Class hour with a presentation of Kuban cosmonauts. Intellectual quiz game “Contribution of Kuban residents to domestic astronautics

Kuban cosmonauts


DC 1-2. Kuban and cosmonautics.

marked the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind - the era of human exploration of outer space.

Gagarin's flight can rightfully be considered a feat of one person, but also of the entire Soviet people - designers, scientists, test pilots, workers of design bureaus who contributed to the formation and development of domestic space science and technology.

Among them were our fellow countrymen, those who were born, raised or worked

On Kuban soil and glorified it with his exploits.

The significant contribution of Kuban residents to the history of the development of domestic cosmonautics is obvious today.

Our region from cosmic heights

Firstly, the life and work of domestic scientists who worked in the field of rocket science are connected with Kuban. Names N.G. Chernysheva

(Soviet chemist, developer of rocket fuel, native of the village of Kazanskaya), Yu.V. Kondratyuk

(one of the pioneers of theoretical cosmonautics, who worked at the Krylov elevator) G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi

(tester of the first aircraft with a jet engine, native of Brinkovskaya station) were recognized by the international community -

The craters on the far side of the Moon are named after them. Our region is also proud of its general designer Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov, a native of Tikhoretsk.

Secondly, the cosmonauts are rightfully the sons of Kuban

V. Gorbatko, N. Berezova, V. Sevastyanov, G. Padalka S. Treschev

Thirdly, at the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after. A. Serov and the Yeisk Aviation School at one time trained many pilot-cosmonauts. Dozens of cosmonauts from the former USSR, modern Russia and abroad have been trained at the Institute for Monitoring Land and Ecosystems, located in Krasnodar. The first group of cosmonauts of the USSR, including Yu.A. Gagarin, underwent pre-flight practice at Krasnodar airport.

In addition, enterprises in the Krasnodar Territory operated

on the country's developing space industry. Saturn still produces solar panels used in modern astronautics.

Our region is connected with the history of development by a thousand threads

On February 23, 1987, with the participation of the regional leadership and the support of central authorities, the regional cosmonautics committee was formed in Krasnodar, and E.M. became its chairman. Trakhov, Director of the South Russian Institute for Monitoring Lands and Ecosystems, Honored Scientist of Kuban and the Republic of Adygea,

Academician of the Adyghe International Academy of Sciences.

The roads leading to star flights are not easy. But nothing will force humanity to turn off the beaten path into space.

We re-read books about the beginning of the space age with interest.

Among the star names of the first squad are the names of Kuban players.

Cl 14. Kozlov D.I.

Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov was born on October 1, 1919 in the city of Tikhoretsk, Krasnodar Territory, into a working-class family.

After graduating from high school in Pyatigorsk in 1937, he entered the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute. During the Great Patriotic War, from July 1, 1941, he was a volunteer of the Leningrad People's Militia, participated in battles on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts as part of the 71st Separate Marine Rifle Brigade . In September 1944, after a third wound, as a result of which he lost his arm, he was demobilized, returned to the institute and graduated in December 1945. During the entire period of D.I. Kozlov’s work at TsSKB-Progress, over 1,700 launch vehicles of the R-7 type and about one thousand spacecraft for various purposes were developed, manufactured and launched.

DC 17. Rewards

D. I. Kozlov is a Lenin Prize laureate, awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd degree, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, the Order of the Red Star, and medals.

In 1989 he was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Industry of the USSR” (badge No. 1). D.I. Kozlov is an honorary academician of the Engineering Academy of the Russian Federation, an honorary academician of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation, an honored worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, an honorary citizen of the city of Samara and the city of Tikhoretsk.

Sl 18. Chernyshev N. G.

Among the major scientists in the field of astronautics is a researcher in the chemistry of rocket fuels Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, engineer-colonel. One of the craters on the Moon is named after him.

One of our pioneers of rocket technology I.A. Merkulov named N.G. Chernyshev “chief chemist of cosmonautics.” The main directions of his scientific activity were the research of new liquid fuels

N.G. Chernyshev was born on September 9, 1906 in a family of teachers in a rural school in the village of Kazanskaya, Caucasus department of the Kuban region. . In 1922, he left on his own to continue his studies in Krasnodar. In 1924, he was awarded a certificate of completion of the 7th Soviet school of the second level (now secondary school No. 36). . In August 1926, he became a student at the Don Polytechnic Institute of Novocherkassk. Nikolai Gavrilovich actively fought for establishing domestic priorities in the field of rocketry.

Class 21. Gorbatko V.V..

Russian cosmonaut. Born on December 3, 1934 in the village of Ventsy-Zarya, Kavkazsky district, Krasnodar region.

