Famous dates in June. Memorable dates in June

June 1, 2018-International Children's Day(celebrated since 1949) ;

June 1, 2018- World Milk Day. It has been celebrated since 2001 at the suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. June 2, 2018 - Healthy Eating Day (the day of refusing to eat excesses has been celebrated since 2011);

June 2, 2018 - 210 years since the birth of L.A. Zagoskin (1808 - 1890), Russian traveler, explorer;

June 4, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of E.A. Mravinsky (1903–1988), Russian conductor;

June 5, 2018 - World Environment Day. Celebrated by the UN since 1972;

June 6, 2018 - Russian Language Day (Celebrated by UN decision since 2014);

June 6, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of A.I. Khachaturian (1903–1978), Soviet composer;

June 7, 2018 - Crowdfunding Day. Crowdfunding is a voluntary collective investment of money by ordinary people in a project in order to support and develop it. Literally, the term is translated into Russian as "from the world on a string";

June 7, 2018 - 170 years since the birth of Paul Gauguin (1848–1903), French painter;

June 7, 2018 - 85 years since the birth of A.M. Arkanov (1933), contemporary writer-humorist;

June 10, 2018 - 105 years since the birth of T.N. Khrennikov (1913–2007), Russian composer;

11 June 2018 - 445th birthday of Ben Jonson (1573–1637), English playwright;

June 12, 2018 - Russia Day. Day of adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation;

June 12, 2018 - 125 years since the birth of M.E. Koltsov (Fridland) (1898–1940), writer-journalist;

June 13, 2018 - 245 years since the birth of Thomas Young (1773–1829), English scientist;

June 13, 2018 - 135 years since the birth of S.T. Shatsky (1878–1934), Russian teacher;

June 14, 2018 - 195 years since the birth of P.L. Lavrov (1823–1900), Russian thinker;

June 15, 2018 - Day of the creation of the youth movement. On June 15, 1918, the first out-of-school institution for young nature lovers was opened in Moscow;

June 15, 2018 - 175 years since the birth of E. Grieg (1843–1907), Norwegian composer and pianist;

June 15, 2018 - 105 years since the birth of B.A. Ruchiev (1913–1973), Russian poet;

June 16, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of V.M. Sayanov (Makhlin) (1903–1959), Russian poet, prose writer;

June 16, 2018 - 55 years ago (June 16–19, 1963), the world's first female cosmonaut V. V. Tereshkova made a space flight on the Vostok-6 spacecraft;

June 17, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of M.A. Svetlov (1903–1964), Russian poet;

June 18, 2018 - 85 years since the birth of N.I. Leonov (1933–1999), contemporary Russian adventure writer;

June 19, 2018 - 395th birthday of Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), French thinker;

June 22, 2018 - Commemorative date of Russia: Day of Memory and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941);

June 22, 2018 - 120th birthday of Erich Maria Remarque (1898–1970), German writer;

June 22, 2018 - 115 years since the birth of M.P. Prilezhaeva (1903–1989), children's writer;

June 22, 2018 - 95 years since the birth of G.A. Yurmina (1923–2007), children's writer;

June 23, 2018 - UN Public Service Day (proclaimed in 2002 to commemorate the contribution of the public service to improve society);

June 24, 2018 - 180 years since the birth of Jan Matejko (1838–1893), Polish painter;

June 24, 2018 - 110 years since the birth of M.A. Ladynina (1908–2003), Russian film actress;

June 25, 2018 - Sailor's Day (established by the International Maritime Organization in 2010);

June 25, 2018 - 90 years since the birth of I.I. Shklyarevsky (1938), Russian poet;

June 26, 2018 - International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking;

June 29, 2018 - Commemorative date of Russia: Day of partisans and underground fighters;

June 29, 2018 - 220 years since the birth of Giacomo Leopardi (1798–1837), Italian poet and thinker;

June 30, 2018 - Day of the security officer of the penitentiary system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia;

Any year is significant in some way, each period in time contains a lot of important events that are of particular importance for all Russians. AT important dates in june 2019 included sports, professional, historical events.

