Actual news. About cooperation with the department of TF rudn

On May 30, a press conference was held at the Moscow multimedia press center of the MIA Rossiya Segodnya on the topic “Early parliamentary elections in Ukraine: will Zelensky form a one-party majority?”. The event was attended by masters of the direction "Modern international journalism" of PFUR.
The conference was opened by the leading and editor-in-chief of Iskander Khisamov. The first to speak was Artyom Turov, a member of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots. He noted the high level of trust in V. Zelensky, and also said that no statements and programs regarding Russia should be expected in the near future.

The next speaker was Ukrainian political scientist Oleksandr Dudchak. In his opinion, after visiting the front line, Zelensky came up with ideas that were unpopular for Ukrainians, since the word about peace was not heard in his speech. Based on the reaction of the citizens of Ukraine, we can assume that great hopes are placed on the Servant of the People party, libertarianism is the basis of their ideology, and such a concept, according to the speaker, will bring nothing but impoverishment.
Further, the situation was commented on by Vladimir Kornilov, a political scientist and columnist for the Rossiya Segodnya news agency. According to him, the team of V. Zelensky will strive to overthrow P. Poroshenko. He noted that Western ambassadors and foreign ministers would defend Poroshenko, as they gave him their guarantees. Answering a question from the conference, Kornilov said that the Servant of the People would not receive a one-party majority due to problems with majoritarians.
Another participant, Alexander Vasiliev, a historian and publicist, mentioned that Novorossia, which is a pro-Russian region, has two centers: Odessa and Kharkov. The mayors of these cities are very popular, so the "Party of Mayors" will take the lead and pursue a more radical pro-Russian policy.
Further at the conference, the presenter presented two books by Vladislav Maltsev, a journalist and editor of the online publication: The AZOV Phenomenon and International Contacts of the AZOV Regiment.
Historian and coordinator of the “Information Group on crimes against the person” Maxim Vilkov spoke about his organization, which monitors crimes against the person on the territory of Ukraine. According to him, the problem they observe is “the revival of neo-Nazism that is happening in Ukraine.”
In conclusion, Iskander Khisamov quoted about Nazism from Yuval Noah Harari's book "A Brief History of the Future": "Nazism played a big role in shaping the 20th century and, perhaps, will play an even greater role in the 21st century." "This danger may become
According to the students, the conference was useful for studying the political situation in Ukraine and making forecasts. “So far, we see that there are no changes in the situation in Novorossia, despite Zelensky’s statements about peace, so we should not expect an improvement in relations between Russia and Ukraine yet,” – one of the students said. Most of all, the children were interested in the question of neo-Nazism. They are sure that if the first sprouts of this murderous ideology are allowed, then what is the probability of not repeating the history of the Second World War and the Holocaust?

Area of ​​scientific interests: strategic management of industrial enterprises, management of innovative processes in industry


  • 1994-1998 Lukoyanov Pedagogical College named after. A.M. Gorky (diploma with honors)
  • 1998-2003 Faculty of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, specialty "economic theory" (diploma with honors)
  • 2003-2007 postgraduate study at the Faculty of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky
  • 2009 defense of a Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Management of the strategic and innovative development of engineering enterprises"

Labor activity:

  • 2003-2006 Assistant of the Department of State and Municipal Administration (GMU), Faculty of Economics, UNN named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • 2006-2008 head of the sector of social support and legal protection of students of the department of educational work of the UNN. N.I. Lobachevsky, part-time worker (assistant) at the Department of the State Medical University of the Faculty of Economics of the UNN. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • 2008-2012 General Director of LLC "League of Consultants", part-time worker (assistant) at the Department of the State Medical University of the Faculty of Economics of the UNN. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • 2012-2017 Deputy Director for Financial Affairs of LLC Legal Services Agency LEGAL-GROUP
  • 2017 to the present Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty of Law of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky"


