind and intelligent people have grown up on our Earth. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, they learned that the Earth is a sphere. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.

Song "Hope"



When we grow up, we will fly into space.
In the meantime, we want to tell
About those people, skillful and brave,
that conquered space.
Very important
Don't forget their names
All astronauts and scientists.
Which laws are necessary opened
And they paved the way for us into space.

In Kaluga near Moscow
The teacher lived alone
All my life I dreamed about space
He himself studied the necessary sciences,
Did a great job
And began to create a theory
Space flights.
He was a genius, and today
We must remember Tsiolkovsky.

Lead 1. The first Soviet liquid fuel rocket was launched on August 17, 1933 and stayed in the air... 18 seconds.

But who built the first rocket, do you know about it? Designer, academician Korolev. The first satellite was ready for flight. In the past century, the fifty-seventh year, He flew thanks to the work of Designers, rocket scientists, and workers.


Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966) - a scientist under whose leadership the first ballistic and geophysical rockets, artificial Earth satellites and manned spacecraft were created. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into Earth orbit.


Lead 2. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times. People have long dreamed of exploring outer space. They thought for a long time about how to build a spaceship to fly above the stars. People dreamed of knowing the sky, and not just setting altitude records.

Presenter 1 And so they created spaceships, and flew into space. But before the famous cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew (showing a picture depicting Yuri Gagarin), guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits flew into space - they all honestly served a great dream. And on November 3, 1957, a living heart began to beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. In the hermetic cabin of the satellite, the dog Laika lived, breathed, and flew over the world.

Other dogs followed Laika. Do any of you know these two famous dogs? ……..

Following Laika, on August 20, 1960, two dogs flew into space at once: Belka and Strelka (slide photo of Belka and Strelka)


Lead 2. Let's fast forward 51 years. A message is being broadcast on the radio, all over the country people have gathered at radio receivers: “Moscow is speaking! All the radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! Moscow time is 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first manned flight into outer space.

On April 12, 1961, the world's first spaceship-satellite "Vostok" with a man on board was put into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union.

(Levitan's speech - listening)

The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok satellite is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.



Dawn. We didn't know anything yet.
The usual "breaking news".
And he flies through the constellation.
The earth will wake up with his name.

"Wide is my native land"...
The familiar voice of the first call signs.
We started our reports with them.
And I don't remember it for nothing.

Without asking for help from anyone
She rose from the ashes and from the dust,
My country knows no fear
He is now sending his son into space.

The song "Do you know what kind of guy he was?"

Leader 1 . The world held its breath. The world listened to the voice of a man flying over oceans and countries, and people in these countries repeated: "Gagarin", "Yuri", "Russia". The earth recognized a simple, charming man who paved the way to the stars.


Ah, this day is the twelfth of April,
As he swept through people's hearts.
It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder,
Shocked by his own victory.
What he thundered with universal music,
That holiday, in the colorful flame of banners,
When the unknown son of the Smolensk land
Was adopted by the Earth-planet.
Inhabitant of the Earth, heroic this fellow,
In his space vessel
In a circular, forever unprecedented,
In the abyss of the sky waved over her.
On that day, she seemed to have become smaller,
But she became people, perhaps, relatives.
Oh this day with April grace,
The willow blooms in the bushes above the river Gzhatya...
And breathes everything a dream come true.

Lead 2. Imagine, guys, not only men, but also women can fly into space.



Our days are crowned with victories.

There is much to be surprised about.

But when a woman storms space -

It's great, friends!

And the first woman cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.

Since then, many astronauts from different countries have been in space. Not only the astronauts of our country, but also the Americans, the Japanese, the Chinese, the French.


To become an astronaut
Good health must be
And lead the right way of life
And the training must go through
And only after many trials
You will become an astronaut.

Of course, anyone can want
View from space to Earth
But is it enough patience and strength?
Only the one who bravely endured everything;
Go on a space flight
Come on guys, the cosmos is calling us! Leading

Song "Grass near the house"


Leading. Come on, guys, let's go on this trip. Raise your hands, which one of you wants to fly into space? (Everyone raises their hands) Great!


Distant stars in the sky are burning,
They invite smart guys to visit.
It won't be long for us to get together on the road -
And now we are ready to fly.


The announcer will command:
"Attention - take off!"
And our rocket will rush forward.
Farewell blink and melt away
The golden lights of our beloved Earth.


We want to make friends with you, Luna.
So that you do not get bored all the time alone.
Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little bit.
We will be able to look at you on the way.


If we want to go to space
So let's fly soon!
The boldest will be our
Cheerful, friendly crew.

Leading. Guys, let's fly with you on a spaceship. How does an astronaut fly?

(W-w-w-w). Let's fly, let's fly!

Arrived! Shut off all your engines!

Here we are on the first planet. No one has been on this planet before us. Not once has a human foot set foot. Let's give her a name. (Children come up with the name of the planet). This is where the Martians live. But you have to learn how to talk to the Martians. They do not understand either Russian or English. But since we flew to visit them, we should learn to greet them.

Leading. I will ask 5 people to come to me. (Exit to the middle of the room.) Guys, you should greet each other with gestures, but these gestures should not be repeated. And so it began! (Children greet each other with gestures). Well done! Fly to the next planet? (Children agree).

Leading. This is the planet, guys, Alpha Centauri. Who do we see? Look, guys, we are met by an alien, his name is Vertunchik.

Spinner: I am very glad that you have arrived. Do you like to solve riddles? (Yes). Then listen.


Miracle - a bird, a scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars. (Rocket)

I will grumble, I will grumble,

I will fly to heaven. (Helicopter)

There are no clouds on the horizon

But an umbrella opened up in the sky,

In a few minutes

Dropped ... (Parachute)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.

The yellow plate gives warmth to everyone. (The sun)

At the grandmother's hut

Hanging sky edge

Dogs bark, they can't get it (Month)

blue fur coat

Covered the whole world (Sky)

clear nights

Mom walks with her daughters

She does not tell her daughters:

Because the mother is the moon

And daughters ... (Stars)

What is this ceiling?

He's low, he's high

Now he is gray, then whitish,

It's a little blue.

And sometimes so beautiful -

Lace and blue-blue! (Sky)

Fluffy cotton

Floating somewhere.

The cotton is lower

The closer the rain is. (Clouds)

I walk in the sky at night

I dimly illuminate the earth.

I'm very bored alone

And my name is... (by the moon)

From which ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (Constellations: Ursa Major or Ursa Minor)

Spinner: Well done! Guessed everything - all my riddles!

Leading. Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). We fly, we fly! Arrived.

This planet, folks, is Zvezdalia. There are a lot of stars on this planet and the stars on this planet fall like that.

The game "Who will collect the stars faster"

I need 5 people. (5 people go out). (From the hands of the leader of the holiday, multi-colored stars made of paper fall).

See how many stars there are. Let's collect gifts. I count to 5, and you collect these stars (stars are scattered on the floor). So, are you ready? Started! 1-2-3-4-5. Stop! We count how many stars you have collected.

(The librarian approaches each child and counts the collected stars for each). The winner (the one with the most stars) I will award an honorary star. (Given a large red star drawn on paper). And who lost, do not be upset, because you are left with the stars that you have collected.

(Children take their seats.)

Leading. Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). We fly, we fly! Arrived.

This time guys, we hit the moon. The moon, folks, is a satellite of the earth.

(Showing an atlas depicting the moon).

Since we flew to the moon, then we are all Lunatics.

The game "Real astronaut"

Number of players optional. The leader puts a rope 3 meters long on the floor. Each participant stands at its beginning, turns around 5 times, and then must walk along the rope without stepping past it. The one who does it exactly wins. He received the medal "Real cosmonaut!"

The game "Breakfast astronaut"

Four apples are suspended on threads. The facilitator invites two participants who must eat their apple as quickly as possible without touching it with their hands hidden behind their backs. The winner is awarded the medal "Test Cosmonaut!"

Balloon game

12 people are selected from the hall. Each team has 6 people who form columns. The top two players on each team are given a balloon. Both teams raise their hands. At the command of the leader, the participants in the game pass the balloon by hand to the back of the column. The team that completes the given task faster wins. The winners are awarded an honorary star.

Leading. Let's fly! (W-w-w-w). We fly, we fly! Arrived.

Here we are with you on the last planet. Planet Earth. Many different people, animals, birds, insects live here.

Now let's play a game with you.

Game "Flies"

If I call a word that flies - you raise your hands. What does not fly - you do not raise your hands. But be very careful, as I will confuse you.

Is the plane flying? … Flies.

Does the table fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the goat fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Is the eagle flying? … Flies.

Does the gun fly? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the helicopter fly? … Flies.

Does the swallow fly? … Flies.

Is the hippo flying? ... Doesn't fly.

Does the sparrow fly? … Flies.

Does the chicken fly? ... Doesn't fly.


Well done! You know what flies and what doesn't.

So our journey to unknown planets ended. And again we were in our room.

At the end of the event, the children who won the drawing competition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day were awarded.


extracurricular activity

Cleanliness Lesson

"Nature's eternal beauty..."

(Joint event with the city library - branch No. 1)

extracurricular activity

Cleanliness Lesson

"Nature's eternal beauty..."


1. to form in children an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature, to form knowledge about the norms of correct behavior in nature;

2. development of environmental education of students;

3. to cultivate love for wildlife, respect for all living beings and a sense of responsibility for one's behavior in nature.

Event progress

Vedas. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we have gathered for a holiday called "We are friends of nature." Our planet earth is in danger. It has many sore spots. This happened because people built many enterprises that pollute the air with their smoke, gas; waste is poured into rivers, seas and pollutes them; oil from tankers during accidents spills into the waters of the seas and oceans. This is how our Earth is polluted. This pollution kills animals, plants, people get sick. Nature is dying. To help her, one must learn to love nature, love it from childhood, learn to understand how all living beings live. Each person can help nature, help with his actions, his slaughter, his kindness.

Listening to the song "All this is called nature"

Children read poems

Look my young friend

What is around:

The sky is light blue

The sun, light gold.

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests

Thunder, fogs and dew,

And so we all

We can't live without water

Without plants and animals

Without beautiful high mountains,

Without forests, fields and rivers

Man cannot live.

So let's save

Our earthly natural home.

Vedas. Guys, birds have long attracted the attention of man. People admired their bright plumage, melodic singing, their bold, swift flights. The most poetic images in the works of peoples are associated with birds. Watching the birds, people expanded their knowledge in the game, and in poetry, and in songs.

/The game "Birds have arrived"

Vedas. Now I will only name birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something else, then you need to clap.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts…

/Children clapping/

Vedas. What is wrong?

Children. Flies.

Vedas. And who are the flies?

Children. Insects.

Vedas. You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta! /clap/

Vedas. Let's start again!

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens! /clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Ostriches, siskins ... / Clap /

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Gaichki, swifts,

storks, cuckoos,

Even spy owls. /clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos. /clap/

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

storks, cuckoos,

Even spy owls

Swans, starlings...

All of you are great.

Vedas. Everything in the world is interconnected: human life and the life of the forest with its inhabitants.And did you know that…

Each owl destroys about 1000 rodents in one year alone. If we take into account that each mouse can eat 1 kg of grain a year, then one owl saves a ton of bread a year.

The cuckoo has an unusual appetite. In an hour, she can eat up to 100 caterpillars. In the forest where the cuckoo lives, a large number of insect pests appear, she deals with them within a few days.

Did you know that:

The crane lives from 12 to 50 years;

Squirrel - from 6 to 7 years;

Cuckoo - from 10 to 40 years;

Horse - from 20 to 60 years;

Elephant - from 70 to 120 years;

Bear - from 15 to 20 years.

The paper thrown by you will lie for more than 2 years,

Tin can - more than 30 years,

Polyethylene bag - over 200 years old,

Glass - 1000 years.

Vedas. It's the end of December, the cold will come soon, so guys, do not forget to feed the birds, it can be difficult for them to survive in harsh, cold winters. Out of 8 tits, only one remains by spring, if you do not take care of them in winter.

Feed the birds in winter!

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

They are not rich in food,

A handful of grain is needed.

A handful of grain - and not terrible

They will have winter...

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

To from harmful insects

Blooming gardens did not die in vain.

