The course of organized educational activities. Pronunciation of sounds С, Ш in syllables

Frontal lesson on the differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш] based on the adventure of sounds. To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words, tongue twisters and in phrasal speech. Teach children to distinguish these sounds by ear and in pronunciation. Develop phonemic awareness. Continue to teach the sound analysis of words, consolidate the skill of converting adjectives from nouns, dividing words into syllables, determining the place of sound in words. Contribute to the development of logical thinking, attention.



Differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш]

Lesson on the differentiation of sounds [С] - [Ш] based on the adventure of sounds.

Purpose: differentiation of sounds S-Sh

Tasks: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words, tongue twisters and in phrasal speech. Teach children to distinguish these sounds by ear and in pronunciation. Develop phonemic awareness. Continue to teach the sound analysis of words, consolidate the skill of converting adjectives from nouns, dividing words into syllables, determining the place of sound in words. Contribute to the development of logical thinking, attention.

Material: the image of the castle of Vowels, a picture of Wonderland with the image of objects in the name of which there are sounds С and Ш, subject pictures, pictures with a cuckoo and a Scarecrow.

Imagine the children that we are now in the forest. Show what big trees are there (children raise their hands)

A warm wind blew-Sh-sh-sh, the leaves rustled (children quickly move their fingers)

A cold wind blew-S-s-s, the pines swayed (children sway and wave their hands)

The wind has died down, no more leaves are moving, no branches (sit down)

How the foliage rustled from the warm breeze (Sh-sh-sh) How the cold wind blew (S-s-s) Today we will repeat the sounds S and S.

What is our sound C? -accordingly, solid, deaf, cold jet, in the middle.

What sound is W? -according to, tv, deaf, the jet is warm, wide.

Sounds decided to go on a trip. And we will go with them. Here the sounds came to the Red Castle, what sounds live in it? (vowels). The sound C made friends with the sound A, what happened? (SA syllable) .. (So, SU, Sha, Sho, Shu)

The syllables Sa-Sha, Su-Shu, So-Sho met. Then they decided to talk among themselves. First, surprised-Sa-Sa? Sha-Sha?. Then admiringly-Su-Su! So-So. Sho-Sho-Sho.

The sound Sh asks us to name all "his" words. And the sound C is "his".

The sounds came to visit us, and they ask what we designate them (sounds)

Let's lay out the syllables-sa, replace the vowel A with the sound O. What did the syllable turn out to be? So. And now we will replace the consonant C with the sound Sh. The syllable Sho. And now we will lay out the words First Ears .. and now mustaches.

Bear bowl.

Physical education minute: depict with facial expressions and postures the objects and creatures that you saw in Wonderland.

Na-na-na we depict an elephant. Woo-woo-woo we will depict an owl. Af-af-af we will stand like an old closet.

What time of year do we have now?

I wanted the sounds to laugh with us and they came up with fables, repeat after me: lon-lon-lon an elephant rides a shovel, SA-sa-sa a fox sits on the moon.

Look, a bird has flown to us. In its name there is a syllable kush, as it is called (cuckoo). She said that the sounds C and W got to the Scarecrow, who lives alone in the castle. He mixed up the sounds in words and even mixed up the words. We will now go to him.

Listen to what he did: The cat catches the bowl, the mother washes the mouse. In front of the children, the painters paint the rat. The fireman wears a helmet, Sasha ate the helmet.

And what is the right way to say it?

In order for the scarecrow to return everything to its place, let's form kind words for him from the words that I will call: Weasel-what will the Scarecrow-Tender. Kindness-kind. Courage-brave. Glory-glorious.

Well done! We succeeded!

*** The Scarecrow offers us to perform interesting tasks. Take the first sounds from the words bag-autumn-bush and combine the word .. it turned out the word Juice. The fur coat-duck-poppy turned out to be Noise.

Guess the riddles: warm, fluffy, warms us in winter (fur coat) how many syllables. count. Soft paws, and scratches in the paws (cat). Four brothers stand under one hat (table).

Well done!

Let's learn a poem about sounds.

Do not confuse the sound C with the sound Sh

Do not call a fluffy bear a bowl

And if the cat ate the rat, don't say roof.

