Which musical instrument is right for you. Test "musical instrument"

Do you want to know which instrument suits you depending on your musical tastes, tastes and qualities of character? Take the test, marking for yourself somewhere on paper or in a text file the answer options:

1) When you listen to music, you...

A) you sing along, carefully listen to what the song is about and try to remember the lyrics or dream about something of your own;

B) You play an imaginary guitar, beat in ecstasy if there is a guitar solo in the song;

C) Dancing using the most stupid movements (even if you are in a public place);

D) You beat the rhythm with your fingers or foot;

E) You howl, but not what the vocalist sings, but adding something of your own;

E) You hum the main melody of the song without going into the details of the text;

G) You can read, draw, cook, clean, etc. while listening to music.

2) Your favorite musical style is...

A) I can’t stay within the same style for a long time ... I listen to everything, but only the highest quality.

B) Rock, metal (as well as their derivatives), blues, sometimes I can listen to folk or jazz;

C) Jazz, funk, soul, pop, disco, occasionally rock and metal (mostly dynamic major songs);

D) Mostly very hard rock, occasionally - hip-hop, reggae, dubstep, pop, (single songs that uplift the mood);

E) Jazz, blues, soul, pop (mostly minor themes), occasionally - classics;

E) Classical, jazz, occasionally rock or symphonic metal;

G) Pop and rap or electronic music, in which it is not clear what instruments sound at all. Occasionally - chanson or bard songs.

3) If you don’t have much free time in the morning, and suddenly there is an extra half an hour ... what will you spend it on before you leave the house?

A) I will protorchu in the shower more than usual;

B) I'll sit in the net or upload new music to the player;

C) I'd rather sleep more;

D) Finally, I will have breakfast without haste;

D) I will communicate with relatives (if they sleep, I will wake up and talk);

E) I will do exercises or meditate;

G) I will leave the house early so as not to be late.

4) What is rest for you?

A) Travel, even to a neighboring city;

B) Engage in some nonsense that gives pleasure (walk with friends, play computer or board games, go to football, watch your favorite movie, etc.);

D) Ride rides, horseback rides, parachute jump, go boating, ride a motorcycle, cheer for your favorite team, throw off the negative;

E) Sit with friends somewhere in a pleasant environment, or play with children, go to the zoo, dolphinarium, to a good movie in the cinema, get a pleasant experience;

E) Lie in a hammock in the open air and look at the clouds, or lie on the sofa and watch a TV series, or lie on the sand and listen to the waves ... the main thing is to lie down;

G) Gather a fun company, drink something relaxing, seek adventure ...

5) What is the most unpleasant sound for you?

A) Perforator / drill / hammer;

B) Pop songs or chanson playing in minibuses;

C) The sound of a felt-tip pen on paper / rustling of a package / rustling of foil;

D) Styrofoam against glass / the sound of a knife scraping in a pan / the creak of chalk on a board;

E) The squeak of mosquitoes, the buzzing of insects, the sound of a chainsaw or a grinder;

E) Creaking of the door / loud blows of fingers on the keyboard / knock of a spoon on the walls of a cup or plate;

G) Car alarms / siren / melodies in the phone, standing instead of beeps.

6) Your favorite color:

A) yellow;

B) Black;

D) Red;

D) Purple;

E) Green;

G) Pink.

7) Choose the bird you like more than the other options?

A) a parrot

E) dove;

G) Peacock.

8) Which of the proposed instruments do you not know how to play, but would like to learn?

B) drums

D) piano;

9) From the proposed rock bands, choose the one whose music is the best, in your opinion:

B) Led Zeppelin

D) The Beatles;

10) What do you mainly eat?

A) Fruits and vegetables, a lot of tea (juice / water);

B) Meat, cereals and some vegetables;

C) Fish and vegetables, a lot of sweets;

D) Meat, vegetables, dairy products;

D) Cereals, vegetables, eggs, fish;

E) Vegetables, dairy products;

G) Vermicelli, meat, sweets.

11) Look at your hands... You have:

A) Beautiful nails of an oval shape, the middle and upper phalanges on the middle finger are longer than the bottom;

B) Large, thin and sinewy hands, with oblong nails;

C) Fingers with nails slightly widening towards the end of the nail platinum;

D) Broad palms, broad fingers;

E) Medium in thickness, but long fingers, rounded nails;

E) Long thin fingers, sinewy hands;

G) Square-shaped nails, massive palm, wide fingers.

Now count which letter you have more often than others. If this...

And - you can make a good vocalist. If you have hearing problems, develop it and try to compose songs. You can play any instrument and write lyrics for vocals. If there are no hearing problems, don't delay... learn to sing.

