Where is Kuzbass located in Russia? Administrative division and management of the city. Newspapers and magazines

The Kemerovo region is located in the southeast of Western Siberia and is located almost at an equal distance from the western and eastern borders of the Russian Federation. The Kemerovo region is located in temperate latitudes between 52°08" and 56°54" north latitude, and 84°33" and 89°28" east longitude. The region was formed within its present borders on January 26, 1943. The territory of the region is completely located in the sixth time zone. Distance to Moscow - 3482 km, time difference - +4 hours. In accordance with Federal Law No. 131 "On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government", the administrative division of the Kemerovo Region as of January 1, 2008 is represented by 223 municipalities, of which:

urban districts - 16;

municipal districts - 18;

urban settlements - 22;

rural settlements - 167.

Administrative center - the city of Kemerovo (520.1 thousand inhabitants).

Area of ​​the territory of the Kemerovo region - 95.7 thousand sq. km, which is 4% of the territory of Western Siberia and 0.56% of the territory of Russia.

Administrative boundaries Kemerovo region land. In the north, it borders on the Tomsk region, in the east - on the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia. In the south, the borders with the Republic of Altai and the Altai Territory pass along the main ridges of Gornaya Shoria and the Salair Ridge, in the west - the borders with the Novosibirsk Region along the flat terrain. An important feature of the geographical location of the Kemerovo region is that it is located near the center of the Eurasian continent at the junction of Western and Eastern Siberia, and is far from the seas and oceans.

The Kuznetsk depression is the largest geomorphological structure of the Kemerovo region. Its area is 30 thousand square kilometers, and its length from north to south is more than 350 km and from west to east 100-120 km. The Kuznetsk Basin is located in the center of the region, surrounded by mountain ranges on three sides. From the east, on the right bank of the Tom River, the basin borders on the mountain ranges of the Kuznetsk Alatau, and from the south and west it closes with the massifs of the Mountain Shoria of the Salair Ridge. In general, the modern relief of the Kuznetsk Basin is a slightly hilly plain, rising 250-400 meters above sea level. In the north, the territory of the basin merges with the southern part of the West Siberian Lowland. The conditional border between them is the Sokurnitskaya hilly upland. The Kuznetsk Basin is a typical steppe and forest-steppe territory covered with fertile soils, and is currently the main agricultural zone of the region.

Kuznetsk Alatau is a large geomorphological region that limits the Kuznetsk basin from the east, occupying 1/3 of the territory of the Kemerovo region. This is an advanced massif of the Altai-Sayan fold system, elongated in the meridional direction, which has a complex asymmetric structure. Basically, the area has a mid-mountain relief with numerous ridges, the absolute heights of which reach 2100 meters. The highest peak - Amzas-Taskyl (Upper Tooth) - 2178 meters above sea level. The ridges are dissected by a dense network of tributaries of the Tom and Kiya rivers. Kuznetsk Alatau in the south merges with the uplands of Mountain Shoria, and in the north it gradually turns into gentle ridges and passes into the West Siberian lowland. Along the main ridge and some spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau - eternal snowfields on the northern slopes, areas of mountain tundra and alpine vegetation, extensive dark coniferous and deciduous forests have been preserved. The area is very attractive for organizing summer and winter tourism, as well as sport hunting and fishing.

Mountain Shoria is a typical mid-mountain country in the south of the region with a predominance of gently sloping watersheds, strongly dissected by river valleys and streams, the bulk of which have heights not exceeding 1200 meters. Mountain Shoria in the region occupies 28.9 thousand square kilometers. The western and northwestern parts of the Mountain Shoria are lower and, gradually through the Chumysh depression, merge with the Salair ridge, thereby closing the territory of the region with a mountain semicircle. The mountain slopes are almost completely covered with coniferous forests with huge massifs of cedar plantations. Unique areas of the black taiga have been preserved here. The Mountain Shoria region, like the Kuznetsk Alatau, has significant recreational resources of international importance, due to the natural and climatic conditions in these territories.

Salair Ridge- enters the region on the eastern slope and is a hilly rather than mountainous system, very slightly standing out above the adjacent areas of the Kuznetsk basin. On the territory of the region, it occupies no more than 3-4 thousand square kilometers. Only some of its heights reach 500-600 meters. Like the Kuznetsk Alatau, the Salair Ridge loses height as it moves north and joins the West Siberian Lowland. The slopes of the hills are covered with coniferous forests and have significant recreational potential for organizing local tourism.

Climate Kemerovo region is sharply continental. Winters are cold and long, summers are short and warm. The average annual air temperature ranges from - 1.40С to + 1.00С. The average monthly temperature in January is from -180С to -22ºС, and in July from + 170С to + 22ºС. up to - 570С. The amount of precipitation is from 300 to 500 mm per year, in mountainous areas - up to 900 mm per year. Geomorphological and climatic features of the territory create prerequisites for the formation of favorable agro-climatic resources.

Kemerovo region. due to its location and natural resource potential, it has a very favorable economic and geographical position, namely:

In the north of the region there are railway and highways of federal importance, and the developed part of the territory is covered with a dense transport network;

Neighboring position with regions with highly developed industry (Krasnoyarsk Territory), agro-industrial complex (Altai Territory) and significant scientific potential (Tomsk, Novosibirsk);

High availability of natural resources and favorable natural conditions, allowing the development of a diversified economy;

A territorial-industrial complex created over many decades, with strong horizontal ties between enterprises in the main branches of specialization;

The formed economic specialization allows to take strong positions in the interregional and international division of labor.

The Kemerovo region is a region with a diversified national economy and a high concentration of raw materials and processing industries and, in terms of economic potential, is the largest territorial production complex of the Russian Federation. Small in territory, the region plays one of the leading roles in the economy of Siberia. The Kemerovo region is a well-developed industrial region, along with the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, it is one of the leaders in terms of industrialization in the Siberian Federal District


The Kemerovo region was formed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01/26/43 "On the formation of the Kemerovo region as part of the RSFSR". However, the development of the natural resources of the Kuznetsk land began much earlier - at the beginning of the 17th century, when the cities of Tomsk (1604) and Kuznetsk (1618) were founded.

In 1698, Peter I, having learned about the silver ores found near the Kitat River, instructed the Tomsk governor "to assist with all diligence and zealous ore prospecting and ore-smelting business on the tributaries of the Kiya River." So the silver ores of Salair, iron ores in Mountain Shoria, gold in Kuznetsk Alatau were discovered.

In 1721, the Cossack son Mikhailo Volkov discovered a “burnt mountain” on the banks of the Tom River, becoming the discoverer of Kuznetsk coals.

The industrial development of the Kuznetsk land began at the end of the 18th century. The first interest in the development of Kuznetsk coal was shown by the Ural industrialist A.N. Demidov. Later, Demidov's Kolyvan-Voskresensky plants with the adjacent mineral resources became the property of the imperial family. Since that time, most of the Kuzbass, included in the Altai mining district, was under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty. There are industrial enterprises: Tomsk iron-making, Gavrilovsky and Guryev silver-smelting plants, Sukharinsky and Salairsky mountain mines. But since for a long time the industry of Russia developed mainly in the European part of the country, Kuzbass did not have a decent development and development. Only a century later, the Trans-Siberian Railway was built and Kuzbass received an impetus in the industrial use of iron ores, non-ferrous metals, coal and wood.

After the October Revolution, Kuzbass became part of the West Siberian Territory, then - the Novosibirsk Region. At this time, an autonomous industrial colony of Kuzbass (AIK) was organized, headed by the Dutch engineer Rutgers. During these years, the construction of the coking plant was completed, the mines were equipped with advanced technology.

The revolution in the economy was marked by the transition to a planned economy. In the first plan of GOELRO, an important place is given to the creation of the Ural-Kuzbass industrial complex. Kuzbass is turning into a huge construction site. The coal industry continues to develop, the foundations of the metallurgical and chemical industries have been laid. Energy is developing. Industrialization is changing the face of the region. Working settlements grow up around the objects under construction, which very soon received the status of cities. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, already half of the Kuzbass residents lived in the city.

During the war years, Kuzbass became the main supplier of coal and metal. From the steel smelted by the Kuznetsk metallurgists, 50,000 tanks and 45,000 aircraft were manufactured. This includes the production of toluene for explosives, gunpowder and other products necessary for the front. In 1941, the equipment of 71 enterprises was evacuated to Kuzbass from the occupied regions, most of which remained in Kuzbass. The war doubled the power of Kuzbass. In 1943, in an atmosphere of a radical change at the front, in order to increase coal mining, the production of metals and military products for the needs of the front at the enterprises of Kuzbass, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by decree of January 26, decided to separate Kuzbass from the Novosibirsk Region and create territory of the Kemerovo region. The new region included 17.5% of the territory of the Novosibirsk region, 9 out of 12 cities of regional subordination, 17 out of 20 workers' settlements, 23 out of 75 districts. The population of the Kemerovo region amounted to 42% of the total population of the Novosibirsk region. The regional center was the city of Kemerovo. Since the formation of the Kemerovo region, many changes have taken place. New technologies are being introduced in industry, social facilities are being built, and the cultural level of the working people is growing. Kuzbass becomes the most inhabited and densely populated region of Western Siberia. The labor successes of the Kuzbass workers were twice awarded the Order of Lenin.

Currently, Kuzbass is one of the most dynamically developing regions of the Russian Federation.

The flora of the Kemerovo region

The Kemerovo region is small in area, but it is distinguished by the diversity of vegetation, the richness of plant communities and the beauty of individual representatives of the plant world.

More than half of the territory of our region is covered with taiga, and in the mountains the taiga has the name "black", and in the far north of the region, flat taiga grows. In the Kuznetsk basin and in the north-east of the region, steppe and forest-steppe vegetation is found. High in the mountains you can see the mountain tundra, which is very similar to the tundra of the northern regions of Russia, and high-mountain alpine meadows with bright herbaceous plants.


However, recently the number of species introduced and acclimatized by man has been growing. For example - mink, muskrat and hare. Or self-settlers - such as the gray rat, hedgehog and wild boar. In addition, snow leopards and solongs occasionally wander from neighboring regions, various rodents and birds migrate.

