Extra-curricular activity "unusual trip". The game "Field of Miracles" on the theme "Culinary Journey through Russia

1. The name of which fruit is literally translated from Latin as “grainy”? (Pomegranate)

2. The name of which dish literally translates from French as "vinegar"? (The vinaigrette)

3. The name of which dish in Latin literally meant “salted with sea water”? (Marinade)

4. Drinking wine with someone as a sign of establishing a close friendship and a friendly transition to “you” is called the German word “bruderschaft”. And how is it translated? (Brotherhood)

5. Say "bread and butter" in German. (Sandwich)

6. The name of which fruit comes from the Latin language and literally means "precocious"? (Apricot)

7. The name of which fruit in Dutch literally means "apple from China"? (Orange)

8. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word for "head"? (Cabbage)

9. The name of which vegetable in Greek means "unripe, unripe"? (Cucumber)

10. What vegetable did the Italians call the "golden apple"? (Tomato)

11. What meat product got its name from the Russian word "dilapidated", "old"? (Ham is meat prepared for the future, which means it is not fresh)

12. The name of which dish is derived from the Udmurt words "ear" and "bread"? (Dumplings. Pel - ear, nyan - bread)

13. The name of which food product was born in ancient India and literally means "sand, gravel"? (Sugar)

14. The name of which sweet comes from the Latin language and originally meant "prepared medicine"? (Candy - from "konfectum")

15. We borrowed the name of this sweet from the French language, where it meant "quince marshmallow". Name her. (Marmalade)

16. The name of which flour product in Greek means "butter cake"? (fritters)

17. The name of which meat dish in German means “a piece of paper, shavings”? (Schnitzel)

18. Which cereal got its name from the pearly color of the grains? (Perlovka - from pearl - "pearl")

19. The name of which cottage cheese dish, into which egg whites are whipped into a thick foam, also has the meaning “slap in the face” in French? (Souffle)

20. The name of which cold soup suggests that it is made from beets with tops? (Botwinya)

21. What vegetable is very well stored until spring, and therefore during Great Lent in Russia they ate more than turnips, cabbage and carrots, for which he received the name "repentant vegetable"? (radish)

22. The name of which fat is literally translated from Latin as “pearl”? (Margarine)

23. The name of which drink is translated from English as "cock's tail"? (Cocktail)

24. Raw materials for which drink are black and green? (Tea)

25. In a Georgian village, you can see the following picture: a leather bag with some kind of liquid lies on the road. Everyone who passes by this bag must kick it. What drink is prepared in this way? (Kefir - matsoni)

26. What is the name of the drink obtained from the milk of mares? (Kumiss)

27. Which drinks clearly show that they are made from citrus fruits? (Lemonade and orangeade)

28. What healing drink can be obtained in the spring forest? (Birch juice)

29. Russian church wine with a French name? (Cahors)

30. What kind of drink will you get if you pour fried pieces of bread with water and add sugar? (Kvass)

31. What kind of drink can be made from "arabica"? (Coffee)

32. What turns black coffee into a cappuccino? (Cream)

33. What is the name in the East for condensed fruit syrup and a soft drink made from fruit juice and sugar? (Sherbet)

34. Hot drink made from honey and spices? (Sbiten)

35. The name of which fermented milk drink suggests that it is very easy to prepare? (sour milk)

36. Name three foods that six out of ten fatal diseases are associated with overconsumption? (Salt, sugar, animal fats)

37. What was served in Russia instead of sauces? (explosion)

38. Where were all the classic sauces created? (In France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)

39. What expensive delicacy of the North German cities in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries successfully competed on the world market with furs and flax from Russia, French wines and English wool? (Baltic herring with special salting)

40. Who invented mayonnaise and what city is it named after? (In 1757, during the British siege of Mahon, French chefs diversified the menu of the besieged with a new dish made from eggs and Provence oil. Mayonnaise was named after the capital of the island of Menorca - Mahon)

41. How can you get rid of the bitterness of the grapefruit fruit? (It is necessary to remove the translucent leathery film that covers each lobule of the fetus with a case, in which quinic acid and bitter glycosides are mainly concentrated)

42. What dairy product was recommended by one of the oldest handwritten medical books "Cool Helicopter" to be used as an antidote for acute poisoning? (Sour milk - curdled milk)

43. What was called drinks in Russia? (Coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea. Drinks were not drunk, but eaten)

44. The name of which dairy product among the Caucasian peoples comes from the word "health"? (Kefir from the word "kef" - "health")

45. What two berries are poetically called "northern grapes"? (Cranberries and gooseberries)

46. ​​What is the difference between dried apricots and apricots? (Dried apricots are fruits of ripe apricots cut lengthwise in half and dried without stones in the sun. Apricots are dried fruits of apricots with stones. “Kuru” is translated from the Turkic languages ​​as “dry”)

47. What cereal is pearl barley made from? (From barley. And they called her that for her mother-of-pearl color)

48. How can the liver, spleen, heart, tongue, brain, intestines, kidneys, bones of farm animals be called in one culinary word? (offal)

49. A famous Italian dish named after an equally famous city? (Pizza. Pisa)

50. Where did the word "soup" come from? (From the Italian "uppa", which means something soft, something that is drunk)

51. The absence of what daily dish on the table in some old books was considered evidence of trouble in the house? (Soup)

52. What product was used in ancient times instead of sugar? (Honey and pressed date juice syrup)

53. About what product did the poet of the Middle Ages Victor Masi leave us these words: “... you are poetry, the bouquet of our dinner. What would life mean if you didn't exist? (About cheese)

54. Which product doctors and scientists characterize as follows: “food that knows no taboos”, “perfect product”, “natural concentrate of the beneficial properties of milk”, “the softest food product”, “diet for everyone”? (Cottage cheese)

55. Which pig meat was considered a delicacy in Ancient Greece? (Died of overeating)

56. In which country did vegetarians appear? (In India around 1000 BC)

57. Where did noodles first appear and when? (In China in the first century AD)

58. With what water was wine mixed in ancient Greece? (with sea water)

59. Where did the very first restaurants in the world appear? (In China, in 1153 in Kaifeng)

60. What is another name for wild garlic? (Bear bow)

61. Which of the eggs is most useful: raw, soft-boiled, hard-boiled or fried? (soft boiled)

62. Where was the very first cookbook created? (In Mesopotamia in 1700 BC)

63. In what water does champagne cool faster - raw or boiled? Who owns this discovery? (Boiled. This discovery belongs to Nero)

64. Where did chewing gum appear and when? (In Central America in the XIII-XIV centuries)

65. Where did cocoa originate? (In Mexico)

66. Cocoa + red hot pepper + cornmeal + water. What drink did the Aztecs prepare from this mixture? (Cocoa)

67. When did coffee appear and where did it grow? (Coffee is mentioned for the first time in the tenth century AD. It grew in Ethiopia)

68. When and where did you start drinking beer? (In Mesopotamia and Egypt in the third millennium BC)

69. What is gyuvech? (Bulgarian dish of vegetables baked in the oven with lamb)

70. What is the literal translation of the word "symposium"? (From the Greek word "symposion", literally - a feast)

71. What was the original name of the food that was put into sea water for salting? (Marinade)

72. Chinese chefs claim that you can cook food from anything except ... What is the poetic image of what you can’t cook food from, which Chinese chefs call. (From the reflection of the moon in the lake)

