Questionnaire teacher data. Questionnaires for teachers


First read the proposed text on the left, then on the right, and after that mark with a “+” in the middle part of the sheet the assessment that corresponds to the truth in your opinion.


3-property is always manifested in the team;

2-property is manifested in the team in most cases;

1-property is rarely seen in a team;

0-manifested to the same extent, and that, and the other property.




1. A cheerful, cheerful tone of mood prevails

Depressed mood prevails

2 Goodwill in relationships, mutual sympathy

Conflict in relationships, antipathy

3. In relations between groupings within the team, there is mutual disposition, understanding

Groups are in conflict

4. Team members like to spend time together, participate in joint activities

Show indifference to closer communication, activities express a negative attitude towards joint

5. Successes or failures of comrades cause empathy, sincere participation of all members of the team

Successes or failures of comrades leave indifferent or cause envy, gloating

6. Respect each other's opinions

Everyone considers his own opinion to be the main one, intolerant of the opinion of his comrades

7. They experience the achievements or failures of the team as their own.

Achievements or failures of the team do not resonate with team members

8. In difficult moments for the team, there is an emotional unity “one for all and all for one”

In a difficult moment, the team becomes limp, there are quarrels, confusion, mutual accusations

9. A sense of pride in the team, if it is noted by the leaders

The praise and encouragement of the team are treated indifferently here.

10. The team is active, full of energy

The team is inert, passive

11. They are sympathetic and friendly to new members of the team, help them get used to the team

Newcomers here feel like strangers, they are often hostile

12. Joint affairs captivate everyone, the desire to work collectively is great.

The team cannot be raised to a joint cause, everyone thinks about their own interests

13. In the team there is a fair attitude towards all members, support the weak, act in their defense

The team is noticeably divided into privileged, disdainful attitude towards the weak

Analysis of the survey results

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that a cheerful, cheerful tone, goodwill in relationships, and mutual sympathy prevail in the team. Members of the team like to spend time together, participate in joint activities. The team is active, full of energy, friendly to newcomers, experiencing the successes and failures of comrades, listens to the opinion of each member. Although, in difficult times, disagreements and confusion arise in the team. In the team, division into groups is noticeable. Nevertheless, there is a sense of pride in the team if it is noted by the leaders.

Questionnaire for the teacher

FULL NAME. teachers ____________________________________________________



We ask you to evaluate your activities and opportunities according to the proposed parameters.

Try to avoid self-flagellation or praise when self-evaluating. Remember, the best position is ultimate objectivity!

Please tick the answer you have chosen. Answer all questions in a row, after reading the entire proposed fan of answers.

  1. Knowledge of your subject:

A) solid, within the framework of the program, there is an interest in special and methodological literature;

B) at the program level, but there are gaps, factual distortions in teaching and testing classes are allowed;

C) deep, significantly exceeding the program, free orientation in special and popular scientific literature.

  1. Relation to the subject:

A) with interest

B) indifferent;

C) with passion, there is a need for pedagogical activity.

  1. Ability to plan curriculum

A) thematic and lesson planning is carried out mostly correctly;

B) stamps are often used in planning, class features are not always taken into account;

C) work is underway on a system of lessons on the topic, a variety of forms and methods of teaching, taking into account the characteristics of the class.

  1. Feeling new:

A) a positive attitude towards new pedagogical ideas, but their implementation only under the influence of the administration;

B) skeptical or negative attitude, it is difficult to involve in the process of solving new problems;

C) independent search for new ideas, solving new pedagogical problems.

  1. Knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of education:

A) sufficient orientation in the main modern psychological and pedagogical concepts of education, on their rare application in practice;

B) free orientation in modern concepts, using them as the basis of their pedagogical activity;

C) the presence of only general ideas about modern concepts.

  1. Pedagogical tact:

A) with external observance, there are breakdowns in relations with students;

C) is the basis in relations with children, there is respect, trust, exactingness and justice.

  1. Individual approach to students:

A) is mainly provided;

B) there is a sufficient degree, violations are rare;

C) the characteristics of students are systematically studied, the volume and complexity of knowledge are differentiated, assistance to the lagging behind, control of students of different “levels”.

  1. The development of students' skills of educational work:

A) a skeptical attitude towards this work, there are no positive results in solving this problem;

B) the desire to develop students' skills in the rational organization of educational work;

C) purposeful and systematic work in this direction (development of self-control in learning, rational planning. Proper pace of reading, writing, calculations, etc.)

  1. The development of students' thinking:

B) effective developmental training is provided, deep and comprehensive;

  1. Developing students' interest in the subject:

A) mainly work is being done to develop interest in the subject;

B) such work is not carried out;

C) special techniques are used (for example: showing the practical significance of knowledge, entertaining, individual approach to students).

  1. Ability to assess the quality of ZUN:

A) formalism and bias in the assessment of knowledge is allowed;

B) objectivity in the assessment of ZUN is observed;

C) careful study of evaluation criteria, skillful use of them in practice, objectivity.

Date of completion:


Teacher Qualification Card


(Full Name)

Severity level

Criteria for assessing the professional level of a teacher

The ability to determine the goals and objectives of the lesson

Ability to structure and organize a lesson

Ability to select learning material

Teacher activity

Student activities

Lesson results

Very tall


High (B)






to study the difficulties in the work of the teacher

FULL NAME. teachers ______________________________________________________________

Types and elements of pedagogical activity

Degree of difficulty

Very much



Almost not

Lesson planning:

  • In determining the teaching, developing, educational purpose of the topic;
  • In planning the current and general repetition;
  • In determining measures to prevent possible difficulties for students;
  • In planning to check the results at each stage and the results of the lesson as a whole;
  • In planning educational and cognitive activities of students, including collective, group and individual forms.

The use of a variety of forms of work in the classroom, including non-standard ones.

Compliance with the logic of the phased assimilation of educational material:

preparation for perception

perception - comprehension -

preliminary accounting -

preliminary improvement -

consolidation - final accounting -

final improvement.

Ensuring independent and active work of the student during the entire lesson.

The use of developmental teaching methods.

Use of new pedagogical technologies.

Carrying out practical work.

