Where did the Kuban Cossacks come from. Open Air Museum - "Ataman"

Cossacks. History of free Russia Shambarov Valery Evgenievich



The church schism became a great tragedy for Russia. In principle, reforms were needed - church books were handwritten for a long time, discrepancies accumulated in the course of correspondence. And the rites in different places differed: for example, in Russia they were baptized with two fingers, and in Ukraine and the Balkans - with three (in the early Church both types of composition were allowed). Filaret began the work of unification, but he carried it out gradually, without jolts or breaks. However, Patriarch Nikon decided in one fell swoop to bring church practice to Greek models. Moreover, even Patriarch Paisios of Constantinople and the council of the Greek clergy warned that this could lead to disaster. It was pointed out that the Church requires uniformity only in the essentials, while differences in trifles are quite acceptable and tolerable. This did not suit Nikon, he declared the old rite a heresy, and those who dared to object, began to imprison and exile.

But soon the patriarch got carried away, tried to put his power above the royal one, which led to a conflict with Alexei Mikhailovich. The sovereign granted amnesty to those who suffered during the persecution, expressed his readiness to make concessions and seek a compromise. But a group of irreconcilables emerged, led by Avvakum, who, in their propensity for extreme decisions, were quite worthy of Nikon. They held their own “council”, where they declared the entire Church “damaged”, and those who visited churches under Nikon and took communion were heretics, demanding that they be rebaptized. And in 1666, two church councils were held, which decided to depose Nikon, but at the same time approved his reforms, and the irreconcilable were condemned, cursed and exiled.

At first, the split was not nationwide at all. Let me remind you that Razin led the bastard in the name of the “offended” Nikon. And the support of the Old Believers was only a small part of the clergy and the opposition nobility - the noblewoman Morozova, Princess Urusova, Khovansky. And at first it was not the Old Believers who were persecuted, but only specific crimes committed on this basis. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the terms "Old Believers" and "schismatics". Old Believers are a form of Orthodoxy. The church reform did not reach the remote corners of Russia at all, people prayed in the old way, and this did not bother anyone. Splitism was a political, anti-state movement. It was called upon to "retreat and run", not to pay taxes, to exclude oneself from the "anti-Christ" state. In prayers, they did not remember the king, they raised “blasphemy” on him. Spiritual confusion gradually spread more and more widely. Various sects began to arise up to the self-immolators. Agree, this has nothing to do with the old rite, not a single Christian denomination does not accept suicide. Moreover, the self-immolations were by no means caused by the persecution of the authorities. On the contrary, at first the “burnings” began, and they forced the government to take the splitters more seriously.

And in 1676 Fedor Alekseevich ascended the throne. And it was he (and not Peter), with the participation of his sister Sophia, who began reforms to "Europeanize" Russia. Polish fashions, customs, luxury were introduced, all this hit the peasants, taxes increased, their exploitation by the landowners intensified. The tsar, following the example of the West, led the fight against the beggars, ordering them to "put them into work." He canceled his father's decree on non-extradition of fugitives who signed up for military service. It was then that splitism took on a mass character. Beggars, deserters, peasants rushed to the sketes. Their influx to the Don also intensified. Cossacks, in general, it was beneficial. Barge haulers were employed by them as workers, with their help the Army began the development of its own salt deposits near Bakhmut, arranged fish-salting fisheries. But schismatics began to arrive. So, "priest and two blacks" appeared. Soon the chernets reported that "the priest does not pray to God for the great sovereign and does not order them to pray." Ataman Samarinov ordered to deliver him to the circle, after the trial "according to military law" he was executed. Then there was a desert on the river. Chir, where priest Job settled with a group of 50 blacks and fugitives, who “do not bow to the images of God, they sentence the Cossacks to themselves and baptize another time.” Fedor Alekseevich recognized the self-government of the Don, and after correspondence with the tsar, the Army itself ravaged the desert.

In 1682 Fedor Alekseevich died. And there was a streltsy rebellion caused by the abuses of the nobility. At the same time, the head of the Streltsy order, Khovansky, tried to turn the rebellion into a "schismatic revolution." Most of the archers did not support him, but Sofya Alekseevna, who came to power after that, launched a fierce struggle with the Old Believers. The decrees demanded that those who did not go to church be interrogated, tortured on suspicion of "heresy". The law of April 7, 1685 introduced the death penalty: "Who will persist ... burn in a log house." For harboring the Old Believers, confiscation of property and exile were supposed.

But Sophia continued and deepened the "European" reforms. Her favorite, Vasily Golitsyn, who blindly bowed to the West, became Chancellor. Catholic worship was allowed in Russia, the entry of Jesuits was allowed. Sophia's confessor Sylvester Medvedev conducted secret negotiations about the union. Finally, to please the West, Golitsyn agreed to join the "Holy League" - an alliance of Austria, Poland, Venice and Rome, who were waging war against Turkey. Most of the boyars and Patriarch Joachim were against breaking the favorable peace with the Ottomans. Hetman Samoylovich also prayed for this - Ukraine only had a rest from the Tatar raids for only 5 years! However, Golitsyn got his way. An alliance was made. Russia entered an unnecessary war and paid 1.5 million zlotys only because the Poles (far from immediately) agreed to conclude an “eternal” peace instead of the Andrusovo truce - they recognized the loss of the Smolensk region, Kyiv and Left-Bank Ukraine, which still stubbornly counted “ their own."

