Fulfillment of desires begins with gratitude. Wish Fulfillment: Theory and Effective Techniques

Joe Vitale, Genevieve Behrend


With all my heart and with reverence, I place these pages on the altar of the memory of a man who was a sage and a saint, a teacher and mentor, and my dear friend - Judge Thomas Troward

Dedicated to Grace N. Northcutt of Denver, Colorado, through whose kind support this book was printed.

Genevieve Behrend

Dedicated to everyone who wants to create heaven on earth

Joe Vitale

Moving from Houston to my current home in the Hill Country, I took only three books with me at first from my personal library of 5,000 volumes. One of them was Genevieve Behrend's amazing little book How to Attain Your Desires, first published in 1929, long out of print and undeservedly forgotten by many today.

I found this amazing book, which had a huge impact on my life, many years ago. She taught me to focus on essence your desires, not theirs. external qualities and manifestations, and through this to aim at what I really aspire to.

In my particular case, the use of Genevieve's methods - surprisingly simple and straightforward - actually translated into new cars and houses, new relationships, improved health, increased sales of my books and passive income, and a whole host of other pleasant things and events.

My friend David Garfinkel, a well-known advertising writer, said after reading this book, “I would say that this is the simplest, most comprehensive, and most practical explanation of how the Creative Process works in real life that I have ever read. - or had to read and hear.

And the person I hired to reprint this book for me from the original (thanks to which I, in fact, was able to turn it into an electronic edition and publish it a little later), wrote me the following: “I have never seen anything like this in my life! She inspired me to define my desires as clearly as possible, and showed me how to make them come true! Thank you for inviting me to type this text on the computer! THANK YOU!"

My webmaster, after reading the work of Genevieve Berend, spoke simply and succinctly: “This is an amazing book!”

But what is the history of this almost miraculous book?

The author wrote it in the form of a complete training course, consisting of several lessons; it happened in the early 1920s. The content is presented in the form of a dialogue between teacher and student. In the first part, the teacher is one of the theorists and first teachers in the field of the metaphysics of the soul, the great judge Thomas Troward; the student is you, me, every person on earth. In the second part, Genevieve herself acts as a teacher, and one of her clients acts as a student. The book is easy to read; it is concise and at the same time contains a lot of extremely useful tips, ideas and thoughts.

In the seven short lessons of the first part, there is an incredible potential for transformation. Here are just a few subheadings, just to show you the amazing power of her rare power of content.

The Secret to Controlling the Forces of Life.

Do not look for coincidences in life.

How to free your mind from anxiety.

How to learn to control circumstances and adverse conditions.

How your mind is interconnected with the Universal Universal Mind.

How to improve health and achieve harmony.

And the list of extremely important topics, discussions and imagination-expanding concepts goes on and on. This part of the book even has separate sections on how a person can control their anger, illness, disappointment, and many other negative situations and feelings.

The purpose of the series of brief, focused lessons presented in the second part is to clearly and concisely describe "the natural principles that govern the processes of interaction between mental activity and states of matter", that is, real conditions and circumstances.

If you carefully study these few basic principles, assimilate them, and then put them into practice every day and every hour, you will soon be convinced that you can achieve conscious contact with the almighty, eternal and unfailing God; and this will quite naturally lead you to individual FREEDOM, freedom from restrictions in any form and dependence of any kind.

Many teachers claim that we all have the power to change our lives, but few of them are more accessible and detailed than the author of this book, explains how to do it.

So, concentrate and get ready. Soon you will begin to work real miracles.

And I ask you to use your great power only with good intentions.

Before you start reading, I advise you to start by trying to imagine what your life would be like if you could learn to fulfill all your desires.

Now you are on the verge of the greatest discovery - you are about to discover the secret that allows you to make your dreams and desires come true.

And what is your main wish?

