What is a modern essay lesson for me. Essay on the topic: "What is it - a modern lesson"

What, in my opinion, makes a lesson of the English language an ideal lesson?

I think any lesson is good if you want to learn. If I don't want to learn nothing can interest me, I am sure. Learning a language is a step by step process. There are four main skills that we should train. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. I also think that we should memorize new words at the lesson and after it.

Culture studies is a very interesting thing. We can learn a lot about different English-speaking countries. And it is interesting because our teacher shows us different pictures and we watch videos about America, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

As for learning grammar rules and writing grammar exercises, I think, these are not the most important parts of the classroom work. If you can't say anything in English there is no point in knowing all the present and past tenses. But still grammar rules help us a lot when we need to speak. And for me it works well if I work out grammar rules for myself.

I like when my teacher corrects my mistakes, I try not to repeat them again. But when the teacher corrects while I am speaking that's bad because this interrupts and I forget what I wanted to say.

I like pair work very much! Practicing speaking is more important, I suppose. This helps a lot when we want to be able to speak in different situations. I like when we can without the teacher hearing us.

I hate dictionary work and translation… This is too boring, but I understand that we need it, so we must do it.

I like the atmosphere at our lesson and that we smile and laugh a lot. I love such activities as singing songs, playing games, watching movies, acting out English plays. This reminds us that it is not all hard work, it can be fun as well. Group projects are great. They are very interesting. We also listen to news in English and different audio recordings.

As for the teacher, our teacher is great! We love her. She is strict sometimes but this is good for our discipline. And I also like that we exchange ideas. If she is not sure in her answer she tells us that she will go and check and tell us tomorrow. That's also great.

Translation of some words:

an ideal lesson- the perfect lesson a step by step process- step by step process, a skill- skill, listening- listening, listening, speaking- speaking, oral speech, reading- reading, writing- letter, culture studies- regional studies, English speaking countries- English-speaking countries, there is no point in smth- there is no point in ..., work out grammar rules for myself- develop your own grammar rules, to correct mistakes- correct mistakes, to interrupt- interrupt pair work- working in pairs dictionary work- working with a dictionary translation- translation, a group project- group project.

This text will help you write an essay for 8, 9, 10, 11 "Ideal lesson in English", "My ideal lesson in English", "How do I imagine an ideal lesson in English".

Other essays about yourself, your interests, hobbies.

What should be the modern lesson? In my opinion, this is both a completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - an actual lesson. And also effective, directly related to the interests of the child, his parents, society and the state. The lesson necessarily lays the foundation for the future, prepares the child for life in a changing society.



Essay "Hymn to the modern lesson".

“In a few years, a student traverses the road that mankind has taken millennia to follow. However, he should be led to the goal not blindfolded, but sighted: he must perceive the truth not as a finished result, but must discover it. The teacher must lead this expedition of discoveries ... But the student must strain his strength, nothing should be given to him for free. It is given only to those who strive." Adolf Diesterweg

What does modern mean? In my opinion, this is both a completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - an actual lesson.
Actual - means important, essential for the present time. And yet - effective, directly related to the interests of the child, his parents, society, state. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it necessarily lays the foundation for the future, prepares the child for life in a changing society.

Modern lesson - what is it? Democratic. Where children are not afraid to express their opinion, are not afraid of innovations, a lesson in which the teacher and student feel comfortable.

The teacher must use new technologies, have good computer skills. We should not forget about health-saving technologies. The success of the lesson largely depends on the professional and personal qualities of the teacher. The teacher and the student are a single whole, we learn together, help each other, the role of the teacher is to guide, control.

The lesson should be creative, promote the self-realization of schoolchildren, the demand for their creative potential. In the lesson, children should act meaningfully in a situation of choice, make decisions in a non-standard situation. All these points should be in the modern lesson. The modern lesson should educate the Creator and the Doer!

A modern lesson should be associated not only with the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by schoolchildren, but also with the integral development of the personality, its cognitive and creative abilities.

Today, the new content of education has the most significant impact on the lesson: varied educational programs, a new generation of textbooks, workbooks, and a variety of didactic materials make the lesson more interesting, bright, and rich.

