Analysis of Bunin's poem is not visible birds. Urgently!!! I beg you!!! need a brief analysis of Bunin's poem "no birds are visible

The poem “No Birds Are Seen…” by I. A. Bunin is one of his early works. It was written in 1889, when the author was only 19 years old, and was included in his first published collection.

In his youth, the poet was fond of hunting and liked to walk in the forest. The description of one of these walks formed the basis of the work.

The action of the poem takes place in autumn. The first quatrains describe a quiet forest, the image of a lyrical hero is introduced only in the third quatrain. The hero contemplates the fading nature, and this gives rise to conflicting feelings in his soul. In this case, autumn is associated with the end of life. The gloomy forest brings sadness to the hero for dying youth, but this sadness is combined with joy, since a new stage is coming in the hero's life.

In the poem there is no feeling of delight from natural beauty, characteristic of landscape lyrics. The adjectives used by the author (“sick”, “empty”) only emphasize the feeling of longing.

In the work, the hero's desire for solitude is clearly traced. He likes to wander through the empty forest away from people. His only companion is the wind. The lyrical hero enjoys loneliness, because only left alone with nature, he can devote himself to thinking about his fate.

Contemplation of the dull autumn forest allows him to get rid of youthful illusions and maximalism that interfere with life.

The poem includes four quatrains. It is written in classic iambic tetrameter using cross rhyming.

The work is written in simple language, but at the same time it is rich in artistic tropes. The author, in his characteristic manner, endows nature with human feelings. To do this, he uses personifications (“the forest withers”, “the day is gloomy”). The hero's love for solitude is emphasized by the epithet "free steppe", and the inconsistency of the feelings that have taken possession of him is shown with the help of the oxymoron "pleasant sadness".

6th grade briefly according to the plan

The picture for the poem Can't see the birds obediently languishes

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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes
The forest, deserted and sick.
Mushrooms are gone, but smells strong
In the ravines with mushroom dampness.

The wilderness has become lower and brighter,
Grass fell in the bushes,
And, smoldering in the autumn rain,
Dark foliage turns black.

And in the field the wind. The day is cold
Gloomy and fresh - and all day
I wander in the free steppe,
Away from villages and villages.

And, lulled by horseback step,
With joyful sadness I will listen,
Like the wind with a monotonous sound,
Buzzing-singing into the barrels of a gun.

Ivan Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a talented prose writer and publicist. However, few people know that he created his first works in poetic form, embarrassed by his passion for poetry, which the Bunin family did not attach much importance to. The poem “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes…”, written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And all free time spends on hunting, adoring to wander through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem “Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes ... ", which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in the late autumn the forest "dutifully languishes", endowing it with such epithets as "sick" and "deserted". The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is “gloomy and fresh”, and “no birds are visible around”, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day "in the free steppe, away from villages and villages."

His only companion is the “monotonous wind”, which “hums and sings into the barrels of a gun”, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.

The poem “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes…”, written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And he spends all his free time hunting, adoring wandering through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem “Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes…”, which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in the late autumn the forest "dutifully languishes", endowing it with such epithets as "sick" and "deserted". The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is “gloomy and fresh”, and “no birds are visible around”, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day "in the free steppe, away from villages and villages."

His only companion is the “monotonous wind”, which “hums and sings into the barrels of a gun”, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.


Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes

The forest, deserted and sick.

Mushrooms are gone, but smells strong

In the ravines with mushroom dampness.

The wilderness has become lower and brighter,

Grass fell in the bushes,

And, in the autumn rain smoldering ...

Option 2

The poem “No Birds Are Seen ...” by I. A. Bunin was written in 1889, when the author was only 19 years old, and was included in his first published collection.

The action of the poem takes place in autumn. The first quatrains describe a quiet forest, the image of a lyrical hero is introduced only in the third quatrain. The hero contemplates the fading nature, and this gives rise to conflicting feelings in his soul. In this case, autumn is associated with the end of life. The gloomy forest brings sadness to the hero for dying youth, but this sadness is combined with joy, since a new stage is coming in the hero's life.

In the poem there is no feeling of delight from natural beauty, characteristic of landscape lyrics. The adjectives used by the author (“sick”, “empty”) only emphasize the feeling of longing.

In the work, the hero's desire for solitude is clearly traced. He likes to wander through the empty forest away from people. His only companion is the wind. The lyrical hero enjoys loneliness, because only left alone with nature, he can devote himself to thinking about his fate.

Contemplation of the dull autumn forest allows him to get rid of youthful illusions and maximalism that interfere with life.

The poem includes four quatrains. It is written in classic iambic tetrameter using cross rhyming.

The work is written in simple language, but at the same time it is rich in artistic tropes. The author, in his characteristic manner, endows nature with human feelings. To do this, he uses personifications (“the forest withers”, “the day is gloomy”). The hero's love for solitude is emphasized by the epithet "free steppe", and the inconsistency of the feelings that have taken possession of him is shown with the help of the oxymoron "pleasant sadness".

Analysis of Bunin's poem “Birds are not visible. Submissively languishes…”

Ivan Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a talented prose writer and publicist. However, few people know that he created his first works in poetic form, embarrassing his passion for poetry, which the Bunin family did not attach much importance to. The poem “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes…”, written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And he spends all his free time hunting, adoring wandering through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem “Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes ... ", which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in the late autumn the forest "dutifully languishes", endowing it with such epithets as "sick" and "deserted". The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is “gloomy and fresh”, and “no birds are visible around”, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day "in the free steppe, away from villages and villages."

His only companion is the “monotonous wind”, which “hums and sings into the barrels of a gun”, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.

Ivan Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a talented prose writer and publicist. However, few people know that he created his first works in poetic form, embarrassing his passion for poetry, which the Bunin family did not attach much importance to. The poem “No birds are visible. Submissively languishes…”. written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And he spends all his free time hunting, adoring wandering through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem. “There are no birds to be seen. Submissively languishes…”. which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in the late autumn the forest "dutifully languishes", endowing it with such epithets as "sick" and "deserted". The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is “gloomy and fresh”, and “no birds are visible around”, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day "in the free steppe, away from villages and villages."

His only companion is the “monotonous wind”, which “hums and sings into the barrels of a gun”, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.

analysis of Bunin's poem you can't see the birds

Ivan Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a talented prose writer and publicist. However, few people know that he created his first works in poetic form, embarrassing his passion for poetry, which the Bunin family did not attach much importance to. The poem No Birds Are Seen belongs to the early period of this author's work. Dutifully languishes, written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And he spends all his free time hunting, adoring wandering through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem No Birds Are Seen. Dutifully languishes, which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in late autumn the forest meekly languishes, endowing it with such epithets as sick and deserted. The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is gloomy and fresh, and there are no birds around, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day in the free steppe, away from villages and villages.

His only companion is the monophonic wind, which hums and sings into the barrels of a gun, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.

Analysis of the poem by I.A. Bunin “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes. »

“There are no birds to be seen. Dutifully languishes. "- one of the first poems of the poet. It was written in the autumn of 1889. Ivan Bunin then turned nineteen in October. Nevertheless, the composition gives the impression of completeness, the concreteness of the experienced state, it is tasted like a glass of aged collection wine. In the introductory lines about the obediently withering tired empty forest, the author seems to humbly accept the natural end of the period (associating the forest with the state of mind), and with light sadness releases the emotional remnants of the past. Undoubtedly, in this sadness there is a share of deep pleasure, ringing in the depths of the mind of the joy of fresh anticipation.

In general, autumn is a mystical time. Hardly anyone has the right not to succumb to her heady euphoria. Some call the season of the dying summer depressive and in every possible way distract from the premonition of cold weather, others enjoy every autumn sunset, the smell of a humid mysterious forest, fragrant evening tea in the twilight getting colder every day.

“The wilderness has become quieter and brighter, grass has fallen in the bushes, and in the autumn rain smolders, dark foliage turns black” - Bunin accepts his own maturity. Is it easy, is it difficult? Painful wounds no longer ache, the soul does not rush to flee. The poet simply stands on the sidelines and watches with desperate ease how the autumn downpour floods and carries away the foliage of his former youth.

The penultimate lines of the composition: a field elemental wind, a cold, gloomy day. The author spends a fresh free day in the free steppe, far from the villages and villages filled with people. And that's what comes as a result - freedom. The freshness of a gloomy day illustrates inner purity, an open radiant mind, a willingness to accept whatever lies ahead, whatever lies ahead. Lonely wandering in the free steppe is another reminder that a person goes through everything destined for him and, in the end, inevitably returns to himself. To freedom.

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Summary of the lesson in Literature “The world of nature and man in the poetry of I.A. Bunin" Grade 6

“The world of nature and man in the poetry of I.A. Bunin"

Class. 6, general education.

To teach to establish connections between literature, music, painting.

● Develop imaginative thinking of students.

● Build research skills.

● To acquaint with works of art (music and painting) consonant with Bunin's poems.

● Create conditions for students to feel oneness with the natural world.

● Instill humanistic views in students, help them fall in love with their native land.

Equipment: PC, projector, presentations, musical compositions, video clip, textbook.

