My system of self-development. Personal development plan

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1. Individual system of self-improvement

Stage 1. Goal definition

Stage 1. Goal definition

Stage 3. Setting the time frame and setting goals

Stage 4. Self-knowledge and self-awareness

Stage 5. Self-control and self-regulation

Stage 6. Self-development


Perfection is a way of forming oneself as a person, developing one's abilities, acquiring knowledge and skills. Three circumstances encourage self-improvement: a) a person needs self-respect and respect from others; b) there are discrepancies in the concepts of the ideal self and the real one; c) self-assessments and self-attitudes arising on the basis of these discrepancies. The absence of one of these circumstances will not lead to the fact that a person will begin to form the motivation for self-improvement.

Almost everyone has their own idea of ​​self-improvement. Moreover, literally every person throughout his life tirelessly and non-stop engaged in self-improvement. The criterion of perfection is the personal worldview of a person. And it doesn't matter if the person acts consciously or not.

Over the millennia of its existence, mankind has come up with hundreds, if not thousands of self-improvement systems. They all work, but to varying degrees. In this work, I will try to create my own, individual system of improvement.

Individual system of self-improvement

Everyone who sets himself the task of self-improvement must define his goals in such a way that in any case, under any combination of random circumstances, they will ensure his success. Such goals are not private, but general goals that should contribute to the development of individuality.

I have determined for myself the steps that I must take in order to move forward towards the goal:

Stage 1: Determination of the goal.

Stage 2: Creating an ideal.

Stage 3: Determining the time frame and highlighting goals.

Stage 4: Self-knowledge and self-awareness.

Stage 5: Self-control and self-regulation.

Stage 6: Self-development.

Stage 1: Determination of the goal

Any business can be effective only when its goals are precisely defined, i.e. results to be strived for.

To set goals, you need to focus on yourself and answer questions such as “What do I want to achieve in life?”, “What do I want to become?” etc.

To do this, you need to be extremely specific, try to see, hear, feel and form a clear idea of ​​​​the result. It is also necessary to form those goals, the achievement of which depends only on me and the consequences of which will be harmless both for me and those around me.

Stage 2: Creating an ideal

It is much easier for a person to determine the goal of self-improvement if he has ideas about the best that should be inherent in a person.

For me, an ideal is not a specific person, but a generalized image that embodies what is most significant to me, what encourages me to improve myself. Therefore, at this stage, I would use a description of those personal qualities that I would like to see in myself. Also, I would draw a self-portrait on paper, showing what I would like to become, an image that embodies my distant goals and aspirations.

Stage 3: Determining the time frame and setting goals

At this stage, I determined in what time grid everything will happen.

The most important goals for the near future:

Ш to form willpower;

Ø learn to control your emotions, feelings, needs, think about actions;

Ш open your "I", accept yourself, form a holistic image of "I".

Develop qualities such as:

l perseverance, purposefulness, organization, discipline, etc.;

l memory and attention;

Tolerance, understanding, respect towards other people.

Stage 4: Self-knowledge and self-awareness

So, the goal is defined, but is it achievable? To do this, I correlated my capabilities and abilities with this goal and ideal, therefore the next stage of self-improvement is the knowledge and awareness of myself, the study and analysis of my personal characteristics.

In self-knowledge, the main thing is to highlight one's own positive qualities, potentialities, abilities, because only relying on the positive one can overcome one's personal shortcomings.

Each person has an image of his inner world. The image of the inner world is the characteristics and qualities that we see in ourselves, colored by one or another emotional attitude. In order to find out what the image of the inner world is, you need to ask yourself a very simple question at first glance: “Who am I?”. Analyzing all the answers, we analyze our inner world, i.e. in other words, we know ourselves.

Stage 5: Self-control and self-regulation

Management of emotions and feelings includes: control over your emotional reactions, understanding them, regulation, i.e. finding a way to self-regulate, replacing negative emotions with positive ones.

Managing feelings and emotions begins with understanding your emotional state, then reflecting on its sources and causes.

There are a number of ways of self-regulation - conscious volitional control of the internal processes of one's own psyche, which allow one to give an "output to the feeling." The first group of methods is based on psycho-physiological relaxation, liberation from negative emotions.

