What do exclamatory sentences express. Russian lessons: what are the types of sentences by intonation

In all languages ​​of the world there are special sentences - exclamations. Usually they are used to express strong emotions, such as delight, surprise, anger, and others. Examples of exclamatory sentences are often found in fiction, poetry, letters and diaries. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. There are no examples of exclamatory sentences in them. Scientific articles are written in a neutral emotional style.

Types of exclamatory sentences

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of signs at the end of sentences. For example, in the literature, some authors use both exclamation and ellipsis. Such phrases should prompt the reader to deep reflection; in essence, such sentences are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with an exclamation. “And then she appeared at the door! .. Captivated by her beauty, her face lit up with a smile, and the whole world around sparkled with both joy and happiness! ..”

Incentive exclamatory sentence

The use case in the work is very interesting. Such phrases differ from others in that they have practically no emotional connotation, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or offer. Usually these sentences do not have subjects. Intonally similar constructions do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, a sign at the end of a request or command indicates that it is an exclamatory sentence. Examples in Russian of such constructions are quite common. They are present in the dialogues of the heroes of works of art.

Order in an exclamatory sentence

In some constructions, punctuation marks are determined not by the emotional coloring of the statement, but by historical traditions. Therefore, in the case when the author of a work of art uses an order, he draws up a sentence with an exclamation point. Examples of such phrases can be spoken in a calm tone and even in a whisper, but the use of an exclamation mark is necessary here. "Stand! - Petrovich ordered in a whisper to the captured Fritz walking in front of him. - Don't turn around! Even if the order is given in a calm, even tone, an exclamation mark must be placed at the end of the phrase. For example, “Squad, equal, at attention!” or “Get up, the court is coming!”

request and suggestion

Traditions explain some more features of punctuation in Russian. For example, an exclamation point at the end of a phrase adds a special emotional connotation to a request.

Invitation and appeal in an exclamatory sentence

There is another rule of punctuation. It dictates that often an exclamation mark is placed at the end of the invitation. This fact is a sign of elementary politeness, a culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading the context with an invitation, for example, to a wedding or a picnic, you should not use the intonation of an exclamation at all.

  1. "Natalya Pavlovna! Georgy Matveevich! Come to the evening dedicated to the celebration of our silver wedding at the Kosmos restaurant!”
  2. “Dear high school students! Come October 23 to the “autumn ball”, which will be held in the school auditorium!”

Greetings and wishes in an exclamatory sentence

The rules for writing letters are very important for both ordinary people and authors of works of art. To deal with punctuation at the end of sentences, you should pay attention to one interesting feature: very often a greeting or wish is expressed in the form of an imperative verb. These are the words "hello!", "be healthy!" Therefore, these proposals are perceived as a request, at the end of which an exclamation point is also historically placed. Often, a farewell is written in a letter in a similar way. For example, "Goodbye, my dears!" or "Good night, dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamatory sentences in Russian serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, comments. Since it is possible to give intonational coloring to the statements of characters in works of art only with the help of punctuation marks, the authors have no choice but to use exclamation marks, question marks and their combinations.

Class: 2

During the classes

1. Repetition of the material covered

a) Work on the cards in pairs.

Let's remember what we learned so diligently yesterday.

(Assignment on the card.)

Connect the parts of the sentence with an arrow.

According to the purpose of the statement, the proposal can be:

1) narrative (contain a question)
2) interrogative (contain an order or request)
3) incentive ( contain a story

b) Verification (on the board diagram - assistant)
c) Self-esteem (C.1)

2. Formulating the topic of the lesson and setting learning objectives

(Suggestions are written on the board.)

Read to yourself what is written on the board.

1. Autumn has come to visit us.
Autumn has come to visit us!

- What is written on the blackboard?
- Prove it.

(The sentence contains a complete thought, punctuation marks are put at the end of the sentence: (,), "!" or "?").

– Guess what sentence… will read?

- How did you guess?
Now read sentence number 1.

- Do these sentences differ in what the person wants to say? (No, the same thought is expressed in both sentences, autumn has come to visit us.)

– Do these proposals have the same purpose? (Yes, both of these sentences are narrative in terms of the purpose of the statement, since they contain a message that autumn has come to visit us).

How are these proposals different? (The 1st sentence is pronounced calmly, and the 2nd with a special feeling).

- Has anyone guessed what we will be interested in today at the Russian language lesson?

(In the lesson, we will be interested in sentences that are pronounced calmly and with a special feeling.)

- Or maybe someone heard the names of sentences that are pronounced with a special feeling?

