Associative compound sentences. I told you neither happiness nor glory can be found in the world

1. Which statement is not true?

In a complex non-union sentence, a colon is put if:

1) some facts are listed

2) the second part complements the meaning of the first

3) the second part reveals the content of the first

4) the second part indicates the reason for what is said in the first.

2. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

The weather will be fine tomorrow () let's go to the forest.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

3. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

I have never seen such an autumn () there was neither a breeze nor a cloud in the transparent sky.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

4. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

Thick icicles, casually hanging from the roofs, thawed, rejoicing in the warmth and the sun () drops, falling from them, hit the ice.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

5. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

I am convinced of one thing () inspiration comes during work.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

6. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

The prince lowered his bow, looks () the kite is drowning in the sea and moaning not with a bird's cry.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

7. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

Daytime stars are never visible in the sky () they are outshone by the sun.

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

8. What sign should be put in the sentence instead of brackets?

Vasily sharply pressed the brake () the speed did not decrease.

1) colon 2) dash 3) comma 4) semicolon

Test on the topic "Unionless complex sentence".

1. What are complex sentences called in which the syntactic relationship between the parts is expressed without the help of unions?

1) compound

2) complex

3) unionless

2. What is the BSP: The sun has set, fog has fallen on the ground.?

1) BSP with condition value

2) BSP with sequence value

3) BSP with the meaning of the consequence.

3. What is the BSP: Finally, luck smiled at me: I found a great job.?

1.BSP with the meaning of the cause

2.BSP with condition value

3.BSP with explanation meaning

4. What is BSP: I went outside: the weather was fine.?

1BSP with padding value

2BSP with sequence value

3BSP with the meaning of the consequence

5. What is the BSP: The son fell ill: the day before he got his feet wet and was very cold.?

1BSP with cause value

2BSP with condition value

3BSP with time value

6. What is the BSP: Come - we will have a great time.?

1BSP with explanation value.

2BSP with padding value

3BSP with condition value

7. What is BSP: He came - we had a great time.?

1BSP with the meaning of the consequence

2bsp with match value

3BSP with sequence value

8. What is the BSP: The train approached - we went to the platform to meet the guests.?

1BSP with padding value

2BSP with cause value

3BSP with time value

9. What is the BSP: Do not hurry with the tongue - hurry up with the deed.?

1BSP with the meaning of the consequence

2BSP with time value

3bsp with match value

10. Can BSP pronounced with different intonation convey different meanings?

Russian language test “Complex non-union sentence. Colon in a complex non-union sentence "for grade 9

1. Indicate the correct explanation for the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

Ivan Nikolayevich's fears were fully justified: passers-by paid attention to him and turned around. (Bulgakov M.)

2. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

Pyotr Petrovich suddenly felt: something incredible had happened, changing his life. (Vashentsev S.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

3. Indicate the correct explanation for the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

The whole Sich was an extraordinary phenomenon: it was some kind of uninterrupted feast, a ball that began noisily and lost its end. (Gogol N.V.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

4. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

On the cape, the Romans maintained the fire: they kindled a huge fire and tirelessly threw armfuls of brushwood into it all night. (Platov L.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

5. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

The headquarters of the regiment confirmed that the division was ordered to accept and equip defensive structures in the Volokolamsk region. (Beck A.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

6. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

It is difficult to see a hare lying in the snow: he is the first to notice a person and quickly runs away. (Sokolov-Mikitov I.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

7. Indicate the correct explanation for the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

Unlike the other members of the expedition, who have a clear work plan, I am obliged to do only one thing: to comply with the internal regulations and safety regulations. (Sanin V.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

8. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

It is quite difficult to lure and catch a single black grouse: it is very suspicious. (Dubrovsky E.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

9. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

I see: someone is riding a dashing horse. (Fet A.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.

10. Indicate the correct explanation for the setting of the colon in the non-union complex sentence:

The boys shuddered: a flock of sparrows, not noticed by them, rose and flew out of the stable with a noise. (Rybakov A.)

1) The second part of the sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence complements, reveals the content of the first part.



The purpose of the lesson: the formation of skills to establish semantic relationships between parts of the BSP, determine the intonational features of these sentences and, on this basis, correctly choose punctuation marks.


Statement of the educational task.

Exercise. Find the third one.

1. Again it was heard how the stream rustled at the bottom of the abyss. (K. Paustovsky)

2. Although it is quiet in the swamp, it is famously for people to live there. (Proverb)

3. Their garden is well-groomed, the house looks neat.

(Analyzing the sentences, students come to the conclusion that the third sentence is the third sentence, because it is BSP.)

Refinement of students' knowledge. What do you know about BSP?

Analysis of linguistic material.

Suggestions are written on the board.

Thick icicles that hung from the roof o (p, b) melted in the sun.

Drops, falling from them, bell (a, o) hit the ice.

Exercise. Make compound, complex and non-union sentences from simple sentences.

Write them down, make diagrams.

Thick icicles that hung from the roof thawed in the sun, and the drops falling from them struck the ice loudly.

SSP , and .

If the thick icicles hanging from the roof thawed in the sun, then the drops, falling from them, hit the ice loudly.

WBS (If...), .

(When thick icicles...)

(Because thick icicles…)

Thick icicles hanging from the roof thawed in the sun; drops, falling from them, loudly hit the ice.

BSP; .

Comparing sentences, I draw the attention of students to the extraordinary richness of syntactic synonymy, that is, to the ability to convey the same content with different syntactic constructions.

– What differences can you note in the semantic relations of these sentences?

Students identify the following: between the predicative parts of the BSC, the relationship is equal, the union and emphasizes the sequence of ongoing actions; in NGN - unequal, unions give different semantic shades (condition, time, reason). In the BSP, these relations are expressed less clearly; they depend on the content of the predicative parts included in them. In the BSP, the role of intonation is great, which dictates the need for setting certain punctuation marks.

Today in the lesson we will try to answer some questions.

What is the difference between the syntactic form of an allied compound sentence and an allied one?

How can the semantic relations of the predicative parts of the BSP influence the choice of punctuation marks?

Group work.

1. What is the syntactic means of communication in the BSP?

2. Name the types of BSP.

3. Find out in what semantic relationship the predicative parts of the sentences are.

4. Fill in the table. (I propose the theoretical material from the reference book by T.M. Voiteleva, K.A. Voylov).

5. What is the role of intonation in BSP?

Punctuation marks Conditions for punctuation marks Examples
Comma When listing simultaneous or successive facts or phenomena of reality 1, 2
Semicolon Sufficient independence of the parts that make up the proposal 6
Linkable parts are quite common and already have punctuation inside them 3
There is not enough close connection between the predicative parts 5
In large complexes, which include both SPP, SSP, and BSP 4

1. The moon stands over a transparent mountain,
The neighborhood is flooded with false light,
A row of cypresses lined up in formation,
Their shadows fled into the unknown. (V. Bryusov)

2. His hands were clenched into fists; (V. Kataev)

3. In dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat; even an hour before night you don't feel damp. (I.Turgenev)

4. In some places, stars were reflected on the dark water; they trembled and blurred - and only therefore it was possible to guess that the river was flowing quickly. (A.Chekhov)

5. Life moved farther and farther away from the old faith with its shrines; people stopped praying, they wanted to know. (Gromov)

6. Thunder rumbled dully behind the hills; blew freshness. (A.Chekhov)

The students find out that the main, leading feature that determines the choice of a comma or a semicolon is the semantic relationship between the predicative parts of a complex sentence and the degree of their prevalence. Slow pace of speech, pauses between predicative parts - a feature of intonation in the BSP.


Non-union complex sentences with semicolon and semicolon are often used by word artists in descriptions of nature.

Text analysis.

It's fun to make your way along a narrow path, between two walls of high rye. Ears of wheat softly beat you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; long, hanging branches of birches hardly move; a mighty oak stands like a fighter, next to a beautiful linden.


Determine the style and type of speech. Justify your answer.

Group work.

1st group.

1) Write down BSPs in which predicative constructions are separated by commas.

2) Consider the semantic relationships between the predicative parts of these sentences.

3) Explain the punctuation marks in these sentences.

2nd group.

1) Write out the BSP, in which a semicolon is placed between its parts.

2) Consider the semantic relationships between the predicative parts of this sentence.

3) Explain the punctuation marks in this sentence.

What explains the differences in punctuation in the second and last sentences?

Creative task.

Come up with enumerative complex sentences on the topic "Winter in the forest."


Complex non-union sentences differ from allied ones in that the semantic relations between the predicative parts are less clearly expressed in them, however, it is the meaning that determines punctuation marks in written speech, and intonation in oral speech.

Summary of the lesson.

How to correctly punctuate the BSP?

Homework. Write two sentences for each diagram:





The purpose of the lesson: the formation of skills to place a colon in the BSP, to draw up schemes for these sentences.


front poll.

1. Name the types of BSP.

2. Under what conditions is a comma, a semicolon put in the BSP?

3. What other punctuation marks are used in these sentences?

Statement of the educational task.

Consider the conditions for setting a colon in the BSP.

Analysis of linguistic material.

1. I woke up and remembered: dear, today is your holiday. (A. Akhmatova)

2. So it was: the mother went on holidays to relatives. (Yu. Nagibin)

3. A wide rainbow stood behind the forests: somewhere, behind the lake, it was raining lightly. (K. Paustovsky)

Group work.

1. What is the order of arrangement of predicative constructions in BSP?

2. Fill in the table.

3. Find out in what semantic relationship the predicative parts of the sentences are.

4. Orally make a synonymous replacement of non-union complex sentences with allied ones.

5. Explain the use of the colon in these sentences.


Exercise 1

1st group. Write out sentences with an explanatory predicative construction. Explain the conditions for punctuation marks.

2nd group. Write out the BSP with an explanatory predicative construction. Build proposal schemes.

3rd group. Write out sentences with a causal predicative construction. Rearrange the sentences so that you get the SPP. Determine the type of the subordinate clause in the received sentences.

(Before starting work, you need to put punctuation marks).

1. Objects lost their shape, everything merged first into gray, then into a dark mass. (I. Goncharov)

2. I know in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. (A. Pushkin)

3. Friendship is active - this is the only kind of friendship that I understand. (A. Herzen)

4. Spring dragged on, then it got warmer, then frost hit.

5. It was enough to peer into this picture, so much mysterious and infinite was revealed in it. (I.Panaev)

6. I looked back it was my old friend and comrade. (I.Panaev)

Task 2. Come up with explanatory predicative constructions for the underlined words and put the appropriate punctuation marks.

Opened from the mountain scenic view…

We've been embraced feeling of fear…

I looked back...

the weather was lovely…

Task 3. From two simple sentences, first make compound, then non-union sentences. Write down your suggestions. Build BSP schemes.

1. Very demanding of himself, Lermontov almost did not publish his first works. He saw in them only student experiences.

2. It's hard to stay at home. It's mushroom hunting time.

3. Love the book. She will reveal many interesting things to you.

4. Feet stuck in the mud. We turned off the road.

Summary of the lesson.

Under what conditions is a colon placed in the BSP?

Homework. Write out 6 BSPs from the literary text with various punctuation marks.



The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the ability to correctly punctuate in a non-union complex sentence.


front poll.

Which statement is incorrect?

A. Semantic relations in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them.

B. In non-union complex sentences, predicative parts are connected in oral speech by intonation.

B. Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentences do not depend on the nature of the semantic relations between its parts.

D. In non-union sentences, the semantic relations between sentences are expressed less clearly than in allied ones.

Statement of the educational task.

Consider the conditions for setting a dash in the BSP.

Analysis of linguistic material.

1. If you lose your conscience, you won't buy another one. (Proverb)

2. A ray of sun will fall on the grass - the grass will flare up with emerald and pearls. (M. Gorky)

3. They opened the windows - the smell of pines entered the veranda. (V. Kochetov)

4. Peace builds - war destroys. (Proverb)

Group work.

1. Complete the table (continued). (I propose the theoretical material from the reference book by T.M. Voiteleva, K.A. Voylov).

2. Find out in what semantic relationship the predicative parts of the sentences are.

3. Verbally replace non-union complex sentences with allied ones.

4. Explain the setting of the dash in these sentences.


Exercise 1

Non-union constructions are often used in proverbs, sayings, aphorisms. They help to succinctly, concisely express various semantic relationships.

Collect proverbs. Write down the BSP. Place punctuation marks, explain their setting.

Chasing two hares; speaks a word; you won't catch a single one; the nightingale sings; measure seven times; the spark of the carcass before the fire; cut once; finished the job; called himself a load; they cut the forest; take away trouble before the blow; summer supplies; walk boldly; chips fly; winter eats; get in the body.

Task 2. Think up and write down non-union complex sentences, which would be based on such semantic connections: read - know everything; relax - move on; calm sea - complete calm.


The goal is to improve the skill of punctuation in the BSP.

Task 3

Group 1. Write down the sentences, put the missing punctuation marks. Explain the use of dashes and colons.

Orally make a synonymous replacement with compound and complex sentences.

Build schemes of the 1st and 5th sentences.

2. I knew the blow of fate would not bypass me. (M. Lermontov)

3. The whole city there is such a scammer sitting on a scammer and driving a scammer.

4. He laughs, everyone laughs, frowns his eyebrows, everyone is silent. (A. Pushkin)

5. Suddenly, men with axes appeared, the forest rang, groaned, crackled. (N. Nekrasov)

6. He looked up a small cloud imperceptibly rushed across the sky. (K. Aksakov)

Group 2 Consider diagrams. Write one sentence for each diagram.

Tell us, using diagrams and your own examples, about punctuation marks in non-union complex sentences.


2. [time] - ;

3. [condition] - ;

4. - [conclusion, consequence];

5. : [reason];

6. : [explanation];

7.: [addition, explanation].

Group 3. Find out the semantic relationships between the predicative parts of non-union complex sentences.

Replace the cause with the effect and vice versa.

In each sentence, omit the conjunction and put a colon or dash.

1. The bird cries plaintively, as its nest is ruined.

2. The river overflowed its banks, so communication with the city was interrupted.

3. The tractor driver's lunch was brought to the field, as they worked without a break.

4. I have studied English well, so I read English books fluently.

5. It became light around because the searchlights were lit.

6. The metro station is near the house, so we quickly get to any part of the city.

Auditory dictation.

Pupils put down punctuation marks in pre-prepared cards.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Evening has already descended to the ground, it has darkened in the forest. (V. Korolenko)

2. If you miss a minute, you lose hours. (Proverb)

3. I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor. (A. Pushkin)

4. He called - the number did not answer.

5. One gently sloping hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields.

6. Can't sleep, nanny: it's so stuffy here! (A. Pushkin)

Mutual verification.

Lesson summary

What is the difficulty of setting a colon and a dash in a non-union complex sentence?

Homework. Write a miniature essay "At Sunrise" using non-union complex sentences.

gymnasium No. 3,

Unionless complex sentence Lessons in grade 9 Teacher Teterina L. N. Compare 2 sentences

  • Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun and the drops falling from them hit the ice loudly and sang the song of spring.
  • Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun, drops falling from them loudly hit the ice and sang the song of spring.
  • Find grammar basics. Set up punctuation marks. What is the difference?
  • Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun, and the drops falling from them hit the ice loudly and sang the song of spring.
  • Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun; drops, falling from them, loudly hit the ice, sang the song of spring.
What sentences are called compound non-union? An allied compound sentence is a sentence, the parts of which are connected in meaning and with the help of intonation. Do not promise a crane in the sky - give a titmouse in your hands. The girl is crying: she lost the ball. The rain has stopped, the cloud has gone to the forest. Winter came; the hunter, having collected everything necessary, moved to the winter hut. Punctuation marks Parts of an asyndetic complex sentence are in different semantic relationships with each other (there are no unions or allied words on the border between the parts), which is reflected in the punctuation marks. In a non-union complex sentence, a comma, a semicolon, a colon, a dash are put. Theory & 216 1. Read the paragraph (item 1.) 2. Give examples of complex non-union sentences. 3. Write down two of them. 4. Let's make a diagram. Which statement is incorrect? A) In union-free complex sentences, simple sentences are connected in oral speech by intonation B) Semantic relations in union-free complex sentences depend on the content of their simple sentences C) Punctuation marks in union-free complex sentences do not depend on the nature of the semantic relations between its parts Comma in union-free complex sentence 1. A comma is placed between the parts of an allied compound sentence if it simply lists some facts. In this case, after the comma, you can easily insert the union I. It was just getting dark, I ordered the Cossack to heat the kettle in the field. (By M.Yu. Lermontov ) 2. A semicolon can be placed between the parts of an allied compound sentence, in which some facts are listed, if the parts of the sentence are very common (contain homogeneous members, participial or adverbial phrases, clarifications, etc.) His head ached; he got to his feet, turned around in his closet, and fell back on the sofa. (F.M. Dostoevsky) 3. A semicolon can also be placed in such a non-union sentence, where the parts are completely independent of each other. Such a complex sentence can, without destroying the meaning, be divided into several simple ones. He was wearing a Life Campanian uniform; his head was heavily soiled with mud and beaten in several places. (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) Explain the punctuation marks. A warm wind blew, the distant rumble ceased, the dull field fell asleep, the driver fell asleep. (A. Fet) Simple, enumeration of events The night was moonlit and stuffy; the white walls of the Zamoskvoretsky houses, the sight of heavy gates, the silence and black shadows gave the general impression of some kind of fortress. (According to A.P. Chekhov) Each part of the sentence is complicated. Colon in non-union complex sentence
    • The colon in the BSP performs its usual function - explanatory - explanatory.
The colon is put: 1.2 part reveals the content of 1 part (namely) I saw an amusing picture: two people beat each other with their hats. 2. Part 2 has an addition (union WHAT) I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor 3. Part 2 indicates the reason for part 1 (because): 3. Part 2 indicates the reason for part 1 (because ): They were silent all the way: there was nothing to talk about. 4. Between sentences, you can put the words "and saw", "and heard." I looked at him: his eyes were sad. Explain the setting of the colon Paul feels that someone's fingers are touching his shoulder. I looked out of the wagon: everything was dark and whirlwind. It was hot: the stove was burning. Arrange punctuation marks The sounds of wonderful songs have ceased to be heard again, the singer's shelter is gloomy and cramped and his seal is on his lips. The difference between smart and stupid is that the first one always thinks and rarely says the second one always says and never thinks. Before my eyes the ocean walked and swayed and thundered and sparkled and faded and shone and went into infinity. Dash in an allied complex sentence 1. Between parts 1 and 2 - a quick change of events. The cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it. 2. Parts 1 and 2 are sharply contrasted. They mowed a mile - they mowed a penny. 3. Part 2 is a conclusion from part 1. He has a lot of money - how not to borrow? 4.2 part indicates the condition or reason for the action of part 1. 4.2 part indicates the condition or reason for the action of part 1. If you like to ride - love to carry sleds. It's already seven and it's time to get up. 5. 1 part indicates the time of making 1 part. They plow the arable land - they don’t wave their hands. 6. One part contains a comparison with another. He says a word - the nightingale sings. Main - for the dash Time - when? Condition - under what condition? Contrasting - A - Conclusion - well, what follows from this? Explain the setting of the dash. The seagull has arrived - soon the ice will go. The source quenches thirst - a kind word enlivens the heart. It was cold outside - the house was warm. If you don’t bow to the ground, you won’t raise the fungus. Birds fly away - summer is leaving. Explain punctuation marks
  • Visiting Yakuts sat at the table and on the benches; there were cups of vodka on the tables; here and there groups of people playing cards were moving about.
  • Makar clearly saw the fox's sharp ears; her fluffy tail wagged from side to side, as if luring Makar into the thicket.
  • To him, as a local resident, the Tatar showed more honor: having opened the doors wide, he kicked the poor fellow from behind with a bream.
  • Pop Ivan was not offended; he needed one thing: each time he had to put a bottle of vodka.
Explain the punctuation marks 5. Only in three places blurry phosphorescent spots glimmered quietly - from the outside, through the window floes, the deadly Yakut frost dimly peered into the yurt. 6. I’m going to your gates and I think: surely they won’t let me spend the night. 7. From the depths of his soul, the calls of the taiga were already rising in him, he was already attracted by the unknown, tempting and deceptive distance from the gray everyday life. Check
  • Event enumeration
  • The second sentence is complicated
  • Explanation
  • Explanation
5. Conclusion 6. Explanation 7. Enumeration of events Put the missing punctuation marks. (in writing)
  • The flame lit up his face, his eyes looked dull.
  • I stopped listening, my life is over.
  • He had an ulterior motive to find out something from the old priest.
  • Makar was surprised at the sight of this furious gallop, how could he on foot catch up with the Tartar on horseback.
  • And then the mists swayed golden warriors leaned down the valley.