In 1687, the Crimean campaign took place. According to the list, the Russian army was to be assembled in 113 thousand (of which 15 thousand were Don, Yaik and Terek Cossacks). And Samoylovich exposed 50 thousand Ukrainians. However, it turned out that the "perestroika" managed to ruin the army. Of the 113, only 60 thousand gathered. And only distracting operations were successfully completed. Ataman Minaev with the Dons went to Perekop, beat the Tatars under the Sheep Waters, and Kasogov was sent to Zaporozhye with soldiers, along with the Cossacks, beaten the enemies in the lower reaches of the Dnieper. The main army crawled through the heat through the waterless steppes. And when 100 versts were left to Perekop, the Tatars set fire to the steppe. And I had to turn back. Without fighting, the army lost 24 thousand dead.

Golitsyn blamed the failure on Samoylovich. He accused him of treason and exiled him to Siberia (while grabbing the Ukrainian military treasury into his own pocket). And he made me a hetman without any kind of gladness Ivan Mazepa. He was a Pole, a petty gentry. At one time, he was let down by excessive womanizing. The nobleman caught him with his wife, ordered him to be stripped naked, smeared with tar, rolled out in feathers, tied to a horse backwards and put on the road. After such a shame, Mazepa left for Zaporozhye. Moved forward with Doroshenko, became a general clerk. Was sent to Istanbul. But Sirko's Cossacks intercepted him and handed him over to Moscow. There he was recruited, Mazepa began to work for the Russians. Samoilovich was the general captain and helped Golitsyn, concocting a denunciation of the hetman. In a word, the traitor was born, "with experience."

Extortions for the war and the catastrophe caused a murmur among the people. In addition, Sophia, in order to earn popularity, distributed rewards to her close associates in hundreds and thousands of peasant households. Yesterday's freemen turned into serfs. As a result, the number of fugitives and schismatics grew. On the Don, they settled along the outlying rivers - Ilovlya, Kagalnik, Medveditsa. The main center was the Ust-Medveditsky skete, where Kuzma Kosoy ruled. Relations with the steppes were established from here, “charming letters” were sent around the country: “If there is any disgrace from Moscow, then come to us. For us, many hordes and Kalmyks, Chagan Bogatur and Nogai-Murza will not leave us, as soon as we go to Moscow, we will stir up everyone ... " faith "became only a banner, by no means preventing an alliance with the" infidels ".

In 1688, the government planned to build the Novobogoroditsk fortress on the Samara, a tributary of the Dnieper - in hindsight, Golitsyn realized that an intermediate base was needed for campaigns in the Crimea. Donets were ordered to divert the Tatars from construction. But they also received an order to destroy the sketes. Ataman Minaev allocated part of the forces for this, and he himself raided the outskirts of Azov. But the Cossacks sent to Medveditsa did not achieve success. Looks like they didn’t really want to take risks in civil strife. "Thieves" fought back. Only when the chieftain returned, the monastery was taken, the schismatic towns were destroyed. 500 people with Kosy went to the Tambov region. A ataman Murzenko led a party of Cossack schismatics and the rabble that joined them to the Kuban. The Crimean Khan, who owned the Kuban, accepted them and allocated places for settlement.

In 1689, the second campaign of Golitsyn took place. According to the lists, the army reached 118 thousand plus 40 thousand Mazepa's Cossacks (how many actually gathered is unknown). In order to be in time before the heat, the chancellor ordered to speak on February 1. But they got stuck in the spring thaw, they were exhausted with crossings over the overflowing rivers. Withstood several battles with the Tatars. And they approached Perekop on May 20. They found that the isthmus was heavily fortified, which could have been known earlier - if Golitsyn had bothered to read intelligence reports. To besiege fortifications without water, fodder and bread meant death. And on May 21, the army marched back. Lost 20 thousand killed and dead, 15 thousand missing, abandoned 90 guns during the retreat.

The Cossacks again delivered auxiliary blows. 3 thousand Donets went to sea, together with the Cossacks captured several ships, ravaged Taman. But when Ataman Minaev returned to the Don, an order from Moscow awaited him - to again go against the schismatics. The community of Kosoy in the Tambov region is again overgrown with people. True, it nested outside the Army, but after the failed campaign, the government was afraid to send regular units - they would suddenly rebel. The Dons complied with the order. The schismatics defended themselves, but they were quickly defeated, the leaders were "put in the water." Sophia demanded to extradite a number of Cossacks who were associated with schismatics, among them the former military chieftain Lavrentiev. She was answered that "there is no extradition from the Don." However, the ruler insisted on her. Lavrentiev and several others were sent to Moscow and executed. As a result of these events in 1689-1691. two more large parties of Cossacks and barge haulers went to the Kuban. Thus, the Don schismatics became the first Cossacks in the Kuban.

Well, Sophia the second Crimean catastrophe cost the throne. The patriotic party, headed by Patriarch Joachim, grouped around the maturing Peter Alekseevich, received the support of the army and the population and deposed the ruler. The Jesuits were expelled, the enslaving trade agreements concluded by Golitsyn were terminated. The queen mother Natalya Kirillovna, who became regent under her son, stopped the persecution of the Old Believers. But soon she departed to another world, the independent reign of Peter began. The first problem that the young king had to face was the unfinished war with Turkey. The Tatars made raids, and Poland turned out to be an ally of “another one”, demanded to intensify actions, threatening to conclude a separate peace with the Sultan, break the agreement with Moscow and leave it alone with the Ottomans.

And in 1695 the Azov campaign took place. It was cleverly conceived. A large army of Sheremetev with Mazepa's Cossacks moved along the Dnieper, as if repeating the actions of Golitsyn and distracting the enemy. And the second army of 31 thousand selected warriors will suddenly attack Azov and capture it. But the plan failed not only because of Russia's lack of a fleet. Secrecy was not ensured, the king's drinking companions chatted about the campaign at every corner. The Turks reinforced the garrison and prepared for defense. There was no single command, Peter entrusted the leadership of the "council" from Lefort, Golovin and Gordon. The siege went on without a hitch. Gordon wrote: "Judging by our actions, sometimes it seemed as if we had started all this without seriousness." Successes were limited to the fact that the Don Cossacks took two towers that blocked the course of the Don. And the siege was lifted too late, in October, when frost hit. Soon the "great snow" fell. Thousands of soldiers remained in the steppes forever. Sheremetev acted much better. Having blown up a mine wall, he took the fortress of Kyzy-Kermen. After that, the Dnieper fortresses Aslan-Kermen, Tavan, Mustrit-Kermen, Mubarek-Kermen were abandoned by garrisons and captured.

