Economic priorities. Management priorities

In any society, including Russian, there are dozens of the most acute economic problems, because of which the authorities periodically find themselves in conditions where many tasks must be solved simultaneously. However, in purely economic terms, there are several problems that have always given the greatest headache to members of the Cabinet of Ministers. Usually the state is aimed at choosing the optimal balance of a series of major macroeconomic goals.

The considered main goals, which, of course, do not exhaust the content of the multi-link target function of the state, are closely interconnected. Thus, in the case of increasing investments that ensure the economic growth of a country, for example, in the modernization of automotive enterprises, production costs in the automotive industry are reduced, which helps to reduce the import of vehicles and thereby expands employment in domestic enterprises, which in turn relieves social tension in society and further accelerate economic growth.

The content of the target function of economic policy is largely determined by the type of economic system that has developed in a particular society. So, if the national economy is based on market relations, the state basically solves only those problems that the market mechanism recedes before. In a non-market economic system, the government seeks to decide everything and often comes to promises to feed the population, modernize the fixed assets of enterprises, harvest crops, provide each family with an apartment, and so on. When putting forward the main goals of development, in addition, the values ​​dominant in a given society, the historical traditions of the people, the geopolitical position of the country, etc., should be taken into account.

When constructing an objective function, which usually has a rather complex configuration, the government must first of all answer the question of whether it should strive to simultaneously achieve many goals or whether it is necessary to develop a certain sequence in their implementation, placing the targets in order of importance. The world experience accumulated to date proves the indisputable advantages of the second option. The reasons for this choice are:

The fact is that the reduction of unemployment (moving up the curve) is achieved by accelerating economic growth through stimulating government policies using cheap credit, large-scale long-term public investment, social benefits and other instruments, which usually generates an increase in the general price level. And vice versa, the fight against inflation (moving down), "cooling the economy" by increasing the cost of credit or cutting social programs at the same time, provokes a fall in GDP, accompanied by involuntary unemployment. In this regard, one of the most important tasks of the state is not so much to keep inflation and unemployment low, but to find an answer to the question of which combination of these two evils best contributes to the sustainable growth of the country's economy in the foreseeable future.

The goals of economic growth and a fair distribution of income can also conflict: striving for more equal distribution can markedly weaken incentives to work, invest, scientific and technological progress (STP) and entrepreneurial risk. A more equitable distribution of income is the same as raising taxes for high-income groups of the population, which constrains their motivation. The world statistics does not reveal a rigid connection between the increase in general income inequality and the pace of economic dynamics. So, in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the incomes of the 10% of the poorest citizens today lag behind the incomes of the 10% of the wealthiest residents by only 4.5-5.5 times, while in Bulgaria and Romania - more than 10 times. Meanwhile, the economies of the first group of countries are developing more successfully in the post-socialist space. A scientific explanation for this ratio of rates can be obtained by decomposing the general inequality into its two components - normal and excessive. And if the normal differentiation of the population has, of course, a positive, stimulating effect on economic growth, then excessive (unfair) stratification gives rise to poverty among the broad masses of the population and limits its effective demand, which sharply slows down the economic dynamics of modern society.

The ratio between the goals of achieving full employment and economic efficiency also looks contradictory. So, in the USSR, workers had no fear of losing their jobs, which was an important factor in low labor productivity. On the other hand, if unemployment is unnecessarily high, then the question arises of how to achieve the efficient use of production (primarily labor) resources. The relationship between economic growth and economic freedom is equally ambiguous. There is no doubt that the highest growth rates of prosperity in the XX century. ensured those countries in which democratic freedoms were most protected in all spheres of public life, including the economy, where the right to choose the forms and types of economic activity, purchase and sale of real estate, participate in strikes, etc. was actually exercised. And vice versa, as noted by the prominent German economist W. Eucken, a totalitarian state, depriving people of the freedom of economic choice, thereby frees them from responsibility and ultimately leads to poverty. True, in the USSR during the period of industrialization, it was possible to increase the volume of production in an environment of sharp suppression of the freedom to choose the sphere of economic activity, severe restrictions on entrepreneurial activity, the absence of a housing market, and the formalization of the trade union movement. The Chinese "economic miracle" in the last 30 years also happened in a far from being the most democratic state in the world. As noted in the 18th century President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Princess E.R. Dashkov, if freedom marches ahead of enlightenment, then this leads to chaos. Economic freedom, apparently, is not always a boon for the growth of the national economy, but only if the country reaches a certain level of socio-economic development, when the value of the national product created in the country per capita exceeds, say, 5 thousand dollars. in year. It was after reaching this threshold value of well-being that democratic processes began to grow in the countries of Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, etc.). Perestroika of the times of M.S. Gorbachev in our country, too, from the standpoint of this theory, did not begin at all by chance, but was economically justified by the achievement by the country of a certain milestone of prosperity. The fact is that at a certain stage - in conditions when the role of the subjective factor of production, the level of education and the general culture of the population in the development of society sharply increase in the development of society - the restriction of the economic rights of the individual may well become the main brake on further progress. The Austrian economist, Nobel Prize winner F. Hayek formulated an alternative before the Second World War; freedom or prosperity. He believed that in the name of raising the standard of living, humanity could sacrifice even some of its economic freedoms. By that time, the world had not yet fully tasted the totalitarian "welfare". This was a mistake recognized by F. Hayek in his book "The Road to Slavery" already in 1944. In the general case, freedom and well-being are inseparable, just like totalitarianism and poverty. According to the index of economic freedom, determined by comparing the share of products manufactured at state-owned enterprises, the degree of state influence on business, the magnitude of the tax burden, the share of the "black market", the degree of protection of property rights and a number of other indicators, in 2002 Russia ranked 131 place out of 155 countries, leaving behind even such “free” countries as Chad and Nigeria, not to mention leaders such as Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Estonia, USA, Holland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Australia, Chile. A major recession that occurred in our country in the 1990s. and moving it far down the scale of economic development, may well be accompanied by a search by the authorities for opportunities to accelerate economic growth in the arsenal of means that are not of the most democratic nature. In a rapidly developing market economy, the state in a number of cases has reason to restrict the economic freedom of individual entities in the name of the prosperity of society as a whole.