Another group of self-regulation methods that I use is the displacement of negative emotions and feelings by positive ones. Replacing negative emotions and thoughts with a positive image I created. For me, such self-hypnosis is effective: “I am confident in myself, in my abilities, I feel a surge of energy and optimism.” This image must be strengthened daily in order to become confident.

6 Stage: Self-development

The personal growth program is compiled on the basis of comparing one's qualities, knowledge, skills, abilities with the requirements that are contained in the ideal.

Based on my immediate goals, I determined the tasks of self-improvement and the ways and means of their implementation.

Self-improvement tasks

Ways and means of implementation

1. Formation of willpower

1. Clearly and clearly understand the goal and strive to achieve it.

2. Learn to find ways to perform volitional actions, motivate them.

3. Overcome internal obstacles

4. Overcome external obstacles.

More often rely on the facts of biographies, book characters, which are an example of patience, endurance, willpower.

2. Develop perseverance, organization, purposefulness.

Learn to organize your work: plan your day, use your free time rationally, adhere to the principle of setting priorities when performing all types of work, etc.

3. Develop memory and attention

Do exercises to develop memory and attention.

4. Learn to control your emotions and feelings, think about actions.

1. Watch yourself. Determine the emotional manifestations characteristic of me.

2. Master some ways of interacting with negative emotions:

Accept any event as sent by God for your own benefit. This path leads to health and wisdom;

Learn to detach from the emotion that has arisen, feeling its spread. Passive observation of it leads to its destruction;

To allow emotions to splash out, not to drive it deep, but to react. This is a secular method that allows you to maintain your physical and mental health;

Master the ways of burning negative emotions with physical effort.

5. Open your "I"; accept myself as I am; form a complete image of "I"

To conduct “sessions of self-improvement” - immersion in a state of bodily peace in the process of self-knowledge.

Start each new day in a good mood.


Self-improvement is the activity of a person to improve himself, this is the development of independent thinking skills, the development of ideas based on his own experience.

In the process of self-improvement, it is important to realize the changes that need to be made in one's personality. Without an active position in relation to oneself, without a focus on constant self-improvement, there is no real progress in the development of a person's personality.

Self-improvement implies personal changes, the emergence of other views, new sensations. These personality changes are the development of the "I". Purposeful formation of self-esteem is a necessary component of self-improvement.

A person should always try to change for the better, develop qualities in himself, both business and personal, that will help him achieve new successes in his activities. Self-improvement is hard work, and getting positive results depends only on the person himself.

In this work, I have compiled my individual self-improvement system, which, I hope, will help me change for the better and grow as a person.

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Inner changes never happen on their own - they are either the result of long work or a response to external events. But, if a person's self-consciousness is not developed, at first he may not even notice what is happening to him. Sometimes we do not even see our own changed behavior until others tell us about it. Therefore, the changes that we have been striving for so much sometimes seem unexpected to us.

For many people, turning events come as a real surprise - and after all, they have been going to this for so long. And only an individual with a developed self-consciousness sees all the small stages of his path, notices the slightest details and progress. Everyone who strives for self-improvement should be able to do this - consciously develop their personality, see even the smallest changes in themselves, programmatically approach the development of new qualities, skills and abilities.

To do this, it will be useful to use the system of personal self-development, which will help improve your self. It consists of five consecutive steps:

1.Goal setting is the "I" you are aiming for. We draw in front of us the image of the person we want to become. It should be a carefully thought-out, detailed portrait of the future self - work, personal life, physical and intellectual development, getting rid of bad habits and acquiring useful ones.

This image is needed not only to see the goal, but also for inspiration. Thinking about our future improved self, we activate internal energy, fueling our actions with positive emotions.

In this case, it is very important to get out of the trap of the expectations of others. All our lives we have to push back our dreams under the pressure of other people's ideas about our life - parents, teachers, society. Over time, we ourselves do not understand what we want - we are so used to obeying external thoughts. And first of all, it is necessary to weed out the raid of other people's beliefs and see the ideal self in front of you the way you represent it.

2.Analysis of the current "I" - what kind of person you are at the moment What are your strengths and weaknesses, how others see you. By comparing your goal with the real state of affairs, you can understand the path that lies ahead.

One of the important tasks of this stage is to compare the perception of your own personality with how others see you. Why? The human psyche is characterized by one trick - it justifies the negative character traits and bad deeds of its owner, eventually creating a distorted image of itself. This is done to protect the psyche from stress and damaging ego factors - no person likes to put up with their shortcomings.

