What is now called intra-school control in the school. Intraschool control

Our dictionary IN-SCHOOL CONTROL is a comprehensive study and analysis of the educational process in the school in order to coordinate all its work in accordance with its tasks, prevent possible errors and provide the necessary assistance to the teaching staff.

The tasks of the HSC are: to work out the most effective technologies for teaching subjects that combine variable approaches to the creative activity of students; to develop a form for recording students' achievements in subjects; to develop a diagnostic system that studies the state of interpersonal relations between a teacher and a student, a student and a student; professional and activity potential of the teaching staff and administration to create a system to encourage the most significant pedagogical results

HSC content Teaching and educational process Pedagogical personnel Educational and material base Qualities of teaching academic subjects; hours of the regional component Quality of knowledge, abilities, skills of pupils Work on the implementation of the tasks of the school, the implementation of RD, dec. Ped owl, fam. The work of school methodological associations and creative groups Improvement of qualifications, work on self-education Replenishment of the educational and material base, storage and use of educational visual aids. Development of the cabinet system, accounting and systematization of teaching aids. Creation of an educational and material base for the organization of educational work The activities of the school library, the regularity of replenishment and updating of the fund Maintaining school documentation, office work. Activities of teaching and educational staff Implementation of regulations, curricula and programs Organization of methodological work Compliance with regulatory requirements for safety, fire and sanitary and hygienic rules

Innovative blockSituational blockBasic block HSC Mobile structures that ensure the development of the school, its modernization Stable structures that ensure the functioning of the school Council for pre-profile training External institutions - partnership Situational groups for working with information Resistance services school organization "Peers" School administration MO and TG subject teachers and class teachers Parent committees of classes and schools Pedagogical Council

Principles of the Higher School of Schools Science Scientific planning Relevance The principle of searching for the positive The principle of monitoring the achievement of the goal (singling out the main thing) The principle of the subjective position of the teacher to the system of intra-school control The principle of publicity and openness The principle of consistency

Algorithm HSC Goal setting Object selection Development of a block diagram of verification Determination of the subject of control (who checks) Collection and processing of information according to the developed scheme Conclusions (reasons for shortcomings, successes) Recommendations Management decision-making, adjustment Determining the timing of a re-audit Discussion of the results of control

The quality of education -a certain level of knowledge and skills, mental, moral and physical development, which students achieve at a certain stage in accordance with the planned goals; the degree of satisfaction of the expectations of various participants in the educational process from the educational services provided by the educational institution. The quality of education is measured by its compliance with the educational standard. It depends on the level of prestige of education in the public mind and the system of state priorities, funding and material and technical equipment of educational institutions, modern technology for managing them.

Education quality management -purposeful, resource-provided, designed educational process of interaction between the control and controlled system to achieve the quality of the programmed result(P. I. Tretyakov, T. I. Shamova).

Principles defining quality in modern education:

  • education for life (personal, professional, social);
  • teaching based on self-motivation and responsibility;
  • generation of knowledge by students on the basis of their experience and meaningful action;
  • creation of a developing environment that encourages students to search, research, problem solving, communication and self-determination;
  • in independent activity that satisfies the interests of students;
  • constant support for the "weak" and help them achieve the highest possible level of training.

The quality of education involves taking into account global trends in the development of education and the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process. The quality of education means the ability of the educational system to change and improve itself. The quality of education implies the creation of such an educational environment that stimulates both the teacher and the child to productive activities that correspond to their individual characteristics and interests.

The quality and effectiveness of the school's activities are identified through monitoring and intra-school control.

Monitoring -an independent management function, within the framework of which the identification and evaluation of the conducted pedagogical actions is carried out, while providing feedback that reveals the compliance of the actual results of the pedagogical system with its ultimate goals. This is the second definition of monitoring in this tutorial. You can give a few more, but you can list those parties that are identified in different definitions: the management function that provides feedback; system of collection, analysis, presentation of information, management information base; observation for the purpose of control, evaluation, forecasting, a system for obtaining data for making strategic and tactical decisions; independent examination of the state of the educational process, etc. Monitoring did not replace the concepts of control and analysis, but clarified them, placed new acceptances in educational activities.

The purpose of monitoring is to achieve compliance of the functioning and development of the educational process with the requirements of the state standard of education with access to cause-and-effect relationships that allow drawing conclusions and recommendations for the further development of an educational institution in the quality training of students (pupils).

Monitoring types:

  • informational - accumulation and dissemination of information;
  • base (background) - identification of problems and dangers before they become conscious at the management level (permanent control is organized through the periodic measurement of a system of indicators (indicators);
  • problematic - clarification of patterns, processes, dangers, those problems that are known and relevant from the point of view of management.

Principles of monitoring: integrity, efficiency, priority of management, compliance of monitoring goals with the means of its organization, scientific character, predictability, consistency.

The effectiveness of monitoring and the technology of its implementation are determined by the degree of use of new information technologies and the information culture of the participants in the educational process.

In the aspect of control over the activities of educational institutions, there are also such concepts as inspection and examination. Inspection - assessment of the effectiveness of the assimilation of norms according to established rules, keeping the boundaries of normative action. Inspection is carried out for standardization, formalization of joint activities in pedagogical practice. There are schools that have their own internal inspector structure.

The expertise of an educational institution is necessary where the practice seeks to be innovative, exploratory.

Expertise- research by a specialist-expert of any issues, the solution of which requires special knowledge in a particular area.

Peer review criteria:

  • novelty of ideas, methods and results;
  • compliance of technical specifications with certain standards;
  • significance for solving urgent problems of the development of the educational system.

Intraschool control - comprehensive study and analysis of the educational process at school in order to coordinate all work in accordance with the tasks set, the type of activity of managers together with representatives of public organizations to establish on a diagnostic basis the compliance of the functioning and development of the entire system of educational work of the school with national requirements (standards) and the needs of the developing personalities of the student and teacher. Control and analysis of execution complete the implementation of the management decision and begin the stage of making a new decision. Control helps to ensure that the experience of the best becomes the property of the entire teaching staff, and the weak are stimulated to improve their activities.

Principles of intraschool control: regularity, theoretical and methodical preparedness and validity, systematic, purposefulness, efficiency, comprehensiveness and depth.

All types of intra-school control are preventive in nature, aimed at preventing possible errors.

Control methods: observation method, study of school documentation, oral, written, combined and graphic checks, attendance at lessons, self-reports and self-control of teachers, creative reports, portfolios of teachers and students.

In recent years, self-certification of educational institutions has been widely practiced. The results of the introspection become the basis for checking the school. Self-assessment is a complex and difficult job for school teams, but it is useful, as it helps to realize both the strengths and weaknesses in the work, see the future, and outline ways for further improvement.

In the course of internal self-analysis (audit), it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis in the following areas.

  • 1. Management responsibility. During an internal audit, the following questions should be answered. What is the basis for the management's decision to implement changes related to the quality of education? What is it justified? Does all management unambiguously understand what education quality management is? Is there a quality management project for this organization? Has management assessed its resources? Did other members of the teaching staff participate (are participating) in the development of the project? Are they informed about what changes should be implemented in their professional activities? Is the meaning of these changes understood by the majority of the teaching staff? Have the main requirements for educational outcomes been defined and how are they consistent with the educational policy of the state (region, municipality)? What has been done by management to make these goals and ways to achieve them understandable and accepted by the majority of employees?
  • 2. Development strategy of an educational institution (characteristics of its future qualitative state). The strategy includes:
    • mission (strategic vision of the final result achievable over a certain period of time);
    • understanding the internal state of the organization (its strengths and weaknesses);
    • strategic goals common to the entire educational institution (for example, the implementation of a socially significant competence model of a graduate, the training of teachers with qualitatively new competencies, etc.);
    • goals for each of the analyzed areas should indicate a specific, achievable over a certain period of time and measurable in certain indicators result. They must ensure changes in the activities of the school staff in various areas;
    • tasks (determination of specific actions that need to be carried out at each stage of achieving the goals). Tasks should be correlated with the goals, be specific, realistic, have a clear (measurable) result, the timing of its achievement. Responsible for their implementation should also be identified;
    • problems (determining what is necessary for the implementation of the strategy, but is not currently available due to various reasons; identifying these reasons).
  • 3. The competence of the teaching staff. The teaching staff must:
    • accept the mission and strategic goals of the organization. The audit process reveals: do teachers understand the mission and strategic goals of the activity; what was done by the school administration so that the staff would understand what the main meaning of the strategic goals is and begin to implement them in their professional activities;
    • improve the pedagogical competence of employees. The audit determines how many teachers have been trained in a year; who and by what indicators assessed their learning outcomes; whether they implement new technologies in the educational process that correspond to the stated goals; who appreciated it; how it was evaluated; what are the educational results of students;
    • implement an educational strategy. It should be clarified how teachers understand its content, meaning, goals, purpose; how it is expressed in their daily activities; who evaluates that teachers implement exactly what is planned and according to what criteria;
    • participate in pilot programs. The audit process determines how many teachers participate in pilot programs; what are these programs; what is their content and whether it corresponds to the goals; what is the participation of teachers; what are the results and criteria for their evaluation; who evaluates their experimental activities and results;
    • organize professional communication. It is revealed how professional communication is organized; in what forms it is carried out; who is the initiator; how often such communication takes place and on what topics; Do teachers attend each other's classes?
    • carry out internal audit. It is determined what the audit system is; how the teacher evaluates his work; what are the criteria for this evaluation; how the leader evaluates his own activities and the activities of the teacher; whether one or another international quality management standard in the field of education is used as a system of criteria for internal audit.
  • 4. Presence of conditions for achieving the stated goals. The audit reveals the following:
    • what new technologies are used in the educational process; whether they meet the objectives; how many teachers at the school are implementing new pedagogical technologies;
    • what are the ways of evaluating educational results; whether they correspond to the assessment of these results; what are the criteria and assessment procedures;
    • whether there are conditions that motivate the teacher to learn and implement new ways of teaching (allowances and bonuses, moral encouragement, additional leave, paid vouchers, etc.);
    • whether there is an internal system for the exchange of information about the quality of education and their professional activities; forms of constant informing the teaching staff about the processes associated with the quality of education, the achievement of certain results; whether the work of seminars is organized, at which managers, together with teachers, discuss (chizh) professional activities in order to improve them;
    • whether external consultants are involved in the activities of the school; whether they contribute to the achievement of the goals; what is their competence in solving problems;
    • what is the computer support of the educational process; whether it meets the stated goals; whether it is used to achieve them; what is the qualification of specialists using information technology in the educational process;
    • what is the competence of the management staff of the school; the degree of independence (freedom) of the school principal in making decisions regarding the organization of the educational process, resource management; whether it is sufficient to solve the tasks; whether the director is trained to manage the project activities of school teachers; whether school managers can organize a collective process of developing a mission and strategic goals, develop a program for organizing activities to achieve the goals set together with the teaching staff and implement it; whether they are able to perform all management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control and correction) in the specific conditions of a given educational institution and the external environment; whether managers are ready to realize the position of an expert in relation to the pedagogical activity of school teachers and the analysis of the entire educational process;
    • what is the degree of participation of parents and students in school management; whether the school's Governing Council is functioning; how many students (parents) are involved in it; what are its competencies; whether there is a Board of Trustees; what are its functions;
    • whether there is monitoring of the conditions of the educational process and the educational results of children; how it is carried out; by whom, how its results are used to correct the educational process.
  • 5. Educational achievements of students. During the audit, it turns out what the director, his deputies, school teachers and the students themselves understand by the educational achievements of students; how the choice of such results is justified; whether the results correlate with the goals, with the quality policy, with the satisfaction of the needs of consumers; according to what criteria they are evaluated, what procedures are used for this.
  • 6. psychological climate. Ludit allows you to determine the following: whether there is an atmosphere of trust and mutual assistance in an educational institution; whether initiative and independence are supported; whether the design process and the organization of joint activities of teachers and administration are carried out to achieve the set goals and solve emerging problems; whether students are supported to achieve the required results in accordance with their individual characteristics; what does the school administration do to create such a climate.
  • 7. Socialization of students. Socialization involves the creation of conditions for the development by schoolchildren of various kinds of social competencies (participation in campaigns, in the work of elected bodies of school self-government, in socially oriented projects, organizing school events, etc.). During the audit, it turns out how these competencies are formulated; what forms are used at school to develop social competencies; whether there are responsible for this area of ​​activity; how the effectiveness of the use of these forms is evaluated; whether schoolchildren are assisted in determining their future professional interests (D. A. Ivanov).

This approach to information gathering becomes at the same time part of the development of the school and the education systems themselves.

Intra-school control can be carried out in the form of planned, operational and administrative inspections.

Scheduled checks - is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule, which ensures periodicity and eliminates irrational duplication in the organization of inspections. It is brought to the members of the teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year.

Operational checks - are carried out in order to establish the facts and verify information about the violations indicated in the appeals of students and their parents or other citizens, organizations, to resolve conflict situations in relations between participants in the educational process.

Administrative checks - are carried out by the school principal or his deputies for educational work in order to check the success of training as part of the ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students.

Types of intraschool control:

  • by coverage of control objects: overview, personal, thematic, frontal, class-generalizing;
  • by contractor: collective, mutual control, self-control, administrative planned and unscheduled;
  • by logical sequence: current, preliminary, intermediate, final;
  • by frequency: episodic, periodic, regular.

Consider the types of control by the scope of control objects. Overview control involves a wide coverage of the state of affairs in the school at the beginning and end of the school year. It helps to identify the readiness of the school staff for the beginning or end of the school year, to see the head of the new, advanced that has appeared in the work of teachers, to identify weak links and provide timely assistance.

