Google maps planets of the solar system. observations of the red planet

> 3D surface map of Mars from Google

Explore the detailed 3D map of the surface of Mars from Google: moving map, high-quality photos with dimensions, history of the planet, temperature, Olympus, pyramids, face.

Appendix " Maps of Mars in 3D"offers an exciting journey through surfaces"red planet", but first, let's take a closer look at this amazing part of our solar system.

Surface structure of Mars

Mars is a representative of the terrestrial group of planets, where Mercury, Venus and Earth lead. Unlike other planets that appear to us as gas giants, this group has a metal core and a rocky surface.

This planet, like the quadruple it is part of, consists of a liquid core, mantle and crust, but the thickness of the layers is different for each. Mercury has an average density of 5.4 g/cm³ (the Earth has a slightly higher density of 5.5 g/cm³), it has a liquid core, consisting mostly of iron and nickel. The core of Venus has a similar composition, but with a slightly lower density - 5.2 g/cm³.

The average thickness of the earth's crust of Mars is 30 km for land, and 5 km from the bottom surface at sea. The core of the planet consists of two parts: the outer one, which begins at a depth of 5100 km and consists of a molten iron + nickel alloy; and internal - having a similar chemical composition, but with a more solid structure. Surface density - 5.520 g/cm³. The red planet is half the size of Earth.

Dimensions of the planet Mars

The radius of Mars is 3.389 km, and its circumference is 21.3 thousand km. The volume is 1.63 ¹¹ km³, the mass is at around 6.41 ²⁴ kg. Compared to Earth, the Martian planet has a diameter of 53% of Earth's and a surface area of ​​38%. A three-dimensional map of the surface of Mars confirms that the total area of ​​this planet is equal to the sum of the areas of all the earth's continents. Its mass is only 11% of the earth, and the volume is 15% compared to our earthly home. Mars is smaller than its relative Mercury, but its unique world attracts with its mystery, and magnifying 3d maps of Mars allow you to view it in detail.

Surface of Mars

Although Mars cannot boast of its size, however, the largest mountain in the solar system - Olympus (21.2 km), located on its surface, retains the magnificence of the dignity of the planet.

Surface of Mars completely cratered, and the deepest is the Mariner Valley. Using the program, you can examine in detail all the basins of the planet and volcanoes, which are considered the largest in the solar system.

Interactive NASA maps will tell you about the most prestigious area of ​​Mars - Cydonia, where the most mysterious formations are concentrated: "Face on Mars" and "Sphinx". Thanks to high-resolution photographs taken by orbiting reconnaissance, you will have the opportunity to get much closer to Mars. The surface formation "Sphinx" in its appearance resembles a pyramid built by an extraterrestrial civilization. Although, in fact, this and other mysteries of the red planet are nothing more than a miracle of relief.

Surface temperature of Mars from Mars Global Surveyor

The daytime surface temperature of the planet Mars ranges from -65°C to -120°C. Onboard the Mars Global Surveyor probe, a thermal emission spectrometer, transmitted a detailed temperature map of Mars.

The nighttime surface temperature describes the t scale, where the warmest places on the planet are white, and the coldest places are colored red, yellow and green, and the coldest is shown in blue.

The data was taken at the time of the passage of the device, over the night side of Mars. The map shows that the southern part of Mars is winter, while the northern part of the Martian planet is summer.

"Sphinx", "Face on Mars" and "Pyramids"

"Face" on Mars

Numerous mountains and pyramids located on the surface of Mars have even symmetry. Photos taken in the 70s by the Viking spacecraft looked like a face, so many speculated about the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization. But, as it turned out later, the photos taken in poor quality were to blame.

One of the images was of perfect symmetry, similar to a face, which has become food for controversy among many scientists. However, all the intrigue ended when the photos were received in higher quality.

The “face on Mars” turned out to be nothing more than a hill, similar outlines of which can be observed on Earth. Such formations are often created under the influence of ice or constant wind, notable examples of this are the Assiniboine mountain in Canada, Thielsen in the USA and the Matterhorn in Switzerland.

History of Mars

Mars was once warm and humid, but now it is a dry and cold planet. NASA rovers transmit data that the climate on the ancient planet was warm enough, and the surface held water. Confirmation of this conclusion is the chem. discovered by the probe. substances that can only be created in the presence of moisture. Scientists also suggest that some reliefs could not have been created without the participation of the water depth.

It is interesting to look at the alleged map of Mars in the past, to look at several billion years ago. Kevin Gill, an astronomer who has visualized the real Mars in the past, used a laser rangefinder located on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.