Xp istian holidays

In the present modernity, the Orthodox religion is significant and important, most Russians adhere to Christian traditions and firmly believe in Spiritual power. Some Orthodox events even have state significance, for example, in Russia the Nativity of Christ is recognized as a state celebration, but in Ukraine the great Trinity is solemnly celebrated by the whole state.

The main and significant Orthodox events can be safely included in important dates June 2019.What festive Christian celebrations are revered by Russians in summer June?


What concept is included in the meaning anniversaries june 2019? Such dates are all important events for Russians that end in the numerical value “0” or “5”. What can be noted to the Russians in the summer?

Significant dates in June

Any month of the year is filled with important and significant events, which are of particular importance for every Russian. Monthly calendar included important dates for june 2019, the list of which is extensive.

  • 1 - Children's Day is celebrated by the whole wide world.
  • 2 - doctors celebrate the day of healthy eating.
  • 5 - the date is completely devoted to the environmental protection of the world. Ecologists are celebrating their professional holiday today. Today is the day for the protection of the environment.
  • 6 - the great holiday of indigenous Russians - the day of the Russian language.

  • ​ 8 - a professional date of great importance - the day of the social worker.
  • 12 is a state celebration of great and important significance - the day of Russia.
  • 18 is a professional celebration of all medical workers.
  • 21 is another date of a professional nature - the day of the canine service employees under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • 22 is the date of remembrance and mourning.
  • 26 is a worldwide action dedicated to the active fight against the spread of drug trafficking.
  • 27 is a fun day for youth.
  • 27 is the holiday of fishing lovers - the day of the fisherman.

The June calendar of dates is not so simply prepared, but because of its importance, because it contains significant and memorable dates in Russia in June 2019 and which all Russians should know and remember, because this is our history, both near and far. In any case, we must remember the memorable and significant dates of our country, in particular, what dates will be on the calendar in June 2019, why this month is so remarkable in our history, what it has contributed to the development and formation of Russia.

The dates of each country are different, jubilee and memorable, both of rather significant significance, the state level, and less significant, for example, the local level of value and reverence, of some community, region, region or city. On any of the memorable and anniversary dates, we treat with special respect, especially those of them that, with their significance, left an indelible mark on history and influenced the historical course of the development of the Russian Federation.

Calendar of memorable and significant dates June 2019

In order to know exactly about the dates of June 2019, when there are memorable and significant dates for the country in Russia, and a calendar of such dates has been prepared, in which there are all such days that are significant for the country, which you will have to get acquainted with with pleasure, because you not in vain on this page, it means you are interested in learning about them.

Next, you will get acquainted not only with the dates of June 2019, the calendar of memorable and significant dates of the Russian Federation, but also learn about the holidays of this month and all the others, of state and religious significance, as well as professional, which is also important for many of those Russians who always happy to celebrate his professional day.

June 2019 dates, Russia date calendar in June

June 1 - World Day of Parents. Proclaimed by resolution 66/292 of the UN General Assembly in 2012, this Day is celebrated annually in honor of parents around the world.

215 years since the birth of the Russian composer M.I. Glinka (1804-1857)

June 2 - 115 years since the birth of the writer and poet N.K. Chukovsky (1904-1965)

– Ecologist's Day (since 1972)

June 6 - Pushkin Day in Russia. 220 years since the birth of the Russian poet and writer A.S. Pushkin (1799-1837)

– Day of the Russian language (Celebrated by the UN)

420 years since the birth of the Spanish painter Diego Velazquez (1599-1660)

115 years since the birth of the Russian actress T.I. Peltzer (1904-1992)

90 years since the birth of the Russian writer V.V. Konetsky (1929-2002)

June 7 - 225 years since the birth of the Russian philosopher and publicist P.Ya. Chaadaeva (1794-1856)

- World Oceans Day

– Light Industry Worker's Day (second Sunday in June)

June 10 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian singer L.G. Zykina (1929-2009)

June 11 - 155 years since the birth of the German composer R. Strauss (1864-1949)

120 years since the birth of Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata (1899-1972)

130 years since the birth of the Soviet hydrobiologist L.A. Zenkevich (1889-1970)