  • 10/03/2012 - 11/12/2012 Course: "State and municipal management", direction "Management of social processes" (75 hours). FGBOU DPO "Institute for the Development of Additional Professional Education", Moscow. Certificate of advanced training No. U-7031
  • 09/11/2017 - 09/21/2017 program "Management of the organization" (72 hours). Non-state educational private institution of additional professional education "Interregional training center for advanced training, career guidance and entrepreneurship", Samara. Certificate registration number 91/15-DO-FL
  • 09/22/2017 - 10/24/2017 additional professional program "Enterprise Economics" (75 hours). FGBOU DPO "Institute for the Development of Additional Professional Education", Moscow. Certificate of advanced training 772406558245 registration number 10013
  • 09/27/2017 - 10/24/2017 program "Document Science" (72 hours). Non-state educational institution of additional professional education "Regional Institute of Vocational Education", Kaliningrad. Certificate of advanced training No. 1087
  • 11/13/2017 was awarded a certificate of the All-Russian competition "Leaders of Russia"
  • 01/29/2018 - 02/08/2018 additional professional program "Modern Law Issues" (16 hours). Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod. Certificate of advanced training 522405002529 registration number 33-1320
  • 02/13/2018 additional general developmental program "First Aid" (8 hours). Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod. Certificate registration number 1579
  • 01/22/2018 - 02/22/2018 additional professional program "Electronic Information and Educational Environment of the University" (72 hours). Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod. Certificate of advanced training 522405002953 registration number 33-1647
  • 12/26/2017 - 02/28/2018 professional retraining under the program "Peculiarities of professional training of mid-level specialists, taking into account modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education." Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod. Diploma of professional retraining 522405004174 registration number 33-214

Teaching disciplines for students of secondary vocational education:

  • "Economics of the organization";
  • "Management";
  • "Insurance business";
  • "Documentary support of management".

Scientific activity:

  • number of published works - 34;
  • number of published monographs – 2.

Head's letter Department of TF PFUR Rybakova Yu.P. Goryachev I.V. dated 09.09.2013

Dear Igor Vitalievich! I send you my comments on your work.

Your Yu.P. Rybakov

on the physical content of the works of Goryachev I.V. and Kholodova L.I.

A series of works by Goryachev I.V. and Kholodova L.I. was devoted to a number of physical consequences of Ya.P. Terletsky about the existence of particles of negative mass (negatons) and their possible birth from vacuum together with ordinary particles (positons), which, as shown by Ya.P. Terletsky, it is permissible in the form of quadrigas - pairs of negatons and positons. The hypothesis of Ya.P. Terletsky relied on the requirement of the feasibility of the laws of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum, electric charge, etc. However, Goryachev I.V. and Kholodov L.I. (hereinafter - the authors) interpret the birth of quadrigas as the possibility of obtaining energy from vacuum, which is in the hypothesis of Ya.P. Terletsky is no longer contained. Such an interpretation is admissible only if negatons are considered unobservable by modern experimental methods. In this sense, one could talk about obtaining "visible" energy from vacuum, but this is another hypothesis.

Finally, the authors put forward another hypothesis - about negatons as magnetic charge carriers. This assumption may be a source of new controversy, since magnetic charges create a magnetic field that may well be observable. In addition, if we assume that the magnetic field has positive energy (as in the standard Maxwell theory), then this contradicts the status of negatons. If we assume that negatons create a magnetic field with negative energy (i.e., a non-gamagnetic field), then the magnetic charge must also be negatonic. However, here lies a new contradiction. As shown by Ya.P. Terletsky, such contradictions do not arise if we assume that negatons form their own “parallel” world, with their own laws. The study of these laws is a special task.

Yu.P. Rybakov

Answer Kholodov L.I. head Department of TF PFUR Rybakov Yu.P. from 28.01.2014

Dear Yuri Petrovich! Your letter dated September 2, 2013, which was forwarded to me by Igor Vitalyevich Goryachev, brought me back to memories of our active cooperation since the early 1990s. In 1989, I came to your seminar on "Modern Physics" with my own idea of ​​the symmetry of matter. You accepted me and during one of your joint returns from the seminar to the Shabolovsky metro said that I do not know physics, but keep me at the seminar as a possible potential carrier of new ideas that go beyond the physical worldview in which physicists are like in a rubber ball (by virtue of their original education, occupation and corporate connection). " You are out of this ball and it is easier for you to bring unusual new things into physics. During the 20th century, physics developed colossally, but did not make a qualitative leap, a breakthrough into a new state, as at the beginning of the century. We only inflate our physical sphere, but we cannot find ourselves outside it, in the field of qualitatively new ideas.