In any case, the serious loss of the economic foundations of the democratic structure of society is characteristic not only of the Russian Federation. A similar situation exists in many Eastern European countries, where over 61 million people are now considered poor (ie, live on an amount not exceeding $2.15 a day). There are also many so-called vulnerable citizens, whose disposable income is below $4.3. in a day. In African countries, the level of well-being is even lower: the numerous beggars of the "black continent" live on only 1 dollar, and the poor - on 2 dollars. in a day. However, in colder European countries, you cannot do without additional costs for clothing and heating your home.

Experience of overcoming the Great Depression 1929-1933. led science to the conclusion that the simultaneous achievement of even three main macroeconomic goals (economic growth, price stability, full employment) is subject only to a magician, a magician, and the concept of a “magic triangle” arose in economic theory. This triangle became a polygon after World War II. All the goals outlined in it were immediately achieved in practice only in a few cases. High dark economic growth with a relatively low level of inflation and unemployment were recorded in post-war Japan and Germany. A clear example of the "economic miracle" can be considered the reforms of L. Erhard, as a result of which, over the 15 years that have passed since their incandescence in 1948, Germany's GDP increased by more than 4 times (which means that involuntary unemployment was eliminated), in a destroyed The war quickly solved the country's housing problem (and this despite the unfolding migration problems), repaid large foreign loans provided under the Marshall Plan, and deployed large-scale monetary assistance to a number of developing countries. The same "economic miracle" occurred later in the newly industrialized countries of East and Southeast Asia, and in the late 1990s. - in the USA and certain states of Western Europe (for example, in France). These countries have entered the 21st century. in an environment of high rates of economic growth and employment of the economically active population, with annual inflation of less than 2%, relatively stable exchange rates and a steadily improving quality of life. However, this success does not eliminate the contradictions in the system of economic goals, but only testifies to the art of the authorities' search for adequate forms of resolving the deep-seated contradictions of the economic system.

The macroeconomic goals of the development of society and the indicators characterizing them can be not only mutually restraining and competing, but also incompatible. In this situation, the government must develop a system of priorities, determining what is more important for the country at the moment. In the course of developing priorities and finding targeted compromises, there is usually a sharp political struggle between parties. So, if the Social Democrats and other parties of the left orientation, based on the recommendations of Keynesian theory and proving the need for state intervention in the regulation of the market economy, traditionally advocate full employment, then the right-wing conservative parties, which in practice defend the liberal values ​​of the neoclassicists, the ability of the market mechanism to independently solve emerging problems - for overcoming inflation. At the same time, the problems of injustice in the activities of the latter go into the shadows. It is no coincidence that only 1% of US households own 33% of total assets, and in the UK, given the unique concentration of land resources in the hands of a handful of individuals, the differentiation is even greater. Therefore, the arrival, departure and return to power of certain political parties are to a large extent predetermined by the situation that has developed in the national economy. For example, if the rate of inflation in a country slows down due to rising unemployment, then a sharp social protest against it naturally leads the Keynesians to power. However, the consequences of their often pro-inflationary policies usually return a supporter of classical economic theory to the presidency.

According to the Norwegian economist, Nobel Prize winner R. Frisch, the process of forming the goals of economic policy should be divided into two stages. The first is provided by senior government officials. Their duty is, on the basis of any political procedure (democratic, associated with the study of the opinions of various social forces and the desire to reach a consensus in society, or authoritarian, in which targets are rigidly set by the central government), to clearly determine the preferences, the sequence of solving certain national economic problems . The most typical examples of such preferences in recent decades are the containment of inflation, the transition to a new quality of economic growth, and the reduction of involuntary unemployment. The efficiency of passing through the second stage depends on macroeconomists, who are called upon to ensure the development and provision of a more or less wide set of alternative development options to politicians, each of which corresponds to certain values ​​of regulatory goals. At the same time, it is fundamentally important that these options do not go beyond the resources available to the state, correspond to the socio-political situation that is developing in the country, take into account the phase of the economic cycle that the country is going through, and, finally, simply correspond to common sense (as it happened, for example , when deciding not to turn the Siberian rivers into Central Asia or to place a large oil pipeline near Lake Baikal). In a democratic society, the president, legislative and executive authorities are simply obliged to listen to the recommendations of economic science, resolutely getting rid of secrecy in the formation of economic policy. As a result, the proposal of Academician L.I. Abalkin to secure "the role of an expert in making the most important strategic decisions for the Russian Academy of Sciences" deserves immediate implementation.