Exit- pay attention to the shortcomings of your friends, because most often we communicate with those who are close to us in spirit.

3. Drawing up a plan for self-development. To do this, you need to consider your strengths and weaknesses, to understand the actions through which you can become better.

At this stage, it is important to focus on the process of self-improvement itself, and not on the results. Otherwise, you will perform all the necessary actions without joy, with inner tension. It is much more expedient to organize the work in such a way as to enjoy not only the consciousness of one's progress towards the goal, but also the movement itself.

Find the factors that make you unhappy and try to get rid of them - this is the first step towards a perfect personality, because a dejected person is not able to make efforts for self-development.

Remember: in order to achieve results, you need to abandon the activities and habits that slow you down, be able to overcome yourself. For example, stop using social networks or drinking beer on Fridays. Bad habits take up a lot of time and energy that could be spent on good things.

4.From theory to practice. We begin to implement the methods that we prescribed for ourselves in the previous step, develop good qualities, get rid of bad ones, train new skills and abilities.

Well, you have made a plan to improve your personality and now it remains only to implement it in life. To do this, you need to constantly practice, consolidating new skills so that they turn into habits. Your new style of behavior and communication should become part of your personality, infiltrate you to the state of instincts - and for this, at first you will have to constantly control yourself. But do not be afraid - the first successes will inspire you, you will be inspired and motivated to continue further.

Useful advice: before going public with new skills, practice well in comfortable conditions - for example, at home, where no one sees you, there is no fear of failure, embarrassment, distractions. Many people think that since behavioral models are aimed at interacting with people, then it is best to work them out right away in “combat” conditions. This is not so - it is not in vain that the actors first rehearse the performance without spectators. A well-established system of actions will not let you down if you find yourself in a stressful situation or forget from embarrassment what to do.

5. Establishing personal contacts with people, searching for partnerships and mutual support. Personal development is impossible without maintaining strong social ties with the group you aspire to belong to - whether it be a business environment, sports colleagues or like-minded people looking for a path to spiritual enlightenment.

Alone is always difficult, so you need to find a person or even a whole company that shares your views on self-improvement. Together it will be much easier to overcome this path, share opinions, give each other advice. It is very helpful to connect with people you would like to be like.

Also, when another person or an entire group is involved in your cultivation process, it increases the degree of responsibility, and it will be more difficult to deviate from the intended path.

The process of self-improvement is sequential- to become what you dream of, you need to gradually overcome all five steps of development. It is very important to be optimistic about everything that happens to you, because a positive attitude is a kind of fuel that helps you move forward despite disappointments and setbacks. Remember that nothing comes easy and nothing comes easy. On the way to improving your personality, many actions will have to be repeated over and over until you master new skills and develop good habits.

Equally important are personal traits, with the help of which bridges of mutual understanding with other people are built - sensitivity, compassion, goodwill. Positive communication with others is the second component of the force that propels us forward.

The third component is awareness, meaningful actions, each of which is aimed at achieving the goal. By intelligently following one's path, one develops consciousness. And the more it is developed, the easier it is to notice your shortcomings and eliminate them, as well as to see positive changes and continue to work in the right direction.

These three qualities are mandatory - they will help you maintain a good emotional mood, build friendly relationships with people, and develop consistently and deliberately. But in addition to them, you need to stock up on purposefulness and patience - and then nothing can stop you on the way to your new perfect personality.

Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine

National Mining University

Department of Management

Individual work:

"System of human self-development"


Repnikova M.V.

Art. gr. EM-07-4


Moiseev A.S.



1. Self-determination (self-identification of a person)

2. Forming boundaries as a way to make sense of our perceptions

3. Mask Level: the beginning of self-discovery

4. The next level of development is the level of "centaur"

5. The path of self-transcendence



self-determination self-development strategy

Almost every person understands the need for self-development. But very few manage to bring this idea to any concrete result. Most often, either because it is not clear where to start, or the chosen methods of self-improvement are difficult and do not give quick results. Knowing the methods of self-development allows you to start and maintain activity even with a moderate motivation for growth.

In my work, I present step-by-step strategies for human development based on the research of scientists and sages of the East and West who seek to develop the personality within the framework of the scheme called the "spectrum of consciousness".

