Creativity N.A. Nekrasov. Plan Basic facts of the biography


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Lessons 88–89
N. A. Nekrasov - poet of "revenge and sorrow"
(Essay on life and work with a generalization
previously studied works)

Goals : recall the main facts of the poet's biography that influenced the formation of his worldview; show what is the role of Belinsky in the fate of Nekrasov; characterize the activities of Nekrasov as an editor and publisher of the journals Sovremennik, Otechestvennye Zapiski.

Course of lessons

Epigraphs for lessons:

Without belittling for a moment either the great altars of Pushkin and Lermontov, or the more modest but beautiful monuments of Alexei Tolstoy, Tyutchev, Fet and others, we nevertheless say: there is no such person in Russian literature, in all our literature, before whom with love and they would bow with reverence lower than before the memory of Nekrasov.

A. V. Lunacharsky

I. Opening speech of the teacher.

Life and work of N. A. Nekrasov

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821–1876)- Citizen Poet. His work reflected an entire era in the development of Russian literature and Russian public life. The main theme of his works is the image of the life of the Russian people. The poet acts as a passionate defender and spokesman of the people's interests. N. Nekrasov: "Only one thing is important - to love the people, the homeland, to serve them with heart and soul." The poet thinks intensely about the fate of the Russian people, their spiritual powers, their present and future.

One of the most striking signs of Nekrasov's poetry is topicality.

A huge merit in the formation of Nekrasov as a poet and public figure belongs to V. G. Belinsky. It was he who first appreciated the poetic experiences of the novice poet. In 1841, N. Nekrasov said: "My meeting with Belinsky was my salvation." And it is. For many years they became friends and associates. Belinsky appreciated in Nekrasov a sharp critical mind, poetic talent, a deep knowledge of folk life and organizational skills.

In harsh conditions, in stubborn resistance to circumstances, not only the character of the poet was formed, but also the skill of Nekrasov, the head of the advanced literary forces, the editor of the Sovremennik magazine, and then the Fatherland Notes, was honed. His merit is that, having a rare insight, he acted as a "pioneer" of new literary names. Nekrasov "guessed" talented writers, provided them with comprehensive assistance ...

Famous I. Turgenev, A. Goncharov, the great L. Tolstoy passed through the Nekrasov magazines; F. Tyutchev's poems were published in Nekrasov's journals, and the critical talent of N. Chernyshevsky and N. Dobrolyubov was revealed. It can be said that Nekrasov's work as an editor is an unparalleled literary feat.

N. G. Chernyshevsky was convinced that “his [Nekrasov’s] glory will be immortal, that Russia’s love for him, the most brilliant and noblest of all Russian poets, is eternal ... he really was a man of very high nobility of soul and a man of great mind. And, as a poet, he is, of course, superior to all Russian poets.”

II. Students' stories about the life and work of N. A. Nekrasov with a generalization of previously studied works.

1. Childhood and youth of Nekrasov

Born in 1821 in the town of Nemirov, Ukraine, into a noble family. He spent his childhood in the village of Greshnevo, not far from Yaroslavl, on the banks of the Volga. "Fate wanted me to use serf bread only until the age of sixteen."

In Petersburg. “For eight years I fought poverty, I saw starvation face to face.”

2. "Dreams and Sounds" (1840)

Dreams and Sounds is the first imitative collection of poetry. Acquaintance with V. G. Belinsky. Belinsky's review of the collection "Dreams and Sounds": "Familiar and worn out feelings, commonplaces, smooth rhymes ..." The great critic helped Nekrasov "find himself."

3. The poem "On the Road" (1845)

The image of the road becomes a favorite image of Nekrasov's poetry.

V. G. Belinsky to Nekrasov after listening to the poem: “Do you know that you are a poet, and a true poet?” But Nekrasov is only 24 years old!

4. Editorial and publishing activities
N. A. Nekrasova

From 1847–1865 N. A. Nekrasov - editor of the Sovremennik magazine, and from 1868–1876. - Together with M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, he publishes Domestic Notes. Nekrasov was extremely demanding on his work and creativity. These magazines "dominated almost undividedly over the minds of that era."

5. The poetry of N. A. Nekrasov in the 50s years

Collection "Poems of N. A. Nekrasov" (1856). The first section of the collection - poems about the people's fate. Road image. The second section is a satirical depiction of the enemies of the people. The third section is the birth of "new people", fighters for the people's happiness. The fourth section is love lyrics.

The nature of the collection was determined by the introduction, the role of which was played by the famous poem "Poet and Citizen" (1856). In it, Nekrasov expressed his views on the role of the poet and poetry. A poet must be a citizen, a faithful son of his homeland and people.

Expressive reading of the poem, analysis.