Among the permanent residents, the largest are the bear and the elk. They live mainly in taiga areas. In the mountainous area, one can meet Siberian reindeer, Asian deer and musk deer. Their relative, the roe deer, prefers deciduous forests and forest-steppes.

Lynx and wolverine predators, although they live almost everywhere, are quite rare animals: only a few hundred individuals. But their smaller counterparts - fox, weasel, ermine, weasel are much more common. As well as other natives of the region, rodents and herbivores: hare, squirrel, chipmunk, shrews, moles.

Wolves, ferrets are found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, ground squirrels, hamsters, marmots, voles and other animals live freely.

In the taiga zone, there are fewer songbirds than in deciduous forests, but there are commercial species: hazel grouse, capercaillie, black grouse. The nutcracker plays an important role in the distribution of cedar. Woodpeckers, nuthatches, tits, nightjars, orioles, jays, magpies and crossbills protect the forests. Partridge and quail are common in birch groves and forest-steppes. Geese, ducks, cranes, sandpipers nest along the banks of reservoirs. Great help in the fight against agricultural pests is provided by birds of prey: kestrel, owls, harrier, horse, saker falcons.

Eagle owl - the largest owl is rare and needs protection. As well as sable, otter, reindeer, common earflaps and about 80 other species of animals. For their protection and systematization in the region, the Red Book of Kuzbass has been created.

Until recently, the vast expanses of water of our region were famous for their riches of fish. And now in clean taiga and mountain rivers there are taimen, lenok, whitefish, dace, burbot, pike, chebak, ide and about 30 other species of fish.

The world of invertebrates and insects living on the territory of the Kemerovo region has thousands of species and is still insufficiently studied. Moreover, every year it is replenished with new species for the fauna of the region and even with species completely unknown to science. But this is what makes the unique nature of the Kuznetsk Territory interesting.

The Kemerovo Region is a subject of the Russian Federation. It is located in Western Siberia, in its southeastern part. The region was formed on January 26, 1943. It occupies an area of ​​more than 95 thousand km2. According to official figures, in 2016 the number of local residents exceeded 2.7 million people.

Most of them (approximately 85%) inhabit the cities of the Kemerovo region. The remaining 400 thousand live in settlements, villages, villages. This area is considered the most densely populated in Siberia. In Russia, it ranks 16th in terms of population and 34th in terms of area. Most of the population is Russian (90%), the rest of the nationalities are Teleuts, Tatars, Shors and others.

There are 20 cities in total in the region. The largest is Kemerovo (the administrative center of the region). And the smallest - Salair. Its postal code is 652770. The population for 2016 is a little more than 7.7 thousand people. Car code: 42, 142. Tel. code: +7(38463).

The status of the city of Salair was assigned in 1941. Now a mining and processing plant is operating here. You can read about other cities below. Also, the article will indicate telephone, automobile codes and indices of cities in the Kemerovo region.

Cities with a population of over 500 thousand people

There are two such cities in the region:

  1. Kemerovo is the administrative center. Erected on the rivers Bolshaya Kamyshnaya (Iskitimka) and Tom. It occupies an area of ​​more than 280 km2. City status was granted in 1918. Currently, over half a million people live here. Most of the inhabitants are Russians (95%). All car codes of cities in the Kemerovo region are the same - 42, 142. Kemerovo indices: 650900-650907; 650000-650099. Tel. code: +7(3842). Unofficially, the city bears the title of the capital of Kuzbass. The chemical, food and manufacturing industries, coke production, and trade are well developed here.
  2. Novokuznetsk is the second largest city in the region. According to the 2016 census, almost 552,000 people live here. The status of the city was obtained in 1622. Currently, it occupies an area of ​​more than 420 km2. It is an important industrial center. Main economic sectors: metallurgy, production of metal products, mining. City indexes: 654000-654103. Tel. code: +7(3843).


If we compare the cities of the Kemerovo region, then only in one the population is almost 200,000 people (in 2016 - 198,438). The area of ​​the occupied territory is 227.5 km 2. Phone code: +7(3846). Indexes of Prokopyevsk: 653000-653099. In the Kemerovo region, it occupies a place of honor as the oldest city. It received its modern name in 1931, before that it was called Monastic.

Today it is the administrative center of the municipal district of the same name. The country is known as a major coal mining center. Administratively divided into three districts. The most densely populated is Rudnichny (almost 110 thousand people). 57,000 live in Central, and more than 31,000 in Zenkovsky. There are branches of Moscow, Kuzbass, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk universities in the city, there are also about 10 technical schools and colleges.

Cities of the Kemerovo region with a population of 90 thousand people

There are three settlements to be distinguished:

  • Mezhdurechensk. The status of the city was assigned in 1955. Previously it was called Olzheras. Postal codes: 652870, 652873-652875, 652877, 652878, 652880-652888. The city is located on an area of ​​335 km2. Currently, almost 99 thousand people live here. The city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region, is inhabited by Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars and other nationalities. Phone code: +7(38475). The main sectors of the economy are ferrous metallurgy and coal mining.
  • Leninsk-Kuznetsky. It ranks fifth in the region in terms of population. In 2016, the number of inhabitants was almost 98 thousand people. In 1925 the status of a city was given. Now the area of ​​​​Leninsk-Kuznetsky is 128 km 2. Tel. code: +7(38456). City index: 652500. Main economic spheres: coal, construction, mechanical engineering, chemical, food.
  • Kiselevsk. City status was granted in 1936. According to the census, in 2016 the number of inhabitants was more than 92 thousand people. Tel. code: +7(38464). National composition: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Armenians and others. Kiselevsk area - 160 km 2. Postal codes: 652700-652799.

Cities with a population of 70 to 80 thousand people

Here are the cities:

  • Yurt. The number of residents in 2016 increased to almost 82 thousand people. The city covers an area of ​​45 km2. Most of the population is Russian (93%), the rest are Germans, Tatars, Ukrainians and other nationalities.
  • The city of Belovo (Kemerovo region). In 1921, a railway line was built in the village. In 1938 it receives the status of a city. The number of inhabitants in 2016 decreased to 73.4 thousand people. 652600-652699 - postal codes. Mining, open and underground coal mining is well developed in the city. The following sectors also occupied an important role: transport, trade, metallurgy and others. The city of Belovo (Kemerovo region) covers an area of ​​more than 200 km2.
  • Anzhero-Sudzhensk. The population in 2016 decreased to 72,800 people, although at the end of the 20th century it exceeded 90,000. In 1931, the village of Anzherka was transformed into a city. Tel. code: +7(38453). 652470 - index. The area occupied by Anzhero-Sudzhensk is almost 120 km2.

Cities with a population of less than 40 thousand people

Let's name four cities:

  1. Berezovsky is a city in the taiga zone. The area is dominated by forests. The area is small, only 74 km2. The number of inhabitants is 47,140 people. More than 80% of the economy is
  2. Osinniki is a small town on the river. Condoma. Until 1938 - the village of Osinovka. For more than 10 years, the population has been declining, in 2016 it is only about 43 thousand people. Like other cities of the Kemerovo region, it is the center of coal mining.
  3. Myski. The title of the city was received in 1956. Currently, there are almost 42 thousand permanently registered residents. It is located on the territory of 108 km 2.
  4. Mariinsk is an agricultural center. Built on the banks of the river Kiya. The area is only 54 km2. Inhabitants - a little less than 40 thousand.

Cities with population from 20 to 30 thousand people

Finishing describing the cities of the Kemerovo region, we will briefly talk about Topki, Polysaevo, Taiga, Guryevsk, Tashtagol and Kaltan. The population in each city is less than 30 thousand people. Like the rest of the settlements in this region, they are important junctions and coal-mining centers.

In the southern part of Western Siberia, on the two banks of the Tom and Iskitimka rivers, there is city ​​of Kemerovo, capturing also part of Kuzbass. It is rightfully considered the administrative center of the Kemerovo region of the same name and is one of the fifty largest and most populous cities in Russia. It is safe to call Kemerovo the industrial and cultural center of Siberia. According to the latest official statistics, almost 550 thousand people live in the city. Since the last century, factories specializing in the coal industry, light and food industries have been operating here. Entrepreneurship has been on the rise since the 1990s.

Geography and climate of Kemerovo

So, the city itself is almost 3 thousand kilometers in a straight line away from the capital. By road, this distance increases to 3601 km. Two parts of the city are located on the banks of the Tom River and are connected by two road and one railway bridges.

The time here is Krasnoyarsk and regarding Moscow has an offset of 4 hours. Since 2014, the sixth time zone has been established in the region, which increased the time difference with the capital to four hours.

There is a sharply continental climate and a very cold winter, which, by the way, is also 2.5 months longer than the calendar frosts. The temperature is below zero already at the end of October, and winter ends only in April. At the same time, summer is warm and humid, although shorter than the calendar one by 11 days. In 2014, abnormal precipitation was recorded in early June, when wet snow fell throughout the territory.

The latest statistics showed a decrease in atmospheric emissions from enterprises, which is good news. Of course, one cannot discount the growing number of cars in the city, which somewhat changes the main source of environmental pollution.

Historical background and national composition

There is an assumption that the name of the city of Kemerovo comes from the Turkic word kemer, which means mountain slope, cliff, hill. Probably, there is some truth in such a hypothesis, since the city is surrounded on all sides by steep mountains. In the 1960s, the only way to get here was by sea.

The first notes about Kemerovo date back to 1721 in connection with the finds of coal. In the autumn of 1734, in the notes of S. Krashennikov, there is a mention of red stones at the base of the settlement, which stands at the mouth of the Tom River. Previously, there was the village of Iskitim, and before that the village of Shcheglovo.

By the way, the city at first also bore the name Shcheglov due to the formation of the Shcheglovsky district, but was renamed on March 27, 1932.

Most of all among the nationalities here are Russian citizens. As a percentage, they occupy almost 95% of the population. Almost 1.5% are Tatars. The remaining 3.5% is occupied by Ukrainians, Armenians, Germans and other peoples.

Infrastructure Kemerovo

Is it worth it to move to the city for permanent residence? The question is ambiguous, but it is worth noting that living here is comfortable. The problems of bad roads are gradually being solved, and the tracks within the city can boast of almost exemplary smoothness. But the roads are narrow, and there is a lot of transport, so the transport hubs are overloaded. Therefore, the yards are always filled with cars, especially Lenin Avenue and Tereshkova Street. In addition, a federal highway with a stream of trucks passes through the city. But the city is far from overpopulation, and this seriously smoothes the situation. Quite recently, the wide Kuznetsky Bridge was put into operation.

