Christian and corporate parties. What to do if you disgraced yourself at a corporate party? A Hard Guide to Covering Your Footprints After the Corporate Party collected 9 sensitive situations that often happen at corporate parties and asked psychologist Nelly Davydova tell them how to get out of them with dignity.

1. Frankly flirted with a colleague

In this situation, everything depends on your sincere attitude towards the person. If you like him, but you were afraid to say so before, boldly continue to show signs of attention, but not very persistently. If the feelings are not mutual, try to explain yourself in order to dot the i's.

It is possible that everything turned out by chance and the colleague does not attract you at all. Then pretend that nothing happened, or turn everything into a joke.

2. Remember nothing

As the female folk wisdom says: “What I don’t remember, that didn’t happen!”. If you start to restore the events of the previous evening, know how many people, so many opinions. For some, your behavior will be the norm, for others - out of the ordinary.

There is a possibility that someone will decide to embellish the events of the past evening, add something of themselves to them to thicken the colors. In such a case, you will definitely feel ashamed and uncomfortable, although it is not a fact that everything that a colleague talks about with such enthusiasm really took place.

By the way, the situation is not ruled out that everything went more or less smoothly, then you have nothing more to remember. Fix in your head the memory of a positive, fun holiday and sleep peacefully.

3. Drank too much

Usually it is an extra glass of alcohol that leads to the fact that the next morning you are ready to fall underground. But I would recommend not to rush into mental anguish, in this situation it is better to pretend that nothing happened. If, nevertheless, colleagues begin to discuss the previous evening, turn everything into a joke. The main thing is not to shut yourself up and make excuses. We are all imperfect, with whom it does not happen! But make sure you draw your own conclusions.

4. They had wild dances

The goal of any party is unbridled fun. Take this situation philosophically. If you had fun, then the corporate party was a success. Dancing does not mean doing something indecent or bad. You just showed yourself as a cheerful, open person who has nothing to be ashamed of.

5. Got into a fight with a colleague

You should not avoid meeting a person if an open conflict has arisen between you. On the contrary, show that you are above the current situation. You can even apologize, but in a concise, dry form. Thus strengthening his position.

6. Told someone else's secret

The most correct option is to admit your guilt and repent. If the fortitude is not enough for this, you can resort to cunning and give 100 arguments for what reason you blabbed. But in conclusion, be sure to emphasize that you understand that these arguments do not relieve you of responsibility for what you have done. Psychologically, it is difficult to decide on such a step, but then there comes a feeling of lightness.

7. Engaged in a verbal altercation with one of your colleagues

With whom it does not happen, but it is necessary to explain. Perhaps your apologies will be required, or you can calmly explain the reason for the conflict, once again voice your point of view, but this time peacefully.

8. Told their own secrets

9. Tell your boss what you think about him

For non-compliance with corporate ethics and standards of decency, you should apologize! If an unpleasant conversation took place between you and your boss, be prepared for two scenarios: you can be fired at the first opportunity or left. If the boss nevertheless decides to turn a blind eye to what happened, most likely there was a point in the conflict, and your words were heard. However, in the future, try not to make such mistakes. Corporate is not the best place to sort things out, especially with the boss.

Of course, we are for you to never need them. But let's be realistic: both fragile girls and seasoned lovers of alcoholic experiments can get into a "difficult situation".