Well done guys. You enjoyed the trip. What sounds did we travel with?

Topic: Differentiation of sounds S - Sh.


1. Learn to differentiate the sounds S-Sh.

2. Continue work on the development of phonemic perception and analysis.

3. Continue to develop children's ability to divide words into syllables.

4. Exercise in the use of complex sentences with subordinate reasons (I will give it to the fox because ...).

5. Consolidation of education: a) possessive adjectives and b) nouns in D.p.

6. Development of children's ability to compose creative stories based on subject pictures.

7. Development of visual attention (perception of the image of an object in noisy conditions).

8. Consolidation of children's ideas about wild animals.

Lesson progress:

  1. L .: Guys, look carefully at the picture and answer the question? What season is depicted on it? D: Winter. L: How did you guess? D: There are no leaves on the trees, there is snow on the ground. L .: And now, try to see and name those who hid in the winter forest? D .: Squirrel, lynx, mouse ...

L: What kind of animals are they? D: Wild. L .: Who else lives in the winter forest? D: Magpie, crow, owl. How to call them in one word? D: Birds.

  1. L .: Guys, look at the flannelgraph. Who is pictured here? D: Wild animals. L: What do they lack? D.: Khvostov. L .: Here, listen to what happened with wild animals. One night there was a strong hurricane. The wind whistled and whistled. And in the morning, when the animals woke up, they did not find their tails. They decided that at night the wind tore them off and carried them through the forest. They gathered to look for their tails. Guys, let's help the animals! D: Let's go. L .: But the wind not only tore off the tails, but also hid them and told the animals the following: “Each of you must give the children their task, and if they cope with them, then the tails will return to you.”
  2. L .: And who we will meet first in the winter forest, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Not a lamb and not a cat,

He wears a fur coat all year round.

Fur coat gray for summer.

For winter a different color. (Hare)

Hare: In winter, I sleep all day, eat at night, gnaw on the bark of trees. By the winter, my paws are overgrown with wool, they become wide and fluffy. On them I run in the snow, like on skis. Here is my assignment for you. The hare gives an envelope. Each of you, in turn, will do the following, choose one picture with your eyes, name it and determine the number of syllables in the word that he has chosen.

Words: icicle, sail, pear, stack, shower, juice, closet.

L .: Well done, guys, coped with the task. Now, let's look around, maybe we'll see something else. Oh what I found! Tail. Julia, who will you give it to? Julia: I will give the tail to the hare. Because it's a rabbit tail.

  1. L .: Try to guess who is next for us to meet?

He is a gray robber

He has no faith

He clicks with fangs

Who is it? (Wolf)

Wolf: Gray, angry, hungry, I wander in the winter.

I knock with my teeth, I hunt through the forest in search of prey. (The wolf gives the children a bag).

I have trouble. I don't know what to do.

L .: Guys, the wolf told me that he was going to the fox and the clumsy bear for his birthday. I bought them toys as a gift, but I don’t know which ones to give to whom. Take one toy. We will give the fox toys in the name, which sound C, and the bear - the sound Sh.

Toys: Owl, pig, elephant; cockerel, mouse, cat, horse.

D: The owl should be presented to the fox, because the word “owl” has the sound C in the name, and so on. L .: Guys, which of you will tell me where the sound C is heard in the names of these toys? D: At the beginning of words. L .: And where is the sound Ш heard in the name of these toys? D: In the middle of words.

Oh look at the tail. Sasha, who will you give it to? I will give the tail to the wolf because it is a wolf's tail.

As a reward, the wolf gives us a caterpillar.

  1. Now let's take a break!

We checked your posture

And your shoulder blades.

We're walking on toes

And then on the heels.

Let's go softly like foxes

And like a clubfoot bear,

And like a hare coward,

And like a gray wolf thief.

Here is a hedgehog curled up in a ball

Because he is cold.

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

  1. L .: And now another riddle.

Behind the trees, bushes

Flashed like a flame

Flashed, ran...

There is no house, no fire. (Fox)

Fox: Of course, I'm a fox. I am cunning and dexterous. My fur is fluffy and red. I am a smart little fox and I like to compose different fables. I want you to tell me a "fable". (The fox gives the guys a basket with pictures.)