Peter drew the proper conclusions from the tragedy. A fleet was built in Voronezh, 2 large ships, 23 galleys, 1300 plows, 300 boats. In the second campaign, an experienced warrior Alexei Shein was appointed commander-in-chief, who received the rank of generalissimo. In May 1696 the tsar arrived in Cherkassk. Soon the marching ataman appeared Leonty Pozdeev, who went with 250 Cossacks for reconnaissance to the mouth of the Don, and reported that they saw 2 Turkish ships in the sea, attacked them, but could not take them because of the high sides. Peter with 9 galleys and 40 Cossack boats went to the lower reaches. The north wind drove the water away and did not allow the galleys to go to sea. Transferring to the boat of the Donets, the tsar examined the Don girls. On May 18, they discovered that 13 enemy ships were at sea and, for delivery to Azov, they were reloading weapons and supplies on 13 flat-bottomed tunbas and 11 boats. Peter ordered the Cossacks to set up an ambush behind the islands. And when the cargo flotilla moved to Azov, the Don people attacked it (contrary to the legends, the tsar did not participate in the battle). 10 tunbas were captured. Sea ships, seeing this, began to flee. The Cossacks chased them, one was boarded, the other was abandoned by the crew and burned.

In June, an army arrived at Azov, 30 regiments of soldiers, 13 streltsy, 5 thousand Don Cossacks under the command of Frol Minaev, 15 thousand Ukrainian ataman Yakov Lizoguba, 500 Yaik ataman Andrey Golovan, Kalmyks - only 75 thousand. Shein led the siege competently. Even before the arrival of foreign engineers hired by Peter, he ordered to pour a high shaft, which they began to move towards the fortress. Cannons were installed on the shaft, which began the bombardment. The Tatar cavalry attacked the besiegers from outside 6 times, it was repulsed by the Cossacks and Kalmyks. And the Turkish squadron, which came to the rescue, saw the Russian fleet, erected on the shore of the battery, and retired away. Sheremetev and Mazepa at that time undertook a raid near Ochakov. And the Cossacks went to sea, capturing 19 Turkish ships. Under Azov, the shaft gradually came close to the walls, so that "it was possible to torment with enemies, except for weapons, with one hand." On July 17, 2 thousand Ukrainian and Don Cossacks moved from the rampart to the tower and drove the Janissaries out of it. Shein did not want bloody street fights, he acted for sure. Therefore, he did not support the attack, only a grenadier was sent to cover the withdrawal of the Cossacks. And he turned out to be right. The ease of the invasion convinced the Turks that the fortress was doomed. The next day they capitulated on terms of free departure.

The war lasted another 4 years. And although the allies in the "Holy League" deceived Russia by making peace with Turkey without her, the hostilities ended in complete victory. A harbor was built in Taganrog, the Trinity Fortress and Pavlovsky Fort on the Sea of ​​Azov, Alekseevsky and Petrovsky forts in the lower reaches of the Don. Major successes were won by Russian troops on the Dnieper. They occupied the mouth of the river, strengthened the captured fortresses of Kyzy-Kermen and Tavan, built another one - Kamenny Zaton. All Turkish and Crimean attacks on the annexed territories were repulsed. And the Kuban Tatars took an oath of transition to royal citizenship. In 1700, peace was concluded in Istanbul, which retained all acquisitions for Russia.

In this war, another fact occurred, noted in the history of the Cossacks. In 1696, during the siege of Azov, the Khoper Cossacks took the bridgehead fortress Lyutik. And this date is accepted for the seniority of the Kuban Army. Because Khopertsy subsequently joined the Kuban. Here we see once again that the seniority of the Troops was established quite arbitrarily. For example, for Semirechensky it was established from 1582, according to Siberian, from which Semirechensky spun off in the 19th century. The Transbaikal Army also separated from the Siberian, but 1655 was adopted for it. The Amur Army separated in the 19th century. from Transbaikal, and Ussuri from Amur, and for them the same 1655 was adopted, according to Transbaikal. For the Kuban Army, it would be possible to count the Zaporozhye, which served Russia under Ivan the Terrible, and served Alexei Mikhailovich, Fedor Alekseevich. However, the Zaporozhye Host fell into disgrace under Peter and Catherine II, and they preferred to “forget” about it. The seniority of the Kuban Army could also be taken from the Donskoy, and then many Donets joined it. Why, the Khopertsy served the tsars long before 1696 - as part of the Don Cossacks. And in the documents about the capture of Azov, they were simply mentioned separately. And the officials who determined the seniority, for their own reasons, hooked on this information. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that the dates of official seniority should be treated with sufficient caution. They can be used, for example, when celebrating anniversaries, military holidays. But relying on them in "parochial" disputes - "we are older, and you are younger" would be a profound mistake.

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19. 1. Mameluks are Circassian-Cossacks. Scaligerian history admits that it was the Cossacks who conquered Egypt. Mameluks are considered Circassians, p.745. Along with them, other Caucasian highlanders also come to Egypt, p.745. Note that the Mamluks seize power in Egypt in 1250.

