How to fill out the worksheet correctly. Electronic work books

For each person engaged in labor activity, the work book is a document of paramount importance. Moreover, it is necessary not only in the process of employment at various places of work, but also for the subsequent registration of a pension. Hence the demand for a serious approach to registration of a work book.

These requirements are provided for by the current labor legislation, including the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. No. 225 dated 04/16/2003 and No. 69 from 10.10.2003. True, the enumerated legal acts contain quite a few contradictory provisions, which in some cases may confuse the persons responsible for filling out work books. If such controversial issues arise when making entries in the work book, it is necessary to be guided mainly by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since it has the greatest legal force. In this article, we tried to summarize all the recommendations on the design of work books, which will certainly be a good help to personnel officers. So, let's begin…

Rules for filling out work books in 2017

The work book is subject to registration for an employee engaged in labor activity at the main place of work for a period of more than 5 days. At the same time, entries in the book are made both for permanent workers and for seasonal, temporary workers, as well as freelancers, if they provide for the implementation of all social insurance measures. If a person is a part-time worker, then his work book is kept at the place of main work.

Entries in the workbook issued without any abbreviations. They are assigned an individual serial number in each section. Dates of entries are indicated exclusively in Arabic numerals. The month and day in the recording date are always indicated by two digits (01,02,10,25), and the year by four (for example, 2017).

When a person finds a job at a new place of work, the work book submitted by him is checked for authenticity, namely, the correspondence of the passport data indicated on the first page of the book is checked, the presence of a seal from the first place of work on the title page. If the specified seal is missing, the book is invalidated, and the employer draws up a new one. Also, a new book is started if a person gets a job for the first time.

If there is an unclosed last record of work, when there is no record of his dismissal, do work book entry admission to a new location is prohibited. Also, no records are made in the work book about disciplinary sanctions against its owner, but the marks regarding the establishment of continuous experience, or the failure to set off specific periods of time in continuous experience, should be reflected in the prescribed manner.

Rules for filling out work books: sections

The work book includes 3 sections relating to:
  • Personal information about the employee;
  • Information about the places of his employment and positions held;
  • Information about the awards that took place in the course of work.

The first section of the work book, located on the title page, indicates the full name of the employee, his date of birth, education and specialty received. Remember that no abbreviations filling out a work book is not done. Also on the title page is the signature of the employee himself, the employee of the personnel department who filled out the work book, the seal of the organization with the coat of arms is affixed.

The next section of the work book is intended for making entries about hiring, internal transfers, and also dismissal. Mandatory when filling out a work book the positions occupied by the person, as well as the full names of employers, are indicated. To confirm each entry, the number of the corresponding order, the stamp or seal of the organization is indicated.

And finally, the section on awards. It reflects all awards, as well as incentives made in relation to the employee. The dates of the awards, their type, the document in accordance with which the award was made are indicated.

With the full use of the number of sheets in a particular section, a special insert is drawn up in it. At the same time, a note is made in the book about the issuance of an insert indicating a specific date. This entry is made in the form of a stamp on the title page or its spread. In this case, it is not possible to make a handwritten record of the issuance of the insert. The insert is sewn into the book and without it is considered invalid, and the page numbering in it continues the numbering in the book itself. The title page of the insert must bear the seal of the employer.

How are entries made in the work book

Taking into account the above content of the sections, the corresponding work book entries. The title part is drawn up upon employment at the first place of work, as well as in case of revealing false information in the existing labor, which makes it invalid.

As for filling out the section regarding information about places of work, there are some rules for filling out work books. When making the first entry in a new place, the stamp of the organization containing all the necessary details is affixed. If there is no stamp, then the name of the organization is written by hand.

column 1 "Order number"

indicates the sequence number of the record. Only Arabic numerals can be used;

column 2 "Date"

Date of employment, or internal transfer, or dismissal. Again, exclusively Arabic numerals are used;

column 3 "Information on the admission (transfer, dismissal) to work, renaming of the enterprise, department"

the specified information is filled in without abbreviations with reference to the articles of legal acts. For example, "dismissed by agreement of the parties in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation." Subject to making a record of dismissal, the signature of the owner of the book must be affixed;

column 4 "Basis for making an entry"

As grounds for making entries in the workbook orders, protocols, decisions of the general meeting may be issued. Together with the title of the document, its number and date of compilation must be indicated.