"Reflections at the Front Door".

Reading a poem.

The poem was first published by A. Herzen in "The Bell" with the note: " We very rarely we post poems, but this kind of poem No capabilities not place."

Since the poem was already studied by students earlier, one can recall how this work was created, name the prototypes of the “owner of luxurious chambers”.

According to the memoirs of A. Ya. Panaeva, Nekrasov from the window of his St. Petersburg apartment saw peasants who had come from afar to the entrance of a rich house, but they were ... driven away. Behind the image of the owner of a rich house is the image of a real person - Count A. I. Chernyshev, who served the Nikolaev regime for more than 20 years. It is no coincidence that the poet dropped the contemptuous - "hero", on the account of the former Minister of War A. I. Chernyshev and such a "heroic" deed as the massacre of the Decembrists.

Researchers of Nekrasov's work have established another circumstance. At the time of writing the poem, the Minister of State Property M. N. Muravyov, the future suppressor of the Polish uprising, which would take place four years after the poem was written, in 1863, lived in “luxurious chambers”. N. Nekrasov acted as if in the role of a prophet, branding not only the cruel ruler of the past, but also the broadcaster of the future. But the image of the “owner of luxurious chambers” is much wider than its real prototypes, it is most likely a gentleman, a nobleman, immersed in luxury.

Question: Tell us about the peasants who approached the rich entrance (“... peasants, rural Russian people.” Behind them is all peasant Russia, on behalf of which they appeared.)

Excerpt from "Homeland" These are reflections, thoughts of the poet about the fate of the Russian people. (“Will you wake up full of strength…”)

6. Poems and poems by N. A. Nekrasov in the 60s–70s e years.
Work on the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia"

(“Peddlers”, 1861; “Frost, Red Nose”, 1863; “Railway”, 1864; “Knight for an Hour”, 1862; “Russian Women, 1872–1873; “ Elegy", 1874; "In memory of Dobrolyubov", 1864).

Poem "Railroad".

Reading a poem.

Questions :

1) Who appropriates the fruits of the people's labor?

2) Why was the poem "Railway" persecuted by censorship?

One of the censors of Sovremennik noted that the poem “is a terrible slander and excites resentment against the higher government» .

3) How does The Railroad combine satire (in the depiction of the oppressors) with sadness and revolutionary passion?

7. "I dedicated the lyre to my people."
The last years of the life of N. A. Nekrasov

"Elegy" (1874).

Reading a poem.

The poet called this poem "the most ... sincere and beloved." The poet saw the meaning of his work in serving the people.

The poet is seriously ill. He wrote in his diary: "My home is a bed, my world is two rooms." But he continued to work!

Poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia", collection "Last songs".

Nekrasov remained a poet-citizen until the last days of his life. Once again he showed not only the power of poetic energy, but also the mighty strength of the spirit.


Learn the poem by heart. Written analysis. (Perception, interpretation, evaluation.)

By groups:

1) The poem "On the road."

2) The poem "Troika".

3) "In memory of Dobrolyubov".

4) "I do not like your irony ...".


I N. A. Nekrasov - People's Poet

II N.A. Nekrasov - poet of suffering

1) Brief biographical information.

2) The originality of the lyrics.

a) The theme of popular suffering.

b) The image of women in the lyrics.

c) The theme of love.

3) Memoirs of contemporaries about Nekrasov.

III The contribution of N.A. Nekrasov to Russian literature.


· 1821 In the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province, on November 28, the son Nikolai was born in the family of a retired lieutenant Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna (nee Zakrevskaya) Nekrasov.

· 1824--1832 Family life in the village. Greshnevo Yaroslavl province due to the retirement of his father.

· 1832-1837 Teachings of Nicholas and his brother in the Yaroslavl gymnasium.

· 1838 The arrival of N. A. Nekrasov in St. Petersburg and an unsuccessful attempt, against the will of his father, to enter the university.

· 1840 Nekrasov's first collection was published. "Dreams and Sounds". The beginning of cooperation in the publications of F. A. Koni. Negative assessment of V. G. Belinsky of the entire collection. Nekrasov destroys almost the entire circulation.

· 1841 Death of the poet's mother.

· 1842 Acquaintance with VG Belinsky.

· 1844-1845 Rapprochement with V. G. Belinsky. Publication of the almanac "Physiology of St. Petersburg" edited by N. A. Nekrasov. The collection reflected the search and aesthetics of the "natural school".

· 1846 The release of Nekrasov's almanac "Petersburg Collection", in which the poet's poems "On the Road" and "Lullaby" were printed. Acquisition of the right to publish Sovremennik from Pletnev.