Acquaintance with the spectrum of consciousness, with its various levels, possibilities and problems of these levels, will help a person better navigate the path of self-knowledge and self-development. He will also be able to realize what levels and possibilities he would like to come into contact with.

1. Self-determination. (self-identification of a person)

Self-determination is an important stage of human self-development. Under how we understand "ourselves" lies our level of development.

"Who am I?" This question, which worried humanity probably at the dawn of civilization, continues to be one of the most "cursed" human questions today. The answers to it were given very different - sacred and profane, complex and simple, scientific and romantic, political and personal. But instead of studying these many answers, let's take a closer look at the special fundamental process that unfolds in the course of answering the question "who am I?"

At the heart of any answers to the question "who am I?" lies precisely this fundamental procedure - the procedure for drawing a boundary line between self and non-self. After the main boundary line has been drawn, this question can be given both very complex, detailed, and very simple, slurred answers. But any possible answer is due to the previously drawn boundary line.

From a biological point of view, there is not the slightest reason for such a radical split between mind and body, psyche and somatic, ego and flesh, but on a psychological level, such splitting is endemic.

The person directly identifies himself not with the organism as a whole, but only on one side of this organism, with its ego. That is, he identifies himself with a more or less precise self-image, as well as with the intellectual and emotional processes associated with this image. Thus, we are dealing with another basic type of boundary line, establishing a personal identity primarily with the ego, with the self-image.

Sometimes a person shifts the boundary between himself / not-himself, including in "himself" only some part of the tendencies inherent in his ego. We will conditionally call such a narrowed image of ourselves a “mask” (lat. persona). Since the individual identifies himself with only one of the sides of his psyche (mask), the rest of it is perceived as "not-I", as a foreign territory. A person redraws the map of his soul in order to dissociate himself from some of his undesirable sides and, if possible, exclude them from the sphere of consciousness.

Within this nonjudgmental approach, we can mention at least one other type of boundary line that is currently attracting a lot of attention, the boundary associated with so-called transpersonal phenomena.

The term "transpersonal" means "transpersonal", "more than personal" and indicates that a certain process that takes place in an individual comes out in some sense beyond the limits individual. The simplest example of such a process is extrasensory or extrasensory perception.

The essence of this discussion of the boundaries between self / not-self is that a person has access to not one, but many levels of self-identity. These levels of self-identity are not theoretical postulates, but observable realities - you can see for yourself that they exist in you. In this regard, it seems that the well-known and yet highly mysterious phenomenon called consciousness is like a spectrum, a kind of rainbow, consisting of several ranges or levels of self-identification.

Let's arrange these levels in a certain order - in the form of a spectrum. Levels vary depending on where the boundary is drawn.

Different levels of the spectrum differ not only in terms of self-identification, but also in terms of characteristics directly or indirectly related to self-identification. Take, for example, such a widespread problem as "conflict with oneself." Obviously, since there are different levels of "self", there are different levels of conflict with the self. For example. A person who is at the level of the organism, for example, finds his environment potentially hostile, because it seems to him foreign, staying outside him and therefore fraught with a threat to his life and well-being. But for a person who is at the level of the ego, not only the environment seems foreign, but also his own body, and therefore the nature of his conflicts and disorders turns out to be completely different.

So, different levels of the spectrum of consciousness differ in characteristics, symptoms and capabilities. A person sincerely striving for self-knowledge is faced with a huge variety of psychological and religious systems, which makes the problem of choice extremely difficult.

If this is the case, we could substantially streamline this seemingly insanely complex area. It would turn out that different religious and psychological schools are not so much mutually exclusive approaches to the consideration of man and his problems as complementary approaches to the consideration of different levels of human consciousness.

Acquaintance with the spectrum of consciousness, with its various levels, possibilities and problems of these levels, will help a person, both a non-professional and a psychotherapist, better navigate the path of self-knowledge and self-development. He will also be able to realize what levels and possibilities he would like to come into contact with, and what procedures could best help him in this.

Growth means, in fact, the expansion of horizons, the expansion of one's boundaries outward and in depth. As a result of moving down the spectrum, a person has to re-map their soul to include new territory. Growth is a constant map editing; recognition and then incorporation of ever deeper and more comprehensive levels of consciousness.

