George Samuel Clason - putting the rules into practice. Wealth rules from ancient Babylon

Hello dear readers of my blog financial-independence!

7 rules of wealth that everyone should know:

  1. Learn to fill your wallet. This is one of the main principles of wealth. Pay yourself first and set aside at least 10% of any of your cash receipts. Received a salary - set aside 10%, won the lottery set aside 10%, hack turned up, do not forget about 10%. Nowadays, most people pay everyone but themselves! You buy food, pay the vendor, buy gas, pay gas stations, go to the hairdresser, pay the hairdresser. When will you pay yourself? You don't deserve money? This is not correct, you should pay YOURSELF first. Save at least 10%! Why exactly 10%? Everything is very simple, a person can easily live on 90% of his income, while he does not notice a special difference. Personally, every time I receive a salary, I save a little more than 10%, and I do it with ease. The main thing is to start. By the way, remember that you must first postpone, and then spend, and not vice versa. This is a very important rule, we can say that this is the main rule when moving towards wealth. Without this rule, the rest of the rules are useless. Well, I'm sure that competent and responsible people who want to change their lives read me, and therefore these rules will be easy to follow.
  2. Control your expenses. This item is well described in the article "", in which I described in detail how you can control your expenses and why this is very important. In short, controlling your spending will help you save more money for investments. By the way, on my blog you can find an article about that, which will also help you reduce your costs.
  3. Multiply your money. Learn to invest.
    Just the money in the wallet, of course, warms the soul,
    but they are of no use if they do not grow and bring even more money. The streams of money that flow into your wallet are the sprouts of your wealth. And the more such streams you have, the richer you are. Where, you will also find out on my blog. Read the article and be surprised how many ways to increase your money there are in the modern world.
  4. Protect your money from losses. The more money you have, the more you want to participate in dubious projects. By the way, I myself participate in such projects, but I do it competently and therefore even the complete loss of all investments in such a project does not hurt my pocket. Therefore, minimize your risks of losing money. If you have little experience, then it is better to invest in reliable and time-tested projects and financial instruments. Today, this is also PAMM accounts, if we are talking about online investments. And by the way, ask for investment advice from professionals, people who are engaged in investing. No need to ask the janitor for advice on how to buy gold or jewelry. You can only learn from the janitor how to properly sweep the street and which broom to choose, he is competent in this. It's just that now there is a tendency on the Internet when people ask everyone for advice. Some complete stranger invites him to participate in the next “super reliable project” and you didn’t check this person, you agree not this project and lose your money. You need to be careful about your money and they will answer you with good growth.
  5. Make buying your home a worthwhile investment of your money.
    friends, this advice gives the richest
    man in Babylon, and this is good advice. When you have a roof over your head, and even your own, it’s much easier to work, you know that you have a rear. Now most people live in rented apartments and it is very burdensome morally and financially. Moreover, renting an apartment in modern conditions is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, you need to take out a mortgage as soon as possible and the money that you pay the landlord every time to pay the bank, but you still give the money, but in the end you stay with YOUR apartment. I myself am now looking for an apartment and a good mortgage loan. Still, living in your apartment, equipping it and working in it is much more pleasant than in a room of 14 meters. Therefore, having saved up money for a down payment, and by completing the first 4 points you will do it easily, buy your own home and get a new influx of strength and vitality.
  6. Ensure income generation in the future. This wealth rule is about your retirement, the time when you can no longer work, but you need to live on something, so while you are working
    secure your future, make sure that your family does not need anything. Create additional cash flows for yourself that will work without your participation. Here we are talking about various long-term investments in reliable tools, your airbag for many years to come. Tools must be reliable. Of course, the percentage in such instruments is very small, but the chance of losing them is minimal. In the modern world of finance, this can be done using such instruments as pension savings in NPFs, endowment life insurance, a bank deposit with the possibility of partial replenishment and withdrawal of interest, and other instruments in which the risk of losing your funds is minimal. REMEMBER: Create multiple sources of income in different places and provide for your family for years to come.
  7. Improve your ability to earn. This paragraph sums up everything that has been written above. You need to constantly learn and put into practice your knowledge. An investor, and indeed any person who wants to become rich, must understand that you need to find more and more new ways to generate additional income, because some of your cash flows may be interrupted. You must increase your cash flow by creating many small "money streams". Therefore, learn new things, study and develop. And I hope my blog will help you with this.

Be sure to watch the video, which will help you better understand this topic. Especially the first paragraph of this thread:

Remember that money willingly goes to someone who knows how to manage it and knows its price. By following these 7 golden rules of wealth, you will easily achieve your goals and become financially free, you will provide your family with prosperity for many years to come.

By the way, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates in any way convenient for you.