Let's open the books and compare whether we have correctly identified the topic of the lesson. Let's read.

- And in which block will we work today? (How our language works.) What problem is solved in the lessons with the indication of this block?

(In the lessons with the indication of the block “How our language works”, we discover the laws by which the Russian language lives.)

“So what are we actually going to do today?”

Let's get back to the textbook. We read on p. 60 rubric, tell me, what is it called?

Do you understand all the words in the text? What have you learned?

- In this text, the word intonation was encountered. How do you understand it? Read the hint.

- You know that I really like to doubt the importance of a particular topic of the lesson. But today I have such doubts: does intonation matter in people's lives? Discuss. Give examples.

- The poem that we read at the lesson of the world around can serve as evidence.

(Reading a poem with different intonations: contempt “Fi!”, dissatisfaction “Fu!”, surprise “Nu!”, admiration “Vo!”.)

Auntie said:
- Fi, football!
Mom said:
- Fu, football!
Sister said:
- Well, football!
And I answered:
- Wow, football!

- Do you agree that a person's intonation can determine how he treats you?

- And how do you understand the statements of psychologists that for a person, intonation is more often more important than information?

4. A physical minute for attention and for consolidating the studied material

- If I utter the correct statement, then you make inclinations, and if it is false - hands to the sides, forward, up.

A) A sentence is always pronounced or written for some purpose. (B)
B) Sentences can be interrogative and incentive. (H)
C) Sentences on the purpose of the statement can be: narrative, interrogative and incentive. (IN)
D) By intonation, these same sentences are of 2 types - exclamatory and non-exclamatory. (IN)
E) If you turn a declarative exclamatory sentence into a non-exclamatory one, then the purpose of the sentence will change. (H)
E) If you turn a declarative exclamatory sentence into a non-exclamatory one, then the sign at the end of the sentence will change. (IN)

5. Primary fixation of new material

- Exercise 1. Work on your own.
- I would like you to understand why this exercise was given?

Examination. Why is this exercise given?

“And now I suggest you work in pairs.

Make a conclusion and justify it.


Exercise. Read the sentences, determine the purpose of the statement of each sentence and the intonation of the sentences. Draw a conclusion: what sentences on the purpose of the statement can be pronounced with an exclamatory intonation?

Good in the autumn forest!
Go to the forest and admire the beauty of nature!
Do you like autumn forest?

Examination. Conclusion. Compare with textbook.

6. Charging on the ophthalmic simulator

Look at the door, at the window, at the ceiling, at each other, at the blackboard.

7. differentiated work.

Work in groups of permanent composition.
Task 1-2 group.

Read. Write sentences according to the scheme. Insert the correct punctuation mark.

Woodpecker knocking on a tree (.!?)
Young aspens whisper softly (.!?)
How beautiful are the golden leaves in the rays of the autumn sun (.!?)
Do you like it in the forest (.!?)


The rest work according to the textbook Exercise 3 p. 62.

After oral work, the children signal their readiness (green circle) and sit down to perform in writing, first doing a random finger massage using a cube.

Examination. 1, 2 groups you have a self-test (Give out the correct option)

1 variant

Do you like being in the forest?
The woodpecker knocks on the tree.
Young aspens whisper softly.

2 implementation option.

Do you like being in the forest?
Young aspens whisper softly.
The woodpecker knocks on the tree.
How beautiful are the golden leaves in the rays of the autumn sun!

8. Summary of the lesson

What new secret of the language did the lesson help us discover?
What did you especially like?
What would you change in the lesson?
Look at your success sheets.

9. Reflection

How do we end the lesson?
Color the "fluffy" who has the same mood as you.

10. Homework

I can not ask d / z. Well, if someone really wants, if there is a desire and time, you can pay attention to exercise 4.p.62.

Offer types

Declarative, interrogative and incentive sentences (by type of statement)

Depending on the purpose of the utterance The sentences are declarative, interrogative and imperative.

    Narrative sentences are sentences that contain a message about some fact of reality, phenomenon, event, etc. (approved or denied). Narrative sentences are the most common type of sentences, they are very diverse in their content and structure and are distinguished by a relative completeness of thought, conveyed by a specific narrative intonation: an increase in tone on a logically distinguished word (or two or more, but one of the increases will be the largest) and calm falling tone at the end of a sentence: The wagon drove up to the porch of the commandant's house. The people recognized Pugachev's bell and the crowd ran after him. Shvabrin met the impostor on the porch. He was dressed as a Cossack and grew a beard (P.).

