A particle of mass m carrying charge q is moving. A magnetic field

1. What processes are associated with energy metabolism in plant cells?

a) chemosynthesis
b) photosynthesis
c) fermentation process
d) photolysis
2. By means of which information is transmitted from DNA about the structure of a protein molecule
a) codon
b) anticodon
c) gene
d) antibodies
3. What is the name of the process of rewriting information from DNA to mRNA? What enzymes do it with?
a) broadcast
b) transcription
c) ribozyme
d) phosphatase
4. What energy is used in the light phase?
a) ATP
b) photon
c) NADP * H
d) ADP
5. What processes form the ATP molecule
a) glycol
b) chemosynthesis
c) photosynthesis
d) biosynthesis
6. What energy is used in the dark phase of photosynthesis
a) photon
b) ATP
d) ADP
7. In which organelles does the process of photosynthesis take place
a) endoplasmic reticulum
b) chloroplast
c) mitochondria
d) leucoplast
8. In what organelles does the process of respiration take place?
a) ribosome
b) mitochondria
c) lysosome
d) golgi apparatus
9. What reaction takes place in the light phase of photosynthesis
a) the formation of FAD * H
b) the formation of glucose
c) the formation of NADP*H
d) photolysis of water
10. What substances are synthesized in the dark phase of photosynthesis
a) glucose
b) protein
c) disaccharide
d) fat
11. Which molecule transports amino acids during the synthesis of a protein molecule
a) rRNA
b) i-RNA
c) tRNA
d) FAD*N
12. In what organelle does the synthesis of a protein molecule take place?
a) chloroplast
b) ribosome
c) lysosome
d) chormoplast
13) What molecule protects the informosome from cleavage by enzymes
a) serine
b) guanosine
c) promin
d) lysine
14) Which triplet refers to punctuation marks and indicates the completion of the synthesis of the polypeptide chain
a) GAA
b) AAG
c) UGA
d) UAA
15) What is the importance of protein biosynthesis?
a) reproduction
b) development
c) braking
d) excitement
16. Which macromolecule acts as a matrix in the cell
a) DNA
b) ATP
c) RNA
17. What is the name of the process of rewriting a polymer protein
a) transcription
b) broadcast
c) matrix
d) matrix
18. At what stage of protein biosynthesis does the accumulation of monomer units on the surface of the ribosome occur when the t-RNA codon and anticodon match
a) first stage
b) second stage
c) the third stage
d) fourth stage
19. What type of nucleic acids informs about the synthesized protein
a) RNA
b) DNA
c) tRNA
d) i-RNA
20. In which cells does the process of photosynthesis take place
a) heterotrophic
b) eukaryote
c) autotrophic
d) prokaryotes

During gametogenesis during maturation, progenitor cells divide by __________________. With this method of division, the number is halved

During the maturation period, germ cells undergo two successive divisions - _________________________ and __________________.

Before the first division of meiosis, each chromosome ___________________. As a result of meiosis, from one cell with a set of ___________ chromosomes, ____________ cells with a set of _________ chromosomes are formed.

Sex cells gametes are formed in animals in the gonads: in females - in ______________, in males - in _________________.

1.) By meiosis are NOT formed

a. gametes
b. somatic cells
d. spermatozoa

2.) Meiosis differs from mitosis in the presence of
a. interphase
b. division spindle
c.four-phase fission
d.two consecutive divisions

3.) in the process of mitosis, each daughter cell receives a set of chromosomes similar to the parent, due to the fact that:
a. in prophase, chromosomes spiralize
b. despiralization of chromosomes occurs
c. in interphase, DNA self-doubles, two chromatids are formed from each chromosome
d. each cell contains two homologous chromosomes

4.) As a result of what process new somatic cells are formed in a multicellular animal organism
a. meiosis
d. spermatogenesis

5.) what cells are formed in animals during mitosis
a. somatic
b. with half a set of chromosomes

6.) due to mitosis, the number of chromosomes in the cells of the body
a. doubles
b. is reduced by two
c. turns out to be the same
d.changes with age

7.) in the prophase of mitosis, the length of chromosomes decreases due to
a. reduplication
b. spiralization

8.) as a result of which process in cells the set of chromosomes is halved
a. meiosis
c. fertilization

9.) Chromosome conjugation is characteristic of the process
a. fertilization
b. prophase of the second division of meiosis
d. prophase of the first division of meiosis

10.) in the process of meiosis in humans,
a. disputes
b. chromosomes
c. sex cells
somatic cells

11.) in what phase of cell division does the divergence of chromosomes occur
a. in prophase
b.in metaphase
c. into anaphase
d. in telophase

12.) the number of chromosomes during sexual reproduction in each generation would double if the process had not been formed during evolution
a. mitosis
c. fertilization
d. pollination

13.) due to conjugation and crossing over occurs
a. decrease in the number
b. doubling the number of chromosomes
c. exchange of genetic information between homologous chromosomes
d. increase in the number of gametes

14.) what cells are formed by meiosis
a. muscular
b. epithelial

15.) how to explain the constancy of the number of chromosomes in individuals of the same species
a. diploidy of organisms
b. the process of cell division
c. haploid organisms
d. processes of fertilization and meiosis

16.) DNA duplication and the formation of two chromatids during moiosis occurs in
a. prophase of the first division of meiosis
b. prophase of the second division of meiosis.
in interphase before the first division
g.interphase before the second division