Childhood, school years, and youth were spent in the village of the Voskhod stud farm in the Novokubansky district of the Krasnodar Territory.

After graduating from high school in 1952, he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to aviation.

He graduated from the initial pilot training school, and then in 1956 from the Bataysk Military Aviation School named after A.K. Serov. He served in the aviation units of the USSR Air Force.

In 1960, he joined the Soviet cosmonaut corps (1960 Air Force Group No. 1). He was trained to fly on ships such as Vostok and Voskhod.

From October 12 to 17, 1969, he made his first space flight as a research engineer on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft.

After the first space flight, he trained for flights on the Almaz-type military orbital station.

He made his second space flight from February 7 to 25, 1977 as commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft.

He worked on board the Salyut-5 orbital station (Almaz-type military orbital station).

He made his third space flight from July 23 to July 31, 1980 as commander of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew on the Soyuz-37 spacecraft

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Awarded three Orders of Lenin,

Order of the Red Star, medals.

Awarded the Gold Medal named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic. Hero of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Awarded two Orders of Sukhbaatar (Mongolia) and the Order of Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam).

Honorary citizen of the cities of Kaluga, Gagarin, Krasnodar, Armavir, Terek (Russia), Karaganda, Arkalyk, Kustanai (Kazakhstan), Smolyan, Sliven (Bulgaria), Choibalsan (Mongolia)

DC 27-28. Treshchev S.E.

Born on August 18, 1958 in the village of Krasny Kustar, Volynsky district, Lipetsk region, RSFSR

In 1975 he graduated from secondary school No. 15 in the village of Kholmsky, Abinsk district, Krasnodar region.

In 1976 he graduated with honors from Technical School No. 78 in Moscow, and received the specialty of a gas-electric welder.

In 1982 he graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI), receiving the specialty “engineer-teacher of electrical power disciplines”. I entered the institute only on my second attempt, in 1976.

From September 16, 1986, before enlisting in the cosmonaut corps, he worked as an engineer of the 292nd department of the State Design Bureau of NPO Energia. Participated in training cosmonauts and conducting the Pilot experiment. Tested the Kvant-2 module as a tester, was engaged in technical training and on-board training

From June 5 to December 7, 2002 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM spacecraft and the 5th main expedition of the ISS, together with V. Korzun and Peggy Whitson.

During the flight, he performed one spacewalk:
08/26/2002 - lasting 5 hours 21 minutes.

Hero of the Russian Federation. Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation.


Medal "Golden Star" of the Hero of the Russian Federation

Among the awards is the medal “For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census” (2003).

Also awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal

Class 33. Kondratyuk Yu.V.

In the work, he derived the basic equation of rocket motion, provided a diagram and description of a four-stage oxygen-hydrogen fuel rocket, an engine combustion chamber with a staggered and other arrangement of oxidizer and fuel nozzles, a paraboloidal nozzle, and much more.

They were asked:

use atmospheric resistance to slow down the rocket during descent in order to save fuel;

when flying to other planets, place the ship into the orbit of an artificial satellite, and use a small take-off and landing ship to land a person on them and return to the ship (the proposal was implemented by the American agency NASA in the Apollo program);

use the gravitational field of oncoming celestial bodies for additional acceleration or deceleration of a spacecraft when flying in the Solar System (“perturbation maneuver”).

Cl 36. Sevastyanov V.I.

In 1959 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) named after S. Ordzhonikidze and received a diploma in mechanical engineering in aircraft construction. He worked as an engineer in the 9th department of OKB-1.

On January 31, 1967, he was enrolled in the 731st department of TsKBEM as a tester (candidate test cosmonaut).

From July 1 to July 19, 1970 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft together with Andriyan Nikolaev
The crew set a new world record for flight duration. Call sign: "Falcon-2".
The flight duration was 17 days 16 hours 58 minutes 55 seconds.

From May 24 to July 26, 1975 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz-18 spacecraft and the Salyut-4 OS (DOS-4), together with Pyotr Klimuk.
Call sign: "Kavkaz-2".

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (07/03/1970, 07/27/1975),

USSR pilot-cosmonaut (07/03/1970),

Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1970).


two medals “Gold Star” of the Hero of the Soviet Union (07/03/1970, 07/27/1975), two Orders of Lenin (07/03/1970, 07/27/1975), a medal “For Valiant Labor.

laureate of State Prizes of the USSR (1978) and the Estonian SSR (1979).

Order of the Necklace of the Nile (United Arab Republic, 1970)

Order of the Orthodox Church “Reverend Prince Daniel of Moscow”, II degree (2000).

public order of Peter the Great (2008), awarded by the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement.