The answer to the question of why the consequences of parties become more difficult over the years is simple. Firstly, we really are not getting younger, which means that internal organs are also aging. Including the liver. Getting there for processing, alcohol is split into toxic acetaldehyde and other non-toxic substances. Paradoxically, acetaldehyde is 10-30 times more harmful than strong drinks themselves.
“In adulthood, the ability of the liver to cope with the toxicity of acetaldehyde decreases,” says South Korean toxicologist Yang Chul Kim. - The antioxidant glutathione is responsible for the detoxification of the organic compound. According to the results of our research, over the years, the production of glutathione is reduced, respectively, the body can not remove toxic substances for a longer time.
Secondly, the older we get, the wider (with rare exceptions) our body. “With an increase in body weight, the level of alcohol in the blood decreases due to the large“ area ”of distribution. Unconsciously, we begin to drink more, which leads to the formation of more acetaldehyde,” says Young Chul Kim.
You should not console yourself with the thought that this time everything will be different - even if you do not mix the bar menu, in the morning there will still be “no ice”. But there are several ways to help get through this state.
mineral water
Of course, mineral water will not alleviate the condition in no time. Life-giving moisture works for the future. The fact is that alcohol dehydrates the body, along with the liquid, important salts also leave. Essentuki, Narzan and other natural drinks help fill the deficit.
Aspic Aspic can work wonders. In the post-holiday state, the body needs gelatin rich in glycine (it improves brain function). In addition, heated jelly quickly cleanses the intestines.
Kefir, ayran and other fermented milk products
They accelerate the restoration of beneficial microflora, which you so ruthlessly ruined the day before. Even better - koumiss, it is considered the secret of efficiency.
Carbohydrates dramatically increase blood sugar levels. Usually, when that number drops, the liver kicks in, producing more glucose from carbohydrate stores, explains Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, a Mayo Clinic psychiatrist. However, with a hangover, the liver is “busy” with the processing of decay products and cannot cope with the additional load. Sweets, cakes and all those products that you previously forbade yourself to even think about can save the situation.
Cucumber pickle
An old proven method, confirmed by domestic and foreign science. Only cucumbers should be pickled according to the traditional, grandmother's technology. The vinegar contained in the store marinade will once again load the exhausted liver, stomach and pancreas.
Doctors deny the life-giving power of a morning mug of beer. Moreover, they are frightened by a headache and other unpleasant symptoms. However, popular experience says the opposite. The secret of the technique, perhaps, lies in the diuretic effect (reducing swelling) and the complex of vitamins contained in excess in "live" beer. The main thing is not to overdo it with the "treatment" and not go into a binge, 300 ml will be more than enough.
Physical activity
If you warm up jelly, go to the store for kefir or have sex, your metabolism will inevitably speed up, which means you will quickly come to your senses. The method is radical and untested, but perhaps it is worth a try - after all, there are no people who are protected from a hangover.

Yesterday was a corporate party and I was terribly drunk, I stopped controlling myself. In front of everyone, I frankly hugged and kissed some employees, and I don’t remember exactly what happened, only moments. I was frankly bullied. I am terribly ashamed, I did not sleep because of this all night, I suffered. The worst thing is that I really don’t remember, maybe I’ve done something else ..... I curse this day and now I’m afraid to go to work. My friends said that everything was sooooo frank and I liked it. In short, she acted like the last slut. There, of course, everyone was drunk, but only I came off like that. Help me, what should I do now? After all, you can’t return or fix anything .... And so I’m always a quiet and shy little good girl, no one expected this from me, and I myself didn’t expect it either. There was another man with whom I was in love, and at the last corporate party we slept together (we went to him, she behaved decently at the corporate party then). Then we didn’t communicate for almost a whole year (I avoided him), and I kept hoping that this time I would also get close, but alas ... And after this, he probably thought that I was some kind of b ... this is even more depressing. Although, probably, this is true, and I just proved it to EVERYONE. Tell me, how should I be now, how to communicate with employees, how to forgive myself for what I have done? I'm just shocked by my behavior....

Dear A.! You are probably "real" when you reduce control, you just use alcohol for this, or you can ... just be more relaxed, relaxed (this is difficult if you are used to keeping yourself in check throughout life (and someone has taught you to this). You contradict yourself (if you want one thing, do it so that it doesn’t happen), the example given with the man you like. And the subconscious mind guides you along the path that is close to you, but ... we condemn. Maybe nothing like that it was, girlfriends can and ... envy, because they themselves can’t do that! Calling yourself a “slut” and “b-th”, what is the meaning of these words? someone forgotten and despised of a clan that is not talked about and condemned "breaks through" to recognize its existence ... through you. It seems strange, but it may be so. Calm down for a start - yes, I, A., such as it is and accept me, colleagues, such! Happy New Year!