Magically yours

Dr. Joe Vitale


P.S. Most people know about Genevieve Behrend's first book, Your Invisible Power, which has been reprinted and reprinted frequently to this day, but few have heard of this author's second book, much less well-known but also more powerful. With its help, you can bring to life almost everything that your imagination can draw. And now you hold this book in your hands!

P.P.S. You might be wondering what other two books I took with me when I left Houston? The first is Robert Collier's legendary work, The Robert Collier Letter Book; the second is How to Write Letters That Sell by Christian Goudfroy. Well, you are reading the third one now. Agree: if she was among the three books that I chose from my library of five thousand volumes, is it worth paying attention to her - and perhaps telling your friends about her?

How to fulfill your desires, allowing the subconscious mind to work for you?

Good no one will ever lose!

What was, will live forever!

Robert Browning, "Abbot Vogler"

I knew that whatever God does endures forever; there is nothing to add to that and nothing to take away from that; and God makes it so that they stand in awe of his presence. What was, is now, and what will be, has already been; and God will call the past.

Ecclesiastes 3:14, 15


All the good things that we wished for, hoped for or dreamed of will exist, not in external manifestation, but in ourselves.

Robert Browning

What was, is what will be; and what has been done is what will be done; and there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

At all times, the sages, although they left an imprint of their soul, invariably agreed on one thing: “What are the thoughts in the soul of a person, such is he himself.” But WHAT should be the thoughts in our soul so that only goodness flourishes in it, and so that it ultimately bears fruit in the form of good deeds and generous results? Is there some magical secret that turns the dull metal of life into a precious coin?

That is what I intend to tell you in my little book. My goal is to mold into clear form the priceless coinage of the soul of my esteemed mentor Judge Thomas Troward and present it to you in the refraction of my mind and my soul. As a tool to achieve this goal, I have chosen a style of dialogue familiar and understandable to all students of Plato, the greatest of all philosopher-thinkers. Long years of studying the creations of this, in fact, superhuman mind convinced me that this form of presentation of material is more suitable for conveying the smallest shades of meanings and meanings and the richest depths of the sound of the human soul than the vast majority of other forms. I know that my readers will agree with me that if they, being in my place, the place of the student, allow me to answer their questions, as my mentor answered mine, then our lessons will become much more interesting and effective.

More specifically, what I want to talk about in these pages is the method of well-intentioned scientific thinking and encourage you to use this method to develop the habit of having ONLY the thoughts that you would like to see translated into real achievements or results. In addition, I want to direct your thoughts to a better understanding of the Spirit of God, or Goodness, which will show us the way to the happy dawn of a new civilization. The speed with which people's beliefs are changing makes humanity realize that this new civilization is already manifesting itself in the form of a clearer understanding of the relationship between man and his Creator.

There are a lot of techniques for fulfilling desires, although most of them are built on the same principle. The point is to convince yourself and the universe that your wish must come true.

The first thing to understand is that you need to make a wish correctly:

  • Whatever you wish must be stated in the present tense. Not “I want to earn 100 thousand”, but “I earn 100 thousand”.
  • The desire that you are working on, for a certain amount of time, must be one. Moreover, it must be self-sufficient. You should not wish, for example, some amount of money to buy a TV with this money, pay off a loan and send it to your mother. Instead, break it down into three specific desires and work on each one separately.
  • Do not impose your dates on the universe: no "by November" or "this year." Although, considering the first point, this will not work.
  • Do not use the "not" particle when making a wish. The universe does not distinguish whether you want or do not want. For example, the desire "not to be fat" should be formulated "I am very slim and beautiful and I feel great."
  • Desire cannot harm others or contradict the will of other people. So you only invite trouble on yourself instead of fulfilling your cherished desire.
  • Technique does not matter, the main thing is concentration during work. You can call it magic or meditation, it is a very important condition. After all, you are addressing the universe, and this requires some effort.
  • Take breaks. You need to work on each desire for several weeks, that is, think about it, read your notes. Then the desire should be “let go” and try to forget about it.
  • Do not indicate in the desires of other people. We have no right to decide other people's fates. Desires work only for themselves.