The city has public transport, namely, trams, trolleybuses, taxi and bus routes. Fares are steadily rising. You can get out of the city by railway transport, highways or by means of. Buses run throughout the region and even to neighboring countries. The city's airport is a hub for international transportation, but it will be cheaper to book tickets from Novosibirsk.

Housing and communal services issues are the most important for the whole country, and in Kemerovo the situation is not strikingly different from other cities. Almost all citizens install separate meters.

Even in the last century, almost the entire city was in wooden houses, barracks on one floor. High-rise buildings began to be built only in the sixties, and the Central District was the first to be built up. By the way, building is actively going on now, so there are no problems with real estate. In terms of population, the city is very non-standard and the ratio of multi-storey and private houses is approximately equal. In general, the picture is quite pleasant, since the city has a developed center.

The city's social policy is very active, queues for kindergartens drag on for years, but there are no problems with enrolling in schools. In addition, innovative projects are being implemented in the region on scientific platforms; You can choose schools according to your child's abilities and wishes. Further, parents are provided with 7 state universities, 5 branches and 2 non-state educational institutions to choose from.

Businesses and jobs in Kemerovo

Perhaps the guests of the city will be interested in the possibility of employment. So people of physical labor here require much more than specialists in the humanities.

You can find vacancies in industrial plants, work in the chemical and energy sectors, engage in the construction of machines and woodworking. In addition, Kemerovo is a point of concentration of large enterprises. Most often, people seek to get a job at SDS-Holding, which covers almost all business areas from alcohol to engineering.

Quite attractive for employment is KPO Azot, which is engaged in chemical products and the production of agricultural fertilizers. There are almost always vacancies here. Specialists of a narrow profile are required at Khimprom Production Association LLC, which is famous for the production of auto chemical goods for cars. Rarely, specialists are required at OOO PO Tokem. Now it is the largest manufacturer of polymeric materials. OJSC Orton, which is engaged in the production of geosynthetic materials, is not particularly popular. Perhaps the low rating is due to low salaries and the severity of the work. Mostly local residents work here, but migrants bypass society.

Kemerovo, by the way, is considered the scientific and educational center of the region, which is confirmed by the development of the service and trade sectors. There are a lot of shopping centers in the city, so you can find not only work, but also entertainment. Visitors are waiting for the Promenade shopping mall and the Greenwich shopping mall, but the Seven shopping mall is considered more modest. Well, it is worth visiting the TSUM shopping center, inherent in all cities of the country.

Crime situation and attractions

One of the factors that interest potential visitors to the city is peace and security. Is it worth it to come here? But what about children? Will they live in peace in this city? Indeed, according to statistics, the district is in the top three in terms of the number of crimes after the Urals and the Far East. Roma settlements should be treated with caution. Stroygorodok also raises concerns. If you avoid these objects, you can live comfortably and calmly.

Having visited Kemerovo for the first time, one cannot ignore the factory complexes, of which there are a lot. In fact, here you can observe the triumph of human genius. It is especially beautiful to see it at night under the light of lights. Be sure to visit the monument in memory of the miners of Kuzbass on Krasnaya Gorka.

If you are traveling with children, then take a look at the children's railway, and then go to the Museum of Railway Technology.

Religious people will be interested in visiting the Church of the Holy Trinity, next to which stands the Mother sculpture.

In the Zavodskoy district there is a luxurious architectural ensemble - the Znamensky Cathedral.

To take a break from walking through cultural places, you need to satisfy your gastronomic hunger and visit the Zaboy restaurant on Builders Boulevard. Although this place is not the most beautiful and romantic, but the name and the interior are in the miner's style. The institution pleases with its cuisine, but the prices are far from budget.

Coffee lovers will definitely stop by the Travelers coffee shop, an atmospheric and calm establishment, which, according to rumors, Ernest Hemingway himself would have approved. A rich coffee list will satisfy the tastes of discerning gourmets, and a modest menu of hot dishes will not leave you hungry. By the way, the prices are very reasonable and affordable.

Administrative division and city management

Potential settlers or even just guests of the city are always interested in the way of territorial organization.

  • Where are the most picturesque places here?
  • Where is the best place to go?
  • How to get to the city center?
  • And where is the best place to live?

After all, the way urban division determines property prices.

The Kemerovo city district includes five administrative districts. On the left bank of the Tom River and, accordingly, in the south-west of the city - Zavodskoy district, and on the opposite side - Kirovsky. The districts of Rudnichny (in the north) and Leninsky (in the southeast) intersect in the Central. During the formation of the modern administrative structure, the Lesnaya Polyana residential area began to belong to the city.

In terms of population, the Zavodskoy district is considered the undisputed leader, but in terms of size it clearly loses to Rudnichny. The latter, by the way, is the historical center of the city, limited to Krasnaya Gorka and Logovoye Highway. The Central District has traditionally become the center of business life and administrative services. He remained outside the industrial zone, which includes Zavodskoy, Kirovsky and Rudnichny districts.

The city council of people's deputies and the city administration are in power. In addition, there is the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the city. By the way, all authorities gathered at one address - on Sovetsky Prospekt. According to the charter, all administrations are called Territorial Administrations.

New buildings and choice of housing

So, if you like the city, then how to decide on the place of residence? Kemerovo is divided in half by a river. The right bank embodies the historical center with an abundance of private houses and interspersed with high-rise buildings. In addition to the main districts, there are the villages of Kedrovka and Promyshlenovsky, as well as the new district of Lesnaya Polyana.

The left bank has become a concentration of factories, new buildings and entertainment venues. In addition to large areas, this includes the village of Pioneer and the microdistrict Yagunovskiy.

The Kirovsky district is not the best choice for living in terms of ecology, and there are many criminal points here. In particular, there are many different hostels with a specific contingent and a special regime prison. You can buy apartments in the Residential Complex Record, which is located in the center of the district at the intersection of Initiative and Record streets.

The settlers have at their disposal a convenient transport interchange, rich infrastructure, proximity to schools, two kindergartens and a stadium. The Palace of Culture functions in the area. There is also the City Clinical Hospital. Apartments here on average will cost from 1.5 million rubles for a one-room apartment.

The oldest in the city is the Rudnichny district, which represents a number of private residential areas with high-rise buildings. Moreover, in recent years there has been an active construction of new high-rise buildings. Basically, people here earn money by peasant labor, growing vegetables and fruits. The calm is disturbed by two nearby gypsy villages. Now one village has been liquidated, but the problem remains.

The district is located Miners' Avenue, which is called the Lungs of the city. There are many ski bases, monuments in memory of the miners. There are several hospitals here, so the area is favored by a number of young families. The cost of housing is very acceptable, but the rent is more expensive than in the Kirovsky district.

You can try to choose housing in Lesnaya Polyana. This is a great area with developed infrastructure, schools and kindergartens within walking distance. There is underground parking. Comfortable apartments are for sale on Osenny Boulevard and Miners Avenue.

In the villages of Kedrovka and Promyshlenovsky, there are few notable points of sale of real estate. In addition, here the places are remote from the center, and the main work is the coal industry. The criminal situation is zero, since the area is just populated. But the contingent is decent and there is a barrier at the entrance. New apartments are expensive, but it is possible to buy a townhouse or even a cottage, so that people with money can get comfortable with all the amenities. Some people are building their own.

The Zavodskoy district has the most factories and industrial enterprises, so the ecological situation here is not the best. There is also a gypsy village. In addition, near the airport, railway and bus stations, as well as the railway.

This also includes two unofficial microdistricts FPC and Yuzhny. Residents of the first often focus on overcrowding and the inconvenience of building. There are also traffic problems, an abundance of traffic jams. The southern region is divided into the old and new sectors. The area will be very comfortable, especially when the main highway is added to it.

Residential complex Progress awaits tenants with comfortable apartments, a spacious children's and walking area. The apartments have double-glazed windows, glazed loggias, the walls are sheathed with insulation and porcelain stoneware. The cost of housing here is higher and a one-room apartment will cost an average of 1.85 million rubles. Rental prices increase depending on the proximity to the main communications.

Most often, migrants tend to move to the Central District, which remains the historical center of the city. It is built up with five-story buildings half a century ago. It is quiet, calm and incredibly beautiful here. Many places for festivities and parties, a picturesque embankment. The situation with the environment is favorable, there are no large factories, stations and traffic jams.

It can also be called a cultural center, as there is a regional drama theater and a puppet theater. Theatergoers of all ages will find entertainment to their liking. In this area, informals and representatives of various subcultures gather near the fountains. Leninsky district has a bad reputation among young families, as it goes right behind Kirovsky in crime. There is a central library, a cinema and many shopping malls. In addition, there is the Munir Mosque and the Church of the Holy Trinity. Young people often gather on the Builders Boulevard. The prices for apartments here are not high and on average a one-room apartment will cost 1.7 million rubles.

For example, residential complex Tom, which is located at the intersection of Komsomolskaya and Khimiki streets, would be a good choice. The house is slated for completion in 2016. The house will appeal to both families and singles. Here, the finish is of a high degree, plastic double-glazed windows, new meters and developed infrastructure. In the immediate vicinity of the Orthodox gymnasium, kindergartens, schools, a cinema and even a park. Nearby there will be a cycle track, a cafe, a cable car and a waterfall. A more budget option would be LCD Birch Grove. There will be a rough finish from the developer, apartments with spacious terraces. The house has two elevators and a concierge. You can order a turnkey finish or do the repair yourself. In any case, now is the time to personally inspect the selected apartments.

come to Kemerovo and enjoy the beauties of this city, which are especially noticeable with the onset of the warm season.

Average temperature in the city by months:

Kemerovo through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Kemerovo. Reviews of residents and those who moved to the city.

General information and history of Kemerovo

The city of Kemerovo is the administrative center. It is located on two banks of the Tom River, at the confluence of the Iskitimka River, in the southeast of Western Siberia, and to be precise, at 53 ° 45′ N. latitude. and 87°07′ E Far from here - 3482 km. in a straight line, which saves. And the time zone offset is + 3 hours or + 7 GMT and corresponds to the time zone - Omsk time.