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Hello, A. I agree with my colleague, as if when you drink alcohol, another A. appears, who behaves in an unacceptable way for you goody. You are ashamed of yourself, you call yourself all kinds of humiliating words. In my experience, sluts behave quite differently. It looks like you let go of your control a little and at that moment it gave you pleasure. It is impossible to cope with the “other” part of you and it will periodically “crawl out” outside. But you can reconcile these 2 parts with each other, then, perhaps, you will be a lesser good boy every day, but there will be no such "breakdowns". Sincerely, Anastasia Umanskaya.

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Hello! It is possible that your behavior was due to the fact that you have an increased level of self-control (perhaps there are some personal limits of your own that you do not allow yourself to go beyond - thus limiting yourself!) - and alcohol allows you to reduce self-control and Your mind has finally relaxed for all the restrictions that you impose on it! That is why you behaved the way you did (i.e. in real life you do not allow yourself to relax and do not allow yourself to behave relaxed and more freely and intimately as well - that is why you avoided further meetings!). To begin with, you should work on your own prohibitions (maybe there are parental prohibitions here - work in the family system, negative experience of the past is also possible) - you yourself should understand why you forbid yourself so much. And then work on establishing contacts in an interpersonal relationship. Now you are concerned about the question of how to behave at work - it is quite natural that you will not be comfortable, but you should not avoid everyone and thereby focus even more attention on yourself - this will depress you even more. Try to behave normally. However, in the future you should allow yourself more - sometimes do what you want (and not forbid yourself everything!)! If you want to work internally - write or call!

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Sometimes in us, something breaks through that we are surprised at ourselves. But this does not mean that what we let into ourselves is ourselves. There is nothing to cross on yourself. However, we are responsible for what we let into ourselves. If there is a problem of self-control, it makes sense to work with a psychologist in person. Well, and reputation ... If everything is so bad, look for a new job. Moscow is a big city, you can start all over again

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AND THIS IS ME! And with the look of a business impudent LADY, bring something new to your image! Well it was, well now what? Well, did you have fun? If you don't like it, you can not communicate with me... Good luck, and Happy New Year! With a new look!

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It is clear that under the influence of alcohol, something that you do not recognize in yourself, hide, has manifested itself. And you admit! What's wrong with that? Sexuality, emancipation - this is just what the men are crazy about. The only bad thing was the drunkenness. It's all about the dose. If you are not ashamed, but bring some of this into your usual behavior, then nothing indecent will happen when you are drunk. And then, waiting a whole year for a corporate party to explain to a man you like is stupidity. Just stupidity. If he has not explained himself to you for a whole year, then he does not need you. Recognize this and move on, calmly and confidently.

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You are not the only one. And what about those with whom you "Frankly hugged and kissed in front of everyone ..." and who "... frankly pawed." You have a lot in common. So spit on hypocrites and work quietly. There will be problems contact.

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The priest was invited to the sponsored military school to celebrate graduation. It was in the post. The priest comes, but there is nothing lenten on the table. I don’t want to offend people, the priest takes a sandwich and a glass, and they say to him: “But we thought you were fasting!”
At work, an Orthodox person often finds himself "between two fires" - in order to remain faithful to the principles, sometimes it is necessary to violate the laws of corporate ethics. Although this same corporate ethics on Russian soil is often "senseless and merciless." My friend, who works in the Moscow branch of a foreign company, said that they have corporate parties every Friday. She managed to evade them for a long time under various pretexts, but then there was an unpleasant conversation with the boss. The girl was saved from dismissal by the higher, foreign authorities. It turned out that Christian principles are easier to explain to a foreigner.

part of office life
Andrey ZAKHAROV, manager of a computer company, parishioner of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Saratov:
- If you are a Christian, then your colleagues already know about it. Not the time to play secret Christians at work. No one will force you to eat a piece of cake against your will if you don't want to. Parties are the same. I, like many of my friends, perceive corporate events as a necessary part of work, office life ... Corporate parties often help relieve tension between employees, thank colleagues from the neighboring department, congratulate an employee on his birthday. By the way, my birthday almost always falls on Lent, often on Holy Lent. Everyone is already used to the fact that I celebrate it after Easter. We have the entire Svetlaya in the department not a lunch break, but a parade of homemade Easter cakes. And the New Year is always a summing up, it would be strange not to come to the solemn part ... Well, congratulations from the departments, skit numbers ... I don’t see anything bad. I usually leave the feast in the first wave, after the first glass of champagne and a common toast, along with young mothers and fathers hurrying home to their families. Until the end, as a rule, inveterate bachelors remain - lonely people who experience problems in communication. Maybe for them this is one of the few opportunities to find society, albeit with the help of alcohol. I cannot blame them.

