Russian organized crime and power. Relationship history

On the eve of the New Year, all the media will be full of screaming headlines and will bring down on us an avalanche of the “most reliable” horoscopes and political forecasts. But among these predictions will not be the prophecies of the most fashionable astrologer of recent years - Valery LEDOVSKIKH. He died of a heart attack. For many, this sudden death was a real shock: people who called the editorial office claimed that Valery Alexandrovich's horoscopes were very accurate and helped them live. And they asked Express Newspaper to tell about the life of their favorite soothsayer. At the same time, one of the ladies who called us puzzled us with the question: is it possible to order the commemoration of an astrologer at the liturgy in any church, or only in the one where he was buried?
Fans of Valery Ledovskikh claimed that in their interviews, the astrologer practically did not tell anything about himself. At the request of readers, we decided to fill this gap.


First of all, we found out where Valery Ledovskikh was buried, and went to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery to honor his memory, and at the same time find out if there is a cross on the grave of the astrologer. Even from a distance, among the old burials, we saw a fresh hill. Wreaths, a cross - everything, as it should be with the Orthodox. But what was our surprise when we got closer: a completely unfamiliar surname was written on the tablet.
Then we called the Research Institute of Normal Physiology. Ledovskikh worked there until he became an astrologer. The institute said that he was a candidate of biological sciences, and the real name of Valery Aleksandrovich was Tuev. She just appeared on the grave tablet.

Incomprehensible alias

Under the surname Tuev, the future predictor was known as one of the authors of the book Astrology and Longevity. How and why an unusual pseudonym appeared, the institute has no idea.

Among astrologers, they say that Tuev - Ledovskikh died so suddenly in the prime of life, because he changed his native surname.
- He violated his karma. He was destined to live long, his parents were centenarians, - astrologer Valentina Shatskaya, the author of a number of books and numerous publications in the press, told us. She closely communicated with Valery Ledovskikh for several years.
- Everyone wanted to ask him: “Valerka, where did you dig up this stupid surname ?!” Yes, I didn’t have time, Valentina Dmitrievna complains.
As she suggests, at first Ledovskikh, apparently, was embarrassed to sign his forecasts with a name that was known in scientific circles, and then there was simply no reason to return to him.
According to Shatskaya, Ledovskikh was the soul of any company. He tried to pay attention to everyone. Clients simply adored him. And female colleagues perceived him as a girlfriend and sometimes trusted him with their innermost secrets.
Valentina Shatskaya and Valery Ledovskikh met when astrology in Russia was still in its infancy, but it has already become fashionable to publish astrological forecasts in the popular Soviet magazines Krestyanka and Rabotnitsa. In the wake of public interest, their compilation seemed exciting and promising. According to Shatskaya's memoirs, Ledovskikh then, together with other novice astrologers, took an active part in independent astrological circles and took the first serious steps in "star" science.

Good-natured womanizer

If we believe that our first and last name determine fate, then the life path of Valery Tuev really changed dramatically after he took an unusual pseudonym.

When Ledovskikh began to cooperate with the Kommersant newspaper, he had a new circle of friends. Fate brought him together with journalist Raf Shakirov, who at that time headed the combined editorial office of the entire Kommersant publishing house, and after buying it, Berezovsky left for television: first as vice president of the TV Center TV channel, then as general director of the Vesti on the state channel Rossiya.
Subsequently, Shakirov returned to journalism, becoming the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Gazeta, and then Izvestia. In the last edition, however, he did not work long.
Evil tongues claimed that it was precisely thanks to the friendship between Valery and Raf that the political predictions of the astrologer Ledovsky gradually began to be considered the most accurate: Shakirov, who, on duty, rotated in government and business circles, knew before many about the upcoming changes on the state Olympus - and allegedly shared information with buddy.
One way or another, but the astrologer Ledovskikh by the end of the 90s became truly famous. As with any famous person, rumors spread about him. On the Internet even today one can find unambiguous hints that the Ledovsky's forecasts were prepared in the Kremlin. But the predictor himself always denied any connection with officials. And the spiteful critics also said that Ledovskikh had affairs with young journalists.
On the day of the astrologer's funeral, one popular figure on the Internet shared his personal impressions of the Ledovskys in the electronic LiveJournal, especially noting that the deceased was a "good-natured womanizer" during his lifetime. And when one of the LJ users asked again: “Well, was Ledovskikh really a womanizer?” - the author of the memoirs clarified: “Yes, the boyfriend was excellent!”
To understand why, immediately after the death of an astrologer, such statements appeared on the electronic network, we tracked down their author. Begging us not to give his last name, he said that he himself knew Ledovsky superficially, and heard the phrase that he gave out in LiveJournal at Valery's funeral from one of his relatives ...

Killed horoscopes

The closest people of Valery Ledovskikh are his wife Tatyana and daughter Vera. Tatyana worked all her life as a librarian, and Vera, having graduated from the film criticism department of VGIK, decided to devote her life to serving God. We managed to track her down in the Moscow Church for the Glory of All Saints, where she works as the director of a charitable foundation. Especially for EG, she agreed to talk about her father.

He became interested in the sciences related to the knowledge of man, when I was not yet born. At one time, he even wanted to go into medicine, but then he changed his mind, because he had to somehow earn money, feed his family, so he gradually came to astrology, Vera recalls. According to her, she does not know how her father got a pseudonym.
The Ledovskys and their daughter periodically had disputes. The Orthodox Church, as you know, does not recognize astrology. Vera understands the reasons for this rejection as follows:
- According to Orthodoxy, a person must go through his own failures and sufferings in order to understand where he made a mistake. Astrologers, with their warnings, violate this church canon, says the daughter of the soothsayer. Despite her convictions, she tried to respect her father's occupation.
- His mother was his best friend, I'm sure of it, because she always lived with her parents, - Vera continues. And they lived together all their lives.
When we told her what kind of rumors about the father the Internet is full of, the daughter was very surprised. Vera is sure that her father had no time for amorous affairs. He worked hard. Never refused to help anyone. And very often he was very overworked, doing horoscopes at night. According to Vera, this was one of the main causes of a heart attack.