After conducting a balanced scientific examination, the function of politicians is to ensure the implementation of any one of the proposed options in business practice. At the same time, it is not uncommon for members of the Cabinet of Ministers to reject the whole range of possible alternatives. Then it is a point of honor for the scientific community to warn that they are showing incompetence because they want the impossible. More likely, however, is a shift in priorities between macroeconomic targets in the course of an iterative procedure. As a consequence, a new set of options appears, and so on. The internal and external conditions for the development of the national economy are far from constancy, so economists must periodically update the number of options for the economic evolution of society, and also have a few more alternatives in stock.

In recent decades, throughout the world, as the subjects of market relations are strengthening and the mechanisms of market competition are solving many tasks that were previously considered purely government tasks (increasing efficiency, social security, developing fundamental science, etc.), there is a reverse process of a steady decrease in the dimension of the objective function of economic politicians. In 1955, the well-known theorist of economic policy, the Dutchman J. Tinbergen, put forward eight goals characterizing: the volume of government spending, the rate of change in real wages, the level of employment, the indicator of income distribution, the size of investment, aggregate demand, the level of production, the balance of payments. Four components remained in the target functions that guided the governments of industrialized countries in the 1970s: full employment, price stability, the absence of unmanageable balance of payments deficits, and a sustainable level of economic development. Currently, many governments are limited to two goals: achieving a new quality of economic growth (associated with scientific and technological progress and achieving ecological balance) and combating uncontrolled inflation. At the same time, the nomination by governments of certain goals as priorities is to a large extent determined not so much by internal factors as by the need for them to comply with certain international agreements. For example, a country's accession to the European Union (EU) is specifically stipulated by the inadmissibility of excessive inflation on its territory. The main priority of the Russian state in the 1990s. - the achievement of relative price stability - was an external requirement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a condition for their provision of large-scale loans to our country.

The decrease in the number of goals simultaneously implemented by the government testifies to the indisputable achievements of the modern market economy, which turned out to be able to independently, without state intervention, provide spontaneously operating self-regulation mechanisms for the resolution of many complex problems. The reduction in the dimension of the objective function also acts as a reaction of the authorities to the well-known rule for the implementation of economic policy (called the Tinbergen inequality). Its economic meaning is as follows: in order to avoid undermining the confidence of the population, the state should not take upon itself what it is unable to do; the number of goals should not exceed the number of economic policy instruments at its disposal. In other words, any desired state of the national economy should not be given the status of a political goal until the resources necessary to achieve it are found.

Control questions

  1. What is the subject of economic theory? Name the functions performed by this science.
  2. What is the difference between the objects of macro- and microeconomic analysis?
  3. What is the role of J. Keynes in the formation and development of macroeconomics? What is the essence of the "Keynesian revolution" in economics?
  4. What is the purpose of distinguishing between microeconomic problems in the analysis of macroeconomic issues, and vice versa, macroeconomic problems in the course of studying microlevel problems?
  5. What are eight to ten problems relevant for modern Russia and the world economy that are being studied in macroeconomics?
  6. Prove the need for understanding the problems studied by macroeconomics:

    a) an entrepreneur;

    b) a manager;

    c) prime minister

    d) a voter;

    e) a lawyer - a deputy of the State Duma;

    f) a student of economic and non-economic faculties;

    g) a banker;

    h) unemployed.

  7. What are the main macroeconomic goals? Try to place them in order of importance for modern Russia.
  8. What is the content of the concept of "economic freedom"? What motivates governments to consider economic freedom as one of the most important goals of their macroeconomic policy?
  9. Demonstrate your knowledge of history by answering the questions: Does economic freedom always contribute to the economic growth of a country? Will some infringement of freedom of choice in modern Russia help to achieve a doubling of the national product created in it?
  10. What content do you invest in the concept of "fair distribution of income"? What is the importance of constructing the Lorentz curve and calculating the Gini coefficient?
  11. What is the relationship between economic growth and economic efficiency? What are the differences between extensive and intensive types of growth? In what direction should the economic efficiency indicators known to you change in order to achieve intensive growth of the national economy?
  12. Which option do you consider preferable for the government: striving for the simultaneous achievement of several goals or moving along priorities in economic policy?
  13. Using your understanding of the Phillips Curve, uncover the relationship between the goals of achieving full employment and the stability of the general price level.
  14. Expand the ratio of the following macroeconomic goals (from the point of view of their complementarity or mutual exclusion):

    a) economic growth and full employment;

    b) economic growth and a stable general price level;

    c) economic growth and economic freedom;

    d) economic growth and fair distribution of income;

    e) economic growth and social security;

    f) full employment and social security;

    g) economic freedom and economic efficiency;

    h) fair distribution of income and economic efficiency.