Cl 41 Bakhchivandzhi G.Ya.

Born on February 20, according to the new style, 1908, in the village of Brinkovskaya, Primorsko-Akhtarsky district, Krasnodar Territory, where he graduated from seven classes of school. Greek by origin.

He began his career in 1925, in the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, where he worked in a foundry, then as an assistant locomotive driver at the Akhtari station depot.

In 1933 he graduated from the Aviation Technical School, and in 1934 from the Orenburg Pilot School. For an exemplary demonstration of piloting technique and in-depth knowledge of aviation technology, the pilot is sent to the Research Institute of the Red Army Air Force (VVS Research Institute) for flight test work. At first the pilot worked on reconnaissance aircraft, then on fighters. After some time, he was assigned to test new aircraft engines in flight.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in 1941, the pilot voluntarily went to the front as part of the 402nd IAP, formed on the basis of the Air Force Research Institute, as a fighter pilot. Participated in the defense of Moscow. He made sixty-five combat missions on a MiG-3 aircraft and fought 26 air battles. Personally shot down 2 enemy aircraft.

In August 1941, he was sent to the Air Force Research Institute base in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) to test the first BI-1 jet fighter.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 28, 1973, Captain Bakhchivandzhi Grigory Yakovlevich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He was awarded two Orders of Lenin and medals.

DC 45 Padalka G.I.

89th cosmonaut of Russia and 384th cosmonaut of the world, commander of the Soyuz TM-28 spacecraft and the Mir orbital research complex, pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, lieutenant colonel.
In October 1979 he graduated from the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School named after V.M. Komarov. Since December 1979, he served as a pilot of the 559th Aviation Regiment of Fighter-Bombers as part of the 105th Aviation Division of Fighter-Bombers of the 61st Guards Fighter Aviation Corps of the 16th Air Force of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany.

On April 12, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated all over the world. Early in the morning of 1961, pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin set off to conquer the vastness of the Universe. This day has gone down in human history forever. Pride still fills all residents of the big country. But few people know that a real double of the famous cosmonaut lives in Timashevsk, and the flight itself simply would not have taken place without the Kuban scientist.

We sit at the helm of the ship and try space food

In Arkhipo-Osipovka there is a truly unique Museum of Cosmonautics. In one building it was possible to collect more than a thousand exhibits, many of which floated in weightlessness just like their owner. Among them are real space rockets, spacesuits in which Russian explorers of the stars performed spacewalks, and their personal belongings.

Many Kuban residents dream of going to explore the vastness of the Universe. At the museum, they have a unique opportunity to sit behind the stereo complex of the virtual International Space Station. Here anyone can try to dock the ship. Oh, this work is jewelry.

Well, in order to fully get used to the role of astronauts, a vending machine with real space food in tubes was installed for visitors. Green cabbage soup, kharcho soup, meat puree, porridge - in general, a menu for every taste.

Arkhipo-Osipovka in the porthole

Flying over the Black Sea coast, cosmonauts often recall the sanatorium located in Arkhipo-Osipovka. The conquerors of the Universe have been coming here for many years to recover.

The history of the sanatorium began 100 years ago. The choice of location for the construction of the building was carried out by the personal doctors of Nicholas II. And they found it - a health resort was built in a gorge, surrounded by the sea and pine trees. Thanks to this, people whose blood pressure constantly fluctuates have their condition normalized.

And therefore it is no coincidence that this sanatorium was chosen as a place for rehabilitation of astronauts.

Natural conditions are ideal for restoring performance functions, says KP - Kuban Director of the health resort in Arkhipo-Osipovka Nikolai Mudretsov.- As a rule, the program takes from 28 to 38 days if the astronauts go abroad, but with us the process happens much faster - it has happened that they start running after 18-20 days.

Now none of the space explorers rest in the sanatorium. But already at the end of 2018, Russian astronauts who return from a long business trip will receive vouchers to Arkhipo-Osipovka.

Sochi monkeys “pave” the way to Mars

Before Gagarin’s famous flight, the influence of space travel was intensively studied at the Institute of Primatology, which is located in the village of Veseloye, Adler region. According to scientists, monkeys and humans have approximately the same radiosensitivity to the effects of small and large doses of radiation, so experiments were carried out on macaques.

Monkeys were always sent into space in pairs so that the animals experienced less stress. During the flight, the macaques sat tied with straps. Only the hands remained free.

Abrek and Bion were the first to launch into space - in December 1983. After a five-day flight, they landed in the Kustanai steppes and, after rehabilitation, returned to the flock.

Two years later, their fellow tribesmen, Faithful and Proud, flew into space - they spent seven days in weightlessness.