17.) one interphase and two successive divisions are characteristic of the process
a. fertilization
b. crushing the zygote

18.) the reason for the formation of four haploid cells in the process of meiosis is
a.one cell division and chromosome conjugation
b. the presence of a crossover process
in. one duplication of chromosomes and two cell divisions
d. connection of homologous chromosomes

19.) How does the prophase of the first division of meiosis differ from the prophase of mitosis?
a. by the end of prophase, the nuclear membrane disappears
b. there is a spiralization of chromosomes
c. chromosome conjugation occurs
d. chromosomes are randomly arranged in the cytoplasm

PLEASE HELP, TOMORROW ALREADY RESULTS ON QUESTIONS. WAITING FOR HELP. Many thanks in advance!! 1. When each chromosome consists of only one

chromatids? 2. What organelles have a membrane? 3. What cell organelles are involved in protein biosynthesis? 4. Where is the codon located? 5. What makes chromatids and chromosomes move from the equatorial plane to the poles of the cell? 6. In what phase of the chromosome cells are untwisted and invisible? 7. In what phase of the cell does the mass of DNA in the nucleus double? 8. What is the source of energy during cell division? 9. What substance is the carrier of the organism's hereditary information? 10. What substances are contained in nuclear juice? 11. At what method of division does the uniform distribution of chromosomes between daughter cells occur? 12. What set of chromosomes does a spermatozoon contain? 13. How do liquid substances enter the cell? 14. Due to what process is the use of sunlight for the synthesis of organic compounds from inorganic ones? 1. What molecules make up the cell membrane? 2. What organelles are found in the cytoplasm? 3. what chemical compounds are included in the core? 4. what substances does a chromosome consist of? 5. What substances does a chromosome consist of? 6. In what phases are chromosomes spiralized? 7. What set of chromosomes does one skin cell contain? 8. At what method of cell division is the spindle of division absent? 9. At what method of division does the uneven distribution of hereditary information between two daughter cells occur? 10. what process leads the cell to the synthesis of building material for the self-duplication of each chromosome? 11. What cell organelles are associated with the oxygen stage of energy metabolism? 12. How do molecules of solid food substances enter the cell? 13. What are the cell organelles associated with the process of photosynthesis? 14. In what phase do chromatids separate and become independent?

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1 TOPIC "MITOSIS" 1. The essence of mitosis is the formation of two daughter cells with 1) the same set of chromosomes, equal to the mother cell 2) the set of chromosomes is halved 3) the set of chromosomes is doubled 4) the set of chromosomes differs from each other 2. Thanks to what process in during mitosis, daughter cells are formed with a set of chromosomes equal to the parent 1) the formation of chromatids 2) the spiralization of chromosomes 3) the dissolution of the nuclear envelope 4) the division of the cytoplasm 3. The growth of any multicellular organism is based on the process of 1) meiosis 2) mitosis 3) fertilization 4) synthesis ATP molecules 4. In the interphase before mitosis in the cell 1) the chromosomes line up in the plane of the equator 2) the chromosomes diverge towards the poles of the cell 3) the number of DNA molecules is halved 4) the number of DNA molecules doubles 5. In mitosis, as in meiosis, animals form cells 1) daughter 2) somatic 3) sex 4) hybrid 6. When a cell divides, a division spindle is formed in 1) prophase 2) bodies ophase 3) metaphase 4) anaphase 7. DNA reduplication in a cell occurs in 1) prophase 2) metaphase 3) interphase 4) anaphase 8. In the process of division of the mother cell, two daughter cells are formed with an equal set of chromosomes due to 1) the multifunctionality of protein molecules 2) the ability of DNA molecules to self-replicate

2 3) pairing of chromosomes in the cell 4) the presence of protein in the chromosomes 9. In the process of mitosis, unlike meiosis, 1) female gametes are formed 2) somatic cells 3) male gametes 4) zygotes 10. In the formation of daughter cells with a diploid set of chromosomes , as in the mother cell, an important role is played by 1) meiosis 2) mitosis 3) fertilization 4) ontogenesis 11. The process of reproduction of cells of organisms of different kingdoms of wildlife is called 1) meiosis 2) mitosis 3) fertilization 4) fragmentation 12. Prophase of mitosis can be determine by 1) spiralization of chromosomes, their random arrangement in the cytoplasm 2) the location of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the cell 3) the divergence of chromatids to opposite poles of the cell 4) the presence of two nuclei and constriction in the cell 13. In what phase of mitosis do pairs of chromatids attach their centromeres to threads spindles of division 1) anaphase 2) telophase 3) prophase 4) metaphase 14. Daughter chromatids become chromosomes after 1) separation of the centromere connecting them 2) lining up chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the cell 3) exchange of segments between homologous chromosomes 4) pairing of homologous chromatids 15. Chromatids are 1) two subunits of the chromosome of a dividing cell 2) segments of a chromosome in a non-dividing cell 3) circular DNA molecules 4) two chains of one DNA molecule 16. During mitosis, the cell center is responsible for 1) the formation of the division spindle