Formation of skills and abilities of educational work (planning, self-control, reading, counting, etc.)

Development of interest in learning and the need for knowledge.

Identification of typical mistakes and difficulties of schoolchildren in teaching.

Implementation of an individual approach to students in the learning process

The use of intersubject communications.

Identification of typical causes of failure.

Objective accounting and evaluation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Working with parents.

Ability to self-evaluate the lesson.

Date: Signature:

Technological control map

Teachers of ____________________________ school

For 20___ - 20___ academic year.


Pedagogical experience:_______________________________





Control subject:________________________________________________________________

Purpose of control:________________________________________________________________

Forms of control: self-control, mutual control, administrative, individual.

I quarter

II quarter

3rd quarter

IV quarter

Self-determination in groups:

Group A: goal, task, motivation, lesson types.

Group B: structure, dosage, methods, techniques, introspection of the lesson.

Group B: lesson - creativity - quality.

Forms of presentation of the accumulated material:

The study of literature on the topic (self-education):

Speech at the pedagogical council:


The date:

at the methodological association:


The date:

on the administrative and methodological council:


The date:

at the seminar:


The date:


Open lessons, class hours:


The date:




The date:


Development of lessons, tests, lectures, seminars, practical exercises.

Selection of games, distributing and didactic material.



Teacher Information Card


FULL NAME. teachers, year of birth


Qualification level

Information about education

Diploma specialty

General teaching experience

Position work experience

Titles, awards

Implementation of the curriculum, programs:

number of hours in the program

actually given

implementation of the practical part of the program


control works


creative works

Performance indicators

Achievement rate

KZ students


Courses attended (place, topic)

Open lessons (school, district)

Prize places of the Olympiads




Extracurricular activities in the subject

Didactic material produced during the academic year (class, topic)

Pedagogical Findings and Innovations

Participation in scientific - research, experimental work.

What difficulties do you experience in your work, what kind of methodological assistance do you need.

Questionnaire for the teacher

Materials for monitoring educational activities

Evaluation of the teacher's motivational activity

Teacher Skills


Design a lesson taking into account the attitude of schoolchildren to educational work

Provide for the difficulties that individual students may have when studying educational material

Take into account the cognitive interests and needs of students when selecting educational material

Include entertaining facts in the educational material with the expectation of the curiosity of schoolchildren

Saturate the lesson with material that requires the mental activity of students

Select rational types of work for the most and least prepared students

To identify the attitude of students to what is happening in the lesson

Respond in a timely manner to changes in the attitude of individual students to the lesson

Include students in cognitive work at all stages of the lesson

Use in the lesson an active stock of knowledge, skills and abilities of students

Include students in solving cognitive problems

Encourage students to ask questions

Conduct an explanation with the expectation of independent work of students

Organize a joint discussion of educational problems with students

Complicate independent tasks during the lesson

Encourage students to independently choose feasible tasks

Encourage students to make independent additions, decisions, statements

Teach rational methods for solving mental problems

To form methods of mental activity of students

Provide timely assistance to the least prepared students

Evaluation of the teacher's use of various methods of motivating students

Methods of motivating students

Teacher Usage Level




does not use




Educational and cognitive games

Creating vivid visual-figurative representations

Creating a Success Situation

stimulating assessment

Free choice of task

Satisfying the desire to be a significant person


Building on the life experience of the student

Activation of cognitive interests

Creating problem situations

Encouragement to search for alternative solutions

Completion of creative tasks

Presenting tasks for ingenuity

Using the Brainstorming Method

Use of developmental cooperation between students


Presentation of training requirements

Informing about mandatory learning outcomes

Formation of a responsible attitude to learning

Creating situations in which it is necessary to overcome cognitive difficulties

Reflection of behavior

Forecasting future life


Developing a desire to be useful to society

Creating situations of mutual assistance


Search for contacts and cooperation

Interest in the results of teamwork

Peer review and peer review

Portfolio Structure

Portfolio of documents

Portfolio of works

Review Portfolio

Sample portfolio structure:

  1. General information : date of birth, education, qualification, specialty, length of service, information on advanced training, awards.
  2. Methodical activity:lesson models, lesson plans, methodological developments, lesson analysis, publications.
  3. Working with students: description of creative works of students; research work of students; results of participation in olympiads, competitions; participation in school activities; scenarios for extracurricular activities.
  4. Creative activity:self-education, participation in seminars, competitions; participation in methodological association, participation in experimental work, extra-curricular activities, teacher's creative work.


for young teachers

FULL NAME_ ________________________________________________________________________

Date of Birth ____________________________________________
1. What subject do you teach?


2. What influenced the choice of the teaching profession to the greatest extent?

1. Own desire
2. Parents' advice
3. An example of a favorite teacher
4. Opinion of friends
5. Guaranteed wages
6. Prestige of the teaching profession
7. The possibility of guaranteed employment
8. Random circumstances
9. Other

3. What motives prompted you to come to work at the school?

1. My parents live in the village
2. The prospect of professional growth
3. Increased wages

4. Other__________________________________________________________________

4. Experience as a teacher
1. Less than 1 year

2.1 - 2 years

3.2 - 3 years.
5. What do you like about teaching?

1. Teach and educate children
2. Teach a favorite subject
3. The creative nature of labor
4. Great vacation
5. Ability to work close to home
6. Prestige of the profession

8. Other _________________________________________________________________________
6. Tell me, what pedagogical problems do you care about?

1. Reducing the teaching load
2. Aging of teaching staff
3. Large teaching load of teachers
4. Leaving the school of teachers of retirement age
5. Availability of vacancies in the school
6. Indifferent attitude of colleagues

7. Other _________________________________________________________________
7. What feelings do you experience during the period of adaptation to a new
1. Anxiety, self-doubt
2. Irritability, irascibility, incontinence
3. Pessimism, feeling of inferiority
4. Decreased interest in work
5. Fear of the class and fear of students
6. Relationships with colleagues
7. Other____________________________________________________________
8. Do you turn to colleagues for help?

