Sergei Yesenin chronological table of life. Sergei Yesenin - short biography

To the question Chronological table of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin, asked by the author Gevorg Hunanyan the best answer is September 21, 1895



Summer 1912


December 21, 1914


Early 1916

April 1916

Spring 1917
Meet Zinaida Reich.





The marriage broke up.

February 27, 1925

February 28, 1925
According to the official version, Sergei Yesenin committed suicide, according to the unofficial version, he was killed by special services. This sad event took place at the Angleterre Hotel.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Chronological table of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
That's right, except that he was bisexual and lived with men in addition to women. And for a long time and without hiding it from everyone.

Answer from Arina Fatinko[newbie]
September 21, 1895
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinovo.
Sergei Yesenin's parents send him to the Konstantinovsky School
He comes to Moscow to work as a proofreader in a printing house.
Summer 1912
Wrote a collection of poems "Sick thoughts".
Sergei meets Anna Romanovna Izryadnova.
December 21, 1914
Sergei Yesenin becomes a father - his son Yuri is born.
He goes to Petrograd, where he meets such personalities as: Blok, Gorodetsky, Klyuev.
Early 1916
Publishes his first collection of poems "Radunitsa".
April 1916
Sergei Yesenin is drafted into the army. In the army, he serves in an ambulance train.
Spring 1917
Meet Zinaida Reich.
In Petrograd, Sergei Alexandrovich publishes the second collection of poems, Dove. A little later he publishes the book "Transfiguration", and even later the poem "Ionia".
Sergei Yesenin becomes one of the founders of Russian Imagism.
Sergei Alexandrovich meets Nadezhda Volpin. In the same year he writes the dramatic poem Pugachev, as well as the poems Song of the Great Campaign, Anna Snegina, Departing Russia and Soviet Russia. A collection of poems "Moscow Tavern" is published.
Yesenin meets his future wife Isadora Duncan.
The poet goes to Berlin, and then to France. Upon his return, Sergei Yesenin marries Isadora Duncan.
The marriage broke up.
Set off on a trip to the Transcaucasus. He writes poems "A Letter to a Mother", "A Letter to a Woman", publishes a collection of "Persian Motifs".
February 27, 1925
Yesenin manages to write his last work "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...".
February 28, 1925
According to the official version, Sergei Yesenin committed suicide, according to the unofficial version, he was killed by special services. This sad event happened.