Criteria for the effectiveness of a modern lesson:
Learning through discovery
Personal development
The ability of the student to design the upcoming activity, to be its subject
Democracy, openness
The student's awareness of the activity: how, in what way the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, and what the student felt at the same time.
Allows students in a collective search to come to the discovery
The student experiences joy from the overcoming of the difficulty of teaching, whether it be: a task, an example, a rule, a law, a theorem, or a concept derived independently.
The teacher leads the student along the path of subjective discovery, he manages the problem-search or research activities of the student.

In March of this year, we invited our users to answer survey questions. More than 500 teachers took part in it, and now we are ready to acquaint you with the results of the study. So, is the perfect lesson possible? Who is able to carry it out? Is it necessary?

The first question in the study was “Can a lesson be perfect?”

Maybe - because any teacher knows well that with all the striving for the ideality of the lesson in the realities of pedagogical practice, it is necessary to understand and take into account a very large number of factors that affect how the lesson goes. But, despite the fact that only two responses were offered to this question with the statement “cannot”, and five with the statement “can”, 60.5 percent of the participants answered “cannot”.

Why this happened, the participants of the study explained their answers:
- The ideal can be in any business. But this concept is speculative, not real, especially if we are talking about a lesson. The ideal is achievable in the asymptotic approximation;
- Much here depends on inspiration. After all, this is creativity;
- An ideal lesson is a lesson that does not exist, but its function is being fulfilled.

And quite unexpectedly:
- Perfect lesson?!... I think it's boring.

Then we proposed to answer the question “Who can lead the perfect lesson?”

The answer "teacher" unconditionally took over. Study participants left someone other than teachers who can deliver the perfect lesson with only 1 percent of responses.

In their answers, several participants agreed that “No one can”, they even explained: “there is always something to complain about (especially from the inspectors)”. But where to attribute such an answer: “an ideal teacher with ideal students in a unique place at a unique time on a unique subject ...”, to “someone can” or “no one can”, we present it to you, our readers.

What should be present in an ideal lesson? That was the next question.

Of course, we have suggested only some of the very large number of possible answers, counting on the participants of the study to complete this list:

The addition was capacious:
- Everything;
- The main thing is that everything is harmoniously combined: the goals, the content, the form, the mood of the children, and the mood of the teacher.

Of course, we could not ignore the following question: what should not be in an ideal lesson?

Here's how the study participants responded:

There were many additions given in their answers to this question. Among them:
- Window dressing, indifference, artificiality, indifferent attitude to their work:
- Templates, a large number of tasks, information overload, waste of time, lack of results;
- The authoritarian position of the teacher, psychological pressure on the participants in the pedagogical process, negative emotional reactions of the teacher
- Boredom, dull eyes of children and teacher.

The answer is “Test work can also be an ideal lesson in which student creativity is possible!” made us very happy!

It was impossible not to ask about what should be the result of an ideal lesson?

The answers of the respondents were distributed in favor of the activity component of the lesson and personal results:

This was generally supported by those who chose their answer option:
- Each student will climb their own "step" of success in this lesson.

But this answer is unlikely to be accepted as the result of the lesson, but how you want it always, even if somewhere in the memory, at least with the teacher, to be:
People need to get better...

Who should determine if a lesson was perfect?

We asked the study participants to choose from those who most often evaluate everything that happens at school. More than 95 percent of the study participants indicated who was present at the lesson.

The additions were:
- Anyone can define. But any such assessment will be subjective;
- It's a difficult question. Like a work of art. On the one hand, the lesson is to recognize, someone who understands this as an expert. On the other hand, it should not leave the audience indifferent. At the same time, it may not be understood. The teacher, most likely, will definitely want to redo something in it. The lesson may not be understood, even though it is ideal for someone;
- God as a model of the Ideal;
- Ideal representatives of the education sector;
- Time will tell;
- You shouldn't do that.

Considering that almost everyone has ideas about an ideal lesson, it was impossible not to ask: should (can) teachers, students, their parents, and administration have the same ideas about an ideal lesson?

Two answers were offered, in short, “yes” and “no”.

In their opinions, the study participants gave a more general answer formula: “No, they should not. But they can coincide” and explained: “Everyone always has their own opinion about ideality”, “Achieving a unified idea at the moment is impossible.”