1. Yes

2. No

9. Are you satisfied with your job?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Partly
4. Difficult to answer

10. Please indicate the reasons that are most
cause unsatisfactory attitude towards your work
(multiple answers are possible).
1. Low wages
2. Excessive workload (maintenance of 2 subjects)
3. Unsatisfactory working conditions
4. Low prestige of the teaching profession
5. Lack of social guarantees
6. Insufficient educational and methodological equipment of the subject
7. Attitude of students towards teachers
8. Relationships in the team
9. Children's lack of desire to learn
10. Style of work of the school administration
11. Lack of time for self-education and general culture
12. Dissatisfaction with housing and living conditions
13. Other ________________________________________________________________

11. What do you think is the most important thing for you in your attitude to work?

1. Do everything accurately, accurately, conscientiously

2. Don't take on too much, don't get too tired

3. Work normally, not be among the last

4. Work with interest, passion and full dedication

5. It's hard to say for sure, I don't know

6. Other _________________________________________________________________________

12. What do you consider the most important in your work?

1. Accurate adherence to rules, regulations, instructions

2. Fine craftsmanship, high professionalism

3. Appropriate financial reward

4. Professional leadership

5. Do not stand out from the team

6. Appreciation from management

7. High appreciation of your work by colleagues

8. Other ________________________________________________________________________

13. How do you usually go to work?

1. Good

2. With bad

3. Without much emotion

4. When how, it happens in different ways

14. What difficulties do you have in preparing and conducting a lesson or training session:

1. Defining the structure of the lesson, classes

2. Material selection

3. Choice of forms and methods

4. Lack of visual aids

5. Other__________________________________________________________________

15. Do you think it is necessary to meet with colleagues young professionals:

1. no

2. yes

16. Name the form of holding such meetings that is interesting for you: indicate the 3 most useful

1.W activities in the "School of a young teacher"

2. Open lessons (classes) of fellow young professionals

3. Practical exercises

4. Consultations

5. Other________________________________________________________________

17. In what areas of the organization of the educational process do you experience difficulties? Indicate 2 problem areas

1. in calendar-thematic planning

2. conducting lessons

3. holding extracurricular activities

4. communication with colleagues, administration

5. communication with students, their parents

18. What topics of study at the SCHOOL of a young teacher will be of interest to you, indicate according to the degree of relevance

Modern lesson

Teacher Portfolio

The image of a modern teacher

Purpose: to identify the teacher's ability to self-development. Answer the questions with the following scores:

- 5 - if this statement is fully true;

- 4 - corresponds rather than not;

- 3 - both yes and no;

- 2 - rather not;

- 1 - does not match.

1. I seek to explore myself.

2. I leave time for development, no matter how busy I am with work and household chores.

3. Obstacles that arise stimulate my activity.

4. I seek feedback as it helps me to know and appreciate myself.

5. I reflect on my activities, allocating special time for this.

6. I analyze my feelings and experiences.

7. I read a lot.

8. I widely discuss issues that interest me.

9. I believe in my abilities.

10. I strive to be more open.

11. I am aware of the influence that people around me have on me.

12. I manage my professional development and get positive results.

13. I enjoy learning new things.

14. Increasing responsibility does not scare me.

15. I would be positive about my promotion.

Calculate your total points:

75-55 - active development;

54-36 - there is no established system of self-development, orientation towards development strongly depends on the conditions; 35-15 - stopped development.

Questionnaire №2

Purpose: to identify factors that stimulate and hinder the learning, development, self-development of teachers at school.

- 5, yes (prevent or stimulate);

- 4, rather yes than no;

- 3, both yes and no;

- 2, rather not;

- 1, no.

Hindering factors:

1. Own inertia.

2. Disappointment as a result of previous failures.

3. Lack of support and assistance in this matter from the leaders.

4. The hostility of others (envy, jealousy), who do not perceive well the changes in you and the desire for a new one.

5. Inadequate feedback from team members and managers, i.e. lack of objective information about yourself.

6. State of health.

7. Lack of time.

8. Limited resources, changed life circumstances.

Stimulating factors:

1. School methodical work.

2. Training in courses.

3. Example and influence of colleagues.

4. Example and influence of leaders.

5. Organization of work at school.

6. Attention to this problem of leaders.

7. Trust.

8. Novelty of activity, working conditions and the possibility of experimentation.

9. Self-education.

10. Interest in work.

11. Increasing responsibility.

12. The possibility of obtaining recognition in the team.

Microsurvey Data Processing.

The ability of the teacher to self-development FULL NAME. teachers Drivers Barriers System of measures

1. Active self-development

2. Not developed self-development, depending on conditions

3. Stopped self-development




not really



Are you satisfied with your professional training?

In what areas of professional training would you like to improve your knowledge (specify the number):

1. Scientific and theoretical training.

2. Methodical preparation.

3. Psychological and pedagogical training

Do you consider it expedient to deepen your professional knowledge on the following issues:

1. Improving thematic planning, taking into account the development of OUUN students.

2. Planning and conducting lessons of various types.

3. Introduction of modern pedagogical technologies.

4. Methods and techniques of developing education.

5. Multi-level differentiation in learning.

6. Analysis and evaluation of the results of their activities and the activities of students.

7. Organization of educational and cognitive activity of students.

8. Control and correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

9. Organization of teacher's personal work.

10. Other (fill in)

Is it difficult for you:

1. Formulate lesson objectives at different levels.

2. Organize the actions of students to accept the goals of the activity.

3. Select the appropriate methods and methodological techniques to achieve the objectives of the lesson.

4. Motivate the activities of students.

5. Formulate problematic questions.

6. Create problem-search situations in training.

7. Organize the research work of students in the lesson.

8. Prepare assignments for students of varying degrees of difficulty.

9. Activate students in learning.

10. Organize cooperation between students.

11. Organize self- and mutual control of students.

12. Organize timely control and correction of students' knowledge and skills.

13. Develop the creative abilities of students.

14. Use various forms of encouragement for schoolchildren.

15. Other (fill in)

What forms of professional development of your professional knowledge and skills would you prefer in the first, second, etc. queue (specify number):