With regard to filling out the section on awards, similar requirements for indicating information in the columns apply. It is important to take into account that this section reflects information on conferring honorary titles, awarding state awards, certificates of honor, diplomas, badges. But information about the presentation of cash prizes and valuable gifts is not indicated here.

Do you need entries in the work book about part-time work?

As noted above, filling out a work book should be carried out at the main place of work. The current legislation does not require making entries about part-time work, this can only be done if the owner of the book wants to. Relevant work book entry is also issued in the personnel department at the main place of work on the basis of documents submitted by the employee from the place of work, where he is listed as a part-time job.

In the event that part-time employment is carried out within one enterprise, then in order to carry out the necessary entries in the workbook internal documents are used. Similarly, a record of dismissal from a part-time job is made.

What should I do if something needs to be corrected when filling out a work book?

It happens that in the process of filling out a work book, it is necessary to make corrections to the data indicated on the title page. For example, due to marriage, the surname has changed. At the same time, the previously indicated information is neatly crossed out with one line, and a new entry is made next to it indicating the document that served as the basis for it. This link is affixed on the inside cover of the book, then the employee of the personnel department who made the entry puts his signature and the seal of the organization.

If corrections need to be made due to an earlier mistake, for example, the name or date of birth of the employee is incorrectly indicated, then the entry is invalidated, and the correct one is made instead. Again, do not forget about the signature of the employee who made it, and the seal of the organization.

In the presence of damaged forms of work books, as well as outdated ones, the employer must take measures to destroy them. This is done in strict accordance with the rules for working with forms subject to strict accounting. At the same time, a special commission is created, destruction is carried out with the execution of the corresponding act. It should indicate the reason for the destruction, list the numbers of the books.

There are nuances

Quite often, personnel workers think about how to indicate in the work book data on the non-inclusion of a certain period in the continuous work experience. For example, when carrying out corrective work.

At filling out a work book In this case, you need to write the following content “Working time from (date) to (date) does not count towards continuous seniority”. Do not forget to assign a serial number to this entry, indicate its basis and date.

In the case when, during the work of an employee for a particular employer, the name of the organization changes, then the corresponding work book entry is made mandatory. This is extremely important, since the seal of the organization changes in parallel, which means that when an employee is dismissed, there may be problems with making an entry on behalf of the renamed employer. A similar requirement applies to cases where the title of an employee's position is changed.

Correctly fill out the work book- a sample for this should be in the personnel department of each organization. If the company is the first employer of a specialist, it is obliged to create a work book for him, which means that it must correctly fill out the necessary sections. However, even when a person with experience comes to the company, it is important for the employer to monitor the relevance of the information contained in the book, as well as make appropriate entries. How to do it correctly, we will tell in our article.

Filling out a work book: general rules

As a general rule, an employee entering a job for the first time must have a work book. Moreover, the obligation to establish and fill out a work book is assigned to the first employer (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

NOTE! If a company hires a person under a civil law contract, then the institution and filling out a work book is not required, even if the employee does not have one.

In the future, when an employee quits and goes to get a new job, he must transfer his work book to the new employer, and he will continue to make the appropriate entries in it.

Therefore, any company should know how to fill out a work book correctly.

The main requirements and procedure for filling out work books are enshrined in the Rules for maintaining and storing work books (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04.2003 No. 225), as well as in the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 No. 69).

What exactly is important for a company to know?

1. In the work book, any changes in the employee's career position must be recorded (the official position has increased, he has been transferred to another department / department, awards have been awarded, etc.).

2. Entries in the work book must be in Russian. However, if, where the organization operates (for example, in a national republic), in addition to Russian, another language is additionally adopted, then in the work book it is also possible to make a duplicate entry of the facts of the specialist’s biography in this language (clause 6 of Regulation No. 225).

3. Some technical requirements should be followed. So, all the facts of the labor biography should be reflected in the book without any abbreviations, in strict chronological sequence with continuous numbering. There is even a special requirement regarding the type and color of the pen with which the company fills out the work book: fountain or gel, blue or purple (clause 1.1 of Instruction No. 69, clause 11 of Rule No. 225).