Answer from Clearance[active]
The main dates of the life and work of S. A. Yesenin
1895, September 21 (October 3, according to a new style) - Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province.
September 1904 - Entered the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school. Wrote the first poems.
November 22, 1905 - Sister Ekaterina was born.
May 1909 - Graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School with a commendation.
September - Entered the second-class church teacher Spas-Klepikovskaya school.
1911, March 16 - Sister Alexandra was born.
1912, March-April - He wrote the poem "The Tale of Evpaty Kolovrat, Batu Khan, the Three-Handed Flower, the Black Idol and Our Savior Jesus Christ."
May - Graduated from the second-class Spas-Klepikovskaya school. Received a certificate of conferring the title of teacher of the school of literacy. Prepared a book of poems "Sick thoughts".
July - I left the village of Konstantinov for Moscow.
Autumn - He joined the competitive members of the Surikov literary and musical circle.
March 1913 - He went to work in the printing house of the partnership of ID Sytin (on an expedition, then in a proofreader).
He worked on the creation of the poem "Tosca" and the dramatic poem "The Prophet" (texts unknown).
September - Began to study at the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky.
Autumn - He entered into a civil marriage with A. R. Izryadnova.
1914, January - The poem "Birch" (under the pseudonym "Ariston") was published in the journal "Mirok" - the first now known publication of Yesenin's poems.
September - The poem "Marfa Posadnitsa" was created. Wrote the poem "Jackdaws" (text unknown).
December 21 - Son Yuri was born.
January 21, 1915 - Beginning of correspondence with Alexander Shiryaevts.
March 8 - Left Moscow for Petrograd.
March 9 - I met with Alexander Blok at his apartment, read poetry to him.
March 11 - Meeting with Sergei Gorodetsky.
March 28 - At the evening of poets in the Hall of the Army and Navy, he met Rurik Ivnev, Vladimir Chernyavsky, Konstantin Lyandau, Mikhail Struve.
April 24 - Beginning of correspondence with Nikolai Klyuev.
March-April - Creation of the literary group "Krasa". Acquaintance with Leonid Kannegiser.
August - The poem "Rus" was published in the journal "Northern Notes" (No. 7-8).
October - Acquaintance with Klyuev.
October 17 - Attended the founding meeting of the "Strada" society.
October 25 - Participated in the evening "Beauty".
Autumn - Acquaintance with Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Jerome Yasinsky, Ivanov-Razumnik.
December - Acquaintance with Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova.
1916, January 21 - Read poetry at the Society of Free Aesthetics.
January - A book of poems "Radunitsa" was published.
February - Work on the play "Peasant Feast" (text unknown).
February - May - The story "Yar" was published in the journal "Northern Notes".
March 25 - Called up for military service.
April 16 - Seconded to the Tsarskoye Selo field military hospital train No. 143.
April-May - Two departures to the front line by a train attendant.
July 22 - Read poetry at a meeting with the Empress and members of the royal family, organized by Colonel D. N. Loman.
Summer - Acquaintance with Alexei Ganin.
October - He refused the proposal of the staff officer for special assignments under the palace commandant, Colonel D.N. Loman, to write (together with Klyuev) a book of poems - to “capture” in it “Theodorovsky Cathedral, the face of the tsar and the aroma of the sovereign's temple”. He served 20 days under arrest.
1917, February - Acquaintance with Andrei Bely at the apartment of Ivanov-Razumnik in Tsarskoye Selo.
February 27 - Abdication of Emperor Nicholas II from the throne.
March - Having received a referral to the ensign school, he deserted from Kerensky's army.
Acquaintance with Alexei Tolstoy.
June 19-20 - Wrote the poem "Father".
July 30 - Wedding with 3. N. Reich in the Church of Kirik and Ulita, Vologda district.
October 25 - Overthrow of the Provisional Rights

The presented material is a collection of important dates in Yesenin's biography.
Convenient both for academic research and for replenishing personal knowledge, Yesenin's biography in the table will become an indispensable tool for every lover of Russian poetry.

Childhood, the formation and development of the poet, the last years of his life - Yesenin's whole life and work are described here. Briefly, perhaps everyone is familiar with the fate of this classic: his poems have not left indifferent several generations of readers.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan province, on October 3 (September 21), 1895, in the family of wealthy peasants Alexander Nikitich and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenin. Because the poet's mother was married against her will, then soon, together with her young son, she went to live with her parents. After some time, Tatyana Fedorovna went to work in Ryazan, and Sergei remained in the care of his grandparents Titovs. Sergei Yesenin's grandfather was a connoisseur of church books, and his grandmother knew many songs, fairy tales, ditties, and, as the poet himself claimed, it was his grandmother who pushed him to write his first poems.

1904 - Yesenin is sent to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, and then a church teacher's school in the city of Spas-Klepiki.

1912 - Yesenin moved to Moscow.

In 1912, after graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin went to work in Moscow. There he gets a job at the printing house of I.D. Sytin as an assistant proofreader. Work in the printing house allowed the young poet to read many books, made it possible to become a member of the literary and musical Surikov circle. The first common-law wife of the poet, Anna Izryadnova, describes Yesenin of those years as follows: “He was known as a leader, attended meetings, distributed illegal literature. He pounced on books, read all his free time, spent all his salary on books, magazines, did not at all think about how to live ... ".

1913, autumn - Acquaintance with Anna Romanovna Izryadnova.

In 1913, S. A. Yesenin entered the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Moscow City People's University. Shanyavsky. It was the country's first free university for volunteers. There, Sergei Yesenin listened to lectures on Western European literature and Russian poets.