Always, at any time of the year

Take care of the birds, friends!

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds

Open for us in the heat and chill,

Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

Don't desecrate her shrines.

Vedas. Guys, people have long been wise, observant. Their whole life was connected with nature. And people have taught their children to do the same, until now people use wise words. The folk tale lives on in our times. Here, listen to some:

For example, Whoever loves the forest does not destroy it.

Hoarfrost on trees - to frost.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.

Winter is frosty - summer is hot.

I will start and you will finish:

The earth is painted ... (sun), and a person ... (labor)

A lot of forest - ... (do not destroy), little forest - ... (take care), no forest - ... (plant).

Late departure of birds - ...(for a warm winter).

Smoke column - ... (to frost).

So that the joy of tomorrow

Could you feel

Must be a clean land

And the sky be clear.

And this land, not sparing,

Tormented century after century

And he took everything only for himself

Man of sense.

Now rushed to save

natural environment.

Through factories and plants smoke

It's hard for us to see

All those sufferings that the earth

We have to endure!

How long will we have enough water?

If poison is dissolved in it?

How long will those forests last

Where are the axes knocking?

Save fields, forests, meadows

And the clean surface of the rivers -

Only you can do the whole earth

Man of sense!

Competition "Guess the riddle, say the tongue twister, solve the problem."

/ A drawing depicting a magpie is attached to the board, on the tailriddles attached/

white-sided magpie

Came from afar

Didn't say where she was

But she, guys,

Very tricky riddles

Brought to us on the tail.

1. Grass that even the blind know(nettle)

2. The tree is a symbol of our Motherland(Birch)

3. What happens to a bee after it stings?(dies)

4. She is not up to sleep in the deaf night:

She runs the business.(Owl)

5. Who loves to run on branches?

Of course the redhead...(squirrel).

Vedas. A tongue twister competition is announced.

Who is behind me without a mistake

Repeat the phrase quickly

In this contest today

Will definitely win!

Rooks look at jackdaws,

The jackdaws look at the rooks.

Joking questions

  1. What tree do children enjoy the most in winter? (spruce)
  2. What will the letter "k" flax turn into if it stands next to it? (Maple)
  3. Tree with cones (spruce, pine)
  4. What are the stones in the sea? (wet)
  5. Flying all day, everyone gets bored (fly)
  6. I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose)
  7. What animals crawl out of their skin (snake)
  8. Red cheat (fox)
  9. He starts the week (Monday)
  10. First spring flower (snowdrop)
  11. Which fish resembles a chess piece? (sea Horse)
  12. What color is a chameleon? (different, depending on temperature, humidity, lighting)

Vedas. Our holiday continues with a competition for the correct and quick solution of problems. Here you need to listen carefully, quickly count and learn something new from the natural world.

Here's a fun challenge

Waiting for the daredevils.

We wish them good luck.

Come out! Who is ready?

If you know the table

Answer the question boldly

How many small birds

Arrived at the feeder?

Sparrows of a pugnacious couple,

And a pair of titmouse too,

Pair of rock doves

And two pairs of bullfinches.(10)

gave the ducklings a hedgehog

8 leather boots

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there?(4)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

He warmed up the squirrel kettle,

Invited 10 squirrels:

"Come all for tea!"

How many squirrels, answer!(5)

The bear was walking in the forest

The bear collected bumps.

I put eight in the basket,

Then ten, seven more.

And how many are there in total? - ask.

Answer, Mishutka, everyone!(8+10+7=25)

Vedas . Yes, guys, our nature is patient, it forgives a lot to a person, but also calls for our help, protection. What makes us happy in nature? Of course, its beauty, clean air, the silence of the forest, the voices of birds and animals, the rustle of leaves, the murmur of a stream. In order for other people to see this beauty, one must learn to communicate with nature.

Let us listen to nature, listen, think and rejoice.

We have everything

For later and for now:

Rivers, mountains and forests

blue skies,

Oceans, palm trees, snow

And the Earth is one for all.

She is happy to give us everything,

Just don't be greedy!

And then it will remain

Everything for everyone and forever!

You, my friend, look, do not let us down!

Promise to be truthful and kind!

Do not offend any bird or cricket,

Do not buy a net for a butterfly.

Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields,

Everything that is called your homeland!

(Students go out one at a time and read one line of the poem, at the same time raise a card with the letter

S O H R A N I M P R I R O D U Z E M L I!

With morning until late evening,

O own fields of pages,

X handles the book trustingly

R sweet music of birds..

BUT maybe from now on

H another time will come -

And will become for the bird tribe

M or more kids!

P the birds will delight again

R fix the heart and ear,

And make better friends with birds

R echushka, and a grove, and a meadow.

O from the sky to the underwater world

D come on, how is the Motherland speech,

At mom and noble soul

W protect the health of the planet!

E single diversity

M we will appreciate for a reason,

L I love both Europe and Asia,

And our hometown!

"Important Advice"

Let's solve the puzzle"Important advice".

A wise saying about nature is encrypted in this puzzle. To read this advice, you need to remember the sequence of letters in the Russian alphabet. The key to reading is in the picture. Write in boxes for readability.

The slide is shown.

(Answer: If you protect and cherish the green, cheerful land, you yourself will be full, healthy and cheerful, man.)

Let's read what rules a person who cares about nature should cultivate in himself.


  1. Protect nature as a source of material wealth, health and spiritual wealth of man.
  2. Study the laws of nature.
  3. Provide practical assistance in protecting nature and multiplying its wealth.
  4. Fight against poachers and all those who damage nature.
  5. Fight against unauthorized dumps.
  6. To be true to the motto "To protect nature means to protect the homeland!"

We are responsible for the fate of our common home - planet Earth. We are all children of one ship named Earth. So, there is simply nowhere to move from it. If you have taken something from the earth, give it back. Plant a tree, clean the spring, feed the birds. Only then will the Earth remain the same as in your drawings. Let's try to live in such a way that the land around us remains generous, beautiful, so that clean streams murmur on it, gardens bloom, birds sing.

Let's be
Protect the planet!
All over the universe
There is no more beautiful.
All over the universe
All alone!
What will do
Is she without us?

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.

Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then on Earth

We will save ourselves!



Song "Let's save nature"

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.

Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then on Earth

We will save ourselves!


Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 1

1. Three brothers have two sisters. How many children are in the family? Circle the correct answer:

5 9 6

2. Which is heavier: 1 kilogram of cotton wool or 1 kilogram of iron? Circle the correct answer:

cotton wool equally

3. You can put 2 kilograms of food in the bag. How many bags should mom have if she wants to buy 4 kilograms of potatoes and a 1 kilogram melon?

Write an answer._________________________

4. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are in the yard?

Write an answer. __________________

5. Put the signs + or -to get the correct equality:

7 * 4 * 2 * 5 = 10

10 * 4 * 3 * 8 = 1

6. The staircase consists of 7 steps. Which step is in the middle?

7. The log was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts did you make? Circle the correct answer:

3 2 4

8. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

Write an answer:_________________________________

9. Three girls were preparing Christmas decorations for the New Year. The three of them worked for 3 hours. How many hours did each of them work?

Write an answer:_________________________

10. The sum of three even numbers is 12. Write these numbers if you know that the terms are not equal to each other.

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 2

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. A turkey weighs 12 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (1 point) Answer:________________

2. The cage of the rabbits was closed, but 24 legs were visible through the bottom hole, and 12 rabbit ears through the top hole. So how many rabbits were in the cage? (3 points) Answer: ___________________

3. Anya, Zhenya and Nina received different marks for the control work, but they did not have twos. Guess what grade each of the girls received, if Anya does not have “3”, Nina does not have “3” and not “5” (3 points).

Answer: Anya ___, Nina ____, Zhenya _____.

4. From the numbers 21, 19, 30, 25, 12, 7, 15, 6, 27, select three such numbers, the sum of which will be equal to 50 (2 points). Answer:___________________________.

5. Pinocchio has less than 20 gold coins. He can arrange these coins into piles of two, three and four coins. How many coins does Pinocchio have? (3 points) Answer: __________.

6. Write down all two-digit numbers in which the number of units is four more than the number of tens? (1 case - 1 point) _________________________.

7. Katya, Galya and Olya hid each toy while playing. They played with a bear cub, a bunny and an elephant. It is known that Katya did not hide the bunny, and Olya did not hide either the bunny or the bear cub. Who has what toy? (3 points)

Answer: Katya ____________________, Galya ____________________, Olya _____________________.

8. Three girls, when asked how old they were, answered as follows: Masha: “Together with Natasha, I am 21 years old”, Natasha: “I am 4 years younger than Tamara”, Tamara: “The three of us together are 34 years old”. How old is each of the girls? (5 points)

Answer: Masha _________, Natasha ____________, Tamara ___________.

9. Insert the missing signs of mathematical operations. (1 example - 2 points)

1 2 3 4 5 = 5 1 2 3 4 5 = 7

10. Continue the series of numbers (2 points)

20, 18, 19, 17, 18, 16, 17, ...., ...., ....

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, ...., ....

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 3

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to cook 5 eggs?

(1 point)________________.

2. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (1 point) _________.

3. The doctor gave the sick girl 3 tablets and told her to take them every half an hour. She strictly followed the doctor's instructions. How long did the pills prescribed by the doctor last? (1 point)_____________.

4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then the wire was unbent, and a triangle with equal sides was bent from it. What is the length of the side of the triangle? (1 point)____________________.

5. Kolya, Vasya and Borya played checkers. Each of them played only 2 games. How many games were played in total? (2 points)________________.

6. How many two-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1,2,3, provided that the numbers in the number entry will not be repeated? List all these numbers. (2 points) ___________________________________________.

7. There were 9 sheets of paper. Some of them were cut into three parts. There were 15 sheets in total. How many sheets of paper were cut? (3 points)__________.

8. In a five-story house, Vera lives above Petya, but below Glory, and Kolya lives below Petya. What floor does Vera live on if Kolya lives on the second floor? (3 points) __________________________________________.

9. 1 rubber band, 2 pencils and 3 notebooks cost 38 rubles. 3 rubber bands, 2 pencils and 1 notebook cost 22 rubles. How much does a set of eraser, pencil and notepad cost? (4 points)__________________________________

10. Niels flew in a flock on the back of a goose Martin. He noticed that the formation of the flock resembles a triangle: the leader is in front, then 2 geese, in the third row 3 geese, etc. The flock stopped for the night on an ice floe. Niels saw that the arrangement of the geese this time resembled a square consisting of rows, in each row the same number of geese, and the number of geese in each row was equal to the number of rows. There are less than 50 geese in a flock. How many geese are in a flock? (6 points)_______________________________

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 4

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. Sitting at the window of the train car, the boy began to count telegraph poles. He counted 10 pillars. How far did the train travel during this time if the distance between the posts is 50 m? (1 point)__________________________.

2. One clock is 25 minutes behind, showing 1 hour 50 minutes. What time does the other clock show if it advances by 15 minutes? (2 points) _________________________.

3. What are the sides of a rectangle whose area is 12 cm and the perimeter is 26 cm? (1 point)__________________________________.

4. How much will you get if you add the largest odd two-digit number and the smallest even three-digit number? (1 point)_______________________.

5. Find a pattern in each chain of numbers and fill in the missing numbers

(1 chain - 1 point):

1) 3, 6, __, 12, 15, 18.

2) 1, 8, 11, 18, ___, 28, 31.

3) 2, 2, 4, 4, ___, 6, 8, 8.

4) 24, 21, ___, 15, 12.

5) 65, 60, 55, ____, 45, 40, 35.

6. Write the smallest four-digit number in which all digits are different. (1 point)____________________________.

7. Three girlfriends - Vera, Olya and Tanya went to the forest for berries. For picking berries they had a basket, a basket and a bucket. It is known that Olya was not with a basket and not with a basket, Vera was not with a basket. What did each girl take with her to pick berries? (3 points) Vera - ______________, Tanya - ______________, Olya - _______________.

8. A motorcyclist traveled 980 km in three days. In the first two days he traveled 725 km, while on the second day he traveled 123 km more than on the third day. How many kilometers did he drive on each of those three days? (4 points)

I day _______, II day _______, III day _______.