73. Fish, which all the bones were counted and removed. (Fillet)

74. What grows in the field, which can be said to be the full edge of the cob? (Corn)

75. Seasoning that gives pepper to eaters. (Adjika)

76. What word makes a small tangerine related to a hefty grapefruit? (Citrus)

77. Meat of the fish king. (Sturgeon)

78. What is the name of the spree dough? (Opara)

79. What product named a month that is not on the calendar? (Honey. Newlyweds spend their honeymoon after the wedding)

80. What is the name of a wild strawberry? (Strawberry)

81. Culinary decoration for the ears. (Noodles)

82. What culinary product can be said to be a “wounded dish”? (Roll)

83. What part of the egg was rejected by the meringue, but eggnog was attracted? (Yolk)

84. Name the most common candy bird. (Cockerel)

85. A simplified version of a hot dog sausage. (Sausage)

86. Which berry got its name from the smelly leaves? (Currant - from the word "stench" - an unpleasant smell)

87. What one word, but not "food", can be called borscht, and soup, and fish soup, and shi? ("First")

88. She is good both under a fur coat and without it. (Herring)

89. Invisible but useful part of food. (Vitamin)

90. Fruit explosive. (Pomegranate)

91. Soup with salad in one bottle. (Okroshka)

92. Edible watermelon rind mummy. (candied fruit)

93. What kind of pickle in Russia did they eat with their hands? (Pie with pickles)

94. What is the name of a meat snack that shivers? (Junior, jelly)

95. What festive outfit does a herring wear? (Fur coat)

96. What is the name of the mushrooms that appear on the jam? (Mold)

97. She tastes great, even black, even red. (Caviar. Currant)

98. What kind of berry can a summer resident grow only by turning his six acres into a swamp? (Cranberries)

99. What is the name of "glue" for jelly that does not want to harden? (Gelatin)

100. What is the name of an octopus that does not come out in height, but comes out in taste? (Squid)

101. What sweets, loved by many children, contain the word "chalk"? (KaraMEL, Marmelad)

102. What dish is ready at the cook's at any moment of the day or night? (Ear - COOK)

103. How to feed the whole family with one crumb? (Add the letter “O” to it, and you get “okroshka”)

104. What kind of rectangular cubes do modern women play in the kitchen? (bouillon cubes)

105. How to make sour kefir sweet without sugar and jam? (Replace the letter "K" with "3": kefir - marshmallow)

106. What salad can be found among French names? (Russian salad)

107. What is very cold inside a herring? (Ice - herring)

108. Name the final curdled confection. (Roll)

109. Say "stick" in French. (Baton)

110. Bread of Caucasian nationality? (Pita)

111. What delicacy in Italy and France are pigs looking for? (truffle mushrooms)

112. What "worms" are loved in Russia no less than in their native Italy? (Vermicelli. "Vermicello" in Italian "worms")

113. What is cooked, but then not eaten? (cast iron, steel, bay leaf)

114. Who bakes, fries all day, but does not treat pancakes? (Sun)

115. What terrible monsters eat only eyes? (Smoke, soap, shampoo)

116. What do housewives put out but don't give anyone to eat? (Light, candles)

117. Truffle, but not a mushroom; iris, but not a flower? (Candy)

118. "The Cloudy Garden", where the apple turned out to be that fruit. (Paradise)

119. Processed cheese with warm human relations in its name. ("Friendship")

120. What meat dish should every cook know how to cook? (Navy pasta)

The extra-curricular event "Culinary Journey" is held in the form of a game, the goals of which are to awaken the interest of students in the culinary traditions of Russia, the formation of a desire for new knowledge, and the expansion of ideas about the country.



Open classroom

in 4 in class

Class topic:

"Culinary Journey Through Russia"

Teacher: Golovashkina I.S.


(The game)

Objectives: to arouse students' interest in the culinary traditions of Russia; to form a desire for new knowledge, to expand the idea of ​​the country.

Travel Game Progress

I. Organizational moment. Creation of an emotional structure.

Teacher. When they talk about a country, they remember not only its place on the world map, its population and the number of square kilometers. Not! First of all, they remember the names of great people who glorified the name of the state, then the traditions of the peoples living in them, and also they always remember the cuisine. It turns out that every nation has its own culinary preferences. Today we will go on a journey through culinary Russia.

Russian cuisine is popular all over the world. But lately e I am especially interested in her. Our travel agency has developed a new route.

Teacher. So: get acquainted with the map of our trip.

Travel plan on the board:

Arkhangelsk region - Leningradskaya, Pskovskaya b last -> Smolensk, Moscow region -> Tatarstan - Volga region -Siberia -Altai region.

A fragment of a map of Russia appears on the screen.

Guide . We step on the land where the b e clear and polar nights, where on winter nights the sky is painted with colorful flashes of the Northern Lights.

Arkhangelsk is a city of Pomors. That is why fish occupies an important place in the menu of local residents.

Masterpieces of Russian fish cuisine deserve special attention. It is difficult to list all types of lake and river fish, to about which were used for food, but sturgeons were most highly valued in terms of taste. “Red fish” - this is what they called in the old days everything rare, beautiful (“red maiden”, “red co l nyshko", "red goods").

Navaga and flounder were highly valued in Russian cuisine. However, delivering sea fish to Moscow and other cities of Russia that do not have direct access to the sea was not an easy task. P about To this end, all sorts of ways were invented to keep it fresh. Here is one of them: “Having caught a fish, pin it, dip it in water and wallow in the snow until it is well iced e no, and put in a cart, why the fish, if you cook it, will be exactly the same taste as alive. Covered with several layers of ice, the fish was preserved so well that, as one old man wrote n ny magazine, "you need to have a very stale and familiar taste to distinguish such a fish from a living one." This fish was called and ka! yu i".

On the screen - a fragment of the map with the image of Leningrad d sk and pskov regions.

Guide. I think many of you have heard about art e Terburg confectioners who bake delicious pies, cakes and pastries. And, of course, we cook a lot of fish dishes. One of my favorite dishes is fried smelt.

People in Pskov love baked potatoes and cranberry juice. And in the summer, everyone, young and old, pick mushrooms, dry them, about This favorite winter treat is mushroom soup with sour cream and potato pancakes.

Guide. The history of potatoes in Russia is multi a far. This vegetable took root in our country with great difficulty. The peasants considered it a sin to eat "damn apples" imported from nowhere, and even a Home hard labor refused to breed them. In the 19th century, in the north of Russia, in the Urals and in the Volga region, so-called s the alleged "potato riots" caused by the forced introduction of plantings of this vegetable. And a lot of time passed before the people realized that potatoes are not only tasty, but also nutritious. And now no one is surprised by the saying that for the Russian peasant "potatoes are the second bread."

On the screen - a fragment of the map with the image of the Smolensk and Moscow regions.

Tour guide 1. Moscow and Smolensk regions a curled up with their borscht, delicious fish pies, and more - b about native bread.

Tour guide 2. All over the world, probably, the baker Ivan Filippov is still remembered. I think that visiting Moscow land in order to get acquainted with culinary traditions and tions, it is impossible not to get acquainted with the story of this man.

Tour guide 1. Filippov's bakery was always full of customers. In the far corner, around the hot iron boxes, there was a constant crowd munching on the famous Philippian fried pies with meat, eggs, rice, mushrooms, cottage cheese, raisins and jam. The audience - from young students to st a ry officials in frieze overcoats and from well-dressed ladies to poorly dressed working women. On good oil, with St. e minced meat, the piglet pie was so large that a couple could have a hearty breakfast.

Guide. Porridges occupy a very important place in the diet of Russians. But do you know what a rich history porridge has? No wonder dozens of proverbs, sayings, customs and rituals are associated with it. Historians claim that porridge was one of the first human foods. This is evidenced by the excavations carried out in Egypt, India and other countries.

In Russia, porridge has been known since ancient times. She became St. about its kind of national dish. During the excavations of the ancient Russian city of Lyubech (now it is the territory of Ukraine), a pot of porridge, cooked about a thousand years ago, was discovered. H a the walker was well preserved under a layer of ash.

A lot of proverbs and sayings related to porridge exist in our speech today: “you can’t cook porridge with him” (about an unlucky or irresponsible person), “asks for porridge (about a torn at in and). The word "cook" is still synonymous with about va "cook", especially in military units or in workers' artels.

Guide. Until now, in restaurants of Russian cuisine, “Guryev porridge” appears on the menu. Do you have a wonderful h the opportunity to hear about this dish from the lips of a connoisseur.

Gurievskaya porridge is a milky semolina porridge baked in the oven and seasoned with fruits, almonds, sweet sauce. According to one version, her recipe was invented at the beginning of the nineteenth century by the cook of the Odessa mayor, Count Guryev.

Relay competition "Cooking borscht".


Ah, what vegetables should I choose?

For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?

How can I just understand and understand.

