June in English pronunciation. English month abbreviations

Each of us is looking forward to some event: a birthday, a wedding, the onset of summer holidays. Have you ever counted down the months or weeks until an important day? How the names of the months in English, seasons and days of the week will sound will be described in the material of the article.


Dates, seasons and months are usually studied in the very first English lessons. This is necessary, because dates and numbers often appear in spoken language and on the pages of documents.

Before learning the names of the months in English, you need to understand the seasons. Their names are not consonant with the Russian version:

  1. Spring - sounds like [sprin]. It means "spring" in translation.
  2. Summer. Transcription [same] - summer.
  3. But autumn has several sound options, depending on which country you are in. For Britain, it sounds like autumn [autum]. In American, autumn is spelled and sounds like Fall [foul]. The vowel in this case is pronounced protractedly.
  4. Winter. The transcription looks like this: [uinte]. The first two vowels are pronounced quickly so that the sound is similar to Russian [v], but softer.

Months in English

Now that the seasons have been sorted out, we can move on to the months. Below are the names of the months in English with pronunciation in Russian:

  1. Junuary [jenyo: ri] - January.
  2. February [February] - February.
  3. March [mah: h] - March.
  4. - April.
  5. May [may] - May.
  6. June [June] - June.
  7. July [julay] - July.
  8. August [August] - August.
  9. September [septembe] - September.
  10. October [oktoube] - October.
  11. November [novembe] - November.
  12. December [desembe] - December.

Pay attention to the names of the months in English with transcription: the colon in it indicates, according to the rules, the longitude of the sound being pronounced. The letter r at the end is not readable.

Rules related to months and seasons in English

The use of the names of the months in English in speech and writing follows certain rules that are easy to remember:

  1. Month names in English are always capitalized.
  2. The day of the month is separated by a comma from the year. For example, like this: It happend in August, 1982. It happened in August 1982.
  3. If you need to write down any date, use the abbreviation: Dec 17, Nov 22. Please note that the name of the month comes first with a capital letter, and then the number.

The use of articles and prepositions

Articles and prepositions often cause difficulties in the process of learning English. What prepositions are used with the names of the months, we will analyze further.

The following prepositions are used with the word month:

  1. By meaning "every month".
  2. For a when you need to say that the action takes place throughout the month.
  3. in a, if you want to say that some action will happen in a month.
  4. If there is a temporary circumstance in the sentence, for example, when you need to say that something happened in May, use the preposition in: My son was born in May. - My son was born in May. When a specific date is required, the preposition changes to on: My son was born on 13 of May. - My son was born on May 13.

When the article and prepositions are not used

Prepositions are not used if there are such words as:

  • This - these.
  • Every - everyone.
  • All - everything.
  • Any - any.
  • Next - next
  • Each - which.

And also when using the seasons together with these particles: I "l study English next week. - I will study English next week.

How to remember the seasons and days of the week for a child?

How to help a child remember the names of the months of the year in English? Most The best way memorization, of course, in the form of a game. You will be helped by beautiful pictures with the names of the months, like those shown here, coloring pages and copybooks with your favorite characters, songs and poems, as well as simple but effective exercises. Every child has a favorite toy. Invite your child to tell the soft friend the words he has learned, or to retell a passage of the text with new words.

Examples of exercises in English

With the help of the proposed exercises, you can not only learn the names of the months in English with transcription, but also consolidate any lexical material without the usual memorization. Their significant advantage is that not only the sound is remembered, but also the spelling of the studied words.

Exercise 1

Match the names of the months in English with transcription and translation:

Exercise 2

Translate the sentences into Russian, find the correct statements:

It's raining in June.

The weather is fine on May.

September is the first month of the year.

The weather is still cold in April.

Exercise 3

It can be used for any words that you are going to reinforce. Its essence is that in the letter the letters are rearranged, and you need to return them to the correct sequence. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to perform it in pairs or in a small group.

Poems for memorizing months in English

Short memory verses will help you quickly and easily learn the names of the months in English with translation:

  • January comes to us, hello, Christmas tree, New Year.
  • Blizzards rush on the ground - February in the yard.
  • Do you hear the icicle crying? March is coming to us soon.
  • April begins, streams scatter along the roads.
  • Outside the window today May - holidays at the door.
  • The sea of ​​light and warmth - June - it's time for summer.
  • On the July calendar - run, jump, sunbathe.
  • August in the yard - harvest on the table.
  • The trees will put on a bright outfit, September will gather the guys at school.
  • Leaves from trees fly to the ground, October - hello, leaf fall.
  • The birds flew away to where it's warm, so November is knocking on the window.
  • December will soon leave patterns on houses and trams.