2. Formation of boundaries as a way to comprehend our perception

Since each level of the spectrum represents a progressive limitation and narrowing of the boundaries of unity consciousness, the study of the emergence of these boundaries will need to start from the very beginning, from the root cause, from the first boundary itself. The first boundary is called the original boundary: it is the division into the seer and the visible, into the knower and the known, the subject and the object. The emergence of the original boundary entails a chain of inevitable consequences. Many other boundaries appear, each of which is built on the previous one.

Religion, philosophy, mythology and even science offer their own explanations of this beginning, this root cause, this impulse towards creation as such. The original boundary, this eternally active first cause, is that which we do in the moment.

The initial boundary arises by itself, like the actual activity of a person, but the activity is causeless. This is a movement in the consciousness of the unity of man, the movement of this consciousness itself, a movement that entails numerous consequences, but is not itself such.

Natural line between the organism and the environment - the line of skin that cannot be denied - becomes an illusory boundary, a fence, a division of what is in fact inseparable. And, as Krishnamurti says, "in this interval, in this interval between the seer and what he sees, lies the whole conflict of man."

With the appearance of the original boundary, our now isolated "I" seems to be separated, forever separated by an unbridgeable abyss from the "surrounding" world. We are no longer the world, we are standing in front of it.. The external environment becomes a potential threat, since it has the power to destroy what I now feel to be my “true” self, namely, my organism, my body-mind.

Let's look at it this way: everything that has just been born, that has just come into existence, has no past. In other words, birth is a state no past. And, accordingly, everything that has just died, that has just ceased to exist, has no future. Death is a state no future. But we have already seen that this present moment has no neither of the past, neither future. That is, birth and death in the present moment united. Thus, the present turns out to be a coincidence of opposites, a unity of birth and death, being and non-being, life and dying. As Ippen said, "Every moment is the last, and every moment is a new birth."

Hello, my dear listeners;) I'm back and even sooner than expected. Maybe today's post the most important in my blog. I have been putting off writing this article for a long, long time. It is not so easy to talk briefly about what constitutes the core of life and self-development. However, lately readers have been pushing me to this. Here is part of one comment:

I get the impression that there is a fairly coherent theoretical construction behind this. I wonder who you got it from? You can tell about your Gurus. Maybe make a separate topic.

In general, sometime it just needs to be done. Let's get started!

First, you need to understand what self-development is. Self-development, in my humble opinion, is the process of such a change in a person, during which he either approaches his main, true goals in life or creates conditions for their more successful implementation.
This definition is hardly listed on the pages of encyclopedias. But I consider it the best, because in one sentence there are many features of personal growth that are important in practice. Don't believe? Let's figure it out.

First, from the definition it becomes clear that self-development can manifest itself in various areas of life. Everything that brings a person closer to what he wants to be and what results to achieve is personal growth. Here are a few areas of life where there is a wide field for self-development:

  • physical condition (General example: a beautiful torso to seduce girls on the beach; individual example: a commanding voice for dreaming of a military career);
  • character (General example: develop courage/confidence; individual example: strive for maximum suspicion - if you want to become a special agent or a politician);
  • lifestyle (General example: get used to living according to the regime; individual example: learn to get up at 5 in the morning in order to have time to puff on your own project before work).

Secondly, as you have already noticed, self-development must necessarily be closely related to the characteristics of your personality and, above all, to what you want to achieve. That is, it is a purely individual process. So, for someone, getting up at 5 in the morning is a great practice that makes it easier to achieve goals, and therefore acquiring such a habit cannot but be called personal growth. For another, such a habit will not bring any benefit other than the consciousness of one's own toughness. Do you agree? Then we pass to the third and even more important aspect. And this, of course….

(Third) the fact that self-development should be controlled and guided by the mind. It is not difficult to understand why this is so: our dreams are dictated to us by emotions, upbringing and the current situation, but iron logic is needed to find the right and effective mechanism to achieve a dream. Acting emotionally, it is unlikely that you will be able to sort out the sea of ​​various techniques and methods of personal growth, and this is only one of the reasons (see below). Thus, we have dealt with the definition and the most important characteristics of self-development. Let's move on to the principles that allow you to build yourself more effectively.

Principle 1 (fundamental…).

Personal development should not be separated from life. Often they say something like “here, I’ll rest on vacation, I’ll do self-development.” You know, you don't have to deal with them. It is necessary to build a life in such a way that every day is a step on the path of personal growth. After all, a life built in the best possible way is the road to a dream. That is: you don't have to learn to walk, you have to walk. And the necessary skills to acquire along the way.

