The expression is a drop in the ocean. “A drop in the sea”: meaning of phraseology, synonyms and interpretation

A Drop in the Ocean Units only Usually to them. or TV n. A very small amount of something compared to something (usually what is needed). = The cat cried, you can count it on your fingers, count it, once or twice, and you miscalculated it, as big as a gulkin’s nose. ≠ The end-edge(s) is not visible not visible, no (in 3 digits), as much as your heart desires (in 1 digit), . To be, to appear, to seem... what? a drop in the sea; a drop in the bucket of what? problems, tears, suffering...

You want me to sacrifice even my character for you; Perhaps, after all the sacrifices that I have made for you, this will be a drop of water in the sea. (M. Lermontov.)

Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov, Korolenko tried to help the starving, collected money, set up canteens; all this was a drop in the bucket... (I. Ehrenburg.)

Grieving on the paths of war, he saw so much that his own now seemed like a drop in the bucket. (N. Rylenkov.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what a “drop in the bucket” is in other dictionaries:

    A drop in the sea- Genre film story Director Yakov Segel Film company Film Studio named after. M. Gorky Duration ... Wikipedia

    a drop in the sea- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    A drop in the sea- A drop in the ocean (relatively small and insignificant). Wed. I felt that my efforts were a drop in the ocean.... Ch. Uspensky. New times. Like it or not. 1, 3. Wed. Like a drop in the sea, the whole firmament is before You... Derzhavin. God. See By image... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    A DROP IN THE SEA- “A DROP IN THE SEA”, USSR, film studio IM. M.GORKY, 1973, color, 68 min. Children's film story. About the first school day of first-grader Vitya Sinitsyn, who with honor withstood all the trials and vicissitudes of fate that befell him on this special day... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    A DROP IN THE SEA- which is insignificant. This refers to the quantity of something. compared to what l. very large, huge, or compared to the rest, to what could or should be. This means that the number of objects, people, organizations, the amount of information,... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    a drop in the sea- relatively small, insignificant Wed. I felt that my efforts were a drop in the ocean... Ch. Uspensky. New times. Like it or not. 1, 8. Wed. Like a drop in the ocean, the whole firmament is before You... Derzhavin. God. See how the sun is in a small drop of water... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    A drop in the sea- Express. Insignificantly little of something in comparison with anything. But no matter how many such people there are, all this is only a drop in the ocean of that huge population... which now, begging, wanders around Russia (L.N. Tolstoy. Three days in the village)... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    A drop in the sea- Razg. About an insignificant, insufficient amount of something; about an extremely small amount of something. compared to the surroundings. BMS 1998, 249; BTS, 556; ZS 1996, 513; SPP 2001, 44 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    A Drop in the Ocean (film)- A drop in the sea Genre Film story Director Yakov Segel Starring Film company Film Studio named after. M. Gorky ... Wikipedia

    Like a drop in the sea.- see What a haystack is... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people


  • A Drop in the Sea by Rich Valentine. “A Drop in the Sea” is a book of selected poems by the writer Valentin Rich, who previously published mainly his prose works...

The history of Great Britain is closely connected with the conquest of the seas. Until now, many “marine” idioms are used in business, where a company is compared to a ship, and the market is compared to an ocean or sea.

1. To be at sea (literally - to be at sea)

This English idiom means to be confused, to not know what to do.

He doesn't feel at sea with economics. — He doesn't understand economics well.

2. On course (literally - on the course)

This idiom means to be on the right track.

We need to spend money to get the economy back on course. “We need to spend money to get the economy back on track.”

3. A drop in the ocean (literally - a drop in the ocean)

In Russian there is a similar phraseological unit - “a drop in the ocean,” that is, something not significant enough to influence the situation.

The £550 million saving is likely to be a drop in the ocean. “The £550 million saving is likely to be a drop in the bucket.”

4. Rock the boat (literally - rock the boat)

This English idiom means to disturb the peace, to cause discord.

Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished. - Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are over.

5. Make waves (literally - make waves)

This expression means to create trouble, to attract undue attention to oneself.

If a member of the Cabinet started making waves, the prime minister simply got rid of them. “If a member of the minister’s cabinet began to disturb the peace, the minister simply got rid of him.

6. A sea change (literally - change of sea)

This idiom means a dramatic change.

There will have to be a sea change in people’s attitudes if public transport is ever to replace the private car. — The attitude of the people will change dramatically if public transport replaces private transport.

7. To weather the storm (literally - to withstand the storm)

If someone has weathered the storm, then they have dealt with a difficult situation.

In the next few days we shall see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his ill-advised remarks. “In a few days we will see whether the ambassador can withstand the political storm caused by his rash statement.”

8. To know the ropes (literally - know the ropes)

This English idiom means to be a professional in your field, to be well oriented.