Speaking of Faith

Valery Ledovskikh was a baptized person. Despite his occupation, he claimed to believe in God and believed that astrology and religion did not contradict each other. After his death, he was buried in the same church where his daughter works. But the priest, according to the servants, did not bless her to order the commemoration of her father at the liturgy, advising her to pray fervently for him herself. Why - in the Moscow Patriarchate they explained to us this way.
“Only suicides refuse to be buried in the church,” says clergyman Mikhail DUDKO. - A completely different and very delicate issue is commemoration at the liturgy.
In this case, the point is not at all that the church allegedly does not recognize astrology or considers astrologers to be “terrible” people for whom it is “dangerous” or “forbidden” for a priest to pray. This popular belief is false.
The great sacrament of the liturgy - the prayer of an Orthodox priest for the spiritual unity of the soul of the deceased with God - is not performed in relation to those who, being baptized, consciously rejected the main postulates of Orthodoxy, consciously did not go to church, did not confess and did not lament about it. And that's why.
If an astrologer publicly says that he believes in God and allegedly belongs to Orthodox culture, while he himself propagates the idea, catastrophic for the human soul, that life is determined by the course of the stars, it is unlikely that the priest will consider himself entitled to commemorate him at the liturgy. Indeed, in essence, this will be a disregard for the will of the deceased and a mockery of Orthodoxy, which claims that a person is created in the image and likeness of God and is free from everything in the choice of fate. In particular, and from the movement of celestial bodies. They can only influence the temporary physical well-being of a person, but not his fate.
Today's astrologers, making their predictions, are trying to subordinate our will to their own.
calculations and lead people into temptation. Of course, if a person leafing through a newspaper, out of curiosity, looks into the horoscope, reads it and forgets, there is no sin in that - this is just an excusable weakness. But if he begins to be guided by these warnings and, say, does not go to his sick mother, since the stars warned him against the road, this is already a sin.

* Valery Alexandrovich TUEV (Ledovskikh) was born in Moscow on December 18, 1949.
* Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation.
* In recent years, he worked as a staff astrologer for the newspaper Gazeta, gave political and financial forecasts on radio and television.


Raf SHAKIROV, journalist:
- Valery and I were really friendly. He was completely passionate and deeply in love with his astrology. I tried to project its postulates onto all spheres of life. I honestly did not approve of his intrusion into the political arena. I thought it was stupidity, or rather - well, it was not necessary to do this. While I was working at Kommersant, astrologers did not publish political forecasts in it. And for me to “predict” events for him, this could not be.
Was he a womanizer? Personally, I didn't notice anything like that. And I won’t comment on the Internet dirt - it’s disgusting.
DELFROM Inveterate astrologer

January 01, 2003.
Live on the radio station "Echo of Moscow" Valery Ledovskikh - candidate of biological sciences, astrologer.
The broadcast is hosted by Vladimir Varfolomeev