Personal control aims to work with individual teachers in order to improve their methodological skills. First of all, this type of control is used in work with young professionals, inexperienced teachers, teachers who have recently worked in a given school or have comments on certification.

Thematic control provides for the verification of the study of specific topics and the fulfillment of the tasks of the educational process: the implementation of an integrated approach to education, ideological and political education, problem-based learning, etc.

Front control allows the head of the school to get acquainted with the system of work of one teacher, a group of teachers, methodological association. Checking with this type of control is carried out in full, covering all aspects of the work.

class-generalizing control allows you to find out the impact of different teachers on students in the same class.

Control efficiency determined by a number of conditions: knowledge of the requirements of the program for each subject of the curriculum; the prospect of intra-school control; thorough preparation (theoretical, methodological and organizational) for each test; effectiveness of internal control.

All aspects of the educational process make up the content intraschool control: the state of teaching subjects and the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; implementation of the state standard, organization and conduct of extracurricular activities; the work of methodological associations and subject commissions; the state of extracurricular and educational work; school documentation; execution of decisions, resolutions, instructions.

Management specialist V. M. Lizinsky introduced the concept of "non-destructive testing", which is aimed at minimizing risks and threats in the management of the teaching staff.

Unbrakable control -psychologically and pedagogically accurately verified and consistent with the interests, goals, capabilities and activities of the teacher, the procedures that set the task of diagnosing, analyzing, supporting and developing teacher success.

Non-destructive testing is built on helping the teacher, contributes to his progress towards self-realization; helps the teacher to analyze his activities, to evaluate his own abilities, achievements, to choose the most convenient form of control and ways to improve his pedagogical and general cultural level. Such an organization of control requires significant efforts from the administration, but the results will be objectively high.

Sections: School administration

Intra-school control (ISC) is one of the most important management functions. What do you need to know and be able to do in order for intra-school control to become a help and an effective way of working with teachers to improve their pedagogical skills? In my firm opinion, the key to successful planning and implementation of the HSC is the activity and responsibility of each member of the teaching staff for the result of their work. And this will inevitably lead to an increase in the quality of the educational process. It should also be remembered about the four requirements for control: systematic, objectivity, efficiency and competence of the inspector.

What is the control in relation to the teacher? The control center that corrects the implementation of the necessary actions. Control functions - checking and analyzing what is happening at school, comparing with what should be according to various regulatory documents and adjusting the activities of teachers in accordance with the goals and objectives pursued by the teaching staff. Effective control is closely connected with its transition to a diagnostic basis, turning it into a tool for developing the creative potential of a teacher, with obtaining objective information about the life of the school as a whole.

Intraschool control is a complex and multifaceted process, but still having some regular ordering and organization of parts that are interconnected and perform certain functions. The interconnection of these parts is the structure. Structure is an essential aspect of the HSC. And in order to clearly represent the structure of the HSC, it is necessary to determine the directions (sections) included in it, and the content of each direction (section) of control. Effective control does not imply total checks in all areas of the school. It is advisable to single out priority areas (sections). In our school, these are: providing basic general education for all categories of students; registration and maintenance of school documentation; knowledge, abilities and skills in subjects and the state of teaching subjects; class-generalizing control; control over the work of teaching staff; preparation for the state (final) certification. Each of the directions has its own characteristics in terms of the organization and content of the work, but at the same time is closely interconnected. For example, it is clear that the proper state of teaching subjects and the successful completion of the state (final) certification by school graduates depends on the pedagogical skills of each teacher.

The second thing that the leader needs to know clearly about the HSC is the content of each direction (section) of control. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to deeply study and analyze the information, to make adjustments to the further work of teachers and the school as a whole. And the third thing that an administrator exercising control should have is knowledge of its types, forms and methods. Control can be carried out in the form of scheduled and operational inspections, administrative control work or monitoring studies. Forms of control can be classified on the basis of performance: collective, mutual control, administrative planned and unscheduled and self-control - a form that indicates the highest degree of organization of the teaching staff. According to the object of control: class-generalizing, thematic, frontal, personal; according to the methods used: observation, verification of intra-school documentation, testing, questioning; on the basis of sequence: preliminary, current, intermediate, final.

Any form of control should be carried out in a strict sequence: the justification of the check, the formulation of the goal, the development of a plan-task, the collection of information, the analysis of the results of the check, and the discussion of the results. Control will be effective only when the collected information will serve as the basis for pedagogical analysis, and through analysis for correction and regulation. Therefore, the results of intra-school control must necessarily be analyzed and drawn up in the form of an analytical report containing a statement of facts, conclusions and suggestions and communicated to each teacher.

So, what do you need to know about HSC.

Tip #1:

1. the structure of the HSC;

2. priority, for your school, directions of the HSC;

4. types, forms and methods of HSC;

5. the chain of sequence of conducting the HSC.

School management will be effective if control is not carried out occasionally, but is systematic, based on a planned plan. In order for the HSC plan to become a document focused on achieving the goals and objectives of the school, on improving the pedagogical skills of teachers, on the quality of the educational process, on the success of school graduates, being a document that has a control-diagnostic and regulatory-correctional character, it is necessary to clearly determine the areas of control and the content of each of them, the goals of control, forms and methods, who and when exercises control, where the results are discussed. This requires a thorough analysis of the work of the school over the past year, the formulation of goals and objectives for the coming year, the construction of a cyclogram of work for months and for a week. Further, the main blocks of the HSC, the topics of meetings of pedagogical councils, issues for meetings with the director and with the deputy director are determined.

Tip #2:

1. to approach responsibly the analysis of the work of the school over the past year, because only a thorough analysis will allow you to get a complete picture of the affairs at the school and identify the parties to be studied and controlled;

2. not to assume the entire burden of the HSC. Delegate controlling functions to other subjects of the educational space. For example, control over the level of ZUNs, the maintenance of student notebooks can be carried out by the leaders of subject methodological associations;

3. develop an optimal form of the HSC plan: compact, visual, reflecting all aspects of school life, convenient for everyday work.

The HSC plan is an open document in our school, any teacher can work with it, in addition, at the beginning of each month, an extract from this plan is posted on a special stand in the teacher's and methodological rooms so that each teacher is familiar with the issues under control. This eliminates misunderstanding on the part of teachers and allows you to be ready for verification.

Tip #3:

1. Carefully study the school regulation on official intra-school control, section "Rules of intra-school control."

2. Before you go to a lesson with a particular teacher, study the class journal, which gives an idea of ​​the progress of students in the subject taught for a certain period, as well as the topic that was studied in the previous lesson, pay attention to the regularity and timeliness of filling out the journal and grading students .

3. Analyze each lesson individually with each teacher. When discussing, be principled and demanding, but correct and friendly. Argue remarks unpleasant for the teacher with facts.

