Complete syntactic analysis of a complex sentence. To help the student: do the parsing of the sentence

To correctly punctuate, you need to clearly understand the structure of the sentence. Syntactic analysis, that is, analysis of the sentence by members, is intended to help to understand it. Our article is devoted to the syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Syntax units

Syntax studies the relationship of words within phrases or sentences. Thus, the units of syntax are phrases and sentences - simple or complex. In this article, we will talk about how to parse a sentence, not a phrase, although it is often asked at school to do it too.

Why is parsing a sentence necessary?

The syntactic analysis of a sentence involves a detailed examination of its structure. This is absolutely necessary in order to correctly punctuate. In addition, it helps to understand the relationship of words within a phrase. In the course of syntactic analysis, as a rule, a sentence is characterized, all members of the sentence are determined and it is displaced by what parts of speech they are expressed. This is the so-called full parsing. But sometimes this term is used in relation to a short, partial, syntactic analysis, during which the student only underlines the members of the sentence.

Members of the proposal

Among the members of the proposal, the main ones are always distinguished first: subject and predicate. They usually form the grammatical basis. If a sentence has one grammatical basis, it simple, more than one complex.

The grammatical basis can consist of two main members, or include only one of them: either only the subject, or only the predicate. In the second case, we say that the sentence one-component. If both main terms are present - two-part.

If, apart from the grammatical basis, there are no words in the sentence, it is called uncommon. AT widespread the sentence also has secondary members: addition, definition, circumstance; application is a special case of definition.

if the sentence contains words that are not members of the sentence (for example, an appeal), it is still considered non-common.

When parsing, it is necessary to name the part of speech that expresses one or another member of the sentence. The guys work out this skill by studying Russian in the 5th grade.

Offer characteristics

To characterize a proposal, you must specify it, you must describe it.

  • according to the purpose of the statement;
  • by intonation;
  • by the number of grammatical bases and so on.

Below we offer a proposal characterization plan.

For the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, motivating.

By intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

Exclamatory sentences can be any for the purpose of the statement of the proposal, and not just incentives.

By the number of grammatical bases: simple or complex.

By the number of main members in the grammatical basis: one-part or two-part.

If the proposal is one-part, it is necessary determine its type: nominative, definitely-personal, indefinitely-personal, impersonal.

By the presence of secondary members: widespread or non-common.

If the proposal is complicated by something, then this must also be indicated. This is the parsing plan for the sentence; better to stick with it.

Complicated sentence

The sentence can be complicated by appeal, introductory and plug-in constructions, homogeneous members, isolated members, direct speech. If any of these types of complications is present, then it is necessary to indicate that the sentence is complicated, and write with what.

For example, sentence “Guys, let's live together!” complicated by the appeal "guys".

If the sentence is complex

If it is necessary to analyze a complex sentence, you must first indicate that it is complex and determine its type: allied or non-union, and if allied, then also compound or complex. Then characterize each of the parts in terms of the composition of the grammatical basis (two-part or one-part, type of one-part) and the presence / absence of secondary members.

The table shows the minor members and their questions.

Minor members can be expressed by different parts of speech, for example definition:

woolen skirt- adjective;

wool skirt- noun;

skirt ironed- participle;

winning habit- infinitive...

An example of parsing a sentence

Let's analyze the offer “I didn’t know that you, Masha, moved from the village to the city”.

We emphasize grammar basics. There are two of them: I knew and you moved . Let's define parts of speech: knew- the predicate is expressed by the verb in a personal form, etc.

Now we emphasize minor members:

Moved from where? from the village - a circumstance expressed by a noun; where? to the city is also a circumstance, also expressed by a noun. Masha- this is an appeal, it is not a member of the proposal.

Now let's give characteristic. The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, allied, complex.

The first part of "did not know" is incomplete, not widespread.

The second part is two-part, common. Complicated by handling.

At the end of the analysis, it is necessary to draw up a scheme of a complex sentence.

What have we learned?

Parsing is intended to help understand the structure of a sentence, so everything that can be associated with it must be indicated. It is better to carry out the analysis according to the plan, then there are more chances that you will not forget anything. It is necessary not only to emphasize the members of the sentence, but also to determine the parts of speech, and to characterize the sentence.