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Cossacks in the Kuban. From the Don through the villages of Razdorskaya and Tsymlyanskaya there was a high road to the Zadonskaya steppe and to the Kuban. Previously, the Cossacks went along this road to look for prey in the Kuban steppes and in the Caucasus Mountains, along the same road, the Tatars came to the Don for prey and prisoners. Not

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4. LIBERATION OF THE KUBAN The civil war cannot but be cruel. There were meetings with bread and salt, there were mass floggings and executions, there were also burials of the living in the ground. “During this first period of the civil war, where one side fought for its existence, and in the ranks of the other

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13.1. Mameluks are Circassian-Cossacks The Scaligerian history admits that it was the Cossacks who conquered Egypt. Mameluks are considered Circassians, p. 745. Other CAUCASIAN HIGHLANDERS arrive in Egypt with them, p. 745. Note that the Mamluks seize power in Egypt in 1250,

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Over the fields of the Kuban - Well, tell us how you flew? asked the regimental commander, barely able to stand on his feet from fatigue. “Safely,” Lev Terpugov reported. “Before you arrived, I had to take command of the regiment. A dozen and a half aircraft will have to be patched up.

It was formed in 1860 from the Black Sea Cossack Host and the Caucasian Line Cossack Host. The military holiday of the Kuban Cossacks on September 12 - the Day of the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Empress Catherine II in 1792 allowed the Cossacks to move to the Kuban. Every year on the anniversary of the landing of the first Cossacks on Taman. The Kuban Cossacks were a free paramilitary agricultural population. The army was controlled by kosh and kuren chieftains, later the control was transferred to the chief chieftains, who were appointed by the Russian emperor. At the head of the villages and farms were elected atamans, who were approved by the atamans of departments. By the beginning of the reign of Nicholas II, the Kuban region was divided into seven parts.

The second half of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries - the heyday of the Cossacks. The Cossacks have large plots of land, have a different management from other provinces of Russia. Then in Russia there were 11 Cossack troops numbering 4.5 million people. The largest are the Don, Kuban and Terek troops.

The Cossacks actively participated in all the wars of Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries and in the Great Patriotic War. During the Civil War and in the first ten years after it, the Bolsheviks pursued a policy of decossackization aimed at eliminating the Cossacks as an estate, social and cultural community. This resulted in repressions, burning of villages, taking hostages, resettlement of the poor on lands that previously belonged to the Cossacks. The establishment of Soviet power in the Don and Kuban went along with the seizure of local government, arrests, executions, murders, and robberies. The memorandum of the Regional Council states that in the spring-autumn of 1918, 24 thousand people died in the Kuban. Some Cossacks retreated to the Crimea, from there they moved abroad.

The revival of the Cossacks began in the 1990s. Then they began to actively awaken the Cossack self-consciousness, to form management from among hereditary Cossacks. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On state register Cossack Societies" in 1995 gave the revival of the Cossacks an organized character. In the Krasnodar Territory, the Cossacks began to actively participate in government, the ataman became the deputy head of the administration, and the Kuban Cossack army received financial support. In the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic on October 12, 1990, the All-Kuban Constituent Congress of Cossacks was held. In December 2005, the law "On the public service of the Russian Cossacks" was adopted.

In 2006, the main military temple of the Kuban Cossacks, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, was restored in Krasnodar. It is located at the intersection of Krasnaya and Postovaya streets. The former military cathedral was blown up in 1932 by the decision of the city council of workers, peasants, Cossacks and Red Army deputies, then it was located at the intersection of Krasnaya and Sobornaya (Lenin) streets.

Structure and management

The ataman leads the army.

The first ataman of the Kuban Cossack army was from 1860 to 1861 Count Nikolai Evdokimov. The first chieftain after the revival of the army in 1990 was Vladimir Gromov. Since February 2008, this post has been occupied by a Cossack general, deputy governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Nikolai Doluda.

The modern army consists of Cossack departments: Batalpashinsky, Yeysk, Yekaterinodar, Caucasian, Labinsk, Maikop, Taman, Black Sea districts and the Abkhazian special Cossack department.

The film "Ceremonial calculation: return to Red Square"

The film "Ceremonial calculation: return to Red Square" tells about the six-month preparation of hundreds of Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack army for the anniversary Victory parade on Red Square in Moscow.

For the Cossacks of the Krasnodar Territory, this is a great honor and responsibility: for the first time, the Cossacks had to repeat the path of their ancestors, who took to the square 70 years ago during the first military parade of the Victory in June 1945.

From the first trainings to the night and general rehearsal in Moscow: the film crew of the Kuban 24 channel accompanied the Cossacks during each stage of preparation.

Special Feature: Cossack Education in the Krasnodar Territory

In October 2014, a special report on the development of Cossack education in the Krasnodar Territory was released on the Kuban 24 TV channel.

Kuban Cossacks today

Cossacks are actively involved in various spheres of life in the Krasnodar Territory. They are the streets, together with the police, they protect law and order at public events and scale,. Since July 2014, additional Cossack squads have been able to independently patrol the streets without police officers. The Cossacks guarded the holding, in Sochi and in 2014 and 2015.

The only Cossack post in Russia is located in Krasnodar. In the warm season, the Cossacks every Sunday in the center of the regional capital, the ceremony of divorce of the guard of honor "Hour of Kuban Glory".

Since 2007, the Cossacks have been holding three-day military training camps. In 2015, they were in the Abinsk region and gathered 1.5 thousand people. Then the governor of Kuban, Veniamin Kondratyev, created a training center for Cossack youth in the municipality. This is not the only example of the work of the Cossacks with young people - in Krasnodar schools there are Cossack classes, in 2015 on the City Day there were 332 first-graders in the Cossacks. In the Seversky district in the summer there is a Cossack weekend camp. In the Vyselkovsky district in July 2015, the final of the army hand-to-hand combat tournament among Cossack youth.