If you have already formulated your desires for yourself, I offer several techniques to choose from. They all work equally well. Choose the one that is closest to you.

Fairy tale

This method is perfect for people with a rich imagination. Everything is very simple. You are writing a fairy tale about how your wish comes true. You become the main character. It is good if your name appears in the fairy tale and the main qualities are described. Tell us about how "in a distant kingdom, among gray houses and strange cars, there lived a girl Nastenka ... Once she met a prince on the road ... And they lived happily ever after." A fairy tale must be written down on paper and re-read from time to time. Do not, under any circumstances, let anyone read it. It's only between you and the universe!

Wish collage

Good old creative approach to shaping your life. Any person can definitely cope with a collage. So, take a large sheet of paper (preferably A3 size), a stack of magazines, scissors and glue and lock yourself in a room for a couple of hours. Leafing through magazines, cut out pictures that meet your needs, mentally formulating the attitudes “I am happily married,” “I live in a big house,” and so on. Glue the cut out pictures onto the sheet. Choose a place for the collage so that you can look at it as often as possible, and strangers less often.

Do not try to fit all your desires into one collage. Focus on the essentials. When the wish comes true, assemble a new collage. And take this one away. By the way, if you draw well, it is better to draw your desire.


The most, in my opinion, the simplest technique in terms of execution, but the most difficult in terms of discipline. It consists in the fact that you simply represent your desire. For example, you want to buy a new car. All that is required of you is to imagine yourself driving a new car from time to time. Mentally stroke the steering wheel, imagine the smell of leather seats, brand, color ... You need to do this 3-4 times a day for several minutes. 2-3 weeks of visualization of one desire is enough. Then it is best to forget about it and not think about it for a while. You can switch to another desire.

wish book

Get a nice notebook or notepad. Write down all your desires there. Just keep in mind, you will have to write a lot. Describe your desire in as much detail as possible. Statements must be in the first person. Be sure to describe your feelings and sensations that should be with you when the desire comes true. This works much better than describing specific details. If you want to meet the man of your dreams, it’s better not to write what kind of person he is, how much money he has and what kind of job he has. Better describe how you feel good with him: "I'm happy with him, we have something to talk about, he makes me laugh ...".

glass of wishes

A very interesting technique proposed by V. Zeland, they say, works great. Write your desire on a small piece of paper. Put a glass of clean water on it. Rub your palms properly, as if collecting an energy clot between them. Place this bunch of energy in a glass, as if "embracing" it, without touching the glass. Sit like this for a while. Once again, say to yourself the essence of your desire, mentally visualizing how it was fulfilled. And drink some water. It is best to work on one desire for several days, morning and evening, drinking water in this way.

Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. I highly recommend trying it. On my personal experience, I checked. If everything is done correctly, the results will not keep you waiting.

We hope that this site really helps ladies, charges you with positive energy and gives you confidence that wishes do come true. Therefore, in this article we will consider another concept of the fulfillment of desires. This is, so to speak, another important component that allows wishes to come true. But not everyone knows about him. Perhaps they know, but they do not give themselves an account of this. This article is about wish fulfillment techniques.

Recently, the topic of fulfillment of desires is gaining momentum. Why? Because the secret is finally out. The secret of wish fulfillment. Someone will not believe it, but as they say: "To each his own" . We believe that desires can be realized if you find a special technique!!! Each person has their own. Anyway, every person thought and wondered: "Why is that person more successful than me, if he does not even have a secondary education?"

There are people who are worse than you. Worse in mind, talent, skills (depending on which of course). Well, they are worse than you and have much less experience than you. But they live better. And it looks like they were born that way. But is it?

Why is this happening?