The third to fly in 1987 were Drema and Erosh - for two weeks. Upon his return, Sandman was presented to Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Then there were three more two-week flights: in 1989 - Zhakonya and Zabiyaka, in 1992 - Ivasha and Krosha, and in 1996 - Multik and Lapik.

Now experiments are carried out on Earth under conditions simulating weightlessness.

We are studying the response of macaques to the effects of space flight factors. There are currently four animals involved in the program, and eight more will join them in the near future. They also work on primates in Moscow at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems,” said scientific director of the Research Institute of Medical Primatology in Adler Boris Lapin.

According to scientists, astronauts today fly in low-Earth orbit, which is protected by the Earth’s electromagnetic field. And then - huge ionizing radiation. So, for a trip, for example, to the Red Planet, you need to carefully prepare. Scientists need to know exactly what kind of protection astronauts need, whether a special suit will be enough or whether an expensive device that blocks radiation will be required.

Flying Kuban apples

While we enjoy ripe fruits, simply picking them from the branch, somewhere far in space, Kuban apples are floating in weightlessness. And it's not a joke. Since 2012, one of the region’s agricultural enterprises has been constantly supplying fruit directly to the astronauts’ “table”. Yes, yes, straight to the station by the nearest cargo ship.

We have a special technology. Each apple is individually packaged, placed in cells and loaded into special shipping boxes,” Evgeniy Olefir, head of the company’s department for storage and commodity processing of products of a large agricultural enterprise located in the Slavyansky region, tells KP - Kuban. - Then they go to the Biryulevsky Experimental Plant, where they prepare food for the astronauts. Some of the fruit is used to make jams, pastilles, marmalade, and the rest is sent fresh into orbit.

Cosmonauts prefer green apple varieties most of all - this is Renet Simirenko. By the way, they are rich in useful microelements and are absolutely hypoallergenic, so all astronauts on board without exception can eat these apples.

In total, over six years there were more than 35 deliveries - about one ton of fresh apples were sent to the astronauts (up to 30 kilos are delivered at a time - Author).

Batteries are asking for sun

Kuban supplies not only apples to space. One of the Krasnodar factories produces solar panels and batteries that power satellites and ships.

Each product that appears at the enterprise is checked. For this purpose, a special installation is used - a kind of simulator of solar illumination in orbit. With its help, you can check the battery characteristics in (!) 1 second.

Over the 54 years of its existence, the plant has equipped more than 1,200 satellites with solar and battery batteries.

Designer from God

The Tikhoretsk land gave the country a great son - Dmitry Ilyich Kozlov. It was he who developed the R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile, which became the basis of the USSR space program. On the basis of the legendary “seven” later appeared “Soyuz”, “Voskhod”, “Molniya” and the same ship “Vostok”, on which Yuri Gagarin flew into space,

In 1958, on February 28, there was still no smell of rockets. There were only planes. And on December 31, two missiles were ready. And on February 17, 1959, one of these two missiles was launched. This is how they knew how to work before! - said Dmitry Kozlov.

By the way, soon after his famous flight, Yuri Gagarin almost the first thing he did was go to the city of Kuibyshev, where he met with the people who built his ship. Dmitry Kozlov met Gagarin.

In 2001, an exhibition dedicated to the twice Hero of Socialist Labor, general designer of special space technology Kozlov, a designer from God, appeared in the Tikhoretsk museum.

Yuri Gagarin's double lives in Timashevsk

A year after the name of Yuri Gagarin thundered throughout the country, Alexander Kovalev went into the army. The Kuban guy was very similar to the astronaut - the same kind look, the same charming smile.

At the rocket communications school, where he was sent to serve, soldiers immediately rushed to him.

Yuri Alekseevich, take him to your unit,” the young guys asked, not believing that they were communicating with a hero of the USSR.

“What kind of astronaut am I,” the conscript burst into a smile. - I am Alexander, Kovalev is my last name, like you, I came to serve.

Half a century has passed since then - Alexander Petrovich celebrated his 73rd birthday.

“Now I don’t look like him anymore,” the Timashevets laughs. – I admit, I was always pleased when I was compared to Gagarin, although I never met him personally. True, I saw Yuri Alekseevich. From 1966 to 1968 I served in a military unit in Orenburg, and Gagarin visited us often. But then there was no opportunity to take a photo with a phone, so those moments remained only in memory.

Alexander Petrovich served in the army for 28 years, in 1991 he was transferred to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel. For several years he was the chairman of the primary organization of military service veterans of the Timashevsky district. Now Alexander Kovalev spends more and more time at home with his family. Last year he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding.

But I don't sit idle. Now I am searching for relatives of missing soldiers during the war. Many of them are my relatives, I really want to find their families and meet,” shares Alexander Kovalev.