This doesn't mean everyone has to throw their memberships in the gym and pack a couple of bricks in their briefcase to work out on their way to the office. Of course not. The essence is deeper: life and self-development are one. Climb up a few paragraphs: one of the areas where you need to grow above yourself is a way of life. How this works will become clear to you when you understand the following principle.

Principle 2 (helping avoid mistakes).

Naturalness! Naturalness! Naturalness! It's pretty simple. The personality of a person must change under the influence of his activity, way of thinking and environment. These three factors affect us all the time. These three factors determine the development of a child. They are natural. Therefore, they must be used to change yourself. No need find ways to manipulate the subconscious and the psyche (yes, I’m talking about affirmations, self-hypnosis, etc. These techniques can be useful in case of mental disorders, treatment of diseases. But not in everyday life.)

Principle 3 (obvious but often improbable).

Let's go back to the definition of personal growth. Have you noticed, without which there can be no self-development at all? That's right, no goals! Without a real, deep, genuine dream that fills life with meaning. If there is no personal goal, a mission that touches the strings of your soul, then any self-improvement actions will be meaningless, unless they are necessary for simple survival. A little about how to come to these goals: .

Principle 4 (slightly controversial).

You must be open to the world, but at the same time look at it soberly and critically.. The first part of the principle helps to find new ideas and thoughts, opportunities for personal growth and success. I already wrote about the colossal role of openness: . At the same time (and this is mentioned in the article at the link above), what we receive from the outside should be treated in a balanced and objective manner. Guessing why is pretty easy. Because there are a lot of smart kids around who are ready to cash in on someone else's gullibility, because different people have different goals and lifestyles, because certain problems are solved in different ways by different people, because there is a danger of playing with other people's ideas and never come up with your own ... continue the list themselves.

This definition, three basic features of self-development and four principles - the very essence of self-development, as I understand it. It must be remembered that this is only a frame, beacon signal lights, and not a detailed instruction. The purpose of this article is to point you in the right (from my point of view, of course) direction. In other words, this is a skeleton, and get meat in

SVARGA is a complex system of knowledge, physical exercises, energy, breathing and meditation practices, designed for quick and high-quality self-improvement of a person in the manifestation of his Wholeness.
The state of Wholeness is the absolute unity of the three compositions of a person: the unity of the Body, Soul and Spirit.

The "Svarga" system was created by long-term research, passed through personal practical and intuitive (meditative) experience, having gone through a series of initiations and absorbed the best techniques and secret knowledge of various systems and traditions of Russia, China, India, Tibet, Malaysia, Japan, such as: Taoist and Buddhist Qigong; Japanese Za Zen and Chinese Zu Chan; Yoga Siddhas of the 18 Tamil Siddhas tradition; Slavic system of the Savior of the "Axe" clan; Dzogchen of the Bon tradition, combining everything whole and harmoniously into a single system of higher active self-improvement.

The Svarga system is outside of traditions, not limited by traditions, respecting and honoring each of them. The system stands above the worldview of traditions and has a single "field of consciousness". Anyone of any tradition and religion can engage in the system and achieve perfection in it, preserving, if necessary, their worldview.

The founder of the Svarga system is Dmitry Lapshinov. More about the founder of the Svarga system, Dmitry Lapshinov:

Training in the Svarga system is carried out in stages. There are 5 steps of inner self-improvement. Everything starts sequentially from step 1. Each of the levels of the system is a deeper internal transformation and includes deeper practices of self-improvement, thanks to which the internal transformation of a person is greatly enhanced.

Levels of self-improvement in the "SVARGA" system:

1. SVARGA, Code of Health.
2. SVARGA, Code of Strength (vital energy).
3. SVARGA, Priestly Code.
4. SVARGA, Reality Other.
5. SVARGA, Svetoch.

There is also a parallel additional direction to the main system - self-improvement of internal strength: SVARGA, Arch of Flint (internal strength of martial arts).

At each level, after a successful appraisal of the student, the teacher increases his energy potential and activates the corresponding centers and channels, accelerating and contributing to his internal self-improvement.

1 level. SVARGA. Code of Health.