check yourself

The flame lit up his face: his eyes looked dull. (and I saw)

  • The flame lit up his face: his eyes looked dull. (and I saw)
  • I stopped listening - my life was over. (consequence)
  • He had an ulterior motive: to find out something from the old priest. (namely)
  • Makar was surprised at the sight of this frantic gallop: how could he, on foot, catch up with the Tartar on horseback. (explanation)
  • And then the mists swayed, the golden warriors leaned down.
Add, forming BSP: A) We were seized by a feeling of fear ... (reason) B) I wrote a letter to a friend a long time ago ... (opposition) C) There was a thunderclap ... (quick change of events) Rewrite complex allied sentences, rebuilding them into non-union ones. Place punctuation marks A. Love the book, because it reveals many interesting things to you. B. I repeated the invitation, but he did not answer. Q. It was decided that we would leave for the training camp tomorrow. Continue the offer Dasha thoughtfully flipped through the pages of the book ..., to get sentences of the following types: A simple with homogeneous members (without conjunctions) B non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which you need to put a comma C non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which you need to put a semicolon Indicate why there is a dash in the BSP: Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. A) The content of one sentence is opposed to the content of another B) The sentences depict a quick change of events C) The second sentence contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in the first sentence Explain why there is a colon in the BSP: Fingering the familiar villages, I found that they all stood on the river. A) The second sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first. B) The second sentence explains the first, that is, reveals its content. C) The second offer is distributed by one of the members of the first offer. Homework 1.&216/ Ex. 170 2. Exercise 179

The handsome snowdrift, sparkling with blue sparks in the sun, darkened. A thin black coating appeared on it. The snowdrift began to settle, changing its shape, covered with a fragile glass crust, the crust cracked and broke. The snowdrift settled and settled and became small, ugly, all black, and a thin transparent stream flowed from under it.

The brook flowed through the yard, carved a channel for itself in the ice, and ran out the gate. And there was already flowing, curling on the icy rapids, a wide stream. A small stream flowed into a large stream and with it rushed to the river.

Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun, the drops falling from them hit the ice loudly, the song of spring sang in all the streets.

All this was during the day. As soon as the sun sank to sunset, the frost returned stealthily: at night it was still lord. Brooks and streams froze, the drops fell silent.

And the sun was doing its job, like a good worker, - barrier shields in the fields came out from under the snow, light green winter spills were exposed, there were paths along the roads and streets. Before morning the frost still returns, but its dominion is ever shorter and more insignificant, and the living forces resurrected by the sun rejoice.

And this can only be expressed in poetry, this is not possible in a play.

Tolya quits the play she started and writes poetry. They are dedicated to Maryana Fyodorovna, but he cannot read them to her: if she raises her eyebrows and remains cold, it will kill him. And she will certainly raise her eyebrows and remain cold, Tolya feels.

The verses repeat the eternal lie, the innocent infantile lie of the poets. Mariana Feodorovna has straight, blond hair - it is not clear what kind of golden curls Tolya writes about, overflowing with feelings and rhymes. The gray eyes of Maryana Fedorovna are compared now with forget-me-nots, now with cornflowers, now with violets (although it is known that purple is not inherent in human eyes), then with the azure of the southern seas, which Tolya has never seen (he will see this summer: he was promised a ticket to Novy Athos) ... "You passed, and blue eyes smiled at me" - the usual lies, spring delirium, youthful choking!