We will not speak here about the power of thought and about the laws of extension. You should have known this for a long time. Why is this happening my answer is : they do something right and do it unconsciously. They think right. They feel right. They believe to the end. And so they do the right thing. They go to the right and necessary events. Events do not fall on our heads. We are going to them. And it depends on how our brain is configured. And our brain is a kind of compass. What wave he is tuned to is the one he will follow all his life. Therefore, it is important to properly tune your brain. And not just for one day, but for the rest of your life, you have to do it. You won't get the first results tomorrow. Perhaps in a year. But this does not mean that you need to "hold out" for a year in order to get the result immediately, as time passes. Of course not. Miracles will happen to you all the time!!! But only if you start to turn your steering wheel to another life. And while you are wrapping, everything happens to you, as it happened before. So have the conscience to be constant. Deal?

How to tune your brain to the right wave, I described in the book " Rainbow of Happiness. There are tricky techniques that allow you to do this as quickly as possible. Although if you are not new to such matters, then you will still learn something new. This is not available anywhere on the Internet. Now about one component, which we will reveal here.

Wish Fulfillment Technique is an Important Component

Personally, I understood how wishes come true. I want you to understand too. If you really want to learn how to fulfill your desires, then you can check out the course " Technique for the fulfillment of desires from BC Chance. There you will learn more very an important component that will allow you to fulfill desires. If you take this information seriously, then the effect is guaranteed. Many have already done this, so do you, dear readers.

What is this component that allows you to fulfill desires? It is difficult to describe it in words or give it a name, but you must literally with your desire "soak". What does it mean to soak? This means that you must (again, it is difficult to explain in words), say, see and feel your desire in everything. If you want to attract love, then you must feel it every day and see your love in everything. Here you are watching a romantic movie, what is happening there, all this is love, it is happening to you too (only positive moments). You watch a clip with your favorite singer, and so - this singer is your love.

It must be felt every minute. Every thought you have must be connected with your desire. This happened to me, and my wish came true after 7 months and in an amazing way. I hope you understand what I mean.

Unfortunately, our words are the most primitive way we express anything. However, I will give an example. You want to attract more money into your life. You should also imbibe this desire. Whatever you look at, listen to - all this is connected with your desire - attract more money. You're right, you live it.

Usually in such situations, when a person is really saturated with his desire, there is a filter of information. You begin to notice everything that is connected with your desire. If you wanted a Porsche 911, you start to even notice them. On TV, for example. And, of course, you begin to notice your desire even where there is none at all. For example, with the same machine Porsche 911. You just notice something that looks like it, like a sports car. And as soon as you saw it, another sports car, you thought about Porsche 911.

In addition, all your thoughts about what you want are positive. In other words, you don't have it, but you think you have it. You even felt it so plausibly that you are not particularly interested in it anymore. You have had this for a long time and you are bored with it.

Every thought, every focus is directed towards your desire. You walk and experience joy while doing it. This can be compared to being told that you have won the car of your dreams and it will be delivered to you soon. How would you feel while waiting? That you already have it. You would feel joy in yourself. Same here. You don't have it, but you think differently!!! Why? Because our brain, as it has been said more than once, does not distinguish the difference between the real world and the imaginary world. If you have scrolled something many times in your head, then at the moment of embodying it, you no longer feel that this is something too special. Or that it was so scary to do so. For example, you imagined how many times you went on stage and experienced (really) fear and nerves during this. You have done this so many times in your head that at the moment of the onset of this event, it already seems that not everything turned out to be so scary at all.


For a while you will live your desire, and see it in everything. You will be haunted by a feeling of inspiration and joy that this is already really yours. It's such a special feeling and it's hard to describe it. You can speed up this process if you use special techniques for this. You can also sign up for training. 3-week training in the technique of fulfilling desires. This is a very powerful training.

In this article, we talked about one component that makes wishes come true. It is possible to develop such a state - the state of "impregnation" through meditation and the performance of special techniques through it. Actually, in this article, I gave you all the recommendations. Then everything depends on you. So it was, so it is, and so it will always be.

I wish you that your wishes really come true. To make you feel a kind of magical state. And, of course, that you are always lucky!!!