B - you are drawn to the guitar, and she is drawn to you. Try to learn how to play this instrument, whether you choose electric or acoustic guitar, you should be better than others.

B - a bass guitar in your hands can give you happiness. Double bass can also be a great option. Do not be afraid of corns on your fingers, they will pass, but you will be pumped all your life ...

G - you should sit behind the drum kit. Drums are not the easiest instrument, but you can do it if you dare.

D - at heart you are a saxophonist. You can try to learn to play any wind instrument. There are few good wind players and they are worth their weight in gold in any group.

E - you definitely need a piano. This tool would help you express your emotions and compose music. If not a piano, then keys, accordion, organ, harpsichord - everything is at your disposal ... choose.

F - maybe you should try yourself not in music, but in something else. If you go to study, she is unlikely to be in the first place for you ...

Have you ever tried comparing yourself to a musical instrument? We offer such a test - a kind of game, but with meaning. Our test will help you to better understand how you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you.

So think about it: what musical instrument can you associate yourself with?

1. Flute, flute, violin, viola, harp.

2. Drum, timpani, tambourine, bagpipe, drum set.

3. Piano, grand piano, organ, harpsichord.

4. Saxophone, theremin, synthesizer.

1 You are sensitive, sensitive, vulnerable. You declare yourself as a sensitive and at the same time easily vulnerable person. You are not a stranger to art, in society you can keep up the conversation on intellectual topics. One gets the impression of you as an aesthete, acquaintances can consult with you on issues related to the sphere of "beautiful". At the same time, you may seem vulnerable and touchy, perhaps someone is afraid to offend you and is overly cautious. You want to seem like a romantic and dreamer, someone likes it, and someone may accuse you of insufficient practicality. It is important for you to seem beautiful, to please people, sometimes you can even attach excessive importance to someone else's opinion. A little more thick skin will not hurt, will not prevent you from remaining a sensitive person, but it will give you more security. 2 You loudly declare yourself, you want attention. In your style of communication there is directness and frankness, honesty, you are trusted, but excessive straightforwardness can hurt others. You seem reliable and predictable enough that people feel they can rely on you. True, someone considers you overly categorical and inflexible. You have a certain authority and leadership inclinations, do not be surprised if they begin to compete with you - this is a kind of recognition. You draw attention to yourself, both consciously and unconsciously. You are considered an emotional and explosive person. A little more flexibility, calmness - that's what you need for balance. 3 You seem to be a complex, versatile person and are presented in different ways, which may surprise some. You can be seen by others as unpredictable, but you will not get bored with you. You have a wide range of interests, and you can easily keep up a conversation with a new interlocutor. Internal complexity sometimes leads to difficult periods in life, sadness and sadness, a tendency to reflection complicates life. Therefore, the glory of a "difficult person" can be fixed for you. But with your complexity, you do not harm others, you are harmless, they see and appreciate it. Internal complexity can scare away only superficial people who are afraid of their own experiences. A little bit of resilience will help you get through difficult times in your life more easily. 4 You are modern, aware of novelties, news, fashion trends. For others, you can be a good source of information. You are perceived as a fairly modern person, and at the same time - unusual, non-standard. You seem different from others and emphasize your individuality. Not to imitate, to be different from others - that requires courage. Perhaps you have rather non-standard interests: for example, philosophy, meditation or exotic travel. Therefore, those around you are interested. You are adaptable, adapt quickly, so you can be a pleasant conversationalist if you wish.

The main thing is not to complicate life, it is already complicated, sometimes you should treat something easier.

Many of us, deep down, would like to be able to play some kind of musical instrument, emphasizing this. After all, style is not only about what color to wear a T-shirt, but also in a variety of skills. But there are so many musical instruments that only our cool test can help you choose a musical instrument. Even 10 years ago, with a regular school, it was customary to graduate from a music school. But today the fashion for musical education has passed and it is more and more difficult to meet a young man who would play a musical instrument perfectly. But it's so beautiful and pleasant: to sit down at the piano, like Dr. House, and play yourself a couple of favorite tunes with a glass of whiskey; charge the violin the way Vanessa Mae knows how - so that the strings break; drag a button accordion to someone's birthday and shout a couple of songs cheerfully. In general, music has always been and will be one of the main areas of life. But, since you are going to master some kind of musical instrument, first choose which one. There are a lot of varieties of musical instruments: violin, piano, guitar, saxophone, drums ... You can still list and list. In order not to get confused in the choice, we offer our cool music test. After passing this test, you will be able to understand which musical instrument you prefer and why you should choose this particular musical instrument.