But, in 1914, Yesenin gave up work and studies, and according to Anna Izryadnova, he devoted himself entirely to poetry. In 1914, the poet's poems were first published in the children's magazine Mirok. In January, his poems begin to be published in the newspapers Nov, Parus, Zarya.

1914, December 21 - The birth of the first son of Sergei Yesenin Yuri, who was shot in 1937.

1914 - The first publication of poems in the newspaper "Nov" and the magazines "Sail", "Dawn".

1915, spring - young Yesenin leaves Moscow and moves to Petrograd, where he meets N.A. Klyuev, Z.N. Gippius, D.S. Merezhkovsky, A.A. Block. At this time, Sergei Alexandrovich joined the group of so-called "new peasant poets" and published the first collection "Radunitsa", which made the poet very famous.

1916 - The first collection of poems "Radunitsa".

January 1916 - Yesenin is drafted into the army. In the spring, the young poet is invited to read poetry to the empress, which helps him avoid the front in the future.

1917, spring - Sergei Yesenin, in the editorial office of the newspaper Delo Naroda, meets Zinaida Reich. And in July of the same year they got married.

From 1917 to 1921, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was married to actress Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich. From this marriage, Yesenin had a daughter, Tatyana, and a son, Konstantin.

Already in April 1918, Yesenin parted with Z. Reich and moved to Moscow, which by that time had become a literary center.

At this time, the October Revolution was unfolding, which the poet accepted unconditionally.

1918 - In Petrograd, the second book of Yesenin's poems "Dove", then "Transfiguration" is published.

1919 - Yesenin turns out to be one of the organizers and leaders of a new literary group - the Imagists.

1920 - Acquaintance with Nadezhda Volpin. During a joint residence with the translator Nadezhda Volpin, Sergei Yesenin had a son, Alexander.

1920 - Poems "Russia is leaving", "Song of the Great Campaign", "Soviet Russia", "Anna Snegina", "Black Man"; dramatic poems "Pugachev" and "Country of Scoundrels".

1920 - A collection of poems "Moscow Tavern" is published.

In 1921, the poet went on a trip to Central Asia, visited the Urals and the Orenburg region.

1922 - Yesenin married the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan.

1922-1923 - Yesenin and Isadora make a long trip to Western Europe and the USA. In the newspaper Izvestia, S. A. Yesenin's notes about America "Iron Mirgorod" were published.

1923 - The marriage of S. Yesenin and A. Duncan broke up shortly after returning from the tour.

In one of the last poems, “The Country of Scoundrels,” Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin writes very sharply about the leaders of Russia, which entails criticism and a ban on the poet’s publications.

1924-1925 - creative differences and personal motives prompt S. A. Yesenin to break with Imagism and leave for the Transcaucasus.

The collection “Persian Motifs”, poems “Departing Russia”, “Letter to a Woman”, “Letter to Mother”, “Stans” are published.

1925 - Acquaintance with Sophia Tolstaya.

In the autumn of 1925, Sergei Yesenin married Leo Tolstoy's granddaughter Sophia, but the marriage was not successful. At this time, he actively opposed Jewish dominance in Russia. The poet and his friends are accused of anti-Semitism, for which they were supposed to be shot. Yesenin spent the last year of his life in illness, wandering and drunkenness. Due to heavy drinking, S. A. Yesenin arrived for some time at the neuropsychiatric clinic of Moscow University. However, due to persecution by law enforcement agencies, the poet was forced to leave the clinic.
On December 23, Sergei Yesenin leaves Moscow for Leningrad. Stays at the Angleterre Hotel.

1925, February 27 - Yesenin writes his last poem "Goodbye my friend, goodbye ...".

On the night of December 28, 1925, under unclear circumstances, the Russian singer Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin died (one of the versions was killed by secret service agents who staged a suicide).