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It is difficult to imagine a woman who would not have desires. Only some want everything, immediately and more. And other desires are smaller, they are more modest, and the woman is ready to wait. Everyone has desires. Question: how to make them executable?

In this article, I analyzed the advice of various authors and added my personal experience. It turned out a step-by-step algorithm, a clear system for fulfilling desires.

11 step wish fulfillment technology

How to formulate a desire

What kind 6 key criteria must be present in the statement of desires:

  • Formulate the goal in the first person. You are responsible only for yourself and for your life. Therefore, the goals concern only you.
  • State your goal in the present tense. The subconscious mind does not understand the future and the past, it only understands the present.
  • The wording should be positive, without a “not” particle.

To enhance the positive effect, be creative. Write your wish on sheets of A4 paper in large letters and hang these magical sheets in prominent places in your home. Let them remind your subconscious mind that it's time to implement your plans!

  • The wording of the desire should be clear and concise. One goal, one idea.
  • Set a time frame in your wording. Indicate by what date you want the plan to be fulfilled.
  • The wording should be emotionally meaningful to you.

If the goal “catches” you and is important to you, then it is realized 2 times faster.

Visualization of desires: 100% technology to make a dream come true

Visualization is when you imagine a vivid image of your dream in great detail.

2 visualization methods:

  1. To look at the Dream from the outside, to be an outside observer, as if you are watching a movie on the cinema screen. You observe the actions, but are not involved in the process.
  2. When you are a direct participant in the ongoing events, the main character of the film.

It is better to combine these 2 methods: first look at the Dream from the outside, and then feel it from the inside, including not only sight, but also hearing, taste and sensations in the process.

As in this exercise, connect all the senses:

When you have created a bright colorful image of desire, connected all the senses to it, answer yourself to 3 questions:

  1. What will I see when I make a wish come true
  2. What will I hear when I make a wish come true
  3. What will I feel when I make a wish come true

Turn on emotions

An important side of any image is the emotion behind it. The more you put feelings and sounds into the image, the more real the picture becomes, the faster the subconscious mind will help you in fulfilling your desires.

Act like you already have what you want.

Do you want a new car?

Imagine how you are driving a brand new foreign car, feel the sinking of your heart when you rush along the road with a breeze, sitting in an easy chair, and your favorite music is heard from the speakers.

Master class "Create the image of your Dream!"

  • you will learn about the "pros" and "cons" of visualization techniques
  • practice visualization
  • learn about 3 magical ways to enhance visualization
  • learn to dream in images
  • learn about 3 methods of imaginative thinking
  • do the Stargate meditation, during which you will speed up the fulfillment of your desire

Be specific in your desire

Decide where, when and with whom you are going to realize your dream.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. Where, under what circumstances do I want to get the desired result?
  2. When do I want to get the desired result?
  3. With whom do I want to get the desired result?

Have you been dreaming about something for a long time, but for some reason your dream has not yet been realized? It often happens that the dream does not belong to you, and you are guided by other people's ideas.

Take the "You and Your Dream" quiz, which will help you look at your dream from a different angle and determine how your dream fits you.

Focus on your dream

Any image has its own energy (vibration). But you can always strengthen this energy, give the image additional strength. By conscious action, you endow the image of your dream with additional energy.

This exercise will help you learn to focus on your desires and, ultimately, accelerate the process of materializing dreams.

Make enough time for your dream

There is a time to sow the seeds, there is a time to reap the harvest, and there is a time to let it ripen. So between the idea and the embodiment of this idea, sometimes months and years pass.

How long will it take you to make your dream image a reality?

It depends on two things: the ability to focus on the goal and the seriousness of the task.

How to create a positive dream image and visualize it?

Listen to visualization meditations and learn how to draw vivid pictures in your mind.

Meditation "Magic Castle"

Determine what resources you have

Take a piece of paper and draw a two-column table listing the resources you can use to make your dreams come true.

External resources - what surrounds you: people, objects, nature, clothes, books, etc.

Write a list of friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues who can help you achieve your desires.