Kuban Cossacks take part in long-distance and international events, such as the equestrian Cossacks of southern Russia, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

A hundred Kuban Cossack troops led by an ataman in 2015 for the first time in 70 years participated in the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. In Krasnodar on April 25, the anniversary of the adoption of the law "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples." By tradition, a large Cossack parade takes place on this day.

For the long-term development of the Kuban Cossack troops and in 2015 more than 1 billion rubles from the budget. In addition, according to amendments to the Land Code of the country, the Cossacks have the right to receive plots for agricultural production without bidding.

KUBAN COSSACK ARMY, an irregular army in Russia in the 19-20 centuries, stationed along the middle and lower reaches of the Kuban River; the administrative center is the city of Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar). Formed in 1860 from the Black Sea Cossack Host (9 cavalry regiments, 12 foot battalions, 2 cavalry artillery batteries, 1 garrison artillery company) and part of the Caucasian Cossack Line Army. The entry into the Kuban Cossack army of the oldest Khopersky regiment, which distinguished itself in the Azov campaigns of 1695-96, determined its seniority among other Cossack troops from 1696. In the spring of 1862, about 28 thousand Cossacks, as well as state peasants and lower ranks of the Caucasian army, were resettled in the foothills of the Caucasus, enrolled in the Kuban Cossack army. With the abolition of the Azov Cossack Host (1864), most of its Cossacks joined the Kuban Cossack Host. According to the “Regulations on military service and the maintenance of combat units of the Kuban and Terek Cossack troops” dated 1 (13) . 1st - Tamansky, 2nd - Poltava, 3rd - Yekaterinodarsky, 4th - Umansky, 5th - Urupsky, 6th - Labinsky, 7th - Khopersky, 8th - Kubansky, 9th th - Caucasian and 10th - Yeisk), 2 Plastun battalions (see Plastuns), 5 horse artillery batteries, 1 artillery battalion (stationed in Warsaw) and 1 training battalion. Since 1882, the service staff of the army was divided into 3 categories, and the combatant - into 3 lines, the total service life was 22 years, of which 15 years of field and 7 years of internal service. In addition to serving in the place of deployment, the Kuban Cossack army also served "outside the army." Military administration and service in the Kuban Cossack army was organized, as in other Cossack troops. A feature of the Kuban Cossack army was a relatively large number of foot (plastun) units.

The appointed (appointed by the emperor) ataman of the Kuban Cossack army was ex officio the head of the Kuban region. Cossacks aged 17 to 55 carried various duties: general for the army, stanitsa and household. In the villages, the labor of hired workers and the leasing of Cossack lands were widely used. Since 1863, the newspaper "Kuban Military Gazette" has been published, and in 1879 a military museum of local lore was created. By 1916, the Cossacks made up about 48% of the population of the Kuban region and lived in 278 villages and 32 farms.

Since its formation, the Kuban Cossack army has participated in almost all the wars waged by Russia. Kuban Cossacks participated in 1860-64 in the Caucasian War of 1817-64 in the Northwestern Caucasus, in the Khiva campaign of 1873 (see Khiva campaigns), in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78 (see Russian-Turkish wars), in the capture of the Turkmen fortress Geok -Tepe in 1881, in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. During the Revolution of 1905-07, part of the Kuban Cossack army participated in maintaining order in the country. The performance of police functions led in December 1905 to unrest in the plastun battalions and in the 2nd Urupsky regiment. During the 1st World War, the Kuban Cossack army fielded 2.5 guard hundreds, 37 cavalry regiments, 1 separate cavalry division, 1 separate plastun battalion, 51 hundreds, 6 artillery batteries, 22 plastun battalions and 49 different hundreds and teams (in total over 110 thousand people).

After the February Revolution of 1917, a self-governing body was formed by the Kuban Cossack Host - the Kuban Rada, which, after the October Revolution of 1917, proclaimed itself the supreme state power in the Kuban. Although part of the Kuban Cossacks supported the Soviet government and in April 1918 the Kuban Soviet Republic was formed on the territory of the Kuban region, then it became part of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, in mid-1918 the majority of the Cossacks supported the White movement and, with the help of the Volunteer Army, by the end of 1918 eliminated Soviet power in the Kuban (see the article Kuban campaigns of the Volunteer Army). During the Civil War of 1917-22, the bulk of the Kuban Cossacks fought as part of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia. With the approval of Soviet power in the Kuban (1920), the Kuban Cossack army was abolished. In the 1920s and 30s, Kuban Cossack cavalry units were created in the Red Army. During the Great Patriotic War, the Kuban Cossacks fought as part of the 17th Cossack Cavalry Corps (formed in January - April 1942 in the Krasnodar region from parts of the people's militia), which was renamed the 4th Guards Cossack Cavalry Kuban Corps for the displayed valor and courage of the personnel (disbanded in October 1946). In connection with the revival of the Cossacks (including the Kuban) in the late 20th - early 21st century in Russian Federation a number of legislative acts were adopted, including the Federal Law of December 5, 2005 “On the Public Service of the Russian Cossacks”.

Lit .: Kuban Cossack army 1696-1888. / Edited by E. D. Felitsin. Voronezh, 1888. Krasnodar, 1996; Dmitrienko I. I. Collection of historical materials on the history of the Kuban Cossack army. SPb., 1896. T. 1-3; Korolenko P.P. Bicentenary of the Kuban Cossack army. Yekaterinodar, 1896; Shcherbina F. A. History of the Kuban Cossack army. Ekaterinodar, 1910-1913. T. 1-2; he is. Kuban Cossacks and their atamans. M., 2008; Ladokha G. Essays on the civil war in the Kuban. Krasnodar, 1923; Russian Cossacks: Scientific reference edition. M., 2003; Plekhanov A. A., Plekhanov A. M. Cossacks on the borders of the Fatherland. M., 2007.

