MGIMO admissions committee passing score. Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations

Probably, every resident of Russia or the former USSR at least once in his life heard about the State University of International Relations. Extreme popularity suggests that the professions that graduates receive are in high demand and important for the overall contribution to the development of the state. For those students who leave school in 2017 and have dreamed of entering such a prestigious institution since childhood, there comes a decisive moment of choice: what profession and, accordingly, what will be the cost of education at MGIMO in 2017-2018?

  1. Jurisprudence - 420,000 rubles a year. Points are counted in three key subjects - languages ​​​​(Russian, English) and social science.
  2. Legal regulation of market relations: 400,000 rubles per year, points are taken into account in three subjects: languages ​​(Russian, foreign), social science.
  3. Federal administration - 400,000 rubles per year, points are taken into account in three basic sciences: mathematics and languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian, foreign).
  4. Public relations and transnational energy relations - 480,000 rubles per year, a unified state exam in three subjects: social science and languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign).
  1. Diplomacy (relations and energy) - 480,000 rubles per year, points are awarded in three main subjects: history and languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian, foreign).
  2. Transnational business and cooperation in the energy sector - 480,000 rubles, points are counted in three main subjects: mathematics and languages ​​\u200b\u200b(foreign, Russian).
  3. World economy and transnational energy cooperation - 480,000 rubles per year, points are determined in the following main subjects: mathematics and languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian and foreign).
  4. International administration - 470,000 rubles per year, points are calculated here by lessons: mathematics and languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian and foreign).
  5. Training of international journalists - 420,000 rubles per year, points are calculated in such sciences: Russian language and literature, foreign language.
  6. PR management - 420,000 rubles per year, here the points are calculated as follows: languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign), social science.
  7. Public mass communications - 340,000 rubles per year, points are being calculated in the following disciplines: Russian language and literature, a foreign language.
  8. Support for relations and politics of foreign states - 420,000 rubles per year, points are counted in the following disciplines: languages ​​(foreign and Russian), history.
  9. Interstate communications - 420,000 rubles per year, points are counted here: languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian and foreign), history.
  10. Information technology in international affairs - the same 420,000 rubles, points are calculated for the following: languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign), mathematics.
  11. Economic relations - again 420,000 rubles, points are counted in the following disciplines: languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign), mathematics.
  12. World politics - and again 420,000 rubles, points are calculated in three subjects: history, languages ​​\u200b\u200b(Russian and foreign).
  13. The science of politics - 390,000 rubles per year, there is a calculation in three main subjects: languages ​​(Russian and foreign), history.
  14. Trade relations and management - 380,000 rubles per year, the calculation is carried out in three priority subjects: languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign), mathematics.
  15. International natural and industrial problems - 380,000 rubles per year, points are counted in the main three subjects: languages ​​​​(Russian and foreign), geography.


The term of study at each of the faculties is 4 years.
Almost any education can be obtained for quite reasonable pay, and every student can become an excellent specialist, if there is diligence and desire. Study will always lead to success!

On July 12, the first group of MGIMO applicants passed an additional test for admission to the university. Recent graduates of Russian schools participating in the competition confirmed their knowledge of a foreign language.

It is not surprising that a foreign language is an additional test at MGIMO. The university trains bachelors in international affairs in twelve areas of higher professional education, and the ability to learn foreign languages ​​is perhaps the main condition for a successful graduation from the institute and a successful career in the future.

About 11,000 applications have been submitted to MGIMO this year. The average competition for budget places is about 18 people per place, for contracted places - 8.5 people. For applicants entering programs without an additional test, the acceptance of documents will last until July 25.

As always, on the MGIMO website in the "Applicant" section you can find the most detailed information about entering the institute. All lists of applicants without exception have been posted. Information is updated several times a day, and everyone can see the competitive situation at all faculties online, compare their scores with other applicants.