· 1847 Beginning of Nekrasov's Sovremennik. Friction between the official editor Nikitenko and his actual editors, Nekrasov and Panaev.

· 1848 Beginning of the "Gloomy Seven Years" in Russian public life. Censorship persecution of Sovremennik. On the denunciation of F. Bulgarin, Nekrasov is summoned to the III Section. Nekrasov was under secret surveillance.

· 1853 Serious illness of Nekrasov. Creation of the Last Elegies.

· 1854 N. G. Chernyshevsky came to the editorial office of Sovremennik.

· 1856 Before leaving for abroad (Berlin, Vienna, Florence, Rome, etc.) Nekrasov transfers his editorial functions to N. G. Chernyshevsky. The release of the collection "Poems by N. A. Nekrasov", which was a huge success.

· 1857 Return home. Dobrolyubov's arrival at Sovremennik.

· 1860 Departure from Sovremennik by I. S. Turgenev.

· 1861 Death of Dobrolyubov. "Pedlars" were written. The second edition of "Poems of N. A. Nekrasov".

· 1862 Arrest of Chernyshevsky. The first ban on Sovremennik and the suspension of publication for 8 months.

· 1863 Revival of Sovremennik. Creation of the poem "Frost, Red Nose". Beginning of work on the poem "To whom in Russia it is good to live." Acquisition of the estate near Yaroslavl "Karabikha".

· 1866 Closing of Sovremennik.

· 1868 Beginning of a new magazine - "Notes of the Fatherland". Editor - N. A. Nekrasov. Publication in No. 1 of the poem "To whom in Russia it is good to live."

1870 Rapprochement with his future wife F. A. Viktorova (Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova), with whom he will be married in 1877

· 1871-1872 Creation of the poems "Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess Volkonskaya".

· 1875 The beginning of the last illness of N. A. Nekrasov.

· 1876 Work on the fourth part of the poem "To Whom in Russia to Live Well".

· 1877 Publication of the book "Last Songs".

N. A. Nekrasov -- PEOPLE'S POET

N. A. Nekrasov is a great Russian poet, whose name is inscribed in golden letters in Russian and world literature. The heir of Pushkin and Lermontov, he brought poetry closer to the life of the people. He wrote in the 40s, in that difficult time when serfdom became unbearable for the Russian people. Nekrasov was a realist poet, he was the first who, with such frankness and sharpness, revealed to the readers pictures from the life of the people, depicting a miserable village with its poverty and sadness, as if covering it with a misty cloud of an “uncompressed strip” and a peasant who “has no urine ". The poet responded to the suffering of the common man. Nekrasov's poems were a great success, everyone felt that a poet had appeared who had not yet been in Russia. In his poems, he accused the autocracy and expressed his love for the people, his faith in the wonderful future of Russia. Chernyshevsky wrote to him: "You are now the best, the only fine hope of our literature." Many of his poems are dedicated to the Motherland and people. Even in his youth, Nekrasov discovered that for him the words "homeland" and "land" are an all-consuming topic. It is difficult for us to imagine any poem by Nekrasov, where there would be no Russian nature and Russian people. “Yes, only here can I be a poet!” - so said Nekrasov, returning from abroad, which never attracted him. Even for a while, he did not want to leave "from the song that was inspired by snowstorms and blizzards of his native villages." The poet was in awe of the Motherland, with sincerity and cordiality he depicted the village, peasant huts, the Russian landscape. From this love for the Motherland, for its people and beautiful nature, Nekrasov's poetry grew. The poet was worried about the fate of Russia and called for transforming it into a "mighty and omnipotent" country. He highly appreciated among the people his vitality, activity in the struggle for his happiness. “Do not be shy for the dear homeland. The Russian people endured enough ... "Nekrasov knew the great power and role of Russia:" Russia will show that there are people in it, that it has a future ... "And the poet curses the oppressors of the people," the owners of luxurious chambers ".

N.A. Nekrasov is a poet of suffering.