Until 2009, the shift was an hour more, but the government of the Russian Federation considered that + 3 hours would be enough for the region, and therefore, until now, the entire region has the pleasure of seeing some channels “ahead” by an hour, so guests city ​​cable TV lovers, don't be surprised.

Historically, the city is famous for coal mining, which has been practiced here for over a hundred years, but at the moment it is more famous for the chemical industry.

Kemerovo, being the administrative center, however, occupies the second largest and third largest place in terms of area, after the largest city in the region -. According to rumors, they say that this happened, because in the old days, the management of factories in the then developing industrial center of Novokuznetsk preferred to work away from the authorities. And since it is still more difficult to transfer factories than the authorities, the latter, by means of ingenious political maneuvers, ended up in Kemerovo.

Continuing the theme of history, it is worth remembering that at the very beginning of the 20th century, on the territory of the present city, the villages of Sheglovka and Kemerovo were found, which on May 9, 1918 were merged into a city called Shcheglov. Later, the city was renamed Sheglovsk, and on March 27, 1932, the city of Kemerovo. According to toponymists, the name "Kemerovo" probably comes from the Turkic "kemer" - a cliff, a hill.

Climate and ecology of Kemerovo

The climate is sharply continental, which means a long, long winter with an average minimum of 22 negative degrees, which, by the way, is perceived by local residents as a thaw. And frosts down to minus 45 degrees, and in some places even lower, as well as a meter layer of snow. However, the locals love their winter. Jordan's Epiphany is never empty, and Kemerovo is still located in the South of Siberia, which cannot but add positive emotions. Summer here is short, warm, humid, and the temperature is also around 40 degrees, only already plus.

Despite the heat, swimming in Tom downstream of the city is not recommended. Having passed half of the region from the city of Novokuznetsk and more or less cleared of factory discharges, in Kemerovo the river is saturated with the results of chemical production, which for a long time caused irreparable harm to the city's ecology. Despite the fact that not all enterprises survived after the nineties, the problem nevertheless did not go away.

Until 2005, the level of air pollution was also assessed as “very high” according to the criteria of Roshydromet, and at the moment, it is simply “high”. Coal mining, however, mainly affects nature, rather than human habitation. The results of this can be seen by going on a hiking forest trip and meeting coal mines along the way.

One of the sections of the region

Population of Kemerovo

According to the data for 2014, the population in Kemerovo is 544 thousand people. In the last 7 years, the demographic situation has been stable and even slightly positive, which is what the so-called active social policy leads to. Without prejudice, we can say that within the city, it is really active, and the birth rate is increasing, and people from other cities and villages are successfully moving here.

Crossroads of Sovetsky Avenue and st. Kirov. Photo by natap811 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/natap811/)

In terms of ethnic composition, the city is predominantly populated by Russians, with not too annoying interspersed with immigrants from the Caucasus and even less noticeable representatives of the peoples of the East, mainly in the form of merchants. The indigenous inhabitants of this territory are the Shors and Teleuts, whose descendants, if desired, can still be found.

Otherwise, the city is very similar to many other cities in Siberia, the people here may not be the most cultured, but sincere. About a third of the population is employed in heavy industry, including mining, which leaves its own, labor, working imprint on the general culture, but meanwhile, the city is a major educational center. Actually, except in Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, there is nowhere to get a good higher education in the region.

Areas and real estate in Kemerovo

As mentioned above, Kemerovo is divided into two parts by the Tom River. The right bank is the old part of the city, with an abundance of the private sector, with frequent inclusions of high-rise buildings. Kirovsky, Rudnichny districts are located here, as well as in the north of the city - the villages of Kedrovka and Promyshlenny. In the north-eastern part of the city there is a new residential area Lesnaya Polyana. The left bank - historically the concentration of factories, new buildings and the city center, includes the districts of Zavodsky, Central, Leninsky, as well as the Pioneer village and the Yagunovsky microdistrict.

Kirovsky district

An industrial enterprise of FSUE "PO Progress" operates on its territory - the production of paints and varnishes, solvents, etc., which, coupled with the peculiarity of the direction of the winds blowing from the Zavodskoy district, creates an extremely unfavorable environmental situation.

In addition, the area is famous for its criminal environment - it is better to reduce the time of evening walks and alternate with self-defense classes. There are several diverse hostels inhabited by a very specific contingent, living in the district can damage physical and psychological health. In the same area there is a special regime prison not far from Stroygorodok - a place that is better not to visit for people without sports training.

Of the cultural institutions, the Palace of Culture named after the 50th anniversary of October operates, and of the medical institutions - the City Clinical Hospital No. 2. The branch of the Siberian research holding "SIBPLAZ" conducts scientific and research activities.

The cost of a one-room apartment in the secondary market is on average 1,500 thousand rubles. You can rent the same one-room apartment for 7 thousand rubles. per month, and in Stroygorodok and for all 5 thousand rubles, but we recommend remembering the saying about free cheese.

Rudnichny district

The oldest district of the city is residential areas of private houses for 1-4 owners, interspersed with high-rise buildings, however, in recent years, there has been an active construction of new modern high-rise buildings.

The criminal situation is within the common norm - people are busy with peasant labor on their hundred square meters - there is no time to do "bad" deeds. However, two gypsy villages spoil the situation, with all the ensuing consequences. At the moment, one of the villages has been liquidated, but the gypsies have remained.

The ecological situation is favorable. One of the largest avenues of the city passes through the district - Shakhterov Avenue, on the right side of which there is a pine forest - the "lungs of the city". There are many ski bases where skiers train. And on the bank of the Tom there is a monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" by sculptor Ernst Neizvestny, a popular place in the city, in particular among guests and newlyweds.

Of the medical institutions in the district, there are the Kemerovo Cardiology Dispensary and the Central District Hospital of the Kemerovo District, as well as a children's clinic.

The cost of housing is slightly different from the Kirovsky district. But the rent is already more expensive - 8 - 10 thousand rubles.

The settlements of Kedrovka and Promyshlenovsky

They are not very remarkable, except perhaps for their remoteness from the city center, and also for the fact that here is the main place for open-cast coal mining in the vicinity of the city.

Residential area Lesnaya Polyana

The place is special, the so-called Satellite City. Construction began in 2007, and the first residents moved into their homes the following year. “The project involves low-rise complex development of the territory with various types of residential buildings (3-5-storey apartment buildings, block houses and individual cottages); educational and medical institutions; shopping and entertainment complexes; sports facilities, etc.” “The key features of the planning structure are the creation of a recognizable satellite city center; alternation of areas of medium and low building density; development of a system of open parks, squares, courtyards; ensuring transport accessibility.” What else is there to add?

The criminal situation is at zero level, you know, the area is only being populated, while successful people, barriers and serious people in booths nearby were noticed at the entrance.

The ecological situation is perhaps the best in the city: Lesnaya Polyana is located far from all industrial enterprises, there are public gardens. The social component is actively developing - kindergartens, clinics, shopping centers, shops, etc.

The cost of new apartments from 33 500 rubles. per sq.m. You can also buy a townhouse (in 2009 it was still possible to buy for 3 million, now prices are much higher, but it’s hard to say specifically) or a cottage, ready or ready for finishing (for finishing, with heating installed - from 8,730,000 rubles to 12,180 000 rubles).

You can build a house yourself, Nikolai Valuev, as the newspapermen say, is going to do so (he is a frequent guest in Kuzbass) - for this you need to rent land for 55 rubles. per sq. m. plus the cost of communications, 9 acres will cost about 1,850,000 rubles. Utility payments for a one-room apartment 2,000 rubles. per month, for 90 sq. m. townhouse 3 600 rubles, for the maintenance of 406 sq. m. in a cottage 10,000 rubles. Lesnaya Polyana is positioned as a youth area, therefore, various loans on special conditions for young professionals, young families, etc. are available for the purchase of housing.

Zavodsky district

As the name suggests, this is an area with a historical concentration of factories, the largest of which at the moment are Kemerovo Azot JSC, Khimprom Production Association. The presence of industrial giants speaks of the ecological situation, let's just add that this is a chemical production. And it is natural that the region did not escape the harsh fate of all the factory regions of Russia in the memorable nineties - namely, bankruptcy, closure, non-payment of wages, unemployment, so it is not difficult to meet grown-up children here, whose childhood was irrevocably spoiled by hard times, which is not the best way affects the criminal situation, even though this area is far from Kirovsky.

There is also a gypsy village here. Meanwhile, the Zavodsky district is the largest in terms of area and population, and here are the railway and automobile stations of the city, the railway. The airport also belongs to this area. In addition, there are also two unofficial micro-districts "FPK" and "Yuzhny".

FPC residents complain about overcrowding and not very convenient construction, or rather not at all convenient, plus transport problems - you have to stand in traffic jams when trying to leave the microdistrict, but you have to leave, because the area is a sleeping area. By the way, it got its name thanks to the faculty of advanced training of the KemSU.

The Yuzhny district is divided into two parts, the Old - the private sector and the New - several quarters, which are now being intensively built up with residential skyscrapers and infrastructure. The area promises to be very pleasant to live in if another highway is built to it.

Otherwise, the microdistricts are characterized in the same way as the entire Zavodskoy district, where new skyscrapers are now being actively built. There is also a 5D virtual cinema on the 4th floor of the Greenwich shopping mall. The Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church is located here, almost on the border with the Central District.

The cost of housing on the secondary market is already higher than on the right bank, a one-room apartment will cost an average of 1,850 thousand rubles. You can rent housing in the outskirts for 6 - 8 thousand rubles. per month, but closer to the main communications - railway stations, already 12-15 thousand rubles a month.

central District

The historic center of the city remained as such. Built up with strong five-story houses half a century ago. The criminal situation is not bad, because the center is still, however, in the evenings, some streets are filled with young people excited by alcohol. Places for festivities and joint spending of evening time are Sovetsky Prospekt, popularly called Broadway, the picturesque embankment of the Tom River, namely Pritomskaya Embankment Street, in addition, there is a beautiful Spring Street - a great place for walking.