9. Write in numbers a number consisting of 22 million 22 thousand 22 hundreds and 22 units. (2 points)________________________________.

10. 240 students from Moscow and Orel arrived at the tourist camp. There were 125 boys among the arrivals, of which 65 were Muscovites. Among the students who arrived from Orel, there were 53 girls. How many students arrived from Moscow in total? (4 points)_____________.


1 class

1) 5 (1 point)

2) Equally (1 point)

3) 3 packs (2 points)

4) 2 cats (1 point)

5) 1 example - 1 point

6) fourth (1 point)

7) 2 (1 point)

8) 4 legs (2 points)

9) 3 hours (2 points)

10) 2+4+6=12 (2 points)

Grade 2

1) 12 kg (1 point)

2) 6 rabbits (3 points)

3) Anya has 5, Nina has 4, Zhenya has 3 (3 points)

4) 19+6+25=50 (2 points)

5) 12 coins (3 points)

6) 15, 26, 37, 48, 59 (1 case - 1 point)

7) Olya has an elephant, Katya has a teddy bear, Gali has a bunny (3 points)

8) Masha is 12 years old, Natasha is 9 years old, Tamara is 13 years old (5 points)

9) 9.1+2+3+4-5= 5 1+2+3+-4+5=7 (1 example - 2 points)

10) …10. 15, 16, 14 (2 points)


3rd grade

1) 4 minutes (1 point)

2) 50 (1 point)

3) for 1 hour (1 point)

4) 8cm (1 point)

5) 3 parties. (K-V, K-B, V-B) 2 points

6) 12.13, 21.23, 31.32 (2 points)

7) 3 sheets (3 points)

8) 4th floor - Vera (3 points)

9) 15 rubles, because 4 rubber bands, 4 pencils and 4 notepads 38+22=60(RUB) One set costs 60: 4=15(RUB) (4 points)

10) 36 geese (6 points)

4th grade:

1. 50 x 9=450 (m) (1 point)

2. 1 hour 50 minutes + 25 minutes = 2 hours 15 minutes (2 points)

2 hours 15 min+15 min=2 hours 30 min

3. The sides of the rectangle are 12 cm and 1 cm. (1 point)

4.199 (1 point)

5.1) 9; 2)21; 3)6; 4)18; 5) 50; (1 chain - 1 point)

6. 1023 (1 point)

7. Vera was with a basket, Olya - with a bucket, Tanya - with a basket. (3 points)

8. (4 points)

1) 980 - 725 = 255 (km) - traveled on the third day;

2) 255 + 123 = 378 (km) - traveled on the second day;

3) 725 - 378 = 347 (km) - drove on the first day.

Answer: on the first day, the motorcyclist traveled 347 km, on the second - 378, on the third - 255 km.

9. 22 024 222 (2 points)

10. (4 points)

1) 240-125=115 girls from Moscow and Orel

2) 115-53=62 girls from Moscow

3) 65+62=127 children from Moscow

Russian Language Olympiad Grade 2

1. In each of these words, another word was hidden. Find it
barn, bison, scythe, duck, wolf. 5 B/……

2. Find extra words, explain the reason for the exception:

ball, watermelon, forest, teeth
Night, daughter, field, sing
3. Make words from letters: s, l, o, m e, r, o, p u, r, a, k, h


4. Choose words that have only soft consonants:
anniversary. 3b/……

5. Find an extra pair:
wide narrow
loud - strong;
dark - light.
timid - bold 1b / ... ...

6. Select a word that is not in alphabetical order:
Ant 1b/……

7. Solve puzzles.
R 1 a ……………………………………………..
E100nia ……………………………………………..
Za1ka ………………………………………………… 3b/……

8. Select words that can be divided for transfer.
Autumn, pit, belt, Anna, watering can, ash, branches, anchor, skates, stork.
5 B/……

9. Complete the sentences by inserting the correct animal.
Turkey, donkey, bear, fox, fish, hare, pig, magpie, wolf.
It’s like………………………………………………….
Dirty as………………………………………...
Cowardly as ……………………………………………
Stubborn as…………………………………………....
Prickly as………………………………………… 5b/……

10. Select the words in which the initial letters should be capitalized.
natasha, lake, mountain, dog, tuzik, kuznetsov, volga

11. Highlight the words that are in the proverb or saying.
a) When are the chicks counted?
By spring
in winter
By autumn 1b/……
b) When does appetite come?
During rest
While walking
While eating
Never comes 1b/……

12. Choose the right form of the noun
Mom baked pies with
jam. 1b/……

13. Choose an answer, how many sounds are in the word "LEW"?
1 1b/……

14. Highlight the words with the suffix - to -
little book. 2b/……

15. Write the word swallow in 4 cells.


16. In what word is the negation no heard 100 times.

17. In which word is heard three o, but four is written


1. Shed, bison, scythe, duck, wolf.
5b, 1 point for correct answer

2. ball, watermelon, forest, teeth (plural)
Night, daughter, field (no at the end of ь, 2 syllables) or sing (verb)
2b, 1 point for correct answer

3.soap, pen, pen
3b, 1 point for correct answer

4. now, anniversary, thicket
3b, 1 point for correct answer

5.1 poppy, 2 boy, 3 lightning, 4, ant, 5 fly,
1b, 1 point for correct answer

1b, point for the correct answer

7. Motherland, Estonia, hairpin
3b, 1 point for correct answer

8. Belt, Anna, watering can, branches, skates.
5b, 1 point for correct answer

9 Mute like a fish.
Dirty as a pig.
Cowardly as a rabbit.
Stubborn like a donkey.
Prickly like a hedgehog.
5b, 1 point for correct answer

10. natasha, lake, mountain, dog, tuzik, kuznetsov, volga
4b, 1 point for correct answer

11. a) In autumn b) At mealtime
2b, 1 point for correct answer

12. jam. 1b, point for the correct answer

13. 3
1b, point for the correct answer

14. napkin, box
2b, 1 point for correct answer

15. Swallow
1b, point for the correct answer

1b, point for the correct answer

17. Trio
1b, point for the correct answer
Total: 41 points

The event dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics. (for grades 8-9)

Lesson type: conference.

Methodological equipment of the lesson: Presentation “Man. Space. Universe"
Hardware and software equipment: PC, Microsoft Power Point, multimedia projector.

Goals: broaden the horizons of students, help students trace the path of development of the theoretical and practical study of outer space;
instilling in students a sense of patriotism, pride in the national science of space and the contribution of compatriots to the development of astronautics.

Event progress

1. The song "Grass near the house" sounds

1. Earth in the porthole (3 times ) is visible.
How a son mourns for his mother
2 times ),
We are sad about the Earth - she is alone.
But the stars, nevertheless,
2 times ),
A little closer, but everyone is also cold,
And as in the hours of the eclipse, (
2 times )
We are waiting for the light and see earthly dreams.

Chorus: And we are not dreaming of the roar of the spaceport,
Not this icy blue
And we dream of grass, grass near the house,
Green, green grass.

2. And we fly in orbits, along unbeaten paths,
Space is stitched with meteorites.
Justified risk and courage, space music,
Floats into our business conversation.
In some kind of matte haze, the Earth in the porthole,
Evening and early dawn.
And the son is sad about his mother, ( 2 times )
The mother is waiting for the son, and the Earth is waiting for the sons.


Host-1: Hello dear students and teachers! Today the event is dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. This day will forever remain in the history and hearts of millions of people. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our famous scientists, today, at first glance, an unattainable and immense space is available to us!

2. Literary composition.


Sons and daughters of planet blue

Soar up, disturbing the peace of the stars.

Established a path to interstellar space

For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

The space age is advancing!

The rockets continue their flight

Starting from Baikonur every year.

People are used to such phenomena.

He keeps his first love in his soul,

Let thousands soar to the stars again

But the first was Gagarin, he was his own,

Native, with a smile of a child, mischievous.

When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,

Everyone remembers their favorite.

But on this day we congratulate those

Who creates glory for the country, success:

Everyone who is watching the remote control from the Earth,

How astronauts accomplish a feat

And those who send ships

Starting from Mother Earth, -

Everyone who is connected with space science in life.

The people owe their love to them.

The country is proud of astronautics:

She was and will be needed!


The stars are clear, the stars are high!

What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide?

Stars, concealing deep thoughts,

By what power do you captivate the soul?

Frequent stars, tight stars!

What is beautiful in you, what is powerful in you?

What do you carry, heavenly stars,

The power of the great burning knowledge?

And why is it that when you shine

Beckon to the sky, into wide arms?

Look so gently, caress your heart,

Heavenly stars, distant stars!



After all, if the stars are lit -

So - someone wants them to be?

So - someone calls these spittles


And, tearing up

in blizzards of midday dust,

rushes to god

afraid of being late


kisses his sinewy hand,

asks -

to have a star!

Swears -

will not endure this starless torment!

And then

walks anxious,

but calm on the outside.

Says to someone:

“After all, now you have nothing?

Not scary?



After all, if the stars

ignite -

Does that mean anyone needs it?

So, it is necessary

so that every evening

over the rooftops

lit up at least one star ?!

Host-2: ( C slide-1). On April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day.

Man - living intelligent social beings, subjects of socio-historical activity and culture

Cosmos (Greek kosmos) is a synonym for the astronomical definition of the Universe; the so-called space is often distinguished. near space, explored with the help of artificial Earth satellites, spacecraft and interplanetary stations, and deep space - the world of stars and galaxies.astronautics (from the Greek kosmos - order, order, peace, the Universe and Greek. nautike - the art of navigation, navigation), flights in outer space.
Universe - a concept that does not have a strict definition inastronomyandphilosophy.

The universe is the subject of studycosmology.
In their dreams, embodied in fairy tales, legends, science fiction novels, humanity has long been striving for space. Numerous (usually impracticable) inventions of the past testify to this. Tales of flight into the sky are already found in the Assyro-Babylonian epic, in ancient Chinese and Iranian legends. The ancient Indian poem "Mahabharata" contains instructions for flying to the moon. The Greek myth about the flight to the Sun of Icarus on wings fastened with wax is widely known. Flight to the Moon on wings was described by Lucian of Samosata (II century BC).
When archaeologists excavating the legendary Nineveh stumbled upon the library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal, among the thousands of clay tablets covered with cuneiform writing, they also found the one that told the legend of Etana, on horseback, on an eagle soaring into the sky. More than four thousand years have passed since the birth of the legend. And just over 40 years ago, humanity took its first step towards the stars, and the legend came true.
Our today's meeting is dedicated to the dream of mankind to rise into space, or rather, "the first steps in space".

Host-1: ( C slide - 4). The theoretical substantiation of the possibility of flights in outer space was first given by the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky at the end of the 19th century.
1st student: ( C slide - 4). Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich born September 5 (17), 1857 in the village. Izhevsk, now the Ryazan region in the family of a forester. After suffering from scarlet fever in childhood, he almost completely lost his hearing: deafness did not allow him to continue his studies at school, and from the age of 14 he studied independently. From the age of 16 to 19 he lived in Moscow, studied physical and mathematical sciences in the cycle of secondary and higher education. In 1879, he passed the exams for the title of teacher externally, and in 1880 he was appointed teacher of arithmetic and geometry at the Vorovsky district school of the Kaluga province. The first scientific studies of Tsiolkovsky date back to this time.
Not knowing about the discoveries already made, in 1880–1881 he wrote the work The Theory of Gases, in which he outlined the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases. His second work "Mechanics of the Animal Organism" (the same years) received a favorable review from I. M. Sechenov
, and Tsiolkovsky was admitted to the Russian Physical and Chemical Society.
In his work “Investigation of world spaces with rocket instruments” (1903) and further works, Tsiolkovsky showed the reality of the technical implementation of space flights and gave a fundamental solution to a number of basic problems of space.
In addition to the works of Tsiolkovsky, the work of many scientists was devoted to space issues.
In the 20s. 20th century the first space societies were founded: in the USSR (1924), Austria (1926), Germany (1927), Great Britain and the USA (1930).
The purpose of these societies was to promote the ideas of space and to contribute to the solution of practical problems in this area. In the USSR, work in the field of rocket technology began in 1921.
An outstanding Russian Soviet scientist and inventor in the field of aerodynamics, rocket dynamics, aircraft and airship theory; the founder of modern astronautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky died at the age of 78 on September 19, 1935 in Kaluga.