v Brief biographical information

Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 in the town of Nemirovo in Ukraine. In the autumn of 1824, retired major Alexei Sergeevich Nekrasov settled with his family in the family estate of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province. Nekrasov's father was one of those landowners, of whom there were many at that time: rude, violent, ignorant. His main life interest was dog hunting. With dogs, he was sometimes kind, and domestic and serfs suffered from his difficult character. The poet's mother, Elena Andreevna, nee Zakrevskaya, especially suffered from this. She was a smart and educated woman, a kind soul and sensitive heart. Elena Andreevna, for the sake of the happiness of her children and their peace of mind, endured the antics of her husband. It seems that there was no other poet who so often, with such reverent love, would resurrect the image of the mother in his poems. The feudal tyranny of his father stung the youthful soul of the future poet, because everyone suffered from it: the peasants, himself and his beloved mother. In 1832, Nekrasov entered the Yaroslavl gymnasium. The young man not only read a lot there, but also created literary works himself. He wanted to enter St. Petersburg University, but the preparation at the Yaroslavl gymnasium was insufficient, and Nekrasov decided to become a volunteer. He attended classes at the Faculty of Philology for two years. This period of the poet's life is usually called the "Petersburg trials", because the time for the poet was really difficult. The father wanted his son to study at a military institution, and, having learned about the university, he deprived Nikolai of material support. For the sake of a piece of bread, Tom had to agree to day work in the capital's newspapers and magazines. In addition, the publication of the first collection of poems Dreams and Sounds (1840) was followed by sharp criticism in the press. But these failures tempered the character of the poet, and since then the main theme of his work has been the fate of a simple person: a disenfranchised peasant, an urban beggar, a Russian peasant woman. But Nekrasov's literary talent did not go unnoticed. With the support of F.A. Koni, publisher of the theater magazine "Repertoire and Pantheon", he met V.G. Belinsky, who had a huge influence on the poet - moral, literary, ideological. Thanks to his friendship with the great critic, Nekrasov breaks with the romantic passions of his youth and creates deeply realistic poetry. In 1847, the writer I.I. Panaev, together with Nekrasov, acquired the Sovremennik magazine, founded by A.S. Pushkin. Here Nekrasov fully reveals his editorial talent. He managed to rally the best literary forces in Russia in the 40-60s of the 19th century around the magazine. The poetic flowering of Nekrasov began in 1855. The collection "Poems by N. Nekrasov" was published in October 1856. The poet thought deeply about the artistic composition of this book. The poem "The Poet and the Citizen" (1855-1856) opened the collection. In this collection, the poem "Sasha" was published, in which the author wanted to show how "new people" are born and how they differ from other heroes. At the same time, "The Forgotten Village", "Schoolboy", "Misfortune" were written. The first collection of poems brought Nekrasov wide fame. After the abolition of serfdom, Nekrasov wrote the famous poem Peddlers (1861). In this work, he expanded the intended circle of his readers and turned in his dedication to the people. In addition, he printed this poem at his own expense in the Red Books series and distributed it among the people through village small merchants. This has never happened before in Russian literature. The Decembrist theme in the work of Nekrasov is revealed by the poems "Grandfather" and "Russian Women". Turning to the past, the poet talked about the present. In the heroines of the Decembrist era, Nekrasov looked for and found features that united them with Russian women of the 60s and 70s of the 19th century. 1875 Nekrasov was seriously ill. Nothing could stop a severe, painful, fatal illness. But Nekrasov remains true to his Muse. And Nekrasov still retains the holiness of the maternal image. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878).

v The originality of the lyrics

1) The theme of people's suffering.

People's poet, singer of suffering, democrat poet ... - N.A. is called differently. Nekrasov. Nekrasov's Muse is the "Muse of revenge and sorrow", suffering, glorifying the people, calling for the struggle for their liberation, protesting, sympathizing with all the oppressed. Nekrasov for the first time in Russian poetry deeply revealed the theme of people's suffering. The focus of the poet's attention is the hard lot of peasants, barge haulers, railroad builders, and soldiers. The theme of the suffering of the people runs through all the work of the poet. He remained faithful to the chosen path. The muse in his early poem is the sister of a young peasant woman, cut with a whip, in one of Nekrasov's last songs, the muse already appears in the image of this peasant woman. The poet perceives the pain of ordinary workers as his own. With piercing longing in the poem "Railway" he shows how hunger drove the "masses of the people" to build the road. Nekrasov describes hard labor and inhuman conditions of existence. Nekrasov grew up on the Volga and from childhood was amazed by the pictures of the terrifying labor of barge haulers. In the poem "On the Volga", the poet recreates the images of unfortunate people who crashed into his memory: one - "pale, a little alive", the other - "sullen, quiet and sick", in "rags of miserable poverty". The poet is shocked by the desire of the latter to die by morning. Only death can end the unbearable torment of the "dull" barge hauler. In "Thoughts at the front door" Nekrasov creates a generalized image of the suffering people. He writes: "Where there are people, there is a groan." Sadness and anger are the main feelings Nekrasov put into poems about the people. A sincere desire to change the fate of suffering people brought the artist the high title of "people's poet". Nekrasov was the protector of the people, expressed their interests, served them and tried to lead them on such a path, which, according to the poet, would bring contentment and happiness to the peasant. Nekrasov forever connected his personal fate, his tears with the fate, tears, suffering of the whole people.

2) The image of women in the lyrics

With special compassion, Nekrasov creates images of peasant women. In the poem “In full swing the village suffering ...” a woman appears before the reader, exhausted by labor on earth.