Iambics, choreas, comparisons, dots, exclamation points! Poem after poem, notebook after notebook! Columns of short and long lines stifle Tolya, he needs to read them to someone - who? Korostelev, he is young and unmarried, he will understand! Stuffing his notebooks into his jacket pockets, Tolya goes to Korostelev.

Hello, honestly! - says Korostelev, listening. In poetry, he is not tempted, everything written in rhyme seems beautiful to him.

They are together. Tolya reads while standing, Korostelev sits cross-legged (“just like Pushkin and Pushchin in the picture!”). After Tolya's departure, Korostelev goes to the window, pulls the frame - paint is pouring, the paper tapes that seal the frame slots are torn with a crunch - the sky is black in the stars, a sharp, greedy wind flies into the room ...

You've gone crazy, Mitya. Who opens the windows in March!

Not golden curls, not cornflower blue eyes - straight brown hair, gray eyes - oh you are my dear, you are my good, where did I look before, where I used to be, there is no other in the world, call me now - you ran for a thousand kilometers to your call!

I can't write poetry. Only once, at school, I wrote a rhyme about a teacher, who gave me a “failure” in arithmetic. Love me without poetry, without silk ties, without outstanding merit, simple, uncomplicated, loving you!

They say: the heart gives a message to the heart - it's wrong! If you meet her, he will say: "Hello, Dmitry Korneevich" - and he goes his own way, he will not stop.

Call me Maryasha.

He lies in his poems, as if he caught your glances. I do not believe! Not because he is not worthy of your views - probably, he is worthy, a nice guy, talented, honest, but I don’t believe it, that’s all.

Call me Maryasha.

I didn't go myself. He was just as afraid to go without a call, as Tolya was afraid to read poetry to her. He spent his free evenings at Gorelchenko's.

Ivan Nikitich and his wife Anna Sergeevna are hospitable and cordial. They don’t arrange parties, but a guest comes running - everything that is in the house is served on the table. All sorts of people come in - district workers, collective farmers, teachers, widows of front-line soldiers (Anna Sergeevna works in the district security service). During the evening, ten people will come, drink a glass of tea, talk about the business, report the news and leave, and Korostelev sits with his long legs under a chair so that no one stumbles, drinks tea glass after glass and does not want to leave.

“What does mind and principles mean!” - he thinks, listening to Gorelchenko. "What does intelligence mean?" - he thinks, listening to Anna Sergeevna. “What does it mean when there is such respect and attention between a husband and wife! - he thinks, watching Gorelchenko and Anna Sergeevna. “When there is such a relationship, it’s warm in the house and it’s nice to go into the house ...” Both sons of Anna Sergeevna and Ivan Nikitich were killed in the war, their cards are on the table; the whole city knows that sometimes at dusk Anna Sergeevna comes to the square, sits down on a bench near the obelisk of Alexander Loktev - as if this is the grave of her children - sits and leaves. But neither she nor Ivan Nikitich ever talk to people about their grief, complain, or indulge in painful memories.

Ivan Nikitich is passionate about the railway. According to the five-year plan, a railway line will be built to the town in the forty-eighth year, construction work will begin this summer. New opportunities are opening up for the town, for the collective farms, for the entire region! The Chkalovsky chairman circles around Ivan Nikitich, the chairman's mustaches stand on end with impatience, with sweeping plans, with wild economic dreams. And other people meeting at Gorelchenko's are talking about the station, warehouses, refrigerators, about the paved road from the station through the whole city ... Grow the town, flourish the town, increase your wealth!

Come on, old-timers, - says Gorelchenko, - come on, local natives, why you still didn’t have a railway, but the Kostrovites did, who can say?

Nobody can tell.

Okay, old-timers, okay, local natives. Listen to a lecture on the history of the city. I dug up in the region, in the archive. Three quarters of a century ago they built a road through our region - the then province - and this road, according to the original project, was supposed to pass through our city. But the surrounding landowners balked: we don’t need it, and without that, they say, after the liberation of the peasants, life became unstable, let me at least somehow live in silence, don’t destroy grandfather’s nests ... Dark people were landowners.

A petition was sent to Petersburg. The petition has not been preserved in the archive, only traces of it, but it’s a pity: something must have been a work ... The landlords here - what, small people, no one would pay attention to their petition, but a certain Mrs. Lomakina, such a local Korobochka, the nephew was at court, an influential person; at my aunt's request, put in a word to someone there; fortunately, it didn’t cost him a penny, as they say ... The petition of the nobility was respected.

So the road passed thirty miles from the city, through the village of Kostrovo. And how they put it into operation, and Kostrovo began to grow by leaps and bounds, and the local landowners began to rent out their plots at exorbitant prices, the guardians of silence howled in their grandfather's nests! Wow what have they done! They robbed themselves! And everything, they say, is the root of evil - the old fool Lomakina with her nephew ... They shouted, swore, then composed a new petition: we changed our minds, let the road be with us, we agree. But there was no response to this message. And the city remained - after all, the administrative center - away from the road ...

Gorelchenko speaks with liveliness, his eyes screw up with a cheerful smile. Anna Sergeevna looks affectionately and attentively at her husband, and her pale face also smiles ...

Quiet dark streets Korostelev goes home. In the warm darkness, invisible drops are tapping. In their knocking is promise, hope, joy. Korostelev's heart is full of hopes, and it is open to everything good and lofty, this simple heart. Korostelev is walking alone, but in every house, behind the locked shutters, he feels the presence of people. And in the fields, too, people, human dwellings. And all over the Soviet land - people with whom he is connected by common aspirations and deeds: whether fellow students with whom he studied, whether fellow soldiers, with whom shoulder to shoulder defended everything that is dear in life, or those whom you know from hearsay about their great works on factories, in mines, in the fields... Maybe they, too, listen to the sound of drops that very night and smile at their hopes. And in distant Moscow, perhaps, he opened a window, lit a pipe, the most precious person in the world, the love and glory of the people, Stalin, heard the tapping of drops ... Enormous, enormous land all around, enormous, enormous spring on earth!

