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The cycle is approximately 18.6 years. The nodes move retrograde at a rate of 3-4 minutes per day. They move about a degree in 18 days, their aspects last about 38 days. Thus, approximately every 19 years, at 19, 38, 57, and 76 years, the Nodes begin a new cycle. Withnew cycle of Nodesa person receives a new impulse in search of his own destiny.Everything that happens around these periods contributes to the maturation of the individual, may be accompanied by a psychological crisis. However, the external manifestation of this phenomenon or an event associated with it may occur later. The year preceding the return of the Nodes to the radix position resembles a passage through the phase of the XII house, when a person is focused on summing up the results of the previous cycle and is preparing to enter a new level of his evolution.

The end of the first cycle of Nodes, at the age of 18-19, is the time of summarizing the experience gained in youth. This period is lived with excitement, associated with the burden of responsibility on the threshold of adulthood, the choice of the path along which further development will go.

At the end of the second cycle of Nodes, at the age of 37-38, a person tries to assess the degree of success (or failure) of his efforts towards achieving his goal. This assessment comes after the beginning of the second half of life (35 years) and gives it an appropriate shade.

At the end of the third cycle of Nodes, at the age of 56-57, a person sees what level he has reached, and how successful his creative participation in social activities has been. The return of the Nodes occurs a little earlier than the completion and coincides with the beginning of the period of activity of the constructive years of life. This is a period of changes in the spiritual development of a person and in his deep emotional reactions.

The fourth return of knots falls on 75-76 years. At this moment, a person exhausts his potential in achieving his goal and is able to assess the significance of the results of his activities for future generations.

The division of the cycle of the lunar nodes into 3 and 9 year periods

Every 19 years, the North Node transits through its natal position. After 9 years, it occupies a position opposite to the radix: the North Node transits the radix South Node, and the South Node enters the natal longitude of the North. This is a semi-cycle of Nodes, their inversion. External events or changes in real life are often more strongly associated with the half-cycle than with their return to the natal position. Node transit hits this cycle midpoint every nine years: 9, 27, 45, 63 years.

Each nine-year period corresponds to half of the node cycle and consists of three three-year periods, which correlate with each other according to the principle of thesis or action (first years), antithesis or opposition (second years) and synthesis or analysis of the result (third years). These three-year periods form the sextile and trine of the Nodes to their radical position. So, wherever the Node goes, to the reverse or direct position, the ninth year is the time of "sowing potential power."

The nine-year cycle of nodes can also acquire an individual character. Instead of counting years from the moment of birth, one can determine the beginning of the cycle by the moment when the North Node first passes through the Ascendant. This transit occurs every 18.6 years and its interpretation should be related to the age factor.

Transit of lunar nodes by radix

The axis of nodes distributes the polar force of personal choice of life purpose throughout the entire existence of a person. Its transit in the hemispheres and quadrants has the meaning of new strength. As the axis of the Moon's nodes advances, positive energy is released that forms the personality in opposition to the force of habit, the stereotype accepted in the family or in the culture.

Since the movement of the Nodes has a backward - retrograde character, when the North Node crosses the Ascendant, and, accordingly, the South Node - the point of the Descendant, the Nodes move from the I-VII houses to the XII and VI houses. Once in the XII house of the radix, the North Node goes through its first house of the cycle, which corresponds to a new phase of personality integration.Experience shows that sometimes the transit of the North Node in the house is of extreme importance for a person's awareness of his life path, while the event itself is outwardly determined by the transit of the South Node through the opposing house.

In addition to the individual meaning of the transit of the Nodes through the houses, one should take into account the universal significance of the movement of the Nodes in the hemisphere, which changes every nine years. So, if the North Node moves along the hemisphere above the horizon of the radix, it masters the first six houses of its cycle. Consequently, at this time, the life of the individual is subject to external conditions, although behavior is determined by the force of habit that has developed inside. When the North Node crosses the Descendant and passes under the radix horizon, the outer environment requires positive efforts from the person, while the inner life exists automatically. Here the terms "inner" and "outer" have a meaning in the context of personal evolution and do not correspond to the events of everyday life.

The transit cycle of the Moon's nodes indicates the nature of the external and internal resistance to the results of the personal and social past. This fact can be easily verified by observing the transit of the North Node over the radical planet. Everything that at the moment of connection with the North Node, was contained in the potential of the planet, can manifest itself in nine years, when the South Node passes the connection with the same planet. The results of these achievements will reveal themselves over the next nine years, which will lead to a new connection of the planet with the North Node. The moments of the intersection of the Meridian and Horizon of the radix with the axis of the transit Lunar nodes always matter.


Like the planets, the axis of transit Nodes also has its own function. The nodal axis is related to relationships. In the natal chart, the signs and houses in which the nodes are located, as well as the aspects they form with the natal planets and points, give clues to understanding how we interact with others. The Transit Node Axis informs us of what others are activating in us at a particular time.

Whether the transiting planet is aspecting yours or the transiting Nodes are aspecting the natal planet, in any case, other people will play an important role in current situations. The difference is that when a transiting planet activates your natal nodes, you will apply the energy attributed to this planet in your connections. When transit Nodes aspect the natal planet, then it indicates that someone else will "turn on" the principles associated with this planet within you. If, for example, aspects your Nodes, then this may mean that you can consider duties or obligations in a relationship. The idea to do this comes from you, hence you are the initiator. When the axis of transit Nodes aspects your natal Saturn, the other person influences you in some way to consider your obligations or obligations. This idea or situation is initiated by someone else, but it is up to you to react.

What You Can Feel During Node Transits

Perhaps it would be inaccurate to say that the transit nodes themselves symbolize or cause a certain “shake” within us. What they do is bring to the fore the sensations associated with the planet or point they are activating, as has been illustrated a little above. You may find that you value the way you interact with people because of how people treat you. The sensations experienced during transits of the nodal axis through were . In other words, the other person was responsible for reviewing your obligations. If it was Uranus, then someone else would have brought to the fore issues related to Uranus, etc. What is common in Node transits is that the stimulus is external.

How You Can Use Node Aspects

Even though Node transits indicate that someone is influencing you, they can be used to your advantage. Being aware of these aspects allows you to know what is about to be activated within you, so you can prepare before it happens, or at least guide the situation when relevant factors arise.

The nodal cycle itself can be indicative of the influence others may have on you. The nodal cycle lasts 18.6 years and forms major stress aspects to its natal position every 4.6 years. The premise here is that some relationship will affect the way you interact with others. With transit Nodes aspecting natal Nodes, you won't wake up one morning determined to treat people differently for no apparent reason. On the contrary, it seems to be dictated by external circumstances.

Ken Negus's study of the nodal cycle and its significance in the lives of US presidents confirmed the premise mentioned above. He focused his attention on oppositions and conjunctions and found that the conjunction or opposition of the North Transit Node to the natal Node in most cases coincided with important events worthy of mention in biographical sketches. These events ranged from taking office and marriage, on the one hand, to leaving office and death, on the other. It is clear that some cases were more desirable than others, but all involved treating people or society as a whole in a different way. This even applies to death, as it is the cessation of earthly relationships.

While none of my clients have had the impact on the world that US presidents have, they usually experience some sort of outward change in their relationships due to other people when the transiting North Node forms a connection or opposition with . I have also found that squares are important too, and I interpret them the way I do with conjunctions and oppositions. The nodal return represents the most important aspect of the loop.