Holidays are serious business.
Irina STOLOTSKAYA, Prazdnik agency, Tambov:
- A corporate party is not a booze at the workplace, ending with dancing on the table. But clients said that this had never happened before ... For example, racing on office chairs along the corridor. Thanks, no one wants that now. Therefore, they turn to professionals for help. Somehow we helped make a New Year's party - as usual, at the end of December, right in the office. And then the same company asked to make a holiday for the families of its employees. Family celebration? Of course, Christmas! And we made an evening at Christmas time - such that it would be good for both children and adults. Homely, cozy, without disco music, with a story about Christmas, with Christmas games, with a folklore ensemble...

You can't force anything on anyone. First of all, the manager should think about this: what his employees need and what not. I used to work in a real estate office. A serious place, a wonderful leader - a professional, and treated us very humanely. And before our eyes, his conversion to faith took place, quite sincere, not for the sake of fashion. But with all the “companions” of neophyteism: icons in the office, Lenten dinners for everyone. At one time, the boss even tried to read a passage from the Gospel to us every day ... It quickly passed - the man "outgrew his neophyteness." Or maybe the confessor explained everything to him ... All that remained was the common celebration of Christmas and Easter.

Party - pros and cons
Tatyana ORLOVA, psychologist, parishioner of the Church of the Icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God on Krasnoselskaya.
-- I can't say unequivocally that corporate parties are evil. This is an important event for the life of the team. In the last few years, corporate ethics have appeared in our country, people understand what is possible and what is not, what is useful for the team, and what is terrible muck. Many realized that the task of a corporate party is not to get drunk, not to eat, but to meet in an informal setting, and that the holiday itself will not work, it must be prepared, and that it is desirable to cook not for one person, but for the whole team.

If the company is large, more than a hundred people, then your absence will not be outrageous, and if there are fifteen or twenty people in the company and you occupy a key position, then this, of course, is a challenge to the team. Attend at least the official part, this will show respect. How a corporate party goes depends on the corporate culture. There are companies where it is customary to go to the opera together, for example.
In any case, it is advisable not to stay longer than the middle. Then you can fall under the general enthusiasm, drink more than necessary and do something for which you will be ashamed later, or ruin your relationship with someone. But there are pluses - conflict relations can become warmer. Often, a party allows for creativity as employees prepare for the event. As a rule, it is fun and not vulgar, something like a return to childhood.

Feast and spiritual matters
Priest Vladimir SOKOLOV, cleric of the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery:
- To go or not to go to a corporate party is a matter of compromise. Compromise is always a personal decision. Without knowing the specific situation, you can only give general advice. I do not see a big sin in sitting with people on a holiday. Without breaking the post - you can. But on the other hand, it would be necessary to declare that we are people of a slightly different worldview. We must clearly state our views so that we are also considered. Somewhere you need to show courage, and somewhere to compromise, not to make it a stumbling block in communication.

You can sit for a while and leave, you can always feel the moment when your departure will not be noticeable. If you have already declared yourself as a Christian, you are already perceived as such, you can leave when you see fit.
The level of the feast depends a lot on what we are talking about. You can try to translate any conversation in a different direction. Gossip and anecdotes - in a conversation about things that really excite everyone. At the holiday, a trusting atmosphere is usually created, and you can always talk on spiritual topics, making it so that people hear and understand you, without teaching or instructing anyone. Because there are always spiritual questions that people are interested in, and they will be grateful for such a conversation, it can open up some new side of life to them, you just need to do it competently, respectfully to the interlocutor.