What should I choose for lunch?

On the tables there are cards with the names of products (the same for all teams). The first participant in the relay takes a card with the right ingredient for borscht, runs back and puts it in the pan. Then the next participant does the same. The winner is the team that is the first to a I collected all the products for borsch.

Instead of cards, you can use natural about ducts.

On the screen is an image of a fragment of a map of Russia: P about Volga (Smolensk, Volgograd, Rostov, Saratov regions), Krasnodar Territory.

Tour guide 1. These territories are often talked about; "the breadbasket of our country". Wheat is grown here. The flour that is obtained from it retains its properties for a long time. They bake bread from it, make pasta, vermicelli, noodles, horns.

The traveler, who finds himself among the endless fields of wheat, oats, rye, freezes in emotion and exclaims: “A sea of ​​​​bread!”

Tour guide 2. In these parts, there are always rich harvests of fruits and vegetables. What gifts a person does not receive from this generous land! Pears, apples, apricots, plums.

Tour guide 1 . Bol is harvested in the Lower Volga region b high crops of tomatoes. They are canned, they make tomato paste, which is added to borscht, sauces. Mustard also grows here, from which a spicy seasoning and mustard oil are obtained. It is very tasty and healthy.

Tour guide 2. On the Don the most favorite dish of all e where were the crayfish. Guests will definitely be offered a very tasty hodgepodge, which is called Rostov.

Eggplant dishes, sweet peppers, vegetable salads and caviar are prepared in this region.

Tour guide 1 . The bread land we are talking about is very sunny. It is very hot here in summer. Therefore, one of the most beloved local culinary dishes is okroshka. Okroshka is a cold soup made with kvass. It is curious that even at the beginning a In the 19th century, okroshka was served not as a first course, but as an appetizer. They cooked it on kvass, sour cabbage soup, on cucumber and cap at brine, sour milk, whey. Self n a the title of food indicates that the weight of the products included in it to you should grind (crush).

Tour guide 2. Endless expanses of our country. W a breathtaking just from one look at the map of Russia. Until now, we have traveled through the European part of our Motherland. It's time to look beyond the Ural Range.

On the screen - an image of a fragment of the map: Perm, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk regions.

Tour guide 1. In the Urals, the most favorite dish is sang b me. They are made not only with meat, but also with cabbage, mushrooms, and fish.

Tour guide 2. The name "dumplings" determined the shape of this dish. The word "dumpling" is formed from two words: "stranded" - ear, ear, "nyan" - bread. Therefore, at first they were called “dumplings”. Later, apparently, this word transforms a elk in dumplings.

In 1879, the pamphlet "Songs about dumplings" was published. The epigraph to it was the following lines: "I'm ready to fall on my knees before the one who invented dumplings."

Dumplings are made both on holidays and on weekdays. In Siberia, their g about cooked in huge quantities and frozen for future use. send in going hunting, fishing or on a long journey, the taiga b e takes with him a whole bag of petrified dumplings. Worth the price h lead a fire and throw them into boiling water, as in a few minutes a delicious dinner will be ready.

There is an old joke: the hostess puts some object, for example, a button, into one of the dumplings instead of filling. It is believed that the one who gets this dumpling will be happy t livi.

In addition to dumplings, they also love dumplings with different berries a mi and with potatoes.

Tour guide 1 . In the Tomsk region grow very tasty With nye berries - cranberries and lingonberries. They are collected, jam is made, pies are made. And in the taiga there is always a rich harvest of pine nuts.

Cake Decorating Contest.

Ukr is applied from a syringe onto a cardboard base (“cake”). a schenie. The syringe can be filled with toothpaste, clay, putty mixture, semolina. The originality of the design is evaluated.

On the screen - the Altai Territory.

Tour guide 2. About Altai honey, everything, probably, is s shawls. It is collected by beekeepers in the mountains in apiaries. And also in A l Thai region is the only plant in the country where sea buckthorn oil is made. In this region, sea buckthorn crops are such that in autumn the mountains are orange precisely from the berries. And in the southern regions, even watermelons ripen.

In Transbaikalia, nature also gives us a lot of berries, mushrooms, nuts, and vegetables ripen. Probably no one cooks mushroom casseroles like local housewives. Favorite N a drink - tea with milk.

Tour guide 1 . I really want to tell you more about the history of a drink with such a familiar name: tea.

In Russia, it has long been a custom to invite guests for tea. The first tea party in Russia took place in 1638, and this is how it happened.

Ambassadors of the Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, Starkov and Nev e moat, arrived in the Mongol horde for negotiations. During lunch, Altyn Khan treated them to tea. Russian mountains did not like b tart drink. And when they gathered on their way back, the hosts offered the Tsar of Moscow as a gift e Loe wealth - 6 pounds of tea. Fearing the anger of the sovereign, Starkov asked to replace tea with brocade or at least sable skins, but Altyn Khan insisted on his own. The hitherto unknown dark green drink was ordered to be tasted first by the courtier. about my doctor. Everything went well, and the gift was presented. He appeared on the table of the royal family, at the boyars. But when the tea supply ran out, they forgot about it.

The secondary penetration of tea into Russia (already in 1675) was again helped by diplomats. This time it was brought from China a little, just a few baskets, and soon at Entire "tea" caravans left.

By the beginning of the eighteenth century, tea drinking was firmly established in ru With life and became a real ritual. Over tea, important family matters were decided, deals were made. In the 19th century, there were to shooting galleries and tea rooms, which soon turned into a kind of clubs where people of certain circles gathered. In one tavern, over a cup of tea, the largest shopping operas were performed. a wholesalers - millionaires, in the other - warmed up with tea and shared the news cabbies.

Every year this wonderful drink becomes more and more popular. It is drunk both at home and away. However, do not e one should forget that at one time one of the reasons for the slow spread of tea in Europe was sometimes smoking e call inability to handle it.

There is a well-known anecdote about the mother of an English sailor, about who received a pound of tea as a gift from her son. Wanting to treat her neighbors with an exquisite overseas dish, she boiled a whole pound of tea in a saucepan and, draining the bitter and, in her opinion, unnecessary brown e liquid, put boiled leaves on plates, pr and rubbing them with sour cream.

Curiosities also took place in other countries, including Russia, and here they had their own national flavor. So, in one folk song it is told about an unlucky yard man who, having received the order of the master to prepare tea and not knowing how it is done, seasoned the brew with pepper, onion, parsley. Having received a thrashing for his cooking, the servant is perplexed:

I thought for a long time, wondered

What could not please

And then I just realized

I forgot to salt the tea.

Competition "Do you know?"

Questions (asked to teams in turn):

What are meatballs? (Food in the form of a ball of minced meat or fish - fried.)

What are meatballs? (Food in the form of balls of me With leg go minced fish cooked in broth.)

What is beef stroganoff? (Food from small pieces m I sa, stewed in sour cream.)

What is azu? (A dish of small pieces of meat in a spicy sauce.)

What is a kulebyaka? (An oblong pie stuffed with meat, rice, cabbage, fish, porridge.)

What is a sandwich? (Sandwich covered with a slice of bread.)

An image of a map of Russia appears on the screen.

III. Final part.

Guide. Here comes the end of the culinary journey e procession. A large airliner lands in our city. Soon you will return home, taste your favorite dish and a remember the richness of Russian cuisine...

Enjoy your meal!

Prepared by Mikheeva N.G. teacher of history and social studies

Krasnopakharevskaya secondary school branch of MBOU "Novanadezhdenskaya" secondary school



Section of the program "Conversation about proper nutrition":

"Two weeks at the health camp."

The theme of the program "Conversation about proper nutrition":

"Culinary Journey Through Russia".

Age of students: 10-11 years old. (grade 4-5).


    to give an idea about products and their importance for health;

    to promote the formation of schoolchildren's ability to properly replenish their body with nutrients;

    introduce children to the culture of food in our country.

Conduct form: thematic conversation with children, showing a presentation.


