General methods of teaching biology. Methods of teaching biology

The connection of the methodology of teaching biology with other sciences

The methodology of teaching biology, being a pedagogical science, is inextricably linked with didactics. This is a section of pedagogy that studies the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of students' beliefs. The methodology of teaching biology develops theoretical and practical problems of the content, forms, methods and means of training and education, due to the specifics of school biology.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to psychology, because it is based on the age characteristics of children. The content of educational material in biology becomes more complex from class to class as the student's personality develops.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to philosophy. It contributes to the development of human self-knowledge, understanding of the place and role of scientific discoveries in the system of the overall development of human culture, allows you to connect disparate fragments of knowledge into a single scientific picture of the world. Philosophy is the theoretical basis of the methodology, equipping it with a scientific approach to the diverse aspects of teaching, educating and developing schoolchildren. The connection of methodology with philosophy is all the more important, since the study of the foundations of the science of biology about all kinds of manifestations of living matter at different levels of its organization aims to form and develop a materialistic worldview in students.

Biology teaching methodology is related to biological science. The subject "Biology" at school is synthetic in nature. There is a big difference between the school subject and biological science. The goal of biological science is to gain new knowledge about nature through research. The purpose of the school subject "Biology" is to give students knowledge (facts, patterns) obtained by biological science. At the lesson, schoolchildren are introduced only to the fundamental foundations of science, the most important scientific problems, so as not to overload them with unnecessary information. At the same time, the school subject is not a "mini-science", it is a system of fundamental, fundamental concepts in biology, which contributes to the development and education of students.

The methodology of teaching biology as an academic subject is of paramount importance for the preparation of a secondary school biology teacher. In the process of learning, professional knowledge and skills of students are formed, they master the ability to teach.

The academic subject does not contain all the knowledge accumulated by science in the course of research, but only their foundations. They are specially selected taking into account the learning objectives, age and preparation of students. Unlike science, the main function of a subject is educational. The academic subject integrates everything that is productive, revises individual problems.

The university subject is quite close to science in its structure and content. It includes scientific data, considers various approaches to solving individual problems, notes successful and unsuccessful results in the search for truth. This training course introduces the methodology and methods of scientific research.

A large place in the university subject is given to the history of scientific discoveries with a personalized approach.

The subject "Methods of teaching biology" in the process of theoretical and practical training of students makes it possible not only to reveal the content and structure of the school biology course, but also to acquaint them with the features of the organization of the modern educational process in biology in different types of general education schools, to form stable skills and abilities the use of methods and means of teaching biology, to master the requirements of the mandatory minimum (state educational standard) of the content of basic and complete secondary general biological education, to acquaint with the variety of forms and methods, with innovative approaches in teaching biology and with the material base of this discipline at school.

The professional training of a future specialist is built in accordance with the teacher's professiogram, which characterizes his main functions (information, development, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, organizational and research), which are a model of qualification training of a specialist.

The academic subject usually implements a system of organizational forms of education - the interaction of students and the teacher in lectures, laboratory and practical classes, in the process of field and pedagogical practices. At the lectures, an acquaintance with the academic discipline takes place, the foundations of scientific knowledge are laid, they give a general idea of ​​the methodology, introduce the main ideas, basic scientific theories, the practical side of the subject being studied and the prospect of its development. Practical and laboratory classes are designed to deepen, expand and detail this knowledge. Mastering the educational material in practical classes compared to lectures is carried out at a higher level - at the level of reproduction, skills and abilities.

Independent work is an important form of learning, the final stage of all other types of educational work. Independent work expands and enriches knowledge and skills, it has an individual focus, corresponding to the creative abilities of the student. Independent work develops the creative qualities of the individual and contributes to the formation of versatile specialists.


1. Verzilin N.M., Korsunskaya V.M. General methodology for teaching biology: Proc. for stud. ped. in-comrade. 4th ed. M., 1983.

2. Zverev I.D., Myagkova A.N. General teaching methodology. M., 1985.

3. Konyushko V.S., Pavlyuchenko S.E., Chubaro S.V. Methods of teaching biology. Mn., 2004.

4. Ponomarev I.N., Solomin V.P., Sidelnikova G.D. General methodology for teaching biology: textbook. allowance for students. ped. universities. M., 2003.

Lecture #1
Purpose of the lecture: to form concepts about the methodology of teaching biology as a science and subject, about the object, subject and methods of this science; to study the connections of teaching methods of biology with other sciences.
Lecture plan:

1. Methods of teaching biology as a science

2. The connection of the methodology of teaching biology with other sciences.

3. Methods of teaching biology as a subject.
Biology teaching methodology as a science
The methodology of teaching biology explores the content of the educational process in this subject and the patterns of assimilation of biological material by schoolchildren.

^ Methods of teaching biology - the science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, due to the characteristics of the school subject.