3 2) spiralization of chromosomes 3) protein biosynthesis 4) movement of the cytoplasm somatic cells 18. In the prophase of mitosis, 1) dissolution of the nuclear membrane 2) formation of the spindle of division 3) doubling of chromosomes 4) dissolution of nucleoli 19. New somatic cells in a multicellular animal organism are formed as a result of 1) meiosis 2) mitosis 3) fertilization 4) gastrulation 20. As a result of mitosis, 1) 4 haploid cells 2) 4 diploid cells 3) 2 cells with a halved set of chromosomes 4) 2 cells with a set of chromosomes equal to the set of chromosomes of the mother cell are formed from one maternal diploid cell 21. What is the method of cell division characteristic for zygote fragmentation 1) replication 2) meiosis 3) amitosis 4) mitosis naphase 3) metaphase 4) telophase 23. The dissolution of the nuclear membrane and nucleoli during mitosis occurs in 1) prophase 2) interphase 3) telophase 4) metaphase 24. In the process of cell division, the most significant transformations undergo 1) ribosomes 2) chromosomes

4 3) mitochondria 4) lysosomes 25. Thanks to mitosis, the number of chromosomes in the cells of the body 1) doubles 2) decreases by half 3) turns out to be the same 4) changes with age 26. By what signs can you recognize the anaphase of mitosis? 1) random arrangement of spiralized chromosomes in the cytoplasm 2) alignment of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the cell 3) separation of daughter chromatids to opposite poles of the cell 4) despiralization of chromosomes and the formation of nuclear envelopes around two nuclei 27. What phase of mitosis follows interphase? 1) metaphase 2) telophase 3) prophase 4) anaphase 28. Wounds and scratches on the skin heal due to 1) mitosis 2) meiosis 3) amitosis 4) simple division 2) with the help of spores 3) sexual 4) budding 30. The unit of reproduction of organisms is 1) nucleus 2) cytoplasm 3) cell 4) tissue 31. Genetic information during the division of human somatic cells is transmitted by 1) meiosis 2) parthenogenesis 3) mitosis 4 ) translation 32. In the process of cell division, two new nuclei are formed in 1) prophase 2) interphase

5 3) metaphase 4) telophase 33. Mitotic division is most typical for cells 1) mature human blood erythrocytes 2) amphibian embryos 3) platelets 4) bacteriophages 34. The period between two cell divisions is called 1) prophase 2) metaphase 3) interphase 4) telophase 35. How many cells are formed as a result of mitosis of one cell? 1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) Fern gametes are formed as a result of 1) meiotic division of spores 2) mitotic cell division of antheridia 3) meiotic division of antheridia cells 4) meiotic division of archegonium cells equator of the cell 2) formation of centrioles 3) formation of chromatids 4) divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell along the equator 2) formation of a division spindle 3) division of the cytoplasm 4) divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell 40. The formation of two chromatids in one chromosome is based on the process of 1) carbohydrate synthesis 2) protein oxidation 3) DNA doubling

6 4) lipid cleavage 41. Mammalian germ cells, unlike somatic cells, have 1) a supply of nutrients 2) a large number of lysosomes 3) a nucleus and cytoplasm 4) a haploid set of chromosomes 42. The nucleus of a somatic cell of the human body normally contains 46 chromosomes . How many chromosomes are in a fertilized egg? 1) 46 2) 23 3) 98 4) A wheat gamete contains 14 chromosomes. What is the number of chromosomes in a cell of its stem? 1) 7 2) 14 3) 21 4) Cells in which molecules replicate 1) ATP 2) irna 3) protein 4) DNA 45 begin mitotic division. ) sporulation 3) mitosis 4) meiosis 46. The basis for the growth of any multicellular organism is 1) the content of vitamins in cells 2) the relationship of cells 3) the presence of enzymes in cells 4) cell division ) protein 2) irnc 3) DNA 4) ATP 48. How many chromosomes are contained in the nucleus of a skin cell if the nucleus of a fertilized human egg contains 46 chromosomes? 1) 23

7 2) 46 3) 69 4) The nucleus of a somatic cell of a frog contains 26 chromosomes. How many DNA molecules does a frog sperm contain? 1) 13 2) 26 3) 39 4) During mitosis, the chromosomes diverge to the poles of the cell in 1) anaphase 2) metaphase 3) prophase 4) telophase 51. One duplication of DNA and two successive cell divisions are characteristic of the process 1) meiosis 2) mitosis 3) fertilization 4) cleavage 52. As a result of mitosis, the formation of 1) animal gametes 2) somatic cells 3) bacterial cells 4) plant spores ) meiosis 4) mitosis 54. At what stage of meiosis does conjugation of homologous chromosomes take place? 1) Prophase I 2) Metaphase I 3) Prophase II 4) Metaphase II 55. At what stage of meiosis does the exchange of homologous chromosomes occur? 1) metaphase II 2) metaphase I 3) prophase II 4) prophase I 56. Which of the following processes occurs in the telophase of mitosis? 1) the formation of a fission spindle

8 2) spiralization of chromosomes 3) dissolution of the nuclear membrane 4) formation of the nuclear membrane 57. How many complete gametes are formed in human oogenesis? 1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) In daughter cells during mitosis, 1) a decrease in the number of chromosomes by half 2) a divergence of homologous chromosomes 3) a uniform distribution of chromosomes 4) the formation of nuclei with a different number of chromosomes 59. As a result of mitosis, cells are formed containing the number of chromosomes and DNA corresponding to the formula 1) nc 2) 2nc 3) 2n2c 4) 2n4c 60. As a result of meiosis, cells are formed containing the number of chromosomes and DNA corresponding to the formula 1) 2n4c 2) n2c 3) nc 4) 2n2c 61. In anaphase of mitosis occurs 1) alignment of chromosomes along the equator 2) formation of a division spindle 3) division of the cytoplasm 4) divergence of chromatids to the poles of the cell 62. In the interphase of the cell life cycle, 1) crossing over 2) chromatid divergence 3) DNA doubling 4) conjugation of chromosomes 63. Sperm in plants are formed as a result of 1) mitosis 2) fertilization 3) meiosis 4) growth 64. What is the function of chromosomes?