Most people want to teach their children the responsibility of becoming enough for themselves and succeeding in life. However, very few actually accomplish this task. Why? Because, as parents, we only pass on our experiences and outdated notions of what “responsibility” is. For us, it means just getting a job, saving some money, and maybe getting a car, or something important enough. Hopefully, the following seven rules will open your eyes and help you teach your children to avoid the pitfalls that have robbed many people of their financial success opportunity.

Wealth creation. Rule 1: Postpone marriage.

Your biggest obstacle to wealth is yourself. Too often people live lives that don't create wealth and then become disillusioned with the "system" when it's really their fault.

One of the most important financial decisions you will ever make is getting married. Putting it off for just a few years can save you a decade of disappointment. Your first goal should be financial independence, with virtually no debt, with working investments. If you have these three things, your chances of success are dramatically increased by starting on equal footing (after all, financial issues are the number one reason for divorce).

Wealth creation. Rule 2: Debt is a disease.

With few exceptions, debt is a form of slavery, and a disease that eats away at the borrower. A few years ago, a young college lady shot herself because she couldn't pay off a $2,300 loan. This extreme example testifies to the power of money in people's lives. Imagine your life without debt: your car, your house, your education, everything is paid in full. Is not that great? If you seriously want to become rich, pay off your debts, this is the number one task.

Wealth creation. Rule 3: If you don't like where your parents are, try to act differently.

The old adage says "it's crazy to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results" is as true today as it was in the days it was written. If you don't like where your parents are and what they did at your age, stop doing the same. As children, they taught you everything they know about money. Many people create their future based on their knowledge of money. In order to become financially successful, you must do something different than your parents. Otherwise, your fate will be similar to theirs.

Wealth creation. Rule 4: When you start working, look for the highest paid employees.

If you are not yet working and are thinking about getting a job in the near future, it is important to take a look at how much the highest paid worker is earning in the place where you plan to work. This will give you an idea of ​​what you can look forward to as you advance. If the CEO is making $30,000 a year, then you have no chance of making six figures. Choose a job that suits your financial needs.

Wealth creation. Rule 5. Do what you love and get paid for it.

Many people do what their parents did, the parents of their parents, in general, they continue family traditions. One day, these doctors and lawyers wake up in the morning and find they hate their job. Choose a profession that you love and you will never have to regret it.

Wealth creation. Rule 6. Understanding that money is a myth.

Money is nothing more than a piece of paper. When you understand that any power you experience from money is only valid when you have a relationship with money, you suddenly become free from the constant pressure and stress of thinking about money. Especially in times like these, where you control your money ten, fifteen, or twenty years later by stopping checking your portfolio every day. You won't get anything out of it other than stress.

Wealth creation. Rule 7. Your new product is not labor, but ideas.

With the advent of the internet and other technological advances, you are no longer limited to supporting yourself or earning a living from manual labor. The only limit you have is your own imagination - your ideas are the most valuable thing you own. Every man, woman and child is a life seller: unless you own a business or an investment, you sell your manual labor to a company in exchange for a paycheck. Change your product. The gap between the rich and the poor is indeed growing every year, but not because of inequality or other injustice. On the contrary, because of rich people's understanding of money and how to use it. Capital is a seed, learn how this plant grows and you will have a great harvest. When you do this, you will be in control of your finances, not the other way around.

Rule number 1. Count money.

You can control what you measure. Get in the habit of keeping track of all income and expenses. Once you know the structure and sources of all your expenses and receipts, you will be able to manage them. Consider not only actual costs and revenues, but also plan future budgets. Make a personal financial plan - calculate your financial life for several years ahead.

Rule number 2. Know why you need big money.

Your brain needs to understand the end goal. If your subconscious does not see the need for wealth, then it will see danger in it. Money is a tool for achieving other, more important and significant goals. You must know exactly what you need to be rich for. What will you buy with this money, how will you manage it in a year, five, ten, fifty? Bring your goals to the level of necessity. Does it inspire you to take new actions?

Rule number 3. Manage your money according to the Wealth Formula.

There are two main formulas for dealing with money. The poverty formula is to earn and spend everything (Income minus expenses equals zero). According to this formula, it is impossible to become rich, because no matter how much money you receive, if you spend it, then your result is zero. The Formula of Wealth is to earn, accumulate (not spend everything), but multiply the accumulated (Income minus expenses is equal to delta, then we invest the delta and get capital). Capital is your key to wealth.

Rule number 4. Avoid debt.

Don't spend money you don't have. Avoid mortgages, loans, and simple debt. Also give up the habit of lending, even small amounts. Learn to live within your means first and spend less than you earn. The next step will be to create an ever larger gap between income and expenses. This difference will form the basis of your capital. Debts, on the contrary, will eat it up.

Rule number 5. Create new sources of income.

