The boy said to me: “How it hurts! "proud name"

The date ……………………………..

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 8 s. Aur: Mukhamadeeva L.N.

Lesson type: Learning a new topic.

Topic: A. Keshokov "It hurts, boys."

Purpose: the formation of moral convictions.


    To teach to explain the behavior of the character, to determine his internal state, the character of the hero;

    To develop the ability to express their personal attitude and position to what they read, based on the text, draw conclusions;

    Expand the vocabulary of children, develop literate oral speech;

    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people, cooperate with comrades - listen and express opinions in work.

Equipment: textbook "literary reading" by E.E. Kats grade 3, workbook No. 3, multimedia equipment, Ozhegov's dictionary, explanatory dictionary, cards for group and individual work.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

The bell has already rung, it's time to start the lesson.

    Work with proverbs :

Good for two centuries: this one and this one.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


Where friendship is strong, things go well.

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


"The saber hurts the head, but the word hurts the soul."

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


    Group work.


with a broken word)

What unites these words?

Using your life experience, explain the meaning of this word. Discuss how you will respond

put together a word that will help you put these words together.


    Working with dictionaries

Read how the dictionary explains the meaning of this word.

What value will we choose?

Group work.

Do you think these proverbs are related to the new work?

    Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

    Work on textbookus.16

Determine the topic of our lesson.




"I'm in pain, boys"

What will be the objectives of the lesson?

figure out whatrelationship should be between people;

    Vocabulary warm-up

Let's practice pronouncing I.O.F.,

    Call, as you would call your teacher.

    Name, observing the norm of pronunciation, like a respected poet.


Alim Pshemakhovich

Alim Psh[s]mah[a]vich


    Microphone game

Read the poet's biography.

He was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Alim Pshemakhovich is the author of many dozens of poetry collections, plays, poems, poems for children and adults.
Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died
. year in Moscow.

Tell us what you learned from the text you read.

    Working on new material.


Without reading the work, can you say that the words written on the board are related to the topic of our lesson? Prove it.

In the picture for the poem, we see offended boys

Read the title again. What does it look like? When complaining, will it be a relationship?

The title is like a complaint.

Is it possible to determine what the work will be?

    Work on a poem .1st reading

"Wise men"

Read the poem in a whisper, just for yourself.

Use a pencil to mark the words you don't understand the meaning of.

Reading to yourself

    Work in a notebook p.8 No. 2

What genre does the work belong to? Prove it.

Write the rhyming words of the last part in your notebook.

1u. is reading : Collided-smiled; once - from the eyes; friend - all of a sudden; sometime guys.

2nd reading

1 student reads

    Work on questions to the text.

Who is this piece about?

How did you guess?

About the boy: drawn, lazil tree workl in the workshop with a saw.

Why is the word "remember" on a separate line?

As if thinking, remembering what had happened to him before.

He has already grown up.

Who does the boy remember?

The boy remembers himself, his brother, his friend.

What is the main idea of ​​the work?

Words can hurt people

    Work in a notebook p.8 No. 3

Is it possible to agree with the poet that it is the word that inflicts the most severe wound?

    Explain what wound the poet is talking about in the verse.

    Prove with words from the text.

1. Write down answers in a notebook.

But with an offensive word friend

Wounded me once.

It suddenly hurt a lot!

It hurts now, guys.

    Work on questions to the text.


Why was the boy not offended by his brother?

What kind of relationships can they be called?

We often hit, heal the wound and forget about it.

AT express the main idea of ​​the poem one of the proverbsexplain your choice.

“If you break an arm, break a leg, it will get used; but if you break your soul, you won’t get used to it.”

"The saber hurts the head, but the word hurts the soul"

Have there been situations in your life when you were offended by a word? What did you feel?

Children's answers.

Who is this boy who has such a deep wound in his soul?

Explain your opinion.

What kind of person do you think Alim Pshemakhovich was?

Kind, with a vulnerable heart, touchy ...

Why did this wound remain for life?

This wound remained for life, because he was a friend, they played together, shared secrets ... and he betrayed him, offended him with a word.