My first job "On the role of negative masses in the process of nuclear fusion" in 1992, in fact, was written in collaboration with you. In it, it was shown that during the fusion of nuclei, the vacuum splits into a symmetric Terletsky quadriga. The particles of the quadriga with negative masses rush to the interacting nucleons and transmit to them impulses directed towards the center of the nucleus, thereby accelerating their unification into the nucleus. In this case, the total mass of the nucleus decreases by the binding energy of nucleons, which is equal to the negative mass of the quadriga particles. At the same time, a pair of particles with a positive mass equal to the mass defect of the nucleus is emitted into the surrounding space from vacuum.

Fig.1. Model of vacuum splitting into Terletsky's quadriga

Fig. 2. Model of the synthesis of the deuteron nucleus.

Thus, already in the first work we showed that from the symmetric Terletsky vacuum, when it is split, positive (positon) energy is obtained in a real physical process.

You have included me in the additional list of participants 28 scientific conference at RUDN University, where I read this report

In 1993, with your direct participation, I wrote the work "On the Hierarchy of Qualitatively Different Levels of Matter". With your assistance, this work was reported by me to 29 scientific conferences at RUDN. The report was published as "Preprint No. 45 ISTC VENT, - M., 1993, 16s.", and available in the RSL file cabinet.

It was suggested in the paper that CNS can be considered as a process of decay of palladium nuclei under the influence of a flow of microleptons, which are generated in a cathode saturated with deuterium when an electric current flows.

In the summer of 1993, I tested this hypothesis in NPO Luch (Podolsk, Moscow Region) using A.F. Okhatrin's camera, the lens of which was covered with a thin metal mesh.
Full text available at

L.I. Kholodov, I.V. Goryachev, On cooperation with the department of TF PFUR // "Academy of Trinitarianism", M., El No. 77-6567, publ. 19167, 01.07.2014

«ABOUT COOPERATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF TF RUDN University Kholodov L.I. Goryachev I.V. Head's letter Department of TF PFUR Rybakova Yu.P. Goryachev I.V. from 09.09.2013 Dear Igor Vitalievich! I'm sending..."


Kholodov L.I. Goryachev I.V.

Head's letter Department of TF PFUR Rybakova Yu.P. Goryachev I.V. dated 09.09.2013

Dear Igor Vitalievich! I send you my comments on your work.

Your Yu.P. Rybakov


on the physical content of the works of Goryachev I.V. and Kholodova L.I.

A series of works by Goryachev I.V. and Kholodova L.I. was devoted to a number of physical consequences

hypotheses of Ya.P. Terletsky about the existence of particles of negative mass (negatons) and their possible birth from vacuum together with ordinary particles (positons), which, as shown by Ya.P. Terletsky, it is permissible in the form of quadrigas - pairs of negatons and positons.

The hypothesis of Ya.P. Terletsky relied on the requirement of the feasibility of the laws of conservation of energy, momentum, angular momentum, electric charge, etc. However, Goryachev I.V. and Kholodov L.I. (hereinafter - the authors) interpret the birth of quadrigas as the possibility of obtaining energy from vacuum, which is in the hypothesis of Ya.P. Terletsky is no longer contained. Such an interpretation is admissible only if negatons are considered unobservable by modern experimental methods. In this sense, one could talk about obtaining "visible" energy from vacuum, but this is another hypothesis.

Finally, the authors put forward another hypothesis - about negatons as magnetic charge carriers. This assumption may be a source of new controversy, since magnetic charges create a magnetic field that may well be observable.

In addition, if we assume that the magnetic field has positive energy (as in the standard Maxwell theory), then this contradicts the status of negatons. If we assume that negatons create a magnetic field with negative energy (i.e., a non-gamagnetic field), then the magnetic charge must also be negatonic. However, here lies a new contradiction. As shown by Ya.P. Terletsky, such contradictions do not arise if we assume that negatons form their own “parallel” world, with their own laws. The study of these laws is a special task.

Yu.P. Rybakov Answer Kholodov L.I. head Department of TF PFUR Rybakov Yu.P. from 01/28/2014 Dear Yuri Petrovich! Your letter dated September 2, 2013, which was forwarded to me by Igor Vitalyevich Goryachev, brought me back to memories of our active cooperation since the early 1990s. In 1989 I came to your seminar on "Modern Physics" with my own idea of ​​the symmetry of matter. You accepted me and during one of your joint returns from the seminar to the Shabolovsky metro said that I do not know physics, but keep me at the seminar as a possible potential carrier of new ideas that go beyond the physical worldview in which physicists are like in a rubber ball (by virtue of their original education, occupation and corporate connection). "You are out of this ball and it is easier for you to bring unusual new things into physics. During the 20th century, physics developed colossally, but did not make a qualitative leap, a breakthrough into a new state, as at the beginning of the century. We are only inflating our physical ball, but we cannot to be outside it, in the realm of qualitatively new ideas.

My first work “On the role of negative masses in the process of nuclear synthesis” in 1992 was, in fact, written in collaboration with you. In it, it was shown that during the fusion of nuclei, the vacuum splits into a symmetric Terletsky quadriga.

The particles of the quadriga with negative masses rush to the interacting nucleons and transmit to them impulses directed towards the center of the nucleus, thereby accelerating their unification into the nucleus. In this case, the total mass of the nucleus decreases by the binding energy of nucleons, which is equal to the negative mass of the quadriga particles. At the same time, a pair of particles with a positive mass equal to the mass defect of the nucleus is emitted into the surrounding space from vacuum.

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Thus, already in the first work we showed that from the symmetric Terletsky vacuum, when it is split, positive (positon) energy is obtained in a real physical process.

You included me in an additional list of participants in the 28th scientific conference at PFUR, where I read this report. In 1993, with your direct participation, I wrote the work “On the Hierarchy of Qualitatively Different Levels of Matter”. With your assistance, this work was reported by me at the 29th scientific conference at PFUR. The report was published as "Preprint No. 45 ISTC VENT, - M., 1993, 16s.", and is available in the card index of the RSL.

It was suggested in the paper that CNS can be considered as a process of decay of palladium nuclei under the influence of a flow of microleptons, which are generated in a cathode saturated with deuterium when an electric current flows.

In the summer of 1993, I tested this hypothesis at the NPO Luch (Podolsk, Moscow.

Region) using A.F. Okhatrin’s camera, the lens of which was covered with a thin metal mesh.

Fig.3. Scheme of the experiment on photographing a glow discharge on a vacuum

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On photographic films produced by Tasma and Svema, 64 units. Several pictures of the cathode and anode holders were obtained with the help of radiation from them, which passed through the steel wall of the Vacuum Installation and the lead screen.

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Metal tube.

Fig.4. A picture of the cathode holder and the anode holder VU, frame No. 10, holding 1/15".

Photographed on 07/14/93. at 10:20.

The participants in the experiment, I.B. Savvatimova and B.A. Karabut, still cannot explain the nature of the radiation from their WU recorded in their presence.

With your support, I reported on this experiment at the 30th scientific conference at PFUR.

In the first work (1992), we did not reveal the mechanism of vacuum splitting into quadrigas. At the 34th scientific conference at PFUR, with your support, I presented the work “On the electromagnetic properties of vacuum”, in which, using the example of deuteron synthesis, a possible mechanism for splitting the vacuum into a positon-negaton quadriga was considered.

It is shown that in the process of approach of a proton p and a neutron n, a strong magnetic field arises, created by their magnetic moments. When the distance decreases to cm, the magnetic induction B increases to T, the quadriga splits. Its particles with negative mass and magnetic charges rush to the nucleons and transmit to them impulses directed towards the center of the nucleus, which contributes to the gluing of p and n into the deuteron nucleus. Particles of positive energy equal to the mass defect of the deuteron are emitted into outer space.

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Hence it follows that the positic magnetic field interacts with the magnetic charges of negatons in such a way that negatonic particles move along its lines of force.

All the above works were included in my book "An Unconventional View on the Structure of the Physical Vacuum". Scientific publication.-M.: Publishing house of RUDN University, 2000-81s. The book was published by the RUDN University with your support. It is available in the RSL file cabinet.

Around that time, I began to collaborate with Igor Vitalyevich Goryachev.

We continued the study of the properties of Terletsky's symmetric matter in all types of interactions: weak, strong, electromagnetic and gravitational. We presented our works with positive reviews by N.V. Samsonenko at Russian and International Conferences on CTN and CMM.

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It was shown that all interactions are based on CTL.

When studying the weak interaction using the example of neutron -decay, we obtained a physical model that made it possible to show that -decay occurs as a result of the interaction of a neutron with a CTL arising from vacuum with the properties of a = -boson:

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It is clearly seen that the neutron -decay model in Fig. 6 is more informative than in Fig. 7.

A number of important regularities follow from it, such as:

Decay of the KTL positon plus-electron into an electric charge and an antineutrino.

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KTL arises from vacuum in the form of a Z-boson with spin S=1, because its plus-electric charges of the positon dipole rotate in the same direction.

An electron is emitted into outer space from the decaying KTL.

The presence in the neutron and proton of d- and u-quarks in the form of dipoles with negatonic charges equal to negatonic charges, the stable state of which is provided by fractional positon electric charges rotating around them.

The transformation of a d-quark into a u-quark occurs when the lengths of the negatonic dipoles of the d-quark and KTL are equal.

Guided by the "Determination of the magnetic moments of hadrons on the basis of the quark hypothesis" in the monograph by SV Vonsovsky Microparticle Magnetism.

Nauka.-M., 1973, pp.176-179, we calculated by calculation the values ​​of the magnetic moments of u- and d-quarks:

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For these values ​​of the magnetic moments of the u- and d-quarks (9) We calculated the parameters of the u- and d-quarks in a stable state, for which we applied the model of the magnetic field of a circuit with current (I.V. Savelyev. Course of General Physics, v.2 , M., Nauka, 1982, p.138,139)

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To simulate exchange processes in strong interactions, we introduced a meson similar to the Yukawa meson, which we called the Terletsky meson (10) where i= 1,2,3,..-. is the charge of the negatonic dipole.

We assumed that if in Ti0 - meson, when it decays into equal parts with magnetic and electric charges opposite in sign, the magnetic charges could change in an increasing sequence

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then when combined with u - and d - quarks, new quarks with magnetic charges greater than those of u - and d - quarks could be formed.

Having done these operations, we got new quarks Fig.11. Charge models of s-, c-, t- and b-quarks Analyzing the interactions of particles, which include these quarks, and their decays in the free state, we have obtained positon-negaton models of KTL bosons corresponding to k-quarks.

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fundamental connection between vacuum and material quantum, equal to the fine structure constant. (eighteen)

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where are capacitance and inductance per unit line length.

C0, L0 Our work on new views on o was reported in 2007 at the international conference ICCF13 in Sochi, Dagomys and published:

Kholodov L.I., Goryachev I.V. On the properties of Terletsky's lepton quadriga in electromagnetic vacuum. On Sat. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cold Nuclear Fusion (ICCF13), Sochi, June 2007. -M., 2008. and on Sat. "Tunnel", No. 32 (

Through your joint work on "Hierarchy and .." (1993), Goryachev and I have constant contact with G.F. Savelev, who in 1985 at the Sukhumi Physicotechnical Institute with his colleagues discovered microletonic particles with magnetic properties. We called this the Savelev effect and found similarities with the radiant currents of Nikola Tesla. We are looking for ways to reproduce.

NV Samsonenko advised the experimenter VV Evmenenko to meet with me about particles with a mass of 2.4-3.9 eV, which he discovered in solar radiation. I determined that these particles are close in mass to the microleptonic proton. We planned to conduct experiments with these particles according to the Saveliev method, passing particle flows through strong transverse electric and magnetic fields. But Bazhutov Yu.N.

intercepted Evmenenko. Only recently he was able to part with Yuri Nikolayevich and immediately phoned me. We met. Evmenenko said that Malakhov Yu.I. had already conducted experiments in the MPEI at the Department of Physics, which coincided with Savelyev's methodology. He found that a constant transverse electric field did not affect the flow of particles, but a constant magnetic field crushed large clusters into small particles! This showed that microleptons have magnetic properties!

