Between need and want author el moon. Between need and want

Year of publication : 2016
Author : El Luna
Translator: Translation from English by Anastasia Sukhanova
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
ISBN: 978-5-00100-093-8
Russian language
Format : PDF
Quality : Publisher's layout or text (eBook)
Interactive table of contents: Yes
Number of pages: 151

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling.
Who among us has not wondered: How can I find my true calling? El Luna characterizes it as a crossroads between need and want. It's cool that Schwarzenegger probably came up with all this after spending enough time. Should is what we think we should do, or what others expect us to do. I want - what we dream about in the depths of our souls.
My own path inspired the author to write a manifesto about the difference between need and want, which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they should quit - that's why I sent out this article.
Now Elle's ideas about the difference between need and want are presented in this inspiring bright book, which will be useful for both the student and the artist, and any person who is looking for his calling and wants to change his life for the better.

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We are different. Thirty year old women. Twenty year old men. Students. "Poor". Teachers. Programmers. Musicians pretending to be lawyers. Poets who love to drive the bus. People who understand that work has led to a dead end, and people who are grateful to fate that there is at least some work.

We are different. But we share a common pain. We don't really use our powers.

Once Elle Luna, an artist and designer, wrote about this essay - "Between need and want." How to find your way and understand yourself. A couple of weeks later, 5 million people shared this text. “This text changed my life,” commented one woman. “Drop everything you are doing right now and read this article,” wrote another. And then there was a book. Beautiful. Inspirational. that you want to share.

Today we share what caught our attention. So drop everything. And read.

Job, career or vocation?

Elle was working on a startup when she felt like she had come to a crossroads. There was a lot of work, but she devoted all her free time to drawing. Both worlds were equally interesting to her, but which one to choose?

One day, Elle saw the performance of Stefan Sagmeister, a designer from New York, at the world famous show, in which he showed the difference between work, career and vocation.

El thought: what happened in her life? She realized that she wanted to have a job that was both a career and a calling. After launching a startup, she wrote a letter of resignation and devoted herself entirely to painting.

What is more in your life? Jobs, careers or vocations?

Writer Thomas Eliot worked in a bank. Kurt Vonnegut sold cars. One of the greatest composers of our time, Philip Glass, began to earn money on his vocation only at the age of 41. Premieres of his works were held at the Metropolitan Opera, and he continued to work as a plumber.

Any work deserves respect. If you only work to pay the bills, that's fine. And just because you want to find your calling doesn't mean you have to quit your job. There is no contradiction here.

But it is important to think: what are you doing now?

I need and I want

“There are two ways in life: “need” and “want”. We come to this crossroads again and again. And every day we choose,” writes El in his book.

“Necessary” is the ideas of other people (mainly relatives - parents, family) about how we should live. These are their expectations about our actions, thoughts and life in general. All this destroys our own "I", forcing us as we would like. By choosing the “must” path, we choose life for the sake of others, a life that is predictable and without unnecessary worries.

What is "I want"?

“I want” is what we are without masks and imposed attitudes. This is all that we feel deep down, what we love and what we believe. These are all our true desires, dreams, hobbies. “I want” allows us to reveal our potential, to strive for our own ideals.

It is harder to follow the “I want” path, because it is not clear what awaits us on this journey. There are no guarantees, only daily hard work and constant overcoming of oneself. But at the same time, choosing “I want” means living a rich and conscious life. To be here and now every second. This is a life full of delight and joy.

Lawyer John Grisham woke up every day at 5 am and sat down to write stories about terrible crimes before work. He followed the "want" for years and did not give up, receiving refusals to publish his book. In the end, he received a positive response, and today his name is known in every home.

Which path are you on? "I need" or "I want"?

Where does "should" come from?

It would seem that doing what we want is so easy, but why don't we do it every day?

We grow up in an environment where everyone around us is constantly told what to do. We are taught what to do and what not to do. We inherit the beliefs and worldview of loved ones. But sometimes we follow someone else's "must" path for much longer than planned. We suddenly become aware of ourselves as adults, not living the way we would like.

In order to get out of the captivity of “necessary”, we first need to realize that we are in it. Take a piece of paper and make a list of sentences starting with "I need to...", "I should...", "I've always needed to...", "I never need to...". Without hesitation, write everything that sounds in your head.

Now ask each item on your list three questions:

Without regrets, eliminate everything that does not suit you. Life is too short to waste time on things you don't want to do.

How to follow the path of "want"?

What if we don't know what we like and what we want? Play with dreams.

Every time a desire (or) appears in your head, write it down on a sticky note and stick it anywhere. Your desires can be strange, grandiose, useful or stupid. The main thing is to catch them and write them down. This way you will hear what your heart wants more often. What will sound more often and louder is yourself.

Two obituaries

Imagine that you have grown old, died and are written about in the newspaper. What will be written there if your life goes the way it goes? Write down everything you think of. Do you like it?

Now write the kind of obituary you would like for yourself. What would your life be like? Who would you be? A caring mother, a country hero, a great inventor, or all together? Don't be shy in your dreams.

Compare these two obituaries and think about what you need to change in your life for the second one to become a reality.

How to start?

Lao Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." Once you realize what you really want, start taking action slowly. You do not need to immediately quit your job and spend all your time, for example, writing. This is unreasonable, because you need to live on something and eat something. Moreover, such an approach will only lead you into a stupor. Just every day. Finding 10-15 minutes a day for yourself is not difficult.