The oceans and seas recreated on Mars were created with deep valleys flooded, so they only "predict" the planet's water structure.

The displayed clouds also have an arbitrary nature of creation. The information for their "reconstruction" was taken from the NASA Blue Marble project. A more accurate name for this water map would be Mars after many years of asteroid formation and ingestion.

Gas - methane

For many, Mars is a cold world with a red surface, but when methane was found on its surface, many people's opinion changed.

Why is methane present in the Martian atmosphere? There can be only two explanations for this: biological and geological. Quite a few people would like to believe in the first reason, but the probability of the emergence of life on Mars is negligible. The second is volcanism. Satellite maps show that there are not so many volcanic clusters on the planet. The largest is the Tharsis plateau, which gave birth to four volcanoes, one of which is Olympus.

If you look closer at the Tharsis plateau, on the right you can see the "Labyrinth of the Night" and three mountains in the very center: Arsia, Pavlina, Askriyskaya. The program "3d maps of Mars" allows you to get closer to these mountains and make a trip near their foot, just by clicking once on the mouse button.

Methane gas tends to be rapidly destroyed by exposure to sunlight and wind, so it is logical to conclude that sources of methane release must be constantly active. The created map of Mars does not allow to convey with great accuracy the location of all methane sources, but this problem will be solved by the Mangalyaan probe launched to the surface, the purpose of which is to collect accurate data.

Methane is under close scrutiny by astrobiologists, as it is well known that most of this gas on Earth is produced by microscopic organisms. And besides, the red color of the planet is partly due to the release of methane.

Geological data on the surface of Mars

The absence of tectonic plates would have allowed volcanoes to erupt for hundreds or millions of years. The map of Mars reports a large number of permanent eruptions, which contain a large percentage of iron. The "iron" surface gradually oxidized under the influence of the Martian atmosphere, so this is a suitable explanation for why the surface of the planet is covered with a red film.

The past of the red planet

Researchers believe that Mars used to be much larger, but a powerful blow, after which the North Polar Basin remained, suggests that the planet has lost some of its mass. On closer examination of the surface, this conclusion seems justified.

It is worth noting that the studies conducted by the Hubble shuttle do not fully represent the mysterious world of Mars. But an interactive map in 3d will allow for a deeper study. When creating this map, thousands of photographs taken by space probes were taken into account. A detailed map of the surface of Mars was made possible by studies of the Mars Odyssey, Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter probes. These space probes made it possible to see the beauty of the surface and structure of the planet. An interactive 3d map from Google will captivate you with the landscapes of Mars without leaving your home. This is a fairly simple and intuitive application that allows you to zoom in and see the corners of the red planet, previously inaccessible to the human eye. Karata is available online, so its study and study is available to everyone: both amateurs and scientists located anywhere in the world.

Hypsometric map of the surface of Mars

The map was created based on the research of the laser altimeter, the Mars Global Surveyor space probe. Here, peaks up to 10 km high are marked in red, and all higher mountains are indicated in pink and white-pink. The color for depressions is green and blue. Exploring this map, you will notice that the northern part of the planet is slightly lower in height than the southern. According to scientists, it becomes clear that the northern part was filled with water in the past, moreover, these words are confirmed by the gravitational map of the red planet.

Images transmitted from the Mars Global Surveyor unmanned research station also allowed us to get a closer look at the outline of the coastline. This detailed map allows you to see the Hellas basin, as well as four inactive volcanoes located on the Tharsis plateau. These images are quite detailed, but the Mariner Valley is best seen here - it is a tectonic fault, the total length of which is 5 thousand km. It is worth emphasizing with special pride that this map was created by our countrymen, who took as a basis the data obtained from American space probes. Zh. F. Rodinova made special efforts.

Topographic designations of the surface of Mars

The modern map, compiled by the efforts of the latest spacecraft, contains new names for landforms, along with old geographical and mythological names. This latest map of Mars allows you to see that Tharsis is the highest elevation and Hellas is the annular depression in the south. Many valleys bear the name of the planets, in different languages ​​of the peoples of the Earth. For example, the Hrat Valley - which means "Mars" in Armenian, as well as the Maadim Valley - in Hebrew.

However, there is one exception in the names - this is the Mariner Valley, which bears the name of the Mariner 9 spacecraft, which photographed this surface in detail. Small valleys were named after the rivers of the Earth. Arsia is a classical albedo formation. The Pearl Bay is the name of the Hindustan peninsula, where in ancient times they were looking for pearls.

