Dmitry Gushchin, the creator of I will solve the exam. The court ruled in the case of the teacher Dmitry Gushchin, who reported leaks of the exam

Sergey, we have a lot of people in education, and not only in education, they don’t even realize that our world has much more dimensions than we study at school. If a person is compared to a physical object that has sensors in only three dimensions, then this means that a person is simply far from perfect. I have already written at the teachers' council that the current level of acquired knowledge will be a strong deterrent to the development of human society. Even the author of quaternions went to his discovery for an extremely long time, and the result from today's ideas is surprising why he chose this path, because there was another way more universal and faster. Something similar is happening in education, we go the longest way to the goal, teaching outdated ideas, thereby setting ourselves up fences for the future, in order to overcome them later. Today, it is possible to teach mathematics at school so that it makes it possible to perform various transformations that will allow you to get any other triangle from one triangle (I’m even afraid to write more revolutionary things), and then immediately move on to polygons. And then move on to multidimensional space. Those constants that we use to describe known physical fields are due to parameters that are determined at higher levels (another level of spatial dimension).

It is not clear why school mathematics is divided into 3 branches: geometry, algebra and computer science. After all, they are so closely related, moreover, by dividing mathematics into 3 areas of knowledge, we lose the existing connection between theory and practical human activity. We get the following result, we give knowledge, a significant part of which does not find application in the real activities of people. Such abstractionism kills the desire to know the real direction of knowledge, its meaning and application in practice. The school curriculum is very far from complete in terms of the practical orientation of the use of knowledge. The expression has long been known - theory without practice is dead. Is it possible that people gathered in the leadership of the ministry who do not understand the significance of the practical orientation of knowledge?

"The officials don't need to explain anything."
But it is the officials who determine the strategy for the development of the country and education in particular.

The task of the school is not to give knowledge, but to bring students to the perception of new knowledge through efforts on their part. The school traditionally offers chewed food and offers only one thing - to swallow what is offered. But at the same time, no one pays attention to the fact that a large number of connections are not created in the human brain, which would arise if the student himself came to new knowledge. And the task of the teacher is completely different - to bring the student to the development of new knowledge. Efforts on the part of the trainee lead to an increase in the depth of knowledge, a person picking up speed when mastering new knowledge by inertia often goes further than it is determined by the program. Today we are in dire need of new paradigms of education. Why do some people remember for many decades what they studied, while others are not able to reproduce what they went through a month ago. The reason is banal, the first knowledge was obtained, and the second was given, but without movement, weak ties collapsed, which led to their loss. In pedagogy, it is time to study the methods of machine learning, artificial intelligence, writing programming languages, then methods will become available for comparing the structures of organizing thinking, learning and remembering a person and a machine. At the same time, eyes are opened to the features of perception and development of new knowledge, clear criteria appear for choosing the best ways to develop educational activities based on a deep comparative analysis.

Teacher Dmitry Gushchin lost the trial with Rosobrnadzor

The Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow ordered mathematics teacher Dmitry Gushchin and the Novye Izvestia newspaper to refute the information about the leakage of USE assignments before exams, RIA Novosti reports.

The court ordered Dmitry Gushchin to delete information from his page on the social network VKontakte and give a refutation, as well as refute publications in the Novye Izvestia newspaper, said judge Natalya Morozova.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobornadzor) asked the court to recognize as untrue and discrediting the business reputation of the record of the teacher and founder of the Reshu Unified State Examination project Dmitry Gushchin on the social network VKontakte that every year before the Unified State Exam they send him tasks from the future exam, which turn out to be authentic every year. The plaintiff requests the deletion and refutation of these messages.

Rosobrnadzor made similar demands to Novye Izvestiya newspaper. According to the lawsuit, a copy of which is available to the agency, the publication disseminated information defaming the government department in a publication with the headline Large-scale leak of USE assignments in mathematics has been confirmed, which said: this means that school final exams in mathematics cannot be considered fair.


