Oryol village of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army. Transbaikal Cossacks

Transbaikal Cossacks or Transbaikal Cossack Host - ethnic group Russians in Transbaikalia. Seniority from August 20, 1655. Military headquarters - in the townRead. Military holiday, military circle- March 17, the day of St. Alexis the man of God.

Colors and banners of the Transbaikal Cossack army

Trans-Baikal Cossacks traditionally wore yellow stripes, shoulder straps and bands and dark green uniforms.

The Cossack banner was a cloth military colors with the image of the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands. On the banner was the inscription: "God is with us."

History of the Transbaikal Cossack Army

The backbone of the Transbaikal Cossacks was Don Cossacks, which appeared in Transbaikalia around 1639. In 1654, the Cossacks of Peter Beketov founded Nerchinsk. Modeled after Cossack army Buryats (4 regiments) and Tungus (500 people = 1 regiment) were organized, which later merged with the Cossacks. A distinctive feature of the Transbaikal Cossacks was the fact that, along with Orthodoxy, some of them (mainly of origin) professed Lamaism

The Trans-Baikal Cossack Army was formed on March 17, 1851 by order of Emperor Nicholas I, at the suggestion of the Governor General N. N. Muravyov-Amursky, on the territory of Transbaikalia from part of the Siberian Cossacks, Buryats, Evenki military formations and the peasant population of some areas as part of 3 cavalry regiments and 3 foot brigades ( 1st, 2nd, 3rd Russian regiments, 4th Tungus (Evenki) regiment and 5th and 6th Buryat regiments). Guarded the border with China and internal service.

In 1854, the Trans-Baikal Cossacks rafted down the Amur River and established border posts along the border with China. 1858 from Transbaikal was allocated Amur Cossack army.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Trans-Baikal Cossacks exhibited in Peaceful time 1 fifty guards, 4 cavalry regiments and 2 batteries; to the First world war put up 1 fifty guards, 9 cavalry regiments, 4 batteries and 3 spare hundreds.

In 1916, the Cossack population of the Transbaikal Cossack Army was 265 thousand people, military service there were 14.5 thousand. Participated in the suppression of the Ihetuan uprising of 1899-1901, in the Russian-Japanese 1904-1905 and the First World War.

During the Civil War of 1918-20, part of the Cossacks actively fought against the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Ataman G. M. Semyonov and Baron Ungern, some Cossacks supported the Reds.

In 1920, the Transbaikal Cossack army, like other Cossack troops in the USSR, was liquidated Soviet power . After the defeat of Semyonov, approximately 15% of the Cossacks, together with their families, left for Manchuria, where they settled, creating their own villages (Three Rivers). In China, at first they disturbed the Soviet border with raids, and then closed up and lived their own life until 1945 (the offensive of the Soviet Army). Then some of them emigrated to Australia (Queensland). Some in the 1960s returned to the USSR and were settled in Kazakhstan. The descendants of mixed marriages remained in China.


In the era of Soviet perestroika, the revival of the Transbaikal Cossacks began. In 1990, the Bolshoi was convened in Moscow Cossack circle, where, among others, it was decided to recreate the Trans-Baikal Cossack army. In 1991, the song and dance ensemble "Transbaikal Cossacks" was formed. In 2010, Sergei Bobrov was elected Ataman of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army in Chita. March 30, 2011 Transbaikal Cossacks celebrated the 160th anniversary of their army.

Structure Transbaikal Cossack Army

At the head of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army was the chief ataman, who was subordinate to the Governor-General of Siberia. Ataman combined the rights of the head of the division and the governor. Under him, two committees were established: military duty (for conducting military affairs) and military government (for conducting economic affairs). The highest form of organization of the Cossacks was a brigade (there were 6 brigades in total), which was divided into regiments (500-600 fighters), and those into hundreds.

The regiments were named after the central settlement: Argunsky, Verkhneudinsky, Chitinsky, Nerchinsky.

Territorial location

1st Division

  1. Atamano-Nikolaevskaya (Kharatsai) village,
  2. Zhelturinskaya village,
  3. Kudarinskaya station,
  4. Menzinsky village,
  5. Murochinsky village,
  6. Ust Urluk village,
  7. Tsagan Usun village,
  8. Tsakirskaya village,
  9. Sharagolskaya village,
  10. Arakiretskaya village,
  11. Borgoyskaya village,
  12. Verkhneudinskaya village,
  13. Gygetui village,
  14. Selenginsky village,
  15. Kharyas village,
  16. Yangazhinskaya station.