If your income does not grow, then you do not turn on your brain and will to the maximum. If you are not growing, then you are degrading. Get in the habit of constantly increasing your income by any means. Whatever you do now, know that it is always possible to double your income in a year. This approach will force you to look for new resources, approaches, strategies. And of course, it will lead to an increase in cash flows going to you.

Rule number 6. Focus on retention, not profitability.

The main mistake of novice investors is to focus on the percentage of income from investments. Remember the main rule - risks always correspond to profits, and if you do not see risks, this does not mean that they do not exist. When making investments, give the highest priority to their reliability and guarantee of capital return. Further, becoming an increasingly experienced investor, gradually refocus on increasing profitability.

Rule number 7. Be patient.

The fastest proven way to become rich is to “pound” capital for a long time. Any ways of looking for “fast” money end just as quickly and, in most cases, with a zero result. The vast majority of people are afraid of big and distant terms, and their fear of loss ends in quick spending. They simply do not have enough perseverance, discipline, patience and willpower to systematically create their capital. Remember that capital grows exponentially - very slowly at first, then faster, and after a few years - very, very fast.

Maxim Temchenko is a leading personal finance expert, personal finance consultant at the Ministry of Education and in MBA programs. He knows about money firsthand, but from personal experience. He independently got out of a debt hole of 2.5 million rubles and became a dollar millionaire in 6 years. Author of 4 books, including the bestseller "Financial Superpowers". Founder of the personal finance training system “Millionaires Club”. More than 1,000 of his students have become millionaires.

George Samuel Clason reveals 7 rules leading to wealth and talks about 5 laws.

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In November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, in the American city of Louisiana, in the Clayson family, a boy was born. He was named George Samuel, and subsequently, this boy became a world-famous writer and successful entrepreneur.

Founded a mapping company that created the first road atlas of the United States and Canada.

Clason's work formed the basis of modern classics of economic literature. His book The Richest Man in Babylon is a guide to becoming rich and successful.

This is a real poverty pill. In his work, the reader will not find newfangled psychological theses.

financial literacy

The basis of the book is permeated by the idea - to give each person knowledge, by applying which you can get rich. It does not matter where a person lives, at what time, in what country.

These simple, financial rules worked six thousand years ago, and they still work today. If you apply them in your life, then each person will be able to provide for himself and his family.

George Samuel Clason did not just describe these rules. The Babylonian Parables formed the basis of the financial strategy. Cuneiform tablets with parables were found in the area of ​​Mesopotamia and their age is more than six thousand years.

When the records were translated, George was struck by the fact that the economic instruments used six thousand years ago had not changed at all.

That the monetary system works today on the same principle as in ancient times. Previously, gold and silver, and now - money, are the measure of a person's success.

Before starting to write the book, George Samuel Clason applied these rules in his life and proved their universality and immutability.

They have repeatedly proven their efficiency in any segment of the population and have become a springboard to stable financial success and well-being.

George Samuel Clason - putting the rules into practice

The main thing is that after reading these rules, do not forget to put them into practice, without this there will be no breakthrough. Knowledge alone will not give the desired result, an obligatory component of which is action, the implementation of rules in your life.


His book has been read by millions of people, and for some it has become a desktop reference. How do people react to the book? I won't be dishonest if I say that it's enthusiastic.

It motivates, encourages action, but most importantly, the book dramatically changes thinking from counter-productive to productive. That is, it turns your worldview upside down. You begin to understand how accessible these rules are for all people, without exception.

After reading, people realize how much was accumulated and lost in an instant. And thanks to the book, a clear scheme of life develops in my head.

Such reviews of the book are not at all uncommon: “I will never let it out of my hands, I will read and reread it. I will follow her advice, I believe that these rules will change my life.

You can download George Samuel Clason's The Richest Man in Babylon for free. To get access to download the book in PDF and audio format, click on one of the social network buttons.

audio book "The Richest Man in Babylon" -
PDF book "The Richest Man in Babylon" -

7 rules of wealth

Would you like to know 7 rules that will allow every person to become rich and successful? Then read on.

  1. Pay yourself at least a tenth of every income. When receiving a salary, or other, other income, set aside a tenth. This will be your payment for the labors to yourself. Do not spend this money, however much you would like to do it;
  2. Keep track of income and expenses, try not to make unnecessary expenses. Find a way to spend less, see where your money goes;
  3. That part of the money that you pay yourself, make it work. Invest in a reliable business, albeit with a small income. Money should not lie, they should be in circulation;
  4. Protect your investments from losses, do not invest in dubious and risky scams. Invest them only where you can pick them up at any time;
  5. Buy your own home. Becoming a homeowner opens up many pleasant experiences. And what is important, finding your own housing - you reduce costs;
  6. You need to take care of a comfortable old age from a young age, when there will be no strength to earn a living. Set up an automatic source of income that will generate profit without your participation;
  7. Learn, develop, gain wisdom. Improve your skills to increase wealth, increase knowledge in many areas.