A fairly convenient and useful form of intra-school control is the collection of information in the form of reports from teachers and class teachers. For example: “Report of the subject teacher” is submitted at the end of each quarter and allows you to track the passage of the program material on the subject, the implementation of the practical part of the curriculum, the progress of students in this subject. “Class Teacher Report” is also submitted every quarter and allows you to get information about the class (the number of students; the number of arrivals and departures during the quarter; class performance indicators; In addition, the information obtained from these two reports makes it easy to complete the “Progress Report” and “School Performance Report by Quarter”. (Appendix No. 1).

Tip #4(last but not the main one!):

1. Optimize your work and value the time of your colleagues.

2. Offer teachers such forms of reports that will be really useful.

3. Do not forget what time you live and work, but do not neglect the experience of teachers with experience and literature with a very old year of publication.

And, finally, the most important advice - “do not stand still”, develop, improve yourself, learn, lead, be at the center of all school affairs and events, be a generator of ideas and ideas, set an example in everything! And then, of course, everything planned will come true!

At the festival of pedagogical ideas “Open Lesson”, I want to submit a package of analytical documents regarding the verification of the design and maintenance of school documentation. They can be useful in the work of both novice head teachers and more experienced colleagues.

The class journal is the most important state document. It reflects all aspects of the student's learning activities. The classroom journal has a special instruction for its maintenance. At the beginning of the year, I hold a meeting on this instruction with the teachers of the school. After that, each teacher signs that he is familiar with the instructions for keeping a journal. The goals of control for checking class journals are formulated as follows: the state of registration of journals, the accumulation of grades; state of classroom journals at the end of the 1st quarter; the state of attendance of students of graduation 9, 11 classes according to class magazines; identifying the level of work of class teachers in the design of magazines, determining the accumulation of grades by subject teachers; checking the implementation of state programs and their practical part, the objectivity of grading for a quarter; the timeliness and correctness of filling out the journal by subject teachers, the state of the survey among weak and unsuccessful students.

If we summarize the ascertaining parts of the certificates for checking magazines, then in general we get the following picture: a group of class teachers and subject teachers is noted, for whom everything is in order; part of the class teachers did not complete the journal: data on students, physical education indicators, health sheets; students' omissions are noted untimely, especially if these are separate lessons, on the omissions page; there is no recording of lessons by individual teachers; unsatisfactory questioning on the subject of some teachers; grades for a quarter, a year are biased; insufficient work with low-performing students, which is the reason for the large number of current unsatisfactory grades; violation of logging instructions.

Typical recommendations for working with journals are as follows: discussion of the “Reference” at a meeting with the director, re-control at such and such a time; an invitation to speak with the headmaster of teachers who violate the instructions for keeping a journal. (Appendix No. 2).

A notebook is an obligatory attribute of a student's education. It is difficult to name a subject of the curriculum for which a student would not have a notebook. Realizing that without a certain control over the maintenance of a notebook, it is impossible to achieve not only the student's knowledge of the subject, but also elementary literacy, the state pays for the examination of notebooks by subject teachers. When checking notebooks, the following is controlled: the teacher's fulfillment of the norms for checking notebooks; student doing homework; the correctness of the written work; observance of a single spelling regime; the presence (absence) of work on the bugs; the correctness of maintaining notebooks for examinations and their safety during the year; compliance with the volume of class and homework. (Appendix No. 3)

The personal file of the student is a nomenclature document of the established form, where, along with personal data, the final marks of the student's progress by year of study are entered. A personal file accompanies the student throughout his educational path from grades 1 to 11. In accordance with the law, the personal files of students are kept at the school for three years after they leave school. The personal file of the student is a kind of visiting card of the school. It is used to judge the school in which the child studied. That is why it is necessary to regularly monitor the conduct of personal files of students. I give an example of a certificate for checking the personal files of students. (Appendix No. 4).

Thematic planning of the teacher is intended to determine the best ways to implement the educational, developmental and educational functions of the educational process in the system of lessons on a given topic or section of the curriculum. I check the thematic planning at the beginning of the academic year according to the scheme I developed. (Appendix No. 5). At the end of each half-year I control the implementation of state programs, their compliance with the calendar and thematic planning, the implementation of the practical part of the programs and the norms of control work. (Appendix No. 6). Based on the results of the audit, all comments and recommendations are brought to the attention of teachers and are drawn up in certificates.

Intraschool control 2014/2015 is a comprehensive study and analysis of the educational process. It is necessary to coordinate the activities of teachers in accordance with the tasks.

Relevance of the issue

The effectiveness of the management of educational and educational processes to a large extent depends on how well the head of the institution knows the real state of affairs. The director coordinates the activities of the participants in the process. Intra-school control according to the Federal State Educational Standard is aimed primarily at ensuring the high comprehensive development of the younger generation. In the course of it, the implementation of the instructions of the head, the effectiveness of the measures taken are checked and taken into account, the causes of certain shortcomings are identified. Intra-school control over the educational process includes an analysis of the achieved indicators. It acts as a starting point for the new and involves the setting of new tasks.

general characteristics

Intraschool control is a multilateral and complex process. It is distinguished by a certain regular ordering, the presence of interconnected elements, each of which is endowed with specific functions. Intra-school control on academic work and extracurricular activities in terms of methods and form of organization will be different. Unlike inspection, it is carried out by the subjects of the educational institution. Its purpose is the formation of a general picture of the state of affairs in the institution, the identification of shortcomings and their causes, the provision of practical and methodological assistance to teachers. Intra-school control in a school can take various forms:

  • Administrative.
  • Mutual.
  • Collective.


The work plan of intra-school control involves a systematic study of the life of an educational institution, the work of a teacher, all aspects of activity are exposed:

  1. Variety of homework.
  2. Individual work with students.
  3. Testing and evaluation of acquired knowledge.
  4. Planning.
  5. Technical and didactic preparation for the lesson.


Intra-school control in elementary school and high school should be:


Based on them, a plan of intra-school control for the year is built. The main goals are:

  1. Achieving compliance of the development and functioning of the pedagogical process with the requirements of the state standard.
  2. Subsequent improvement of educational and upbringing work, taking into account the individual characteristics of children, their interests, opportunities, health status.


The intraschool control plan should clearly reflect the activities that will be carried out to achieve the goals. The main tasks should include:

  1. Periodic verification of compliance with the requirements of state standards in various subjects.
  2. Formation in the younger generation of a responsible attitude to the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.
  3. Systematic quality control of teaching disciplines, teacher compliance with evidence-based standards, requirements for the content, methods and forms of educational and extracurricular activities.
  4. A step-by-step analysis of the process of assimilating knowledge by children, their level of development, mastering the methods of independent education.
  5. Assistance to teachers in educational and extracurricular activities, improving their skills.
  6. Study of teachers' work experience.
  7. Continuous verification of program implementation and management decisions.
  8. Formation of communication between extracurricular and educational activities.
  9. Diagnostics of the state of the pedagogical process, detection of deviations from the programmed results in the work of the teaching staff in general and its individual members in particular, creation of conditions for showing interest and establishing trust, joint creativity.
  10. Development of the most effective techniques for presenting the material.
  11. Strengthening the responsibility of teachers, the introduction of new methods and techniques in practice.
  12. Improving the control of the maintenance and condition of documentation.