A friend of mine, an artist and teacher, discovered just before the nodal return (natal North Node in the tenth house) that she was having problems in her professional relationships. She said that she felt something was wrong a few weeks before the aspect formed, but she banished the idea of ​​changing something until the students who came to her classes began to skip them freely, and then completely stopped attending. Many gave valid reasons, but it was so out of character that she began to wonder if she had done something to drive them away, or if her teaching methods were to blame. When she described the situation to me and I found the nodal return in her chart, it became clear to me that this aspect determined her situation. It was just about time to change the way we interacted with the world. This was confirmed by the fact that, according to her, she experienced similar feelings two years ago. Her products were not in demand, and it seemed that her work had stopped. This was the first time she questioned her abilities and during this period she added new techniques to her repertoire and also began to teach her craft. At this time, the North Node entered the tenth house. When we re-examined the whole situation, she realized that not all of her experiences with mastery and learning had been negative. She did not doubt her talent at this time, but rather her methodology and manner of communicating with others. She faced these questions during the nodal return, but perhaps if she had considered these questions when they first surfaced in her mind, she might have avoided some embarrassing situations and hurt feelings. This example made me think that maybe something could be done about the nodal aspects.

Although others may influence us to interact differently (transiting Nodes to natal nodes) or to contact certain functions within us (transiting Nodes to natal planets), perhaps some preliminary research into transiting Nodes may be helpful.It can give us the key to understanding before the action of the aspect. If we know what is likely to be activated, we will be able to find people who can help us express the relevant topics in a positive way, or at least prepare us for the types of situations that may arise. If we understand these issues and direct our various impulses in a positive way, we will not have to deal with negative experiences. Once I realized this, I started using this approach with my clients and the feedback has been mostly positive.

Transit of lunar nodes on radix planets

Transit Nodes Aspecting the Sun, indicate that your ego will be brought to the forefront in some way. Your ego will play an important role in relationships. Either your pride can be damaged, or you can win recognition. I have several examples where people got promoted during this aspect, whether it was tight or harmonious. But, however, I had a case when the sextile of the transit north node to the Sun materialized in the dismissal of a person. This made me realize that although the ego is brought to the fore by someone else during the transit aspects of the nodes to the Sun, the end result may not always be desirable. So now, in these aspects, I advise you to remember that the world is "turning a spotlight to illuminate you" and you must take your best step forward. You can go up a step. You can think about what kind of recognition you want to receive and work towards it. It doesn't have to be about career ego satisfaction, it can be about any area where you can or want to be noticed.

When Transit Nodes Activate Your Moon , you may be placed in emotional situations or you may find your mother nature appealing. Others can influence your feelings, either by unbalancing you or by providing emotional support. During such periods, you may be more sensitive to the actions of others and therefore there will be a tendency for emotional and instinctive reactions in the relationship. Emotional questions that have been locked up in the subconscious may come up and put you in touch with feelings from your past. If this happens, consider them carefully and don't try to suppress them, because in this way you can free yourself from old obsessions. The sensitivity associated with these aspects can also manifest in tenderness and compassion in the contacts that occur during these aspects.

Nodal aspects to Mercury tell you that some form of communication will be important in the relationship. You may feel pressured by others to talk or write too much, or you may enjoy being with others. If there are people you want to contact, pick a time just before these aspects to call or email them. You may maintain interaction or may be contacted during such periods. This is why I advise my writer clients to send in their manuscripts during these periods. Of course, there is no guarantee that the results will be positive, but the symbolism is at least appropriate. If some other person is going to make contact, why not try to get it to be the person you want to hear from.

When transiting Nodes aspect Venus , you must prepare for social interaction. You can plan the party in such a way as to invite people whose company you will enjoy. In this way, you can avoid the possible feeling that you are wasting your time. This is not an easy period for hard work. Other people may interfere with you by offering to join their frivolous activities. During such periods, it can be difficult to stick to a compressed work schedule, even if other transits indicate that you should. You may feel that some people are wasting your time, or you may enjoy the joys of being with others. You can go on a pleasant trip to get the full benefit of Venus. But if that's not possible, at least rearrange your schedule so there's time to enjoy your Venus rather than fight it.

Aspects of the Nodes to Mars indicate that you may be asked to take the initiative in some way, or you will find that other people are giving you energy. Contact during these aspects can be stimulating, but you may also find that you get easily annoyed or that certain people make you feel like arguing. Because this period is not a time for sedentary interaction, you may want to make sure you are physically active, preferably with others. Spending energy on some form of exercise can prevent the possibility of temper tantrums when someone tends to annoy you. One of my clients went on a group hike during a Node Aspect to Mars. He returned home very tired, but did not talk about any unpleasant encounters.

When the Nodes activate your Jupiter , you may find that people help you develop in some way or, as in the case of Venus, that your time is wasted by others. You may feel that others expect too much of you, or you may develop through interaction. This is a great time to enroll in a course or go on a trip. You may still feel overwhelmed, but at least you'll be taking a step in the right direction. Putting yourself in situations and people that can help you grow is much more preferable than just sitting and waiting to see what happens. One of my students, who thought that the conjunction of the North Node with Jupiter could only bring her something “wonderful”, sat back and waited for abundance to descend upon her. But the following happened: at work, she received so many tasks that she had to work overtime. Of course, it brought in a little more money, but she would rather leave work for a while. When she came home, it turned out that every member of the family needed her for some business. She felt that it was nice to be needed, but overwork did not allow her to fully appreciate it. And finally, her social life began to seethe. Everyone who knew her seemed to gravitate toward her company, and it was hard for her to say no. She was happy when this aspect was over and vowed that the next time the Nodes form an aspect with her Jupiter, she would take a month off during which this aspect would be in effect.

During the aspects of the Nodes to Saturn you will undoubtedly consider your obligations, responsibilities or life structure because of other people, not because you particularly want it. Or you may feel limited by someone else, responsibility may become a major issue in the relationship. If there is no inner drive to consider commitment, this aspect can take you by surprise and be limiting. Someone can make you feel limited, or another person can make you feel secure. If you are aware of its approach and prepare for it, then it can be an auspicious time to stabilize or evaluate your position in the relationship. Or you may even reap rewards thanks to the other person. An illustration of this was for me the case of a woman who was in the process of divorce. The transit Nodes square to Saturn was to fall on the appointed date of judgment. We considered a large number of Saturnian possibilities, and the one that seemed most applicable to her circumstances included the payment she hoped to receive from her husband. I suggested that she think carefully about her needs so that they would settle in her mind and she could have her own way. She took a step further. Her husband was not at all cooperative, so she determined what she wanted and asked for more. Thus she could imagine that she was making a concession, but still get what she wanted; and so it happened. She was very pleased with the result, and her husband thought he won.

When Nodes Aspect Natal Uranus you may feel spontaneity in your relationships. Someone may suddenly enter your life or cut off contact with you abruptly. Others may connect with you to do something on the spur of the moment. Your individuality, creativity, or need for freedom may be set in motion at this time. Strange people can enter your life, someone can help you defend your independence or use your creative abilities. This is not the simplest combination in which relationships can be stabilized, it is better to remain free. When Uranus comes into focus, you may want something exciting, so you might try to plan some exciting activity with the other person. It may not turn out quite the way you expected, but it can increase arousal. Like Uranus aspects to the Nodes, the aspects of the Nodes to Uranus can indicate that unusual and/or strange people will suddenly appear in your life. A man who traveled regularly by train to work found during such aspects that every morning when he was waiting for the train, a very strange group of people gathered around him. He must have liked it, because he liked to tell different stories about it. If you prefer to avoid strange people or encounters, you can look for more creative people that you enjoy interacting with.

When the Nodes activate your Neptune , you may come into contact with someone who can have a strong spiritual impact on you. This is a good period to continue

religious retreat or take classes in intangible subjects. By engaging in such activity, you can avoid exposure to the deceptive, illusory side of Neptune. While dreams can become reality under Neptune, self-deception is also possible. You may feel betrayed or someone may spiritually inspire you. Be wary of people offering you opportunities for material gain when the Nodes are aspecting Neptune. During such periods, you may be more vulnerable than usual, and you may attract people who can take advantage of this vulnerability. Therefore, during such periods, if possible, it is better to focus on the non-material side of life. The most striking example of this was given by my student, whose natal Neptune was in the fifth house. Before studying astrology, she received an offer to purchase land in Florida, and could not resist it. She jumped at the chance to buy, but when she later went to inspect her property, she found out that it was under water. When she began to study astrology, she looked into the ephemerides of this "fatal" period and found out that at this time the transit Nodes formed a square with her Neptune. If she had known about this aspect earlier and about its meaning, she could have gone to look at the future property before buying and avoid her fiasco. Another possibility for this combination is to feel burdened or deceived by others. Being useful - this use of Neptune can be a pleasure, but the satisfaction will be crossed out if you feel that someone directed you to this. Before starting this aspect, examine your altruistic projects. State why and whom you are helping. This will define your position and give you an excuse for not helping those you don't want to be of use to.

Transit Nodes aspecting natal Pluto, may indicate that some power may be given to you, or that you will be forced to exercise your power. Another possibility is that someone may be prompting you to analyze yourself and perhaps transform in some way. You may think that someone is trying to extend their power over you, or the relationship may be a reason to analyze yourself or assert your power. It may seem that there is no way around the situation that is presented to you. You may feel pressured into making an irreversible decision. If you don't face the circumstances, someone else can make the decision for you. Although circumstances may not be in your favor, you can still influence the outcome.

When transiting Nodes activate Part of Fortune, you might expect someone to bring you an opportunity, or perhaps another person will make you think better of yourself. If you leave everything to chance, an opportunity may be snatched away from you, or a relationship may cause you to question what you are striving for. You may feel that you are being hindered from reaching your goal, or another person may offer you an opportunity to achieve it. Look for ways to achieve fulfillment through some kind of connection. If you take the first step in making contact, it can open doors for you. I can give many examples of this, but here I will only mention two. The first refers to a man with a Part of Fortune in the tenth house who was dissatisfied with his job. Just before the North Node formed opposition to his Part of Fortune, he sent in an application for a position he thought would make him happier. During the aspect, he received a positive response to his application. The second example concerns the woman who did not sit back and wait for Prince Charming when the North Node formed a conjunction with his Part of Fortune in the seventh house. After a little push from her astrologer, she began to arrange social gatherings with men who seemed suitable. In the first case cited, a job has been found and so far it seems to fit. In the last example, it's too early to tell the extent of success, but a few interesting people are on the hook.

When Transit Nodes Aspect the MC , your career or public image is put forward by others. Another person may take away a favorable professional opportunity from you or offer it to you. You may find an increase in professional interaction - more clients or people willing to work with you. In the previous example, when a man. sent a request for a relative new job during transit node aspects to the Part of Fortune, this action was appropriate as the Part of Fortune was in his tenth house. But more than other aspects, MC Nodes indicate the most favorable time for career-related contacts. Or you can ask for a raise at this time. Rest assured that you deserve it, as these aspects will not cause a salary increase to magically materialize. The only guarantee is that others will focus on your career or public image. You may want to seek recognition during this period, but remember that both fame and infamy fall into this category, and it's important to present your best self.

Transit Node Aspects to the natal Ascendant bring you to the fore in the first place. If you are interested in how other people see you, then during this aspect they will undoubtedly tell you this or in a different way. You can either have doubts about your individuality, or think well of yourself, which is related to the position of people towards you. Since the axis of Nodes represents connections in general, and does not distinguish between acquaintances and intimate relationships, it is possible that someone you do not know very well will have a strong influence on you. If during the aspect of the Nodes to the Ascendant you feel that you being attacked or frowned upon, "do not crawl into your cave." You need contact with other people, so consciously look for those who can make you feel better about yourself. If one of the transit Nodes forms a conjunction with the Ascendant, then the subtext will be different than in the case of a planet conjunction with the Ascendant. Since the middle nodes always move retrograde, when transiting through the Ascendant, the Node leaves the first house, and does not enter it. And he moves to the twelfth house. He leaves the realm of the observed and moves into the realm of the subconscious. This indicates that others may force you to look deeper into yourself or may have a profound effect on your personality - an influence that may be associated with the subconscious. That is why during this aspect it is very good to find people who can support you. In this way you can start a period in which the relationship will have a more subtle influence on you (Nodes running through the twelfth house) with sovereignty rather than self-doubt.

When the Node forms a conjunction with the cusp of any house , he, of course, leaves this house, and does not enter it. For example, after his connection with the MC, where the emphasis in relationships was on a career, relationships begin to take on the shade of ninth house issues. In fact, since we are dealing with an axis, it would be more accurate to say that when the Nodes pass through the MC and IC, the issues of both the third and ninth houses will probably become significant in the relationship. It follows that when the Nodes enter a couple of houses, albeit from the back door, you may be aware that the focus of the relationship begins to shift to matters related to those houses. You may even find that relevant incidents involving others will occur during this time. As with the planets, do not expect each day to be filled with people activating issues related to the houses that transit Nodes pass through, but pay special attention to the timing of their entry and exit from each house.

To begin with, I examined in detail the connections of the Nodes with the house cusps in my chart. When the North Node entered the seventh house, I got married; when he entered the fifth, my first child was born. This bolstered my desire to consider passing knots through houses, and I began to inform my clients of the possibilities associated with this movement in their maps. Feedback has been favorable. Since the nodes are opposite to each other, they will activate the houses in pairs, and it is possible that the North Node moving through the house will have a different influence than the South Node. For the sake of simplicity, no distinction is made between nodes, and houses are considered singly rather than in pairs.

Transit of the Lunar nodes through the houses of the radix

The position of the transit North Node shows the scope of conscious activity or the application of human efforts in order to develop its potential. The ability that a person theoretically needs according to the transit position of the North Node is determined by the event that has developed in the South Node transit sector. Given that we know that the South Node zone does not require internal efforts, but functions according to the habit formed by the transit of the North Node through this point nine years ago. It should be recalled here that in the transit of the Moon's nodes we are dealing with an axis where both points include two opposing houses.

North node in 1st house, South node in 7th house You may feel like everyone is focusing on you. Some people may speak highly of you, others may be hostile. Both alternatives are possible, so if you have a bad experience with someone, look for another person who can support you. When the North Node crosses the Ascendant and passes through the 12th natal house, a new eighteen-year cycle of life begins. The age of a person at the time of this transit must be correlated with other cycles (according to the age factor), since it is his phase that gives tone to the entire cycle of nodes. And at whatever age this event occurs, it corresponds to a new stage in the search for the meaning of life. The nature of the period is determined by the success or failure of the previous eighteen-year cycle, and a state of spiritual crisis may be caused by the resistance of a person to the chosen path. The results of the personal efforts of this period will manifest in the outer life much later, when the South Node crosses the border of the Ascendant. Now the place of application of energy and initiative is the zone of the XII house, and the VI house becomes the point of least resistance. A person creates his appearance through the assertion of personal values, his truth, realizing the needs of individuality. In the Descendant zone, we behave according to established tradition, according to habitual, effortless stereotypes. Under unfortunate circumstances during this period, a person tends to delegate initiative and responsibility to partners or surrender to a feeling of overwhelming love, at the risk of being dissolved in a lover. In this case, there is a delay in development and a refusal of personal initiative. Old complexes, true or imagined, penetrate the intimate relationships of a person, and the habitual patterns of behavior that have developed in a social group connect a person with his past. The future resolutely demands to take one's position, discarding everything to which a person has become indifferent, and develop in the direction of conscious values.