Craters on the surface of the Red Planet

Any detailed map of Mars shows that the craters of this planet are different from the craters located on the Moon and Mercury. Even small craters testify to the presence of erosion on their surface caused by water and wind.

The moon and Mercury do not have liquid and atmosphere, but on Mars it was all millions of years ago. The largest craters: Huygens - 470 km, with a depth of 4 km; Schiaparelli - 465 km in size, with a depth of 2 km; Cassini - with a diameter of 411 km. A satellite map of Mars in 2014 shows that in places where ice breaks from the surface, radial ejections of soil are observed. What is characteristic - such ejections of soil are found in craters located in the north of the planet.


Large map of the red planet - is a good physical map of Mars. This map was compiled by the staff of the popular science magazine National Geographic, whose authority is recognized throughout the world, therefore these works are of particular interest to people who cannot imagine life without knowledge of space.

Advice. To view a high resolution map created by National Geographic, download it to your computer. This operation is quite simple to perform: after the map is fully opened in the browser, click on the left mouse button and select "save as" and specify a convenient folder for saving.

Curiosity rover

The translation of the name of the comical all-terrain vehicle Curiosity, literally means "opportunity". The device is equipped with all the tools for collecting geochemical, geological and other information. It also has a nuclear radioisotope thermogenerator, so the Curiosity rover is able to collect and transmit a lot of photographs, which are then glued together and studied by scientists. Thanks to the images of this equipment, we have the opportunity to take a closer look at the Hale crater, located in a very interesting area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe planet. Curiosity Pictures - in fact, deliver amazing and most mysterious photos that we can enjoy viewing, everyone at home.

Even the latest spacecraft launched by the NASA Research Office cannot provide perfect detail on the surface of Mars. The map of the red planet is constantly updated, and new / more powerful spacecraft are launched into orbit. Interesting: The MRO probe used by NASA has a 30 cm telescope capable of taking images with a resolution of 30 cm per pixel, even though the images are taken from a height of 250 km above the surface of Mars.

A detailed map of Mars was created with the active participation of the MRO and Mars Odyssey spacecraft, as well as the Mars Express probe from the European Space Agency.

By and large, a map of Mars is multiple images of different spacecraft combined together, so even a standard-sized wall map will be quite accurate. At the same time, using computer technology, you, sitting at home, can view online the entire surface of Mars, without making any special efforts to manage the program.

Thanks to the efforts of the giant company Google, it was possible to combine all the data to create an interactive 3d program. It is worth mentioning that the MRO probe took over the largest part of the research work. This map is the fruit of a joint collaboration between Google and NASA. An ordinary browser, such as Google Chrome or Ethernet Explorer, allows you to open a map of Mars online, so an overview of the surface of the red planet is available to anyone today. In order to view the maps of Mars online, you just need to go to the global network and find the appropriate service. The maps will be of particular interest to people who are fond of astronomy, but a detailed examination of the maps and surprisingly interesting places will lure even amateur beginners. It is worth noting that mankind has not yet seen such a detailed study of Mars, therefore, the examination and study of the red planet, using interactive 3d maps from Google, will allow a person of the twenty-first century to own the most advanced information.

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Satellite maps from Google are popular. This is a convenient and practical tool that allows you to view the planet at any scale. The satellite image reveals the details: small streets and lanes near the house, cities, countries and continents. This was made possible thanks to satellite imagery.
Earlier to receive pictures from space shooting with a television camera with signal transmission to the station or shooting with a special photographic camera, the pictures of which were displayed on film, were used. Today, modern space technology allows you to look at the planet thanks to the scanning mechanism embedded in the satellites.

Satellite map: application and purpose

At present, the real-time satellite world map is applied in many areas: analyzing the state of agricultural fields, forests, the ocean, and identifying the location of friends using a smartphone. For these resources, a Google satellite map is used.
The main purpose of using satellite images of the world from Google remains navigation. The site presents a world diagram with the display of continents, states, cities, streets and tracks. This helps to orientate in the area, evaluate its landscape and simply travel the Earth without leaving home.

Quality of world map images online from satellite

The highest resolution images are available for the largest cities in Ukraine, America, Russia, Belarus, Asia, Europe and Oceania with a population of over a million people. For settlements with a smaller number of inhabitants, images are available in a limited number and of poorer quality.
Despite this, everyone can see in detail the territory of their house, nearby streets, see photos of the planet from almost anywhere. Pictures reveal placement:

  • cities, towns, villages,
  • streets, lanes
  • rivers, seas, lakes, forest zone, desert, etc.

The good quality of cartographic images allows you to examine the landscape of the selected area in detail.

