What is isolated in the Russian language. Separate members of the sentence


isolation, pl. no, cf. (book).

    Action on verb. isolate - isolate.

    Action and state according to vb. separate - separate.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


intonational and semantic highlighting of any member of the sentence (together with words dependent on it), giving it some syntactic independence. Separate members of the sentence are usually distinguished by commas or less often by dashes.


intonation and semantic emphasis of any member of the sentence (together with words dependent on it), giving it syntactic independence. Intonation emphasis is expressed in raising the voice before a separate member, using pauses, phrasal stress, word order often changes. The semantic-stylistic function of O. is to clarify the expressed thought, an additional characteristic of a person or object. O. often introduces expressive coloring into the sentence. In a letter, isolated members of a sentence are usually distinguished by commas or, less often, a dash: “Directly against the cordon, on the other side, it was empty” (L. N. Tolstoy).



Isolation- in linguistics: rhythmic-intonational and semantic allocation of a minor member of a sentence and words dependent on it to give it independent communicative significance and syntactic independence. Components with a definitive function are more often isolated: definitions, applications, circumstances, weakly controlled case and prepositional-case forms.

The term "isolation" was introduced by A. M. Peshkovsky in the book "Russian syntax in scientific coverage".

Examples of the use of the word isolation in the literature.

This is a requirement segregation in a cult, including here also magic and the administration of justice, contains a deeper meaning than just spatial and temporal.

While nationalism tends to isolation, imperialism wants to enter the world expanse.

The hypothetical part of the turnover reveals a clear tendency to isolation into a certain microstructure - it turns out to be so bright, imaginative and unusual.

The troubles and abuses that went from Novgorod to the suburbs and volosts prompted them to strive for isolation, and local autonomy made it possible, and Novgorod showed neither the desire nor the ability to tie them to itself with strong government ties or strong zemstvo interests.

And another thing is a developed statehood with a huge number of people employed in it, with division and isolation functions and divisions, isolated from other spheres of society.

An animal goes through a twofold process. segregation and a twofold selection process.

As can be seen, such a reconstruction of the dietary pattern of troglodytids really requires segregation them in zoological systematics into a special family, as well as vice versa, the allocation of such a family according to morphological characters prompts us to find this specific ecological characteristic of it.

Black, especially black velvet, clearly marks the proud, gloomy grandeur so loved by this era, arrogant isolation from the cheerful variegation that reigned around.

A written or printed sign, usually in pairs, used to segregation some

The only way to achieve a life of dignity, to maintain dignity and to feel like individuals, is the path of segregation, full segregation.

The implantation of perversions is a kind of effect-tool: it is thanks to isolation Intensifying and reinforcing peripheral sexualities, these relations of power to sex and to pleasure branch and multiply, demarcate the body and permeate various forms of behavior.

  • 5. Coordination as a type of subordination. Types of agreement: complete and incomplete.
  • 6. Management as a kind of subordination. Strong and weak control, nominal adjunction.
  • 7. Adjacency as a type of subordination.
  • 8. Offer as the main unit. syntax. The main features of the proposal.
  • 9. Actual division of the proposal.
  • 11. Types of sentences on the replacement of positions of the main and secondary members of the sentence. Parceling.
  • 13. Simple verbal predicate, a complication of a simple verbal sentence.
  • 14. Compound verb predicate
  • 15. Compound nominal predicate.
  • 16. Definitely personal suggestions.
  • 17. Indefinitely personal offers
  • 18. Generalized personal sentences.
  • 19. Impersonal and infinitive sentences.
  • 20. Nominative sentences and their types. Question about genitive and vocative sentences.
  • 21. Syntactically inseparable sentences and their varieties.
  • 22. Addition, its types and ways of expression.
  • 23. Definition, its types and ways of expression. Application as a special kind of definition.
  • 24. Circumstance, its types and ways of expression. The concept of determinants.
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions
  • 26. Offers with separate members. The concept of separation. The main conditions for the separation of secondary members of the proposal.
  • 27. Separate definitions and applications.
  • Standalone Applications
  • 28. Separate circumstances.
  • 29. Separate turnovers with the meaning of inclusion, exclusion and substitution. Separation of clarifying explanatory and connecting members of the sentence.
  • Clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of the sentence
  • 30. Offers with appeal. Ways of expressing appeals. Punctuation marks when addressing.
  • 31. Introductory words and phrases, their lexical-semantic categories and grammatical expression.
  • 32. Plug-in designs.
  • 33. Compound sentence as a unit of syntax. Means of expressing syntactic relations in a complex sentence. Word types Suggestion
  • 34. Types of compound sentences by the number of predicative parts (open and closed structures). Means of communication sp.
  • 35. Compound sentences with connecting and connecting relations.
  • 36. Compound sentences with disjunctive and adversative relations.
  • 37. Complex sentences of undivided and dissected structure.
  • 43. Complex sentences with conditional and causal relationships.
  • 44. Complex sentences with concessive relations.
  • 45. Complex sentences with subordinate goals and consequences.
  • 46. ​​Types of subordination in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.
  • 47. Unionless compound sentences. Semantic relations between the parts of the unionless sl. Offers and means of their expression.
  • 48. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence
  • 52. Text as the highest communicative organization of speech. The main features of the text: coherence, integrity, completeness, articulation.
  • The order of parsing a compound sentence
  • The order of syntactic analysis of a complex sentence
  • The order of syntactic analysis of a non-union complex sentence
  • Syntactic parsing of a simple sentence:
  • Syntactic parsing of the phrase:
  • 26. Offers with separate members. The concept of separation. The main conditions for the separation of secondary members of the proposal.