The poor woman is exhausted,

A column of insects sways above her,

Stings, tickles, buzzes!

She has “singed lips, a leg cut into blood”, “kerchiefs are disheveled”. With the help of a capacious definition, the poet creates a generalized image of a Russian woman. He calls her "the long-suffering mother".

Also, the heroine of another famous poem "Troika" "withers before the time". This work is built on a bright contrast. In the present, a peasant girl is so good that “it’s not a wonder to look at her” - and in the future she will face a difficult fate, usual for a peasant woman: “marry a slave”, “be the mother of a slave son”, “submit to a slave to the grave” . A girl whose “hair is as black as night” and her gaze is “full of enchantment” will soon turn into a resigned, submissive creature with an ugly apron-stretched chest, and “an expression of stupid patience and senseless, eternal fear” will forever freeze on her face. . The apron in the work is a terrible symbol of constant, “black and hard work”, which a young girl is doomed to do until her death.

But not only unbearable forced labor robs a Russian woman of strength and beauty. In Nekrasov's poems, unfortunate mothers are shown with a great sense of compassion. The grief of Orina, the mother of a soldier ruined by the tsarist service, or an old woman who lost her only son-breadwinner ("Village News"), is inescapable. The poet is angered by the war, after which bleeding wounds remain on the hearts of mothers. The poem "Listening to the horrors of war ..." is one of the most tragic in Nekrasov's lyrics. The common people suffer the most from the war: soldiers, their wives, children. It is unbearably painful for the poet to imagine how his wife and friend will perceive the news of the death of a warrior.

3) Theme of love

Nekrasov wrote about love in a new way. Poetizing the ups and downs of love, he did not ignore the "prose" that "is inevitable in love." In his poems, the image of an independent heroine appeared: a heroine, sometimes wayward and impregnable ("I do not like your irony ..."). Relations between lovers have become more complex in Nekrasov's lyrics: spiritual intimacy is replaced by disagreements and quarrels, the characters often do not understand each other, and this misunderstanding overshadows their love.

v Memoirs of contemporaries about Nekrasov.

I. A. Panaev

It is important for the public to know: was there a contradiction between everything beautiful and good that filled his works, and the moral qualities of the one who expressed this beautiful and good so well? Was there a discord between the good feeling expressed in beautiful verse and the feeling that lives in the heart of the poet? To this I will answer firmly and without hesitation: there was no discord. Nekrasov, in his moral qualities, did not at all contradict the image that was drawn by the imagination of many admirers of his talent who did not know him. He was a gentle, kind, unenvious, generous, hospitable, and quite simple man; but he did not possess sufficient firmness of character. Circumstances developed in such a way that he had to spend almost all his life in semi-official circles. It was not his natural environment, and therefore he could not feel free in it: internal movements were connected, married; heart is compressed. As a result, despite the innate softness, condescension and simplicity of heart, external methods sometimes seemed dry, angular, and seemed to breathe cold from them.

A. V. Druzhinin

Mr. Nekrasov made many sacrifices to the temporary element of poetry, but he sacrificed to it not out of routine, not out of calculation, not out of a passion for alien authority, but with complete freedom of consciousness, due to his organization and warehouse of his talent. He did not throw dirt on the altar of pure poetry, but always approached it with love and reverence, even exaggerating his weaknesses and considering himself a more unworthy priest than he really was. He did not scoff at the highest manifestations of the eternal in poetry and was always ready to answer the call of the muse, wherever she carried him. That is why we see, and will always see in Nekrasov, a true poet, rich in future and who has done enough for future readers. We even like many of his deliberately edifying poems, because they are created without effort and attracted thought - we know very well that the period of their glory is short, but we remain quite grateful for their temporary influence. With these poems, he instilled several practical thoughts in society, with them he develops the masses of people who are underdeveloped and unaccustomed to understanding poetry. In them he was direct and sincere, with them he achieved everything that could be achieved with such a weak tool.

A. A. Grigoriev

A deep love for the soil resounds in the works of Nekrasov, and the poet himself is sincerely aware of this love. He, apparently, does not regret, like Lermontov, that this love "will not be overcome by reason", does not call this love "strange". He loves this soil equally when he speaks of it with sincere lyricism, and when he draws gloomy or sad pictures; and not only does he love: his poetry is always on a level with the soil - is it then, when on a gloomy, damp autumn evening, with poetic-poisonous exasperation, the meeting of the “club of the crow clan” is conveyed and with outward indifference and deep inner sympathy the conversation of two old women gathered at the well; Is it when in a stifling hospital he peeps the lofty scene of the uplifting of a fallen man by love and hears... the all-forgiving voice of love, Full of endless supplication...