2nd Division

  1. Aksha station,
  2. bukukun station,
  3. Verkhneulkhunskaya village,
  4. Duroevskaya village,
  5. Durulguevskaya village,
  6. Zorgolskaya village,
  7. Mangutskaya village,
  8. Mogoytuevskaya village,
  9. Tsagan-Oluevskaya village,
  10. Chindantskaya 2nd village,
  11. Chindant-Grodskovskaya village,
  12. Ulyatuevskaya village,
  13. Byrkinskaya village,
  14. Doninskaya village,
  15. Kalginskaya village,
  16. Mankechurskaya station.

3rd Division

  1. Botovskaya village
  2. Zhitkinskaya village
  3. Ildikan village
  4. Kurlychenskaya village
  5. Kulakovskaya village
  6. Kuengskaya village
  7. Kular village
  8. Lomovskaya village
  9. Mitrofanovskaya village - (Shilka)
  10. Novotroitskaya village
  11. Sretenskaya village
  12. Torginskaya village
  13. Ust-Telengui village
  14. Undinsky village
  15. Kaydalovskaya village
  16. Makkoveevskaya village
  17. Razmakhninskaya village
  18. Titovskaya village

In November 1905, the Cossacks participate in all major meetings of the soldiers of the Chita garrison and the workers of the Chita railway workshops. In the Council of Soldiers and Cossack Deputies of the RSDLP, elected at a meeting on November 22, such well-known Cossacks worked as Ts. Ranzhurov, K. Beloglazov, A. Belomestnov, G. Gantimurov, P. Selyaev, A. Lopatin, K. Peshkov, M. Kozulin, K. Ryumkin, I. Perevalov, A. Prostokishin, M. Bratenkov, G. Shishkin.

The third part of the Trans-Baikal villages comes up with political demands, using rallies and so-called "revolutionary negotiations". They are characterized by calls to convene constituent Assembly, equalize the Cossack estate with others in serving conscription, shorten the validity period army service, enter income tax, destroy the wine monopoly, seize the lands of His Majesty's cabinet and expel the royal officials.

Good things, as you know, are forgotten sooner. The people remembered the Cossacks, after all, more as "buffers", "lamps", who helped to stifle freedom. Therefore, the elimination of the Cossacks as an estate dreamed of both the Bolsheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries, and even the Cadets. But the Provisional Government was the first to have a hand in this after February Revolution 1917.

Under pressure from Minister of War A. Guchkov, on April 17, the First Congress of the Cossacks of the Trans-Baikal Region took place in Chita. Delegates are not elected to it, but only representatives of the villages and rear Cossack units are sent. The front-line soldiers are left aside, fearing their obvious resistance, because the issue of liquidating the Cossack class was on the agenda of the congress. In fact, the Congress declares the Cossack section of the First Congress of the Rural Population.

All delegates (with a small number of abstentions) adopted a resolution: “The Cossack estate, as a relic of antiquity and a consequence of the existence standing armies, must be destroyed and compared with all free citizens of Russia.

The congress proposed to abolish the post of ataman, to form county zemstvos, but for the first period of the war, the state should provide the Cossacks with weapons, horses and uniforms.

In the Trans-Baikal villages, the decision of the congress is ambiguous. Some approve, others oppose. Pronounced opponents of the liquidation of the Cossack estate are Sretenskaya and Verkhneudinskaya villages. Trans-Baikal Cossacks are divided into "citizens" and "Cossacks". Of course, the poor and middle strata gravitate towards the former, while the more prosperous and part of the middle strata gravitate towards the latter.

Such a division could not but affect later, during the civil war, which put the Cossacks before a painful choice: for what power to shed blood?

In August 1917, the second regional Cossack congress will be held in Chita, prepared by Yesaul G. Semenov, General I. Shilnikov and Cadet S. Taskin. He cancels the decision of the First Congress, restores the Cossack class. The Trans-Baikal Cossack Army joins the Union of Cossack Troops of Russia.

After the establishment of the Power of the Soviets in March - April 1918, the Third Cossack Congress will take place. The majority of delegates vote for the liquidation of the Cossack estate. But five months later, Yesaul seizes power in Transbaikalia G. Semenov(during the civil war lieutenant general, ataman of the Transbaikal, Amur and Ussuri Cossack troops) and by his order restores the atamans and Cossack governments in the villages.

Flying over the Argun
Curses and groans
And red foam
The wave boils
Chopped by a saber
Fate and epaulettes.
Cossack share -
Alien war.

Sons against fathers
Brother against blood brother
And the checker is sharper
And a bullet - more precisely,
But all prepared
Terrible pay-
The universal grief of native mothers.

Farewell, ataman,
We are tired of the battle
And the horses are tired of galloping through the blood.
Funeral candles flicker in the churches,
And us by order
They rush to curse.

We fought too
For happiness and freedom.
The Cossack Fatherland is one for all.
The soul is pierced by eternal pain:
Will she forgive our mutual sin.

The setting sun of the Manchurian border.
Under the roof of a foreign land, fate is to die.
Lord, help us in our native villages
With the last bow yet to visit.