He died in the USA at the age of 91. Alexander Yesenin-Volpin was known as a dissident, one of the leaders of the human rights movement in the USSR, a philosopher and mathematician, Interfax reports.
In 1933, Alexander and his mother moved to Moscow, where he studied at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. After graduation, he went to work in Chernivtsi.
In 1949, Yesenin-Volpin was placed in a psychiatric hospital for anti-Soviet poetry.
October 30, 1821- Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born in Moscow. Dostoevsky's father came from the ancient Rtishchev family, descendants of Daniil Ivanovich Rtishchev, the defender of the Orthodox faith in Southwestern Russia.
1849 - the novel "Netochka Nezvanova" was written. 37 members of the circle, including Dostoevsky, ended up in the Peter and Paul Fortress.
1854-1859 - After the end of hard labor, he was taken to Semipalatinsk, enlisted as a private in the Siberian linear battalion. Discharged due to illness with the rank of second lieutenant.
1890, April 26 - was born in. Zenkov in the teacher's family.
1898-1900 - Education in ZINKIVSKY 2-class school.
1900-1903 - Education in the Akhtyrsky gymnasium.
1903-1908 - Education in the First Kyiv Gymnasium.
1908-1914 - Student of the Faculty of History and Philology of Kyiv University. One of the leading figures of the Kyiv Ukrainian student community.
1912 - the beginning of literary activity in the journal "Light".
Tyutchev Fedor- Russian poet, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857.
1810 - The Tyutchevs moved to Moscow, they hired Fyodor a teacher - a poet and translator S. E. Raich. The teacher instilled in Fyodor Ivanovich a passion for literature and poetry, and at the age of 12 Tyutchev translated Horace.
1822 - In July, Tyutchev goes to Munich, where he lives for the next 22 years. In Bavaria, he is actively involved in translating the works of such writers as Heine and Schiller.
Rilke chronological table life and work of the Austrian poet, prose writer, playwright and essayist. Rilke is one of the largest representatives of the modernist philosophical lyrics of the 20th century.
1892-1895 Completes secondary education, takes matriculation exams in Prague. Writes the first stories - including Pierre Dumont (1894). It turns out the first poetry collection "Life and Songs" (1894).
1917 - after graduation, he left for Kansas City, where he got a job as a reporter in the Star newspaper, which became his first journalistic school.
July 8, 1918- was severely wounded in the legs. After a long treatment, which required a series of operations, he was demobilized and returned to the United States, where he got a job in the Canadian newspaper Toronto Daily Star. Free from reporter activities, Hemingway devoted time to literary creativity.
February 10, 1890- in Moscow, the son of Boris was born in the family of the artist Leonid Iosifovich Pasternak and pianist Rosalia Isidorovna, nee Kaufman.
1901-1908 Education in the 5th Moscow gymnasium. After graduation, he enters the law faculty of Moscow University. A year later, he transferred to the philosophical department of the Faculty of History and Philology.
1922-1923 - Marries E.V. Lurie. A book of poems "My sister is life" is published.
1940 - At the age of 12, Gabriel received a scholarship and began his studies at the Jesuit College of the town of Zipaquira, 30 km north of Bogotá.
1946 - At the insistence of his parents, he entered the National University of Bogotá at the Faculty of Law. Then he met his future wife, Mercedes Barcha Pardo.
1950 - dropped out of university and decided to devote himself to journalism and literature.
Molière(Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) - (January 13, 1622, Paris - February 17, 1673, Paris.) - French comedian of the 17th century, creator of classical comedy, actor and theater director by profession, better known as Moliere's troupe.
1645 Molière ends up in the Châtelet prison for several days for debts. Those of the actors who have not left Molière travel with him to the provinces and join Dufresne's itinerant troupe, which is patronized by the Duke of d'Epernon.
1820 - Finishes the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", which receives negative reviews from critics. He begins the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", writes works: "The daylight went out", "Black shawl", "Prisoner", "Napoleon", "Prisoner of the Caucasus". At the end of spring, Pushkin travels to the Caucasus, and then to the Crimea to improve his health.