On November 9, the first stage of the lawsuit between Rosobrnadzor and St. Petersburg teacher Dmitry Gushchin ended (see. Recall that education officials were offended by the words of the truth about leaks of assignments for the Unified State Exam-2018 and decided to defend their “business reputation” in court. never was and never will be, because they can never be.

The fact that Judge Morozova delivered a verdict in favor of the oversight agency is not surprising. After all, the myth of an “honest, objective and independent” USE has been assimilated and picked up by all the highest authorities, up to the president. Could Morozova, by her decision, have called into question the cornerstone of the Russian education system? To do this, you need to be a hero, or at least a decent person. There is an opinion that there are no such people left in the judicial system of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, the past trial did not provide grounds for refuting this point of view.

It took the judge two weeks to formulate a ruling ordering Gushchin to comply with the requirements of Rosobrnadzor (the previous meeting, where the case was considered on the merits, took place on October 26). However, this time was not enough to present the reasoning part of the decision, which should explain why the teacher is obliged to act contrary to the facts. It is obvious that such a text is too tough for the judge, and the “specialists” of Rosobrnadzor, who oversaw the process, were delayed. Perhaps Morozova is already worried that the “senior comrades”, having received the desired result, will forget about the empty formalities and force her to write the conclusion on her own.

Let's calm the lady: Kravtsov's lawyers will concoct a document, because the process is far from over.

Dmitry Dmitrievich is determined, he is actively supported by the people. Therefore, there will be an appeal, and the case, in case of stupid stubbornness of the authorities, has every chance of reaching the European court. And there Kravtsov and Co. will finally lose. Our "Western partners" are by no means inclined to discredit the Russian USE system (they know that this is the most effective tool for destroying the competitor's education system). But they have not yet become so bold as to refute objective reality with a blow of a judge's gavel.

Now it is very important to provide comprehensive support to Dmitry Gushchin, because the discussed precedent is inherently terrible. A new direction has been opened in judicial practice: to deny and prohibit FACTS.
Now you can hit with a wooden hammer - and there is no decrease in the birth rate in the country, knock - and the death rate does not grow, knock - housing and communal services tariffs do not jump, and further down the long list. And all who begin to assert the opposite will turn out to be slanderers, that is, criminals.

When we mention leaks, we will now put an asterisk and write in brackets that “there are no USE leaks in the Russian Federation by court order.”
The school teacher who learned of the decision wrote on social media:

“What should I do now, erase from my memory how the students came with assignments on the eve of the exam, and then the same tasks ended up on the exam?”

This cannot be erased from memory. The human brain is not a computer, there is no memory erasing function.

We will remember everything. And we must act to ensure that this memory is in demand.

For the revival of education

On the Petersburg mathematics teacher Dmitry Gushchin. On the eve of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics, he reported that variants of examination tasks were once again leaked to the Internet. Rosobrnadzor calls such bold statements a provocation and assures that their test protection technologies are invulnerable.

Documents are being prepared, information is being collected and studied for going to court, the press service of the department told KP.

True, the press service has not yet been able to say what kind of accusations Rosobr wants to bring against the teacher.

It means that they have leaked, and those who are to blame for the “month of silence” (on May 28, the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov asked for it - ed.) do not comply and dare to express their opinion about the problems of the Unified State Examination. Let's close our eyes, plug our ears and let's unanimously repeat "there was no leak", "there was no leak," Dmitry Gushchin reacted to the statements of the supervisory authority, - I will probably prepare my speech in court. I have something to say.


Dmitry Gushchin is a well-known fighter for the purity of the exam. In 2007, he became the teacher of the year. Soon he began to talk about the discharges of ecamenatory tasks into the network.

We argued with a colleague. I said that in recent years there were no genuine exam tasks on the Internet before exams (although they have always been in narrow correspondence), but he claimed that there is. Remembering our conversation, he sent me assignments. I myself received them from the students, the students found them in VKontakte conversations. Another source is the "Deeds" group. It openly publish examination materials, everyone can read, - Dmitry Gushchin told KP.