Think about what items you can use, what books to read, what movies to watch.

Internal resources are your personal qualities, skills, experience, positive emotions, etc.

Take your dream sustainability test

Environmental validation is about determining how your dream will affect you personally and the world around you as a whole.

You must be sure that the fulfillment of your desire will not cause problems in other areas of your life. And that your actions will not have a negative impact on the people around you, will not infringe on them.

environmental test

Internal environmental audit

  1. What will be the consequences of your desires?
  2. What will you gain when your wish comes true?
  3. What will you lose by doing what you want?
  4. What other steps do you need to take to make your dreams come true?
  5. Is what you want worth the effort?
  6. What is the price of your desires and are you ready to pay it?
  7. What are the consequences of your desires in the future?

External Environmental Review

  1. How will the realization of your desires affect other people?
  2. Does the fulfillment of your dream conflict with other people's value systems?
  3. What impact will your dream come true on other people?
  4. How will others react to what is happening?

Conduct an environmental audit. Weigh all the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh the cons, feel free to continue on your path to your dream.

Turn fears into positive intention

To make your wish come true, analyze in advance the possible obstacles that you may encounter along the way. Determine for yourself: what can prevent you from achieving your dreams?

Say aloud the phrase: "The wish won't come true because..."

And then list the reasons that come to your mind.

5 categories of reasons that hinder you

  1. You lack external resources (money, connections, time, etc.)
  2. You have resources, but there is no clear understanding of what and how to do
  3. You have a clear plan of action, but do not believe that you have the right skills
  4. You have all the skills, but you do not consider yourself worthy of your dreams
  5. The dream is beautiful, but someone else deserves to achieve it

Make a list of obstacles and think about how you can deal with them.
Is it difficult to manage on your own? Sign up for my coaching program. To do this, fill out the form:

I will look at your profile and if there are free places, I will contact you.

Make a plan of magical actions to realize your dream

The Action Plan will help you answer the following questions:

  • how to achieve the intended goal
  • what needs to be done for this

Action plan- a clear idea of ​​what you want and a setting for HOW it can be achieved.

A plan helps you keep track of whether you are on the right track or off track. It will also show the pace of progress towards your goal.

Make an action plan for the proposed steps. Describe each step in detail and detail.

Keep a plan handy to keep track of progress toward your goal.

Regularly sum up, adjust steps, replace the achieved results with new intermediate goals.

Back up the plan with action

Let's be honest with ourselves. You can dream for years, visualize images while lying on the couch, and make strategic plans. Until you get up off that couch and take action, nothing is likely to change.

When transforming limiting beliefs, it is important to show the subconscious mind the seriousness of your intention by actions.
When you start making efforts, the result will not be long in coming.

Remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

- your success towards achieving your dreams. Take the first step... And very soon your wish will come true.


Dear readers! Write in the comments what you would like to add to the article. Share your wish fulfillment techniques. What worked for you personally. Give examples. We will add the most interesting and complete answer as the 12th paragraph to this article, indicating the author.


So, you have received a step-by-step algorithm for making dreams come true.

Learn what steps to take in what order. This strategy can change your life. Just follow the proven system, fulfill your desires and become a real Sorceress of your life.

Write in the comments how useful this article is for you from 0 to 10. Emphasize what you especially liked.

I would be grateful for your feedback!

Anna Savchenkova, with love, magically :)

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Was last modified: September 25th, 2016 by Anna Savchenkova

Fulfillment of desires can be easy and simple if you know how to act correctly. We will share the most effective techniques from books and from famous trainers.

There are many ways that bring the fulfillment of your desires closer. All of them are based on the power of the human subconscious and the training of positive thinking.