1824 - Through quarrels with Count Vorontsov, Pushkin is exiled to his native estate Mikhailovskoye, under the supervision of his father.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan province (September 21, old style). Soon, Yesenin's father left for Moscow, got a job as a clerk there, and therefore Yesenin was sent to be raised in the family of his maternal grandfather. My grandfather had three adult unmarried sons. Sergei Yesenin later wrote: “My uncles (three unmarried sons of my grandfather) were mischievous brothers. When I was three and a half years old they put me on a horse without a saddle and put me at a gallop. They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, floated to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water. When I was eight years old, I replaced one of my uncles with a hunting dog, swam on the water for shot ducks.”
In 1904, Sergei Yesenin was taken to the Konstantinovskaya zemstvo school, where he studied for five years, although according to the plan, Sergey was supposed to receive education for four years (because there were four classes of education in the Konstantinovskaya zemstvo school), but because of bad behavior Sergei Yesenin was left for the second year. In 1909, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo school and his parents sent Sergei to a parochial school in the village of Spas-Klepiki, 30 km from Konstantinov. His parents wanted their son to become a village teacher, although Sergei himself dreamed of something else. In the Spas-Klepikovskaya teacher's school, Sergei Yesenin met Grisha Panfilov, with whom he then (after graduating from the teacher's school) corresponded for a long time. In 1912, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin, after graduating from the Spas-Klepikovskaya teacher's school, moved to Moscow and settled with his father in a hostel for clerks. Father arranged for Sergei to work in an office, but soon Yesenin left there and got a job at I. Sytin's printing house as a subreader (assistant proofreader). There he met Anna Romanovna Izryadnova and entered into a civil marriage with her. On December 1 (January 3, according to the new style), 1914, Anna Izryadnova and Sergei Yesenin had a son, Yuri.
In Moscow, Yesenin published his first poem "Birch", which was published in the Moscow children's magazine "Mirok". He joined the literary and musical circle named after the peasant poet I. Surikov. This circle included novice writers and poets from the worker-peasant environment.
In 1915, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin left for Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) and met there the great poets of Russia of the 20th century with Blok, Gorodetsky, Klyuev. In 1916, Yesenin published his first collection of poems “Radunitsa”, which included such poems as “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes”, “Hewn roads sang” and others.
In the spring of 1917, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin married Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich, they have 2 children: daughter Tanya and son Kostya. But in 1918, Yesenin parted with his wife. In 1919, Yesenin met Anatoly Maristof and wrote his first poems, Inonia and Mare Ships. In the autumn of 1921, Sergei Yesenin met the famous American dancer Isadora Duncan and already in May 1922 officially registered his marriage with her. Together they went abroad. We visited Germany, Belgium, USA. From New York, Yesenin wrote letters to his friend - A. Maristof and asked to help his sister if she suddenly needed help. Arriving in Russia, he began to work on the cycles of poems “Hooligan”, “Confession of a Hooligan”, “Love of a Hooligan”. In 1924, in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), a collection of poems by S.A. Yesenin "Moscow tavern" was published. Then Yesenin began to work on the poem "Anna Snegina" and already in January 1925 he finished working on this poem and published it. After parting with his ex-wife Isadora Duncan, Sergei Yesenin married Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, who was the granddaughter of the famous Russian writer of the 19th century, Leo Tolstoy. But this marriage lasted only a few months.
On December 14, 1925, Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin finished working on the poem “The Black Man”, on which he worked for 2 years. This poem was published after the death of the poet. On December 23 of the same year, Yesenin arrived in Leningrad and stayed at the Angleterre Hotel. On December 27, he published his last poem in his life, “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye,” and on the night of December 27-28, Sergei Yesenin passed away. In our time, they argue about whether it was suicide or death at the hands of hired killers.