1. Self-education.

2. Theoretical seminar.

3. Workshop.

4. Individual assistance from the methodological service of the school.

5. Creative groups of teachers on psychological and pedagogical problems.

6. Methodical associations

If you were given the opportunity to choose seminars to improve your professional knowledge, which one would you take part in? Which of them do you consider necessary in the first, second, etc. queue (specify numbers):

1. Psychological and pedagogical features of students of different ages.

2. Forms and methods of pedagogical cooperation with students.

3. Types of lessons. Methodology for their preparation and implementation.

4. Forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

5. Teaching methods and their effective use in modern conditions.

6. Differentiation in learning.

7. Individualization in training.

8. Techniques for enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students.

9. Accounting and evaluation of students' knowledge.

10. Pedagogical ethics of the teacher.

11. Diagnostics of the educational process.

12. Others (specify your wishes)

Diagnosis of professional difficulties of teachers in the organization of elective courses

(conducted in the form of a questionnaire or interview)

Questioning of teachers, students, parents

Questionnaire to identify the causes of gaps in knowledge

1. What lessons do you experience difficulties?

2. Why are you having trouble:

a) poorly mastered the previous material;

b) I am not able to single out the main thing in the studied material and the mainsigns of new concepts;

c) I do not know how to apply the studied theoretical material in solvingtasks, performing exercises;

d) I do not know how to work independently, because I quickly forget earlierstudied material;

e) other difficulties (specify).

3. Do you systematically do your homework?

a) yes;

b) no (give reason):

I find it difficult because I did not understand in class;

large volume;


I know they won't ask;

I do not like the subject;

other reasons (specify).

4. I begin to learn subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle:

a) from theory;

b) from practice;

5. When preparing homework, I start first with ______

(specify subject) because:

a) this subject is the most interesting;

b) interested in the content of the subject;

c) I easily learn the material;

d) enjoys the opportunity to show their activity;

e) captivates the collective search for truth, joint work with comrades;

f) enjoys communication with the teacher;

g) this subject is the most important;

h) this subject is the most difficult;

i) another reason (specify).


What hinders teaching

1. I don't understand the teacher's explanations.

2. I do not understand the requirements put forward by the teacher and the tasks that he sets.

3. I do not understand the subject itself.

4. I am not able to solve even those tasks, the conditions of which I understand.

5. I absolutely do not feel the need to study this subject.

6. I enjoy reading books on this subject that are not related to

to what is taught in school.

7. All my energy is spent on subjects that I like.

8. I do not know how to perform basic learning activities.

9. Can't concentrate.

10. Unconsciousness is terribly disturbing.

11. At home, everyone is noisy and interferes with homework.

12. Homework is so monotonous, boring and uninteresting, what to do

them - well, just a sharp knife.

13. I like to do homework with one of my comrades, but, unfortunately, not with anyone.

14. The teacher himself and his subject do not captivate me.

15. Studying is not the main, significant value for me at all.

17. I read extremely slowly.

18. I get tired very quickly when doing mental work.

19. I have no will, and I can't force myself to do my homework.

20. I get tired quickly and my eyes often hurt.

21. I don't like being yelled at and constantly demanding something. If to me

approach with affection, I will always do everything, even if for this I have to

sit all night.

22. When classmates explain new material or a difficult task to me,I understand, remember and do faster than if the teacher does it.

23. I was terribly embarrassed by my slowness, inexpressiveness and absence,as it seems to me, the mind, so I can’t answer at the blackboard at all.

24. I often feel sleepy in class because I don't get enough sleep at night.

25. At home, we always have screams and noise, the TV is on, the lamp is shining brightly and there is nothing


26. Coming from school, I immediately fall asleep, and when I wake up, I eat and go for a walk.

27. I don't have enough time to do my homework.

28. I don't do anything in class because I'm very slow.

29. I never watch informational and educational programs on


30. In the circle to which I belong, they never talk about school subjects, and

our interests have nothing to do with studies.

31. Even if I really need it, no one at home helps me to fulfill difficult


32. No one is interested in my successes and failures - neither at home nor in my circle


33. I don't care what grade I get.

34. All my free time I spend on TV, computer, telephone, walking and

sports (write, than else).

35. I have no desire to successfully deliver any message or

a report in the class, in our circle other virtues are generally valued.

36. I have been smoking for a long time.

37. I constantly drink beer, sometimes vodka and other strong drinks.

38. I constantly come into conflict with teachers because I violate

discipline, and in the classroom I feel so sad that even a wolf howl.

39. I don't have my own place at home.

40. I have very few (no) favorite books.

41. I don't have a library at home.

42. In the summer I always stay at home, because I have nowhere, nothing and no one to go with.

43. I don't like going to theaters, museums, exhibitions.

44. I have no close friends.

45. I am not frank with anyone.

46. ​​I have no favorite teachers.

47. I don’t know what I will do after school, and what profession I should


48. Everything is fine with me in all subjects, and only this (………………) subject

it doesn't give me.

49. I never think ahead and make plans for the future.

50. I easily succumb to other people's influence when it comes to avoiding useful deeds.

51. I do not have sustainable creative interests.

52. When I do something, I get bored pretty quickly.

53. Usually in the morning I don't like to have breakfast and I run off to school without eating.

54. At school, no one offers me an interesting job, but I myself do not like

I ask and I can't think of anything.

55. You have beautiful clothes and all sorts of things that you like.

56. You consider your family: poor, poor, average, above average, rich. Yougreatly irritates the economic condition of your family.

57. Your parents are not smart enough to help you with


58. You are embarrassed by your parents.

59. In your class, few people want to study.

60. Excellent students annoy you.

61. If you feel that you can get unsatisfactory in a quarter

estimates, you will try to do something:

turn to the teacher for help;

you will seek help from friends or classmates;

you will resort to the help of a cheat sheet or cheating.

Questionnaire for high school students

1. What is the main task of the school in your opinion?

a) solid knowledge in all subjects;

b) regulation of the general culture and outlook;

c) development of the student's abilities;

d) experience of communicating with people;

e) preparation and ability to navigate in life;

e) other (specify).

2. How do you assess the level of education at school?

a) high;

b) satisfactory;

d) low;

e) find it difficult to answer.

3. How do you study?

a) mostly on 8-10 b.;

b) by 6-10 b.;

c) by 4-10 b.;

d) mostly 1-5b.