  15. What is the "magic triangle (polygon)" problem? Have there been cases in world economic history of resolving this problem?
  16. The action of what factors determines the dimension of the objective function of the economic policy pursued by the state?
  17. What are the political procedures by which the government determines economic policy priorities in a planned and market economy?
  18. How do you see the "division of labor" between politicians and economists in the formation of economic policy goals?



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Translation of "economic priorities" in Russian

See examples translated by economic priorities
(18 examples with alignment)

"> economic priorities

Other translations

Community participation is a tool to establish political, social and economic priorities based on the broad consent of all sectors of society.

Public participation is instrumental to ensuring that the political, social and economic priorities are based on a broad societal consensus.

Economic priorities are based on a broad societal consensus.">

My Government is convinced that privatization and other economic priorities.

My Government continues to believe that privatization and other economic priorities are now the key to accelerating the return of refugees and internally displaced persons.

Economic priorities are now key to accelerating the return of refugees and internally displaced persons.">

More specifically, we need to include environmental factors, which are essential for sustainable development, in economic priorities.

To be more specific, we must integrate environmental factors - a precondition for sustainable development - into economic priorities .

economic priorities.">

They may cover social and economic priorities, stakeholder participation and transparency of information;

These would cover social and economic priorities, participation of stakeholders and transparency of information;

Economic priorities, participation of stakeholders and transparency of information;">

In addition, social and economic priorities, as well as severe capital constraints, reduce the strategic value of any specific and additional mitigation or adaptation measures.

Additionally, urgent social and economic priorities and severe capital constraints leading to low policy priority for any specific and additional mitigation or adaptation measures.

Economic priorities and severe capital constraints lead to low policy priority for any specific and additional mitigation or adaptation measures.">

Priority must be given to reform in the economic, social and other fields in order to better meet the challenges and take into account economic priorities developing countries against the backdrop of globalization.

Priority must be given to reform in economic, social and other areas so as better to meet the challenges and take account of the economic priorities of developing countries against the backdrop of globalization.

Economic priorities of developing countries against the backdrop of globalization.">

It is necessary that countries bring their short-term economic priorities in accordance with long-term goals, optimized the energy structure, promoted industrial development. transitioned to an environmentally friendly economy and contributed to the creation of new economic mechanisms in order to ensure sustainable economic development.

Countries must align their short-term economic priorities with long-term prospects, optimizing the energy mix, promoting industrial advancement, developing green economies and fostering new economic mechanisms for generating sustainable economic growth.

Economic priorities with long-term prospects, optimizing the energy mix, promoting industrial advancement, developing green economies and fostering new economic mechanisms for generating sustainable economic growth.">

The conclusions of these forums are of great practical importance for member countries, since they allow the most complete and clear comparison of their internal economic priorities and approaches with trends and problems of modern industrial development.

The results of those meetings would be found useful by Member States in bringing their domestic economic priorities more closely into line with current trends in industrial development.

Economic priorities more closely into line with current trends in industrial development.">

Within the central government, a high-level institutional mechanism needs to be put in place to ensure a coordinated and effective reduction in public spending, fully conscious of the social and economic priorities during the acute economic crisis in the country.

There is need for an institutional mechanism at a high level within the central government to enforce coordinated and effective curtailment of public expenditure, with full awareness of social and economic priorities, when the country faces an acute economic crisis.

Economic priorities, when the country faces an acute economic crisis.">

The service industry may be under-capitalized due to national economic priorities require reallocation of such resources to other sectors (eg agriculture or manufacturing) or simply because there is simply not enough of them in the country.

Service industries may be starved for capital because national economic priorities tend to direct such resources towards other sectors (e.g., agriculture or manufacturing), or simply because of general shortages in a given country.

Economic priorities tend to direct such resources towards other sectors (e.g., agriculture or manufacturing), or simply because of general shortages in a given country.">

With good governance, measures are taken to ensure that political, social and economic priorities be based on a broad consensus in society and that the voice of the poorest and most vulnerable is taken into account in decisions on the allocation of resources for development.

Good governance ensures that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development resources.

Economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development resources.">

Conscious economic priorities recommended by the new government of the Territory, namely cutting spending, reducing the budget deficit, slowing growth to manageable levels and revitalizing the tourism sector,