155 years since the birth of the Russian philologist A.A. Shakhmatova (1864-1920)

June 19 - 350 years since the birth of the Russian teacher L.F. Magnitsky (1669-1739)

95 years since the birth of the Belarusian writer V.V. Bykov (1924-2003)

June 20 - 85 years since the birth of actor and journalist Yuri Vizbor (1934-1984)

June 22 - Day of Memory and Sorrow, 73 years since the start of the Great Patriotic War and the defense of the Brest Fortress (1941)

130 years since the birth of the Russian poetess A.A. Akhmatova (1889-1966)

195 years since the birth of the English physicist W. Thomson (1824-1907)

150 years since the birth of the Danish writer M.A. Nexe (1869-1954)

– World Fisheries Day

June 28 - 70 years since the birth of the Russian actor A. Pankratov-Cherny (1949)

June 29 - 170 years since the birth of the Russian statesman S.Yu. Witte (1849-1915)

June 2019 calendar

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Holidays in 2019 (with days off)

Dear our readers!

We bring to your attention a calendar of significant and commemorative June 2017 dates, which contains not only historical, cultural, patriotic and international holidays, but also anniversary dates, and significant events.

  • 205 years since the start of the Patriotic War of 1812;
  • 105 years ago, the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (June 13, 1912);
  • 95 years ago, the first issue of the Peasant Woman magazine (1922) was published;

June 1, 2017 is World Milk Day. It has been celebrated since 2001 at the suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

June 2, 2017 - Healthy Eating Day

June 7, 2017 - 145 years since the birth of L.V. Sobinov (1872-1934), Russian opera singer;

June 8, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of I.N. Kramskoy (1837-1887), Russian artist, critic;

June 9, 2017 - 345 years since the birth of Peter I the Great (1672-1725), Russian emperor, statesman;

June 9, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of I.G. Halle (1812-1910), German astronomer who first saw Neptune;

June 10, 2017 is World Knitting in Public Day. It has been celebrated every second Saturday in June 2017 since 2005. First time in Paris. The knitting lover Danielle Landss came up with this fun, which has become a tradition. It takes place in an unusual way: everyone who loves to knit or crochet gather in some public place - in a park, in a square, in a cafe - and indulge in their favorite pastime.

June 11, 2017 - Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers (second Sunday in June).

June 13, 2017 - 205 years since the birth of I.I. Sreznevsky (1812-1880), Russian philologist, ethnographer, paleographer;

June 15, 2017 - Day of the creation of the youth movement. On June 15, 1918, the first out-of-school institution for young nature lovers was opened in Moscow.

June 15, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of K.D. Balmont (1867-1942), Russian poet, essayist, translator, critic;

June 18, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of V.T. Shalamov (1907-1982), Russian writer and poet;

June 18, 2017 - 75 years since the birth of D.P. McCartney (1942), English musician, one of the founders of the Beatles;

June 20, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of V.M. Kotenochkin (1927-2000), Russian director-animator;

June 20, 2017 - 85 years since the birth of R.I. Rozhdestvensky (1932-1994), Soviet poet, translator;

June 21, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of V.K. Kuchelbecker (1797-1846), Russian poet and public figure;

June 22, 2017 - Day of memory and sorrow. Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on June 8, 1996 in honor of the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

June 23, 2017 - International Olympic Day. It has been celebrated at the initiative of the International Olympic Committee since 1948.

June 23, 2017 - Balalaika Day - an international holiday of populist musicians. The first Balalaika Day was celebrated in 2008.

June 24, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of S.N. Filippov (1912-1990), Soviet film actor;

June 25, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of N.E. Heinze (1852-1913), Russian prose writer, journalist and playwright;

June 26, 2017 - International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking.

June 28, 2017 - 440 years since the birth of Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), the great Flemish painter;

June 28, 2017 - 305 years since the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment;

June 28, 2017 - 150 years since the birth of Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936), Italian writer, playwright;

June 28, 2017 - 90 years ago V.V. Khlebnikov (1885-1922), Russian poet and prose writer, Futurist theorist;

June 1stInternational Children's Day, approved in November 1949 by the decision of the session of the Council of the Women's International Democratic Federation and is celebrated annually on June 1. It was first held in 1950 in 51 countries around the world.