Are we waiting for electronic work books? Answer .

An example of filling out a work book: information about an employee

So, the “starting” information about the employee is entered into the work book by his first employer. What is this information? This is the surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, education of the employee at the time of the establishment of the work book. All this information must be entered in the appropriate columns of the title page.

On the tax consequences for the employer when issuing a work book, see the material “The Ministry of Finance recalled how to deal with VAT and profit when issuing work books” .

NOTE! The organization fills in such columns based on the original supporting documents provided by the employee (passport or other identification document, diploma of education, etc.). But if the employee for some reason cannot provide the originals, then the company has the right to fill out the title page of the work book and on the basis of copies that must be notarized.

After all the specified information about the employee has been entered in the work book, it is necessary to complete the filling procedure. To do this, the company puts down the date of completion on the title page and personally demonstrates to the employee the information that was entered in the book. Further, the employee, if all the information entered is correct, must put his signature on the title page, after which the representative of the personnel department signs on the same sheet. At this point, information about the employee is considered entered.

After filling out the work book remains in the personnel department of the employing company.

However, if any “starting” information about the employee has changed (for example, the last name or first name has changed), then the company must update the information in the work book. To do this, cross out the old data and enter new ones (if the changes relate to the name, surname or patronymic of the specialist). If the changes relate to education / profession, then you should simply add the current information to the work book as an additional entry immediately after the previous data (paragraphs 2.3–2.4 of Instruction No. 69).

How to fill out a work book in terms of information about work

"Starting" information, as mentioned above, is entered into the work book once, and then only updated if necessary.

However, the main content of the document in question is not information about the education of the employee and his personality; This is information about the places where he worked at various periods of his life.

To fix this kind of information in the work book, a section "Information about work" is provided. Consider how to fill out this section in the work book. Information about work begins to be filled in by the first employer of the specialist and in the future with each transition to a new organization, as well as with each change in the official (career) position of the employee.

This section reflects both general information about the place where the employee works, and specific information about his position, functions performed. In addition, if there is a transfer of an employee from one structural unit of the company to another or dismissal from the company, then this fact is also reflected in this section.

The section itself consists of 4 columns.

The first of them should indicate the sequence number of the event. The second column is intended to indicate the date when such an event took place. The content of the fact of the employee's work biography is reflected in the third column. There, the employer indicates (in the case of hiring a new specialist) the full and abbreviated names, as well as what position and in which department he was enrolled.

For the correct indication of the name of the company, see the article "Rostrud allowed to "stamp" work books" .

The fourth column serves to document the reliability of the reflected event. Here the company indicates on the basis of which document, for example, the order of the head, the specialist was enrolled in the staff of the organization. At the same time, the main details of such a document should be written in this column (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

NOTE! If a new employee, before joining the company, managed to serve in the army, then immediately before the record of admission to the company's staff, the years and place of his service should also be indicated (clause 21 of Regulation No. 225). In this case, a military ID acts as a supporting document. A similar rule applies in the case when the employee took any advanced training courses before employment.

The above algorithm should record all the facts of the change by the employee of the main place of work, as well as his promotion up the career ladder. In addition, information about the work of a part-time specialist with another employer may also be reflected here. How to fill out a work book when working part-time is indicated in paragraph 20 of Rules No. 225. According to them, it is the main employer who must enter information about part-time work with another employer into the work book (paragraph 20 of Rules No. 225). To do this, the employee needs to request from the second, non-primary, employer a correctly executed document confirming the work with him as a part-time job.

Along with what is indicated in the work book, there is another section for reflecting information about the work of a specialist - “Information on the award”, which also consists of 4 columns and the filling procedure of which, in fact, is similar to the algorithm for making entries in the section “Information about work”. In this section, the company indicates the facts of awarding the employee state awards, titles, certificates, etc.

If the employee leaves the company, then this fact is also recorded in the work book in the "Information about work" section. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate (in column 3) on the basis of which (the reason and the corresponding norm) the employment contract was terminated. For example: "The employment contract was terminated by agreement of the parties, clause 1 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

IMPORTANT! The record of the dismissal of a specialist must be dated by his last working day (clause 5.1 of Instruction No. 69).

