Business interaction. Moscow State University of Printing Arts Effective business communication and interaction

As mentioned above, interaction in business communication consists in the exchange of actions and deeds in the process of planning and organizing joint professional activities.

G.M. Andreeva distinguishes among all possible types of interactions two opposite ones: cooperation and competition. In the first case, we mean that the manifestations that contribute to the organization of joint activities are “positive” from this point of view. The second group includes interactions that in one way or another "shatter" joint activity, representing a certain kind of obstacle to it.

Human relationships in business communication can also be classified as personal and business, official and informal, coordinating and subordinating.

Personal relationships are those that arise between people as individuals and do not depend on status, age, profession, etc. They are based on positive and negative feelings that they experience for each other: sympathy, antipathy, love, enmity, respect, contempt, trust and mistrust. Such relationships are subjective and may not be shared by other people.

Business relationships are based on professional duties and the responsibility that lies with them in the distribution of joint. work. They depend on positions and roles. Their quality is assessed depending on the result of the activity and is determined by the level of professionalism and coordination of actions.

Official relations are established and maintained in accordance with normative and legal acts (laws, charters, instructions, etc.). In such relationships, people most often enter in accordance with the position.

Informal relations are not regulated by any legal acts, they develop in addition to business and official relations that people enter into with each other.

Coordinating relations are equal, they are entered by people who are independent of each other, who coordinate, coordinate their actions, but do not obey each other.

Subordination relationships develop between people with different positions and different status, for example, between a leader and a subordinate. This is an unequal relationship, when some people are subordinate to others.

The nature of relationships is influenced by how the needs and interests of a person are met by other people. If people help each other in realizing their interests, then a good relationship develops between them. Also, the nature of the relationship is influenced by psychological compatibility - the coincidence of values, attitudes, beliefs, moral standards. The nature of the relationship determines the psychological climate in the team, the mood, the well-being of people, and ultimately affects the productivity of the activity. It is clear that with good relationships, performance is higher.

The main parameters of the effectiveness of business communication can be considered the skills and abilities of a professional in using two communication styles: humanistic and directive.

The humanistic style of communication is based on an approach whose origins lie in C. Rogers' client-centered therapy. This is a set of attitudes of the subject of communication, rules and specific methods of response aimed at understanding the partner and his problems, establishing psychological contact. The main thing in this approach is the orientation to the internal system of values, assessments, motives and problems of the partner himself, and not to his own. The main concepts considered by K. Rogers: congruence, unconditional (non-judgmental) acceptance, empathic understanding. Congruence is defined as the degree of correspondence between what a person experiences and what they express outwardly. This means truthfulness and openness in communication with a partner, which is achieved when what we openly express to the interlocutor with words and gestures is consistent with our inner feelings and experiences at the time of the conversation.

Unconditional acceptance of a partner is achieved when the other accepts him and is able to maintain positive attention. This atmosphere corresponds to the wording "I care about you." This attention is devoid of appreciation. It allows a person to be what he really is.

These attitudes are the main psychological mechanisms that realize the orientation of the subject of communication to understanding, to the internal frame of reference of the interlocutor. That is why such communication is often called "empathic" in the literature. An understanding response does not mean our agreement with what the partner says and feels, but is a manifestation of the desire to unbiasedly understand his position, life situation without assessing him.

The skills and abilities of a humanistic style of interaction are undoubtedly among the important professional qualities of a modern business person. At the same time, professional activity requires the development of skills of a different kind, namely, the skills and abilities to use directive communication techniques in working with people.

The directive style of influence is aimed at providing a direct psychological impact on a partner in order to achieve their goals. These skills can be used, in particular, in business negotiations, when you need to make a common decision and at the same time defend your position. Such qualities of a person as purposefulness and perseverance in achieving their interests and goals are among the integral socially approved qualities of a person in the modern world. But very often in life this is done in a defensive-aggressive form, which hinders rather than contributes to the achievement of goals and leads to conflicts and obstacles.

At the heart of the directive approach are attitudes and rules for an open, direct and clear expression of one's positions, intentions and goals; active behavior and actions to achieve them; on a direct and open refusal to perform actions that do not serve the achievement of goals; to achieve their goals, taking into account the interests and goals of the partner.

Possession of the two described styles of indirect and direct psychological impact in the process of interaction with a partner. useful for all professionals whose profession involves working with people.

Business communication is the process of interaction between business partners, aimed at organizing and optimizing one or another type of subject activity: production, scientific, service, etc. In business communication, the subject of communication is joint activity (common cause), and the communication partner always acts as a person significant to another. Productive cooperation, convergence of goals and positions, improvement of partnerships are the main tasks of business communication.

There are a number of essential elements in joint activities:

single purpose;

commonality of motives that encourage individuals to work together;

interconnectedness of participants;

the presence of a single space and time for the implementation of individual actions;

division of a single process of activity into separate functions and their distribution among the participants;

coordination of individual actions, the need to manage them.

Unlike personality-oriented communication, the subject of which is the nature of the relationship between its participants, the purpose of business interaction lies outside the process of communication . This interaction of people is subject to the solution of a specific problem facing the organization, which imposes certain limits on the behavior of people.

Specifics of business interaction associated with the key characteristics of the organization, its structure and principles of organizational behavior:

Mandatory contacts of participants in communication, regardless of their likes and dislikes.

Conventional restrictions, i.e. compliance with legal, social norms, adherence to regulations (for example, actions on instructions, protocol, compliance with internal regulations; following the traditions of the organization, etc.).

Compliance with the formal-role principles of interaction, taking into account official roles, rights and functional duties, while adhering to subordination and business etiquette.

Business communication is largely formalized, detached, "cold". This is due to a rather strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, ways of making contacts between employees. Each employee in the organization is assigned a certain standard of behavior in the form of a stable structure of formal rights and obligations.

Business interaction is carried out in a specific environment where relationships of subordination, dependence, inequality are fixed between departments and employees in accordance with the hierarchy of the organization.

In connection with the hierarchical structure of the organization, the problem arises of the effectiveness of feedback, the transfer of complete and accurate information along the levels of the hierarchical pyramid. According to some reports, only 20-25% of the information coming from the top management reaches the direct executors and is correctly understood by them. This is due, on the one hand, to the distortion of information, on the other hand, the unwillingness of managers to inform employees in detail about the state of affairs at the enterprise as a whole (subordinates must follow specific instructions without asking unnecessary questions). At the same time, people make assumptions about the available information. In order to take into account these features of service and business communication, it is necessary to record orders, decisions, orders in writing and recognize feedback as the most important means of increasing the efficiency of business interaction. ·

The interdependence of all participants in business communication both in achieving the final result and in the implementation of personal intentions. Motivation is a necessary condition for effective business communication. In business communication, a person simultaneously acts as a specific person and as a representative of an organization, i.e. bearer of certain professional-role functions. If personal needs are not satisfied in the process of activity or one's own ideas and style of behavior do not coincide with group norms, a conflict (intrapersonal, interpersonal) may arise, interest in work may decrease.

Compatibility and harmony of team members (the integrity of the collective subject) is an important condition for joint activities. In the course of joint activity, specific mechanisms for regulating the dynamics of individual cognitive processes are formed, joint strategies for solving problems, a common style of activity for the group, there is an exchange of individual qualities, the ability, desire and ability to correlate their goals and actions with the goals and actions of other people develop. All this contributes to the expansion of the information space, makes it possible to see more aspects of the problem being solved and ways to solve it. The result of such interaction is a kind of unification of ideas among the participants in the activity. Harmony is the consistency in the work between the participants in the joint activity.

Professional self-realization of specialists, their business interaction are possible in those types of communication which imply pragmatic goals, constructiveness of decisions, psychological readiness of each of the partners for adequate behavior. We are talking about cognitive, persuasive, expressive, suggestive and ritual types of communication:

cognitive communication is aimed at expanding the information fund of partners, transferring the information necessary for professional activities, commenting on innovative information. As a result, the development of new information, its application in practice, the introduction of innovations, and self-development are expected.

persuasive communication is designed to evoke certain feelings in business partners, to form value orientations and attitudes, to convince of the legitimacy of certain interaction strategies, to change opinions, attitudes, and positions.

