English proficiency levels for resume. What can you do with knowledge of English at level B1

Do you want to take an English level test right now and find out your level of language proficiency? What are your strengths and what do you still have to learn? We invite you to take a free online test (registration and email is not required), consisting of 60 questions. You will receive the result as soon as you answer the last question.

English level test - instructions

The test determines the level of knowledge of the English language and divides students into 5 groups - from elementary (elementary) to advanced.

The test tests knowledge of language constructions (36 questions) and vocabulary (24 questions). A total of 60 questions must be answered, each of which is given a choice of one of four answers. If you do not know the correct answer to a question and do not mark anything, then the answer on it will be considered incorrect.

There is no time limit for passing the test, but try to keep within 40-45 minutes - this is the time for which this test is designed. For a more accurate assessment of knowledge, it is better not to use dictionaries and textbooks.

Determining the level of English

You can determine the result yourself in accordance with the table below, depending on the number of points you have scored. Read also our articles on how to prepare for and pass international tests: and.

% LevelLevel on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)
0 – 20 Beginner, ElementaryA1+ to A2
21 – 40 Pre-intermediateA2 + to B1
41 – 60 intermediateB1
61 – 80 Upper-intermediateB2
81 – 100 AdvancedC1

Please note that the English level test only provides estimates and cannot be used for admission to educational institutions. In addition, this test does not assess your writing, reading, or speaking skills.

CEFR level ( Common European Framework of Reference - The level of the Common European Scale of Language Competencies) is a unified system for assessing language knowledge, using which you can even compare knowledge of different languages ​​​​with each other, for example, you have English at level B1, and Chinese - at level A2.

So let's take the test

TEST (60 questions)

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question

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The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) is a system of levels of foreign language proficiency used in Europe.

The corresponding directive was developed by the Council of Europe as the main part of the project "Language Learning for European Citizenship" between 1989 and 1996. The main goal of the CEFR system is to provide an assessment and teaching method applicable to all European languages. In November 2001, an EU Council resolution recommended the use of the CEFR to establish national language proficiency assessment systems.

The CEFR classifies student knowledge and skills into three broad categories, which are further divided into six levels:

- A - Elementary proficiency

A1 - Survival level, A2 - Pre-threshold level

- B - Self Ownership

B1 - Threshold level, B2 - Advanced level

- C - Freehand

C1 - Proficiency level, C2 - Excellence level

For each level, the knowledge and skills that a student should have in reading, listening, speaking and writing are described.


I understand and can use familiar phrases and expressions in speech that are necessary to perform specific tasks. I can introduce myself / introduce others, ask / answer questions about the place of residence, acquaintances, property. Can engage in simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.

% ratio of vocabulary to level C2 - 12%


Can understand individual sentences and common expressions related to the main areas of life (for example, basic information about myself and my family members, shopping, getting a job, etc.). I can perform tasks related to the simple exchange of information on familiar or everyday topics. In simple terms, I can tell about myself, my family and friends, describe the main aspects Everyday life.

% ratio of vocabulary to the higher level - 50%
% ratio of vocabulary to C2 level - 24%


Can understand the main ideas of clear messages delivered in standard language on a variety of topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc. Can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in the country of the language being studied. I can compose a coherent message on topics that are known or of particular interest to me. I can describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, state and substantiate my opinion and plans for the future.

% ratio of vocabulary to the higher level - 67%
% ratio of vocabulary to C2 level - 48%


I understand the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics, including highly specialized texts. I speak quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers without much difficulty for either party. I can write clear, detailed messages on a variety of topics and present my perspective on a major issue, showing the advantages and disadvantages of different opinions.

% ratio of vocabulary to the higher level - 81%
% ratio of vocabulary to C2 level - 72%


I understand large complex texts on various topics, I recognize the hidden meaning. I speak spontaneously at a fast pace, without difficulty in choosing words and expressions. I use language flexibly and effectively for communication in scientific and professional activities. Can produce accurate, detailed, well-structured messages on complex topics, demonstrating mastery of text organization patterns, means of communication, and aggregation of text elements.

% ratio of vocabulary to the higher level - 89%
% vocabulary to C2 level - 89%


I can understand almost any oral or written communication, can compose a coherent text based on several oral and written sources. I speak spontaneously with a high tempo and a high degree of accuracy, emphasizing shades of meaning even in the most difficult cases.

% ratio of vocabulary to C2 level - 100%

The book is devoted to the development of the B1 Intermediate level of knowledge of the English language according to the scale of language competence of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union.
Level B1 includes: understanding what is being said in most radio and television programs about current events, as well as programs related to personal or professional interests; understanding when reading texts; the ability to communicate in most situations that arise during your stay in the country of the language being studied, participation without prior preparation in dialogues on a familiar topic (for example: "Family", "Hobby", "Work", "Travel", "Current events"), etc. .
The material of the manual is divided into thematic sections, which allows you to achieve the best results in the process of learning the language. Each of these sections contains texts, vocabulary on the topic, a grammar block and exercises.
By mastering the proposed vocabulary in a given volume, studying grammatical information, doing exercises, you can confidently master the English language within the B1 level.

Emotions are what people feel. They are very ancient, and can be seen in all mammals. They are caused by a complex mixture of hormones and the unconscious mind. Only with great difficulty can we control our emotions by conscious effort. They cause mammals to change behavior according to changes in their situation. Sometimes emotions run against our attempt to live our lives in a logical way.

Eight basic emotions are:
1. fear (feeling afraid). Other words are terror (strong fear), shock, phobia;
2. anger (feeling angry). A stronger word is rage;
3. sadness (feeling sad). Other words are sorrow, grief (a stronger feeling, for example when someone has died) or depression (feeling sad for a long time). Some people think depression is a different emotion;
4. joy (feeling happy). Other words are happiness, gladness;
5. disgust (feeling something is wrong or dirty);
6. trust (a positive emotion; admiration is stronger; acceptance is weaker);
7. anticipation (in the sense of looking forward positively to something which is going to happen). Expectation is more neutral;
8. surprise (how one feels when something unexpected happens).

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English for the intermediate level, Level B1, Matveev S.A., 2016 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • I will help you learn English, Self-tutor, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The purpose of the manual is to help everyone who wants to learn English on their own. An effective author's technique allows you to quickly master the structure of an English sentence ... English language books
  • The newest English language tutorial, Matveev S.A., 2015 - The newest English language tutorial was written by the popular author S.A. Matveev, whose books are in demand among readers. This guide allows you to master English ... English language books
  • English aphorisms, Matveev S.A., 2012 - This book contains the most successful and linguistically interesting English aphorisms that have absorbed experience, knowledge, wit and surprisingly ... English language books
  • A new English course for those who value their time, Matveev S.A., 2014 - If you spend a lot of time on the road, this book is just for you. The unique author's method of learning English - ... English language books

The following tutorials and books:

  • The best English jokes, Matveev S., 2017 - Do you want to quickly expand your vocabulary, master colloquial vocabulary, get acquainted with live English speech? Read short stories, jokes, entertaining stories. … English language books
  • English Grammar, Book for Parents, Grade 5, Barashkova E.A., 2013 - This manual is fully consistent with the federal state educational standard (second generation). It is the third part of a training kit consisting of four ... English language books
  • Text Grammar, English textbook, Veikhman G.A., 2005 - The manual presents a new theory of text grammar, developed on the basis of a study of a large amount of factual material, taking into account domestic and foreign achievements ... English language books
  • I will help you speak English, Speech simulator, S.A. Matveev, 2016 - To start speaking English, you just need to step over the language barrier and start communicating. This guide will help you with this. … English language books

Previous articles:

  • English for Beginners, Level A2, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The book is dedicated to the development of the level A2 Pre-Intermediate knowledge of English according to the scale of language competence of foreign language proficiency used in the European Union. … English language books
  • English for beginners, Level A1, Matveev S.A., 2016 - The book is dedicated to mastering the level A1 Elementary knowledge of English according to the scale of language competence used in the European Union. Level A1 includes: ... English language books
  • All the secrets of English prepositions, Popovets M.A., 2016 - Prepositions are small words, the use of which often raises big questions. This book is a guide that will help get rid of white spots and… English language books
  • 150 most important irregular verbs for flawless English, Karavanova N.B., 2016 - Irregular verbs are one of the most important topics of English grammar, as they are the most common among all English verbs. … English language books

The best way to determine if your English language skills are B1 level is to take a quality standardized test. Below is a list of the main internationally recognized tests and their respective B1 scores:

What can you do with knowledge of English at level B1

Level B1 of English will be sufficient to communicate with native English speakers on familiar topics. In the workplace, the B1 level of English allows an employee to read simple reports on familiar topics and write simple emails in their professional area. However, B1 level is not enough to communicate in the workplace only in English.

According to the official CEFR guidelines, a student with B1 English proficiency:

  1. Understands the main ideas of clear standard messages on familiar topics regularly encountered at work, school, leisure, etc.
  2. Can communicate in most situations that may arise during a stay in a country where the target language is spoken.
  3. Can write simple coherent text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest to him.
  4. Can describe experiences, events, dreams, hopes and aspirations, state and justify opinions and plans.

More about knowledge of English at level B1

The official conclusions about the student's skills are broken down into smaller sub-items for educational purposes. Such a detailed classification will help you evaluate your own level of English proficiency or help the teacher assess the level of students. For example, a student who speaks English at level B1 will be able to do everything that a student at level A2 can do, as well as:

  • to discuss dreams and hopes for the future in the personal and professional sphere. organize and pass an interview when applying for a job in your professional field.
  • talk about your TV preferences and favorite programmes.
  • describe your education and your plans for future studies.
  • talk about your favorite pieces of music and musical trends. Be able to plan an evening of listening to live music.
  • talk about leading a healthy lifestyle, give and receive advice on healthy habits.
  • talk about relationships and acquaintances, including communication with people on social networks.
  • visit a restaurant, order food, engage in small talk at dinner, and pay the bill.
  • participate in negotiations in their area of ​​expertise, enlisting help in understanding some issues.
  • discuss safety issues in the workplace.
  • Discuss the norms of polite behavior and adequately respond to impolite behavior.

Of course, progress will depend on the type of course and the individual student, but it can be predicted that the student will achieve a B1 English proficiency level in 400 hours of study (total).

Or in courses, you will definitely come across the concept of “English language levels” or “English language proficiency levels”, as well as such incomprehensible designations as A1, B2, and more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so on. In this article, you will learn what these formulations mean and what levels of language proficiency distinguish, as well as how to determine your level of english.

The levels of English were invented so that language learners could be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and writing, as well as to simplify testing procedures, exams, for various purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. Such a classification helps in recruiting students into a group and preparing teaching aids, methods, and language teaching programs.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels, this division is rather conditional, necessary not so much for students as for teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,
  • Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency levels.

In fact, these are just two different names for the same thing. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: English language proficiency levels

The classification was developed in the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, it is fully called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (abbr. CERF).

English levels: detailed description

Beginner level (A1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases aimed at solving specific problems.
  • Introduce yourself, introduce other people, ask simple personal questions, such as “Where do you live?”, “Where are you from?”, be able to answer such questions.
  • Maintain a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly, clearly, and helps you.

Many who studied English at school speak the language at about the Beginner level. From the vocabulary only elementary mother, father, help me, my name is, London is the capital. You can understand well-known words and expressions by ear if they speak very clearly and without an accent, as in audio lessons for a textbook. You understand texts like the “Exit” sign, and in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Elementary level (A2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand common expressions on general topics such as: family, shopping, work, etc.
  • Talk about simple everyday topics, using simple phrases.
  • Tell in simple terms about yourself, describe simple situations.

If at school you had 4 or 5 in English, but after that you didn’t use English for some time, then most likely you speak the language at the Elementary level. TV shows in English will not be understood, except perhaps for individual words, but the interlocutor, if he speaks clearly, in simple phrases of 2-3 words, in general, you will understand. You can also incoherently and with long pauses for reflection tell the simplest information about yourself, say that the sky is blue and the weather is clear, express a simple wish, make an order at McDonald's.

Beginner - Elementary levels can be called "survival level", Survival English. It is enough to "survive" during a trip to a country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of distinct speech on general, familiar topics related to everyday life (work, study, etc.)
  • Cope with the most typical situations on a trip, travel (at the airport, in a hotel, etc.)
  • Write simple connected text on topics that are common or familiar to you personally.
  • Retell events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly talk about plans and explain your point of view.

Vocabulary and knowledge of grammar is enough to write simple essays about yourself, describe cases from life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind written speech, you confuse tenses, think over a phrase, pause to pick up a preposition (to or for?), but you can more or less communicate, especially if there is no shyness or fear of making a mistake.

It is much more difficult to understand the interlocutor, and if it is a native speaker, and even with fast speech and a bizarre accent, then it is almost impossible. However, simple, clear speech is understood well, provided that the words and expressions are familiar. You generally understand if the text is not very complex, and with some difficulty understand the general meaning without subtitles.

Level Upper Intermediate (B2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) topics in your profile.
  • Speak quickly enough so that communication with a native speaker occurs without long pauses.
  • Compose clear, detailed text on various topics, explain the point of view, give arguments for and against various points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate is already a good, sound, confident command of the language. If you are talking on a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation you understand well, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, naturally. An outside observer will say that you are fluent in English. However, you can be confused by words and expressions related to topics that are poorly understood by you, all sorts of jokes, sarcasm, allusions, slang.

You are asked to answer 36 questions to test listening, writing, speaking and grammar.

It is noteworthy that to test listening comprehension, phrases such as “London is the capital” recorded by the announcer are not used, but short excerpts from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English from films and TV shows). In English-language films, the speech of the characters is close to how people speak in real life, so the test may seem harsh.

Chandler from Friends doesn't have the best pronunciation.

To check the letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The program provides several translation options for each phrase. To test knowledge of grammar, a completely ordinary test is used, where you need to choose one option from several proposed ones.

But you are probably wondering how the program can test the skill of speaking? Of course, the online English proficiency test will not test your speech as a person, but the test developers came up with an original solution. In the task, you need to listen to a phrase from the movie and choose a cue that is suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Talking is not enough, you also need to understand the interlocutor!

The ability to speak English consists of two skills: to understand the speech of the interlocutor by ear and to express one's thoughts. This task, albeit in a simplified form, tests how you cope with both tasks.

At the end of the test, you will be shown a complete list of questions with the correct answers, you will find out where you made mistakes. And of course, you will see a chart showing your level on a scale from Beginner to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test to determine the level of English with a teacher

To get a professional, “live” (not automated, as in tests) assessment of the level of English, you need English teacher who will test you with assignments and an interview in English.

This consultation is free of charge. Firstly, there may be a language school in your city that offers free language testing and even a trial lesson. Now this is a common practice.

In short, I signed up for a trial test lesson, got in touch on Skype at the appointed time, and the teacher Alexandra and I held a lesson, during which she “tortured” me in every possible way with various tasks. All communication was in English.

My trial lesson on SkyEng. Checking grammar knowledge.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained to me in detail in which direction I should develop my English, what problems I had, and a little later she sent a letter with a detailed description of the level of language skills (with grades on a 5-point scale) and methodological recommendations.

This method took some time: three days passed from the application to the lesson, and the lesson itself lasted about 40 minutes. But it is much more interesting than any online test.