Male friendship should be forever, strong, but he was betrayed.

Tell me, is friendship only for boys?

Between people, animals, nature….

What should be between people so that friendship remains forever?

    Reflection of educational activity

    Why do you think Alim Pshemakhovich told us this story?

    What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

    What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

    Is it right to not forgive?

    What should be the relationship between people so that it does not hurt so much in the soul?

So that we think and do not offend each other.

The good that we do to others, the good comes back to us.

Imagine that you are a friend of Alim Pshemakhovich.

What proverb would you soothe his wounded soul? Explain your answer.

"Remember friendship, but forget evil."

"Be friends with a friend, but do not harm an enemy."


9 points and above - 5.

7-8 points - 4.

Children name their assessment.


Do you think the work of K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread" will also teach us the right relationship?

Listen to an excerpt from A. Fet's poem

They live with each of us

When others need them.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

rela tio n

Microphone game

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that a real "alim" would grow out of his son, which means "scientist".
Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met with a man who determined his literary fate. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language.
Everyone read Alim Keshokov's first poem in the year of his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems "At the foot of the mountains" was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front.
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from the German landing in the city of Khost. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded.For participation in the defense of Stalingrad

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died . year in Moscow.

Microphone game

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that a real "alim" would grow out of his son, which means "scientist".
Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met with a man who determined his literary fate. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language.
Everyone read Alim Keshokov's first poem in the year of his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems "At the foot of the mountains" was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front.
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from the German landing in the city of Khost. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded.For participation in the defense of Stalingrad He was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died . year in Moscow.

And how we need kind words!

More than once we have seen this for ourselves,

Or maybe not words - deeds are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us

At the bottom of the soul until the time is stored,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

Bor - pine forest on sandy and rocky soils; sometimes with an admixture of birch, almost without undergrowth.

In the poem “The boy told me:“ How painful it is ”, Anna Akhmatova once again raises the topic of first love against the backdrop of a cooling relationship with her husband, Nikolai Gumilyov.

Row history

Only three years have passed since the wedding of Anna and Nikolai, and there is no former euphoria. Gumilyov wants Akhmatova to be first of all a wife, Anna Andreevna cannot divide herself between creativity and family. Moreover, the poetess is more willing to write than to sit by the window waiting for her husband. This situation prompts the author to write lines. Perhaps they partially refer to Gumilyov, although the main theme of the lines is the story of the lyrical heroine about the boy's love for her.

Analysis of the poem

At the beginning of the poem, the poetess, in the form of a lyrical heroine, writes that the boy complains of pain from love for her, from this the heroine is very sorry for him, because on her part there is either no love and never was, or it went out. Recently, a boy still believed in reciprocity and was happy, now he is sad, because he does not see the answer of love in the eyes of a girl.

And I just heard about sadness.

Against the background of unrequited love, the boy is gaining wisdom, but his eyes grow dim due to the lack of reciprocity, and the boy in love gradually turns into a man.

The heroine takes pity on the boy, she understands how much it hurts him, but she cannot offer herself for him. The boy strokes her hands, the heroine does not mind, but her hands are cold, which only brings unnecessary suffering to the lover.

My cold hands.

Appeal to Gumilyov?

The last paragraph can be perceived as a partial appeal to Gumilyov. It is well known that it was Nikolai who sought Anna's love for a long time and continued to love her, even when they parted. Akhmatova with “cold hands” shows that the fire of passion is fading in her heart, and the phrase “greedily and hotly strokes” says that Gumilyov still loves her. This is the version that the poetess really thought when writing the last lines of the question.

Another simple but beautiful poem by the great Russian poetess. It cannot go unnoticed by those who experienced the first separation and remember the taste of her pain.

The boy said to me: "How it hurts!"
And the boy is very sorry ...
Until recently, he was pleased
And I just heard about sadness.

And now he knows everything better
Wise and old you.
Faded and, it seems, have already become
The pupils of dazzling eyes.