Kuban Cossacks, Kuban (Cossacks) Cossack army- part of the Russian Cossacks, who inhabited the territories of the modern Krasnodar Territory, the western part of the Stavropol Territory, as well as the Republics of Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. The center of the Cossacks - the city of Ekaterinodar - modern Krasnodar. The Cossack Host was officially formed in 1860 on the basis of the Black Sea (Cossacks) Cossack Host and part of the Caucasian (Cossacks) Line Cossack Host.
The Cossack army was first controlled by kosh (elected) chieftains, later by chief chieftains appointed by the tsar. The Kuban Cossack region was divided into 7 departments, headed by chieftains appointed by the chief chieftain. At the head of the Cossack villages and Cossack farms were elected chieftains, who were approved by the chieftains of departments.

Black Sea Cossacks, Black Sea Cossacks
By the end of the 18th century, after the numerous political victories of the Russian Empire, the priorities for the development of southern Ukraine, which at that time was part of the Russian Empire, and the Cossacks of the Zaporozhian Sich living there, radically changed. With the conclusion of the Kyuchuk-Kainarji Treaty (1774), Russia received access to the Black Sea and Crimea. In the west, the weakened Commonwealth was on the verge of partition.
Thus, the further need to maintain the presence of the Cossacks in their historical homeland for the protection of the southern Russian borders by the Cossacks has disappeared. At the same time, the Cossack traditional way of life often led to conflicts between the Cossacks and the Russian authorities. After repeated pogroms by the Cossacks of Serbian settlers, and also in connection with the support of the Cossacks of the Pugachev uprising, Empress Catherine II ordered the disbanding of the Cossack Zaporozhian Sich, which was carried out on the orders of Grigory Potemkin to pacify the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks by General Peter Tekeli in June 1775.
After, however, about five thousand Cossacks fled to the mouth of the Danube, creating the Transdanubian Cossack Sich under the protectorate of the Turkish Sultan, several attempts were made to integrate the remaining twelve thousand Cossacks into the Russian army and society of the future New Russia, but the Cossacks did not want to submit to the requirements of harsh discipline.
At the same time, the Ottoman Empire, which received additional forces in the form of the Danube Cossacks, threatened a new war. In 1787, from the former Cossacks, Grigory Potemkin formed the Army of Faithful Cossacks of the Cossacks.
The Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792 turned out to be a decisive victory for Russia, the contribution of the Cossacks was significant. As a result of the Peace of Jassy, ​​Russia territorially strengthened its influence on the southern borders. The new priority was the basis of the land won by the Cossacks and the need of the Cossacks finally disappeared.
In 1784, the Kuban became part of Russia, an uninhabited fertile steppe land that was strategically important for Russia's expansion into the Caucasus, but vulnerable due to the presence of the Circassians. In 1792, Catherine II proposed to the Cossack military ataman Anton Golovaty to move his Cossack army (renamed the Black Sea Cossack army in 1791) to a new frontier.
So by 1793, the Black Sea Cossacks, consisting of 40 kurens (about 25 thousand people), moved as a result of several campaigns. The main task of the new Cossack army was the creation of a Cossack defensive line along the entire region and the development of the Cossack national economy in the new Cossack lands. Despite the fact that the new Cossack army was significantly reorganized according to the standards of other Cossack troops of the Russian Empire, the Chernomortsy Cossacks were able to preserve many of the traditions of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the new conditions, for example, free Cossack election and Cossack uniforms.
Initially, the Cossack territory (until the 1830s) was limited from Taman along the entire right bank of the Kuban to the Laba River. Already by 1860, the Cossack army numbered 200 thousand Cossacks and fielded 12 cavalry Cossack regiments, 9 foot (plastun) Cossack battalions, 4 batteries and 2 guard squadrons of Cossacks.

Linear Cossacks, Linear Cossacks
Lineytsy are Don Cossacks, who were resettled in the Kuban at the end of the 18th century. They inhabited the Caucasian, Labinsk, Maikop and Batalpashinsky departments of the Kuban region.
Ascribed Cossacks, Cossacks
In the first half of the 19th century, state peasants, cantonists and retired soldiers who were enrolled in the Cossacks moved to the Kuban. Sometimes they settled in existing villages, sometimes they formed new ones.
Organization of the Cossacks
The Kuban Cossacks were a free paramilitary agricultural population. At the head of the Kuban Cossack army was the chief ataman (at the same time - the head of the Kuban region), who militarily enjoyed the rights of the head of the division, and in civil terms - the rights of the governor. He appointed atamans of departments, to whom the elected atamans of villages and farms were subordinate. The highest body of the stanitsa power was the stanitsa gathering, which elected the ataman and the board (consisted of the ataman and two elected judges, since 1870 - ataman, judges, ataman's assistant, clerk, treasurer). Stanitsa societies performed various duties: military, “general search” (maintenance of postal stations, repair of roads and bridges, etc.), stanitsa (maintenance of “flying mail”, escort of prisoners, guard duty, etc.). In 1890, the day of the military holiday was established - August 30. From 1891, the Cossacks elected additional judges, who were the cassation instance on the decisions of the stanitsa courts.
Publications of the Cossacks in 1863-1917 came out "Kuban Military Bulletin"; in 1914-1917 - the magazine "Kuban Cossack Bulletin" and other publications.
Cossacks in 1916 accounted for 43% of the population of the Kuban region (1.37 million people), that is, less than half. Most of the arable land belonged to the Cossacks. The Cossacks opposed themselves to the non-Cossack part of the population. The attitude towards out-of-town ("hamsels") peasants was arrogant and dismissive. By this time there were 262 villages and 246 farms. The bulk of their population were Cossacks. Non-residents mostly lived in cities and villages.
The Kuban Cossacks had a high literacy rate for the 20th century - more than 50%. Schools appeared among the Kuban Cossacks in the 18th century.