9 1) store hereditary information 2) carry out protein synthesis 3) form the basis of the nucleolus 4) carry out the synthesis of lipids, carbohydrates 65. What phase of cell division is shown in the figure? 1) prophase 2) metaphase 3) anaphase 4) telophase 66. Which of the following processes leads to the formation of genetically identical cells? 1) cell differentiation 2) fusion of gametes 3) duplication of organelles 4) mitotic division

Grade 10. Biology P4 profile". Task 1 The period of cell life from division to division is called: 1) interphase; 2) mitosis; 3) meiosis; 4) cell cycle. For example: 1 Task 2 Actually mitosis is preceded by:

TOPIC "MEIOSIS" 1. 1) gametes 2) somatic cells 3) eggs 4) spermatozoa are NOT formed by meiosis 2. The constancy of the number, shape and size of chromosomes during sexual reproduction of organisms is ensured

Comparison of mitosis and meiosis Phase Mitosis Meiosis 1 division 2 division Interphase Set of chromosomes 2n. There is an intensive synthesis of proteins, ATP and other organic substances. Chromosomes double, each turns out to be

The nucleus in a cell can be viewed with a light microscope during 1) metaphase 2) prophase 3) interphase 4) anaphase Prokaryotes include 1) bacteriophages 2) bacteria 3) algae 4) yeast The nucleus plays a large

The number of chromosomes and DNA molecules in different phases of mitosis and meiosis The material was prepared by the teacher of MBOU "Secondary School 198" Yapparova T.V. Reproduction reproduction of their own kind, ensuring continuity and succession

Heading Task E72FBF Reducing the number of chromosomes by half, the formation of cells with a haploid set of chromosomes occurs in the process of mitosis, fragmentation, fertilization of meiosis Task EC2B3E Than the prophase of the first

Cell division 1. The essence of mitosis is the formation of two daughter cells with 1) the same set of chromosomes, equal to the mother cell 2) the set of chromosomes is halved 3) the set is doubled

Solving biological problems on the topic "Cell division" Types of tasks 1. Determination of the number of chromosomes and DNA molecules in various phases of mitosis or meiosis. 2. Determination of the set of chromosomes of cells formed

Explanatory note to the test tasks for grade 10 on the topic "Ontogeny" Test tasks for grade 10 on the topic "Ontogeny" in four versions are based on materials: G.I. Lerner, General Biology.


Approximate tasks in Biology Grade 10 (profile level) Immersion 4 Grade 10 Mini-test 1. Immersion 4. profile 1. The biological significance of meiosis is as follows: 1) increases genetic diversity

A4 2.7. The cell is the genetic unit of living things. Chromosomes, their structure (shape and size) and functions. The number of chromosomes and their species constancy. Features of somatic and germ cells. Cell life cycle:

Cell division Introduction Reproduction reproduction by organisms of their own kind, the transfer of hereditary information from parents to offspring The ability to reproduce is one of the main properties of living organisms

1 Life cycle of a cell The life cycle of each cell consists of several cycles. A cell that is in its normal state and does not go on to division is in the G 0 phase, the resting phase. In this phase

Lecture 3. Topic: TIME ORGANIZATION OF THE CELL. 1. Cellular and mitotic cycles. The cell cycle is the period of life of a cell from the moment of its appearance to the death or formation of daughter cells.

Mushrooms, yeast? pleurococcus algae? amoeba "All new cells are formed from a cell." German scientist Rudolf Virchow. Types of cell division Somatic cells Sex cells mitosis meiosis amitosis Division

Lesson 4. Topic: TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION OF THE CELL " " 200 year Purpose of the lesson: to study the microscopic and submicroscopic structure of the cell nucleus; cell cycle and the essence of interphase, methods of cell division;

MEYOZ MEIOSIS (from the Greek Meiosis reduction) is a form of nuclear division, accompanied by a decrease in the number of chromosomes from diploid (2n) to haploid (n). Meiosis occurs during the formation of spermatozoa

Conjugation and crossing over in animal cells occurs during mitosis >>>

Conjugation and crossing over in animal cells occurs during mitosis >>> Conjugation and crossing over in animal cells occurs during mitosis Conjugation and crossing over in animal cells occurs

Meiosis 1. 1) gametes 2) somatic cells 3) eggs 4) spermatozoa are NOT formed by meiosis 2. The constancy of the number, shape and size of chromosomes during sexual reproduction of organisms is ensured

VERIFICATION WORK ON THE TOPIC "MITOSIS, MEIOSIS, ONTOGENESIS" (preparation for the exam) Part A Choose one correct answer from the four proposed: A1. The period of cell life from division to division is called: 1) interphase;

TOPIC ANSWER TESTS Cytology Choose one answer from the four given. A1. The function of mitochondria is: 1) intracellular digestion 2) energy synthesis 3) formation of the cytoskeleton 4) participation