Oh, Cosmonaut, how much there is in this word, When the Earth is visible through the porthole, And the ray of a star leads on the night road Passing through space and time. We congratulate you on this beautiful day. Health, peace, joys, victories And true cosmic happiness For many, many, many long years!

Victor Vasilievich Gorbatko - Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Victor Vasilievich Gorbatko

Born on December 3, 1934 in the village of the Ventsy-Zarya state farm in the Krasnodar Territory. In 1953 he graduated from the 8th Military Aviation School of initial training for pilots in Pavlograd, in 1956 - Bataysk VAUL named after. A.K. Serova. Upon graduation in 1968 from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after. N.E. Zhukovsky received the qualification “pilot-engineer-cosmonaut”. From 1960 to 1982 - in the cosmonaut corps of the Russian State Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force Cosmonaut Training Center. Made three space flights. The first - in 1969, as a research engineer on the Soyuz-7 spacecraft, together with A. Filipchenko and V. Volkov under the group flight program of three spacecraft Soyuz-6, -7 and -8. Docking with the Soyuz-8 spacecraft was not completed. The second - in 1977, as the commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft and the Salyut-5 OS (OPS-103 Almaz), together with Yu. Glazkov. The third - in 1980, as the commander of the Soyuz-37 spacecraft under the program of the expedition to visit the Salyut-6 DOS, together with Pham Thuan. Total flight time – 30 days 12 hours 48 minutes.

Victor Vasilievich Gorbatko

For space flights he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, the medal “For Distinction in the Protection of the State Border” and other orders and medals. He was also awarded the titles of Hero of Vietnam and Hero of Mongolia. Viktor Vasilyevich is married and has two daughters.

Flying Kuban cosmonauts 1969: October 12-17 (4 days 22 hours 40 minutes) "Soyuz -7" Crew: V.V.Gorbatko , V.N. Volkov, A.V. Filipchenko




Methodological association of educators

Communication hour:

Subject: "Kuban cosmonauts".

Developed by:


first qualification category

Theme "Kuban cosmonauts"


Contribute to the activation of students’ cognitive activity; developing a sense of patriotism through acquaintance with the great achievements of the Kuban people, expanding the horizons of students; developing a sense of solidarity and healthy competition.

Equipment: drawings and illustrations on the topic, an exhibition of books about space, photographs of cosmonauts.

Progress of the event:

1.Organizing moment.

2.Opening remarks by the teacher:

Yuri Gagarin's flight into space on April 12, 1961 marked the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind - the era of human exploration of outer space. Gagarin's flight can rightfully be considered a feat of one person, but also of the entire Soviet people - designers, scientists, test pilots, workers of design bureaus who contributed to the formation and development of domestic space science and technology. Among them were our fellow countrymen - those who were born, raised or worked on the Kuban soil and glorified it with their exploits.

The significant contribution of Kuban residents to the history of the development of domestic cosmonautics is obvious today. Firstly, the life and work of domestic scientists who worked in the field of rocket science are connected with Kuban.

The names (Soviet chemist, rocket fuel developer, native of the village of Kazanskaya), (one of the pioneers of theoretical cosmonautics, who worked at the Krylov elevator) and (tester of the first aircraft with a jet engine, native of the village of Brinkovskaya) were recognized by the world community - craters were named after them on the far side of the Moon. Secondly, cosmonauts V. Gorbatko, N. Berezova, V. Sevastyanov, G. Padalka and S. Treshchev are rightfully the sons of Kuban. Thirdly, at the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after. A. Serov and the Yeisk Aviation School at one time trained many cosmonauts. Dozens of cosmonauts from the former USSR, modern Russia and abroad have been trained at the Institute for Monitoring Land and Ecosystems, located in Krasnodar. The first group of USSR cosmonauts, including I, underwent pre-flight practice at Krasnodar airport. In addition, enterprises in the Krasnodar Territory worked for the country’s developing space industry back in the Soviet era. Some of them, for example, Saturn, still produce solar panels used in modern astronautics.

2011 marks a significant date that will be celebrated in one way or another all over the world: exactly half a century ago, on April 12, the Vostok spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board launched for the first time in the world from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The one hundred and eight minutes he spent in low-Earth orbit inscribed in golden letters the name of the “First Russian” in the world history of astronautics.

3.Student performances:

Student 1.

Viktor Gorbatko was the first Kuban cosmonaut to fly into space, and one of the pupils of the legendary “First Detachment”: he trained with Gagarin, Titov, Nikolaev, Popovich. And what brought him into aviation was the dream that was common to all boys who survived the war - to defend the peaceful sky above their heads. But could a simple boy from the Kuban state farm “Ventsy-Zarya” in the Gulkevich district dream that one day he would go beyond the earth’s atmosphere?

