Memo about the lack of fixed assets. Service note: how to write, design rules and sample

A memo, a sample of which you will find in the materials of the article, is an important part of the company's internal workflow. Along with memoranda and explanatory notes, as well as various kinds of certificates, memos are the basis for prompt response and timely and effective management decisions.

From the article you will learn:

How does a sample of writing a memo differ from other internal documents

In practice, quite often you may encounter the fact that the performers do not quite understand the difference between those internal documents through which interaction between officials, departments, employees and management is carried out. Often, a document that has a specific purpose, structure and content can be assigned different names: informational, memorandum or service note, report, certificate, etc. At the same time, the sample for the design and writing of a service note, if one adheres to the established classification, has significant differences from the requirements for writing and preparation of a memorandum and other types of documents.

Each type of document used in the internal workflow has its own purpose and can be proactive, informational or, for example, reporting. So, the certificate may contain any operational or statistical data, relevant information of an official, biographical nature. It is not an initiative document that encourages the addressee to make decisions or actions. It is compiled, as a rule, by order of the immediate supervisor.

As for the memorandum and writing sample memo, the definition of these widows of internal documents is given in the Concise Dictionary of Types and Varieties of Documents, which was developed in 1974 by the Main Archive of the USSR, VNIIDAD, TsGADA. According to this dictionary:

memorandum- a document in which any issue is stated with the conclusions and proposals of the compiler. Its addressee is the leader;

memo- contains information about the performance of any work. It is sent by one official to another official.

In what cases will you need to write a memo sample 2018

Regardless of the specifics of the organizational and production activities of the enterprise, the number of its staff, a sample of writing a memo is used to make operational management decisions. It is a reminder and informs the official of the need to perform any action.

So, for example, the head of the department will need to draw up a sample memo for bonuses addressed to the head of the enterprise, so that he would include the most distinguished employees of the unit in the general list for receiving the bonus.

A sample memo for employee bonuses is presented below.

In accordance with labor legislation, the fact of non-compliance with labor discipline by an employee and the decision to collect is made on the basis of a sample memo about violations written by the head of the employee who has committed a fine. The procedure for issuing a disciplinary sanction is strictly regulated. Violation of this regulation may cause the employee to be able to challenge and cancel the penalty through the court. Therefore, it is especially important that both the content and design memo met the established requirements.

Also, a sample memo for the transfer of vacation may be required when a change in the timing of the annual leave is due to production needs. In this case, the head of the department must obtain the written consent of the employee for such a transfer and write a memo addressed to the head about the need to make adjustments to the vacation schedule.

Note! Changes to the vacation schedule are made on the basis of the relevant order, the basis for which, in turn, is a memo.

Sample memos for the purchase may also need to be issued when it is necessary to replenish stocks of stationery, raw materials, materials, components, spare parts. memo you can inform the head of another department, for example, the security service, that employees will work overtime or come to work on a weekend or holiday.

Thus, samples of memos for an employee are drawn up when it comes to rewarding or punishing him, postponing vacation, changing the work schedule. That is, there are quite a few reasons for their design. But, since the memo in such cases becomes a legally significant document, on the basis of which personnel and financial issues are accepted, certain requirements are imposed on its design and content.

How to write a memo sample 2018

Since the memo belongs to the category of business papers and is an internal document, its design must comply with GOST R 6.30-2003, valid until July 1, 2018. From July, a new state standard will come into effect, but its provisions do not change the rules for registration.

This means that a memo, a sample is drawn up on a regular standard sheet of A4 writing paper. In this case, there is no need to use the official letterhead of the organization. Its text can be written by hand or in electronic form, in compliance with the indents and margins established by the standard.

The requirements for the sample writing of a memo are also general. It should consist of an address and an informative part. If necessary, under the informative part indicate information about the presence of applications, the number of their copies and the number of sheets in each of the applications.