4. How do you evaluate your own academic progress?

a) completely satisfied

b) partially satisfied;

c) dissatisfied;

d) find it difficult to answer.

5. What would you like to change in the life of the school?

6. What do you think prevents you from studying better?

a) the complexity of the main subjects;

b) overload with training sessions;

c) diversity of interests;

d) lack of interest in learning;

e) family problems;

e) laziness;

g) spending time talking with friends;

h) health;

i) lack of volitional qualities;

j) busyness with hobbies outside of school;

k) other (specify).

7. How do you assess the team of your class and the relationship in it?

a) friendly, close-knit;

b) friendly, but in the team everything is decided by the leader (microgroup);

c) disunited (each by itself);

d) unfriendly (conflicts arise between microgroups);

e) very unfriendly, I often have problems in communication;

f) I am alone in the team;

g) other (specify).

8. How do you assess the relationship with teachers?

9. Do you like going to school?

a) willingly

b) depends on the mood;

c) because it is necessary;

d) because there is no more choice;

e) parents force;

e) reluctantly;

g) difficult to answer.

10. What specialty (profession) would you like buy?



Motivation for teaching and reasons for lowstudent achievement

1. I try to study better so that…

get a good grade

our class was the best;

bring more benefits to people;

get a lot of money later;

I was respected and praised by my comrades;

the teacher praised me;

I was praised by my parents;

I was not punished;

they bought me beautiful things;

I knew and knew more.

2. I can't study better because...

I have more interesting things to do;

they disturb me at home;

often scolded at school;

I just don't want to study;

it's hard for me, I don't understand;

can't bring myself to work;

I can't work with everyone.

3. If I get a good grade, what I like the most is…

I know the study material well;

comrades are happy;

mother will be pleased;

the teacher will be happy;

they will buy me a beautiful thing;

I will not be punished;

I will not pull the class back.

4. If I get a bad grade, my biggest dislike is…

I do not know the educational material well;

comrades will laugh;

mother will be upset;

the teacher will be unhappy;

I pull the whole class back;

I will be punished at home;

I will not buy a beautiful thing.

Test for 6-year-olds

1. State your first and last name.

2. Name your full name. dads and moms.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up?

4. Do you have a sister, brother? And who is older?

5. How old are you? And how much will it be in a year, two, three?

6. Is it morning or evening, afternoon or morning?

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch in the morning or afternoon? What comes first: lunch or dinner? Day or night?

8. Where do you live? State your home address.

9. What does your father and mother do?

10. Do you like to draw? What color pencil, ribbon, dress?

11. What season is it now: winter, spring, summer, autumn? Why do you think so?

12. When can I go sledding - in winter or summer?

13. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

14. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

15. Why do we need a bell, a desk, a briefcase at school.

16. Do you want to go to school yourself?

17. Which hand do the students raise when they want to answer?

18. Show your right eye. What are eyes and ears for?

19. What animals (birds) do you know?

20. Who is bigger cow or goat? Bird or bee? Who

more legs: a dog or a rooster?

21. What is more: 8 or 5, 5 or 3? Count.

22. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?


For the correct answer 1 point,

For the answer correct, but not complete - 0.5 points,

For a complete answer, there is a mark of 0.5 points.

Less than 15 points - psychophysical examination;

24 - 29 points - school-mature child;

20 - 24 points - mid-ripe;

15 - 20 points - immature.

Questionnaire for students

1. How has your academic performance changed lately?

1. Improved

2. Hasn't changed

3. Reduced


1. Quite

2. Not exactly

3. Not satisfied

3. Do you think you are capable of mastering the educational material?

1. Quite capable

2. Not always possible

3. Mostly beyond our strength

4. Do you feel overtired by the end of the school week?

1. Strong fatigue

2. Moderately tired

3. I almost never get tired

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

6. What worries you the most when studying at school?

2. Health status

3. Increased fatigue

4. Reluctance to learn

7. My relationship with my parents

7. In your opinion, will you be able to acquire knowledge in accordance with your inclinations and abilities at school?

1. Yes

2. Not sure

3. I can't

8. Are your parents involved in the educational work of the school?

1. Yes, they do

2. Practically do not participate, only attend parent-teacher meetings

9. Do you attend circles, sections, additional classes?

1. I visit

2. I wish to visit, but there are no opportunities

3. No, I don't visit

10. Are you satisfied with the quality of knowledge?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

11. Do you consider yourself educated?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

12. Please define your time budget:

3. Time for rest -

13. In your opinion, are the conditions created in the school for the development of students' creative abilities?


2.Partially created

3. No

14. Are you willing to go to school?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

16. Do you share your school experiences with your parents?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

17. Do you often complain about classmates, take offense at them?

1. Yes

2. Sometimes

3. Doesn't complain

18. In your opinion, the volume of homework

1. You are quite capable

2. Not always

3. Mostly beyond our strength

Questionnaire for determining the motivation for learning and school activity of students in preparatory classes

1. How much do you like at school?

like 2 points

dislike 1 point

dislike 0 points

2. When you wake up in the morning, are you always happy to go to school or do you often feel like staying at home?

I go with joy

it's not always the same

most want to stay at home

3. If the teacher said that tomorrow it is not necessary for all students to come to school and those who wish can stay at home, would you go to school or stay at home?

would go to school

Don't know

would stay at home

4. Are you satisfied when any lessons are canceled at school?

not happy

it's not always the same


5. Would you like the school to have no lessons but only breaks?

would not like

Don't know

I would like to

6. Do you often tell your parents about school?



I almost never tell

7. Would you like to have a less strict teacher?

would not like

I do not know for sure

I would like to

8. Do you have many friends in the class?


not much


9. Do you like your classmates?


some like

most don't like

Questionnaire for 4th grade students

1. Do you like studying in the 4th grade?

2. What lessons do you like?

3. What subjects do you dislike at all?

4. Which is better: one teacher or many?

5. Do teachers often praise you?

6. You woke up in the morning and remembered that you had to go to school.

Has your mood improved or worsened?