The site has already posted information on the results of an additional test at the Faculty of International Journalism (Department of MF). After all applicants pass an additional test in a foreign language, the results will also be promptly published. According to the results of admission campaigns, the MGIMO Internet portal, which was registered in 2009 as a mass media, has been repeatedly recognized as one of the most open and information-rich.

The current admission campaign at MGIMO is in full swing. We wish good luck to all applicants, and we are waiting for the most successful students on September 1 within the walls of the institute already as students!

Press service of MGIMO-University

Latest Moscow news on the topic:
Find yourself in the list of MGIMO applicants

Entrance test results- Moscow

The site publishes the results of entrance examinations in the Russian language of applicants entering full-time and part-time (evening) forms. Also in this section are published the results of tests of applicants,
17:51 13.07.2012 MESI

A graduate of this university: I would like to share my impressions from 4 years
studies at the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO. Let's point by point:

1. Languages
It has been repeatedly written here that MGIMO focuses on languages. It's like that. And it's also an absolute lottery - you can't choose the language. To a greater extent, it concerns the faculty of the Moscow Region, where this is the strictest. But it's the same with MJ. European languages ​​are more often given here, but once every five years there is also Serbo-Croatian and Chinese. Think ten times if you want to spend all your free time and nerves on endless translations (usually of a political theme). A huge plus, however, is that if you still love your language and work hard on it, many opportunities will open up for you. From overseas internships to part-time jobs. Almost all of my part-time jobs at the university were somehow related to the language.

2. Specialty training
Well, it's pointless to comment on anything here. You will not be trained as a journalist here. However, I am not at all sure that there are universities in Russia that are able to cope with this task. Programs become obsolete too quickly. Now people practically do not read newspapers - only Internet portals, agree? And at MJ MGIMO there are just a bunch of subjects dedicated to newspaper journalism, and this is the main love of the head of the specialized department. For several semesters he will broadcast to you about Soviet newspapers and demand that you know their circulation. But why?....... Why write newspaper reports in pairs? Learn to make up a newspaper?
To be fair, there really were a couple of useful and interesting items. Pair. Not more.
Secondly, journalism is a practice. You won't get it at the faculty. There is a master class for a journalist, which is often taught by people who either have never worked in journalism at all or have long since retired from the profession.
All the professional journalists I came to for internships said that for a career in journalism, you have to go and work. And here we are faced with the next point.

3. Work
At MGIMO, it is almost impossible to combine studies with a full-time job. First, very large training loads. Secondly, attendance is monitored quite strictly, which affects grades. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

4. Contingent
The problem of journalism as a phenomenon rather than MGIMO is a very uneven gender composition. There are few boys, and they are trying in every possible way to encourage them to somehow dilute the woman's kingdom. When there are only girls in the team, showdowns often take place from scratch. Plus, there are a lot of ambitious Olympiads who are ready to kill you in order to be the first to answer at the seminar. But here everything depends very much on the group.
But at MGIMO, contrary to stereotypes, there is practically no problem of social stratification - both Olympiads from the Ryazan region and golden youth from the Rublevsky highway peacefully coexist in one group. Teachers look at the knowledge of the subject, and at the seminars everyone is equal. But still there is a problem with those who are richer and dumber - and these are not bribes. I have never heard of bribes in tests or exams. However, it is almost always possible to write off. Some classmates came to each exam with some ultra-modern inconspicuous headphones, in which tickets were dictated to them. Even the golden youth very often buys analytical reports and course papers. And at that moment, when you bring your honestly written term paper, and the chicken on stilettos proudly puts “her” beautifully bound work next to it, and you know that she didn’t even lift a manicured finger to do at least something, you start thinking about worker-peasant uprising

5. Job prospects
They exist, and it is not for nothing that MGIMO is the leader in the lists of graduate employment. Those who want to join the Foreign Ministry can try their luck at the Foreign Ministry (boys are especially welcome). Very often there is work related to your foreign language. Several classmates work directly in their specialty - namely with international political news. Someone goes to the magistracy (by the way, do not enter the magistracy of the MF for anything, there are fewer language pairs than in the bachelor's program, and there are more meaningless subjects).