Science is a field of research activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about objects and phenomena. The methodology develops rational methods, means and forms of education for students to acquire knowledge of biology and the ability to apply them in practice, to form a scientific worldview and understand the value of life.

The methodology for teaching biology is based on pedagogical provisions common to all school subjects in relation to the study of biological material. At the same time, it integrates special (natural-science and biological), psychological-pedagogical, ideological, cultural and other professional-pedagogical knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The methodology of teaching biology determines the goals of education, the content of the subject "Biology" and the principles of its selection. Methodists believe that the formation of the target component of modern school biological education depends on the value system, which is determined by:

  • the level of education, that is, the mastery of biological knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the active and full inclusion of schoolchildren in educational, labor, social activities;

  • the level of upbringing that characterizes the system of worldviews, beliefs, attitude to the world around, nature, society, personality;

  • the level of development of the student, which determines his abilities, the need for self-development and improvement of physical and mental qualities.
The goal of general secondary biological education is determined taking into account the named values ​​and factors such as:

  • the integrity of the human person;

  • predictiveness, that is, the orientation of the goals of biological education to modern and future biological and educational values;

  • continuity in the system of continuous education.
The biology teaching methodology also notes that one of the most important goals of biological education is the formation of a scientific worldview among schoolchildren based on the integrity and unity of nature, its systemic and level construction, diversity, and the unity of man and nature. School biology is also focused on the formation of knowledge about the structure and functioning of biological systems, about the sustainable development of nature and society in their interaction.

Among the main tasks of teaching biology as a science are the following:

  • determination of the role of the subject of biology in the general system of education and upbringing of schoolchildren;

  • development of proposals for compiling and improving school and textbooks and testing these proposals in practice at school;

  • determination of the content of the subject, the sequence of its study in accordance with the age of the students and the program for different classes;

  • development of methods and techniques, as well as organizational forms of teaching schoolchildren, taking into account the specific features of the biological sciences;

  • development and testing in practice of the equipment of the educational process: the organization of an office, a corner of wildlife, a school educational and experimental site, the presence of wildlife objects, educational visual aids, working equipment, etc.
^ Object of study methods of teaching biology - an educational process associated with the subject "Biology". Science includes knowledge about the subject of study. Subject of study methods are the goals and content of the educational process, methods, means and forms of training, education and development of students.

In the development of science, a fairly significant role belongs to the methods of scientific research. Leading methods biology training are as follows: 1) empirical- observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, forecasting, testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of pedagogical achievements; 2) theoretical knowledge- systematization, integration, differentiation, abstraction, idealization, system analysis, comparison, generalization. Building a theory of teaching biology at school requires a combination of empirical and theoretical knowledge.

Scientifically sound structure the content of the methodology of teaching biology. It is divided into general and private, or special, teaching methods: natural history, according to the courses “Plants. bacteria. Mushrooms and Lichens”, “Animals”, “Man”, “General Biology”.

The general methodology for teaching biology considers the main issues of all biological courses at school: the concepts of biological education, goals, objectives, principles, methods, means, forms, implementation models, content and structures, stages, continuity, the history of the formation and development of biological education in the country and the world ; ideological, moral and eco-cultural education in the learning process; unity of content and teaching methods; the relationship between the forms of educational work; integrity and development of all elements of the biological education system, which ensures the strength and awareness of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Private methods explore specific learning issues for each course, depending on the content of the educational material and the age of the students. They present the methodology of lessons, excursions, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities, that is, the system of teaching a particular course in biology. The general methodology of biology is closely related to all particular biological methods.
^ The connection of the methodology of teaching biology with other sciences
The methodology of teaching biology, being a pedagogical science, is inextricably linked with didactics. This is a section of pedagogy that studies the patterns of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the formation of students' beliefs. The methodology of teaching biology develops theoretical and practical problems of the content, forms, methods and means of training and education, due to the specifics of school biology.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to psychology, because it is based on the age characteristics of children. The content of educational material in biology becomes more complex from class to class as the student's personality develops.

The methodology of teaching biology is closely related to philosophy. It contributes to the development of human self-knowledge, understanding of the place and role of scientific discoveries in the system of the overall development of human culture, allows you to connect disparate fragments of knowledge into a single scientific picture of the world. Philosophy is the theoretical basis of the methodology, equipping it with a scientific approach to the diverse aspects of teaching, educating and developing schoolchildren. The connection of methodology with philosophy is all the more important, since the study of the foundations of the science of biology about all kinds of manifestations of living matter at different levels of its organization aims to form and develop a materialistic worldview in students.