North node in 2nd house, South node in 8th house – People can have a strong influence on your values, or they can help you spend your money. Look for those who can increase your income. This situation of transit nodes draws attention to the inadequate use of energy resources. The present moment requires a new distribution of forces, changes in energy reactions. Compliance with the tactics of least resistance involves relying on someone else's energy, for example: on the efforts of loved ones. However, he should not rely on automatic consent. During this period, it is useful to develop your physical, psychological and mental capabilities, in accordance with the challenge of the present moment. Then during the cycle it will be possible to become effective and socially significant.

North node in 3rd house, South node in 9th house – Beware of possible dependence on other people. Brothers, sisters, or neighbors may play a more important role in your life. Decide how much you want to be involved. The axis of nodes at this stage focuses a person's attention on the development of practical skills and intellectual abilities, productively solving specific problems with the immediate environment. It is useful to direct your efforts to the formation of your own style of behavior, to try to adapt to changing circumstances, brushing aside previous stereotypes of behavior, to find your own original way of expressing your ideas about the world, based on personal experience. If preference is given to the existence in the world of metaphysical or abstract ideas, then development along the line of least resistance is chosen. At this stage, it would be good to try to find practical application for your ideals, making dreams come true.

North node in the 4th house, South node in the 10th house – Others may influence you in your home or you may feel that the whole world is going to visit you. Invite people you would like to interact with, and maybe others to refrain from attending. During this period, fate will require from a person more attention to the situation in the family and awareness of the reasons for the relationships that have developed in it, than to strengthening social positions. The potential power at this stage lies in family life and personal feelings, this power is able to deepen the creativity of a person and help free his possibilities in relationships with people. Established habits and stereotypes of emotional behavior in the family can cause neglect of relatives and one's own inner life for the sake of complete dissolution in routine professional activities. The current moment requires the simultaneous development of the creative capabilities of the individual and the acquisition of behavioral skills that satisfy his needs. If these efforts are not made now, it will be more difficult for a person to achieve professional success in the future.

North node in the 5th house, South node in the 11th house – Love and romance may come into your life, or the focus may be on your children. To prepare, be fully aware of what's going on with your children, or if you feel like romantic episodes, look to situations that might encourage it. The moment of integration here requires personal efforts, mobilizing the creative "I". With this position of the nodes, the area of ​​least resistance is located in the zone of collective interests. By submitting to group ideals, a person can lose his creative initiative. Friendly environment and social activities can kill the sprouts of creative enthusiasm, which requires the current stage of evolution. There may even be a craving for heroism. Now more valuable are their own judgments than the opinion of the collective. However, if a person belongs to a group, he can now become its leader. Be that as it may, with a positive development, the creative initiative will find a channel for self-expression. The main brake on this stage can be a feeling of emotional dissatisfaction, it would be useful to get rid of the failures of the previous period and their influence.

North node in the 6th house, South node in the 12th house – Others can tell you how and when to work, or you can organize your daily routine and delegate some tasks to others. The position of the nodes in these two houses indicates the end of the first half of the cycle of nodes and, accordingly, the final phase of human social activity. The focus is on the desire to serve, which can be expressed through the worship of some person who has become a kind of outlet. At this moment, it is easiest for a person to withdraw into himself away from the tensions of the external world, to abstract physically, emotionally or spiritually. Sometimes what has remained unfinished over a nine-year period of social activity passes its final stage and requires a revision of stereotypes of behavior, the search for new ways to realize creative individuality. At the same time, the task is solved positively, rather with the goal of serving humanity than with the desire to satisfy the needs of one's ego. The crisis of transformation can lead to health problems, especially if at this moment a person looks back on the past instead of active work.

North node in 7th house, South node in 1st house “You might be persecuted or you might get married. A good time to look for intimate relationships that you would like to develop. This node transit begins a nine-year period of internal activity. At the beginning of the cycle, there may be a need for a personal effort aimed at developing a culture of relationships, searching for their new forms. Circumstances require a person to confirm his ability to cooperate, the ability to focus on others, to see and hear their needs, the ability to yield. It is now possible to have a positive experience in the field of interpersonal relationships rather than listening to internal impulses or plunging into passive self-contemplation. In the case of a negative development in a person's behavior, a despotic tendency to project his reactions onto others may appear. He will demand the fulfillment of his desires, special attention to his personal merits and achievements, will impose his rhythm and worldview on others. His complacency grows. It would be more useful to go out into a world where it is easy to meet open and free people than to get lost in observations of an egocentric nature. The area of ​​least resistance during this period of life is located in an armchair opposite the mirror.

North node in 8th house, South node in 2nd house - Someone may offer you to share his (her) resources with him or someone may make a sexual proposal. In any case, you can decide what and how much you want to take. This transit causes the need to search for new forms in interpersonal relationships, new values ​​that bind partners, colleagues, spouses. During this period, a person needs to find his interests, looking closely at the direction of other people's activities, participating in their daily lives, using their experience to awaken new forces, opportunities, and abilities in themselves. New values ​​may arise as a result of common efforts in the organization of joint affairs, in group activities, in occult studies or in sexual relations. This will strengthen the relationship between the partners and provide new points of contact. When choosing the path along the line of least resistance, a person organizes activities only to satisfy his own desires. There is a danger of wasting energy on trifles without creating anything new, and getting a negative result, experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment, shifting the responsibility for fulfilling one's needs to a partner. In this transit, the possibility of personal rebirth is great, but it can be realized only in pair or collective relationships with a concentration on other people's interests and desires.

North node in 9th house, South node in 3rd house – You can meet people through travel or higher education; or spiritual or philosophical individuals may contact you. You can choose this time to travel or be active in religion. This transit puts a person before the need to raise the questions of everyday life to the level of reflection. Assimilation of new knowledge gained during travel or interaction with representatives of other cultures, through religious or philosophical studies, can help a person go beyond everyday patterns and give new meaning to life every day. During this transit, the person will be able to turn to finding a new way to integrate the distant and the near, the familiar and the unknown. The area of ​​least resistance is associated with the search for new information in the zone of the immediate environment, instead of concentrating on ideal targets in a certain direction. With positive development, a person is able during this transit to conclude that no religious or scientific dogma is of greater value in the humanistic worldview.

North node in 10th house, South node in 4th house - You may have more business contacts than usual, or someone may force you to consider what role you play in the world. Try to meet people who can advance your career, or in some other way "project" yourself into the world. The axis of nodes emphasizes here the opposition of home to career, public and intimate. Now the social sector determines the channel through which the process of self-integration takes place, and the field of activity where a person will have to spend energy. Perhaps driven by the instinct of self-preservation and the need to conserve resources, he feels the need to devote all his time to personal affairs, domestic life, especially home care, and to abandon social and professional obligations. The fulfillment of this desire can lead him to the loss of his public face and professional reputation. It is important to find during this period the opportunity to cope with the desire to withdraw into oneself or sit out in a safe zone in order to accumulate strength and subsequently justify public trust. This transit has a separate meaning in the cycle of knots. It shows in practice, in concrete results, what was conceived at the beginning of the cycle, when the North Node crossed the point of the Ascendant, 14 or 15 years ago, and corrected during its transit through the IV and VII houses. It should be remembered that the results can be both positive and negative.

North node in 11th house, South node in 5th house - You may be approached about joining the group, or someone may interfere with your aspirations. You can choose to research organizations you may be associated with, or interact with those who can help you achieve your hopes and desires. In the house of ideals, in the sphere of social and mystical creativity, a person's involvement in humanistic organizations, there is a force that controls the expression of the higher "I". In one way or another, during this transit, a person receives a request from society to take part in changing the existing conditions in the cultural, social or spiritual sphere. The position of the South Node indicates an easy way to satisfy your desires for activities with an emphasis on personal success. A factor of positive development will be the integration of personal creative opportunities for the benefit of society, which can lead to a change in lifestyle. During the transit, it will be necessary to unite with like-minded people for the sake of joint activities.