I would like to thank the participants of our study for their active participation and kind attitude, agree with Anisa Akhatova’s comment: “An ideal lesson can be considered when your students hear the bell and exclaim: “uuu, the bell! Let’s continue!” ”and, together with Sergey Shurupov, wish everyone creative success.

And also to remind that on April 20 at 16.00 at the Pedagogical Council took place, where the master of TRIZ Anatoly Gin spoke about his idea of ​​an ideal lesson. Registered users will receive a free certificate.

Practice 2.7 Write an essay on the topic: "What is it - a modern lesson."“First, awaken your soul, let the thirst for knowledge wake up in it. Then lead your pets to a crystal clear well. You teach living water from the depths to draw with your hand, so that you can love your people and life, grow and cherish the country”"What is it - a modern lesson."There is no unequivocal answer, since apart from the lesson, it is very important - the time in which you live, society, the level of its development, the children you teach. What needs to be done to make the lesson modern? This problem can be solved by moving from the traditional form of presentation of the material to the organization of independent activities of students, involvement in project and group activities. A modern lesson should be information-rich, include different forms of work, and correspond to the perception of the student. It is productive in the modern lesson to use situational tasks, where experience is gained in individual and joint solutions, problem-based learning, project activities, etc. In project activities, children develop skills such as the ability to assess the situation, build an activity plan, apply knowledge in new conditions .. As a result of such work, the children learn to put forward hypotheses, highlight the relevance of this problem, set goals and objectives for achieving this goal, in the process of work, the student feels like a responsible and independent person, able to make decisions and implement them, and this qualitatively educates him as a person; Public defense of the project gives confidence and emancipation to the child, the feeling of embarrassment, timidity disappears;

A modern lesson cannot be imagined without new technologies that contribute to the development of the individual, taking into account the characteristics of each child. ICT: here the student's competences in the field of independent activity are formed, using different sources.

A modern lesson is a lesson in which it is not scary to answer, even the most insecure students are not afraid to speak out. “The one who does nothing is not mistaken!” - we often say this proverb and this technique helps to activate children for cognitive activity. This helped me change myself as a teacher. A modern lesson, I’m sure, should have such phrases as: “HOW DO YOU THINK?”, “WHY DID IT HAPPEN?”, “OFFER YOUR POINT OF VIEW?”, “WHAT WAYS OF SOLUTION CAN YOU SUGGEST?”, “WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF…”, “HELP YOUR CLASSmate” or “OFFER YOUR SOLUTION (PROJECT, RESEARCH)”, etc.

Our life is rapidly and rapidly changing, which means that there will be constant changes in education. As a teacher, I have to respond to all changes. An important rule of a modern teacher is that you can’t stand still, you need to look for and learn new things, introduce new ideas into your work, you need to move forward, respecting old traditions (you can’t discard everything accumulated by history in pedagogy) and are not afraid of innovations. Maybe then the teacher will hear the words of A. Jumsan addressed to him: “Of all professions, his is the most noble, the most difficult and the most important.”

UO MO "Mukhorshibirsky district"
Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Tsolginskaya secondary school
named after Rinchen Nomtoev"
Essay on the topic: “Modern lesson: experience, ideas, recommendations”
Done: Primary school teacher
Tsydypova Marina Nikolaevna
near Tsolga

The new social demands reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard define the goals of education as
general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such
the core competency of education is how to "teach to learn".
Now, in elementary school, the child should be taught: not only to read, count,
to write, which is still being taught quite successfully. He must be vaccinated with two groups of new
Group 1 is a universal learning activities that form the basis of the ability to learn:
skills in solving creative problems and skills in searching, analyzing and interpreting information;
universal learning activities are generalized activities that open up the possibility
broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in the structure
the educational activity itself, including the awareness by students of its target orientation,
value-sense and operational characteristics.
Group 2 - this is the formation of children's motivation for learning, helping them in
self-organization and self-development.
Theoretical and methodological basis for the design of the program of formation
UUD as a whole are a system-activity approach. A teaching method that
the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtains it himself in the process of his own
educational and cognitive activity is called the activity method. According to A.
Disterweg, the activity method of teaching is universal. "According to him
should act not only in elementary schools, but in all schools, even in higher
educational institutions. This method is appropriate wherever knowledge is yet to be acquired,
that is, for every student.
What should a modern lesson be like in order to implement the requirements of the Standards
second generation?
To build a lesson within the framework of the GEF IEO, it is important to understand what the criteria should be
Lesson performance:
1. The objectives of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer the function from the teacher to the student.
2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out a reflexive action
(evaluate your readiness, detect ignorance, find the causes of difficulties, etc.)
3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used to increase the degree
students' activity in the educational process.
4. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to ask questions.
5. The teacher effectively (appropriate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problematic
forms of learning, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.
6. The lesson sets tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment (there is a
special formation of control and evaluation activities among students).
7. The teacher achieves comprehension of the educational material by all students, using for
this special technique.
8. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and
maintains minimal success.
9. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson.
10. The teacher accepts and encourages, expressed by the student, his own position, otherwise
opinion, teaches the correct forms of their expression.
11. The style, the tone of the relationship, set in the lesson, create an atmosphere of cooperation,
co-creation, psychological comfort.