Biology teaching methodology is related to biological science. The subject "Biology" at school is synthetic in nature. There is a big difference between the school subject and biological science. The goal of biological science is to gain new knowledge about nature through research. The purpose of the school subject "Biology" is to give students knowledge (facts, patterns) obtained by biological science. At the lesson, schoolchildren are introduced only to the fundamental foundations of science, the most important scientific problems, so as not to overload them with unnecessary information. At the same time, the school subject is not a "mini-science", it is a system of fundamental, fundamental concepts in biology, which contributes to the development and education of students.
^ Methods of teaching biology as a subject
The methodology of teaching biology as an academic subject is of paramount importance for the preparation of a secondary school biology teacher. In the process of learning, professional knowledge and skills of students are formed, they master the ability to teach.

The academic subject does not contain all the knowledge accumulated by science in the course of research, but only their foundations. They are specially selected taking into account the learning objectives, age and preparation of students. Unlike science, the main function of a subject is educational. The academic subject integrates everything that is productive, revises individual problems.

The university subject is quite close to science in its structure and content. It includes scientific data, considers various approaches to solving individual problems, notes successful and unsuccessful results in the search for truth. This training course introduces the methodology and methods of scientific research.

A large place in the university subject is given to the history of scientific discoveries with a personalized approach.

The subject "Methods of teaching biology" in the process of theoretical and practical training of students makes it possible not only to reveal the content and structure of the school biology course, but also to acquaint them with the features of the organization of the modern educational process in biology in different types of general education schools, to form stable skills and abilities the use of methods and means of teaching biology, to master the requirements of the mandatory minimum (state educational standard) of the content of basic and complete secondary general biological education, to acquaint with the variety of forms and methods, with innovative approaches in teaching biology and with the material base of this discipline at school.

The professional training of a future specialist is built in accordance with the teacher's professiogram, which characterizes his main functions (information, development, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, organizational and research), which are a model of qualification training of a specialist.

The academic subject usually implements a system of organizational forms of education - the interaction of students and the teacher in lectures, laboratory and practical classes, in the process of field and pedagogical practices. At the lectures, an acquaintance with the academic discipline takes place, the foundations of scientific knowledge are laid, they give a general idea of ​​the methodology, introduce the main ideas, basic scientific theories, the practical side of the subject being studied and the prospect of its development. Practical and laboratory classes are designed to deepen, expand and detail this knowledge. Mastering the educational material in practical classes compared to lectures is carried out at a higher level - at the level of reproduction, skills and abilities.

Independent work is an important form of learning, the final stage of all other types of educational work. Independent work expands and enriches knowledge and skills, it has an individual focus, corresponding to the creative abilities of the student. Independent work develops the creative qualities of the individual and contributes to the formation of versatile specialists.

  1. Konyushko V.S., Pavlyuchenko S.E., Chubaro S.V. Methods of teaching biology. Mn., 2004.

Lecture #2
Purpose of the lecture: To study the origin of the methodology of biology in Russia and Belarus, the development of school natural science and the methods of teaching it in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.
Lecture plan:

1. The origin of biology methodology in Russia and Belarus.

2. The beginning of school science and methods of teaching it.

3.School natural science and methods of its teaching in the first half of the nineteenth century.
The origin of biology methodology in Russia and Belarus
The modern methodology of teaching biology is a creative experience accumulated by many generations of scientists, teachers and students. Its emergence is closely connected with the socio-economic and political history of our country, the development of biological and pedagogical sciences, secondary and higher education.

The word "methodology" comes from the Greek "methodos" - the path to something, the path of research or the way of knowing.

The formation of the methodology of teaching biology can be traced back to ancient times. This is due to the development of environmental conditions, the development of botany and zoology, practical knowledge and observations of nature, which have accumulated over the centuries.

At the first stages, the content of school natural science was far from science and had a religious orientation. For many centuries, the Belarusians got their initial idea of ​​nature from the Bible and handwritten literature, mainly of a spiritual content. In the XVI-XVII centuries. the primary sources were usually the writings of Byzantine authors. In the Middle Ages, schools were created, as a rule, at a church or a monastery. In 1682 Sylvester Medvedev, a student of Simeon of Polotsk, also opened a school at the monastery, where mathematics and physics were taught along with grammar and rhetoric. A subject called "Physics" considered questions of natural philosophy (the structure of heaven and earth, meteorological phenomena, the properties of plants, animals and humans).

One of the first books of the 15th century, according to which children were taught in Russia, is the collection of stories "Physiologist" about real and fantastic animals. This work was created on the basis of ancient and oriental sources. In the Middle Ages in Russia and on the Belarusian lands, "Shestodnev" - the works of Bishop Basil the Great - was popular as a textbook. In it, the author outlined the biblical story about the creation of the world, gave separate explanations of a naturalistic plan and provided geographical, zoological and botanical information about the diversity of the organic world. There was another collection of Byzantine origin in circulation - "Explanatory Palea", which provided information about the sun, moon, stars. Various plants and animals.

In the XVI century. The book Lucidarius, translated from Latin into Russian, written in the 12th century, comes to Russia. This is a dialogue between a teacher and a student, which contains a lot of material of a naturalistic nature. The Alphabets and Alphabets were widely used as textbooks and books for reading, where information “about everything”, including natural science, was placed in alphabetical order.

In the 17th century a work by an unknown Latin author of the early 16th century was very popular. "Problema", which presented with great distortion the ideas of Aristotle and Hippocrates. At the same time, the treatise "Bestarius" by the Greek preacher Damascene the Studite was circulating, which included only zoological information.

In the XVIII century. Of considerable interest was the work "Natural Mirror", published in July 1713 by order and at the expense of the merchant Ivan Korotkiy. The 218-page essay was a course in natural philosophy for high school students, but knowledge of nature was very superficial and mixed with superstition and fantasy.

Thus, until the XVIII century. naturalistic enlightenment was based on outdated medieval and ancient sources.

But with the advent of Peter I to power, changes in socio-economic development begin. At the end of the XVII - beginning of the XVIII century. the first secular schools were created in which students received knowledge in natural science, which provided the professional training necessary for geographical surveys, subsoil research, and the organization of various industries.

In 1724, Peter founded the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Academicians (Lomonosov M.V., Krashennikov S.P., Steller G.V., Lepekhin I.I., Pallas P.S.) made many major natural scientific discoveries. These natural scientific discoveries are reflected in the content of school education. For example, at this time V.F. Zuev became the author of the first Russian textbook on natural science, The Inscription of Natural History (1786).
^ The beginning of school science and methods of teaching it
Natural science as an academic subject was first introduced into Russian schools only at the end of the 18th century. In 1783 the first teacher's seminary was opened to train teachers. In 1782, during the reform of public education in the cities, public schools of two types were created: main - 5-year and small - 2-year. The subject "Natural Science" was introduced in the last two years in 5-year schools. In 1786, the first domestic textbook of natural science was published under the title "The Inscription of Natural History, Published for the Public Schools of the Russian Empire on the High Order of the Reigning Empress Catherine II." It can be considered that the history of the national methodology of teaching biology began this year.

V.F. Zuev had to solve all the main methodological tasks of teaching a subject introduced for the first time (selection of educational content, its structure, style of presentation), to realize the learning goals in accordance with the demands of society, to determine the methods and means of teaching.

The named textbook consists of two parts and is divided into three sections: "Fossil Kingdom" (inanimate nature), "Vegetable Kingdom" (botany) and "Animal Kingdom" (zoology). The book provides information about the structure of the human body. About the person V.F. Zuev writes: “In terms of the structure of the body, a person is an animal similar to other animals.” In total, the textbook describes 148 plants and 157 animals. Included in this textbook and information from the field of environmental science. The text in the textbook is presented in simple language with the involvement of interesting biological and practical material. This textbook was both the first natural science program in school and the first teaching aid. It contains a number of instructions on how to carry out the teaching process, what visual aids to use, how to organize a subject room. The scientist published a zoological atlas, composed of 57 separate tables. These tables have been widely used in the school for over 40 years.

Solving practical issues of teaching natural history, V.F. Zuev outlined a number of the most important problems of methodology: the relationship between science and the subject, the scientific nature of the content, the structure of the subject (from simple to complex, from inanimate nature to plants, animals and humans), the role of natural and graphic visualization in teaching, the development of interest in the material being studied, the practical importance of natural science knowledge, the relationship of teaching methods in secondary and higher schools.
^ School natural science and methods of its teaching

in the first half of the nineteenth century.
In the first half of the XIX century. according to the new school charter (1804), public schools were transformed into gymnasiums, which gave students the right to enter the university. The teacher's seminary was reorganized into the Pedagogical Institute, where the student V.F. Zueva Andrei Mikhailovich Teryaev. In biological science at this time, the systematics of Carl Linnaeus reigned. In 1809, a textbook by A.M. Teryaev "The initial foundations of botanical philosophy, published by the Main Board of Schools for use in the Gymnasiums of the Russian Empire." Teryaev's textbook repeated some of the texts of Zuev's textbook, but with distortions, and the first 128 first pages were a literal translation of Linnaeus' Philosophy of Botany. The book was written in a heavy language, materials about wildlife were presented from a religious standpoint. The textbook turned out to be very difficult for students, the principle of accessibility was lost, the textbook obliged most of the material to be “learned by heart”.

More successful was Ivan Kastalsky's textbook "Initial Foundations of Botany for Youth", published in 1826. This is a translation of a French textbook that provides some information on plant physiology. However, in this textbook, everything "sank" in a huge and complex material on systematics.

In 1818, by order of the Educational Committee, the time for studying natural science was significantly reduced, and according to the charter of 1828. the subject was excluded from the curriculum of all educational institutions and was not taught until 1852. Instead, the school introduced students to the ideas of classicism and antiquity.

