About the month of May: poems, quotes, jokes and much more .... Quotes about May Here and May has come quotes

How we all love the month of May! And all because this is the last month of spring, which tells us that summer is ahead of us. This month, we are actively starting to prepare not only for the onset of summer, but also for exams at school or at the university, for reports at work, and so on. We have a lot of rest this month due to long weekends and holidays. Please yourself and your loved ones with funny and playful statuses about this month of the year. Finding such statuses is very simple - go to our infotainment portal and choose the best statuses about the month of May. We created this site so that you can always please your loved ones, cheer them up and remind them that there is very little time left before the start of summer.


And I want May. Before last. Solar. Floral to allergies. Scandalously hysterical. A bit rough and brash. Tenderly passionate. Football and apple. A little weird and crazy fleeting. Our May.

Fragrant cherry blossoms bloom! Meet - Our beloved Blessed, warm MAY has come again!

In May, the sun shone, And immediately lit up: Soon summer and June, Happiness, sea and love

Touching your lips for the last time ... drops fall from the sky ... April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May .....

Spring! Dilemmas and doubts... I can't decide, either to eat a kilo of cookies with tea, or to drink cognac...

Spring, summer is coming - goodbye chop, hello diet!

May is ahead - believe and dream!

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

I love May. May is like Friday.

I love you at the beginning of May, I love myself at the beginning of May, I love her at the beginning of May, I love everyone at the beginning of May!!!

May is a smooth jump into summer!

May and Vodka - everything will be clear!

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

Peace, labor, May - golden words! Went to wallpaper.

Make peace! Work hard! And May! But don't sell yourself for a glass!

The month of May has come ... it's just paradise under the bush!

Snow is spinning, flying, flying, he doesn’t care that May is coming.

Wow, May. a month before summer, a month before fun, a month before a good rest. a month before all the most awesome.

A good beginning of May, not yet a reason to hide winter clothes...

May is just around the corner, but everything is still the same... where are you, those people who will turn my whole life upside down?

May holidays - “dry” not like a child!

May holidays - to whom picnics and barbecues, and to whom potatoes and corns ...

May holidays - the Holiday of kebabs and Beer!

Still, it is better to be the first Maya than the eighth March! ..

Everything sings, plays, dances, the month of May is coming. It is not brighter and more beautiful, raise your hands to the sun!

May already be faster. The time when it is neither hot nor cold; when it's really, really good. Everyone is in light clothes, everything is blooming around, and the mood is wonderful, warm evenings, half-day walks ...

It used to be "Peace. Labor. May." and now "Google. Inet. Comp."...

The lily of the valley blossomed in May On the very holiday - on the first day. Seeing off May with flowers, Lilac blossoms.

The crisis is over! They gave me a salary for May and half for June ... For some reason, my wife also gave!

I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May, when the first spring thunder, as it blasts from behind the barn, and you will come to your senses later!

I love a thunderstorm in early May, but only if the snow has melted!

May holidays are good, but June nights are cooler.

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Do not forget the touch of your lips at the end of May, you left without saying goodbye, I still do not forgive!

I love May! This is the most comfortable month when it is neither cold nor hot. Everyone in pairs looks out the window, where lilacs are blooming, it smells of fresh rain and where you really, really want to run away.

To whom in May for barbecue, and to whom for potatoes! 🙂

Like May! At this time, someone is already walking in one T-shirt, and someone else has not taken off his down jacket with a hat.

Best Status:
It was cold in my May, you left and my heart trembled. Closed heart forever, goodbye, my love.

Only a complete idiot without a personal life could come up with a study in late May - early June! You sit at lectures, and thoughts about nature, barbecue and parties are spinning in your head.

The most awesome time is when there is only a month left before summer. Just think! Just a month until boundless happiness, unrestrained fun and unforgettable vacation.

Everyone knows that in 2012 the legendary Mayan calendar ended, and now it's time for the June calendar!

For today's youth, Tender May is not a group, but a time for the growth of cannabis!

Where I am - there is always May


May holidays - “dry” not badly!

May holidays - the Holiday of kebabs and Beer!

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

May ahead. believe and dream.

take me to May...