Spiritual self-improvement is the true essence of man. The body is an extension of the spirit. The spirit cognizes space and time through the soul, the body is the vessel of the soul, through which the spirit manifests itself in Reality.

For a high-quality and fast spiritual ascent, a person must have strong roots: a healthy body and vitality (life energy) is the main support of a person on the path of self-improvement. In a healthy body healthy mind. A sick body will always take away the life force (energy).

Before cultivating health, it is necessary to achieve purity. It is impossible to make the body healthy if it is not cleansed - it is useless to pour clean water into a dirty vessel until you pour out the old one; one fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey.

The vault of Zdrava in the Svarga system consists of two strongholds:

The lunar vault is healthy - cleansing.
The solar vault is healthy - filling and strengthening.

At the 1st level of the system, the body is cleansed: cells, blood, lymph, intestines; cleansing and strengthening of organs and glands. Purification and accumulation of vitality (energy), opening channels and getting rid of energy stagnation.

Health improves, energy potential increases, the abilities of intellect, memory, the depth of concentration of attention increase, the hemispheres of the brain are harmonized, the central nervous system strengthens and DNA is restored.

The first level of the system (the Code of Health) helps people not only acquire excellent health, but also overcome serious illnesses.

In just a few years (from 2011 to 2015) of teaching the Svarga, Code of Health system, over 3,000 people from all over the world have studied it. Being engaged in the first level of the system, they improve their health and change their lifestyle and nutrition not only in Russia, but also in Australia, the USA, Germany, France, Spain, the Baltic countries and the former CIS and others. Letters of thanks come in from all over the world about miraculous healings and a new conscious life. The most difficult diagnoses that people managed to cope with on their own, having learned the first level: stage 3 cancer with metastases throughout the body, pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis and many others. Diagnoses are miraculously not confirmed after several months of training, which confuses doctors and official medicine.

The "SVARGA" system sets itself the task of high-quality self-improvement of the student! Completion of the practices of the next level requires higher skills from the seeker and is determined by indicators between levels of the system. To move to the next level, the seeker passes the appropriate certification, which allows him to qualitatively master the current practices.

Stage 2: SVARGA, Code of Strength.

There is a cleansing and strengthening of the bone structure, cleansing and strengthening of the bone, spinal cord and brain, stem cells “wake up”, strengthening of the endocrine organs that enhance the hormonal background of a person, an increase in the strength of the Spirit and the strength of Love, strengthening immunity, improving the quality of life and increasing life expectancy. There is an active saturation of a person with vital energy and the quality of energy increases (energy vibrations and field density increase). Clarity of consciousness, vigilance and depth of concentration are enhanced.

3rd step: SVARGA, Priestly Code.

There is a manifestation of energy breathing and activation of the “Spring of Power” (a point of human singularity), which is an inexhaustible source of spiritual energy of thermonuclear fusion, saturating and nourishing the body with high-vibration energy, transforming the body. Consciousness is actively expanding, the level of intuition, clarity and wisdom is increasing.

At level 3, a person can additionally learn one of the secret techniques for himself: "Tummo"; "Autonomous Power Supply"; "Easy Qigong"; "Fetal Breath"; "Lord of Fire"; "Salvacalpa".

Stage 4: SVARGA, Byl Other.

Having reached level 4, a person is able to controllably and consciously perform the secret practices of breaking through the mind and dissecting the deceptive illusion with instant, direct thoroughness. Duality and illusion are cut through by the unshakable power of firm attention. The illusion is cut through, and the primordial purity and natural simplicity of the nature of the Spirit - superconsciousness is exposed. The consciousness of a person “covers” the superconsciousness and true Enlightenment is achieved, comprehension of the World and all knowledge directly. At this level, books and teachers are no longer needed. The clarity of Pure Consciousness surpasses all knowledge combined. There is a natural manifestation of Siddhis (superpowers).

Stage 5: SVARGA. Svetoch.

The student will master Level 5 Advanced Practice provided that he is well established in the previous Level 4 Practices. Being engaged in practices of the 5th level, you work directly with the Clear Light, which lives inside and is inherent in all phenomena; while special and extremely powerful exercises are used to open it completely and absolutely within yourself. An active transformation and spiritualization of the body takes place, after which a person ceases to be limited by the obvious material worlds. At this level, the seeker is able to make the Great Shift - the transformation into the Body of Light.