First. Ensuring long-term balance and sustainability of the budget system as the basic principle of a responsible budgetary policy with the unconditional fulfillment of all state obligations and the fulfillment of the tasks set in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012. In the context of a reduction in previously predicted revenues, it is necessary to develop algorithms for using various sources of financing in the event of an unpredictable increase in the budget deficit. The budget strategy should contain clear guidelines for the resource provision of government programs and an assessment of the risks of budget imbalance in various forecast scenarios, as well as a recommended algorithm of actions for their implementation. Second. Optimization of the structure of federal budget expenditures . The exhaustion of opportunities for increasing the total volume of federal budget expenditures requires the identification of reserves and redistribution in favor of priority areas and projects, primarily ensuring the solution of the tasks set in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 and creating conditions for economic growth. The main reserves are currently:- Ensuring a long-term balance of the pension system with a gradual reduction in subsidies to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the federal budget, subject to a consistent increase in the standard of living of pensioners; - active use of public-private partnership mechanisms that make it possible to attract investments and services of private companies for solving state problems, as well as investing funds from the National Welfare Fund and pension savings in investment projects, primarily infrastructure projects, on a repayable basis; - possible extension of the deadlines for the implementation of certain areas of the State Armaments Program for 2011-2020; - increasing the targeting of social support for citizens; - carrying out structural reforms in the social sphere; - Improving the efficiency of budget spending in general, including by optimizing public procurement, the budget network and the number of civil servants. Third. Development of program-target management methods . The state programs of the Russian Federation should become the key mechanism by which strategic and budget planning are linked. State programs should establish general requirements for the policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the relevant areas, for determining the mechanisms for interaction between federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Various options for achieving the goals can and should be considered at the stage of preparing state programs, but when approving programs, only one option should be chosen - the one that the Government of the Russian Federation considers reasonable in terms of achieving the goals and for which the necessary resources are available. Fourth. Making decisions that ensure long-term balance and transparency of the pension system . The top priority is to adopt a new pension formula that should ensure not only maintaining the purchasing power of pensions, their differentiation depending on the length of service and earnings of citizens, stimulating citizens to retire later, but also a steady trend towards reducing the dependence of the pension system on federal budget transfers. while maintaining an acceptable insurance burden for business. It is necessary to increase the level of transparency of the pension system. Since 2014, cash services for the execution of the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as the budgets of other state non-budgetary funds, must be carried out by the Federal Treasury. Fifth. Creation of new mechanisms for financing infrastructure development . The Government of the Russian Federation needs to start placing funds from the National Wealth Fund and pension savings in financial instruments designed to implement self-sustaining infrastructure development projects that provide the maximum multiplier effect of economic growth with minimal risks for the funds placed by the state. Sixth. Transition to the formation of the state task for the provision of state (municipal) services to individuals and legal entities on the basis of a single list of such services and uniform standards for their financial support. To improve the availability and quality of public services, three tasks need to be addressed. The first is the legislative consolidation of the procedure for the formation of a single basic list of state (municipal) services in such areas as education, health care, culture, and others. The founders of state and municipal institutions, on the basis of these lists, will develop state and municipal assignments for subordinate institutions. The second is the creation of a unified methodology for calculating standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services. The third is the inclusion of the main parameters of the state task in the target indicators for the implementation of the relevant state programs. Thus, a unified legal and methodological framework will be created for the provision of state (municipal) services in conjunction with the target indicators for the development of the relevant industries. The task of optimizing the network of state and municipal institutions remains relevant. It is necessary to reorganize institutions focused on the provision of predominantly paid services, as well as institutions whose activities do not correspond to the powers of state authorities and local governments. The funds released in this case should remain in the relevant industry and be used to finance the state program for the development of this industry and the solution of its priority tasks. Seventh. Development of the tax system and increase of its competitiveness. The stability of the tax system should be ensured. Further changes are possible only as a last resort due to the requirements of the modern economy, the new priorities of the state's economic policy, including the need to stimulate the development of new industries, investment activities and improve the quality of tax administration. It is necessary to further simplify tax accounting and bring it closer to accounting, improve the quality of tax administration, implement measures to counter tax evasion, including using offshore jurisdictions, and complete work on amending the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of property taxation (primarily real estate) and increase the fiscal burden on owners of prestigious, expensive property. Eighth. Interbudgetary relations . Starting from 2014, it will become mandatory for all regions to adopt budgets for three years. In conditions when the regions are given significant responsibility for the implementation of social measures stipulated by the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012, the risks of imbalance in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as a result of changes in the delimitation of powers of state authorities and local self-government bodies should be excluded. The expenses of the subjects of the Russian Federation should be provided to the maximum extent by their own revenue sources. At the same time, all decisions made must be calculated and financially secured. The provision of additional financial assistance to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should be combined with the development of their economies at their own expense. A more careful, constant monitoring of the financial situation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, changes in the main parameters of their budgets, the structure of expenditures, state and municipal debt is needed. Also, methodological assistance is extremely important for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including in terms of the implementation of sectoral policy and the management of regional finances. Ninth. Increasing the transparency of budgets and the budget process . Citizens and businesses need to know where their taxes go. This requires a high level of transparency in the budget and the budget process. To this end, it is necessary to continue the formation of an integrated information system "Electronic budget", including the commissioning of a single portal of the budget system, which will host systematized up-to-date information on the formation and execution of all budgets - from federal to settlement, and also begin the implementation of international standards public sector financial statements. Starting from 2013, the brochure “Budget for Citizens” should be regularly published (posted on the Internet) at all levels of government. This will make it possible to inform the population in an accessible form about the relevant budgets, planned and achieved results of the use of budgetary funds. Information published in open sources will allow citizens to get an idea about the directions of spending budget funds and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of spending and the intended use of funds. So, in 2014–2015, the transition to program-target methods of strategic and budget planning should be completed. The main instrument for achieving the goals of state policy should be state programs, the requirements for which will follow from strategic planning documents, and the mechanisms and volumes of their financial support will be established in the long-term budget strategy, three-year budgets and the Program for Improving the Efficiency of Public (State and Municipal) Finance Management for the period until 2018.