The contribution of N.A. Nekrasov to Russian literature.

An entire era of Russian poetry is associated with the name of Nekrasov. His work is the next, after Pushkin and Lermontov, a stage in its history. Based on their remarkable discoveries, Nekrasov introduced a lot of fundamentally new, his own, opening up new ways. With wide eyes he looked at the surrounding reality and saw and said what had not been said before him. Further expansion of the boundaries of poetry, an even closer rapprochement with life in all its diversity, the democratization of themes, motives and the language itself, artistic and expressive means are integral qualities of Nekrasov's work. Not only ideological purposefulness (the poet calls his muse "the sad companion of the sad poor"), not only the fearlessness of truth, but also the bold innovation of the poetic form made him, according to N. G. Chernyshevsky, "the creator of a completely new period" in poetry, the creator of a whole directions. It is difficult to confuse Nekrasov with anyone, so original is the image of the poet that arises from the pages of his works, and his intonations that take the soul. No less than Nekrasov, the author of epic works and Nekrasov the satirist, shakes the soul of the reader and Nekrasov the lyricist. But in general, it should be emphasized that the epic and satirical beginnings are closely intertwined in his poetry with the beginning of the lyric. The excited voice of the democratic poet is heard everywhere, his unique personality is felt everywhere, and, on the other hand, from a seemingly deeply intimate feeling, from a penetrating picture of Russian nature, the theme of people's misfortunes, social disorder and social injustice.

F. M. Dostoevsky said about Nekrasov that his heart was wounded at the very beginning of his life, this wound never healed and was the source of his passionate and suffering poetry all his life. We know that from the age of sixteen, the young poet experienced hunger and other hardships because he wanted to go his own way, and not the one that his father wanted. And these ordeals were reflected in all the work of Nikolai Alekseevich. But we also know that even earlier, in childhood, pain for the suffering of his people strengthened in his heart.

FROMlist of used literature.

1) The Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius Nekrasov N.A., 2002

2) Nekrasov N.A. Poems Stavropol publishing house, 1975

3) Chukovsky K.I. Nekrasov N.A. in book. Nekrasova N.A. Poems from 3-30

4) Chukovsky K.I. Nekrasov N.A. in book. Nekrasova N.A. Poems for children from 3-12 M., "Children's Literature", 1972

5) Works of the school curriculum in a summary Nekrasov N.A. pp. 206-207 M., Rodin and company, publishing house Ast, 1998

1. Childhood
Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich was born on December 28, 1821 in the quiet town of the Podolsk province of Nemirovo, where that year the regiment was temporarily located in which his father, Nekrasov Alexei Sergeyevich, who came from a family of small estate nobles, served.
Childhood years were spent in the village of Greshnevo, in the family estate of his father, a man of a despotic character, who oppressed not only serfs, but also his family, which the future poet witnessed. Perhaps that is why in the works of Nekrasov one can discern notes of pity for his own mother. The poet's mother, an educated woman, was his first teacher, she instilled in him a love for literature, for the Russian language.
2. Youth
In 1832 - 1837 Nekrasov studied at the Yaroslavl gymnasium. Then he began to write poetry.
At the age of 17 he moved to St. Petersburg, but, refusing to devote himself to a military career, as his father insisted, he was deprived of material support. In 1838, against the will of his father, the future poet tries to enter the university. Unable to pass the entrance exams, he decided to become a volunteer and attended lectures at the Faculty of Philology for two years. The disasters that befell Nekrasov were subsequently reflected in his poems and the unfinished novel The Life and Adventures of Tikhon Trostnikov.
In order not to die of hunger, he began to write poetry commissioned by booksellers. At this time, he met V. Belinsky. Soon, Nekrasov's affairs "went uphill", he gives lessons, writes short articles for local newspapers, which even allows him to save money).
3. Literary and journalistic activity
The affairs of Nikolai Alekseevich went so successfully that in 1847 Nekrasov and Panaev acquired the Sovremennik magazine, founded by A. S. Pushkin. The influence of the magazine grew every year, until in 1862 the government suspended its publication, and then completely banned the magazine. That year, Nekrasov acquired the Karabikha estate, not far from Yaroslavl, where he came every summer, spending time hunting and talking with friends from the people.
After the closure of the Sovremennik magazine, Nekrasov acquired the right to publish Fatherland Notes, with which the last ten years of his life were associated. During these years, he worked on the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" (1866 - 76), wrote poems about the Decembrists and their wives ("Grandfather", 1870; "Russian Women", 1871 - 72). In addition, he created a series of satirical works, the top of which was the poem "Contemporaries" (1875).
4. Illness
But the euphoria from a good life did not last long, because already in 1850 the writer became very ill (medics even predicted his imminent death), but a trip to Italy significantly improved Nekrasov's health. In 1875, Nekrasov was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, after which the writer's life turned into a slow departure to another world. It was in the period before his death that Nekrasov, having received support from loved ones, took up creativity with renewed vigor. Nikolai Alekseevich died in December 1877. The funeral of this extraordinary, but undoubtedly great personality in Russian literature, was organized by numerous fans and took place at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Born November 28 (December 10) 1821. in Ukraine in the town of Nemirov, Podolsk province in a noble family of retired lieutenant Alexei Sergeevich and Elena Andreevna Nekrasov.