Option I I. Choose the correct answer. 1. The life cycle of a cell consists of: a) meiosis and interphase; b) from mitosis and meiosis; c) from interphase and mitosis. 2. The most common methods of cell division:

Municipal educational institution secondary school 1 Biology project on the topic: "Cage" Completed by: Kizka E. A. Checked by: Dronova A. O. Kalutskaya N. N. Khabarovsk 2008 History

Krasnodar Institute for the Development of Education From the experience of studying the topic "Reproduction and development of organisms" in preparation for the final certification of school graduates Valuyskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna, teacher

1. Definition of mitosis 2. History of the study of mitosis 3. Phases of mitosis 4. Definition of meiosis 5. History of meiosis 6. Mechanism of meiosis 7. Phases of meiosis 8. Differences between mitosis and meiosis 9. Biological significance of meiosis

Chapter 13 Recombination 1. CS Meiosis ensures: a) growth of the organism; b) recombination in prokaryotes; c) mutational variability; d) combinative variability; e) only phenotypic variability. 2. CS What

TOPIC "Embryonic development of animals" 1. From which germ layer the nervous system and skin of animals are formed 1) mesoderm 2) endoderm 3) ectoderm 4) blastomeres 2. The process of formation of diploid

Chapter 5-6. Reproduction and development Part A Forms of reproduction 1 A1. Form of asexual reproduction characteristic of mosses and ferns: 1. Reproduction by haploid spores. 2. Vegetative reproduction. 3. Fragmentation.

1. During parthenogenesis, an organism develops from 1) a zygote 2) a vegetative cell 3) a somatic cell 4) an unfertilized ovum

FINAL TEST IN BIOLOGY 10 GRADE 10 option Part A Four (three) answers are given for each task of Part A, of which only one is correct. When completing the tasks of this part in the answer sheet under the number of the performed

Grade 9 Bank of tasks Biology P3 profile Task 1 Mitosis. Meiosis Tasks for a single choice The period of cell life from division to division is called: 1) interphase; 2) mitosis; 3) meiosis; 4) cell cycle. For example:

Grade 10 Biology test 1 option A1. What level of organization of the living is the main object of study of cytology? 1) Cellular 2) Population-species 3) Biogeocenotic 4) biospheric

Grade 9 Biology immersion 3 Topic: Mitosis, meiosis. Part 1. Choose one correct answer from the four suggested: 1. The period of cell life from division to division is called: 1) interphase; 2) mitosis; 3) meiosis;

The existence of the cell in time. Mitotic cell cycle, its regulation. The life (cellular) cycle of a cell is a set of processes occurring from the formation of a cell to its death. Go-period period

Transfer monitoring from 10 to 11 (profile medical classes). Biology. Demo version. Question Answer options Answer Score Choose one correct answer from the answers provided: 1 1 DNA reduplication

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education "Sayan Medical College" Director for Academic Affairs, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Education "Sayan Medical College"

MOU "Lyceum 3 named. P.A. Stolypin, Rtishchevo, Saratov Region "Demonstration version of the control work for conducting intermediate certification in biology Grade 10 1. Development of the animal organism from

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SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEMS OF PART C Zonova Natalya Borisovna, biology teacher, secondary school 38, highest category

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Gametogenesis The presentation was prepared by: SENL biology teacher Olga Izmailovna Khimikova Gametes are sex, or reproductive cells Gametogenesis is the process of formation of sex cells - the basis for continuation

CYTOLOGICAL BASES OF HEREDITY 1. The author of the position of the cellular theory omnis cellula e cellula is 2. N. Dawson and R. Daniel proposed a model of the structure of the biological membrane. 3. Fluid mosaic

PRACTICAL LESSON 4 TOPIC: THE PRINCIPLE OF THE TIME ORGANIZATION OF THE CELL. CELL CYCLE Objectives of the lesson: 1) To study the dynamics of the behavior of chromosomes in the process of mitosis. 2) Compare the processes of mitosis, amitosis, endomitosis

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14 GENETIC RECOMBINATION Genetic recombination involves the formation of new genetic combinations by redistributing and moving the genetic material contained in two genetically

Test 1. What form of asexual reproduction is most typical for mosses, ferns? Test 2. What form of asexual reproduction is most characteristic of hydra, yeast? Test 3. What form of asexual reproduction

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Administrative control work on genetics 1. In an individual with the Aabb genotype, gametes are formed: option 1 1) Ab, bb 2) Ab, ab 3) Aa, AA 4) Aa, bb 2. When a heterozygote is crossed with a homozygote, the proportion of homozygotes

Evaluation and methodological materials of educational subjects submitted for intermediate certification Evaluation and methodological materials in biology Form of conduct: test in the form of the Unified State Examination Grade 10 1. Consider

Title Task 73C85B Thanks to meiosis and fertilization, the number of chromosomes in cells from generation to generation decreases remains constant changes regularly increases Task 5825DA From fertilized

Test tasks 1 option A1. What level of organization of the living is the main object of study of cytology? Cellular Population-species Biogeocenotic biospheric А2. German scientists M.

Example . A particle of mass m, carrying a charge q, flies into a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the lines of the vector AT(Fig. 10). Determine the radius of the circle, the period and the circular frequency of the charged particle.