The crisis is over!!! they gave me a salary for May and half for June ... For some reason, my wife also gave!)

It used to be “Peace. Work. May." and now Google. Inet. Comp.”… xD

May is like Friday for me...

The month of May has come ... it's just paradise under the bush !!!

Mikhail: My daughter stumbled upon this site by accident and now she earns more than me.

May ahead. believe and dream.

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

May is ahead - believe and dream!

Let the month of May make us dizzy, don’t disappear, don’t change me, I’m not so excited by another buzz, how to be with you it’s my life ...

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

Why do all couples fight and break up in May?

And it’s spring outside, May is my favorite month…. And I want to fall in love again, so as not to sleep at night, wait for his calls and SMS, see each other more than once every day and so that all thoughts are only about him, about him ... don't care about the session, girls and boys, let's fall in love !!! :))

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

Where I am - there is always May

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

It used to be “Peace. Work. May." and now Google. Inet. Comp.”…

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

May is like Friday for me...

Spring of the forty-fifth year ... How the blue Danube was waiting for you. A hot sunny May brought freedom to the peoples of Europe. On the square of Vienna saved ...

The crisis is over!!! they gave me a salary for May and half for June ... For some reason, my wife also gave!

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

May is like Friday for me...

Let the month of May make us dizzy, don’t disappear, don’t change me, I’m not so excited by another buzz, how to be with you it’s my life ...

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

Here ... the month of May, has it started to snow? -How the fuck? It's more fun too!)

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

The snow is spinning, flying, flying, he doesn’t care that May is coming ...

Emie biir kun turgennik aasta!

Why do all couples fight and break up in May?

The snow is spinning-and-it, summer-a-o-o, summer-o-o, he doesn’t care ... th that MAY is coming-a-o-o ...)))))))))))

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

May is just around the corner, but everything is still the same ... where are you, those people who will turn my whole life upside down? ..

My May was squeezed out with cold juice, Indignant, coughing up dirty air, Towering over the roads, my heart trembled, It happens, sooner or later ...

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

We wish spring for the soul! And warm, affectionate May!

It will definitely be May, don’t mess around - I’ll fight for you ...

Make peace! Work hard! And May! But don't sell yourself for a glass!)))

Where I am - there is always May

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

May ahead. Believe and dream...*

I love May. May is like Friday.

Affectionate May is not a group, this is the time when hemp grows!

And I want May. The year before last. Solar. Floral to allergies. Scandalously hysterical. A bit rough and brash. Tenderly passionate. Football apple. A little weird and crazy fleeting. Our May.

It used to be “Peace. Work. May." and now Google. Inet. Comp.”… xD

What labor-May? What is the power of the people? Again girls, vodka, cocaine ...

Touching your lips for the last time ... drops fall from the sky ... April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May ...

My May was squeezed out with cold juice, Indignant, coughing up dirty air, Towering over the roads, my heart trembled, It happens, sooner or later ...

May Day opens summer walks, the season, picnics…

Let the month of May make us dizzy, don’t disappear and don’t change me ...

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

wish spring... may... green grass... and warm nights...

May is already testing us for strength.

We work all holidays!!! Peace Labor may!!! Hurray to you all Comrades!!!

Statuses about May - Here ... the month of May, has it started to snow? -How the fuck? Also more fun!

It will definitely be May, don’t mess around - I’ll get rid of you ... ©

The winter has passed, March has brought us freedom. April - a smile, May will bring love! This spring is in all the hearts of the country!

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

And I want May. The year before last. Solar. Floral to allergies. Scandalously hysterical. A bit rough and brash. Tenderly passionate. Football apple. A little weird and crazy fleeting. Our May.

May is ahead - believe and dream!

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

This is not the same April, and May will not be the same, for many years in a row everything is the same ...

wow, May. a month before summer, a month before fun, a month before a good rest. a month until the most awesome)

May ahead. Believe and dream...*

Yandex.News: In May, a body will be appointed to oversee healthcare services. I'm afraid it will be an ass again.

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

But you know, I can't when May looks into my eyes...

I love May. May is like Friday.