Expressive communication is aimed at forming a certain psycho-emotional mood in the partner, conveying feelings, experiences, inducing to the necessary social action.

suggestive communication should have an inspiring effect on a business partner to change motivation, value orientations and attitudes, behavior and attitudes.

ritual communication is necessary in order to consolidate and maintain conventional relations in the business world; provide socio-psychological regulation in large and small groups of people; preserve the ritual traditions of the company, enterprise, create and consolidate new ones.

Thus, effective communication requires knowledge of all its components, the possession of which ensures the communicative competence of a business person. The development of communicative competence is a necessary condition for effective professional activity.

Business conversation- this is a form of communication interaction, which is based on the basic principles, norms and rules of business etiquette and is characterized by a focus on relationships with subjects or a group of subjects to obtain mutually beneficial results. Subjects who take part in professional communication interaction observe the official style of communication and are aimed at obtaining a result, as a result of solving the tasks set, and achieving the set goals.

The skills of competent conduct of business conversations and a correct understanding of the characteristics of the interlocutor's personal characteristics, his goals, objectives and interests can be considered the determining factors for successful professional meetings and negotiations.

Ethics of business communication

Unlike other types of communication interactions, for example, personal or social, business communication has its own content characteristics and features. The selection of such features allows us to give a more specific and complete definition of the concept of "business communication".

The ethics of business communication is conditioned by how successfully the distinctive features of national psychological types that are preserved in group ideas about the state, nationality, in phraseological turns that contain generalized characteristics of the image are taken into account.

Knowledge of national and understanding of the psychological types of different nationalities, their traditions, customs, identity of cultural and historical heritage, their customs, language, features of expressing feelings, temperament, is urgently needed for a business person, regardless of his field of activity, professional orientation, since it contributes to effective communication , overcoming national egoism, fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of other peoples.

The ethics of business communication is based on many sciences, in particular on the psychology of management and communication, ethics, scientific organization of labor. The study of communication ethics is driven by the needs of the modern world. Psychology and ethics of business communication are a kind of pillars of the success of interaction with various individuals.

A person, regardless of his role (head or middle manager, simple entrepreneur or civil servant), must certainly be able to clearly formulate his own thought, argue his point of view, analyze the partner’s judgments, evaluate critically relevant statements and proposals. For this, the most important condition is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, correctly conduct and direct the conversation, create a friendly atmosphere during communication, and make a positive impression. All these skills are impossible without appropriate preliminary training.

The central link in the ethics of communication is directly the personality of the leader or subordinate. In order to become a professional and an excellent specialist in any industry, it is not enough to have the proper knowledge and skills, interpersonal skills. In addition, you also need to have an appropriate level of speech culture and internal culture. The culture of speech and business communication are closely interconnected.

Today, ethical argumentation is represented by the two most common principles of its construction: the principle of utilitarianism and the moral imperative. The principle of utilitarianism is based on an action that will be considered morally justified, provided that it tends to benefit the maximum number of people. The amount of damage caused is compared with the total benefit of the action. If it outweighs the harm, then the decision is considered unethical. In cases where any alternative action will cause damage to some extent, then the path of least damage is chosen. The principle of the moral imperative is based on the fact that moral decisions under no circumstances depend on a specific consequence (i.e. a bribe is bad, deceiving one consumer is just as immoral as many others).

Etiquette of business communication is considered the most important aspect of professional behavior of people. Knowledge of etiquette is an urgently needed professional quality that must be acquired and improved. The role of business communication in the success of any business is difficult to overestimate. It is a necessary component of the life of individuals, the most important type of interaction with other personalities. After all, it is in communication that a certain system of goals is developed, which is characterized to some extent by stability. To achieve success in a conversation with business partners, their interests must be understood and taken into account. No less important for people is the ability to correctly formulate and express their thoughts, to achieve mutual understanding in solving problems with direct interaction of individuals.

Psychology of business communication

In psychological terms, communication interaction is at the same time an exchange of actions, thoughts, emotional experiences, feelings and a person's orientation towards himself, his own soul, conscience, dreams.

Psychology and ethics of business communication are components of a complex of sciences that are based on the basic categories and principles of most sciences.

The effectiveness of business communication interaction, first of all, is due to the activities of the subjects. Such activity has a socially significant equivalent, which can ultimately be measured by such a valuable and important indicator as monetary resources.

Business communication helps to establish connections and develop relationships aimed at cooperation and partnership between colleagues, superiors and subordinates, partners, rivals and competitors. A specialist, not to mention a leader, will never be successful in his activity if he does not master at least the basics of business communication. Communication interaction requires a high psychological culture from the individual.

Successful business communication also requires constant study and consideration of the emotional aspects of relationships. Often business people believe that feelings have no place in business, but they are greatly mistaken. After all, not paying attention to the feelings and emotional experiences of employees, you can bring the team to serious conflicts that will cost the company dearly. Reason and emotions are inseparable components of the subject. During communication interaction with a partner or colleague, many different signals are sent to their senses.

There are certain techniques by which you can turn the location of the interlocutor in your direction. The "proper name" technique is based on the obligatory pronunciation of the interlocutor's name aloud. "Mirror of attitude" means that a smile on the face will cause a return smile, and a sullen grimace, on the contrary. A pleasant facial expression attracts the location of the interlocutor. Compliments are the "golden words" of any conversation. They contain a slight exaggeration of the merits that the interlocutor represents. However, it is necessary to distinguish between compliments and gross flattery, which consists in a strong exaggeration of the interlocutor's merits.

In the psychology of business communication, it is important to use methods of influencing interlocutors with the help of speech. Business communication and speech with it has a certain specificity. In communication interactions, 90% of the interlocutor's attention is paid to speech characteristics, when, for example, in interpersonal interactions, 50% or even less. Its main characteristics include:

  • vocabulary that makes the conversation more vivid, rich, reasoned, accessible, convincing;
  • composition of speech, which allows the use of professional terms instead of jargon;
  • literacy;
  • pronunciation and intonation.

It must be understood that it matters not only what the subject says, but also how he says it; non-verbal components, which include the speaker's posture, his facial expressions and gestures.

Culture of business communication

The most important indicator of assessing the professionalism of an employee is the culture of business communication. Many bosses focus on this when hiring an individual and in the process of fulfilling his job descriptions and job duties.

Business communication by phone is one of the main types of business conversation. After all, this is the only type of conversation in which it is impossible to influence the interlocutor non-verbally. That is why it is so important to use business communication skills during a telephone conversation.

Allocate generally accepted rules for conducting any business conversation. These include interest in the topic of conversation, favor and goodwill towards the partner in the conversation, the lack of influence of your general mood on the nature of the conversation.

Communication is considered to be the communication interaction of two or more subjects. Its main purpose is the exchange of messages of a cognitive nature or emotional orientation. In the process of communication, the interlocutor influences the behavior of the communication partner, his state, beliefs and worldview. Such influence will always be mutual, but quite rarely - uniform. Most often, communication is found in the course of joint activities of individuals.

In the process of communication, individuals exchange facial expressions, gestures and phrases among themselves. In addition, both communication partners have virtual images of how each of them looks from the outside, located in their head. Such images may be similar to the true ones, but not completely. Also in the head contains the image of his partner. Such an image may correspond to reality, but each time he makes adjustments to it. In addition to the two subjects directly involved in a business conversation, there are also social norms. Each individual believes that he is unique, extraordinary and has his own opinion on everything, however, the result of any communication is reduced to the judgment of the social norm.

The culture of business communication implies several styles of communication and their principles. The culture of business communication interaction also includes the etiquette of business communication, which implies compliance with certain frameworks, norms and rules of conduct, for example, punctuality, culture of speech, appearance, etc.

The culture of speech and business communication are indispensable in the modern world of business and entrepreneurship. After all, most of the work process is occupied by conversations, conversations, meetings, negotiations. In some areas of activity, career growth directly depends on the culture of speech and perfect knowledge of business communication etiquette.

The business type of communication differs from others in that it will always pursue specific goals, have a time limit and often be divided into intervals. Communication will succeed only if there is mutual understanding and trust between the partners.

Features of business communication

Business communication is called a rather complex multifaceted process of forming contacts between individuals who are interconnected by professional interests, work or official activities. Participants in communication interactions act in an official status and are aimed at achieving results, solving specific problems. A characteristic feature of the process of communicative interaction is its regulation, which means subordination to the established framework, determined by national traditions and cultural customs, professional ethical standards.

The etiquette of business communications contains two groups of rules - these are norms and instructions. Norms are horizontally directed rules that work in the course of communication between members of the same group who are equal in status. Instructions are vertically oriented rules that determine the nature of the interaction between a superior and a subordinate.

Features of business communication are expressed in submission to general requirements, which consist in a friendly and precautionary attitude towards absolutely all work colleagues, service partners, regardless of personal preferences, mood, likes or dislikes.

The regulation of business communication is also expressed in the culture of speech.

Business communication and speech must comply with the norms of linguistic behavior developed by the society, grammar and style, typical ready-made “formulas” that allow the formation of etiquette situations of greeting, gratitude, etc., for example, “hello”. All sustainable label designs must be selected taking into account age and.

Communication as an interaction implies that the subjects establish relationships with each other, exchange the necessary information and information in order to build joint activities, i.e. cooperation. And in order for communication as a communicative interaction to occur without any problems, it must contain the following steps:

  • establishing contact, i.e. acquaintance, which involves the understanding of another individual, a kind of presentation (representation) of oneself to another subject;
  • orientation in a situation of communicative interaction, comprehension of what is happening, holding pauses and intervals;
  • discussion of a question or task of interest;
  • problem solving if necessary;
  • end of contact.

The organization of business communication should be built on a partnership basis, based primarily on the principles of cooperation, proceed from mutual needs and requests, from the interests of the cause. Such cooperation will increase labor productivity, creative activity, which is the most important factor in the progress of production, commerce and business.

Business language

The language of business communication is an official business style of speech, which is a functional type of syllable and is intended for communicative interaction in the field of business, entrepreneurship, commerce and other professional activities. The functional variety of the syllable is a failure of the system of language units, the methods of their selection and use, which are determined by the social purposes of speech communication.

Speech communications in the field of professional activity have a number of specific characteristics that are explained by the situation of communication. An important significance in the conditions of business communication is that legal entities (organizations, enterprises) and officials, ordinary employees can be members of such communication. The peculiarity and essence of information relationships that business communication subjects can enter into depends on the place of the institution or employee in the hierarchy of organizations or positions, respectively, competence, content of activities and a number of other factors. The relationship between institutions and specialists is stable and regulated by the accepted norms of law, as a result of which the information flows of institutions have a so-called “programmed” character that meets the needs of an organization or field of activity.

The foundations of business communication always include three main aspects: orthological, communicative and ethical.

Orthology is the science of the correctness of speech, the norms of the language and their changes. In the mind of the subject, who expresses his thoughts either orally or in writing, the norm is a model, a template, a scheme by which a phrase, a sentence is built. The formation of such norms is influenced by the literary creativity and speech practices of the ethnic group, which are a mandatory criterion for the unity of the language and the correct functioning of the speech system. Therefore, literacy is an indispensable condition for success in business communications. An important characteristic of business communication is the possession of the normative aspect of the language of oral and written business speech by managers, leaders, employees, employees.

The language of business communication has a huge arsenal of tools that should be used, taking into account the scope, situation, tasks, circumstances, genre of speech, and mobilize to achieve the goal of communication. The communicative side of the culture of speech considers precisely these issues.

The choice of words in accordance with the goals and situation of communication is determined by the requirements of relevance and purity of speech. And for this you need to know the styles of the literary language. So, for example, an abundance of specific terms, standard phrases and clichés is typical for business writing, but it is absolutely not suitable for colloquial speech.

The ethical side of the culture of speech is represented by speech etiquette, which studies special means of speech to regulate social ties and interpersonal relationships. These include: speech etiquette formulas, texts and norms for their use, as well as rules of conduct in different conditions.

Etiquette norms of business communication are dependent on the national character. So, for example, what would be a sign of respect in European countries may be considered an insult in Muslim states.

Types of business communication

The business type of communications involves setting goals and solving the most important problematic issues. There is a classification of types and forms of business communication. Each of the types of communications explains the process, which is closely related to the conditioned sphere.

Types, forms and means of business communication today are quite diverse. However, the transmission of information is carried out only through sign systems. From here, business communication can be divided into verbal communication, where the sign system is represented by language, and non-verbal business communication, in which non-verbal sign systems are used. This division is also used in other types of communicative interaction.

Verbal communications include conversation, i.e. it is verbal communication.

Non-verbal business communication contains everything that gives the subject of communication additional information about the subject of the conversation and about the speaker himself. This includes postures, facial expressions, gestures, intonations.

Many experts are sure that interlocutors in the process of communication receive only a small percentage of information through words, and everything else through signals that they read and decipher subconsciously during non-verbal communication. Also, the types of professional communication include direct and indirect (indirect) form.

The direct view of professional communications represents the interaction of individuals in the same space and at the same time. It includes negotiations, conversations, etc. In direct contact during a conversation, non-verbal communication and oral communication are of the greatest importance.

An indirect type of communication includes the transfer of information using written speech (for example, an electronic message or telephone communication). This type of interaction is considered less effective than direct communications. Among indirect communications, business communication by telephone is most in demand. It is distinguished by direct voice contact during a conversation and a wide variety of communication methods. This makes it easy to combine the business (formal) interaction and the personal (informal) part of any message.

In any case, in business communication, as well as in other types of interpersonal communicative interactions, the presence of people at the same time in the same space and at the same time is important, which allows you to establish eye contact, make a good impression and influence the entire process of communicative interaction.

Forms of business communication

There are several forms of business communications that meet the specific requirements of professional situations. These include: business correspondence, conversation, meeting, negotiations, public speaking, press conference and dispute.

Business correspondence refers to an indirect type of communication, which is implemented through written speech (orders, letters, requests, resolutions, etc.). There are business correspondence within the institution (enterprise), for the organization and between organizations.

A business conversation includes discussions of all kinds of working nuances and processes to make an important decision or to discuss details.

To hold a business meeting, a working team of a company, enterprise, organization or a separate management team, some departments gather to solve pressing problems, plan further activities and set goals.

Public speaking is a subspecies of a business meeting, during which one subject takes a leadership position and highlights an important problem, shares information with a certain circle of people. The main thing at the same time is that the speaker should have a complete and detailed understanding of the topic and content of the conversation, possess the necessary personal qualities that would allow him to convey the topic of the speech to the audience.

In the course of business negotiations, the obligatory result of communication should be finding a solution and its adoption. In the process of negotiations, each of the parties has its own position and direction of views, and the result is a deal or a signed contract.

A press conference implies a meeting of officials (for example, leaders, government officials, businessmen, politicians, etc.) with representatives of the media to inform the society on topical and exciting issues.

Not all issues in the course of business communications can be resolved without a dispute, but it can often only complicate the situation due to the fact that individuals behave not always professionally and too enthusiastically, emotionally defend their own position.

Forms of business communication cover all situations that arise in the course of professional activity. The role of communication in professional activities is to streamline the processes of communicative interactions within the boundaries of the business environment.

Business communication rules

The rules and norms of business communication are of great importance in the professional activities of individuals. One wrong word can lead to the loss of a multi-million dollar deal or cancel all the efforts on the path to career growth. So, there are some general rules of business communications.

The first rule is clear, legible speech. The listener must understand what the interlocutor is talking about.

The second rule is to avoid monotony during the conversation. Monotonous speech can make anyone feel sad. Emotionally uncolored speech causes an irresistible desire to run away from the interlocutor.

The next rule suggests that the speaker's speech should be of medium pace. Very slow speech leads to the disinterest of the interlocutor. It makes you distract from the information of the speaker. And too fast speech leads to the fact that the communication partner simply does not keep up with the speaker's train of thought. In the case of an excessively fast or slow pace of speech, good communication will not work. Try to alternate between short and long sentences. Since long, overloaded sentences are difficult to understand. And a speech consisting only of short phrases will not make the proper impression. Questions should be asked wisely. In a conversation, open and closed questions are equally important. It is necessary to learn to hear the interlocutor during a conversation. It is not recommended to start a conversation with business proposals. This can only cause rejection on the part of the interlocutor. You should try to avoid direct advice. The point of view should be expressed gently and unobtrusively, while constantly emphasizing that this is just a subjective vision of the topic. Self-thinking of the problem should be encouraged. It is not recommended to report ready-made solutions. Accepted cultural norms and rules of etiquette must be observed. After all, the success of professional activity as a whole depends on their observance.

Business communication differs from other types of interpersonal communications in its regulation. Such communication can be characterized as strict observance by all participants of the process of their personal roles. This means that in different professional situations, an individual can be both a leader and a subordinate, a partner and a colleague. The high responsibility of each participant in business interaction for its result is the main characteristic of business communication.

The success of business communications and communication is largely determined by the chosen strategies and tactics of communication, which implies the ability to clearly formulate the goals of communication interactions, correctly determine the interests of partners.

Business communication styles

The scope of business communication extends to the legal, managerial, social aspects of the life of subjects. Therefore, the official business style of communications is determined by the practical requirements of professional activity and life in general. It can be implemented in writing (for example, business e-mail correspondence, regulations, etc.) and orally (for example, meetings, negotiations).

In today's society, using the style of business communications correctly means ensuring sustainable career advancement, raising personal status and success in all areas of business activity.

Business style, in turn, is divided into several subspecies - legislative subspecies, diplomatic and administrative-clerical subspecies. Each of these subspecies has its own specifics, communicative forms and speech clichés. So, for example, a memorandum, a note are used in diplomatic communications. In the administrative-clerical style, a receipt, a memorandum, a certificate, a power of attorney, a characteristic, an order, etc. are used. Legislative style - law, paragraph, regulation, agenda, code, etc.

The ultimate accuracy of speech is an essential component of business style. It is achieved, first of all, through the use of special terms, which can be both widespread and highly specialized. Today, the business style of communication is considered the most common in the everyday practice of formal interaction.

Business communication styles include manipulative, ritualistic, and humanistic.

The manipulative style implies the attitude of one conversation partner to another as a production tool and using it to complete tasks or obtain certain results. Typical examples of such communications are personal control over the implementation of tasks.

The main task of partners in the ritual style of communication is to create the desired image in society. In such communications, the status of the interlocutors is important, and not their personal or business qualities.

The main direction of the humanistic style is the support of interlocutors to each other and the collective discussion of problems. Separate characteristics of partners are not analyzed and are not divided into positive qualities or negative ones. The individual is fully accepted. This approach highlights the personal qualities of the individual and his individual characteristics. However, under some circumstances, this style of interaction is inappropriate. Knowledge of the features of communications and means of business communication ensure the success of professional activity.

Principles of business communication

The role of business communication in the daily life of individuals is difficult to overestimate, because it affects almost all areas of life. Business communications, as well as other types of interpersonal interactions, have their own general principles for regulating the flow of professional communication processes.

The principles of business communication include interpersonal communication, its purposefulness, continuity of communications and multidimensionality.

Interpersonality is characterized by the openness of the interaction of individuals and diversity. It is based on the personal interest of individuals to each other. The organization of business communication with this principle of construction is aimed mainly at the professional component of the process, but do not forget that it will still have the character of interpersonal interaction and contain a kind of interpersonal radical. The implementation of communication under any circumstances is determined not only by a specific activity or the problem under discussion, but also by the personal properties of the interlocutors, their relationships. It follows that any business communication interaction is inseparable from interpersonal relationships.

Purposefulness of communications is multi-purpose. In the course of communication, an unconscious goal along with a conscious one has an information load. So, for example, the speaker acquaints those present with a problematic issue, while pursuing the goal of bringing the essence of the issue to the attention of the participants in the process. However, along with this, on an unconscious level, he may have a desire to show off or demonstrate to the participants his own, eloquence, etc.

Continuity is the initiation of continuous business and interpersonal interaction with a partner when it enters his field of vision. Since communication contains both verbal elements and non-verbal means of business communication, people constantly send behavioral messages. The interlocutor attaches a specific meaning to such messages, as a result of which he draws the appropriate conclusions.

Multidimensionality is based on the fact that individuals in various situations of business interaction not only exchange data, but in one way or another regulate relationships. Since the sphere of business communication is quite diverse, at least two sides of the relationship can be carried out in the processes of communication. One is to maintain business interaction and transfer professional information. The other is in the transfer of an emotional attitude towards a partner, which is present in any contact.

First of all, let's outline the principles of business communication. It always has a purpose, cultural boundaries, an ethical aspect.

In addition, communication in business communication is continuous and changeable depending on the conscious coding of information.

Purposefulness business interaction is determined by the fact that the very situation of communication is created not by the random conditions of a meeting of two people or the need to be together, chat, which is typical of everyday everyday communication, but by the desire to achieve a certain result. At the same time, the direction of business communication is multi-purpose. The purpose of a particular business situation may or may not be conscious, but it is always present (Kellerman, 1992, p. 288). A conscious goal usually carries an informational load, and an unconscious one - an image of the result that we want to achieve. For example, we invite our colleague to have a cup of coffee together and discuss a project we are working on together. In this case, our goal may be to resolve outstanding issues, to make joint work closer, or simply to create a friendly atmosphere. Another example. At the meeting of the members of the student council, data are provided on the degree of involvement of students in social events. Its purpose may be to bring this information to the discussion in the group or simply to state the facts in order to see how much this issue excites students. One more example - the speaker, informing the audience of statistical data, wants to describe the objective situation in the problem area. Along with this, perhaps on an unconscious level, he has a desire to demonstrate to those present his intellect, erudition and eloquence. In the same episode, you can find other goals (for example, to attract sponsors to fund a project to solve a problem).

Achieving the set goal is one way to understand how successful our communication is. So, when you greet a work colleague by saying “Hi, how are you?”, you will expect a response that is equally casual, which shows that your relationship with a colleague is developing constructively. Often such instant communications occur unconsciously, but this does not exclude their purposeful nature.

Continuity communication in business communication is determined by a combination of various signals present in the interaction of people. Once in the field of vision of a business partner, we initiate continuous business and interpersonal contact with him, relying on both verbal and non-verbal elements of communication. We constantly send behavioral messages to our interlocutor, from which he extracts meaning or draws conclusions. Therefore, our facial expressions, and gestures, and style of behavior are manifested as a reaction to the people around us, the events taking place. That is, our silence at a meeting or ignoring a group of employees, or being late for a meeting, or being absent from a project are all communication behaviors from which another person (colleague, friend, boss) draws conclusions. In business communication, it is important to be aware of and remember these implicit and explicit messages that are constantly being conveyed.

Relativity and variability in business interaction implies the fact that we have already indicated that, when communicating, people not only exchange information, but also regulate their relationships. For example, when working in a group on a project, one of the participants suggests writing down solutions and immediately takes on this function. Or reminds participants what they should not forget to do. In this message, not only information is transmitted, but also the distribution of roles is initiated, since the message may mean the following: "I am ready to be in charge, to regulate this process." In response to this proposal, we can see two response options, the first of which contains the affective (emotional) aspect of the relationship, and the second - the role (hierarchical) one. Thus, the consent of the participants to the proposal, accompanied by non-verbal behavior, shows how sincerely the participants are happy with it. If the group happily picks up, expresses agreement (positive affect), pats on the shoulder in a friendly way, then the author of the proposal regards this as an arrangement and a confident recognition of his role. If the group is silent, reacts in separate phrases, in monosyllabic agreement, without intonation, with an impassive facial expression, then this means that the group perceives the proposal as imposed and follows only the rules of etiquette in its response. The hierarchical aspect is aimed at identifying the dominant participant (Watzlawick, Beavin, Jackson, 1967) and determines the issue of control in relationships, which can be considered from the point of view of complementarity or symmetry (Werderber R., Werderber K., 2003, p. 24).

In complementary relationships, one person lets the other determine who will have the most power. Thus, one person's communication message may affirm dominance, while another person's communication message accepts this assertion. In some cases, the relationship is partially clarified by the context. For example, traditionally in an organization, the relationship between superior and subordinate is complementary, with the boss in a controlling position. Similarly, relationships in a public speaking situation are usually complementary, as the audience gathers to listen to the speaker, and considers the information presented by him to be trustworthy.

In symmetrical relationships, people "do not agree" on the question of who will control the situation. If one person claims to be in control of the situation, this is perceived by all others as a challenge and encourages them to claim their own right to such power. Or if someone refuses power, then all others refuse to accept it. For example, one team member says, "I think we should cut our costs." Another may object to this: “No way! We need additional consumables for the office.” In this case, both people claim to be in control of the situation.

As R. Werderber and K. Werderber (2003) write in their work, an agreement on control over the situation is not achieved all at once. Relative control is established over several exchanges of messages over a period of time. At the same time, both words and non-verbal means of communication, behavioral strategies together determine what this interaction will be - complementary or symmetrical. Complementary relationships rarely lead to open conflict, in symmetrical relationships, a uniform division of power is more often observed.

The hierarchical aspect in business relationships clearly indicates the purpose of communication, while the affective aspect emphasizes the attitude to what is happening. Together they determine the degree of awareness of messages, the extent to which we control the situation of interaction. Sometimes, our messages are coded unconsciously. And this leads to a spontaneous expression of emotions: “It can’t be!” - in response to a message about the promotion of a colleague. However, in other cases, our messages are scripted; those. we use colloquialisms learned from past experiences (for example, in childhood), or which we have prepared, or perhaps developed, based on an understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves (Reardon, 1987). To use scenario responses effectively, we study and practice them until we bring them to automaticity. Scenarios allow us to quickly adapt to the situation and usually increase the effectiveness of communication. A variety of trainings on communication technologies often aim to teach the most effective business interaction scenarios in a particular situation. For example, when preparing for a job interview, we replay in our minds various possible scenarios and our responses or reactions to potential interview questions.

Another option for conscious message coding is the careful construction of messages for a particular situation. Constructed messages are messages that we are currently encoding to respond to an unfamiliar situation. Such messages help us communicate effectively and appropriately to the situation. According to R. Werderber, K. Werderber (2003, p. 23), creatively designed reactions are an ideal communication mechanism, especially in a situation of public speaking. This is the best way to achieve a goal in business communication if you can imagine what and how you want to say, as you formulate messages in which the intended meaning will be understood.

Cultural boundaries in business interaction are set by the diversity and multicultural environment in which we live and communicate. The words "cultural diversity" do not mean the narrow meaning of the word "culture", as artistic creativity or folk tradition, but "as created by the individual and human groups and perceived by them differences in social life" (Tishkov V.L., 2002 ). These differences manifest themselves in all aspects of life - home, household, food, clothing, communication (language), social organization, behavioral norms and religious beliefs. In total, cultural differences are grouped according to the forms of identification (correlation) of people with one or another “big category” of human (cultural) distinctiveness. The cultural affiliation of the participants in the dialogue affects the formation of the message and its interpretation. Even if both people speak English, their cultural differences will affect the meaning conveyed.

More than 180 nationalities with a unique culture live in Russia. The population of Russia speaks 239 dialects. Over 20,000,000 people practice Islam and officially consider themselves Muslims. Orthodox - no more than 6 million people, which is approximately 4.5%. Over the past 15 years, the number of Muslims in Russia has increased by 40%. There are more Azerbaijanis living in Russia than in Baku, and there are more Tatars in Moscow than in Kazan.

The cultural diversity of the Russian population is actively manifested in business communication and depends on many different factors: This is the geographical location of the area, and climatic conditions, and ethnic origin, and the political factor, and many others. With the indisputable dominance of the Russian people in the population (more than 80%), as well as the good adaptation of minorities to Russian culture and language (the vast majority of minorities speak Russian as a second language), a huge part of the peoples of the country have completely preserved the foundations of their national culture (Perepelkin L. .S., Razmustova T.O., 2003). Cultural pluralism in the Russian Federation is based on historical features of the development of ethnic groups. Most of the peoples living in the country are "indigenous", i.e. they developed on the territory of their current residence, are connected with it historically and culturally. It distinguishes

Russia from many resettlement countries (USA, Canada, Australia, etc.).

Growing up in families belonging to different religious denominations (Christianity and Islam, Judaism and Buddhism) and ethnic groups (Tatars and Buryats, Cossacks and Izhors, Caucasians and Chukchi), we absorb traditions and customs, leaving out of our attention how other people culture perceive the world. Because of this, we often misunderstand each other. Without knowing it, we break the "rules" of the culture or do not take into account the preferences of other people. For example, two freshmen who have recently become roommates in a dorm may belong to different denominational groups. Girls may be ready to live together and learn new things from a representative of another culture. But they may have a different attitude towards organizing leisure activities, preparing homework, spending money, etc. Cultural differences in views may well become a source of mutual misunderstanding. Given that people living in Russia come from a wide variety of cultures, there are plenty of opportunities for misunderstandings in society.

Today, due to the high migration activity, the cultural diversity of Russia continues to grow. So, from 1992 to 1998, 5.1 million people moved to Russia, of which 1.2 million were refugees and internally displaced persons - of which almost 1 million gave a migration exchange with foreign countries, including 240 thousand people moved to country from outside the former USSR. According to expert estimates, internal migration exceeds external migration by four times. Migration exchange with the countries of the "near abroad", i.e. the entry into Russia of residents of the CIS countries as refugees, internally displaced persons and labor migrants is a special category of migration activity. So far, the Russian population dominates here, although its share is gradually falling due to an increase in the number of “titular” peoples of the former Soviet republics of the USSR among visitors. Migrants move, albeit to a foreign ethnic, but already mastered environment.

Each region of Russia has its own ratio of representatives of different cultures. For example, in 2014 the national and ethnic composition of Moscow was as follows: Russians - 31%, Azerbaijanis - 14%, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs - 10%, Ukrainians - 8%, Armenians - 5%, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz - 5%, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese - 5%, Chechens, Dagestanis, Ingush - 4%, Belarusians - 3%, Georgians - 3%, Moldovans - 3%, Gypsies - 3%, Jews - 2%, other peoples - 4%. More than 11 million people live in Moscow, of which Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, all together 4.62 million. Thus, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians constitute a national minority in the capital of Russia!

Considering the cultural aspect of business communication, it is important to note that the most widely discussed aspects of cultural diversity include ethnic and racial issues, but cultural diversity in business communication is also determined by gender, age, sexual orientation, social status, education and religious differences. Representatives of different ethnic groups are guided by different rules for constructing and interpreting messages. This thesis is also true for people of different sex, age or religion. For example, people of the older generation believe that addressing a person by name, if he himself did not offer to call himself that, is rude. L young people address everyone by name, not thinking that this can be shown disrespect. Later, we will take a closer look at how cultural and gender differences manifest themselves in business communication.

Finally, business interaction has ethical aspect. Ethics is a set of moral and moral principles supported by a society, a group or an individual. It is up to each individual what is considered ethical and what is not. But still, different groups usually adhere to certain rules and norms that influence our decisions. If we violate expected norms, our behavior is considered unethical.