I know he can't handle his pain
With the bitter pain of first love.
How helplessly, greedily and hot strokes
My cold hands.

October 1913

Literary reading

Date "___"_______ ____ y ​​Class 3- "__"

(3rd quarter)

Lesson 2

Lesson topic: "Good language and bad language". Parable by A. Keshokov “It hurts me, boys”

Lesson Objectives:

  • creation of an emotional mood for the perception of the thematic material of the new section, the formation of ideas about the parable, the improvement of reading skills and literary analysis of works of different genres with similar themes;
  • development of thinking, speech;
  • cultivating a sense of responsibility for their words and actions.

Lesson type a lesson in mastering skills and abilities;

Teaching Methods: information-reporting; explanatory; instructive; stimulating; encouraging; ___________________________

teaching methods: performing; reproductive; practical; partial search; search; ___________________________________________________

Equipment, visibility, TCO: literature textbook, notebook, portrait

During the classes.

  1. Introduction to the section.

Read the title of the topic, consider the illustration for the section. What do you think, in which of these meanings is the word "lesson" used in the title of the topic?

Educational work assigned to the student.

Study hour.

Something instructive, from which we can draw a conclusion for the future. Students choose the last value and justify their

The works placed in this section will make you think about yourself and others, allow you to see the consequences of your actions, teach you to draw conclusions and make decisions. The title of the topic is a line from a fairy tale. There are many stories in this section. After all, a fairy tale necessarily teaches something, and a fictional fairy-tale world always carries with it a wise thought. Read, take lessons.

  1. Preparation for the perception of the work. Interest call phase. Target setting.

The teacher invites the students to divide the sheet of notebook into two parts and briefly answer the questions:

What makes a person happy? What makes a person unhappy?

After a few minutes, students read their responses.

You've done well. And now I will read you a parable. A parable is a moralizing story. Pay attention to what interesting answers to the same questions were given to the king by one wise sculptor.

Vocabulary work: sculptor, sculpture.

  1. Work on the work"Good language and bad language".

1) Reading the text by the teacher.

2) Checking the primary perception.

Why is the parable called so?

What turned out to be unexpected and interesting for you?

  1. Selective reading on questions 1-4 of the textbook. Working with illustrations.

Label the illustrations with words from the text.

  1. Completion of the task indicated by the key. Definition of the main idea of ​​the parable.
  1. Work on a poem A. Keshokov "It hurts, boys" is carried out in accordance with the questions and tasks of the textbook.
  1. Conversation. Comparison of works.
  1. Summary of the lesson.

What books did you read in class?

What is a parable?

What did the readings make you think about?

  1. Homework. Prepare a retelling of the parable. Explain the meaning of the proverbs.

The date ……………………………..

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 8 s. Aur: Mukhamadeeva L.N.

Lesson type: Learning a new topic.

Topic: A. Keshokov "It hurts, boys."

Purpose: the formation of moral convictions.

To teach to explain the behavior of the character, to determine his internal state, the character of the hero; To develop the ability to express one's personal attitude and position on what is read, drawing conclusions based on the text; To expand the vocabulary of children, to develop competent oral speech; - listen and express an opinion in work. Equipment: textbook "literary reading" by E.E. Katz grade 3, workbook No. 3, multimedia equipment, Ozhegov's dictionary, explanatory dictionary, cards for group and individual work.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

The bell has already rung, it's time to start the lesson.

Work with proverbs:

Good for two centuries: this one and this one.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

Where friendship is strong, things go well.

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

"The saber hurts the head, but the word hurts the soul."

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

Group work.

with a broken word)

What unites these words?

Using your life experience, explain the meaning of this word. Discuss how you will respond

put together a word that will help you put these words together.


Working with dictionaries

Read how the dictionary explains the meaning of this word.

Group work.

Do you think these proverbs are related to the new work?

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Work on textbookus.16

Determine the topic of our lesson.


"I'm in pain, boys"

What will be the objectives of the lesson?

understand what kind of relationship should be between people;

Let's practice pronouncing I.O.F.,

Call, as you would call your teacher.

Name, observing the norm of pronunciation, like a respected poet.

Alim Pshemakhovich

Alim Psh[s]mah[a]vich


Microphone game

Read the poet's biography.

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that a real "alim" would grow out of his son, which means "scientist". Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met with a man who determined his literary fate. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language. Everyone read Alim Keshokov's first poem in the year of his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems "At the foot of the mountains" was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front. From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from the German landing in the city of Khost. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded. For participation in the defense of Stalingrad, he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Alim Pshemakhovich is the author of many dozens of poetry collections, plays, poems, poems for children and adults. Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died on January 29, 2001 in Moscow.

Tell us what you learned from the text you read.

Working on new material.


Without reading the work, can you say that the words written on the board are related to the topic of our lesson? Prove it.

In the picture for the poem, we see offended boys

Read the title again. What does it look like? When complaining, will it be a relationship?

The title is like a complaint.

Is it possible to determine what the work will be?

Work on a poem. 1st reading

"Wise men"

Read the poem in a whisper, just for yourself.

Use a pencil to mark the words you don't understand the meaning of.

Reading to yourself

Work in a notebook p.8 No. 2

What genre does the work belong to? Prove it.

Write the rhyming words of the last part in your notebook.

1u. reads: Collided-smiled; once - from the eyes; friend - all of a sudden; sometime guys.

2nd reading

1 student reads

Work on questions to the text.

Who is this piece about?

How did you guess?

About the boy: painted, climbed trees, worked in the workshop with a saw.

Why is the word "remember" on a separate line?

As if thinking, remembering what had happened to him before.

He has already grown up.

Who does the boy remember?

The boy remembers himself, his brother, his friend.

What is the main idea of ​​the work?

Words can hurt people

Work in a notebook p.8 No. 3

Is it possible to agree with the poet that it is the word that inflicts the most severe wound?

Explain what wound the poet is talking about in the verse.

Prove with words from the text.

1. Write down answers in a notebook.

But with an offensive word friend

Wounded me once.

It suddenly hurt a lot!

It hurts now, guys.

Work on questions to the text.


Why was the boy not offended by his brother?

What kind of relationships can they be called?

We often hit, heal the wound and forget about it.

Express the main idea of ​​the poem of one of the proverbs, explain your choice.

“If you break an arm, break a leg, it will get used; but if you break your soul, you won’t get used to it.”

"The saber hurts the head, but the word hurts the soul"

Have there been situations in your life when you were offended by a word? What did you feel?

Children's answers.

Who is this boy who has such a deep wound in his soul?

Explain your opinion.

What kind of person do you think Alim Pshemakhovich was?

Kind, with a vulnerable heart, touchy ...

Why did this wound remain for life?

This wound remained for life, because he was a friend, they played together, shared secrets ... and he betrayed him, offended him with a word.

Male friendship should be forever, strong, but he was betrayed.

Tell me, is friendship only for boys?

Between people, animals, nature….

What should be between people so that friendship remains forever?

Reflection of educational activity

Why do you think Alim Pshemakhovich told us this story?

What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Is it right to not forgive?

What should be the relationship between people so that it does not hurt so much in the soul?

So that we think and do not offend each other.

The good that we do to others, the good comes back to us.

Imagine that you are a friend of Alim Pshemakhovich.

What proverb would you soothe his wounded soul? Explain your answer.

"Remember friendship, but forget evil."

"Be friends with a friend, but do not harm an enemy."

9 points and above - 5.

7-8 points - 4.

Children name their assessment.

Do you think the work of K. Paustovsky "Warm Bread" will also teach us the right relationship?

Listen to an excerpt from A. Fet's poem

More than once we have seen this for ourselves,

Or maybe not words - deeds are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us

At the bottom of the soul until the time is stored,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. expressively read the poem.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final grade.

Evaluation paper.

Name ……………………………………………...

Perspective goal of the lesson: moral and aesthetic education.