Under the influence of advanced social thought, natural science was restored in the curriculum of real schools only in 1839, in the cadet corps in 1848 and in the gymnasiums in 1852. However, in the gymnasiums they conducted a rather voluminous program in natural science, in which there was no methodically sound selection content and sequence of studying the subject. Systematics played a predominant role in the program. In relation to this, in 1853 textbooks on zoology, botany and mineralogy were published.

A 500-page zoology textbook contained descriptions of 400 families of more than 2,000 animal species. Methodists wrote: “This textbook is known throughout Russia, and grief was felt by teachers and students who had to deal with it, because the textbook was compiled contrary to all pedagogical rules.”

Even less successful textbooks were those of botany and mineralogy. Textbook “Brief Botany. The gymnasium course contained a description of about 1,500 species, and also tried to teach worship, help students understand the importance of linguistics (French, German and Polish were added to the Latin names), familiarize them with statesmen and scientists whose names were used in the names of plants.

A notable exception for that time was a botany textbook written in 1849 by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl for cadet military educational institutions. The volume of the book is relatively small, the text is easy to read, the textbook material was accompanied by well-executed drawings. This textbook included a lot of environmental and environmental material. According to the author, it "should serve as a means for general mental and moral development." Unfortunately, this textbook, remarkable for its time, was not distributed in gymnasiums, since the ministry considered it insufficiently scientific.

Thus, despite the inclusion of biological material in school natural science, its general state in the first half of the 19th century. was unsatisfactory and was characterized by deep stagnation.

  1. Verzilin N.M., Korsunskaya V.M. General methodology for teaching biology: Proc. for stud. ped. in-comrade. 4th ed. M., 1983.

  2. Zverev I.D., Myagkova A.N. General teaching methodology. M., 1985.

  3. Ponomarev I.N., Solomin V.P., Sidelnikova G.D. General methodology for teaching biology: textbook. allowance for students. ped. universities. M., 2003.

Lecture #3
Purpose of the lecture: To study the development of biology techniques in the second half of the 19th century. and methods of teaching natural science in the twentieth century.
Lecture plan:

1.School natural science and methods of its teaching in the second half of the 19th century.

2. Methods of teaching natural science in the first half of the twentieth century.

3.Methods of teaching biology in the second half of the twentieth century.

Methods of teaching biology as a science and subject

The methodology of teaching biology is a private didactics that explores the features of the process of teaching biology in a secondary school. The methodology is not methodical recommendations for school practice, but a science, the theory of which develops on the basis of the tasks set by society for the school, taking into account the goals and objectives of the school subject of biology.

At the stage of modernization of school education, the tasks of methodological science become more complicated and change. She focuses her attention on adjusting the goals of teaching biology, which should be aimed at educating by means of the subject an active, proactive, creative personality.

The main task of the BCH at the present stage is the formation and development of a person on the basis of biological knowledge who can competently behave in nature and society. In addition, the task of the methodology of biology is how to fill the content of biological education with the social activity of students, which will allow them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process in practice.

Methods of teaching biology - the science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, due to the characteristics of the school subject.

The purpose of the MOB as a science is to identify the patterns of the process of teaching biology in order to further improve it, increase the effectiveness of preparing students as highly conscious, comprehensively developed and biologically literate members of society.

The subject of the study of the MOB is the theory and practice of teaching, educating and developing students in this subject, i.e. goals and content of the educational process, methods, means, forms of education, upbringing and development of students, diagnostics and analysis of the final result of student learning.

The object of the study of the MOB is the educational process associated with a specific school subject.

Tasks of the MOB:

1. Determination of the role of the subject of biology in the general system of education and upbringing of schoolchildren;

2. Development of proposals for the preparation and improvement of school programs and textbooks. and testing these improvements in practice at school;

3. Determining the content of the subject, the sequence of its study in accordance with the age of students and programs for different classes;

4. Development of methods and techniques, as well as organizational forms of teaching schoolchildren, taking into account the specific features of the biological sciences;

5. Development and testing in practice of the equipment of the educational process: organization of an office, a corner of wildlife.

Structure of the MOB

The subject of TMOB is divided into general and particular teaching methods.

General MOB - considers the main issues of all school biology courses: the concepts of biological education, goals, objectives, principles, methods, means, forms, implementation models, content and structure, stages, continuity, history of the formation and development of biological education in the country and in the world; ideological and moral and eco-cultural education in the learning process, the unity of the content and teaching methods, the relationship between the forms of educational work; integrity and development of all elements of the biological education system, which ensures the strength and awareness of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Private methods explore the issues of education specific to each section of the subject, depending on the content of the educational material and the age of the students. They present methods for conducting lessons of different content, excursions for extracurricular and extracurricular activities, a system for building and teaching a specific section of biology. Her theoretical conclusions are based on particular methodological studies. In turn, particular methodological studies are guided by general methodological provisions applied to each section of biology.