And the waves of Argun are desperately beating,
And the steppe wind bit the bit.
Not children, so grandchildren
Come back one day.
Dauria is our native land.

During the years of the existence of the Far Eastern Republic, the Constitution is adopted, one of the articles of which abolishes “class divisions of citizens, class advantages and privileges” and, thus, automatically eliminates the Cossack class. But all the same, the struggle for whether he should be or not be completed by the Soviet government.
Despite the fact that the Soviets were not initially the initiators of decossackization, they, as authorities, play a decisive role in the liquidation, or rather, the destruction of the Cossacks.

On January 24, 1919, the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) accepts a circular letter in relation to the Cossacks, and five days after that, Y. Sverdlov signs a directive, which historians call the "terrible directive." Here is a line from it: "To carry out a merciless mass terror against all Cossacks."
So, with a stroke of the pen of one person, more than two million people are sent to the scaffold and into exile (about 125,000 were executed), among them women, children, and the elderly.

AT more suffer the Cossacks of the Don and Kuban. In Transbaikalia, repressions begin in 1921. Many Cossacks go beyond the Argun and settle on Chinese side in the area of ​​the so-called Three Rivers: Hulu, Derbula and Ghana. The place is not inhabited. At first, the unfortunate emigrants build dugouts, hoping for a quick return to native land. But years go by, power in Russia does not change, you have to settle down thoroughly. However, they are not allowed to live in peace. Cossacks are constantly exposed to raids and robberies from the Soviet coast.

The Cossacks as an estate are liquidated, but the idea of ​​rebirth in the Cossack people does not die.

TRANSBAIKAL COSSACK ARMY (ZKV) (1851-1918), irregular military education, formed with the aim of strengthening the military potential of Russia, annexing the territories located along the Amur and in Primorye on the basis of a project developed by the East Siberian. governor general N.N. Muravyov-Amursky. Approved by the Regulations on the ZKV, signed by Tsar Nicholas I on 17.3.1851. By the time the ZKV was formed, the Cossacks Zab. were part of Zab. city ​​regiment, villages of Verkhneudinsky and Nerchinsky districts, Tsurukhaytuevsky and Kharatsai border departments, Tungussky and Bur. Cossack regiments. From these units, a cavalry army was formed: 3 cavalry (2 regiments each) brigades. Later, on the basis of a government decree on the conversion of peasants Nerchinsk factories in the Cossacks and the formation of foot troops, 3 foot (4 battalions each) brigades were created.

Peasants of Verkhneudinsky district entered the foot army. and Nerchinsk mining district (mountain factories), stanitsa and city and partially border Cossacks. 2 horse-artillery batteries consisting of 12 guns were formed. In the summer of 1851, the ZKV consisted of 48,169 Cossacks, of which 20,410 were mounted and 27,759 were on foot (after the reforms of 1897-1906, the foot battalions were disbanded). Later, the composition of the ZKV increased: in the cavalry - 21 thousand people, on foot - more than 30 thousand. The first cavalry brigade consisted of Russian. Cossacks who lived along the Selenginsky border from the Klyuchevskoy guard to the Akshinsky fortress. The 1st and 2nd cavalry regiments were based here. The headquarters of the brigade was located in the station Kudarinskaya. From Russian Cossacks who lived on the Aksha border along the river. Onon, Argun, Shilka from Aksha to the village of Gorbichenskaya, consisted of the 2nd cavalry brigade. The 3rd and 4th cavalry regiments were located on this site. The headquarters of the brigade was located in the village of Novotsurukhaytuevskaya. Buryat Cossacks, who lived behind the border line along the river. Selenge, Chikoyu, Khilka and others, made up the 3rd cavalry brigade. The headquarters was in Selenginsk. Three foot brigades consisted of former mining peasants who lived between the Argun, Shilka and the lower reaches of the Onon. The headquarters of the 1st foot brigade - the village of Olochinskaya; headquarters of the 2nd foot brigade - with. Shelopuginskoye; headquarters of the 3rd foot brigade - with. Byankinskoe. In Russian equestrian brigades were from 5 to 6 thousand Cossacks, in the drill. equestrian - 10 thousand, in foot brigades - 10 thousand people each. The affairs of the ZKV were in charge of a special Cossack department under Ch. ex. Vost. Sib. in Irkutsk. General leadership belonged to the East-Sib. Governor-General, who was subordinate to the Minister of War. In connection with the formation of the ZKV, on 11 July 1851, the Trans-Baikal Region was established with the center in Chita.