Regulations on intra-school control are adopted at the management level. The activities included in the program should ensure the achievement of the set goals in the implementation of the following functions:

Process modernization

It involves changing the existing organizational and legal aspects of management activities. This process, in turn, concerns the procedures for regulating and evaluating the work of an educational institution. Licensing and certification of an institution allows users to receive complete and reliable information about the compliance of the results and conditions in a particular institution with accepted state standards. In this case, the institution itself must carry out intra-school control, which acts as the first and most important stage of management activities.

base component

Intraschool control should be reduced to a minimum of objects of study. In this case, it is necessary to choose priority areas of analytical activity. This minimum is called the base component. His presence makes it possible to prepare the institution for certification, maintain the integrity of the entire educational and extracurricular processes, and guarantee standards for graduates. At the same time, the institution can follow the program documentation for system modernization. To do this, the intra-school control plan can be expanded thanks to the variant part.

Studying the activities of the teaching staff

Intraschool control involves assessing the quality of the implementation of regulatory documents, decisions of teachers' councils, recommendations of scientific and practical conferences and production meetings. The activities of methodical associations, the process of professional development of teachers, self-education are being studied. The educational and material base is checked according to such criteria as:

Thematic check

Describing intraschool control, special attention should be paid to the consideration of its methods, types and forms. Currently, the question of their classification is the subject of numerous discussions. Currently, there are several main types of control. A thematic check is aimed at an in-depth study of a specific issue:

  • in the activities of a team or a separate group of teachers, as well as one teacher;
  • at the junior or senior level of education;
  • in the system of aesthetic or moral education of children.

Front check

It is aimed at a comprehensive study of the activities of both an individual teacher and a group or the entire team. Frontal intra-school control is a rather laborious process. In this regard, it is often not possible to carry it out. It is recommended to carry out such a check no more than 2-3 times a year. In the process of studying the activities of a particular teacher, all the activities that he conducts in a particular area (managerial, educational, extracurricular, social, etc.) are examined. Frontal intra-school control of an institution involves an analysis of all aspects of its functioning. In particular, financial and economic activities, events held with parents, the organization of the educational process itself, and so on are checked.

Personal check

Such intra-school control is established over the activities of a particular teacher, class teacher, other employee involved in the educational and extracurricular process. This check can be both thematic and frontal. Since the activity of the entire team consists of the work of each individual member, personal control is quite justified and necessary. For an individual teacher, such a test acts as a means of self-assessment, a stimulating factor in further professional development. Cases are not excluded when the results of control reflect a low level of training, incompetence, lack of growth, and in some cases the unsuitability of an employee.

Generalizing forms

Intraschool control can be aimed at studying a complex of factors that influence the formation of a class team in the course of educational and extracurricular activities. The subject of study in this case is the activities that are carried out by teachers in the same class. The system of work on the differentiation and individualization of education, the development of motivations and cognitive needs of children is being studied. The dynamics of progress over several periods or within one specific period, the state of discipline, culture of behavior, and so on are also assessed. The subject-generalizing form is used when the study is aimed at the state and quality of the presentation of knowledge in a particular discipline in one or parallel classes, as well as throughout the institution as a whole. Such intra-school control involves the involvement of both the administration and representatives of methodological associations. The thematic-generalizing form sets as the main goal the study of the activities of various teachers in different classes in specific areas of the process. For example, the use of local history material in the course of education or the formation of a base for the aesthetic culture of children in the lessons of the natural direction, etc. is checked. The complex-generalizing form is used in the course of monitoring the organization of the study of several subjects by several teachers in one or more classes.


In the process of intra-school control, management should receive complete and reliable information about the state of affairs. Various methods are used to achieve this goal. Among the most popular and effective, it is worth noting:

All methods used complement each other.

Check objects

Within the framework of intraschool control, the following are studied:

Educational process. In it, the objects of verification are:

  • Implementation of training programs.
  • The productivity of the teacher.
  • The level of skills and knowledge of students.
  • Individual activities with gifted children.
  • Skills of methods of self-knowledge of students.
  • The effectiveness of extracurricular subject activities.

Educational process:

  • The effectiveness of class teachers.
  • The level of upbringing and social activity of children.
  • Parent involvement in the process.
  • The quality of school events.
  • The level of physical training and health status of children.
  • The quality of prevention with pedagogically neglected students.

This control method is used in many institutions. The pedagogical documentation includes:

School documentation reflects the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the educational and upbringing processes. The very fact of the presence of a variety of documentation in the institution indicates the wealth of information that employees receive when using it. If necessary, you can contact the archive for information on past periods. This will allow comparative analysis, which is of particular value for forecasting.

Regulations on intra-school control


I. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Model Regulations on an Educational Institution”, the Charter of Secondary School No. __, the school development program and regulates the content and procedure for conducting intra-school control by the administration.

1.2. Intra-school control is the main source of information for diagnosing the state of the educational process, the main results of the activities of an educational institution. Intra-school control is understood as the conduct by members of the school administration of observations, surveys carried out as a guide, and control within their competence over the observance by school employees of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality, a school in the field of education.

The procedure of intra-school control is preceded by instructing officials on the issues of its implementation.

1.3. The regulation on intra-school control is approved by the pedagogical council, which has the right to make changes and additions to it.

1.4. The goals of intraschool control are:

Improving the activities of an educational institution;

Improving the skills of teachers;

Improving the quality of education in schools.

1.5. Tasks of intraschool control:

Implementation of control over the implementation of legislation in the field of education;

Identification of cases of violations and non-execution of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, taking measures to suppress them;

Analysis of the causes underlying violations, taking measures to prevent them;

Analysis and expert evaluation of the effectiveness of the results of the activities of teaching staff;

The study of the results of pedagogical activity, the identification of positive and negative trends in the organization of the educational process and the development on this basis of proposals for the dissemination of pedagogical experience and the elimination of negative trends;

Analysis of the results of the implementation of orders and instructions for the school;

Providing methodological assistance to teaching staff in the process of control.

1.6. Functions of intraschool control:

Information and analytical;

Control and diagnostic;


1.7. The director of the school and (or) on his behalf, deputy directors or experts have the right to exercise intra-school control over the results of the activities of employees on the following issues:

Compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

Implementation of state policy in the field of education;

Use of financial and material resources in accordance with the regulations;

The use of methodological support in the educational process;

Implementation of approved educational programs and curricula, compliance with approved study schedules;

Compliance with the charter, internal labor regulations and other local acts of the school;

Compliance with the procedure for conducting intermediate certification of students and ongoing monitoring of progress;

The timeliness of providing certain categories of students with additional benefits and types of material support provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and legal acts of local governments;

Work of departments of public catering organizations and medical institutions in order to protect and promote the health of students and school employees;

Other matters within the competence of the school principal.