You may be surprised, or maybe not, but every year before the exam in mathematics, they send me problems from the future exam. Every time they are authentic. I'm already used to it. But today, a few hours ago, almost the entire second (difficult) examination part was sent. The one for which you can get the most points. All tasks are in several versions, - Gushchin said on May 31 - the day before the profile exam in mathematics.

At the same time, Dmitry noted that the variants of tasks that came to him have been circulating on the network for a week already.

A little later, hundreds of schoolchildren from all over the country wrote to Gushchin that there really were the same or very similar (with a difference of one digit) tasks on the exam.

For the first time in 10 years, the compilers came up with tasks for using the sum sine formula. In the leaked materials, all the thirteenth tasks, without exception, were on this formula, - Gushchin explained.


In addition to mathematics, on June 1, Dmitry Gushchin published on June 4 information about the "leaked" task in chemistry. According to the whistleblower of the Unified State Examination, a few days before the test, a photograph (“Yellow Leaf”) with a variant of the task for electrolysis got on the Internet, everyone who was interested managed to solve it.

I contacted the USE experts in chemistry, who had already seen the exam version. So they say the following. One of the possible types of tasks No. 34, which can be in the examination version in chemistry, is tasks for electrolysis. They correspond to the school curriculum, there is nothing special about them, but the topic is not the most fundamental. Never before had they asked about her at the exam. And this year, tasks for electrolysis were included in the exam version. It would seem that this is surprising? And the fact that on yesterday's "yellow sheet" there are 8 tasks on this topic. Which turned out to be on today's exam.

Thus, not all assignments for the USE were included in the network. But as Dmitry Gushchin assures, the exam cannot be “almost honest”.

More than 250 thousand people have subscribed to Dmitry's group in VK. They not only read the latest news about the Unified State Examination, but also actively write to Gushchin and talk about violations. However, Rosobrnadzor claims that the exams are held without failures.

Hundreds of confirmations from graduates and teachers do not count, and those who do not agree will be put on trial. Great, - the mathematics teacher in VK reacted emotionally to the statement of the head of Rosobrnadzor.

I will dictate to you the right words for the head of the federal department: "information about violations in the exams is carefully and analyzed from all sides, sent to independent experts to obtain an independent authoritative opinion. We ask everyone who has information about possible leaks to contact us and provide as much detail as possible about A commission has already been created, in a few days it will give a report on the information received, which we will publish on the Rosobrnadzor website, not being afraid to identify problems and indicate ways to solve them," Dmitry Gushchin voiced the correct, in his opinion, version of the reaction of Rosobrnadzor to the current situation, - The option voiced by Kravtsov: "we are declaring a month of silence. Even if there was a leak, then why disturb the public. Now we will turn to the court so that it is not shameful" looks inappropriate. As well as the word "non-disgraceful", the meaning of which it would be useful for the head of the educational department to know.


two parts, including 19 tasks. Part 1 Part 2

3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).


But you can make a compass Calculators on the exam not used.

passport), pass and capillary or! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and food

The examination paper consists of two parts, including 19 tasks. Part 1 contains 8 tasks of a basic level of complexity with a short answer. Part 2 contains 4 tasks of an increased level of complexity with a short answer and 7 tasks of a high level of complexity with a detailed answer.

To complete the examination work in mathematics is given 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

Answers to tasks 1–12 are recorded as an integer or ending decimal. Write the numbers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the answer sheet No. 1 issued during the exam!

When doing work, you can use the ones issued with the work. You can only use a ruler, but you can make a compass with your own hands. It is forbidden to use tools with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on the exam not used.

You must have an identity document with you for the exam. passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allowed to take with myself water(in a transparent bottle) and food(fruit, chocolate, buns, sandwiches), but may be asked to leave in the hallway.

  • The absolute winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia - 2007".
  • Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation
  • Two-time winner of the competition of the best teachers of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Control and Measurement Materials for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics (2009-2010), Expert of the Federal Subject Commission for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics (2011-2012, 2013-2014), Deputy Chairman of the Regional Subject Commission of the GIA in Mathematics 2012-2014 ).

    Pyankova Olga Sergeevna, teacher of mathematics at the school, Elekmonar Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich and the DAEGE project team!
    Thank you for creating such a wonderful electronic resource to help the teacher. Now I have the opportunity to conduct lessons, consultations, additional classes using detailed video lessons. Your lessons are well-structured, thought out to the smallest detail. And the “presence” of Dmitry Dmitrievich at the lesson gives me confidence, makes my lessons more interesting, more meaningful. Using tests, notes, videos, I noticed that the time for preparing for math lessons and consultations was significantly reduced. After all, it is not necessary to prepare tasks for control and independent work, to make tests. Just take a ready-made summary for each lesson, homework based on the USE assignments with a verification system, test papers and use it!!!
    Your work is invaluable!!! Thanks again!

    Lepikhina Olga Viktorovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk I went to the "DAEGE" course, watched several videos, solved several tests and a test. Very useful and necessary materials, video tutorials with detailed explanations and, most importantly, tests with an online verification mode. Students like it, as the result can be seen immediately and errors can be sorted out. It is very useful that before each test there is a review of tasks and you can watch the video as many times as the student needs - in your own mode. You have a wonderful team that tries to make the work of the teacher easier and helps the teacher in working with all categories of students.

    Ksenia Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk At a cursory glance, it is very impressive, in volume and quality.
    For rural children, this is a serious help, as well as for those who are unlucky with a teacher...
    a very good idea: to be able to buy an activity of interest, and not everything
    And I'm happy with the price...
    Thank you!

    Maisuradze Victoria Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Mezhdurechensk Thanks a lot to Dmitry Dmitrievich for everything he does. His website I will solve the exam and this resource is a lifesaver at work.
    With the current workload, there is not enough time to do anything else besides checking notebooks. Save only such resources. Thank you.

    Egorova Victoria Valerievna, teacher of mathematics, Yelabuga There are no words to express gratitude. Very, very wonderful material, I would even call it an educational and methodological complex. All material is strictly systematized and presented in almost all exam tasks. There is a repetition, and the necessary theoretical material, and test tasks, and even tests for a block of lessons. I really want to find a place for all this in my lessons.

    Nasibullina Zulfiya Salavatovna, mathematics teacher, Maloyaz After reviewing Daege's website, I made sure that it is possible to solve tests online together with students. I offered my students your site, the names of the courses. I think that we will actively work with the site. Prior to that, we actively used the site DECIDE USE, DECISION OGE. They took tests from there and also solved them online. Thanks to the creators of the site for helping teachers and students, because not everyone has the opportunity to go to courses or study with a tutor.

    Anna Karo, student Thank you for such an interesting project. Great help!
    Especially in the last days before the exam :) An excellent system for excellent results.

    Surina Zoya Petrovna, mathematics teacher, Moscow Dear colleagues! Thanks for the interesting and informative content.
    I consider the USE preparation course in mathematics accessible, concise, rational and useful.
    I hope that the solution of more complex problems will be understandable and exciting for graduates.

    Kultysheva Olga Valerievna, teacher of mathematics, Saratov Hello! I have been using your site for several years, both in preparation for the exam in grades 10-11, and when studying topics in grades starting from 5. Seeing that you can sign up for the DAEGE course, I decided to try. Get to know the course. I really liked it. It would be nice to have this course always at hand. Thank you!

    Busova I. I., teacher of mathematics, Novosibirsk Good afternoon colleagues!
    Great and helpful resource!
    The lessons are carefully worked out, everything is competent, clear, consistent, detailed and clear. The teaching material is strictly systematized. The course is a huge help for both students and teachers. Thanks a lot!!!