Where is the 31 airborne brigade. Participation in hostilities

May 5, 2018 agency "Interfax-AVN", by 2023, in accordance with the plan for the construction of the Airborne Forces (VDV), it is planned to reorganize the 31st separate guards airborne assault brigade into the 104th guards airborne assault division. This information was announced on Saturday by the head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov. He spoke at a solemn rally on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the redeployment of the 104th Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov, 2nd class, division from the Republic of Azerbaijan to Ulyanovsk and the 20th anniversary of the formation of the successor formation of the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade.

BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles delivered in 2017 from the 31st Guards Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Airborne Forces. Ulyanovsk, 08/01/2017 (c) ulpressa.ru

“Today, when the plan for the construction of the Airborne Forces until 2030 has been approved, we should expect that by the 25th anniversary of the brigade in 2023 we will revive again the now 104th Airborne Assault Division, which is planned to be deployed in three cities: Ulyanovsk, Penza and Orenburg," said V. Shamanov.

"We will also revive the 345th legendary regiment, which successfully performed combat missions in Afghanistan. This will be a tribute to the feat and heroism of these wonderful people," the head of the committee added.

He said that recently at a meeting with the President of Russia in St. Petersburg, on behalf of the veteran community, he addressed him with a proposal to give a political assessment of the almost 10-year stay of Soviet troops in Afghanistan in connection with the 30th anniversary of their withdrawal from this country, which will be celebrated in 2019. "The President of Russia agreed with this," V. Shamanov said.

He noted the decisive role of the personnel of the 31st brigade in the fact that in Russian society military personnel began to be called "polite people." "You did this by returning Crimea to its native harbour," the head of the State Duma committee emphasized, addressing the paratroopers standing in the ranks.

"Bow to you, success in combat and political training and faith in the future of Russia," V. Shamanov wished.

From the side of bmpd, we recall that for the first time plans to reorganize the 31st separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade stationed in Ulyanovsk into the 104th Guards Airborne Assault Division were in the media back in June 2015. At the same time, it was stated that "the reconstituted unit will have three regiments in its combat strength, it is planned to deploy these regiments in Ulyanovsk, Engels and Orenburg."

The 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov Airborne Division was one of the oldest formations of the USSR Airborne Forces and was formed in January 1944 as the 11th Guards Airborne Division. At the end of 1944, it was reorganized into the 104th Guards Rifle Division, which ended hostilities in May 1945 in Czechoslovakia. In April 1946, the division was reorganized into the 104th Guards Airborne Division and deployed in Narva (Estonian SSR). In 1960, the division was redeployed to Kirovabad (Ganja) of the Azerbaijan SSR. In May 1993, the division was withdrawn from Azerbaijan to Ulyanovsk and in 1998 it was reorganized into the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Order of the Kutuzov Brigade (since 2007 - the 31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Order of the Kutuzov Brigade).

By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the 104th Guards Order of Kutuzov Airborne Division included three airborne regiments - the 328th Guards Airborne Regiment, the 337th Guards Airborne Order of Alexander Nevsky Regiment and the 345th Guards Parachute Regiment. Airborne Vienna Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment named after the 70th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol - the last regiment in the status of a separate one took an active part in the hostilities in Afghanistan in 1979-1989, and after the withdrawal from Afghanistan was in 1989 included in the 104th division.

It should be noted that in 2013-2015, as commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General V. Shamanov repeatedly announced plans to create the 345th Separate Guards Airborne Assault Brigade with the proposed deployment in Voronezh, which was supposed to inherit the traditions and regalia 345 1st Airborne Regiment. However, plans to create a new airborne assault brigade in Voronezh were gradually abandoned, and, as can be understood from the current statements of V. Shamanov, it is now planned to recreate the 345th regiment as part of the 104th division planned for restoration.

Now the Airborne Forces of Russia include two airborne (98th and 106th) and two airborne assault (7th and 76th) divisions and four separate airborne assault brigades (11th, 31 -I, 56th and 83rd), as well as a separate special-purpose brigade (45th).

Mass media of Ulyanovsk, August 1, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Airborne Forces, the second battalion set of new military equipment and weapons, in total including about 50 BMD airborne combat vehicles -4M and amphibious armored personnel carriers BTR-MDM "Rakushka".

Earlier, on April 28, 2017, the first battalion set of about 50 BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles and BTR-MDM Rakushka armored personnel carriers were handed over to the 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade in Ulyanovsk.

Deliveries of battalion sets of new BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles (including armored personnel carriers BTR-MDM Rakushka) to the Airborne Forces have been carried out since 2016, and since 2017, apparently, two battalion sets per year have been carried out at a planned pace. In 2016, the first two battalion sets of serial BMD-4M (including one manufactured in 2015) of the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment of the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Russian Airborne Forces, stationed in Ryazan. Now in 2017, the 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade in Ulyanovsk received two BMD-4M battalion sets.

In addition, at the beginning of 2017, a BMD-4M company set (ten vehicles) of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in Omsk.

Each battalion kit includes 31 BMD-4Ms, and presumably 16 BTR-MDMs.

Serial production of the BMD-4M ("Object 960M") is carried out by JSC "Volgograd Tractor Plant", and the BTR-MDM ("Object 955") - by JSC "Kurgan Machine-Building Plant" (KMZ). The supply of serial BMD-4M and BTR-MDM is carried out under a long-term contract concluded by the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2014.

The first 17 serial BMD-4M and 12 BTR-MDM were delivered to the Ministry of Defense in the first half of 2015. According to known data, they were received by the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov. The delivery of the first BMD-4M battalion set was also originally scheduled for 2015, but was eventually postponed for a year due to "the need to refine production documentation", and this first battalion set was handed over to the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment in Ryazan only in September 2016.

BMD-4M and BTR-MDM were officially adopted by the Russian Armed Forces in April 2016.

Transfer of the second battalion set of airborne combat vehicles BMD-4M and armored personnel carriers BTR-MDM "Rakushka" to the 31st Guards Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Airborne Forces. Ulyanovsk, 08/01/2017 (c) ulpressa.ru

Ulyanovsk conscripts were given the opportunity to look at the equipment, weapons, equipment and life of servicemen directly in the military unit. Together with them, we passed through the territory of the 31st separate airborne assault brigade stationed in Ulyanovsk.

On Saturday, Ulyanovsk hosted a social and patriotic action "Conscript's Day". More than three hundred Ulyanovsk conscripts arrived in 31 air assault brigades. This promotion takes place twice a year. As a reminder, the spring call began on April 1. For the parents of conscripts, an information and advisory center is organized with the participation of the military prosecutor, the military commissar, and a representative of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers.

After lining up on the parade ground and welcoming words, the event continued with the laying of a basket of flowers at the monument to the paratroopers who died in the line of military duty. Then the guests were divided into groups, and the group leaders took them on a tour of the unit, during which the recruits were shown equipment, weapons, equipment and the life of military personnel.

So what did the conscripts see?

“We go to the first floor,” the words of the senior in the group sound. “Personnel live here, including contractors.”

Here is a place for cleaning, here is a schedule, then a room for storing weapons.

Can we go there? The conscripts perked up.

No, you can't go there! Only the company officer on duty and those who receive weapons have the right to enter there, - answered the senior in the group.

There is also a leisure room - with a TV, sofas, books. By the way, the library has a fairly wide spread: from the Russian romantic novel from the Classics and Contemporaries series to the X-Files.

"Valera, your time!"

“Weapons love accuracy and cleanliness in handling,” the educational program on military equipment used in the unit began with these words.

By the way, the conscripts were immediately warned that photography with all types of weapons had to be banned. The fact is that when photographing, there are inadequate people who, for example, put a weapon to their temple. However, with some types of weapons, they were still allowed to take a photo for memory. The conscripts were animatedly discussing the features of this or that technique, and when posing for a photo, they heard: “Valera, your time!” and “Like in “counter!”.

But, of course, computer toys are one thing, and serving in the Airborne Forces is another. There was a feeling that in the course of the event, the conscripts were more and more imbued with the seriousness of military service. Yes, and a brief historical background, given in the Room of Battle Glory, located on the territory of the unit, confirms this.

Our brigade was formed during the Great Patriotic War and has vast combat experience. The servicemen took part in military operations, military conflicts, including in Afghanistan and the Chechen Republic. Among them are Heroes of the USSR and Russia.

In the Room of Battle Glory, you can recognize brigades and see many interesting exhibits. The equipment of military personnel is also presented here. For example, a raid backpack for combat missions up to a hundred kilometers, a 12-kilogram body armor, a plastic helmet that replaced the iron one.

Shown here is the D-6 parachute, on which paratroopers performed jumps until recently (its area is 80 square meters). Now they jump with D-10 parachutes, the area of ​​which is 100 square meters. There is also a unique chair here - Yuri Gagarin went up into space on exactly the same one. In addition, the reserve parachute Z-5 is presented. During the tour, the details of training and jumping were told, for example, after stepping “into the abyss”, paratroopers count the seconds, saying 501, 502, 503, and pull the ring.

If in the Room of Military Glory - theory, then further - at the place of training of paratroopers - the most practical practice, where a deviation from discipline can cost lives.

Airborne complex - at this training site, paratroopers are taught and trained to make a parachute jump from military transport aircraft. On the parachute tower are future skydivers: they have never jumped from an airplane in their lives. These are conscripts, people who decided to start contract service, but served in other troops. Also, every week there are classes for military personnel of the unit, so as not to lose their qualifications.

The height of the tower, taking into account the lightning rod, is 45 meters, the jump is made from the platform at a height of 30 meters. On the tower, actions are practiced that are necessary for a parachutist directly in front of the ground.

And here they teach how to act in the air, where there are rules. If they are not observed, listened inattentively and do not do what is required, everything can end badly. As the conscripts were told, airborne training is written in blood, and therefore here they require maximum attention and exact repetition of actions. If this does not happen, then the person does not get the road to heaven.

This is an imitation of an aircraft from which jumps will be made in the future. Jumping skills are honed here.

By the way, after the story about the training of paratroopers, the recruits were asked if they wanted to serve in the Airborne Forces. Impressed recruits raised their hands timidly at first, but several people firmly "voted" for service in the airborne troops. However, according to the impressions of many conscripts, this event is useful and interesting.

The last stop on the tour was the dining room. Now in the army, cooks prepare food. Traditionally, there is a strict timetable for meals, in the lobby there is a menu, a plan for assigning tables to departments and other thematic information.

Subordination Type of

air assault brigade

Includes population Dislocation Patron Participation in Marks of Excellence commanders Current Commander

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Brigade (31st odshbr) - a military formation as part of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

History of formation

Creation of a formation

The brigade was created as a result of the reformation of the 104th Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov II degree division in 1998, having received its final name in 2007

Participation in hostilities

The 31st brigade took part in the fighting on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War

The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008.

Current state

The brigade is stationed in the city of Ulyanovsk (the village of Polivno). Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to the contract recruitment system.

Near the territory of the brigade, a park was laid out and a monument was erected to Paratrooper No. 1, Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army Vasily Filippovich Margelov

On June 4, 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to recreate the 104th Guards Air Assault Division of the three-regiment structure on the basis of the 31st Airborne Brigade.


The brigade (military unit 73612) includes:

  • Brigade management and headquarters
  • parachute battalion
  • 2 air assault battalions
  • artillery battalion
  • combat and logistics support units
  • military transport aviation squadron

formation heroes

Igoshin, Roman Viktorovich - commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the 31st separate air assault brigade. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia on March 23, 2000.


  • Guards Major General Orlov Vadim Ivanovich 1998-2000
  • Guard Colonel Sergey Evgenievich Kapustin 2000-2002
  • Guards Colonel Nikulnikov Nikolai Sergeevich 2002-2005
  • Guard Colonel Kochetkov Vladimir Anatolyevich since 2005
  • Guard Colonel Glushenkov Dmitry Valerievich 2010-2012
  • Guard Colonel Anashkin Gennady Vladimirovich August 2012 - July 2014
  • Guards Colonel Ovcharov Dmitry from July 2014 - to the present.

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An excerpt characterizing the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade

Moscow meanwhile was empty. There were still people in it, a fiftieth of all the former inhabitants remained in it, but it was empty. It was empty, as a dying beehive that has become matless is empty.
The matted hive is no longer alive, but on the surface it seems as alive as the others.
Just as merrily, in the hot rays of the midday sun, bees curl around a matted hive, as they do around other living hives; in the same way it smells of honey from afar, in the same way bees fly in and out of it. But it is worth taking a closer look at it in order to understand that there is no longer life in this hive. Bees fly not like in living hives, not the same smell, not the same sound strikes the beekeeper. To the knock of the beekeeper on the wall of the diseased hive, instead of the former, instantaneous, friendly answer, the hissing of tens of thousands of bees, menacingly squeezing their backs and producing this airy vital sound with a quick beat of wings, he is answered by scattered buzzing, echoing loudly in different places of the empty hive. The entrance does not smell, as before, of the alcoholic, fragrant smell of honey and poison, it does not carry the warmth of fullness from there, and the smell of emptiness and rot merges with the smell of honey. The notch has no more guards preparing for death for protection, raising their backsides, trumpeting the alarm. There is no longer that even and quiet sound, the fluttering of labor, similar to the sound of boiling, but the incoherent, scattered noise of disorder is heard. In and out of the hive, timidly and evasively, black oblong, honey-smeared robber bees fly in and out; they do not sting, but elude danger. Previously, only with burdens they flew in, and empty bees flew out, now they fly out with burdens. The beekeeper opens the bottom well and peers into the bottom of the hive. Instead of the black lashes of succulent bees that previously hung to the tie (lower bottom), pacified by labor, holding each other by the legs and pulling the foundation with a continuous whisper of labor, sleepy, shriveled bees wander in different directions absent-mindedly along the bottom and walls of the hive. Instead of a floor that was cleanly glued up with glue and swept away by fans of the wings, crumbs of foundations, bee stool, half-dead, slightly moving legs and completely dead, untidy bees lie at the bottom.
The beekeeper opens the upper well and inspects the head of the hive. Instead of continuous rows of bees, clinging to all the gaps of the combs and warming the children, he sees the skillful, complex work of the combs, but no longer in the form of virginity in which she used to be before. Everything is up and running. Robbers - black bees - darting quickly and stealthily to work; their bees, shriveled, short, lethargic, as if old, wander slowly, not bothering anyone, wanting nothing and losing consciousness of life. Drones, hornets, bumblebees, butterflies stupidly knock on the walls of the hive in flight. In some places, between foundations with dead children and honey, an angry grumbling is occasionally heard from different directions; somewhere, two bees, out of old habit and memory, cleaning the nest of the hive, diligently, beyond their strength, drag away a dead bee or a bumblebee, without themselves knowing why they are doing it. In another corner, two other old bees are lazily fighting, or cleaning themselves, or feeding one another, not knowing themselves whether they are hostile or friendly. In the third place, a crowd of bees, crushing each other, attacks some kind of victim and beats and strangles it. And a weakened or killed bee slowly, easily, like fluff, falls from above into a pile of corpses. The beekeeper unrolls two medium foundations to see the nest. Instead of the former solid black circles back and forth of thousands of bees sitting and observing the highest secrets of their native business, he sees hundreds of dull, half-dead and dormant skeletons of bees. Almost all of them died without knowing it, sitting on the shrine, which they guarded and which no longer exists. They smell of rot and death. Only some of them move, rise, fly languidly and sit on the enemy's hand, unable to die, stinging him - the rest, dead, like fish scales, easily fall down. The beekeeper closes the well, marks the block with chalk and, having chosen the time, breaks it out and burns it out.
Moscow was so empty when Napoleon, tired, restless and frowning, paced back and forth at the Kamerkollezhsky Wall, waiting for that, although external, but necessary, according to his concepts, observance of decency - a deputation.
In different corners of Moscow, people were still moving around senselessly, observing their old habits and not understanding what they were doing.
When it was announced to Napoleon with due caution that Moscow was empty, he looked angrily at the one who informed about this and, turning away, continued to walk in silence.
“Give the carriage,” he said. He got into the carriage next to the adjutant on duty and drove to the suburbs.

The 31st Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Federation has been deployed to Syria. SAA continues offensive May 24th, 2017

Original taken from nkfedor The 31st Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Federation has been deployed to Syria. SAA continues to advance

SAA continues to attack terrorist positions east of Damascus, Aleppo and Homs . Reports appeared on social networks that the 31st separate guards air assault brigade of the Russian Federation was deployed to Suwayda (southern Syria). These are not the Special Operations Forces (SOF), not units serving the VKS group in Syria (like the marines in Latakia). So far, nothing can be said about the composition of the brigade (what kind of battalions).

Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions near the city of Douma in the Eastern Ghouta of Damascus , freed a research center near the Damascus-Baghdad highway from the FSA; took control of the village of Zuluf and territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border in eastern Damascus; occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat As-Salisa south of the Al-Jirah air base; fought with IS in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Al-Shumaria mountains northeast of Palmyra, destroyed several vehicles of IS terrorists near the Deir ez-Zor air base; attacked the positions of the radicals in the Dar'a al-Balad area; destroyed three IS military pickup trucks east of Salamiyeh; carried out airstrikes on IS positions near the city of Ukeyribat in Hama.

Islamic State (IS): exchanged prisoners with Jaish al-Islam; fought with Tahrir al-Sham near the Yarmouk refugee camp in southern Damascus; bombarded the neighborhoods of Kharabesh, Al-Jura and Al-Kusur in Deir ez-Zor, shelled the city of Salamiyah in the east of Hama.

Syrian Free Army (FSA) fought with the SAA in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Al-Hula in the northwest of Homs, destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya quarter in the south of Dar'a, and shot down a Syrian Su-24 aircraft in Dar'a.

Jabhat Fath Ash-Sham shelled the quarters of Dar'a, there are casualties among civilians.

Kurds fought with ISIS near the village of Huneyda, east of At-Tabka, captured the villages of Tal Malla and Salkhabiyat al-Sharqiya near Raqqa; lost six soldiers in an ISIS attack in Raqqa.

international coalition carried out airstrikes on strongholds of ISIS terrorists in the area of ​​the settlement of Kudairan to the west of Raqqa.

Damascus Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the south of Damascus, according to the Syrian Monitoring Center for Human Rights, there was an exchange of prisoners between militants of the Jaish al-Islam group and ISIS terrorists. After that, fighting resumed between ISIS and the Islamists "Tahrir al-Sham" near the Yarmouk refugee camp. This was reported by the Twitter channel (@P_Strickland).

Recall that detachments of the Islamic State and the armed opposition are stationed in the southern suburbs of Damascus. However, according to the Al Masdar News news agency, ISIS terrorists intend to leave the occupied territories and move to areas under the control of the Islamic State.

To the north-east of Damascus in the region of Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired at militant positions in the area of ​​​​the city of Douma, where the Jabhat Fatah Al-Sham group operates, which is not covered by the ceasefire.

In the southeast of Damascus, the SAA continued its offensive against the positions of the Syrian Free Army (FSA). During the offensive of government troops, a research center was liberated, located south of the Zaza intersection on the Damascus-Baghdad highway.

Also, according to AMN, the Syrian army, with the support of allied pro-government units, took control of the village of Zuluf along vast territories along the Syrian-Jordanian border, approaching the At-Tanf checkpoint.

Aleppo Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the eastern part of the province of Aleppo, a large-scale attack on strongholds of the Islamic State terrorists continued. Damascus Now reported that government troops occupied the villages of Tell Fida and Al-Mazraat As-Salisa, located south of the Al-Jirah military airbase.

The Syrian army plans to soon liberate the city of Muskana, a key IS outpost in Aleppo. At the moment, the army of Bashar al-Assad is working just 10 km from the city. Muscana has been occupied by IS militants since 2014.

Homs Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. The liberated area of ​​Al-Waer in the north-east of Homs, from which militants of the armed opposition were completely evacuated, yesterday began to be cleared of barricades and construction waste left by the Islamists. The radicals left for the city of Jarablus in the north of Aleppo. For the first time since 2011, the capital of the region is under the complete control of government forces.

In the east of the province, the Syrian army continued its large-scale offensive against the fortified areas of IS militants. Over the past day, fighting took place in the area of ​​the Arak oil field, as well as in the Ash-Shumaria mountains northeast of Palmyra. The SAA operated with the support of the special detachments of the 5th Assault Corps, the Tigers, as well as the pro-government Palestinian Liwa Al-Quds detachments.

According to Al Masdar News, the Syrian army is preparing an offensive in the direction of the largest IS stronghold in the region, the city of Al-Sukhna, which is located on the way to Deir ez-Zor.

In the north-west of the province, skirmishes were also recorded between the SAR troops and militants of the armed opposition - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Al-Hula. This was reported by the opposition portal Aleppo Media Center. Recall that these territories are in the de-escalation zone, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich there is a regime without fire, however, the radicals do not stop attacking the positions of the SAA, which force government troops to return fire.

Deir ez-Zor Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. During the day, the terrorists of the "Islamic State" continued to shell the quarters of the administrative center of the province. As a result of the attack by IS militants on the Kharabesh district in Deir ez-Zor, one civilian was killed and 13 were injured. This was reported by the portal Damascus Now. Also, during the shelling of the Al-Jura and Al-Qusur neighborhoods by IS militants, according to the Damascus Now news agency, five people, including two children, were injured.

Government troops fired back at strongholds of ISIS radicals near the Deir ez-Zor military air base and in the area of ​​​​the city cemetery. According to AMN, several ISIS vehicles were destroyed.

Military experts agree that the militants intend to transfer their troops to Deir ez-Zor after the defeat in Mosul and for this they are trying to drive government units out of the provincial capital as soon as possible.

Dar'a Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. Despite the ceasefire regime, clashes between government troops and militants of the "free army" continued near the capital of the region. According to a military source on Twitter (@Step_Agency), militants destroyed a SAA military vehicle in the Al-Manshiya quarter in the south of Dar'a. There were also shelling of the city's districts by the anti-government group Jabhat Fatah Ash-Sham, as a result of which two women and a child were injured. The army of Bashar al-Assad, in turn, carried out rocket fire on the positions of the radicals in the Dar'a al-Balad region.

Opposition sources claimed that the militants managed to shoot down a Syrian Su-24 military aircraft, but the data was not confirmed. The aircraft did suffer wing damage but managed to land, a government source said.

Hama Province

05/23/2017 (06:00) - FAN. In the province of Hama, over the course of yesterday, battles unfolded around the key city of Salamiyah, one of the connecting links of the strategic highway "Road of Life". The terrorists of the "Islamic state" fired at the city from rocket launchers, as a result of the attacks one person was killed, three civilians were injured. Damascus Now later reported that the Syrian Air Force had destroyed three ISIS vehicles east of Salamiyah.

In the eastern part of the province, Syrian warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on IS positions near the villages of Suha and Rasm al-Awabid near the town of Ukeyribat, the main IS stronghold in Hama. There were no data on losses in the ranks of the radicals.

Opposition sources also reported on the shelling of the Syrian army in the area of ​​the settlements of Al-Latamin and Kafr Zeta in the north of the region. This information has not yet received official confirmation. Recall that the territories in the north of Hama are included in one of the security zones, however, the Islamists, conducting regular provocative shelling of the fortified areas of government troops, are forcing the SAA to strike back.

31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade

31st Separate Guards Airborne Assault Order of Kutuzov Brigade (31st Airborne Brigade)- a military formation as part of the Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The brigade was created as a result of the reform of the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Order of Kutuzov in 1998, having received its final name in 2007.

The 31st brigade took part in the fighting on the territory of Chechnya during the Second Chechen War
The combined battalion tactical group of the 31st brigade took part in the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008. The brigade is stationed in the city of Ulyanovsk (the village of Polivno). Since 2005, the brigade has been transferred to a contract recruiting system.

On June 4, 2015, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided to recreate the 104th Guards Airborne Assault Division of the three-regiment structure on the basis of the 31st Airborne Brigade.

AT brigade composition(military unit 73612) includes:
- Management and headquarters of the brigade
- paratrooper battalion
- 2 air assault battalions
- artillery battalion
— subdivisions of combat and logistic support
- military transport aviation squadron
- engineering sapper company

In the military section of the Global Adventure forum, there is a video, two years ago, in which we are talking about the participation 31st odshbr in the exercises of the collective rapid reaction forces of the CSTO, held in April 2014 on the territory of Belarus. According to legend, the soldiers rebuff the terrorists who decided to carry out a military coup.

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