The duties of the appointed (appointed by the king) ataman of the ZKV were assigned to the military governor. From 10/23/1851, Major General P.I. Zapolsky began to carry them out. In the summer of 1852, the 1st review of the ZKV took place, which demonstrated success in its formation. Dec. 1852 with a special letter signed by Nicholas I, banners were granted to 4 cavalry regiments and 12 foot battalions of the ZKV. In 1872, the ZKV was territorially divided into 3 military departments, in 1898 a 4th was created. In 1916, there were 516 military settlements in them, united in 63 villages. The first military department (the center of Troitskosavsk) exhibited the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Verkhneudinsky cavalry regiments; 2nd military department (center of Chita) - 1st and 2nd Chit. shelves; 3rd military department (center of Nerchinsk) - 1st and 2nd Nerchinsk regiments; 4th military department (center of the village of Nerchinsky Zavod) - 1st and 2nd Argun regiments. The military departments were also managed by atamans, who were appointed by the chief chieftain. Cossack villages and settlements were ruled by stanitsa and settlement atamans, respectively, elected by the inhabitants of these settlements with their subsequent approval by chieftains of military departments. ZKV had its own judiciary, health care, education, trade, etc., as well as law enforcement structures, reporting directly to the ataman of the ZKV.

The Cossacks enlisted in the ZKV, as before, guarded the borders with China and Mongolia; carried out internal service: they escorted convict parties, guarded state and military facilities, and performed other police functions; accompanied diplomatic, trade, scientific and other missions and expeditions abroad — ZKV participated in the expeditions of scientists N.M. Przhevalsky, P.K.Kozlova, P.A.Kropotkina, G.N.Potanina and others; protected Russian. consul in Beijing, Maimachen and Urga. Cossacks ZKV participated in Vost. (Crimean) war of 1853-56, Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78, in the war with China 1900-01 (see Chinese campaign), Russian-Japanese. war 1904-05 and World War I 1914-18. In 1917, there were approx. 100 complete Knights of St. George from among the privates and approx. 50 officers awarded with the order St. George and the golden St. George weapons - the most honorable military awards in Russia. OK. 10 thousand zab. Cossacks had St. George medals and crosses different degrees. In 1903, the ZKV received a military banner. First Chit. and the 1st Verkhneudinsky regiments received St. George banners with the inscription "For distinction in the war with Japan in 1904 and 1905." For military distinctions in China. campaign and Russian-Japanese. During the war, certain units of the ZKV received insignia for headgear: “For differences against the Chinese in 1900” - the 4th and 6th foot battalions, the 4th and 5th hundred of the 1st Verkhneudinsky regiment, the 2nd Zab. Cossack battery; "For distinction in the North. Manchuria in 1900" - 3rd Verkhneudinsky Regiment; "For Beicang and Beijing in 1900" - 3rd hundred of the 1st Chit. regiment, "For a campaign in Korea in 1904 and 1905" - 1st Nerchinsk regiment; "For distinction in the war with Japan in 1904 and 1905" - 1st, 3rd and 4th Zab. batteries, 2nd Verkhneudinsk, 2nd Chit., 1st and 2nd Argun regiments. Georgievsky silver pipes the 1st and 2nd hundreds of the 1st Nerchinsk Regiment were awarded - 4 with the inscription "For Eyur, Khingan and Qiqihar in 1900"; 1st, 2nd, 4th Hundreds of the 1st Argun Regiment - 6 "For Distinction in the North. Manchuria"; 6th hundred of the 1st Verkhneudinsky regiment - 2 "For Tianjin and Beijing in 1900"; 1st Zab. Cossack battery - 2 "For Shahe and Mukden in 1900"; 2nd Zab. battery - 2 "For the Beydalinsky pass from February 16 to 23. 1905"; 4th hundred of the 1st Verkhneudinsky regiment - 2 "For Port Arthur in 1904".

Unequal socio-economic living conditions, incommensurable with the benefits provided by the hardships of the Cossack service, as well as active work political parties, primarily the Bolsheviks, contributed to the fact that part of the Cossack army not only suppressed the roar. movement 1905-07, a part participated in it. This led to government repression. After Feb. 1917 there was a split in the ZKV. Part of the Cossacks of the 3rd and 4th military departments, the descendants of the mining peasants, demanded the liquidation of the ZKV and the Cossacks as an estate. The Cossacks of the 1st and 2nd military departments, the so-called "guards", supported the marching ataman of the ZKV cavalier G.M. Semenov. Semenov on the 2nd Military Circle in August. 1917 advocated the preservation of the ZKV and subsequently formed from volunteers Special Manchu Detachment to fight the Soviets. ow. After the establishment of the Soviet ow. in Chita with the help of front-line Cossacks of the 2nd Chit. regiment in March 1918 ZKV as a state. the structure of the former system was eliminated. Restored in in full after the fall of the Soviet ow. in sept. 1918. In Aug. 1917 for the first time in the history of the ZKV elected a military ataman, Colonel V. V became Crimea. Zimin, in June 1919 he was replaced by G. M. Semenov. Oct. 1920, after the final establishment of the Sov. ow. in Zab., ZKV was liquidated for the second time. Those who went into exile Cossacks under the leadership of Semenov self-organized territorial basis. They formed 20 villages in Inner Mongolia, Manchuria and along the CER.