Korostelev makes a detour, walks down Dalnaya Street, past its dark windows.

Sleep, my dear. Your day passed in pure and joyful labor, and your dreams must be light, cheerful. And how is it - you lived and lived, and I didn’t think how you live, what you are, good or bad for you ... And suddenly you became close to me forever, and I can’t bear it if you feel bad - why not I can, why is this all of a sudden, how is it so arranged? ..

This is how it started: I was walking down the street and didn’t think about you at all, and suddenly I see you standing at the gate. Not alien and proud, as in that meeting on the road, but simple and sad. Without stockings, and the hairstyle fell apart ... I looked around, you looked at me with your eyes ...

You have joy. You have clarity, and tenderness, and young motherhood, and women's beautiful silence. It is right that you teach young children. Yes, you should teach little children! - and the children will grow up good. And it is in such a house, with such stakes, that you should live. And the town - you can't think of a better one. And Seryozha is just a son for such a mother. Everything is right, just right. I love you Mariasha.

So what's next? To visit you? And what if you meet unkindly - after all, I’ll run away and won’t come back, and it’s all over! .. Invite you to the cinema, turn around with you to the music in the club? Offensively. Feelings are not the same. You let me say the most important words right away. And answer: yes, no.

... Like a good worker, the sun is trying. Needles of young grass shot out of the ground, buds swelled on the trees, and in front of the office windows, in the sun, the first dandelion boldly blossomed.

Lukyanich is getting along with the new boat.

Even in winter, on a sledge track, a huge log was brought to the Subbotinsky house on a specially knocked together sleigh, pulled by three horses. Lukyanich went out of the house, important, went around the log, clicked whether it was dry, asked:

The one I chose?

But what about Pavel Lukyanitch! - said the drivers. - Here's your mark.

All right, straighten it out, - said Lukyanich.

The drivers unharnessed their horses and rode away. The log with the sleigh was left on the street.

The thaw came, the snow melted, the donkey, the sleigh with the log also settled. There was spring mud - sleighs settled in the mud. It rained, the frost struck, the sun warmed - the log was wet, covered with an ice crust, thawed, dried in the breeze.

When the mud dried up, Lukyanich set to work. Coming home from the state farm, he puts on old trousers and a sweater and goes to his log. The log must be planed, hollowed out, turned, pitched. Enough work for the whole spring.

Aunt Pasha sits at the gate on a bench and watches how her husband works. She finished all her work for today, her hour of rest has come. To rest together: two old men would sit down, talk amicably ... Talk! When, that's it, the wife is free, you see how he undertook to work! Chips are flying, an ax is banging, a planer is rustling, he is covered in sweat - have you seen a Stakhanovite?

Aunt Pasha wants to say something offensive to him.

I am surprised, - she says, when he finally stops to rest and the ax falls silent, - who among the Chkalovites gave you such a log? Probably illegal. I suppose as soon as it opens, it will go under investigation.

You will go under investigation, ”Lukyanych notes. - For slander. This is my fee for the beauty of balance.

You can cut firewood out of it, - says Aunt Pasha. - Six cubic meters, right. Or will there not be six? Everything would be for life, for business, and not for stupidity.

You will be entrusted with management, - says Lukyanich, - you would have cut houses, and steamboats, and factories for firewood.

I suppose when I was young, you used to sit with me all evening.

And I myself was young and stupid, so I sat the whole evening without any business.

Either you have overtime, then you will wind up on collective farms. Little pay, right? All greed - where else to break a hundred ...

A sinful person, - says Lukyanich, - I love to work, I love to earn money, I love to have a full bowl in the house.

You loved me, - says Aunt Pasha, grieving. - And I loved you.

Indeed, there was such a thing.

And what a darling I was! What a swan I got you! I remember how I dressed for the fair when I first met you. The skirt is green, sheathed with lace, and the jacket is of Chinese muslin, there is a frill on the sleeves in four rows, and a cherry ribbon in the braid ...

Where is that tape? - asks Lukyanich. - Well, then I begged her from you as a keepsake. Didn't she get you?

Rude, right rude. Scarecrow. Doesn't remember anything. I have that tape hidden. With wedding candles.

Ah, it's you youngster that hid. Show it to me somehow.

And so she lived all her life with a rude man who does not remember. What would you like to sit, drink tea slowly, talk, reminisce ...

You see, Pashenka, there is a difference in psychology, male and female. A woman, having lost her youth, is mainly interested in remembering. And a man, if he is a real man, and in his advanced years an eagle. He has in his field of vision and work, and political position, and noble sport.

Eagle. What an athlete, look at him. The whole street was blocked with logs. Drivers swear that the passage is closed. Sport.

However, enough, perhaps, - says Lukyanich. - We talked, remembered - it's time to work.

And he takes up the planer.

This conversation began twenty years ago. They lead him in an undertone, coolly, without malice. If on some day the conversation did not take place, both would be bored and sad.

Sowing time and weddings. The foundations of new families and new buildings are being laid.

We will repair two drying kilns that were out of order during the war years, we will increase the production of bricks to two million pieces. We will build new stables on all farms. The head of the plant sent rails, we are mechanizing the removal of manure from the cattle yards: we will lay rails from the yards to the fields and let the trolleys go. Almazov makes trolleys in his workshop. The man turned out to be Tosin's husband! He must be transferred to the foremen. It grows before our eyes. How to teach the young! Instantly understands every matter related to construction. They have already heard about him, young people who want to learn carpentry and carpentry are asking to be his students.

Hammers are knocking in the regional center: two streets are being bridged, Communist and Pervomaiskaya. New streamlined buses will run along these streets, and a new garage is being built for them. The power plant is in the woods, under major repairs. The engine, they say, will bring a new one, there will be enough power for the whole area - put poles and pull the wire wherever you want. Gorelchenko walks around the city, squinting, joking, purring a song: "And we're going to the green garden, to dig a crinichenko in the garden."

We are waiting for the machine promised by Danilov. A machine for making tiles, and the restless chairman of the Chkalov collective farm has already appeared on our horizon. I sat in Korostelev's office, played with his fingers on the table: "A tile for you, a tile for us." No, dear friend. I remember how you treated us last year. It doesn't work that way between people.