Solution . The magnetic component of the Lorentz force bends the trajectory of the particle, but does not take it out of the plane perpendicular to the field. The absolute value of the speed does not change, the force remains constant, so the particle moves in a circle. Equating the magnetic component of the Lorentz force to the centrifugal force

we obtain for the radius of the particle the equality

Particle orbital period

. (3.3.3)

The circular frequency ω is the revolution of the particle, that is, the number of revolutions in 2π seconds,

(3.3.3 ΄).

Answer : R = mv/(qB); ω = qB/m; for a particular type of particles, the period and frequency depend only on the induction of the magnetic field.

Consider the motion of a particle moving at an angle< 90° к направлению линий вектора AT(Fig. 11). Let us determine the pitch of the helix h. Speed v has two components, one of which v çç = v cosβ, is parallel AT, the other v ^ = v sin β is perpendicular to the lines of magnetic induction AT.

When a particle moves along lines AT the magnetic component of the force is zero, so the particle moves uniformly along the field with a speed

vçç = v cosβ.

Helix pitch

h = v çç T = v T cosβ.

Substituting the expression for T from formula (1.3.3), we obtain:


Per conductor element with current Id l Ampère force acts in a magnetic field.

or in scalar form

dF = I dl B sinα, (3.3.5)

where α is the angle between the conductor element and the magnetic induction.

For a conductor of finite length, it is necessary to take the integral:

F= I ∫ . (3.3.6)

The direction of the Ampère force, as well as the Lorentz force (see above), is determined by the left hand rule. But taking into account the fact that four fingers here are directed along the current.

Example . A conductor in the form of a half-ring with a radius R = 5 cm (Fig. 12) is placed in a uniform magnetic field, the lines of force of which are directed away from us (depicted by crosses). Find the force acting on the conductor if the strength of the current flowing through the conductor is I \u003d 2 A, and the magnetic field induction B \u003d 1 μT.

Solution . Let's use the formula (3.3.6), taking into account that under the integral there is a vector product, and hence, ultimately, a vector quantity. It is convenient to find the sum of vectors by projecting vectors - terms on the coordinate axis and adding their projections. Therefore, solving the problem in scalar form, the integral can be represented as a sum of integrals:

F = ∫ dF i , F = ∫ dF x + ∫ dF y.

According to the left hand rule, we find the force vectors d F acting on each element of the conductor (Fig. 12).

The first integral on the right side is equal to zero, because the sum of the projections d F is equal to zero, as follows from the figure: due to the symmetry of the picture, each positive projection corresponds to a negative one of the same magnitude. Then the desired force is only equal to the second integral

F = ∫ dF y = ∫ dF cosβ,

where β is the angle between the vectors d F and axis ОΥ, and the length element of the conductor can be represented as dl = R cos β. Since the angle is measured from the ОΥ axis to the left and to the right, the integration limits will be the values ​​- 90 0 and 90 0 . Substituting dl into dF and solving the second integral, we get


Numerical calculation gives: F = 2 2 A 10 -6 T 0.05 m = 2 10 -7 N.

Answer: F = 2 10 -7 N.

Ampère's law gives an expression for the force with which two infinitely long parallel to each other conductor with currents , located at a distance b from each other:


It can be shown that conductors with currents flowing in one direction are attracted and repelled in the case of antiparallel currents.

on the frame ( circuit) forces act with current in a magnetic field. Who seek to turn her so. To make the magnetic moment R m frame coincided with the direction of magnetic induction. At the same time, the torque M, acting on the circuit area S with current I, is equal to

M = I S B sinα, (3.3.8)

where α is the angle between the magnetic induction and the normal to the frame. In vector form

M = [ P m , B].

The position in which the angle α = 0 0 . called stable balance, and the position with α = 180 0 - unstable balance.

Elementary work of the magnetic field when the frame is rotated through an angle α

Option 1

A1. What explains the interaction of two parallel conductors with direct current?

  1. interaction of electric charges;
  2. the action of the electric field of one conductor with current on the current in another conductor;
  3. the effect of the magnetic field of one conductor on the current in another conductor.

A2. Which particle is affected by the magnetic field?

  1. on a moving charged;
  2. on a moving uncharged;
  3. to a charged one at rest;
  4. to an uncharged one at rest.

A4. A straight conductor 10 cm long is placed in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 4 T and is located at an angle of 30 0 to the magnetic induction vector. What is the force acting on the conductor from the side of the magnetic field, if the current strength in the conductor is 3 A?

  1. 1.2 N; 2) 0.6 N; 3) 2.4 N.

A6. Electromagnetic induction is:

  1. a phenomenon that characterizes the effect of a magnetic field on a moving charge;
  2. the phenomenon of the occurrence of an electric current in a closed circuit when the magnetic flux changes;
  3. a phenomenon that characterizes the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.

A7. Children swing on swings. What kind of oscillation is this?

1. free 2. forced 3. self-oscillations

A8. A body of mass m on a thread of length l oscillates with a period T. What will be the period of oscillation of a body of mass m / 2 on a thread of length l / 2?

1. ½ T 2. T 3. 4T 4. ¼ T

A9. The speed of sound in water is 1470m/s. What is the length of a sound wave with an oscillation period of 0.01 s?

1. 147km 2. 1.47cm 3. 14.7m 4. 0.147m

A10 . What is the number of oscillations in 2πs called?

1st frequency 2nd period 3rd phase 4th cycle frequency

A11. The boy heard an echo 10 seconds after the cannon fired. The speed of sound in air is 340m/s. How far is the obstacle from the boy?