And summer is getting closer and closer. And soon May thunderstorms will begin, and May beetles will fly, and it will smell like field grass and ... Finally in SUMMER ...

I love May. May is like Friday!

take me to May...

Do not be discouraged, do not be discouraged - the month of May will come soon!

The Mayan calendar ends in 2012... And the June calendar begins!

Yandex.News: In May, a body will be appointed to oversee healthcare services. I'm afraid it will be an ass again =(

May is just around the corner, but everything is still the same ... where are you, those people who will turn my whole life upside down? ..

May and Vodka - everything will be clear! =))

The month of May has come ... it's just paradise under the bush !!!

The snow is spinning, flying, flying, he doesn’t care that May is coming ...

Poems and quotes about May, as well as jokes, jokes, memes, congratulations and much more.

In Latin, May means mensis Majus, "the month of the goddess Maya", and is the fifth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

The month of May is one of seven months with a length of 31 days. Depending on the hemisphere, May is the third month of spring in the northern hemisphere or the third month of autumn in the southern.

Poems for May 9

No war - S. Mikhalkov

Once the children went to sleep -
The windows are all blacked out.
And woke up at dawn -
There is light in the windows - and there is no war!
Can't say goodbye anymore
And do not see off to the front -
Will return from the front
We will wait for the heroes.
Overgrown with grass trenches
On the sites of past battles.
Every year is good
Hundreds of cities will rise.
And in good times
You remember and I remember
As from enemy hordes of fierce
We cleaned up the edges.
Let's remember everything: how we were friends,
How we put out fires
Like our porch
Drinking steamed milk
gray with dust,
Tired fighter.
Let's not forget those heroes
What lie in the damp earth,
Giving life on the battlefield
For the people, for you and me...
Glory to our generals
Glory to our admirals
And ordinary soldiers -
On foot, swimming, horseback,
Tired, hardened!
Glory to the fallen and the living -
I thank them from the bottom of my heart!

Poems about May

Lily of the valley blossomed in May
On the very holiday - on the first day.

May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.

In the magically bright month of May
All buds open
And in my tender heart
Dreams of love were born.

Everything sings, plays, dances,
The month of May is coming.
There is none brighter and more beautiful,
Raise your hands to the sun!

Even in May, when spilled
White night over the waves of shadow
There is no spell of spring dreams,
There is a poison of fruitless desires.

Hares after winter cold
Willow tails were given,
They don't need a white tail
The hares are turning gray!
In May, the world looks new:
Sky in cornflower blue,
The ponds overflowed
The gardens were busy
Everything blooms ... and there is no answer:
Where is spring, and where is summer?!

For us, May will come in August!
- So I thought, we caress with hope.

May is conjuring. May plays
warm sunshine,
Turning into a dandelion
Or even a bunny.
Waltz on the rainbow will perform.
Lightning sparkle special effects.
Drums of thunder will remind.
Well, rain applause.
Crowded at concerts
Seagulls, swallows, rooks.
The young month has broken.
This is how his soul sounds.

Blue May. A glowing warmth.
The ring at the gate will not ring.
Wormwood has a sticky smell.
Sleeping bird cherry in a white cape.

The month of May is coming.
The birds sang happily
Returning to a sweet land.
Bloomed, green
All trees and bushes
The bees flew again.
For nectar to flowers.

Mai is back! Already cranes
‎Flew back,
The meadows bloomed with flowers
The forests have turned green.