1. form :

    readiness for communication, to cultivate a culture of communication and behavior;

    the habit of eating right;

2. developing:

    develop the skills of choosing the right products, which products are most useful and necessary for a person;

3. educational:

    to introduce children to the national traditions of food culture in Russia on the example of certain regions of our country on the materials collected by schoolchildren in grades 4-5;

    increase the activity of students in the classroom;

    work on the conscious assimilation of the material;

4. teach:

    consciously choose the most useful products based on the presented materials.


1. Organizational moment.

1. 1. Greeting.

2. Introduction to the topic of extracurricular activities.

2.1. Topic message.

3.1. A conversation about the traditional cuisine of Russians on the example of individual regions.

3.2. Development of students (grades 4-5) of their culinary journey with their parents, at home.

4. Summing up the extracurricular activities .

4.1. Reflection.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

1. 1. Greeting.

Teacher : Hello guys

2. Introduction to the topic of extracurricular activities

2.1. Introductory part.


I will start our class hour with a fairy tale " Father's testament to delicious food "(Fairy tale of the peoples of Burma)

In distant, distant times there lived and was a rich man, and he had two sons. The rich man suddenly fell ill. Before his death, he called his sons, divided their property between them and finally said: - My dear sons! Always eat delicious food. Never eat something that doesn't taste good! Saying this, the father expired. The younger son, following the behest of his father, always ate only the most delicious dishes and soon squandered all his fortune.
He heard that his older brother was married, and decided to go to visit him.
“My brother,” the younger turned to the elder, when he saw that he lives in peace and prosperity, “do you remember your father’s testament? I invariably followed him, ate only delicious food, and you see, I became completely poor. Why are you able to prosper? The older brother answered him: - I sacredly honor my father's covenant and eat only what is tasty, that's why I become richer day by day. - What do you eat? asked the younger brother. "You'll find out later," the elder replied. “Today we will have lunch together.” And the brothers went to the field. “Let’s do a good job first, and then we’ll eat deliciously,” suggested the elder brother. The younger brother worked as hard as the older brother. It's noon. And he turned to the elder: - My brother! Should we take a break, I'm very hungry. "Good," he agreed. - Since you are tired and hungry, it's time to stop work! And the brothers began to eat. The younger brother tasted rice and sauce with spices, and the older one asked: - Well, how is it delicious? - Very, - replies the younger, - very tasty. - My brother! You misunderstood your father's will. Eating tasty doesn't mean eating delicious things. Father wanted to say that you should eat only when you are properly hungry. And you can get really hungry only if you work not out of fear, but out of conscience. Then any food will seem delicious. Here the matter is simple, but smart: both the work will be useful, and the money will be safe, if you become, there is not pickles, but simple food. It was then that the younger brother learned the wisdom of his father's testament.

Guys what is the story about? What do you think the older brother wanted to say to his younger brother? Guys answers.

Teacher: The theme of our event is called: "One day of a short trip with taste." Today we will visit different regions of our wonderful country and learn its culinary traditions. Why are we doing this? In order to find out what foods are good for our body. And also, we will continue the conversation about proper nutrition.

The main part of the lesson.

3. Disclosure of the topic of extracurricular activities

3. 1. A conversation about the traditional cuisine of Russians on the example of certain regions of Russia.

I wanted to start with the wonderful words of a Chinese poetLi Bo: « We are what we eat".

And today we will find out what are the traditions of cooking in the Astrakhan region and the Kursk region. Let's start with the Astrakhan region.Administrative center of the Astrakhan regioncity ​​of Astrakhan. But you and I are interested in the Red Barricades - urban-type settlement inIkryaninsky district, Astrakhan region, Russia . Located in the southern part of the region, 16 km southwest from Astrakhan, on the bank of the riverBertul, a tributary of the Volga. We will get acquainted with the family of Rudenko (Volkova) Valentina Petrovna when she was little (now she lives in our village, Krasny Pakhar). Valentina Petrovna kindly told us about her family and her family culinary traditions, which were based on her memories and practice in everyday life. And here's how it was:

"Fish in Astrakhan"

As a child, I lived in Astrakhan not in the city itself, but 30 km away on the banks of the Bertul River. The village was called Red Barricades. It was surrounded by rivers, channels, eriks. After all, the delta of the Volga River begins from Astrakhan, so the fish on our table was all year round. Mom (Alexander Rudenko) never fried fish just like that. Peeled potatoes, cut into slices, fried until half cooked. Then I cut it into slices of carp (you can carp, any river fish), salted it, rolled it in flour and fried it until it was half cooked. After that, I first put potatoes in a deep frying pan, sprinkled with a little salt, put fish pieces on top, sprinkled with chopped onion rings, poured everything with tomatoes (chopped, fresh tomatoes can be used), sprinkled with black ground pepper and put everything to stew on a slow fire (15 minutes). In the summer, the dish was sprinkled with greens on top. My mother usually made this dish on Sundays. She was very fond of fish and her parents too. Grandfather Tikhon lived for 80 years, grandmother Dunya for 93 years, and my mother Alexandra for 82 years.

Now we will be transported to another region of our country. Kursk region, she issubjectRussian Federation, is part ofCentral Federal District. Administrative center -Kursk. Cereals, technical and fodder crops are grown in the region. Cattle for meat and dairy, pigs, and poultry are bred.

In the Kursk region, we will visit the village of Nizhny Reutets and get acquainted with the family of Gavrilova Vera Vasilievna, who is now a resident of our wonderful village x. Red Plowman. She spoke about the family tradition of cooking her dish. Here's how it went (in her words):

"Potatoes with chicken and vegetables according to Kursk."

In our village, which is located in the Kursk region, a lot of potatoes were planted, so in our simple family, a potato dish was considered traditional, not one holiday was complete without cooking “Kursk Potatoes with Chicken and Vegetables”. His grandmother cooked in our family. She boiled potatoes and mashed them, then fried the chicken in pieces. I put sauerkraut in the center of a wide dish. Mashed potatoes are around it, and chicken pieces are laid out around the edges and decorated with sweet pepper. Topped with herbs. Gavrilova Vera Vasilievna recalls that in their large family, the children grew up healthy and strong.

3. 2. Development of students (grades 3-4) of their culinary journey with their parents, at home.

Now let's move on to the next point of our plan. We invite our participants to speak. The educators prepare in advance stories and photographs of their favorite dishes that they made with their parents at home. After the guys have performed, we sum up our event.

4. Summing up the extracurricular activities.

Teacher: inwe highlight the main food products that students learned about at an extracurricular event.

The teacher asks the children a question : - what products were used in the dishes that we met today?

Students answer: - these are fish, potatoes, cabbage, onions, chicken meat, tomatoes.

The teacher during the whole event shows a presentation and talks about the beneficial properties of these foods for humans (Appendix 1).

    We solve a crossword puzzle to consolidate the material (Appendix 2).

4.1. Reflection:

Did you guys like our class hour? What exactly do you remember? What are your favorite products?

Guys, I wish you all to be healthy!

Summary of extra-curricular activities for a comprehensive program for the formation of a culture of nutrition as a component of a culture of health, a healthy style of behavior among students, pupils at the boarding school "Overcoming".

Related: "An Unusual Culinary Journey"

"National dishes of different countries"

(extracurricular activity for grade 9)

Compiled by educator:

Peskova E.S.

Samara 2015

Conduct form: extracurricular activity.

Location: dining room, classroom or technology room for girls

Target: introduce children to the national dishes of different countries, learn the technology of their preparation


- to expand students' knowledge of world cuisine;

Convince that food is not only tasty, but also healthy

Preparatory work: divide the group into 4 subgroups, divide the cuisines of the countries of the world between them: Russia, France, Italy and Georgia. Choose one of the national dishes of each country. Purchase ingredients for cooking selected dishes. Give each subgroup the task of preparing the appropriate dish and a story about it. Prepare presentations.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello dear guests! Today we invite you to an unusual culinary journey around the world. You all know that the cuisines of different nations are different from each other, but in the modern world everything is so mixed up that you are probably sure that the cutlet is an original Russian dish. But no, the “cutlet” dish itself came to Russian cuisine from European cuisine and, to be more precise, from French. Surprised? Then get ready, today there will be many such surprises. Since we are talking about France, let's start with it.