From an ecological point of view, this area is favorable - no large factories, no winds driving smog, and the absence of a railway station with its eternal bustle of noise and dirt cannot but rejoice. This area can also be called the cultural center of the city, here is the Kemerovo Regional Drama Theater. Lunacharsky, and the Kemerovo Regional Puppet Theatre. A. Gaidar, and the Actor's House, and the Musical Theater of Kuzbass. A. Bobrov, and the Kemerovo Regional Drama Theater. A.V. Lunacharsky, and the Theater for Children and Youth, in general - theater lovers of all ages will like this area, and of course, do not forget the Kemerovo State Circus.

Kemerovo Drama Theatre. Photo by natap811 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/natap811)

By the way, representatives of informal subcultures traditionally gather here, near the fountain near the Drama Theatre.

At the service of polyglots Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library. V. D. Fedorova, Kemerovo Regional Library for Children and Youth, Library "on Spring". For film lovers and connoisseurs of architecture, there are cinemas Moskva (opened in 1937), Cosmos (opened in 1961), Yubileiny (opened in 1967). Those who practice Catholicism will like the area due to the location of the Parish of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In general, the center is the center.

A one-room apartment in the Central District of the city can be purchased for the same 1,800 thousand rubles. Renting a house will cost 8-10 thousand per month, but you can find it cheaper if you search.

Leninsky district

In terms of the environmental situation, it is on the same level as the citywide, but in terms of criminality it goes right behind Kirovsky. In 1979, the construction of the Shalgotaryan microdistrict began on the territory of the district, together with Hungary, as a sign of the Kuzbass-Hungarian friendship. The Hungarian city of Salgotarjan is twinned with Kemerovo. In the world, the microdistrict is called Shanghai and is divided into "Old" and "New". In the 1990s, according to local residents, conflicts with bloodshed often occurred between "Old Shanghai" and "New Shanghai". Those times, of course, are gone, but the memory remains.

On the territory of the Leninsky district there is the Central City Library. N. V. Gogol, cinema "Planet Kino", on the 3rd floor of the Promenade 2 shopping mall, as well as the Munir Mosque and the Church of the Holy Trinity - one of the most beautiful sights of the city. Young people mostly gather on the Builders Boulevard.

Housing prices here are somewhat cheaper, an average of 1,700 thousand rubles. for a one-room apartment. Renting the same one-room apartment for rent will cost 8-10 thousand per month.

Little can be said about the Pioneer villages and the Yagunovskiy microdistrict, the Kemerovo Winery JSC and Khlebozavod No. 6 are functioning. And before, mines worked here, there were no more mines - the villages became impoverished. The distance to the city center is 12 kilometers. It is difficult to rent housing here, and for the most part it is pointless to buy.

Infrastructure Status

Living in the city of Kemerovo, in general, is comfortable. The eternal problem of “fools and roads” here, as in the entire region, has been more or less half solved, i.e., the coverage on the roads is at a fairly high level, and the tracks in general, compared to the all-Russian ones, are almost ideal. However, there is a problem inherent in many cities of the Soviet development - it was not supposed that under communism, residents would have so many cars. And according to the state plan of 1972, the city is still underdeveloped, but the transport hubs are already overloaded. Hence the yards filled with cars, traffic jams at some nodes. In particular, Lenin Avenue, Tereshkova Street are problematic in this regard. And the federal highway passing right through the city with the corresponding flow of trucks does not improve the picture by far.

However, the city is far from overcrowded, which smoothes the situation. In addition, the Kemerovo region would not be Kemerovo if this problem had not been solved here: interchanges are being built, new roads are being laid, back in 2006 one of the widest bridges in Siberia, the Kuznetsky Bridge, was put into operation. So if nothing bad happens, in the next 20 years the transport problems of the city will be solved.

In the city, as elsewhere, public transport operates - tram, trolleybus, taxi and bus routes. The fare in 2011 was - 9 rubles, and on fast routes - 14 rubles. In general, you basically have to travel for exactly 14 rubles. From the city itself, you can get out through the railway station, bus station, airport. From the Kemerovo station you can take a train to both ends of the country - Moscow and Vladivostok, get to the southern center of the region - Novokuznetsk and go skiing to Tashtagol, get to Tomsk and Novosibirsk, and in the summer go to Adler, Kislovodsk, Anapa.

Buses will take you to any place throughout the north of the region, as well as to all neighboring regions - Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Territories, the republics of Altai, Khakassia, Tyva, and even to neighboring countries - Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Kemerovo Airport is a hub port for domestic and international transportation, from here sky routes are laid to Moscow, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Mineralnye Vody, Sochi, as well as to sunny Spain, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, China. However, I recommend travelers to fly from Novosibirsk, as practice shows, it is always cheaper from there anyway.

Do not ignore the sore point for the whole country - the issue of housing and communal services. For a rent, living in a hypothetical one-room apartment of 35 sq. m. with an elevator and a garbage chute, paying for energy and water supply according to the standard, you will have to pay about 1400 rubles, of course, if you live alone. Having at its disposal counters - respectively less.

In the middle of the last century, the city was wooden, one-story, with chains of barracks, and the actual multi-storey building fell on the sixties - this is mainly the Central District, and then the seventies, eighties - an active expansion of buildings, new microdistricts. So, in principle, the city's housing stock does not differ in antiquity, houses are from 40 to 60 years old, a common situation for the whole country, plus now the city is actively building and it is not going to stop.

It is worth saying that Kemerovo is a non-standard city for its population, instead of the usual ratio of people living in apartment buildings and in private 70% to 30%, here it is 50% to 50% and according to the new state plan, the trend will change - 60 to 40 in favor of individual housing, with development high-rise buildings. Living in Siberia in a private house is fraught with some difficulties, but in general the picture is pleasing: a developed, high-rise center and one-story neighborhoods - such is the appearance of many European cities.

The social policy of the city is very active, in particular, they say that in 7 years every parent who wishes will be able to send their child to a kindergarten, but so far the children have time to go to school before their turn comes. So kindergartens are in short supply, you can get in, but it's difficult. Coverage of children is only 70%. But there will be no problems with enrolling in school, innovative projects are being introduced throughout the region, scientific and educational platforms are being created, few people know what all this is, but they bear fruit - a child can choose a school "by mind and ability", but after even more so. 7 state universities, 5 branches and 2 non-state universities - for every taste.

Businesses and jobs in Kemerovo

The most developed in the city of Kemerovo are chemical, machine-building, energy industries, together with coal mining, food, textile, woodworking industries, this is the concentration of 70 large and medium-sized enterprises, which account for more than 90% of the total production.

Holding Siberian Business Union (SDS-Holding). As they say - if you got here to work, consider that life is good. The largest financial and industrial structure of the region, operating in almost all business areas, from the alcohol industry to huge coal assets and powerful construction.

KPO Azot celebrated its 55th anniversary in 2011. It is part of the SIBUR company (Moscow), at the moment. Previously, "Azot" was scolded for the fact that you can get a job there only "through connections", for laying off employees. However, after it was sold at the end of 2011, it is quite possible that everything has changed, but until time has passed, it is difficult to say anything concrete, however, in terms of development, the enterprise is considered promising, with a great future. Production - chemical products sold both domestically and for export, these are primarily agricultural fertilizers, polyethylene products and other products of organic synthesis. The job board is rarely empty.

LLC "Production Association "Khimprom" dates back to 1938. The name speaks for itself - the production of products of organic and inorganic chemistry: caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, liquid chlorine, ethyl cellosolve, propylene oxide, brake and coolant fluids, etc. It is famous as the largest Russian manufacturer of auto chemical goods for cars of all brands, but with foreign It competes badly with manufacturers, which is why things are not going well. The list of vacancies is impressive, not only specialists of a narrow industrial profile are required, but also programmers and even cooks.

LLC PO Tokem was founded in 1941 on the basis of an evacuated plant. Currently, the largest manufacturer of polymeric materials. It is part of the FPS Sibconcord holding. Of course, the production is chemical: phenolic resins, ion-exchange resins, liquid and solid phenolic resins, varnishes, unsaturated polyester resins, textolite, etc. Work is underway to reconstruct the production of liquid phenolic resins in order to increase capacity. What does it really mean? But who knows, but the reputation of the enterprise is not the best, the salaries of workers are symbolic. Jobs don't come up often.

OJSC "Orton" traces its history since 1971. The largest manufacturer of geosynthetics (geosynthetics) in the Asian part of Russia. It is part of the petrochemical holding SIBUR Holding. Main production: flat geogrid, non-woven fabric, NPA, NPE yarns. According to rumors, it pays great attention to the development of new technologies, the modernization of existing industries. And in the opinion of employees, the company does not see any prospects, perhaps such an opinion is due to low salaries and hard work.

OJSC KOKS is part of the Koks group, which in turn is a "vertically integrated business structure specializing in the production of commercial pig iron, as well as in the extraction and processing of coking coal and iron ore." The management company "Industrial and Metallurgical Holding" is located in Moscow. In general, the colossus is still the same, with its head, as always, in the capital. In 2009, this Monster became the world's largest pig iron exporter, Russia's leading merchant coke producer, and Russia's largest coke exporter. Well, this is about the "Group", and the plant of JSC "Koks" itself is one of the leading enterprises of the holding. The story begins in 1924. And today the plant is directly engaged in the production of coke of various brands. No vacancies were found and most likely will not be found. Those who have tried to get a job there complain that it is extremely difficult to do without “connections”. And those who got a job complain about the policy of the plant. In principle, this is inherent in all enterprises that are part of large holding companies, where the management mindlessly follows orders "from above", and those who give them are far away. However, if necessary, you can work, and if you start with working specialties (where it’s easier to get a job), then you can make a career. The salaries of the workers here are not bad.

In general, as you can see, managers, chemists, engineers and technical specialists are always welcome in Kemerovo - work can be found.

In addition, Kemerovo is also a scientific and educational center of the region. And of course, services and trade are actively developing here. There are many shopping centers in the city where you can not only find entertainment, but also work.

  • SEC Promenade No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are one of the largest shopping malls beyond the Urals.
  • TRC Greenwich. Very large shopping center, in terms of job search.
  • TRC Semerka, already a more modest shopping center, but less suitable for finding a job.
  • The Sputnik shopping mall is not large in size, but it is located in the Leninsky district, on Tereshkova Street.
  • TSUM shopping center is a traditional shopping center, inherent in perhaps all cities of the country.