The structure of the ZKV was recreated with an elected military chieftain, board, honorary judges, etc. Organized educational establishments, hospitals and other institutions. In this state, the ZKV existed until the entry of Kr. Army in the North. China in Aug. 1945 and was liquidated by the Sov. ow. Cossacks were for the most part repressed under the pretext of retribution for cooperation with Japan and "treason against the motherland". Behind rare exception The Cossacks of the ZKV in Manchuria during the Second World War, for the most part, occupied a patriotic position. So, formed by the Japanese from young zab. emigrant Cossacks units in Aug. 1945 refused to engage in battle with the Red Army. For this, they were partially destroyed, partially disbanded by the Japanese. Some part of the Cossacks, avoiding owls. and Japanese. repressions, emigrated to third countries, a small number returned to the USSR in the 1960s, mainly to the virgin regions of Kazakhstan. 11/16/1991 military founding circle marked the beginning of the formation of Cossack communities in the traditional territories of the Western Caucasus. The public organization "Transbaikalian Cossack Army" was created. The first ataman of the ZKV ( public organization) Elected Lieutenant Colonel G. V. Kochetov, in 1993 - Lieutenant Colonel A.V. Bogdanov (re-elected in 1997 and 2000). Since 1993, issues of legal, personnel, economic development of the Zab. Cossacks. Began to be worked out various forms interaction with the Siberian Military District (ZabVO) (gatherings and rallies with the Cossacks, shooting practice, recruiting military units Cossacks, etc.). In the new village Senkina Pad on the border there are Cossack migrants from Kazakhstan. In 1997, a presidential decree "On the Approval of the Charter of the ZKV" was issued, which made it possible to intensify work on the entry of this society into the state system. devices, and zab. Cossacks - in the structure of the civil service on professional basis. 11/1/2000 draft designs of the military coat of arms were approved, badge and banners (cf. Banners of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army). They preserve the historical symbolism of the Zab. Cossacks and take it into account state of the art, as well as new heraldic requirements.

Source: RGVIA, f. 2007; GACHO, f. thirty.

Lit .: Cossack troops: a Handbook / Ed. B. K. Shenk. - St. Petersburg, 1912; Vasiliev A. P. Zab. Cossacks. Historical outline. - Chita, 1916; Smirnov N. N. A word about forgetfulness Cossacks: East. chronicle essay. - Volgograd, 1994; Zab. Cossacks: history, traditions, development prospects: Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference. — Chita, 2000.

TRANSBAIKAL COSSACK ARMY, an irregular army in Russia. It was formed by the Regulations on the Transbaikal Cossack Host dated 17 (29) March 1851 on the initiative and project of the East Siberian Governor-General N. N. Muravyov (since 1858 it was called Muravyov-Amursky) “as a shield of Transbaikalia from possible encroachments of China” and a base Russian colonization Far East. The center of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Host is Chita. It was headed by the ataman, who was directly subordinate to the East Siberian (in 1884-1906 Amur, then Irkutsk) governor-general. The Cossacks of the Chinese border line (except for the Tunkinsky distance) and the Trans-Baikal city and village Cossacks entered the army, the peasants of the Nerchinsk mining plants were assigned to the Cossack estate. The number of Cossacks (with families): 100.8 thousand people (1851), 265 thousand people (1917; 28% of the population of the Transbaikal region). The Russians predominated, in addition to them, the Buryats (21 thousand people in 1917) and Evenks (3 thousand people) were part of the army. Since 1855, part of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks moved to the Amur region (initially voluntarily, from 1858 by lot), where they formed the core of the Amur Cossack army. In the late 1850s - early 1860s, over 14.2 thousand "penal" lower ranks expelled from service during inner guard and exiled to Eastern Siberia from European Russia. The actual possession of the village communities of the Transbaikal Cossack army was: 3.3 million hectares of land (1891), 6.7 million hectares (1904), 10.9 million hectares (1917).

In 1851-72, the Trans-Baikal Cossack army was divided into 3 foot (Cossacks of the Gazimur, Ingoda, Onon and Unda river valleys) and 3 horse (located along the Russian-Chinese border) brigade districts, each of which was subdivided respectively into 4 battalion or 12 centenary districts. In 1872, the Transbaikal Cossack army was divided into 3 military departments: the 1st - in the southwest of the Transbaikal region (the center is the city of Troitskosavsk), the 2nd - in the south (the city of Aksha), the 3rd - in the east (the city of Nerchinsk), in 1898 the 4th department was formed - in the southeast (the village of Nerchinsky Zavod).