Painfully vindictive, are they completely satisfied with the workforce?

There completely, not completely, but we also have our own ambition.

Ambition, you know, will not move production forward. We now have our own brick, that's the point, we ourselves needed qualified people, and through this they took our people. We don't have tiles, but we need tiles. I put my ambition in my pocket and came with a bow. For me, the collective farm is in the first place, and ambition is in the tenth, and I think the same is true for you ... Eh, Comrade Korostelev, we serve the same cause - the fortress and power of our native state.

Got excited, Korostelev signed the contract. The Chkalovsky chairman knows how to persuade people. No worse than Grechka.

Spring, salty sweat, plans, aspirations. “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! - a thousand times in a row the cuckoo cries across the river. Even Ikonnikov perked up, it seems to him that he is brave, witty, irresistible, that not today or tomorrow he will explain himself to Maryana Fyodorovna ... It's a joke, he cannot fall asleep thinking about her.

If only he knew how tired Maryana Fyodorovna was of him. Oh, worse than bitter radish. As soon as she sees his handsome, solidly approaching figure through the window, Maryana experiences a dreary feeling: again she drags along, again boredom for the whole evening!

In love, not in love - it does not matter now. She can't love him - that's the point, she can't by any means! She is bored with him, hard, unbearable.

But how to tell him about it, an elderly, important person? How to make it clear that they don’t go anymore, that they won’t succeed in any friendship?

Innokenty Vladimirovich, excuse me, - says Maryana, horrified by her indelicacy, - I have a lot of student notebooks, I have to check ...

Oh please! - says Ikonnikov, as if even delighted (because, in fact, there is nothing to talk about, all cases from life are told, all books and films are discussed). - Please, and I'll sit here near, do not interfere?

And he sits. Reads a newspaper or just drives with colorless eyes, thinking about something.

Maryana checks the notebooks as slowly as possible, checking each notebook twice so as not to talk to him. But no matter how hard you try, this lesson will not last long - what kind of work do the guys have in the first grade! Mariana gets up, smiling a pale, forced smile, and then Aunt Pasha brings in a samovar and invites Ikonnikov to the table.

A little more, and Maryanino's patience would have snapped. And a restrained, shy, intelligent teacher would have kicked Ikonnikov out, just as his wife, his wife, once unrestrained and unintelligent cardboard cutter, kicked him out. But before that could happen, other forces intervened.

It looks like, - said Lukyanich to Nastasya Petrovna, - that we will soon be walking at Maryasha's wedding, very similar.

Is everyone walking? asked Nastasya Petrovna.

To put it bluntly - often.

And Maryasha?

Who knows. Doesn't drive. The female soul is an abyss. We notice - she seems to be sad ... Why are you looking at me like that, Nastasya Petrovna?

Why are you looking at me, Pavel Lukyanitch?

You and I have no right to put pressure on her psyche.

Of course, it is up to her to decide, she is an independent person ...

And what can we say about him compromising?

In the evening, at home, Nastasya Petrovna said to her son:

Small-blooded. Was going to get married.

What kind of anemic?

Innokenty Vladimirovich.

Look you. On whom?

On Mariasha.

Korostelev did not immediately understand.

How about Mariasha?

Yes, like this. On her. Oh, I don't know. As if not a thin person, but the soul does not lie ...

Korostelev listened with a stony face, fixedly staring at his mother. Suddenly he got up, took off his overcoat from the nail, dressed, went out without saying a word. “Strange Mitya,” thought Nastasya Petrovna, not understanding anything, “after all, Maryasha is not a stranger to us ...”

And Korostelev went to Maryana. A sudden wicked determination lifted him up and drove him on. He did not have a plan of action - just to be on the spot, to see for himself, to intervene!

In the middle of the Far, in the light of the moon, Lukyanitch worked on his canoe. Chips and shavings, densely scattered around, turned white under the moon.

You to me?

No, - said Korostelev. - To Mariana.

He jerked open the gate and knocked loudly from the back door. Aunt Pasha came out.

Mitya! - she said. We're not locked, come in. Violently assembled!

Maryana and Ikonnikov were in the dining room. The samovar is on the table, cups and saucers, pretzels… "Quite family-like." Maryana quickly turned her head towards Korostelev's voice, her face flushed red. Ikonnikov was also embarrassed. "Look, you're shy, what a boy."

Hello, Dmitry Korneevich.

Seagull, Mitya.

Drinking, I don't want to. How do you live?

Aunt Pasha, with ingenuous readiness, began to report on how she lives. Korostelev looked at Ikonnikov's strict, regular face, at his white eyebrows, at a white hand with straight, like rulers, inanimate fingers holding a spoon ... “I put my little finger down like a young lady. He lowered his eyes. Is he embarrassed that he was caught here? Mariana sewed something, bowing her head low. “Is it already decided? Is it the bride and groom? Ikonnikov held out his hand and took the pretzel. “He feels like a master here. Above her, above Seryozhka, this man will be the master, who doesn’t give a damn about everyone and everything ... Fish blood, a soulless slug, which you can’t even grab, fingers slip off ... "

Where is the series? - inopportunely asked Korostelev, interrupting Aunt Pasha.

It turned out that Seryozha had been sleeping for a long time.

No wonder, - Ikonnikov remarked with a smile. - It's already twelve o'clock.

Yes, - said Korostelev, - late, late.

Mariana raised her head, looked at him, then at Ikonnikov. A sweet, sly smile flashed in her eyes. I would kiss her for that smile! Aunt Pasha, dissatisfied with being interrupted, resumed her report. Mariana lowered her head even lower, a smile dancing around her lips. Why are you laughing, my joy, that you are having so much fun, I have a lump in my throat, and you are laughing! Are you laughing at me, are you really in love with him? But there is nothing to love, take a good look!

Ikonnikov glanced at his watch and said: “Wow!” Korostelev sat ironically. Ikonnikov stood up with a displeased look.

Let's go together, - said Korostelev.

Mariana accompanied them to the door. Korostelev let Ikonnikov go ahead, closed the door and said:

Maryasha, if you want the best for yourself and Seryozha, this person should not be here.