Crime in Kemerovo

Speaking about the criminal situation in the city of Kemerovo, it is worth remembering that this is the Siberian Federal District, and it ranks third after the Urals and the Far East in terms of the number of crimes per 100 thousand people per year. Recall that there are eight districts in our country.

Guests of the city are much more interested in domestic crime than economic or corruption, so we will dwell on it. If in Kemerovo you bypass the gypsy village and Stroygorodok, which were mentioned earlier, then you can feel generally safe.

Sights of Kemerovo

If this is your first time not only in Kemerovo, but also in an industrial city in general, then be sure to visit the Zavodskoy district and look at the factory complexes. This is where the truly living embodiment of the triumph of a suicidal human genius is. Especially impressive at night - in the light of the lights. Well, if you have already seen all this before, then, of course, it is not worth it.

We advise you to visit the Monument "Memory to the miners of Kuzbass" by sculptor Ernst Neizvestny on Krasnaya Gorka. Here is what the author himself said about his plan - “This monument is not for the victims. Selfless, sacrificial labor? Yes. But the main pathos here is resistance. Heroic of the hardest and most dangerous labor, which is not in vain equated with military. Recommended.

In the same place, nearby you will see the sculptural composition "The Holy Great Martyr Barbara - the patroness of miners" and a monument to the discoverer of Kuznetsk coal Mikhailo Volkov.

Take the kids on the 3.8 km children's railway. - the first in Kuzbass. Departure from the station. And then be sure to check out the Museum of Railway Engineering, which is on Pritomsky Prospekt.

For religious people, it will be interesting to visit the most beautiful Church of the Holy Trinity in the park area of ​​​​the Leninsky district, at the intersection of Leningradsky and Khimiki avenues, there is also a sculpture “Mother” nearby.

A magnificent architectural ensemble is the Znamensky Cathedral, which is located in the Zavodskoy district near the Sobor bus stop.

If you are already tired of walking and hungry, then we recommend the Zaboi restaurant on Builders Boulevard, the place is not the most beautiful and romantic, but the restaurant itself is very good. The name is purely mining and the interior is also very interesting, it is both a restaurant and an attraction. At the same time, the institution pleases with both service and cuisine - they do not overturn mining glory into the mud. But the prices are not the lowest, but it's worth it.

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The subject of the Russian Federation
Flag Coat of arms

Administrative center



- % aq. pov.

95,725 km²


- Density

↘ 2 694 877 (2018)

28.15 people/km²

Total, at current prices

RUB 858.1 billion (2016)

Per capita

316.3 thousand rub.

Official language

Russian language


Sergei Tsivilev

First Deputy Governor

Vladimir Chernov

Council of People's Deputies

Vyacheslav Petrov

Code of the subject of the Russian Federation

ISO 3166-2 code EN-KEM

OKATO code




Official site


Kemerovo region- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District.

The Kemerovo region was formed on January 26, 1943 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by separating from. Coincides with most of the territory Kuzbass- Kuznetsk coal basin.

The area of ​​the region is 95,725 km²; According to this indicator, the region ranks 34th in the country.

The population of the region is 2,694,877 people. (2018), population density - 28.15 people / km² (2018). Most of the population lives in cities, there are large areas with low population density. Share of urban population: 85.97% (2018). The region is the third in terms of HIV infection - 1630.7 people per 100 thousand are sick

The Kemerovo region is the most densely populated part of Siberia and the Asian part of Russia. Russians make up over 90% of the population. Of the small peoples, the Shors, Teleuts and Siberian Tatars live in the region, who have preserved their cultural traditions.

The administrative center of the region is the city. The population of which is 558,973 people. (2018). Together with other cities (Topki, Berezovsky and others) of the region, it forms the Kemerovo agglomeration with a population of more than 685 thousand people (2014).

The second largest (after Kemerovo) city in the region -. Population - 554,000 people. (2018). Not being a millionaire city, it forms, with numerous nearby cities and other settlements, the Novokuznetsk agglomeration of more than 1.3 million people (2014), 13th place in Russia.

The region is located in the south-east of Western Siberia, occupying the spurs of the Altai and Sayan Mountains.

The length of the region from north to south is almost 500 km, from west to east - 300 km. It borders in the northeast and north with , in the northeast with , in the east with , in the south with , in the southwest with , in the northwest with .

Administratively it consists of 20 and 18 districts.


ancient period

The Mokhovo 2 site in the Kuznetsk Basin belongs to the Middle Paleolithic. The Late Paleolithic includes the workshop of Shumikha-I, the sites of Bedarevo I, II, II, Shorokhovo-I, Ilyinka-II, Sarbala, Voronino-Yaya, a stationary settlement on the Kiya River, near the village of Shestakovo. The sites of Bolshoi Berchikul-1, Bychka-1, Pechergol-1 belong to the Mesolithic, and the sites of Bolshoy Berchikul-4, Smirnovsky ruchei-1, Pechergol-2, Bychka-1, the late layer, and Tomskaya Pisanitsa belong to the Neolithic. The settlements of the Samus, Andronovo, Korchazhkin, "andronoid" Elovo, Irmen, Bolsherechensk, Tagar, Kulai, Tashtyk cultures belong to the Bronze and Iron Ages.

Russian empire

Kuznetsk fortress

The territory of the modern Kemerovo region was inhabited already several thousand years ago. In 1618, in the south of the future region, it was founded to protect Russian lands from the Mongol and Dzungarian invaders, in 1698 - Mariinsk - these are the oldest settlements in the Kemerovo region. In 1721, the Kuznetsk explorer Mikhailo Volkov discovered a “burnt mountain” (burning coal seam) on the banks of the Tom, thereby becoming the discoverer of Kuznetsk coals.

A noticeable development of the region occurred at the end of the 18th century: the Kolyvan-Voskresensky factories of A. N. Demidov were built, which later became the property of the Romanovs - since that time, most of the Kuzbass, which was included in the Altai mining district, was under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty.

Kuznetsk fortress, January 2006

During the 19th century, the territory of the modern region was part of the Tomsk province - the Kuznetsk and Mariinsky districts. During this period, the first industrial enterprises appeared: Tomsk iron-making, Gavrilovsky and Guryev silver-smelting plants, Sukharinsky and Salairsky mountain mines. In connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, the industry of Kuzbass developed rapidly.


After the October Revolution, Kuzbass becomes part of the West Siberian Territory, then -.

The post-revolutionary period is characterized by a transition to a planned economy, the creation of the Ural-Kuzbass industrial complex, the development of the coal, metallurgical and chemical industries of Kuzbass: the Kemerovo Coke and Chemical Plant, the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Plant are being built, and many new mines are appearing. Working settlements are being built near industrial enterprises, which very quickly receive the status of cities: Krasnobrodsky, Tashtagol, Kaltan, and others.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Kemerovo region became the main supplier of coal and metal. More than 50,000 tanks and 45,000 aircraft were made from Novokuznetsk steel. The equipment of 71 enterprises was evacuated to Kuzbass from the occupied regions, most of which remained in Kuzbass. The war doubled the power of Kuzbass.

In 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by decree of January 26, decided to separate from Kuzbass and create the Kemerovo Region on its territory with the administrative center in the city. The new region included 17.5% of the territory, 9 out of 12 cities of regional subordination, 17 out of 20 workers' settlements, 23 out of 75 districts. The population of the Kemerovo region amounted to 42% of the total population of the Novosibirsk region.

The rapid growth of the region in the post-war and subsequent years led to the appearance of new cities on the map of Kuzbass: Polysaevo, Taiga and others.

In 1989, the Kemerovo region was one of the centers of the strike movement.

Russian Federation

The events that took place in the 1990s completely changed the course of further development not only of Kuzbass, but of the entire country. The regional economy, like the economy of the entire country, has moved from a pre-crisis state to a state of deep systemic crisis. In conditions of shortage of funds, major repairs were replaced by maintenance ones. This was accompanied by the closure of individual enterprises.

An important content of the transition to the market was the process of privatization of state property. By the beginning of 1997, only a part of enterprises remained outside the sphere of private property on the territory of the Kemerovo region. The enterprises of the defense complex, railway transport, the gold industry, television, sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary institutions remained in federal ownership. Most of the pharmacies, printing industry enterprises, a number of motor transport enterprises, poultry farms, etc. were owned by the region. Schools, hospitals, clinics, basic public utilities, residential buildings, and other social and cultural facilities remained in the municipal property.

Along with the city, new forms of economic organization appeared in the Kuzbass village. They were introduced by the decree of the President of Russia of October 27, 1993 "On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia", which allowed private ownership of land and recognized the diverse forms of land management.

In the 1990s, the region's economy fell into decline, but by the end of the decade there were positive developments, primarily in the development of the coal industry; attention was paid to the development of open-pit coal mining, as more efficient and safer. Only in 1999, 15 coal mining enterprises were put into operation, in total, over the past 21 years, 11 new mines and 16 coal mines were put into operation.

Since 2001 OAO Gazprom has been implementing the Pilot Program for Pilot Production of Coal Bed Methane in the Kuznetsk Basin.

Another new industry for the Kemerovo region is oil refining: in 2003, the creation of oil refineries began.

In February 2010, the coal and gas industry was solemnly launched, the production and use of coal-bed methane was launched.

In the field of agriculture in 2000-2007, the renewal of the agricultural machinery fleet was in the center of attention. In 2007, for the first time in the last 40 years, 1,680,000 tons of grain was harvested.

Mikhail Kislyuk was the governor from 1991 to 1997. Since 1997, with a break, the Kemerovo region was headed by Aman Tuleev.

On April 1, 2018, Sergei Tsivilev was appointed Acting Governor of the region. V.V. Putin accepted the resignation of Aman Tuleyev in connection with the tragedy in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center, which occurred on March 25, 2018. 60 people died in the tragedy.