Introduction by the teacher. Goal setting.

Reading a textbook article about I.A. Bunin. Presentation “I.A. Bunin"

Name the works of I.A. Bunin.

About what features of the creative manner of I.A. Bunin told K.G. Paustovsky? Find the answer to the question in the text of the article.

What advises to pay attention to K.G. Paustovsky when reading Bunin's works?

Expressive reading by students of a poem by I.A. Bunin “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes. (to classical music).

Revealing initial impressions.

What season is depicted in the poem?

What mood prevails in the poem? Find the words that answer the question.

What kind of thoughts can cause such a mood? (Deep autumn. The lyrical hero “wanders in the free steppe, far from villages and villages.” He listens to the music of autumn, sadly notes how the forest “dutifully withers”, thinks about the inevitability of the approaching winter. At the same time, he understands that order no one can break things. This constancy and repetition is the law of the wise being of nature.)

5. Listening to "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons".

Student's message about the history of the creation of the cycle "Seasons".

What is the mood of this music?

October is already a real autumn, with short gray days, the quiet cry of autumn rain, the sadness of empty fields. Infinite distances have opened - nothing interferes with a free look. Nature is asleep. On such days, sadness is a frequent guest.

The beauty of autumn was admired by poets, musicians and artists.

How do you think this music could reflect the moods that permeate Bunin's poem?

6. Appeal to the paintings of Russian artists. Tour ofyou reproduction rate: I.I. Levitan "October", M.V. Nesterov "Autumn Landscape", K.K. Pervukhin "Autumn is running out" (presentation).

Expressive reading to students of an excerpt from the essay by K.G. Paustovsky "Isaac Levitan".

7 . Analysis of the poem “Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes. ". Conversation.

Read the poem as K. Paustovsky advised, paying attention to the rhythm and colors. Is it possible to note common features in the sound of a poem, music, in the colors of artists' paintings?

Research work with text .

1 group. Write on the left side of the table the words that characterize

sounds, smells, colors of the autumn forest.

“There are no birds to be seen. Dutifully languishes…” I. Bunin

Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes
The forest, deserted and sick.
Mushrooms are gone, but smells strong
In the ravines with mushroom dampness.

The wilderness has become lower and brighter,
Grass fell in the bushes,

And, smoldering in the autumn rain,
Dark foliage turns black.

And in the field the wind. The day is cold
Gloomy and fresh - and all day long
I wander in the free steppe,
Away from villages and villages.

And, lulled by horseback step,
With joyful sadness I will listen,
Like the wind with a monotonous sound,
Buzzing-singing into the barrels of a gun.

Analysis of Bunin's poem “Birds are not visible. Submissively languishes…”

Ivan Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a talented prose writer and publicist. However, few people know that he created his first works in poetic form, embarrassing his passion for poetry, which the Bunin family did not attach much importance to. The poem “No birds are visible. Dutifully languishes…”, written in 1889, when Bunin was barely 19 years old. He considers himself a completely independent person and earns his living as a proofreader in one of the newspapers of the Oryol province. And he spends all his free time hunting, adoring wandering through the autumn forest in search of game. It is one of these walks that is described in the poem “Birds are not visible. Dutifully languishes ... ", which seems to take readers into the world of wildlife, presented without embellishment. Bunin notes that in the late autumn the forest "dutifully languishes", endowing it with such epithets as "sick" and "deserted". The author does not admire its beauty, tenaciously noticing every little thing, which only adds new touches to a dull and bleak picture. This is fallen grass, and black rotten leaves of trees, powdered with the first frosts, and mushroom dampness that fills the autumn air. The poet also notes that the day is “gloomy and fresh”, and “no birds are visible around”, which indicates the approaching winter. However, natural metamorphoses do not in the least depress Bunin, who dreams of loneliness, therefore he wanders all day "in the free steppe, away from villages and villages."

His only companion is the “monotonous wind”, which “hums and sings into the barrels of a gun”, and this howl causes a joyful sadness in the poet. He has time not only to think about his future life, but also to feel unity with nature, the inhospitability and gloom of which does not bother the author at all. On the contrary, the sight of a dying forest sets Bunin in a philosophical mood and allows him to painlessly part with youthful illusions that gave rise to excitement and excessive ambition in the poet's soul. He is not destined to become a scientist or a military man, as his parents wanted, he cannot bring his chosen one into the house, a girl of a lower origin, with whom he will subsequently leave for Poltava. But from that time on, autumn becomes one of the author's favorite seasons, and he dedicates to it not only numerous poems, but also prose filled with light sadness and anticipation of new experiences.

Listen to aBunin's poem No birds can be seen

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