North node in 12th house, South node in 6th house – You can detect the subtle influence of others either for good or for evil; or people can make you look deeper into yourself. A good time to analyze those with whom you are connected. The final phase of the cycle of knots, with positive development, draws the attention of a person to his sense of collective and social responsibility. Sometimes the karma of the past, unfinished business or the results of social activities of the previous 9 years can provoke a crisis. Through the reflection that accompanies the process of reassessing achievements, one can come to understand the true value of what has been done and considered since the beginning of the cycle in the light of the public good. On the basis of this understanding, even if it has a negative character, a person will prepare for a new cycle with the awareness of the tasks ahead, that. The area of ​​least resistance is indicated by the position of the South Node in the 6th house. If a person has not managed to get rid of the inner need for dependence, it will be difficult for him to shoulder the burden of social responsibility, which suppresses his will. Addiction blocks the source of energy.


Alchemical rituals are mainly aimed at helping to reform the energies within ourselves, and since knots represent relationships, it is doubtful whether we can not directly influence others in the same way. People don't always choose to follow your script, but perhaps an alchemical technique by which you can connect with others is visualization. Create in your mind the details of the relationship that will be acceptable to you.

There is, however, another alternative, more direct. Pay attention to the action of the transit nodes in your chart, considering both the positions in the houses and the aspects to the natal planets and points. You can then make an effort to communicate with other people in terms of the planets, points, and houses involved. If someone is going to have some influence on your sense of responsibility, need for independence, desire for growth, etc., why not help decide who it will be?

Or consider what issues might be brought to the fore and explore potential alternatives to prepare for what might come. It is possible to just sit and wait and see what others are going to do to you, but it may be more satisfying to have some say in the interaction. In this way, you can choose the right people to contact and avoid possible problems, or at least be prepared to deal with questions that someone else will raise to investigate.

Used Books:

1. Joan Negus “Astro - alchemy. Transit Guide»

2. N.Yu. Markin "Cycles of the planets"

Page 1

The backhaul connection is established through the devices / Ui / / GYa.

The transit connection is established in the same way as the incoming connection - through the PGI, PGI, VGI, and then through the PGI and PGI at the transit station. The called station register, having determined from the received six-digit number that this connection is transit, transmits this information to the counter, which converts the first three characters into a two-digit direction number.

Transit connections are made between two channels of the long-distance telephone network.

Transit connections from the CA or OS to other OS (Fig. 11.15 c) are also established through the VGI.

A transit connection is established using the PT register and the MT token in the same way as an incoming connection. The only difference lies in the fact that a different number of digits of the number is transmitted from the RT along the connecting lines in the required direction, depending on the nature of the connection (a connection is established from the RS to the terminal or transit exchange) and on the capacity of the called terminal exchange.

Transit connections are carried out, as a rule, with the use of terminal amplifiers. Termination amplifiers are understood as amplifiers included in each long-distance line at both its ends. Each final amplifier has a gain equal to half the gain of the intermediate amplifier. When transiting - connecting two long-distance lines, the terminal amplifiers are connected in series and provide the necessary amplification corresponding to the amplification of one intermediate amplifier.

Transit connections of channels should be carried out both in the two-wire and in the four-wire part, and in accordance with that discussed in Ch. Rural network CAs are used only in a four-wire scheme.

Transit connections of channels, depending on the MTS system, can be performed manually or automatically using a two- or four-wire scheme.

Permanent transit connections are made in the line-hardware shop at the transit switching rack; temporary transit connections are established either on long-distance exchanges by a telephone operator, or automatically using special equipment.

Switching principle with limited latency.

A transit connection is a connection of two long-distance channels in the UAC, as well as in some cases on AMTS. On fig. Figure 5.8 shows the way to automatically establish transit connections. For a small part of the load, connections on ATEs can be installed by telephonists using manual gppgpb on long-distance exchanges. On fig. 5.9 a and b show the ways of establishing terminal and transit connections on ATEs of corded and cordless types.

However, backhaul connections can also be established at the ICPP switch. In the second case (Fig. 1.2.56), local networks in cities A and B are automated. On the MTS of city A, connections are established manually, and applications are serviced by NSO, therefore, IMC NSO switches are installed on the MTS for downlink communications. In cities B and C, the process of establishing transit and incoming connections is automated; in these cities, intercity stations of the AMTS type are installed, the equipment of which includes one or two stages of intercity group searchers of the MGI. To establish terminal connections to subscribers of cities B and C, lines to the 1GIM stage are included in the first decade of 1MGI AMTS. ATE switching equipment can be decade-step, coordinate, quasi-electronic.

For transit connections, a two- and four-wire switching scheme is used. On MTS with a manual service method, in most cases, two-wire transit is used, and on MTS with automatic and semi-automatic methods of establishing connections, two and four-wire transit is used. To organize two-wire transit in automated directions, ten-step searchers of three-wire switching, used in urban and rural exchanges, can be used.

During a transit connection, the called station register, after analyzing the number received from the calling station register, establishes that this connection is indeed a transit connection, and after connecting, the MVGI transmits a corresponding signal to it. Having received this signal, MVGI switches the connection to the IGI stage. Further, the connection process proceeds in the same way as with an outgoing connection. If the called direction is busy, MVGI connects the lines of the VGI stage to the AP, to which the device for receiving redundant transit traffic is connected. In this case, the occupation of the RU also occurs.

Occurs once in a lifetime, as the second connection will be in 84 years.

Transiting Uranus in Radix Sun.
A burst of creativity. A person is capable of extreme decisions and actions, begins to realize his uniqueness. This explosive period can give brain strain and lead to a stroke or heart attack.
In a negative aspect - eccentric behavior. All plans fall apart. Danger from electricity, fire, explosions, lightning. On the physical level - insomnia.

Transiting Uranus on Radix Moon.
Sudden changes in mood, the person does not know what he wants. A particularly difficult period for women - an unfulfilled desire can cause hysteria. Family relations are aggravated, especially among young people with their parents. In the negative aspect - depression, uncontrollable emotions, the desire to do everything in defiance.

Transiting Uranus over radix Mercury.
The rise of mental activity and original thinking, creative insights, good luck and discovery. In the negative aspect - unpredictable impulsive manifestations of all the qualities of Mercury with negative consequences (lawsuits, scandalous fame).

Transiting Uranus on Radix Venus.
A person is looking for unusual love, maybe unexpected love. Originally manifested in art. Strange relationships with others, a partner - old forms of relationships can collapse and new ones can be created. Unexpected financial success. The events of this period are marked by extraordinaryness and are remembered for a lifetime.
In a negative aspect, a strong need for renewal in love, friendship leads to a break in family ties, scandals and quarrels. If Uranus and Venus were initially in tense aspects - the danger of rape.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Mars.
Tendency to impulsive, thoughtless actions, crisis situations. A person becomes brave, but reckless, strives to overcome all obstacles on the fly. In a negative aspect - in order to achieve a goal, he is capable of cruelty, violence, a fight, a risk. Danger from fire, electricity, lightning, explosions and sharp objects.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Jupiter.
There is an unexpected opportunity to travel, to expand education. The area of ​​interest is expanding. A person actively struggles with the routine, becomes more visible in society: he is celebrated, rewarded, nominated. May give promotion for a random reason. A good time to move to a new job.
In the negative aspect - an irresistible desire to develop and expand at any cost. They can deceive, involve in lawsuits, scandalous fame.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Saturn.
The sense of time changes, there may be a failure in biorhythms. There is a need for spiritual restructuring, a physiological and material restructuring is underway. In a negative aspect, what seemed stable collapses, a person becomes undisciplined, he is threatened with loneliness, the danger of robbery, loss of money, disaster, hospitals. This transit is especially dangerous in old age.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Uranus.
Occurs around age 84. Gives alienation from the material world and liberation from worldly duties. There is a growing interest in occult and mystical phenomena (especially the problems of life after death, reincarnation).

Transiting Uranus over Radix Neptune.
Enhances intuitive abilities, a tendency to fantasy, unique ideas arise that are ahead of their time. A person can explore his previous lives, successfully engage in parapsychological research, is involved in secret groups or organizations.
In the negative aspect - unfulfilled dreams, disappointments from a collision with the truth of life, slander and deception around, the danger of a catastrophe, mental illness. The period is especially important for people with a large number of planets in Aquarius.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Pluto.
There is a growing desire to change existing conditions. In severe extreme situations associated with collective energy, where you need to take risks, self-control saves a person. Unexpected manifestations of unusual talents. In a negative aspect - the danger from fire, explosions, electricity, underground disasters. Increased impulsivity leads to nervous breakdowns, makes you go to extremes. It is dangerous to be in an excited crowd.

Transiting Uranus in radix Proserpina.
Irreversible changes in life: a person under the influence of an impulse can make a unique decision, rebuild his entire life. Danger of catastrophes.

Transiting Uranus by Radix Chiron.
A person skillfully adapts to any circumstances, changes tactics, makes new acquaintances, changes old relationships. Succeeds everywhere where before he did not have time. There is a danger of becoming entangled in dual situations, of being too carried away by freedom. In a negative aspect - a double life, deception of loved ones, lawsuits.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Rahu.
Makes a person brighter, more independent. He clearly knows what he needs. Involved in new experiments, actively participates in them.

Transiting Uranus by radix Ketu.
A person becomes invisible, indecisive, his freedom is constrained by circumstances, any initiative fails. Loses faith in his own strength. Small annoyances are perceived as big ones. Breaking contacts.

Transiting Uranus in Radix Lilith.
Gives the seduction of freedom, freedom at any cost. Unbridled desires go against the laws of morality, entail difficult changes in life. A person is drawn to risk, danger, loses control over himself. Danger of accidents (especially road) and from electricity.

Transiting Uranus over Radix Selena.
New unique abilities, the gift of foresight, may appear. A person listens to the inner voice, receiving help and warnings of danger. New true friends appear. A period of high inspiration and creative upsurge.

Transiting Uranus by radix Asc.
A person strives for personal freedom, neglecting dangers. Heightened perception gives a new idea of ​​​​oneself, there is an interest in unusual activities. An impetus to a new stage in development. In the negative aspect - a person cannot adjust to a new level, he simply becomes eccentric, unreliable in contacts and cooperation with unpredictable behavior.

Transiting Uranus by radix Dsc.
Active social activities, changes in personal relationships, success in cooperation. Unexpected marriage, new business partners. Dislike for manifestations of a sense of ownership and jealousy. In a negative aspect - disagreements with society, partners, breaks, conflicts, lawsuits. divorce or unsuccessful unexpected marriage.

Transiting Uranus by radix MC.
Changes the purpose of life. The unexpected rise of a person is the recognition of his social or professional activities. Finding new methods in a profession or a new job can be a career change. In a negative aspect - adventurism in professional or social activities.

Transiting Uranus by radix IC.
The desire for freedom in their own home, a change of attitude. Possible separation from family members or moving. In a positive aspect, karmic memory awakens, a person is aware of past mistakes. In a negative aspect, it cuts the branch on which it sits: it breaks the connection with the house, the roots. House robbery.

    backhaul- Direct connection (usually used for monitoring purposes) of the output of the transmitter to the input of the corresponding receiver. With this connection, the influence of the transmission medium (for example, repeaters in a cable line) is excluded. [L.M. Nevdyaev. ... ...

    subscriber line backhaul- The use of extension cords to increase the length of the subscriber line. [L.M. Nevdyaev. Telecommunication technologies. English Russian explanatory dictionary reference book. Edited by Yu.M. Gornostaev. Moscow, 2002] Telecommunication topics, main ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    transit connection of drives with subsequent transmission- - Telecommunication topics, basic concepts of EN interconnected transit store and forward ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    transit connection through several points- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN multiswitch connection ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Transit telegraph connection- 36. Transit telegraph connection Transit telegraph connection A connection installed or being installed at a telegraph station for other telegraph stations connected to this Source: GOST 23150 78: ... ...

    transit international connection- - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN transit international call ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    GOST 23150-78: Circuit switching and message switching in telegraph communication. Terms and Definitions- Terminology GOST 23150 78: Circuit switching and message switching in telegraph communications. Terms and definitions original document: Types of connection and communication services 33. Local telegraph connection Local connection Local telegraph connection ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    high-frequency transit at the trunk level- transit connection of trunks - [L.G. Sumenko. English Russian Dictionary of Information Technologies. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general Synonyms transit connection of trunks EN direct through connection at line ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Moscow station Kurskaya Kursk direction Gorky direction Smolensk direction Riga direction Leningrad direction Moscow railway Opening date ... Wikipedia

    Moscow station Kurskaya Kursk direction Gorky direction Smolensk direction Riga direction Leningrad direction Moscow railway Opening date ... Wikipedia

Sources: Bernadette Brady. Marion March and Joan McEvers.

Transit, being a completely new energy that a person encounters, is perceived as so alien to the conscious mind that it is quickly projected into the outside world so that the conscious mind can safely consider it. From this safe vantage point, the conscious mind can become less receptive to this energy and, over time, assimilate this alien type of energy brought in by the transit.

The significance of transits depends on personal factors such as free will, position and approach to life, health, age, and general outlook on life.

The interpretation of transits must be combined with other transit aspects operating at the same time, as well as with natal, progressive and directional aspects. The actual aspect formed by the transiting planet is less important than understanding the characteristics of the planets in contact with each other and what the combination might promise and how to resolve it most constructively.

Any movement forward in the horoscope can only bring you what is already promised in the natal chart.

Transits are universal, i.e. a transiting planet at any given time will have a definite zodiacal position, and this position will be the same for everyone. If a planet changes its zodiac sign, the entire globe will experience the energy of that planet moving into a new sign. If a planet goes direct or retrograde, that too is happening on a universal level. That. zodiacal information about the sign of the transit planet, the direction of its movement and aspects to other transit planets is not of great importance for a given person if the planet does not aspect his chart.

Transits affect us not only on the external level. Our reactions to transits, progressions, or directions can be felt at any or all levels, because we must not forget that free will is always the final criterion. If you want to be unhappy, you will be unhappy no matter what happens to you astrologically, psychologically or physically. If you want to live a positive life, you will succeed no matter how many stumbling blocks you meet along the way.

Each important event will correspond to several aspects(these may be aspects of progressive, directional or transit planets), but not every aspect will indicate an important event.

Only slow moving planets, starting with Jupiter, can give us early warning of activity in the horoscope; fast moving planets can narrow the timing down to a specific week or day.

Don't worry too much about the kind of aspects formed (conjunction, trine, square, etc.); rather focus on the possible positive or negative uses of the combination of planets and the houses and signs involved.

When you work with transits, you will realize that the so-called difficult aspects seem to be more effective than trines or sextiles. People tend to take all pleasant occurrences for granted, but complain about every slightest difficulty.
Any event (transit) has three phases:

Beginning, reason; at first you have the origins of the situation. Because of these events, other events described by transit will occur.

The event itself: after you have the main theme of transit.

Consequences of the event: on the end you have consequences - what the event has affected, the result of the event.

Transits to planets

Cause: the top row (the natal position of the planets involved in the transit) can usually be seen as the sphere of life where the event originates.

Action: the middle row (the house through which the transiting planet moves) is the arena where the main event takes place.

Consequence: the lower row (the houses of the natal chart, which are ruled by the planets involved in the transit) are the areas of life affected by the consequences of the transit, i.e. result.

Transits to the Corners: the passage of a transiting planet through the Cross of Matter. When a transit connection is formed from any of these points, this energy is applied directly to this corner point, focusing on the problems of this house. All aspects to the corners, except for the connection, refer to Asc and MC.


Transit Sorting

frequency rule: The frequency of occurrence of transit is inversely proportional to its influence. The slower the planet moves in its orbit around the Sun, the more significant effect it has when it forms a transit to the natal chart.

traffic rule: The speed of a natal planet or point is directly proportional to its response to receiving a transit. Transits to personal planets and the Cross of Matter have a more significant effect compared to transits to planets, starting with Mars. The only exception is Saturn: any transit of Saturn to any of the radix points is very significant.

Aspect rule: The smaller the harmonic (the number by which 360 is divided to get an aspect) of an aspect, the greater its influence in transits.

Strength of Aspects:
1. Connection and opposition.
2. Square and trine.
Z. Semi-square, one and a half square and sextile.
4. Quickons.

Retrograde movement of transits

A transit is technically in an orb from the moment of first exact contact until the last exact contact with a particular degree and minute of a natal planet or point. Events that start when a transit is formed will take the entire duration of the transit before reaching completion.

The number of transit interactions with the natal point has a certain value, because. it represents the number of times (and/or length of time) that fate deems necessary to learn a particular lesson that is crucial to personal development.

The first passage of the transit symbolizes observation: the fixation of what is not in our consciousness, it is observed for the first time, in order to later become part of our conscious knowledge. Therefore, the first contact of the aspect can be the greatest shock.

The second phase symbolizes learning - awareness or recognition: recognizing the issue and our role in it, not yet accompanied by an understanding of what to do with it or how to manage it, but only the recognition that it exists and is going to become part of our life - this can be very difficult phase of transit.

The third contact of the transit is absorption: the energy that was once so unfamiliar, alien and disturbing seems to merge with the background of other everyday memories, resources and experiences.

At the first contact of a particular transit, events occur that are beyond personal experience. At the second contact, the person does something that will allow him to include these events in his world. And the third contact is a period of assimilation, a time when the current problems of transit are no longer a problem, but merge with the background, successfully connecting with a person's life.

If the transit is long and consists of five contacts, then it is possible that the second stage of "learning" will take longer. This means that there will be difficulties in adjusting to the new situation caused by the transit. If the transit is short - as in the case of some transits of Jupiter and Saturn, which can have only one contact lasting no more than a week - this is an indication that the person has already learned this information earlier. The real transit issues that need to be worked out will be very mild with very few, if any, impacts.

Orbs of transits:

the standard orb is 1 degree.

modifications based on experience: orb - 12 minutes of arc.


a) if the transiting planet approaches the natal point, comes within 13 minutes of arc from the natal point, but becomes retrograde before the aspect becomes exact, the person does not begin to experience transit at this time. The transiting planet must be within 12 minutes of arc before its impact is felt.

b) when the transiting planet last passes through the natal point, even if it is still within 12 minutes of arc, aspect completed.


a) When during transit movement Saturn changes direction and begins to move towards the natal point - and in this direct movement it will reach the exact aspect to the natal point - then This start of transit. If the transit is already in an orb, then the periods of change of direction are also periods of culmination. Those. when Saturn becomes direct and is about to move forward a few degrees past the natal point, the transit will be in an orb from the day it became direct.

b) Uranus transits are accurate, and events usually occur on precision days.

Transits and karma. Stephen Arroyo. Marion March and Joan McEvers.

During any transit, we can either sow the seeds of a new karma or reap the karma that was previously activated.

In most cases, it is impossible to know whether we are simply dealing with past karma, or creating new karma to deal with in the future, or whether it is a mixture of both. Therefore, we must approach all experience assuming that we are creating new karma, and therefore use some degree of caution when situations seem to call for it. But if our the best efforts fail to keep us from a certain predicament or activity that we feel is having a negative effect on our spiritual growth, we may assume that past karma is "ripe" for repayment.

While there is no definite way to know if a person is reaping karma or planting new seeds, there is a general difference among transits that needs to be pointed out. Saturn and Pluto transits are very often harvest times, times when we are confronted with the results of past actions and thoughts.

In fact, Saturn has been known for centuries as the "planet of karma" because of this, as its transits often correspond to apparently preordained events. Pluto transits often show a somewhat similar pattern of experience that not only seems preordained, but is often completely incomprehensible.

Transits of Jupiter and Uranus, on the other hand, very often correspond to a seeding time when potential future developments are revealed to us. We receive directions and directives for further development, the implementation of which will take years and decades. The positions of transiting Jupiter and Saturn in the houses are of primary importance, since they reveal so much about the structure, quality and rhythm of a person's cyclic participation in society as a whole.

Key notes of the influence of transits:

Pluto brings to the surface and transforms, often completely ending an old form of life or expression.
Transiting Pluto moves so slowly that its significance is not much different from that of the progressive or directional planets, its aspects are in an orb for almost three years. Pluto sows the seeds of change and transformation - but the actual germination of these seeds may come later. Often when one of the fast-moving transiting planets activates a sphere that Pluto previously touched. Pluto denotes strength, intensity, concentrated lasting energy, rebirth, transformation, the ability to start over and rebuild everything, the desire to do large-scale things and the energy of the masses; but it can also mean coups, obsession, brute force, dramatic change, and the criminal element.

Neptune undermines, dissolves, sensitizes, perfects and spiritualizes. It can mean insight or illusion, idealism or seeing everything in a pink light, inspiration, imagination and creative thinking. It can represent your sense of compassion, intuition, or perception so clouded that you can easily fall prey to fraudulent plans or become entangled in deceit. It is the most elusive of all planets, and your ability to use Neptunian principles positively or fall prey to them depends on your degree of self-awareness.

Uranus accelerates the rhythms of nature, hastening change; destroys, revolutionizes and brings to awareness that which was below the threshold of consciousness. Archetypally, it symbolizes unexpected changes, sudden passions, spiritual awakening, intellectual stimulation, intuition, originality, inspiration, and divine dissatisfaction. When applied positively, its vibrations can symbolize a sharpened creative thinking, an increased understanding of metaphysical issues, a sublime enjoyment of the unusual, unexpected and sudden. For those who are trying to maintain the status quo, the influence of Uranus can be overwhelming. People with strong land/water charts who are conservative and dependable may be intimidated by sudden changes or impulsive actions. Air/fire signs seem to be attracted to diversity. For those people who never count to ten and like to venture into presumptuous ventures, the influence of Uranus can be overwhelming. These people may act too impulsively, too hastily and imprudently, or simply behave in a completely wild way.

Saturn slows down the rhythm of nature, thus concentrating your experience; compresses, puts a person in front of a realistic approach to life. The sphere through which Saturn transits is well suited to lay new foundations and begin positive construction in some direction. Negative use of Saturn's principles can mean feelings of renunciation, limitation, and frustration. You may experience career difficulties, physical weakness, separation, too much responsibility, and even grief.

Jupiter opens the door to new plans, aspirations and improvements; sets you up for future opportunities; encourages expansion into new areas of experience. Denotes the spheres of expansion and expansion, including the physical spheres (urge to overeat with resultant weight gain when transiting Jupiter aspects Asc or the Sun). In the archetype, it represents prosperity and success, patronage, cooperation, good luck, gifts, growth, the desire to learn, possible trips or travels to foreign countries, matters related to religion and law. Jupiter is considered a "benefic" planet and has a wonderful reputation, but unless you understand your natal Jupiter and work with Jupiterian energy, the transit itself cannot work wonders. The wonderful feeling of lightness associated with Jupiter can just as quickly turn into self-indulgence or a tendency to overdo things in food, drink, drugs, entertainment, gambling, an idle personality, and other "fun" things.