In 1956, Gorbatko graduated from the Bataysk Military Aviation Pilot School. He was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps in 1960, but he made his first space flight only nine years later - October 12-17, 1969 - as a Soyuz-7 research engineer. By the way, then he took a handful of earth with him into orbit from his native village.

Gorbatko made his second space flight as commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft from February 7 to 25, 1977, the third - from July 23-31, 1980 as commander of the Soviet-Vietnamese crew with a visit to the Salyut-6 orbital station.

Student 2.

The future twice Hero of the Soviet was born in Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region, but his entire youth was spent in the Krasnodar Territory. In 1945, when the boy was ten years old, his family moved to Sochi. After graduating from local school No. 9 with a gold medal, Vitaly entered the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Ordzhonikidze. Here they quickly noticed a smart guy and offered him to combine his studies with work as a technician in the 9th department of OKB-1. This began his love affair with space. We will not talk about all the stages on the way to the first flight - there were many of them. Let's say the main thing: the flight took place on June 1, 1970. On the Soyuz-9 spacecraft, Sevastyanov served as a flight engineer. In addition, he participated in the world's first chess game, where one of the players was in orbit and the other on Earth. By the way, Sevastyanov was later elected chairman of the USSR Chess Federation, a position he held for 12 years, from 1977 to 1989.

Vitaly Sevastyanov made his second space flight from May 24 to July 26, 1975 on the Soyuz-18 spacecraft. In 1990, he was preparing for a new flight to the Mir orbital complex, but doctors, concerned about his health, did not give the “medical” go-ahead for this.

USSR pilot-cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov died after a long illness on April 5, 2010 at the age of 74. He was buried at the Ostankino cemetery in Moscow.

Student 3.

Anatoly Berezovoy, a native of the village of Enem in the Adygei Autonomous District of the Krasnodar Territory of the RSFSR, made his only flight on May 13, 1982, together with pilot-cosmonaut Valentin Lebedev, leading the crew of the Soyuz T-5 spacecraft. He ended up in space thanks to Yuri Gagarin. In an interview with our correspondent in 2008, Anatoly Nikolaevich said: “In April 1961, I worked as a turner at the Neftemash plant in the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region. On the twelfth I received a minor injury to my arm, I was operated on and left in the hospital until I completely recovered from the anesthesia. And then Levitan announced on the radio that Yuri Gagarin was the first in the world to fly into space. I immediately forgot about the anesthesia, began to rejoice along with everyone, and decided to myself that I would repeat his feat. In August 1961 he entered the Kachin Military Aviation School, and in May 1970 he joined the cosmonaut corps. This was the fifth recruitment since Yuri Gagarin.”

The space journey of Berezovoy and Lebedev to the Salyut-7 orbital station was listed in the international Guinness Book of Records as the longest at that time in the history of mankind - 211 days 9 hours 4 minutes 32 seconds.

Student 4.

The 89th cosmonaut of Russia and the 384th cosmonaut of the world, Hero was born in Krasnodar on June 21, 1958. In 1975 he graduated from local school No. 57, and in October 1979 he graduated from the Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School named after. In April 1989, he was enrolled as a candidate test cosmonaut in the cosmonaut corps of the RGNII TsPK.

Gennady Padalka made his first flight on the Soyuz TM-28 on August 13, 1998, and returned to Earth on February 28, 1999. The second flight took place from April 19 to October 24, 2004, the third - from March 26 to October 11, 2009. In all three cases he was the ship's commander.

On his third flight into orbit, Gennady Padalka became the first commander of an ISS crew of six people (previously they flew in a maximum of three) and the first commander to lead two crews in a row (ISS-19 and ISS-20).

Student 5.

The fifth cosmonaut was born on August 18, 1958 in the village of Krasny Kustar, Volynsky district, Lipetsk region. Six years later, his family moved to the village of Kholmsky, Abinsky district, Krasnodar Territory, where Sergei lived until he was 17 years old.

In 1976, he entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI), from which he successfully graduated in 1982, receiving the specialty of an engineer-teacher of electrical power disciplines. Since 1984, he has been a foreman in power equipment at the Experimental Mechanical Engineering Plant (ZEM), which was part of NPO Energia. When the NPO announced recruitment for cosmonauts, I decided to sign up. Treshchev was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps in 1992.