A12. Determine the period of free electromagnetic oscillations if the oscillatory circuit contains a coil with an inductance of 1 μH and a capacitor with a capacitance of 36pF.

1. 40ns 2. 3*10 -18 s 3. 3.768*10 -8 s 4. 37.68*10 -18 s

A13. The simplest oscillatory system containing a capacitor and an inductor is called ...

1. self-oscillatory system 2. oscillatory system

3. Oscillating circuit 4. Oscillating plant

A14. How and why does the electrical resistance of semiconductors change with increasing temperature?

1. Decreases due to an increase in the speed of electrons.

2. Increases due to an increase in the amplitude of oscillations of the positive ions of the crystal lattice.

3. Decreases due to an increase in the concentration of free charge carriers.

4. Increases due to an increase in the concentration of free electric charge carriers.

IN 1.




tesla (Tl)

magnetic flux

henry (Hn)

magnetic field induction

weber (Wb)

volt (V)

IN 2. Particle of mass m , carrying charge q B around the circumference of the radius R with speed v . What will happen to the radius of the orbit, the period of revolution and the kinetic energy of the particle with an increase in the speed of movement?

C1. In a coil with an inductance of 0.4 H, an EMF of self-induction of 20 V occurred. Calculate the change in the current strength and energy of the magnetic field of the coil if this happened in 0.2 s.

Option 2

A1. The rotation of the magnetic needle near the current-carrying conductor is explained by the fact that it is affected by:

  1. magnetic field created by charges moving in a conductor;
  2. electric field created by the charges of the conductor;
  3. electric field created by the moving charges of a conductor.


  1. only electric field;
  2. only magnetic field.

A4. A straight conductor 5 cm long is located in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 5 T and is located at an angle of 30 0 to the magnetic induction vector. What is the force acting on the conductor from the side of the magnetic field, if the current strength in the conductor is 2 A?

  1. 0.25 N; 2) 0.5 N; 3) 1.5 N.

A6. The Lorentz force works

  1. on an uncharged particle in a magnetic field;
  2. on a charged particle resting in a magnetic field;
  3. on a charged particle moving along the lines of magnetic field induction.

A7. For a 2m square frame 2 at a current strength of 2 A, a maximum torque of 4 N∙m is applied. What is the induction of the magnetic field in the space under study?

  1. Tl; 2) 2 T; 3) 3T.

A8. What type of oscillation occurs when the pendulum swings in a clock?

1. free 2. forced

A9. The speed of sound in air is 330m/s. What is the frequency of sound vibrations if the wavelength is 33cm?

1. 1000Hz 2. 100Hz 3. 10Hz 4. 10000Hz 5. 0.1Hz

A10 Determine the period of free electromagnetic oscillations if the oscillatory circuit contains a capacitor with a capacitance of 1 μF and an inductance coil of 36H.

1. 4*10 -8 s 2. 4*10 -18 s 3. 3.768*10 -8 s 4. 37.68*10 -3 s

A11 . Determine the frequency of the emitted waves by a system containing a coil with an inductance of 9H and a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 4F.

1. 72πHz 2. 12πHz 3. 36Hz 4. 6Hz 5. 1/12πHz

A12. Which characteristic of a light wave determines its color?

1. by wavelength 2. by frequency

3. By phase 4. By amplitude

A13. Continuous oscillations that occur due to an energy source located inside the system are called ...

1. free 2. forced

3. Self-oscillations 4. Elastic oscillations

A14. Pure water is a dielectric. Why is an aqueous solution of NaCl salt a conductor?

1. Salt in water breaks down into charged Na ions+ and Cl - .

2. After the salt dissolves, the NaCl molecules transfer a charge

3. In solution, electrons are detached from the NaCl molecule and charge is transferred.

4. When interacting with salt, water molecules decompose into hydrogen and oxygen ions

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between physical



The force acting on a conductor with current from the magnetic field

Magnetic field energy

The force acting on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field.

Moves in a uniform magnetic field with induction B around the circumference of the radius R with speed v. What will happen to the radius of the orbit, the period of revolution and the kinetic energy of the particle with an increase in the charge of the particle?

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters

C1. At what angle to the magnetic field lines with an induction of 0.5 T should a copper conductor with a cross section of 0.85 mm move 2 and a resistance of 0.04 Ohm, so that at a speed of 0.5 m / s, an induction EMF equal to 0.35 V is excited at its ends? (copper resistivity ρ= 0.017 Ohm∙mm 2 /m)

Option 3

A1. Magnetic fields are created:

  1. both stationary and moving electric charges;
  2. immobile electric charges;
  3. moving electric charges.

A2. The magnetic field has an effect:

  1. only on electrical charges at rest;
  2. only on moving electric charges;
  3. both moving and resting electric charges.

A4. What force acts from a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 30 mT on a rectilinear conductor 50 cm long located in the field, through which a current of 12 A flows? The wire forms a right angle with the direction of the magnetic induction vector of the field.

  1. 18 N; 2) 1.8 N; 3) 0.18 N; 4) 0.018 N.

A6. What do the four outstretched fingers of the left hand show when determining

Ampere forces

  1. direction of field induction force;
  2. current direction;
  3. direction of Ampere's force.