    Isolation - this is the semantic and intonational allocation of secondary members of the sentence to give them greater independence in comparison with the rest of the members. That is, the members of the sentence, distinguished by meaning and intonation, are isolated. Only minor members of the sentence can be isolated in the direct meaning of this word, since the main ones are carriers of the main message, and they cannot be excluded from the composition of the sentence without violating its predicative basis.

    The additional nature of the message conveyed with the help of separate members is formalized through semi-predicative relations that arise in the sentence in addition to the predicative ones transmitted by the main members. In a sentence My father, a tractor driver, is working in the field today. in meaning and therefore the word is emphasized intonation tractor driver, which carries an additional communicative meaning. The main message is conveyed by the predicative stem My father is working in the field today, but this basic message is complicated by another: My father is a tractor driver. When both messages are combined into one within a simple sentence, it is natural that one of them becomes the main, leading one (predicative relations are born), and the second becomes additional, complicating the main one (semi-predicative relations are born).

    Any members of the sentence can be isolated.

    Separate definitions can be consistent and inconsistent, common and non-common: This person,skinny, wand in hand , was unpleasant to me.

    The most common are isolated definitions expressed by participial phrases, adjectives with dependent words and nouns in oblique cases.

    Separate circumstances are more often expressed by gerunds and participles: Waving your arms he said something quickly.

    Circumstances expressed by a noun with a preposition can also be isolated despite: Despite all efforts I couldn't sleep at all.

    Separation of other circumstances depends on the intention of the author: they are usually isolated if they are given special importance or, on the contrary, are considered as a side note. Circumstances with prepositions due to, due to, in view of, lack of, according to, on occasion, due to, contrary to:

    Contrary to the forecast , the weather was sunny.

    From the number additions very few are isolated, namely, additions with prepositions except, besides, excluding, over, besides, including:

    except him , five more people came.

    Some isolated members may be clarifying, clarifying or connecting.

    Separation conditions - these are the factors that favor the semantic and intonational separation of the members of the sentence.

    Separation is influenced by syntactic, morphological and semantic conditions.

    Syntax conditions:

    1. Word order: 1) inversion (reverse word order). There is normal (direct) and unusual (reverse) word order. If secondary. the member of the sentence is placed in an unusual place for him in the sentence, thereby he stands out, is especially emphasized - its semantic significance is enhanced. Wed: He ran without stopping And He ran without stopping.

    2. Distant position minor member. suggestion in relation to the main word (separation of the secondary member of the sentence from the main word): And again, cut off from the tanks by fire, the infantry lay down on a bare slope.

    3. The volume of the detachable member(common members of the sentence are isolated more often than non-common ones) or the presence of two or more homogeneous secondary members: Compare: A bucket full of dew, I brought from the forest And Bucket full to dial, I spared no effort.

    4. , unusual for a given minor member of the sentence, when the minor member. explains not only the word to which it is directly subordinate, but also any other member of the sentence: Absorbed in his thoughts, the boy did not notice anything around(the participial phrase before the word being defined is isolated here because it also has a circumstantial (causal) meaning).

    Morphological conditions of isolation:

    Participles, short forms of adjectives and participles that act as definitions, combinations with comparative conjunctions (comparative turns), some combinations of nouns with prepositions, the presence of introductory words usually form separate secondary members. For example: When the letter was ready and I was about to seal it, the headman entered, apparently angry.. In this proposal, a single (non-distributed) agreed definition angry, standing before the noun being defined, is isolated, because it has an introductory word apparently(which, by the way, is not separated by a comma from the definition).

    Almost always (except for some special cases), the circumstances expressed by gerunds and participles are isolated.

    A comparative union, as a rule, requires an intonational emphasis on turnover: The stuffy air is as still as the water of a forest lake.(M. Gorky).

    Semantic conditions of separation:

    The more concrete, the more definite the meaning of a word, the less it needs to be spread, the weaker the ties with it of secondary members, which are therefore easily isolated.

    For example, personal pronouns “do not recognize” ordinary definitions, one cannot say: I am attentive, he is angry (cf .: attentive student, angry person). Therefore, definitions related to the personal pronoun are always isolated: And he, rebellious, asks for a storm...(M. Lermontov).

    If the word being defined is a proper name or refers to terms of kinship (mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, etc.), then this can also contribute to the isolation of the definition: Grandfather, in grandmother's katsaveyka, in an old cap without a visor, squints, smiles at something.

    With nouns that are too general in meaning (person, thing, expression, deed, etc.), definitions form a single whole, because a being without a definition cannot participate in the formation of an utterance: This error is common even to intelligent and educated people; There were cases funny, touching and tragic- definitions in these sentences are necessary to express the main (and not additional) message.

    You can simply say that this is the selection of sections of text on the letter. But, as elsewhere, there are many nuances. In particular, there are different types of isolation.

    Separation of minor members of the proposal

    Almost any part of speech, including secondary ones, can stand out in a letter.
    First of all, highlighting circumstances with commas depends on how they are expressed. The following cases are possible.

    The circumstance is expressed by the adverb

    The circumstance is isolated regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the predicate expressed by the verb. That is, the isolation of revolutions, including participles, occurs together with the isolation of the circumstance.

    For example: Frightened by a thunderstorm, he returned to the house.

    If the circumstance is located in the middle of the sentence, then it must be separated from both sides by commas. This once again confirms that the answer to the question, what is isolation, is simple. This is the selection of a piece of a phrase in a letter.

    In the autumn, leaving the house, he felt longing for his native land.

    The circumstance, which is expressed by a participle or participle, can be replaced by a subordinate clause or a predicate, since it is close in meaning to a secondary predicate.

    Wed: In the fall, leaving the house, he felt longing for his native land. - In the fall, he left the house and felt longing for his native land.

    1. Particles only are included in a separate design and are also distinguished:

    The light came on, illuminating everything around for a moment, and went out again.

    That is, this is an example of the isolation of secondary members of the sentence, which include particles.

    2. If the adverbial construction is after a coordinative / or allied word, then it must be separated from the union with a comma.

    Wed: She opened the window and, leaning out into the air, began to watch the rising sun. She opened the window and leaned out into the air to watch the rising sun.

    3. The union does not require separation with a comma with a gerund or participle turnover in the event that the gerund construction is inseparable from the union or allied word, i.e. it cannot be removed without violating the structure of the sentence.

    Compare: He loved to make unusual gifts, and congratulating a friend, he broke into a smile of satisfaction (impossible: He loved to make unusual gifts, but congratulated a friend ...). But! The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but, having collected the diaries, put them there. - The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but put them in the diaries.

    Homogeneous participles and participles that are connected by single coordinating or disjunctive conjunctions and, or, or, no need to separate with a comma.

    The linguist worked on the translation by reading the text and listening to its recording.

    But if the union connects not two gerunds, but other constructions, commas are put:

    I took the letter and opened it and began to read.

    When is this part of speech not isolated?

    1. The adverbial construction is represented by a phraseological unit:

    He sat back.

    But if a phraseological unit is an introductory word in a sentence, it is highlighted with commas.

    2. There is an amplifying particle in front of the adverbial construction and:

    You can achieve success without having wealth.

    3. The gerund is included in and has a dependent allied word which(a comma separates the main clause from the subordinate clause):

    The state faces the most important issues, without understanding which it will not be able to reach a new level in the economy.

    4. The adverbial turnover includes the subject (a comma separates the entire turnover from the predicate):

    Perched on the spruce tree, Crow was about to have breakfast.

    5. The participle is a homogeneous member with a non-isolated circumstance and is associated with it with the help of the union and:

    He ran quickly and did not look around.

    When else is isolation of revolutions not required?

    Do not require single gerunds, which:

    1. Having finally lost their verbal meaning, they moved into the category of adverbs:

    We walked slowly. (It is impossible: We walked and were in no hurry).

    2. Lost connection with the verb and moved into the category of function words: n starting from, proceeding from, according to:

    Documents are compiled based on the results of the study. However, in other contextual situations, turns can sometimes be isolated.

    1) turnover from beginning with is isolated if it has a clarifying character and is not related to time:

    She speaks many languages, starting with English and German.

    2) turnover from based is isolated in the event that in meaning it correlates with the one who performs the action:

    We have compiled documents based on the results of your research.

    3) turnover from according to is isolated if it has a clarifying or connecting meaning:

    I had to act carefully, depending on the circumstances.

    Isolation if the circumstance is expressed by a noun

    The circumstance of concession, expressed by a noun with a preposition, is always isolated despite / in spite of(easily replaced by subordinate clauses of concession with an allied word Although).

    Wed: Despite the bad weather, the rest was a success. - Although the weather was bad, the rest was a success.

    Special cases of separation

    In the following cases, circumstances may be separated by commas:

    1. Reasons with prepositions owing to, in the absence of, owing to, owing to etc. (easily replaced by a subordinate clause with an allied word because).

    Wed: The son, according to the opinion of his father, entered the Faculty of Law. - Since the son agreed with the opinion of his father, he entered the Faculty of Law.

    2. Concessions with prepositions in spite of, with Although).

    Wed: Against the advice of his father, the son entered the Faculty of Medicine. - Although the father gave advice, the son entered the medical faculty.

    3. Conditions with prepositional constructions in the presence, in the absence, in case etc. (easily replaced by a subordinate clause with a union If).

    Wed: Employers, in the event of a decrease in profits, decided to reduce the staff. - If the employers' profits decrease, they decided to reduce the staff.

    4. Purposes and prepositional combination to avoid(easily replaced by a subordinate clause with a union to).

    Wed: Payment, in order to avoid inconvenience, make by card. - To avoid inconvenience, pay by card.

    5. Comparisons with the allied word like.

    Wed: Tanya graduated from school with excellent grades, like her older sister.

    In general, the isolation of phrases with the above prepositions and prepositional constructions is variable.

    What is isolation in the acquisition of semantic load?

    Circumstances that are expressed by nouns without prepositions or with other prepositions are isolated only if they acquire an additional semantic load, an explanatory meaning, or a combination of several adverbial meanings.

    Katya, after receiving a negative answer, left the living room.

    Here the circumstance combines two meanings (time and reason, that is, when did he leave? and in connection with what did he leave?)

    Pay special attention to the fact that which are expressed by nouns, you should always emphasize intonation. But the presence of a pause does not always indicate the presence of a comma. it is always intonationally necessary to highlight the circumstances located at the beginning of the sentence with isolations.

    However, a comma after such a circumstance is not required.

    The circumstance is expressed by the adverb

    If the circumstances are expressed by adverbs (the presence of dependent words does not matter), then they are isolated only when the author wants to pay more attention to them, when they have the meaning of an accompanying remark, etc.:

    A minute later, by no means known how, he reached the village.

    In this sentence, with the help of isolation, the unexpectedness and strangeness of the action performed are emphasized. However, such separations in the Russian language always have an authorial, optional character.

    We hope that in the article we were able to reveal the answer to the question of what isolation is.

    Isolation is a selected secondary member of the sentence, intonation and semantic content and words dependent on it. Due to the presence of dependent words, isolation acquires syntactic independence and communicative meaning.

    Separation components most often perform the following functions: application, definition, circumstance, and form weakly controlled case forms. For the first time, the term "isolation" began to be used in the Russian language in 1914, and was introduced by the linguist A. Peshkovsky.

    Signs of isolation

    In Russian linguistics, the following main signs of the existence of isolation in a sentence are distinguished:

    1) the presence of words that depend on isolation

    2) inverse word order.

    3) the presence of complementary semantic verbal turns.

    Partition functions

    The main function that isolation performs is to provide an additional characteristic of a person, object, or action. With the help of isolation, the sentence is filled with clarifying semantic content, as it explains in detail what is said in its main part.

    Example: Great and unexpected happiness came to Mary's life - Great and unexpected happiness came to Mary's life.

    Often isolation saturates the sentence with an expressive character.

    In writing, isolation is always distinguished by punctuation marks - dashes and commas. Example with a comma: An unfamiliar young man approached us, the inhabitants of the village, and asked about the location of the village council. Dash example: We watched with interest a jay, a small bird with a hooked beak.

    Separation types

    Depending on the functions performed in the sentence, isolations are divided into two groups: explanatory and semi-predicative isolated turns. Semi-predicative isolations often resemble independent sentences, as they are filled with a logical, sometimes completely complete, meaning.

    In russian language There are four types of semi-predicative isolated turns:

    • - participial. In the distance one could see a mill standing under a mountain.
    • - participial turnover. She ran, waving her arms.
    • - substantive turnover. Poor people, they had a hard time enduring the cold.
    • - adjectival turnover. The girl's dress, reminiscent of the spring sky, developed in the wind.

    Explanatory phrases always depend on secondary members and perform mainly a concretizing function or supplement the sentence with additional information. The types of explanatory isolations are distinguished by the part of speech to which the main word - isolation belongs.

    Types of explanatory separations

    • - substantive: Near the forest, in a clearing, mushrooms grew.
    • - adjective: Everyone left except Alice.
    • - verbal: The rain took people by surprise, did not wait.
    • - infinitive: Vera Ivanovna came without a purpose - to sit and talk.
    • - adverbs: In the middle of the night, unexpectedly for everyone, he ran away.

    The role of isolation can be proper nouns or animal names.

    Separate members of the sentence and how they behave in the text, it is necessary to delve into the meaning of the words themselves that make up the term.

    Term clarification

    To isolate means to make a person different from something else, to single out. Separate members of a sentence are words that stand out in a sentence, separated from others. Separation occurs with commas or dashes.

    Along with the word "isolation" the word "isolation" can be used. Both have the right to exist.

    Everything is more or less clear with the term “members of a sentence”, these are, in fact, the words that make up the sentence. The members of the proposal are divided into main and secondary.

    It is the secondary members of the sentence that are subject to separation. Namely, addition and circumstance. Separately, it makes sense to consider more, which is a kind of definition.

    Separation of definitions

    Definitions are agreed and inconsistent. Agreed definitions are usually expressed as or . Inconsistent - nouns in oblique cases.

    If the agreed definition is expressed not by a single word, but by a whole turn and stands after the word being defined, then it is necessarily separated by commas.

    If the turnover is at the very end of the sentence, then one comma is put, if in the middle of the sentence, then the turnover is highlighted with two commas.

    For example, "The clouds that hid the sun were melting." Or: “People were walking along the road, slippery after heavy rain.”

    Inconsistent definitions, designed to supplement, clarify something about what has already been said, are also separated by commas. For example, "One man, with a black umbrella under his arm, was constantly looking at the sky."

    Application isolation

    A single or common application usually comes after the word being defined and must be separated by commas. For example, "The gray-haired old man, obviously a teacher in the past, was not afraid of bad weather."

    An appendix is ​​separated by a dash if an explanation is given with it. Sometimes, in such a case, the words “namely” can be inserted before the application. For example, "A cloud was darkening near the horizon - a reminder of a past thunderstorm."

    Separation of add-ons

    Additions are not always isolated, but only if the context requires it. Usually, revolutions with the words “except”, “instead of”, “besides”, “with the exception of”, etc. are distinguished by commas. However, there may be options that do not require isolation.

    In other words, the isolation of additions is optional.

    For example, "Nothing but far-fetched difficulties darkened the path." But: "Besides a distant cloud, there was a sun in the sky."

    Separation of circumstances

    Such a member of a sentence, as a circumstance, can be expressed by a participial phrase, a noun and an adverb.

    The adverbial turnover is usually separated by commas. For example, "We must go forward, not paying attention to fatigue."

    Circumstances expressed by nouns in indirect cases with dependent words are isolated if necessary for clarification or semantic highlighting in the context. For example, "People, after they heard kind words, went more cheerfully."

    Adverbs are often used as adverbs. They can also be isolated, if required by the meaning of the text or for clarification. For example: "And now, unexpectedly for everyone, the horizon has cleared." “It is very important to reach the goal, together or alone.”