SVARGA, Vault Flint.

This additional direction includes secret methods of self-improvement of the inner strength of various traditions, such as: "Iron shirt", "Muscular-tendon transformation", "the art of 1000 steps and tireless fighting", "the state of the Savior", allowing a person to be as invulnerable as possible in extreme or combat conditions.

"Svarga" is a direct, holistic and harmonious way of self-improvement of a person on the path of internal transformation.

The direct path of self-improvement denotes the impact on the essence and source of human nature - the improvement of Consciousness. Influencing precisely the Cause of all manifested Consequences.

“Consciousness is a direct path of self-improvement, which allows one to realize oneself spiritually in one incarnation. The path of the strong and unshakable. And if your Roots are strong, then this path is for you.”

Holistic improvement speaks of a holistic approach to the transformation of all three foundations at the same time - Body, Soul and Spirit. Everything is interconnected, the improvement of one contributes to the improvement of the other. Conversely, the deterioration of one makes it difficult to improve the other foundation and the entire structure as a whole.

The expansion of consciousness is based on the amount of vital energy, and the accumulation of vital energy depends on the state of the physical body: “in a healthy Body - a healthy Spirit!”, A sick body will always take away energy, and a lack of energy will affect the strength and clarity of consciousness.

A clean and strong body, high energy potential are the roots for the Spirit, thanks to which the Consciousness is able to actively improve itself. Without the power of the Roots, the improvement and polishing of the Consciousness is weak and insignificant, which will require a lot of time and effort to overcome distraction of attention, on an empty and unstable foundation - with weak roots.

“The body is not a burden, it is an extension of You. The continuation is in constant change. There will be many changes. Beginning is One.

Today, many spiritual masters, psychics, mediums, yogis of different traditions have health problems, cancer or problems in society and society. All these are manifestations of a non-holistic approach on the path of self-improvement, as a result of which the three foundations "diverge" in different directions, as in Krylov's fable: "swan, cancer and pike." Higher perfection is the power of integrity, giving strength and abundance at all levels: Spiritual strength, Soul strength, Energy strength, Physical strength and health, material strength necessary in the manifestation of one's spiritual creativity. And it is precisely by working holistically on oneself that a person will be strong and abundant at all levels to the extent of his spiritual level of self-improvement, building around himself the necessary synchronicity of events.

Harmonious self-improvement speaks of the harmonious connection of the three foundations (body, soul, spirit) into a single and correct structure of internal transformation, and not a set and docking of methods and practices that negatively affect each other and the three foundations, despite their strength. Connecting the system into wholeness is a subtle art of feeling and seeing the cosmic nature and harmony of the relationship between the three foundations (body, soul, spirit) that changes with the vibrational level of self-improvement.

Self-improvement systems of different currents and traditions are conventionally divided into three levels:

1. Inferior. Dedicated to the achievement of excellent health.

2. Medium. Those who set themselves the task of achieving superpowers, energy strength, intellectual improvement, improvement in inner strength and secret martial arts techniques, and so on.

3. Higher. Those who set themselves the task of achieving Spiritual ascent, Enlightenment of consciousness and Spiritual transformation - achieving the "Body of Set".

The “Svarga” system is the highest spiritual way of self-improvement, using a direct, holistic and harmonious method of internal transformation, as a result of which, as a result, the tasks of other levels (the first two) are also achieved.

"Svarga" helps to get a new quality of life, contributes to the achievement of excellent health, the development of intuition, wisdom and creativity. The system has unique effects on the human body. This impact is holistic and harmonious. A person is actively developing and, as a result, acquires useful properties for himself. By self-improving, a person leaves his body no other choice than complete recovery and evolution.

The highest level of self-improvement is the harmony of wholeness and the achievement of perfection in all three foundations of a person (Body, Soul and Spirit), becoming truly perfect:

1. Enlightenment of the Spirit (Illumination of consciousness: Transcendental perception of being beyond duality).

2. Enlightenment of the Soul (Unconditional love).

3. Enlightenment of the Body (Body without disease, Energy nutrition).

Enlightenment of the Consciousness + Enlightenment of the Soul + Enlightenment of the Body = Body of Light.

"Svarga" is the Direct Path of Holistic Harmony, Unshakable Calmness and Clarity of Consciousness. Self-improvement in one incarnation. Practices of eternity in this moment.