The theoretical foundation of TMBT for the practical implementation of the process of teaching biology is a number of such important components:

1. The theory of development of biological concepts;

2. The theory of development of ecological concepts;

3. The theory of development of the system of forms of education;

4. The theory of development of teaching methods;

5. The system of the material base of education;

6. The system of teaching biology in the open information space;

7. The system of multilevel education of future teachers of biology;

8. The system of methodological preparation in a teacher training university for students to work at school.

Methods of scientific research of TMOB - are a means of knowing the subject under study and a way to achieve the goal.

Leading methods of biology teaching methodology:

Empirical: observation, pedagogical experiment, modeling, forecasting, testing, qualitative and quantitative analysis of learning outcomes;

Theoretical: systematization, integration, differentiation, abstraction, idealization, system analysis, comparison, generalization.

Building a theory of teaching biology at school requires a combination of theoretical and empirical knowledge.

The principles of teaching biology are the guiding ideas, rules of action and requirements that determine the nature of the educational process. They serve as a guide in the design of the content and organization of training.

General pedagogical principles: scientific and accessible; unity of training, education and development; visibility; linking learning with life; systematic and consistent; systematic, fundamental; unity of theory and practice; variability; humanization; integration and differentiation; natural conformity;

Specific: causality and historicism of processes and phenomena of wildlife; the unity of the living; seasonality of natural phenomena; regional studies; ecologization and environmental protection; fundamentality; continuity of content and its development throughout the course of biology; causation; historicism;, the unity of the living;

General methodological: relationships and interdependence with society; materiality and cognizability of the real world; the primacy of natural laws in relation to the laws of social development. These principles serve as a substantiation of didactic principles in the methodology of biology.

Science is a field of research activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about objects and phenomena.

Any science includes knowledge about the subject of study. Its main task is to deeper and more fully know the subject of study.

The main function of science is research.

Scientific research - purposeful, systematic, complete.

The main features of science are the presence of the goal of the subject of study, methods of cognition and forms of expression of knowledge.

Methods of teaching biology - the science of the system of the process of education and upbringing, due to the characteristics of the school subject of biology.

Therefore, all research of a scientific and methodological nature is carried out in the education system. The components of the educational process are subjected to research: the content of the subject, forms, methods, means, teachers and students.

Connection of MOB with other sciences

MOB, being a pedagogical science, is inextricably linked with didactics. Didactics develops the theory of education and teaching principles common to all school subjects. The methodology of teaching biologists, which has developed as an independent area of ​​pedagogy, develops theoretical and practical problems of biological content, forms, methods and means of training and education, due to the specifics of the school subject.

MRD is closely related to psychology and age-related physiology, since it is based on the age characteristics of children. The methodology takes into account that nurturing education can be effective only if it corresponds to the age development of students. All components of the pedagogical process must correspond to both the age and social group of students. In this regard, the methodology provides for the choice of methods, means and forms of training, the selection of educational material, the sequence of its presentation, taking into account the different levels of complexity.

The subject of the MOB is closely related to biological science. The subject of school biology reflects almost all areas of science "Biology". There is a big difference between the school subject and biological science.

The goal of biological science is to gain new knowledge about nature through research, observation, and experimental work.

The purpose of the school subject "Biology" is to form students' concepts about the laws, facts discovered by biological science, which will help form a general worldview level, promote the development and education of students, and the formation of a competent personality of each student.

At the same time, the formation of the competencies of a teacher of a specialized school should be included among the priorities of this training course, which implies:

Expansion and deepening of the system of knowledge of students about the scientific and theoretical foundations of the subject of biology studied at school;

Acquisition of practical skills and abilities of reasonable selection of educational material on the subject, as well as structuring the content of the school biology course as an academic discipline taught in a specialized school;

Orientation to the targeted mastery of modern methods, means and forms of organizing the process of teaching biology, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of high school students;

A student receiving a pedagogical education must:

Understand the role of educational institutions in society, the main problems of the disciplines that determine the specific area of ​​its activity;

Know the main legislative documents relating to the public education system, the rights and obligations of the subjects of the educational process (teachers, leaders, students and their parents);

Understand the conceptual foundations of the subject, its place in the general system of knowledge and values, as well as in the basic curriculum;

Take into account in pedagogical activity the individual differences of students, including age, social, psychological and cultural;

Understand the general principles of designing the pedagogical process in teaching biology, based on the use of norms and rules that formulate the essence of the concept of "method of teaching biology"

Possess knowledge of the subject sufficient for analytical evaluation, selection and implementation of an educational program that corresponds to the level of preparedness of students, their needs, as well as the requirements of society;