In general, looking at the state of Russian education and Russian journalism in general, MGIMO MJ is probably not such a bad place to get a bachelor's degree. It sounds prestigious, you know the language, you understand politics and international relations superficially (and a journalist doesn’t need more). You can go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TASS, or RT.
But if you are looking for a fun hangout and great memories of your student years, if you want to enter journalism for the love of literature and creativity, if you don’t want to translate texts about party systems, but want to write/shoot about people, fashion, science, then don’t ruin your youth :) Especially for payers. Studying at MJ MGIMO this year costs half a million. For such money, it is quite possible to get a good education in the field of some kind of digital journalism in the West.

MGIMO or the Moscow State Institute of International Relations is the oldest institution of higher education that trains international specialists. Of course, there is a paid department here, but for obvious reasons, many are still interested in how to enter MGIMO on a budget and how realistic it is. Due to the incredible prestige of this educational institution, there is a strong belief that in order to enter MGIMO you need to have great connections and, of course, money.

Is it possible to enter MGIMO on a budget without having the appropriate acquaintances

The budget or budgetary department in universities is the department where education is at the expense of the state, and with good academic performance, students receive a scholarship. It is not easy to get on the budget at MGIMO. Official enrollment takes place according to the results of exams, namely, the Unified State Examination and the additional entrance test of the DWI. As a rule, at MGIMO, for most faculties, you need to pass the DWI in a foreign language. Next, the applicants will have a competition, in which only those who scored at least 60 points according to the results of the DWI are allowed to participate. As for the Unified State Examination, it includes three subjects: Russian, foreign and profile. As you can see, first of all, in order to enter MGIMO on a budget, you need to know a foreign language well, the study of which is given special attention here. Additional opportunities to enter MGIMO on a budget include winning the All-Russian Olympiads or the Three Steps to Dream competition. And, of course, everyone who wants to enter here knows about such a television program as "Clever Men and Clever Men". When entering in the usual way, priority is given to applicants who have passed the entrance exams with "excellent" marks and have an "excellent" certificate.

How to enter MGIMO on a budget - preferential categories

  • orphans;
  • children without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2 (if they can be trained for health reasons);
  • boys and girls under 20 who have only one disabled parent of group 1 (the average family income is also taken into account - below the subsistence level);
  • those who serve (or have served) in the Russian Armed Forces (under contract).

If you do not fall into any of these categories, but want to enter MGIMO on a budget, you can only rely on your own knowledge and the results of entrance exams.

Passing score at MGIMO in 2016

Please note that in 2016 the Ministry of Education raised the threshold for admission to MGIMO in the following subjects:

  • Mathematics - 24 (2014) - 27
  • Social Studies - 39 (2014) - 42
  • Foreign languages ​​- 20 (2014) - 22.

As for other items, there have been no changes so far. And the threshold for a passing score at MGIMO is:

  • Russian language - 36;
  • geography - 37;
  • history - 32;
  • literature - 32;
  • mathematics - 27;
  • social science - 42.

However, there are also exceptions. To enter the Faculty of Information Technologies in International Business, you need to score at least 80 points in the Unified State Examination. And, as already mentioned, regardless of the faculty, you need to score at least 60 points in a foreign language exam. For winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads in specialized subjects, the USE passing score is not lower than 75.

Don't be afraid to dream. If you were an excellent student at school and have the appropriate ambitions, do not listen to gossip, but believe in your own strength. Passing scores at MGIMO, although quite high, do not necessarily require a hundred. Confidence in the possibility of achieving the goal is already half the success.

Of course, it is not enough just to want to enter MGIMO. This will require some effort. First of all, focus on how to pass the exam as best as possible.