Again in Russia about what needs to be done, how to start growth, as if it is a panacea for the future of the country, regardless of what it will be - this growth. Let's try to highlight very briefly (roughly) a few important things, without which nothing will be "launched", even if there is some quantitative growth in 2017-2019. up to 1.5-2.5%.

The most important conceptual condition of the new economy is the rejection of the speculative trading model elevated to the rank of a system. In the peak case, the subordination of speculation to the development of the real sector - everything else is ordinary rhetoric, which will lead to nothing, except for regalia to those who are engaged in this rhetoric (including correspondent member titles, etc.). System changes must also be prepared as system changes. The work of A. Kudrin's group is no good here (according to the positions voiced already now).

Economic growth in Russia and its organization will require the removal of the "crisis of consumption", therefore, within the framework of budgetary policy, it is necessary to seek a compromise between investments in funds, technologies, human education and social articles. Social articles should be a priority - and this is the task of the budget! Subordinate to this goal, for example, taxes, fees, cost planning, control, etc. Eliminating the "crisis of consumption" in the first phase of the growth policy will also expand investment opportunities further. This does not mean that the first phase "refuses" investments. It is necessary to stimulate them, but the structural task of their distribution between sectors and directions (priorities) is not a trivial task of management.

It is necessary to stop the impact on the economy - by the “shaft method”, maybe something will work, and this approach is visible not only among the liberal wing, but also among the gradualists. This approach is wrong! It is necessary to clearly select the tools, taking into account their interaction, while trying to determine the sensitivity of the system parameters to these tools. The sequence of input will be significant.

It is necessary to form 3-4 contours of self-development of the Russian economy at the macro level, subordinating development programs and institutions, financial assignments, budget items, subsidies policy, development of the public sector, creation of incentives in the private sector, etc. to them. and so on.

These contours are: 1) agriculture and food industry, 2) construction and materials, 3) military-industrial complex, 4) extractive industry (raw material complex), 5) social sectors - science, education, medicine.

It is required to deploy/create markets for the means of production under these contours, which end with final products for the domestic (import substitution) and foreign markets (export strategy) with the division of tasks in the public and private sectors of industry (when they interact).

By the way, one cannot reduce an export strategy to import substitution and vice versa, such an ideal case happens in the economy, but is not indicative, different firms in one sector or type of activity subordinate their work to different strategies, and not always one covers the other.

It is necessary to identify market gaps along each contour, create a scheme for the interaction of contours (including the private sector) of these sectors, and create programs and markets within the interconnection of sectors and contours (identifying the opportunities of the public sector). At the same time, it is required to solve such a macroeconomic problem: to manage the overflow of resources from transactional to manufacturing sectors, with an expedient link between the mining and manufacturing sectors (providing technology, personnel, cheap resources). The reduction of the development strategy to the suppression of inflation to 4% and the self-admiring comments from the rapture of success in this matter that, if they deviate, the monetary authorities will again return the economy to this mark, in fact, they no longer give anything but a slowdown in development and there is no reason to believe that they will, because this inflation is achieved precisely by slowing down the development of real sectors.

It will be useful, in my opinion, to conditionally divide budget expenditures into three large priority groups:

a) defense spending (including defense science), the dual purpose of these expenditures, in addition to direct defense of the country, is also the implementation of an export strategy;

b) the cost of stimulating the economy - the creation of new markets, the implementation of programs with the participation of private business, etc. (industrialization, the deployment of high-tech sectors and markets, creating a demand for these new technologies);

c) spending on science, education, medicine - as social investments, including the R&D system, ending with the creation or improvement (adaptation) of the necessary technologies in the real sector, products, markets.

By the way, the unification of academies into one huge organism (such a scheme for the final destruction of the Russian Academy of Sciences, invented by no means a fool, but a very cunning and gifted person - I take my hat off to him - an excellent scheme for inflicting damage on Russia - also a great idea for transferring science to universities - transactional in essence With the increase in the hourly workload for university teachers at approximately the same salary, this idea undermines the possibilities of scientific development in the best possible way (as a result, both universities and the Russian Academy of Sciences lose this development), weakens the capabilities of the former branch academies. It was they who carried out research for branch purposes (now they are in the Russian Academy of Sciences, formally they have been given the status of fundamental science). Although after the elections in 2016, I will no longer defend the RAS, which is not able to appreciate many on their merits, in my opinion. I believe that a long time ago in modern democracies, the model of "elections by pull" was born - this phenomenon requires its own study, but it everywhere slows down any development, makes it loose, not deserved, but, surprisingly, in general, apparently, does not cancel . Here is such a paradox.