At the same time, the employer should remember that if the reason for the dismissal was the grounds in connection with which the employee has any benefits, then such grounds should also be listed in column 3 when making an entry about the departure of a specialist from the company (for example, resigns due to the departure for a child under 14).

For information on the order in which the work book is returned to the employee upon dismissal, see the article .

How to fill out a work book correctly: sample-2018

Above, the basic rules and approaches to filling out a work book were reflected, regardless of the type of activity of a specialist and the nature of the work performed.

To understand how to fill out a work book correctly, you can download a sample on our website.


The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated in detail by Instruction No. 69 and Rules No. 225. In order to know how to fill out a work book correctly, the personnel department needs to familiarize itself with these documents, study the provisions and norms given in them - both technical and substantive. In particular, when filling out work books, the legislator requires to put down a continuous numbering of the events entered, to record entries in Russian, etc. The main substantive requirement is to reflect absolutely all the facts from the employee’s work biography, leading both to career advancement and to a change of place of work. At the same time, it is important to monitor the reliability of such facts. Namely: to make entries in the work book only on the basis of original documents or notarized copies.

If you make an entry in the work book about the dismissal incorrectly, then the employee will be left without a pension. If you hired an employee for the main job in 2019, you are required to make entries in the work book on hiring and dismissal. Moreover, when hiring, you make similar records for all employees.

Indicate the title of the position, date and details of the order. And upon dismissal, the entries in the work book will depend on the reason for the dismissal. Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to make an entry in the work book about dismissal. A sample of 2019 will be offered later.

The Trudoviks began to fine for errors in work books. The Simplification magazine found out how to fill out work books correctly:

How to make a record of dismissal of your own free will

You make entries in the work book about dismissal in 2019 in this order (clause 5.2 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69). In column 1, put the serial number of the entry.

Column 2 will contain the date of dismissal, that is, the termination of the contract. In this case, the date of termination of the employment contract will be the last day of work of the employee.

In column 3, indicate the reason for the dismissal. You describe in detail the reason for the dismissal and put an article of the Labor Code on the basis of which the employment contract was terminated. Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is an article of dismissal of one's own free will, the entry in the labor will include an indication of paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code.

And in column 4, put the details of the document on the basis of which you made a record of dismissal. This will be an order or order signed by the director to terminate the employment contract.

To dismiss an employee of his own free will, there must be a statement from him. The fact is that an ordinary employee who wants to quit must notify the employer at least two weeks in advance (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For a manager, this period is a month, and for an employee on a trial period - 3 days. But if the management does not mind, you can terminate the employment contract before the deadline.

So, if the employee wrote a statement, the deadline has passed, you have issued an order, you can make an entry in the work book upon dismissal of your own free will. 2019 is no exception, you make entries in the work book in the same order as in previous years.

Let's give an example of how an entry in a work book looks like.

Sample letter of resignation at will

Dismissal is issued in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is necessary to write on the basis of which article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation the employee was dismissed. If you make a mistake here, then the employee can challenge the dismissal in court. You can not shorten the inscription.

The wording should be as follows: The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, clause 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Below this inscription is the signature of the personnel officer and the signature of the employee.

If the individual entrepreneur dismisses, then the name of the individual entrepreneur (IP A.S. Petrov) and signature are put in the work book.

Please note that upon dismissal, the signature of the personnel officer and employee is put in the book.

Dismissal due to downsizing. For dismissal due to staff reduction, the wording should be as follows: Dismissed due to a reduction in the staff of the organization, clause 2 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

A work book is an official document confirming the work experience of a person. It contains information about the work of the person at the present time and previous positions.

The document is needed when applying for a job. According to it, the employer can evaluate the candidate's experience and level of education, specialty. It is also needed to determine the amount of payments upon retirement.

In order for the document to be recognized as valid, information must be entered into it in the manner prescribed by law. There are special rules for filling out work books in 2019.

General information

When applying for a job for the first time, a person needs to have a work book available. A future employee can purchase it at a specialized kiosk. The document was approved on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225, issued on April 16, 2003. Since then, no changes have been made to the form.