1824–1832- life in the village of Greshnevo, Yaroslavl province

1838- leaves the estate of his father Greshnevo in order to enter the St. Petersburg noble regiment at his will, but, contrary to his wishes, decides to enter St. Petersburg University. The father deprives him of his livelihood.

1840- the first imitative collection of poems "Dreams and Sounds".

1843- acquaintance with V. G. Belinsky.

1845- poem "On the Road" An enthusiastic review by VG Belinsky.

1845–1846- publisher of two collections of writers of the natural school - "Physiology of St. Petersburg" and "Petersburg Collection".

1847–1865- Editor and publisher of the magazine "Contemporary".

1853- cycle "Last elegies".

1856- the first collection of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1861- the poem "Pedlars". Release of the second edition of "Poems by N. Nekrasov".

1862- the poem "The Knight for an Hour", the poems "Green Noise", "The village suffering is in full swing."
Acquisition of the Karabikha estate near Yaroslavl.

1868- the release of the first issue of the new magazine N.A. Nekrasov "Notes of the Fatherland" with the poem "Who should live well in Russia."

1868 1877- Together with M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, he edits the journal "Domestic Notes".

1869 - the appearance in No. 1 and No. 2 of "Notes of the Fatherland" "Prologue" and the first three chapters "To whom it is good to live in Russia."
Second overseas trip. Engaging V. A. Zaitsev to cooperate in the "Notes of the Fatherland".

1870 - rapprochement with Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova - the future wife of the poet (Zina).
In No. 2 of Otechestvennye Zapiski, chapters IV and V of the poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" are printed, and in No. 9 - the poem "Grandfather" with a dedication to Zinaida Nikolaevna.

1875 - Election of Nekrasov as a deputy chairman of the Literary Fund. Work on the poem "Contemporaries", the appearance of the first part ("Anniversaries and triumphs") in No. 8 of "Notes of the Fatherland". The beginning of the last illness.

1876 - work on the fourth part of the poem "To whom in Russia it is good to live."
Poems "To the Sowers", "Prayer", "Soon I will become the prey of decay", "Zina".

1877 - in early April - the release of the book "Last Songs".
April 4 - wedding at home with Zinaida Nikolaevna.
April 12 - operation.
Early June - a date with Turgenev.
In August - a farewell letter from Chernyshevsky.
December - the last poems ("Oh, Muse! I am at the door of the coffin").
Died December 27, 1877 (January 8 1878- according to the new style) in St. Petersburg. He was buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent.

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich, whose biography begins on November 28 (December 10), 1821, was born in the small town of Nemirov, located on the territory of the Vinnitsa district of the Podolsk province (now the territory of Ukraine).

The childhood of the poet

The Nekrasov family, after the birth of their son, lived in the village of Greshnev, which at that time belonged to the Yaroslavl province. There were a lot of children - thirteen (although only three of them survived), and therefore it was very difficult to support them. Aleksey Sergeevich, the head of the family, was forced to take on the job of a police officer. It was difficult to call this work fun and interesting. Little Nikolai Nekrasov Sr. often took with him to work, and therefore the future poet from an early age saw the problems that ordinary people faced and learned to sympathize with them.

At the age of 10, Nikolai was sent to the Yaroslavl gymnasium. But at the end of the 5th grade, he abruptly stopped studying. Why? Biographers differ on this issue. Some believe that the boy was not too diligent in his studies, and his success in this field left much to be desired, while others are of the opinion that his father simply stopped paying tuition. And perhaps both of these reasons took place. One way or another, but then the biography of Nekrasov continues in St. Petersburg, where a sixteen-year-old boy is sent to enter a military school (noble regiment).