    Interrogative sentences are called sentences that aim to induce the interlocutor to express an idea that interests the speaker, i.e. their purpose is educational.

The grammatical means of making interrogative sentences are as follows:

1) interrogative intonation- an increase in tone on the word with which the meaning of the question is associated;

2) inflection(usually, the word with which the question is associated is placed at the beginning of the sentence);

3) question words- interrogative particles, adverbs, pronouns, for example.

Interrogative sentences are divided into

actually interrogative,


and interrogative-rhetorical.

Proper interrogative sentences contain a question that requires a mandatory answer.

A peculiar variety of interrogative sentences, close to proper interrogative ones, are those that, being addressed to the interlocutor, require only confirmation of what is stated in the question itself. Such proposals are called interrogative affirmative.

Interrogative sentences can contain the negation of what is being asked, it is interrogative-negative sentences.

Interrogative-affirmative and interrogative-negative sentences can be combined into interrogative-narrative, since they are of a transitional nature - from a question to a message.

Interrogative-impellative sentences contain a call to action, expressed through a question.

In interrogative-rhetorical sentences contain affirmation or negation. These proposals do not require an answer, since it is contained in the question itself. Interrogative-rhetorical sentences are especially common in fiction, where they are one of the stylistic means of emotionally colored speech.

In essence, interrogative-rhetorical questions also include counter questions (an answer in the form of a question).

Interrogative sentences can also take the form of insert constructions, which also do not require an answer and serve only to attract the attention of the interlocutor, for example.

A question in an interrogative sentence may be accompanied by additional shades of a modal nature - uncertainty, doubt, distrust, surprise, etc.

Additional shades can be emotional, for example,

connotation of negative expression: Are you deaf, or what?;

a hint of politeness (mitigation of the question is usually achieved using the particle not): Won't you come to me tomorrow? Wed: Will you come to me tomorrow?

    Incentives are sentences that express the will of the speaker, their goal is to induce action.

They can express:

1) order, request, prayer, for example;

2.) advice, suggestion, warning, protest, threat,

3) consent, permission, for example;

4) call, invitation to joint action, for example;

5) desire.

Many of these meanings of incentive sentences are not clearly demarcated (for example, a supplication and a request, an invitation and a command, etc.), since this is expressed more often intonation than structurally.

Grammar means of registration incentive offers are:

1) motivating intonation;

2) the predicate in the form of the imperative mood;

3) special particles that add a motivating tone to the sentence (come on, come on, come on, yes, let).

Incentive offers vary according to the way of expressing the predicate:

    The most common expression of the predicate imperative verb.

    An incentive connotation can be added to the meaning of the verb special particles.

    As a predicate incentive sentence can be used verb in the indicative mood (past and future tense).

    As a predicate - subjunctive verb. Among these proposals are proposals with the word to, and the verb can be omitted. Such sentences characterize colloquial speech.

    The predicate in the imperative sentence can be infinitive.

    Infinitive with particle would expresses a soft request, advice.

    In colloquial speech incentives are often used without verbal expression of the predicate- a verb in the form of an imperative, clear from the context or situation. These are peculiar forms of living speech sentences with a leading word - a noun, an adverb or an infinitive. For example: Carriage for me, carriage! (Gr).

    The structural center of incentive sentences (also in colloquial speech) can be the corresponding interjections: let's go, march, tsyts, etc.

exclamatory sentences

Exclamatory sentences are emotionally colored, which is conveyed by a special exclamatory intonation.

Emotional coloring can have various types of sentences: narrative, interrogative, and incentive.

For example,

narrative-exclamatory: He met death face to face, as a fighter should in battle! (L.);

interrogative-exclamatory: Who would have dared to ask Ishmael about that?! (L.);

incentive-exclamatory: - Oh, spare him! .. wait! - he exclaimed (L.).

Grammar design tools exclamatory sentences are as follows:

1) intonation, conveying a variety of feelings: joy, annoyance, chagrin, anger, surprise, etc. (exclamatory sentences are pronounced in a higher tone, with emphasis on the word that directly expresses the emotion), for example.

2) interjections, for example: Oh, alas, Wow, Ahti, Ugh;

3) exclamation particles interjection, pronominal and adverbial origin, giving the expressed emotional coloring: well, oh, well, where, how, how, what, what, etc.

Common and non-common suggestions

Uncommon a sentence is called that has only the positions of the main members - the subject and the predicate.

Sentences that, along with the main ones, have positions of secondary members are called widespread.