A new work book opens at the time of entry to work for the first time. It will not have records, so the employer needs to fully reflect all information about the employee.

The document is filled out only when carrying out activities on the basis of an employment contract. Civil law agreements do not provide for the entry of information into the work book.

When transferring a document to work, it will be stored in the personnel department until the person quits. Managed by a Human Resources Specialist. In his work, he must be guided by the filling rules reflected in the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003 and the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003.

Regulatory legal acts note that any changes in the employee's work activity should be reflected in the book. Data is entered by the personnel officer when changing positions, moving to another unit.

Who is responsible for maintaining the document

The employer is fully responsible for the state of the work book of the employee.

He does it:

  • conducting;
  • storage;
  • filling.

Responsibilities for entering data are determined for a particular employee. He is appointed to a position in accordance with an order or order. Therefore, the personnel officer is responsible not only for the correctness of the information entered, but also for the accounting and storage of documents.

Certification of documents is carried out by the same employees who have the right to sign work books. They are responsible in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The Labor Inspectorate of the Russian Federation checks not only the correctness of maintaining and entering data into the documentation. They track the grounds on which a particular person is charged with the obligation to complete. Therefore, the order or order for the appointment of an employee must be prepared in accordance with the law.

New rules for filling out work books in 2019

The rules for filling out work books in 2019 have undergone some changes. They were introduced on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 588n, issued on October 31, 2019.

In accordance with the changed requirements, the seal should be placed in the work book only if it is available in the institution. It is affixed on the title page, inside the document on the cover, if the surname has been changed by the employee. A dismissal record is also sealed with a stamp.

Changes were made to the law on November 27, 2016. Now it is necessary to put a stamp if the organization officially has it. In the absence of a seal, certification occurs by affixing the signature of the management of the institution or the person who, according to the order, maintains labor documentation.

Section Details

The workbook is divided into three main sections:

  • section with personal information about the employee;
  • information about the employment of a citizen and the positions held by him;
  • data on awards carried out during the period of employment.

They contain certain information about the employee. The first of them begins with the initial page of the labor - the title page.

The section reflects:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • Date of Birth;
  • the level of education;
  • acquired specialty.

The title page is filled in only in detail, without the use of abbreviations. The data is certified by the signature of the person at the bottom of the page, as well as the specialist who entered the information. The seal of the institution is also affixed here.

In the next block of the work book, information about the work activity of the person is prescribed.

It reflects:

  • recruitment;
  • internal transfers;
  • layoffs.

The last section contains information about employee awards.

In several provided columns, they prescribe:

  • information about the type of award;
  • promotion date;
  • base;
  • document confirming the legitimacy of the entry (number and date of the order).

When the pages in the main sections of the work book end, an additional insert is inserted. In the labor, a mark is placed on its application indicating the date of compilation. The entry is made on the title page and certified by a seal. Handwritten version is not provided.

The insert must be sewn into the labor. Without it, it will be considered invalid. Page numbering continues from the last digit reflected in the labor itself. The seal of the organization is put on the first sheet of the insert.

How records are made

In accordance with the sections provided for in the work book, certain entries are made. The title page is required to be filled out only when hiring an employee for the first time. Subsequently, you can indicate on it only unreliable information in the labor, which makes the book invalid.

Features has a section that reflects the labor activity of the employee. At the time of entering the first data, the institution is stamped with all the details. In the absence of a stamp, the data is written by hand.

Information in the columns must be entered in a certain order:

First column Contains the index number of the entry. It is written in Arabic numerals.
Column "Date" It reflects the date, month and year in Arabic numerals when the employee was hired or transferred by internal transfer to it. If a dismissal is noted, the date of termination of employment is put in this column.
Column "Information about employment" Contains complete information about applying for a job without abbreviations. It is important to refer to the norms of legislative documents, according to which the reception is carried out. If a person quits, then he signs the corresponding record.
Fourth column Reflects the grounds on which the information is entered. Among them are the orders of the management, decisions taken at the general meeting, minutes of the meeting of the board of directors. In addition to the name of the document, the date of its compilation and registration number are put.

The section reflecting the awarding of a person is filled in in a similar manner.