The most popular and effective of them:

  1. Affirmations are positive affirmations that need to be repeated daily. A variant of psychological auto-training. It sets you up for a wave of positive emotions and thoughts, as a result of which your subconscious mind finds all sorts of ways to fulfill desires.
  2. Visualization with the help of a map of desires. You draw or look for suitable images, stick them on paper and sign them with positive affirmations. During the year, all your wishes must come true. We wrote in detail about how to create and activate a wish card.
  3. Meditations and energy practices. There are many of them - below we will talk about one of the most effective techniques for instant fulfillment of desires.

Regardless of the method you choose to use, practice daily. Develop the habit of thinking positively, and then dreams will come true as if by magic.

Water glass technique

This method is presented in two variations. The glass of water technique was suggested by José Silva and Zeland.

  1. Pour clean water into a glass. You need to use distilled or spring water, tap water will not work.
  2. Write your wish on a piece of paper as if it has already come true. For example: "I got a managerial position at company N."
  3. Place the glass on a piece of paper. Sit down and join your palms with each other, but so that they do not touch. Close your eyes.
  4. Imagine and feel between your hands a dense clot of energy, for example, in the form of a fireball. Visualize it spinning up and becoming more powerful.
  5. Say the wording of your desire aloud, and then "pour" the fiery energy from the ball into the glass. After that, drink water and go to bed.

Jose Silva's way:

  1. Take a glass of clean water in your hands and hold it at the level of the solar plexus with two fingers - thumb and forefinger.
  2. Mentally say your desire, and then, with your eyes closed, drink half the water from the glass. As you sip, repeat: "This is all I have to do to solve my problem."
  3. Go to bed and drink the rest of the water in the morning.

Important: the Zeland method is ideal for instant fulfillment of desires. The Silva method is also suitable for getting an answer to some question that concerns you. In this case, do not make a wish, but formulate what you want to know. For example: "Where is it better to go to work: in company N or B."

Technique for fulfilling desires "Fireball"

This is a meditation for the fulfillment of desires, which works very quickly, in just two days. It is important to choose those goals that are easily achievable within this timeframe.

What do we have to do:

  1. Turn on some nice music and lie down in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your stomach.
  2. Concentrate on your breathing: take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take 30-50 breaths in and out until you feel completely relaxed and let go of all emotions, both negative and positive.
  3. Place both hands on the solar plexus area. Imagine that a fireball has appeared in this place of your body.
  4. Feel it spin as the heat from the ball spreads throughout your body. Imagine how it grows.
  5. After the ball becomes very large, formulate your desire. Mentally write it on a piece of paper, and throw the bundle into the ball.
  6. Continue to breathe deeply as you imagine the fireball spinning.
  7. And then release the ball, let it fly away with your desire.
  8. Feel your body and slowly return to the room, open your eyes.

Important: if you could not easily imagine how the ball flies into the sky, then you are not yet ready to fulfill your desire, do not believe that it can come true easily. You need to believe that the Higher powers will send all the necessary opportunities.

You can also play a video with this technique and repeat everything the announcer says:

No wish fulfillment technique will work if certain rules are not followed.

Important factors:

  1. The more energy you have, the faster your wishes come true. Therefore, it is important to be filled: externally and internally. Keep track of your health, do things that bring you pleasure and exclude “toxic” people - energy vampires from your social circle.
  2. Believe that the Universe will surely send the necessary opportunities. Then your dreams will quickly and easily come true in the most unexpected way.
  3. Practice positive thinking. Get rid of negative attitudes, emotions and thoughts - they hinder the fulfillment of desires.
  4. Turn desires into intentions - act. Don't sit still and wait for good things to fall from the sky. Balance is important: sincere faith, coupled with real actions, is the key to success.
  5. Avoid denials when you formulate desires. The Universe does not notice the “not” particle. If you ask: “I am not sick,” then the Higher powers will hear you as “I am sick.”

And remember: for the Universe it makes no difference what to send you. She always sends to a person what he often thinks about, expresses in his thoughts. Therefore, it is so important to abstract from the negative and not dwell on problems. Better mentally imagine the result of their decision.

Tell us which wish fulfillment techniques you have already tried - share your feedback in the comments. Were you able to get the desired result?

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: