The composition of the potion from Harry Potter. Harry Potter potions: types, classification, magical ingredients and potion rules, purpose and use

Professor McGonagall knocked softly on the door. It opened silently and they entered. Professor McGonagall told Harry to wait and left him alone.

Harry looked around. Of all the offices - and he had seen so many of them this year - Dumbledore's office was the most interesting. If he had not been so afraid of exclusion, he would now be at the top of bliss.

It was a round, spacious room, full of barely audible strange sounds. Many mysterious silver instruments stood on the revolving tables - they buzzed, emitting small puffs of smoke. The walls are hung with portraits of former directors and headmistresses, who dozed peacefully in beautiful frames. In the center is a huge writing desk on clawed feet, and behind it on a shelf is a shabby, patched and patched Magic Hat.

It suddenly dawned on Harry: what if he put the Hat back on again and listened to what she had to say? He glanced apprehensively at the sorcerers and sorcerers sleeping along the walls. Will he cause trouble if he tries his luck again? Just so as not to doubt whether he got to the right faculty.

He quietly walked around the table, took the hat off the shelf and slowly put it on his head. She was too big for him and moved out in front of his eyes - just like the last time. Harry waited, waiting, when suddenly a small voice whispered in his ear:

I hope you know what you're doing, Harry Potter?

Y-yes, Harry muttered. Sorry to bother you, I wanted to ask...

- ... I sent you to the right faculty, - the Hat was ahead of him. - Yes... With your distribution was not so easy. But I still stick to what I said before. Harry's heart skipped a beat. "You'd do well in Slytherin..."

The floor swam from under his feet. He took the hat by the crown and pulled it off his head. It hung softly in his hand, faded and dirty. Harry put it back on the shelf, feeling his stomach protest.

You're wrong, he said aloud to the quiet, motionless Hat. She didn't budge. Harry backed away, still looking at her, but then a strange rustle was heard behind him, and he turned around.

It turns out he wasn't alone. On a golden perch near the door sat a decrepit-looking bird that looked like a half-plucked turkey. Harry looked at her - the bird stared back darkly, making a strangled cluck. By the look of it, she was sick with something - her eyes went out, and during the time that he watched her, a couple of feathers fell out of her tail.

Harry shook his head sadly. The only thing missing was that Dumbledore's pet bird died in front of him when they were alone in the office. At that very moment, fire ran through the feathers of the bird, and it was completely engulfed in flames.

Harry groaned and looked around frantically to see if there was even a glass of water anywhere - there was nothing suitable. The bird, meanwhile, turned into a fireball, uttered a piercing cry, another moment - and nothing was left of it, except for a handful of ash smoking on the floor.

The office door opened and Dumbledore entered, looking half grim and half angry.

Professor, - Harry barely took breath from excitement. - Your bird ... I could not help it ... It ... burned ...

To Harry's great surprise, Dumbledore smiled.

Yes, it would be time. He's been really bad the last few days. I told him not to delay it. Harry's stunned face amused him.

Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. When it's time to die, phoenixes burn to be reborn from the ashes. Take a look at him...

Harry looked, and just in time, a tiny, shriveled newborn bird poked its head out of the ashes. She was just as unprepossessing as before.

It's a shame you saw him on the day he was burned," Dumbledore remarked as he sat down at the table. - Most of his life he is very good - in amazing red and gold plumage. Delightful creatures these phoenixes. They can carry a colossal load, their tears have healing power, and they are also the most devoted friends.

Shocked by the scene of self-immolation, Harry forgot why he was there, but immediately remembered everything as soon as Dumbledore sat in a high-backed chair and fixed his penetrating blue eyes on the boy.

Before the Headmaster could say a word, however, the door of the room rumbled aside and Hagrid rushed in, wild-eyed, knitted cap on one side, black tresses tousled, and a dead rooster still dangling in his hand.

It's not Harry, Professor Dumbledore! he said fervently. - I… so… talked to him… a second before… well… how they found this chicken! He didn't have time, sir...

Dumbledore tried to say something, but Hagrid's babble was unstoppable, in the heat of the moment he shook the rooster so that the feathers flew in all directions.

He couldn't do this! Well, this is like him ... I will swear - at least before the Ministry of Magic ...

Hagrid, I...

You… got the wrong one, sir! I know... Harry never...

Hagrid! Dumbledore snapped. "I'm sure it wasn't Harry who attacked those two."

Phew! breathed Hagrid, and the cock dangled sadly in his hand. - Good. I'll…uh…wait outside then, Headmaster.

And, stomping heavily, he went out in embarrassment.

Do you really think it's not me? Harry asked hopefully as he watched Dumbledore sweep the rooster feathers off the table.

Yes, Harry, not you," Dumbledore confirmed, though his face was dark again. "Still, I'd like to talk to you."

Harry waited timidly while Dumbledore collected his thoughts, his long fingertips joined in front of him.

I have to ask you, Harry," he said softly, "if you have anything you want to tell me. Generally anything.

Harry didn't know what to answer. He thought of Malfoy's cry of "You're next Mudbloods!" of the potion simmering in Moaning Myrtle's toilet. He remembered the disembodied voice that had spoken to him twice, and Ron's words: Hearing voices that no one else hears is bad even in the wizarding world. He remembered the rumors that had spread about him, and his own monstrous suspicion that he was somehow connected with Salazar Slytherin ...

I don't have anything to tell you, professor," Harry said, looking down.

The double attack on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick turned fear into a real panic. The most surprising thing was that the school was especially excited by the massacre of Nearly Headless Nick. Everyone asked each other: who could raise a hand against a poor ghost, what terrible force managed to strike someone who was already dead? All tickets for the Hogwarts-London Express, leaving on Christmas Eve, were instantly sold out: a mass exodus was expected from the school.

I see we'll be alone here, - Ron assessed the situation in a conversation with Harry and Hermione. - Our trinity and Slytherins - Malfoy and Crabbe with Goyle - that's all who will remain. Holidays will be fun.

Crabbe and Goyle always imitated Malfoy in everything, they wanted to stay with him for the holidays. As for Harry, he was only glad that almost everyone was leaving. He was tired of people shying away from him in the corridors, as if he had grown fangs or spitting poison, tired of whispering, nodding and hissing behind his back.

Fred and George, however, turned the oppressive fear into fun. When they saw Harry, they dropped everything and strode in front of him, shouting loudly: “Make way for the heir of Slytherin! Fall on your face, the greatest magician is coming ... "

Percy strongly condemned their behavior.

It's not a joke," he said coldly.

Get out of the way, Percy, Fred sighed. "Don't you see, Harry's in a hurry...

A cup of tea awaits him in the Chamber of Secrets and a pleasant meeting with his fanged servant, ”added George, snorting joyfully.

Ginny didn't find it funny either.

Stop it, please,” she pleaded plaintively every time Fred loudly asked Harry who else he was going to kill, and George waved a huge head of garlic, pretending to protect himself from witchcraft.

Harry was not very moved by this, and Fred and George soon got tired of playing the fool: they recognized the amazing idea that Harry was the heir of Slytherin as absurd, and he was relieved of his heart. But their antics really annoyed Draco Malfoy: seeing them, he literally turned green with anger.

In my opinion, he is bursting to admit that he is the real heir, - Ron guessed. “You know how much he hates those who are superior to him in some way. And then what happens: all the dirty work is for him, and glory is for you.

It'll all be over soon," Hermione said with conviction. - Polyjuice potion is almost ready. A week or two and we'll know the truth.

At last the semester ended, and silence, as deep as the snow in the fields, fell upon the castle. It was not despondency that radiated from Harry, but peaceful calm, and he enjoyed the freedom bestowed by the Gryffindor authorities on all who remained at Hogwarts. It was possible to set off fireworks to the fullest without angering or frightening anyone, and, in seclusion, practice wand fights. Fred, George and Ginny also chose to stay at school during the holidays - at home they were threatened with a trip with their parents to Bill in Egypt. Percy, who did not stoop to "children's play" and rarely showed up in the Common Room, solemnly informed them that he was only staying over Christmas because it was his duty as prefect to help the teachers during this turbulent time.

Christmas morning came cold and white. Ron and Harry, the only occupants of the bedroom now, were awakened by Hermione at an unbelievably early hour - she rushed in fully dressed and brought gifts to both.

Climb! she announced, pulling back the curtains on the windows.

Hermione, you're not supposed to come in here," Ron grumbled, shielding his eyes from the light.

And Merry Christmas to you. Hermione tossed him a present. - I've been up an hour already - I added lacewings to the potion. It's ready.

Harry sat up, waking up immediately.

Are you sure?

Absolutely. Hermione pushed the peacefully sleeping rat Scabber away and sat on the edge of the bed. "If we're really going to do something, there's no better time than tonight."

At that moment, Hedwig flew into the room with a small bag in her beak and landed on Harry's bed.

Hello! Harry greeted her happily. Are we friends again?

Hedwig, as a sign of location, pecked at his ear in the most friendly way - this gift turned out to be much better than the one brought in her beak. The package, which the Durels turned out to have sent, contained a toothpick and a short letter asking if Harry could stay at school for the summer holidays.

Other Christmas gifts were much nicer. Hagrid sent over a huge tin of creamy lomka, which Harry made sure to heat up on the fire before eating. Ron presented the book "Cannonballs" containing a lot of interesting things about his favorite team, the Peddle Cannons. Hermione gave him a luxurious eagle quill for writing. Unwrapping the last package, Harry found a new hand-knitted jumper and a large Mrs. Weasley raisin pie. Picking up her greeting card, he once again felt remorse - he remembered Mr. Weasley's fordik, which no one had seen since that very accident at the Whomping Willow. In his imagination, the scene of a night fight with a furious tree immediately appeared in his imagination, and the thought immediately spread to the school rules, which he and Ron again set out to violate.

It was impossible not to appreciate the splendor of the Christmas dinner at Hogwarts. It was appreciated even by those whose hearts sank with fear in anticipation of the moment when they would have to sip a dangerous potion, compiled according to a recipe from an old book.

The Great Hall looked amazing. There were not only many frosted Christmas trees and lush garlands of mistletoe and holly, but also wonderful magical snow - dry and warm - falling from the ceiling. Under Dumbledore's direction, the audience sang his favorite Christmas carols, with Hagrid roaring the loudest, his voice getting stronger with every glass of eggnog. Percy didn't notice that Fred had bewitched his prefect badge. To everyone's delight, it had the word "Dumbass" written on it, and poor Percy tried unsuccessfully to figure out what everyone was laughing at. Harry appeared at the celebration in a new jumper, Draco Malfoy, who was sitting at the Slytherin table, showered the new thing with stinging ridicule, but Harry didn’t even move his ear. Nothing, if everything goes like clockwork, in two or three hours Malfoy will receive a well-deserved retribution.

After Ron and Harry had finished their third round of Christmas pudding, Hermione led them out of the room to make a detailed plan for the evening's campaign.

We still need to get some particle - hair or nails - of who we want to turn into, - she said in a casual tone, as if it was a question of buying soap in a nearby shop. - For this, Crabbe and Goyle are best suited - Malfoy's closest friends, with whom he will share whatever secret you want. And we still need somewhere to put the real Crabbe and Goyle while we talk with Draco. And then suddenly appear at the most inopportune moment. I thought of everything,” Hermione continued calmly, as if not noticing the dumbfounded faces of her friends. And she showed them a couple of heavy chocolate brownies. - They've been injected with a mild sleeping pill. You just need to put them somewhere for Crabbe and Goyle to notice. You know how greedy they are. They will see - they will definitely eat. And then they fall asleep. And you will hide them in the closet, where there are mops, and pull out a few hairs from both of them.

Ron and Harry looked at each other in shock.

Thermion, I think..

This could end badly...

But Hermione's eyes burned with a steely gleam, the kind that sometimes appeared in Professor McGonagall's eyes.

The potion won't work without Crabbe and Goyle's hair," she announced adamantly. "Do you want to talk to Malfoy or not?"

Okay, okay, Harry nodded. - And how are you? Who are you getting your hair from?

I've already stocked up! Hermione took out a tiny bottle from her pocket, it contained a single short hair. Do you remember Millicent? We wrestled with her during duel training. She also wanted to strangle me. This hair was left on my mantle. She went home for Christmas, but I'll tell the Slytherins that I've thought of coming back.

And Hermione ran to see how the archaic potion was being brewed there. Ron turned to Harry with an expression of doomed resignation.

Have you ever seen a plan of action that would have so many violations of school rules at once?

However, much to Ron and Harry's surprise, the first phase of the operation went off without a hitch, according to plan. After Christmas tea, they hid in the deserted hall, waiting for Crabbe and Goyle, who were still alone at the Slytherin table, munching on their fourth serving of biscuits and whipped cream. Harry put chocolate brownies in a prominent place - the railing in the hall. Seeing Crabbe and Goyle leaving the Great Hall, the friends quickly hid behind the knight's armor near the front doors.

How fat will you be! whispered Ron, looking at Crabbe, who nudged Goyle, pointing at the brownies. They both snatched up the treats and shoved them into their wide mouths with relish. For a minute they chewed greedily, and then, with the same expression of bliss, they fell back.

It was more difficult to drag them all the way down the hall to the pantry. Having carefully placed the helpless enemies between buckets and mops, the friends proceeded to the next stage. Harry plucked a couple of hairs from Goyle's head, Ron did the same with Crabbe's hair. I also had to take off their boots - their own would hardly fit the legs of Crabbe and Goyle. Having finished with this, not without internal trembling, the friends went upstairs to Moaning Myrtle's toilet.

Thick smoke billowed from the booth where Hermione conjured the potion. Pulling their robes over their faces, Harry and Ron knocked gently on the door.


There was a clang of a latch and Hermione appeared, beaming and agitated, the mysterious brew gurgling heavily behind her. Three glass glasses were already ready on the toilet seat.

Got it? she asked in a whisper. Harry showed her Goyle's hair.

Excellent. And I stole the robes from the laundry. Hermione had a large package in her hands. - When you become Crabbe and Goyle, you will need larger sizes.

All three looked into the cauldron. The potion was like greasy, black, sluggishly boiling mud.

I'm sure there are no mistakes," said Hermione, rereading the stained page of Power Potions once more. - It looks like it is described in the book. We will become ourselves exactly an hour after we drink it.

Pour into glasses and add hair.

Hermione poured a generous dose of not-so-appetizing drink into each glass. Then, with a trembling hand, she shook a hair from her bottle into the first glass.

The potion hissed loudly like a boiling kettle and frothed dirty. In a second, it turned a poisonous yellow.

Wow! Ron exclaimed. - Here it is, the true essence of Millicent Bulstrode. I bet it tastes just as bad.

Now you quit," Hermione ordered.

Harry and Ron each threw a hair into the glasses. The potion gurgled and frothed: Goyle's was swamp green, Crab's was a gloomy dark brown. Ron and Hermione reached out for their glasses, but Harry stopped them.

Wait, Harry said. - You can't drink together here. Turned into Crabbe and Goyle, we can hardly all fit here. Yes, and Millicent is not a fairy.

Great idea,” said Ron, unlocking the door. - Let's go to separate booths.

Careful not to spill any of the precious potion, Harry slipped into the next stall.

Ready? - he asked.

One two Three!

Pinching his nose, Harry drank the potion in two long gulps. It tasted like overripe cabbage.

And immediately his insides began to twist, as if he had just swallowed a dozen live snakes. A strong burning sensation spread from the stomach to the fingers and toes. What if he gets sick with something terrible? Harry doubled over, panting, falling to his knees. The burning became unbearable. It seemed to him that his skin boiled and began to melt like hot wax. And - oh, a miracle! - Right before our eyes, the hands began to grow, the fingers thickened, the nails expanded, and the knuckles swelled like bolt heads. A prickling sensation in his forehead told him that his hair had crawled down to his eyebrows, his shoulders stretched painfully, his chest expanded so that his robes burst like hoops on a swollen keg. My feet were painfully squeezed in boots: they were four sizes too small.

The transformation ended as abruptly as it began. Harry lay face down on the cold stone floor, hearing Myrtle mutter something in the far toilet stall.

He kicked off his shoes with difficulty and stood up. Apparently, he turned into Goyle. With hefty, if trembling, hands, Harry pulled off his robes, now half a meter short of his ankles, dressed in the ones Hermione had prepared, and laced up Goyle's boat-like boots. I wanted to push my hair out of my eyes, but my hand felt only a short, stiff stubble running down my forehead. Eyes through the glasses saw everything as if in a fog - Goyle clearly did not need them. And Harry resolutely took them off.

Hey, how are you? Goyle's low, raspy voice escaped his lips.

Normally, - Crabbe's muffled grumbling was heard from the right.

Harry opened the door and walked over to the cracked mirror. Goyle stared at him, his dull, deep-set eyes. Harry scratched his ear. Goyle did the same.

Ron's cubicle door opened. They looked at each other. Yes, aside from his pallor and somewhat goofy appearance, Ron was indistinguishable from Crabbe, from the bowl cut to the long, gorilla-like arms.

It's unbelievable,” Ron muttered as he walked over to the mirror and nuzzled Crabbe's flattened nose into it. - Incredible!

Let's go soon, - Harry urged his friends, loosening the watch bracelet, which crashed into Goyle's thick wrist. "We still need to find the Slytherins common room." I hope for one thing: we will meet someone along the way and follow him ...

Ron stared at Harry intently.

You have no idea how strange it is to see Goyle thinking...

He knocked on Hermione's door.

What are you digging for? Time to go…

I... I won't go. Step alone.

Hermione, we know that Millicent Bulstrode is ugly - no one would ever think it was you.

No... Really... I don't think I'm going. And you two hurry up, don't waste your time. Harry looked at Ron puzzled.

That looks more like Goyle," said Ron. - That's what he looks like when the teacher asks him about something.

Hermione, are you all right? Harry asked through the door.

Everything is fine… I'm fine… Go. Harry glanced at his watch. Five of the precious sixty minutes had already passed.

Let me know when we get back, okay? - he said.

Ron and Harry carefully opened the door, made sure the way was clear, and went.

Crabbe always holds them, as if they were stuck to his body.

But like this?

That's better.

We went down the marble stairs leading to the underground rooms. Not a soul around. Where have all the Slytherins gone? Without them, Malfoy cannot be entered into the living room.

So what's now? Harry asked softly.

Slytherins always go over there for breakfast. Ron nodded towards the entrance to the dungeon. As soon as these words left his lips, a girl with long curly hair appeared from the aisle. Ron hurried to her: - Sorry, we forgot the way to our living room ...

The girl gave him a disapproving look.

Excuse me, we have different living rooms. I'm from Ravenclaw.

She ran away, looking at them suspiciously.

Nothing to do - Harry and Ron, in a hurry, moved down the stone steps into the darkness. Crabbe's and Goyle's huge boots made a particularly loud echo as they stepped on the floor. Friends felt that the matter was turning out more difficult than they expected.

The passages of the underground labyrinths were deserted. The boys went deeper and deeper under the school, constantly checking on the clock how much time they had left. A quarter of an hour later, they were already beginning to despair, when suddenly they seemed to have some kind of movement ahead of them.

Ha! Ron perked up. - Here, it seems, and one of them!

A vague figure emerged from the side door. They hurried to come closer - and their hearts skipped a beat. It wasn't a Slytherin at all. It was Percy Weasley.

And what are you doing here? Ron asked in surprise.

Percy's first act was to put on an offended look.

It's none of your business," he said firmly. - Crabbe, if I'm not mistaken?

Well… well, yes,” said Ron.

Go to your living room," Percy went on sternly. "It's not safe to wander around the dark corridors like this these days."

You're wandering," said Ron. Percy squared his shoulders.

I am an elder. No one dares to attack me.

Behind them, a voice suddenly echoed. Draco Malfoy was walking slowly toward them, and for the first time in his life, Harry was glad to see him.

There you are,” he said, drawling in his usual manner. - Did you fall asleep in the Great Hall? I was looking for you, I wanted to show you something funny.

Malfoy shot a devastating look at Percy.

What are you doing downstairs, Weasley? he asked with a grin.

Percy gasped in indignation.

Greater respect should be shown to the headman, he said. - Your behavior is reprehensible!

Malfoy grinned again and gestured for Ron and Harry to follow him. Harry was about to apologize to Percy when he caught himself just in time. She and Ron hurried after Malfoy, who managed to turn in, turning into another corridor: "This Peter Weasley is too worried ..."

Percy,” Ron corrected him mechanically.

What's the difference. I noticed him snooping around here even in the middle of the night. I bet he thought he was jokingly catching the heir of Slytherin. Malfoy snorted derisively.

Ron and Harry exchanged glances.

Malfoy stopped his step on the bare, dripping moisture of the stone wall.

What's the new password? he asked Harry.

Uh ... mmmm ... - he mumbled.

I remembered, "pure blood"!

Part of the wall has moved to the side, opening a passage. Malfoy stepped confidently inside, Harry and Ron following him.

The Slytherin common room was a low, long dungeon with walls of wild stone, greenish lamps hanging from chains from the ceiling. The fire crackled in the intricately carved fireplace, and all around, in the carved chairs, the dark silhouettes of the Slytherins could be seen.

Wait here," Malfoy ordered, waving his hand towards a pair of vacant chairs away from the fireplace. - Now I'll go and bring it - my father sent me something today.

Curious about what Malfoy was about to show, the friends sat in chairs, pretending to feel at home.

Malfoy reappeared a minute later, a newspaper clipping in his hand.

Laugh! he said, and shoved it under Ron's nose.

Ron's eyes widened in surprise. Reading the clipping quickly, he squeezed out a small amount of laughter and handed it to Harry.

An article from the Daily Preacher stated:

"Investigation at the Ministry of Magic.

Arthur Weasley, head of the Office for the Misuse of Muggle Inventions, was fined fifty Galleons today for magically manipulating a Muggle vehicle.

Mr. Lucius Malfoy, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where this enchanted machine was smashed earlier this year, demanded Mr. Weasley's resignation today.

"The Weasleys are undermining the reputation of the Ministry," Mr. Malfoy told our correspondent. "Surely he should not be allowed to make laws, and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be repealed immediately."

Mr. Weasley declined to comment, and his wife threatened the reporters that if they didn't leave, they would set the house ghoul on them."

Well, how? asked Malfoy, taking the clipping from Harry's hand. - You'll die laughing!

Ha ha ha, Harry laughed ruefully.

Arthur Weasley adores Muggles, ready to break a magic wand and take everything from them, - said Malfoy with contempt. "Looking at all those Weasleys in real life, you can't tell they're purebloods!"

Ron's face - Crabb's, to be more exact - was contorted with fury.

What's the matter with you, Crabbe? Malfoy glared at him irritably.

Stomach ache,” Ron muttered.

Go to the hospital wing and beat up the Mudbloods on my behalf," Malfoy snorted and continued, "I'm surprised the Daily Preacher hasn't done a report on the school attacks yet." Perhaps Dumbledore wants to hush up this story. If the attacks don't stop soon, he'll be fired. Father always said: Dumbledore is the worst of misfortunes. He loves Mudbloods. A proper headmaster would never admit the likes of Creevey into a school.

Malfoy pretended to take pictures, and angrily, but very similar portrayed Colin:

Potter, can I take your photo? Give me your autograph, please. May I lick your shoes, Potter? - Then he looked at his friends and added: - What is it with you both today?

Though belatedly, Harry and Ron giggled without enthusiasm. But Malfoy was satisfied, because Crabbe and Goyle were always slow-witted.

Holy Potter, friend of Mudbloods," drawled Malfoy. - Zero without a wand, that's who he is. He has no sense of pride. A real magician would never be friends with that wimp, Mudblood Granger. And they say he's the heir of Slytherin!

Ron and Harry listened breathlessly as Malfoy was about to reveal his secret. But Malfoy changed his tone.

I would like to know who this heir is. I would help him...

It was obvious that this was also a secret for Malfoy. Ron's jaw dropped, making Crabbe's face look even sillier. Malfoy did not notice anything suspicious, but Harry instantly figured out what to say to this.

But you probably figured out who is behind this?

I don't know how many times to tell you, Goyle! Malfoy growled at him. - And the father is silent. The room was last opened fifty years ago, long before his studies here. But he knows everything. This is a very big secret. And he is afraid that if I know a lot, I might accidentally spill the beans. But one thing I know: when the Room was last opened, one of the Mudbloods was killed. he said bloodthirsty.

Ron clenched Crabbe's giant fists. If he ran into Malfoy now, their whole scheme would be ruined - and Harry sent him a warning look.

Do you know whoever opened the Room then got caught? he asked Malfoy.

Yes, of course… He was expelled. Maybe he's still in Azkaban.

In Azkaban? Harry asked in bewilderment.

Azkaban is a prison for wizards, you stupid cudgel. Honestly, you may have been dumber, but today you broke all the records.

He shifted restlessly in his chair.

My father won't tell me to get involved. Let the heir do his thing. It's time to drive all this evil spirits out of school. But it's best to stay away. My father is having a hard time too. You know, the Ministry of Magic ransacked our castle last week.

Harry tried to make Goyle's goofy face look sympathetic.

Didn't find anything special. My father has very valuable items for black magic rituals. They are stored under the floor of the large living room.

Great! Ron exclaimed.

Malfoy glared at him, and so did Harry. Ron turned purple, even his hair turned red, his nose slowly became longer - the hour allotted to him was over. Ron was returning to his true appearance and, judging by the horror with which he looked at Harry, the same thing was happening to him.

In one fell swoop, they both jumped to their feet.

Rather for a medicine for the stomach! shouted Ron, and the friends quickly rushed out of the other people's living room, hoping that Malfoy had not had time to notice anything.

Harry felt himself shrunk: his feet were dangling in huge boots, the hems of his robes had to be pulled up. With a loud stomp, they ran up the stairs into the dark hall, through which the blows resounded from the closet where Crabbe and Goyle languished locked up. Leaving their shoes in front of the closet door, the friends, wearing nothing but socks, ran up the marble stairs to Moaning Myrtle's toilet.

All in all, we didn't waste our time," Ron gasped out of breath as the door closed behind them. "We haven't found out who's behind the attacks, but I'll write to Dad tomorrow to see if the Malfoys are hidden under the floor in the large living room."

Harry studied his face in the cracked mirror. Everything was back to normal. With a sigh of relief, he put on his glasses as Ron knocked on Hermione's cubicle door.

Hermione, come out soon, we'll tell you so much.

Please leave! Hermione called from behind the door.

Harry and Ron looked at each other.

What's the matter? Ron asked. Are you back to normal already? Harry and I are doing just fine.

Suddenly Moaning Myrtle appeared through the cockpit door. Harry had never seen her so happy.

Whoo! What will you see now! Her round transparent face shone with delight. - Impossible nightmare!

A latch clicked, and Hermione stood before them, weeping, her robe pulled over her face.

What happened, Hermione? Ron asked anxiously. “Maybe you still have Millicent’s ugly nose?”

Hermione yanked off her robes, and Ron backed away and slammed his back into the sink.

Her entire face was covered with black fur. His eyes burned with yellow fire, and his head was decorated with velvety pointed ears.

It was cat hair! Millicent Bulstrode must have a cat at home! A potion does not turn animals back into humans!

Yeah…” was all Ron said.

They'll give you a nasty nickname, - Myrtle rejoiced.

Don't be upset, Hermione," Harry interrupted hastily. “Now let’s go to the hospital wing.” Madam Pomfrey never asks unnecessary questions...

Friends for a long time persuaded Hermione to leave the toilet. Hermione finally agreed, there was nowhere to go. Moaning Myrtle ushered them on their way with a roar of laughter.

Wait, they'll find out that you have a tail on your back!

Moaning Myrtle was in seventh heaven.

depreciation("love potion", "love potion") (eng. Amortentia) - a potion that causes a feeling of falling in love with a drinker in an object whose particles (hair, for example) were added to the potion. It smells for everyone with something of their own, evoking the most pleasant smells for a given person. Over time, the effect of amortensia wears off on its own, leaving the victim confused and bewildered. If, under the influence of a love drink, a person has done a bunch of stupid things, he may have even more serious troubles.

Pepper Potion/Pepper Potion- something like an anti-cold medicine. Sharply warming potion. It has a slight side effect: light smoke comes out of the nose and ears of the patient for about three hours.

Chatterbox for Silent People- the action of the potion is clear from its name. Sometimes encourages the drunk to carry utter nonsense.

Wolf antidote- a rather complicated potion in composition and preparation, designed to facilitate the days of transformation for werewolves. The werewolf takes the potion several days before and during the full moon, and after the transformation retains human consciousness, becoming just a calm, harmless wolf.

Hair Potion- studied in the second year. Contains rat tails.

Boil cure potion- the simplest potion. With it, first-year students begin the Potions course.

hiccup potion- a potion that causes hiccups.

Bonfire- A healing potion that causes bones to grow back. It may also be used to heal fractures. The side effect is terrible pain.

Bone flesh and blood- a very dark potion. It returns the body to the one who lost it (Voldemort). The composition is unknown, but 4 components are known:
Bone of the father given without consent, resurrect your son!
The flesh of the servant given voluntarily revive your master!
The enemy's blood taken by force, resurrect your enemy!
and the fourth - the one who needs to revive the body. The potion is almost never used as everyone usually dies. Voldemort only used it because he had horcruxes and that's why he lost his body, not died.

Dr. Letto's Lethean Elixir- healing ointment. Ron Weasley smeared his scars with it to heal the wounds inflicted on him by the thoughts of the magical brain in the Ministry of Magic.

Drink of living death, Sip of living death(Eng. Draft of living death) - a very strong and complex sleep potion, reminiscent of the action of the one that Juliet Capulet drank. The recipe includes tincture of wormwood and asphodel root. A mistake in recipe or preparation can cause eternal sleep and even death.

Polyjuice Potion, All Essence, Polyjuice Potion(English Polyjuice potion) - a rather complex composition (for example, it includes a very rare ingredient - boomslang skin) and preparation of a potion. Drinking it is transformed for one hour and looks like the one whose particles (hair, nails, etc.) were added to the potion. The moment of transformation is very painful. The effect of a Polyjuice Potion can be extended indefinitely by simply drinking a small amount of it in time.

Enhancing Potion- causes living objects to increase in volume. It is possible to increase only some parts of the body.

Shrinking potion- a potion that causes the drinker to become smaller, or return to childhood.

Soothing balm- a calming potion, helps to fight anxiety and fear.

Felix Felicis(also called simply "Felix" or "Potion of Luck") (eng. Felix Felicis) - a drink that is extremely complex in composition and preparation. Properly brewed, it brings the drinker good luck in all endeavors. The dose of admission is calculated depending on the weight of the drinker and on the time for which he wants to stock up on luck. Overuse of the potion leads to a dangerous excess of self-confidence. The potion is forbidden for use during sports, exams and elections. The slightest deviation in the recipe or preparation can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Elixir of Joy- a bright yellow potion that causes a joyful mood. Studied in the sixth year. In an unconventional approach, a sprig of mint can be added to relieve the consumer of unwanted effects such as loud singing or pinching the interlocutor's nose.

Sorting Hat at Universal Studios Hollywood Amusement Park

Magical items from the world of Harry Potter are items used by characters in the Harry Potter series of novels.

dark things


Deathly Hallows

Name of three magical artifacts:

  • Elder Wand (the most powerful wand of all) belonged to: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald.
  • The resurrection stone (capable of returning the living spirits of the dead to the world) belonged to: the Gaunt family, Voldemort, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore.
  • The cloak of invisibility (capable of making the wearer invisible) was transferred to the Potter family by inheritance.

The Tale of the Three Brothers tells about the legend that became part of the plot of the seventh novel by JK Rowling - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Many wizards have sought out the Deathly Hallows, believing that once they have mastered them, they will become masters of Death.


One of the most frequently mentioned potions in books is Polyjuice Potion(eng. Polyjuice potion), allowing a person to take on the appearance of another person. It first appears in the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when Harry, Ron and Hermione disguise Draco Malfoy's friends in order to find out information about the Chamber of Secrets from him; then the method of its preparation is revealed. It is later used by: Barty Crouch, Jr., to impersonate Alastor Moody; Mrs. Crouch to free her son from prison and take his place; Draco Malfoy to disguise his friends Crabbe and Goyle as freshman students; Alastor Moody to turn Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur Delacour, and Mundungus Fletcher into copies of Harry Potter and enable him to leave the house on Privet Street; Harry, Ron and Hermione to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic disguised as three employees; and finally, Hermione Granger to take on the form of Bellatrix Lestrange and infiltrate her family vault at Gringotts Bank.

Some other potions featured in the Harry Potter books:


Magic chess

Magic chess is played with pieces and a board identical to regular chess. The rules have not changed either. The pieces come to life and they attack each other when performing a grapple, knocking out the captured piece and pulling it off the board. Players move pieces by naming positions out loud using algebraic chess notation (English).

Ron has a wizard's chess set left to him by his grandfather, and Harry first plays with pieces borrowed from Seamus Finnigan, who don't listen to him well and give wrong advice. Harry later received his own set at one of the firecrackers during his first Christmas at Hogwarts.

During the climactic chapters philosopher's stone Harry, Ron, and Hermione are transformed into human chess pieces in a game of Magic Size Chess, which Harry wins thanks to Ron's advice and sacrificing his piece. In the films, chess pieces are depicted using chess replicas from the Isle of Lewis.


Mirror of Einalej

In the mirror they see:

magic wands

elder wand


  • LeFebvre, N., 2009. The Sorcerer's Stone, Mirror of Erised, and Horcruxes: Choice, Individuality, and Authenticity in Harry Potter. The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature, 13(3).
  • Sehon, S.R., 2010. The Soul in Harry Potter. In: The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles (Vol. 7), Irwin, W. and Bassham, G. eds.. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Highfield, R., 2003.
List of Potions mentioned in all the Harry Potter books

depreciation- love potion.
Amortentia is a potion that causes the drinker to fall in love with an object whose particles (hair, for example) have been added to the potion. It smells for everyone with something of their own, evoking the most pleasant smells for a given person. Over time, the effect of amortensia wears off on its own, leaving the victim confused and bewildered.

Pepper Potion
something like an anti-cold medicine. Sharply warming potion. It has a slight side effect: light smoke comes out of the nose and ears of the patient for about three hours.

Chatterbox for Silent People
the action of the potion is clear from its name. Sometimes encourages the drunk to carry utter nonsense.

Wolf antidote - anti-lycanthrope potion
rather complicated in composition and preparation, the potion is designed to facilitate the days of transformation for werewolves. The werewolf takes the potion several days before and during the new moon, and after the transformation retains human consciousness, becoming just a calm, harmless wolf.
Inventor: Damocles Belby.

Hair Potion
studied in the second year. Contains rat tails.

Boil cure potion
simple potion. With it, first-year students begin the Potions course.
are composed of:
* dried nettle leaves
* crushed snake teeth
*boiled horned slugs
* porcupine quills

hiccup potion - a potion that causes hiccups.
It is studied no later than the sixth year. Such a potion was brewed by Draco Malfoy in Potions class in response to Professor Slughorn's task to create something "sort of". The fact is that only three students were present at the lesson: Draco, Harry Potter and Ernie Macmillan. The rest of the sixth-year students had reached the age of 17 and were taking the transgression exam that day. It made no sense to conduct a full-fledged survey, much less to give new material, so Professor Slughorn gave the guys such an unusual task.

a potion-medicine that causes the disappeared bones to grow again, or simply accelerates the growth of bones. Very unpleasant taste. Possibly used to heal fractures.

Dr. Letto's Lethean Elixir
healing ointment for open wounds

Liquor of Living Death\Drink of Living Death (Sleep Potion)(English) Draft of living death)
A very powerful and complex sleep potion, reminiscent of the one that Juliet Capulet drank. A mistake in recipe or preparation can cause eternal sleep and even death.
The recipe includes wormwood tincture and asphodel root.

Polyjuice Potion - a rather complex composition and preparation of a potion
a potion with which you can turn into a certain person for one hour. To do this, before use, you need to add particles of the person you want to turn into into the finished potion (hair, nails, etc.) The process of its preparation takes about a month. It contains an infusion of dried lacewings, algae collected during the full moon, leeches, knotweed, and in addition - grated bicorn horn and boomslang skin. The moment of transformation is very painful.

With the help of Polyjuice Potion, you can keep someone else's appearance for an arbitrarily long time, you just need to drink a sip of the potion every hour. It is only important to make sure that the particle added before use really belongs to a person: if, for example, the hair was cat, after an hour you will not return your appearance, but will be forced to heal for a long time.

An interesting feature. The potion, after adding particles of the one the wizard wants to turn into, changes its color, consistency and taste. These qualities directly depend on the nature of the person-"sample".

Truth serum - a colorless, odorless drink that makes the drinker answer truthfully to all questions asked.
Obviously, a drinker cannot even just keep silent about something. The preparation of this potion is apparently not too difficult, except that some ingredients are infused for a long time. However, the study of serum is not included in the school course for obvious reasons. It is also not clear whether special permission is needed to use this drug: in the novel, it is used only by persons endowed with certain powers (Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Inspector General of Hogwarts Dolores Umbridge)

Enhancing Potion- causes living objects to increase in volume
Only some parts of the body can be enlarged

Shrinking potion - a decoction of green color, which reduces a certain object in size. Studied in the third year.
An improperly brewed potion turns orange and is dangerous to consume.
* finely chopped into equal parts roots of daisies;
* dried fig;
* shredded dead caterpillars;
* rat spleen;
* a drop of leech juice.

Soothing balm - a calming potion, helps to fight anxiety and fear.

Felix Felicis - good luck potion.
highly complex drink in composition and preparation. Properly brewed, it brings the drinker good luck in all endeavors. The dose of admission is calculated depending on the weight of the drinker and on the time for which he wants to stock up on luck. The potion is forbidden for use during sports, exams and elections. The slightest deviation in the recipe or preparation can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Elixir of Joy- a potion that brings a person into a state of fun
- a bright yellow potion that causes a joyful mood. Studied in the sixth year. In an unconventional approach, a sprig of mint can be added to relieve the consumer of unwanted effects such as loud singing or pinching the interlocutor's nose.

Course 1
Since the first course is mainly about the general technology of preparing potions and herbal decoctions, we will abolish this section a bit, because you are unlikely to boil the essence of sage in the Myrtle Toilet. We score at the age of eleven and move on.

2 course
Potion of Fearlessness
- celema
- acolyte
- Adam's head

Energizing Tincture- used for mild symptoms of colds. Relieves symptoms and has a general warming effect.
- star anise
- korpotka
- fern
- urticaria
- false pennyroyal

Confusing Potion- creates the effect of confusion in a person and causes anxiety for an unknown reason. A person vaguely feels that something is wrong, but cannot understand what exactly and feels strong nervousness because of this.
- yarrow
- scurvy herb
- Levisticum officinale

Wormwood tincture- the basis for many potions, it can also be used as an antidote for mild poisons or as a medicine for food poisoning.
- wormwood
- alcohol
- sunflower oil

Calming tincture is a general sedative. In case of an overdose, it causes drowsiness, apathy, or "going to nirvana": a person can look at one point, giggle stupidly, speak out of place, etc.
- hellebore tincture
- Moonstone

3 course
aging potion- for half an hour makes the drunk outwardly older than his years. It can age both for a year and for several decades, depending on the dosage.
- crocodile teeth
- knotweed
- scarab wings
- cat bile

sleeping potion- immerses in a deep healing sleep, contributing to the accelerated recovery of the body. It is used mainly when a person has severe, painful injuries that prevent sleep, or when it is dangerous to use other healing potions.
- valerian root
- poppy juice
- oak leaves

pepper potion- treats colds of almost any severity, up to pneumonia.
- hot red pepper
- dexterous bulb juice
- sage

Boiling potion- used to remove the effect of the spell "Furunculus".
- dried nettle
- crushed snake fangs
- stewed horned slugs
- porcupine quills

4 course
- whalebone
- cobra venom

Potion of Fearlessness- Works like a light shield enchantment, making the drinker immune to simple spells like hex, stun, and the like for two hours. As a side effect, there is a slight decrease in the sense of danger, so you need to constantly tightly control yourself.
- celema
- acolyte
- Adam's head

wart powder- Whoever touches this powder has warts all over his body. The effect lasts about a week.
- pufferfish eyes
- urticaria
- Juice of the jabber (Mimbulus Mimbletonia)
- bicorn horn

Eagle Eye Potion- the drinker's visual acuity is extremely increased for two hours, however, with frequent use, a sharp decrease in normal vision is observed, and if the potion does not stop, even blindness.
- knotweed
- elevon tincture
- dragon teeth

Potion of Beauty- drunk, temporarily (about a couple of hours) begins to seem to others much more attractive than he really is. As a side effect, an overabundance of self-confidence is acquired, which does not go away for about a day after the end of the potion.
- donkey milk
- rose essential oil
- cedar infusion
- egg
- ground rye grains

5 course
Blood Repair Potion- accelerates the recovery of blood plasma and red blood cells in the body. Used for large blood loss, usually in conjunction with a Recovery Potion.
- bull's blood
- viper venom
- mandrake
- hellebore
- mellorn leaves

Kromlev juice- acts as a blurring agent. A drinker becomes almost unable to distinguish objects for 15 minutes, seeing a whitish veil before his eyes. In addition, there is pain in the eyes, which interferes with concentration. The effect cannot be removed by spells or antidotes.
- birch sap
- linden honey
- mercury

love decocotte- A light love potion that allows the subject to feel some attraction to the person who brewed the potion, but the effect only lasts a couple of hours. Usually used by those who want to get to know the object of their sympathy better, but do not dare, fearing to be rejected immediately.
- Red Rose
- orchid
- vanilla solution
- sakura berries

Wound Cleansing Potion- used to cleanse open wounds and cuts, also relieves inflammation and prevents wound suppuration, even in the field. The potion has a rich purple color, upon contact with the skin it begins to smoke and causes a rather strong burning sensation.
- bubotuber juice
- porcupine quills
- niffler wool
- salamander blood

Potion of Mist- after preparation, from strong shaking and upon contact with air, the potion begins to emit strong fumes, odorless and without any effect, identical in appearance to fog. Most often used for camouflage or distracting targets. The finished potion glows with a light bluish light.
- morning dew
- acolyte
- raindrops
- ice from the bottom of the lake

Shrinking potion- Reduces the object it hits by a degree depending on the concentration or amount of the potion. Only affects inanimate objects.
- chopped daisy roots
- peeled shriveled fig
- chopped caterpillars
- rat spleen
- extract from leeches

6 course
Felix Felicis- a potion, otherwise called "liquid luck." A person who has drunk this potion becomes incredibly lucky, it is as if a force from above leads him, prompting and guiding him to a favorable result. Ready Felix Felicis has a golden color and a sweet smell. It is extremely difficult to prepare, and an incorrectly prepared potion can cause the most unpredictable effect. With frequent use, it causes addiction and an unhealthy feeling of euphoria.
- Moonstone
- boomslang poison
- elf eggs
- Spring rain
- korpotka
- anthropogora
- southern bruise
- Egyptian amphora slime
- the core of a unicorn horn
- hippogriff's claw
- fog

hemlock extract- the strongest poison, at a certain dosage, capable of killing a person in less than a minute. However, in minimal doses, it can be used in healing, as a relaxing and sedative agent.
- fresh hemlock
- hemlock powder

depreciation- is the most effective love potion. The drinker begins to feel an acute obsession, a need, but Amortentia is not capable of evoking true feelings. The characteristic features of the finished evil are the spiraling steam above the cauldron and the smell, unique to each person - it smells of what seems to everyone the most pleasant.
- frozen ashserpent eggs
- infusion of oregano
- rat tail
- licorice peony
- dremodena liana juice

Alfomra- an antidote that slows down the action of many poisons and thus gives time to identify the poison and prepare the desired antidote. It is also used as a weak general restorative agent, but only diluted with water, in a ratio of 1:20.
- whalebone
- cobra venom

Sip of Living Death- plunges the person who has taken the potion into a deep sleep, outwardly no different from death. The potion is transparent, like water, but has a specific smell of decay.
- valerian root
- dream beans
- asphodel
- infusion of wormwood

Polyjuice Potion- allows the drinker to take on any appearance for an hour, depending on whose body part was added to the potion. The transformation is accompanied by rather unpleasant sensations, and the potion itself has a marsh-gray color and a specific smell.
- lacewing fly
- leeches
- common flax
- knotweed
- crushed bicorn horn
- pieces of skin of a boomslang snake
- a part of who you need to turn into

7 course
Potion of Johness- the most powerful analogue of the Hellfire potion. Extremely unstable even during cooking. Even brewing this potion and not causing an explosion is extremely difficult. It is completely impossible to pour it into a vessel without consequences. Previously, it was used in the process of hostilities, cooked directly on the battlefield and, exploding, destroyed at once several dozen people who were in the radius of action. To date, the use of this potion is strictly prohibited by the Ministry, and anyone who tries to make it faces a life sentence in Azkaban. The exact recipe for Johness's potion is preserved only in a few dark magic books kept in the libraries of pureblood families. In the school curriculum, it is studied only theoretically.
- unicorn blood
- werewolf saliva
- manticore wool

Potion of Forgetfulness- drunk, forgets some events, however, if the spell "Obliviate" acts on memory in a directed way, then this potion acts either chaotically, or erases a day or another period of time from memory, depending on the dose, entirely, so it is not very convenient to use it on practice.
- spoon grass
- lovage
- sneezing grass
- poppy juice
- valerian

Gregory's Unctuous Lubricant(invented by Gregory Flattering) - I know what you perverts thought, but in fact it's just an oily-looking potion that clouds the mind of the drunk and makes him think that the one for whom the potion was tuned is his best friend and well-wisher.
- grass nechuy-wind
- thorn grass
- weeping grass
- yar-nettle
- kromlev juice
- monkfish blood

Blasting Liquid- A weak analogue of the Hellfire potion. Acts like a "Bombardo" spell, removing obstacles, kicking down doors, etc. Much more stable and only explodes when detonated by an incendiary spell like Insendio.
- liquid from the horn of Thundermont
- mimbulus Mimbletonia juice

Veritaserum- a potion that has no taste, color and smell. Forces the drinker to tell the truth, confusing thoughts when trying to lie. It is possible to resist the action of the potion, but only with long directed mind control training under the influence of the potion, in addition, for this it is necessary to have a sufficiently high level of Occlumency.
- jumper feathers
- wool from the legs of an acromantula
- unicorn slugs
- syplosphora

Antilycontropic Potion- one of the most difficult potions that is made to help werewolves control themselves during transformations. If the werewolf took this potion before the full moon, his body still changes, but his mind remains unclouded.
- scarab wings
- elf pollen
- saliva and hair from the neck of a wolf
- hippogriff claws
- a drop of werewolf blood

Potion of Hellfire- Roughly speaking, magical explosives. If a flask filled with this potion is broken, it will cause a massive explosion. In addition, the potion is quite unstable and can explode simply on impact or shaking. Therefore, carrying it in a bag or simply carrying it without due care is not safe.
- explosive beans
- root gap-grass
- thorn color
- hippogriff bile
- shaved raven feathers