Sergei Treshchev made his first and only flight in June 2002 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz TM spacecraft. On November 30, 2006, by order of the head of Roscosmos, pilot-cosmonaut Hero of the Russian Federation Sergei Treshchev was relieved of his position as a 3rd class test cosmonaut at his own request. Having left the cosmonaut corps, he remained to work at RSC Energia in the 291st flight service department of the corporation

The return of Treshchev's crew to Earth was scheduled for October, but the cosmonauts returned only on December 7, 2002. The reason for this was a malfunction in the Shuttle, which they intended to send for the crew, discovered at the last moment. Then the flight home was hampered by bad weather on Earth.

4. Lesson summary:

- What people’s lives and works have we met today?

I want to end our lesson with the lines of a poem:

Gagarin said “let’s go”,

The rocket flew into space.

This was a risky guy!

Since then the era began.

The era of wanderings and discoveries,

Progress of peace and labor,

Hopes, desires and events,

Now all this is forever.

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL No. 9 Scenario of the Kuban studies lesson “Cosmonautics Day. Cosmonauts of Kuban". Prepared and conducted by primary school teacher N.A. Kozyreva. ST. STAROMINSKAYA. year 2012. Objectives: to form in students an idea of ​​the history of human exploration of air and outer space; develop horizons, speech. to cultivate pride in their fellow countrymen - Russian cosmonauts. Equipment: multimedia presentation of the lesson; exhibition of aircraft models and drawings on the topic of the lesson. Literature: diary of a Kuban schoolchild; encyclopedia of the series “I explore the world. Cosmos"EXMO, 2006 Internet sites; reading book for elementary school, AVANTA, 2009. SLIDE No. 1. Org moment. Announcing the topic and objectives of the lesson. SLIDE No. 2. Reading the myth "Daedalus and Icarus". Discussion. SLIDE No. 3. i ***Do you recognize this hero? What kind of object is depicted by the artist behind Dunno? Is this a coincidence? How did the hero travel to the moon? ***I’m reading the text from the slide. -Who invented the hot air balloon? (French inventors brothers Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier) ​​-In which city did the first balloon launch take place? (in Paris) - In which country? (in France) - When? (June 5, 1783) SLIDE No. 4. ***-Look who flew to Dunno! Learned? -What aircraft did he use to arrive at our lesson? -How is it different from a hot air balloon? (there is a motor, a device controlled by a pilot) ****Carlson wants to talk about the flying machines that were invented after the hot air balloon. *** Reading from the slide. - What is the name of this device? (airship) ***AEROSTAT (from the Greek aer - air and statos - standing, motionless), an aircraft lighter than air. It has a shell filled with light gas (hydrogen, helium). There are tethered, free, controlled (airships) and balloons for flights into the stratosphere (stratostats). ***- What appeared in its design that was not present in the balloon? - Who is its inventor? (A. Giffard) -What country did A. Giffard live in? (in France) - When? (in 1852). SLIDE No. 5. ***Now look at the first plane. *** Get to know his unusual story. I'm reading from the slide. ***- In which country was the airplane invented? (in America) -Name the designers. (brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright) -When did the first plane fly? (December 17, 1903) - What interesting things did you remember about this flight? (flew 32 m, flight lasted 59 seconds) SLIDE No. 6. Name the aircraft invented by designers later. (***hang glider, HANG GLIDER SPORT (hang gliding), a type of aviation sport using hang gliders - ultra-light gliders, the take-off and landing of which is carried out using the glider's legs. So, there is no motor on a hang glider, which means only hang gliding can be called modern. And the hang glider itself When, in your opinion, was it designed? ***helicopter, ***jet plane, ***ballistic missile). SLIDE No. 7. Look at this man. ***Read the story about him. -Who is shown in the photograph? (S.P. Korolev) -Why are we talking about him in today’s lesson? ***Children's story about preparing for human space flight. So, the designers came up with aircraft that could overcome gravity and fly into outer space. Now scientists were preparing for human space flight. Tests began: it was decided to send living beings into orbit to understand how they would feel on spaceships. On November 3, 1957, a ship with a living creature on board, the dog Laika, was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (USSR). Sputnik 2 with Laika on board made 2,570 revolutions around the Earth and burned up in the atmosphere on April 4, 1958. On August 19, 1960, the Sputnik-5 spacecraft was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (USSR). The dogs Belka and Strelka were on board the ship. On August 20, a descent vehicle with dogs made a soft landing on the territory of the USSR. For the first time in the world, living beings, having been in space, returned to Earth. On December 1, the dogs Mushka and Pchelka flew into space, but due to a malfunction, the descent vehicle did not accept the command to return and was lost in space heights and did not return to earth. On December 22, a new attempt was made to launch animals into space. At the launch site, the third stage of the launch vehicle failed, and the descent module made an emergency landing. Rats, insects, and plants died, but the dogs Zhemchuzhina and Zhulka remained alive. In March 1961, first the dog Chernushka, and then the dog Zvezdochka, made one orbit around the Earth's orbit. Both dogs returned to Earth unharmed. Plants, rats and 9 dogs have already been in space. Everything was ready for man's flight into space. -Which living creature visited space before man? - How many dogs have been on space flights? Do you remember the names of these heroic animals? SLIDE No. 8. A student reads a poem. A. Meshcheryakov. He penetrated into space and glorified his age with his feat, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, Our simple Soviet man. On the “Vostok” - a winged ship, he carried the flag of the mother country... The world's very first cosmonaut People all over the Earth are delighted. Yuri Gagarin is the first cosmonaut. Read about this amazing profession. (children get acquainted with the article) Compared to other professions, the profession of an astronaut appeared relatively recently, 50 years ago. The first manned space flight took place on April 12, 1961 and lasted only a few minutes. In those years, many guys dreamed of becoming space explorers; they were attracted by the romance of this unusual profession. Nowadays, the profession of an astronaut still remains unique; over the past years, only a few people have mastered it, and each flight is a unique experiment. Becoming an astronaut is very, very difficult; for this you need to have not only strong health and willpower, but also be an unusually purposeful person. A modern cosmonaut is a very educated person, an erudite, he knows how to control a spacecraft, is well versed in the operation of on-board systems, conducts tests, research, and scientific experiments. The stay at the orbital station lasts for several months, and all this time the astronauts live and work in conditions of complete isolation and weightlessness, which adversely affects physical and mental health. And no matter how much they would like to suddenly be at home, hug their loved ones or just go for a walk, they will be able to do this only when the time comes to return to Earth. The work of an astronaut is very difficult and dangerous, but if someone, despite the difficulties, still strives to be on board a spacecraft, a long and very difficult journey lies ahead. Before you begin training as an astronaut, you need to obtain the profession of a pilot, engineer, physicist, or biologist. everything he needs to do or Then, he needs to undergo a special medical examination, and if his health is good, then the candidate for cosmonaut will have to study - he will undergo space training for two years. The best, most persistent, and most educated are selected for the flight. SLIDE No. 9. Now the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. A. Gagarin is the well-known Star City. There are classrooms and exercise equipment here. You see a hydro pool for training in hydro-zero gravity conditions. And this is a centrifuge. There is also a space communications hall. For astronaut training, astronauts come to a small planetarium, which is equipped with a spacecraft cabin. Inside this cabin you get the complete impression that you are in space and looking at the stars through the window. When simulating various movements of a spacecraft, the astronaut must be able to correctly orient the ship to the stars. SLIDES No. 10-12. It’s time to meet the Kuban cosmonauts. Meet me. ***Padalka Gennady Ivanovich was born in the capital of the Krasnodar region - the city of Krasnodar. Like many of his peers, he studied at school and dreamed of becoming an astronaut. At the age of 18, he entered the Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots in the city of Yeisk. When Gennady Ivanovich was 30 years old, he was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. For 9 long years he prepared to fly into space. In 1998, he flew into space orbit for the first time. And six years later, in 2004, he was already in flight as a crew commander. Currently, our Padalka is also in space. Kuban people are proud of their fellow countryman. He was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Krasnodar”. *** Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich. *** Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich. BEREZOVOY Anatoly Nikolaevich was born on April 11, 1942 in the Kuban, in the village of Enem near the city of Krasnodar. Tolya's father and mother were workers. Therefore, after school, the guy entered the factory and worked as a turner. In 1961, Anatoly entered the Higher Military Aviation School. After graduation, Anatoly Nikolaevich served as an instructor at his native school, teaching cadets to fly airplanes. In 1970, Anatoly Nikolaevich was accepted into the cosmonaut corps. He became the 103rd cosmonaut in the world, having flown from May 13 to December 10, 1982 as the commander of the spacecraft with a record duration of stay in space - over 211 days. Berezov Anatoly Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union. I hope some of you guys want to become an astronaut. Learn, strive, from the brave, honest, athletic - you will succeed. A student reads a poem. If you want to become an astronaut, you must know a lot, a lot! Any space route is open to those who love work. Only friendly starships can take with them on a flight. We will not take the boring, gloomy and angry into orbit! Quiz #1. 1. Mythological hero who first rose into the sky on wings. 2. In which city did the first balloon flight take place? (Paris) 3.What other aircraft was invented in France? (airship) 4. What interesting things do you remember about the flight of the first plane? (59 sec., 32 m) 5.Who invented the spaceship? 6.Name the first astronauts before humans. 7. Name the aircraft in order of appearance. i Asterisks indicate the need to click on the computer mouse to change the picture or frame in the presentation.