2nd student: ( Cslide -5). The founder of practical astronautics isSergei Pavlovich Korolev. Korolev Sergey Pavlovich was born on December 30, 1906 (January 12, 1907), in the city of Zhytomyr. In 1924 he graduated from a professional construction school in Odessa. From 1927 he worked in the aviation industry. In 1930 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School and at the same time the Moscow School of Pilots. Soviet scientist, designer of rocket and space systems, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958; corresponding member 1953), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961). He developed a number of designs for successfully flying gliders. After meeting with Tsiolkovsky and his works, Korolev became interested in the ideas of creating rocket-type aircraft. He developed a number of projects, including projects for the 212 guided cruise missile (which flew in 1939) and the rocket glider, which for the first time in the USSR flew under the control of pilot V. P. Fedorov (1940).
Korolev's further activity as the head of a large team was aimed at creating powerful missile systems.
In the history of space exploration, the era of the first remarkable achievements is associated with the name of Korolev. Outstanding organizational skills and the talent of a great scientist allowed him to direct the work of many research and design teams for a number of years to solve large complex problems. Korolev's scientific and technical ideas were widely used in rocket and space technology.
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev died on January 14, 1966. He was buried in Red Square near the Kremlin wall.

Host -2: ( C lay 7). By 1957, under his leadership, a rocket and space complex was created, which made it possible in the USSR on October 4, 1957 to launch the first artificial satellite of the Earth. This event is rightfully considered the beginning of the space age.

3rd student: ( Slide 6). lawsuitat natural spat Earth satellites (AES), spacecraft launched into orbit around the Earth and designed to solve scientific and applied problems. The launch of the first satellite, which became the first artificial celestial body created by man, was the result of achievements in the field of rocket technology, electronics, automatic control, computer technology, celestial mechanics and other branches of science and technology.
In accordance with international agreement, a spacecraft is called a satellite if it has made at least one revolution around the Earth. Otherwise, it is considered to be a rocket probe that made measurements along a ballistic trajectory and is not registered as a satellite.
In accordance with the variety of scientific and applied problems solved with the help of satellites, satellites can have different sizes, weights, design schemes, and composition of onboard equipment. For example:

    the mass of the smallest satellite is only 0.7 kg;

    the Soviet satellite "Proton-4" had a mass of about 17 tons;

    the mass of the Salyut orbital station with the Soyuz spacecraft docked to it was over 25 tons;

    The mass of the payload put into orbit by a satellite (the American Apollo spacecraft with the last stage of the launch vehicle) was about 135 tons.

Host -2: (Slides-6-7). Rocket and space systems, headed by Korolev, made it possible for the first time in the world to launch artificial satellites of the Earth and the Sun, fly automatic interplanetary stations to the Moon, Venus and Mars, and make a soft landing on the surface of the Moon. Under his leadership, artificial Earth satellites of the Elektron and Molniya-1 series, many satellites of the Cosmos series, the first copies of interplanetary reconnaissance probes of the Zond and Venus series, the Voskhod spacecraft (the first multi-seat spacecraft, from which made the first exit of man into outer space), etc.
Satellites play an important role in the exploration of the Earth's natural resources and continuous monitoring of their condition. Photographing the Earth's surface through various light filters, and other research methods make it possible to judge the distribution of vegetation, changes in snow cover, river flooding, the state of crops and forests, monitor the progress of field work, estimate the expected yield, register forest fires, etc.

Host -1: (Slide 7). There are automatic satellites (research and applied), on which the operation of all instruments and systems is controlled by commands coming either from the Earth or from an onboard software device, manned spacecraft-satellites and orbital stations with a crew. Under the leadership of S.P. Korolev, many ballistic and geophysical rockets, launch vehicles and manned spacecraft "Vostok" and "Voskhod" were created, on which for the first time in history a man's space flight and man's exit into outer space were made.
The second most important date of the space age - April 12, 1961 - the day of the first space flight
Yu. A. Gagarina , the beginning of the era of direct penetration of man into space.

Host -2: Laika is the first life in space.

It was late autumn at Baikonur, it was rather cool in the cabin. Doctors extended a hose with warm air from a ground-based air conditioner so that the dog would not freeze. On November 3, 1957, Laika went into orbit. The launch of the second artificial Earth satellite "to study the physical processes and conditions of life in outer space ...

The name of the dog was made public only a day later. No one then knew that the dog, whose portraits appeared in all the newspapers, had a one-way ticket. Moreover, when her portrait was printed, she was already dead. Everyone who was involved in the experiment knew that Laika would live in space for three to four hours. There was no question of any weekly flight. A serious technical error was made in the cockpit design. It was too late to redo.

Laika lived in weightlessness for several hours. The dog overheated in flight and presumably died from heat and suffocation on the fourth orbit.

Host -1: Belka and Strelka.

On August 19, 1960, the cosmonaut dogs Belka and Strelka were launched into orbit. They were the first animals to return to Earth alive. Their flight lasted more than 25 hours, during which the ship made 17 revolutions around the Earth.

Belka and Strelka became stand-ins for the dogs Chaika and Chanterelle, who died in a spaceship crash at the 19th second of the flight. For the experiment, the dogs underwent a special selection - the weight of the animals should not exceed 6 kg, the coat color should be light (for easy tracking).

The dogs were trained to eat from automatic feeders and toilet. The animals were also given special clothing with sensors. Belka and Strelka, outbred females of light color, passed a special selection. It is interesting to note that at first the dogs had other nicknames - Albina and Marquise. They decided to change them from foreign to Russian.

After returning to Earth, Belka and Strelka lived in the aviary of the Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. Animals were taken to shows in schools and kindergartens. Arrow even brought offspring - 6 puppies. All puppies of the astronaut dog were healthy. Nikita Khrushchov gave one puppy to Jacqueline Kennedy, the wife of US President John F. Kennedy.

4th student: (Slide 10). The hero of the USSRGagarin Yury Alekseevich . Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, colonel. Honorary Member of the International Academy for Astronautics and Space Research.
Born on March 9, 1934 in Gzhatsk, Smolensk region. On April 12, 1961, he performed the world's first space flight on the Vostok satellite ship; circled the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth.
He died on March 27, 1968 while performing a training flight on an airplane. Buried in Red Square in Moscow.
The name of Yuri Gagarin was awarded the Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Air Force Academy in Monino. His homeland - the city of Gzhatsk was renamed the city of Gagarin. In the name of Yu.A. Gagarin named a crater on the far side of the Moon and a research ship of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

5th student: (Slide 11.) The hero of the USSRTitov German Stepanovich . Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, lieutenant general of aviation, candidate of military sciences.
Born on September 11, 1935 in the village of Upper Zhilino, Altai Territory. In preparation for the world's first manned space flight, he was a stand-in for cosmonaut-1 - Yu.A. Gagarin.
He made a space flight on August 6-7, 1961 on the Vostok-2 satellite ship. It was the world's first multi-turn flight: in 25 hours and 11 minutes, Vostok-2 made over 17 turns around the Earth, flying a distance of 703,143 kilometers. The flight made it possible to evaluate the influence of the weightlessness factor on the human body and its performance during a daily stay in outer space.

6th student: (Slide-11). Nikolaev Andriyan Grigorievich.
Born on September 5, 1929 in the village of Shorshely, Chuvash ASSR.
He made his first flight into space on August 11-15, 1962 on the Vostok-3 spacecraft. It was the first multi-day group flight in the history of space exploration. It took place simultaneously with the flight of the Vostok-4 spacecraft piloted by Pavel Romanovich Popovich.
(Slide-12). Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionPopovich Pavel Romanovich. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, major general of aviation, candidate of technical sciences.
Born on October 5, 1930 in the village of Uzin, Kyiv region. He made his first flight into space on August 12-15, 1962 on the Vostok-4 spacecraft.
It was the first multi-day group flight in the history of space exploration. During the flight, valuable information was obtained showing what effect the state of weightlessness has for a long time under the same experimental conditions on different organisms.
Nikolaev made his second flight into space on June 1-19, 1970 as the commander of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft together with Sevastyanov V.I. It was the longest flight of a Soyuz spacecraft.
Popovich made his second flight into space on July 3–19, 1974, together with Yu.P. Artyukhin. as a crew commander on the Soyuz-14 spacecraft and the Salyut-3 orbital station. On board the orbital station, the crew carried out numerous experiments and observations of great importance for solving many problems of science, technology, and the national economy.

7th student: (Slide-12). Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionBykovsky Valery Fyodorovich
Born on August 2, 1934 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region.
He made his first flight into space on June 14-19, 1963 on the Vostok-5 spacecraft. The flight took place simultaneously with the flight of the Vostok-6 spacecraft piloted by V.V. Tereshkova.

He made his second flight into space on September 15-23, 1976 as the commander of the Soyuz-22 spacecraft together with V.V. Aksenov.
He performed his third space flight from August 26 to September 3, 1978 as the commander of the international crew together with cosmonaut-researcher citizen of the German Democratic Republic Jan Sigmund on the Soyuz-31 spacecraft.

8th student: (Slide-13). The hero of the USSRTereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, colonel, candidate of technical sciences.
She was born on March 6, 1937 in the village of Maslennikovo, Yaroslavl Region.
The world's first female astronaut. She made a space flight on June 16-19, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. The launch of the Vostok-6 spacecraft was carried out while the Vostok-5 spacecraft, piloted by cosmonaut V.F. Bykovsky, was in orbit.
During the flight, a large amount of medical and biological research was carried out, as well as further development and improvement of manned spacecraft systems under joint flight conditions.
In the name of Tereshkova V.V. a minor planet 1671 and a crater on the far side of the Moon are named.

9th student: (Slide 14). Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionKomarov Vladimir Mikhailovich Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, colonel. Born March 16, 1927 in Moscow.
The first space flight was made on October 12–13, 1964, together with K.P. Feoktistov. and Egorov B.B. as commander of the multi-seat Voskhod spacecraft
(Slide 14) .The hero of the USSRFeoktistov Konstantin Petrovich. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, doctor of technical sciences, professor. Born on February 7, 1926 in the city of Voronezh.
(Slide-15) .The hero of the USSREgorov Boris Borisovich. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, doctor of medical sciences. Member of the CPSU since 1973. Born November 26, 1937 in Moscow.
It was the world's first flight of a spacecraft with a crew of three. For the first time, a soft landing of a ship on Earth was worked out. The scientific research program, designed for one day of flight, was completed in full. Valuable material has been obtained on the flight of the spacecraft crew, consisting of cosmonauts of various specialties. For the first time, research scientists directly observed and studied outer space
(slide 31). The second space flight of V.M. Komarov committed on April 23-24, 1967 on the Soyuz-1 spacecraft. During the test flight, the program for testing the systems of the new ship was fully implemented, and the planned scientific experiments were carried out. When returning to Earth, due to the off-design operation of the parachute system, the ship was descending at a high speed, which led to the death of the astronaut.
Komarov Vladimir Mikhailovich was posthumously awarded the second Gold Star medal. In the name of Komarov V.M. the research ship of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is named.

10th student: (Slide-15). The hero of the USSRBelyaev Pavel Ivanovich . Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, colonel.
Born on June 26, 1925 in the village of Chelishchevo, Vologda Oblast. The flight into space was made on March 18–19, 1965, together with Leonov A.A. as commander of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft.
Belyaev P.I. died January 10, 1970. In the name of Belyaev P.I. the research ship of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR is named.

(Slide-16) .Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionLeonov Alexey Arkhipovich .
Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, major general of aviation, candidate of technical sciences.
Born on May 30, 1934 in the village of Listvyanka, Kemerovo Region, in the family of a miner. During the flight, for the first time in the history of cosmonautics, cosmonaut Leonov A.A. from the cockpit of the spacecraft into outer space, moved away from the spacecraft at a distance of up to 5 m
, having spent 12 minutes in outer space, and performed a number of experiments outside the spacecraft. For the first time, a spacecraft was descent from orbit using a manual control system. The flight program was completed in full.
Second space flight Leonov A.A. made July 15-21, 1975 as the commander of the spacecraft "Soyuz-19" together with Kubasov V.N. It was the world's first joint flight of the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft and the American Apollo.

11th student: (Slide-16). Twice Hero of the Soviet UnionBeregovoy Georgy Timofeevich. Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Lieutenant General of Aviation, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
Born on April 15, 1921 in the village of Fedorovka, Poltava region. He made a space flight on October 26-30, 1968 on the Soyuz-3 spacecraft. During the flight, the spacecraft was repeatedly maneuvered in orbit and rendezvoused twice with the Soyuz-2 unmanned spacecraft. A number of technical experiments were carried out to test the systems and equipment of the Soyuz spacecraft, as well as observations to study near-Earth space.

12th student: (Slide-17). Tokhtar Ongarbaevich Aubakirov

Born on July 27, 1946 in the Karkaralinsky district of the Karaganda region of the Kazakh SSR (now the Republic of Kazakhstan). After graduating from the 8th grade, he worked as a turner at the Temirtau Foundry and Mechanical Plant, at the same time he studied at an evening school. In 1965 he graduated from high school and entered the Armavir Higher Military Aviation School for Air Defense Pilots. After graduating from college in 1969, he served in the USSR Air Force. In 1976 he graduated from the test pilot school and switched to test work. In 1976 - 1991: test pilot of the OKB named after A. Mikoyan, test pilot of the LII named after M. Gromov. During his work, he mastered more than 50 types of aircraft. He worked in the Crimea with ship-based aircraft. He was the first in the USSR to lift the MiG-29 serial supersonic fighter from the deck of the Tbilisi heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser. Without interruption from test work, he graduated in absentia from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze. In 1991, in accordance with an agreement between the governments of the then Soviet republics of Russia and Kazakhstan, he began training at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. He passed the accelerated motion vector of preparation for flight on the Soyuz TM spacecraft and the Mir orbital complex as a research cosmonaut. On October 2, 1991, he launched into space together with Alexander Aleksandrovich VOLKOV and Austrian cosmonaut Franz FIBEK as a cosmonaut-researcher of the Soyuz TM-13 spacecraft. During the week he worked on board the Mir orbital complex. On October 10, 1991, he returned to Earth together with Anatoly Pavlovich ARTSEBARSKY and Austrian cosmonaut Franz FIBEK on board the Soyuz T-12 spacecraft. The duration of stay in space was 7 days 22 hours 13 minutes. After the collapse of the USSR, he lives in Kazakhstan, is in the public service. Since April 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Defense Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Assistant to the President of Kazakhstan for space exploration.

The hero of the USSR. loadawarded the Order of Lenin, medals. Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.

13th student: (Slide-18). Musabaev Talgat Amangeldievich

Born on January 7, 1951 in the village of Kargaly, Dzhambul district, Alma-Ata region, Kazakhstan. In 1974 he graduated from the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers.

In 1993, he graduated from the Aktobe Higher Flight School without interruption from training at the CTC.

In 1974–1976 T. Musabaev worked first as an engineer, and since 1975 as a secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Burundai United Civil Aviation Squadron in Alma-Ata.

From 1976 to 1979 he was an instructor in the department of political and educational work of the Kazakh Civil Aviation Administration.

In 1979–1985 T. Musabaev worked as a deputy commander (for political and educational work) of the 240th flight detachment of the Alma-Ata United Air Squadron.

In 1986, T. Musabayev was trained in the 30th civil aviation training squad and received a civil aviation pilot's license. After that, he began to fly as a co-pilot, then as the commander of the An-2 aircraft of the Burundai Joint Squadron.

In 1989, T. Musabayev graduated from the Ulyanovsk Flight Personnel Training Center and from June to October 1990 he worked as a co-pilot of the Tu-134 aircraft of the First Flight Squad of the Alma-Ata United Aviation Squad. at the CPC at the OKP rate from the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

October 1990 to May 1991 he passed OKP in TsPK. On March 6, 1991, T. Musabayev was called up for military service in the Russian Air Force with the rank of major and was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps of the Air Force CTC for the post of candidate for cosmonauts. On September 13, 1991, by decision of the MVKK, he was awarded the qualification of a test cosmonaut. Talgat Mussabayev made three space flights.

First flight - from July 1 to November 4, 1994 as a flight engineer of Soyuz TM-19 spacecraft and Mir spacecraft under the EO-16 program.

The second flight - from January 29 to August 25, 1998 as the commander of the spacecraft "Soyuz TM-27" and OK "Mir" under the EO-25 program.

The third flight was from April 28 to May 6, 2001 as commander of Soyuz TM-32 spacecraft (launch), Soyuz TM-31 spacecraft (landing) and aboard the ISS under the ISS-T1 program.

In the summer of 2003, he was appointed head of combat training of the Army Aviation Directorate of the Russian Air Force. By order of the head of the RGNII TsPK dated November 27, 2003, the pilot-cosmonaut of Russia and Kazakhstan, Major General Talgat Musabaev was expelled from the personnel of military unit 26266 in connection with the transfer to a new duty station. Thus, Musabaev dropped out of the cosmonaut corps of the RGNII CTC.

Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Russian Federation, cosmonaut of the 1st class, candidate of technical sciences Talgat Musabayev is also the People's Hero of Kazakhstan and the pilot-cosmonaut of Kazakhstan No. 2.

14th student: Aidyn Akanovich Aimbetov

Born July 27, 1972 - Kazakh cosmonaut, the first citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan to fly into space, the 545th cosmonaut in the world. People's Hero of Kazakhstan (2015), Colonel of the Air Force of Kazakhstan.

From September 2 to September 12, 2015, he made a space flight as a board engineer-2 of the Soyuz TMA-18M transport manned spacecraft (TPK) to the International Space Station. He was a member of the EP-18 visiting expedition to the ISS. He returned to Earth on the Soyuz TMA-16M TPK. The flight duration was 9 days 20 hours 13 minutes 51 seconds.

The song "And Apple Trees Will Bloom on Mars" is performed:

1. Living and believing is wonderful
Unforgettable paths lie ahead of us.
Astronauts and dreamers say

2. It's good when comrades are with you,
The whole universe to pass and pass.
The stars will meet the earth in bloom,
And apple trees will bloom on Mars.

3. I became friends with distant stars,
Don't worry about me and don't be sad.
Leaving our Earth, we promised
That apple trees will bloom on Mars.

Host -1: (Slide-19). At the end of our meeting, I want to tell you one historical episode so that you can imagine the attitude of the authorities towards the dream of space travel in the middle of the 19th century.
1848 A modest phrase in the chronicle section of the Moscow Provincial News newspaper. Then these lines might not have attracted attention; they became symbolic much later, caught the eye of one historian who was rummaging through the archives. And the following was written:
“The tradesman Nikifor Nikitin is exiled to a remote settlement for seditious speeches about flying to the moon ...” After 100 years, the name of this settlement became known to the whole world, remember its name .... (Baikonur ).

Host -1-2 :( Slides-20-33)

Information about the solar system:

Mercury - the closest planet to the Sun, located at a distance of 58 million km from the Sun. It completes a revolution around it in 88 days.

Venus It is the second planet from the Sun and closest to the Earth. Venus is the hottest planet. The rotation period around the Sun is 225 days. Moving in orbit, it comes closest to the Earth.

Earth . Most of the Earth's surface is the World Ocean (71%), land - 29%. The daily rotation of the globe occurs in 23 hours 56 minutes 41 seconds. Light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach us.

Mars - the fourth planet from the Sun, cold and waterless. On Mars are the highest mountains - about 27 km high. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 39 minutes. A year on Mars is 689 days long. Temperatures reach 0 degrees during the day and drop to 100 degrees Celsius at night.

Jupiter - the fifth in distance from the Sun. The largest planet takes almost 12 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. The period of rotation of Jupiter around its axis is 9 hours 50 minutes; temperature reaches 140 degrees.

Saturn - the sixth planet. It differs from all the others in that it has about 7 rings. They all revolve around the planet. The rings are made up of many individual particles that have the structure of meteorites and dust. Saturn rotates in 10 hours and 15 minutes. The temperature of this planet is 170 degrees.

Uranus - This is the first planet that was discovered using a telescope. It is the seventh planet from the Sun. In diameter, it is almost a quarter larger than the Earth. It revolves around the Sun in 84 years, the temperature is 215 degrees.

Neptune - makes a complete revolution in 164 years.

Pluto - the last planet. It is 40 times farther from the Sun than the Earth. It is the smallest and coldest planet.

(Slides-34-35) Crossword questions:

1. This planet has seven rings. (Saturn.)

2. The planet is red. (Mars.)

6. Name the planet, most of which is occupied by the oceans. (Earth.)

8. Planet discovered with a telescope. (Uranus.)

Quiz questions:

1. What is our solar system made of? (From the Sun and all the bodies that revolve around it under the influence of gravity.)

2. What is the universe? (Space and all the bodies that fill it.)

3. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the universe.)

4. What galaxy do we live in? (Galaxy Milky Way.)

5. What planets of the solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

6. What planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus.)

7. What is the largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

8. What is the smallest planet? (Pluto.)

9. At what time of the year is the Earth closer to the Sun? (In winter.)

10. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus).

11. Which planet has the highest mountains? (On Mars.)

12. Why is the planet Mars called the "red" planet? (Because of the color of her deserts.)

13. Name the place in the solar system where the human foot has set foot? (Moon.)

14. What is astronomy? (Science of celestial bodies.)

15. What are meteorites? (Fragments of comets that fell to Earth.)

16. What is an observatory? (A building equipped for astronomical observations.)

17. What is a telescope? (An astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies.)

18. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.)

19. What is a comet? (A celestial body that looks like a hazy luminous spot and a light strip in the form of a tail.)

20. Which scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.)

21. Which of the scientists of our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

22. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of our country in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev.)

23. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (K).A. Gagarin.)

24. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to? (April 12, 1961 Yu.A. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

25. Name the first female cosmonaut of our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova.)

26. What is the name of the aircraft? (Rocket.)


    Alexandrov S. G., Fedorov R. E. Soviet satellites and space ships, 2nd ed. - M., 1961.

    Borzenko S. A., Denisov N. N. The first cosmonaut. - M., 1969.

    Kamanin N.P. The First Citizen of the Universe. - M., 1962.

    King-Healy D. The theory of orbits of artificial satellites in the atmosphere / Per. from English. - M., 1966.

    Ruppe G. O. Introduction to astronautics / Per. from English. ; vol. 1. - M., 1970.

    Ryabov Yu. A. Movement of celestial bodies. - M., 1962.

    Elyasberg PE Introduction to the theory of the flight of artificial Earth satellites. - M., 1965.

    The first manned flight into space. - M., 1961.

    Soviet man in space. - M., 1961.

    Space age morning. - M., 1961.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

This methodological development presents a quiz that includes questions about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Purpose of the event: expand the horizons of students about astronauts, spacecraft and celestial bodies.

Event objectives:

  1. To acquaint students with the basic facts from the biography of astronauts, with interesting information about celestial bodies and spacecraft.
  2. To promote the development of attention, memory and creative thinking in students.
  3. To instill a sense of patriotism for their country, pride and respect for people who have dedicated their lives to conquering space.

Form of organization of children's activities: group work (team work)

Preparation for the event: This event is held within the framework of the decade of physics as an extra-curricular event for the Day of Cosmonautics. It can be carried out in the entire parallel of the seventh grades or in one grade.

In the classes (class), you need to choose team captains, give them a task: form teams, make emblems and come up with a team name. Give all children the task to prepare for the event and look through the biographies of domestic and foreign astronauts, read about spacecraft, about celestial bodies.

Equipment: multimedia, presentation "Step into the Universe", presentation "Hubble", video "Dedicated to Gagarin's first flight"

Event progress

Teacher: Hello dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our game "Step into the Universe". !April 2, the whole world celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Remind me, please, in honor of what event is this holiday celebrated?

Suggested Answer: On April 12, the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics - a memorable date dedicated to the first manned flight into space. On April 12, 1961, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant Yu.A. Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth, opening the era of manned space flights.

Teacher: Thank you! Quite right! I invite you today to take your first step into the Universe. Captains, please introduce your teams.

The teams take turns pronouncing their name, the captains introduce the guys by name.

Teacher: But before we step into the Universe, let's talk about the man who opened the way for us into its secrets. I offer you stage 1 of our game called Warm-up. It consists of 10 questions worth 1 point. The right to answer and choose a question goes to the team that told us about this wonderful day. Attention, for each correct answer, the team receives 1 point, if the answer is not correct, the right to answer goes to the other team. We answer in turn. I will give you little stars that say 1 point.

Warm up

(from 2 to 13 slide)

  1. How long did Yu. A. Gagarin's space flight last? (1 hour 48 minutes)
  2. What was the name of the spaceship on which Yu. A. Gagarin flew into space? (East -1)
  3. Why in the museum of the star city in the office of Yu.A. Gagarin, the clock above the door always shows the same time - 10 hours 31 minutes? (at this time Gagarin's life was cut short)
  4. From which gate did Yuri Gagarin receive the keys for eternal storage? (From the gates of the cities of Cairo and Alexandria (1962, Egypt)).
  5. When and where was Yuri Gagarin born? (March 9, 1934, in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region)
  6. Name Gagarin's callsign on his first flight. (Cedar)
  7. Often in newspapers and magazines you can see a photograph where Yu. Gagarin is depicted with a white dove in his hands. What is the history of this photo? (It was in the GDR, Gagarin was surrounded by Germans. Suddenly, a boy ran up and handed him a dove. Gagarin pressed the bird to his chest, and she trustfully spread her wings. This is how photographers captured him)
  8. What was Gagarin called abroad? (Columbus of the universe)
  9. Who was Gagarin's understudy in space flight? (German Titov)
  10. As you know, during the flight, Yu.A. Gagarin was wearing an orange spacesuit, a white helmet and the same white lace-up boots with thick soles. Why was a thick sole needed, because the astronaut was not going to fly to the moon and land there?

(They must have a thick sole that can withstand the impact well. This is necessary because the loads during an emergency landing can be very large. So large that the bones are destroyed and the tendons burst. The boot should at least partially soften the blow. Andrey Sobetov described a case where the heel bone the pilot pierced the thin sole of the boot, which subsequently led to infection of the fracture, gangrene and amputation. A high ankle can protect against dislocations and sprains during an illiterate landing. An important requirement is that the boot should not have hooks and similar details).

Teacher: Let's summarize. (Captains announce their scores). Let's see how the preparation for the space flight and the launch of the spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board took place. Includes a video clip (attached to development).

Teacher:(slides 14 to 35) We are moving on to the second stage of our game called “The abyss of stars has opened full of ...”. This stage consists of 4 blocks of questions: names, stars, planets, spacecraft. Each question has its own value. The value of the value indicates the degree of difficulty of the question. You will choose your own question. If your answer is wrong, then the question goes to your opponents. For correct answers, the team receives a card with the number of points earned.

Category "Names"

20 points

First female astronaut

Answer: Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova

40 points

The first person to go into outer space.

Answer: Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov

60 points

The world's first female astronaut to go into outer space.

Answer: Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya

80 points

Name the astronaut who first set foot on the moon.

Answer: This man was Neil Armstrong, the commander of the American Apollo 11 spacecraft. Known for his phrase, which he said, stepping on the moon: "This is one small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind."

100 points

Name the astronaut who held the world record for the longest space flight (437 days and 18 hours in 1994 and 1995)

Answer: Valery Vladimirovich Polyakov.

Category "Stars"

20 points

The closest star to Earth.

Answer: The sun

40 points

A star whose presence in the sky will help determine the cardinal points.

Answer: Polar Star.

60 points

This constellation was called by different peoples and the hippopotamus, and the horse on a leash, and the star cart, and the camel. We know it by the name...

Answer: Big Dipper.

80 points

How many constellations are there in the sky?

Answer: 88 constellations

100 points

The brightest star in the sky?

Answer: Mercury

40 points

This planet reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or some time after sunset, which gave reason to call it also the Evening Star or the Morning Star.

Answer: Venus

60 points

Which planet's moons are Phobos and Deimos?

Answer: Mars

80 points

Which planet has the most satellites?

Answer: Jupiter, 63 moons

100 points

Which planet is called "blue" because of the methane content in its upper layers.

Answer: Union

40 points

Soviet space station that successfully operated in orbit for 15 years.

Answer: Station "Mir"

60 points

What was the name of the American spacecraft that made the first Soviet-American joint flight?

Answer: Apollo

80 points

What was the name of the Soviet spacecraft that flew over the head of Halley's Comet on March 6, 1986?

Answer: Vega

100 points

An astronomical observatory around the Earth, named after a major American astronomer.

Answer: The Hubble Space Telescope is an automatic observatory in orbit around the Earth, named after Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer.

Teacher: Guys, I would like to introduce you to the pictures that were taken using the Hubble telescope. Placing a telescope in space makes it possible to detect electromagnetic radiation in the ranges in which the earth's atmosphere is opaque, primarily in the infrared range. Due to the absence of the influence of the atmosphere, the resolution of the telescope is 7-10 times greater than a similar telescope located on Earth.

Launching a presentation called Hubble.

Then the results are summed up. Winners and prize-winners are awarded with diplomas of 1, 2, 3 degrees, and chocolate medals. (see attachment) The rest of the participants of the event are awarded with space-themed sweets.

Final word from the teacher: Dear guys, I thank you all for participating in the Step into the Universe game. Let your curiosity follow this step, and you will discover a lot of interesting things in the world of astronautics. Goodbye, see you again!

The game is very interesting, children take part in all stages of the game with great pleasure, they say that they learned a lot of interesting things, some even want to be astronauts. Therefore, the purpose of the event has been achieved. Throughout the month in April, I spend five minutes on astronautics at the very beginning of the lesson. I turn on videos about the biography of our cosmonauts, introduce them to the latest achievements in astronautics. And by right, our team for the second year in a row takes first place in the city competition dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

Sections: Extracurricular work

The form: oral journal.


  • To acquaint students with the biographies of the pioneers of the space age, which are an example of diligence, perseverance in achieving the goal.
  • Expand students' understanding of the first steps in space.
  • Involve students in the study of relevant literature to broaden their horizons.

1. Consider the main stages in the development of astronautics.

2. To draw attention to the history of space victories, not only older, but also younger students, the education of patriotism.

3. Consolidate the acquired knowledge on the questions of the quiz.

The facilitators open the magazine, then announce each next page of the magazine.

Design of each page: performance of students, presentation of the presentation "History of space victories". (Appendix 1).

Equipment: portraits of the first cosmonauts; photographs of the detachment of the first cosmonauts; multimedia projector.

How did people imagine the Earth and heaven in ancient times.

Presenter: The ancient Greeks thought that the Earth was flat and looked like a huge dish. Mountains and plains, rivers and lakes are located on this dish. From above, an unusual dish covers the vault of heaven. Some peoples believed that the Earth lies on three mighty giant elephants. Our Slavic ancestors believed that the heavens and the Earth are like an egg laid by a huge "space bird". On what just did not go to heaven the heroes of fairy tales and ancient legends! And on golden chariots, and on fast arrows, even on bats! (Slide 2) Aladdin flew on a magic carpet-plane, Baba Yaga rushed over the earth on a mortar, Ivanushka was carried on the wings of swan geese. Centuries passed and people managed to conquer the airspace of the Earth. But humanity dreamed of flying not only in the air, but also in outer space, about which the great Russian scientist and poet Mikhail Lomonosov said this:

The abyss has opened
Full of stars
The stars have no number
Abyss - the bottom!

Nikolay Ivanovich Kibalchich

Moderator: Russia has made a significant contribution to the development of space technologies that have allowed man to begin conquering the Universe. Since the middle of the 19th century, theoretical studies on the design and use of combat missiles began in the country. In this regard, mention should be made of the Russian inventor and revolutionary Nikolai Ivanovich Kibalchich. ( slide 3) 80 years before the first manned flight into space, he developed a project for a rocket aircraft. The work was carried out under very tragic circumstances. The fact is that Kibalchich was sentenced to death for participating in the attempt on the life of Tsar Alexander II. In prison, while awaiting execution, he laid out in five pages the idea of ​​a jet-powered spacecraft that would help humanity go into space (March 23, 1881). According to his plan, the engine of the aircraft was supposed to be powered by gunpowder, compressed into "cylindrical checkers". The inventor did not have the ability to carry out complex mathematical calculations. He concentrated his main attention on the presentation of the essence of his idea. The main difference between the Kibalchich project and others was that his “aeronautical device” could move even in a vacuum. Of course, there were shortcomings and errors in the proposed project. But that's not the point. The main thing is that at that time there was no theory of rocket propulsion. But the project of the 27-year-old Kibalchich was! The only thing he asked the court to submit his work for examination by scientists. However, this request was not granted. For 37 years, no one knew about the project he created. Only in 1918, when dismantling the secret archive of the tsarist secret police in the case of the executed Narodnaya Volya N.I. Kibalchich, the “Project of an aeronautical instrument” was found. And he entered the history of human penetration into space forever. He entered as a technical insight, as a great victory for the human spirit.

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich

Presenter: An outstanding Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky made an invaluable contribution to the development of rocket and space technology. ( slide4) His interests included many scientific problems, but the main ones were the study of world space and interplanetary travel. The plans of the self-taught scientist had a truly cosmic scope. Funds for equipment and experiments came from the family budget. The goal of Tsiolkovsky's whole life, by his own admission, was to do "something useful for people and move humanity forward at least a little."

He devoted his whole life to the dream of overcoming gravity, of the complete absence of gravity. . Tsiolkovsky K.E. said: "Humanity will not remain on Earth, it will win for itself near the solar space." "But a man will fly, relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind," the scientist added. Tsiolkovsky proved that it is possible to master outer space only with the help of a rocket! He developed the theory of rockets, suggested using liquid fuel for rockets, thought out the structure of the rocket, and derived the basic formula for rocket motion. In addition, he predicted that in outer space there will always be a real space home, where astronauts will live for a long time, doing research!

Friedrich Arturovich Zander

Presenter: At the beginning of the 20th century, the research of another inventor, Yuri Vasilyevich Kondratyuk, took place. In the book "The Conquest of Interplanetary Spaces" he first put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a multi-stage rocket that runs on oxygen-hydrogen fuel. Flights beyond the atmosphere could not be carried out without jet engines. And in 1921, with the assistance of Nikolai Ivanovich Tikhomirov, the designer of the first domestic combat missiles, a special laboratory for the development of rocket engines was formed. Soon, a new engineer, Valentin Petrovich Glushko, appeared in it, who led the experiments with rocket engines that ran on liquid fuel.

Moderator: The next stage in the development of the theory and practice of rocket science is associated with the name of Friedrich Arturovich Zander. (Slide 5). He began working in the field of interplanetary communications as early as 1906. Researched, studied and tested everything that could be useful in space flight. He even grew cabbage in crushed charcoal: after all, the flight can last for many years, so you should take care of the astronauts' diet. Why in a corner? Coal is much lighter than earthen soil, so the entire greenhouse weighs less than one garden bed. In flight, where every gram counts, this is very important. Today, the method of growing on board plants is known as “aeroponics”. In May 1910, he came up with an original idea about the possibility of connecting the Earth and the Moon with a cable. He immediately made mathematical calculations, which showed the impossibility of the practical implementation of the idea. However, the term "space elevator" has already acquired the right to life. Nowadays, in the scientific literature, there are a fairly large number of proposals for all kinds of space tugs, cables, etc. “The time will come,” said Friedrich Arturovich, “and the mighty jet ships at cosmic speed will go to other worlds of the Universe.” He sought to convey this belief in the victory of human genius in his lectures and reports. “Engineer F.A. Zander will make a report about a new ship he has invented, which solves the problem of flying into world space. In the 20s of the last century, such announcements could be read in many cities of the country.

In July 1922, F.A. Zander even took an annual leave from work, during which he developed a project for an airplane ship. In 1931, the Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion (abbreviated as GIRD) began to work in Moscow. An active promoter of the flight to Mars, he became one of its organizers. The future creators of rockets also worked here - engineers Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov, aerodynamicist Vladimir Petrovich Vetchinkin. The group worked in conditions of a constant shortage of materials and tools, there were not enough measuring instruments, and wages were paid meager. As a joke, GIRD began to be deciphered as “a group of engineers working for nothing.” Zander worked hard. Sometimes he did not leave his workplace for days, periodically refreshing himself with crackers, a bag with which hung on a nail next to his desk. Korolev even issued a playful order obliging the last employee to leave the building to take Friedrich Arturovich, who was fanatically devoted to his work, with him. This close-knit group found engineering solutions that had no analogues in world practice. Among the jet engines and rockets they created was the famous liquid-fueled rocket called the GIRD-X. On November 25, 1933, this two-meter rocket took off into the air and, picking up speed, disappeared into the clouds. Only 22 seconds its engine worked, but this flight proved that a man will pave the way to the stars.

Korolev Sergey Pavlovich

Presenter: All the ideas of Tsiolkovsky were brought to life by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. ( slide 6). Academician S.P. Korolev has never been in space. But he was well aware of the unusual conditions of outer space. For decades, he pondered his ideas from those unforgettable moments when he discovered the works of Tsiolkovsky, when for the first time a young man raised a glider of his own design into the sky, when he launched the first rocket in his life. Friends of his youth, the designers of the first rockets and aircraft, who later became well-known scientists, worked alongside Korolev. Hundreds of young designers, engineers, “hotheads” technicians worked together with them, ready to discuss any idea for days, weeks, months, as long as it takes for a new one to be born in an empty place. After all, there were no examples then, no samples in the entire world of technology! The famous wheel was even easier to invent than this one ... how can one call it ... a starship, a rocket ship ... “A ship - let's call it that,” Sergei Pavlovich once said to his comrades. Spaceship". And he explained: the spaceship will go into outer space, just like a sea ship goes into the expanses of the ocean. Here only everything is much more complicated than in the ocean. The main thing is that human life should be safe. Therefore, not the slightest mistake should happen.

In the spring of 1955, in the desert area near the Tyura-Tam junction (Kazakhstan), under the veil of the strictest secrecy, the construction of the future Baikonur Cosmodrome began. It was necessary to raise about a million cubic meters of soil and lay over 30,000 cubic meters of concrete, to build the top-priority facilities of the first space harbor. The work was carried out around the clock. And by the beginning of December, military builders handed over the launch facility for the installation of launch equipment.

Before SP. The task was set by Korolev and his associates: to create a rocket that would rise into space. Scientists decided that not the entire ship should be put into orbit, but only its head part, which will fly in space. In early 1957, the rocket, designated R-7, was ready for testing. On May 15, this 273-ton colossus was supposed to go into the sky from the launch pad of the test site. Everyone hoped for success. However, almost immediately after passing the command to start the propulsion system, a fire broke out in the tail section of one of the side blocks. The rocket exploded.

The first artificial Earth satellite (AES)

Host: But time passed quickly. Space rockets were tested not only here, but also in the United States of America. Everyone was in a hurry. Both countries wanted to be first. The so-called space race began. Finally, on August 21, 1957, a Soviet rocket successfully launched into space. October 4, 1957 an event occurred that shocked the whole world - the first artificial Earth satellite (AES) was launched at 22 hours 28 minutes 34 seconds Moscow time from the Baikonur cosmodrome (Slide7). It was the first man-made body that did not fall to the Earth, but began to rotate around it. Its weight was 83.6 kg, the body had the shape of a ball with a diameter of 0.58 meters. The equipment and power supplies were located in a sealed enclosure.

The launch had a stunning effect on the Americans. After all, back in 1948 they loudly declared that they would be the first to create a satellite. And then they will start creating a rocket that will fly into space with a person on board. We were ahead. People came out of their houses in the evenings, trying to see a small star in the sky, listening to the air. In order to hear the “voice” of the space first-born, our designers proposed to install the Anthem of the Soviet Union as a sound signal on the satellite, but S.P. Korolev abandoned this idea, and the world heard the usual signals: “Beep-beep-beep...” The satellite existed in orbit for 92 days, made 1440 revolutions around the Earth and traveled about 60 million km in the process. During his work, various information was collected on the upper layers of the atmosphere and on the propagation of radio signals in the ionosphere. When, on January 4, 1958, it burned down at an altitude of about 500 km and someone made a wish, mistaking it for a shooting star, our second apparatus was already flying in orbit. And only a month later - in February 1958 - the United States launched its first satellite. In mid-1958, the Nobel Committee decided to award the creators of the world's first artificial Earth satellite with a prize. To a query from Stockholm: who is the author and chief designer of the spacecraft? The head of the USSR, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, replied that "the creator of new technology is the entire Soviet people." The world in those years did not know the names of its secret heroes ...

biological satellite

Host: On November 3, 1957, the world's first biological satellite was launched from the cosmodrome, in the pressurized cabin of which there was an ordinary mongrel Laika. (Slide 8) The dog got its nickname because it had a habit of barking especially often - demandingly and loudly. The flight showed that a living creature can live and work for a long time under weightless conditions. Prior to Laika, 42 dogs on rockets made a total of 29 flights into the upper atmosphere. After it, 10 more on six spaceships. In total, 53 four-legged friends of man experienced the effects of space, 20 of them, unfortunately, paid for it with their lives.

Host: The new year 1959 brought yet another victory in space exploration. On January 2, at 19 hours 41 minutes 21 seconds Moscow time, the Luna-1 spacecraft was launched. For the first time in the world, the Vostok launch vehicle, created in the design bureau of S.P. Queen, managed to overcome the force of gravity and carry the earth's body into space. "Luna-1" was supposed to become an artificial satellite of the Moon, but, having passed 6000 km from our natural satellite, it became the first artificial planet - an artificial satellite of the Sun - called "Dream".

In January 1960, flight tests of the R-7 (Vostok) missile were completed, and it entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces. Preparations for manned space flight began. The rocket, 38.76 long, had a launch weight of 287 tons and could “take out” almost 5 tons of payload into low Earth orbit.

Presenter: On August 19, 1960, the simple mongrels Belka and Strelka are the “masters” of the third “Vostok” ( Slide 9) - along with other crew members (two white rats, 40 mice and many fruit flies) became famous throughout the world.

The real nicknames of these dogs are Albina and Marquise. But at that time they seemed to someone bourgeois, not suitable for Soviet cosmonaut dogs, so they changed their nicknames to the well-known Belka and Strelka. During the flight, the dogs were wearing spacesuits - red and green. Sensors of the most sophisticated biomedical equipment tracked all changes in animal organisms. Having made 18 revolutions around the Earth, they not only endured huge cosmic overloads, but also returned safely to Earth and even brought healthy offspring. One of Strelka's puppies - Pushinka - was presented to the wife of US President Jacqueline Kennedy.

Gagarin Yury Alekseevich

Host: In our country, the decision to select people and prepare them for space flight was made on January 5, 1959. The main and controversial question here was one question: what profession should they have? Doctors argued that it was necessary to recruit candidates for the flight only from doctors, since they knew how to sacrifice themselves to save others. Space engineers believed that a person from their environment should fly into space, since he knows the ship well, made it, and therefore must test its work in space flight conditions. Even divers made claims, either jokingly or seriously alluding to the similarity of the work of an astronaut in a space suit with their work in water with weight loss. Or maybe because the Greek word “cosmonaut” is literally translated into Russian as “navigator in the Universe”. In the USA, England, France and other countries they are called astronauts, which means about the same thing - stargazers (“astro” - “star”). As a result, the choice fell on fighter pilots. Indeed, of all the professions on Earth, they are closer to space: they fly at high altitudes in special suits, endure overloads, they know how to parachute, keep in touch with command posts and among themselves, they are resourceful, disciplined, they know jet planes well, and in general they are military men. people.

Host: In the summer of 1959, a medical commission specially created from military doctors began to select candidates for astronauts in aviation units. What were the requirements for them? Firstly, excellent health with a double-triple margin of safety. Secondly, a sincere desire to do something new and dangerous. Thirdly, the ability to creative, research work. And, fourthly, they had to meet certain parameters: age - 25-30 years old, height -170-175 cm, weight - 70-72 kg, and no more!

The selection of candidates for space flight was approached very strictly. Of the three thousand fighter pilots, specialists selected only 20 people. Weeded mercilessly. Even for the slightest discrepancy in the body, which the pilot himself did not know about. For comparison: a year earlier, out of 508 test pilots, the Americans selected only 7 people for the astronaut corps.

In March 1960, future cosmonauts began their studies. Initially, they took place in Moscow at the former Central Airfield. M.V. Frunze, and then they were given a wonderful place in the suburbs, built a town and called it Star.

With the astronauts, they were daily engaged in preparation and hardening, conducted training flights on airplanes, monitored the state of the body, tested it in pressure chambers, thermal chambers and deaf chambers, rotated it in a centrifuge, and carried out short-term (30-40 seconds) flights in weightlessness. Doctors believed that in unusual conditions, the astronauts may have psychological or physiological breakdowns. In addition, much attention was paid to theoretical classes in astronomy, celestial mechanics, rocket technology, the design and construction of the Vostok spacecraft and its various systems.

On August 30, 1960, the Soviet government approved the Regulations on the USSR Cosmonauts, legalizing the new profession. The very first cosmonaut was a certain Ivan Ivanovich. In March 1961, he flew twice alternately with the dogs Chernushka and Zvezdochka on the 6th and 7th Vostok ships in a row. And they called Ivan Ivanovich a mannequin in orange overalls, sent by scientists into space. After returning from orbit, he looked quite “healthy”, which greatly contributed to the decision to send a living person into space.

Before the flight of the first man from the planet Earth into outer space, 18 days remained. In the created detachment of cosmonauts, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was one of the best. ( Slide 10)

Students' report on Gagarin's autobiography. (Annex 2)

Host: A person with such a simple biography had to open the way to space. The state commission appointed Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin as the pilot-cosmonaut of the satellite (as he was officially called in those years). On April 12, 1961, at 9:18 Moscow time, for the first time in the world, an artificial satellite of the Earth was launched into orbit - the ship "Vostok" with a man on board. ( slide 11-12) The highest flight altitude is 327 km. He passed through the earth's orbit for only 108 minutes.

For the whole 108 minutes, a man admired the Earth from space for the first time!

Gagarin passed into the microphone: “What a beautiful earthly horizon!” Yuri Alekseevich saw not only how beautiful the Earth was, but also how small and fragile it was. ( slide 13)

“People, take care of the Earth!” - he repeated many times later, after the flight into space.

The ship made one orbit around the Earth and landed on a field near the village of Smelovka in the Ternovsky (now Engelsky) district of the Saratov region. At an altitude of several kilometers, Gagarin ejected and landed with a parachute not far from the descent vehicle.

Yuri Gagarin brought glory to our Motherland. We can be proud of him. Cities, streets, squares and even flowers were named after the first cosmonaut of the Earth! There was not a single newspaper in the world, not a single magazine that would not have published a portrait of the first cosmonaut of the planet. Everyone remembers his charming face, open smile, clear look. This day entered the history of mankind as the beginning of a new era - the era of human spaceflight. How the whole world rejoiced! “Citizen of the Universe” - that was the name of Gagarin by people on all continents of the Earth. Every year on April 12, a wonderful holiday is celebrated in our country - Cosmonautics Day.

In a spacesuit, according to the worker, as he was.
The Volga is in sight, familiar to him,
On the plowed ground he stepped
And he walked, trampling the clods.
I looked at the copses, arable land.
Earth! And her appearance has not changed.
Today he took off from her into space,
Today, he returned to it.
All the same low clouds run,
All the same, the pines guard the sky.
All the same day
Hours are the same measure ...
It's only been a hundred
One hundred and a few minutes.
And on Earth it's a different era,
Which is called space!

space pioneers

Host: After Gagarin's flight, the conquest of space went at a different pace. Just four years later, it became clear that a person can work in outer space. On August 6-7, 1961, on the Vostok-2 spacecraft, German Titov. He made 17 orbits around the Earth. It was the world's first multi-orbit flight.

From June 14 to 19 and from June 16 to 19, 1963, two ships were again in space: Vostok-5, piloted by Valery Bykovsky, and Vostok-6, on which the world's first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova flew. (Slide 14) This joint flight lasted 70 hours. Tereshkova made 48 orbits around the Earth, being in orbit for three days, and returned safely to Earth. ( slide 15).A crater on the far side of the Moon, a minor planet and a star are named after Valentina Tereshkova.