1792 The first Zaporizhian Cossacks, who were renamed in 1791 as Black Sea Cossacks, arrive in Taman Cossacks.
1793 The city of the Cossacks Yekaterinodar was founded.
1796 Two regiments of the Cossacks were sent on a "Persian campaign", as a result of which the Cossacks lost half of their composition from hunger and disease. This caused in 1797 the so-called "Persian revolt" of the Black Sea Cossacks who returned to the Kuban.
1812 in the Patriotic War participated in the 9th foot regiment of the Cossacks, the 1st combined cavalry regiment of the Cossacks and the Life Guards of the Cossacks Black Sea Cossack Hundred.
1828 Storming of the Turkish fortress of Anapa by the Cossacks.
1853-1856 During the Crimean War, the Black Sea Cossacks, represented by the Cossacks, successfully repulsed the sorties of the Anglo-French landings off the coast of Taman, and the 2nd and 8th Plastun (foot) battalions took part in the defense of Sevastopol by the Cossacks.
1860 Composition of the Cossack troops: 22 Cossack cavalry regiments, 3 Cossack squadrons, 13 Cossack foot battalions and 5 Cossack batteries.
1865 The Kuban Cossack army was granted the St. George Banner "for the Caucasian War", and a number of Cossack regiments - the St. George Banners (11th and 17th - "for distinction in the Turkish War" and "in cases against the highlanders in 1828-1829 and during the Western Caucasus by the Cossacks in 1864").
1873 A detachment of Kuban Cossacks participated in the Khiva campaign in Central Asia.
1877-1878 Cossacks fought in the war with Turkey, fought in Bulgaria. The Cossacks especially distinguished themselves in the defense of Shipka, Bayazet, the capture of Kars and in actions against the Turks in Abkhazia. For this, a number of Cossack units were awarded St. George's standards.
1881 Three regiments of the Kuban Cossacks participated in the capture of the Turkmen fortress Geok-Tepe.
1904-1905 Kuban Cossacks participated in the Russo-Japanese War. In May 1905, the Cossacks under the command of General P. I. Mishchenko during a horse raid captured 800 Japanese soldiers and destroyed the enemy’s artillery depot.
1914 Number of troops: 11 cavalry regiments and 1 division, 2.5 guard hundreds, 6 scout battalions, 5 batteries, 12 teams and 1 hundred militia (up to 19 thousand people in total)
History World War I. The Kuban Cossack army fielded 37 cavalry regiments and 1 division, 2.5 guard hundreds, 22 plastun battalions, 6 batteries, 49 different hundreds and 6 half-hundreds, 12 teams (about 90 thousand people in total).
1917-1920 A large mass of Cossacks, led by the Kuban Rada, supported the idea of ​​Kuban independence, as well as the Volunteer Army of General A.I. Denikin.
1918 The leadership of the Cossacks supported the idea of ​​uniting the Kuban with the Ukrainian Power of Hetman Skoropadsky as a federation. Ambassadors were immediately sent to Kyiv, but the unification was not destined to come true, since Yekaterinodar was occupied by the Red Army, and after a while the power of Skoropadsky fell under the onslaught of the troops of the Directory.
1918-1920 On January 28, 1918, the Kuban Rada proclaimed an independent Kuban People's Republic with its capital in Ekaterinodar, which existed until 1920, on the lands of the former Kuban region.
1920 The Republic and the Army are abolished.
1920-1932 Repression and dispossession.
1932-1933 Famine. Mass evictions.

Military art has always been a fairly significant part of the life of many nationalities and states. After all, as soon as a person picked up a stick, he began to use his strength to subjugate his own kind. This negative love of violence has haunted humanity throughout history. This fact led to the fact that in each nationality a separate class of warriors appeared, distinguished by professionalism and ruthlessness.

It should be noted that similar warlike castes also existed on the territory of the Slavic states. The history of their formation is quite interesting, given the fact that on the territory of modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries there were constant wars for territorial domination between different states. Thus, constant military conflicts significantly hardened the population living in the countries represented.

If we talk specifically about the Russian Federation, then in this state the most famous military community is the Kuban Cossacks. The creation of this army was carried out for years, and their activities are alive to this day.

The article will consider the most striking stages in the development of the Kuban Cossacks, as well as the specifics of this military formation.

Who are the Kuban Cossacks?

The history of the Kuban Cossack army dates back to very distant times. Today it is quite difficult to imagine the entire chronology of the existence of this military formation, since it is still operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, which will be discussed later in the article. Nevertheless, if we take into account historical facts, then the Kuban Cossack army is part of the entire Cossacks in the Russian Empire, which was based in the North Caucasus. In other words, this formation played the role of modern border guards.

From historical sources it is known that the military headquarters of the Kuban Cossacks was based in Yekaterinodar (the modern name of the city is Krasnodar). Despite the fact that the Kuban Cossack army was a typical military group, one of the elements of the army of the Russian Empire, its own ethnic group was formed on its basis. This fact today allows us to talk about the Cossacks not just as warriors, but as a separate nationality, along with Russians, Chechens, Kazakhs, etc.

History of creation

The Cossacks of the Kuban Cossack Army were not originally a homogeneous ethnic mass of patriots of their state. After all, as mentioned earlier, the history of the creation of this formation is quite complicated. The Kuban Cossack army was formed from several groups of Cossacks, which by the middle of the 18th century were quite numerous on the territory of the Russian Empire.

Of course, the progenitors of the Cossack regiments of the Kuban should rightfully be considered the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who appeared in the 16th century. As we know, they were originally based on the territory of modern Ukraine, which is located near the modern city of Zaporozhye. Subsequently, they became a threat to imperial power, because they turned from an organized military formation into ordinary robber groups. Therefore, by the end of the 18th century, the Cossacks as such received the status of "outside the law." However, this fact did not become the final point in the development of such formations.