To understand how ethical standards affect business interactions, we must understand what ethical principles guide our behavior. Terkel and Duval (1999, p. 122) list five ethical standards that influence our communication and guide our behavior:

  • 1. Truthfulness and honesty are the norms that compel us to refrain from lying, cheating, stealing and cheating. An honest person is usually considered a person with moral principles. Honesty is the central concept of ethics as the basis of a virtuous life. Many accept truthfulness and honesty as the norm, but sometimes they have to lie. Most often, we lie when we are trapped in a moral dilemma and forced to choose between two unsatisfactory alternatives. The current rule of morality is to tell the truth whenever possible. The fundamental requirement of this rule means that one should not intentionally deceive or attempt to deceive others and oneself. Only if we are faced with a real moral dilemma and must make a choice justified by the circumstances (for example, not to alert the enemy of a planned attack in order to save human lives), or choose the lesser of two evils (protecting privacy through lies), only then is a lie possible.
  • 2. Integrity- this is the unity of beliefs and actions (fulfillment of promises). Terkel and Duval (1999) say, "A person of integrity is one who adheres to strong moral principles and successfully resists the temptation to compromise those principles" (p. 135). Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy. A person who promises to take a friend to the doctor will keep this promise, even if he is called for a walk.
  • 3. Justice is the maintenance of a balance of interests without relating them to feelings or showing preferences to one side or another in a conflict. Fairness implies objectivity or the absence of bias. For some, justice comes down to this: to gather all the facts, consider only those circumstances that are relevant to the issue at hand, and not wallow in prejudices or irrelevant issues. For example, a mother separating two fighting children demonstrates a fair approach if she allows both children to explain "her position."
  • 4. Respect is a manifestation of attention or courtesy to a person and observance of his rights. We often talk about respect for others. For example, wealth, position, ethnic platform should not affect communication. We show respect by the way we listen and try to understand the other person's point of view, even if it is very different from ours.
  • 5. Responsibility is the ability to be responsible for one's actions. Responsibility includes everything that needs to be done, or because it has been promised to others and to oneself. Responsibility may indicate a duty to uphold moral laws, or commitments made. Some people think that we are responsible for not harming or interfering in the affairs of others. Others - that we are responsible not only for not harming others, but also for helping them.

In addition to the general principles governing the flow of business communication processes, several more can be distinguished. These are interpersonal, multidimensionality and decency.

Interpersonality in business interaction focuses our attention on the openness and diversity of people's communication based on their personal interest in each other. Despite the predominantly business orientation, business communication inevitably has the character of interpersonal contact, contains a certain interpersonal potential, due not only to a specific case or business issue under discussion, but also to the personal qualities of partners, their attitude towards each other. Therefore, business communication is inseparable from interpersonal contact.

Multidimensionality in the situation of business communication emphasizes the multidimensionality of communication, the implementation of several plans of interaction at once. For example, when, going on a trip, one person says to another: “We need to take a map with us,” he is not only transmitting information. It is important how the words are pronounced - depending on the tone, his message may imply: "I am more important than you - if not for me, we would have forgotten an important thing for our trip." Or when someone says to someone: "I'm glad to see you." The facial expressions that accompany these words will show whether the speaker is really glad to see the interlocutor. If he smiles, speaks "from the heart", looks into the eyes and pats the interlocutor on the back or shakes his hand confidently, the latter regards this as signs of location. And if the words of greeting are pronounced with an impassive facial expression, the one to whom they are addressed will perceive them only as ritual signs of etiquette.

The decency of a person in business communication is expressed in the unity of his beliefs and actions. Decent behavior is the opposite of hypocrisy and duplicity. A decent person always keeps his promises to someone. For example, an employee who promised to help a colleague in the performance of a job assignment will definitely help him, even if this will be associated with serious difficulties for him.

Moral norms and principles of business communication emphasize the role of the individual in building communication, where the achievement of a goal is accompanied by a human attitude to one's actions, the presence of requirements that are presented and that we impose on ourselves and those around us.

  • In 1993, Russians accounted for 67% of net migration, by 2000, less than 60%.

such interaction of people, which is subject to the solution of a specific problem (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.) facing the organization (firm, enterprise), which imposes certain limits on people's behavior.

We single out the following key characteristics of the organizational structure, which determine the specifics of business interaction.

1. Sufficiently strict regulation of the goals and motives of communication, methods
communication between employees.
For every employee in
organization is normatively fixed a standard of behavior in the form of sustainable
structure of formal rights and obligations to be followed.
The exchange of information between employees is expected to be non-personal, but
subordinated primarily to the joint solution of the service task. As a result, business
communication is largely formalized, detached,

2. Hierarchical structure of the organization, V according to which between
departments and employees establish subordination relationships,
dependencies, inequalities;
it certainly has a major impact on the character
interpersonal interaction. One consequence of this feature
organizational structure becomes a problem of feedback effectiveness,
transmission of accurate and, if possible, complete information along the links of the hierarchical

It has been observed that the efficiency of spreading business information "horizontally" (that is, between departments, divisions or employees of the same level) is usually very high. People working at the same level understand each other "perfectly", they do not need a detailed and detailed explanation of the essence of the task. The effectiveness of vertical communication (that is, up and down the hierarchical levels) is much lower. According to some reports, only 20-25% of the information coming from the top management reaches directly to specific performers and is correctly understood by them.

This is partly due to the presence in any hierarchically organized management of intermediary links on the path of information from the source (speaker) to the addressee. Line managers, secretaries, assistants, office workers, etc. act as intermediaries. When transferring from one level to another

(both downwards and upwards) oral messages can be shortened, edited, distorted before they reach the recipient (the “broken phone” effect).

Another reason for the low efficiency of vertical communication may be the widespread belief among some managers that subordinates do not need to know about the state of affairs in the enterprise as a whole, that they must carry out the tasks assigned to them, implement the decisions made and not ask unnecessary questions.

The desire to take into account these features of official business communication is manifested, on the one hand, in the requirement to record orders, decisions and orders in writing, and on the other hand, in recognizing feedback as the most important means of increasing efficiency in organizing business conversations.

3. Labor motivation as a necessary condition for the effective operation of an organization or enterprise. The need for special efforts to stimulate labor can be partly explained by the objective inconsistency of the behavior and self-perception of a person in an organization: in business communication, he acts simultaneously as a specific integral person and as a representative of the organization, that is, the bearer of certain professional role functions. In the event that personal needs are not satisfied in the course of activities in an organization, or a person’s own ideas and style of behavior do not coincide with group norms, an intrapersonal conflict may arise, and interest in the work performed may decrease. Conflicts of this kind often turn out to be a topic of discussion between employees, and sometimes the cause of problematic conversations between a manager and a subordinate.

Along with such methods of motivating the work of staff as various types of moral and material incentives, promotion, advanced training at the expense of the organization, etc., conversations between the manager and subordinates, that is, direct interaction in a business setting, can have a huge motivational impact. Critical assessments, the form of setting tasks, the manager's answers to questions either help employees navigate their activities, encourage them to work more successfully and more profitably, or hinder this.

Rules of interpersonal interaction in a business environment:

Be clear about the purpose of your message;

Make the message understandable and accessible to different groups
workers: find specific illustrations of common concepts, develop a common
idea using vivid examples;

Keep messages as short and concise as possible, avoid
redundant information, draw the attention of partners only to those problems
that concern them directly;

Follow the rules of active listening when speaking with employees,
show your interlocutors signals of your understanding and readiness for joint

Thus, in the business sphere, people are expected to consciously manage the course of interpersonal interaction, minimizing the element of chance; the task of assessing the effectiveness of interaction becomes relevant.

Depending on the field of activity, the intensity of business interpersonal contacts changes. Let's compare, for example, the types of activities, the implementation of which does not require the direct presence of a person in a group (programmer, designer, artist, curator in a museum, etc.), and the types of activities for which a group or team is a basic condition (managerial activity, team sports, construction team, etc.). Obviously, in the second group of activities, knowledge of the norms, rules, procedures of interpersonal interaction

has a greater impact on the performance of people.

Forms of interpersonal interaction in the business environment- business conversations and business meetings.

In control theory business conversation is considered as a type of business communication, a specially organized substantive conversation that serves to solve managerial problems. It always has a specific subject and occurs, as a rule, between representatives of the same organization.

A business conversation is a conversation mainly between two interlocutors, therefore, its participants can and should take into account the characteristics of each other's personality, motives, and speech behavior. Thus, communication acquires an interpersonal character and involves various ways of verbal and non-verbal influence of interlocutors on each other.

There are the following goals holding business conversation :

- the desire of one interlocutor to exert a certain influence on another, to cause
in another person or group, the desire to act to change an existing
business situation or business relationship;

Analysis by the manager of the opinions and statements of employees to develop
relevant decisions.

When conducting business conversations requirements for interpersonal communication in a business environment take the following form:

Conscious adjustment to the level of your interlocutor, taking into account the content
tasks performed by him, his powers and responsibilities, vital and
work experience, interests, features of his thinking and speech;

Rational organization of the conversation process, that is, if possible, brief and
exact presentation by the interlocutors of the content of information on the issue under discussion
(a lengthy presentation and redundant information complicate the assimilation of the

Simplicity, figurativeness, clarity of language as a condition for the intelligibility of information,
hence, orientation to the interlocutor.

Exist different classifications of business conversations. Depending on the goals and methods of conducting a conversation, it is customary to single out as independent types: an interview when applying for a job, an interview when leaving a job, problematic and disciplinary conversations.

Job interview is the nature of an interview, the main purpose of which is to assess the business qualities of an applicant for work. The form of questions may vary, but their content is aimed at obtaining information that can be grouped into the following blocks: 1) what is the person who applied for a job; 2) why he is looking for a job; 3) what are its strengths and weaknesses; 4) what are his views on effective leadership (in other words, his ideas about a good boss); 5) what salary he expects.

Dismissal interview from work has two varieties: 1) a conversation related to an unplanned, voluntary departure of an employee and 2) a conversation in a situation where the employee has to be fired or reduced.

In the first case, during the conversation, it is necessary to identify the true motives for dismissal: it was caused by dissatisfaction with the production process, inattention or resentment, or there are other reasons. The need for an interview is due to the manager's concern for improving management activities at various levels of production. In such a conversation, it is useful to ask questions related to the content, volume, conditions for the employee to perform production tasks, clarifying his assessment of such tasks and the conditions for their implementation. It is interesting to find out what did not like and what did the employee like in his work. People who leave an organization of their own accord tend to be sincere about

their comments and wishes and share information that can improve the situation of those who remain.

Otherwise, conversations proceed with the employee who has to be fired. The procedure for dismissal by decision of the management is extremely difficult for everyone who takes part in it. In specialized literature, she received the name "farewell conversation"; the implementation of this procedure is based on knowledge of the specifics of such a conversation and the technique of its conduct.

So, a farewell conversation is never scheduled before weekends or holidays; it should not be carried out directly at the workplace of the dismissed person or in a room where a large number of people work; the conversation should not last more than 20 minutes, as an employee experiencing unpleasant news is not able to listen carefully and think about the various details that the manager sets out to him.

If the manager has to reproach the employee for violating discipline or talking about other violations, then he must be accurate and correct in presenting the facts and not give the dismissed person any reason to doubt the validity of the reproaches made. In foreign practice, it is recommended to show humanity in relation to the dismissed person - for example, offer him a list of vacant jobs at another enterprise or something like a “rehabilitation program”, which provides for maintaining self-confidence, maintaining the authority of the dismissed person in the eyes of others and family.

Need for problematic and disciplinary conversations is caused either by failures in the activities of the employee, the need to give a critical assessment of his work, or by the facts of violation of discipline. In the process of preparing a problematic conversation, it is important to answer questions in advance about the meaning, purpose, results, means and methods of solving the problem. The main line of the leader in preparing for a problematic conversation is to ensure that the subordinate takes the position of leadership.

At the same time, there are some rules to avoid "split" and have a constructive conversation. For this you should:

1. Get the necessary information about the employee and his work.

2. Build a conversation, observing the following order in the communication of information:

A message containing positive information about the employee's activities;

Critical message;

Message of a commendable and instructive character.

3. Be specific and avoid vagueness (for example, turns like: “you did
not what you need"; “You didn’t complete the tasks”, etc.).

4. Criticize the performance of the task, not the person.

These rules help to create a positive emotional background that will allow the unpleasant part of the conversation to be carried out constructively, without causing unnecessary hostility from the employee, without forcing him to take a defensive position.

When conducting a problematic conversation, it is important to find out if the problem that has arisen is a means of attracting attention. For example, a delinquent worker hides his dissatisfaction due to some reason, and does not want or cannot openly talk about it. Are the violations caused by personal difficulties (family conflict, illness of loved ones, etc.)? Is the problem related to a lack of qualifications, assistance, training? Does the worker need more independence? Maybe it's because he doesn't accept leadership style? The answers to these questions allow us to make a decision on possible organizational measures to overcome the situation that has arisen.

Recall that criticism from the leader has a significant motivational effect. Ability to make comments showing what and how it should be

change in work, at the same time noting that this employee is already doing well, is an indicator of the high communicative competence of the manager.

When preparing for the upcoming conversation, it is important to avoid two extremes: on the one hand, excessive confidence in your ability to immediately, without preparation and thinking through the details, conduct an effective conversation; on the other - a kind of reinsurance, the desire to punctually think through all the stages of a future meeting, take into account the smallest details of one's own behavior and the behavior of one's interlocutor, up to the use of pauses and gestures. In the first case, the initiative can pass to a partner, in the second, the slightest deviation from the plan will cause confusion and uncertainty. It is more useful to think over and predict the main lines of behavior in a business conversation.

The main task of starting a conversation - establish contact with the interlocutor, create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, arouse interest in the conversation. The literature provides a number of techniques, the use of which is especially effective at the beginning of a conversation:

The method of relieving tension, that is, the use of warm words, personal
treatment, compliments, jokes to establish closer contact with

The "hook" method, that is, the use of some event, comparison, personal
impression, anecdote or unusual question for a figurative presentation of the essence
the problem to be discussed in the conversation;

The method of stimulating the game of imagination, that is, asking a lot of questions
on a number of issues that should be considered in the conversation;

The method of "direct approach", that is, a direct transition to business without any
or discussions - a short message about the reasons for which the conversation is scheduled, and
quick jump to a specific question.

Their further attitude to the subject of conversation and to each other depends on the first phrases of each participant in the meeting.

Main part of the conversation is aimed at collecting and evaluating information on the problem under discussion, identifying the motives and goals of the interlocutor, and transmitting the planned information. The successful implementation of this phase is facilitated by the possession of the technique of posing questions, methods of active listening and perception of information and facts.

The frank, constructive-critical atmosphere of a business conversation is contradicted by:

Tactless interruption in mid-sentence;

Unjustified deprivation of the interlocutor of the opportunity to express his opinion;

Imposing the opinion of the speaker;

Ignoring or ridiculing the interlocutor's arguments;

A rude reaction to the expression of opposing points of view by partners;

Falsification of facts;

In a business conversation, in order to better hear the interlocutor, understand and take note of the meaning of what was said, you should listen to the following advice from psychologists.

Tip 1. As a rule, we treat information received from people who for some reason are unpleasant to us with a significant degree of prejudice. Therefore, if the interests of a business connect you with a person, try to soberly assess what annoys you - the information that you heard from him, or the person himself (his appearance, character traits, moral qualities).

Tip 2. When perceiving information, it should be borne in mind that fundamentally new ideas that do not fit into existing logical schemes or representations cause a certain emotional protest. So don't dismiss them out of hand. It takes time to think through new information, to pick up logical arguments to refute or confirm it. Not

contradict right away, because of this you may not hear the interlocutor's arguments in favor of the expressed consideration - and they may turn out to be quite weighty.