A sentence can be extended by agreed, controlled and adjoining word forms (according to the rules of conditional relations) included in the sentence through phrases, or by word forms relating to the entire sentence as a whole. The distributors of the offer as a whole are called determinants. As a rule, various circumstances and additions expressing a semantic subject or object are determinant.

Thus, the distributors of the sentence can be included in the predicative stem of the sentence, extending either the composition of the subject or the composition of the predicate, or they can be distributors of the stem as a whole. The term "determinant" was introduced by N.Yu. Shvedova.

Simple and complex sentences

A simple sentence has one predicative center organizing it and thus contains one predicative unit.

A complex sentence consists of two or more predicative units combined in meaning and grammatically. Each part of a complex sentence has its own grammatical compositions.

A complex sentence is a structural, semantic and intonational unity. This idea about the integrity of a complex sentence was substantiated in the works of N.S. Pospelov.

Although parts of a complex sentence structurally resemble simple sentences (conditionally they are sometimes called so), they cannot exist outside of a compound sentence, i.e. outside this grammatical association, as independent communicative units. This is especially clear in a complex sentence with dependent parts. For example, in a sentence I don't know how it happened that we still don't know you (L.) none of the existing three parts can exist as a separate independent proposal, each of them requires an explanation. As analogues of simple sentences, parts of a complex one, when combined, can undergo structural changes, i.e. they can take on a form that is not characteristic of a simple sentence, although at the same time these parts have their own predicativeness.

Parts of a complex sentence can be combined

as equal, grammatically independent, For example: Branches of flowering cherries look out the window to me, and the wind sometimes strews my desk with their white petals (L.);

and as addicts, For example: On three sides blackened the ridges of the cliffs and branches of Mashuk, on top of which lay an ominous cloud (L.).

The main difference between simple and complex sentences is that a simple sentence is a monopredicative unit, a complex one is polypredicative.

In order to correctly read the sentence, correctly understand its meaning and correctly place punctuation marks, you need to understand what sentences are for the purpose of the statement. It is also very important to be able to determine their species affiliation. What are the suggestions for the purpose of the statement? In the Russian language, there are several classifications of these syntactic units, including those regarding the purpose of the statement, as well as the specifics of pronunciation.

Types of sentences by purpose of utterance and intonation

Let us clarify that intonation implies the emotional design of a sentence. According to the purpose of the statement, the proposals are:

  • Narrative.
  • Interrogative.
  • Incentives.

In turn, any of them can be both exclamatory and non-exclamatory - depending on the intonation with which the speaker pronounces it (with calm or emotional).

Declarative sentences

The most common sentences for the purpose of the statement are, of course, narrative ones. Their task is to communicate information that can either be affirmed or denied.

A declarative sentence expresses a complete thought, conveyed with the help of a special intonation: the main word from a logical point of view is emphasized by the voice, and at the end of the phrase the tone drops, becomes calmer.

You don’t need to go far for examples of narrative sentences - they are at every step: “Mom bought bread”, “Spring came and brought warmth with it”, “Mitya has the best grade in the class!”.

Interrogative sentences

Sentences on the purpose of the statement are also interrogative. Their semantic task is to convey a question. Questions can be different, on which the subspecies of this type of sentence depend. Depending on the purpose of the question and the nature of the intended answer, there are:

Interrogative sentences are of different types also in their nature. This:

The means of achieving the goal of interrogative sentences are a special intonation in oral speech, a question mark in writing, as well as question words (what, how, why, etc.), particles (is it really) and a certain word order: (“Adults go to work?”, “Who goes to work?”, “Where do adults go?”).

Incentive Offers

The types of sentences for the purpose of the statement have another, third, type - incentive. These are sentences that contain a certain expression of the will of the author of the phrase. Their main task is to induce the addressee to some action, and the inducement can be expressed in different forms.

  • Prayers: "I beg you, let me look at my son at least once !!!".
  • Requests: "Give me a pencil, please."
  • Order: "Shut up immediately!".
  • Wishes: "Get well soon, be kind."

The impulse to action in sentences of this type is expressed with the help of a special (incentive) intonation, the form of the imperative mood of predicates and some particles like “let”, “come on”, “come on”, etc.

Non-exclamatory sentences

Thus, what are the proposals for the purpose of the statement, it is now clear. As for the intonation coloring, the vast majority of them are non-exclamatory. They are pronounced calmly, without emotional anguish and special feeling. Most often they are a narrative message or a question, less often they are an inducement.

Examples: “From hot tea, warmth spread throughout the body”, “Where did this boy come from?”, “Please take your mother by the hand.”

exclamatory sentences

Sentences uttered in a special tone and with a special feeling are called exclamatory sentences. Most often, phrases containing motivation need such intonation, but any other type can also have an exclamatory color.

Suggestions according to the purpose of the utterance and intonation are:

  • Narrative exclamations: "Summer has come - how great!".
  • Interrogative exclamations: “Will you never accept the truth?!”.
  • Incentive exclamatory: "Give me my toy immediately!".

Highlighting in writing

Punctuation marks in them depend on what sentences are for the purpose of the statement and intonation.

  • The end of a non-exclamatory declarative sentence is indicated by a dot: "That's how this strange story ended."
  • A non-exclamatory interrogative sentence ends with a question mark: “Has your father left yet?”
  • The non-exclamatory motivating sentence also has a dot at the end: “Give up this dirty business.”
  • At the end of a declarative, motivating or interrogative sentence with an exclamatory intonation, an appropriate (exclamation) mark is placed (in the latter case, after the interrogative one). If emotions are especially heated, then there can be three such signs. “And he went home!”, “Stupid, get away from the edge!”, “Will you let me go?!”, “Watch out!!!”.
  • When there is a hint of incompleteness, there can be an ellipsis at the end of any type of sentence. For example: “Sadness ...”, “Well, you returned, and then? ..”, “Run, run faster! ..”.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are, as we found out, of three types. The Russian language is rich and diverse. This article provides information about what sentences for the purpose of utterance and intonation are found in the Russian language. To study and assimilate it is a must for anyone who wants to speak and write correctly.

An exclamatory sentence is a sentence characterized by emotional coloring and increased expressiveness. Exclamatory sentences are distinguished by their specific intonation and timbre coloration; compare: Fire! We are burning! They often contain interjections, particles, exclamatory pronominal words; compare: Oh well done! Oh, these are my helpers! That's what he told you! Well, rain! What a scientist he is! Whom did he not ask?

Exclamatory sentences can be built according to special syntactic patterns with lost or weakened grammatical and lexical meanings of the components; compare: You got this bike! Found time to dream! Many exclamatory sentences are characterized by reverse (inverse) word order; compare: My head is gone! He will understand you! How sweet is the south wind! In written speech, an exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence.

As exclamatory sentences, sentences of all communicative types can be used: narrative, incentive and interrogative. At the same time, the general content of the proposal is modified to some extent. In some cases, exclamation serves to express a high degree of sign and enhance the degree of categoricalness of the statement or expression of will; compare: What a heavy rain! He will arrive tomorrow! Come back immediately! When did it happen! In other cases - with a different intonation - an exclamatory sentence can be understood in a meaning opposite to that which is conveyed by the literal meaning of the words.

Thus, affirmative declarative exclamatory sentences acquire a negative meaning or express the speaker's negative attitude towards what is reported; compare: I'm going to get upset about him!(=I won't); She will go with you!(= will not go); You understand a lot!(=don't understand anything). A similar meaning of expressively colored negation can also be expressed by non-negative interrogative sentences; compare: Why did he even go there?(=didn't have to go); What are these gardens!(=these are not gardens); Who needs it!(= nobody needs); How do I know!(=don't know), while negative exclamatory sentences express an expressively colored statement; compare: Who does not know this!(=everyone knows); Where has he not been!(= was everywhere).

According to the degree of emotional coloring, sentences are classified into two types: exclamatory and non-exclamatory. The ability to correctly determine which of them is suitable for a particular case will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the sentence, read it with the right intonation and put the required punctuation mark at the end.

Non-exclamatory sentences are those that imply an ordinary, everyday tone and the absence of a bright emotional component. A period is placed at the end of such sentences. For example: It has been raining all day today. According to the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamatory sentences are such sentences that convey strong feelings and emotions of the speaker.

For example: We are very happy!

These sentences end with an exclamation mark, and their grammatical means are as follows:

  1. Intonation expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. The pronunciation of exclamatory sentences is carried out in a higher tone, with an emphasis on the word, which gives an emotional coloring to a greater extent.
  2. Interjection.
  3. Exclamatory particles of pronominal, adverbial or interjectional origin, giving the statement a characteristic emotional coloring: oh, well, well, how, where, how, what, what, and others.

Using three exclamation points Usually, using 3 exclamation points at the end of a sentence, the author expresses a high degree of emotional arousal. So you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Offers "Get out!!!" or "Go away and don't come back!!!" talk about the deep feelings of the person who expresses them.