Russian proverbs and sayings about May

  1. Warm May from day to day summer awaits.
  2. Ah, ah, the month of May: not cold, so hungry.
  3. The nightingale is small, but May knows.
  4. April with water, and May with grass.
  5. May has come - just have time, but don't yawn.
  6. In May, everything will dress up - there with a leaf, here with a flower, and somewhere with a blade of grass.
  7. Unreliable May heat.
  8. In May, two cold weather: the oak blossoms and the bird cherry blossoms.
  9. May frost will not squeeze out tears.
  10. In the warm month of May, do not forget about the wintering of livestock.
  11. May dew - horses are better than oats.
  12. The rain in May raises bread.
  13. May is cold - you will not be hungry.
  14. May - put on your dokha and climb on the stove.
  15. May is cold - the year is hungry.
  16. May will feed the horse.
  17. May smile.
  18. May will deceive - he will go into the forest.
  19. May blossomed, from under a bushy green grass kicks out.
  20. May is not May.
  21. May makes bread and June makes hay.
  22. May decorates the forests, summer awaits (that is, invites) to visit.
  23. Cold May is a grain-bearing year.
  24. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  25. Maya brought spring to the threshold.
  26. It never rains in May.
  27. May grass will feed the hungry.
  28. To marry in May is to toil for a century.
  29. A small bird is a nightingale, but May knows.
  30. In May, even the wind sings.
  31. May has come - paradise under the bush.
  32. It happens in May - paradise under the bush, and then May - give hay to the horse, and climb onto the stove yourself.
  33. The month of May has come, give the horses food, and put on the casing itself and climb on the stove.
  34. Ah, ah, the month of May: both warm and cold (or not cold, so hungry).
  35. The nightingale is a small bird, and even that one knows when the month of May is.
  36. Ah, ah, the month of May is both warm and cold.

Statuses about May

  • Today is a holiday, May has come to us!
  • In May, everything will be clear!
  • There is no lighter and more beautiful than May, I am so melted ...
  • We wish spring for the soul! Maya is for fun!
  • We were deceived - May is transferred to summer)
  • Everything around dances and sings, the month of May is coming ...
  • Peace, labor, May - great words!
  • It's better to be the first Maya than to be the eighth March!)))
  • May holidays are picnics and barbecues, but it may happen that potatoes with corns)
  • If after the first of May there was a barbecue, then there is a snicker inside the team)
  • May holidays - waiting for the year!
  • I love a thunderstorm in early May ... Yes, I love everything else too)))
  • May is the taste of summer!
  • May is the time of love and lilies of the valley...
  • I love May. May is Friday!
  • May beetles are harsh this year, they arrived in down jackets ...
  • I love a thunderstorm in early May, but that's only if the snow has melted!
  • May holidays - relaxation, barbecue and great company!
  • May Day is warm walks and picnic season...
  • May holidays are good, but June nights are better.
  • All warm, affectionate May!
  • Make peace! Work hard! And May! But don't touch the glass!
  • May is ahead, believe in yourself and dream.
  • The month of May has come ... and everywhere is just paradise!
  • In May, I want to quickly get rid of it!
  • Raise your hands to the sun, May Day has come to us!
  • May 1, barbecue and period!

Cool pictures and memes about May

Spring is already here!
Heat and May
Climatic conditions in Russia

With long holidays, changeable weather, May tests us for strength, delighting with abundant flowering, gentle sun that shines brightly in the eye.

The snow is spinning again and flying again, he does not know that May is coming.

On the May day of honor, labor and joy, the Victory Day is coming. We reverently honor the veterans, and remember the dead, who did not come from the War. To beat the adversary is our credo! He traveled the world in search of peace.

May turns our heads, do not run away, do not disappear. I am walking cheerfully around the city - do not change and do not change.

Winter is gone, in early spring March breathes. April will make you smile so that May turns into love. Then spring will jump into summer with enthusiasm.

Everything repeats again, like last year's love. April and this and that, May is also different, but not the same.

We are looking forward to May, when it is already cold, but the heat is still not visible. When lilacs bloom, tulips are on the way, in the classrooms they are waiting for the last call on the eve of the summer holidays. Light clothing curls in the warm wind, chestnut trees bloom in a column, and the May thunderstorm smells in the air.

Read the continuation of the best aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

In May, the sun shone, And immediately lit up: Soon summer and June, Happiness, sea and love

May is ahead - believe and dream!

Where I am - there is always May

May ahead. Believe and dream...*

Yandex.News: In May, a body will be appointed to oversee healthcare services. I'm afraid it will be an ass again.

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

Here ... the month of May, has it started to snow? -How the fuck? Also more fun!

Affectionate May is not a group, this is the time when hemp grows!

May ahead. believe and dream.

take me to May...

May ahead. Believe and dream.

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

Why do all couples fight and break up in May?