12. At the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher - student" is carried out (through
relationships, joint activities, etc.)
Changes that have taken place in recent years in the practice of domestic education
did not leave any side of the school business unchanged, so the teachers of our school
Lessons actively use the following methods:
Project method
Information and communication technologies
Health saving technologies
The leading place among such methods belongs today to the method of projects. AT
the basis of the project method is the idea of ​​the direction of educational and cognitive
activities of schoolchildren on the result that is obtained when solving one or another
practically or theoretically significant problem.
Types of projects: practice-oriented, research, information,
creative, role-playing
Another method is information and communication technologies.
creative personality, one of the main tasks proclaimed in the concept of modernization
Russian education. Its implementation dictates the need for the development of cognitive
interests, abilities and abilities of the child.
The most effective means of including the child in the creative process in the classroom
gaming activity;
creating positive emotional situations;
work in pairs;
problem learning.
It is impossible to hold a lesson in elementary school without attracting funds
visibility, problems often arise. Where to find the right material and how best to get it
demonstrate? The computer came to the rescue. Over the past 10 years there has been
fundamental change in the role and place of personal computers and information
technologies in society. A person who skillfully and effectively owns technologies and
information, has a different, new style of thinking, has a fundamentally different approach to
assessment of the problem that has arisen, to the organization of their activities.
The use of ICT in the classroom enhances:
positive motivation for learning;
activates the cognitive activity of students.
The use of ICT in the classroom made it possible to fully implement the main
principles of activation of cognitive activity:
1. The principle of equality of positions
2. The principle of trust
3. Feedback principle
4. The principle of taking a research position.

The most precious gift that a person receives from nature is health. State
the health of the younger generation is the most important indicator of the well-being of society and
state, reflecting not only the present situation, but also giving an accurate forecast for
Therefore, for the formation, preservation and strengthening of holistic human health in
activities of our educational institution, in particular to primary school,
health-saving technologies are being introduced that help solve the most important
the task of preserving the health of the child, accustom him to an active healthy life. teachers
primary school continue to search for pedagogical technologies to solve
the task of combining the high productivity of the educational process with such pedagogical
technologies that allow maintaining, and in some cases strengthening the level of
existing health. This is:
taking into account age characteristics;
democratic style of communication in the classroom;
differentiated learning;
gaming technologies;
dynamic minutes and pauses for first-graders, the introduction of the third hour of physical education.
In order to monitor the development of the student, the teachers of our school actively use the method
Portfolio. For first-graders, initially it is a kind of monitoring in
non-evaluative system of education, for other students - the possibility of self-evaluation (student
sees his successes and failures, compares himself with classmates).
So, the success of a modern lesson depends, in my opinion, on the personality of the teacher,
his professionalism, the modernity of the methods he used, his individual
approach to students, use of various ICT tools. Available submission form
educational material, creating a situation of success, a friendly atmosphere at
in the lesson, all this helps students to better absorb difficult and “dry” material
textbook. Various methods and forms of work, pedagogy of cooperation should
be present at the present day. The lesson should be, first of all, relevant and
interesting. The teacher must use new technologies, be good at
computer. We should not forget about health-saving technologies. teacher and
the student is a single whole, we study together, help each other, the role of the teacher is
direct, control.
"The lesson is the discovery of truth, the search for truth and the comprehension of truth."