Malakhov reported on the results of his experiments in 2013 at the 19th Russian Conference on CTN and CMM.

Evmenenko showed great interest in my photography in 1993 of the Vacuum Plant at the NPO Luch (Fig. 3). He had a burning desire to conduct such surveys, for which he established contact with I, B, Savvatimova.

Whence it follows that in our second work there is an active continuation with a predictable positive result.

Our works show the existence of an internal interaction of a positon magnetic field with negatonic magnetic particles whose motion is created by negatonic magnetic currents. We believe that they underlie the strong interaction.

Negatonic currents must be cold. This was the case with Nikola Tesla, Edward Gray, Stephen Mark... In order to test this hypothesis, it is proposed to conduct an extended experiment by Oersted in 1820 on the effect of current in a wire on a magnetic compass needle. It is known that an electric current causes a magnetic needle to turn across a current-carrying wire. If our hypothesis is correct, then the negatonic cold magnetic current will force the magnetic needle to stand along the current-carrying wire.

Fig.13. Scheme of the extended Oersted experiment.

The splitting of vacuum into positon and negatonic components is well viewed in the "Magnetic-gravitational converter" by V. Roshchin-S. Godin

Figure 14. General scheme of a single-row magneto-gravity converter

Fig.15. Accelerating stage of the converter The plant was put into operation by spinning the rotor with the help of an electric motor.

The speed gradually increased until the ammeter connected to the electric motor power circuit began to show zero current consumption and the presence of reverse current. This corresponded to approximately 550 rpm, while the magnetic platform displacement sensor 14 began to record the change in the weight of the platform already at 200 rpm. Further, with the help of an electromagnetic overrunning clutch, the electric motor was completely turned off and an ordinary electrodynamic generator was connected to the main shaft of the device through an electromagnetic clutch. When the critical mode is reached, which occurs at about 550 rpm, the rotor speed increases sharply, with great acceleration, while the current weight change slows down. At this moment, the first load of 1 kW was connected. Immediately after connecting the first load, the speed starts to fall, and G continues to grow, etc.

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An anomalous drop in temperature was also found in the immediate vicinity of the converter. With a general background in the laboratory of +22°C (±2°C), a temperature drop of 6...8°C was measured. The same phenomenon was also observed in concentric magnetic walls.

Temperature measurements inside the magnetic walls were carried out with an ordinary alcohol thermometer with a measurement inertia of about 1.5 min. In the magnetic walls, temperature changes are clearly recorded even with the help of bodily sensations, if you place your hand in the thickness of the magnetic wall, you immediately feel cold. A similar picture was observed at a height of 15 meters above the installation, on the second floor of the laboratory, despite the existing reinforced concrete ceilings, as well as in the open air outside the laboratory.

We maintain contacts with V. Roschin and S. Godin.

The knowledge of the listed works and actually working Installations instills in us the hope that even during our lifetime we will be able to obtain experimental confirmation of the existence of Ya.P. Terletsky's symmetric matter. This can be facilitated by the connection of your department to our development of the ideas of the founder of the department Ya.P. Terletsky. You are prepared for this, but there is a certain detachment in you, perhaps of a subjective nature, which comes from Yakov Petrovich. In 1992, after a report at the 28th conference "On the role of negative masses in the process of nuclear synthesis", I turned to Yakov Petrovich with a proposal to continue developing the topic of the quadriga under his leadership. He answered me that this should not be done: “Because of the negative masses, I was not accepted into the Academy either.”

Yuri Petrovich, I showed you that Terletsky's symmetry of matter represents an objective regularity of nature. If it is real, it will inevitably be discovered by others. We know from Nikolai Vladimirovich Samsonenko about the difficulties at your department, so we offer to accept us, Kholodov L.I. and Goryacheva I.V., to your department for the development of this topic under your supervision by non-staff employees or graduate students.