Difficult years

The poet had every opportunity to become an honest servant, but fate was pleased to dispose otherwise. Arriving in the cultural capital of the empire - St. Petersburg - Nekrasov gets acquainted and communicates with the students there. They awakened in him a strong thirst for knowledge, and therefore the future poet decides to go against the will of his father. Nikolay begins to prepare for entering the university. He fails: he could not pass all the exams. However, this did not stop him: from 1839 to 1841. the poet goes to the Faculty of Philology as a volunteer. In those days, Nekrasov lived in terrible poverty, because his father did not give him a single penny. The poet often had to go hungry, it even got to the point that he spent the night in shelters for the homeless. But there were also bright moments: for example, it was in one of these places that Nikolai earned his first money (15 kopecks) for help in writing a petition. The difficult financial situation did not break the spirit of the young man, and he vowed to himself, despite any obstacles, to achieve recognition.

Literary activity of Nekrasov

Nekrasov's biography is impossible without mentioning the stages of his formation as a poet and writer.

Soon after the events described above, Nikolai's life began to improve. He got a job as a tutor, he was often assigned to compose fairy tales and alphabets for popular print publishers. A good part-time job was writing small articles for the Literary Gazette, as well as the Literary Addendum to the Russian Disabled. Several vaudevilles composed by him and published under the pseudonym "Perepelsky" were even staged on the Alexandria stage. Having set aside some money, in 1840 Nekrasov published his first collection of poems, which was called Dreams and Sounds.

Nekrasov's biography was not without a struggle with critics. Despite the fact that they treated him ambiguously, Nikolai himself was extremely upset by the negative review of the authoritative Belinsky. It even got to the point that Nekrasov himself bought up most of the circulation and destroyed the books. However, the few remaining copies made it possible to see Nekrasov in a completely unusual role as a ballad writer. In the future, he moved on to other genres and topics.

Nekrasov spent the forties of the 19th century working closely with the journal Domestic Notes. Nicholas himself was a bibliographer. The turning point in his life can be considered a close acquaintance and the beginning of friendship with Belinsky. After quite a bit of time, the poems of Nikolai Nekrasov begin to be actively printed. In a fairly short period of time, the almanacs "April 1", "Physiology of St. Petersburg", "Petersburg Collection" were published, in which the poems of the young poet coexisted with the works of the best authors of that period. Among them, in addition to all others, there were works by F. Dostoevsky, D. Grigorovich, I. Turgenev.

Publishing was doing great. This allowed Nekrasov and his friends at the end of 1846 to purchase the Sovremennik magazine. In addition to the poet himself, many talented writers go to this magazine. And Belinsky gives Nekrasov an unusually generous gift - he transfers for the magazine a huge amount of materials that the critic has been collecting for his own publication for a long time. During the period of reaction, the content of Sovremennik was controlled by the tsarist authorities, and under the influence of censorship, they began to publish mostly works of the adventure genre in it. But, nevertheless, the magazine does not lose its popularity.

Further, Nekrasov's biography takes us to sunny Italy, where the poet leaves in the 50s to be treated for a sore throat. Having improved his health, he returns to his homeland. Here life is "in full swing" - Nikolai finds himself in the leading literary streams, communicates with people of high morality. At this time, the best and hitherto unknown sides of the poet's talent are revealed. In the work on the journal, Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky become his faithful assistants and colleagues.

Despite the fact that Sovremennik was closed in 1866, Nekrasov did not give up. From his old "competitor" the writer rents "Notes of the Fatherland", which quickly rise to the same height as "Sovremennik" once did.

Working with two of the best magazines of his time, Nekrasov wrote and published a lot of his works. Among them are poems (“Who should live well in Russia”, “Peasant children”, “Frost, red nose”, “Sasha”, “Russian women”), poems (“Railway”, “Knight for an hour”, “Prophet "") and many others. Nekrasov was at the zenith of his fame.

last years of life

At the beginning of 1875, the poet was given a terrible diagnosis - "intestinal cancer." His life became a continuous suffering, and only the support of devoted readers helped to somehow hold on. Telegrams and letters came to Nicholas even from the farthest corners of Russia. This support meant a lot to the poet: struggling with pain, he continued to create. At the end of his life, he writes a satirical poem called "Contemporaries", a sincere and touching cycle of poems "Last Songs".

The talented poet and activist of the literary world said goodbye to this world on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) in St. Petersburg, at the age of only 56 years.

Despite the severe frost, thousands of people came to say goodbye to the poet and see him to his final resting place (Novodevichy Cemetery in St. Petersburg).

Love in the life of a poet

N. A. Nekrasov, whose biography is a real charge of manpower and energy, met three women in his life. His first love was Avdotya Panaeva. They were not officially married, but lived together for fifteen years. After some time, Nekrasov fell in love with a charming Frenchwoman - Selina Lefren. However, this novel was unsuccessful for the poet: Selina left him, and before that she squandered a fair amount of his fortune. And, finally, six months before his death, Nekrasov married Fyokla Viktorova, who dearly loved him and cared for him until the last day.