If you are going to visit, for example, London, then the following information will be useful for you: winter in England lasts from November to February. Spring comes in March and lasts only until April. May is considered a summer month. And autumn lasts from September to October. In the United States, everything is the same as our traditional calendar is used to.

Learn and memorize the names of the months in English easily and interestingly. This will be another step towards a free conversation with native speakers. Thematic videos will help you learn the language faster.

January - January named after the god Janus. According to legend, he had two faces, one looking forward and the other back, so he could see the beginning and end of the year. He was the god of the gate.

February - February. The name comes from a Latin word meaning cleansing. In ancient times, houses looked very dirty after winter, and at the time this month occupied, it was considered auspicious to clean the house.

March - March, named after the planet Mars and god of war. The Romans believed that this period was favorable for wars.

April - April. The origin of the Latin word aperire is to open (beginning of spring). There is a second version that the name was received in honor of the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite.

May - May, got its name in honor of the Roman goddess Maya. She was the goddess of spring and earth.

June - June, invented in honor of the goddess Juno, who is a symbol of marriage. To this day, some people believe and prefer to marry in June. Juno's husband was the equally important god Jupiter - the king of the gods, respectively, Juno was the queen.

July - July, named after the great Roman emperor Julius Caesar. This month was the ruler's birthday.

august - august, took this name as a legacy from the first Roman emperor Augustus.

September - September, sept, which means seven in Latin. During Roman times, the calendar began with the month of March, so September was the seventh month of the year..

October, November, December (October, November, December). The Romans simply called these months octo, novem, decem - eight, nine, ten.

The more you study English and learn, the more confidence you have.

How are the months written and spoken in English? The English names of the months are mostly consonant with the Russian sound. But there are, of course, exceptions.

So, as in Russian, in English there are 12 months a year.

From the article you will learn:

Names of months with translation into Russian with transcription

How not only to write correctly, but also how to correctly list the English months in order? Very simple.

It is worth noting that in English, all months, when used anywhere in a sentence, are capitalized.

Sentence examples

My favorite month is December. — My favorite month is December.

I arrived in Ufa last July. — I arrived in Ufa last July.

Using prepositions with months

  1. With the word month (month), use the prepositions “in, for, by.
    For a month, in a month, by th month.
  2. Pretext In used in the context of time.
    In February - in February.
    Late in October - at the end of October.
  3. Combined with expressions like last, all, one, every, next, this/that, any, every, the preposition is not used.
    Every August— every August.
  4. Pretext On used when there is a day or specific date specified.
    On February 28, 1968 - January 28, 1968
    On a cold January evening - cold January evening.
  5. Pretext Of used in the following case.
    A magazine of April the 1st st— April 1st magazine.

Month abbreviations

In written speech in English, abbreviations are often used, this also applies to months. These abbreviations are always written with a capital letter, and in British English there are no periods.

How to remember months easier

The easiest way to remember a month is with reference to the seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn.

For example.

December, January and February are winter months. December, January and February are the winter months.

March, April and May are spring months. March, April and May are the spring months.

June, July and August are summer months. June, July and August are the summer months.

September, October and November are autumn months

Below is a video in which you can learn all the names of the months in English in a visual associative form.

The names of the seasons and months are common vocabulary, so learning their names is very important for language learners.

English name English transcription Russian transcription Translation
winter [‘wɪntə] [vinte] winter
spring [sprin] Spring
summer [‘sʌmə] [same] summer
autumn [‘ɔːtəm] [autum] autumn (In Great Britain)
fall [foul] autumn (in the USA)

Etymology of month names

Etymology- a science that studies the origin of words, reconstructing the vocabulary of the most ancient period.

  • Word month (month) associated with *mænon - Moon, month.
  • The names of the months in English originate from the Julian calendar. The ancient Roman calendar originally had 10 months. March was the first month of the year.