The main dates of the life and work of S. A. Yesenin

1895, September 21 (October 3, new style) - Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born in the village of Konstantinov, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province.

1904, September - He entered the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo four-year school. Wrote the first poems.

1909, May - He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School with a certificate of merit.

September - He entered the second-class church teacher Spas-Klepikovskaya school.

1912, March, April - He wrote the poem "The Tale of Evpaty Kolovrat, Batu Khan, the Three-Handed Flower, the Black Idol and Our Savior Jesus Christ."

May - He graduated from the second-class Spas-Klepikovskaya school. Received a certificate of conferring the title of teacher of the school of literacy. Prepared a book of poems "Sick thoughts".

July - He left the village of Konstantinov for Moscow.

Autumn - He joined the competitive members of the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle.

1913, March - He went to work in the printing house of the partnership of I. D. Sytin (on an expedition, then in a proofreader).

He worked on the creation of the poem "Tosca" and the dramatic poem "The Prophet" (texts unknown).

September - He began to study at the historical and philosophical department of the Moscow City People's University named after A. L. Shanyavsky.

Autumn - He entered into a civil marriage with A. R. Izryadnova.

1914, January - The journal "Mirok" published the poem "Birch" (under the pseudonym "Ariston") - the first now known publication of Yesenin's poems.

September - The poem "Marfa Posadnitsa" was created. Wrote the poem "Jackdaws" (text unknown).

March 28 - At the evening of poets in the Hall of the Army and Navy, he met Rurik Ivnev, Vladimir Chernyavsky, Konstantin Lyandau, Mikhail Struve.

March, April - Creation of the literary group "Krasa". Acquaintance with Leonid Kannegiser.

August - The poem "Rus" was published in the journal "Northern Notes" (No. 7–8).

October - Acquaintance with Klyuev.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Jerome Yasinsky, Ivanov-Razumnik.

December - Acquaintance with Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova.

January - A book of poems "Radunitsa" was published.

February - Work on the play "Peasant Feast" (text unknown).

February - May - The story "Yar" was published in the journal "Northern Notes".

April May - Two exits to the front line by a train attendant.

July 22 - He read poetry at a meeting with the Empress and members of the royal family, organized by Colonel D. N. Loman.

Summer - Acquaintance with Alexei Ganin.

October - He refused the offer of the staff officer for special assignments under the palace commandant, Colonel D.N. Loman, to write (together with Klyuev) a book of poems - to “capture” in it “Theodorov Cathedral, the face of the tsar and the aroma of the sovereign's temple”. He served 20 days under arrest.

1917, February - Acquaintance with Andrei Bely at the apartment of Ivanov-Razumnik in Tsarskoye Selo.

March - Having received a referral to the ensign school, he deserted from Kerensky's army.

Acquaintance with Alexei Tolstoy.

October - The poem "The Advent" was written.

November - The poem "Transformation" was created.

1918, January February - Participates in meetings of the editorial board of the magazine "Our Way".

January - Wrote the poem "Inonia".

February 23 - In response to the call of the Council of People's Commissars "The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!" enrolled in the Socialist-Revolutionary combat squad.

May - A book of poems "Dove" was published.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Anatoly Mariengof.

September - With the direct participation of Yesenin, the publishing house "Moscow Labor Artel of Artists of the Word" was organized.

September October - The book "Keys of Mary" was written.

October November - The collection "Transformation" was published.

7 november - Opening of the memorial plaque "To those who fell for peace and the brotherhood of peoples" on Red Square. At the opening, Shvedov's Cantata was performed to the words of Yesenin, Klychkov and Gerasimov.

December - The book "Rural Book of Hours" was published.

1919, February - Together with Mariengof and Shershenevich, he created the cooperative publishing house "Imaginists".

September - Wrote the poem "Mare Ships".

October November - Opening of the bookstore of the Moscow labor artel of word artists.

December - The book "Keys of Mary" was published.

May June - The collection "Treyadnitsa" was released.

July August - A trip with poetry reading along the route Rostov-on-Don - Kislovodsk - Pyatigorsk - Baku - Tiflis.

October 14 - Arrested by agents of the Cheka along with Alexander and Ruben Kusikov on an anonymous denunciation.

November 4 - He spoke at the literary evening "Trial of the Imagists." Acquaintance with Galina Benislavskaya.

December 6 - He read poetry in the Great Hall of the Conservatory at the evening "Russia in a thunderstorm and a storm." During the year, the State Publishing House rejected Yesenin's collections "Star Stable", "Taurus", "On the Russian Land, on the Wonderful Guest".