Try to decide in advance on the faculty to which you would like to enter and on what specialized subjects you will have to take exams. It is better to do this two or three years before admission, so that you have enough time to prepare. Do not limit yourself only to the school curriculum, this will not be enough to enter MGIMO.

But what is absolutely certain is that you will need excellent knowledge of a foreign language. And if you study in a regular, and not in a language school, start pulling it up yourself. Take advantage of the opportunities that the Internet gives you. And the best thing is to hire a good tutor. Precisely - good, because tutors are also different.

Use every opportunity to participate in olympiads and competitions. Even in the event that you do not become a winner, this will temper your character and give additional advantages for admission.

And most importantly, don't give up. Even if you fail to enter MGIMO on a budget the first time, try again next year. There are many examples when people entered your chosen university from the second, or even from the third time. Use this time for more thorough preparation and you will definitely succeed. Everything is possible, except for what you have not managed to decide.

Official Information

In accordance with the regulations on student dormitories, the rules for admission to MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, students from other cities (graduate students, interns, etc.) studying at MGIMO on a full-time basis are provided with a hostel, subject to availability.

When establishing the priority of providing a place in a hostel, the financial situation of the student's family, as well as other benefits, is taken into account. The application can be accompanied by certificates of the composition and income of the family, as well as documents confirming the available benefits for admission to higher educational institutions (winners of the All-Russian Olympiads, the competition "Clever and clever", etc.).

Places are provided in one of four hostels:

Dormitory №1 "Cheryomushki"
Located at the address: Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya street, 26. It is a 5-storey brick building and has rooms for two, three people. Kitchens are located separately on each floor. The hostel has a student cafe, an Internet class, a gym. Shower rooms are equipped.

Directions: from the metro station "Universitet" by tram number 26 to the stop "Street Novocheremushkinskaya". In total, the journey takes about 30 minutes.

Dormitory №2 "Vernadsky"
It is located at the address: Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 76. It is part of the complex of buildings of the University and is a modern 13-storey panel building. The hostel has double rooms with all conveniences (bathroom, toilet). Kitchens are located separately on each floor. There is a cafe on the 6th floor. In the lobby of the 1st floor there are long-distance and international telephone boxes.

Dormitory №3 "Teply Stan"
It is located at the address: Moscow, Generala Tyuleneva street, 13. It is a 12-storey apartment-type panel building. The hostel has places in 2-room apartments (2-bed and 3-bed rooms with a kitchen, toilet and bathroom) and 3-room apartments (3, 2 and 1-bed rooms).

Directions: from the metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" by buses 144, 227, 281 to the stop "Ulitsa Generala Tyuleneva". In total, the journey takes 30-40 minutes.

Dormitory №4 "Tsaritsyno"
Located at the address: Moscow, Kaspiyskaya street, 28/1. It is a 5-storey panel building of apartment type. The hostel has 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments (rooms with a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom), designed for accommodation from 3 to 6 people.

Directions: from the metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya" or "Prospect Vernadskogo" to the station "Okhotny Ryad", then transfer to the station "Teatralnaya" and to the station "Tsaritsyno". In total, the journey takes 1 hour - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Certificate of provision of a hostel in 2016

Places in hostels are provided free of charge to the following persons:
- orphans and children left without parental care;
- disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
- other preferential categories of applicants in the presence of supporting documents.

Free places for living in hostels are provided in the order
following order:
- foreign citizens enrolled in the presidential recruitment;
- foreign students, including students in International Management (IM) programs;
- non-resident winners of Olympiads among schoolchildren (All-Russian Olympiads, Olympiads "Clever and clever");
- nonresident persons studying on a budgetary basis.

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
Students studying on a budgetary basis pay for accommodation in a hostel in the amount of 502.2 rubles. per month. Students studying on a contractual basis pay for accommodation on commercial terms (from 959.2 rubles per month).
Students also pay additionally for services for the use of household electrical appliances: 250 rubles. per month for students of the budgetary form of education; 450 - 600 rubles per month for students studying on a contract basis.