V. VARFOLOMEYEV I will introduce our guest, a man whose coming to our air, you probably heard this morning. Candidate of Biological Sciences Valery Ledovskikh. Hello Valery. Happy New Year to you, tell me you are an astrologer. How do astrologers celebrate the New Year? What are you doing? Are there any special tricks to make the whole year happy for you and your loved ones, or do you need to do something else on New Year's Eve?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I quite calmly, as an ordinary person, celebrate the New Year. I think it's a superstition, if there are any, maybe oriental habits, features. The Eastern year, which will be February 1, when they will adhere to Buddhist traditions - no, this does not suit me.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Let's not go deep into the essence of astrology in answer to my next question, but I understand that you share superstition and astrology, that these are completely different things in your understanding.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Astrology does not need any magic, or cards, or divination. A clearly predictive science based on the rhythms of nature, which tells how the astronomical movements of the earth affect our lives. Purely astrology, what is a day? This is the rotation of the ball around its axis. You must never forget that we are on a space ship called Earth and the next cycle, which is important for us, is the Earth around the Sun. And this rhythm is incomprehensible. But the rhythm that limits our lives.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV That is, it turns out that our usual calendar is part of astrology.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Only astrology. Calendars have gone from astrological observations.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV You are a candidate of biological sciences. How and when did you get into astrology? Why did it happen?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - It happened quite unexpectedly at first, when I worked at the Institute of Normal Physiology, I was sent to the commission of chronobiology, chronomedicine, and then I realized that such a science is biorhythmology, it does not work in astrology. And little by little I began to prove to myself that for five years I suffered, because a person from science is a free, European person, what other restriction can there be? And then further more, I realized that it works when I wrote the book "Astrology and longevity." And for more than ten years a professional astrologer. There is nothing interesting.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Do you now think that you are engaged in science?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Science, only science. Science that answers all questions. It answers the questions of human psychology. It is the only science that works with the time of development, because the planets are circling without our will. Here is the fatality of astrology in that we cannot do anything, the rhythm is set, they are present. It shows in business a successful and unsuccessful period. I don't know where it has been used. This is incredibly promising science. The time will come for it, especially now, with the development of computer technology, its capabilities have increased dramatically.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Before the beginning of the conversation, you told me that astrology probably has more than ten thousand years in its history. But during this time, in my opinion, nowhere has it ever been recognized as a serious, really real science. Nothing more than a hobby of a group of people. In ancient Egypt, this was, of course, a high status for those people who investigated the position of the stars. But further in Europe, in the East, in China it was not seriously recognized.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - There is a story, it is very interesting and very practical. The first serious civilization is the Sirians and Babylonians, they were the main ones who brought the experimental fact into science. What is the practicality? Because mankind could not survive if it reacted incorrectly to the events that nature offers it. If you read Ancient Egypt, then everything related to the development of the Nile, which was responsible for the viability of the Egyptians, is purely astrological things. It had tremendous success in Europe until the 17th century, when many popes were excellent astrologers, when the universities of Europe taught very seriously. And when such oak materialism, which we now suffer from, the so-called European civilization, went, religion and astrology began to be forced out from the 17th century. And now she does not have such weight. But, for example, a very strong impetus to the modern development of astrology was given by Reagan, my favorite example, because he was able to change relations with Gorbachev with the help of astrology.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV They say that his wife, first of all, was fond of this.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Yes, she met Joan Quigley, and before our eyes he changed his composition, team and all the events with Gorbachev, as she promised us that we would destroy the Union in white gloves - that's how it is. It's all described in the book. By the way, none of the politicians seriously analyzed astrology, the activities of Reagan.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV But, as it seems to me, no one takes astrology seriously. Or those people with whom you communicate, maybe they don’t talk about it publicly, but in conversations with you I emphasize that they make certain decisions based on the recommendations of astrologers on how the stars are arranged in the sky. Are we serious about this now?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Appears. I can't speak for everyone, but there are serious people who do serious business, serious money, serious attitude. It helps them. We have been working with them for several years, and I don’t think that if something didn’t help, it just helps to make a decision, please, such a time orientation interlinear that helps a person. For example, as I say that in 12 hours it will be night, what can you do about it? The same. And a person must make a decision due to some circumstances. There are times when you should not engage in some activity on Saturn, when Saturn is included in astrology, that is, this is a limiting moment. Health problems, problems with the position may be.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV People are traditionally skeptical about what they do not understand. In this case, I do not understand how the planet Saturn, located at a distance of tens of millions of kilometers from us, can affect our business?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - A difficult topic. I don't know, I can't answer you. I know that there is a rhythm of interaction between the Earth and Saturn, and this rhythm, the phases of its interaction affect our lives in the symbolism that Saturn brings. It is impossible to solve or understand how the world works without getting into the mechanism.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Maybe it's just a coincidence when Saturn appears, apparently, in one constellation or another, companies periodically collapse one after another? Maybe there is no such direct connection?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - It cannot be, because there are three branches of astrology. Arabic, Indian, Chinese and they all say the same thing. This is a historical experiment, each function of the planets has a clear symbolism. There are no accidents here.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV 974-22-22 is our on-air pager. Subscriber "Echo of Moscow". There are already a lot of messages. Some of them are purely personal or specific. For example: “I would like to hear the forecast for Capricorn on January 7, 1949. Antonina". So you can't say anything right off the bat?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Of course, this is a difficult job, because it requires calculations.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV What do you need to make a personal horoscope?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Date, month, year, time of birth more precisely and place. Ancient medieval astrologers lay under the bed of a woman in labor, and when a baby appeared, his first breath, when the child began to exist separately from the mother, this was included in horoscopes.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV More such questions. “What awaits those born under the sign of Taurus this year, for example, financially?”.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - You understand, these general questions speak about the level of preparation of our society. Thousands of Taurus, each card is not repeated, and what to say about finances, you need to look at the planet responsible for finances Venus, Jupiter and you need to look at the second house, and so on, the task is very difficult.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV There are many such questions here. What color is this year's symbol? What should be preferred? Is this superstition or astrology?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - This is superstition, eastern superstition, which has the most remote relation to astrology.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV You yourself mentioned the Chinese school.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Yes, the Chinese school.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Sheep, rams, etc. came from there.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Yes, but you understand, this is more related to mythology than to astrology, and even more so, colors are not seriously simple. Humor is no longer enough.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Our listeners saw your speeches on television the day before and several questions at once. Did they misheard when you mentioned the word “default?”
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Economic tension is felt, all the world astrologers somehow pressed against this time, I can't say the word "default", but strained in the first six months is expected.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV That is, again, somehow Saturn, other planets built certain figures in the sky?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Yes, absolutely right. And there must be some way out.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV In general, you make forecasts or think about global topics. What awaits the whole world in the new year or the next decade, or in the Age of Aquarius, which our planet is entering.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - You can, of course, argue. But, firstly, there is no time for this reasoning. In America, it is now popular, because in America many companies order such developments, so to speak. For example, last year's flood was visible, it was necessary to sit down, understand the reason, astrologically understandable. All these general arguments, when it was written that something would happen to America in 2001, everyone wrote 10-15 years ago, there is no sense from them, because no one is listening.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Excuse me, is there no sense, because stupid forecasts are made wrong or there is no public attention?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - There is no public attention, because about all those cataclysms that in the last two years have given work to Shoigu and the whole world, these are purely astrological phenomena, but there is no sense. Why talk about it, write about it? If there was some kind of order, it would be possible to draw up an astrological chart of the offered things. For example, everything that happened to the Karmadon Gorge is also astrologically quite a predictable thing, but why watch if no one is interested?
V. VARFOLOMEYEV In most of the astrological forecasts that I encounter, there is almost no specifics.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Well, what are you? There are serious works, there are serious books, there are serious studies. Everyone writes, for example, Americans who are engaged in such forecasts that there is absolutely no feedback, something that would be interesting to see. That's the way the world works.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Similar forecasts, excuse me, remind me of the following story. Remember the summer breakthrough of Chechen fighters on the Georgian-Russian border? The day before or a few days before, a certain Georgian shepherd crossed the border, who, they say, told the Russian border guards everything. And I spoke with the Russian military, who are stationed in the Argun Gorge, they say: “Yes, indeed, there was a shepherd, but he ran across and said that a breakthrough of militants was being prepared.” Where he will be, the border of more than 80 kilometers, when he will be, how many militants will go, - he did not say anything. And it seems to me that the benefit of such information is zero. Something similar, it seems to me, is happening with astrological forecasts.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - No, there are certain methods. Again, targeted, and now the distant planet is in yang signs, and the Earth, which is called overheated. And until the end of August there will be a possibility of water surges, it is present, you just need to count specific places, look, they are associated with eclipses and so on. It can be done, it is technically easy.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Are astrologers involved in making forecasts within the framework of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I don't know, I don't think so. I haven't heard that. You see, professional serious astrologers are quite a narrow company. And in principle, this information was leaked. I don't know.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV How do you astrologers, your community, brotherhood, I don't know, or is everyone engaged in individual work, is the so-called official science? For example, the Academy of Sciences and so on.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - This is simply a ridiculous attitude, since a few years ago a hundred or two hundred academicians wrote a very funny protest about pseudoscience and astrology there with the mafia, God knows what they mixed it with. It's okay, you see, the dominance of science, science has begun to lay claim to everything. She is our oak, materialistic science, physics, mathematics, European civilization, which went from the 17th century, which raped the Earth, she tries to judge such subtle matters. And we tried to ask, even if one of the academicians knows how to make a horoscope, interpret, no one knows how to do anything. It is unethical if you do not understand something, to write on this topic in such a libelous paper, okay astrology, but there they worry that the influence of religion on society is very strong. Imagine, astrology, and religion goes with them. They worry about religion.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Do you think that astrology will be officially recognized in our country or in Europe in the foreseeable future, so that it will be taken seriously?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I don't know, it only came to America from Reagan, of course.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Or is it indifferent to you?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - No, I'm not indifferent to it. Either a leader will really appear who will benefit from a lot of information, and he will take this seriously, or it will be such a creeping empiricism, when the smarter a person is, when he understands that he needs to somehow navigate in space, he will work more seriously. And people appear, especially those who have achieved something in life and this will be such a social order.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV By the way, here I would pay attention to the fact that astrological forecasts, including our guest, are regularly published, every day, in the so-called business Russian newspapers, designed for people doing business, that is, advanced people. This is the daily newspaper, this is Kommersant. Does this also indicate something?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Our newspaper, I have my own forum there, which is very visited and forecasts are in demand. In fact, such, even inaccurate forecasts. In Gazeta, where I write, the first part of the top is very important there. This is called astrological weather, which affects everyone. And this is already some element of astrological culture.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV A few questions for you, not directly related to astrology, but people are interested in knowing your opinion. In particular, Olga asks: “How do you feel about human cloning?”
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Very bad.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV As a person or an astrologer?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I, as a believer, cannot get into God's affairs.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV By this you answered another question, in particular, about your attitude to religion. Do you have any opinion about the transitions to summer-winter time, does it bring harm to people?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - A difficult question. Of course, the rhythms change, this is not entirely correct. Astrologically, this is not necessary.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Natalia has an interesting question. “How can one attribute to science that complex of knowledge that was obtained many centuries ago?”. Everything is outdated.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - On the contrary, it is such a powerful empirical gift of accumulation. On the contrary, for centuries what did not work was eliminated. You understand, science is the most ancient and how many sciences in our century I taught, and scientific materialism, nonsense in philosophy, they are worth a penny. This is the study of God's creation. Why did God invent planets? This is how the world works, this is a deep penetration into the structure of the world and everything, on the contrary, this is proof that astrology deals with objective reality.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Maria Nikolaevna asks a question not a woman's, breath. “Why do different publications have completely different forecasts for the same time?”
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Because the forecasts that are written in the newspapers, they have a thousandth relation to astrology, especially those related to signs. General astrological weather, full moon, new moon, retrograde Mercury and so on, these factors work. And there is simply no astrological culture.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Olga is interested, the question is practical. “Is it possible to influence fate specifically so that there is a marriage with the person I love?”
V. LEDOVSKIKH - With regard to marriage. There is such a technique jointly maps are studied. There are no perfect marriages. There are strengths and weaknesses in marriage. If a person loves another, if he is able to squeeze something in himself, work for the team together, then yes, you can do it. It all depends on the degree of patience of a person.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Is there any cooperation or alliance between domestic astrologers or are you competitors among yourself?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Oh, I don't know. I work, I have a certain circle of people, we have created the Institute of Practical Astrology. I think it's just a lot of work, a lot of interesting work, I have normal relations with all astrologers.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Lyudmila Mikhailovna brings us back to the topic that we touched on a little. "How do astrology and religion relate?"
V. LEDOVSKIKH - You understand, this is a sore subject. Science and religion, still the same topic that is not solved. Why is religion against science? Because everything that a person does, he, in the end, does to his own detriment. Astrology is in what hands it all applies. And it matches so well.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV I am being reproached for not letting you, Valery, tell you what awaits Russia in 2003. Valery Ledovskikh does not leave our studio. After the news, we, together with our guest, will participate in a place with you in the Ricochet program.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV And the question is as follows. Very simple. Do you trust astrology? We are now starting electronic voting, and if you answer yes to this question, you trust astrology, call 995-81-21, if you answer no, another phone number is 995-81-22. E-voting has begun and will run for the next five minutes. I think, given that there is a guest in our studio, we will not receive live calls, then together with Valery we will comment on the voting results. And now the sacred question that is asked by many of our listeners. So what awaits us all in 2003? Or can't we talk about everyone?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - You can't talk about everyone. The trend of the year, for example, in politics is the emergence of some new leader, a charismatic typical person should bring a new stream into our political life. What else? The time of Uranus' stay in Aquarius is coming to an end, these seven years, the period which showed the development of new technology. Computers, mobile phones, Internet breakthrough in new technology. Uranus is moving into Pisces. If we talk about general problems, the problems will go through Pisces, again religious problems all over the world. The problem will be the introduction of old religions into the new time. What awaits us? Saturn is waiting in Cancer, such close attention to the house, to the family, I think the state will be intensely interested in our affairs, at least we will pay taxes 100 percent.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV In two minutes we have already received about one thousand of your calls. In the first part, we briefly touched on the topic of economics and finance. How will this work anyway?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - The topic causes concern. American dollar, so to speak. Somewhere in the first half, maybe the summer will affect. There are good chances to agree between the euro and the dollar in terms of astrology. The old new currency, if any moves are found, and so the theme of Cancer is a very sore subject. It can also affect economic things.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV This topic, including, probably, is connected with questions of religion. As for matters of religion. Unfortunately, as shown in recent years, there are problems of international terrorism, including.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Terrorism is the theme of this year.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Is that even so? More than a thousand 200 calls have already been received, the alignment of forces is quite interesting. We will discuss this with you in just two minutes. I think that the voting will continue for about two or one and a half minutes. And something else can be said specifically enough about the new year? Natural disasters, catastrophes. The Ministry of Emergency Situations made a forecast on the eve of the New Year. What can you say?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I think the most likely natural disasters in the first half of the year. You can even say until August. At least everything related to oil, water, snow, this topic is present.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV That is, nature does not promise us a quiet life in the new year?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Not yet.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Rather, all your words spoken in the last five minutes carry a not very joyful connotation. Is it so bad. Is there any light not at the end of the tunnel, but at least at the first turn?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - In fact, astrology is like looking at a healthy and sick person. When a person is healthy, he does not understand what health is and does not appreciate it, he simply lives and does not think about anything. And when some sharp moments come into force, it immediately attracts attention, people pay attention to the steps they receive. And so many favorable moments in a person's life. Good for Lviv, Jupiter is now in Leo, half a year of Lviv life, then he will move into Virgo, Virgo will add energy and money, and a new position.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Electronic voting is still going on. Speaking of the issue of trust. Some of our politicians, mostly in the past years, now few people dare to do this, but they gave either arms or legs to cut off if something they promised did not happen, did not come true, did not happen. Are astrologers just as determined?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - No, astrology shows areas, symbols, each planet has several, up to 20 options for the development of events. How difficult is astrology? A person must strain, understand what exactly is happening in his life, he must track, his task is to coexist in these rhythms. Therefore, freedom is given to a person and, for example, I never say that this and that will happen, this is impossible. It is impossible to live the life of another person. Especially if you don't know him well.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Electronic voting has just ended. First, I will tell the final result, and then about the dynamics, how the numbers changed. 49 percent, that is, practically the votes were divided equally. 49 percent say they trust astrology, 51 percent don't. Is the glass half full or empty?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - I think half full. At the beginning, when perestroika started, it took on some kind of esoteric, incomprehensible, silly taste, and it all hangs out and the public thinks that all astrologers are solid Goats and Sheep, and this is a serious science. I am for people to apply some kind of astrological culture in their lives.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV And how can an ordinary person distinguish star pop music from serious astrology?
V. LEDOVSKIKH - And how to distinguish a good doctor from a bad one? If you tell me I will be grateful to you.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV I'm afraid that only personal experience.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Definitely. by elimination method.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV When we first started voting, the majority of approximately 56 percent said that they trusted astrology, but then when you spoke for five minutes that in 2003 the economy would not be very good in politics and with natural disasters, the level of trust fell before my eyes.
V. LEDOVSKIKH - Of course, because the average person does not want, he is afraid of the situation. Astrology is the same as if I say that in six months it will be summer. This is scary? The very objectivity that people want to know, the interest in astrology, even in the press, is stable, which indicates that it is important for people to navigate. Especially the best clients, the best people are women, because they feel some subtle moments. But on the other hand, somehow change yourself, because the next stage of astrology is a burden on a person, he must navigate the limitations that the astrologer gives him. This is all a step aside, people do not want to limit themselves.
V. VARFOLOMEYEV Thank you very much. And happy New Year.