This is not the same April, and May will not be the same, for many years in a row everything is the same ...

The Mayan calendar ends in 2012... And the June calendar begins!

Where I am - there is always May

Let the month of May make us dizzy, don’t disappear and don’t change me ...

The month of May has come ... it's just paradise under the bush !!!

The month of May, give me hope, give me one more chance ... (c)

We wish spring for the soul! And warm, affectionate May!

It used to be “Peace. Work. May." and now Google. Inet. Comp.”…

Take me to May...

Yandex.News: In May, a body will be appointed to oversee healthcare services. I'm afraid it will be an ass again =(

May and Vodka - everything will be clear! =))

Call Me In May..

Emie biir kun turgennik aasta!

The crisis is over!!! they gave me a salary for May and half for June ... For some reason, my wife also gave!

May already be faster. The time when it is neither hot nor cold; when it's really, really good. Everyone is in light clothes, everything is blooming around, and the mood is wonderful, warm evenings, half-day walks ...

Do not be discouraged, do not be discouraged - the month of May will come soon!

Where I am, there is always May.

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

May is like Friday for me...

What labor-May? What is the power of the people? Again girls, vodka, cocaine ...

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

May Day opens summer walks, the season, picnics…

And summer is getting closer and closer. And soon May thunderstorms will begin, and May beetles will fly, and it will smell like field grass and ... Finally in SUMMER ...

May ahead. Believe and dream...*

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

wish spring... may... green grass... and warm nights...

The snow is spinning, flying, flying, he doesn’t care that May is coming ...

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

My May was squeezed out with cold juice, Indignant, coughing up dirty air, Towering over the roads, my heart trembled, It happens, sooner or later ...

Make peace! Work hard! And May! But don't sell yourself for a glass!)))

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

I love May. May is like Friday!

Fuck us - spring will be in May!

May is ahead - believe and dream!

wow, May. a month before summer, a month before fun, a month before a good rest. a month until the most awesome)

May is just around the corner, but everything is still the same ... where are you, those people who will turn my whole life upside down? ..

Here ... the month of May, has it started to snow? -How the fuck? It's more fun too!)

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year

The month of May give me hope, give me one more chance...

May is just around the corner, but everything is still the same ... where are you, those people who will turn my whole life upside down? ..

More and more it seems that Maybugs will arrive in down jackets this year.

My May was squeezed out with cold juice, Indignant, coughing up dirty air, Towering over the roads, my heart trembled, It happens, sooner or later ...

May day of light and joy, Victory Day, memory hour. And time for everyone on our Victory Day To recall the memorable verb: The enemy, and this is our credo, To beat where he came from!

May ahead. believe and dream.

The snow is spinning-and-it, summer-a-o-o, summer-o-o, he doesn’t care ... th that MAY is coming-a-o-o ...)))))))))))

May is already testing us for strength.

May is like Friday for me...

But you know, I can't when May looks into my eyes...

What asshole came up with the study in May and the session in June? After all, there is no smell of either one or the other, it smells of summer, holidays, booze and outdoor recreation ...

It used to be “Peace. Work. May." and now Google. Inet. Comp.”…

I love May. May is like Friday.

It will definitely be May, don’t mess around - I’ll get rid of you ... ©

Spring of the forty-fifth year ... How the blue Danube was waiting for you. A hot sunny May brought freedom to the peoples of Europe. On the square of Vienna saved ...

May is ahead - believe and dream!

Touching your lips for the last time ... drops fall from the sky ... April leaves without saying goodbye, I remain with the hope of May ...

And I want May. The year before last. Solar. Floral to allergies. Scandalously hysterical. A bit rough and brash. Tenderly passionate. Football apple. A little weird and crazy fleeting. Our May.

And it’s spring outside, May is my favorite month…. And I want to fall in love again, so as not to sleep at night, wait for his calls and SMS, see each other more than once every day and so that all thoughts are only about him, about him ... don't care about the session, girls and boys, let's fall in love !!! :))

It will definitely be May, don’t mess around - I’ll fight for you ...

We work all holidays!!! Peace Labor may!!! Hurray to you all Comrades!!!