Know the scientific and theoretical foundations of the school biology course in terms of the depth of factual material and the volume necessary and sufficient for training in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Biological Education;

To know the methodological and general theoretical patterns of selection, structuring and variable construction of the content of a biology course in high school, its distinctive features in the conditions of profile education for the period 2005 - 2010;

Understand the main methodological approaches to studying the course of biology at school;

Know the technique of staging and the methodology for conducting a biological experiment in the scope of a biology course at school;

Own the methodology for solving computational, logical and other types of problems within the framework of the requirements provided for by the basic biology course in high school;

Organize the learning activities of students, manage it and evaluate its results;

Apply the main methods of objective diagnosis of students' knowledge in the subject, make adjustments to the learning process, taking into account this diagnosis;

Use a computer and computer programs for the preparation of teaching materials.

Create and maintain a supportive learning environment conducive to the achievement of learning objectives;

To develop students' interest in the subject and motivation for learning, form and maintain feedback.

Upon completion of the course for this program, the student in his activity should be able to:

Apply the acquired professional skills and abilities for the successful implementation of the process of teaching biology at school;

Determine the content of biological education, the structure of the biology course in high school, taking into account the type of general education school;

To carry out the selection of methods and means of teaching and control, as well as forms of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students in accordance with the logic of the expediency of their use in specific conditions, which allows achieving the planned learning outcomes for a biology course in high school;

Technologically competently analyze their own professional and methodological actions, correct and improve them on the basis of achieving the ultimate goal of teaching a biology course in a senior (profile) school.

Checking the quality of assimilation of scientific, theoretical and methodological knowledge, as well as practical skills in the course "Theory and Methods of Teaching Biology" is carried out throughout the academic year, not only orally, but also in writing. For a number of questions offered to students for independent study, an interview with a teacher or writing abstracts is provided. The degree of assimilation of scientific and methodological literature is also checked in the form of testing, speeches at seminars.

The discipline "Theory and Methods of Teaching Biology" ends with writing a term paper and an oral exam, which checks the assimilation of the general theoretical, scientific, methodological and practical parts of the course material, as well as the ability to illustrate the main theoretical provisions with examples arising from the process of teaching the subject of biology.

general educational biological general pedagogical


1. Ponomareva I.N., Solomin V.P., Sidelnikova G.D. General methodology for teaching biology. Textbook for students ped. universities. M. Publishing Center "Academy" 2003.272s.

  • Self-government of students in the school in the aspect of its democratization.
  • The theory of free education in Russia at the turn of XlX - xXc (Tolstoy).
  • Children's and youth movements in Russia.
  • The tasks of pedagogy as a science.
  • The main categories of pedagogy: education, training, upbringing.
  • Historical and social character of education.
  • Ecological education of students, its content, tasks, methods and forms.
  • The concept of the content of education, factors and criteria for their selection.
  • Organization of control and evaluation activities of students.
  • Pedagogical conditions for the use of individual assessment standards. Educational role of assessment.
  • The subject of pedagogy, its branches. The role of pedagogical disciplines in a number of social sciences. Communication of pedagogy with philosophy, psychology, sociology.
  • The essence and content of the process of education. Concepts: education, self-education, re-education. The realism of the goal of education.
  • Goals, objectives and content of moral education. Connection with labor, aesthetic and legal education. The list of moral qualities of a person in the works of Sukhomlinsky.
  • Communication as the basis of pedagogical activity. Styles of pedagogical communication.
  • The collective as a means of influencing the individual. The founder of the theory of collectivism - Makarenko, its popularity abroad.
  • The law of the life of the team, principles, stages (stages) of the formation of the children's team.
  • Pedagogical abilities, their psychological structure and types.
  • Patterns and principles of education, their characteristics.
  • General characteristics of the methods of scientific and pedagogical research, pedagogical experience as an arsenal of scientific and practical solutions.
  • Psychology
  • Psychological components and conditions for the assimilation of knowledge.
  • Psychological causes of failure.
  • Features of the personality and thinking of an underachieving student.
  • The ratio of training and development.
  • Principles of developmental education.
  • 1. Training at a high level of difficulty;
  • Psychological essence of problem and program learning.
  • Psychological characteristics of a teenager.
  • Teaching motives. Ways and means of forming positive motivation.
  • The psychological nature of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, their causes and ways of prevention.
  • Small groups, their types and levels of development.
  • Control and assessment of students' knowledge, their role in learning and personality formation. Evaluation criteria, the importance of their observance.
  • Age crises, their manifestations and causes.
  • Difficult teenagers. The reasons for their occurrence and the psychological characteristics of working with them.
  • The level of claims, self-esteem of the individual, their types, influence on the formation of personality.
  • The concept of age. Age periodization, their criteria.
  • Psychological preparation for marital and family life as the most important task of education. Its main goals and direction of work.
  • Large social groups, their types and characteristics.
  • Class leadership styles and their analysis and evaluation.
  • Conflicts, their types and types. Ways of behavior in conflict situations and ways out of them.
  • Biological and social factors in the mental development of a person, their consideration in training and education.
  • Methods of teaching biology
  • Practical methods of teaching biologists. Their role in the process of education and upbringing.
  • Ecological education in the process of teaching biology and its tasks.
  • Characteristics of verbal methods of teaching biology.
  • Classification of biological concepts in the school biology course.
  • The choice of methods and techniques in teaching biology, their combination, relationship and significance.
  • Characteristics of visual methods, their role in teaching biology and the educational process.
  • The principle of interdisciplinary connections and its use in teaching biology.
  • Modern types of biology education: developing, problematic, programmed, modular, multimedia.
  • Excursion as a form of teaching biology, its educational value. Types, subjects and structure of excursions. Preparing teachers for field trips.
  • Lesson structure. A modern approach to the implementation of the lesson.
  • Methods of independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher. General characteristics of the methods of independent work. Work with the textbook, experiment.
  • The lesson is the main form of teaching biology, its main functions.
  • Extracurricular work in biology. Forms and types of extracurricular activities. Content and organization of extracurricular activities at school.
  • Methods of teaching biology