The form memo the sample does not imply any conclusions and initiatives. The text of the informative part should be stated briefly and logically, without emotional overtones. It only states the facts, no value judgments should be made. If necessary, it is necessary to indicate the reason and reasons for writing the document, as well as provide links to the internal local regulations of the enterprise, federal legislation, and other legal acts.

The service note sample 2018 must not only be correctly executed, but also have all the necessary details that guarantee its legal significance. This is a purely internal document, as evidenced by its name. Therefore, the number of required details is limited.

The details of a memo include:

  1. position, surname, name and patronymic of the addressee of the note;
  2. position, surname, name and patronymic of the compiler of the document;
  3. incoming registration number;
  4. date and place of compilation;
  5. name of the document type;
  6. signature, date and transcript of the signature of the originator.

It is not necessary to approve or agree on a memo in accordance with the sample design. It is necessary to register the document in the office and put down on it and its duplicate, which will remain in the hands of the originator, the registration number. This is necessary so that the compiler has confirmation of timely notification of the fact or problem to other interested parties in the event of a conflict or labor dispute.

The compiler must clearly remember that this type of document is used only for horizontal interaction of officials. In the case when the addressee of the document is a higher official, it must be called the "Memorandum".

We recommend that you include the 2018 sample memo in the album with samples of other documents used in the enterprise workflow. This will allow performers to have at hand examples of the correct spelling and execution of all typical business papers: letters, report and memos, reports, acts, etc.

In all organizations, a lot of documentation is used for work. A memo is considered important paper. It serves as a way of interaction between employees and management. An example of writing a memo will allow you to learn how to write it correctly. This will be discussed in the article.

Why is such a document required?

A memo is a form of workflow in an enterprise that allows you to efficiently and quickly solve production problems. The purpose of this paper is to inform the manager about the problem, as well as proposals for resolving it or agreeing on existing actions.

The document is considered proof that the specialist has covered the problem that he had. If the employee cannot resolve it on his own and provides it to other employees in the form of a note, then he is relieved of responsibility for the untimely or poor-quality resolution of the issue. There is no special form for compiling a memo. will serve as an example. It can be handwritten or electronic, all the same, the manager must consider it.

Purposes and Document Types

Designed to notify an official of difficulties or to make suggestions regarding work. The paper is considered confirmation that the employee not only does his job, but also notices the problems that he highlights in the documentation.

Service notes are divided into:

  1. Those that include the factors of an event or negative phenomenon that has occurred. These include explanatory, reporting, acts of violations and complaints.
  2. Those that serve as an explanation of the main documents. These include notes on the write-off or purchase of materials, on the allocation of funds, promotion, bonuses.

This document is drawn up between subordinates and the employer. A sample memo for the purchase of equipment or necessary goods is the same as in other cases. It is only necessary to fully illuminate the exciting question on a specific problem.


The content of this document covers production, material, economic issues. In it, you can report on bonuses, promotions or demotions. It turns out that an employee can write a request for funds for production use. The content may include a complaint against a specific employee or manager.

If the matter concerns the rewarding of personnel, then the employer draws up a note in the form of a petition addressed to his boss. It highlights the merits of a particular employee, makes suggestions on methods of bonuses. The in-house letter is drawn up in handwritten form or in printed form. A sample memo for an award will allow you to correctly compose documentation.


Each employee may need an example of writing a memo. It usually has 2 parts. In the first, the leadership is informed about a fact or event, and in the second, requests, suggestions are indicated. An appeal is required if:

  1. There are violations that led to some unforeseen actions.
  2. The intervention of the manager is required, for example, there is a lack of material and technical means to complete the project.
  3. Absence of an employee to work or his arrival in narcotic (toxic, alcoholic) intoxication.
  4. There is a proposal to reward employees for the results of their work.
  5. The need to send a person on a business trip.
  6. Calling an employee from vacation or weekend.
  7. Any situation where the intervention of the leader is required.

A sample memo for an employee is the same as in other cases. It is important to write down all the nuances related to the case.