1.8. When evaluating a teacher in the course of intra-school control, the following is taken into account:

Implementation of state programs in full (passing the material, conducting practical work, tests, excursions, etc.);

The level of knowledge, skills and development of students;

The degree of independence of students;

Possession by students of general educational skills, intellectual skills;

A differentiated approach to students in the learning process;

Joint activities of teacher and student;

The presence of a positive emotional microclimate;

The ability to select the content of educational material (selection of additional literature, information, illustrations and other material aimed at mastering the knowledge system by students);

Ability to analyze pedagogical situations, reflection, independent control over the results of pedagogical activity;

The ability to correct their activities;

Ability to generalize your experience;

Ability to develop and implement a development plan.

1.9. Methods of control over the activities of the teacher:



Social poll;



Study of documentation;

Analysis of introspection of lessons;

Conversation about the activities of students;

Results of educational activity of students.

1.10. Methods of control over the results of educational activities:


oral questioning;

Written survey;

Written knowledge test (test);

Combined check;

Conversation, questioning, testing;

Checking documentation.

1.11. Intra-school control can be carried out in the form of scheduled or operational inspections, monitoring, and administrative work.

Intra-school control in the form of scheduled inspections is carried out in accordance with the approved schedule, which ensures periodicity and eliminates irrational duplication in the organization of inspections. It is brought to the members of the teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year.

Intra-school control in the form of operational checks is carried out in order to establish facts and verify information about violations indicated in the appeals of students and their parents or other citizens, organizations, and to resolve conflict situations in relations between participants in the educational process.

Intraschool control in the form of monitoring provides for the collection, systemic accounting, processing and analysis of information about the organization and results of the educational process for the effective solution of the problems of managing the quality of education (the results of educational activities, the state of health of students, catering, the implementation of regime moments, executive discipline, educational and methodological provision, diagnostics of pedagogical skills, etc.).

Intra-school control in the form of administrative work is carried out by the school principal or his deputies for educational work in order to check the success of training as part of the ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students.

1.12. Types of intraschool control:

Preliminary - control of the organization of the UVP at the beginning of the academic year;

Current - direct observation of the educational process;

Final - the study of the results of the work of the school, teachers for a quarter, half a year, an academic year.

Operational - the study of unexpected problems in the educational process

1.13. Forms of intraschool control:





1.14. Rules of intraschool control:

Intra-school control is carried out by the principal of the school or, on his behalf, deputies for educational work, heads of methodological associations, and other specialists;

Third-party (competent) organizations and individual specialists may be involved as experts in intra-school control;

The task plan defines the issues of a specific check and should ensure sufficient awareness and comparability of the results of intra-school control for the preparation of the final document for certain sections of the school or official's activities;

The duration of thematic or comprehensive inspections should not exceed 10 days with a visit to no more than 5 lessons, classes and other events;

Experts have the right to request the necessary information, to study the documentation related to the subject of intra-school control;

If in the course of intra-school control violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education are detected, they are reported to the principal of the school;

Expert surveys and questioning of students are carried out only in necessary cases in agreement with the psychological and methodological service of the school;

When carrying out planned control, no additional warning of the teacher is required if the terms of control are indicated in the monthly plan. In emergency cases, the director and his deputies for educational work can attend the lessons of school teachers without prior warning;

When conducting operational inspections, the teacher is warned at least 1 day before attending lessons;

In emergency cases, the teacher is warned at least 1 day before attending lessons (an emergency case is a written complaint about violations of the rights of the child, education legislation).

1.15. Grounds for intra-school control:

Application of a teacher for certification;

Planned control;

Checking the state of affairs for the preparation of management decisions;

Appeal of individuals and legal entities regarding violations in the field of education.

1.16. The results of intra-school control are drawn up in the form of an analytical report, a certificate of the results of intra-school control, a report on the state of affairs on the issue being checked, or another form established by the school. The final material should contain a statement of facts, conclusions and, if necessary, proposals. Information about the results is communicated to school employees within seven days from the date of completion of the audit.

Pedagogical workers, after getting acquainted with the results of intra-school control, must sign the final material, certifying that they have been made aware of the results of intra-school control.

At the same time, they have the right to make an entry in the final material about disagreement with the results of control as a whole or on individual facts and conclusions and apply to the conflict commission of the trade union committee of the school or higher educational authorities.

Based on the results of intra-school control, depending on its form, goals and objectives, as well as taking into account the real state of affairs:

a) meetings of the pedagogical or methodological councils, production meetings, workshops with the teaching staff are held;

b) the comments and suggestions made are recorded in the documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of the school's affairs;

c) the results of intra-school control may be taken into account during the certification of teaching staff, but are not the basis for the conclusion of the expert group.

1.17. Based on the results of intra-school control, the school principal makes the following decisions:

On the issuance of the relevant order;

On the discussion of the final materials of intra-school control by a collegiate body;

On conducting a repeated control with the involvement of certain specialists (experts);

On bringing officials to disciplinary responsibility;

On the encouragement of employees;

Other decisions within their competence.

1.18. The results of the verification of the information contained in the appeals of students, their parents, as well as in the appeals and requests of other citizens and organizations, are reported to them in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time limits.

II. Personal control

2.1. Personal control involves the study and analysis of the pedagogical activity of an individual teacher.

2.2. In the course of personal control, the manager studies:

The level of knowledge of the teacher in the field of modern achievements in psychological and pedagogical science, the professional skills of the teacher;

The level of the teacher's mastery of developmental learning technologies, the most effective forms, methods and techniques of teaching;

The results of the teacher's work and ways to achieve them;

Ways to improve the professional qualifications of teachers.

2.3. When exercising personal control, the manager has the right to:

Get acquainted with the documentation in accordance with the functional responsibilities, work programs (thematic planning, which is compiled by the teacher for the academic year, is reviewed and approved at a meeting of the methodological association and can be adjusted in the process), lesson plans, class journals, diaries and notebooks of students, protocols of parental meetings, plans for educational work, analytical materials of the teacher;

To study the practical activities of the teaching staff of the school through visiting and analyzing lessons, extracurricular activities, classes in circles, electives, sections;

Conduct an examination of pedagogical activity;

Monitor the educational process with subsequent analysis of the information received;

Organize sociological, psychological, pedagogical research: questioning, testing of students, parents, teachers;

Draw conclusions and make management decisions.

2.4. The checked pedagogical worker has the right:

Know the terms of control and criteria for evaluating its activities;

Know the purpose, content, types, forms and methods of control;

Timely get acquainted with the conclusions and recommendations of the administration;

Contact the conflict commission of the trade union committee of the school or higher educational authorities if you disagree with the results of the control.

2.5. Based on the results of personal control of the teacher's activities, a certificate is issued.

III. Thematic control

3.1. Thematic control is carried out on individual problems of the school.

3.2. The content of thematic control may include issues of individualization, differentiation, correction of learning, elimination of student overload, the level of formation of general educational skills and abilities, the activation of students' cognitive activity and other issues.

3.3. Thematic control is aimed not only at studying the actual state of affairs on a specific issue, but also at introducing into existing practice the technology of developmental education, new forms and methods of work, and the experience of masters of pedagogical work.

3.4. The topics of control are determined in accordance with the School Development Program, a problem-oriented analysis of the work of the school based on the results of the academic year, the main trends in the development of education in the city, region, country.

3.5. Members of the teaching staff should be familiar with the topics, deadlines, goals, forms and methods of control in accordance with the work plan of the school.

3.6. During thematic control:

Conducted case studies (questionnaires, testing);

An analysis of the practical activities of the teacher, class teacher, leaders of circles and sections, students is carried out; visiting lessons, extra-curricular activities, classes of circles, sections; analysis of school and classroom documentation.

3.7. The results of thematic control are issued in the form of a certificate.

3.8. The teaching staff gets acquainted with the results of thematic control at meetings of teachers' councils, meetings with the director or deputies, meetings of methodological associations.

3.9. Based on the results of thematic control, measures are taken to improve the educational process and improve the quality of knowledge, the level of education and development of students.

3.10. The results of the thematic control of several teachers can be issued in one document.

IV. Class-generalizing control

4.1. Class-generalizing control is carried out in a particular class or parallel.

4.2. Class-generalizing control is aimed at obtaining information about the state of the educational process in a particular class or parallel.

4.3. In the course of class-generalizing control, the leader studies the entire range of educational work in a separate class or classes:

Activities of all teachers;

Inclusion of students in cognitive activities;

Instilling an interest in knowledge;

Cooperation between teacher and students;

Socio-psychological climate in the classroom.

4.4. Classes for conducting class-generalizing control are determined based on the results of a problem-oriented analysis based on the results of the academic year, half year or quarter.

4.5. The duration of class-generalizing control is determined by the necessary depth of study of the state of affairs in accordance with the identified problems.

4.6. Members of the teaching staff first get acquainted with the objects, deadlines, goals, forms and methods of class-generalizing control in accordance with the school work plan.

4.7. Based on the results of class-generalizing control, mini-pedagogical councils, meetings with the director or his deputies, class hours, parent meetings are held.

V. Comprehensive control

5.1. Comprehensive control is carried out in order to obtain complete information about the state of the educational process in the school as a whole or on a specific problem.

5.2. To carry out comprehensive control, a group is created, consisting of members of the administration of the educational institution, heads of methodological associations, effectively working school teachers under the leadership of one of the members of the administration.

5.3. Group members must clearly define goals, objectives, develop a verification plan, and distribute responsibilities among themselves.

5.4. Each inspector is assigned a specific task, deadlines, forms of summarizing the results of a comprehensive audit are set.

5.5. Members of the teaching staff get acquainted with the goals, objectives, plan for conducting a comprehensive audit in accordance with the work plan of the school, but not less than a month before it starts.

5.6. Based on the results of a comprehensive check, a certificate is prepared, on the basis of which the director of the school issues an order (control over the execution of which is entrusted to one of the members of the administration) and a meeting of the pedagogical council, a meeting with the director or his deputies is held.

5.7. Upon receipt of positive results, this order is removed from control.

Regulation on current control


1. General Provisions

1.1. Current progress control is the main source of information about the reliable results of students' activities.

1.2. The current control of the progress of students of MOU secondary school No. __ is carried out by the administration, subject teachers, class teachers in order to determine the actually achieved knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Tasks of current control

2.1. Obtaining objective information about the state of progress of students.

2.2. Analysis of achievements in training and education to build an individual route for the student.

3. Rules of current control

3.1. Grades based on the results of the current control are posted in the journal. To inform parents (legal representatives) about the results of the current control, a diary, assessment sheets and other forms adopted by the Pedagogical Council can be used.

3.2. Assessments of the current control from the second year of study should be reduced to a five-point system, where points 1.2 are set if the student does not master the curriculum, points 3.4.5 are set if the student masters the curriculum and, as they grow, indicate the quality of mastering the curriculum. programs.

3.3. Students at the level of primary general and basic general education who have not mastered the program of the academic year and have academic debts in two or more subjects, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives), are left for re-education or continue their education in the form of family education. Students at the indicated levels of education who, at the end of the academic year, have an academic debt in one subject, are transferred to the next class conditionally. Responsibility for the liquidation of academic debts by students during the next academic year rests with their parents (legal representatives).

In any case, the transfer of the student is made by decision of the Pedagogical Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Secondary School No. __.

3.4. Students who have not mastered the general education program of the previous level are not allowed to study at the next level of general education.

3.5. Persons who have not completed basic general education, MOU secondary school No. __ are issued certificates of the established form.



on maintaining a class journal in grades I - XI

  1. General provisions
  1. The class journal is a state document, and its maintenance is mandatory for every teacher.
  2. The director of the MOU and his deputy for educational work are obliged to ensure the storage of class journals and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance.
  3. The class magazine is designed for one academic year. Journals of parallel classes are numbered by letters, for example, 5a class, 5b class, etc.
  4. The deputy director for educational work instructs teachers on the distribution of the journal pages allocated for the current record of student progress and attendance for the year in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject.
  5. The teacher is obliged to systematically check and evaluate the knowledge of students, as well as to note the attendance of students. On the right side of the expanded page of the journal, the teacher must write down the topic studied in the lesson and the homework.
  6. For written work, marks are put down in the column of the day when the written work was carried out.
  7. For practical and laboratory work, excursions, written control work, their topic and the number of hours spent should be indicated exactly.
  8. In the column "Homework" the content of the task, pages, numbers of tasks and exercises are recorded.
  9. The final grades for each academic quarter are set by the teacher after recording the last lesson in this subject in the quarter. Grades are filled in by the class teacher in the summary sheet of students' progress.
  10. Considering that the class in the classroom in a foreign language, labor training is divided into two groups, in the class journal this feature is taken into account on page ___ (top: English, labor training, technology, physical education (10-11 grades) /girls/; bottom : German language, labor training, technology, physical education (10-11kl) /boys/).
  11. The class teacher carefully writes down the names and surnames of students in the class register in alphabetical order, fills in the “General information about students”, notes the number of lessons missed by students, and sums up the number of days and lessons missed by each student for the quarter and academic year.
  12. Information about students in circles and extracurricular activities, social work is filled in by the class teacher.
  13. “Remarks on keeping a class journal” are filled in by the deputy director for educational work and / or the director of the MOU.
  14. "Health sheet" is filled in by a medical worker.
  15. All entries in the classroom journal must be kept clearly and accurately.
  1. Purpose and content of log checks


the purpose of checking the classroom log


Compliance with the uniform requirements for filling out the journal by the class teacher


Elimination of comments, accumulation of grades, availability and marks for introductory control, level of documentation by subject teachers, class attendance (mark on subject pages and in the summary sheet)


Elimination of comments, objectivity of grading for a quarter, instruction on traffic rules, for holidays


Elimination of comments, work with underachievers, the level of grading for tests, the accumulation of grades, class attendance (mark on subject pages and in the summary sheet)


Elimination of comments, objectivity of grading for the 1st half of the year, implementation of the control program in subjects and NQF, implementation of the practical part in subjects, briefing for the holidays, traffic rules


Elimination of comments, the level of documentation by class teachers and subject teachers, accumulation of grades, work with weak students


Elimination of comments, organization of repetition, work of subject teachers to improve quality, instruction on traffic rules, for holidays


Elimination of remarks, cumulative grading, work with low achievers


Elimination of comments, objectivity of grading, implementation of the program in academic subjects, control program, practical part, NQF, traffic rules program


Elimination of comments, fulfillment of uniform requirements for logging, a mark on the transfer, graduation from basic, secondary school

Approximate requirements for maintaining classroom journals

The class journal is a document of strict accountability. Its conduct is mandatory for every teacher. All entries in the classroom journal must be kept clearly, neatly, in ______ pasta. Erasing journal entries is strictly prohibited.

1. Requirements for filling out and keeping a journal:

1.1 marks for written types of work (independent work, tests, practical and laboratory work) are given to all students for the number when the work took place;

1.2 the presence of a system of work for teachers to gradually work out the gaps in the knowledge of students after the written work (working on mistakes, analyzing the work done, etc.);

1.3 the presence of an oral survey of students (the absence of a survey leads to a small accumulation of marks, while a quarter mark is often set on the basis of only one mark, which is unacceptable);

1.4 in the journals, the repetition of educational material is recorded (at the beginning of the school year, concomitant repetition, repetition in the 4th quarter in preparation for the intermediate and final certification);

1.5 in the journal always and in all subjects, homework is noted, as well as the species distribution of homework;

1.6 unacceptably large number of unsatisfactory marks for the lesson;

1.7 the teacher notes in the journals the types of work (on the page for recording the topics of the lessons), for which marks are given to the whole class;

1.8 teachers record in the journals the type of written work carried out;

1.9 absent students are noted by the subject teacher at each lesson;

1.10 it is unacceptable to have points and grades set in pencil in the journal;

1.11 semi-annual and annual marks must be set objectively: the main criterion for setting these marks are marks for written work (composition, tests in mathematics, physics, etc.).

1.12 marks should not be corrected.

2. Deputy director for educational work:

121 is responsible for the safety of class magazines;

2.2 systematically monitors the maintenance of class journals (once a quarter);

2.3 writes down on the last page, specially allotted for this purpose, comments and suggestions on logging, where it indicates the deadlines for eliminating these comments and the results of the re-check;

2.4 gives instructions to teachers about the distribution of the pages of the journal allocated for the current record of lesson attendance and student performance in accordance with the number of hours allocated in the curriculum for each subject;

2.5 pays special attention to keeping "medal" journals;

2.6 controls the completion of the movement sheet, which records the number of students in the class on September 5th. This information is confirmed by the signatures of the class teacher and the deputy for water resources management, responsible for school No. 1.

3. Classroom teacher

3.1. is responsible for the state of the journal of his class, monitors the systematic and correct journaling by subject teachers working in the class, analyzes the progress of students, the objectivity of quarterly, semi-annual and final grades;

3.2.fills pages:

a) health sheet (only a list, data for each student - filled in by a medical worker);

b) extracurricular activities;

c) daily school absences of students;

3.3. neatly writes down the names and surnames of students in the journal in alphabetical order, fills out “General information about students”;

3.4. sums up the number of days and lessons missed by each student for a quarter and an academic year;

3.5. systematically fills in the pages of the class teacher (studying the rules of the road and fire safety, life safety), as well as information about students visiting circles, electives, sports sections, etc.

3.6. puts quarter grades in the summary sheet of student progress;

3.7. writes on the subject page the names of the subject with a small letter, according to the Curriculum. Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher, class teacher is written in full;

3.8. timely fills in the lists on the subject pages in accordance with the reporting form OSH-1;

3.9. daily checks and puts in the summary sheet the number of missed lessons;

3.10. notes on the subject page on physical culture of students with a preparatory group.

4 . subject teacher:

4.1. systematically check and evaluate students' knowledge;

4.2. on the left side of the subject spread, put down the date of the lesson in accordance with the schedule of training sessions, note the absence of students at each lesson. On the right side of the expanded page of the journal, write down the date, the topic of the lesson and the homework;

4.3. to put marks on written and creative work in the column of the day when this work was carried out and to all students who were present at the lesson;

4.4. when conducting practical and laboratory work, excursions, written tests, indicate their topic;

4.5. in a timely manner, according to the norms, to give marks for the control carried out;

4.6. before the control work, conduct a lesson in summarizing the studied material, after the control work - a lesson in analyzing the results obtained. This work should be reflected in the journal;

4.7. set final grades for each quarter or half year after recording the date of the last lesson in the quarter or half year (it is not allowed to skip a column or line before or after the end of the quarter);

4.8. in exceptional cases, when correcting an assessment, carefully cross out the erroneous assessment, put the corresponding one next to it and certify the correctness of the correction with your signature. If the grade for a quarter is incorrect, then after the last line on the subject page with a list of surnames, it is necessary to write down the student's surname, set the grade, decipher it and put your signature and seal of the educational institution (for example: for the 1st quarter Ivanova Irina - mark "3" (three ) the signature of the teacher and the seal of the institution);

4.9. when recording the day and month on the page "what was done in the lesson", the following entry is made: 02.09 or 13.04 .;

4.10. the order in which substituted lessons are recorded.

When substituting lessons by a teacher working in this class, the substitution record should be made on the page of your subject.

When replacing lessons by a teacher who does not work in this class, the replacement record should be made on the page of the replaced subject.

When recording substitutions, be sure to indicate the date, topic of the lesson, homework, write down the word "substitution" and put a signature.

In the absence of this record at the time of submission of the time sheet and later, payment is not made;

4.11. state programs in subjects at the end of the year must be completed;

12. it is forbidden to make entries on the marking sheet such as "control work", "practical work", etc., as well as to count the total number of marks;

4.13. absent students should be marked with the letter "H" (illness, absence, etc.);

4.14. students exempted from physical education lessons are not marked. On the subject page on physical culture, mark students with a preparatory group;

4.15. homework in all subjects (including physical education) is recorded at each lesson, except for the lessons of thematic knowledge control;

4.16. for practical, laboratory, tests, excursions, lessons of repetition and consolidation, the topic should be indicated exactly.


Test No. ___ (dictation)