December - The Berlin publishing house "Scythians" published the book "Triptych".

1921, January - The collection "Confessions of a Hooligan" was published.

May - Meeting in Tashkent with Alexander Shiryaevts.

Autumn - Acquaintance with Isadora Duncan.

October 5 - The People's Court of the city of Orel ruled on the annulment of Yesenin's marriage to Reich.

December - The dramatic poem "Pugachev" was published as a separate edition.

June - Secondary registration of marriage with Duncan.

August - Travel in Italy.

September - In Paris, the book Confessions of a Hooligan was published in French.

October -"Favorites" was published in Moscow.

October December - A trip to the cities of America. Work on the poems "Country of Scoundrels" and "Black Man".

November - In Berlin, the publishing house 3. N. Grzhebin published the first volume of the "Collected Poems and Poems".

1923, January - Reading poetry and a scandal at a literary evening at Mani-Leib (M. L. Braginsky).

February - Departure for France.

June - In Berlin, the book "Poems of a brawler" was published.

August - Meeting in the Kremlin with Leonid Trotsky. Negotiations on the publication of the almanac of peasant writers.

Aug. Sept - Publication in Izvestia of the article "Zhelezny Mirgorod".

Autumn - Acquaintance with A. K. Voronsky, Ivan Pribludny.

20 November - The arrest of Yesenin, Klychkov, Oreshin and Ganin with charges against them of "anti-Semitism".

December 10 - The Comrades' Court ruled that poets have the right to continue literary work.

1924, January - April - Within four months, four criminal cases were opened against the poet under articles 88, 176, 219, 157 of the Criminal Code.

March - Transferred to the Kremlin hospital.

9th May - A meeting in the Press Department of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), at which a collective letter signed by a group of writers, including Yesenin, was announced.

June - Last meetings in Leningrad with Ivanov-Razumnik and Anna Akhmatova.

August 4 - He was elected a member of the board of the society of writers and artists "Modern Russia".

August - Wrote "Poem about 36".

1925, January - Wrote the poem "Anna Snegina".

April - The poem "The Song of the Great Campaign" was published as a separate edition.

May - The collection "On Russia and the Revolution" was published.

June - The book "Birch chintz" was published.

30 June - Signed an agreement with the State Publishing House on the publication of a collection of poems in three volumes.

June - The collections "Persian Motifs" and "Selected Poems" were published.

Autumn - Drafted the first issue of the magazine "Polyany" and outlined the composition of its authors.

November 12–13 - Finished the poem "The Black Man". During the year he worked on the poem "Parmen Kryamin" and the story "When I was a boy ..." (texts unknown).

December 27–28 - The death of Yesenin in hotel number 5. The exact date and exact time of death have not been established.

From the book Bortnyansky author Kovalev Konstantin

The main dates of the life and work of D.S. Bortnyansky 1751 - Born in the city of Glukhov. 1758 - Sent as a seven-year-old singer to St. Petersburg in the Court Singing Chapel. 1764 - Performs the main male part of Admet in G. Raupach's opera "Alcesta". 1766-1768 - Works at court

From the book of Hasek author Pytlik Radko

The main dates of life and work 1883, April 30 - Yaroslav Gashek was born in Prague. 1893 - admitted to the gymnasium on Zhitnaya Street. 1898, February 12 - leaves the gymnasium. 1899 - enters the Prague Commercial School. 1900, summer - wandering around Slovakia. 1901 , January 26 - in the newspaper "Parody sheets"

From the book Vysotsky author Novikov Vladimir Ivanovich

The main dates of life and work 1938, January 25 - was born at 9:40 in the maternity hospital on Third Meshchanskaya Street, 61/2. Mother, Nina Maksimovna Vysotskaya (before the marriage of Seregina), is a referent-translator. Father, Semyon Vladimirovich Vysotsky, - military signalman. 1941 - together with his mother

From the book Folk Masters author Rogov Anatoly Petrovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND WORK OF AA MEZRINA 1853 - was born in the settlement of Dymkovo in the family of blacksmith AL Nikulin. 1896 - participation in the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. 1900 - participation in the World Exhibition in Paris. 1908 - acquaintance with A. I. Denshin. 1917 - exit