FRENCH CUISINE is considered to be a property and even a special French philosophy. In France, many of the fundamental concepts of modern cooking first arose and reached perfection. By the way, you can often read that the French are gourmets. In French, this word simply means an excessive passion for food. For those who delve into the peculiarities of flavors, savor the sensations and understand cooking technologies, there is a special word - gourmet. Without a doubt, the growing rhythm of modern life could not but affect France, but nevertheless, it is here that fast food has not yet taken such an unshakable position as in other European countries (although it has noticeably squeezed out “haute cuisine”). Interest in the meal here is considered natural for people of any skill and wealth. The lunch break in France is a sacred thing, no one will even think of shortening it or doing some business at this time. Unlike other countries of the post-industrial era, French housewives have not yet lost the habit of cooking at home, and men are not much inferior to them. It is customary to make purchases not in supermarkets, but in small shops where you can examine every bunch of greens, touch every piece of meat. And although young people are gradually parting with traditions, culinary specialists do not give up their positions.

French cuisine is famous for its exceptional variety of culinary products, delicate taste and aromatic qualities of most of them. French chefs achieve this through the use of countless spices, seasonings and liqueurs to make sauces, stew meats, cook fish and game. French cuisine uses all kinds of meat products. And these products are prepared in all possible ways. Meat is boiled, stewed, fried, baked. A characteristic feature of French cuisine is also the widespread use, especially in side dishes for second courses, of vegetables such as artichokes, asparagus, and lettuce. These vegetables, rich in vitamins, are, unfortunately, little used in our country. When cooking vegetables, the rule is strictly observed: for boiling, green vegetables are placed in boiling salted water and boiled in an open dish; only dry vegetables are first dipped in cold water.

French national cuisine is distinguished by the wide use of vegetables and root crops. Potatoes, various varieties of onions (including poached, which gives food a specific taste), green beans, spinach, cabbage of various varieties, tomatoes, eggplants, parsley, salads are used for preparing snacks, first and second courses, and also as side dishes. Especially popular are salads made from vegetables rich in vitamins: asparagus, artichoke, leek, lettuce, both fresh and canned. As a rule, green salad and coleslaw are served with the second meat dishes.

Today the guys decided to please you with the preparation of a salad with a beautiful and sonorous name "Coco Chanel"

The group responsible for French cuisine comes out. All ingredients are cooked and cut in advance. The guys talk about the products used in this recipe, what they did with them and comment on each of their actions, mix the ingredients.

Coco Chanel Salad Ingredients:

    Chicken (preferably breast, boiled) - 400 g

    Tomato (fresh) - 400 g

    Potatoes (boiled) - 400 g

    Bulgarian pepper (bright, better than red) - 300 g

    Hard cheese - 250 g

    Olive oil (you can use any unrefined vegetable oil)

    lemon juice

    Spices (salt, pepper - to taste)

Coco Chanel salad recipe:

Chicken meat is disassembled into fibers.
We cut the potatoes into small pieces.
Three cheese on a medium-sized grater.

Pepper cut into thin strips

Cut tomatoes into small pieces

We mix all the products, season with a mixture: olive oil + lemon juice + salt + black pepper.
Salad ready. It should be served on lettuce leaves.
Enjoy your meal!

Teacher: Thank you guys! Looks very appetizing. Dear guests, have you written down the recipe? Well, we will try these dishes at the end of our event.

In the meantime, let's move on to the next national cuisine and this is Russian cuisine.

Russian kitchen its dishes and taste accents change depending on the geographical location. Russian cuisine has absorbed elements of ancient Slavic cuisine, as well as dishes of various peoples inhabiting Russia. A distinctive feature of the dishes of Russian peasant cuisine is that such a technique as frying is practically never found. As a rule, food was cooked in an oven, so boiling, stewing, languishing are very widely used. Also, Russian cuisine is characterized by the preparation of vegetables and fruits with the help of pickling, salting and urinating. However, for modern versions of Russian dishes, frying is an equal cooking process along with the rest. In particular, pancakes and pancakes, eggs, and many types of meat dishes are fried. The basis of the diet of the majority of the population (peasants) was cereals and vegetables, from which pickles, soups, cereals and bakery products were prepared. Kissels were prepared from rye, pea, and oat flour, moreover, sweet (modern) kissels appeared only later with the arrival of potato starch in Russian cuisine. A variety of soups was traditional, among which the most famous are cabbage soup, borsch, pickle, hodgepodge, kalya, ear, botvinya and okroshka. From desserts, sweet flour products are known: kalachi, gingerbread, also jams and honey.

Baked apples and other baked fruits and berries are a traditional dessert of Russian cuisine. Specifically Russian types of sweets, now completely forgotten:

    Vegetables (carrots and cucumbers) boiled in honey, but not over an open fire, but in a water bath. The finished product (“Russian candied fruits”) became transparent and retained a somewhat elastic texture.

    Crushed berries (viburnum, mountain ash, raspberries), dried in a heated oven in the form of cakes - "marshmallow". They were used as snacks for drinks, partly as traditional medicine against colds and beriberi.

    Pieces of carrots or beets dried in a Russian oven are “parenki”.

And today the guys decided to surprise you with the recipe for making Raspberry marshmallow, which we forgot.

The group responsible for Russian cuisine comes out. The marshmallow is prepared in advance, the guys just tell what marshmallow is, how they made it, from which they demonstrate the finished product.

Pastila is a fruit and berry dessert of Russian cuisine. Pastila is made from whipped puree. For berry marshmallow, lingonberries, mountain ash, raspberries and currants are selected. Until 1917, in Russia, the best marshmallow was prepared in Kolomna, Rzhev and Belev. If the Kolomna marshmallow was homogeneous, then the Rzhev and Belevskaya pastilas were puff. In Soviet times, a simplified version of Russian marshmallow was prepared in the form of small white bars, which tastes more like French marshmallow.

For the recipe we needed:

    raspberry puree - 1 kg

    raspberry juice - 1 glass

Cooking process:

The raspberries were washed with cold water, allowed to drain, placed in an enamel pan, tightly closed and placed in a warm oven. When the raspberries were steamed, they rubbed them hot through a sieve. The resulting puree was put on low heat, juice was added and, with constant stirring, boiled down until the initial volume decreased by 1.5-2 times. The boiled marshmallow was poured in a layer 1.5-2 cm thick into molds lined with parchment paper lubricated with vegetable oil so that the marshmallow was easily separated from the paper. We dried marshmallows in the oven at a temperature of 60-70C, you can dry them in the sun. Dried marshmallow sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Teacher: Looks very appetizing! Thank you guys for reminding me of such a wonderful and simple Russian folk recipe. And most importantly, this delicacy does not contain any harmful substances, and its main component is raspberry, a berry rich in organic acids, saccharides, potassium, calcium, copper and vitamins A, B, C. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antipyretic and regenerating properties. Let's move on to Italian national cuisine.

Italian food- traditional cuisine of Italy, widespread and popular all over the world, thanks to dishes such as pizza and spaghetti. It is very diverse and regional, each region has its own traditional dishes.

Italian cuisine is based on centuries-old historical traditions with cultural influences of the Romans, Greeks, Lombards, Arabs, and other peoples who have ever inhabited Italy or influenced the formation of its culture.

Popular dishes

    spaghetti, cannelloni, and numerous other pasta products (with an extensive and detailed classification). They are sure to be served with one of the many traditional sauces, the abundance of which creates a variety of dishes combined in Italian (as well as in English and many other languages) with one word "paste"(Ital. pasta ). Among the most famous and simple dishes:Spaghetti Napoli(Naples spaghetti) - with tomato sauce,Spaghetti Bolognese(spaghetti bolognese) - with tomato sauce and minced meat,Spaghetti Aglio e Olio(spaghetti with garlic and butter) - with hot olive oil and quite lightly fried garlic in it.

    pizza is a world famous open pie baked with tomato sauce, cheese and a variety of optional ingredients. Among the classic varieties of Italian pizza, one should highlight such as Margherita (with products of the colors of the Italian flag: mozzarella - white, tomato sauce - red, basil - green), Capricciosa, Diabola, Quattro formaggio ("Four cheeses") and Quattro stagione ("Four season")

    risotto - a dish of rice (high starch varieties are used) in broth / water. Among the classic risottos - risotto alla milanese("risotto Milanese") with onion and saffron

    ravioli and tortellini - dishes similar to dumplings

    ciabatta - white bread

Educator: This is what the guys will present to us today.