7. Would you like to continue studying with your classmates or would you transfer to another class?

8. Would you like to be taught by completely new teachers in the 5th grade, or do you prefer to keep the old ones? Who exactly?

9. What did you remember the most in the 3rd grade?

10. What common thing did you remember in the 4th grade?

11. What good things did you remember in the 4th grade?

12. What happened to you in 4th grade that you would like to forget?

12. Why do you think you need to study well?

13. Could you study better?

Questionnaire "Attitude towards school"

1. Do you love your school?

2. What is the most interesting thing for you at school?

3. What day of the week do you like the most?

4. What would you like to do in your free time?

5. What are your favorite activities?

6. What is the most unpleasant thing for you at school?

7. What public assignment would you like to have?

8. Which classmate would you like to sit with?

9. Who wouldn't you like to be with?

10. How do you study?

11. Can you study better?

12. Would you like to study better?

Questionnaire "My favorite teacher"

1. Are you satisfied with the attitude of your teachers?

2. Why do you treat some teachers better than others?

3. Who is your favorite teacher?

4. What are his qualities you especially appreciate?

5. Does your favorite teacher give you any help? What is it?

6. What interesting and useful things did you learn from your favorite teacher?

What turned out to be the most difficult for you? Why?

Questionnaire for the teacher

School evaluation

1. Are you satisfied with the work of the school this academic year?

2. Your suggestions for improving the work.

3. Are you satisfied with the work of the MO?

4. Your suggestions for improving the work.

5. How do you evaluate the style, content, result of the educational work of the school?

6. Your suggestions for improving the work.

7. What, in your opinion, events were successful at school, and which were not?

8. What ensured success or caused failure?

9. Your suggestions for improving the work.

10. Your assessment of the educational and material base of the school and suggestions for its improvement.

11. Are you satisfied with the system and style of work of the administration?

12. Your suggestions for improving the work.

Evaluation of the results of your work

1. Did your teaching job satisfy you?

What are the results of your work.

Are you experiencing difficulties at work? Which?

Do you need the help of colleagues, school administration?

What is the topic of your methodological work for the next academic year?

2. Were you satisfied with your work as a class teacher?

3. Are you satisfied with your relationship with students?

What difficulties did you experience?

What help do you need?

Questionnaire for a teacher

And so another school year has come to an end. We congratulate you on its successful completion, we wish you health, happiness and interesting rest. In this academic year, each of us had creative finds and good luck, there were, probably, disappointments.

We want you to share your attitude and assessment of scientific, methodological and experimental work in an educational institution, your answers will help improve its content, management system and organization of educational activities.

Indicate the subject, your weekly workload, work experience in this educational institution.

Please answer the following questions (yes, no, didn't think about it):

1. Do you agree that the work of an educational institution:

is in innovation mode;

helped to enrich your knowledge in the taught discipline;

contributed to the deepening of methodological preparedness;

helped to expand knowledge in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences;

You have mastered more theoretical material;

You have begun to apply this knowledge in practice more often;

You used this knowledge more fully in extracurricular activities and in individual work with students.

2. To what extent do you participate in the innovations carried out in the educational institution?

would like to actively participate, but do not have a clear idea of ​​​​the role in the experiment;

I am skeptical about the possibility of changing anything in essence, and therefore I take a passive position.

3. What difficulties did you experience this school year?

a) in educational work:

lack of necessary literature, manuals;

I need to improve my skills;

there was a strong overload in preparation for the lessons;

there was a weak own basic training;

it is difficult to abandon one's own pedagogical stereotypes

and other difficulties….

b) outside school hours:

in work with parents;

in search of an individual approach to students;

in search of new forms of extracurricular activities interesting for children;

Have you experienced any difficulties as a leader?

whether you received assistance in educational work (if not, indicate how you see it);

c) as a person in the teaching staff:

they didn’t notice you, didn’t see you, didn’t appreciate your success;

did not give the floor at meetings, conferences, etc... .

4. How do you evaluate the results of your work this academic year?




5. Your suggestions:

on the management of an educational institution;

on the organization of control over the educational process;

on the organization of scientific and methodological work;

on the organization of the work of the psychological service;

on the organization of the work of the Ministry of Defense.

Questionnaire for teachers

1. How has school performance changed in recent years?

1. Improved

2. Hasn't changed

3. Reduced

2. Are you satisfied with the organization of the educational process in


1. Quite

2. Not exactly

3. Not satisfied

3. Do you think that students are able to master the educational material?

1. Quite capable

2. Not always possible

3. Mostly beyond our strength

4. Do students feel overtired by the end of the school week?

1. Strong fatigue

2. Moderate fatigue

3. Didn't notice

5. Are you satisfied with the working hours of the school?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

6. What worries you the most at school?

1. There is no reason to worry

2. Health status of students

3. Increased fatigue of students

4. Reluctance to learn

5. Insufficient educational and material base of the school

6. Relationship problems with peers

7. Relationship problems with parents

7. In your opinion, does the school provide educational needs?

students and their parents?

1. Yes

2. Doesn't quite provide

3. Does not provide

8. How do you assess the participation of parents in educational work


1. Actively participate

2. Practically do not participate, only attend parent-teacher meetings

9. How do you assess the effectiveness of such forms of education as electives, special courses and other forms of student training?

1. Effective

2. Little effective

10. Can you say that you know your students, their educational


1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

11. In your opinion, does a modern school provide the level of education necessary for continuing education?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

12. In your opinion, the modern school shapes the personality of the student

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

13. In your opinion, are the conditions created at school for the development of creative

student abilities?


2.Partially created

3. No

14. Are you willing to go to work?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

15. Do you worry about your successes or failures?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

16. How do you assess the interaction between the school and the family in the education and upbringing of students?

17. Do you think that your school has created conditions for professional growth and development of teacher's creativity?

1. Mainly created

2. Are in the process of creation

3. There are no special conditions

18. Are you satisfied with the system and style of work of the administration?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

19. What is your assessment of the educational and material base of the school?

1. Good

2. Insufficient

3. Bad

Questionnaire for parents

14. Surname, name, age (month, year) of the child


15. How old was your child when he started drawing?


16. What does your child like to draw with: a pencil, a brush, a ballpoint pen?

17. What does your child like to draw?


18. What type of visual activity does your child like to do more: draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, work with a designer?