From Merab Mamardashvili's book in 90 minutes author Sklyarenko Elena

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1930, September 15 - in Georgia, in the city of Gori, Merab Konstantinovich Mamardashvili was born. 1934 - the Mamardashvili family moves to Russia: Mera-ba's father, Konstantin Nikolayevich, is sent to study at the Leningrad Military-Political Academy. 1938 -

From the book by Arkady Raikin author Uvarova Elizaveta Dmitrievna

MAIN DATES OF AI RAIKIN'S LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1911, October 11 (24) - in Riga, in the family of the port grader of the construction timber Isaac Davidovich Raikin and his wife Elizaveta Borisovna, the first-born son Arkady was born. 1914 - sister Sofya was born. 1916 - sister was born Bella.1917, summer -

From Michelangelo's book author Dzhivelegov Alexey Karpovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1475, March 6 - In the family of Lodovico Buonarroti in Caprese (in the Casentino region), not far from Florence, Michelangelo was born. 1488, April - 1492 - Given by his father to study the famous Florentine artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. From him in a year

From the book Ivan Bunin author Roshchin Mikhail Mikhailovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1870, November 10 (October 23 old style) - was born in the city of Voronezh, in the family of a small estate nobleman Alexei Nikolaevich Bunin and Lyudmila Alexandrovna, nee Princess Chubarova. Childhood - in one of the family estates, on the farm of Butyrka, Yeletsky

From the book by Salvador Dali. Divine and multifarious author Petryakov Alexander Mikhailovich

The main dates of life and work 1904-11 May in Figueres, Spain, Salvador Jacinto Felipe Dali Cusi Farres was born. 1914 - The first pictorial experiments in the Pichotov estate. 1918 - Passion for impressionism. First participation in an exhibition in Figueres. "Portrait of Lucia", "Cadaques". 1919 - First

From the book of Modigliani author Parisot Christian

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1884 July 12: Amedeo Clemente Modigliani is born into a Jewish family of educated Livorne bourgeois, where he becomes the youngest of the four children of Flaminio Modigliani and Eugenia Garcin. He gets the nickname Dedo. Other children: Giuseppe Emanuele

From the book Vereshchagin author Kudrya Arkady Ivanovich

MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF VV VERESHCHAGIN 1842, October 14 (26) - birth in Cherepovets, Novgorod province, in the family of the district marshal of the nobility Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin, son of Vasily. 1850, end of December - admission to the Alexander Cadet Corps in

From the book of Tairov author Levitin Mikhail Zakharovich


From the book of Surikov author Gor Gennady Samoilovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY VI SURIKOV 1848 - January 12 was born in the mountains. Krasnoyarsk. 1856 - Admission to the parish school in Krasnoyarsk. 1861 - Graduation from the parish school with a certificate of merit. 1868 - Departure to St. Petersburg for admission to the Academy. 1869 - February. Arrival at

From the book Konstantin Vasiliev author Doronin Anatoly Ivanovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1942, September 3rd. In the city of Maykop, during the occupation, in the family of Alexei Alekseevich Vasiliev, the chief engineer of the plant, who became one of the leaders of the partisan movement, and Claudia Parmenovna Shishkina, a son was born - Konstantin. 1949. A family

From the book Li Bo: The Earthly Destiny of the Celestial author Toroptsev Sergey Arkadievich

MAIN DATES OF THE LIFE AND CREATIVITY OF LI BO 701 - Li Bo was born in the city of Suyab (Suye) of the Turkic Khaganate (near the modern city of Tokmok, Kyrgyzstan). There is a version that this happened already in Shu (modern Sichuan province). 705 - the family moved to inner China, to the Shu region,

From Franco's book author Khinkulov Leonid Fedorovich

MAIN DATES OF LIFE AND CREATIVITY 1856, August 27 - Ivan Yakovlevich Franko was born in the village of Naguevichi, Drogobych district, in the family of a rural blacksmith.