The main generator of the new growth model at the first stage, I believe, can be considered agriculture in conjunction with the food industry, however, it is important to take into account institutional restrictions, for example, who exactly owns (the share of foreign capital) and what share of this industry. Otherwise, the spending policy will not achieve the goal if the agents are not receptive to it. The main list of tasks covered by the budget is the tasks of developing the public sector as the main one in launching a new growth model. The most multiplying areas of development are mechanical engineering for agriculture, R&D and agricultural science - genetics, biotechnology (will allow you to create your own seed fund, select livestock breeds, get out of the resource dependence of agriculture, today the thresholds of food independence have been reached in many areas, however, resource dependence while remaining extremely high.).

The next direction is those types of mechanical engineering that create means of production for oil companies, Gazprom, that is, power engineering, as well as transport engineering (aviation, shipbuilding, railway and automobile construction).

It is important to stimulate the economy by spending multiplier as such, as well as the so-called "technology multiplier".

Budget planning must be deployed within the framework of the general scheme: "needs-opportunities-results", the three parameters of which are interdependent. If we talk about structural changes, which is again a lot of talk in various think tanks today, then it should be noted that these talks are largely meaningless.

There are two big reasons. Firstly, the described structural changes in their meaning and content are not such (judicial, even pension reform, property protection, etc.)

Secondly, no one says what resource is needed for them and will be released. In any case, the organization of the process of changes in the economic structure on a national scale must be sought through the coordination of various development programs within the framework of a single process of planning a new growth model. When programs are created by various bodies, this only contributes to the dissipation of financial resources and reduces the effectiveness of development and management in fact of the existing result.

There must be alignment between budgetary priorities and the goals of the growth model. This can be done if the planning process under the law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" is put on a scientific and analytical basis, which will exclude, for example, assessments made quite recently that poverty is a constraint on Russia's growth, but inequality, at the same time, is less urgent problem!

Such assessments and oppositions of two interrelated things in a serious analytical audience are unacceptable, as in the field of state building and administration. Of course, a growth model is needed, but it cannot be launched with palliative means and made sustainable.

A system of actions is required, where even the order of their introduction will affect the development of the economy. What directly concerns the budget and budget planning. It is necessary to change the psychology: the budget is a development tool, and the economy is not subject to the "holy scripture", in which there is also "the logic of the solution by the thumb method."

Structural changes require the transfer of resources, and a massive one at that, from one sector to another (from transactional to the real sector). However, this overflow cannot be quick, but its permanent organization is the task of the state (a truly structural task of management, and not the hope that a self-regulating market will do this), requires a change in monetary and budgetary policy. Conversations that they are insufficient should not hide the need to change them, of course, with the obvious insufficiency of measures of influence, which should be systemic and consistent.

Leapfrog with pensions, with the adoption of new laws “in machine gun mode”, when the debtor, for example, will be evicted from his only home, turning into a homeless person, but the swindler who will “play” this does not, in fact, have the proper restrictions and counteractions - causes bitter annoyance to accompany talk about a new growth model and the need for a new social policy, or industrialization policy. We need an industrial - productive psychology, encouragement of the intellect and its work, and not a system of reductions, withdrawals, suppression, with the prosperity of traders and intermediaries. When 69% of the structure of gross value added in 2015 falls on services, the problem of technological development and industrialization acquires a special sound, but this sound should not be rhetoric, but action, moreover, concrete and understandable.

The basis of the new growth model is in the general population, and in how to connect them and make them benefit from this model, and not how to deceive them by attracting their savings. The economic bloc of the government should focus on this.

Oleg Sergeevich Sukharev, professor, doctor of economic sciences

Every year, each state faces certain economic tasks. First of all, they depend on the qualities of a market economy. The democratic system of government has many disadvantages. This requires timely intervention in the economy of the state. This intervention has now undergone a major reorientation. Let us consider what are the priorities of the policy of the Russian state in the economy. We will also try to find answers to the question of what determines the well-being of citizens and the country as a whole.

Socio-economic policy of Russia and its main directions

The state has a significant impact on the economic development of society. Lack of regulation can lead to serious negative consequences. The main function of the state in the country's economy is to use all existing opportunities to ensure economic development. This significantly increases the efficiency of the economy. The interest of the state is to ensure the legal reliability of socio-economic activities. This is necessary in order to be able to take full advantage of its results. There are a number of negative aspects in the economy of the Russian Federation, which the socio-economic policy of the Russian Federation is designed to eliminate. These include:

  • The inability of a market economy to conserve limited resources.
  • Inability to ensure adequate protection of the environment from the negative consequences of human activity.
  • Lack of regulations governing the use of limited resources that nature has.
  • Lack of incentives for the creation of goods and services for public use (building roads, etc.).
  • Lack of responsibility for the consequences of government decisions.
  • Inability to guarantee the rights of citizens to work.
  • Orientation of the economy to meet the needs of those segments of the population that are willing to pay for goods and services.
  • Instability of the country's development.