We sit in a circle. We take three pictures. And we write stories.

L .: Oh, the tail! Dima, who will you give your tail to? Dima: I'll give the tail to the fox, because it's a fox's tail.

The fox gives a chicken.

  1. L .: And here is our next guest.

Where does he live?

Most often.

The most, the most, the real

He walks there, he sleeps there.

He raises his children there.

Likes pears, loves honey

Has a sweet tooth

I can still say

He loves to sleep very much. (Bear).

Bear: I'm furry and big. I am brown bear. I love sweet food and good sleep. Here is my task (Takes out an envelope with strips of paper and rhymes). We sit down at the table. We draw as many sticks on a piece of paper as you hear words in a poem with the sound C:

Here is an old dog at home.

Lie down with your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, peacefully he sniffs

Maybe dozing, maybe sleeping.

With sound Sh:

Misha's grandmother knits

warm mittens,

To warm your palms

Little bear.

L .: Well done, they coped with this task. And whose tail is this, Nastya? This is a bear tail. I will give this tail to the bear.

The bear gives strawberries.

  1. Under the green pine

A painted house has grown,

And a squirrel lived in it

The squirrel is smart.

Our squirrel master

I sewed a blouse - a fox,

And the bunny - slippers

For four paws.

Teddy bear undershirt,

Even the gray wolf

She made a hat and pants.

She dried the mushrooms

And she fed the animals.

White man can do everything

The squirrel is smart.

Belka: Come visit me.

I can even write poetry. I also composed for you and now I will read them to you.

I put a helmet in a bowl, etc.

L .: The squirrel, probably, deliberately rearranged the words in the rhymes to make us laugh. Let's fix it.

L: Oh, look what I found. To whom will you give the tail, Seryozha? Serezha: I'll give it to the squirrel, because it's a squirrel's tail.

Belka: Help yourself, dear guests. The squirrel treats everyone with nuts.

L .: Guys, what animals did we meet today? And what sounds did we learn to distinguish? Well done!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 1 "Alyonushka" of the urban district of the city of Oktyabrsky Republic of Bashkortostan


organized educational activities

teachers - speech therapist

on the development of the sound side of speech

theme "Visiting Masha"

Prepared and conducted

teacher speech therapist

Shagieva Elvira Nailovna

The purpose of organized educational activities:

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to differentiate the sounds C - W in words, phrases, poems

Tasks of educational areas:

Speech development:

Enrich children's vocabulary

Develop the ability to coherently express your opinion

Cultivate initiative and independence in verbal communication with others.

Cognitive development:

Develop attention, thinking.

Social and communicative development:

Develop emotional responsiveness, goodwill;

Encourage the ability to engage in joint play and work activities.

Physical development:

Improve fine motor skills

Corrective tasks:

To promote the development of phonemic hearing;

Contribute to the differentiation of sounds С - Ш in words and phrases

Contribute to the development of the communicative side of speech;

Contribute to the clarification of the articulation of differentiated sounds [S-Sh];

improve phonemic processes (sound analysis, positional analysis of sounds);

Expected result: formed ability to differentiate sounds С - Ш by ear and in pronunciation

Educational area: speech development.

Activities: playful, communicative

Form of educational activity: joint activities of adults and children in organized educational activities

Form of organization of children: subgroup

Forms of organizing joint activities: game motivation, conversation, explanation, questions to pupils, story, physical education minute, introspection of pupils.

Area integration: cognitive development, social and communicative development, physical development.

Equipment: game "Smart boards", mnemotables, pictures with tongue twisters, cones, portable speaker, recording of the song "Delicious jam" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

The course of organized educational activities

Organizing time.

Topic message

Today we will go to visit the cartoon characters. Guess what cartoon this tune is from. Listening to the song "About jam" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". Today we will go to visit Masha. Masha comes out of the chest. While the bear is sleeping, Masha goes to school.

Articulation gymnastics

But first, we need to prepare together with Masha.

In the morning the sun rose and began to shine in the car window. The window was covered with white curtains (Fence, Bagel). Masha pulled back the curtains and went to brush her teeth (“Let’s brush our teeth”), then she drank tea with jam and pancakes (“Pancake”, “Delicious jam”), and washed down with hot tea from a deep cup (“Cup”, “Breeze”).

Today Masha wants to play with sounds, and in order to find out what sounds Masha will play with, she needs to solve riddles.

All the trees are in the snow
White carpet on the ground
For a walk we will wear
This headdress. (Hat)

Takes off without acceleration
Reminds me of a dragonfly.
Takes flight
Hard worker - ... (Airplane)

floors in this house
They are called shelves
Here is my underwear
Jackets with t-shirts. (Cupboard)

You warm up the whole world
You don't know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you - ... (Sun)

2. Differentiation of sounds (articulation profiles of sounds)

Well done. Please name the first sounds in the names of these objects. (S-Sh sounds). Today Masha and I will distinguish between the sounds C and W

Tell me what lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound C

Tell me what lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound Sh

When pronouncing the sound C, the tongue drops down to the lower teeth ("The pussy is angry"). And when pronouncing the sound Ш, the tongue rises up to the upper teeth. The tongue is like a cup.

And why do we need to be able to distinguish sounds? (to make the words sound right).

Give a description of the sound C (consonant, solid, deaf)

Give a description of the sound Ш (consonant, solid, deaf)

That's right, they are both consonants, solid, deaf. Chip designation.

Well done.

3. The next task in the Machine School for the most attentive, you need to repeat the tongue twister, pronouncing all the sounds correctly. (mnemotables for pure phrases)

Sha-sha-sha is our Masha

Shu-shu-su - Masha saw a fox

Shu-shu-shu - I'll write a letter to Misha

4. The game "Smart Boards"

Masha is very happy with your success and offers to play the game "Smart Boards". It is necessary to name the pictures in a chain, the pictures in the name of which the sound C is heard close with a yellow card, and the pictures in the name of which the sound Sh is heard are closed with a blue card. What letter did you get? (On the board of chips, the image of the letter Ш is obtained)

Fizminutka "Masha". Mashenka went out for a walk, our fingers will also take a walk with Masha

Masha walked, walked, walked (Fingers walk)

Masha found a bump

"Oh, what a bump!" (admire)

We will play with a bump,

Roll between the palms!

Here's a little ride

And we weren't tired at all.

The bear, so that Masha would not get bored in the winter, left such a teddy bear. But the teddy bear has only a fur coat and a hat, so Masha went to the store, and on the way she came up with a poem.

I will buy a shirt-front for a bear

I'll buy him pants.

I will sing songs for him

And then I'll waltz.

Let's learn Machine's poem


Our acquaintance with the cartoon characters has come to an end, please tell us what have you learned during our journey? (distinguish between sounds [C] and [SH])

What was the most interesting task for you? Did everything work out for you or were some tasks difficult.

Topic. Sh-S sounds.

The goal is to differentiate the sounds sh-s.

1. To consolidate the skill of differentiating whistling and hissing sounds according to articulatory features, in syllables, words, picture names, in a phrase;

2. Correct and develop auditory attention when performing exercises for the differentiation of sounds, an exercise for the transformation of syllables, develop phonemic perception by differentiating isolated sounds, in syllables, words; work on correcting memorization, saving and playback when selecting pictures for a specific sound; fine motor skills of the hands when performing finger gymnastics exercises; the skill of a coherent oral statement to work on the retelling of a chain text; develop a semantic guess with the help of the game "Confusion".

3. to cultivate the desire to bring the work begun to the end, goodwill, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

Equipment. Individual handout.

1. Organizational moment.

Today we are going on a little trip. The map will not only show the way, but also help not to confuse or forget anything. Look, everything is drawn on the map here. Here is the house where the mouse and the elephant live. They will travel with us. Let's hit the road!

What do you see at the very beginning? (snowflake and snake)

2. Repetition.

Clarification of the articulation of sounds С and Ш.

Let's show the mouse and the elephant how the cold breeze blows and how the snake hisses.

Exercise "Cold breeze".

Exercise "Snake hisses."

Characterization of sounds by articulatory features.

Let's remember how we pronounce these sounds correctly. What do our lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce the sound [w], [s]?

For sound Sh

Lips are rounded.

The teeth are close, visible.

The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the tubercles.

The air stream is warm.

For sound C

Lips in a smile.

Teeth - close, visible.

The tip of the tongue is wide, behind the lower teeth.

The air stream is cold.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

Traveling around the map, we will learn to distinguish between the sounds C and Sh. And the mouse and the elephant will help us.

The development of phonemic perception. The game "Attentive ears".

Now you will listen carefully. If you hear the sound [w], raise the snake, if the sound [s] - a snowflake: sh, p, s, t, a, r, sh, l, ko, sha, ma, so, you, ash, uk, as, hat, ice rink, bananas, car, boots, wagon, mustache, lesson, forest, boat, kid.

4. Consolidation of new material.

Differentiation of sounds in syllables. "Say the opposite."





Finger gymnastics.


Little mouse

He runs around the city, We run the fingers of both hands on the table or knees.

He looks at everyone through the windows, Folding his fingers in a round window, we look into it.

And threatens with a finger: We threaten with a finger

“And who didn’t lie down in the crib? Hands are pressed with palms to each other.

They lie on the back of one of the hands on the table (knees).

Who doesn't want to sleep? We turn our hands over to the other side.

So naughty

I will tickle! "We tickle with our fingers one or the other palm.

Differentiation of sounds in words.

What does the map tell us? There is a path ahead, in order to walk along it, you need to help the elephant choose pictures that have the sound [s] in their names, and the mouse - pictures that sound [sh] in the names. The mouse will collect his pictures in a bag, and the elephant - in a bag.

Cherry, rooster, pear, socks, lily of the valley, fly, currant, apple, cabbage, sledge, reed, doll, bus, snail, hat.

What did the mouse put in the bag? (The mouse collected a cherry, a pear, a lily of the valley, a reed, a hat).

What did the elephant find? (Elephant found socks, currants, cabbage, sled, bus).

Remember these pictures.

Compilation and retelling of the story "Birthday of the mouse."

We walked along the path and found an envelope. Let's see what's in it. Here is a picture. Yes, this is a twisted story. Help me break it down!

Mouse Birthday.

The mouse invited to the birthday ... (elephant).

The elephant gave her ... (daisies).

Daisies liked ... (mouse).

The mouse treated the elephant ... (pineapple).

Listen to our story.

Now you try to tell me.

But how to return home? The map will help us. Here is the familiar path. Remember the pictures that the mouse and the elephant collected, and go back along the path.

The child remembers the pictures.

And we will return home by a short way.

"Confusion". Here is the house of the mouse and the elephant. The animals entered the house and began to compose poems and mixed everything up.

Help them, correct their mistakes:

The cat catches the "bowl"

Mom washes the mouse.

In front of the kids

The "Rat" is being painted by painters.

The fireman wears a "porridge",

Sasha ate a "helmet".

Misha is dancing in Masha,

The porridge was given to the "mask".

5. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! With this our journey came to an end.

What sounds have we learned to distinguish?

What did you like about the lesson?




MADOU TsRR D / S No. 131

TOPIC: " magic sounds » (Differentiation of sounds S-Sh)

Teacher speech therapist: Afonina Valentina Petrovna

Topic: "Differentiation of sounds С, Ш"


    To teach children to distinguish the sounds C, W by ear and in pronunciation.

    To fix the articulatory and acoustic signs of the sounds С, Ш.

    Continue to fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds С, Ш in syllables, words and sentences.

    Development of phonemic representations.

    The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

    The development of speech breathing.

    The use of health-saving tenologies ("Mudras").

    Raising a sense of kindness, compassion, caring for animals.


Toys: cat, mouse, two saucers for treats; an envelope with a poem, subject pictures for the sounds S, S. A tape recorder with a recording of birds singing; salty dough of two colors.


    Organizational moment.

Children enter, stand on the carpet, the tape recorder turns on (birdsong).

Imagine, children, that we are now in the spring forest. Hear. How beautifully the birds sing. I suggest that you sit on the carpet and, listening to the birds singing, do the “Mudras” exercises.

It is advisable to take the lotus position.

1st mudra - “Mudra of life”. It will not let us get tired quickly, increase efficiency, and maintain a good mood.