Topic quiz

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Target: repeat the previously covered training material on NGN with various types of clauses.


1. improve spelling and punctuation skills; develop analytical skills in syntactic analysis of NGN;
2. to develop and improve the skills and skills of learning to draw up SPP schemes and syntactic analysis of these proposals;
3. to instill in students a sense of patriotism for the Motherland and respect for the surrounding people

Work form: frontal, group (homework)

Equipment: textbook "Russian language" ( E. D. Suleimenova, Z. K. Sabitova, Almaty "Atamra", 2009), cards, computer (presentation)

During the classes:

I. Organizing time

Hello guys! Have a seat. (Bakhtiyar recites a poem)

No light of unseen countries
Wonderful, rich, beautiful,
Only you, Kazakhstan, are dear to my heart,
Who gave me life and strength!
After all, a special people lives here -
With an open generous soul
Days of abundance, and years of adversity
We are together, we are next to you.
I love the air of the free steppes,
As a symbol of intoxicating freedom!
You became independent, my Kazakhstan,
Like an eagle soaring in the sky!
So let your rich and proud people
Knows no wars, no misfortunes!
May peace, harmony and friendship live
Let everyone be happy!!!

Thank you Bakhtiyar, best wishes. Iyawam, guys, I propose to wish something to each other, because you are not only classmates, but also friends. (Wishes to learn from each other)

Thank you! With such good wishes and good mood, we will begin the lesson.

II. 1) Set the students to work

Iya chose the motto under which we will work today:

Don't be afraid of mistakes
Deal with mistakes
Find the right path always be ready.

Since when studying new material, as well as when repeating, we often make mistakes, we will try not to make them.

Each table has a piece of paper on which the elements of our lesson are highlighted, throughout our work I will ask you to put minuses in front of those tasks where you will have errors or where you will have questions. Deal?

The objectives of our lesson are that we will consolidate all the material covered related to NGN, and we will develop our skills in oral and written analysis of these proposals.

2) Spelling warm-up

We need to warm up a little, and therefore, first we will do a little spelling warm-up with you. Let's write down the number, cool work. Who wants to come to the board?

1) ignoramus (ignorant, illiterate), unbelief (godlessness, unbelief, denial), adversity (trouble), ignoramus (rude, ill-mannered), illness (disease), klutz (clumsy, awkward), negligence (carelessness), bad weather (bad weather , good weather), hatred (enmity, disgust), slob (carefree, dirty), dunno () - are not used without not

2) misfortune (trouble, grief) - happiness; disorder (disorder) - order; ill health (disease) - health; impoliteness (rudeness) - politeness; mistrust (suspicion) - trust; disapproval (censure) - approval; independence (freedom) - dependence; inattention (negligence) - attentiveness; ignorance (stupidity) - education

Why did I divide these entities into 2 groups? (different rules). Comment.

Pick up existing synonyms for the second group.

What do we remember now? (spelling not with noun, as well as synonyms)

3) Checking homework

And now let's check your home task. You had to prepare a presentation for today's lesson (analysis of NGN with any type of clause), and you worked in pairs. And so let's start, who wants to?

Teacher questions for the presentation:

1. Can the same union be used in different types of clauses? How will you determine the type of clauses? Are you good at asking questions?

2. How does the attributive clause differ from the explanatory clause?

4) Repetition of subordinate clauses (set work)

So, guys, you said that you know how to ask questions to subordinate clauses, we will check this now. Work on cards: read out sentences, ask a question, determine the type of clause. We work quickly.

Still, I don't think you have the right to do so. (flaw.)

In order for the New Year to come soon, we moved the hands of the clock forward. (goals)

She hummed motives that moved to tears. (def.)

The prince has a stupid face, although many considered him an intelligent person. (concessions)

The boat had no oars, so we had to row with a board. (consequences)

If I had known all the consequences, I would not have climbed into the water. (terms)

Where the grass had not yet been removed, the breeze roughened the green grass silk. (places)

The herd froze when a freight train rushing at full speed appeared. (time)

And now, on repetition, we will perform a digital dictation (mutual verification).