As you can see, these rules have not lost their relevance in our days, they will work just as well, thousands of years after us. Each person is able to grow his own tree from one coin - a seed of wealth.

5 Laws of Wealth from The Richest Man in Babylon

  1. Gold reaches out to those who save a tenth of their earnings, securing their future;
  2. Gold works in full force on a wise owner who profitably invests him in business;
  3. Gold needs protection, and therefore prefers caution and the advice of smart people;
  4. Gold does not like being forced to work in an area where a person is not knowledgeable;
  5. Gold eludes those who invest in adventurous or ill-conceived projects, embodying romantic dreams of wealth.

The richest man in Babylon, total

This work seems to be conducting a study of the personal success of each person. The rules described in it save from an empty wallet. They are so simple that you wonder why you didn't think of this before.

The financial law that worked in antiquity still works. It is used by all successful people on the planet. And George Samuel Clason noticed this feature and decided to tell all people about it.

My goal, the goal of my blog, is to bring people the truth that anyone can be successful. And success and prosperity always go side by side.

Today I want to invite you to learn the secret of money, to find out why money goes to some and bypasses others.

Why do some people increase their capital every day and work for the owners, while others do not have enough money from salary to advance.

If you want to live comfortably, read the book and apply 7 rules and 5 laws to your life. I believe that you will achieve wealth and success in life.

It all starts with our thinking. Good luck, friends!

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Most people want to teach their children the responsibility of becoming enough for themselves and succeeding in life. However, very few actually accomplish this task. Why? Because, as parents, we only pass on our experiences and outdated notions of what “responsibility” is.
For us, it means just getting a job, saving some money, and maybe getting a car, or something important enough. Hopefully, the following seven rules will open your eyes and help you teach your children to avoid the pitfalls that have robbed many people of their financial success opportunity.

Wealth creation. Rule 1: Postpone marriage.

Your biggest obstacle to wealth is yourself. Too often people live lives that don't create wealth and then become disillusioned with the "system" when it's really their fault.

One of the most important financial decisions you will ever make is getting married. Putting it off for just a few years can save you a decade of disappointment. Your first goal should be financial independence, with virtually no debt, with working investments. If you have these three things, your chances of success are dramatically increased by starting on equal footing (after all, financial issues are the number one reason for divorce).

Wealth creation. Rule 2: Debt is a disease.

With few exceptions, debt is a form of slavery, and a disease that eats away at the borrower. A few years ago, a young college lady shot herself because she couldn't pay off a $2,300 loan. This extreme example testifies to the power of money in people's lives. Imagine your life without debt: your car, your house, your education, everything is paid in full. Is not that great? If you seriously want to become rich, pay off your debts, this is the number one task.

Wealth creation. Rule 3: If you don't like where your parents are, try to act differently.

The old adage says "it's crazy to do the same thing over and over again expecting different results" is as true today as it was in the days it was written. If you don't like where your parents are and what they did at your age, stop doing the same. As children, they taught you everything they know about money. Many people create their future based on their knowledge of money. In order to become financially successful, you must do something different than your parents. Otherwise, your fate will be similar to theirs.

Wealth creation. Rule 4: When you start working, look for the highest paid employees.

If you are not yet working and are thinking about getting a job in the near future, it is important to take a look at how much the highest paid worker is earning in the place where you plan to work. This will give you an idea of ​​what you can look forward to as you advance. If the CEO is making $30,000 a year, then you have no chance of making six figures. Choose a job that suits your financial needs.

Wealth creation. Rule 5. Do what you love and get paid for it.

Many people do what their parents did, the parents of their parents, in general, they continue family traditions. One day, these doctors and lawyers wake up in the morning and find they hate their job. Choose a profession that you love and you will never have to regret it.

Wealth creation. Rule 6. Understanding that money is a myth.

Money is nothing more than a piece of paper. When you understand that any power you experience from money is only valid when you have a relationship with money, you suddenly become free from the constant pressure and stress of thinking about money. Especially in times like these, where you control your money ten, fifteen, or twenty years later by stopping checking your portfolio every day. You won't get anything out of it other than stress.

Wealth creation. Rule 7. Your new product is not labor, but ideas.

With the advent of the internet and other technological advances, you are no longer limited to supporting yourself or earning a living from manual labor. The only limit you have is your own imagination - your ideas are more valuable than what you own. Every man, woman and child is a life seller: unless you own a business or an investment, you sell your manual labor to a company in exchange for a paycheck. Change your product. The gap between the rich and the poor is indeed growing every year, but not because of inequality or other injustice. On the contrary, because of rich people's understanding of money and how to use it. Capital is a seed, learn how this plant grows and you will have a great harvest. When you do this, you will be in control of your finances, not the other way around.