Features of Google maps from the satellite:

Google satellite maps help to see in detail objects that are difficult to assess on conventional charts. Satellite images preserve the natural shape of the object, its size and colors. Ordinary, classic maps before printing and circulation undergo editorial study to match the scale, as a result of which the natural colors of the area and the shapes of objects are lost. Naturalness is preserved on cartographic images.
In addition, on the map you can quickly find the city of interest in any country. The diagram has a column in which in Russian you can indicate the country, city and even the house number. In a second, the chart will zoom in and display the location of the given object and those that are next to it.

Satellite world map mode

Satellite images have the ability to switch to world map mode. It helps to view the territory on the surface of the planet, to get as close as possible to the selected object, to consider the layout of the location. This mode allows you to quickly and conveniently plan a trip route, move around the city, find sights, etc.
By specifying the house number, the chart will display its location relative to the city center in a second. It is also possible to lay a route from the initially specified object. To do this, click on the appropriate button and enter the address.

Earth map from satellite to site

the site provides users with the opportunity to use a real-time satellite map for free. For convenience, the map is divided into countries. To search for a specific city or get acquainted with the area of ​​​​the state, click on the one you are interested in and start your “travel”. The service is constantly improving, work is underway to place high-resolution satellite images of small settlements.
The good quality of online satellite cartographic images posted on our website helps to quickly find the necessary object, inspect the landscape, estimate distances between cities, find out the location of forests, rivers, seas and oceans. Together with Voweb, traveling around the world has become even more accessible.

Pluto by decision of the MAC (International Astronomical Union) no longer refers to the planets of the solar system, but is a dwarf planet and even inferior in diameter to the other dwarf planet Eris. Pluto's designation is 134340.

solar system

Scientists put forward many versions of the origin of our solar system. In the 40s of the last century, Otto Schmidt hypothesized that the solar system arose because cold dust clouds were attracted to the Sun. Over time, clouds formed the foundations of future planets. In modern science, it is Schmidt's theory that is the main one. The solar system is only a small part of a large galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way contains over a hundred billion different stars. It took humanity thousands of years to realize such a simple truth. The discovery of the solar system did not happen immediately, step by step, on the basis of victories and mistakes, a system of knowledge was formed. The main basis for studying the solar system was knowledge about the Earth.

Fundamentals and Theories

The main milestones in the study of the solar system are the modern atomic system, the heliocentric system of Copernicus and Ptolemy. The most likely version of the origin of the system is the Big Bang theory. In accordance with it, the formation of the galaxy began with the "scattering" of the elements of the megasystem. At the turn of the impenetrable house, our solar system was born. The basis of everything is the Sun - 99.8% of the total volume, the planets account for 0.13%, the remaining 0.0003% are various bodies of our system. Scientists divide the planets into two conditional groups . The first includes planets of the Earth type: the Earth itself, Venus, Mercury. The main distinguishing characteristics of the planets of the first group are a relatively small area, hardness, and a small number of satellites. The second group includes Uranus, Neptune and Saturn - they are distinguished by their large size (giant planets), they are formed by helium and hydrogen gases.

In addition to the Sun and planets, our system also includes planetary satellites, comets, meteorites and asteroids.

Particular attention should be paid to the asteroid belts that are located between Jupiter and Mars, and between the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. At the moment, there is no unequivocal version of the emergence of such formations in science.
Which planet is not considered a planet now:

Pluto was considered a planet from the time of its discovery until 2006, but later in the outer part of the solar system many celestial bodies were discovered that were comparable in size to Pluto and even exceeded it. To avoid confusion, a new definition of the planet was given. Pluto did not fall under this definition, so it was given a new "status" - a dwarf planet. So, Pluto can serve as an answer to the question: before it was considered a planet, but now it is not. However, some scientists continue to believe that Pluto should be reclassified back into a planet.

Scientists' forecasts

Based on research, scientists say that the sun is approaching the middle of its life path. It is unimaginable to imagine what will happen if the Sun goes out. But scientists say it's not only possible, it's inevitable. The age of the Sun was determined using the latest computer developments and found that it has about five billion years. According to astronomical law, the life of a star like the Sun lasts about ten billion years. Thus, our solar system is in the middle of the life cycle. What do scientists mean by the word "goes out"? The huge solar energy is the energy of hydrogen, which in the core becomes helium. Every second, about six hundred tons of hydrogen in the core of the Sun is processed into helium. According to scientists, the Sun has already used up most of its hydrogen reserves.

If instead of the Moon there were planets of the solar system: