Konstantin Tsiolkovsky discoveries. Five brilliant ideas of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Disputes about the role of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the development of world science do not subside. Someone considers him insane, a dropout and a plagiarist, someone considers him a brilliant scientist, a Russian da Vinci.

Tsiolkovsky was self-taught. Ever since his school days, he had serious hearing problems, which is why little Kostya experienced alienation from his peers and more and more went into books that were his best friends. In fact, cut off from the scientific environment, Tsiolkovsky made most of his discoveries on an intuitive level. In 1893, Tsiolkovsky's story "On the Moon" was published in the magazine "Around the World". In it, the scientist anticipated those physical phenomena that people will be able to prove almost a century later. Tsiolkovsky, with the help of thought, seemed to have visited the satellite of the Earth. The story is short, highly recommended reading.

Tsiolkovsky was not religious. His wife's parents agreed to have an atheist son-in-law only because their daughter was a dowry. Tsiolkovsky's attitude to Orthodoxy was special. His daughter recalled: “He considered churches to be decorations of cities and monuments of antiquity. Father listened to the ringing of bells like music and liked to walk around the city during the vigil. He treated Christ as a great humanist and a person of genius who foresaw intuitively the truths, which scientists later approached through science.

Such, for example, is Christ's dictum: "There are many mansions in my father's house." Tsiolkovsky saw in this saying of Christ the idea of ​​numerous inhabited worlds. Tsiolkovsky placed Christ unattainably high in regard to ethics. His death for an idea, his grief for humanity, his ability to understand everything, to forgive everything, drove him into ecstasy. But with the same enthusiasm he treated the selfless workers of science, who saved mankind from death, disease, inventors, who facilitated human labor. He believed in higher perfect beings living on planets older than our earth, but he thought of them as beings consisting of the same matter as the entire cosmos, which, according to his concept, was governed by laws common to the entire universe. .

Tsiolkovsky's careless statements about Christ once almost cost him his teacher's place. Tsiolkovsky had to spend a lot of money to go to Kaluga and explain himself to his superiors.


One of the main deeds of Tsiolkovsky's life was the all-metal airship he designed. Balloons of that time were not only unreliable, but also unsafe. Tsiolkovsky's airship favorably differed from them in several characteristics at once.

Firstly, the volume of the shell was variable, which made it possible to maintain a constant lifting force at different flight altitudes and temperatures of the atmospheric air surrounding the airship. This possibility was achieved due to corrugated sidewalls and a special tightening system. Secondly, Tsiolkovsky left the use of explosive hydrogen, his airship was filled with hot air. The height of the airship could be adjusted using a separately developed heating system. The air was heated by passing the exhaust gases of the motors through the coils.

Thirdly, the thin metal shell was also corrugated, which made it possible to increase its strength and stability. Tsiolkovsky repeatedly applied for financial assistance to build an airship, but he was constantly refused. He independently, at his own expense, made several models of airships, working and controlled.


Tsiolkovsky is reproached for extremely sharp views on humanity and is even called the ideologist of Russian fascism. Indeed, the views of the scientist on human progress sin undeniably subjective.

Here, for example, is one of Tsiolkovsky's statements: “Everyone must strive to ensure that there are no imperfect beings, for example, rapists, cripples, sick, feeble-minded, unconscious, etc. They should be exceptionally cared for, but they should not produce offspring. So painlessly they fade away. There should not be unconscious animals in the world, but they should not be killed either, but by isolating the sexes or in other ways stopping their reproduction. Now the inhabitants of the northern countries cannot do without domestic animals, but in time, when everyone will receive the right to 4 acres of land in a warm climate, not only wild, but also domestic animals will be superfluous.

Tsiolkovsky dreamed of an ideal human society and expressed radical views. So, he proposed to destroy criminals, splitting them into atoms, and also adhered to the idea of ​​a caste structure of society. In the future, the scientist believed, society will turn into ray energy. Some interpreters of Tsiolkovsky's writings consider this idea to be an intuition about the era of the Internet.


Despite the fact that most of the discoveries were made by Tsiolkovsky intuitively, their number is amazing. They proposed: gas rudders (made of graphite) to control the flight of the rocket and change the trajectory of its center of mass; the use of propellant components for cooling the outer shell of the spacecraft (during entry into the Earth's atmosphere), the walls of the combustion chamber and the nozzle; pumping system for supplying fuel components.

In the field of rocket propellants, Tsiolkovsky investigated a large number of different oxidizers and fuels; recommended fuel vapors: liquid oxygen with hydrogen, oxygen with hydrocarbons. Tsiolkovsky worked hard and fruitfully on the creation of a theory of the flight of jet aircraft, invented his own scheme of a gas turbine engine. The merits of Tsiolkovsky were highly appreciated not only by domestic scientists, but also by the creator of the first rockets, Wernher von Braun.

Such a hectic activity. developed by Tsiolkovsky could not do without mistakes. So, due to isolation from the scientific world, he rediscovered the kinetic theory of gases, sending it to Mendeleev, to which he replied in bewilderment: the kinetic theory of gases was discovered 25 years ago.

in 1893, Tsiolkovsky published the work "Gravity as a source of world energy", where, using the erroneous theory of compression developed by Helmholtz (1853) and Kelvin ("Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism"), he tried to calculate the age of the Sun, determining the age of the star at 12 million years and predicting that in 7.5 million years the Sun will go out, since its density will reach the density of the planet (Earth). Modern science puts the age of the Sun at 4.59 billion years, saying it will shine and support life on Earth for at least another 1 billion years.

Tsiolkovsky did not accept Einstein's theory of relativity, saying that pointing to the limitedness of the Universe and the limited speed in the Universe by the speed of light is the same as limiting the creation of the world to six days. Tsiolkovsky also rejected the idea of ​​time relativity: “The slowdown of time in ships flying at subluminal speed compared to terrestrial time is either a fantasy or one of the regular mistakes of a non-philosophical mind. … Time slowdown! Understand what wild nonsense lies in these words!

High contempt

Tsiolkovsky was one of those people who devoted himself entirely to science. He even married not for love, but only with the expectation that his wife would not interfere with his work. His relations with those around him did not develop in the best way, he had almost no friends, but there were students. Tsiolkovsky devoted 42 years of his life to teaching practice. According to the memoirs, the scientist was not a passionate speaker, but he managed to interest the audience, the students loved him, which cannot be said about the neighbors. Many took Tsiolkovsky for a madman, which, however, did not particularly worry him. Still, the theory of eugenics he developed provided answers to many questions and claims.

Here is one of the opinions about Tsiolkovsky: “This Kaluga native,” some said, “is a man out of his mind, a semi-literate ignoramus, a teacher of arithmetic for dioceses, that is, for priestly daughters (what a shameful position!), Understanding nothing in science, takes on the solution of unsolvable problems over which the minds of famous professors struggled. This, so to speak, teacher of the preparatory class sticks his nose in areas to which he has absolutely nothing to do - in higher mathematics and astronomy! Why, this is for chickens to laugh at! ”

aircraft industry

Place of Birth: Izhevskoye village, Ryazan province

Family status: married to Varvara Evgrafovna Sokolova (1880-1935)

Activities and Interests: physics, aerodynamics, astronautics

Once, with the help of a pantograph, he made a huge paper hawk, painted it and launched it over the city. The inhabitants mistook the kite for a real bird. More facts

Education, degrees and titles

1869-1873, Vyatka, Vyatka men's gymnasium


1876-1878 , Vyatka: : private teacher of physics and mathematics

1899-1921, Diocesan Women's School, Kaluga: teacher of physics


In 1897, in his own apartment, he created the first wind tunnel in Russia with an open working part, and having received a subsidy from the Academy of Sciences, he was able to determine the drag coefficient of a ball, cylinder, cone and other bodies. These experiments served as a source for the ideas of Nikolai Zhukovsky, the creator of aerodynamics as a science.

In 1894, in the article "Airplane, or Bird-like (Aircraft) Flying Machine", he gave a description of an airplane with a metal frame, which anticipated the design of aircraft that appeared 15-20 years later. This work did not receive state and scientific support and was stopped due to lack of funds.

In 1903, in the first part of the work "Investigation of world spaces with rocket instruments", he proved that the apparatus capable of performing space flights is a rocket. The work was also not evaluated at that time.


Russian and Soviet researcher, inventor, self-taught scientist, teacher. The founder of modern astronautics, the author of works on aerodynamics, aeronautics, astronomy and rocket science, science fiction novels and his own philosophical theory. After graduating from only a few classes of the gymnasium, he was engaged in self-education. Developing space philosophy, he was the first to substantiate the possibility of interplanetary communication, found engineering solutions for the design of rockets and a liquid rocket engine. Experimenting, he suffered many failures: for example, the kinetic theory of gases discovered by him in 1881 turned out to be already discovered 25 years earlier; metropolitan scientists refused to acknowledge the drawings and calculations of his balloon; two years apart, his house was on fire and was flooded, both times books, drawings, sketches, instruments were destroyed. Despite the fact that many representatives of the scientific community considered Tsiolkovsky crazy, and his ideas were nonsense, he gradually gained recognition and, in part, fame. In 1918, he was accepted as a competing member of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences, and in 1921 he was awarded a life pension for services to domestic and world science. Tsiolkovsky - the author of more than 130 scientific papers, in the last years of his life - mainly on philosophical topics.

The biography of Tsiolkovsky is interesting not only in terms of achievements, although this great scientist had a lot of them. Konstantin Eduardovich is known to many as the developer of the first capable of flying into outer space. In addition, he is a well-known scientist in the field of aero astronautics, aerodynamics and aeronautics. This is a world-famous space explorer. Biography of Tsiolkovsky is an example of perseverance in achieving the goal. Even in the most difficult life circumstances, he did not refuse to continue his scientific activity.

Origin, childhood

Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich (years of life - 1857-1935) was born on September 17, 1857 near Ryazan, in the village of Izhevskoye. However, he did not live here for long. When he was 3 years old, Eduard Ignatievich, the father of the future scientist, began to have difficulties in the service. Because of this, the Tsiolkovsky family moved in 1860 to Ryazan.

Mother was engaged in the primary education of Konstantin and his brothers. It was she who taught him to write and read, and also introduced him to the basics of arithmetic. "Tales" by Alexander Afanasiev - the book from which Tsiolkovsky learned to read. His mother taught her son only the alphabet, and how to make words from letters, Kostya guessed himself.

When the boy was 9 years old, he caught a cold after sledding and fell ill with scarlet fever. The disease proceeded with a complication, as a result of which Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky lost his hearing. Deaf Konstantin did not despair, did not lose interest in life. It was at this time that he began to get involved in craftsmanship. Tsiolkovsky liked to make various figurines out of paper.

Eduard Ignatievich in 1868 was again left without work. The family moved to Vyatka. Here the brothers helped Edward get a new position.

Education in the gymnasium, the death of a brother and mother

Konstantin, together with Ignatius, his younger brother, in 1869 began to study at the men's Vyatka gymnasium. Studying was given to him with great difficulty - there were many subjects, and the teachers turned out to be strict. In addition, deafness greatly interfered with the boy. The death of Dmitry, the elder brother of Konstantin, dates back to the same year. She shocked the whole family, but most of all - her mother, Maria Ivanovna (her photo is presented above), whom Kostya loved very much. She died unexpectedly in 1870.

The death of his mother shocked the boy. And before that, Tsiolkovsky, who did not shine with knowledge, began to study worse and worse. He became increasingly aware of his deafness, which made him more and more isolated. It is known that Tsiolkovsky was often punished because of his pranks, even ended up in a punishment cell. Konstantin in the second grade remained for the second year. And then, from the third grade (in 1873), he was expelled. Tsiolkovsky never studied anywhere else. Since then, he has been on his own.


Life in Moscow

Eduard Ignatievich, believing in his son's abilities, decided to send him to Moscow so that he would enter the Higher Technical School (today it is the Bauman Moscow State Technical University). This happened in July 1873. However, Kostya did not enter the school for an unknown reason. He continued to study independently in Moscow. Tsiolkovsky lived very poorly, but stubbornly strove for knowledge. He spent all the saved money sent by his father on instruments and books.

The young man went to the Chertkovsky public library every day, where he studied science. Here he met the founder. This man replaced Konstantin university professors.

Tsiolkovsky in the first year of his life in Moscow studied physics, as well as the beginnings of mathematics. They were followed by integral and differential calculus, spherical and analytic geometry, higher algebra. Later Konstantin studied mechanics, chemistry, astronomy. For 3 years, he fully mastered the program of the gymnasium, as well as the main part of the university. By this time, his father could no longer provide for Tsiolkovsky's life in Moscow. Konstantin returned home in the autumn of 1876 exhausted and weak.

Private lessons

Hard work and difficult conditions led to a deterioration in vision. Tsiolkovsky started wearing glasses after returning home. Having regained his strength, he began to give private lessons in mathematics and physics. After some time, he no longer needed students, as he showed himself to be an excellent teacher. Tsiolkovsky, in teaching lessons, used methods developed by him, among which the main one was a visual demonstration. Tsiolkovsky made paper models of polyhedra for geometry lessons, taught them together with his students. This earned him the fame of a teacher who clearly explains the material. The students loved Tsiolkovsky's classes, which were always interesting.

Death of a brother, passing the exam

Ignatius, Konstantin's younger brother, died at the end of 1876. The brothers were very close from childhood, so his death was a big blow to Konstantin. The Tsiolkovsky family returned to Ryazan in 1878.

Immediately after his arrival, Konstantin underwent a medical examination, as a result of which, due to deafness, he was released from military service. In order to continue as a teacher, a proven qualification was required. And Tsiolkovsky coped with this task - in the fall of 1879 he passed the exam as an external student at the First Provincial Gymnasium. Now Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich has officially become a teacher of mathematics.

Personal life

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the summer of 1880 married the daughter of the owner of the room in which he lived. And in January 1881, Eduard Ignatievich died.

Children of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: daughter Lyubov and three sons - Ignatius, Alexander and Ivan.

Work in the Borovsky district school, the first scientific works

Konstantin Eduardovich worked as a teacher at the Borovsk district school, while continuing his research at home. He made drawings, worked on manuscripts, experimented. His first work was written on the topic of mechanics in biology. Konstantin Eduardovich in 1881 created his first work, which can be considered truly scientific. It is about the "Theory of gases". However, then he learned from D.I. Mendeleev that the discovery of this theory took place 10 years ago. Tsiolkovsky, despite the failure, continued his research.

Aerostat design development

One of the main problems that occupied him for a long time was the theory of balloons. After some time, Tsiolkovsky realized that it was this task that should be given attention. The scientist developed his own design of the balloon. The work of Konstantin Eduardovich "Theory and experience of the balloon ..." (1885-86) was the result of the work. In this work, the creation of a fundamentally new design of an airship with a thin metal shell was substantiated.

Fire in Tsiolkovsky's house

Tsiolkovsky's biography is marked by a tragic event that occurred on April 23, 1887. On this day, he was returning from Moscow after a report on his invention. It was then that a fire broke out in Tsiolkovsky's house. Models, manuscripts, a library, drawings and all the family's property were burned in it, except for a sewing machine (they managed to throw it into the yard through the window). It was a very heavy blow for Tsiolkovsky. He expressed his feelings and thoughts in a manuscript called "Prayer".

Moving to Kaluga, new works and research

D. S. Unkovsky, director of public schools, on January 27, 1892, proposed to transfer one of the "most diligent" and "most capable" teachers to the Kaluga school. Here Konstantin Eduardovich lived until the end of his days. From 1892 he worked at the Kaluga district school as a teacher of geometry and arithmetic. Since 1899, the scientist also taught physics classes at the women's diocesan school. Tsiolkovsky wrote in Kaluga his main works on the theory of jet propulsion and medicine. In addition, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky continued to study the theory of the metal airship. The photo below is an image of the monument to this scientist in Moscow.

In 1921, after completing his teaching, he was given a lifetime personal pension. From that time until his death, Tsiolkovsky's biography was marked by immersion in research, the implementation of projects, and the dissemination of his ideas. He no longer taught.

The hardest time

The first 15 years of the 20th century were the most difficult for Tsiolkovsky. Ignatius, his son, committed suicide in 1902. In addition, in 1908, his house was flooded during the flood of the Oka River. Because of this, many machines and exhibits were disabled, numerous unique calculations were lost.

First a fire, then a flood... One gets the impression that Konstantin Eduardovich was not on friendly terms with the elements. By the way, I remember the fire of 2001 that occurred on a Russian ship. The ship that caught fire on July 13 of this year is the Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a motor ship. Fortunately, no one died then, but the ship itself was badly damaged. Everything inside burned down, as in the fire in 1887, which Konstantin Tsiolkovsky survived.

His biography is marked by difficulties that would break many, but not the famous scientist. And his life after a while became easier. On June 5, 1919, the Russian Society of World Science Lovers made the scientist a member and granted him a pension. This saved Konstantin Eduardovich from starvation during the period of devastation, since the Socialist Academy on June 30, 1919 did not accept him into its ranks and thereby left him without a livelihood. The significance of the models presented by Tsiolkovsky was also not appreciated in the Physico-Chemical Society. In 1923, Alexander, his second son, took his own life.

Party Leadership Recognition

The Soviet authorities remembered Tsiolkovsky only in 1923, after a publication by G. Oberth, a German physicist, about rocket engines and space flights. The living and working conditions of Konstantin Eduardovich changed dramatically after that. The party leadership of the USSR drew attention to such a prominent scientist as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. His biography has long been marked by many achievements, but for some time they did not interest the powerful of this world. And in 1923, the scientist was assigned a personal pension, provided conditions for fruitful work. And on November 9, 1921, they began to pay him a pension for services to science. Tsiolkovsky received these funds until September 19, 1935. It was on this day that Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich died in Kaluga, which became his native.


Tsiolkovsky proposed a number of ideas that have found application in rocket science. These are gas rudders designed to control the flight of a rocket; the use of fuel components for the purpose of cooling the outer shell of the ship during the entry of the spacecraft into the earth's atmosphere, etc. As for the field of rocket fuels, Tsiolkovsky proved himself here too. He studied many different fuels and oxidizers, recommended the use of fuel vapors: oxygen with hydrocarbons or hydrogen Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich. His inventions include the scheme of a gas turbine engine. In addition, in 1927 he published the scheme and theory of the hovercraft. For the first time, he proposed a chassis that retracts at the bottom of the hull, namely Tsiolkovsky Konstantin Eduardovich. What he invented, you now know. Airship building and space flights are the main problems to which the scientist devoted his whole life.

The Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after this scientist operates in Kaluga, where you can learn a lot, including about such a scientist as Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. A photo of the museum building is presented above. In conclusion, I would like to quote one phrase. Its author is Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. His quotes are known to many, and you may know this one. "The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you can't live forever in the cradle," Tsiolkovsky once said. Today this statement is located at the entrance to the park. Tsiolkovsky (Kaluga), where the scientist is buried.

For the first time he entrusted the words of his prayer to pen and paper when he was 30 years old: “Father who lives in heaven! May everyone living on Earth know about your existence. Let them recognize the one who created the Sun, the stars, the planets and the creatures living on them. Let them know about the all-powerful, mighty... Let them know the righteous! Let them recognize the one who cares about unfortunate humanity! Let them know and respect! Let the unfortunate bow their heads to achieve happiness!

Had he then already penetrated beyond the bounds of the unknown? This we do not know. But he asked not for himself. For the brothers of their people - "let them know" ...

The father of Russian cosmonautics, the man-legend as he was presented to us at school, by the end of his life he was rooting for everyone. I dreamed of seeing a person, but what is there - all of humanity is happy.

And he asked himself if he himself did everything he could for this: “In my years they die, and I am afraid that you will leave this life with bitterness in your heart, not knowing from me (from a pure source of knowledge) that you unending joy awaits. I want this life of yours to be a bright dream of the future, never ending happiness... I want to delight you with the contemplation of the UNIVERSE, with the fate that awaits everyone, with the wonderful history of the past and future of each atom.

This will increase your health, lengthen your life and give you the strength to endure the vicissitudes of fate.

In his declining years, it seemed to Tsiolkovsky that one life is too short to have time to say, to convey the most important thing. Maybe you are right. But it was a sin for the old scientist to complain about fate ...

He was born on September 5 (old style) 1857 in the village of Izhevsk. In Ryazan. Some would say - in the very heart of Russia. Then Konstantin Eduardovich jokingly, probably, wrote about that day in his autobiography: “A new citizen of the Universe has appeared.”

I learned to read from Afanasyev's fairy tales. For each new letter of the alphabet learned, the mother gave the boy a pretty penny. Already a gray-haired old man, he will remember: “I was drawn to fairy tales almost from the cradle. It used to be that you don’t feed gingerbread - let me listen to a fairy tale.

And little Kostya loved to invent. He made puppet skates, houses, clocks with weights. Cardboard and paper were used, and everything was sealed with sealing wax. The pinnacle of childhood fantasy was a toy car driven by a jet of steam.

The world fell silent for the boy when he was 10 years old. After suffering from scarlet fever, he lost his hearing. Deafness brought with it bitterness and loneliness. All his life he then learned to listen to the voices of silence.

But he must not despair too long. Somewhere in the depths of the heart, it seems, a distant, inexplicable call already sounds. He does not yet know his future, but he already has a premonition ... With humor and clumsy youthful maximalism, Kostya Tsiolkovsky writes in a letter to the girl he is in love with: "I am such a great person who has never been and never will be."

At the age of 16, Tsiolkovsky sets off to conquer Moscow. His only way is self-education. Well, it means that you need to go through this path to the end ...

He will spend three years in Moscow. Three long years. Three happy years. Half-starved, living on bread and water, he spends all the money that his father sends him - 10-15 rubles a month - on books. Disappears in libraries for months. Reads, reads, reads... What faith supports his strength? What does he hope for? What is he dreaming about?

Books became his true friends. They taught him. He responded with love...

Mysterious was the fate of the libraries that Tsiolkovsky collected with great care throughout his life. It seems that books, like their owner, have been subjected to severe trials of fate more than once. They needed to be reborn. Sometimes - literally and figuratively - from the ashes.

The first library of Konstantin Eduardovich in Borovsk was destroyed by fire.

In Kaluga, a newly assembled book collection was destroyed by a flood.

After the death of the scientist, the one and a half thousandth collection of books was transferred to the museum-apartment of Tsiolkovsky. However, during the war, during the occupation of Kaluga, the Germans placed their headquarters in the museum. They warmed him with books. Defenseless and so inopportunely at hand ...

Tsiolkovsky received his first appointment in 1880. Passed external examinations for the title of teacher of county schools. He goes to the city of Borovsk, Kaluga province. Teach arithmetic and geometry. Teaching children and nurturing ideas about interplanetary travel.

All of his students studied "without deuces." The writer Viktor Shklovsky recalled the teacher Tsiolkovsky: "He knew how to tell the children in such a way that they, as if together with him in a bright flock, holding each other, flew to the stars."

He moved to Kaluga 12 years later, in 1892. There he will remain until the end of his days. Teaching, writing articles and books, thinking about the fate of mankind and the universe, dreaming.

Man must serve the Higher - so thought Tsiolkovsky. And he served. Starry sky and your homeland. People.

Behind everything he did, there was something more than the visible results of his work.

He devoted his life to the problems of space flight and airship construction. The ideas of an artificial satellite of the Earth, a multi-stage rocket, a liquid-propellant rocket engine and an engine using nuclear decay - all these ideas also belong to Tsiolkovsky. But to speak of him only as the father of astronautics would mean to impoverish everything that he did.

“Many people think that I am busy with the rocket and worried about its fate because of the rocket itself. This would be a gross mistake. Rockets for me are only a way, only a method of penetrating into the depths of the Cosmos, but by no means an end in itself ...

My rocket should serve space philosophy,” said the scientist.

He was a philosopher, astronomer, mechanic, mathematician, biologist, chemist, inventor... He worked in the field of solar energy, air resistance, astrophysics and aeronautics, astrobotany. His projects of interplanetary travel with the help of a special rocket and a metal airship received universal fame and recognition.

But most importantly, he was a dreamer. And it seemed that his dreams were inexhaustible.

“Stand with your foot on the soil of asteroids, raise a stone from the Moon with your hand, set up moving stations in ethereal space, form living rings around the Earth, Moon, Sun, observe Mars at a distance of several tens of miles, descend to its satellites or even its very surface - what, Apparently, it could be wilder! However, only from the moment of the use of jet instruments will a new, great era in astronomy begin - the era of a closer study of the Sky.

Then it was a fairy tale. Not today. Tsiolkovsky seemed to have his own recipe for predicting the future. He wrote about the human will, about the ability of "a rational being to choose in advance a course of action, to coordinate his thoughts about the future with the actual future." What the man said, he did. What he predicted, foresaw, calculated, then it happened.

Konstantin Eduardovich wrote a lot. He published his works in Kaluga with his own meager teacher's money. These books are very different. Fantasies, calculations, reasoning, drawings. Some of them are included in textbooks. There are also those who are naive from today's standpoint: the past decades have changed a lot in the world of technology and in public life.

But scatterings of amazing, fantastically accurate predictions are striking everywhere.

With a crash, in front of the hippodrome crowd, light, bookcase-like airplanes broke apart, and Tsiolkovsky wrote in 1911: "Airplane will be the safest way to travel."

As if guessing about the future discovery of the laser, he spoke of the need to create space communications using "a parallel beam of electromagnetic rays with a short wavelength, electrical or even light."

Tsiolkovsky described in his writings the principle of operation of a gyroscope, without which flights of aircraft and rockets are unthinkable today.

In his thoughts about man's spacewalk, he seemed to have already seen the space suits of Eliseev and Khrunov and the lunar module of the American Apollo spacecraft.

Tsiolkovsky's ideas rarely turned out to be empty flowers. He was rarely betrayed by the incomprehensible flair of a seer. Tsiolkovsky could not even imagine all the current technical difficulties of space flight. But how could he seriously talk and think about it completely from scratch, defining some details with amazing accuracy? ..

Yuri Gagarin, returning from his first flight, will say: "The factors of space flight are very well described in Tsiolkovsky's book, and those factors that I met almost did not differ from his description."

A modest district teacher from the tiny town of Borovsk has already mentally walked the star road of Yuri Gagarin, finishing his space diary "Free Space" on April 12 (exactly 78 years before Gagarin's flight!)

“I am sure that ... interplanetary travel - theoretically substantiated by me - will turn into reality. For forty years I worked on a jet engine and thought that the walk to Mars would begin only after many hundreds of years. But the timing is changing. I am sure that many of you will witness the first transatmospheric journey. Heroes and daredevils will lay the first air routes: the Earth - the orbit of the Moon, the Earth - the orbit of Mars, and even further: Moscow - the Moon, Kaluga - Mars ...

I will be glad if my work inspires others to further work.

Tsiolkovsky never ducked in his dreams. I was not afraid that they would hit the low ceiling of his Kaluga svetlok. “A man, at all costs, must overcome the gravity of the earth and have in reserve the space of at least the solar system.” Let only a modest desk in the office and an ordinary home workshop with a lathe, a carpenter's vice and a simple set of tools be his training ground. One of his contemporaries said: "It's not the price of the violin, but the talent of the musician."

“I was crammed full of unearthly, that is, unusual human ideas, I always hovered in the clouds ... - we read in Tsiolkovsky's autobiography “Fatum, Fate, Fate”. “But who, two hundred years ago, believed in railways, steamships, airplanes, telegraph, phonographs, radios, machines of various kinds…”

There were countless refusals and blasphemous reviews that Tsiolkovsky received for his articles. And a tenth of them would be enough to abandon all these crazy projects. But Tsiolkovsky was not like that. With external slowness, almost painful shyness, he was steadfast and unusually courageous. And in his conviction he was not afraid to look ridiculous. Yes, they laughed at him, watching how on the roof in windy weather he blows his models, cleaning them of dust. Or looking at the stars through a spyglass. He did not notice the ridicule. “We, taught by history, must be more courageous and not stop our activities from failures,” he wrote. “We need to look for their causes and eliminate them.” These simple words were not empty declarations. He lived like that.

In late photographs, we see Tsiolkovsky as a calm old man with a penetrating look.

He was never a man from a pedestal, as he remained in our history.

On the porch of his modest house in Kaluga, he used a typewriter to cut children from all over the street. He loved to ride a bike and go skating. On summer evenings he drank tea in the garden with pleasure, for many years he wore a lion-headed lion-head lionfish and did not accept writing instruments, preferring ink vials.

He had a large family - seven children - and a small salary.

Life was difficult, sometimes simply hungry, and there was a lot of grief and tears in it (only two daughters survived their father) - fate did not surround him with a single bitter cup of trials ...

He was a committed homebody. It took a lot of work to persuade him even to go to Moscow, when his 75th birthday was solemnly celebrated. He didn’t really walk around Kaluga either, because this street running from the Oka, now named after him, is so steep ...

All these small details make the image of the star dreamer from Kaluga close and understandable for us. But his life was determined by something else.

“I look at life like a dream. With its cessation, an incomprehensible life begins. Under his feet, around him and raising his head to the stars, he always looked for God in the vast expanses of the Universe.

“Wow, what a beauty - the Universe is in front of us. Millions of light years separate us from them, but we see and know them. Miracle! And yet, we, people, must prepare for the flight to this stellar Universe - to prepare tirelessly. This is the purpose of mankind, the meaning of its existence, to find out why the world, the Universe, the cosmos exists. What for? What for?

The ancient sages ... taught that there is a spiritual world, where "no tears, no sighs, but endless life."

Tsiolkovsky believed in “the idea of ​​the immortality of everything that lives and has ever lived, everything is alive and is only temporarily in non-existence in the form of unorganized matter. The basis of life, indestructible and eternal, is the atom. An atom lives throughout the existence of the universe.

And life is life everywhere in matter itself,
In the depths of matter - from edge to edge
Solemnly flows in the fight against the great darkness
It suffers and burns, never ceasing anywhere.

Over the years, his views became closer and closer to the teachings of the Buddha. The Russian scientist studied the ancient wisdom of the East and even wrote an article called "Nirvana".

“Natural and artificial selection ... over the course of millennia can develop very perfect organisms, little sensitive to joys and sufferings - philosophical indifference, the indifference of the Buddha. Not mortal peace, but a life rich in deeds, great deeds, only philosophically calm.

Nirvana is the development of ideal, divine qualities in a person as opposed to material, animal, that is, passions.

For those who wondered about the meaning of life, the works of Tsiolkovsky were a life-giving spring in the desert. The scientist received letters from different cities of the country. Words of recognition and gratitude. As in this letter from a student from Moscow: “Your latest printed works have completed the process of evolution in my inner consciousness, deeply hidden from everyone. Now I will die consciously - calmly. I have never been afraid of death before, but I did not know why, but now, thanks to you, I do.”

There is no happiness without suffering - the ancient sages thought so, the sage Tsiolkovsky thought so. At the same time, he wrote: "The ethics of the cosmos, that is, of its conscious beings, is that there should be no suffering anywhere."

Tsiolkovsky assigned the cosmos a leading role in earthly life. “Cosmic radiations eternally and continuously pour a powerful stream of forces onto the face of the Earth, imparting a completely special, new character to the parts of the planet that border on outer space. The face of the Earth is changed by them, they are largely molded by them... The biosphere is to the same extent, if not to a greater extent, the creation of the Sun, as well as the revelation of the processes of the Earth.

The outer face of the Earth and the life that fills it are the result of the creative influence of cosmic forces.

“Not the Earth, but outer expanses become our Motherland,” wrote Tsiolkovsky’s student Alexander Chizhevsky.

Tsiolkovsky's ideas were close to the main ideas of Russian cosmism about a single, integral living universe - about the eternal life of the cosmos.

“We need to protect the Cosmos in every blade of grass if we are ready to become Universal citizens.”

The scientist, inventor and physicist Tsiolkovsky was looking for God. “God is that which controls all of us, on which the fate of people, the life and happiness of everything that exists, the fate of suns and planets, the fate of the living and the dead depend. And there is such a God, because it is the Universe, and it originated from the idea of ​​the root cause, it gave birth to life, life is the mind that should prevail in the cosmos and give happiness to everything.

“God is the idea of ​​love and solidarity that unites all beings.”

The writer Viktor Shklovsky, who met with the famous old man in Kaluga, said that Tsiolkovsky once confessed to him that he was "talking with angels." According to his concept, angels are higher intelligent beings, more perfect than people. People in the future and as a result of cosmo-anthropogenic evolution must turn into angels.

We are so accustomed to the unique predictions of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, which have already become a reality, that we cannot ignore his words, the meaning of which is still difficult for us to understand and realize today.

Deeply studying the questions of the universe, Tsiolkovsky more than once turned to the idea of ​​the evolutionary development of the Universe and man.

What will happen to us in the future? After many billions of years?

Tsiolkovsky spoke about "Radiant Humanity". He was well aware that at the present time the idea of ​​our coming transformation is impossible to understand, but did amazing forebodings ever deceive this great man?

He was convinced that at a certain point - how would it be easier to say? - humanity will merge with the cosmos. The corpuscular substance will turn into ray, and humanity will become "immortal in time and infinite in space", passing into a high-level radiant energy. As a result, "the brain of higher organisms will turn into an irreversible form of radiant energy, the most perfect form of matter in general ... possessing some kind of special cosmic consciousness, poured into the world space."

The image of a phoenix burning to the ground and resurrecting again has always excited the thinker.

“What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” - this is from the Bible. And Tsiolkovsky wrote: “The world is a phoenix. Every death is a cataclysm. Stars, the Sun, planets, microbes, plants, animals and humans are subject to it. Cataclysm is an obligatory and inevitable quality of any material individuality. But all of humanity as a whole will fight for its immortality with all the means available to it, which are not in anything and nowhere, this is the mind.

How did it happen that a deaf person from childhood, essentially self-taught, a scribe, a simple inhabitant of a small house in Kaluga, far from universities and institutes, by no means favored by the attention of his colleagues, the most modest school teacher suddenly taught mankind so many lessons of brilliant scientific and spiritual foresight?

His secret was neither simple nor complex. And do we know this secret? Perhaps he is in these words about himself: “While I am a man or higher, I know that I live without end in different images. It is necessary that there are no bad images.”

Maybe we will find, guess this secret in his love for people. In his devotion to the sky and the stars. In an effort to "hurry up to live", because these are also his words: "I am always ashamed of how little I have done for my Motherland."

Forty-five years after the first recorded prayer, Tsiolkovsky will write another. As if this is not a prayer anymore, but words of gratitude addressed to heaven ...

“I appeal to you, the Cause of everything that exists!

Here is the Earth! How huge she is! It can feed a thousand times more people than it feeds now.

How beautiful are its seas, mountains, air! How much wealth it contains!

Here is the Sun! It emits two billion more rays than the entire Earth receives. Man has been given reason, with the help of which he will also use this solar energy. It is enough to feed humanity even when it will increase a thousand billion times! ..

You are the reason for the infinite number of milky ways ...

How infinite are your riches!

You gave every smallest particle of your Cosmos eternal life. She has always been and always will be. This life is boundless and blissful.

How I will thank you for your invaluable gifts! .. "

In the last year of his life, the great old man was often seen wandering alone through the quiet streets of Kaluga. He walked slowly, like a messenger from other worlds or a person who accidentally and briefly looked here from the future.

In the city park, he sat down right on the ground and thought about something for a long time, leaning his back against a tree trunk ...

At the age of 78, he wrote: “... I continue to calculate and invent ... How much I changed my mind, what thoughts passed through my brain. These were no longer fantasies, but exact knowledge based on the laws of nature; new discoveries and new writings are being prepared…”

The last days of his life, he continued to fight with the disease, with old age. To do even more, to have time to say, to convey ... Something that he has not yet managed to do ... He just really appreciated every moment of life. And he was true to the words he once said: “Man is first of all a philosopher and a warrior. He must live to the end."

to the magazine "Man Without Borders"

Arrival in Borovsk and marriage

School work

Relations with Borovets

Transfer to Kaluga

Kaluga (1892-1935)

Early 20th century (1902-1918)

Arrest and Lubyanka

Life of Tsiolkovsky under Soviet power (1918-1935)

Scientific achievements

rocket dynamics

Theoretical astronautics

Tsiolkovsky and Oberth

Tsiolkovsky and music

Philosophical views

Space device

The evolution of the mind

Human evolution

Other sentient beings

Cosmic optimism

Science fiction writer


Collections and collections of works

Personal archive

perpetuation of memory


Numismatics and philately

Interesting Facts

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky(Polish Konstanty Ciołkowski) (September 5 (17), 1857, Izhevsk, Ryazan province, Russian Empire - September 19, 1935, Kaluga, USSR) - Russian and Soviet self-taught scientist and inventor, school teacher. Founder of theoretical astronautics. He substantiated the use of rockets for flights into space, came to the conclusion that it was necessary to use "rocket trains" - prototypes of multi-stage rockets. His main scientific works relate to aeronautics, rocket dynamics and astronautics.

Representative of Russian cosmism, member of the Russian Society of Lovers of the World. Author of science fiction works, supporter and propagandist of the ideas of space exploration. Tsiolkovsky proposed to populate outer space using orbital stations, put forward the ideas of a space elevator, hovercraft trains. He believed that the development of life on one of the planets of the Universe would reach such power and perfection that it would make it possible to overcome the forces of gravity and spread life throughout the Universe.


Origin. Rod Tsiolkovsky

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky came from a Polish noble family of Tsiolkovsky (Polish. Ciołkowski) coat of arms of Yastrzhembets. The first mention of the belonging of the Tsiolkovskys to the nobility dates back to 1697.

According to family tradition, the Tsiolkovsky family traced its genealogy to the Cossack Severin Nalivaiko, the leader of the anti-feudal peasant-Cossack uprising in Ukraine in the 16th century. Answering the question of how the Cossack family became noble, the researcher of Tsiolkovsky's work and biography, Sergei Samoilovich, suggests that the descendants of Nalivaiko were exiled to the Plock Voivodeship, where they became related to a noble family and adopted their surname - Tsiolkovsky; this surname allegedly came from the name of the village of Tselkovo (that is, Telyatnikovo, Polish. Ciołkowo).

However, modern research does not confirm this legend. The genealogy of the Tsiolkovskys has been restored approximately to the middle of the 17th century, their relationship with Nalivaiko has not been established and is only in the nature of a family legend. Obviously, this legend impressed Konstantin Eduardovich himself - in fact, it is known only from himself (from autobiographical notes). In addition, in the copy of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron that belonged to the scientist, the article “Nalivaiko, Severin” is marked with a charcoal pencil - this is how Tsiolkovsky marked the most interesting places for himself in books.

It is documented that the founder of the clan was a certain Maciej (Polish. Maciey, in modern Polish spelling. Maciej), who had three sons: Stanislav, Yakov (Jakub, Polish. Jakub) and Valerian, who, after the death of their father, became the owners of the villages of Velikoye Tselkovo, Maloye Tselkovo and Snegovo. The surviving record says that the landowners of the Plotsk province, the Tsiolkovsky brothers, took part in the election of the Polish king Augustus the Strong in 1697. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky is a descendant of Yakov.

By the end of the 18th century, the Tsiolkovsky family was greatly impoverished. In the context of a deep crisis and the collapse of the Commonwealth, the Polish nobility also experienced hard times. In 1777, 5 years after the first partition of Poland, the great-grandfather of K. E. Tsiolkovsky Tomash (Foma) sold the Velikoye Tselkovo estate and moved to the Berdichevsky district of the Kyiv province in Right-Bank Ukraine, and then to the Zhytomyr district of the Volyn province. Many subsequent representatives of the family held small positions in the judiciary. Without any significant privileges from their nobility, they for a long time forgot about him and about their coat of arms.

On May 28, 1834, the grandfather of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Ignatius Fomich, received certificates of "noble dignity" so that his sons, according to the laws of that time, had the opportunity to continue their education. Thus, starting with the father of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the family regained its noble title.

Parents of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Konstantin's father, Eduard Ignatievich Tsiolkovsky (1820-1881, full name - Makar-Eduard-Erasmus, Makary Edward Erazm). Born in the village of Korostyanin (now the Goshchansky district of the Rivne region in northwestern Ukraine). In 1841 he graduated from the Forestry and Land Survey Institute in St. Petersburg, then served as a forester in the Olonetsk and St. Petersburg provinces. In 1843 he was transferred to the Pronskoye forestry of the Spassky district of the Ryazan province. Living in the village of Izhevsk, he met his future wife Maria Ivanovna Yumasheva (1832-1870), mother of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Having Tatar roots, she was brought up in the Russian tradition. The ancestors of Maria Ivanovna under Ivan the Terrible moved to the Pskov province. Her parents, small landed nobles, also owned a cooper and basket workshop. Maria Ivanovna was an educated woman: she graduated from high school, knew Latin, mathematics and other sciences.

Almost immediately after the wedding in 1849, the Tsiolkovsky couple moved to the village of Izhevskoye in the Spassky district, where they lived until 1860.

Childhood. Izhevsk. Ryazan (1857-1868)

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born on September 5 (17), 1857 in the village of Izhevsk near Ryazan. He was baptized in St. Nicholas Church. The name Konstantin was completely new in the Tsiolkovsky family, it was given by the name of the priest who baptized the baby.

At the age of nine, Kostya, sledding at the beginning of winter, caught a cold and fell ill with scarlet fever. As a result of a complication after a serious illness, he partially lost his hearing. Then came what later Konstantin Eduardovich called "the saddest, darkest time of my life." Hearing loss deprived the boy of many childhood amusements and impressions familiar to his healthy peers.

At this time, Kostya for the first time begins to show interest in craftsmanship. “I liked to make puppet skates, houses, sleds, clocks with weights, etc. All this was made of paper and cardboard and connected with sealing wax,” he would write later.

In 1868, the land surveying and taxation classes were closed, and Eduard Ignatievich again lost his job. The next move was to Vyatka, where there was a large Polish community and two brothers lived with the father of the family, who, probably, helped him get the post of head of the Forest Department.

Vyatka. High school education. Mother's death (1869-1873)

During their life in Vyatka, the Tsiolkovsky family changed several apartments. For the last 5 years (from 1873 to 1878) they lived in an outbuilding of the estate of the merchants Shuravins on Preobrazhenskaya Street.

In 1869, Kostya, together with his younger brother Ignatius, entered the first class of the male Vyatka gymnasium. The study was given with great difficulty, there were many subjects, the teachers were strict. Deafness was very disturbing: “I didn’t hear the teacher at all or heard only obscure sounds.”

In the same year, sad news came from St. Petersburg - the elder brother Dmitry, who studied at the Naval College, died. This death shocked the whole family, but especially Maria Ivanovna. In 1870, Kostya's mother, whom he dearly loved, died unexpectedly.

Grief crushed the orphaned boy. Even without that he did not shine with success in his studies, oppressed by the misfortunes that fell on him, Kostya studied worse and worse. Much more acutely did he feel his deafness, which prevented him from studying at school and made him more and more isolated. For pranks, he was repeatedly punished, ended up in a punishment cell. In the second grade, Kostya stayed for the second year, and from the third (in 1873) an expulsion followed with the characteristic "... for entering a technical school." After that, Konstantin never studied anywhere - he studied exclusively on his own; during these studies, he used his father's small library (which contained books on science and mathematics). Unlike gymnasium teachers, books generously endowed him with knowledge and never made the slightest reproach.

At the same time, Kostya joined the technical and scientific creativity. He independently made an astrolabe (the first distance measured by her was to the fire tower), a home lathe, self-propelled carriages and locomotives. The devices were driven by coil springs, which Konstantin extracted from old crinolines bought on the market. He was fond of tricks and made various boxes in which objects appeared and disappeared. Experiments with a paper model of a balloon filled with hydrogen ended in failure, but Konstantin does not despair, continues to work on the model, thinks about the project of a car with wings.

Moscow. Self-education. Meeting with Nikolai Fedorov (1873-1876)

Believing in his son's abilities, in July 1873, Eduard Ignatievich decided to send Konstantin to Moscow to enter the Higher Technical School (now Bauman Moscow State Technical University), providing him with a cover letter to his friend asking him to help him get settled. However, Konstantin lost the letter and remembered only the address: Nemetskaya Street (now Baumanskaya Street). Having reached her, the young man rented a room in the laundress's apartment.

For unknown reasons, Konstantin never entered the school, but decided to continue his education on his own. Living literally on bread and water (his father sent 10-15 rubles a month), he began to work hard. “Apart from water and black bread, I then had nothing. Every three days I went to the bakery and bought 9 kopecks worth of bread there. Thus, I lived 90 kopecks a month. To save money, Konstantin moved around Moscow only on foot. He spent all his free money on books, instruments and chemicals.

Every day from ten in the morning until three or four in the afternoon, the young man studies science in the Chertkovo public library - the only free library in Moscow at that time.

In this library, Tsiolkovsky met with the founder of Russian cosmism, Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, who worked there as an assistant librarian (an employee who was constantly in the hall), but did not recognize the famous thinker in a modest employee. “He gave me forbidden books. Then it turned out that he was a well-known ascetic, a friend of Tolstoy and an amazing philosopher and modest. He distributed all his tiny salary to the poor. Now I see that he wanted to make me his boarder, but he did not succeed: I was too shy, ”Konstantin Eduardovich later wrote in his autobiography. Tsiolkovsky admitted that Fedorov replaced his university professors. However, this influence manifested itself much later, ten years after the death of the Moscow Socrates, and during his residence in Moscow, Konstantin knew nothing about the views of Nikolai Fedorovich, and they never once spoke about the Cosmos.

Work in the library was subject to a clear schedule. In the morning, Konstantin was engaged in exact and natural sciences, which required concentration and clarity of mind. Then he switched to simpler material: fiction and journalism. He actively studied "thick" journals, where both review scientific articles and journalistic articles were published. He enthusiastically read Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, Turgenev, admired the articles of Dmitry Pisarev: “Pisarev made me tremble with joy and happiness. In him I saw then my second “I”.

During the first year of his life in Moscow, Tsiolkovsky studied physics and the principles of mathematics. In 1874, the Chertkovo Library moved to the building of the Rumyantsev Museum, and Nikolai Fedorov moved to a new place of work with it. In the new reading room Konstantin studies differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, analytic and spherical geometry. Then astronomy, mechanics, chemistry.

For three years, Konstantin fully mastered the gymnasium program, as well as a significant part of the university one.

Unfortunately, his father was no longer able to pay for his accommodation in Moscow, and besides, he felt unwell and was going to retire. With the knowledge gained, Konstantin could well begin independent work in the provinces, as well as continue his education outside of Moscow. In the autumn of 1876, Eduard Ignatievich called his son back to Vyatka, and Konstantin returned home.

Return to Vyatka. Tutoring (1876-1878)

Konstantin returned to Vyatka weakened, emaciated and emaciated. Difficult living conditions in Moscow, hard work also led to a deterioration in vision. After returning home, Tsiolkovsky began to wear glasses. Having regained his strength, Konstantin began to give private lessons in physics and mathematics. I learned my first lesson through my father's connections in a liberal society. Having shown himself to be a talented teacher, in the future he had no shortage of students.

When teaching lessons, Tsiolkovsky used his own original methods, the main of which was a visual demonstration - Konstantin made paper models of polyhedra for geometry lessons, together with his students conducted numerous experiments in physics lessons, which earned him the fame of a teacher who explains the material well and clearly in the classroom with whom always interesting. To make models and conduct experiments, Tsiolkovsky rented a workshop. He spent all his free time in it or in the library. I read a lot - special literature, fiction, journalism. According to his autobiography, at that time he read the magazines Sovremennik, Delo, Otechestvennye Zapiski for all the years that they were published. At the same time I read the "Beginnings" by Isaac Newton, whose scientific views Tsiolkovsky adhered to throughout his later life.

At the end of 1876, Konstantin's younger brother Ignatius died. The brothers were very close from childhood, Konstantin trusted Ignatius with his innermost thoughts, and the death of his brother was a heavy blow.

By 1877, Eduard Ignatievich was already very weak and ill, the tragic death of his wife and children had an effect (except for the sons of Dmitry and Ignatius, during these years the Tsiolkovskys lost their youngest daughter, Catherine - she died in 1875, during the absence of Konstantin), the head of the family left resign. In 1878 the entire Tsiolkovsky family returned to Ryazan.

Return to Ryazan. Examinations for the title of teacher (1878-1880)

Upon returning to Ryazan, the family lived on Sadovaya Street. Immediately after his arrival, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky underwent a medical examination and was released from military service due to deafness. The family intended to buy a house and live on the income from it, but the unforeseen happened - Konstantin quarreled with his father. As a result, Konstantin rented a separate room from the employee Palkin and was forced to look for other means of subsistence, since his personal savings accumulated from private lessons in Vyatka were coming to an end, and in Ryazan an unknown tutor could not find students without recommendations.

To continue working as a teacher, a certain, documented qualification was required. In the autumn of 1879, at the First Provincial Gymnasium, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky took an external exam for a county mathematics teacher. As a "self-taught", he had to take a "full" exam - not only the subject itself, but also grammar, catechism, worship and other compulsory disciplines. Tsiolkovsky was never interested in these subjects and did not study them, but he managed to prepare himself in a short time.

Having successfully passed the exam, Tsiolkovsky received a referral from the Ministry of Education for the position of a teacher of arithmetic and geometry in the Borovsk district school of the Kaluga province (Borovsk was located 100 km from Moscow) and left Ryazan in January 1880.

Borovsk. Family creation. School work. First scientific works and publications (1880-1892)

In Borovsk, the unofficial capital of the Old Believers, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and taught for 12 years, started a family, made several friends, and wrote his first scientific works. At this time, his contacts with the Russian scientific community began, the first publications were published.

Arrival in Borovsk and marriage

Upon arrival, Tsiolkovsky stayed in hotel rooms on the central square of the city. After a long search for more comfortable housing, Tsiolkovsky - on the recommendation of the inhabitants of Borovsk - "got on bread with a widower and his daughter, who lived on the outskirts of the city" - to E. E. Sokolov - a widower, priest of the Edinoverie church. He was given two rooms and a table of soup and porridge. Sokolov's daughter Varya was only two months younger than Tsiolkovsky; her character and diligence pleased him, and soon Tsiolkovsky married her; they got married on August 20, 1880 in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Tsiolkovsky did not take any dowry for the bride, there was no wedding, the wedding was not advertised.

In January of the following year, the father of K. E. Tsiolkovsky died in Ryazan.

School work

In the Borovsky district school, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky continued to improve as a teacher: he taught arithmetic and geometry outside the box, came up with exciting problems and set amazing experiments, especially for Borovsky boys. Several times he launched with his students a huge paper balloon with a “gondola”, in which there were burning torches, to heat the air.

Sometimes Tsiolkovsky had to replace other teachers and teach drawing, drawing, history, geography, and once even replace the superintendent of the school.

The first scientific works. Russian Physical and Chemical Society

After classes at the school and on weekends, Tsiolkovsky continued his research at home: he worked on manuscripts, made drawings, and experimented. Electric lightning flashes in his house, thunders rumble, bells ring, paper dolls dance.

The very first work of Tsiolkovsky was devoted to the application of mechanics in biology. She became the article written in 1880 "Graphic representation of sensations"; in this work, Tsiolkovsky developed the pessimistic theory of the “disturbed zero” characteristic of him at that time, mathematically substantiated the idea of ​​the meaninglessness of human life (this theory, according to the later recognition of the scientist, was destined to play a fatal role in his life and in the life of his family). Tsiolkovsky sent this article to the Russian Thought magazine, but it was not published there and the manuscript was not returned, and Konstantin switched to other topics.

In 1881, Tsiolkovsky wrote his first truly scientific work, The Theory of Gases (whose manuscript has not been found). Once he was visited by a student Vasily Lavrov, who offered his help, as he was heading to St. following works by Tsiolkovsky). The Theory of Gases was written by Tsiolkovsky on the basis of the books he had. Tsiolkovsky independently developed the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases. The article was reviewed, Professor P.P. Van der Fleet expressed his opinion about the study:

Soon Tsiolkovsky received an answer from Mendeleev: the kinetic theory of gases was discovered 25 years ago. This fact was an unpleasant discovery for Konstantin, the reasons for his ignorance were isolation from the scientific community and lack of access to modern scientific literature. Despite the failure, Tsiolkovsky continued his research. The second scientific work submitted to RFHO was the 1882 article "Mechanics of a similarly variable organism." Professor Anatoly Bogdanov called the “mechanics of the animal body” classes “crazy”. Ivan Sechenov's review was generally favorable, but the work was not allowed to print:

The third work written in Borovsk and presented to the scientific community was the article "Duration of the Sun's Radiation" (1883), in which Tsiolkovsky described the mechanism of action of a star. He considered the Sun as an ideal gaseous sphere, tried to determine the temperature and pressure at its center, and the lifetime of the Sun. Tsiolkovsky in his calculations used only the basic laws of mechanics (the law of universal gravitation) and gas dynamics (the Boyle-Mariotte law). The article was reviewed by Professor Ivan Borgman. According to Tsiolkovsky, he liked it, but since there were practically no calculations in its original version, "it aroused distrust." Nevertheless, it was Borgman who proposed to publish the works presented by the teacher from Borovsk, which, however, was not done.

The members of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society unanimously voted to accept Tsiolkovsky into their ranks, as reported in a letter. However, Konstantin did not answer: “Naive savagery and inexperience,” he lamented later.

Tsiolkovsky's next work, "Free Space" in 1883, was written in the form of a diary. This is a kind of mental experiment, the narration is conducted on behalf of an observer who is in a free airless space and does not experience the action of forces of attraction and resistance. Tsiolkovsky describes the sensations of such an observer, his possibilities and limitations in movement and manipulation with various objects. He analyzes the behavior of gases and liquids in "free space", the functioning of various devices, the physiology of living organisms - plants and animals. The main result of this work can be considered the principle first formulated by Tsiolkovsky about the only possible method of movement in "free space" - jet propulsion:

Theory of the metal airship. Society of Natural Science Lovers. Russian Technical Society

One of the main problems that occupied Tsiolkovsky almost from the time of his arrival in Borovsk was the theory of balloons. Soon, the realization came to him that this is exactly the task that should be given the most attention:

Tsiolkovsky developed a balloon of his own design, which resulted in the voluminous work Theory and Experience of a Balloon Having an Elongated Shape in the Horizontal Direction (1885-1886). It provided a scientific and technical justification for the creation of a completely new and original design of an airship with a thin metallic shell. Tsiolkovsky gave drawings of general views of the balloon and some important components of its design. The main features of the airship developed by Tsiolkovsky:

  • The shell volume was variables, which made it possible to keep permanent lifting force at different flight altitudes and temperatures of the atmospheric air surrounding the airship. This possibility was achieved due to corrugated sidewalls and a special tightening system.
  • Tsiolkovsky abandoned the use of explosive hydrogen, his airship was filled with hot air. The height of the airship could be adjusted using a separately developed heating system. The air was heated by passing the exhaust gases of the motors through the coils.
  • The thin metal shell was also corrugated, which made it possible to increase its strength and stability. The corrugation waves were located perpendicular to the axis of the airship.

While working on this manuscript, P. M. Golubitsky, already a well-known inventor in the field of telephony, visited Tsiolkovsky. He invited Tsiolkovsky to go with him to Moscow, to introduce himself to the famous Sofya Kovalevskaya, who had come for a short time from Stockholm. However, Tsiolkovsky, by his own admission, did not dare to accept the offer: “My squalor and the resulting savagery prevented me from doing this. I didn't go. Maybe it's for the best."

Refusing to go to Golubitsky, Tsiolkovsky took advantage of his other offer - he wrote a letter to Moscow, professor of Moscow University A. G. Stoletov, in which he spoke about his airship. Soon a response letter arrived with a proposal to speak at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum at a meeting of the Physics Department of the Society of Natural Science Lovers.

In April 1887, Tsiolkovsky arrived in Moscow and after a long search found the museum building. His report was entitled "On the possibility of building a metal balloon capable of changing its volume and even folding into a plane." It was not necessary to read the report itself, only to explain the main provisions. The audience reacted favorably to the speaker, there were no fundamental objections, and several simple questions were asked. After the report was completed, an offer was made to help Tsiolkovsky settle in Moscow, but no real help was forthcoming. On the advice of Stoletov, Konstantin Eduardovich handed over the manuscript of the report to N. E. Zhukovsky.

In his memoirs, Tsiolkovsky also mentions his acquaintance during this trip with the famous teacher A.F. Malinin, the author of textbooks on mathematics: “I considered his textbooks to be excellent and I owe him a lot.” They talked about aeronautics, Tsiolkovsky failed to convince Malinin of the reality of creating a controlled airship. After returning from Moscow, there followed a long break in his work on the airship, associated with illness, moving, restoration of the economy and scientific materials that were lost in a fire and flood.

In 1889, Tsiolkovsky continued to work on his airship. Considering the failure in the Society of Natural Science Lovers as a result of the insufficient study of his first manuscript about the balloon, Tsiolkovsky wrote a new article “On the possibility of building a metal balloon” (1890) and, together with a paper model of his airship, sent it to D. I. Mendeleev in St. Petersburg. Mendeleev, at the request of Tsiolkovsky, handed over all the materials to the Imperial Russian Technical Society (IRTS), V. I. Sreznevsky. Tsiolkovsky asked scientists "to help as far as possible morally and morally", and also to allocate funds for the creation of a metal model of a balloon - 300 rubles. On October 23, 1890, at a meeting of the VII department of the IRTS, Tsiolkovsky's request was considered. The conclusion was given by the military engineer E. S. Fedorov, a staunch supporter of aircraft heavier than air. The second opponent, the head of the first "cadre team of military aeronauts" A. M. Kovanko, like most of the other listeners, also denied the expediency of devices similar to the proposed one. At this meeting, the IRTS decided:

Despite the refusal of support, Tsiolkovsky sent a letter of thanks to the IRTS. A small consolation was the message in the Kaluga Gubernskiye Vedomosti, and then in some other newspapers: Novosti dniy, Peterburgskaya Gazeta, Russky Invalid about Tsiolkovsky's report. These articles paid tribute to the originality of the idea and design of the balloon, and also confirmed the correctness of the calculations made. Tsiolkovsky, at his own expense, makes small models of balloon shells (30x50 cm) from corrugated metal and wire models of the frame (30x15 cm) to prove, including to himself, the possibility of using metal.

In 1891, Tsiolkovsky made another, last, attempt to protect his airship in the eyes of the scientific community. He wrote a large work "Metal controlled balloon", in which he took into account the comments and wishes of Zhukovsky, and on October 16 he sent it, this time to Moscow, A. G. Stoletov. Again there was no result.

Then Konstantin Eduardovich turned to his friends for help and ordered the publication of the book in the Moscow printing house of M. G. Volchaninov with the funds raised. One of the donors was a school friend of Konstantin Eduardovich, the famous archaeologist A. A. Spitsyn, who at that time was visiting the Tsiolkovskys and conducting research on ancient human sites in the area of ​​St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery and at the mouth of the Isterma River. The book was published by a friend of Tsiolkovsky, a teacher at the Borovsky School, S. E. Chertkov. The book was published after Tsiolkovsky's transfer to Kaluga in two editions: the first in 1892; the second - in 1893.

Other jobs. The first science fiction work. First publications

  • In 1887, Tsiolkovsky wrote a short story "On the Moon" - his first science fiction work. The story largely continues the traditions of "Free Space", but is clothed in a more artistic form, has a complete, albeit very conditional, plot. Two nameless heroes - the author and his friend, a physicist - unexpectedly end up on the moon. The main and only task of the work is to describe the impressions of the observer who is on its surface. Tsiolkovsky's story is distinguished by its persuasiveness, the presence of numerous details, and rich literary language:

In addition to the lunar landscape, Tsiolkovsky describes the view of the sky and luminaries (including the Earth) observed from the surface of the Moon. He analyzed in detail the consequences of low gravity, the absence of an atmosphere, and other features of the Moon (speed of rotation around the Earth and the Sun, constant orientation relative to the Earth).

Tsiolkovsky "observes" a solar eclipse (the disk of the Sun is completely hidden by the Earth):

On the Moon, it is a frequent and grandiose phenomenon... The shadow covers either the entire Moon, or in most cases a significant part of its surface, so that complete darkness continues for hours...

The sickle has become even narrower and, along with the Sun, is barely noticeable ...

The sickle became completely invisible ...

It was as if someone on one side of the star flattened its luminous mass with an invisible giant finger.

Only half of the Sun is already visible.

Finally, the last particle of it disappeared, and everything plunged into darkness. A huge shadow ran up and covered us.

But blindness quickly disappears: we see the moon and many stars.

The moon has the form of a dark circle, embraced by a magnificent crimson radiance, especially bright, although pale on the side where the rest of the Sun has disappeared.

I see the colors of the dawn, which we once admired from the Earth.

And the surroundings are flooded with crimson, as if with blood.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky. On the moon. Chapter 4

The story also tells about the alleged behavior of gases and liquids, measuring instruments. The features of physical phenomena are described: heating and cooling of surfaces, evaporation and boiling of liquids, combustion and explosions. Tsiolkovsky makes a number of deliberate assumptions in order to demonstrate lunar realities. So, the heroes, once on the moon, do without air, they are not affected by the absence of atmospheric pressure in any way - they do not experience any particular inconvenience while on the surface of the moon.

The denouement is as conditional as the rest of the plot - the author wakes up on Earth and finds out that he was sick and was in a lethargic dream, which he tells his physicist friend about, surprising him with the details of his fantastic dream.

  • During the last two years of his residence in Borovsk (1890-1891), Tsiolkovsky wrote several articles on various issues. So, in the period October 6, 1890 - May 18, 1891, on the basis of experiments on air resistance, he wrote a large work "On the question of flying by means of wings." The manuscript was handed over by Tsiolkovsky to A. G. Stoletov, who gave it to N. E. Zhukovsky for review, who wrote a restrained but quite favorable review:

Tsiolkovsky was asked to select a fragment from this manuscript and rework it for publication. This is how the article “The pressure of a liquid on a plane moving uniformly in it” appeared, in which Tsiolkovsky studied the movement of a round plate in an air flow, using his own theoretical model, alternative to Newton’s, and also proposed the device of the simplest experimental setup - a “turntable”. In the second half of May, Tsiolkovsky wrote a short essay - "How to protect fragile and delicate things from pushes and blows." These two works were sent to Stoletov and in the second half of 1891 were published in the Proceedings of the Physical Sciences Department of the Society of Natural Science Lovers (vol. IV), becoming the first publication of the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky.


In Borovsk, four children were born to the Tsiolkovskys: the eldest daughter Lyubov (1881) and sons Ignatius (1883), Alexander (1885) and Ivan (1888). The Tsiolkovskys lived in poverty, but, according to the scientist himself, "they did not go in patches and never went hungry." Konstantin Eduardovich spent most of his salary on books, physical and chemical devices, tools, and reagents.

During the years of living in Borovsk, the family was forced to change their place of residence several times - in the fall of 1883, they moved to Kaluga Street to the house of Baranov, a sheep farmer. From the spring of 1885 they lived in the house of Kovalev (on the same Kaluga street).

On April 23, 1887, on the day Tsiolkovsky returned from Moscow, where he made a report on a metal airship of his own design, a fire broke out in his house, in which manuscripts, models, drawings, a library, as well as all the property of the Tsiolkovskys were lost, with the exception of a sewing machine, which managed to be thrown through the window into the courtyard. It was a hard blow for Konstantin Eduardovich, he expressed his thoughts and feelings in the manuscript "Prayer" (May 15, 1887).

The next move to the house of M. I. Polukhina on Krugloya Street. On April 1, 1889, Protva overflowed, and the Tsiolkovskys' house was flooded. Records and books suffered again.

Since the autumn of 1889, the Tsiolkovskys lived in the house of the Molchanov merchants at 4 Molchanovskaya Street.

Relations with Borovets

With some residents of the city, Tsiolkovsky developed friendly and even friendly relations. His first senior friend after arriving in Borovsk was the superintendent of the school Alexander Stepanovich Tolmachev, who unfortunately died in January 1881, a little later than his father Konstantin Eduardovich. Among others - the teacher of history and geography Yevgeny Sergeevich Eremeev and his wife's brother Ivan Sokolov. Tsiolkovsky also maintained friendly relations with the merchant N. P. Glukharev, the investigator N. K. Fetter, in whose house there was a home library, in the organization of which Tsiolkovsky also took part. Together with I. V. Shokin, Konstantin Eduardovich was fond of photography, made and launched kites from a cliff above the Tekizhensky ravine.

However, for the majority of colleagues and residents of the city, Tsiolkovsky was an eccentric. At the school, he never took a “tribute” from negligent students, did not give paid additional lessons, had his own opinion on all issues, did not take part in feasts and parties, and he never celebrated anything, kept himself apart, was unsociable and unsociable. For all these "oddities", his colleagues nicknamed him Zhelyabka and "were suspected of what was not." Tsiolkovsky interfered with them, irritated them. Colleagues, for the most part, dreamed of getting rid of him and twice denounced Konstantin to the Director of public schools in the Kaluga province, D.S. Unkovsky, for his careless statements regarding religion. After the first denunciation, an inquiry came about Tsiolkovsky's trustworthiness, Evgraf Yegorovich (then Tsiolkovsky's future father-in-law) and the superintendent of the school, A. S. Tolmachev, vouched for him. The second denunciation came after the death of Tolmachev, under his successor E. F. Filippov, a man of unscrupulous deeds and behavior, who had an extremely negative attitude towards Tsiolkovsky. The denunciation almost cost Tsiolkovsky his job, he had to go to Kaluga to give explanations, having spent most of his monthly salary on the trip.

The inhabitants of Borovsk also did not understand Tsiolkovsky and shunned him, laughed at him, some even feared him, called him a "crazy inventor." The eccentricities of Tsiolkovsky, his way of life, which was radically different from the way of life of the inhabitants of Borovsk, often caused bewilderment and irritation.

So, once, with the help of a pantograph, Tsiolkovsky made a large paper hawk - a copy of a folding Japanese toy enlarged several times - painted it and launched it in the city, and the residents mistook it for a real bird.

In winter, Tsiolkovsky liked to ski and skate. He came up with the idea of ​​​​driving along a frozen river with the help of an umbrella-“sail”. Soon, according to the same principle, he made a sleigh with a sail:

Tsiolkovsky, being a nobleman, was a member of the Noble Assembly of Borovsk, gave private lessons to the children of the Leader of the local nobility, the actual State Councilor D. Ya. Kurnosov, which protected him from further encroachments by the caretaker Filippov. Thanks to this acquaintance, as well as success in teaching, Tsiolkovsky received the rank of provincial secretary (August 31, 1884), then collegiate secretary (November 8, 1885), titular adviser (December 23, 1886). January 10, 1889 Tsiolkovsky received the rank of collegiate assessor.

Transfer to Kaluga

On January 27, 1892, the director of public schools, D.S. Unkovsky, turned to the trustee of the Moscow educational district with a request to transfer "one of the most capable and diligent teachers" to the district school of the city of Kaluga. At this time, Tsiolkovsky continued his work on aerodynamics and the theory of vortices in various media, and also expected the publication of the book "Metal Controlled Balloon" in a Moscow printing house. The decision to transfer was made on February 4th. In addition to Tsiolkovsky, teachers moved from Borovsk to Kaluga: S. I. Chertkov, E. S. Eremeev, I. A. Kazansky, doctor V. N. Ergolsky.

Kaluga (1892-1935)

(From the memoirs of Lyubov Konstantinovna, daughter of a scientist)

Tsiolkovsky lived in Kaluga for the rest of his life. Since 1892 he worked as a teacher of arithmetic and geometry in the Kaluga district school. Since 1899, he taught physics at the diocesan women's school, disbanded after the October Revolution. In Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky wrote his main works on astronautics, jet propulsion theory, space biology and medicine. He also continued work on the theory of a metal airship.

After completing his teaching, in 1921, Tsiolkovsky was granted a personal lifetime pension. From that moment until his death, Tsiolkovsky was engaged exclusively in his research, dissemination of his ideas, and implementation of projects.

In Kaluga, the main philosophical works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky were written, the philosophy of monism was formulated, articles were written about his vision of an ideal society of the future.

In Kaluga, the Tsiolkovskys had a son and two daughters. At the same time, it was here that the Tsiolkovskys had to endure the tragic death of many of their children: of the seven children of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, five died during his lifetime.

In Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky met the scientists A. L. Chizhevsky and Ya. I. Perelman, who became his friends and popularizers of his ideas, and later biographers.

The first years of life in Kaluga (1892-1902)

The Tsiolkovsky family arrived in Kaluga on February 4, settled in an apartment in the house of N.I. Timashova on Georgievskaya Street, rented in advance for them. S. Eremeev. Konstantin Eduardovich began to teach arithmetic and geometry at the Kaluga Diocesan School (in 1918-1921 - at the Kaluga Labor School).

Soon after his arrival, Tsiolkovsky met Vasily Assonov, a tax inspector, an educated, progressive, versatile person, fond of mathematics, mechanics and painting. After reading the first part of Tsiolkovsky's book Controlled Metal Balloon, Assonov used his influence to organize a subscription to the second part of this work. This made it possible to collect the missing funds for its publication.

On August 8, 1892, the Tsiolkovskys had a son, Leonty, who died of whooping cough exactly one year later, on the first day of his birth. At that time, there were holidays at the school, and Tsiolkovsky spent the whole summer in the Sokolniki estate of the Maloyaroslavets district with his old friend D. Ya. Kurnosov (leader of the Borovsk nobility), where he gave lessons to his children. After the death of the child, Varvara Evgrafovna decided to change her apartment, and by the time Konstantin Eduardovich returned, the family moved to the Speransky house, located opposite, on the same street.

Assonov introduced Tsiolkovsky to the chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod circle of lovers of physics and astronomy, S. V. Shcherbakov. In the 6th edition of the collection of the circle, Tsiolkovsky's article "Gravity as the main source of world energy" (1893) was published, developing the ideas of the early work "The Duration of the Sun's Radiation" (1883). The work of the circle was regularly published in the recently created journal "Science and Life", and in the same year the text of this report was published in it, as well as a small article by Tsiolkovsky "Is a metal balloon possible?" December 13, 1893 Konstantin Eduardovich was elected an honorary member of the circle.

Around the same time, Tsiolkovsky became friends with the Goncharov family. Alexander Nikolaevich Goncharov, appraiser of the Kaluga Bank, nephew of the famous writer I. A. Goncharov, was a comprehensively educated person, knew several languages, corresponded with many prominent writers and public figures, he himself regularly published his works of art, devoted mainly to the theme of decline and degeneration Russian nobility. Goncharov decided to support the publication of a new book by Tsiolkovsky - a collection of essays "Dreams of the Earth and Sky" (1894), his second work of art, while Goncharov's wife, Elizaveta Alexandrovna, translated the article "An iron controlled balloon for 200 people, with a length of a large steamboat" into French and German and sent them to foreign magazines. However, when Konstantin Eduardovich wanted to thank Goncharov and, without his knowledge, placed the inscription on the cover of the book Edition by A. N. Goncharov, this led to a scandal and a break in relations between the Tsiolkovskys and the Goncharovs.

In Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky also did not forget about science, about astronautics and aeronautics. He built a special installation, which made it possible to measure some of the aerodynamic parameters of aircraft. Since the Physico-Chemical Society did not allocate a penny for his experiments, the scientist had to use family funds to conduct research. By the way, Tsiolkovsky built more than 100 experimental models at his own expense and tested them. After some time, the society nevertheless drew attention to the Kaluga genius and allocated him financial support - 470 rubles, for which Tsiolkovsky built a new, improved installation - the “blower”.

The study of the aerodynamic properties of bodies of various shapes and possible schemes of airborne vehicles gradually led Tsiolkovsky to think about flight options in a vacuum and the conquest of space. In 1895, his book "Dreams of the Earth and Sky" was published, and a year later an article was published about other worlds, intelligent beings from other planets and about the communication of earthlings with them. In the same year, 1896, Tsiolkovsky began to write his main work, "The Study of World Spaces with Reactive Devices", published in 1903. This book touched upon the problems of using rockets in space.

In 1896-1898, the scientist took part in the newspaper "Kaluga Vestnik", which published both the materials of Tsiolkovsky himself and articles about him.

Early 20th century (1902-1918)

The first fifteen years of the 20th century were the most difficult in the life of a scientist. In 1902 his son Ignatius committed suicide. In 1908, during the flood of the Oka, his house was flooded, many cars, exhibits were disabled, and numerous unique calculations were lost. On June 5, 1919, the Council of the Russian Society of World Science Lovers accepted K. E. Tsiolkovsky as a member, and he, as a member of the scientific society, was granted a pension. This saved him from starvation during the years of devastation, since on June 30, 1919, the Socialist Academy did not elect him as a member and thus left him without a livelihood. The Physicochemical Society also did not appreciate the significance and revolutionary nature of the models presented by Tsiolkovsky. In 1923, his second son, Alexander, took his own life.

Arrest and Lubyanka

On November 17, 1919, five people raided the Tsiolkovskys' house. After searching the house, they took the head of the family and brought him to Moscow, where they put him in a prison on Lubyanka. There he was interrogated for several weeks. According to some reports, a certain high-ranking person interceded for Tsiolkovsky, as a result of which the scientist was released.

In 1918, Tsiolkovsky was elected to the number of competing members of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences (in 1924 it was renamed the Communist Academy), and on November 9, 1921, the scientist was awarded a life pension for services to domestic and world science. This pension was paid until September 19, 1935 - on that day Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky died of stomach cancer in his hometown of Kaluga.

Six days before his death, on September 13, 1935, K. E. Tsiolkovsky wrote in a letter to I. V. Stalin:

The letter of the outstanding scientist was soon answered: “To the famous figure of science, comrade K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Please accept my gratitude for the letter full of confidence in the Bolshevik Party and Soviet power. I wish you good health and further fruitful work for the benefit of the working people. I shake your hand. I. Stalin.

The next day, a decree of the Soviet government was published on measures to perpetuate the memory of the great Russian scientist and on the transfer of his works to the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet. Subsequently, by decision of the government, they were transferred to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where a special commission was created to develop the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky. The commission distributed the scientific works of the scientist into sections. The first volume concluded all the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky on aerodynamics; the second volume - works on jet aircraft; the third volume - works on all-metal airships, on increasing the energy of heat engines and various issues of applied mechanics, on watering deserts and cooling human dwellings in them, using tides and waves, and various inventions; the fourth volume included Tsiolkovsky's writings on astronomy, geophysics, biology, the structure of matter, and other problems; finally, the fifth volume contains biographical materials and correspondence of the scientist.

In 1966, 31 years after the death of the scientist, the Orthodox priest Alexander Men performed a funeral ceremony over the grave of Tsiolkovsky.

Correspondence between Tsiolkovsky and Zabolotsky (since 1932)

In 1932, a correspondence between Konstantin Eduardovich and one of the most talented "poets of Thought" of his time, who was looking for the harmony of the universe, was established - Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. The latter, in particular, wrote to Tsiolkovsky: “ … Your thoughts about the future of the Earth, humanity, animals and plants deeply concern me, and they are very close to me. In my unpublished poems and poems, I did my best to resolve them". Zabolotsky told him about the hardships of his own search for the benefit of mankind: “ It is one thing to know and another to feel. A conservative feeling, brought up in us for centuries, clings to our consciousness and prevents it from moving forward.". The natural-philosophical research of Tsiolkovsky left an extremely significant imprint on the work of this author.

Scientific achievements

K. E. Tsiolkovsky argued that he developed the theory of rocket science only as an application to his philosophical research. He wrote more than 400 works, most of which are little known to the general reader.

The first scientific studies of Tsiolkovsky date back to 1880-1881. Not knowing about the discoveries already made, he wrote the work "The Theory of Gases", in which he outlined the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases. His second work, The Mechanics of the Animal Organism, received a favorable review from I. M. Sechenov, and Tsiolkovsky was accepted into the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. The main works of Tsiolkovsky after 1884 were associated with four major problems: the scientific substantiation of an all-metal balloon (airship), a streamlined airplane, an air cushion train, and a rocket for interplanetary travel.

Aeronautics and aerodynamics

Having taken up the mechanics of controlled flight, Tsiolkovsky designed a controlled balloon (the word "airship" had not yet been invented). In the essay "Theory and Experience of the Aerostat" (1892), Tsiolkovsky for the first time gave a scientific and technical justification for the creation of a controlled airship with metal shell(The balloons with rubberized fabric shells used at that time had significant drawbacks: the fabric wore out quickly, the service life of balloons was short; in addition, due to the permeability of the fabric, hydrogen, which was then filled with balloons, escaped, and air penetrated into the shell and formed explosive gas (hydrogen + air) - an accidental spark was enough to cause an explosion). Tsiolkovsky's airship was an airship variable volume(this allows you to save permanent lift at different flight altitudes and ambient temperatures), had a system heating gas (due to the heat of the exhaust gases of the engines), and the shell of the airship was corrugated(to increase strength). However, the Tsiolkovsky airship project, progressive for its time, did not receive support from official organizations; the author was denied a grant to build the model.

In 1891, in the article "On the Question of Flying with Wings," Tsiolkovsky turned to a new and little studied field of aircraft heavier than air. Continuing work on this topic, he came up with the idea of ​​building an airplane with a metal frame. In the 1894 article "A balloon or a bird-like (aircraft) flying machine" Tsiolkovsky for the first time gave a description, calculations and drawings of an all-metal monoplane with a thick curved wing. He was the first to justify the position on the need to improve streamlining fuselage of an airplane in order to obtain high speeds. In its appearance and aerodynamic layout, the Tsiolkovsky airplane anticipated the designs of aircraft that appeared after 15-18 years; but the work on the creation of an airplane (as well as the work on the creation of Tsiolkovsky's airship) did not receive recognition from the official representatives of Russian science. For further research, Tsiolkovsky had neither the means nor even moral support.

Among other things, in an article of 1894, Tsiolkovsky gave a diagram of the aerodynamic balances he had designed. The current model of the "turntable" was demonstrated by N. E. Zhukovsky in Moscow, at the Mechanical Exhibition held in January of this year.

In his apartment, Tsiolkovsky created the first aerodynamic laboratory in Russia. In 1897, he built the first wind tunnel in Russia with an open working part and proved the need for a systematic experiment to determine the forces of the air flow on a body moving in it. He developed a methodology for such an experiment, and in 1900, with a subsidy from the Academy of Sciences, he made blow-throughs of the simplest models and determined the drag coefficient of a ball, flat plate, cylinder, cone, and other bodies; described the flow of air around bodies of various geometric shapes. The works of Tsiolkovsky in the field of aerodynamics were a source of ideas for N. E. Zhukovsky.

Tsiolkovsky worked hard and fruitfully on the creation of a theory of the flight of jet aircraft, invented his own scheme of a gas turbine engine; in 1927 he published the theory and scheme of the hovercraft. He was the first to propose "retractable under the body" chassis.

Fundamentals of jet propulsion theory

Tsiolkovsky has been systematically engaged in the theory of the movement of jet vehicles since 1896 (thoughts about using the rocket principle in space were expressed by Tsiolkovsky as early as 1883, but a rigorous theory of jet propulsion was presented by him later). In 1903, the journal "Scientific Review" published an article by K. E. Tsiolkovsky "The study of world spaces by reactive devices", in which he, relying on the simplest laws of theoretical mechanics (the law of conservation of momentum and the law of independence of the action of forces), developed the foundations theory of jet propulsion and conducted a theoretical study of the rectilinear motion of a rocket, substantiating the possibility of using jet vehicles for interplanetary communications.

Mechanics of bodies of variable composition

Thanks to the deep research of I. V. Meshchersky and K. E. Tsiolkovsky in the late XIX - early XX centuries. the foundations of a new section of theoretical mechanics were laid - mechanics of bodies of variable composition. If in the main works of Meshchersky, published in 1897 and 1904, the general equations of the dynamics of a point of variable composition were derived, then in the work “Investigation of world spaces with jet devices” (1903) Tsiolkovsky contained the formulation and solution of classical problems of the mechanics of bodies of variable composition - the first and the second problem of Tsiolkovsky. Both of these problems, considered below, are equally relevant both to the mechanics of bodies of variable composition and to rocket dynamics.

Tsiolkovsky's first task: find the change in the speed of a point of variable composition (in particular, a rocket) in the absence of external forces and the constancy of the relative speed of separation of particles (in the case of a rocket, the speed of the outflow of combustion products from the nozzle of a rocket engine).

In accordance with the conditions of this problem, the Meshchersky equation in the projection on the direction of movement of the point has the form:

where and are the current mass and speed of the point. Integration of this differential equation gives the following law of change in the point velocity:

the current value of the speed of a point of variable composition depends, therefore, on the value and the law according to which the mass of the point changes over time: .

In the case of a rocket, where is the mass of the rocket body with all equipment and payload, is the mass of the initial fuel supply. For the rocket speed at the end of the active phase of the flight (when all the fuel is used up), the Tsiolkovsky formula is obtained:

It is essential that the maximum speed of a rocket does not depend on the law according to which fuel is consumed.

The second task of Tsiolkovsky: find the change in the speed of a point of variable composition during vertical ascent in a uniform gravitational field in the absence of medium resistance (the relative separation velocity of particles is still considered constant).

Here, the Meshchersky equation in projection onto the vertical axis takes the form

where is the free fall acceleration. After integration we get:

and for the end of the active flight segment we have:

Tsiolkovsky's study of the rectilinear motions of rockets significantly enriched the mechanics of bodies of variable composition by posing completely new problems. Unfortunately, Meshchersky's work was unknown to Tsiolkovsky, and in a number of cases he came anew to results that had already been obtained by Meshchersky.

However, an analysis of Tsiolkovsky's manuscripts shows that it is impossible to speak of a significant lag in his work on the theory of motion of bodies of variable composition from Meshchersky. Tsiolkovsky's formula in the form

found in his mathematical notes and dated: May 10, 1897; just this year, the derivation of the general equation of motion of a material point of variable composition was published in the dissertation of I. V. Meshchersky (“Dynamics of a point of variable mass”, I. V. Meshchersky, St. Petersburg, 1897).

rocket dynamics

In 1903, K. E. Tsiolkovsky published an article entitled “Investigation of the World Spaces with Reactive Devices”, where he proved for the first time that a rocket is an apparatus capable of making a space flight. The article also proposed the first draft long range missiles. Its body was an elongated metal chamber, equipped with a liquid jet engine; as a fuel and an oxidizing agent, he proposed to use liquid hydrogen and oxygen, respectively. To control the flight of the rocket provided gas rudders.

The result of the first publication was not at all what Tsiolkovsky expected. Neither compatriots nor foreign scientists appreciated the research that science is proud of today - it was simply ahead of its time by an era. In 1911, the second part of the work “Investigation of the World Spaces with Reactive Instruments” was published, where Tsiolkovsky calculates the work to overcome the force of gravity, determines the speed necessary for the apparatus to enter the solar system (“second cosmic velocity”) and the flight time. This time, Tsiolkovsky's article made a lot of noise in the scientific world, and he made many friends in the world of science.

Tsiolkovsky put forward the idea of ​​using composite (multi-stage) rockets (or, as he called them, "rocket trains") for space flights and proposed two types of such rockets (with series and parallel connection of stages). With his calculations, he substantiated the most advantageous distribution of the masses of the rockets included in the "train". In a number of his works (1896, 1911, 1914), a rigorous mathematical theory of the motion of single-stage and multi-stage rockets with liquid-propellant engines was developed in detail.

In 1926-1929, Tsiolkovsky solves a practical question: how much fuel should be taken into a rocket in order to obtain a liftoff speed and leave the Earth. It turned out that the final speed of the rocket depends on the speed of the gases flowing out of it and on how many times the weight of the fuel exceeds the weight of the empty rocket.

Tsiolkovsky put forward a number of ideas that have found application in rocket science. They proposed: gas rudders (made of graphite) to control the flight of the rocket and change the trajectory of its center of mass; the use of propellant components for cooling the outer shell of the spacecraft (during entry into the Earth's atmosphere), the walls of the combustion chamber and the nozzle; a pumping system for supplying propellant components, etc. In the field of rocket propellants, Tsiolkovsky investigated a large number of different oxidizers and fuels; recommended fuel vapors: liquid oxygen with hydrogen, oxygen with hydrocarbons.

Tsiolkovsky was proposed and rocket launch from flyover(slanted guide), which was reflected in early science fiction films. Currently, this method of launching a rocket is used in military artillery in multiple launch rocket systems (Katyusha, Grad, Smerch, etc.).

Another idea of ​​Tsiolkovsky is the idea of ​​refueling rockets during the flight. Calculating the takeoff weight of a rocket depending on the fuel, Tsiolkovsky offers a fantastic solution for fuel transfer "on the go" from sponsor rockets. In Tsiolkovsky's scheme, for example, 32 rockets were launched; 16 of which, having worked out half of the fuel, were supposed to give it to the other 16, which, in turn, having worked out the fuel by half, should also be divided into 8 missiles that would fly further, and 8 missiles that would give their fuel to the missiles of the first groups - and so on, until there is one missile left, which is intended to achieve the goal.

Theoretical astronautics

In theoretical astronautics, Tsiolkovsky studied the rectilinear motion of rockets in a Newtonian gravitational field. He applied the laws of celestial mechanics to determine the possibilities for the implementation of flights in the solar system and investigated the physics of flight in zero gravity. Determined the optimal flight paths during descent to Earth; In the work “Spaceship” (1924), Tsiolkovsky analyzed the gliding descent of a rocket in the atmosphere that occurs without fuel consumption when it returns from an extraatmospheric flight along a spiral trajectory that goes around the Earth.

One of the pioneers of Soviet cosmonautics, Professor M. K. Tikhonravov, discussing the contribution of K. E. Tsiolkovsky to theoretical astronautics, wrote that his work “Investigation of world spaces with rocket instruments” can be called almost comprehensive. In it, a liquid-fueled rocket was proposed for flights in outer space (in this case, the possibility of using electric propulsion engines was indicated), the basics of the dynamics of the flight of rocket vehicles were outlined, the medical and biological problems of long-term interplanetary flights were considered, the need to create artificial Earth satellites and orbital stations was indicated, and analyzed social significance of the whole complex of human space activities.

Tsiolkovsky defended the idea of ​​a variety of life forms in the Universe, was the first theorist and propagandist of human space exploration.

Tsiolkovsky and Oberth

Hermann Oberth himself described his contribution to astronautics as follows:

Research in other fields

Tsiolkovsky and music

Hearing problems did not prevent the scientist from understanding music well. There is his work "The Origin of Music and Its Essence". The Tsiolkovsky family had a piano and a harmonium.

Tsiolkovsky as an opponent of Einstein's theory of relativity

Tsiolkovsky was skeptical about the theory of relativity (relativistic theory) of Albert Einstein. In a letter to V. V. Ryumin dated April 30, 1927, Tsiolkovsky wrote:

In the Tsiolkovsky archive, articles by A. F. Ioffe “What experiments say about Einstein’s theory of relativity” and A. K. Timiryazev “Do experiments confirm the theory of relativity”, “Experiments of Dayton-Miller and the theory of relativity” were found cut out by Konstantin Eduardovich from Pravda .

On February 7, 1935, in the article “The Bible and the Scientific Trends of the West,” Tsiolkovsky published objections to the theory of relativity, where he, in particular, denied the limitation of the size of the Universe to 200 million light years according to Einstein. Tsiolkovsky wrote:

In the same work, he denied the theory of the expanding Universe on the basis of spectroscopic observations (redshift) according to E. Hubble, considering this shift to be a consequence of other reasons. In particular, he explained the redshift by the slowing down of the speed of light in the cosmic environment, caused by "an obstacle from the side of ordinary matter scattered everywhere in space", and pointing out the dependence: "the faster the apparent movement, the farther the nebula (galaxy)".

Regarding the limitation on the speed of light according to Einstein, Tsiolkovsky wrote in the same article:

Denied Tsiolkovsky and time dilation in the theory of relativity:

With bitterness and indignation, Tsiolkovsky spoke of "multi-story hypotheses", in the foundation of which there is nothing but purely mathematical exercises, although curious, but representing nonsense. He claimed:

Tsiolkovsky expressed his opinions on the topic of relativism (in a harsh form) also in private correspondence. Lev Abramovich Kassil, in the article "The Stargazer and Fellow Countrymen", claimed that Tsiolkovsky wrote letters to him, "where he angrily argued with Einstein, reproaching him ... for unscientific idealism." However, when one of the biographers tried to get acquainted with these letters, it turned out that, according to Kassil, “irreparable happened: the letters died.”

Philosophical views

Space device

Tsiolkovsky calls himself "the purest materialist": he believes that only matter exists, and the entire cosmos is nothing more than a very complex mechanism.

Space and time are infinite, so the number of stars and planets in space is also infinite. The Universe has always had and will have one form - "many planets illuminated by the sun's rays", cosmic processes are periodic: each star, planetary system, galaxy ages and dies, but then, exploding, is reborn again - there is only a periodic transition between a simpler (sparse gas) and more complex (stars and planets) state of matter.

The evolution of the mind

Tsiolkovsky admits the existence of beings higher than humans that will descend from humans or are already on other planets.

Human evolution

Today's man is an immature, transitional being. Soon a happy social order will be established on Earth, general unification will come, wars will stop. The development of science and technology will make it possible to radically change the environment. Man himself will also change, becoming a more perfect being.

Other sentient beings

There are many inhabited planets in the universe. More perfect than man, beings that populate the universe in many, probably have some kind of influence on humanity.

It is also possible that beings of a completely different nature, left over from previous cosmic epochs, influence a person: “... Matter did not immediately appear as dense as it is now. There were stages of incomparably more rarefied matter. She could create creatures that are now inaccessible to us, invisible", "intelligent, but almost insubstantial in their low density." We can allow them to penetrate "into our brains and interfere with human affairs."

The Spread of Intelligence in the Universe

Perfect humanity will settle on other planets and artificially created objects of the solar system. At the same time, creatures adapted to the corresponding environment will form on different planets. The type of organism that does not need an atmosphere and "feeds directly on solar energy" will be dominant. Then the resettlement will continue beyond the solar system. Just like perfect people, representatives of other worlds also spread throughout the Universe, while “reproduction is millions of times faster than on Earth. However, it is regulated at will: a perfect population is needed - it is born quickly and in any number.” Planets unite into unions, and entire solar systems will unite in the same way, and then their associations, etc.

Encountering rudimentary or ugly forms of life during settlement, highly developed beings destroy them and inhabit such planets with their representatives, who have already reached the highest stage of development. Since perfection is better than imperfection, higher beings “painlessly eliminate” the lower (animal) forms of life in order to “free themselves from the pangs of development”, from the painful struggle for survival, mutual extermination, etc. “Is this good, isn’t it cruel? If it were not for their intervention, then the painful self-destruction of animals would have continued for millions of years, as it still continues on Earth. Their intervention in a few years, even days, destroys all suffering and puts in their place a reasonable, powerful and happy life. It is clear that the latter is millions of times better than the former.

Life spreads throughout the Universe primarily by settlement, and does not spontaneously generate, as on Earth; it is infinitely faster and avoids countless suffering in a self-evolving world. Spontaneous generation is sometimes allowed for renewal, the influx of fresh forces into the community of perfect beings; such is the "martyrdom and honorable role of the Earth", martyrdom - because the independent path to perfection is full of suffering. But "the sum of these sufferings is imperceptible in the ocean of happiness of the entire cosmos."

Panpsychism, the mind of the atom and immortality

Tsiolkovsky is a panpsychist: he claims that any matter has sensitivity (the ability to mentally “feel pleasant and unpleasant”), only the degree is different. Sensitivity decreases from a person to animals and further, but does not disappear completely, since there is no clear boundary between living and non-living matter.

The spread of life is a blessing, and the more perfect, that is, the more reasonable this life is, for "mind is that which leads to the eternal well-being of every atom." Each atom, getting into the brain of a rational being, lives his life, experiences his feelings - and this is the highest state of existence for matter. “Even in one animal, wandering around the body, he [atom] lives either the life of the brain, or the life of a bone, hair, nail, epithelium, etc. This means that he either thinks or lives like an atom enclosed in stone, water or air. Now he sleeps, not conscious of time, then he lives in the moment, like lower beings, then he is conscious of the past and draws a picture of the future. The higher the organization of the being, the further this idea of ​​the future and the past extends. In this sense, there is no death: periods of the inorganic existence of atoms fly by for them like a dream or a swoon, when sensitivity is almost absent; becoming a part of the brain of organisms, every atom "lives their life and feels the joy of a conscious and cloudless existence", and "all these incarnations subjectively merge into one subjectively continuous beautiful and endless life." Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of death: after the death and destruction of the organism, the time of the inorganic existence of the atom flies, “passes for it like zero. It is subjective. But the population of the Earth in such a period of time is completely transformed. The globe will then be covered only by the highest forms of life, and our atom will use only them. This means that death ends all suffering and gives, subjectively, immediately happiness.

Cosmic optimism

Since there are countless worlds in space inhabited by highly developed beings, they have undoubtedly already populated almost the entire space. "... In general, the cosmos contains only joy, contentment, perfection and truth ... leaving so little for the rest that it can be considered like a black speck on a white sheet of paper."

Space Ages and "Radiant Humanity"

Tsiolkovsky suggests that the evolution of the cosmos may be a series of transitions between the material and energy states of matter. The final stage of the evolution of matter (including intelligent beings) may be the final transition from the material state to the energy, “radiant” one. “... One must think that energy is a special kind of the simplest matter, which sooner or later will again give the hydrogen matter known to us,” and then the cosmos will again turn into a material state, but of a higher level, again man and all matter will evolve to an energy state, and etc. in a spiral, and finally, at the highest turn of this spiral of development, “mind (or matter) recognizes everything, it considers the very existence of individual individuals and the material or corpuscular world to be unnecessary and passes into a ray state of a high order, which will know everything and nothing not to desire, that is, to that state of consciousness which the human mind considers the prerogative of the gods. The cosmos will turn into a great perfection.”

Eugenic theories of Tsiolkovsky

According to the philosophical concept that Tsiolkovsky published in a series of brochures published at his own expense, the future of mankind directly depends on the number of born geniuses, and in order to increase the birth rate of the latter, Tsiolkovsky comes up with a perfect, in his opinion, eugenics program. According to him, in each settlement it was necessary to equip the best houses, where the best brilliant representatives of both sexes should have lived, for whose marriage and subsequent childbearing it was necessary to obtain permission from above. Thus, in a few generations, the proportion of gifted people and geniuses in each city would rapidly increase.

Science fiction writer

Science fiction works of Tsiolkovsky are little known to a wide range of readers. Perhaps because they are closely related to his scientific works. Very close to science fiction is his early work Free Space, written in 1883 (published in 1954). Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is the author of science fiction works: "Dreams of the Earth and Sky" (collection of works), "On the West", the story "On the Moon" (first published in the supplement to the magazine "Around the World" in 1893, repeatedly reprinted during the Soviet era).


Collections and collections of works

Works on rocket navigation, interplanetary communications and others

Personal archive

On May 15, 2008, the Russian Academy of Sciences, curator of the personal archive of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, published it on its website. These are 5 inventories of fund 555, which contain 31680 sheets of archival documents.


  • Order of St. Stanislaus 3rd class. For conscientious work presented for an award in May 1906, issued in August.
  • Order of St. Anne 3rd class. Awarded in May 1911 for conscientious work, at the request of the council of the Kaluga Diocesan Women's School.
  • For special merits in the field of inventions of great importance for the economic power and defense of the USSR, Tsiolkovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1932. The award is dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the scientist.

perpetuation of memory

  • On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Tsiolkovsky in 1954, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR established a gold medal to them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky "3a outstanding work in the field of interplanetary communications."
  • Monuments to the scientist were erected in Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Dolgoprudny, St. Petersburg; a memorial house-museum was created in Kaluga, a house-museum in Borovsk and a house-museum in Kirov (former Vyatka); the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics and the Pedagogical Institute (now Kaluga State University), a school in Kaluga, and the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute bear his name.
  • A crater on the Moon and a minor planet 1590 Tsiolkovskaja are named after Tsiolkovsky.
  • In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Lipetsk, Tyumen, Kirov, Ryazan, Voronezh, as well as in many other settlements, there are streets named after him.
  • Since 1966, Scientific Readings in memory of K. E. Tsiolkovsky have been held in Kaluga.
  • In 1991, the Academy of Cosmonautics named after A.I. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. On June 16, 1999, the Academy was given the name "Russian".
  • On January 31, 2002, the Tsiolkovsky Sign was established - the highest departmental award of the Federal Space Agency.
  • In the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the Progress M-61 cargo ship was named Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, and a portrait of the scientist was placed on the head fairing. The launch took place on August 2, 2007.
  • In the late 1980s-early 1990s. The project of the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Tsiolkovsky" for the study of the Sun and Jupiter was developed, which was planned to be launched in the 1990s, but not implemented due to the collapse of the USSR.
  • In February 2008, K. E. Tsiolkovsky was awarded a public award, the “Symbol of Science” medal, “for creating the source of all projects for the exploration of new spaces by man in the Cosmos.”
  • Postage stamps dedicated to Tsiolkovsky were issued in the USSR and Kazakhstan.
  • One of the Aeroflot Airbus A321 aircraft is named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky.
  • Traditional motocross competitions dedicated to the memory of Tsiolkovsky are held annually in Kaluga.


Numismatics and philately


  • "Space Prophet", a documentary film about K. E. Tsiolkovsky by the Roscosmos television studio.
  • "Space flight", Tsiolkovsky acted as a scientific consultant.

In feature films, the image of Tsiolkovsky was embodied by:

  • Georgy Solovyov (Road to the Stars, 1957)
  • Y. Koltsov ("Man from Planet Earth", 1958)
  • Innokenty Smoktunovsky ("Taming the Fire", 1972)
  • Evgeny Yevtushenko ("Rise", 1979)
  • Sergei Yursky (Korolyov, 2006)
  • In September 2007, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, a new monument was opened in Borovsk on the site of the previously destroyed one. The monument is made in the popular folklore style and depicts a scientist already elderly, sitting on a stump and looking at the sky. The project was perceived ambiguously by the residents of the city and specialists studying the scientific and creative heritage of Tsiolkovsky. At the same time, as part of the Days of Russia in Australia, a copy of the monument was installed in the Australian city of Brisbane, near the entrance to the Observatory on Mount Kutta.
  • Alexander Belyaev, inspired by the genius of Konstantin Eduardovich, wrote the sci-fi novel "KETs Star", which reflects many of the ideas of the inventor. In addition, "KETs" in this heading stands for "Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky."
  • On September 17, 2012, in honor of the 155th anniversary of the birth of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Google posted a festive doodle on its main page.