19. Does your child have difficulty learning to write?

(underline). Yes, no, I don't know.

20. List the difficulties


21. Do you help your child overcome difficulties? Not really.

22. How do you do it?



Questionnaire for Parents of Kindergarten Students

Surname and name of the child

1. Is your child willing to go to school?

Reluctantly; willingly; with joy; it depends; I find it difficult to answer.

2. Has he adapted to the school regime?

Not yet; in general, yes; I find it difficult to answer.

1. Does he worry about his academic successes or failures?

Not; More likely no than yes; Yes

2. Does your child often share school experiences with you?

Almost never; sometimes divided; shared frequently; always shares.

3. What is the nature of these impressions?

Mostly negative, emotional impressions prevail; positive and negative emotions are approximately equal; in

mostly positive impressions.

4. How does the child usually overcome difficulties at work?

Fails immediately before difficulties; asks for help; difficulties

trying to overcome himself.

5. Is your child able to self-check their work,

find and fix bugs?

He cannot do this on his own; maybe if prompted

this; usually can.

6. Does the child often complain about classmates, take offense at them?

Often; this is rare; this almost never happens.

7. Does the child cope with the study load without overexertion?

No, it doesn't; More likely no than yes; rather yes than no; Yes.

Questionnaire for parents

1. How has your son's or daughter's academic performance changed recently?

1. Improved

2. Hasn't changed

3. Reduced

2. Are you satisfied with the organization of the educational process in


1. Quite

2. Not exactly

3. Not satisfied

3. In your opinion, is your child able to master the educational material?

1. Quite capable

2. Not always possible

3. Mostly beyond our strength

4. Do you observe overwork in your child by the end of school


1. Strong fatigue

2. Moderately tired

3. Almost does not get tired

5. Are you satisfied with the working hours of the school?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

6. What worries you the most about your child's schooling?

1. There is no reason to worry

2. Health status

3. Increased fatigue

4. Reluctance to learn

5. Relationship problems with peers

6. Relationship problems with teachers

7. My relationship with my daughter or son

7. Do you think your child will be able to receive

knowledge in accordance with his inclinations and abilities?

1. Yes

2. Not sure

3. Can't

8. How do you assess the interaction between the school and the family in the education and upbringing of students?

1. I rate it as effective and fruitful

2. I rate it as ineffective

3. Difficult to answer

9. Do you participate in the educational work of the school?

1. Yes, I participate

2. I practically do not participate, I only attend parent-teacher meetings

10. Does your child attend clubs, sections, additional classes?

1. Attends

2. Wants to visit, but there are no opportunities

3. No, does not visit

11. Are you satisfied with the quality of your child's knowledge?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

12. Are you satisfied with the level of his upbringing?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

13. Are you satisfied with the level of his personal development?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly


14. Please determine your child's time budget:

1. Time spent at school -

2. Time to prepare homework -

3. Time for rest -

15. In your opinion, are the conditions created at school for the development of creative

child's abilities.

1. Yes

2. Partially created

3. No

15. Is your child willing to go to school?

1. Yes

2. Not exactly

3. No

16. Does he worry about his successes or failures?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

17. Does your child share his school experiences with you?

1. Yes

2. Not always

3. No

19. Does the child often complain about classmates, take offense at them?



3. Doesn't complain

20. In your opinion, the volume of homework

1. Quite within the power of the child

2. Not always

3. Mostly beyond our strength

Teacher through the eyes of a student

1. Qualities of a teacher:presents the material clearly, explains complex issues in an accessible way; knows how to arouse interest in the lesson, subject; able to relieve stress, class fatigue; knows how to create conditions for psychological comfort in the classroom; Shows tolerance for those who need to be repeated many times

explain, help treat students with respect; demanding; fair; has a high erudition, demeanor, appearance.

Students grade as follows:if the qualities of a teacher (for example, such as

"respectful attitude towards students") "is always manifested", then the teacher

Receives 5 points; “manifested very often” -4; "rarely" -3; "very rarely" -2; "missing" -1; “I don’t know”, I can’t say” -0.

2. Students' attitudes towards individual subjects.

a) How do you feel about the subject?

Answer options and scores:

like it very much -2

like -1

indifferent - 0

dislike -1

don't like it very much -2

b) What is your interest?

Answer options and scores:

like to listen to the teacher -1

I read additional literature -2

I work in a circle -3

3. How do you prepare for the lesson?

Answer options and scores:

regularly for each lesson -1

only when I feel that the teacher will ask -2

I only do what I think is important

4. How do you evaluate your results?

Answer options and scores:

satisfied when I get a high rating -1

I am glad that I understood the material -2

I am satisfied that everything is working out and I want to know more - 3

I can't learn better because:

can't bring myself to work -1

it's hard for me, I don't understand everything -2

I do not have time to work together with others -3

I have more interesting things to do -4

Questionnaire "Motivational readiness of the teaching staff
to innovate"

Instruction: Dear teacher! If you are interested in innovation, innovate, what motivates you to do so? Choose up to three answers and put a "tick" in front of them.

1. Awareness of the insufficiency of the results achieved and the desire to improve them.

2. High level of professional aspirations, strong need to achieve high results.

3. The need for contacts with interesting, creative people.

4. The desire to create a good, effective school for children.

5. The need for novelty, a change of scenery, overcoming the routine.

6. The need for leadership.

7. The need for search, research, a better understanding of patterns.

8. The need for self-expression, self-improvement.

9. Feeling of own readiness to participate in innovative processes, self-confidence.

10. Desire to put into practice the acquired knowledge about innovations.

11. The need for risk.

12. Material reasons: salary increase, the opportunity to pass certification, etc.

13. The desire to be noticed and appreciated.

Thank you!

Results processing

The results are processed by analyzing the responses. The stronger the motives associated with the possibility of self-realization of the individual prevail among teachers (points 2, 6, 8, 13), the higher the level of innovative potential of the teaching staff.

Questionnaire "Barriers preventing the development of innovations"

Instruction: Dear teacher! If you are not interested in innovations and do not apply innovations, indicate the reasons (check the box next to the selected statements).