The need for the state to conduct socio-economic policy

Since the scale of production increases every year, there is a need for constant global investment infusions into the economy. This is beyond the power of even the largest domestic enterprises. That is why it is extremely important to keep the country's economy under control of politics. In the Russian Federation, there are currently many enterprises whose activities are controlled by the state. They cannot be transferred to private business in any way. When managing the economy, the state pursues exclusively global goals. This ensures that the macroeconomic balance is maintained at the proper level. In addition, social production is guaranteed, which private business will never provide.

Goals and priorities of public policy may change. First of all, they are determined by the features of the country's economic development in a given period of time. Therefore, the correct setting of goals is extremely important for the Russian state. This determines its further development.

The Government of the Russian Federation sets the following priorities:

  • Providing support for the financial system of the state, the formation of its resistance to the action of various factors, reducing inflation.
  • Taking measures to increase the inflow of investments into the country, reducing pressure on private entrepreneurs, creating competition.
  • Maintaining social development at the proper level, directing investments in human capital.
  • Improvement of innovative sectors of the economy.
  • Improvement of the defense complex.
  • Ensuring balanced development of regions.
  • Diversification of the economy.
  • Adaptation of the Russian economy in accordance with the requirements of the WTO.

Long-term plan for economic development

To ensure the economic growth of the state, it is extremely important to form a long-term plan for economic development, as this helps to determine what are the priorities of the policy of the Russian state in the economy.

The concept, which provides for measures for the socio-economic development of the state until 2020, is established in the relevant order. Its main priorities are:

  • Improving the welfare of Russian citizens.
  • Taking measures to improve the level of national security of the country.
  • High dynamics of economic development.
  • Strengthening the positions occupied by the Russian Federation in the world market.

Ensuring the normal development of the state is facilitated by the goals that are set for the Russian government when determining its policy. Strict adherence to these goals will ensure a positive trend in the development of the state. The following main objectives of economic policy can be distinguished:

  • Formation of the most relevant structure of social production.
  • Stimulating the increase in production volume.
  • Ensuring maximum employment of the population.
  • Proper distribution of income.
  • Maintaining stable prices on the market and forming a flexible pricing policy.
  • Reducing the negative effects of inflation.
  • Ensuring the preservation of natural resources.

Achieving these goals will increase the level of development of the Russian economy, on which the wealth and prosperity of the country depends. However, in this scenario, certain contradictions may appear. For example, increasing production volumes can lead to environmental degradation. That is why it is extremely important to determine what are the priorities of the policy of the Russian state in the economy. This will contribute to the elimination of contradictions between the goals and will help to develop the correct methodology for governing the state.

Measures to implement the directions established by the socio-economic policy of Russia

Conducting a review of programs approved by the state, which will help bring them into line with the financial capabilities of the state.

Approval of "road maps", which will improve the conditions for doing business.

Taking measures to improve tax administration, which will help reduce the tax burden on businesses and attract additional funds for the development of domestic entrepreneurship as an investment.

Development of proposals that contribute to the development of single-industry towns in the complex, the elimination of emergency housing stock.

Taking measures to improve the state debt policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to improve the law on employment of the population.

Formation of more cohesive intergovernmental relations.

Acceleration of the process of adoption of federal laws.

The main strategic tasks that are set for the economic policy of the state

Achievement of macroeconomic stability.

Coordination of strategic and budget planning.

Ensuring innovation is sustained.

Improving the quality of human capital.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Ensuring macroeconomic stability as one of the main goals of economic policy

This goal involves the creation of a balanced budget, a gradual annual reduction of the budget deficit and minimizing it, the possibility of predicting inflation parameters.

In the future, it is envisaged to limit the use of income from oil and gas production, ensuring the balance of the budget of the Russian Federation with reasonable forecast indicators for the cost of oil.

Measures to ensure long-term coordination of budgetary and strategic planning

The strategic tasks of the state must necessarily be assessed in accordance with priorities. To do this, they should be compared with the existing real opportunities, on which the wealth and prosperity of the country depend. Only the application of an integrated approach, taking into account all past problems, will make it possible to effectively allocate state resources in the areas of economic policy.

At the same time, any decision should be made only after a preliminary analysis of the possibilities of its financial support and how it will affect the achievement of the main strategic goals facing the state.

Development and implementation of the tools needed to provide support for innovation

The state must necessarily apply an integrated approach in the formation of a favorable investment environment. To do this, it is necessary to ensure macroeconomic stability in the country, increase the competitiveness of domestic products, and also eliminate existing administrative barriers.

Improving the quality of human capital

When implementing modernization, it is extremely important to have qualified specialists, and therefore the state should pay attention to the quality of education and control the conduct of vocational training.

In addition to education, it is necessary to improve the system of domestic scientific schools, to involve foreign specialists in the learning process. It is also necessary to direct efforts to create decent working conditions and increase efficiency, for this a number of amendments should be made to the Law on Employment of the Population.

Thus, the main priorities of Russia's economic policy are determined by the specifics of the transition period to a new innovative level, which focuses on social needs. In order for the Russian state to enter a new stage of development, it is necessary to set the right long-term goals and priorities that will determine the entire necessary set of transformations in the state's economy.