In peacetime, a third of the composition of the Transbaikal Cossack army was in active military service. The Cossacks carried out border, escort and guard duty, kept patrols on the border, caught the fugitives; performed zemstvo duties for the maintenance of roads, mail, apartments for passing troops.

Trans-Baikal Cossacks participated in the defense of the lower reaches of the Amur River and De-Kastri Bay (now Chikhachev Bay) in Crimean War 1853-56 (2.5 thousand Cossacks), in the suppression of the Yihetuan movement in China in 1900-01 (8.5 thousand Cossacks), in the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05 (over 19 thousand Cossacks). 9 cavalry regiments and 5 batteries [up to 14 thousand people; they were mainly part of the 1st Trans-Baikal Cossack Brigade (from December 1915 a division; operated in Poland, Polissya and Galicia), the 2nd and 3rd Trans-Baikal Cossack Brigades (acted on Caucasian front near Lake Van).

In April 1917, after the February Revolution, the 1st Transbaikal Regional Cossack Congress in Chita decided to liquidate the Cossack estate, in August 1917 the 2nd Congress decided to cancel this decision. In March 1918, the Cossack faction of the 3rd Transbaikal Congress of Soviets proclaimed itself the 3rd Regional Cossack Congress, which again decided to liquidate the Transbaikal Cossack Host. After Chita was occupied by units of the Siberian Army of the Provisional Siberian Government (August 27, 1918), the Transbaikal Cossack Army was restored. It was finally abolished in April 1921, with the adoption of the constitution of the Far Eastern Republic.

In the Civil War of 1917-22, the Cossacks of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army were both part of the Red Army (about 5.5 thousand people in 1918) and the Reds partisan detachments(mainly in the southeast of Transbaikalia, in 1920 - 10 cavalry and 2 infantry regiments), and as part of the White armies: in 1918 in the Special Manchurian detachment of G. M. Semenov (mainly officers of the Transbaikal Cossack army), in 1919 - in 1st and 2nd Transbaikal Cossack divisions(14 cavalry regiments, 4 batteries, about 6.5 thousand people; they were part of the Kolchak armies), in 1920 - in Far Eastern Army(over 1.8 thousand people in October 1920). In 1921-22 in Primorye, a number of formations of the Trans-Baikal Cossack Army operated as part of the Belopovstanskaya army, then - Zemskaya rati. On the territory of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army itself, fierce battles were fought near the village of Nerchinsky Zavod and the villages of Bogdat (April - September 1919) and Sretensk (April 1920). At the end of 1920, after the retreat of Semyonov’s troops to Manchuria, about 20 thousand people settled there in 18 villages on the Khaul, Derbul and Gan rivers, mainly Cossacks of the Transbaikal Cossack army (in the 1945-60s, part of the inhabitants of the villages either voluntarily left or was deported to the USSR, some went to other countries). In 1990 in Chita created public association Transbaikal Military Cossack Society, which operates in the territories of the Republic of Buryatia, Chita region and Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug.

Lit .: Vasiliev A.P. Transbaikal Cossacks: In 3 volumes. Chita, 1916-1918. Blagoveshchensk, 2007; Sibiryakov N.S. The end of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army // Past. M., 1990. T. 1; Smirnov N. N. A word about the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Volgograd, 1994; Vasilevsky V.I. Transbaikal Cossack army. M., 2000.

The Trans-Baikal Cossacks - the storm of the samurai - were on the farthest borders of the Motherland a stronghold of order and statehood. Exceptionally courageous, resolute, strong in training, they have always successfully resisted the most the best divisions enemy.


Trans-Baikal Cossacks appeared for the first time in the forties of the eighteenth century, when the Don and Orenburg volunteered to move to the still undeveloped new Russian lands. Here, the state opened up magnificent opportunities for the development of minerals, the number of which gave rise to legends. The borders with the eastern and not very peaceful neighbors had to be guarded, and hardly anyone could do this better than the Transbaikal Cossacks.

In addition, constant and vigilant monitoring of local population- the Buryats, in whom the blood of Genghis Khan was still seething, the Tungus, who also did not trust the newcomers too much. The Trans-Baikal Cossacks continued the baton as if. It was their forces that annexed the Urals, Orenburg, Siberia to the empire. Jails on the Angara and Lena were laid by the Cossack divisions of atamans Perfilyev and Beketov, and we still honor among the first explorers national hero, Cossack-navigator Semyon Dezhnev.

First campaigns

The first to reach Lake Baikal was Kurbat Ivanov with his Cossacks. Then the widespread settlement of Transbaikalia began, friendly ties were established and strengthened with the natives, who were trained and even included quite often in their troops. The Trans-Baikal Cossacks, whose history dates back to the campaign of Erofei Pavlovich Khabarov (1649), annexed the Amur region to Russia, and in 1653 the Chita prison, the future capital of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, was already built. The name of Pavel Beketov, the Cossack who founded the city of Chita, is famous to this day. Russia was growing with new territories, extremely rich, beautiful and useful.