1. Ensure maximum perception and disclosure of the sincerity of the lyrics of A.P. Keshokov.

Lesson design: portrait of A.P. Keshokov, display on an interactive board (slides, abstracts, reports about A.P. Keshokov, book exhibition.

"And as fate has decreed,
We are two wings of a mountain song.”
A. Keshokov

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment.

A) Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

b) Checking homework.

II. Explanation of the new topic.

A) Introductory conversation.

b) slide show.

III. Student performance

Reading poetry.

1. Test tasks on the interactive board.

2. Guessing a crossword puzzle.

3. Student work.

IV. Reading poems from the early work of A.P. Keshokov.

"Way of the Rider"


Poems “About the Motherland”

1. Selective reading. Early lines of the poet.

2. Reading poems “Future”,


"Road of Truth"

3. Student performance.

4. Reading abstracts, reports. (slide show)

5. Reading a poem dedicated to K. Kuliev “Kaisyn Kuliev”.

V. Introductory conversation about friendship between A. Keshokov and K. Kuliev.

1. Reading a poem by K. Kuliev dedicated to A. Keshokov.

2. We have become morally poorer today.

3. Reading a poem by Akhmat Sozaev “Alim Keshokov”.

4. Performance of the song "My Motherland" to the words of A. Keshokov.

VI. Fixing the topic.

What did we learn about A.P. Keshokov?

What was the family of A. Keshokov?

Who was a close friend of A. Keshokov?

What poems by A. Keshokov do you know?

How many novels did Keshokov write?

When did the life of the remarkable writer A. Keshokov end?

What songs do you know to the words of A. Keshokov?

VII. Summing up the lesson.

1. Grading.

2. Homework.

(Learn one poem by A. Keshokov)

During the classes

Teacher: Hello children! Sit down.

Today we will conduct a lesson on the topic “Proud name”, dedicated to the work of our fellow countryman, an outstanding writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the M. Gorky Prize Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov. For our Kabardian people, Alim Keshokov is the brightest star in the high sky of world artistic culture.

He entered the history of world artistic culture. He entered the history of the spiritual culture of our peoples as an outstanding figure. I will quote the words of the writer Vladimir Soloukhin “For a true poet, life is his poetry”

In response to the trust of the people - always courageous, honest, hard-won and proud words of the poet.

I lived under generous stone-starry skies
I became a particle of these hard rocks,
Sometimes I could not squeeze bread out of them,
But I carved the word out of stone.

Look at the beautiful words he chose.

Let's give a few examples from the early work of Alim Keshokov with his romantic impulse and aspiration for harmony, for the plasticity of the legend.

Andemirkan: Oh, if I got a wonderful horse,
I would not sit on it in the saddle,
I would have jumped on his back and rushed,
And the Milky Way would pass over the earth.

Asya: I will read A. Keshokov's poem "The Horseman", which has a slyly ironic ending.

Where are you, young agility,
Carries under the midnight moon?
Dzhigit laughs:
- I never
I don't drive expensive daytime!
Crazy if you believe in luck
Woo my daughter!
Achieve agreement - in addition
I give any horse.
Foreign horses were not saddled.
We do not keep gift horses.
And your daughter - isn't she
Under my black cloak?

Teacher: Sit down. Well done. This speaks of the pride of our people, who did not keep gift horses, did not saddle other people's horses. And these lines of A. Keshokov say that our people were honest and proud. The main theme in the work of A. Keshokov was and remains the theme of the Motherland in its joyful and tragic trials.

Inessa: Yes, indeed, the main theme for our poet was and remains the theme of the Motherland in its joyful and tragic trials:

The rock was a single block,
She was famous for her greatness,
And now the distance is covered with fragments.
The fate of the people is like the fate of granite.

Teacher: Listen, guys, to the early lines of the poet.

Marina: "Future".

For the future I must fight
For the future - work, my love,
For the future my song is sung,
So, the future is me!

Fatima: "True."

Double-edged dagger - holy steel of truth,
Try with your bare hands!
But in order to fight, stating the truth,
Take the two-edged one by the handle.

Rita: Mountains.

The peaks threw up their gray hairs,
Combing your hair with a comb - dawn.
The peaks are silent about their height -
And they don't get any lower!

Alina: "Road of Truth"

As you know, there are many roads near the wind:
He will bring rain, then cold, then heat,
The truth has only one way -
Let it be hard on her, but always light.

Teacher: Well done guys! You have chosen the right quatrains. These topics are relevant today. What does the author want to tell us with his poems?

Teacher: You're right guys, lies don't have legs, someday they'll pop up outside. Never lie to anyone. And this is what our poet calls us to; be honest and truthful.

Yes, guys, a lot of warm words can be said about our favorite poet. What did his friends, writers, critics say. Did you have homework:

Prepare a statement about A.P. Keshokov.

Please, you have the floor.

While the statements about the writer are being read, let's guess the crossword puzzle and do the tests.

There is a crossword on the board, you have to solve it. And the second task is to solve the test task. (Two students come to the board and complete tasks) while the statements are read out.

Statements about A. Keshokov

  1. Writer Vladimir Soloukhin (slide show) “With my seat in the saddle”.
  2. David Kugultinov - People's Poet of Kalmykia (slide show) "The Bright Spring of Poetry".
  3. Gennady Kommodov "He fought with a pen."
  4. Savva Dangulov is a writer.
  5. Raisa Akhmatova - poetess of Chechen-Ingushetia (slide show) “I bless that day”.
  6. Salim and Fuad Efendiyev (slide show) “Alim Keshokov and Kaisyn Kuliev”.

Teacher: Yes, guys, as the poet himself said, Kuliev and Keshokov - they are like two wings of a mountain song. And we should be proud that it was these two wonderful “People” with a capital letter who lived with us, that they are our fellow countrymen. Both of them have made a great contribution to our national culture. Indeed, Alim Keshokov and Kaisyn Kuliev did not know each other. They were introduced and brought together by the war. Probably, they would have met each other, but as the war brought them closer, such a friendship would not have turned out. And this meeting was a joy for both of them. And they met by chance at the end of 1942. And then they were inseparable friends for a long time.

When they went to the front, when fate brought them together, Alim was 29 years old, they ate the bitter bread of war together, passed under the same bullets, fell under explosions of bombs and shells at Perekop. Then they fraternally shared not only bread, but also their thoughts and anxieties, worries, memories of our native land. Listen to Kuliev's poem, which is dedicated to Alim Keshokov.

Ruslan: We were there, my friend, my brother Alim!
One with you, we covered ourselves with a raincoat.
When the fire thundered, cruel, implacable.
We did not play hide-and-seek with the fate of a soldier.

Teacher: Yes guys. Listen to these words, think about these words. With this quatrain one can see, hear, what they experienced, that they could die, but they were not afraid of death and met face to face with it. Do you want me to tell you the story of the raincoat tent? Listen. When Kuliyev was wounded, Alim carried him to the nearest medical battalion. Keshokov himself wrote: “He was wounded near Sevastopol. The blood flooded my clothes so that it was impossible to make out whose blood it was - mine or a friend's. I carried him to the hospital with me. And when he was carried away on a stretcher, he tore off his raincoat - a tent and threw it to me: "Wear it to your health." About this case, Alim Keshokov wrote a poem dedicated to Kaisyn Kuliyev.

Now listen to the poem "Kaisyn Kuliyev" carefully.

Reading the poem "Kaisyn Kuliyev" - Kankulova Marianna.

We drank water from Chegem:
You are at the top and I am at the bottom.
And the sky gave us with you
One dawn, one thunderstorm.

And raised one alarm
We are the same number as you
One tough road
Got me in one battle.

We clung to one rock
Before the attack in the Crimea
And we alone remembered
Mountain peaks in smoke.

I recognized the pain of seditious flour
Lived with bowed head
While I was apart
You, slandered by rumor.

We are both sung by Chegem,
And, stoned for centuries,
Like a battle blade in a sheath, we
Given a month in the clouds.