It is important for all employees to know how to write a memo. A sample of this paper includes nuances that must be present. Mandatory writing requirements include:

  1. It is important to identify the addressee. In the upper right corner of the sheet, the full name is written, the position of the person for whom the appeal is being drawn up.
  2. The name of the document and the number are written below.
  3. Then you need to state the problem or situation that needs to be dealt with.
  4. Then suggestions are indicated for resolving the issue or actions that the author expects are indicated.
  5. At the end, you need to indicate your last name, initials and position.

An example of writing a memo is presented in the article. They can be used for any need to compile this paper.


For any problem, it will be easier to draw up a paper if you know how a memo is written. The sample of this document is exemplary, depending on the situation, some points may be supplemented. It is also important to know the nuances of writing:

  1. A memo is drawn up on A4 sheet.
  2. When handwritten, a blue pen is used.
  3. If the electronic version is selected, then the font is chosen the one that is used to draw up documentation at the enterprise.
  4. The left indent is 2.5 - 3.5 cm, the right indent is 1.25 - 2.5 cm.
  5. The top and bottom margins are at least 2 cm.

Whatever form of writing is chosen, the example of writing a memo is the same. Consider them, too, according to the general rules.

Electronic document

If the institution can exchange information by electronic means, including email, then sending a note will be easier. The advantages of this workflow include the speed of consideration of a memo.

A sample memo in electronic form is the same as in handwritten form. There is no big difference. In the main part, the main problem or current situation is also indicated. The difference is that it is not required to designate the addressee. The person to whom the appeal is sent is entered in the "Address" line. If we take into account the exchange of documents, then in the "Subject" line it is necessary to indicate to whom the message is intended.

Email design usually has a signature that will be inserted into the text automatically. This saves time, including writing. If the mail cannot identify the sender, then the name and position are indicated at the end.

When sending a message via e-mail, it is important to indicate a read receipt of the message. The notification will serve as confirmation that the memo was sent at a specific time.

What should you pay attention to?

When compiling notes, there are several important aspects to consider:

  1. The petition is written to the head of a particular organization. The product name, quantity and purpose should be indicated.
  2. A note for a specific employee or group of persons is drawn up indicating the superior manager to whom the author reports, and the person to whom the document is drawn up.
  3. If it is necessary to replace old equipment, the reasons why the request should be granted should be indicated.
  4. The letter of bonus is issued with the designation of the achievements of the employee.
  5. If you wish to be promoted, you must indicate the full details of what this request is related to. Such a document is compiled by the head of the department.
  6. When complaining about underpayment, it is necessary to indicate the amount, the reasons for this and possible guilty persons.
  7. If the note is drawn up due to equipment failure, it is important to indicate what caused this.
  8. A complaint about the untimely preparation of documentation is drawn up indicating the period at which the paper and its name should have been received.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to compose a competent memo. This is the form followed by most organizations.


After writing the document, it is registered by the responsible person. Then it is submitted for consideration, and then sent to the addressee. The latter must put a resolution, for example, "Completed" or "Rejected". There are no clear legal requirements for writing memos, but it is still necessary to include all items.

For a small enterprise, this document can be considered an unnecessary formality that takes time and effort. But in a large organization with many employees, there are departments, a note can be an assistant. It will be a written reminder of the interactions between departments.

Negligence in compiling a note can lead to unnecessary waste of time, because you will have to find out any circumstances, look for those responsible for the problems that have arisen. Therefore, it is important for every enterprise to take a responsible approach to writing a document. This will allow you to competently organize the work and not waste time figuring out various problems.

Many refer to memos as a formality that takes time and nerves. But there are situations when this formality can save the employee from unfair claims of management. Documented petitions will insure you from trouble at any time, which cannot be said about oral requests, which are not even always given importance. Thus, these documents confirm the fact of the relationship, they are registered as outgoing documentation.

Writing a report

What is a memorandum?