In order for the Cossacks to move further east, such a stronghold on Baikal was simply necessary. Those who came settled in, improved the life and way of life of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, organized more and more new Cossack regiments, which by the middle of the eighteenth century were formed in By the way, the Buryats, by virtue of their militancy, brought glory to their newfound homeland, since many regiments were created and trained from them specifically to strengthen border control. Despite the fact that there were no official borders with Mongolia, and Manchuria generally did not welcome the appearance of Russians in these places, rather, on the contrary, such a step was simply necessary. Thus, a full-fledged and at that time unprecedented in quality Cossack army was created.

border line

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, along the eastern border, a long line fortified fortresses (prisons) built by the Cossacks. At the forefront, observation towers traditionally towered - "watchmen", where all year round and around the clock there were several sentinel Cossacks. Also, every border town constantly sent reconnaissance to the mountains and steppes - a detachment of twenty-five to one hundred Cossacks.

That is, the Cossacks Trans-Baikal Territory created a mobile border line. She announced the enemy and was able to repulse the enemy on her own. However, there were still few Cossacks on such a long border line. And then the emperor relocates many "walking people" to eastern borders to carry border service. The number of Cossacks in Transbaikalia increased dramatically. Then it came official recognition Transbaikal Cossack army - in March 1871.

Governor General

Invented this method of protection eastern borders who drew up a project for the creation of a Cossack army, and the sovereign and the Minister of War readily approved this work. On the outskirts of a vast country, the strongest army was created, which could compete with any enemy. It included not only the Don and Siberian Cossacks, but also the Buryat and Tungus formations. The peasant population of Transbaikalia also increased.

The number of troops reached eighteen thousand people, each of whom began his service at the age of seventeen, and went on a well-deserved rest only at fifty-eight. His whole life was connected with the protection of the border. Here, depending on the service, the traditions of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks were formed, since their whole life, and the upbringing of children, and death itself were connected with the protection of the state. After 1866 fixed time service was reduced to twenty-two years, while the military charter was an exact copy charter of the Don army.

Exploits and defeat

Not a single military conflict over many decades has happened without the participation of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Chinese campaign They were the first to enter Beijing. The battles at Mukden and in Port Arthur - songs are still sung about the valiant Cossacks. And Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War were accompanied by legends about the strength, perseverance and desperate courage of the Transbaikalian warriors. The costume of the Trans-Baikal Cossack - a dark green uniform and yellow stripes - terrified Japanese samurai, and if their number did not exceed the Cossacks by more than five times, they did not dare to attack. Yes and at greater numbers lost most of the time.

By 1917, the Cossack army beyond Baikal already numbered 260 thousand people. There were 12 large villages, 69 farms and 15 settlements. They defended the king for several centuries, served him faithfully until last drop blood, that is why they did not accept the revolution and in civil war resolutely fought with the Red Army. This was the first time that they did not win because their cause was not right. Thus, in Chinese Harbin, the largest colony was formed, which was created by the Trans-Baikal Cossacks squeezed out of the territory of Russia.

foreign land

Of course, not all Trans-Baikal Cossacks fought against the new Soviet government, there were those who supported the Reds. But still, most of them went under the leadership of Baron Ungern and Ataman Semyonov and ended up in China. And here, in 1920, every single Cossack troops were liquidated by the Soviet authorities, that is, disbanded. Only about fifteen percent of the Transbaikal Cossacks could go to Manchuria with their families, where they created Three Rivers - a number of villages.

From China, they disturbed the Soviet borders with raids for some time, but they realized the futility of this and closed themselves. Lived their own traditions, their way of life until 1945, when Soviet army launched an offensive against Manchuria. The saddest time has come when the Cossacks, fanned with glory, Transbaikal troops completely crumbled. Some emigrated further - to Australia - and settled in Queensland, some returned to their homeland, but not to Transbaikalia, but to Kazakhstan, where a settlement was assigned to them. The descendants of mixed marriages did not leave China.


The capital of the Trans-Baikal Cossack army has always been Chita. A few years ago, a monument to Peter Beketov, a Cossack, the founder of this city, was opened there. History is gradually being restored, the life and traditions of the Transbaikal Cossacks are returning. Lost knowledge is collected bit by bit - from old photographs, letters, diaries, and other documents.

Above you can see a photo of the First Verkhneudinsky regiment, which was part of the Cossack army. At the time of the shooting, the regiment was on a long - two-year - business trip in Mongolia, where the 1911 revolution took place. Now we know that the Cossacks supported it, blocked the Chinese troops, guarded communications and, of course, fought valiantly, as always. Mongolian campaign quite little known. This was mentioned more than others at that time, not even by the ataman, but by Yesaul Semyonov, who most personally attributed victories.