Nobody knows the ropes like her. “No one navigates work like she does.”

9. Run a tight ship (literally - to control a tight ship)

This idiom can be translated as “to force someone to walk the line,” to be tough in control.

They make sure that no penny is wasted; they run a tight ship. “They check that not a penny is wasted, they force everyone to walk to the line.”

10. All hands on deck (literally - all hands on deck)

This expression means “emergency,” that is, everyone needs to get involved in urgent work.

We’ve got three employees off sick this morning, so it’s all hands on deck. “This morning, three of our employees fell ill with the disease, so we are in a rush.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “a drop in the bucket” comes down to expressing regret when a person’s expectations do not significantly coincide with reality. Of course, first of all we are talking about money.


Imagine that a child is collecting money for a bicycle that costs 12 thousand rubles. But during a year of exorbitant hardship, he accumulated only 2 thousand. What is this? Of course, a drop in the ocean. The meaning of phraseology in the dictionary is given as follows: “An insignificant amount compared to something.”

As Heraclitus said, everything is known by comparison. For someone who is starving, 2 thousand is a lot of money; you can eat on it for a whole week (or maybe more), but if you have a dream, for example, to buy a bicycle, then it means almost nothing.


We understand the meaning of the phraseological unit “a drop in the ocean”; now we can consider those stable phrases that can replace it. Without delaying things, let's move on to the list:

  • the cat cried;
  • with a gulkin nose;
  • nothing at all.

We won’t write substitute words here, because there are a great many of them. The main thing is to understand the meaning of the object of study, and the rest is a matter of technique; adverbs can be chosen visibly or invisibly. If the reader does not like our synonyms for “a drop in the bucket,” then he can offer his own, and they do not necessarily have to be phraseological.

The Internet and a new type of charity

We noticed that in case of misfortune, some people no longer get into terrible debt, do not take out mind-boggling loans from banks, but relatively easily write on their wall on social networks: they are in trouble, card number is such and such. Naturally, the simple sentence "got into trouble" is usually longer and more dramatic, but the basic meaning is the same. What does the meaning of the phraseological unit “a drop in the ocean” have to do with it? Now everything will become clear. This, of course, new phenomenon can be treated as you like, but the main thing is that people help each other through “drops in the ocean”: someone donates 100 rubles, someone donates 10,000. This is how we live, helping each other out. Of course, this noble trend also has a shadow side, but we will leave it without mention.

December 14, 2015

It happens that some efforts are clearly not enough to achieve certain goals, and then a person, speaking about them, defines them as a drop in the bucket. We will consider the meaning of phraseological units further, and also discuss why sometimes even a drop of something is very important.


Here we cannot talk about any specific source of origin, since the phraseological unit, apparently, was born from simple human observation and a common understanding of the part and the whole. What is a drop in relation to the sea? Almost nothing.

Tonality of expression

When they say that this is a drop in the ocean (the meaning of a phraseological unit in the research process) in relation to something, then such a characteristic is not the best. For example, a person assembles a car. He saved for a long time and collected 10,000 rubles in a year, and the car he wants costs, say, 1,500,000 rubles.

Phraseological synonyms

To better understand what synonyms of the expression in question may be, it is again more effective to turn to images.

For example, a person owes a lot of money to creditors or the state. And his friend offers him help. Their dialogue will be filled with various replacements for the “drop in the bucket” speech pattern. We have found out the meaning of the phraseological unit, now let’s see what analogues it has in the Russian language:

Hello Petya, why are you so sad? - Sergei asks his friend.

Yes, you see, the debts completely suffocated me, and my salaries were a cat's cry. I can’t take out a loan, there are expensive things that I could pawn, but I’ve miscalculated, so why shouldn’t I really sleep on the floor?

How much do you need, Petya, for you to sleep peacefully on your sofa?

Yes, nothing at all - some 10,000 rubles.

You know what, I recently received a bonus, let’s go and lend you the treasured amount.

Is it true? You are a true friend, Seryoga!

We can see from a conversation between two friends that expressions such as “the cat cried”, “one or two and got lost”, “nothing at all” convey the same meaning as the phrase “a drop in the bucket”. We examined the meaning of phraseological units and possible synonyms using imaginary dialogues that could well exist in reality. We just have to draw a certain conclusion.

Indeed, the sea is huge, and the drop is small in comparison, but the balance of power changes when it comes to human mutual assistance and understanding. Some people may think that a kind word is worthless, but sometimes it can move mountains and turn back rivers or save lives. In other words, sometimes a drop in the ocean is very significant when it comes to a particle of human warmth.

If we leave the lyrics aside, then all the tasks assigned to us have been completed: the origin and meaning of the expression “a drop in the ocean” has been considered. A synonym was also chosen, and not even just one. We have offered several options to choose from. We hope the reader is satisfied with the work done.




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