The group responsible for Italian cuisine comes out. The ciabatta is already baked. The guys talk about the products used in this recipe, what they did with them.

Required Ingredients:

For steam:

    sugar - 1 pinch;

    water (warm) - 1/3 cup (+2 tablespoons);

    yeast (dry) - 1/8 tsp;

    flour - 130g.

For test:

    flour - 300 g;

    yeast (dry) - 1/2 tsp;

    olive oil - 2 tbsp;

    milk (warm) - 3 tablespoons;

    water - 1 glass;

    salt - to taste;

    cheese (feta) - 1 pack.

How to cook brew: you need dry yeast in the amount of 1/8 tsp, diluted in two tbsp. spoons of warm, but not hot water, then let them brew for five to ten minutes. If you want to speed up the process, add a pinch of sugar before.

How to cook ciabatta

130 grams of flour, a third of a glass of water and diluted yeast, everything was mixed. We got the dough, a little runny. The bowl with this dough, covered with a towel, put in a warm place and forgot about it for 12-14 hours. The very next day, they began to cook, directly, the dough. We took half a teaspoon of dry yeast and developed it in warm milk (volume - 3 tablespoons). Then 300 grams of flour, olive oil, dough, yeast, a glass of water and salt were poured into a bowl. The dough was kneaded right in the bowl for 5 minutes, it is liquid, but no more flour was added. After two or three hours, the dough doubled in volume. At the next step, they sprinkled the table with flour, do not forget to handle the dough carefully so as not to let it out air bubbles. The dough is quite liquid, so it is better to turn it over with a large knife with a wide blade. From the dough we made such small pieces, they will be useful in the future. We take baking paper or parchment and construct such a structure using a stapler for fastening.

The dough was divided into four parts with a knife, first carefully laid out one cake in each form, sprinkled with cheese and covered with a second cake. The dough is so liquid that it is not necessary to roll it out. Then they made an interesting structure - four glasses were placed along the edges of the baking sheet. And covered with a towel, which should not touch the baking sheet. For proofing, they left to “stand” for an hour. Don't expect the dough to rise too much. The oven was heated to 250 degrees, a pan with water was placed on the lower grate. They baked at a high temperature and with water, then the water was removed, and the temperature was reduced to 200 degrees. Bake for 20-25 minutes until browned. Ciabatta, after cooking, should rest a little on a wire rack or plate - 10 minutes will be enough.

The guys naturally prepare ciabatta in advance.

Brief composition of the finished dish "Ciabatta"



the weight






per 100 g of finished product

Educator: Bread with a crispy crust, and what a flavor, how you want to break off a piece! Thank you guys! Well, the last national cuisine in the framework of our event is Georgian cuisine!

Georgian cuisine- national cuisine of the Georgian people. Many of the Georgian dishes, such as chicken tabaka, kharcho, khachapuri, are widely known in the world and have actually become international.

In the ideology of preparing dishes, Georgian cuisine relies on the contrast of spicy and spicy. Vegetables are widely used, both as an independent dish and as an addition to meat dishes.

There is a difference between the traditional cuisines of Western (west of the Surami Pass) and Eastern Georgia. Western Georgia is characterized by the use of cakes made from mchadi corn flour, as well as from special grinding corn flour or from a special type of millet - chumiza, they cook a porridge-like mass - gomi, to which suluguni cheese is added to taste. For the Eastern, the use of wheat bread is more common. In addition, in Western Georgia, most of the meat diet is poultry. Fish dishes are not widely spread in Georgia, except for the areas located along the rivers. The most famous Georgian soups are kharcho, chikhirtma, khashi and matsoni soup. Crushed garlic and dried pita bread are served separately.

And today, in front of your eyes, the guys will cook chikhirtma. (prepare the broth ahead of time)

Chikhirtma(Georgian ჩიხირთმა) - Georgian thick soup, with an unusual (at least for Russia) cooking technology. As a rule, chikhirtma is cooked in poultry broth, less often lamb. Chikhirtma is characterized by the complete absence of vegetable grounds. It is a concentrated broth thickened with flour (corn is used in Georgia), with beaten eggs (more often only yolks) and acid (lemon juice, pomegranate juice) introduced into it, while the acid of the soup is not so much an end in itself, but helps to ensure that the egg white would not curl up into ugly gray flakes, but would create a mass that was one with the broth. The technology of introducing eggs into hot broth is quite complicated. It originated in the East (Persia) and is described in detail by V.V. Pokhlebkin in the book “ Secrets of good cuisine". Ready chikhirtma, along with commonly used seasonings and spices, is dressed with coriander, cinnamon and mint.

Ingredients: 1 chicken, weighing about 1.2-1.3 kg 2 onions 3 eggs (only yolks) bunch of fresh cilantro 2 tbsp. flour 2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp. wine vinegar 1.5-2 tsp ground saffron salt and pepper to taste

The recipe for cooking at home The chicken was washed, put in a large saucepan and poured 2 liters of cold water, put on fire. After boiling, the foam was removed from the surface of the water and the fire was reduced. Cooked chicken broth for chikhirtma for an hour at a low boil. Saffron was put into a glass, pour 80 ml of boiling water and left to infuse until the broth is cooked. After the specified time, the chicken was taken out of the pan and left to cool on a plate, and the broth was filtered through a sieve. About 150 ml of broth was poured into a small container and left to cool. Peel and finely chop the onion, melt the butter in a frying pan. Fry the onion in butter until soft and golden brown over low heat (about 10 minutes). The cilantro was washed, dried and finely chopped, added to the boiling chicken broth along with the fried onions and stirred. In the cooled chicken broth (150 ml), dissolve the flour and stir until the lumps are completely dissolved, pour the resulting mixture into the soup in a thin stream, stirring it continuously. We clean the cooled chicken from the bones and cut the meat into small pieces, add to the soup and cook it over low heat. Separate the yolks from the proteins, combine them with vinegar and shake with a fork. Add a few tablespoons of soup to the yolk mixture, stirring thoroughly after each spoon. Pour the yolk mixture into the boiling soup along with saffron tincture (strain it through a sieve), salt and pepper the dish to taste and stir. Remove the pan from the heat, pour the hot soup into bowls and garnish with fresh cilantro. Chikhirtma will be even tastier if you add a little lemon juice to each serving when serving.

Educator: this is how easy and simple our guys cooked the national Georgian soup Chikhirtma. In the meantime, this miracle of cooking has not cooled down, we invite you to our international table.

Enjoy your meal!

Mochalina Olga Nikolaevna
Job title: technology teacher
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 4, Alekseevka
Locality: Samara region, Kinel
Material name: Work program for extracurricular activities
Topic: A conversation about healthy eating
Publication date: 11.01.2017
Chapter: additional education

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school No. 4 p.g.t. Alekseevka of the urban district of Kinel, Samara region APPROVED AGREED DISCUSSED Director of the school Deputy. Director of the UMR At a meeting of the Moscow Region ______Khodakovskaya V.S. _______ Titova I.F. __________ Petina O.V. "____" __________ "____" ___________ "____" __________

ON extracurricular activities
Direction: general cultural


Healthy Eating Formula for Grades 5-7 Year 3 Students 2016-2017

Explanatory note
The program of extracurricular activities "Healthy Eating Formula" is built on the basis of an exemplary program of extracurricular activities in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering basic general education. The authors of the program M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Fillipova, A.G. Makeeva, M., publishing house "Nestlé. Proper nutrition ", 2013. Training is conducted: - according to the workbook "Formula of Proper Nutrition": Workbook / M. M. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova.-M .: Olma Media Group, 2014 .; - according to the notebook for schoolchildren "Proper nutrition formula": Notepad // M. M. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova.-M .: Olma Media Group, 2014. The program refers to

extracurricular activities and is implemented through the "Conversation about proper nutrition" circle. The program is aimed at creating a culture of health, awareness of the importance of education and upbringing of proper nutrition, the formation of a system of positive national values, the ideals of preserving one's own health, the health of loved ones, as the most important national asset of Russia.
Distinctive features of this program
: The program provides for the organization of students' activities in the form of a school of proper nutrition. This form allows, on the one hand, to ensure the widest possible coverage of students with education in the field of vital issues of their own health. This contributes to increasing the learning motivation of students, mastering their subjective role of “training others” as a step towards the next stage “training myself”.
The content of the work is structured in the form of 11 sections-modules:
1. "Health is great" 2. "Different products are needed, different products are important" 3. "Diet" 4. "Food energy" 5. "Where and how we eat" 6. "You are a buyer" 7. " You cook for yourself and your friends" 8. "Cuisines of different nations", 9. "Culinary history" 10. "How they ate in Russia and in Russia", 11. "Unusual culinary journey".

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency
The relevance and novelty of the program is that it complements and reveals the content of individual topics of the subject areas "Biology", in the course of its study, schoolchildren master the basics of practice-oriented knowledge about a person, about nutrition rules aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, at forming a willingness to observe them, learn to comprehend the cause-and-effect relationships of the formation of proper nutrition skills as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
The purpose of the extracurricular activity program is
the formation in children and adolescents of the foundations of a culture of nutrition as one of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

extracurricular activities programs:
1. To form and develop the ideas of children and adolescents about health as one of the most important human values, to form a willingness to take care of and strengthen their own health; 2. To form schoolchildren's knowledge about the rules of rational nutrition, their role in maintaining and promoting health, as well as the willingness to comply with these rules; 3. To teach the development of practical skills of rational nutrition for children and adolescents; 4. To form ideas about the socio-cultural aspects of nutrition as a component of the general human culture: - inform children and adolescents about folk traditions related to nutrition and health; - expand knowledge about the history and traditions of their people; - to form a sense of respect for the culture of their people and the culture and traditions of other peoples. 5. To develop creative abilities and horizons in children and adolescents, their interests and cognitive activity; 6. To develop communication skills in children and adolescents, the ability to effectively interact with peers and adults in the process of solving a problem; 7. Educate parents on the organization of rational nutrition of children and adolescents.
Return of children participating in the implementation of this program: 10-12 years old

Program implementation period: The program is implemented for 3 years through a circle
"Nutrition Talk". Conducted in the 5th grade in the amount of 34 hours per year (1 hour per week in the 6th grade in the amount of 34 hours per year (1 hour per week) and in the 7th grade 34 hours per year

Forms of classes
 role-playing game,  situational game,  figurative role-playing games,  project activity,  discussion,  competitions,  discussion.

Class mode
- afternoon
Basic principles of program implementation
 The most important of the principles of health-saving technologies “Do no harm!” - equally relevant for both physicians and educators.  The principle of consciousness - aims at the formation of students' deep understanding, sustainable interest, meaningful attitude to cognitive activity. The increase in consciousness is promoted by the use by the teacher of special methodological techniques that solve the problems of health-saving technologies of rehabilitation pedagogy.  The principle of systematicity and consistency is manifested in the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities. Regularity, planning, continuity in the educational process throughout the entire period of schooling provide the principle of systematicity. Systematically conducted forms of organizing cognitive activity, combined with health-saving measures, teach students to constantly observe a health regimen.  The principle of individualization is carried out on the basis of general patterns of education and upbringing. Based on the individual characteristics of students, the teacher comprehensively develops each child, plans and predicts his development. Taking into account the level of individual preparedness of the student, his motor abilities and state of health, ways of improving skills and abilities, building a motor mode, familiarizing with various forms of cognitive activity are outlined. Using the natural data of the child, the teacher directs and stabilizes his comprehensive development.  The principle of continuity expresses the laws governing the construction of the pedagogy of health improvement as an integral process. It is closely related to the principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest. The combination of high activity and rest in various forms of student activity increases their effectiveness, which is expressed in
dynamics of natural changes in the content and form of the parameters of functional loads from lesson to lesson, from stage to stage.  The principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students is the foundation for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of the functional capabilities of the body in the process of using the means of health-saving technologies.  The principle of visualization - obliges to build the learning process with the maximum use of the forms of involving the human senses in the process of cognition. The principle of visualization is designed to connect sensory perception with thinking. It contributes to the directed impact on the functions of the sensory systems involved in the cognitive process. In younger students, visual analyzers perceive information faster and more efficiently than auditory ones.  The principle of activity - implies a high degree of mobility, independence, initiative and creativity in students. Compliance with the principle of activity in pedagogical practice allows you to organize classes in such a way as not to harm the health of children.  The principle of a health-improving orientation solves the problem of strengthening the health of a schoolchild in the learning process.  The principle of forming students' responsibility for their own health and the health of those around them.  The principle of linking theory with practice - encourages students to persistently teach to apply their knowledge in practice, using the surrounding reality not only as a source of knowledge, but also as a place for their practical application.
Expected results and how to check them:

Personal results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities:
 manifestation of cognitive interests and activity in the field of healthy nutrition;  mastering the attitudes, norms and rules of proper nutrition;  willingness and ability to make a conscious choice of a healthy diet, including orientation in the assortment of the most typical food products, consciously choose the most useful value-semantic attitudes of students, formed by means of various subjects within the framework of the program "Conversation about proper nutrition", including the development of the idea about the adequacy of nutrition, its compliance with height, weight, age, lifestyle of a person.


the study of the course is the formation of universal educational actions:

Regulatory UUD
:  determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of a teacher;  pronounce the sequence of actions;  to learn to express one's assumption on the basis of work with an illustration;  learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;  learn to distinguish correctly completed task from incorrect;  learn together with the teacher and classmates to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades.
Cognitive UUD:
 navigate in your knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;  make a preliminary selection of sources of information: navigate in the manual, other sources of information;  gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your own life experience and information received from the teacher;  process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the entire group, compare and group the information received;  convert information from one form to another: on the basis of graphic instructions, make verbal instructions with their subsequent application in practical activities.
Communicative UUD:
 convey your position to other participants in practical activities: to formulate your idea in oral speech;  listen and understand the speech of others;  read and retell the text;  jointly agree on the rules of communication and follow them;  learns to perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic).
Substantive results
the study of the course is the formation of skills:  describe the features of objects and recognize them by their features;  highlight the essential features of objects;  compare objects, phenomena among themselves;  generalize, draw simple conclusions;  determine the sequence of actions.






practical work, projects, exhibitions, testing.

Academic plan

Program Sections

Number of hours

1 year

2 year

3 year
1 "Health is great" 5 2 "Different products are needed, different products are important" 6 3. "Diet" 3 4 "Energy of food" 4 5 "Where and how we eat" 8 6 "You are a buyer 8 2 4 7 "You cook for yourself and your friends" 4 3 8 "Cuisines of different nations", 4 5 9 "Culinary history" 6 6 10 "How they ate in Russia and in Russia", 9 8 11 "Unusual culinary journey" 9 8
Total hours

Thematic plan for grade 5

Topic 1. Health is great
1. Health is great 2. Healthy lifestyle rules 3. Me and my health
4. My lifestyle 5. Poster competition "We are for a healthy lifestyle"
Topic 2. Different products are needed, different products are important
6. Proteins 7. Fats 8. Carbohydrates 9. Vitamins 10. Minerals 11. Diet
Topic3. Diet
12. The concept of diet 13. My diet 14. The game "Making a diet"
Topic 4. Food energy
15.Energy of food 16.Calorie content of food 17.Research work "Delicious mathematics"
5. Where and how we eat
19. Where and how we eat 20. Mini-project “We are not friends with dry food” 21. Traveling and hiking 22. Packing a backpack 23. What are snacks, their impact on health 24. Let's talk about fast feet 25. Rules of conduct in Cafe. 26. Role-playing game "Cafe"
Topic 6. "You are a buyer"
27.Where can I make a purchase 28.The rights and obligations of the buyer 29.We read the information on the product packaging.
30. You are a buyer. 31. Difficult situations when buying goods 32. Shelf life of products. Product packaging. 33. Mini-project "Proper nutrition and human health" 34. Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition.
Thematic plan for grade 6

1. Mini-project "Helpers in the kitchen" Culinary secrets 2. Acquaintance with the rules of etiquette, the duties of a guest and a host. 3. Table setting
Topic 8. Cuisine of different nations
4. The concept of "national cuisine" Culinary journey 5. The project "Culinary holidays"
Topic 9. Culinary history
5. Traditions and food culture. 6.Creative project. 7. Primitive cooking 8. Modern cooking 9. Crossword competition "Cooking"
Topic 10 How they ate in Russia and in Russia
10. History of cooking in Russia. The history of utensils in Russian cuisine 11. The samovar is a symbol of the Russian table. Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine 12. Mother porridge, father's bread Russian cuisine and religion. 13. The benefits of honey. Russian Potato Festival 14. Design of a baby book “My Grandmother’s Recipes”

15. Crossword competition "Unusual culinary journey" 16. Creative project "Delicious picture" 17. Quiz "Unusual culinary journey"
18. Unique dishes of the countries of the world 19. Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition.
Thematic plan for grade 7

Topic 7. You cook for yourself and your friends
1. Culinary secrets 2. Table setting 3. The game "Culinary Contest"
Topic 8. Cuisine of different nations
4.Project "Culinary Holidays" 5.Emblem Competition "Culinary Holidays"
Topic 9. "Culinary history"
6.Creative project. Primitive cooking 7. Creative project. Cooking in the Middle Ages
Topic 10 "How they ate in Russia and in Russia"
8. The samovar is a symbol of the Russian table 9. Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine 10. Features of nutrition in different regions of Russia, their connection with customs. 11. Porridge-mother, bread-father 12. Russian cuisine and religion. 13. Krasnodar region - apple region
Topic 11. Unusual culinary journey
14. World food museums Cooking in painting 15 Cooking in music, in dance Cooking in literature 16. Quiz "Culinary Journey through Russia" 17. Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition. Calendar and thematic plan for grade 5 No. p / p Program sections and topics of training sessions Date of holding Including
Total hours Theory Practice ESM implementation


Topic 1.

Health is great
5 1 Health is great 1 1 week + 2 Healthy lifestyle rules 1 3 week + 3 Me and my health 1 5 week + 4 My lifestyle 1 7 week + 5. Poster competition "We are for a healthy lifestyle" 1 9 week +
Topic 2. "Different products are needed,

different products are important
6 6 Proteins 1 11 weeks + + 7 Fats 1 13 weeks + + 8 Carbohydrates 1 8 weeks + + 9 Vitamins 1 9 weeks + + 10 Minerals 1 10 weeks + + 11 Diet 1 11 weeks + +
Topic3. "Diet"
3 12 The concept of diet 1 12 week + 13 My diet 1 13 week + 14 Game "Make up a diet" 1 14 week +
Topic 4. "Energy of food"
4 15 Food energy 1 15 week + + 16 Caloric content of food 1 16 week + 17 Research work "Delicious mathematics" 1 17 week + 18 Effect of food caloric content on physique 1 18 week +
Topic5. "Where and how do we eat"
8 19 Where and how we eat 1 19 week + + 20 Mini-project “We are not friends with dry food” 1 20 week +
21 Traveling and camping 1 21 weeks + + 22 Packing a backpack 1 22 weeks + + 23 What are snacks, their impact on health 1 23 weeks + 24 Let's talk about fast-feet 1 24 weeks + 25 Rules of behavior in a cafe. 1 25 week + + 26 Role-playing game "Cafe" 1 26 week + +
Topic6. "You are a customer"
8 27 Where can I make a purchase 1 27 week + + 28 Rights and obligations of the buyer 1 28 week + 29 We read the information on the product packaging. 1 29 weeks + 30 You are a buyer. 1 30 week + + 31 Difficult situations when buying goods 1 31 week + + 32 Food shelf life. Product packaging. 1 32 week + 33 Mini-project "Proper nutrition and human health" 1 33 week + 34 Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition. 1 34 weeks + Calendar-thematic plan for grade 6 Sections of the program and topics of training sessions Total hours Date of holding Including Implementation of EER Theory Practice


Topic 7.

you prepare yourself and

2 1. Mini-project "Helpers in the kitchen" Culinary secrets 1 1 week +
owner. Table setting
Topic8. Cuisine of different nations
2 3. The concept of "national cuisine" Culinary journey 1 5week + 4. Project "Culinary holidays" 1 7 week +
Topic 9. "Culinary history"
3 5. Traditions and food culture Creative project. Primitive cooking 1 9 week + + 6. Modern cooking 1 11 week + 7. Competition o s s w o r d o in "Cookery" 1 13 week +



Russia and in Russia"
5 8. History of cooking in Russia. The history of dishes in Russian cuisine 1 15 week + + 9. Samovar - a symbol of the Russian table Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine 1 17 week + 10. Mother porridge, father bread Russian cuisine and religion. 1 19 weeks + 11. The benefits of honey. Russian Potato Festival 1 21 weeks + 12. Making a baby book "Recipes of my grandmother" 1 23 weeks +


culinary journey
5 13. Crossword Contest “Unusual Culinary Journey” 1 25 week + 14. Creative project “Tasty picture 1 27 week + 15. V and k o r ina “Unusual culinary journey” 1 29 week + 16. Unique dishes from around the world 1 31 weeks +
17. Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition. 1 33 weeks +
Calendar-thematic plan for 7
Program Sections

and topics of training sessions

Total hours

the date








Topic 7.

you prepare yourself and

3 1. Culinary secrets 1 2 week + 2. Table setting 1 4 week + + 3. Cooking competition game 1 6 week +

Topic8. Cuisine of different nations
2 4. Culinary Holidays Project 1 8th week + 5. Culinary Holidays Emblem Contest 1 10th week +
Topic 9. "Culinary history"
2 6. Creative project. Primitive cooking 1 12 weeks + 7. Creative project. Cooking in the Middle Ages 1 14 week +
Topic 10 "How they ate in Russia

and in Russia"
6 8. Samovar - a symbol of the Russian table 1 16 week + 9. Traditional dishes of Russian cuisine 1 18 week + + 10. Features of nutrition in different regions of Russia, their connection with customs. 1 20 week + 11. Mother porridge, father bread 1 22 week + 12. Russian cuisine and religion. 1 24 week + 13. Krasnodar region - apple region 1 26 week + +
Theme 11. Unusual

culinary journey
4 14. World museums of food Cooking in painting 1 28 week + 15. Cooking in music, in dance Cooking in literature 1 30 week + + 16. Quiz "Culinary Journey through Russia" 1 32 week + 17. Drawing up a formula for proper nutrition. 1 34 weeks +

Methodical literature:
1. Alenov M. Encyclopedia of painting. M., 2004. 2. Bezrukikh M. M., Filippova T. A., Makeeva A. G. Talk about proper nutrition / Methodological guide.-M .: Olma-Press, 2011. 3. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova. Proper nutrition formula: Workbook / - M .: Olma Media Group, 2014 .; 4. Bezrukikh, T. A. Filippova. Proper nutrition formula: Notepad / - M .: Olma Media Group, 2014; 5. Bezrukikh M. M., Sonkin V. D., Farber D. A. Age physiology./ M., 2002. 414 p. 6. Klimovich Yu.P. We learn to eat right. For teachers working on the program "Talk about proper nutrition" / - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. 7. Obukhova L. A., Lemyaskina N. A. 30 health lessons: Methodological guide / - M .: TC "Sphere", 2001 8. Pokhlebkin VV The history of the most important food products.
M., 2000. 350 p. 9. Pokhlebkin V. V. From the history of Russian culinary culture. / - M., 2004. 10. Pokhlebkin V. V. Secrets of good cuisine. / - M., 2001. 330 p. 11. Pokhlebkin V. V. Culinary dictionary./- M., 2000. 500 p. 12. Simonenko A. Fundamentals of consumer culture. A guide for teachers./- M., 2005.