And not two-faced, but two-headed
And constant, like Elbrus,
We are looking for glory for the Caucasus,
Carrying years of heart burden.

And as fate has decreed
We are two wings of a mountain song,
And one gun with you
Two inseparable trunks.

We are riders that stirrup in stirrup
They fly, choosing a difficult path.
And the waves lift time
And they put it on our chest.

Teacher: The friendship of these two poets continued and grew stronger from year to year. They were friends with families, congratulated each other on holidays and birthdays. And so they were together until the end of their days. Together they shared everything, both joys and bitterness, as happened in the war. They have been friends for over 40 years. But one day everything was cut short in an instant.

We are poorer today. The stunning black news about the death of the outstanding writer, the great son of Kabardino-Balkaria Alim Keshokov discouraged us all. Today we have become morally poorer.

The ship will leave and return again,
When you don't get lost in the vastness of the sea.
The poet, leaving the true word,
Even if he leaves, he will not be forgotten in the world.

Teacher: These lines are his words. Indeed, Alim Keshokov left us, but we will never forget him. When the news was heard by Kabardino-Balkaria, everyone grieved together with the family of A. Keshokov. And the family of Keshokova grieved doubly. Doubly, because on February 29, 2001 they buried not only Alim, but also her own sister, Tauzhan, who, having heard about the death of her brother, died of a heart attack. On February 29, the Keshokov family split into two groups: some left for Krasnodar, where Tauzhan lived with her family, while others remained in Nalchik for Alim's funeral. Alim was a soul, a good friend and a generous adviser not only for the family and clan, but also for our entire people.

Alim bequeathed to his brother Khatau to be buried in his native Shalushkinsky cemetery, next to his parents. They wanted to bury him in Moscow, where he lived and worked, but according to his will, the Russian government helped, and he was buried in the village of Shalushka, next to his parents, as he bequeathed to his brother, they fulfilled the last will of the poet. A testament is sacred to our people. It must be fulfilled. Yes, Alim Keshokov is a whole era in Kabardian literature. He took one of the places of honor in it. Alim earned it with his wonderful original creativity. He made a great, unforgettable contribution to both poetry and prose.

A great writer has passed away. But he will remain in our hearts forever. The work of Alim Keshokov is close to us. It captivates with the philosophical depth of comprehension of life, cordial generosity to people. The poet lived his life with dignity. And now listen to the poem of the poet Akhmat Sozaev, dedicated to Alim Keshokov.

Cantemir: Alim Keshokov.

Every word you say is glory
Peoples who have been friends for a long time.
Immortality is your holy right
It bestows greatness.

Marianna: I will pay respect to the teacher.
I see: the light of Keshokov's gift
Brings warmth to all new hearths.
When, O Tamada, you create, hold
The earth is with you together with your dowry -
And herbs and trees their tenderness
Transmit to trembling words.
Kaisyn, your Balkar brother, and now with us,
He talks about eternity with you.
And above the native land, like a banner,
The talent of the great masters is on fire.

Consolidation of the topic of the lesson.

This is where our lesson ends. Let's consolidate, what did we learn new in our lesson?

Student: In this lesson we learned a lot about the writer, about his family, friends, relatives.

Student: And we also got acquainted with the early work of the poet, read his poems, solved crossword puzzles on the work of Alim Keshokov, worked on an iterative board, solved tests, defended essays on the work of Alim Keshokov.

Teacher: This is where our lesson ends. Today everyone worked very actively, I give everyone grades. Mark your homework:

  1. Learn one poem by Alim Keshokov of your choice with commentary.
  2. Make an analysis of the poem.

And now we will finish the lesson with a song to the words of Alim Keshokov “About the Motherland”.

Adyge uafe, Adyge shIyl'e,
Uegum shihame, shIl'er si pl'apIesch,
Adyge uafe, Adyge shIyl'e,
Ui lahem sitme, duneim sytetk'e.
Heaven of the Circassians, land of the Circassians,
Rising into the sky, I admire you.
Heaven of the Circassians, land of the Circassians.
While I live, I breathe you.