June 4, 1885 125 years ago was born Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov, professional revolutionary, chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1917-1919. His name is closely associated with our region. In 1906, Ya. M. Sverdlov came to Perm to establish the work of propaganda circles and an underground printing house and to restore combat squads. Here he was arrested and spent more than three years in a Perm prison. In Soviet times, one of the districts of Perm was named Sverdlovsk (former Stalin). In the regional center and in almost every city in the Perm Territory there is a street named after. Ya. M. Sverdlov. Died March 16, 1919.

June 5, 2000 10 years ago in Perm on the Kosmonavtov Highway was installed a memorial sign in honor of the 10th anniversary of friendship between the two cities - Perm and Oxford (Great Britain).

June 6, 1835. Famous doctor died 175 years ago in Perm Fedor Khristoforovich (Johann Friedrichovich) Gral.

June 6Pushkin Day in Russia, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 21, 1997 No. 506 “On the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin and the establishment of the Pushkin Day of Russia”. On May 26, 1899, celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Pushkin took place in the Perm province. For the first time in Russia, Pushkin Days were publicly celebrated. In the Soviet years, the poet's birthday began to be celebrated on June 6 (according to New Style). On June 6, 1993, a monument to A.S. Pushkin was unveiled in Perm in the park on the street. Karl Marx (now Sibirskaya St.). The authors are Moscow sculptor V. M. Klykov and Perm architect M. I. Futlik.

June 7, 1975 35 years ago in Perm took place regional rally of production leaders - winners of socialist competition, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. In the period of preparation for this holiday, patriotic initiatives were born: at the plant. V. I. Lenin, on the initiative of former front-line soldiers and members of front-line brigades, a movement was launched under the motto "30 shock front-line weeks - the 30th anniversary of the Victory." The movement “For myself and for that guy” became massive.

June 8Social Worker's Day, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2000 No. 1796 “On the Day of the Social Worker”.

June 9, 1925. 85 years ago created Perm Society of Local History, which set as its goal the unification and coordination of the work of local historians. The charter was approved and the board was elected, the first chairman of which was A. V. Albensky. At the origins of the organization of the society was a group of venerable local historians who made a significant contribution to the study of the Perm region in the pre-revolutionary period: V. A. Vesnovsky, D. M. Bobylev, I. G. Ostroumov, V. E. Chizhov and others. April 1931.

June 10, 1920. 90 years ago was born Yakov Borisovich Rabinovich, Perm scientist-historian, teacher. Member of the Great Patriotic War. As a student at Leningrad University, in 1941 he volunteered for the front, was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, was awarded medals, including "For the Defense of Leningrad". Associate Professor, taught at the Perm Pedagogical Institute, Perm State University. The works of Ya. B. Rabinovich are devoted to the history of social movements, social thought and social movement in the Urals in the 19th century. He studied the populist movement in the Urals, the democratic movement, and the emerging liberal movement. Author of the books "Perm "Decembrists". 1880-1883 "(1966)," Zealots of People's Rights "(1989) and others. Died May 23, 1998.

June 12, 1910. Born 100 years ago Feofan Alexandrovich Alexandrov in the village of Nikolskoye, Kozlovsky district, Chuvashia. Candidate of Historical Sciences (1948), Associate Professor (1951). In 1934 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of History and Archives. Since 1945 - Head of the Archival Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Perm Region, from 1951 to 1959 - Associate Professor, then Head of the Department of Historical Sciences of the Perm Regional Party
schools. Author of more than 70 scientific papers. He studied the problems of the revolutionary movement and the activities of revolutionary organizations in the Urals. Died November 25, 1970.

12 June- Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation, public holiday of the Russian Federation. The Day of Russia was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/02/1994 No. 1113 "On the state holiday of the Russian Federation", art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ. Day of the city of Perm.

June 13Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2000 No. 1111 “On the Day of Textile and Light Industry Workers”.