Black Sea Cossacks

In 1774, the Russian Empire received access to the Black Sea. At this stage, Turkey ceased to pose a threat, and the Commonwealth, one of the most powerful states in the west, was on the verge of complete collapse. Therefore, the need to keep the Cossacks in their historical place was no longer required. In addition, these formations by the end of the 18th century began to turn into gangster structures. Confirmation of this fact is the support of the Pugachev uprising by the Cossacks. Thus, in 1775, a decision was made on the complete destruction of all its inhabitants. In this massacre, only 12 thousand Cossacks were able to survive, who subsequently fled to the mouth of the Danube.

The army of faithful Cossacks

It should be noted that the appearance of the Transdanubian Sich became a weighty argument for Turkey, which acquired additional forces consisting of 12 thousand soldiers. In turn, the Russian Empire, seeing a threat to its territorial interests in the south of the state, stops the process of eliminating the Cossacks. Moreover, in 1787 he created the Army of the Faithful Cossacks from among the previously persecuted members of the regiments of the same name. With their help, the Russian Empire not only strengthened in the south, but also won the Russian-Turkish campaign of 1787-1792.

Creation of the Kuban Cossacks

The Kuban Cossack army, the photo of which is presented in the article, was formed in 1792. After the Russian-Turkish campaign, a delegation was sent to the capital of the Russian Empire, headed by the judge of the Black Sea army Anton Golovaty. The delegation was assembled in order to ask the “enlightened monarchy” for land for the settlement of the Black Sea Cossacks. Negotiations took place from March to May 1792. The "leadership" of the empire did not want to allocate to the Cossacks the surroundings of Taman and the lands on the right bank of the Kuban. AT this case the position of the imperial authorities was understandable - the unwillingness to create a formation similar to the Cossacks, which could betray at any moment. However, an agreement was nevertheless reached. Thus, since 1792, the regiments of the Kuban Cossack army began to be located on the territory of Taman and Kuban. These lands were transferred to them "for eternal and hereditary possession", which is generally confirmed by the existence of the Kuban Cossacks today.

History of the linear Cossacks

It should be noted that the Kuban Cossack army was formed not only from the Black Sea Cossacks. The Kuban regiments also included the so-called "linear Cossacks", who became part of a large military formation in 1860. However, the history of the Caucasian linear Cossack army begins in the middle of the 15th century. The progenitor of the linear regiments were the Khoper Cossacks.

History of Khoper regiments

The Khoper Cossacks have lived on the territory of Medveditsa since 1444. But in the XVIII century, these regiments launched an uprising against the power of Peter I. The reaction of the monarch was immediate and cruel.

In the period from 1708 to 1716, virtually no one lived in the territories between these rivers. However, since 1716, the Cossack regiments, which were participants in the Northern War, have been returning here. For military prowess during the war with Sweden, the Khoper Cossacks were allowed to build their fortress in their historical homeland. Subsequently, the army developed so much that part of it was transferred to the North Caucasus to protect the borders of the Russian Empire. And in 1860, as mentioned earlier, this part of the Cossack army was transferred to the Kuban military formation.

The modern stage of development of the Kuban Cossacks

The Kuban army of Cossacks exists to this day in the territories that were allocated to them at the end of the 18th century. This military formation plays the role of unspoken border guards. It should be noted that the Kuban Cossacks were participants in the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. The last historical period, which began in 1945, significantly abolished the role of the Cossacks in the sphere of public administration and service. Nevertheless, no one disbanded this formation, even taking into account the political doctrine of the Soviet Union.

Throughout the history of its existence, the atamans of the Kuban Cossack army with all their might defended the rights of their people, which by 1945 could already be called a completely separate ethnic group. After the collapse of the Soviet Union on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Cossack communities were united in order to increase the identity and glorify the ethnic minorities of the state. Since that time, there has been such an organization as the Kuban Military Cossack Society (KVKO).


The history of KVKO begins in 1990. The first ataman of this military organization was Vladimir Gromov. It should be noted that the combat effectiveness of the KVKO units is at a fairly high level. This is confirmed by the participation of the mentioned organization in the Abkhazian war. In 1993, KVKO units were the first to enter the city of Sukhum. Later, the Kuban Cossack Host was included in the State Register of Cossack Societies of the Russian Federation. This means that the activities of the KVKO have become legal. In addition, there are regalia of the Kuban Cossack army and a peculiar structure of society. Today, the organization plays the role of a law enforcement rather than a military body.

Territorial structure of the KVKO

The Kuban military Cossack society has its own territorial structure, which allows us to talk about the significant development of not only the organization as a whole, but also its activities. To date, the structure of the KVKO consists of the following territorial units:

  1. Yesky Cossack department.
  2. Caucasian Cossack department.
  3. Taman Cossack Department.
  4. Ekaterinodar Cossack Department.
  5. Maikop Cossack department.
  6. Batalpashinsky Cossack department.
  7. Black Sea Cossack District.
  8. Sukhumi Special Cossack Department.

This structure allows the KVKO to carry out its law enforcement functions much more efficiently and as quickly as possible.

Culture of the Kuban Cossacks

In addition to a significant role in the military sector of the Russian Federation, the Kuban Cossacks is a rather interesting ethnic social entity. Its cultural traditions date back to the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The Kuban warriors are quite close in the cultural issue with the native Ukrainians. There is also a Cossack uniform of the Kuban Cossack army, the design of which was also formed historically.

The article presented the Kuban Cossack army. The origins of the formation and structure of this organization date back to the time of the existence of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who, in fact, became the progenitors of the Kuban army. This ethnic formation is still active on the territory of modern Russia. Let's hope that this island of Slavic culture will not be lost in the abyss of centuries!