She stood, trustingly raising her face to him, in her eyes was a joyful fright.

He loves nothing, a coward and an egoist. Hit the neck. Do you hear?

And he ran after Ikonnikov.

Lukyanich shouted something after him - Korostelev did not hear, did not look back. He was impatient to catch up with Ikonnikov. He looked back at his steps expectantly.

That's what I wanted ... - said Korostelev. - I wanted to tell you to forget the way to this street.

I don’t understand,” Ikonnikov said.

Do not understand. Okay, I'll clarify: forget the way to this house. I can still trust you with cows, but no more than with cows.

Excuse me. You speak inappropriate rudeness.

Don't give a damn. As he said, so he said. I don't know how to write poetry... And I'm not as a director, but as a private person, so it's useless to write an application to the trust. Bye.

He walked away with the air of a man who has done a difficult and important thing.

Ikonnikov looked after him, collected his thoughts and laughed with a loud, feigned, theatrically condescending laugh:

Ha ha ha.

Having reached the turn, Korostelev looked back at her house. A corner window shone softly through the curtain...

I don't want you to be there and I'm here. I want to be together, Maryasha.

Oh, the wind is sweet and piercing, blowing from the vast expanses, black fields and starry skies. Silence full of promises. Eternal, tender, triumphant song of spring.

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Associative compound sentences


Be able to establish semantic relationships between simple sentences in allied and non-union sentences; to determine the semantic relationships between the parts of a non-union complex sentence, depending on the intonation in oral speech, to correctly place punctuation marks in the indicated syntactic constructions;

To promote the development of attention, monologue speech;

Cultivate an attentive attitude to the word.

Lesson type: Discovery of new knowledge

During the classes

I . Organizing time

II . Update

Syntactic five minutes. Recording and analysis of text.

The finches and goldenbirds sang, the siskins chirped, the leaves rustled softly. 1 trees 1 . non-stop 2 squeaked 3 gentle voices pichuga; a blind owl flew between the pines, disturbed 2 the roar of a tractor.

Explain spelling and punctuation.

Mark the grammatical basics, make sentence schemes.

What is the peculiarity of these complex sentences?

III . Formation of new concepts and methods of action

1. Analysis of the sentences written on the board.

Thick icicles that hung from the roofs thawed in the sun, and the drops falling from them struck the ice with a loud sound.

When the thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun, the drops falling from them struck the ice with a loud thud.

Thick icicles hanging from the roofs thawed in the sun; drops, falling from them, hit the ice loudly, singing the song of spring along all the streets. (M. Prishvin)

teacher's word

Comparing sentences, the teacher draws students' attention to the extraordinary richness of syntactic synonymy, that is, to the ability to convey the same content with different syntactic constructions, which indicates the enormous possibilities of Russian syntax. At the same time, despite the semantic similarity of these syntactic constructions, there are also differences in the semantic relations of compound and complex sentences.

Students are asked to identify the differences. (Relations between sentences included in the compound, equal; unionand emphasizes the sequence of ongoing actions; in a complex subordinate - unequal, unions give different semantic shades:when, as soon as, as soon as - temporary,if - condition,because - reason, etc.)

In non-union complex sentences, these relations are expressed less clearly. They depend on the content of the simples included in them. In non-union complex sentences, the role of intonation is great, which gives the syntactic construction “life”, dictates the need for setting certain punctuation marks.

Read the sentences. Will their intonation change depending on the punctuation mark?

The grandmother was angry, the granddaughter did not obey.

Grandmother was angry: the granddaughter did not obey.

The grandmother was angry - the granddaughter did not obey.

(In the first sentence, the intonation is enumerative; it requires a comma. Second sentence: the colon corresponds to a warning intonation with some lowering of the voice in the first sentence. When reading the third sentence, the intonation easily rises in the first sentence and falls in the second.)

Thus, the semantic relations between sentences in allied and non-union complex sentences are expressed differently. In allied sentences, unions take part in their expression, therefore the semantic relations are clearer, and in non-union sentences the semantic relations are expressed less clearly. The semantic relations in non-union sentences depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them and are expressed in oral speech by intonation, and in writing by various punctuation marks.

2. Reading the theoretical material § 16

3. Exerc. 395, 401 (oral), answer questions.

IV . Application. Formation of skills and abilities

1. Workbook, task 105. Mark non-union complex sentences among the sentences.

1) Grandfather turned out to be right: a thunderstorm came in the evening.

2) “What can you do, Vasily!” - said the forester and looked around.

3) Signs are connected with everything: with the color of the sky, with dew and fog, with the cry of birds and the brightness of the starry sky.

4) Rosehip blossomed - a bright satellite of June nights.

5) Collective farmers, digging potatoes, argued whether the artist Arkhipov would come to Solotcha this year or not.

6) The brave win - the cowardly die.

7) The pale gray sky brightened, grew cold, turned blue; the stars flickered faintly, then disappeared.

2. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence. Recording and analysis of proposals.

1. I loved you - you did not love me. (I. Turgenev)

2. Snow falls in tufts at the windows, a storm whistles at the gate. (A. Fet)

3. Wet snow fell in flakes; I got my feet wet and chilled to the bone. (A. Apukhtin)

4. The whole difference between smart and stupid is one thing: the first will always think and rarely say, the second will always say and never think. (V. Klyuchevsky)

5. The leaf turned green, the forest became beautiful. (Proverb.)

3. Exerc. 407, write out only non-union complex sentences, draw up their schemes.

4. Replace the highlighted members of the sentence with synonymous ones so that instead of this sentence it turns out: a) complex, b) compound, c) non-union complex sentence. You can change the order of simple sentences, add the necessary words.

1. Because of the washed out roads bridge construction was suspended.

2. As a result of heavy snowfall traffic in the city was difficult.

3. After a successful congress activities of scientists intensified.

5. Vocabulary work.






Find out the lexical meaning of words in the dictionary, make union-free sentences with them

6. Business etiquette. Ex. 408, 409, drafting an application.

V . Homework information stage

§ 16, ex. 397, 399

VI . Summarizing

VII . Reflection stage