TF2 glitter is hot stuff. Chapter II

Entries on the wall of a personal profile on the social network Vkontakte, individually or all at once, may at some point in time displease the user. And, of course, he will want to get rid of them (remove photos, audio, video, etc.). However, how long does it take him to "clean up"?

If there are 5-10 notes in the tape, then no more than a minute, but if there are 300, 500, 1000 - then ... It turns out the same number - just as fast! But provided that the account owner knows how to clean the Vkontakte wall with special software. All valid and, most importantly, safe methods of removal are presented to your attention.

Regular social network function

In order to selectively remove entries on the wall (in a small amount) of VKontakte, it is absolutely not necessary to use specialized cleaning tools. It will be enough to work a little with the mouse (without programs from third-party manufacturers):

1. In the feed, in the block of the news you want to delete, move the cursor to the upper right corner.

2. A cross icon will appear. Click on it to remove the entry from VKontakte.

Addon VkOpt

The multifunctional VkOpt extension, which increases the comfort of using the VKontakte website, is supported by all popular Internet browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera). Allows you to instantly clean the entire wall at once.

Installation instructions

(for Google Chrome)
1. Click on the "three stripes" icon on the right side of the browser panel.

2. In the menu that opens, select the "Settings" item.

3. Go to the "Extensions" section (left-click on its name).

4. At the bottom of the list of installed addons, click on the "More extensions" link.

5. In a new tab, on the Chrome Web Store page, in the "Search" field, type - Vkopt. Press "Enter".

6. In the search results, in the addon block (it's the first one in the list!), click on the "Install" button.

You can also install the extension in the browser directly on the official website of the developer:

1. Open the site -

2. On the main page, click Download Page.

3. Scroll down the download web page a little. Then click on the "Install" button (it shows the Google Chrome logo).

Removal procedure

1. Log in to your account on the VKontakte website.

2. When you first start VkOpt, you will be prompted to select the interface language. Select the appropriate option from the tiled menu.

3. In the profile menu (on the left side of the avatar), click on the "Wall" section.

4. On the new page, in the top panel, open the "Actions" drop-down menu with a mouse click.

5. Select the "Clear wall" function. After activating it, the entries will completely disappear.


Special scripts that allow you to quickly remove a wall are integrated into the code of your personal VKontakte page using various methods.

Important! Regardless of the implementation method used, only use scripts from developers you can trust. Otherwise, your account may be hacked.

Method #1: Manual Installation

(Google Chrome only)
1. Log in to VK.

2. On the tab with an open profile, press the "F12" key. Or in the browser menu, open: Additional tools → Developer tools.

3. An additional panel will open on the left side of the page. In its horizontal menu, click the - " icon (located next to the "Profiles" section).

4. In the drop-down submenu, click "Console".

5. In the last line of the list of elements, after the ">" icon, paste this code:

for (var i=1;i

(copy - "CTRL + C"; paste - "CTRL + V")

Note. If there are more than 530 posts on the wall, set the script loop condition to "i

6. To remove all entries from the wall, activate the code by pressing the "Enter" key.

Method #2: Using Addons

(solutions for Firefox)

Note. The instructions for Firebug and Greasemonkey do not provide custom scripts, since they quickly lose their relevance (that is, lose their functionality) due to the fact that developers are constantly upgrading the design and functionality of VK. New solutions (scripts) can be found on specialized forums and in social network communities.


1. Download and install the extension (

2. Click the bug icon on the top bar of your browser. The addon menu will open at the bottom of the window.

3. Click the mouse to activate the "Console" tab.

4. Paste the script into the right block.

5. Click the "Run" function.

Note. This option also allows you to clean the wall in the social group.


1. Install the extension from the page -

2. Open the addon menu: Tools → Greasemonkey.

3. Click the "Create script..." option. Enter the script code in the panel that opens. Or drag the script file into the Firefox window and confirm its installation.

Quick cleaning of the VKontakte wall for you!

Hello, friends! At the moment, many users of the social network Vkontakte have not only their own page, but also a group. You can also be the administrator of one or more of these. In any case, you are responsible for the content of the community: check the comments, publish posts, expand the audience.

And of course, with the daily addition of a certain number of entries, the question may arise: how to clear the wall in the group? That's what we'll talk about now.

In order to delete all posts in the Vkontakte group, we will use a special extension for the Instrumentum browser. For example, I will delete all entries from my creation “My First Group”.

To remove them, open the Google Chrome browser and go to your Vkontakte page. I’m showing this particular browser as an example, since I downloaded the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

An icon of the installed extension will appear in the upper right corner of the browser - click on it. Then click on the "Authorize via VKontakte" button.

The following window should appear. At the top right you will see your avatar and profile name. In order for the extension to gain access to your account, click on the "Allow" button.

Click on the Instrumentum icon again. The main window will open. Click on the "Community" item in it.

In the "Community" line, select the community whose wall you want to clear from the drop-down list. In the "Criteria" section, mark with a marker what exactly needs to be removed. After that, click "Delete entries".

Have you decided to get rid of all the posts on your Vkontakte wall? You can do this with standard tools, but if the number of records exceeds a hundred, then it will take a lot of time to delete records one at a time. Is it possible to somehow do everything at once, in one fell swoop? There are two ways that we will consider right now.

Method 1: Using a script

Go to your Vk page and scroll down to get to the earliest posts on the wall. Click the shortcut to launch the browser console:

  • In Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J (Windows) or Cmd + Opt + J (macOS)
  • In Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows) and Cmd + Opt + K (macOS)

Now copy this code to the console and run it by pressing the Enter key

(function () ( "use strict"; if (!confirm("Delete all posts from the wall?")) return; var deletePostLink = document.body.querySelectorAll("a.ui_actions_menu_item"); for (var i = 0; i< deletePostLink.length; i++) { deletePostLink[i].click(); } alert(deletePostLink.length + " posts deleted"); }());

A pop-up window will appear at the top of the browser window asking if you really want to remove all posts from the wall. Click OK.

If there are a lot of publications (hundreds), then manual scrolling of the page can be replaced by automatic one. Run the following script in the console, and it will reach the very first post on your wall, and you will only have to watch its work :)

SetInterval(() => (window.scrollTo(0,document.body.scrollHeight)), 1000)

2. Application CleanerVK

It will help to mass delete not only records, but also audio, video, photos, communities and friends. The application has a high rating among users in the Google Play Market - 4.8 out of 5.

This method, compared with the first, has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that in order for the application to access your Vkontakte account, you need to give it a login and password on the social network. However, no one bothers to change the password after the application is running - so this drawback is very conditional.

But the advantages of CleanerVK are undeniable:

  • You can delete all entries from the wall made before / after the specified time or within the specified period
  • You can get rid of only posts with the number of likes less / more than some value in one fell swoop
  • Filter posts by sender
  • Filter posts by content


Whatever method you choose, you will get a quick and desired result :) I wish you good luck!