With the onset of perestroika and capitalism in Russia, as is well known, the era of organized crime also began. Since the late 1980s, large cities have been flooded with gangs of young people who were eager for “primary accumulation of capital” - though not in a completely legal way. During the 90s, these groups gained a lot of weight and became the hallmark of the era, and their wars and leaders went down in history.

On August 18, 2016, it became known that the next term - 23 years in prison - was received by the leader of one of the main such gangs - Vladimir Barsukov-Kumarin, who was nicknamed "the night governor of St. Petersburg".

"Smart Journal" recalls four infamous organized crime groups operating in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and tells what happened to them in the end.

Solntsevskaya OPG

One of the most famous criminal groups in Moscow emerged in the late 1980s in the south-west of the city, in the residential area of ​​Solntsevo. Like most of these organizations, it began its activities with the "protection" of thimblemakers, which were very common at that time. However, Solntsevo soon turned around and began to take control of hotels, restaurants and casinos.

It is believed that the leader of the group was a native of Solntsev, Sergei Mikhailov, nicknamed Mikhas, who began his career as a waiter. In addition, he was engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling and even received the title of master of sports.

Back in the late 80s, Mikhas and his team teamed up with another influential group in the south of Moscow - Orekhovskaya, dividing spheres of influence and together trying to resist the Caucasian organized crime groups. In 1989, the three leaders of the Solntsevskaya and the leader of the Orekhovskaya Sylvester were arrested and accused of extortion, but the high-profile case at that time almost fell apart - not least because the witnesses began to refuse their testimony. As a result, only Sylvester was convicted, and the Solntsevskys were released.

In the 90s, the group increased its influence, penetrating into territories outside of Moscow. In Russia, they got right up to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, where they had a stake in the gaming business. In addition, Solntsevo began to invest in foreign assets, mainly in Europe. It was reported that they opened their central office in Vienna.

Mikhailov, in addition to Russian citizenship, also acquired Israeli and Costa Rican citizenship, and a scandalous episode was connected with the Latin American country: in 1994, the Costa Rican authorities tried to appoint him as their consul in Russia (!). Apparently, he needed this in order to receive diplomatic immunity, but the Russian Foreign Ministry rejected the candidacy.

The Solntsevskaya organized criminal group, unlike most other well-known groups, did not appear much in street wars and high-profile lawsuits, preferring to conduct business relatively quietly. Perhaps that is why it is believed to retain its influence to this day.

Sergei Mikhailov, never convicted during the period of his power, today leads the life of a respectable businessman. Based on his personal website, he does a lot of charitable work and is also trying to take advantage of a recent “right to be forgotten” law to remove mention of his underworld connections from Russian search engines.

With diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

At the presentation of the diploma of the International Police Association

Orekhovskaya OPG

Another famous group arose in the capital in the late 80s in the vicinity of Shipilovskaya Street and got its name from the Orekhovo-Borisovo district. Its leader was Sergei Timofeev, nicknamed Sylvester, a native of the Novgorod region, who started out as a tractor driver on a collective farm and later moved to Moscow on a limit.

He received the nickname (with a reference to Sylvester Stallone) because of his love for bodybuilding. It was in the "rocking chairs" and gyms that the backbone of the future organization was formed.


The Orekhovskys, like all their colleagues, started with racketeering. In 1989, as already mentioned, Sylvester was arrested for extortion along with the leaders of Solntsevo, but if they were eventually released, he was given three years in prison.

Released in 1991, Timofeev continued to climb the pyramid of the criminal hierarchy and united under his command all the disparate brigades in the south of Moscow, which by that time were mired in brutal street wars.

The Orekhovskys have successfully infiltrated the most profitable industries: banking, diamonds, and oil. Their leader turned into perhaps the most respected authority of the capital and even traveled to the United States to meet with the legendary thief in law Ivankov-Yaponchik, who allegedly blessed him to rule the city.


However, the music did not play for long, and soon Sylvester was blown up in the center of Moscow in his Mercedes. His charred corpse was identified by the teeth. Who ordered this murder is still unclear: the deceased could not complain about the lack of enemies.

After the death of Sylvester, the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group again split into separate brigades, which began to fight both with each other and with competing gangs from other areas. Many influential Orekhovites died in this massacre.

At some point, Sergei Butorin, nicknamed Osya, seemed to become the leader of the group, but he was soon forced to go into the shadows, staging his own funeral in 1996. And in 2000, law enforcement agencies investigating the murder of Yury Kerez, an investigator from the prosecutor's office of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, came on his trail, and Butorin was put on the federal wanted list. After that, he and a number of other leaders were forced to flee abroad.

During the 2000s, the leaders of the Orekhovskys (as well as the Medvedkovskaya and Odintsovo leaders associated with them) were gradually hunted down and convicted. Osya was detained in Barcelona by local police and spent eight years in a Spanish prison for illegal possession of weapons, after which he was extradited to Russia. In 2011, the Moscow City Court found him guilty of 36 murders and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Butorin on trial

Kurgan organized criminal group Despite the name, this group also operated in Moscow, where it became famous for its cruelty, even against the background of other gangs, also not noticed in a special love for humanity.

Koligov and Nelyubin - first on the left

The Kurgan leaders - Andrei Koligov, Oleg Nelyubin and Vitaly Ignatov - met in their native Kurgan when they worked as gravediggers at the cemetery (very symbolic). The fourth cemetery “musketeer” was Alexander Solonik, then a half-educated cadet of the Gorky Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in the future a legendary killer.

Vitaly Ignatov - right

The grouping began its activities in its hometown, but in 1990 it was relocated to Moscow. There, she first entered into an alliance with the leader of the Orekhovskaya Sylvester, but soon decided to "go her own way."

One of its stages was the murder of three leaders of the influential Bauman organized criminal group, with whom the Kurgan people did not share the Arlekino nightclub. Solonik's hands removed Valery Dlugach (Globus), Anatoly Semyonov (Rambo) and Vladislav Vanner (Bobon). Soon, Sylvester was also killed, who tried to negotiate with the arrogant provincials. True, it was not clear whether the Kurgan people did it or someone else.

Less than a month after the death of Sylvester Solonik, he was detained at the Petrovsky-Razumovsky market, where he managed to shoot three policemen and a security guard. The killer confessed to the murders, which eventually amounted to about 20, but after eight months of detention, he managed to escape from the Matrosskaya Tishina pre-trial detention center, becoming almost the first to succeed. He was assisted by Kurgan comrades-in-arms, who bribed the overseer (or, according to another version, introduced him on purpose). In Solonik's career, this was already the third successful escape: before that, he had escaped directly from the courtroom in his native Kurgan and from the colony in Ulyanovsk.

Detained Solonik

Despite economic success, the Kurgan group made so many enemies with its methods that it was not safe for its leaders to be in Moscow. On top of that, they quarreled among themselves, as a result of which they went abroad one by one.

True, the Russian authorities soon managed to get two of them: Koligov was arrested at the Sheremetyevo-2 airport when he foolishly decided to return to the country, and Nelyubin was extradited to the authorities of the Netherlands, where he was convicted of murdering a businessman from Latvia. Neither was destined to be free. Nelyubin, along with another influential member of the organized criminal group, Pavel Zelenin, was killed in the same “Matrosskaya Tishina” as a result of a “fight between prisoners” back in 1998. And Koligov, who waited for the trial and served time in the colony, allegedly committed suicide there in 2005.

As for Solonik, the killer, who was hiding in Greece after his escape, was strangled in 1997 by his prominent colleague in the craft, Alexander Pustovalov, nicknamed Sasha the Soldier, who worked for the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group.

Sasha Soldier

Together with him, his cohabitant Svetlana Kotova, a finalist in the Miss Russia-96 contest, was killed, whose dismembered body was later found in a suitcase buried in the ground.

Svetlana Kotova

The only one of the four Tambov gravediggers whose fate is unknown is Vitaly Ignatov, who may still be hiding somewhere abroad.

Tambov OPG

This group also operated not in the city that gave it its name, but in the northern capital. Founded by natives of the Tambov region Vladimir Kumarin and Valery Ledovskikh, who met in Leningrad in 1988, at first it was part of the powerful Velikolukskaya OCG, but gradually gained independence and became the leader of the criminal world in northern Russia.

For the first time, they started talking about the Tambovites in 1989, when they staged a rare showdown for those times with the use of firearms with competitors from the Malyshevskaya organized criminal group. The trial was covered by well-known journalist Alexander Nevzorov and, as Kumarin later said, made good publicity for the group with his reports. It is curious that, having become a deputy of the State Duma, Nevzorov subsequently appointed Kumarin as his assistant.

Nevzorov (left) with Kumarin

Having been released from the colony in 1991, Kumarin decided to finally separate himself from the Velikiye Luki. On this path, he and his accomplices achieved great success. Over time, the group controlled not only St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, but also a significant part of Karelia, as well as the Novgorod and Pskov regions. It is believed that in terms of population coverage (5.5 million people), Tambov set a kind of record for the criminal world of Russia.

Having accumulated influence, the organized crime group penetrated the fuel and energy complex, buying out the St. Petersburg branches of Surgutneftegaz and merging them into the St. Petersburg Fuel Company, headed by Kumarin (who by that time had taken his mother's surname - Barsukov). His first deputy was the city vice-governor Yuri Antonov. In addition, the group conducted business through the speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Viktor Novoselov and State Duma deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party, brothers Sergei and Vyacheslav Shevchenko.

Victor Novoselov

At the turn of the millennium, the Tambov people, who seemed to be legalized and became decent businessmen, nevertheless began to have problems. Speaker Novoselov was blown up in his own car in 1999, deputy Sergei Shevchenko was sentenced in 2001 to 7.5 years probation for extortion, and his brother was killed in 2004 in Cyprus. In 2007, Barsukov-Kumarin was also arrested. He was charged with raider seizures and money laundering. In 2009, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison in this case, but new ones soon followed. The trials against him, with some interruptions, drag on to this day.

In 2014, Barsukov-Kumarin became famous for his last word “Special Justice. Court of Special Importance”, published in the media, after which the jury delivered a verdict of not guilty in the case of organizing an attempted murder. However, then the Supreme Court of the country overturned the verdict and returned the case to a lower court. In the submission of the prosecutor's office, it was said that the publication in the media allegedly meant an unacceptable influence on the jury. In August 2016, the leader of the Tambov gang received 23 years in prison on this charge.

Mikhail Glushchenko (left) and Vyacheslav Shevchenko

Another prominent member of the Tambov organized crime group, Mikhail Glushchenko, was sentenced to 17 years in 2015 for organizing the resonant murder of State Duma deputy Galina Starovoitova, committed back in 1998. At the same time, he named Barsukov-Kumarin as the customer, so that, apparently, he had more problems with justice.

Starovoitova and Yeltsin

The fate of another Tambov leader did not work out either - antiquary Mikhail Monastyrsky, nicknamed Monya, known for his fakes of Faberge eggs. As a State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, he was able to avoid arrest and fled to Europe, but in 2007 he died in a strange accident in the south of France.

Monastyrsky next to the leader of his party Zhirinovsky

As for one of the organizers of the Tambov organized criminal group, Valery Ledovskikh, mentioned at the beginning, there is practically no information about him. Which is rather strange for a person who has reached such career "heights". True, information is posted on the network that it is he who currently holds the position of General Director of Gazpromneft-Regional Sales.

Valery Ledovskikh

It’s rather difficult to figure out whether this is Valery Ledovskikh or some other, but the facts of the biography of two people with the same names indicate at least their family connection.

In St. Petersburg, the investigation into the case of the leader of the so-called Tambov criminal community Valery Ledovskikh and five of his henchmen has been completed. Initially, Ledovskikh was arrested on charges of extorting $25,000 from St. Petersburg businessman Kirill Schreiber. Interestingly, he was soon released from arrest, and then the investigation even allowed the authority to go abroad, to Switzerland. However, most likely he will return, since the court threatens him little: the injured Schreiber has already renounced all his charges.

Valery Ledovskikh, who is called figure number 2, was arrested in December 1993. The basis for this was the statement of Kirill Schreiber. From the beginning of 1993, the Tambov people tried to impose tribute on the entrepreneur, but he successfully evaded this. Moreover, he committed an act that, according to gangster concepts, is completely unacceptable: he said that he was already paying another Tambov leader, Andrzej - the nickname of Andrei Stepanov, who was killed by a hitman in Budapest in October last year.

After it turned out that this was not true, Schreiber was scheduled to meet on April 1 at the Evening Cafe. During Ledovskikh's explanation, as stated in the materials of the investigation, he hastily ordered to pay $50,000 as material and moral damages and gave a period of one month in order to collect the money. Somewhat later, after conferring, the bandits reduced the fine to $25,000. Schreiber tried to weakly protest, and in response to this, Ledovskikh allegedly threw a plate at his head “for a rotten bazaar” - these are the words that appear in the investigation materials.

Schreiber hid for a long time, only in December 1993 he ventured to apply with a statement to the RUOP at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of St. Petersburg. It was at this time that another police purge of Tambov residents by the St. Petersburg police began. In the pre-trial detention center "Crosses" there were several leaders of this. The operation took place in connection with the murder of a major St. Petersburg businessman Sergei Beneshev, who was engaged in the sale of petroleum products.

After the arrest, Valery Ledovskikh did not answer the investigators' questions for about a month. Only on January 19 did he demand to be interrogated. During interrogation, he stated that on April 1, 1993 he was in Togliatti, as evidenced by the protocol of the traffic police inspector Ambrosov (the lawyer provided it to the investigation on the same day), who detained the bandit for violating traffic rules. After that, employees of the St. Petersburg RUOP visited Togliatti, where they actually found this protocol in the journal of strict reporting forms, but it was written between the lines and was under a double number. It turned out that Inspector Ambrosov himself had not appeared in the service since the summer of 1993 and was fired from the traffic police. Later it turned out that he visited St. Petersburg, where he bought a BMW. An examination of the protocol showed that Ledovskikh himself actually wrote the offender's explanations in it. However, the investigators found out that this was done much later than April 1, 1993, most likely at the moment when the suspect was already in Kresty.

During the investigation, the charge was reclassified to the harsh article 77 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - banditry. However, on March 15 last year, the Smolnensky People's Court of St. Petersburg released Valery Ledovskikh from arrest, taking a written undertaking not to leave, for health reasons. Unlike Andrzej, who went out by subscription almost at the same time and disappeared immediately after that, Ledovskikh regularly fulfilled all the requirements of the investigation and always appeared on the first summons. Therefore, when the management of Interconsulting, where Valery Ledovskikh works as deputy director, asked to be released on a business trip abroad, the investigation agreed to this. Ledovskikh accurately informed law enforcement officials about his movements in Europe, which indicates his confidence in a positive decision for him in the case.

It is likely that Ledovskikh repeatedly met in Switzerland with the leader of the Tambov group, with whom he is friends. Recall that Coumarin is being treated in Switzerland for injuries received during the assassination attempt on him on June 1 last year. Then the bandit's guard was killed by machine gun fire, and Kumarin ended up in the hospital in a coma, but the powerful health and skill of the St. Petersburg doctors saved his life. In August, on a charter flight through Finland, friends of authority took him to Switzerland for further treatment, from where he is in no hurry to return to St. Petersburg.

Due to the workload of the St. Petersburg courts, no date has been set for the start of the hearings. Moreover, the majority of judges simply do not express an ardent desire to take on the Ledovsky case. Judging by the calm behavior of the latter, he is confident in a successful court decision for himself. The main prosecution witness, Schreiber, has already retracted all of his testimony.

The arrest of the Sedyukov gang made a shock impression on the St. Petersburg bandits who remained at large - at that time this group was considered too invulnerable. In the gangster environment, there was even an opinion that a special group of the Moscow KGB came to arrest Sediukov, although this operation was prepared by employees of the then 5th department of the St. considered to be an ORB). The result of this shock was that for about a year there was a certain vacuum around the St. Petersburg gangster throne. But… A holy place, as you know, never stays empty for a long time. In 1988, Vladimir Kumarin ascended the throne.

Vladimir Sergeevich Kumarin was born in 1955 in the Mochkapsky district of the Tambov region and came to Leningrad with a collective farmer's work book in his hands. Just like Kolya-Karate, Kumarin entered the Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry and did not finish it either. He worked for some time as a doorman at Windrose and as a bartender at Tallinn. “Having set a course” for the formation of his own team, Kumarin proceeded from the principles of the community. Bandit life is fleeting and dangerous, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many leaders wanted to see their fellow countrymen, childhood friends, relatives as their closest assistants - in a word, those who could be more trusted. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Valery Stanislavovich Ledovskikh became Kumarin's "right hand" (deputy for operative work in the mafia, as his colleagues jokingly called him). Ledovskikh is also a native of Tambov, and it is curious that he was born into a family of police officers and, according to rumors, his mother still works in the police department of the city of Tambov. Ledovskikh graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture. Lesgaft, and the last place of his official work was the youth sports school of the Krasnogvardeisky district, where Valery Stanislavovich taught boxing to the younger generation. He was also a bouncer in the well-known Zurbagan and Yantarny establishments.

Relying on fellow countrymen, Vladimir Kumarin in a short time managed to create the well-known in St. Petersburg organization "Tambov". True, it was rumored that a certain Gavrilenkov, nicknamed Stepanych, a former bartender from the Sovetskaya Hotel, helped Kumarin to create a group. At the same time, Stepanych, being essentially a super leader, preferred to remain in the shadows ...

Naturally, not all of Kumarin's colleagues were of Tambov origin. But the name of the grouping was given by the place of birth of the main leaders.

Kumarin, being a sociable, tough, smart and enterprising person, managed to ensure that the discipline in his team was stricter than in other groups. "Tambovskiye" had a system of hard obshchak, where in a certain period of time everyone related to the group had to contribute their shares. This obshchak, however, was fundamentally different from the thieves' obshchak. "Tambovtsy" threw off only a certain percentage of what they had acquired into the common fund, while thieves should put everything into the common fund and receive their own only from the common fund. "Tambovskie" contributed to the development of St. Petersburg banditry. It was they who began to raid in droves not on shadow companies, but on people from legal structures - representatives of various cooperatives and partnerships. Coumarin then led an exceptionally healthy lifestyle, practically did not drink alcohol and did not smoke. Being not very tall, he, lying down, easily squeezed a barbell weighing 110 kg. By 1989, the number of the Tambovskaya group had already reached several hundred people. The prestige that Kumarin enjoyed at that time is evidenced by the fact that when he entered the Koelga restaurant, all those present stood up. When representatives of other groups were interrogated by police officers, they spoke about the Tambov gang only in a whisper, making scary eyes. However, gradually the interests of different groups began to intersect - the city became crowded. Naturally, conflicts were inevitable. And so, in 1989, a historic showdown took place in Devyatkino, in which representatives of the Tambovskaya and those who later became known as the Malyshevskaya took part. At this disassembly, both conflicting parties demonstrated that they had weapons, including machine guns ... Then Sergey Miskarev, nicknamed Broiler, opened the shooting.

Then the famous bandit Fedya Krymsky was killed in Devyatkino. At the same time, the "ascension" of the hitherto ordinary "Tambovets" Mikhail Glushchenko, nicknamed Khokhol, who was not afraid to go breast-feeding on the machine gun, began ... In the 80s, Khokhol was known under the nickname Coach and started on the "galley" (in Gostiny Dvor) - with a well-placed blow, he “knocked out” those who, out of naivety, tried to sell him American jeans that were in short supply at that time. And he took the jeans and resold them, without further ado, to the same “hucksters” whom he despised.

The showdown in Devyatkino overflowed the patience of the leaders of the Leningrad police. The purposeful development of the Tambovites began, which was complicated by the fact that by that time the group already had its own counterintelligence and agents in the police environment. Nevertheless, in 1990, 72 Tambovites were prosecuted, including Kumarin himself with his closest associates: Valery Ledovskikh, Vyacheslav Porokhovnik and criminal authority Miriloshvili (nicknamed Kuso). In fact, this meant that the group was destroyed. Kumarin was charged with extortion, robbery, hooliganism and arbitrariness. But... Kumarin's case was heard in the people's court of the Leninsky district, judge Alexander Parfyonov led it.

Before the final meeting, the prosecutor (a woman, by the way), who supported the prosecution, was attacked - her head was crushed ... Kumarin received a much lighter sentence than the prosecutor demanded. Coumarin's lawyer was a certain Mr. Kolkin, a curious person who now lives in the United States. For some time, Valery Ledovskikh worked as a personal driver for Kolkin ... And another curious coincidence: after Vladimir Kumarin received four years of general regime with confiscation, judge Alexander Parfyonov was seen in Sochi, at the Zhemchuzhina Hotel, where he apparently rested from difficult process. Some time later, Parfyonov resigned as a judge and now works as a lawyer. Sometimes he visits his former colleagues and clicks his tongue sympathetically when they tell him about their small salary ...

Even in the Kumarinu prison, "greenhouse" conditions were created. On May 26, 1992, he was transferred to the Obukhovo correctional labor colony, and already at the end of August the administration of the colony raised the question of his early release and sending him to chemistry - the construction of the national economy. A positive response to Kumarin was written by his head of the detachment, Senior Lieutenant Feoktistov. It was approved by the head of the colony, Pavel Gurmisov, although his own deputy captain Karasev categorically objected, however, the car started spinning. Kumarin passed the administrative and supervisory commissions in the Frunzensky district, which sent a petition to the court to transfer Vladimir Kumarin to the construction sites of the national economy. (In principle, the issue of publicizing the Institute of "Chemistry" in Russia had already been resolved. Officially, "Chemistry" was abolished at the end of 1992.) Judge of the Frunzensky District Court Zyabky decides to release Kumarin. The special prosecutor's office is protesting this decision, because Kumarin, who "realized" the need for socially useful labor, did not work anywhere, and he was not even seen at the place of work indicated in his description. The second reason for the protest was that the supervisory commission did not meet in full force. The head of the administration of the Frunzensky district granted the protest of the prosecutor's office, but literally immediately the supervisory commission met in full and again made a decision conducive to the release of Kumarin. Protests were also brought to the city court, but to no avail. In 1993, Coumarin was already in St. Petersburg. For a long time only “men” sit in the zones ...

An interesting ending to this story. Captain Karasev, who did not agree with his superior, was transferred downgraded to another colony. The head of the detachment, senior lieutenant Feoktistov, was promoted to senior instructor of political and educational work. He was later arrested on charges of bribery. And Kumarin, they say, often visited Obukhovo in a chic foreign car ...

For all the time while the leaders and the backbone of the “Tambovskaya” group were in prison, no one touched their objects in St. Petersburg, knowing that they would come out sooner or later. However, in 1993, a whole wave of bloody showdowns swept through the city, which informed circles directly associated with the return of the Tambovites and their desire to regain their leading position in the city. Rumor attributed to them the summer pogroms in the markets and many other crimes. "Tambovtsy" themselves suffered losses. In 1993 Klementy, Kuvalda, Gunyashin, Zvonnik and many others were killed. Misha-Khokhol miraculously escaped death after an attempt on his life. Perhaps because of this, Kumarin himself preferred to stay in the background, although he continued to resolve issues, and, according to rumors, Yaponchik himself, the legendary thief in law, hatched plans to unite organized crime structures on an all-Russian scale. This information, of course, is quite controversial, because Kumarin has always been distinguished by his negative attitude towards thieves in law, however ... After all, they said about him that he opposes black bandits, nevertheless, the Tambovites used, for example, the Chechens in their wiring . And moreover, there is an opinion that it was Kumarin who brought the “Chechens” to St. Petersburg ...

His location was a mystery for a long time, because, again, according to rumors, he was hiding from a mysterious brigade of hired killers chasing him. Some believed that this rumor was nothing more than disinformation launched by Vladimir Kumarin himself ...

Nevertheless, in May 1994, he began to appear in public places (albeit with a slight change in his appearance) and drive around the city in a luxurious Mercedes made to special order. Kumarin was seen in the chic St. Petersburg casino "Conti", where he attended sweepstakes fistfights.

However, later it became clear that Kumarin was afraid of the killers for good reason ...

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