2nd mudra - "Knowledge". This mudra trains memory, develops thinking, increases mental activity.

    Isolated pronunciation of sounds С, Ш.

- Now stand up, raise your hands, show how big the trees are in the forest. A warm breeze blew and the leaves rustled.

- Sh-Sh-Sh - (children move their fingers quickly, quickly).

- A cold wind blew, the trees swayed.

- S-S-S - (children sway and wave their hands).

- The wind died down, the sun shone.

Hold hands, smile at each other. Put your hands down.

    Lesson topic message.

- How did the leaves rustle in the warm breeze?

- Sh-Sh-Sh - (bring a palm to your mouth).

- How did the cold wind blow?

- C-C-C - (in the palm of your hand - a cold stream of air).

- Who guessed what sounds we will repeat today?

- We will repeat the sounds S, Sh.

    Comparison of sounds С, Ш by articulatory and acoustic features.

Children who, without the help of a mirror, will be able to tell what the tongue, teeth and lips are doing when we pronounce the sound “Sh” - (answers 2-3 children).

A hundred make a tongue, teeth and lips when we pronounce the sound "C" - (children's answer).

Think and say everything you know about the "sh" sound.

The sound "Sh" is a consonant, deaf, always hard.

What do you know about the "S" sound?

The sound "C" is a consonant, deaf, it can be both hard and soft.

    Pronunciation of sounds С, Ш in syllables.

Well done. You answered the questions well, now you can take a walk in the spring forest. (Children disperse in a group, birdsong is heard).

A game for imagination and for the development of breathing:

Look, each of you has a beautiful butterfly on your hand, admire it. Now inhale deeply through your nose and exhale for a long time through your mouth, gently blow the butterfly off your hand. The butterfly took off and again sat on the hand.

Once again - inhale through the nose, long smooth exhalation through the mouth. Let's repeat it again! The butterfly has flown away. And my children did not even notice how they got lost in the forest. Let's play echo. I will pronounce the syllables, and you also repeat them clearly and correctly: SA-SO-SHA-SHO; SA-SHA-SO-SHO…

Well done! All were found. Run to me.

    Pronunciation of sounds С, Ш in a sentence.

Children sit on a clearing (carpet).

look, who came to us today?

Cat and mouse.

They guys came to us for help. Dunno gave the cat and mouse a poem, they read it, but could not understand anything. Can we help them figure it out? (reading a poem in which the sounds C, W are rearranged: Millet porridge in a spoon ...).

What do you think Dunno messed up in this poem?

He rearranged (mixed up) the sounds S, Sh.

Do you want to correct mistakes? (the speech therapist reads the poem one line at a time, the children take turns pronouncing the same line correctly).

Well done, now everything is clear to the mouse and the cat. But how do you understand the last line: - And the cat will take care of the mouse?

The cat will eat the mouse.

Would you like to save a mouse? What can be done so that the cat does not eat it? (children's answers).

(The cat wants to eat the mouse, why does she want to do it? Maybe she is hungry? So the cat needs ... what? (feed). What does the cat like? I suggest making sausages for the cat, and drying for the mouse).

    Salt dough molding.

Children knead their fingers: “We rub our hands, knead our fingers and start working with the dough together” (children sculpt a treat for a cat and a mouse).

What have you done, Cyril? (full answers: "I made a sausage for a cat", "I made a dryer for a mouse").


Our guests help themselves, and we will show them how to beat the poem they brought us. We speak slowly, correctly pronounce the sounds С, Ш.

    Summary of the lesson.

What sounds did we repeat today?

Go to the table (pictures face down on the table).

Take one picture each, say the word to yourself and determine what sound C or W is in this word and where it is located. We will give pictures with the correct answers to a cat and a mouse.

Words: plane, cabbage, forest, chess, cuckoo, cockerel.

Millet porridge - in a spoon,

Spoon - in a wide bowl,

On the bowl - a flat lid,

On the lid is a hungry mouse.

Fluffy, nimble cat

Follows the mouse from the window.

Waiting: here it will sniff under the lid

And the mouse will take care of the cat.

Millet porridge from a spoon

The mouse licks - poor thing,

An empty spoon clinks

And the cat will take care of the mouse.