Listen to your heart and do whatever it tells you to. Even if it seems absurd or pointless.

Your life belongs to you. But only if you yourself are at the helm. Walk the “want” path every day. Ten minutes can always be found. Ten minutes while the kettle boils - go ahead! Ten minutes in traffic - go ahead!

What will you choose? Necessary? Want?

P.S. Read what inspires you. For the electronic version of "Between Need and Want" a 50% discount until June 13 - only for Lifehacker readers. Promo code - XO4Y.

We are different. Thirty year old women. Twenty year old men. Students. Artists. Musicians pretending to be lawyers. Poets who love to drive the bus. People who understand that work has led to a dead end, and people who are grateful to fate that there is at least some work. We are different. But we share a common pain. We don't really use our powers.

About how to find your way and understand yourself, El Luna once wrote in a blog. And in a couple of weeks, more than 5 million people shared this text. “Quit everything you are doing and read this text,” people shared it with such messages. And now the book "Between Need and Want" has appeared.

So drop everything. And read.

amazingly beautiful

This is such a beautiful book that it makes no sense to describe it in words. See.

Delicious and bright book inspiration in a cover with caramel letters. Seriously, when I first saw the cover, I just wanted to lick it. Fragrant (all new books smell like that, and books with dreams - especially!) And awesomely beautiful. Even if you are a fan of e-books, you will definitely want this one in paper form.

What's inside? Delicious stories. Useful exercises. And sea. A sea of ​​inspiration on every page.

El Luna, designer and author of the book, has worked at IDEO and startups including Mailbox, Medium, and Uber. But she made up her mind and changed everything. She now runs Bulan Project, a textile company that connects designers with batik painters in Bali.

She got everything she wanted. And tells you how you can do it.

Between need and want

There are two ways in life: “need” and “want”. From birth, we are told what to do. “Needs” are the opinions of others about how we should live. These are all expectations that others place on us. Sometimes these “shoulds” are small: “You need to listen to this song!” In other cases, “needs” are other people's thoughts that make us live life differently.

By accepting "must" we are choosing to live for someone or something other than ourselves.

We come to the crossroads of "need" and "want" again and again. And every day we choose, - an illustration from the book.

“I want” is who we really are, what we believe in and what we do alone with ourselves in the present. “I want” appears when we stop meeting other people’s ideals and head towards our own. Only in this case we reveal the potential.

“I want” is the best choice we can make in life.

What do you have now?

The most frequent choice between “need” and “want” we make in relation to work. Or not work?.. For example, is an astronaut a job or a vocation? Let's figure it out.

Writer Thomas Eliot worked in a bank. Kurt Vonnegut sold cars. One of the greatest composers of our time, Philip Glass, began to earn money on his vocation only at the age of 41. Premieres of his works were held at the Metropolitan Opera, and he continued to work as a plumber.

Any work deserves respect. If you only work to pay the bills, that's not bad. And just because you want to find your calling doesn't mean you have to quit your job. There is no contradiction here.

But it's important to understand that you Now are you doing? Is it a job or a calling?

Dream game

Once I came to a party where the guests were invited to write down their wildest and crazy dreams on cards. I listened to people share their wildest dreams. Mine were dull and boring and didn't excite me at all. When I got home, I decided to take them seriously.

I began to pay close attention to my desires and impulses, big and small. Intuition increased and allowed me to hear a quiet inner voice that asked for something crazy, stupid, dirty, quiet. The more I fed him, the louder he spoke.

Now cards with dreams even hung in the bathroom and over the kitchen sink. Wishes fell out of coat pockets and fell into other people's bags. It turns out that the more frankly we admit our desires to ourselves, the more consciously we spend our time.

Do the same. Let yourself tell yourself (yeah yeah) what your heart wants.


We cannot prove the existence of purpose. But we know that it exists because, approaching it, we feel it in our hearts.

“When we connect to a calling, we get into another space,” said artist Keith Haring, “we connect with phenomena of a universal scale that are completely beyond our ego and self. This is the most important thing."

Believing that your destiny will emerge fully formed is akin to believing that you can only write a book by desiring it and thinking about it. But if you do one little thing every day - pick up a pen, write a paragraph of text, make a list of words - then your purpose will manifest.

And what is the result?

That is the meaning of life. And wealth, if you need it. The richest people in the world fill their days and nights with the priceless gifts of life:

Everything comes to us at the right time. Not earlier. And not later. Imagine that this letter and the story about the book were in front of you because you wanted to read them. And because you have been seeing this life crossroads for a long time and are ready for the journey.

Back in the book

  • How to find out what you really want
  • Four questions everyone should ask themselves
  • How to find time and money to "want" when five children and a mortgage
  • Why destiny eludes us
  • Where can you get money for the life you want?
  • How to get rid of false "must"
  • How to deal with fears from the series "I'm already 30-40-90 years old ..."
  • Where to find time for what you love
  • How to be truly happy… and much more.

Your life belongs to you. But only if you yourself are at the helm. Walk the “want” path every day. Ten minutes can be found everywhere. Ten minutes while the kettle boils - forward! Ten minutes in traffic - go ahead!

What will you choose? Necessary? Want?

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