Mars breaks the usual rhythm of nature, giving it energy and prompting it to action; often makes a person impatient and temperamental. It acquires great significance in all events related to the physical body. The energy of Mars is important for feelings of self-confidence, striving for achievement, a sense of the right time, stamina, and sexual desire. Many astrologers do not consider transiting Mars in annual forecasts. Some draw attention to the houses it passes through, others mention certain aspects that need to be treated with care. Since it basically means difficult or tension-producing aspects, it may set the stage for the client, as if your prediction causes the event to happen - or, by becoming part of the client's mind, can be fulfilled. This is one of the ethical issues that all astrologers face - to speak or not to speak. If you say and a "possible" unfortunate event occurs, did you, as an astrologer, cause it to happen? If you don't speak up and an unfortunate event occurs, could it have been avoided by warning the client? There are no clear answers. You must follow your conscience: pay special attention to the position of the client.

Venus harmonizes, smoothes the flow of experience and the expression of human energy. Sometimes corresponds to good news or a sense of release from tension. May bring to the fore pleasure, social affairs, your popularity, love relationships, material resources and values. When it moves retrograde, you may find it wise to delay buying some very expensive and large items. This does not mean that something terrible will definitely happen to you, but some minor troubles often pop up that could have been avoided. When making a yearly forecast, you don't have to worry about Venus transits, but you should check its movement if your client has a specific question related to a particular need or day.

Mercury rarely important, but sometimes corresponds to communications and meetings that are meaningful. Relevant to contacts, communications, correspondence, buying and selling, transport and training. Most astrologers advise clients not to make expensive new purchases (car, house, etc.) or sign contracts when transiting Mercury is in retrophase. It should be realized that thanks to free will, we can focus on preventing the loss of important papers and not allowing ourselves to lose mental peace. Mercury retrograde can be a great time to clean up leftover tasks, pay off unpaid bills, finish unfinished business, and clear up confusing concepts. This is a good time for research, writing, and anything that requires deep thinking. If a person has retro Mercury in the radix, he will do well in the transit retrophase, he will have a clearer thinking. In the annual forecast, it is appropriate to indicate to customers the periods of Mercury retrograde so that they can accordingly build your plans .

Sun and moon must be taken together as a whole; the position of the new moon is the most important, as it excites everything that aspects. The full moon can also aspect natal planets. Since the Sun can represent your energy level, your will to live, your chances of success or failure, your ego, or any dealings with bosses or authority figures, its transit aspects are especially important when considering favorable job and career opportunities, if you have problems with health or when it comes to surgery. Once a year, around your birthday, the Sun returns to its natal position and activates all the natal aspects of the Sun. This is an excellent time to continue working on any unresolved natal issues and to face difficult challenges that you previously avoided.

Key notes of planets activated by transits:

Pluto. Transits to natal Pluto affect the use of a person's inner strength and resources. Sometimes the psychic experience is evident, at other times various compulsive patterns of thought and behavior are activated. Transits to Pluto are often obscure to those with little awareness of their inner life. These transits sometimes mark the end of an entire chapter of life (especially if the transiting planet is Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune), leaving only an empty shell and distant memories as the remainder.

Neptune. Transits to natal Neptune are especially important for spiritually oriented people. Because Neptune itself represents a state of extreme passivity, it must be activated by other planets (especially Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or a new moon) to manifest strongly and constructively. These transits will be a time of transformation or definition of a person's ideals, a confrontation with expansionism, or an increase in psychic sensitivity. When Neptune is activated by Saturn or Pluto, a moderate crisis often occurs, because. both of them encourage the integration of the person's ideals or the cleansing of escapist tendencies and self-deception. Often during these transits, some circumstance causes us to face something that we would like to ignore. Often, but by no means always, there is a sexual problem (especially with a transiting Pluto), as Western culture seems to specialize in self-deception, unrealistic ideals, hypocrisy in this area of ​​experience, because. Western culture does not have any life myth or other way of understanding the connection between sexual energy and spiritual reality.

Uranus. Transits to natal Uranus affect how free a person feels, how he expresses his uniqueness and originality, and how he handles restlessness and desires for change and excitement. These transits also have an impact on any new ventures the person is involved in. A person's conception of what really constitutes independence often undergoes an important change when Uranus is activated by a transiting Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, or Pluto.

Saturn. Transits to natal Saturn can affect a person's entire life structure and long-term aspirations, but the emphasis usually falls on that area of ​​life that is most associated with a sense of material security. Therefore, whatever constitutes a person's work, professional activity, or daily activities is most often the focus of these changes; and this includes the role of housewife and mother just as much as any role in the professional world. While the transit of Jupiter to Saturn often corresponds to an improvement or expansion of a person's professional situation, the transit of Uranus, Neptune or Pluto is often perceived as a period of marked uncertainty and uncertainty about work and social status.

Jupiter. Transits to natal Jupiter mainly affect a person's future plans and aspirations, whether it involves business or financial ventures, plans for education or travel, or the general direction of a person's efforts towards self-improvement through religious, philosophical, or metaphysical activity. The transits of the four outer planets to Jupiter often have the effect of significantly changing a person's future plans and realizing their true potential.

Mars. Transits to natal Mars feel like a change in the way you claim your rights and the methods you use to achieve your goals. There is usually an increase in clarity about What would you like(with the exception of the transit of Neptune), as well as a noticeable change in the flow of your physical and sexual energy. For men, this is often a striking change in their sense of strength and confidence in their masculinity; both sexes often have an increased sense of competence and ability to assert their own desires.

Venus. Transits to natal Venus are experienced as changes in one or more areas: relationships and emotional activities, financial affairs, aesthetic tastes and personal values. These transits also directly correspond to how happy and content a person feels in everyday life. For both sexes there is often a marked change in their feelings of attractiveness and self-control; women often experience important changes in the development of their sexuality and confidence in their femininity.

Mercury. The importance of Mercury transits is often underestimated, as they usually do not correspond to outright drastic changes in circumstances or particularly painful crises. However, since transits to Mercury affect the way a person thinks and expresses his perceptions, they should be given as much attention as any other important transits. Especially when Mercury is aspected by the five outer planets, there is a powerful influence on the way the conscious mind functions, in many cases leading eventually to a completely different attitude towards life (even though the changes may be subtle and not directly obvious to others) and/ or to engage in a new skill or field of study.

The sun. Any transit to the natal Sun can be important, even the transits of Venus, Mercury and Mars, as everything that aspects the Sun goes directly to your immediate consciousness. These transits most often affect the way you try to express yourself in a confident and integrated way, as well as affecting your creativity and sense of well-being. They are important in your overall attitude towards life and in your way of expressing your total self; they also have a direct effect on your physical vitality.

Moon. Transits to the natal Moon affect how a person feels about himself, how comfortable he is with himself and his current life situation, how he views his connections with children, parents, family life, or other areas related to his “roots”. The factors of security and protection are predominant in the person's mind at this time, and he is often preoccupied with thoughts where he is "his" (i.e., where the person feels really comfortable). Women often develop a new awareness of their femininity and its implications for their future plans. Both men and women, however, at this time have the opportunity to increase their awareness of their lunar nature: soft, compliant and caring qualities.

If a the planet is the ruler of Asc, the Sign of the Sun or the Moon, the impact will almost always be greater than if the planet is relatively unrelated to important themes in the chart.

Any connection with Asc or Dsc one of the five higher planets in transit is usually important, often dramatic and directly lasting. Such transits affect not only your approach to life in general and your confidence in who you are, but also your health and vitality.

May 23, 2009