And there were people of a much higher flight - even future white generals. For example, in the photo above - G. A. Verzhbitsky, who succeeded in a quick assault on the Chinese - Charasume.


The government in the Cossacks has always been military, despite the fact that agriculture, cattle breeding and various crafts were especially developed in all of them. Active service determined both life and the rest of the life of a Cossack, regardless of his position in the army. Autumn passed in the field service, winter was combat training statutes were repeated. Nevertheless, oppression and lawlessness in the Cossacks practically did not occur, here was the biggest public justice. They conquered the land and therefore considered themselves entitled to own it.

Men even on field work, hunting and fishing went armed, as if to war: nomadic tribes no warning of attacks. From the cradle they taught children to ride and weapons, even girls. The women who remained in the fortress, when the entire male population was at war, repeatedly successfully repelled raids from abroad. Equality in the Cossacks has always been. Traditionally, smart, talented people with great personal merit were chosen for leadership positions. Nobility, wealth, origin did not play any role in the elections. And everyone obeyed the chieftains and decisions of the Cossack circle unquestioningly: from young to old.


The clergy was also elected - from the most religious and literate people. The priest was a teacher to all, and his advice was always followed. The Cossacks were the most tolerant people for those times, despite the fact that they themselves are deeply, even devoutly, devoted to Orthodoxy. Tolerance was due to the fact that there were always Old Believers, Buddhists, and Mohammedans in the Cossack troops.

Part of the booty from the campaigns was intended for the church. Temples have always been generously decorated with silver, gold, expensive banners and utensils. The life of the Cossacks was understood as serving God and the Fatherland, therefore they never served half-heartedly. Every job was done flawlessly.

Rights and obligations

The customs in the Cossacks are such that a woman there enjoys reverence and respect (and rights) on an equal basis with men. If a Cossack is talking to an elderly woman, he should stand, not sit. The Cossacks never interfered in women's affairs, but always protected their wives, defended and defended their dignity and honor. Thus, the future of the whole people was secured. The interests of a Cossack woman could be represented by a father, husband, brother, son, godson.

If a Cossack woman is a widow or a single woman, then the chieftain personally protects her. In addition, she could choose an intercessor for herself from the villagers. In any case, they should always listen to her in any instance and be sure to help. Any Cossack must adhere to morality: respect all old people as his own father and mother, and every Cossack woman as his sister, every Cossack as a brother, love every child as his own. Marriage for a Cossack is sacred. This is a Christian sacrament, a shrine. No one could interfere in the life of the family without an invitation or request. The main responsibility for everything that happens within the family lies with the man.


Transbaikalian Cossacks almost always furnished the huts in the same way: with icons, a corner table, on which lies the Bible next to a hat and candles. Sometimes family pride was also located nearby - a gramophone or a piano. Against the wall - always a beautifully made bed, old, with patterns, on which even great-grandfathers rested. A special pride of the Cossack woman is a patterned valance on the bed, lace embroidered pillowcases on numerous pillows.

In front of the bed is usually hanging shaky. Nearby is a huge chest where the girl's dowry is kept, as well as a traveling chest, always ready for war or service. There are many embroideries, portraits and photographs on the walls. In the kitchen corner - cleanly polished dishes, irons, samovars, mortars, jugs. Bench with buckets for water. A snow-white stove with all the attributes - tongs and cast irons.

Composition of the Transbaikal Cossacks

At the very beginning, Evenk (Tungus) military formations were also present here. The forces were distributed as follows: three cavalry regiments and three foot brigades (from the first to the third - Russian regiments, the fourth - Tungus, the fifth and sixth - Buryat) guarded the borders and carried out internal service, and when in 1854 rafting along the Amur was carried out and border posts were founded along the rest of the border, the Amur Cossack army also appeared. For one Zabaykalsky this boundary line was too great.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Transbaikalians fielded fifty guards, four cavalry regiments and two artillery batteries for peacetime. The war demanded more: nine regiments of cavalry, three spare hundred and four artillery batteries in addition to the above. Of the Cossack population of 265 thousand, more than fourteen thousand people served.

present tense

With perestroika, the Trans-Baikal Cossacks began their revival: the Great Cossack Circle was convened in Moscow in 1990, where it was decided to recreate the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Literally a year later, this happened up to the organization of the ensemble. It's called - "Transbaikal Cossacks". Ataman was elected in Chita, he became in 2010. And in 2011, the 160th anniversary of the appearance of the Cossacks beyond Baikal was widely celebrated.

The anthem of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks has remained almost the same, it sings of the dear Transbaikal, who did not take off his hat in front of any enemy force, very poetically sewing into the blue of Baikal Sunbeam, like a Cossack lampas (yellow), it is also sung about love for Russia, about the memory of the forefathers who served it.