  • Julian calendar- a calendar developed by a group of Alexandrian astronomers led by Sosigenes. The calendar is named after Julius Caesar, by whose decree it was introduced in the Roman Empire on January 1, 45 BC. e. The Julian calendar year begins on January 1, since it was on this day from 153 BC. e. consuls elected by the comitia took office. In 46 BC. Julius Caesar introduced the count of the year from January 1 and changed the number of days in some months. So, after the introduction of the Julian calendar, the average length of the year became 365.25 days: usually the year lasted 365 days, once every four years - 366 days.
  • In the Roman calendar, the four months of the year (March, May, July and October) consisted of 31 days, the rest of the months had 30 days. That is, there were 304 days in a year. In the 7th century BC, the Romans reformed and added the eleventh and twelfth months: January (January), (from lat. Jānuārius) - in honor of the ancient Roman god of doors, roads and undertakings Janus, who was depicted with two faces, and February (February)(from Lat. Februārius mēnsis - the month of redemption), whose name comes from the Roman festival of cleansing from sins februa, which was celebrated on February 15th.

  • March (March) named after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars.
  • April (April)- the name of the month comes from the Latin word aperire, which means to open, perhaps because the buds open in April. According to another version, the name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which comes from the Greek word Aphro, which is an abbreviation for the name Aphrodite. That is, April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite.
  • May- got its name in honor of the Roman goddess of spring and the earth Maya.

  • June (June)- the month is named after the goddess Juno, who is the goddess of marriage. To this day, some people believe and prefer to get married in June.
  • July (July) named after the ancient Roman general Julius Caesar, who was born this month. Initially, July was called quintilis (from lat. fifth), since it was the fifth in a row.
  • August (August) originally called Sextilis (sixth), and then renamed in honor of the ancient Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.

The names of the following months are derived from Latin numerals:

  • September (September) - from Latin septem (seven).
  • October(October) has the root octo (eight).
  • November (november)- novem (nine).
  • December (December)- decem (ten) respectively. The suffix -ber in these names is an adjectival suffix, therefore, literally the months are translated as the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth.

Names of months in modern English

The names of the months are common vocabulary, which should not cause much difficulty in memorization due to the partial similarity in the names of the months in English and Russian.

Name of the month in English English transcription Russian transcription Translation
January [‘dʒænju(ə)ri] [january] January
February [‘febru(ə)ri] [February] February
March [mach] March
April [‘eipr(ə)l] [April] April
May [May] May
June [june] June
July [julay] July
august [ɔ:'gΛst] [august]


September [septembe]
October [ɔk'təubə] [oktobe] October
November [novembre] november
December [disembe]

Use of prepositions with months

The following prepositions are used with the names of the months in English IN and ON.

  • in January- in January (if we are talking only about the name of the month)
  • on the first of January- the first of January (if we are talking about a date)
  • last January- last January (!! note the absence)
  • next January- next January (!! note the absence of a preposition in English)
  • this February- in February (this year, about the upcoming February) (!! note the lack of a preposition in English)
  • in July last year- last July
  • by next month— by next month.

Abbreviated month names

In the abbreviated version of the name of the months, only the first three letters of the name remain:

  • January
  • February
  • March - March - Mar.
  • April - April - Apr.
  • May - May - May - not reduced
  • June - June - June - not reduced
  • July - July - July - not reduced
  • August - August - Aug.
  • September
  • October - October - Oct.
  • November
  • December - December - Dec.

Hey! For comfortable communication in English, it is very important to know the names of the seasons, but it is equally important, both for children and adults, to be able to name the months (months). In daily conversations, we use these words - we call dates, birthdays, holidays, schedules. Therefore, at the very beginning of learning a foreign language, you need to learn this vocabulary. Names of months in English In English, as in Russian, there are 12 months in a year. But besides the difference in names, there are other significant differences. So, we have 3 months in each season. It's the same in the US, but it's different in the UK. They have two seasons of 2 months, and two seasons of 4 months, which, in general, is also 12 months of the year. But for children, this information is not so important, but it will be useful for you to know this.

First, let's call them with translation and transcription:

In general, you will get spelling skills over time with constant practice and regular reading of English literature.

Features of the distribution of months in Britain

As I said, in the UK, the months are distributed according to the seasons in a different way. They have November, December, January and February - are considered winter; March and April - spring; May, June, July, August - summer; and September and October are autumn. In America, everything is the way we are used to.

Therefore, if you are going to go to the UK, then it will not be superfluous for you to know this information so as not to get into an awkward situation and show your competence in this matter.

And how to pronounce the names of all 12 months in English correctly, the video lesson will help you understand. Wish you luck!