A7. A magnetic field with an induction of 10 mT acts on a conductor in which the current strength is 50 A, with a force of 50 mN. Find the length of the conductor if the field induction lines and the current are mutually perpendicular.

  1. 1m; 2) 0.1 m; 3) 0.01 m; 4) 0.001 m.

A8. The chandelier swings after one push. What type of oscillation is this?

1. free 2 forced 3. self-oscillations 4. elastic oscillations

A9 .A body of mass m on a thread of length l oscillates with a period T. What will be the period of oscillation of a body of mass 2m on a thread of length 2l?

1. ½ T 2. 2T 3. 4T 4. ¼ T 5. T

A10 . The speed of sound in air is 330m/s. What is the wavelength of light at a frequency of 100 Hz?

1. 33km 2. 33cm 3. 3.3m 4. 0.3m

A11. What is the resonant frequency ν 0 in a circuit of a coil with an inductance of 4H and a capacitor with an electrical capacity of 9F?

1. 72πHz 2. 12πHz 3. 1/12πHz 4. 6Hz

A12 . The boy heard thunder 5 seconds after the lightning flash. The speed of sound in air is 340m/s. At what distance did the lightning flash from the boy?

A. 1700m B. 850m C. 136m D. 68m

A13. Determine the period of free electromagnetic oscillations if the oscillatory circuit contains a coil with an inductance of 4 μH and a capacitor with a capacitance of 9pF.

A14. What type of conductivity do semiconductor materials with donor impurities have?

1. Mostly electronic. 2. Mostly holey.

3. Equally electron and hole. 4. Ionic.

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between physicalquantities and units of their measurement



current strength

weber (Wb)

magnetic flux

ampere (A)

EMF induction

tesla (Tl)

volt (V)

IN 2. A particle of mass m that carries a charge q , moves in a uniform magnetic field with induction B around the circumference of the radius R with speed v. What will happen to the radius of the orbit, the period of revolution and the kinetic energy of the particle with an increase in the induction of the magnetic field?

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters

C1. In a coil consisting of 75 turns, the magnetic flux is 4.8∙10-3 Wb. How long should this flow disappear in order for the coil to have an average induction emf of 0.74 V?

Option 4

A1. What is observed in Oersted's experiment?

  1. a conductor with current acts on electric charges;
  2. the magnetic needle turns near the conductor with current;
  3. magnetic needle turns charged conductor

A2. A moving electric charge creates:

  1. only electric field;
  2. both electric field and magnetic field;
  3. only magnetic field.

A4. In a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.82 T, a conductor 1.28 m long is located perpendicular to the lines of magnetic induction. Determinant of the force acting on the conductor if the current in it is 18 A.

1) 18.89 N; 2) 188.9 N; 3) 1.899N; 4) 0.1889 N.

A6. An inductive current occurs in any closed conducting circuit if:

  1. The circuit is in a uniform magnetic field;
  2. The circuit moves forward in a uniform magnetic field;
  3. The magnetic flux penetrating the circuit changes.

A7. A straight conductor 0.5 m long, located perpendicular to the field lines with an induction of 0.02 T, is subjected to a force of 0.15 N. Find the strength of the current flowing through the conductor.

1) 0.15 A; 2) 1.5 A; 3) 15 A; 4) 150 A.

A8 . What type of oscillation is observed when a load suspended on a thread deviates from the equilibrium position?

1. free 2. forced

3. Self-oscillations 4. Elastic oscillations

A9. Determine the frequency of the waves emitted by the system if it contains a coil with an inductance of 9H and a capacitor with an electric capacitance of 4F.

1. 72πHz 2. 12πHz

3. 6Hz 4. 1/12πHz

A10. Determine at what frequency you need to tune an oscillatory circuit containing a coil with an inductance of 4 μH and a capacitor with a capacitance of 9Pf.

1. 4*10 -8 s 2. 3*10 -18 s 3. 3.768*10 -8 s 4. 37.68*10 -18 s

A11. Determine the period of natural oscillations of the circuit if it is tuned to a frequency of 500 kHz.

1. 1us 2. 1ks 3. 2us 4. 2ks

A12. The boy heard thunder 2.5 seconds after the lightning flash. The speed of sound in air is 340m/s. At what distance did the lightning flash from the boy?

1. 1700m 2. 850m 3. 136m 4. 68m

A13. The number of oscillations per unit of time is called..

1st frequency 2nd period 3rd phase 4th cycle frequency

A14. How and why does the electrical resistance of metals change with increasing temperature?

1. Increases due to an increase in the speed of electrons.

2. Decreases due to an increase in the speed of electrons.

3. Increases due to an increase in the amplitude of oscillations of the positive ions of the crystal lattice.

4. Decreases due to an increase in the amplitude of oscillations of the positive ions of the crystal lattice

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between physicalquantities and formulas by which these quantities are determined



EMF of induction in moving conductors

force acting on an electric charge moving in a magnetic field

magnetic flux

IN 2. A particle of mass m that carries a charge q , moves in a uniform magnetic field with induction B around the circumference of the radius R with speed v U. What will happen to the radius of the orbit, the period of revolution and the kinetic energy of the particle with a decrease in the mass of the particle?

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters

C1. A coil with a diameter of 4 cm is placed in an alternating magnetic field,whose lines of force are parallel to the axis of the coil. When the field induction changed by 1 T for 6.28 s, an EMF of 2 V appeared in the coil. How many turns does the coil have.