The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish. The spiritual meaning of the tale of the fisherman and the fish

“My uncle has the most honest rules” A.S. Pushkin.
analysis of 1 stanza "Eugene Onegin"

Again, “Not thinking proud light to amuse / Loving friendship attention”

And on the birthday of the poet
a gift to those who love him stanzas
and knows.

One of the most famous stanzas in the world is the beginning of "Eugene Onegin".
The first stanza of "Onegin" worried many literary critics. They say that S. Bondi could talk about her for several hours. Sparks of wit, greatness of mind, grandiosity of erudition - it is impossible for us to compete with all this.
But I'm a director by profession.
And to talk about this mysterious stanza, about which so many critical copies have been broken, I will take our directing, theatrical method - the method of effective analysis.
Is it permissible to judge literature by the methods of the theatre? But let's see.

First, let's find out what is understandable for us in stanza 1, and what, as they said in the days of the ASP, is shrouded in mystery.

My uncle of the most honest rules;
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example is science to others;
But my god, what a bore
With the sick to sit day and night,
Without leaving a single step away! ...

So, the main character jumps somewhere, along the way washing the bones of his uncle, who made him hastily break away and rush to his estate.
It is interesting to know whether EO condemns the uncle or praises him?
"The most honest rules" - i.e. acts as it is customary, as it should be (a stable expression in Pushkin's times). Grinev is also a hero of “honest rules”, i.e. keeping his honor. Many authors quote the well-known phrase of I. Krylov "The donkey had the most honest rules." But it is hardly related to the character: Uncle Onegin is not a donkey at all, but a direct object to follow (the opinion of Eugene himself).
“His example is a science to others”; “I couldn’t have thought of it better” - i.e. everyone should act like an uncle. (Let's take it as the truth.)
What did such an extraordinary uncle do? What is so highly appreciated by the representative of the younger generation?
He "forced himself to respect." This phrase is so vague that we stubbornly see in it only the beautiful verb “respect”, not seeing a semantic connection with another verb - “forced”. Forced! Here it is!
How can a freedom-loving, independent EO have a positive attitude towards the idea of ​​“forcing” someone?! Has he ever been forced to do anything in his life? Can the very fact of coercion exist in the system of his moral values?
Let's see, what did the uncle make of his nephew?
Just come to his village to say goodbye.
Is there a spiritual connection between them?
Does EO want to rush to his uncle?
Why does he do it?
The answer for the 19th century is obvious: because in case of disobedience they can be disinherited. The owners of the inheritance know how to do even the wrong tricks. I would refer to the well-known chapters from War and Peace, which tell about the death of the old Count Bezukhov, but in our time we know even more abrupt stories.
EO, who had recently lost his father - and the inheritance along with him - is forced to accept his uncle's conditions. He has no other source of life. Do not serve, really! This polished dandy, secular lion EO does not know how at all. Not brought up that way.
But EO also condemns the pressure his uncle puts on him. And, not experiencing any kindred feelings for him, EO thinks longingly about the boredom that lies in wait for him there, calling the forced sucking up to a dying rich relative "low deceit."
Whatever the EO, but low deceit is not peculiar to him in the least. Pushkin spares the hero. Arriving in the village, EO finds his uncle "on the table / As a tribute to the ready land." The licks are gone. You can not bend down and not be mean, but boldly enter into the inheritance of the estate ...


My uncle, the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
I tucked the mare like that in the morning,
That the janitor could not pull out.
His example is science to others:
If there is such a thing between the legs,
Don't poke her mare in the ass.
Like an uncle, you yourself will not be happy.

In the morning, as Uncle Zorka set,
And then he had a heart attack.
He made a fortune
Only played a quarter.
It seems that you have achieved everything!
It's time to leave all worries
Start living in pleasure
And poke around, and hang on...
But no, it's ready to rock again
The last hard lesson.

So, pi_dets comes uncle.
Forever goodbye vodka, bl_di!
And, immersed in gloomy thoughts,
He lies on his deathbed.

And in this sad hour
Rushing to the village to my uncle,
Mouth greedy to the neck stuck
Heir to all his savings books,
Nephew. His name is Eugene.
He has no savings
Served in some position
And he lived by his uncle's alms.
Evgenia dear father
It was some kind of important rank.
But carefully, in moderation grabbed,
And I didn't like to spend a lot
But somehow I got carried away:
Revealed what was and what wasn't...
As they say, dad is baked
And buzzed for ten years.
And, being in advanced years,
He couldn't bear the excitement.
Died in one week
Went to p0cpal and died.

Mother did not suffer for a long time.
Such a woman people!
"I'm not old yet," she said
"I want to live. Fuck everything in your mouth!"
And with that she gave a go from her son.
He has been living alone for two years.

Eugene has been practical since childhood.
Your meager legacy
He did not waste on trifles ...
He was a great economist
That is, he was able to judge
Why does everyone drink here and there,
although the price of booze is rising.

He loved to fuck, and in this
He did not know the measure or the number.
Friends sometimes put him in,
And in the ass Tpaxali goat.
I used to dance at the ball
Embarrassed, he had to run.
His tights pressure x y i
Couldn't hold on.
And okay, if everything went
No noise, no fight, no trouble.
And then I got it, Mydila
For the women more than once already piz_y!
Yes, but everything was useless:
Slightly oklemeetsya barely,
And well shove your reel
Everyone, be it a girl or a widow.

We all fucked a little
Sometime and anywhere.
So fuck it, thank God
We do not easily shine.
But saving the seed is not harmful:
A member of us at one end has grown!
Especially since at other times
So there is an increased demand for it.
But sha! I seem to have gone too far.
I beg your pardon
And to the uncle, that one was left,
I'd rather hurry with you.

Oh, we're a little late!
Our old man passed away an hour ago.
So peace be upon him, and thank God,
That he made a will.
But the heir rushes famously,
Like a blonde Georgian.
Let's go quietly
Let alone be left.

Now we just have time
Talk about the topic of the day.
So, what did I say about the seed?
Forgot. Ah, that's all x y n I!
This is not the main reason.
We suffer from women, men!
What's good in a woman? One p and d a,
Yes, and piz_a is not without harm.

But here the mocking reader
Maybe I'll ask a question:
"Did you and your grandmother lie in bed yourself?
Or maybe you're a ped_rast?!"
Or maybe the woman was unlucky,
Kohl say that they are all evil?
Its without anger and without fear
We will send intelligently to x y y.
If he is smart, he will understand me
And if you're stupid, then let it go!

I love what to hide
Go to bed with a good woman.
But a woman remains a woman
Let her fuck like a beast.
From the women all the booze, noise and fight.
But only you put her in cancer,
Cross it with the end
And you will forget everything, you will forgive everything!
Yes, just press the penis to the leg,
And then already elmunt ege.
Where is happiness, you ask?
Sherche la femme - look in piz_e!

The village where Eugene missed,
It was a lovely place.
He is the same day without delay
He dragged the peasant woman into the bushes.
And, having succeeded in this matter soon,
Onegin came out of the bush,
He looked around his estate,
Pissed and said: My uncle most fair rules
When not in jest was sick,
Mare in the morning so the bosses
What the janitor could not pull it off.
His example - other science:
Kohl there is such a thing between the legs,
Not tych her mare in the ass.
As my uncle, he will not be pleased.

In the morning, as the dawn uncle right,
And then it will last a heart attack.
It was a state
Only a quarter of squandered.
Oh, it seems: just hit you!
It's time to leave all the worries
Living in a fun start
And pribaldet and pritorchat ...
But no, once again prepares rock
Last Hard lesson.

So pi_dets comes uncle.
Forever farewell vodka bl_di!
And in gloomy thoughts immersed
Lying on his deathbed, he said.

And this is so sad hour
In the village to the uncle whirlwind rushing,
Greedy mouth pressed to the neck
Heir to all its savings,
Nephew. Call him Eugene.
It is, without savings,
At some positions served
And charity uncle lived.
Eugene venerable Pope
Somehow important rite was.
But be careful, Hapal in moderation,
And many did not like to spend
Yet once carried away:
Surfaced, it was, and that there is no ...
As the saying goes, the Pope has had it
And rumbled on for ten years.
And, being stricken in years,
Do not deliver it the add excitement.
In one week, I fell into decay
I went p0cpal and has died.

Mother did not suffer long.
This woman really people!
"I am not old yet," said
"I want to live. Ebis all in your mouth!"
And with that given by his son go.
Oh, he lives alone two years.

Eugene was practical since childhood.
His meager inheritance
I don't spend it for nothing...
He was a great economy
That is able to judge
Why everyone drinks here and there
though prices are rising booze.

He loved Tpaxatsya, and in this
I did not know of any action or number.
friends sometimes it was inserted,
And in the ass Tpaxali goat.
Sometimes, the ball dancing
The embarrassment was to run.
His tight pressures have I
Unable to hold.
And okay, if I got away
Without noise, fights, no trouble.
And that in fact received, Mydila
For women more than once piz_y!
Yes, but it wasn't much good:
Just barely oklemaetsya,
And well, to push your reel
Anyone, whether a girl il widow.

We fucked slowly
Someday somewhere.
So poёpkoy, thank God,
We do not easily show off.
But take care not to harm the seed:
Member of us at one end rooted!
Especially since at other times
So it increased the demand.
But sha! I seem to have gone too far.
Forgiveness you ask
And my uncle, that one was,
Rather, you hurry.

Oh, we're a little late!
our old man slept an hour ago.
So peace be upon him, thank God,
A testament scribbled.
But dashing hair to the racing
As for the blonde Georgians.
Let us leave quietly
Let them be left alone.

Now we just have time
Talk on the topic of the day.
So, what was I about piz_el seed?
I Forgot. And it's all in the first n me!
That's not the main reason.
From women we suffer, men!
What Baba use? A n and s e a,
And piz_a not without harm.

But then mocking reader
Perhaps I will ask the question:
"You" re with a woman he was in bed?
And maybe you ped_rast?! "
Or maybe with a woman unlucky,
Kohl say that all the evil in them?
Its without anger and without fear
We"ll send intelligently on the x in the first.
Kohl, he is intelligent, understands me,
And if stupid, so let him go!

I myself like to hide
With a good baba go to bed.
But Baba Baba remains
Let the beast she fucking.
From all women drinking, noise and scuffle.
But it only put the cancer
The end of her crosshairs
And forget everything, everything is simple!
But only member prizhmesh to the leg,
And already elmunt EGE.
And happiness, you ask, where?
Cherche la femme - look at piz_e!

The village where bored Eugene,
It was a lovely area.
He was on the same day, without delay,
The peasant dragged bushes.
And having succeeded in this case soon,
onegin came out of the bush,
Around his estate's eye,
Piss and he said:

From the school bench I remember the first stanza from "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin.
The novel is written exceptionally simply, with impeccable rhyme, classical iambic tetrameter. Moreover, each stanza of this novel is a sonnet. Of course, you know that the stanza with which this work of Pushkin was written is called "Onegin". But the first stanza seemed to me so classical and, as it were, applicable to the presentation of almost any topic, that I tried to write a poem using the rhyme of this stanza, that is, the last words of each line, maintaining the same rhythm.
To remind the reader, I first cite the indicated stanza of Pushkin, and then my poem.

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science,
But my god, what a bore
With the patient to sit day and night
Without leaving a single step.
What low deceit
Amuse the half-dead
Fix his pillows
Sad to give medicine
Sigh and think to yourself
When will the devil take you.

Love has no special rules
You just took it and got sick.
Suddenly, someone's eyes hurt,
Ile kiss could force.
Love is a complex science
And this is joy, not boredom,
tormenting day and night,
Without leaving my heart.
Love is capable of deceit
The game is able to amuse
And correct the outcomes of wars,
Or your medicine to be blues.
On this search, do not waste yourself,
She will find you.
April 07, 2010

Once, a long time ago, I found an entertaining game on the Internet - the collective writing of a sonnet. Very funny. And, after writing the above poem, I came up with the idea to offer you, dear readers, a poetic game - to write sonnets using the last words of the lines of the first stanza of "Eugene Onegin"
Good exercise for the brain.
But I was tormented by doubts, is it possible to do this? That is, there are frames of specific words that limit the topic.
I again wrote out the last words in a column and, having re-read them, for some reason I remembered V. Pikul's "At the Last Line". Probably because of the words: forced, deceit, medicine. I thought a little and wrote this:

Rasputin Grishka lived without rules,
Hypnosis from childhood fell ill
And forced me to go to bed
Half-Peter and more could.
Didn't like this science
Husbands whose wives were bored.
They decided in one night
Let the spirit out of the old man away.
After all, he invented, scoundrel, deceit
Amuse yourself with debauchery:
Improve the health of the ladies
Giving carnal medicine.
Know if you let yourself into fornication,
That poison in Madeira is waiting for you.
April 14, 2010

But even after that I had doubts - the feeling of the impossible to describe any topic. And with a laugh, I asked myself: Here, for example, how to state a simple nursery rhyme "Geese are my geese." Again wrote out the last words. It turned out that verbs are masculine nouns. Well, well, to say about the grandmother, he introduced a new character - grandfather. And here's what happened:

Reading the list of village rules
Grandfather fell ill with poultry farming.
He forced Grandma to buy
Two geese. But he himself could.
Herding geese is a science
He was tormented like boredom
And, having improved the darker night,
Geese swam away puddles, away.
Grandma groans - that's deceit,
Geese will not amuse
And improve the mood
After all, their cackle is medicine for the soul.
Moral remember - amuse yourself
Only what pleases you.
April 21, 2010

Putting aside the thought of posting these poems, I somehow thought about our fleeting life, that in an effort to make money, people often lose their souls and decided to write a poem, but, remembering my idea, without a shadow of a doubt, I expressed my thoughts with the same rhyme. And here's what happened:

Life dictates one of the rules:
Are you healthy or sick
The pragmatic age made everyone
Run so everyone can survive.
Science is advancing
And, forgetting what boredom means,
Pushes business day and night
Away from old technologies.
But there is deceit in this run:
Success will only start to amuse -
Rigidity will correct you,
That Mephistopheles medicine.
Good luck will give, but for himself,
He will take the soul out of you.
June 09, 2010

So, I invite everyone to take part in writing poems with Pushkin's rhyme from the indicated stanza of "Eugene Onegin." The first condition is any topic; second - strict adherence to Pushkin's rhythm and line length: third - of course, decent eroticism is allowed, but please, without vulgarity.
For ease of reading, with your consent, I will copy your poems below with a link to your page.
Unregistered readers can also participate. On my first page at this address: there is a line: "send a letter to the author." Write from your email and I will definitely answer you. And, with your consent, I can also place your verse below, under your name.
The final point of our game is the publication of a book for the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin entitled "My uncle has the most honest rules." You can do this as part of the almanacs published by the site owners, or you can do it separately. I can take over the organization.
The minimum is to collect fifty verses, one per page. You will get a collection of 60 pages.

With respect to all.
Yuri Bashara

P.S. Here are the players in the game:

God wrote us 10 rules
But if you feel sick,
He forced them all to break,
And I couldn't think of a better one.

Love according to God is only a science.
In His paradise such boredom -
Sit under the tree day and night
Not a step away from the neighbor.

Step left - you see - deceit,
Be fruitful - to amuse Him.
We will correct God
Walking to the left is a cure for us,

We write precepts for ourselves,
And - the main thing: I want you.

Love has few rules
But without love, you would be sick.
And with the unloved, who would force
live you? Could you?
Let the girls have science:
Oh my God what a bore
spend with him day and night,
After all - children, duty, will you go away?
Isn't that deceit?
Amuse him at night
Adjust pillows at night
And before that, take the medicine?
Isn't it a sin to forget yourself?
Oh, this is horror for you...

But suddenly he fell ill,
He made apprentices himself
Put him in a jug! could

There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And get out would not be away,
But here's a cruel deceit:
Nobody can entertain
And fix his posture.

Let yourself out of the darkness
And Jin prays for you.

Life has one of the rules:
Anyone, at least once, but fell ill
With a feeling of love and forced
Himself to go to the best of my ability.
And if the Testament is not a science for you,
You are betrayed by your boredom
Push, capable of day and night.
And God, and the rules - all away.
That is not love, but that is deceit,
Here the devil will amuse
Correct the laws of God
Giving false medicine.
All these are stories for themselves,
God will punish you for everything.

Laziness will kill a loafer outside the rules,
Since he got sick of her,
How rye made her eat herself,
Faster than he could fall at work.
And here's what science tells us:
Not only failures because boredom
Punishes us day and night -
Other luck - ruin away.
Laziness - the daughter of wealth - that's deceit,
Mother of poverty to amuse
Your wallet will begin to correct,
Giving medicine to idleness.
Idleness only consoles yourself,
Laziness, of course, is waiting for you.


Amused and infected:
Long ago, Jin ruled the country
But suddenly he fell ill,
He made apprentices himself
Put him in a jug! could
Only the smartest. All science,
There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And get out would not be away,
But here's a cruel deceit:
Nobody can entertain
And fix his posture.
And to warm up there is medicine.
Let yourself out of the darkness
And Jin prays for you.

My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I fell ill in earnest,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of a better one.

EO, Ch. 1, I

And what does it say? Is it possible to retell it in your own words?

These lines are often quoted, especially in the press. Let's say the goalkeeper takes a penalty - an article immediately appears about how he "forced himself to be respected" by this! But the venerable Pushkinists, as one, keep deathly silence on this matter.

“And everyone - absolutely everything: fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, children, grandchildren, actors, readers, directors, translators into other languages ​​and even researchers of Pushkin, - they unanimously carried a nonsense about an uncle of high moral qualities, who finally forced himself to be respected , or began to look for another, fantastic meaning.

Got something? I only understood that it was not worthwhile to climb into the Kalash row with a pig's snout, trying to understand the meaning of the lines of our folk poet. In other words, Pushkin is for God-chosen researchers who know exactly what and why the poet wrote, but do not want to explain it in their own words, since the subject of a scientific dispute is too subtle for the uninitiated. By the way, instead of answering the same question, the venerable Pushkinist preferred to step aside, turning his attention to some mediocre proofreader, who once put a comma instead of a semicolon after the word “got sick”. And thus killed the whole Pushkin's plan.

Well, perhaps - the scientist knows better. Only the question, in the end, remained unanswered: what does the phrase “I forced myself to respect” mean anyway? At least with a comma, at least with something else ... Really absolutely nothing?

I did not find the answer to this question in any phraseological or other dictionary. On one of the forums I happened to see a link to the book by M.I. Michelson Russian Thought and Speech. Experience of Russian phraseology. Own and someone else's" of the century before last. Say, there it is! He was delighted, rushed to search, managed to find it, discovered it - alas ... There is nothing about it there.

At the same time, many interlocutors immediately gave an answer that seems to me to be correct, and I will try to get to the justification of which a little later. They were so ... taught at school! Probably, once there were teachers who loved their subject and honestly tried to understand it. And even today, in the newly published versions of Onegin, in some places there are modern comments that neither Brodsky, nor Nabokov, nor Lotman had ... But I wanted to “invent the wheel” on my own.

The result of the "invention" is below.

Let's start with "fair rules". All researchers nod at Krylov's fable "The Donkey and the Man", the tailed hero of which was just "the most honest rules." They also say that even without this fable, this phraseology was recognizable in those days.

Let's remember the fable:

Man for the summer in the garden
Having hired the Donkey, he assigned
Ravens and sparrows drive a sassy kind.
The donkey had the most honest rules:
Unfamiliar with rapacity or theft:
He did not profit from the master's leaf,
And the birds, it's a sin to say that he gave a prank;
But the profit from the garden was bad for the Muzhik.
Donkey, chasing birds, from all donkey legs,
Along all the ridges and along and across,
Raised such a leap
That in the garden he crushed and trampled everything.
Seeing here that his work was gone,
Peasant on the back of a donkey
He avenged the loss with a club.
"And nothing!" everyone is shouting: “Cattle deserve it!
With his mind
Take on this business?"
And I will say, not in order to intercede for the Donkey;
He, for sure, is to blame (a calculation has been made with him),
But it seems that he is not right,
Who instructed the Donkey to guard his garden.

I note that Krylov's Donkey is a decent creature. After all, he "... is not familiar with rapacity or theft: he did not profit from the master's sheet." Ordered to guard - he goes and guards as best he can. A kind of disinterested and naive worker - we, as a rule, do not respect such people. And, worse than that - it hurts! An honest Donkey, for example, was beaten with a club on the back ... Only after that Krylov partially removed the blame from him and noticed that it would not be bad to ask the Dunce-Man, who foolishly hired the wrong performer.

Respected in the end, in general.

Onegin, as we know, honored his uncle with the same epithets as Krylov his Donkey. What kind of troubles the old man had - it doesn’t matter: the main thing is that in the end he also “got seriously ill”. And - alas! - only when a person dies or, even worse, has already died, all sorts of “pleasant things” begin to pour in his address, which he lacked so much during his lifetime. As a show of belated respect.

What does the word "respect" mean? According to Dahl's dictionary - “to honor, honor, sincerely recognize someone's virtues; appreciate highly... By the way, already in our time, Faina Ranevskaya said: “In order to receive recognition, it is necessary, even necessary, to die” ...

In my opinion, it was precisely this simple meaning that Pushkin put into Onegin's mouth. It's simple - "I forced myself to respect" means: "died"! For this is a guaranteed way to hear something respectful about yourself, even from those who have always hated you.

Onegin did not give a damn about his uncle all his life - just like everyone else. And he rushed to him exclusively "for the sake of money", in the depths of his soul sincerely wishing that he was dead ("When will the devil take you?").

Suddenly got it really
From the manager's report,
That uncle is dying in bed
And I would be glad to say goodbye to him.
Reading the sad message
Eugene immediately on a date
Rushed through the mail
And already yawned in advance,
Getting ready for the money
On sighs, boredom and deceit
(And so I began my novel);

Well, he really didn’t want to “amuse the half-dead” ... And then - a gift of fate: the uncle turned out to be a fine fellow and quickly died before his arrival!

But, having arrived in the uncle's village,
I found it on the table
As a tribute to the ready land.

Onegin is absolutely sincerely grateful to him for this: after all, out of all the options for the development of events, uncle chose the ideal one!

And I couldn't think of a better one.
His example to others is science;

- Well done, old man! Onegin grins to himself. - I respect!

Rejoice early. If everything is so good, then why is this "But":

His example to others is science;
But my god, what a bore
Sitting with the sick...

And it doesn't matter anymore, because the "but" is preceded by a semicolon! The thought is over, the next one begins. There is no opposition. Here is a similar example from the fifth chapter of the same Onegin:

What joy: there will be a ball!
The girls are jumping in advance;
But food was served.

The ball is not canceled by the upcoming dinner: everything has its time. So it is here: the death of an old uncle is not canceled by arguments about how disgusting it would be for Onegin to sit with a lean physiognomy by his bed. Bored Evgeny is inclined to philosophizing and simply reflects on what would happen if ...

Reading the sad message
Eugene immediately on a date
Rushed through the mail
And already yawned in advance,
Getting ready for the money
On sighs, boredom and deceit
(And so I began my novel);

It turns out that the hints of confidence in the death of the uncle seem to be out of place ... But the novel does not begin with the first stanza of the first chapter, but with the epigraph:

Eugene Onegin
Novel in verse

Petri de vanite il avait encore plus de cette espece d'orgueil qui fait avouer avec la meme indifference les bonnes comme les mauvaises actions, suite d'un sentiment de supériorite peut-etre imaginaire.

Tire d'une lettre particulière

Imbued with vanity, he also possessed that special pride that prompts him to confess with the same indifference both his good and bad deeds - a consequence of a feeling of superiority, perhaps imaginary. From a private letter (French).

Thus, the first thing we are told once again is that people like Onegin indifferently admit that they are doing bad things. Yes, Eugene rushed headlong to sigh and lie for the sake of money. And only then, having made sure that he really inherited his uncle's farm, "the heir to all his relatives" immediately flew off somewhere "in the dust on the mail." Where? Most likely, to the notary! Or settling affairs in the city before moving to the countryside for a long time. That is, in any case - not to the uncle, but from the uncle.

impolite? There, the commemoration is in full swing: the priests and guests are eating and drinking... Yes, the "young rake" did not act very well. And what do you want from him: a rake, according to Dahl's dictionary, is "an impolite, impudent naughty."

So thought the young rake,
Flying in the dust on postage,
By the will of Zeus
Heir of all his relatives.

And everything shows that Onegin is in a good mood. He did not have to humiliate himself in order to become the owner of "factories, waters, forests, lands."

And now let's try to write a mini-essay on the content of the first stanza in our own words.

My uncle is an honest but narrow-minded old hard worker. He, sensing his imminent death, immediately died without giving anyone any trouble. If everyone followed this example, then the world would get rid of the sanctimonious pretense of those who would be forced to hang around the bedside of useless capricious patients for the sake of their inheritance, cursing everything in the world and wishing to go to hell as soon as possible!

It is clear that Pushkin expressed all this more gracefully and briefly.

By the way, one respected researcher of his work, whom I “brought” with my interest in this issue, came to the conclusion that “I forced myself to respect” is an idiom introduced by Pushkin.

It may very well be. Therefore, with thoughtless quoting, you need to be careful. The goalkeeper mentioned at the beginning, who took a penalty, may be offended by this. However, he is unlikely to be interested in such issues ...

About the fairy tale

The tale of the fisherman and the fish - an eternal story with instructive content

The great Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, one of the most authoritative literary figures of the 19th century, left a rich fairy-tale legacy to his native country. Among the works popular and loved by the people, the tale of the fisherman and the fish is in the first place. A manuscript with an instructive story was completed in 1833, and first published in 1835 in the journal Library for Reading.

The author was well acquainted with the work of the German writers of the Brothers Grimm and his works often echoed the legends and tales of the German people. The tale of the fisherman and the fish has a common storyline with the Russian folk bylichka about the greedy old woman and is similar to the Pomeranian tale "About the fisherman and his wife."

A truly folk work always diverges into proverbs and quotations. The saying “stay with nothing” came from Pushkin's favorite work and means that you can have everything, but foolishly be left without anything!

The heroes of Alexander Sergeevich are always very remarkable, memorable and characteristic. It is recommended that you get to know them better before reading the fairy tale:

Old man - a simple illiterate fisherman who lived for thirty years and three years on the seashore and fed on a meager catch. Out of the goodness of his heart, he released the fish and did not ask for anything as a ransom, but he could not control his grouchy old woman and fulfilled all her bizarre whims.

Old woman the wife of an old fisherman. She scolded her husband, scolded her for letting go of a goldfish, and forced the poor fellow to beg the sorceress for more and more miracles. The old woman's appetites grew, and the queen's easy chair was already cramped for her. The grandmother decided to become the mistress of the sea and subdue the generous fish.

gold fish - a mythical character and a magical collective image. It can be called a lucky ticket, which the old man pulled out as a reward for years of hard work and Christian humility. Neither the old fisherman nor the stupid old woman could properly dispose of the chance that Mother Nature presented them. They could get everything they needed for a prosperous old age, but both were left with nothing.

Every child should know Pushkin's fairy tales from childhood, and parents, through reading at night, can lay the main human values ​​\u200b\u200bin the emerging character of the baby. The works of the great writer will help fathers and mothers, grandparents in poetic form to convey to children the richness of the Russian language and the versatility of the literary heritage.

Living lacquer miniature in illustrations for a fairy tale story

Folk masters from the villages of Palekh and Fedoskino drew ideas for creativity from the works of national poets. Ordinary papier-mâché bases were covered with lacquer paints and, with the help of filigree painting, scenes from Russian national fairy tales were conveyed. A high degree of craftsmanship made it possible to display the imaginations of the authors and the wonders of handiwork on a simple piece of pressed paper.