Memorandum is an important document of internal communication no influential institution can do without it. For the normal functioning of the organization, a sample memorandum should be at hand for almost all employees. Its difference from a memo is that it has a hierarchical orientation, that is, it always comes from a subordinate to a higher management. The note acts as an informational document, which is written in order to inform the authorities of a higher authority or other structural department in time about events that affect the stability of the management system at the enterprise.

The report has legal force, because its purpose is not only to inform the management of the organization, but also to induce to make a certain decision on the situation voiced. A document is drawn up on the personal initiative of the employee or at the request of the manager. Note code according to the classifier of management documentation - 0286041 according to OKUD. The document should clearly describe the problem that has arisen, and since it has legal force, it should be free of spelling and legal errors.

Memo Definition

The document not only details the incident, but also writes a conclusion with options for resolving the situation. After that, the head is obliged to study the document and impose his resolution. Subsequently, this resolution serves as the basis for the approval and implementation of various measures (imposing penalties, issuing incentives, etc.). Thus, a memorandum is an element of feedback between a leader and a subordinate.

Purposes of memos

The main goals pursued in the formation of this document:

  • Increase the effectiveness of personal performance. When something interferes with an employee, and he suggests ways to solve this problem.
  • Rectify the situation. When an employee knows certain facts that do not concern him personally, but, in his opinion, interfere with stable and efficient work. A report is being written to the management so that the situation is resolved in the near future.
  • Relieve yourself of responsibility. If the employee conveyed some information to superiors and wants to relieve himself of responsibility for correcting the incident. After that, there should be no claims to the compiler.
  • Protect yourself when rights are infringed. Here the note is an attempt at a peaceful settlement of the incident.

One of the purposes of the memorandum is to disclaim responsibility

Types of memos

They are of two types:

  1. Internal- is written at the request of the employee or his boss in order to increase the efficiency of the company. The signature is put by the author. Since the document is considered internal, then the execution is carried out on A4 paper.
  2. External- sent to higher authorities. This type is signed only by the head of the company, and it is printed on letterhead.

In both cases, the date is set on the day of writing and signing.

  • Informational - as a rule, they are drawn up regularly, they inform in detail about the methods and features of the work. They can also be used to convey ideas to the management to improve the workflow.
  • Reporting- report on the results of the executed order in a specific period. As a rule, they are made up of employees of the lowest level.
  • Initiative - those where the employee invites the authorities to make a certain decision in connection with specific events - violations, downtime, etc.

Internal memorandum

Often, among the reports, one has to write “repressive” notes to the authorities, on the employees of boors and lazy people. They should be drawn up very carefully, because even the slightest flaw can lead to trouble in the future. Violation of discipline is a reason for a financial penalty, only for this, strong arguments must be given in the document. An incorrectly formulated document can be sued, complaining that the authorities maliciously infringe on the rights of a specialist. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a memo correctly.

Document structure

The memorandum includes two or three semantic sections:

  1. Actual a part where the causes of the incident are stated that prompted its formation with a detailed statement of the accompanying circumstances.
  2. Analytical - presents an analysis of the situation with the potential consequences of the incident and various options for resolving the problem.
  3. Summarizing the part where the speaker describes his opinion, makes a convincing argument and recommends taking some specific actions to resolve the incident. And then the leader himself decides what sanctions to take. Since the authorities do not have time for trials, most often they agree with the author's proposals without going into details.

External memorandum

You can make a memorandum in both text and tabular form. The analytical section in the document may be absent depending on the type of question. In this case, the document has only the factual part and a conclusion with solutions to the problem. With it, you can not only make suggestions for improving some production processes, but also express your dissatisfaction with the measures taken. Before proceeding with the presentation of the report, you need to clearly formulate the problem or your point of view and only then begin to present it on paper.

Citizens working in various fields of activity often have to deal with unforeseen situations, so they are interested in the answer to the question of how to write memo and where can I get a sample?

This document is one of the most popular and common ways for firms and employees. In this article, we will tell you how to write a memo correctly and provide a sample memo for review.

The need to write a memo

A memo is a form of workflow within an enterprise, which allows you to quickly resolve current production situations in a short time. The service note is designed to fulfill the following goals:

    • Quick notification of the official about the problem that has arisen at the moment
    • Making proposals for its elimination or agreeing on a plan of planned actions

Submission of a memo has a number of positive aspects for the production process at the enterprise. This document is a direct proof of the fact that the specialist, having discovered a problem in the work process for which he is responsible, promptly highlighted it to the management.

In situations where a specialist is not able to independently cope with an unforeseen situation that has arisen and, with the help of a memo, submits it for resolution by other specialists, by this action he relieves himself of responsibility for a poor-quality or untimely solution of a problematic issue.

A specific form of a memo has not been established, therefore, the paper is drawn up in any form and transferred to the management, both on paper and through electronic means of communication.

Making a memo

We figured out above in which cases it is necessary to write and submit a memo to management. Now let's consider an example of compiling the document we are considering, and as we said above, there is no special form for a memo, but there are generally accepted requirements for the content of the document.

Among them are:

  1. In the upper right corner of the document, the addressee of the memo must be indicated without fail. It is necessary to write the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person in whose name the memo is being drawn up.
  2. Under these data, the number and name of the document are written.
  3. After that, the specialist reveals the essence of the problematic issue that he encountered in the field of his activity at the enterprise. Or he describes a situation that he himself is not able to cope with and this requires the help of other specialists.
  4. Further, it is necessary to prescribe proposals for resolving the current situation. Or the author of the memo pronounces the actions that he expects from the official in whose name the document is submitted.
  5. At the bottom of the document, the surname, name, patronymic and position of the person who sent the memo is indicated.

If necessary, every working citizen can use this memo template.

How to write a memo - a sample and example of writing

Let's look at a specific example of how a memo (sample) is written. The example below contains the text of a memo, which can be taken as a sample when writing a business paper.

Memo example

Below we will give an example of writing a memo on paper, where the subject of the appeal and the legal entity to which the memo is addressed, as well as the essence of the problem, are fictitious.

Director of JSC "Kamelia"
Kravchenko Anatoly Petrovich
Krasnodar July 15, 2015


Since July 13, 2015, the furnace in the hot shop of the enterprise has become unusable, and in order to fix the breakdown, it is required to purchase spare parts from the list attached below. The total cost of parts and work to eliminate the breakdown is 15,700 (fifteen thousand seven hundred rubles 00 kopecks).

Currently, the fund limit for the repair and maintenance of equipment has been used up, and the required parts are not available. To avoid downtime in the hot shop, please:

  1. Allocate the specified amount of money according to the list attached to the document.
  2. Provide a repair team to carry out work to replace worn-out parts.

Sincerely, Valeria Viktorovna Onoprienko, head of the hot shop.

In many organizations, there is an exchange of information through electronic communication, so using email makes it easier to submit a memo. Such a document flow within the enterprise has an obvious plus - it is the speed of consideration of employees' requests.

How to write a memo in electronic form? The document has no significant differences from the classic version on paper. A sample memo in electronic form is almost no different from the example discussed above. A significant part of the memo in electronic form will be similar to our example. In particular, a description of the situation that occurred and a set of proposals submitted by the employee for consideration.

The difference will still be - in the memo it will not be necessary to indicate the addressee. In the e-mail, in the "Address" line, you will indicate the name of the user to whom the document is addressed. If there is only one email address for the entire department, then in the "Subject" line you will need to indicate the recipient, that is, the name of the official to whom the memo is sent.

In addition, when using e-mail (your own mailbox), you often already have a signature that is automatically inserted into the text. This significantly saves time, in particular, when a memo is being written. If your e-mail box does not allow identification of the sender (for example, when there is only one e-mail box at the enterprise), then at the end of the letter you must indicate your position and full name.

Don't forget that when sending a document by email, it's important to request notification that the email you sent has been read by the addressee. To do this, check the corresponding box. Such a notification is proof that you actually sent a memo to a specific official at a certain time.

The SZ is compiled by the employee in the name of his immediate supervisor or in the name of the head of another department. It allows in a short time:

    notify the manager about the problem that has arisen at the moment

    make suggestions for its elimination or agree on an action plan with another employee.

    induce the leader to make a decision or issue an order

It is also proof that the specialist who discovered the problem in the workflow did not let the situation take its course, but notified his management about it so that they could make a prompt decision. That is, not idle.

Types of memos

Consider the main types of business letters:

    about requesting information;

    about violations committed by the employee in the performance of labor duties.

    on employee bonuses.

In addition, CZ can accompany the transfer of a package of documents between departments, divisions, departments within the organization (for third-party organizations, it is necessary to prepare cover letters). It can also be sent to employees with the requirement to explain the reason for the absence from the workplace.

The SZ may contain any questions regarding working moments.

Compilation rules

The main rule that must be followed when compiling it is brevity. The document should clearly state the essence of the problem, as well as ways to solve it. As a rule, the text of the SZ should not take more than 6-7 lines. There is no unified form of SZ. To compile it, an arbitrary form of a service note is used.

Despite this, when writing, the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 should be taken into account. Making a memo according to GOST, a sample of which is shown above, requires the following details:

    paper must contain a "header". It indicates to whom it is addressed (position and full name of the employee in the dative case);

    the date of compilation and the number of the document are entered;

    the title of the text indicates the subject of the SZ;

    a description of the current situation, due to which a memo is being drawn up: “I bring to your attention ...”, then the text of the memo should contain a specific request;

    below is the position and full name of the compiler, signature with transcript.

The drafted document should be registered with the secretary of the enterprise as incoming correspondence. After that, you can be sure that the director will receive the SZ and get acquainted with it personally.

SZ in electronic form

It is worth noting that many enterprises have adopted electronic document management. Therefore, the SZ can be issued in electronic form. In this case, it is sent to the corporate mail of the enterprise. The secretary is engaged in the further sorting and forwarding of letters to addressees.

This method of transferring CV saves paper and time of employees. In this case, the document is compiled in the same way as on paper. It is desirable that the sender's electronic signature be on it. To make sure that the sent document is read by the manager, when sending, you should request a "postal item read notification" by checking the box in the send form.

Sample document

Often, when solving work issues, it becomes necessary to convey important information to the manager. Sometimes circumstances require that an explanation of the circumstances, a warning against errors, be set out in writing.

In this case, it is necessary not only to correctly state the facts, but also to correctly draw up the document. Compiling a CV is often difficult, especially in the absence of experience. But this is not difficult to do if you have an example of a memo in front of your eyes. That is why we have prepared samples, after reading which you can correctly draw up a document. Consider the most common cases that require the preparation of SZ.

SZ on bonuses is the basis for issuing an order to encourage the employee. This document is drawn up by the immediate supervisor of the employee in the name of the director of the organization. It indicates the merits of the worker, the request for encouragement, the data of the worker and the compiler. After considering the SZ and making a positive decision, the director issues an order for bonuses. How to write a memo to the director sample:

In the event that circumstances arose during work due to which the employee could not fully perform his labor function, the explanatory. It states the reasons. How to write a memo sample:

SZ is used if an employee needs to contact the manager with a request for the allocation of funds for work needs. In this case, the document sets out the facts of the production need for the purchase of materials. How to write a memo sample correctly:

Shelf life

According to the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, with an indication of the storage periods, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08.25.10 No. 558, SZ must be stored in the archive of the enterprise for at least five years. If necessary, the director of the organization has the right to extend the storage period. The period of storage of CZ, issued in electronic form, may be determined by the charter of the company.