Administrative subordination of Kuzbass (1618-1943)

  • 1618 - Kuznetsk district of the Tobolsk category.
  • 1629 - Kuznetsk district of the Tomsk category.
  • 1708 - Kuznetsk district of the Siberian province.
  • 1719 - Kuznetsk district of the Tobolsk province of the Siberian province.
  • 1724 - Tomsk department of the Yenisei province of the Siberian province.
  • 1726 - Tomsk department of the Tobolsk province of the Siberian province.
  • 1779 - Kuznetsk district of the Kolyvan region of the Tobolsk general government.
  • 1783 - Kuznetsk district of the Kolyvan province of the Tobolsk governorship.
  • February 26, 1804 - Kuznetsk district of the Tomsk province.
  • January 26, 1822 - Kuznetsk district of the Tomsk province of the West Siberian Governor General.
  • 1898 - Kuznetsk district of the Tomsk province.
  • 1924 - Kolchuginsky district (center - city).
  • May 25, 1925 - Tomsk District of the Siberian Territory.
  • July 30, 1930 - West Siberian Territory (center - city).
  • September 28, 1937 -.
  • January 26, 1943 - Kemerovo region.

Physical and geographical characteristics

Geographical position

Kemerovo Oblast is located in the Siberian Federal District, in the southeast of Western Siberia, in the basin of the Tom River. The region stretches from north to south for almost 500 km, from west to east - for 300 km.


The state authorities and officials of the Kemerovo region are:

  • The Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region is a legislative (representative) body of state power, the current composition was formed in September 2013 - 46 deputies; term of office of deputies - 5 years. Elected by the population of the region (one half of the composition - according to party lists, the other - in single-mandate constituencies). The building of the Regional Council is located in, in the Central District on Soviet Square at 58 Sovetsky Prospekt.
  • The Governor of the Kemerovo region is the highest official of the region; the term of office of the governor is 5 years. Elected by the residents of the region in accordance with the Charter of the Kemerovo region and federal law. Aman Tuleev was the Governor of the Kemerovo Region from July 1, 1997 to April 1, 2018.
  • The College of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region is the highest executive body of state power of the Kemerovo Region, which ensures the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Kemerovo Region, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kemerovo Region on the territory of the Kemerovo Region. The activities of the Collegium are provided by the Administration of the Kemerovo Region, which also exercises control over the implementation by the executive bodies of state power of the Kemerovo Region of decisions taken by the highest executive body of state power of the Kemerovo Region. Consists of the deputies of the Governor of the Kemerovo region.
  • The Administration of the Kemerovo Region is the highest, permanent, collegiate body of executive state power. The central executive bodies of state power are departments, administrations and committees. The building of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region is located in, in the Central District on Sovetov Square at Sovetsky Prospekt, 62.

Decree of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated February 6, 2014 N 8-pg "On the structure of the executive bodies of state power of the Kemerovo region of sectoral and special competence" establishes the following executive bodies of sectoral competence:

  • Archival Administration of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Main financial department of the Kemerovo region;
  • Department of Culture and National Policy of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of the forest complex of the Kemerovo region;
  • Department of Youth Policy and Sports of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Public Health of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of social protection of the population of the Kemerovo region;
  • Department of Labor and Employment of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Committee for State Property Management of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of the contract system of the Kemerovo region;
  • Department for the Protection of Wildlife Objects of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of Transport and Communications of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of the consumer market and entrepreneurship of the Kemerovo region;
  • Department of Construction of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of housing and communal and road complex of the Kemerovo region;
  • Civil Registry Office of the Kemerovo Region,
  • Civil registry offices in cities, districts, districts in cities, urban-type settlements of the Kemerovo region.

The executive bodies of state power of the Kemerovo region of special competence are:

  • State Housing Inspectorate of the Kemerovo Region;
  • State Service for Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Inspectorate of State Construction Supervision of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Representation of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Regional Energy Commission of the Kemerovo Region;
  • Department of the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Technical Condition of Self-Propelled Machines and Other Types of Equipment of the Kemerovo Region (Gostekhnadzor Department of the Kemerovo Region);
  • Office for ensuring the activities of justices of the peace in the Kemerovo region.
  • Main control department of the Kemerovo region

Official symbols

The Kemerovo region has an officially approved coat of arms and flag.

The coat of arms of the Kemerovo region is a French shield, framed by oak branches, fastened with a sash of the Order of Lenin and topped with a crown in the form of a stylized bowl. The shield is bordered with narrow stripes of black and gold. The lower part of the shield is green. The green color symbolizes agriculture and natural resources. Green is also the traditional color of youth and hope. In the center of the shield is a black triangle, truncated on the sides and bordered by a narrow strip of gold, a waste heap symbolizing the coal industry. In the center of the waste heap there are crossed blacksmith's hammer and pickaxe, denoting the industrial affiliation of the Kemerovo region. Three ears of wheat are directed from the green field through the crossed hammer and pick to the top of the waste heap. The ears also symbolize the importance of agriculture for the Kemerovo region. Red triangles in the left and right corners of the shield symbolize red-hot metal. The coat of arms is framed by an oak wreath, symbolizing the status of the Kemerovo region as a subject of the Russian Federation. The lower part of the wreath is intertwined with the ribbon of the Order of Lenin, which the Kemerovo region was awarded twice: in 1967 and 1970. In the central part of the ribbon, the date is marked: 1943 - the year of the formation of the Kemerovo region. In the break of the oak wreath above the center of the coat of arms there is a crown in the form of a stylized full bowl, symbolizing the wealth of Kuzbass.

The flag of the Kemerovo region is a rectangular panel of red color with a blue stripe along the flagpole in the entire width of the flag, which is one third of the length. The emblem of the Kemerovo region is placed in the upper part of the blue stripe in the middle. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 2:3.

The Kemerovo region has its own anthem.



The budget of the Kemerovo region for 2013 was approved in the amount of:

  • income - 81,021,193.7 thousand rubles
  • expenses - 91,948,642.8 thousand rubles
  • budget deficit - 14.8% of the regional budget revenues, excluding gratuitous receipts.

There are more than a hundred backbone enterprises in the Kemerovo region.

As a result of the changes, the general budget parameters for 2017 are as follows:

Revenues 134,279.7 million rubles; Expenses 114,671.8 million rubles; Surplus 19,607.9 million rubles.

1 Approve the main characteristics of the regional budget for 2018:

the total volume of revenues of the regional budget in the amount of 106943.596 million rubles, including the volume of gratuitous receipts in the amount of 16618.845 million rubles;

the total volume of expenditures of the regional budget in the amount of 110907.5838 million rubles;

the regional budget deficit in the amount of 3963.9878 million rubles, or 4.4 percent of the volume of regional budget revenues for 2018, excluding gratuitous receipts.

2 Approve the main characteristics of the regional budget for the planning period of 2019 and 2020:

the total volume of regional budget revenues for 2019 in the amount of 105806.6708 million rubles, including the volume of gratuitous receipts in the amount of 12286.7958 million rubles and for 2020 in the amount of 107846.9812 million rubles, including the volume of gratuitous receipts in the amount of 11003.3362 million rubles;

the total volume of expenditures of the regional budget for 2019 in the amount of 105806.6708 million rubles and for 2020 in the amount of 107846.9812 million rubles.


The coal industry is developed on the territory of the region, its most important centers are Mezhdurechensk, Belovo, Berezovsky, Kiselevsk, Belovsky, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Prokopyevsk districts. and sections are located mainly in the central part of the region from Berezovsky in the north to Osinniki in the south. In the south of the region, metallurgy and mining industry are also developed (, Tashtagol). Also in the region there is mechanical engineering (,) and the chemical industry (). Railway transport and thermal power engineering are well developed (, Belovo, Kaltan, Myski).

Extractive industry

Gold, silver, iron ores, manganese ores, aluminum, nepheline ores, lead, zinc, polymetallic ores, barite, quartzite, limestone, clay, dolomite, sand, coal are mined in the Kemerovo region

coal industry

The Kemerovo region has two large coal basins: the Kuznetsk coal basin - from Malinovka (a village included in the Kaltan urban district) to the districts, and part of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. More than 180 million tons of hard coal are mined per year, the largest enterprises are located in Mezhdurechensk and the Novokuznetsk region, Belov, Berezovsky.


Metallurgy is represented by non-ferrous (Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant), and ferrous (ZSMK rail rolling site, West Siberian Iron and Steel Works, Kuznetsk Ferroalloys plant in , Anzhero-Sudzhensk branch of Kuznetsk Ferroalloys OJSC, Guryev Metallurgical Plant, also includes Kemerovo OJSC KOKS ”, mechanical engineering in Yurga, Anzhero-Sudzhensky mine); resource base of the Russian Interindustry Holding SIBPLAZ Temirtau field, Sheregesh field, Kaz field, Tashtagol field.


Services sector

Trade, financial services and tourism

Tourist areas within the borders of the Kemerovo region:

  • Lower Pritomye, including
    • Lower Right Bank Pritomye
    • Ob-Tomsk interfluve
  • Middle Tom
  • Upper Pritomye
  • Kuznetsky Alatau: Mountain Shoria, Celestial Teeth, Salair Ridge, Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve (visiting is possible upon agreement with the reserve administration).

Communications and media

TV broadcast

There are 8 TV broadcasting zones in the Kemerovo region - Kemerovo, Yurginskaya, Anzherskaya, Klyuchevaya, Leninsk-Kuznetskaya, Mezhdurechenskaya, Novokuznetskaya, Prokopyevskaya, Tashtagolskaya and hundreds of TV towers.

radio stations

Almost the entire populated territory of the region is covered by FM radio broadcasts, mostly network, but in every city there are stations with local air. The following local radio stations operate in the region (which are broadcast from the cities of the Kemerovo region):

  • Radio "Shoria" - broadcasting from Tashtagol to the Tashtagol region
  • Kuzbass FM - broadcasting from Kemerovo to all cities of the region (each city has its own frequency)
  • Apex Radio broadcasting from Novokuznetsk to Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Mezhdurechensk, Tashtagol
  • Correct radio - broadcasting from Kemerovo to Kemerovo, Leninsk-Kuznetsky and Belovo

Department of Housing and Utilities


As of January 1, 2012, the housing stock of the region was 61.5 million square meters, and the provision of housing is 22.4 square meters per capita.

  • 2007 - 1010 thousand square meters;
  • 2008 - 1063 thousand square meters;
  • 2009 - 1063 thousand square meters;
  • 2010 - 1003 thousand square meters;
  • 2011 - 1083 thousand square meters.

The construction industry of the region is represented by two thousand enterprises (360 of them are enterprises for the production of building materials), including:

  • 2 cement plants;
  • 6 brick factories;
  • 20 factories for the production of precast concrete;
  • 4 efficiency parts factories;
  • 14 quarries extracting non-metallic building materials used for the production of building materials;
  • 1 plant of roofing materials;
  • 6 enterprises producing heat-insulating materials.


Agricultural enterprises are located throughout the region near the cities. Purely "rural" districts - Promyshlenovsky, Krapivinsky, Chebulinsky, Izhmorsky, Yaysky and others. Almost 2,400 thousand hectares (27% of the total area of ​​land resources of the region) of agricultural land are in circulation. 14% (402 thousand people) of the region's population live in rural areas and only 3.4% (44.7 thousand people) of those employed in the economy work in agriculture. The main branches of animal husbandry are dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig breeding and poultry farming. Over the past 5 years, more than 100 livestock and poultry buildings have been built and modernized.

The food and processing industry is represented by 605 organizations, including small businesses. More than 20 thousand people work in the organizations of this industry in 2013.

Economic Favored Territories

  • Northern industrial zone
  • Tyrgan industrial zone
  • Mountain Shoria



The Trans-Siberian Railway passes through the territory with branches at Yurga, Taiga and at Anzhero-Sudzhensk.

  • Road II category 1R-384, "Old Route" - has a width of two lanes (one in each direction) and passes within the boundaries of settlements, including Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Gramoteino, Kiselevsk and Prokopyevsk. On the section of the route from Kemerovo to Leninsk-Kuznetsky, before the construction of the backup road, the largest traffic jams were observed on the intercity roads of the region, especially in the evenings and on holidays.
  • The "New Route" is a substitute for the "Old Route" - a category I road with a width of 4 lanes and with intersections at different levels at all intersections. The southern section from Novokuznetsk to Leninsk-Kuznetsky was built from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s to bypass, Polysaev, Belov, Kiselevsk and. The northern section (from to ) is currently under construction, bypassing the large villages of Chusovitino, Panfilovo, Berezovo and Beregovaya. The section from to Chusovitino has already been put into operation and has the status of a motorway. The section from Chusovitino to Demyanovka is currently under construction and is expected to be commissioned in 2019.

Both roads start from the interchange at the village. Berezovo south of Kemerovo and end, connecting with a roundabout at the traffic police post at the entrance to the Novokuznetsk district. Further from the ring to the south is the NKAD - Novokuznetsk Ring Road, and to the east the main entrance to Novokuznetsk.

Around the regional center there is a ring road, logically connecting the regional highway P384 with the federal highway P255.

The Kemerovo region has an extensive network of bus stations and bus stations. The organization of intercity passenger road transportation and the management of bus stations and bus stations is carried out by the State Institution KUZBASSPASSAZHIRAVTOTRANS. After the sharp reduction in the number of suburban train runs during the 1990s and 2000s (especially on the Kemerovo and Taiginsky junctions and on the Proektnaya-Toguchin-Inskaya line), as well as after the collapse of the water transport system on the Tom River, the system of suburban and intercity bus routes has become the dominant type of intercity transport in the region. During this period, the network of inter-subject and international (to the cities of Kazakhstan and Central Asia) bus routes from the bus stations of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk was constantly expanding. The bus stations of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk cannot cope with the increased passenger traffic. Since 2004, the fleet of intercity buses has been regularly updated.

Mezhdurechensk, Mariinsk and.


The only river in the region that can be adapted for navigation is the Tom. During the navigation period, the population is transported by water transport. Transportation is carried out by the Novokuznetsk State Water Transport Enterprise of the Kemerovo Region with a branch in Kemerovo by boats "KS-149" and "KS-207" along the routes: "- Yachmenyukha" (length 101 km) and "- Zmeinka" (length 83 km).


All cities and urban-type settlements are provided with bus passenger transport.

Five cities of Kuzbass have electric transport systems. Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk have both tram and trolleybus services, Prokopyevsk and Osinniki have only tram systems, and a trolleybus operates in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Social sphere


Higher professional education

SibGIUKemerovo Secondary vocational education


  • Anzhero-Sudzha Pedagogical College
  • Anzhero-Sudzha Polytechnic College
  • Belovsky Pedagogical College
  • Belovo Polytechnic College (BLPK)
  • Kemerovo Regional College of Culture and Arts
  • Kemerovo Regional Medical College
  • Kemerovo Vocational Pedagogical College
  • Kemerovo Vocational College
  • Leninsk-Kuznetsk Mining and Technical College
  • Mariinsky Pedagogical College
  • Novokuznetsk Pedagogical College
  • Novokuznetsk Mining and Transport College
  • Novokuznetsk State Humanitarian and Technical College
  • Novokuznetsk Professional College
  • Novokuznetsk College of Economics
  • Prokopyevsk Agrarian College
  • Prokopyevsk College of Arts
  • Prokopyevsk Mining and Technical College named after V.I. V. P. Romanova
  • Tom-Usinsk Mining and Energy Transport College
  • Yurga Technological College


  • Anzhero-Sudzhensk Mining College
  • Berezovsky Polytechnic College
  • Kemerovo Mining Technical College
  • Kuzbass College of Architecture, Geodesy and Construction (KuzTAGiS)
  • Kuznetsk Metallurgical College
  • Leninsk-Kuznetsk Polytechnic College
  • Mariinsky forestry technical school
  • Mezhdurechensky Mining Engineering College
  • Novokuznetsk Construction College
  • Novokuznetsk Trade and Economic College
  • Prokopievsk Industrial and Economic College
  • Prokopyevsk College of Physical Education
  • Prokopyevsk Electrical Engineering College
  • Taiginsky College of Railway Transport

General education

There are about 1000 schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in the Kemerovo region.

The science

  • Siberian Research Holding
  • Kemerovo Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

For the purpose of seismic sounding on the territory of the Kemerovo region on September 18, 1984, an underground Mirny nuclear explosion with a capacity of 10 kilotons was carried out approximately 100 km from the city.


Network of cultural institutions of the Kemerovo region for 2017-2018 is 1856 units, including 24 state cultural institutions: 7 theaters; 43 museums; 609 cultural and leisure institutions; 626 libraries, Kuzbass Philharmonic named after. B.T. Shtokolova; 82 film and video service institutions, 112 educational institutions; 4 parks and 372 other institutions.

There is a GAUK KO "Kuzbass Center of Arts", which unites the work of professional creative unions: the Kemerovo regional branch of the All-Russian Union of Artists of Russia, the Kemerovo regional branch of the "Union of Writers of Kuzbass", the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia" and the Kemerovo regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization "Union of Artists of Russia". composers of Russia. GAUK KO "Kuzbass Center of Arts" is a modern cultural platform, which, together with the creative unions of the region and other professional creative people, creates cultural, educational projects and events. The Kemerovo regional branch of the STD RF operates in four cities of the region.

The Kuzbass Symphony Orchestra, the brass band, the Morning Choir, the chamber choir, the Helikon Jazz Club, and the Siberian Kaleidoscope Dance Theater have a high “Gubernatorial” status.

In general, more than 14,000 Kuzbass residents work in the cultural sphere of the region, including more than 9,000 creative workers. 235 of them were awarded the honorary titles of the Russian Federation "Honored" and "People's".

At the end of 2017, Kuzbass entered the top 10 leading regions of Russia in terms of the pace of cultural development and the top 5 leading regions of Russia in terms of the development of cinematography. Thanks to the participation in the federal program of the Cinema Fund for the cinematography of cultural institutions from 2015 to 2017. 12 municipal digital cinema institutions have already opened in the region, which show all the novelties of foreign and domestic cinema.


In each city and district there are hospitals of a therapeutic, pediatric or dental profile of the municipal, and from January 1, 2017, regional subordination. In addition, several medical institutions of the Kemerovo region are subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation - the Center for the Treatment of Miners in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, and the Ministry of Social Development - the Novokuznetsk Center for Prosthetics, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Along with state medical institutions, private medical institutions provide assistance to the population of the Kemerovo region. Telemedicine is being widely introduced. Educational institutions of secondary medical education united in the Kemerovo Regional Medical College. There are sanatoriums Slavino, Borisovsky, Prokopevsky

The Kemerovo region is one of the leaders in the incidence of HIV infections among the regions of Russia.

Social protection of the population

There are centers of social assistance to the population in towns and villages. In the Kemerovo region, war and labor veterans are supplied with coal on preferential terms. Travel for pensioners and disabled people and other beneficiaries from May 1 to September 30 in intermunicipal transport is free. At the initiative of the Governor Aman Tuleev, various programs of targeted assistance to low-income people are being carried out in the region.


Alpine skiing is well developed in the Kemerovo region. The region has professional sports teams in football, hockey, rugby, volleyball and basketball. There is a chess school in the city of Novokuznetsk. There are also Olympic weightlifting champions and wrestlers.


The largest religion in the Kemerovo region in terms of the number of believers is Orthodoxy (Organizations - the Kuzbass Metropolis, Old Believer parishes). Also, Catholicism, Protestantism, Armenian-Gregorianism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism are quite common in the region.

According to RIA Novosti, the Kemerovo region is known for numerous unusual religious events, among which the agency names All-Kuzbass prayers for deliverance from man-made disasters, held every first Sunday of the month, prayers for road safety held in December 2008, prayers for the successful overcoming of the global of the financial crisis in November 2008, parents' prayers for the deliverance of children from alcohol and drug addiction, for the region's deliverance from the scourge of bird flu, for the successful outcome of voting during elections. In March 2009, the governor of the region, Aman Tuleyev, called on Kuzbass residents to pray for the miraculous release of hostages taken by an unknown person in a bank in Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

The clergy repeatedly consecrated Kuznetsk land from a helicopter, and in October 2007 an Orthodox priest sprinkled Novokuznetsk with holy water from a balloon.

Crime and the penitentiary system

The Kemerovo region has average statistical indicators for Siberia in terms of serious crimes, crimes of medium and petty gravity. There are pre-trial detention centers for detainees in cities and districts. In addition, there are about 25 correctional institutions in the region, in which persons sentenced by the court to serve their sentences are serving their sentences.