1. This is an NGN with two clauses.
yes - 1 no - 0
2. , (because, (how much),). This scheme of this proposal: It seemed that the road led to the sky, because no matter how much you looked, it kept rising.
3. In the morning the boy woke me up and told me that he himself had just seen a badger treating his burnt nose. This is an NGN with parallel subordination.
yes - 1 no - 0
4. If the poet lives in harmony with his native language, the poet's strength is multiplied tenfold. This is an NGN with a clause assignment.
yes - 1 no - 0
5. This is an NGN with a clause.
yes - 1 no - 0
6.It was decided to go tomorrow if the rain stopped. The subordinate clause is placed after the main clause.
yes - 1 no - 0
7. There are 3 types of subordination in Russian.
yes - 1 no - 0

Do you guys have questions about your mistakes? What else do you need to repeat at home?

And now I will read the text to you and ask you to determine its main idea:

A nomad, having met a wanderer dying of thirst in the desert, will never pass by on his camel. He will give the poor man a drink, feed him, take him to the nearest well, where there are always people. And he will move on, most likely never to meet again. Thousands of such cases fit into the steppe law: "If you meet a person, please him: maybe you see him for the last time." This expression of disinterested kindness is nobler than the morality of fairy tales I met in my childhood, where the hero helps a fish thrown ashore, and when his boat is overturned by a storm, the fish he once saved miraculously helps him.
(Olzhas Suleimenov "Thoughts of different years")

(The main idea of ​​the text: kindness, mercy, understanding without any selfish goals)

Thank you! Everyone agrees or does anyone have an opinion?

And now formulate the main idea in writing in the form of NGN with any subordinate clause and determine its type.

5) Repetition of the syntactic analysis of a complex sentence
And now we will recall the syntactic analysis of a complex sentence. Wishing to the board:
The view of the earth is still sad, but the air is already breathing in spring. (Announcement, not exclaimed, SSP with an anti-alliance: 1. two-part, distribution; 2. two-part, distribution)
[ ===== _________], and [_________ ========].

Now who will tell me the order of parsing any proposal.

On page 161 of the textbook, you have the procedure for parsing NGN, please read and tell us what we should be able to determine in NGN?
- I will take a sentence from the text that I read to you, and we will parse it at the blackboard:
He will give the poor man a drink, feed him, take him to the nearest well, where there are always people. (Speech, non-exclamation, SPP with an adjective defining: 1. two-state, distribution, osl. single narration; 2. two-state, distribution)
[ _____ ======, ====, ======], (where ===== _________).

What is the difference between the SSP scheme and the SPP scheme?

Now let's analyze a sentence with a more complex structure:
And here she is before a man whom she knew nine months before his birth, whom she never felt outside her heart. (Speech, non-excitation, NGN with adjectives, with homogeneous subordination: 1. single-state, distribution; 2. single-state, distribution; 3. two-state, distribution)
[ _____ ], (whom =====), (whom ________ =====).

6) Fixing


1. When syntactic parsing, the sentence is first analyzed:
A) by emotional coloring (by intonation)
B) according to the purpose of the statement

D) type of subordinate clause

2. In NGN, we must be able to determine:
A) emotional coloring
B) the purpose of the statement
C) types of unions (connective, adversative, divisive)
G) the type of the subordinate clause, as well as the type of subordination
D) by the presence of a grammatical basis (simple or complex)

3. List the types of subordination of subordinate clauses in NGN:
A) narrative, exclamatory, interrogative
B) exclamatory, non-exclamatory
B) parallel, homogeneous, combined, consistent
D) explanatory, attributive, adverbial
D) dividing, adversative, connecting

4. How many groups are all SPPs divided into:
A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6 E) 8

5. Indicate the sentence in which the subordinate clause refers to one word in the main:
A) And he was already making plans to cross the pass, as if this could happen literally with the onset of a new day. (Aitm.)
B) After all, it is known that only a person furnishes his death so solemnly. (Cupr.)
C) If a person depends on nature, then she also depends on him: she made him - he remakes it. (France)
D) The herd was numb when a freight train rushing at full speed appeared. (Alimzh.)
E) Once, when I came to the hut on chicken legs, the dejected mood of the spirit of its inhabitants immediately caught my eye. (Cupr.)

6. Determine the type of subordinate clause: Where the grass had not yet been removed, the breeze roughened the green grass silk. (Shol.)
A) explanatory
B) definitive
B) places
D) goals
D) comparative

7. Determine the type of subordinate clause: But the embankment in that place was so high that the elephant did not dare to go down. (Alimb.)
A) explanatory
B) reasons
B) goals
D) mode of action
D) concessions

8. Indicate the NGN with a subordinate attributive:
A) He said goodbye to her, firmly believing that they parted for a short time.
B) We love the generosity of Russian winters, which magically turn colorless vapor into crystal and gems. (Rylen.)
C) They went to the mowing when the meadow in the meadow was almost half the farm. (Shol.)
D) If you knew what a wonderful person he was. (Cupr.)
E) She remembered that she saw the same peaceful expression on the masks of the great sufferers - Pushkin and Napoleon. (Cupr.)

9. Specify the method of subordination of subordinate clauses in NGN: And here she is before a man whom she knew nine months before his birth, whom she never felt outside her heart. (M.G.)
A) parallel
B) sequential
B) homogeneous
D) heterogeneous
D) combined

10. Specify the method of subordination of subordinate clauses in NGN: The elephant did not know and did not think about who picked these fruits and piled them on his way, did not know that the forest people feed him so that the leader would have the strength to reach the depths of the green haze. (Alimzh.)
A) parallel
B) sequential
B) homogeneous
D) heterogeneous
D) combined

Mutual check (answers on the slide)

III. Lesson summary

Students write an essay on the topic “What did I repeat in the lesson?”

For example: I really liked this lesson, I quickly learned a new topic, since the new topic was provided to us in an easy, accessible form. I came to the conclusion that the suffix, like a kind person, can change the meaning of the word, give the word a diminutive connotation. We can call mom not just mom, but mommy, the sun - the sun, sister - sister, etc.

Look at your cards and tell me what you need to repeat at home?

D/Z compose a syncwine with the word "Motherland", exercise 362 (legal suggestion)

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence helps to comprehend its structure and, as a result, correctly place all punctuation marks. Our article is devoted to this most important skill.

How is a complex sentence different from a simple sentence?

Unlike a simple one, in a complex sentence there is not one, but more grammatical bases. Each of them is the semantic and grammatical center of one of the parts of a complex sentence.

Sometimes parts of a complex sentence are called not parts, but sentences, since they are largely independent; but in both cases the meaning is the same.

Parts of a complex sentence can be connected using conjunctions. Then they are called allied, and, depending on which union (composing or subordinating), - complex or complex. If the parts of the complex are connected only in meaning and intonation, then the sentence is unionless.

Plan for parsing a complex sentence

When parsing a sentence, you must first emphasize the grammatical foundations and determine their composition.

Then you need to find the union, if there is one, and determine how the parts of the complex are interconnected. If you wish, you can immediately draw up a diagram, since all the information necessary for this is already available, but you can do this later.

Underline the secondary members of the sentence, not forgetting to put questions orally or in writing. Be sure to write a question if a word can be considered as different members of a sentence. (for example, "Jacket with a hood" - which one? (definition) or with what? (addition)).

Inscribe on top what part of speech this or that member of the sentence is expressed; participial or participle turnovers and sign: “participial turnover” or “participial” - and do not define all parts of speech.

After that, you can characterize the proposal. In doing so, you must specify the following:

  • the sentence is declarative, interrogative or imperative;
  • exclamatory or non-exclamatory;
  • allied or non-union, and if allied, then complex or complex;
  • if the sentence is complex, then indicate the type of the subordinate clause (explanatory, attributive, adverbial; if compound, then determine the category of the union: connecting, dividing or adversative;
  • then a description is given of each of the parts according to the plan: one-part or two-part, widespread or non-common; the offer is complicated or not.

The final touch is the diagram.

This is a complete breakdown. Sometimes they make an abbreviated analysis of a complex sentence. Then it is enough to underline the members of the sentence (sometimes only the grammatical foundations) and leave the scheme. You can change the order of actions, but this will slow down the work and may lead to errors.


Let us give examples of syntactic analysis of complex sentences.

vb. noun vb. noun vb. noun

It was evening when Olga I left the house and went to the park.

Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex with an adverbial clause (of time) with the union "when"; the main part is one-part, impersonal, non-spread; the subordinate clause is two-part, common, complicated by homogeneous predicates.

, (when).

What have we learned?

Parsing a sentence should begin with a search for grammatical foundations; this will allow us to understand the structure of the sentence and determine which sentence we have before us: allied (compound or complex) or non-union. Then you need to emphasize the secondary members, inscribe the parts of speech. The third step is to characterize the proposal. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a scheme of a complex sentence; this can be done at the very end, or it can be done after determining the grammatical foundations and the type of the complex sentence.


At the first stage, you need to parse the sentence by members and underline them: the subject - with one line, the predicate - with two - with a wavy line, the addition - with a dotted line, and the circumstance - with an alternation of dashes and dots. Sometimes it is also required to indicate the links between the members of the sentence and ask questions to each of them.

If the sentence is simple, indicate the type of predicate: simple (PGS), compound verb (CGS), or compound nominal (CIS). If there are several, indicate the type of each. If, however, number each of its parts and draw up a diagram of this sentence, indicating the means of communication (and allied words). In addition, indicate the types of clauses (definitive, explanatory or adverbial: clauses of time, place, cause, effect, condition, purpose, concession, comparison, mode of action, measure and degree or adjunctive) and the types of relations between them (sequential, parallel or homogeneous ).

Next, describe the sentence, indicating its type by the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative or incentive), by intonation (exclamatory or non-exclamatory) and by quantity (simple or complex: , complex, non-union). If the sentence is simple, continue the analysis, indicating the type by the number of main members (two-part or one-part: denominative, definitely-personal, indefinitely-personal, generalized-personal or impersonal), by the presence of members (common or non-common), by the presence of missing main members ( full or ), and also indicate how it is complicated (homogeneous members, isolated members, introductory or plug-in constructions, or not complicated by anything). If the sentence is complex, continue the analysis in the same way, but for each of its parts separately.

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The scheme of the proposal is not just a whim of the teachers. It allows you to better understand the structure of the sentence, to determine its specifics, and finally, to parse it faster. Any scheme is first of all visibility; agree that when you are dealing, for example, with Lev Nikolaevich, visibility is very necessary for understanding the proposal.


You need to start by determining which members of the sentence are words. First determine the subject and predicate - the grammatical basis. So you will already have a well-defined "stove" from which you can "dance". Then we distribute the remaining words among the members of the sentence, given that they are all divided into a subject and a predicate group. In the first group, in the second - addition and circumstance. Keep in mind that some words are not members of a sentence (for example, conjunctions, interjections, introductory and interstitial constructions), but also that several words at once all together make up one member of the sentence (participle and participle turns).

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With syntactic analysis e simple sentence stands out (subject and predicate). Then the type of sentence is determined according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative or incentive), its emotional coloring (exclamatory or). After that, it is necessary to establish the type of sentence according to its grammatical basis (one-part or two-part), by members (common or non-common), by the presence or absence of any member (complete or incomplete). Also, simple can be complicated (homogeneous or isolated members are present) or uncomplicated.

With syntactic analysis For a complex sentence, in addition to determining the grammatical basis and type of sentence for the purpose of the statement, it is necessary to prove that it is complex and establish the type of connection between simple sentences (allied or non-union). If the connection is allied, then the type of sentence is determined by the nature of the union: compound. If the sentence is compound, then it is necessary to find out what kind of conjunction the parts of the sentence are connected with: connecting, dividing or adversative. In the complex, the main and subordinate clauses are defined, the means of communication between the subordinate clause and the main clause, the question that the subordinate clause answers, type. If the complex sentence is non-union, then the semantic relations between simple sentences are determined and the punctuation mark is explained. It is also necessary to draw a proposal scheme.

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Tip 6: How to define a vaguely personal sentence

A sentence expresses a message, a prompt, or a question. Two-part sentences have a grammatical basis consisting of a subject and a predicate. The grammatical basis of a one-part sentence is represented by either the subject or the predicate.


All verbal one-part sentences have a predicate but no subject. Moreover, in a definite personal sentence, the form of the verb and the meaning of the message suggest that the action refers to a specific person: “I love books”, “Find the right solution”, “Take care, and honor from a young age”.

The verb can be in the form of the first or second person singular or indicative or imperative. The first person means that the verbal question is asked from the pronouns "I", "we"; second person - from the pronouns "you", "you". The imperative mood encourages action, the indicative simply conveys information.