Small patriarchal 5 monument. Elite areas: what does it mean to live in Patriarch's

Before describing the classification that characterizes Windows 7 hotkeys, it makes sense to talk about this topic without being distracted by rather boring specifics. Hot keys or, as they are also called, shortcut keys, have a long history.

The keyboard of domestic programmable calculators very often consisted of such keys and their combinations. In order to enter a command, it was necessary to sequentially press the key combinations provided for by the instruction on the calculator's keyboard. Actually, the program entered into the calculator consisted of such combinations.

If it were not for the slowness of these devices, then their functionality could well be considered complete and logically complete. A lot of applied people from science and engineering have developed entire software packages for programmable calculators. The difference from modern combinations lies in the sequential, rather than simultaneous pressing of the keys.

The idea to press them at the same time appeared with the advent of relatively modern personal computer keyboards with buffered input and digital coding of each button.

It is possible to argue today about which of the concepts is better, but this dispute would be more of a philosophical nature, since simultaneous pressing unambiguously defeated sequential.

Although today in some places you can find consistent combinations. The direction of developing such keyboard combinations has also changed. If in the world of programmable calculators combinations were used mainly for developing programs, now most of them belong to the world of dynamic computer toys, where they are used in order to reduce the player's reaction time to a minimum and call various game functions.

And now let's talk about Windows 7 hot keys. For convenience, we will divide all such combinations into thematic groups.

Window keys

The shortcut table for window manipulation looks like this:

Win&Home - used for a kind of window shaking: all windows are minimized, except for the one that has focus.

Win&Space - turns any open windows into transparent ones.

Win&Up - expands the window with focus to the full size of the display.

Win&Down - Minimizes and maximizes the window in the foreground in sequence.

Shift&Win&Up - Aligns the bottom border of the active window with the border of the taskbar.

Alt&Tab is a very useful combination. Allows you to easily move between windows.

Win&Tab - navigation between windows in "Aero" mode.

Win&Left/Right - stretch the active window to the left and right to the monitor borders.

Keys for managing the "Taskbar"

Here is a table of hotkeys for manipulating the elements of the "Taskbar":

Win&number - activate the application with the given number and make the application window active.

Shift&Win&number - activate the next copy of the application with the given number.

Ctrl&Win&number - switch to the secondary window with the specified number.

Alt&Win&number – expand the jump list of the program with the given number.

Win&T(&Shift) - move between application icons above the panel.

Win&B - Moves focus to the tray area.

Ctrl&Shift&Click - launch the program with system privileges (on behalf of the system administrator).

Shift&Right-Click - Display the menu of the window that has focus.

Working with the system application "Explorer"

Many generally forgot about the existence of such a program - "Explorer". And meanwhile it is very, very useful in the work. In this group, keyboard shortcuts look like this:

Win&E - Open File Explorer in My Computer.

Ctrl&Shift&N - Create a new directory in the current directory.

Alt&Up - Move up one level in the folder hierarchy.

Alt&P - Display the file browser panel.

Shift&Right-Click - Adds numerous useful options to the "Send" menu of a file, like "Copy Path", etc.

Shift&Right-Click - Allows you to open the console with the current directory in the given folder.

Other features

These combinations are not common, but they demonstrate many of the great features of the system:

Win&P - Display the presentation settings window on another monitor or projector attached to the system.

Win&(+/-) - Working with a screen magnifier. Reduces or enlarges the image.

Win&G - Switch between individual connected devices.

These are not all successful keyboard shortcuts available in the "seven". A complete listing of them would take a whole volume. Many of them are inherited from previous versions and have deep roots going back to the very moment Windows hit the market:

Ctrl & Esc - Expand the start menu. The "Win" key, labeled as "window" and located on the keyboard between the "Alt" and "Ctrl" keys, does the same.

Ctrl & Shift - Activate the "Task Manager".

Win & F1 - Display the system help window.

Win & F - Brings up the search engine.

Printscreen - A very useful key that allows you to send a snapshot of the screen to the clipboard.

Combinations designed to handle text deserve special attention:

Ctrl & A - Select full text.

Ctrl & C - Copy the marked section of text to the clipboard.

Ctrl & X - Cut the marked section of text and send to the clipboard.

Ctrl & V - Paste text into the window from the clipboard.

And others.

In many of our articles you will see text like: Win + R .
This text indicates that you need to press the combination of the key with the Windows logo and the letter R.
Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that can be pressed to perform tasks that usually require the use of a mouse or other pointing device.

This list is more complete, most of the keyboard shortcuts are valid for other operating systems of the Windows family.

The following are the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with text.

Ctrl+ASelect all text.
(or Ctrl+Insert)
Copy the selected text fragment.
Ctrl + XCut the selected text fragment.
(or? Shift+Insert)
Paste the selected text fragment.
ctrl + ?Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
ctrl + ?Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
ctrl + ?Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
ctrl + ?Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph.
? Shift+?Select text forward character by character.
? Shift+?Select text backward character by character.
ctrl + ? Shift+?Select text from the cursor position to the beginning of the next word.
ctrl + ? Shift+?Select text from the cursor position to the beginning of the previous word.
? Shift + HomeSelect text from the cursor position to the beginning of the line.
? Shift + EndSelect text from the cursor position to the end of the line.
Alt left + ? ShiftSwitch input language if multiple input languages ​​are used.
ctrl + ? ShiftSwitch keyboard layout if multiple keyboard layouts are used.
Left Ctrl + ? Shift
Ctrl right + ? Shift
Changing the reading direction of text for right-to-left languages.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with windows and the desktop.

(or Ctrl+R)
Refreshes the active window or desktop (if active).
F6 or Tab?Cycle through items in a window or on the desktop.
Alt + EscCycles through items in the order they were opened.
Alt + Tab ?Cycle through windows in normal mode.
Ctrl + Alt + Tab ?Open a window to switch between windows normally. Use the arrow keys to navigate between them.
Win + Tab ?Cycle through elements (windows, programs) in Flip3D mode.
Ctrl + Win + Tab ?Open window to switch between windows in Flip3D mode. Use the arrow keys to navigate between them.
Ctrl + mouse wheel (up/down) on the desktopIncrease / Reduce the size of icons on the desktop.
Holding? Shift+?Highlight multiple items in a window or desktop, including the current one.
Holding? Shift+?Highlight down multiple items in a window or on the desktop, including the current one.
Holding Ctrl + SpaceSelect any multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop. To navigate, use the arrow keys.
Ctrl+ASelect all items in a window or on the desktop.
(or Ctrl+Insert)
Copy selected elements.
Ctrl + XCutting selected elements.
(or? Shift+Insert)
Paste selected elements.
Alt+Enter ?Opening the properties dialog box for the selected file, folder.
Alt + SpaceDisplay the context menu of the active window.
Alt+F4Closes the current item or exits the active program.
? Shift+F10Opens the context menu for the selected element.
win+?Expand the window to full screen.
win+? Shift+?Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
win+?Minimize to a window, or minimize to the taskbar.
win+?Maximize and dock the window to the left edge of the screen.
win+?Maximize and dock the window to the right edge of the screen.
Win+MMinimize all rollable windows. Non-collapsible windows (For example: File Properties) will remain on the screen.
win+? Shift+MRestore all minimized windows.
Win+DShow desktop / Return to program. Minimizes and restores everything, including non-minimisable windows.
Win+GCycle through gadgets.
Windows + HomeMinimize/Restore all windows except the active one.
Win + SpaceShow desktop without minimizing windows.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with multiple monitors.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with the Taskbar.

? Shift+click the icon on the taskbarOpening a program or quickly opening another instance of a program.
? Shift + right click on taskbar iconDisplay the menu window for the program.
? Shift+right-click on a grouped taskbar iconDisplays the menu window for the group.
Ctrl+click a grouped taskbar iconCycle through group windows.
ctrl + ? Shift+click the icon on the taskbarOpening the program as an administrator.
Ctrl + Tab ?Switch between thumbnails in the same group.
Win + DigitRun / Switch to the program using the location of its icon on the taskbar.
The numbers from 1 to 9 are the serial number of the application on the taskbar, counting from the left (0 is the tenth application).
? Shift + Win + NumberLaunching a new instance of the program using the location of its icon on the taskbar.
Ctrl + Win + NumberSwitch between program windows, starting with the last active one, using the location of its icon on the taskbar.
Alt + Win + NumberOpen the Jump List for a program using the location of its icon on the taskbar.
Win+TCycle through icons on the taskbar. (From left to right)
win+? Shift+TCycle through icons on the taskbar. (From right to left)
Ctrl+Win+BSwitch to the program that displays the message in the notification area.
(or Ctrl + Esc)
Open or close the Start menu.
Win+ROpens the Run dialog box.
ctrl + ? Shift+Enter ?Run the program highlighted in the Start menu as an administrator.

Keyboard shortcuts for working in Windows Explorer.

Win+ELaunch Windows Explorer.
Alt+?View the previous folder.
Alt+?View next folder.
Alt+?Browse the folder one level up.
Alt+DAddress bar selection.
Alt+PViewport display.
Ctrl+ESelecting a search field.
ctrl + ? Shift+EDisplays all folders in which the selected folder is nested.
ctrl+fSelecting a search field.
Ctrl + NOpening a new window.
ctrl + ? Shift+NCreate a new folder.
Ctrl+WClose the current window.
Ctrl + .Rotate the image clockwise.
ctrl + ,Rotate the image counterclockwise.
Ctrl + mouse scroll wheelChange the size and appearance of file and folder icons.
HomeJump to the top position of the active window.
endJump to the bottom position of the active window.
(or Ctrl+D)
Removing the selected item to the Recycle Bin.
? Shift+DeleteDeleting the selected item without placing it in the Trash.
F2Rename the selected element.
F4Display a list of previous locations for the address bar in Windows Explorer.
F11Maximize the active window to full screen / Minimize back.
? Collapse the selection (if expanded) or select the parent folder.
? Display the selected item (if it is collapsed) or highlight the first subfolder.
? backspaceView the previous folder.
Lock + * on numeric keypad
Displays all folders nested in the selected folder.
Lock + + on the numeric keypad
Display the contents of the selected folder.
Lock + - on the numeric keypad
Collapse the selected folder.

Keyboard shortcuts for the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Help.

F1Opens help for the current item.
Win+F1Launch the built-in Windows dialog: Help and Support.
F3Move the cursor to the "Search" field.
F10Go to the "Options" menu.
Alt+AGo to the user support page.
Alt+CDisplay title.
Alt + NGo to the "Connection Options" menu.
Alt+?Return to the previous viewed section.
Alt+?Move to the next (previously viewed) section.
Alt+HomeGo to the help and support home page.
HomeMove to the beginning of a section.
endMove to the end of a section.
ctrl+fSearch in the current section.
ctrl+pPrint section.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with the Ease of Access Center.

Win+ULaunch Ease of Access Center.
Lock (hold for more than five seconds)
Enable / Disable the sound mode when pressing the keys Caps Lock , Num
Lock and Scroll
? Shift (press five times)Enable / Disable Sticky Keys mode (allows you to use the keys? Shift , Ctrl , Alt , Win by pressing them individually).
? Shift right (hold for more than eight seconds)Enable / Disable input filtering (allows you to ignore short and repeated keystrokes).
Alt left + ? Left Shift + PrtScr (or Print
Enable/Disable high contrast mode.
Alt left + ? Shift Left + Num
Lock (or Num)
Enable / Disable keyboard mouse control.

Keyboard shortcuts for working with Magnifier.

win++Launching the Magnifier program.
Zoom in.
Win+-Zoom out.
Win + EscClose the Magnifier app.
Ctrl+Alt+DSwitch to the "Pinned" mode (the enlarged area is shown in a separate docked window).
Ctrl+Alt+FSwitch to Full Screen mode (enlarges the entire screen).
Ctrl+Alt+LSwitch to Zoom mode (enlarges the area around the mouse pointer).
Ctrl+Alt+RChange the size of a window that displays an enlarged area of ​​the screen.
Ctrl + Alt + SpaceDesktop preview in full screen mode.
Ctrl+Alt+IColor inversion.
Ctrl + Alt + ?Attaches a window with an enlarged area to the top edge of the screen. ("Pinned")
Move the window with the enlarged area up. ("Increase")
Moving up in the enlarged area. ("Full screen")
Ctrl + Alt + ?Attaches a window with an enlarged area to the bottom edge of the screen. ("Pinned")
Move the window with the enlarged area down. ("Increase")
Moving down the enlarged area. ("Full screen")
Ctrl + Alt + ?Attaches a window with an enlarged area to the left edge of the screen. ("Pinned")
Move the window with the enlarged area to the left. ("Increase")
Move around the enlarged area to the left. ("Full screen")
Ctrl + Alt + ?Attaches a window with an enlarged area to the right edge of the screen. ("Pinned")
Move the window with the enlarged area to the right. ("Increase")
Move over the enlarged area to the right. ("Full screen")

Other keyboard shortcuts.

Enter?Replaces mouse clicks to launch an application, click a button, or select an item from a menu.
EscIdentical to clicking the Cancel button in the dialog box.
(or Win+F)
Opens the built-in Windows dialog box to search for a file or folder.
ctrl+fOpens a search window or navigates to a search field in the active window.
Ctrl+Win+FSearch for a computer from a domain (when online).
ctrl + ? Shift + EscLaunching the Task Manager.
Ctrl+Alt+DeleteOpening the Windows Security window (Includes the Lock Computer, Change User, Log Out, Change Password, Start Task Manager buttons).
Win+LLocking the computer or switching users.
Windows + XLaunch Windows Mobility Center.
Launch the System item from the Control Panel (Properties item when you right-click on Computer in the Start menu).
Holding? Shift when inserting a CDPrevent automatic CD playback.
Ctrl + Tab ?Switching between elements (tabs, windows, documents) in programs that allow multiple documents to be open at the same time.
Ctrl+F4Closes the active document (in programs that allow multiple documents to be open at the same time).
Alt+Enter ?Maximize the active program to full screen / Minimize to window.
Alt + underlined letterDisplay the corresponding menu.
Execute a menu command (or other underlined command).
F10Activate the menu bar of the current program.
? Opens the next menu on the left or closes a submenu.
? Open the next menu on the right or open a submenu.
Ctrl + NCreate…
ctrl+sSave your changes.
Ctrl + ZCancel action.
ctrl + ? Shift+Z
Repeat action.

Material prepared: Nizaury

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Elite areas: what does it mean to live in Patriarch's

The Patriarch's Ponds area is compared to London's Soho or Piccadilly - a relaxed European atmosphere reigns here, and the most expensive real estate in the capital is concentrated within a kilometer radius. The prestigious location has gained fame as a "state within a state" - media people, politicians, actors and directors live in club houses and old mansions. They have created their own community here. How much does an entrance ticket cost and what are the features of life in the very heart of Moscow - read in our material.

fish place

Formally, Patriarch's Ponds is a reservoir in the Presnensky district of the Central District of Moscow. But for realtors, as well as for local residents, Patriarch's is a quarter between Malaya Nikitskaya, Tverskaya, Sadovoe and Boulevard Rings. In the center is the famous pond and public garden founded in the 19th century.

Until the 17th century, there was a Goat swamp on the site of the Patriarch's Ponds. Goats were bred nearby, wool was supplied to the royal court. Patriarch Hermogenes chose this place for his residence. The patriarchal settlement grew, houses and churches arose here. In the 16th century, another patriarch, Joachim, ordered to drain the swamp and dig three ponds - the patriarchal table needed fresh fish.

Then the patriarchate fell into decay, the ponds swamped. They were remembered only in the 19th century. Then the city authorities arranged a square here, and the ponds were filled up, leaving only one - the largest. Now only the plural in the name of one reservoir, and Trekhprudny Lane, reminds of the other two.

History in faces

The action of Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" begins at the Patriarchs. Nearby, on Sadovaya, Bulgakov himself lived in a communal apartment.

Marina Tsvetaeva was born in Trekhprudny Lane, Alexander Blok spent his only winter in Moscow. Vladimir Mayakovsky, Claudia Shulzhenko and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived here. Filmed by master artists Vasily Surikov and Vasily Polenov. Since the 19th century, concerts and performances have been held in the square in summer, and a skating rink has been flooded in winter. Even Leo Tolstoy brought his daughters here to skate.

There are many old Moscow intelligentsia at the Patriarchs. In Soviet times, they gave apartments to actors, theater directors and technical intelligentsia - the chief engineers of factories and design bureaus.

In the 80s, a brick building was built in Granatny Lane for the party elite, including General Secretary Brezhnev.

Patriarchs today

Patriarchal and today are popular among celebrities. Actors, writers, musicians, famous designers, editors of fashion magazines live here.

The trend of recent years is that wealthy businessmen from the prestigious Rublyovka or Ostozhenka are moving here. Therefore, the population is very diverse - for example, grandchildren who received an apartment by inheritance, and the family of a businessman who is tired of traffic jams and decided to settle in the center can live on the same staircase.

Important buildings

Active development of the Patriarchs began in the 20th century. In 1912, the architect Ivan Zholtovsky built the estate of the merchant Tarasov in Bolshoi Patriarchal Lane. The house in the style of the Italian Renaissance with monograms and arches then shocked the public - in Moscow they were more accustomed to classicism.

In the middle of the century, the party elite settled on the Patriarchs - in 1945 a residence for the highest military leaders of the USSR ("House with Lions") appeared. The Patriarchs even wanted to rename them Pioneers, but the name did not stick.

An important modern building that has changed the face of the coast is the Patriarch residential building on Malaya Bronnaya. It was built in 2002 according to the project of Sergey Tkachenko. The facades are decorated with antique plastic sculptures, on the roof there is a huge model of the tower of the Soviet architect Tatlin. It was going to be built in St. Petersburg in 1919, but the authorities changed their minds - then avant-garde went out of fashion.

The example of "Luzhkov's architecture" causes mixed responses in the architectural community. Some call it the ugliest building in the capital, others call it a symbol of an era whose legacy has yet to be comprehended.

Elite Patriarchs

In 2017, the Moscow luxury real estate market is doing well. Already in the first half of the year, the number of transactions increased by 15% compared to the same period last year, Kalinka Group calculated.

Premium housing in the area of ​​the Patriarchs is the unchanging leader. The average transaction budget here reaches 156.5 million rubles - more than in Khamovniki or Yakimanka. There, the average transaction budget is 99 and 106.4 million rubles, respectively.

According to analysts, in the first half of 2017, the volume of offers also showed positive dynamics in the elite housing market. The growth amounted to 13% - this is the largest figure in the entire history of observations, and the potential has not been exhausted, as stated in the Kalinka Group.

Khamovniki and Zamoskvorechye are the leaders here - developers have spurred demand by launching the sale of several new properties at once. There have been no new projects at the Patriarch's for several years, nevertheless, the district is in the top ten. Average price per sq. meter amounted to 1239 thousand rubles, the average area of ​​the lot put up for sale was 175.6 sq. m. meters.

Secondary market

The area of ​​the Patriarchs is approximately 80% built up with old housing stock. Basically, these are solid houses of the late XIX - mid-XX century. Some of them after serious reconstruction. Such houses have high ceilings, spacious front rooms and interesting layouts. There are few apartments - from 12 to 30. The area of ​​​​one lot starts from 150-200 square meters. meters. Examples are the club house "On Malaya Nikitskaya", LCD "Malaya Bronnaya", "Master and Margarita", "Quarter on the Patriarchs". The price is 340-980 million rubles (2000-2200 thousand rubles per square meter).

There are several "Tsek" houses of 1968-1972 on the Patriarch's. An example of such a lot is a 4-room apartment with an area of ​​120 sq. meters with a standard 11-meter kitchen. Windows overlook the pond. The cost is 173 million rubles.

In typical "stalinkas" with reinforced concrete floors, you can find an option in the range of 18-30 million rubles. Most likely, the apartment will need renovation. In such houses there is often no elevator - this must be borne in mind.

One of the cheapest offers on the secondary market of the Patriarchs is a one-room apartment with an area of ​​46 sq. meters. The cost of the lot is 17 million rubles. The apartment is located on the first floor of a 5-storey brick building in Kozikhinsky Lane. One of the most expensive options is a penthouse in the 687 sq. meters for 26 million dollars.

New buildings of the Patriarchal

The most recent projects put into operation two or three years ago are located on Bolshoy and Maly Kozikhinsky lanes. In 2014 Vesper commissioned the Bulgakov house. The building is inscribed in the surrounding buildings. There are lots for sale at a price of 271.33-301.97 million rubles (1336-1452 thousand rubles per square meter).

Nearby is the apartment complex "At the Patriarchs" with columns and bay windows. The project was implemented by the BEL Development company, the price of the lot is 115-351 million rubles (895-1404 thousand rubles per square meter).

Residential complexes "Granatny, 6" and "Granatny, 8" are located in the most expensive and prestigious Granatny Lane. They were built in the early 2000s according to the project of the architect Sergey Tchoban. They belong to the premium class and are famous for their ladders for servants - for example, the driver can enter from the back door and bring food into the apartment without colliding with the owners. The cost of one lot is 233.26-2041.02 million rubles (1422-2682 thousand rubles per square meter).

At the time of preparation of the material, there were no buildings under construction in the Patriarch's Ponds area. Information about promising projects in open sources could not be found. With a high degree of probability, in the coming years, no new buildings will appear on the Patriarchs - all the plots of land suitable for this were bought by the owners of the apartments in order to protect themselves from building under the windows.


The infrastructure of the Patriarchs took shape over decades. Everything you need for life is here. There are two municipal kindergartens and four schools in the district, including one of the best in the capital - No. 1239 on Vspolny. On Ermolaevsky - city polyclinic No. 13, near the children's hospital. In the vicinity of the Patriarchs there are pharmacies, spa-salons and beauty salons.

From barbershops Chop-Chop and Mr. Righ at the Patriarchs across Russia, the fashion for men's hairdressers has rolled, where hipsters cut their beards and top managers of large companies refresh their haircuts.

Potential buyers should be aware that there are not enough grocery stores in the area. There are small outlets with snacks and drinks, there is a healthy food shop with farm cottage cheese and gluten-free muffins, and there is only one large supermarket - Scarlet Sails on Bolshaya Bronnaya. In the coming years, the opening of new ones is unlikely - there are no suitable premises.

At first glance, there are no problems with transport accessibility - the Mayakovskaya metro station and major Moscow highways are nearby. But life in the city center is invariably associated with congestion. There are situations when the residents of the Patriarch's are literally cut off from the outside world due to traffic jams on Novy Arbat, Tverskaya and Sadovoy. With the ecology in the center of Moscow, the situation is also not rosy - heavy traffic contributes.

Traffic jams, noise from restaurants and a crowd of tourists are part of life on the Patriarchs. But the people who settle here do not expect the silence of the sleeping area. And for forest walks you can go to the suburbs.

restaurant renaissance

Due to the huge flow of people on the Patriarchs, the restaurant business is flourishing. In just a couple of years, several dozens of fashionable places have opened here - democratic and not very democratic. Gilda Seafood in the pavilion on the shore of the pond, Svetlana Bondarchuk's "Birch", Remy Kitchen Bakery with Australian cuisine, Friends Forever with the atmosphere of New York, Canaille bistro, I Love Cake and Strudel confectioneries, Brix, Uiliams, Ess-Thetik bars - that's far not a complete list.

All Moscow flocks here to drink craft beer or eat a burger on the summer terrace. The audience is diverse, and not always peaceful - local residents began to complain about the garbage in the yards and round-the-clock music. In 2016, the conflict reached its apogee - banners appeared on Malaya Bronnaya with the text “Sobyanin! The people demand silence!

The incident caused a lot of publicity - stories appeared in the federal media, and a heated discussion unfolded on Facebook. The conflict was resolved in an unbanal way and in record time - the residents of the Patriarchs simply met with the mayor of the capital over a cup of coffee and agreed on everything. Now all the establishments on the Patriarchs are closed at 23:00, and reinforced police squads are keeping order.


The area of ​​Patriarch's Ponds is in demand among tenants of elite housing. According to this indicator, it ranks 6th among Moscow districts. According to the Savills agency, more than 4% of the total number of apartments on the high-budget rental market are listed on Patriarshiye. As of May-June 2017, the average rental rate for an elite apartment is from 345 thousand rubles per month.

The main target audience is foreigners aged 40-45. They work in Moscow and move here with their families. Basically, these are top managers of large international companies and diplomats - there are about 15 embassies in the territory from Nikitskaya to Tverskaya.

In 2016, expats accounted for half of all tenants in Moscow's elite housing. Most often they settled on the Patriarchs. These are mainly the French (up to 20%), followed by the British (6%), another 10% of the demand accounted for a combination of US and Japanese citizens, Savills calculated.

Safe as in a bank

The fall experienced by the rental real estate market a few years ago had the least effect on the Patriarchs. Now the demand for quality rental housing here exceeds the supply. Therefore, an apartment on Patriarchy Street is a good investment even for those who are not going to live here.

Such an asset will protect against inflation, bring a stable income and will not require close attention, realtors assure. The search for tenants can be entrusted to an agency, and the likelihood that repairs will suffer is minimal - the tenants here are mostly respectable people with families and children.

The long-term dynamics of prices for apartments in the Patriarch's area also speaks in favor of buying for investment purposes. According to Knight Frank analysts, over the past 20 years, prices here have quadrupled. There are no prerequisites for the fact that housing here will sharply lose its attractiveness and become cheaper.

Patriarch's Ponds - the common name of the only pond that has survived to our time, the surrounding square and residential microdistrict, located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow on the territory of the Presnensky District. The microdistrict is located near the Garden Ring between Malaya Bronnaya Street, Bolshoi Patriarchal Lane, Maly Patriarchal Lane and Ermolaevsky Lane.

The name "Patriarch's Ponds" in the plural reminds that there were not one, but several ponds in this place. The entire park complex occupies 2.2 hectares, of which 6323 m² are allocated to paths and playgrounds, and 7924 m² to green spaces. The area of ​​the pond itself today is 0.0099 km², and its depth reaches 2.5 meters.


Once upon a time, this place was located Goat swamp (from which Bolshoi and Maly Kozikhinsky lanes got their name). According to one version, this swamp was called Kozim from the nearby Goat Yard, from which wool was sent to the royal and patriarchal courts. The Chertoriy stream flowed from the Goat swamp, as well as the left tributaries of the Presnya River - the Bubna, which formed the Presnensky Ponds on the territory of the Zoo, and the Kabanka (Kabanikha). At the beginning of the 17th century, Patriarch Hermogenes chose this place for his residence, and Patriarchal Sloboda appeared on the site of the swamp. The Patriarchal Sloboda included the Church of Yermolai the Holy Martyr, on the Goat Bog, and the Church of Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifunt, on the Goat Bog. In 1683-1684, Patriarch Joachim ordered to dig three ponds to drain the swamps and breed fish for the patriarchal table.

Such ponds - fish cages - were dug in different parts of the city. On Presnya, in the Presnensky Ponds, expensive varieties of fish were bred, on the Goat Bog - cheaper ones, for daily use. From these three ponds of the Patriarchal Sloboda, the name Trekhprudny Lane appeared, in the old days it was called "Three Ponds". With the decline of the Patriarchal settlement, associated with the abolition of the patriarchate, the ponds were abandoned and the area became swampy again. And only in the first half of the 19th century they were buried, leaving a single decorative pond, and a square was laid out around it. In the XIX-beginning of the XX, this square was called "Boulevard of the Patriarch's Pond"

A monument of architecture - Profitable house of A. I. Mozzhukhin. Built in 1887.
A building that stands out with white trim against a backdrop of exposed red brick. It was a whole trend in the architecture of those years, advocating the preservation of the natural color and texture of bricks.

Him in 1967

The actress A. G. Koonen lived here in her childhood.

A small three-story house, built in 1927 on the site of the house of the merchant Mozzhukhina for the cooperative "Kvartirokhozyain" according to the project of G. K. Oltarzhevsky. The artist and bibliophile N. P. Smirnov-Sokolsky lived there for many years. However, it was completely rebuilt in the late 90s, leaving only the facade intact. For some reason, Rosokhrankultura is not interested in the results of this "restoration". Maybe because Pavel Gusev lives there, editor-in-chief. MK?

Profitable house Veshnyakov (1912)

And this is the most disgusting house on the patriarchal typical Luzhkov style "Patriarch" (they say there was a cemetery in its place). The main lobby was decorated by the famous French decorator and designer Jacques Garcia, who became famous for decorating the Parisian residence of the Sultan of Brunei.

and before the cemetery it was like this

"House with Lions" A magnificent residential building, decorated with huge lions, was built according to the idea of ​​the architect Zholtovsky. But the architects Gaigarov and Dzisko (little-known and by no means famous) were engaged in the project for this house. Looking at it, marveling at its beautiful appearance (which resembles an old mansion), it is hard to imagine that it was built at the end of the Great Patriotic War. The house was built for the highest military command (hence its name - "general's") by order of Stalin.

The famous architect F. Novikov said that this is "a manifestation of false monumentality, genuine philistinism in architecture." It stands out from afar with excessively large columns and lions, which in the last century adorned almost every estate, noble or one that wanted to seem like it. However, this house was not built in the last century, but in 1944-1945. (architects M. M. Dzisko and N. I. Gaigarov) for generals. The apartments there consisted of the following rooms: anteroom, hall, living room, study, dressing room, corridor, children's room, bedroom, dining room, anteroom in front of the kitchen, housekeeper's room, kitchen, pantry, lavatory.

It is surprising that there are no memorial plaques on this house - but what kind of people lived in it! Here are those who we managed to find out about: Vershinin, Konstantin Andreevich - Air Force Commander-in-Chief, Chief Air Marshal of the USSR Algis Zhuraitis and Elena Obraztsova - I hope they do not need to be introduced :) Malinin, Mikhail Sergeevich - General of the Army His wife Grekova, Nadezhda Grigorievna -Chairman The Supreme Council of the BSSR Shavrov, Ivan Egorovich - General of the Army (?) Nothing is known about the rest of the residents. There are actually 6 apartments in the house, with an average area of ​​about 200 square meters.

The house of the merchant of the second guild P.A. Nikolaev. It was built by him in the 1900s. In this house in 1901-03. lived A.A. Gorsky (1871–1924) - an outstanding figure in Russian choreography, chief choreographer of the Bolshoi Theater. During the Great Patriotic War, the house withstood the bombings. The house is currently residential. On the ground floor, the apartment has been converted into a cafe.

Profitable house (1910, architect E.-R.K. Nirnsee). In the 1930s Pathologist A. I. Abrikosov lived here.

House with balconies.

An example of Stalinist constructivism.
Nine-story residential building built in 1938. Architect V.N. Vladimirov.
In addition to the original warm yellow color, a huge arch and murals, a distinctive feature of the building is balconies pressed inward, a transitional option from classic balconies to modern loggias. The memorial plaque on the building says that the aircraft designer N.N. Polikarpov, creator of the first Soviet fighters.

However, Muscovite Yu.A. Fedosyuk points to a much more curious story connected with this house. Previously, there was a small house where the pianist E. A. Beckman-Shcherbina lived. Her husband is the author of the most famous New Year's children's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...", written for her daughter to the words of R. A. Kudasheva. In 1905, Beckman-Shcherbina recorded the music, as the author "was illiterate on that score", and the song gained immortality. Until 1941, the author of the lyrics did not know that her words had been set to music.

But before him, he had been here since 1905. home for the Bakery Workers' Union.

A seven-story, five-entrance brick residential building with remote elevator shafts. Built in 1934. Initially, the house belonged to the GUAP - the Main Directorate of the Aviation Industry. Remote elevator shafts were made in the 60s of the 20th century. At first, there were simply no elevators in the part of the entrances of the house.

On Malaya Bronnaya, the historic estate of Neklyudova is being demolished

On Malaya Bronnaya, the main house of Neklyudova's city estate of the 19th century is being demolished by excavators. Representatives of the Arkhnadzor public movement told The Village about this.

Archnadzor said that the demolition began early in the morning on May 6. It is noted that the building is classified as a historically valuable city-forming object and, according to the law, cannot be demolished.

Activist Elena Tkach also talks about the demolition of the building on her Facebook page: “On Malaya Bronnaya, in the mode of a military operation, the Moscow authorities are demolishing the Neklyudova mansion. Blocked for movement Bolshaya and Malaya Bronny, about 70 militants stand in a cordon. The police detained a resident who tried to block the road for construction equipment with his car. There was no such lawlessness even under Luzhkov.”

Manor Neklyudova. A 40-story panel house for the growing Sobyanin family will be built on this site.

She emphasizes that "this is the oldest building on Malaya Bronnaya" and that "it survived the fire of 1812." The building was the first children's hospital in Moscow, then the Taneyev People's Conservatory was located in the building.

In November 2016, the Moscow authorities issued a town-planning plan for the land plot, which provides for the demolition of Neklyudova's house and the construction of a new building 28 meters high in its place, in close proximity to residential buildings and a kindergarten.

According to the organization, the decision was made despite the negative opinion of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage and the Moscow Committee for Architecture regarding the demolition of the historic building and new construction on this site.

UPD (14:52): The Village managed to get a comment from an eyewitness to the demolition and architect Natalya Lagutina. She said that the demolition had been known for a long time, but this year the owner changed and “everything started spinning at a terrible speed.”

“Reconstruction of the estate under the leadership of Lead Estate LLC turned into the demolition of the estate and the construction of an elite club house. On April 24, 2017, the “quiet” mansion was excluded from the list of objects of protection, - the order of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage No. 257. Further, in all documents, this building already appears not as a 19th-century estate that survived the fire of 1812, but as a building built in 1969, subject to renovation, ”Lagutina explained.

There was a luxurious mansion, and now - Sobyanin's devastation.

She noted that the 19th-century façade itself could still be preserved. According to her, "it is possible to build a building on the spot that fits into the existing development - that is, not higher than 16 meters." “Now they want to build a house 33 meters high, which, in my opinion, will completely violate the historical appearance of Malaya Bronnaya and Patriarch's Ponds,” the architect said.