June 14Day of the migration service worker, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04.06.2007 No. 701 “On the Establishment of the Day of the Migration Service Worker”.

June 14, 1930. 80 years ago was born Matvei Grigorievich Pismanik, philosopher, scientist, teacher. Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Perm State Technical University. Specialist in the field of social philosophy, sociology, philosophy of religion. Author of the monographs "Personality and Religion", "Dialogue on Faith"; author and editor of the textbook "Religion in History and Culture", full member of the Academy of Humanities.

June 14, 1940. 70 years ago was born Alexander Alekseevich Grebenkin, Permian poet. Poems by A. A. Grebenkin were published in the magazines Ural, Molot, Rise, Peasant Woman, Young Guard, Spark, Our Contemporary, Change, Friendship of Peoples, Moscow ”, in the collective collections “Young Man”, “Derevenskaya Nov”, “Working Prikamye” and the poetic yearbook of the publishing house “Young Guard”. In 1979, the first book of poems by A. A. Grebenkin "Living Water" was published. From that time to the present day, 15 books of poetry by Alexander Alekseevich have been published in Perm and Moscow with a total circulation of 88.5 thousand copies. From 1994 to 2004, 10 books of poetry by A. A. Grebenkin were published. In 1985, the poet was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. A. A. Grebenkin conducts a lot of social work, is a member of the boards of the Perm branch of the Russian Peace Fund, the regional Cultural Fund and the regional council of the All-Russian Society of Public Opinion and Culture.

June 16, 1920. Released 90 years ago the first issue of the Zvezda newspaper”, at that time the press organ of the Perm Provincial Committee of the RCP (b) and the Provincial Executive Committee. The immediate predecessor of Zvezda was the newspaper Krasny Ural, published in 1919–1920.

June 16, 1995. 15 years ago in Perm was created Support Fund for team sports "Ural Great". Under his auspices, the Ural Great basketball club was formed from the players of the former Polytechnic team. The club was founded by Perm basketball players Sergey Kushchenko (now the executive director of the Russian Biathlon Union), Vladislav Isaev, Alexander Antonov and Vladimir Martynenko. Ural Great twice became the champion of Russia: in 2001 and 2002.

June 17, 1890. 120 years ago was born Pavel Stepanovich Bogoslovsky, philologist, folklorist, ethnographer, archaeologist, local historian, professor of Perm University, who made a significant contribution not only to the development of Perm local history, but also to the Russian local history movement as a whole. Died February 28, 1966.

June 17, 1935. 75 years ago was born Nina Fedorovna Averina, bibliologist, candidate of philological sciences, specialist in the history of Perm book publishing, author of The History of the Perm Book (1989) and local history essays Cheerful Town of Egoshikha, Gates to Siberia, Perm in the Moderach era, City of Happy Hopes ". She taught at the Perm Institute of Art and Culture. Currently lives in Australia.

June 18, 1920. 90 years ago was born Nikolai Nikolaevich Wagner, Perm writer, author of the novels "Night Shifts", "Overcoming", etc. For many years he headed the Perm Writers' Organization. Died April 9, 1996.

June 20Medical Worker's Day

June 22, 1930. 80 years ago was born Vladimir Vladimirovich Mukhin, historian, lecturer, associate professor at Perm State University. He was the dean of the Faculty of History of the Perm State University. Specialist in the history of the mining Urals. Since 1985 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Regional Council of the VOOPIIK, honorary member of the VOOPIIK.

June, 22Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/08/1996 No. 857 "On the Day of Memory and Sorrow", Federal Law of 03/13/1995 No. 32-FZ "On days of military glory and memorable dates".

June 26Day of the inventor and innovator, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”.

27th of JuneYouth Day, established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1993 No. 459-RP "On the celebration of Youth Day".

June 30, 1955 55 years ago entered service Perm flour mill. The decision to build the plant was made at the end of 1939, but the construction was interrupted during the Great Patriotic War and resumed only in 1948. On July 30, 1955, a varietal grinding mill with a capacity of 300 tons of grain per day was put into operation. At present JSC "Perm Flour Mill" is one of the largest enterprises in Russia in its industry.