Host: From October 12 to 13, 1964, the first multi-seat Voskhod spacecraft went into low Earth orbit. There were three people on board: commander Vladimir Komarov, doctor Boris Yegorov and scientist Konstantin Feoktistov. . (Slide 16). For the first time in space, people of various specialties worked, who carried out observations and study of outer space.

Moderator: The development of cosmonautics largely depends on the possibility of active human activity in open space. The first step in this direction was taken in the flight of the Voskhod-2 spacecraft by cosmonauts Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev and Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov. (Slide 17). The ship "Voskhod-2", launched into low Earth orbit on March 18, 1965, was equipped with an airlock and equipment for man's exit into outer space. In flight, at an altitude of about 500 km, cosmonaut A. Leonov in a special spacesuit with an autonomous life support system for the first time in the history of astronautics went into open space . (Slide 18). Outside the lock chamber, he was for 12 minutes, moving away from the ship at a distance of up to 5 meters. The cosmonaut completed the planned work, carried out technical observations. The flight of the ship lasted 26 hours. Its landing was carried out using a manual control system. The conducted experiment confirmed the possibility of a person being in outer space and fully maintaining his working capacity in special equipment.

Host: America was shocked by the success of the USSR in space exploration. A month and a half after Gagarin's launch on May 25, 1961, American President John F. Kennedy called on the US Congress and the American people to make a commitment: before 1970, to make a manned flight to the moon with a manned landing on its surface. ( slide19).The Americans decided to carry out a grandiose lunar program called "Apollo". On July 20, 1969, at 23:17:42 Moscow time, three American astronauts “landed” on the Sea of ​​Tranquility. After 6.5 hours, first Neil Armstrong, and 15 minutes later Edwin Aldrin left the cabin of the ship and went on a “moon walk”. They stayed on the surface of the moon for more than two hours. They planted the American flag, scientific instruments, had a two-minute communication session with US President Nixon, collected about 25 kg of soil. On the landing stage of the lunar module that remained on the surface of the Moon, a plate was reinforced with the Map of the Earth's hemispheres engraved on it and the words: “Here, people from planet Earth first set foot on the Moon. July 1969 new era. We come in peace on behalf of all Humanity.” After a seven-hour rest, the astronauts turned on the take-off stage engine and took off from the Moon. The long-awaited flight, which lasted 8 days 3 hours 18 minutes, was successfully completed. During subsequent landings on the moon, the astronauts traveled on it in an electric vehicle.

How many people have left their footprints in the dust of the lunar valleys? Ask this question to your friends, and you will hear the answer: two ... four ... And there were 12 of them! And 24 people flew around the moon! In total, American astronauts spent 300 hours on the Moon, including 81 hours outside the cabin, directly on its surface.

Unlike the Americans, our scientists decided to explore the moon with the help of automation. The Soviet automatic station "Luna-16" landed on the Moon in the Sea of ​​Plenty, took a sample of lunar soil on command and returned to Earth (September 1970). Later, a similar station "Luna-20" delivered a sample to Earth from the mountainous region of the Moon, where the astronauts could not get (February 1972). For almost a year (from November 17, 1970 to September 30, 1971), the world's first extraterrestrial vehicle, Lunokhod-1, worked on the Moon in the Sea of ​​Rains. ”.(Slide20) He surveyed 80,000 sq. m of the lunar surface, studied the properties of the soil at hundreds of points, and made a chemical analysis of its composition at 25 points. The television installations of Lunokhod, controlled from the Earth, transmitted over 200 panoramas and 20,000 photographs of the surface of our satellite. A laser reflector mounted on top of Lunokhod-1 made it possible to accurately determine the distance to it. In 1973, in the Sea of ​​​​Clarity, at the bottom of the Lemonnier crater with a diameter of 55 km, Lunokhod-2 was landed ( Slide 21). He traveled 37 km - almost four times more than Lunokhod-1, studying the relief and properties of the soil.

Docking in space

Host: In 1975, two world powers - the Soviet Union and the United States of America - adopted the ASTP program - the Apollo - Soyuz experimental flight. On July 17, 1675, the two ships docked. astronauts A. Leonov, V. Kubasov and astronauts T. Stafford, D. Slayton, W. Braundt shook hands in orbit. (Slide 22)

Space stations "Mir" and the ISS

Moderator: The next step in space exploration was the emergence of orbital stations - large research complexes. Soviet orbital station "Mir", (Slide 23) launched into orbit on February 20, 1986, worked for 15 years. During this time, 104 cosmonauts have been aboard Mir, and 109 spacecraft have docked with the station. In 1998, Russia and the United States began building the ISS - the International Space Station. This is a huge orbital complex, a laboratory for the joint work of Russian and American space explorers. Cosmonauts and astronauts conduct research, experiment.

women in space

Host: Space turned out to be a place not only for harsh men. (Slide 24).

Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya became the second woman to go into space only 19 years after Valentina Tereshkova. From August 19 to 27, 1982, as a research cosmonaut, she flew on the Soyuz T-5, Soyuz T-7 spacecraft and the Salyut-7 orbital station. Two years later, on July 25, 1984, Svetlana Evgenievna became the first woman in the world to go into outer space, and the first to weld and cut metal there. Outside the Salyut-7 station, she worked for 3 hours and 35 minutes. Before becoming an astronaut, Svetlana set three world records in parachuting in group jumps from the stratosphere and 18 aviation records in jet aircraft. Two minor planets (asteroids) are named after her: No. 4118 (Sveta) and No. 4303 (Savitskaya).

Narrator: The third Russian female cosmonaut and the first woman to make a long flight into space was Elena Vladimirovna Kondakova. Her first flight into space took place on October 4, 1994 as part of the Soyuz TM-20 expedition, returning to Earth on March 22, 1995 after a 5-month flight on the Mir orbital station. For the second time, Kondakova flew as a specialist on the American ship Atlantis (shuttle) in as part of the AtlantisSTS-84 expedition in May 1997. In total, 55 female cosmonauts and astronauts participated in space flights (as of June 16, 2010) (USA - 45, USSR and Russia - 3, Canada - 2, Japan - 2, Great Britain - 1, France - 1, Republic of Korea - 1).

space tourism

Host: Now space flights have become commonplace. Reports in newspapers and on television no longer surprise anyone. Today is characterized by new projects and plans for the exploration of outer space. Space tourism began to develop actively, which, as a phenomenon, already belongs to the 21st century. ( Slide 25).

The term “space tourist” now means a person who intends to fly into space of his own free will, without imposing any tasks on him and, most importantly, for his own money. Arriving at the station, the tourist can do business according to his personal program: write a book, compose music, conduct communication sessions with the earth. You can use some of the equipment, but not to the detriment of the planned work of the astronauts.

The transportation of space tourists is provided by Russian Soyuz spacecraft, which deliver them to the ISS (International Space Station).

Now the cost of such a trip is 20-25 million dollars.

However, there are many who want to. Representatives of Rosaviakosmos can now guarantee no more than 1-2 places per year.

Moderator: There are other projects for less wealthy tourists. For example, a project based on the Russian interceptor MIG 31. For 10 thousand dollars, those who wish will be delivered to a height of 30 km, where the sky is completely black and from where you can look at the earth almost from the side. At the same time, a state of weightlessness is provided for a minute.

The first space tourist was an American businessman of Italian origin Dennis Tito. ( slide 26).He visited the International Space Station ten years ago - on April 28, 2001. During this time, about a dozen people have visited the ISS. And the American billionaire of Hungarian origin Charles Simonyi has already flown into space twice.

The space agencies of the USA, Europe and Russia are planning to engage in space tourism proper, to organize suborbital flights (at an altitude of 100-110 kilometers) on rocket planes. These will be ordinary tours - with guides and tourists. Everyone can make a two-hour flight in near-Earth orbit for 200 thousand dollars. Already, about 300 people have booked such tickets.

Types of HIS and their role

Moderator: Today, manned astronautics has again turned to the Moon. Particular interest in it was shown after it turned out that there is water at the poles. Therefore, many countries have returned to the idea of ​​creating manned stations on the moon. At the beginning of the third millennium, almost all the planets of our solar system were explored by spacecraft from different countries.

What is the purpose of launching numerous satellites?

Are they useful to humans? You provide food, and a lot of it. According to their purpose, modern satellites are divided into telecommunication, meteorological, navigation geophysical, astronomical, defense, research, etc. satellites ( Slide 27)

Telecommunication satellites ensure the operation of satellite phones and other long-distance radio communications, the broadcast of television channels to any region of the planet, and the transmission of Internet data to any point on the Earth. At the moment there are a lot of such satellites. So much so that it becomes a problem for mankind.

Meteorological satellites are designed to predict weather conditions on Earth. C constantly transmit data to ground stations in the form of images of the Earth's cloud, snow and ice cover, information about the temperature components of the Earth's surface and various layers of the atmosphere, information about atmospheric pressure, the chemical composition of air, etc.

Navigation satellites are designed to quickly and accurately determine the location of an object (GPS system) on the planet. Thanks to the signals emitted by several dozen satellites containing data on their position and exact time, you can calculate your position on Earth with an accuracy of several meters.

Geophysical satellites are designed to study the Earth's surface. They take pictures of the Earth, and geologists determine from the photographs where rich deposits of oil, gas, and other minerals are located on our planet. With their help, they assess the radiation hazard, study cosmic radiation, study the atmosphere, the effect of solar activity on it, predict natural disasters, and much more.

Astronomical satellites are designed to explore outer space. Because they fly above the upper atmosphere, the light emitted by distant stars is not distorted. These functions are currently performed by the Hubble Space Telescope. It was with his help that scientists discovered the asteroid Apophis, whose orbit intersects with the orbit of the Earth, and are now working on a plan to prevent its collision with the Earth. The damage that can occur as a result of such an impact is several times greater than that caused by the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

Purpose defense satellites is clear from the name. Since the beginning of the 70s of the last century, cameras have been installed on them that are capable of taking photographs of very good quality. Also used are infrared sensors that respond to gases generated during the launch of even small rockets. Highly sensitive radios listen to wide ranges of radio frequencies.

Research satellites are used to conduct all kinds of scientific research: biological, medical or engineering.

Spaceships and space stations, on which astronauts from around the world conduct various experiments, also belong to satellites.

What awaits humanity in the 21st century? It is difficult to answer this question. Forecasts are capricious. And predicting the cosmic future is considered a hopeless business. Maybe soon we will establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. We will fly to visit them and “be friends with the planets”. Perhaps soon space flight will become as affordable as a train ride or a bike ride. And we will all fly there on excursions. May the time soon come when anyone can go on a journey to distant planets! 2011 was declared the year of cosmonautics. ( Slide 28).

Teacher: To consolidate your knowledge, we will hold a quiz.

16. Quiz

1. On the national flag of which country is the Sun depicted?

a) Japan
b) France
c) Great Britain
d) Romania

2. What celestial body always faces the Earth on one side?

a) Mercury
b) Moon
c) Mars
d) the sun

3. Which planet is named after the God of War?

a) Jupiter
b) Uranus
c) Saturn
d) Mars

4. What celestial body eclipses the Sun when a solar eclipse occurs?

a) the moon
b) comet
c) Earth
d) an asteroid

5. On what celestial body are the seas of Clarity, Tranquility and the Ocean of Storms?

a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Saturn
d) the moon

6. What are the names of the first dogs that flew into space?

a) Bee and Fly
b) Dezik and Gypsy
c) Belka and Strelka
d) Laika and Bee

7. What is the name of the astronaut who first went into outer space?

a) Gagarin
b) Leonov
c) Tsiolkovsky
d) Korolev

8. What is the name of the ship on which Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space?

a) Vostok-1
b) Soyuz-1
c) Apollo 1
d) Mercury-1

9. Which planet is called the morning or evening star?

a) Mercury
b) Venus
c) Mars
d) Saturn

10. What time period is determined by the rotation of the earth around its axis?

a) year
b) day
c) a week
d) month

Outcome of the event

Teacher: Today we opened a few pages from the history of astronautics. We hope that you will continue to be interested in space, follow space achievements, observe celestial bodies and dream of flying into space.