Tip 3. It is practically impossible to convince people who experience a sense of worthlessness, loneliness, alienation, aggressive and anxious, who do not tolerate difficult situations.

business meeting

If a business conversation makes visual the mediation of interpersonal interaction in an organization by the status, functional position of a person, then a business meeting allows you to point out another important factor in business interaction, namely the group factor.

Joint activity is a group activity. For the normal functioning of the group, the optimal coordination of personal and group aspirations is important. One cannot demand from a person a complete renunciation of his individual desires, but in cases where the question arises of the existence of a group as a whole, personal aspirations must be subordinated to collective requirements.

business meeting

a form of organized, purposeful interaction of the head of the team through the exchange of views.

It has been established that purely individual stimulation and responsibility only for oneself contribute to the emergence of strong psychological tension, aggressive reactions, deformation of intragroup relationships, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of activity. The optimal interaction of group members, their strategy and tactics of joint actions determine the success of joint activities to a greater extent than the activity of each member of the group separately.

The very existence of the group causes the emergence of a certain psychological tension of its members, as a result of which the individual mechanisms of psychological defense are actualized. In groups that exist for a long time, the level of tension is established quite stable. In groups that are heterogeneous in composition, it is difficult to establish a stable level, which enhances the action of protective mechanisms.

When preparing and holding a business meeting, it should be remembered that the characteristics of group behavior (from the distribution of roles in a group to group pressure) will have a serious impact on the nature of the interpersonal interaction of its participants.

In control theory business meeting is defined as a form of organized, purposeful interaction between the leader and the team through the exchange of opinions. This is a kind of forum for developing key decisions and a way to coordinate the activity of people and departments. The meeting is a management tool and, like any means to achieve a desired result, it must be used appropriately. An unsuccessful meeting can cause material and psychological losses as a result of making inadequate decisions.

The success of a meeting depends on careful planning of elements such as objectives, participants, agenda, and venue. Already at the planning stage, taking into account the characteristics of group behavior becomes important. When deciding whether to call a meeting, it is useful to keep the following in mind. Experience has shown that a group should be used in problem solving when:

The problem is more complex than simple, and it is unlikely that
one person will have all the information needed to make a decision;

It is reasonable to share the responsibility for solving this problem;

Desirable is not one, but several options for solving the problem;

It is useful to test different views;

The leader seeks to establish a democratic style of management or wants to
gain the trust of subordinates;

Group members need to get to know each other better.

Interaction in any organized group is a guided process. This is true for business meetings. The effectiveness of meetings depends on how they are led. At all stages of the meeting, it is necessary to influence the participants in such a way that they are included in the discussion of the issues raised and strive to solve them. To achieve this goal, the leader must take a number of actions that take into account the characteristics of group behavior. Among them:

Ensuring that the meeting starts at exactly the scheduled time, presentation
participants, announcement of the agenda and statement of the subject and purpose of the meeting;

A clear and understandable presentation of the issues put forward for discussion by all present
problems, posing questions, highlighting the main points that contribute to
the emergence of a creative discussion at the meeting;

Recording all statements that reveal difficulties and obstacles and
indicating ways to overcome them;

Saving time;

Correct interruption of speeches repeating the facts already stated, and
also wearing irrational, lengthy, contradictory and superficial
nature or devoid of specificity;

Periodic summaries of what has already been achieved, a clear statement of tasks that
yet to be resolved, immediate clarification of all misunderstandings arising
between meeting participants;

Summing up the results of the meeting, determining the tasks arising from it, indicating
persons responsible for their implementation, thanks to employees for participating in the work

Experiencing mutual interest or sympathy, people often move from business to friendly communication, at first including topics that go beyond the common goal in the range of issues discussed. The need for emotional relationships with other people, the desire to be understood and understand the other make a person observant in relation to various manifestations of the interlocutor's feelings.

Group compatibility issue

Another important topic that is directly related to the analysis of interpersonal interaction in a business environment is the question of the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of team members, or the integrity of a collective subject as a condition for joint activity.

This integrity is achieved due to the convergence of opinions, assessments, feelings and actions of group members, which can lead to convergence of their interests and value orientations, intellectual and wife is one satan").

In the course of joint activity, specific mechanisms for regulating the dynamics of individual cognitive processes are formed, joint strategies for solving problems, a common style of activity for the group, an exchange of individual qualities occurs, the range of individual capabilities expands, the ability, desire and ability to correlate their goals and actions with the goals and actions of others develop. of people.

In social psychology, the concepts of compatibility and harmony are used.

group members.


the optimal combination of the properties of the participants in the interaction, the ability of the group in this composition to interact without conflict and in concert, which creates the conditions for effective joint activities.

Harmonycoherence in work between the participants of joint activities.

Both compatibility and harmony serve to indicate the objective correspondence of the properties of interacting people in relation to the goals of their interaction.

For harmony the behavioral component is the leading one: high effectiveness of interaction, satisfaction, first of all, with the success of work and, as a result, with relationships with a partner, low emotional and energy costs.

Lead Component compatibility- emotional: satisfaction with communication with partners, high emotional and energy costs. Thus, compatibility to a greater extent reveals an orientation towards good interpersonal relationships, and coherence - a focus on the effectiveness of interaction.

K. K. Platonov (Platonov, 1971) identifies 4 levels of compatibility: physiological, psychophysiological, psychological and socio-psychological. In the first two, compatibility is represented by a combination of temperament features, dynamic characteristics of psychophysiological reactions, needs, biorhythms, basic mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thinking, attention), psychophysiological endurance and emotional and volitional resistance to work in extreme conditions. The psychological level implies the conformity of character, motives. The socio-psychological level is based on the coordination of social roles, interests, value orientations, cultural and general educational levels of development.

The main indicator of compatibility is emotional experiences during interaction, the most striking manifestation of which is empathy as a special way of understanding.

It was found that in successful dyads, partners almost do not differ in the degree of adequacy of self-assessments, the level of claims, the ability to perceive new information, motivational orientation, and emotional stability. In unsuccessful couples, similarities were revealed in low emotional maturity, a low level of self-control, differences in self-esteem and intellectual abilities were clearly expressed.

It has been established that the most significant for maintaining favorable (in relation to the goals of activity) interpersonal relations are the following individual psychological properties: emotional-volitional (high self-control of behavior and emotions, frustration tolerance), psychoenergetic (working capacity, activity) and communicative (lack of excessive sociability , distrust, suspicion towards others, overestimated claims and striving only for personal success) (Zhuravlev, 1993).

Many studies have shown that relationships based on shared values ​​and motivation are more conducive to performance than relationships based on likes and dislikes. Hypertrophied attention to emotional and interpersonal connections and their strengthening can damage the formation of a system of business relations, especially in newly organized, as well as in underdeveloped groups and collectives.

The influence of interpersonal relations on the productivity of joint activities is mediated by the complexity of the tasks being solved. With a relatively simple task, low results were shown by groups whose members had positive relationships. This is due to the desire to maintain friendly relations and mutual indulgence to the detriment of the quality of work. The high productivity of groups with negative attitudes is associated with the criticality of partners to the proposed solutions. With the complexity of the task, the influence of interpersonal relations on the success of work decreases.

The phenomenon opposite to compatibility - incompatibility people, when their needs are not met in interaction, actions and behavior are mutually exclusive. This process is accompanied by subjective dissatisfaction of partners and space-time isolation. Psychological incompatibility - the inability to understand each other in critical situations, the asynchrony of psychomotor reactions, differences in attention, thinking and other innate and acquired personality traits that prevent joint activity.

Thus, interpersonal interaction in a business environment is characterized by the orientation of participants to the status-role positions of each other, the fundamental importance of the group and organizational affiliation of partners for communication, and a rational approach to the problem of compatibility. Interpersonal relationships are, as it were, constructed, regulated with the help of developed norms and procedures, and, in turn, significantly affect the nature of business communication and the efficiency of the work performed.