      The modern concept of biological education and its features.

    Biology- cumulative life sciences. nature, a huge variety of extinct and now inhabited. The land of living beings, their structure. and functions, origin., distribution. and development, relations with others and with inanimate nature. Modern educated person. must orientate itself to the surroundings. its wildlife, to have ideas about plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and own. org. And also about the value of life, about the history of development. alive. nature, the ecosystem nature of life, the biosphere, the role of the living. org. in nature, meaning bio. diversity for life on Earth and the role of people. in the biosphere.

    Biology establishes general and particular laws inherent in life in all its manifestations (metabolism, reproduction, heredity, variability, adaptability, growth, irritability, mobility, etc.).

    It is important to take into account the principle of scientificity in conjunction with the principle of accessibility.

    In the 19th century school natural science was limited to descriptive morphology and taxonomy of plants and animals, but already at the end of the last century A.Ya. Gerd, under the influence of Charles Darwin's teachings on the historical development of organisms, made an attempt to include the idea of ​​the evolution of flora and fauna in the school curriculum

    The selection of educational material is one of the most important tasks of the biology teaching methodology, it is solved with the active participation of teachers and scientists - educators and biologists. The complexity in the selection of content is constantly increasing due to the unusually rapid growth of scientific (theoretical and applied) information in its various fields, so new knowledge about the structure of the organic world, its patterns and significance should be reflected in general biological education.

    Main components:

    1 component content structures. bio. education - formation of biological knowledge. Task- selection of the content of the lesson, topic, section, course.

    2 comp.application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes(may be associated with production, recreation, everyday life).

    3 comp. – the formation of value judgments, norms of behavior, attitudes towards nature, society and man.

      propidephthic(primary school) - received. natural science knowledge faculties. shaper. holistic representation. about:

    • Man as an important component of the impact on nature;

      Hygienic standards, and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

      Basic(5-9 cells) - main. bio. knowledge that is the foundation for continuing arr. in senior classes

      Profile(10-11kl.) - reveals the most important laws of life, individual and historical development org.

    In high school, the principle of differentiation of education is implemented, the right to choose one of the profiles of education: Humanitarian; Biological; Physico-mathematical etc.

    The goals and objectives of learning are a socially conditioned phenomenon, which is accompanied by updating the content of learning. Learning objectives show why it is necessary to teach this particular subject, and not another, determine what functions this subject performs in general education, and serve as a model of the expected result in the education of schoolchildren.

    The main goals of school biological education at the present stage of secondary school development testify to the important role of biology in the development of students, in educating them as comprehensively developed and creative individuals, in understanding their responsibility to society for the preservation of life on Earth, in preparing for the choice of a future profession, taking into account personal interests, inclinations and abilities.

    Goals of bioeducation

      Mastering the scientific components of knowledge that form the basis of a holistic and scientific worldview.

      Awareness of life as the most important value, the ability to build one's relationship with nature and society, based on respect for all living things, as a unique and priceless part of the biosphere.

      Ovlad. knowledge of methods, concepts, theories, models, styles of thinking, and practical. using bio. natural

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    Biological literacy has become socially necessary. In view of the foregoing, before the school biological education are put forward new challenges :

      Formir. scientific worldview, healthy arr. life, hygiene rules and regulations, eco. and genetic. literacy;

      School preparation. to labor activity. in area: medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, rac. natural and nature conservation;

      The development of the personality of the student.: memory, observation, sustainable cognitive interest, creativity, theoretical thinking, the desire for self-education, the application of knowledge of biology in practice

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