Here you can register the receipt by the employee:

  • honorary title;
  • state award;
  • an honorary diploma;
  • diploma;
  • badge.

It is worth remembering that it is not required to enter data on the transfer of a monetary award or the transfer of a valuable gift in this section.

When applying for a job

It is important to follow a certain procedure for filling out a work book when hiring an employee:

  • The second column contains the name of the institution in full and abbreviated form. The seal of the organization is placed next to it.
  • The first column contains the serial number of the entry.
  • Further, in the second column, the date of entry of the person to work is prescribed.
  • The third column reflects information that an employee has been accepted into a specific department for a specific position.
  • The fourth column contains the basis for admission: the date and number of the order.

If you are a partner

When carrying out part-time work, an entry in the work book is made at the request of the employee. It is not necessary to enter information into the document.

To reflect the work, the employee must bring a copy of the employment contract on part-time work at the place of main activity. The document is certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the institution. It is also required to draw up an application in which you need to indicate the request for entering data into the labor.

Upon dismissal

In case of dismissal of an employee, to enter information about this fact, it is necessary to have a confirming reason available. Such is the order drawn up by the leadership of the organization.

The personnel officer must put down the serial number of the entry in the first column. The second contains the date of termination of employment relations between the employee and the employer.

The third column contains the grounds and reason for the employee's dismissal. It is important to prescribe information using the wording from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Abbreviations are not allowed in this section.

The name of the document (order) is entered in the fourth column, indicating the details. After that, the record is certified by the management of the institution or the employee who is responsible for filling out work books.

After entering the data, the employee signs under them. If there is a seal in the institution, you need to certify the information with a stamp.

For IP

Individual entrepreneurs must keep personnel records in accordance with general requirements. At the same time, entering information into the work book can be simplified.

There are several stages of reflection of information in the document:

  • the name of the employer is written in the third column (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur);
  • the first column contains the serial number of the record;
  • then the date of receipt of the employee to work is fixed;
  • the third column contains information about admission, the position of the employee;
  • the fourth column contains the date and number of the order, according to which the employee was hired.

It is worth remembering that individuals are prohibited from correcting information in the work book and prescribing new information.


Some personnel officers make mistakes when filling out work books. You need to correct them in a certain order, since it is forbidden to cross out information.

The specialist needs to make an inscription about the invalidity of the record. This is the only legal remedy.

In the column "Information about work" it is necessary to indicate:

  • sequence number of the record;
  • the date of the change;
  • recognition of information as invalid.

New, correct information is written next to it. The last column contains the document confirming the corrections and its details.

Making a duplicate

Workers may request on-the-job training now or earlier.

The second copy is prepared with:

  • loss of the book through the fault of the employee or employer;
  • violation of the integrity of the document, in which the records are not readable;
  • making entries in the work book that were canceled by a court decision;
  • an emergency in the organization, as a result of which there was a massive loss or destruction of work books.

Based on the written application of the employee, the HR specialist prepares a duplicate. It must be provided to the person no later than 15 days after his application. A new copy should contain the inscription "Duplicate" on the title page.

The work book is a mandatory document for every employed person. In accordance with it, an assessment of the length of service and the accrual of a pension are made. Therefore, it is necessary to enter information into it in a certain legislative way.

A work book is an official document that confirms a person's work experience. It contains information about current and previous jobs. The need for this document lies in informing the new employer about work experience, as well as in calculating the work experience.

The rules for filling out work books are the same for everyone. Let's consider them.

General provisions

If you are applying for a job for the first time, then labor can be purchased at specialized press kiosks. Its form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and has not changed dramatically.

An unfilled book is submitted (or started) at the first official employment. There are no entries in it, so the first employer must make the first entries.

In cooperation with an employer under a civil law agreement, the presence and filling out of a work book is not required.

Labor during work is left in the company and is not handed over to the employee until the moment of his official dismissal. The rules for maintaining work books are:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225;
  2. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

They say that all career changes (growth and downgrade) are recorded in writing by a HR specialist or the head of the enterprise where the employee is officially registered.

According to our information, there will be no global revision of the rules for filling out work books in 2018. Of course, rumors continue to circulate about their cancellation, but this is only a distant prospect.

How to take notes

All changes regarding the official position of the employee are entered in the book, including promotion in the category (career growth), awards received, transfers to another structural unit, etc.

All entries are made exclusively in Russian. Dubbing a record in a foreign language can only be done if the employer is registered in the national republic of the Russian Federation, where their own language is in parallel.

In addition, the rules for issuing a work book oblige all entries to be made in strict observance of the rules of the Russian language. Taking into account the design of numbers, data and numbering adopted in the official workflow.

How to enter employee information

The first employer will have to fill in the basic data about the future employee:

  • name, patronymic, surname;
  • birthday;
  • what education;
  • profession.

The organization takes this information directly from the originals or notarized copies of the provided personal documents - passports, diplomas, etc. The rules for making an entry in the work book oblige to fix each new position with the signatures of the employer and employee. After entering all the data and verifying the information, the labor record is stored in the personnel department of the company.

An important addition: if a person changes some personal data during work (for example, last name and / or first name), then they must be immediately updated in the work book for the current place of work.

What's more, information such as qualifications or educational attainment must also be updated if updated. For example, when, when hiring, a person had an unfinished higher education, and in the process received a diploma of higher education.

How to fill out job information

The main section of the book is considered "Information about the work." The rules for maintaining and storing work books govern the process of filling in all the necessary data.

One record of the employee's place of work will not be enough. According to current regulations, the company must indicate the date of commencement of work, position and fix subsequent possible changes (for example, transfer).

In total, this section contains four columns to be filled in (see table).

column number What to fill out
1 The sequence number of the event is recorded here. If this is the first entry, then it puts the number 1.
2 You must specify the exact date of the event. For example, the date of employment.
3 Contains the event itself: place of work, position, department, possible responsibilities (briefly).
4 Indicate on the basis of which document this or that event occurs. If this is a hiring, then the information is confirmed with the details of the relevant order.

An important addition: in the case of military military service before applying for a job, the employer indicates this data before the records from his organization in the general manner. The rules for maintaining work books in the Russian Federation in 2018 oblige to document all career events, including military service. In this case, the number of the military ID acts as a confirmation document.

According to the rules for filling out work books in 2018, if an employee has a part-time job, then this can also be indicated in the book. Moreover, the document itself is not taken from the main place of work. Information about parallel employment is entered by the employer who, by virtue of the law, has a work book. To do this, a non-main place of work must record all the necessary information in a separate document, confirming this with signatures and a seal (if any).

Another section of the work book is "Information about the award." It is processed in the manner described above. It also consists of four columns, the order of filling in which is similar to the basic information about the work.

This includes information about the certificates received, awards (including state ones), titles.

Features of dismissal records

The case of leaving the main place of work is entered into the work book as a separate event. The rules for filling out and storing work books oblige the main employer to enter the necessary data regarding the reason for dismissal. At the same time, all four columns are filled in the same way. About the grounds for dismissal - the third.

The most important thing here is the exact basis for dismissal in accordance with a specific norm of the Labor Code. Basically, this is Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and some other norms.

If the reason for leaving the company was valid events for which a person can legally count on support from the state, then this is also reflected in the book (for example, dismissal to look after a child).

Important nuances

In case of entering incorrect data or grammatical errors, strikethrough is unacceptable. In this case, this entry is considered invalid. So they write:

You should make a similar repeat with a note that the data is correct and true

Please note that the rules for filling out work books oblige you to make adjustments in case of a possible change:

  • company name (incl. legal form);
  • type of printing (using different ones in one book is unacceptable!).

By the way, the latest change in the rules for maintaining work books affected the press. Since November 27, 2016, the obligation to affix a seal has been finally abolished if the organization does not have it in principle.

If the labor is over, and there is no space left to fill, then you do not need to start a new one. It is only necessary to sew in a new insert, which is then filled in according to standard rules. A prerequisite is that the insert is sewn in with any type of thread. It always looks like this:

The official registration of the work book is possible even before the employee reaches the age of majority.

According to the rules for storing work books, these are strict reporting forms. They need special supervision. A special register has been approved for this. Get to know him and

And you need to store them directly until the former employee himself or his close relatives take away his labor.