1. Poor awareness in the team about possible innovations.

2. The belief that it is possible to teach effectively in the old way.

3. Poor health, other personal reasons.


5. A little work experience, which does not work even with the traditional form of education.

6. Lack of financial incentives.

7. Feelings of fear of negative results.

8. Lack of help.

9. Disagreements, conflicts in the team.

Thank you!

Results processing

The results are processed by analyzing the responses. The fewer innovative barriers teachers have, the higher the level of innovative potential of the teaching staff.

Questionnaire "Determining the level of innovation of teachers
in the school community"

Instruction: Dear teacher! Which group of teachers do you think you belong to? Place a checkmark next to the selected group.

Group A. You are absorbed in innovations, constantly interested in them, always perceive them first, boldly implement them, take risks.

Group B. You are interested in innovations, but do not implement them blindly, you calculate the expediency of innovation. You think that innovations should be introduced immediately after they have been successfully tested in conditions similar to yours.

Group C. You perceive innovation moderately. Do not strive to be among the first, but do not want to be among the last. As soon as the new is accepted by most of your teaching staff, you will also accept it.

Group D You doubt more than you believe in the new. Prefer the old one. You perceive the new only when it is perceived by the majority of schools and teachers.

Group E. You are the last to innovate. You doubt innovators and initiators of innovations.

Thank you!

Results processing

The results are processed by analyzing the responses. The smaller groups D and E, the higher the level of innovative potential of the teaching staff.

motivational environment.

Annex 2

Instruction: Dear teacher! Evaluate the correspondence of the statements below to the state of affairs in your team on a 10-point scale, where 0 points - completely does not correspond, 10 points - fully corresponds (circle the appropriate score ).





The expected results of innovation from teachers are clearly defined

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

These results are known to every teacher

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

There are rewards for high performance

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The amount of remuneration is known to each teacher

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rewards have value

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attitude towards a teacher depends on his activity in innovation

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The system of control and examination provides an objective assessment of the results of work

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

And every teacher is confident in an objective assessment of the results of his work.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The positive results of the work of participants in innovative activities will be known to the entire professional community of the educational institution

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The remuneration received corresponds to the results of work in the implementation of innovative projects

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers have no doubts about the fair distribution of remuneration

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers have no doubt that the results expected from them correspond to their abilities

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Achieving expected results does not require constant excessive stress

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Teachers have no doubt that there are conditions necessary to achieve the expected results

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In the process of work, teachers experience positive emotions more often than negative ones.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Thank you!

Results processing

Processing of the results is carried out by a simple mathematical calculation of the sum of points of all completed questionnaires. The closer the amount received to the maximum number of points, the more favorable the conditions created in the educational institution for the high motivation of teachers to participate in innovative projects. The lower the result, the less favorable the motivational environment for work.

On the basis of the results obtained, a graphical profile of the motivational environment of the OS can be built, as well as demotivating factors can be identified.

QUESTIONNAIRE "Identification of motives
work activity of teachers"

Appendix 3

Instruction: Dear teacher! Choose from the list the 5 most important motivating factors for you personally and put a tick next to it. Then, next to the selected factors, in accordance with their significance for you, put numbers from 5 to 1 in descending order (5 is the most significant factor for you, 1 is the least significant of the five selected).







Income level (salary)

Proximity of work place to home

Opportunity to move up the career ladder

Opportunity for professional growth

Possibility of obtaining loans

Ability to manage other people

Company sponsored training

Big Powers

Flexible working hours

Possibility of self-realization

Comfortable working conditions

Normal working day

Relationship with immediate supervisor

Recognition, feeling of importance in the company

Work in the specialty, in accordance with education

Work for the sake of communication, the opportunity to take free time

Thank you!

Results processing

Processing of the results is carried out by analyzing the answers, it can be in graphical or tabular form.

QUESTIONNAIRE "Determining the difficulties of teachers
in the organization of the educational process"

Instruction: ).

Degree of difficulty




Weak or absent






Thematic planning

lesson planning

Planning self-education and improving pedagogical skills

Mastering the content of new programs and textbooks

Ability to set learning objectives

Ability to work out the content of the material for the lesson in accordance with the task

Using Effective Forms in the Lesson

Using elements of modern pedagogical technologies

Ability to self-evaluate the lesson

Carrying out practical work provided for by the program

Implementing a differentiated approach
to learning

Developing students' interest in the subject

Using interdisciplinary links

Description of your work experience

Ability to analyze a colleague's lesson

Ensuring reasonable discipline in the classroom

Accounting, assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities

Identifying Common Causes of Student Failure

Implementation of PPO described in the literature

Implementation of PPO colleagues of their school
(other school)

Organization of extracurricular activities in the subject

Efficient use of equipment

Working with underachieving students

Working with gifted children

Equipping the office with new visual aids

Diagnosis of the level of student learning

Organization of research activities with students

Thank you!

Results processing

The results are processed by analyzing the answers and highlighting problem areas.

QUESTIONNAIRE "Identification of teacher's difficulties
in the implementation of the educational process"

Appendix 5

Instruction: Dear teacher! Determine the degree of your difficulties in the following aspects of pedagogical activity (tick the appropriate box ).

Aspect of pedagogical activity

Degree of difficulty

Very strong



Weak or
is absent






Planning of educational work

Ability to set goals and objectives in educational work

Knowledge of modern educational technologies

Introduction of innovative forms of educational work

The use of modern educational technologies

Knowledge of child developmental psychology

Working with "difficult" students

Working with parents of students

Conducting parent meetings

Individual work with students

Conducting class hours

Knowledge of effective forms of work with children

Knowledge and use of the methodology of collective creative work (according to I.P. Ivanov)

Organization of children to participate in the social life of the school

The system of educational work of the class teacher

The questionnaires were developed on the basis of a modified questionnaire to assess the level of innovative potential of the teaching staff of T.S. Solovieva. -Note. ed.

Note. ed.

Developed on the basis of “Diagnostics of the structure of motives for labor activity” by T.L. Badoeva and “Structures of work motivation” K. Zamfir. -Note. ed.